#btw just in case you're new to my stuff
funficwriter · 8 months
Fontaine Characters with Violinist Reader!
A/N: This disappearing thing of mine is annoying, I'm trying to stop it. However, I finally got a bit of spare time to play Genshin and I am so, so in love with Fontaine. I think it's gonna be a wonderful arc. I haven't felt this much jubilation since Liyue or Inazuma!
Warnings; None, really.
Lyney, Lynette, Neuvillette, Navia, Furina, Wriothesley (no particular order)
First off, this boy is no stranger to performing, an activity he loves. Naturally, he's going to be most interested in fellow performers, including you!
If you're the type to get anxious before, or even during a performance, say goodbye to that with him. He'll guide you through plenty of destressing rituals to help you relax beforehand.
(This included, but wasn't limited to; Taking deep breaths, doing tongue twisters, asking you to play meme songs on your violin, or tickling your sides because 'laughing is a great way to be loose'.)
Even during, should you freeze up and he's in the audience, he'll do a quick but loud magic trick to get everyone's eyes off you. Even one that makes him look like a fool, so long as you have time to put yourself together.
He'd LOVE to have you on stage with him! He adores your music and would ask you to sync it up with dramatic moments in his magic.
If you compose you own stuff, he's pretty much your biggest fan. The guy who never misses a concert. The loudest clapper. The biggest braggart.
"That gorgeous, graceful violinist we had the pleasure of watching? What if I told you that they're coupled up with an equally electric performer? That is, me~."
It's easy to think that her brother outdoes her in terms of being your fan, but quietness hides a lot. If you think she doesn't care as much, you're so, so wrong.
She learned several music skills just to be closer to you, including sight-reading. BTW, she's got a killer voice and loves to sing out your compositions. Sometimes it helps you come up with alternative movements within them.
She can also play piano, to a good level of accompaniment. With time, one would think she is also a music assistant; It's not uncommon for her to be on your stage.
Lynette is VERY attentive to your instrument. Does it need rosin? A new bow, perhaps a re-hair? You just say the word, and she'll happily take it to the repair workshop if you have no time.
"By the way, Y/N prefers real horse hair, the thinnest you have. Don't worry. They're talented enough to thrive on it.".
She makes it a point to let you know how much she loves what you do: "All other music in Fontaine pales in its beauty next to yours. Please, keep playing.".
You play the violin? (he crosses his legs and assumes his royal position). So when are you going to get married? Will you be okay playing a few pieces, even while being the spouse? /Half-joking, tbh.
For him to say that he is the lover of a music pioneer as important as you... Will never not be a moment of joy for him.
First off, what a sugar daddy. I hope you made a list of the expensive violins you wanted but couldn't afford. Because now, it's yours, never mind the Mora. Your very case may as well be coated with gold.
He won't die on this hill, but he would love it if you could play a bit during the parties he hosts. He loves live music to begin with, but after hearing you, it feels like no other pro could hope to sound as good as you.
(And side note, he likes how mesmerized everyone is with you lol)
If you're the type to remember your patron's personal preferences, and compose/play in accordance to that, just for him? Put hearts in his eyes. He's no longer joking about the wedding thing.
While he loves showing you off, he'll never force you if you're shy/nervous. If anything, he would also feel very special if he got to heard songs not out yet, compositions just for him...
"Perhaps this is Lady Furina's way of rewarding me for my years of service. Bless our Archon for giving me such a talented, show and heart-stopping partner.".
She likes that the Spina del Rosula is represented by passionate, talented people!
If you like sweets, I say just join her team. It's guaranteed pastries after each request lol.
Her detective work is cool, but can get a bit drab after a while. She likes asking you to play some violin ambiance, partly because it makes her feel cool, and partly because your music changes the atmosphere for much better.
Navia is a woman of decorum, but she'll often have trouble staying still during your concerts. It doesn't matter if there are rules to how loud a woman can cheer, she's happy for you and will make sure you know that.
She becomes even more proactive than usual. If a concert of yours falls on the same time as her work, she'll scour the ends of Teyvat for its solution, so she can see you.
With time, she might request you to play pieces that her father loved. Once they're brought back to life, through your own strings, she can't help but be a little emotional. She must have done something wonderful to have you.
"How beautiful, how poignant as you, my dear Y/N! This calls for macaroons! Which flavor would you like today?".
"Yes, Neuvillette, I know they perform and all, but why can't I keep them to myself! They're so darn great, I want that everyday!"
Of course, she's not gonna stop you, but beware; I feel like Furina would almost turn you into her own personal violinist lol.
She'd keep requesting your presence over her other personal entertainment and somewhat bombard you with song requests. Buuut if you're looking for a varied repertoire, she's your gal!
One reason she requests so much is because she so impressed with how you not only fulfill them all, you do it so creatively and beautifully. You don't just follow the note as it is... Once you're acquainted with what she likes, you modify the tune a bit to be more her taste.
She's so cute when she claps; The way her hands go so fast and she's about to get up from the seat, the huge eye and smile... Why, you might start reconsidering her offer.
"Bravooooo, Y/N!! Bravo! That was everything, I can't go on without an encore!"
If the tune is more happy-go-lucky, she will get up and dance along. Will also do it in circles around you because she's your little orb :3
"Forgive me for intruding... But I was overhearing, and your playing is terrific. Electrifying. Do you happen to perform on Saturday nights? That's when I can leave the Fortress for a bit.".
Of all your fans, Wrio is one of the quieter ones, but not so much that no one knows it. For one, he's a Duke, he's bound to enjoy good music. And heavens knows he needs some fun in his life.
Here's a fun thing (ngl this is what I was excited to write): At first, it doesn't sound like he can make it to your recital. You see him on his desk, surrounded by paper mountains that only ever seem to grow. He doesn't want to make you sad, but his remark lets you know that he's not coming: "Would it kill some of these people to tone it down for a bit so I can go see my partner perform?".
So imagine your shock when you step on stage, and see him on the first row, sitting tall and handsome, shit-eating grin on his face and waving. You really bought it for a moment.
"Hehe... Did you really think I can't even make a bit of time to see Fontaine's best violinist in action? You actually bought that?".
I HC that he has insomnia, and has tried any things to cure it, but to no avail. It's rumored in Fontaine that his is incurable, but little do they know about how he lays down next to your sitting form. Little do they know of the soft lullabies you composed just for him, or how peacefully he dreams afterwards 💜
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
(another case of 'one person asked, i deliver) ok first, you sort of can't. YOU GOTTA RESTART with a 'new' clan and transfer! SECONDLY, this may be more complicated than it needs to be bc i don't know how to do things simply. i'm trying my best tho. THIS IS HOW I'VE DONE IT. i recommend watching videos or reading up on how to 'edit files' bc this isn't exhaustive. IT REALLY HELPS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO MESS WITH THE FILES. this is SUPPLEMENTAL KNOWLEDGE FIRST!! save a backup of your clan files (The JSON FILE, AND CLAN FOLDER) in case you make a whoopsie and destroy your code. READ THIS ALL BEFORE TRYING. i'll be noting some things that are MAKE OR BREAK. literally. make ur code or break your code IN THIS EXAMPLE, i'm going back to moon 15 for Dewclan from moon 50, and I'm going to pretend there are only 4 cats- Lyre, Vanilla, Nettle and Spark. I'll refer the clan you want to set back as the 'Canon' clan, and the one you're going to be rewinding to as the 'Rewound' clan! THEN HERE WE GOOOOO FIRST, NEW CLAN. pick the same mode as the clan you're trying to 'Rewind'.
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NAME IT WHATEVER. you'll change it later..
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Pick those cats. i like to pick the minimum necessary. but it doesn't really matter, as you're going to more or less be copypasting your old cats into this 'Rewound' clan.
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START IN THE SAME PLACE. and in the same SEASON that your Canon clan started in. I started Dewclan in Leafbare. do not choose the season that's taking place on the moon you want to rewind to. the one you STaRted on. (you're going to choose what moon you're on later in settings. this keeps the progression consistent. if you started in leafbare, but choose greenleaf for the Rewound clan, 15 moons in, you'll be on a different season than your Canon clan would be bc your starting point was different. even if i'm not explaining that well just do it i promise LAKSNNDKS)
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WOW THESE AREN'T MY BABIES. ok time to kill or delete three of these suckers bc i only need four cats. BYE GUYS
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also go into your settings. MAKE EVERYTHING HOW YOU WANT IT. general, role, etc. AND THEN CLICK THAT 'OPEN DATA DIRECTORY'. this is where stuff gets GOING
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click here.. saves
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NOW, BELOW!! the folders, it'll have a JSON file with your Rewound clan name. THIS IS IMPORTANT. there are things in here that you need to change. some require you to peek at your cats, and some don't. We'll get to it later! FOR NOW, click the folder above this that says your Rewound clan name! mine is 'DewAGAIN'
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CLICK CLAN CATS. AND LOOK BELLLOOOW. we're gonna transfer our beloved babies over. i recommend you copy from "name_prefix" to "favourite": false in the Canon clan (keep their ID number from this Rewound clan the same. don't replace it with their ID number from the Canon clan), then select all that info in the Rewound clan and paste it to overwrite. and then adjust what you need to. AND YOU WILL NEED TO ADJUST I HIIIGHLY recommend leaving the ID numbers and pasting Canon leader info into Rewound leader info. med cat into med cat. deputy into deputy. Rewound clan leader is ID 20? paste your Canon clan leader info info 20. keep Canon clan's number as 20.
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SOME OF THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT. 1. ID NUMBER. if your cat has any relationships, like parents or mates, you need these numbers to match those cats. ALSO if your cat has a specific role, like medicine cat, leader, mediator or deputy, their number needs to match the number designated in the CLAN JSON info shown in the next image. FOR NOW I CONTINUE. 2. IMPORTANT NUMBERS. Sparkplug (her name isn't rly sparkplug btw)'s parent is Lyrestar. Lyre's ID number is 1. if that ID number doesn't match or doesn't exist in this game, you'll get an error! Same goes for mentors and mates. at moon 15, Spark wouldn't have these. But if i transferred her from moon 50 where she did, I'll have to replace the mate/mentor/whatever will 'null', etc, shown here. make sure everything here is relevant to moon 15, and not moon 50! 3. IF your cat was dead when you copypasted, change that! Dead?? FALSE. from dead 'true'.. ... where did 4 and 5 go..- ANYWAY 6. EXPERIENCE. make sure you drop this back to where it was at that moon. lest your kit graduate to warrior bc they have 3000 experience. 7. FALLS INTO 2. do they have an apprentice in the Canon clan that they wouldn't have in the rewound clan? gET RID OF EM. (you can copypaste that portion from a cat without an apprentice or just rewrite it as 'null', but sometimes i type things wrong and get errors so.. i copypaste. just make sure you're copying and pasting from the right start and end point.) IF YOUR CAT HAD AN APPRENTICE IN MOON 15, AND NOT 50.. you can either just set them as mentor and apprentice ingame manually, or write it into the code. i would do it manually tho bc i'm easily confused
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ABOVE ARE MARKED, IMPORTANT THINGS. some will break the game if you don't do it right. SO 1. Name. You can change this later, to your Canon clan name. You need to also change the FOLDER name to match. The folder that you click to get to your 'Clan Cats' files and stuff. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR CANON CLAN FOLDER NAME AND FILE NAME TO SOMETHING ELSE or it'll corrupt! 2. HERE you change to the moon you want to rewind to. I'd change mine, to 15! season changes along with the moon number automatically. 3. INSTRUCTOR. this is the cat that leads your cats to starclan. predead. dw about it, unless you've messed with the dead cat and want to change it to your old starclan guide. then change the number, to your guide's ID number. You'll see it in the Clan Cats folder! LEADER. you need to change this to your clan leader's number or the files get confused. this is why i recommend replacing Rewound leaders with leaders, deputies with deputies, etc, and not also pasting the old numbers. the numbers are already set. ALSO this is where the leader's lives are dictated! DEPUTY. same as above! MED CAT.... SAME. but also, if you have multiple, add multiple! 4. You can change these names to the Canon names. if you had more or less other clans, you can delete or add more. just make sure to have the same number of clans as 'relations' and 'temperaments'! four clans, for traits and temperaments. 5 clans, 5 traits and temperaments. FINAL PAIN IN THE ARSE is.. having to adjust relationships. bc your 'new' clan won't have established relationships. you gotta go in and adjust the values. it sucks big ass but i don't know a better way to do it snff..
QUICK TIP if you absolutely don't want romance between two unrelated cats bc it would be weird for story reasons, you can change their status in the relationships file change family: false, to family: true. the game thinks they're related and romance won't happen HAHAHAAAAA .. at least in my experience. if this is wrong i'll cry
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softxsuki · 1 year
I feel like this is a weird request, and I just wanted to say before hand that I’m not in this situation anymore but sometimes I imagine something similar happened when it was in effect. Could you maybe write about the toman boys (as a group, as toman I mean) somehow finding out their friend is currently an active victim of sex trafficking? How they’d react to it and stuff? I think a lot of ppl dont realize a lot of times with kids it’s not being thrown in a cage or something, often they let you go to school and live a normal life too. If you feel the need to do research b4 writing BTW, I recommend watching some TIKTOKS by nicolegrows as she had a very similar experience to me
Toman with Reader Who is A Victim of Trafficking
Pairings: Toman x Gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: mentions of sex trafficking, needing counseling for trauma/PTSD
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 470
Summary: In which Toman finds out that you're actively a victim of sex trafficking
[A/N; Thanks for letting me know that this request was actually urgent. I just got a second today to write this. The best I could do was headcanons, because I physically couldn't write out a more detailed description of this scenario, but I hope it's helpful. You just said Toman, so I wrote how the gang as a whole would respond to finding out about this! I'm glad you made it through something as horrible as this. The world is a scary place.
cutting this here, incase anyone ignores my warnings. PROCEED WITH CAUTION PLS.
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Okay well first of all, as soon as they find out that you’re in any kind of danger, Mikey commands everyone immediately to get into action to save you
You’re their friend; though not officially in the gang because they didn’t want to put you into any danger from the many enemies they have, you remained friendly with each other and hung out frequently
Baji was the one who noticed something strange, so he took matters into his own hands; he secretly followed you around and took note of any suspicious activity he saw from the people around you
But certain things made everything very clear and so he reported it all to Mikey right away, who them proceeded to act immediately
Their first step is taking you away from the people who are doing this to you–whether you’re aware of your situation or not; it doesn’t matter, they’re getting you out of there
It becomes a small operation, only the Captains and vice captains of the divisions along with Mikey and Draken are in charge of safely collecting you and ensuring that you never have to be in that environment again
They call the police to inform them, and show up to your “home” without their gang uniforms on–their job is to take you out of there, not draw attention to themselves and risk the perpetrators running off before the police even arrive. The police could deal with everything else when they got there
It took everything in Toman not to take their anger out on your “caretakers”; it was now Toman’s job to take care of you and give you a new home with them, not get in trouble and leave you alone
Obviously, you needed a lot of support from all your friends, and professional support as well, which they all helped you out with
Mitsuya was probably the one you ended up confiding in the most–being as he was an older brother to his younger sisters, you felt especially safe with him
But aside from him, the boys all made you feel very welcome and safe
If they weren’t protective of you before, they definitely were now
Mikey had ordered someone to always be on guard of you at all times, if he wasn’t available to do it (he usually was, but in the rare case that he couldn’t, another toman member would quietly be keeping an eye on you from afar)
You’d most likely be living with Mikey and his Grandfather, who treated you with so much kindness and understanding after Mikey explained everything to the older man
You were Toman’s family now and they’d do anything to make sure you continued your life the way you were meant to live it; helping you with anything you needed in the process to recover and overcome everything that had happened to you.
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Posted: 5/11/2023
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #4
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Previous one next one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: mafia, punishment, breaking reader
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How tall is Silas?
Here you have the characters approximate heights
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How much money does Silas have? 200 mil?
Silas little 'business' has a net worth of 500 million, but he only keeps around 1/5 of it because he has a lot of workers to pay for. It's not about how much money he has, but what he spends it on and how he uses it. He doesn't need much money when he has so many people in control.
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We know that Silas is in the Mafia but like what does he really…do?
He thinks off himself as a business man and does a lot of paper work ... which is basically forgering signatures and looking through different contracts between him and his "business partners". He also goes out on missions and does the dirty work, which is confronting people, killing and buying illegal stuff.
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Silas is a whore
Yes :)
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Regular Silas < ✨Babygirl✨ Silas with 💖Cat Ears💖I rest my case (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧~🥀
bed now. sleep. yoU'RE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT
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Would Silas ever realize that throwing his darling in the basement may be pushing them farther away from him? Or would he rather just hurt them than win them over another way? (Love your writing btw!)
I think he does realize that, but he doesn't want to think about it. It pains him to know that he's the reason why you're hurting. He just want to make you obedient because when you're obedient, you won't get hurt ... he'll try to come up with another way to get you.
"I'm sorry, little thing. Please don't run. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to talk to you. You're in pain because of me. I thought that putting you down there would help you get rid of more pain in the future ... but it seems like I've made a mistake. I'll change my ways. Somehow."
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Ya know silas remind me of the main antagonist of kdrama called Love in sadness. The difference is silas is a mafia whereas the antagonist is a ceo. And has a trauma about the death of his mother. The common thing between them is that they both hold alot of power, know many men, has eyes everywhere, more importantly is obsessed and abusive to female lead(or female/male lead for silas). Both of them are capable of blackmailing reader to kill their loved ones if they escape. Thats all I wanna say~
I haven't seen that, but it sounds very interesting! Might have to check it out.
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i just finished reading all the Silas posts and..... oh my god he is awesome and your style is just incredible, i love reading new stories. so i have a question: how will Silas react to the darling who gave up trying to escape because it was impossible and decided instead to stay and make Silas' life hell? like, darling who will act like a bitchy trophy wife, looking down on him and trying to command his subordinates or even Silas himself?👀 not_so_submissive_darling, you know?
He'll be pissed. Although he'll be happy that you've given up, he'll be more than frustrated with how bratty you've become. He's the leader, you have no right to control his men. But you don't care.
"Baby, if you order one of my men to do something for you again, you will be put into the basement!" he'll warn you. "So stop acting like a bitchy trophy wife and go watch a movie or something. And if you don't stop, I'll take away everything I've given you. No more fancy clothes, no more jewlery, no more soap or shampoo- ... oh? That makes you mad? Good."
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shai-manahan · 5 months
Hollowed Minds Progress Update 1/02/24
Hi! I hope you're all having a good year so far! I planned to post this last night but I was too anxious over having to return to work lmfao (with the holidays being over and all). Anyway, I know it's been a year since my last update; believe me, I'm upset about it, too, and I'm trying to make up for that.
To be completely honest, aside from my health, one thing that's been stopping me from progressing steadily was my attempts at improving the way I write. I was struggling to find my own style the entire year, experimenting over and over (sometimes without rest, like an idiot), and I know that probably sounds stupid, but writing as a craft is so special to me that I want to be better at it.
It did backfire, though. A lot. Mostly because I couldn't maintain a balance between this and irl stuff.
The thing is, I plan to write trad novels and short stories in the future. I plan to go back to writing screenplays, too. I don't think I'll ever stop making IFs, but there are things I want to write about that I can never do through this medium (and the same is true vice versa). This is also why I tend to keep editing HM while trying to push through with newer updates; this is the only way I can learn more about what I wish to do in the future. This is my chance to practice and experiment, before I get anything published and make the kind of impression I aim to make.
And I think I finally found the style I love to use the most this time.
I feel ready now to post progress updates regularly at least every two weeks (this one doesn't count). I was ashamed of my slow progress for quite a while, but I know I can start moving forward again. I'm also just eager to show you the story I've always wanted to share, and that'd never happen unless I push myself so :').
You're free to ask for progress in case I miss doing this btw, just. don't be an ass about it lmao. And feel free to send asks as well!
So far, this is what I'm trying to improve for the posted demo:
strengthening the settings and the descriptions involving them
revising a few dialogues that do not fit the characters at all
readability and making some details clearer
overall pacing of ch2's first part
the nightmare scenes
reassessment of which variations would be most important to the plot and MC's characterization.
everything else I cannot think of right now
I think I'll dedicate a week or two into finishing whatever needs to be cleaned up so there'll be less game-breaking bugs that might happen for the new content. But after that 👀
That's all for tonight!
P.S. recently bought a lampshade and damn. this is definitely much better for my eyes when I write.
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the-infamous-eel · 6 months
I don't cook my chili from a recipe anymore, but rather by knowing what flavors I want and how to cook to achieve them. However, @theoutcastrogue asked for the recipe, so here's a guide, instead.
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Before I begin, a couple of caveats. This was developed through trial and error. Nothing was written down. There's little in the way of measurements or exact times. Vibes only
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1 lb ground ground beef. Cubed chuck roast or stew meat is great, too. Use whatever you want, I don't care. I'm not the chili cops
1 white onion, diced
3 large cloves of garlic, minced
Chilies. In this case I used 2 Fresnos, 1 jalapeño, and 1 Serrano. De-seeded and chopped fine. This was a spicy chili, but I hate spicy for spicy's sake. It's all about heat and flavor, so soaked my chilies in water and vinegar to take some of the heat out, but leave the flavors. I like to control the spice (because he who controls the spice, blah blah blah) and adjust for heat later, so this gives me wiggle room. You can also use less chilies or sub in poblanos or Anaheims. You can also use dried chilies, but that's all you.
1 can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. From this I took 3 peppers and rinsed them off. Again, reducing the initial heat so I can adjust manually later. These I chopped up, seeds and all. I reserved 2 tablespoons of the adobo sauce to use when adjusting heat (I never had to, btw. It was perfect)
About a half cup of whatever spice mix you like. Again, I'm not the spice cops. I used about a tablespoon each of chili powder, ancho chili powder, smoked paprika, and about a teaspoon of cumin, coriander, salt, pepper, and Tajin. Maybe some others I can't remember
Tomato paste
1 can of diced tomatoes (14 oz)
1 can of kidney beans (12 oz). When I'm making a larger batch, I'll use 2 (two) 12 oz cans of tomatoes and a can of kidney beans, plus a can of black or pinto beans. Do whatever you like.
Fresh lime
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Ok, on to the process... heat up a couple of tablespoons of oil in a large Dutch oven or stew pot, over medium heat. Toss in your onions and a pinch of salt and turn the heat down a notch. Sweat out the onion for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently until they begin to get soft and translucent. Now throw in the diced chilies (draining first, of course). Keep stirring for another 10 minutes.
While this is cooking down, take 1/3 of your spice mix and work it into your ground beef (or coat all your stew meat in the spice)
Finally, add the garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. It should all look like this
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Now remove everything with a slotted spoon or whatever spoon or ladle like implement you have. Set it aside.
Now turn the heat back up to medium high. There should be just enough oil left in the pot to sear up your beef, so toss that in when it gets hot again. Break it apart, but don't stir that shit yet. LET IT BROWN! Just leave it alone for like 2 minutes. Ok, good? Now toss in another 1/3 of your spice mix and give a stir. Get it good and coated. Stir occasionally until browned.
Drain the fat a little, but leave some. Now toss in your chipotles and about a half a tablespoon of tomato paste and let that cook for a minute or two, stirring occasionally. Add all the onion, chilies, and garlic. Stir it up and let the flavors mingle. It should look like this...
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As a brief aside, I'm a huge proponent of letting each addition cook down a little, letting each new ingredient have a chance to make friends with everything else. It builds layers of flavor. It takes time, though. If you're in a rush, that's ok. It'll still taste good if you want to just add things together quicker and add more stuff at once. Might not be as good, but still good.
Next, it bean time. Not much to say here. Beans go in, everything gets stirred around a bit for while. Couple minutes, maybe.
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After everything has done a meet and greet for a few minutes, add your tomatoes and the last 3rd of your spice mix. Stir. Wait a minute. Stir. Wait another minute. Stir. Now taste!! It's ok if at this point it tastes a little tinny, or little too much like tomatoes from a can. Don't worry about it. You did just add a big-ass can of tomatoes, but that's gonna mellow out as it cooks down. However, if it's bothering you, like it did me, or if it's already too spicy, here's where you can add your secret ingredients. Bacon, rendered down and chopped up is always a good choice. For this batch I drizzled in maybe a teaspoon of maple syrup (that real shit. No fake butter flavored corn syrup) and a quarter cup cream.
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At this point everything should be well mingled and the flavors are starting to really meld. You may be tempted to adjust the heat at this point. You do you, cowboy, but I'd save that for near the end. And we're nowhere near the end, just through the hard part.
Put a lid on it. Turn the heat down to low. Let it simmer. My stove cranks out a decent amount of heat, even at the lowest end of the dial, so that's where I set it. If your stove top isn't a gas furnace the likes of which would make Hephaestus jealous, maybe just a touch above low. Bubbly simmer, but not boiling is what you're looking for.
Brab a beverage of your choice, set a timer for 30-45 minutes, and go fuck off and do something else. I finished up the UC Vanguard questline in Starfield for the 3rd time. Every 30-45 minutes, go stir it. Make sure it's not reducing too much. If it is, add a touch of beef broth or water. Taste it. Savor the anticipation of a good-ass bowl of chili in your future.
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Keep that up anywhere from an hour-ish to whenever. I let mine go for 2 1/2 or 3 hours. About 30 minutes before you plan on serving it, give it another taste. Nows when you can adjust for seasoning, spice level, etc. I probably put enough chili peppers in for a batch twice this size, so it was spicy. Delicious, but spicy. I added another 1/4 cup of cream to cut it a bit. It's your call.
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After letting any adjustments meld into the rest of the flavors for about 30 minutes, serve it up!! I squeezed some fresh lime juice over it, and served it with sour cream, shreddy cheese, and some pickled red onions I started before I began my chili journey. Bone Apple Teeth!
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hughmunculus · 1 year
With Super Eyepatch Wolf's new video I'm anticipating some newcomers to the F&H series, so I'd like to present:
Some Beginner's tips for Fear & Hunger
aka: how to not get dickslapped to death by a giant
These tips are MOSTLY spoiler free, but obviously will spoil some of the experience of learning by trial & error. Feel free to bookmark this and come back after you've begun playing.
This wiki is your bible. Use it.
2. Run, a lot.
Battles are not mandatory. EXP does not exist. You do not level up. If you encounter a monster the only benefit to killing it is you don't have to deal with it anymore. Even the weakest enemies can give you an infection or parasites, so its just not worth it in most cases. If you have a strong enough party to kill them all in one shot, by all means, but there are very few enemies worth tracking down and killing.
3. DO NOT FIGHT THE GUARDS (unless...)
One of the first baby-brain mistakes I made starting the game was thinking your first ambush by a guard meant you had to fight and kill the guy. And, yes, in a way this is your introduction to the fact that this game will beat your ass with no remorse, but this game will teach you this lesson in a lot of different ways. So, don't fight the Giants. UNLESS... You have at least 2 party members AND the skinning knife. Simply bum rush the guard with at least two party members, taking out the arms and stinger first. It should die pretty quick then.
4. Dash dash DASH
As far as I'm concerned, having Dash is non-negotiable. It is the difference between being able to outrun a guard and needing to juke them around a huge hallway and hope you run away far enough. Every character can get it from their intro, so either consult your bible or do trial and error in the intro until you get it. (HINT: consider options related to running away or rushing into things.)
I'm gonna level with you; this game is an RNG meat grinder, but with enough patience it can be your RNG meat grinder. Search every crate, barrel, armor stand, and bookshelf you find. ESPECIALLY bookshelves, they have some of the most valuable items in the game. And if you get a particularly bad string of loot don't be ashamed to start over from an earlier save. I have a save specifically outside of a library and I just looted that fucker until I got the stuff I wanted. In a game with like, 4 save points its not exactly cheating to do the pitiful amount of save-scumming you can.
6. Use your torches.
The first time I played Fear & Hunger I wandered around in the dark because "I could see far enough" and I didn't want to "waste torches". Both of these are the wrong, btw. Torches don't just increase visibility, they slow the passive decay on your Mind stat. Even if you're not using magic or skills, its very very bad to have low mind (but also you should be casting spells or using skills). Towards the end of the game I found mind management actually the most difficult stat to keep in check, not body or hunger. So don't waste all of your vodka or wine because you kept backtracking through the prison in the dark.
7. Find the Hexen table. Use the hexen table.
The Hexen table is going to be your best friend. Once again, on my first run of F&H I found the door that leads to it, thought "meh", and then stupidly never went back to use it. Getting some good skills/spells is going to save your run. Especially blood portals, which are insanely busted. Speaking of that...
8. Increase your affinity with the gods
That shit matters. Your Hexen table isn't going to have a lot available to you if you're not praying or sacrificing anything. There are a couple events/quests you can do to increase affinity to the gods as well, but I'm not going to spoil everything for you. Gro-goroth in particular has some amazing offensive spells, but All-mer has blood portal so choose wisely.
9. Don't recruit party members until you need them
Every new party member is another mouth to feed and sanity to manage. Unless you know what you're going to use them for or you're about to fight something big and nasty, hold off on recruiting them. This especially applies to the Girl, as mean as it sounds to just let her chill there its meaner to drag her into a hellish prison to do 10 damage.
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hirsheyskisses · 1 year
Hello Hir-san! I hope you're doing well ♥️ May I please request a shu and Ike scenario with a s/o who is always taking care of others that they would often forget to take care of themselves?
If it's too much, please feel free to ignore this! Stay safe!
- 🐮 anon.
You need love, too.
Genre: fluff
Headcanons + Short fic
An: in both fics you're dating but not quite living together yet. I read the s/o part too late I thought it was just friends til I re read the request 💔💔
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You are literally the most wholesome person shu has ever met
You are the loving parent of your friend group
Constant reminders from you for everyone to take care of themselves, always the first to start caring for someone when they're sick or down
Shu remembers the times you've helped him fall asleep by just telling stories
You're the best story teller
Heck he could listen to ur voice for hours
But one thing he's noticed
Is how down you seem sonetimes
It's always brief. That frown and a look of pure exhaustion
It was when he saw that that shu began to pay more attention to ur behavior
What the heck your sleep schedule was worse than his
Did you even have a life outside of work and friends
He means that in the nicest way possible btw
"Hey.. (name)!"
Had shu just snuck into your house? Yes. In his defense you gave him a spare key in case of emergencies. So like, this was an emergency.
"Eh? Shu? Why are you here?"
Despite your quick attempts to hide it, Shu already saw. The bags under your eyes that were normally hidden by concealer, the lag in your movement and how noodly you seemed, or the huff of your chest to get the right amount of air that should be effortless.
Yes, Shu noticed all of that and more.
"So like, I know it isn't normal BUTTTTTT.. I got ya some stuff." In his hands were bags, and he set them on the ground and began handing you things.
"A heated and weighted blanket, a super cool water bottle with drinking goals- oh! A penguin stuffie! Some of your favorite food- and some new movies! Ohh, and a pink penguin keychain!"
He absolutely spoiled u
Tried to be there emotionally for you but since you didn't always open up he got you stuff to comfort you instead
It made him super happy to see u using the water bottle specifically
It was a huge bottle with times and goals to drink in a day
He didn't know u cuddled the plushies every night though
But they made you so happy
You're very thankful to him
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Ike absolutely understood forgetting to take care of one's self
But he wasn't gonna lie he had no idea what a lack of self care you had
You did do good at caring for him and others it was only when he was at ur house he realized
You sucked at taking care of yourself
And it wasn't that you were bad at it but you just forgot
And he realized that you being the therapist friend didn't help at all
He'd read that people who acted as therapists for people often felt trapped
Because they couldn't bring themselves to rant to the people who "have it worse"
He caught those moments where you looked completely dead
That face was so numb and bland
Scared him shitpess tbh
So he decided to make sure he took care of you.
"Ike, you really don't have to."
In front of you was a meal specifically made by Ike. At this point Ikes house had become your second home with how often he insisted you come over for dinner. Or to hangout, which turned into dinner. And then he declared it was too dangerous for you to bike home, which turned into a sleepover and breakfast.
"But I like having you over! I get lonely." Ike protested, snatching your fork and stabbing it into a piece of broccoli, and held it in front of your both,
"Besides, you like my cooking, don't you? Now open up," Ike said with a grin.
Your face flushed you quickly took the broccoli off the fork and then snatched the fork from him chewing sheepishly.
"Course I like your cooking, and company, Ike.." You mumbled as you swallowed.
Honestly you felt so much better when he started this
He had no idea
You both had so much fun and your physical and, to some extent, emotional health started to seriously improved
Ike himself felt much better having his lover over all the time
It was his own therapy
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
What kind of worldbuilding would you expect from a world where amputation is really common? (NOT a cyberpunk thing. The technology is somewhere between Bronze Age and Middle Ages, which I know is really broad but I’m indecisive). Also the most common cause of amputation is disease, not war or anything like that, in case it makes a difference. So far all I’ve come up with is that assistive technology isn’t limited to more urban/populated areas, and people treat amputations as commonplace. Sorry if this is too random
Ok, so my answer to this will depend of what kind of tone you want. Do you want it to be normalised in a more idealist/optimistic way, or do you want to do worldbuilding around the new problems that would likely arise and take a more pessimistic approach? Either way there's a lot you can do with a setting like that and I absolutely love world building stuff like this! I was actually working on another post kind of similar to what you're asking for, so I have a lot prepared lol. apologies for the long post in advance.
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Here are some questions/suggestions I would consider:
What are the views around Amputation in this setting? Do any stereotypes or beliefs appear around it?
Just because a disability is common, doesn't always mean it's accepted, or accepted unconditionally, nor does it mean people won't make odd assumptions about it. Obviously, if you want something more optimistic, you'll want to go with "it's just a normal part of life, most folks don't really think about it much" but in that case, even accepted disabilities get weird assumptions, stereotypes or even religious beliefs surrounding them. The best example of this in the real world is people who wear glasses. Most folks wouldn't even consider it a disability because it's just so normalised, but it is - glasses are a type of accessibility device. But what comes to mind when you think of someone who wears glasses? Chances are, it's someone smart, maybe a nerd? Glasses have nothing to do with intelligence but we associate people who wear them with it anyway. From what I found, that association formed in the middle ages, as monks and priests wore them to read, and those were people who studied religious texts and passed that information to the public. the common folk saw these people as a source of information and wisdom, forming the idea that glasses were worn by intelligent or wise people. If amputation is common and/or accepted, this kind of thing will probably happen with it too. If amputations are more common in some lines of work than others (either because that job leads to more amputations, or because a lot of people go into that line of work after their amputation) people will start to associate qualities needed for that job with amputees. For example, If the most common reason for amputation is illness, and if that illness is contagious, you might actually end up with a similar belief, that amputation is a sign of intelligence because doctors/healers, who people view as intelligent, are more likely to catch the illness, resulting in more amputations among doctors.
On the flip side, a lot of cultures have disabilities at the heart of many of their beliefs. For example, they idea of the fey replacing children with other fey, is thought to have been people's way of explaining neurodivergence like autism, ADHD and personality disorders before we had words for those disabilities.
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Likewise, some European Christians believed people born with disabilities (including limb differences) could be explained by their mothers participating in witchcraft or deals with the devil. These disabilities were pretty common at the time due to malnutrition and a general lack of understanding about how to be safe while pregnant, but they lacked the medical knowledge to be able to explain it, and so superstition took over. If your setting has a similar level of medical knowledge/understanding, something similar might occur. Not every example of this is negative btw. It's thought that early ancient Egyptians believed disabilities such as blindness, especially if it was from birth, were the result of the gods calling them to speak for them. Similar lack of understanding about where the disability came from but this time it has a much more positive outcome.
Also, consider that if it's so normalised, people are going to be much less likely to be afraid of becoming amputees. This can be a positive thing, but it could have run on effects, both in the sense that people are less likely to care to take precautions to avoid things that could result in amputation, and that people may underestimate the impact it will have. Even in the real world, as being an amputee has become less stigmatised (though we are still far from normalised), some people have started underestimating how it will impact you. My prosthetist says the hardest part of his job is watching the realisation that a prosthetic won't be a magic cure hit his patients in real-time. this isn't to say being an amputee is always a terrible and awful and all the other things people think about disability, but it is a BIG adjustment that a lot of folks are unprepared for. In a setting where it's even more common, this is even more likely. It's also more likely that non-amputees will underestimate this impact, and say things like "but I know someone with the same amputation and they're fine!" when someone tries to say they can't/struggle to do something because of their amputation - something that also already happens to me irl lol. People are going to take to being amputees differently, they'll have different limits and different capabilities, how well does your society as a whole understand this?
Finally, think about if there are certain types of amputations that are more accepted/normalised/understood than others. In the real world, leg amputees tend to be more accepted than arm amputees in my experience, and larger amputations/multi-limb amputations carry more stigma and have a lot more bizarre misinformation and stereotypes about them. Is this the same for your world?
What is the general populations view of other disabilities?
Just because one disability is more common or accepted, doesn't mean they all are. This is especially important to consider for comorbid disabilities (disabilities that are connected to, are caused by having, or are usually seen alongside being an amputee). For example, a lot of leg amputees choose wheelchairs over prosthetics, but the degree of acceptance for that in your world will depend on people's view of wheelchair users as a whole. In real life, it's an unfortunate reality that the use of a wheelchair is looked down on and there are a lot of negative stereotypes about wheelchair users which deters a lot of leg amputees from using a wheelchair, even when they really need one. When leg amputees specifically use wheelchairs, we are often said to be giving up or even lazy for not "pushing through" or "trying hard enough" - I have another post here talking about that. This has resulted in a lot of amputee-specific spaces being completely inaccessible wheelchair users. An example of this would be a camp I used to attend specifically for amputees being held in a non-wheelchair accessible location until recently, or amputee clinics (where you go to see doctors who specialise in treating/rehabilitating amputees) having equipment needed for taking measurements essential for getting quality prosthetics, being unusable to people who can't stand up. If they do accept other related disabilities though, there's more stuff to think about (which I'll come back to in the next few points)
Of course, how your world views unrelated disabilities is important to consider too, because chances are there's someone out there with both. How does the general view of disability affect those people? Are people more or less likely to accept that having this other disability means they won't be able to things other amputees can? I'm autistic for example and find it nearly impossible to wear my prosthetic when I'm in burnout, both because it's a lot of energy I don't really have, but also because when I'm in burnout, I'm very sensitive to certain textures, and the feeling of wearing my prosthetics when I'm like that is unbearably uncomfortable.
What has the acceptance/normalisation of amputees done to influence beauty standards?
You see this a lot in cyberpunk but it's worth considering for other settings too. Amputation can be a very visible disability if you want it to be, but in the real world, there is a big emphasis on "looking normal" because beauty standards. This isn't just a modern thing either, there are many stories of real-life knights who lost arms during battle and had armour made for them that hid their missing limb. They were functionally useless (except for maybe backhanding people lol) but the desire to look "normal" outweighed the need for functionality to many.
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If amputation is common though, this might not be the case in your setting. This might mean people are freer to explore prosthetics that put function over aesthetics, meaning they might have more advanced prosthetics than you'd typically expect to see in that time period. Alternatively, it might go the other way and you could end up with people who still favour aesthetics over function, but they try to make it look as outlandish and unique as possible.
Beyond how it effects amputees though, if prosthetics are seen as fashionable, do non-amputees try to mimic the look of prosthetics in their outfits? Consider the first point I mentioned here too. If there are certain desirable characteristics associated with amputees, would people trying to present themselves a certain way try to make it look like they're an amputee, even when they are not? Kind of like how people wear fake glasses to look smart or just as an accessory. Alternatively, how dose being an amputee play other beauty standards and expectations? Another real-world example, is that there is a lot of fatphobia in amputee circles, to the point where most teenaged amputees I know have/had eating disorders. Part of it comes from the general fatphobia in the wider population, but its amplified by the fact that many prosthetic components have weight limits on them, and many prosthetic companies refuse to make components for bigger people, not because they can't/it's too hard, but because they say there's no demand for it. So Doctors push the importance of staying below a certain weight so their patents can have access to better tech and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If there are a lot more amputees though, this might be different, but it's worth considering.
How will it impact architecture?
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When we think of medieval or even older structures, "accessible" isn't the word we usually think of. Most buildings had stairs, and the needs of people with different bodies was rarely, if ever considered. But if amputation is more common, this might not be the case, especially if things like wheelchair use are also common/accepted (told you I'd come back to that). Buildings will be more likely to use ramps, lifts (even in ancient times - this could be achieved via pullies or something similar, though it would need to be usable to arm amputees too) or forgo multiple levels entirely where possible. Roads would probably be paved or at least smoothed to allow for easier travel via wheels and cities would be laid out in way that would make traversing them from a wheelchair easier. This would likely have a run-on effect and lead to cities being more accessible to people with horse-drawn carts, wagons, carriages etc too. things would be made with the idea that someone lower to the ground, or someone who needs to use their feet to grab things (and therefore can't reach as high) needs to be able to access the thing too, and a lot more. Even small things, like the way doors are opened might be altered to make it easier to use for someone missing an arm/who's arms are occupied with pushing a wheelchair. Making spaces more accessible in these ways also has run-on effects. I already mentioned the carriages in cities, but it also means you might start seeing small changes to the world, like chairs being made to be more comfortable, or single-handed versions of tools/weapons being more common.
What type of illness is the most common cause? How do people view it? Is it understood?
You mentioned illness is the most common cause of amputation in this setting. In that case, consider what kind of illness is usually the cause. Is it a single disease? if so, is it contagious? How high is the mortality rate? Who does it mostly impact? I lost my own legs to an illness, one that is well-known where I live, but poorly understood - most people just know it's contagious and acts kind of like the flu. This has resulted in some very bizarre interactions with non-disabled people when they find out how I lost my legs. There was a rumour about me in school that I still had the illness, and so because of that my amputations were contagious. It wasn't just children who believed it either lmao. Now as the public has been better educated, those ideas are less common, but weird stuff still comes up occasionally, like the lady who thought my illness was a government conspiracy theory made up to control people and scare them into getting vaccinated, apparently my amputations were unnecessary and all a part of the plot lol. I don't know if I talked about that on this account yet but I think it's probably my favourite weird interaction lmao.
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You can also look at how people reacted to COVID for ideas about how people react to wide-spread illnesses that have a high chance of disabling you. Diabetes is another good example too, while it's one of the most common causes for amputation in the real world, people are still very weird about it and a lot of people insist it either doesn't exist or can be treated without medicine (insulin). Does the disease in your world have a lot of untrue information about it too? are there people peddling fake "cures" to take advantage of people who are more at risk?
How has this impacted Medicine as a whole
In medicine, advancements in one field are rarely isolated. When advancements are made in one area, other areas usually follow or are at least influenced. As much as the modern medical industry structure likes to pretend otherwise, it's all connected. In the real world, amputees were a lot rarer (not unheard of mind you, but rarer) because well, bronze-age understandings of things like infection and disease in general wasn't great. people would often die from the side effects of the amputation or the surgery itself (e.g. infections, going into shock because the surgery was preformed while the person was awake, blood loss during surgery, a general lack of understanding of how important hygiene is post-op/a lack of access to proper hygiene etc). So if amputees are more common, that would imply their understanding of medicine is at least a little better than real-life bronze age folks. This won't just stop an amputees though, like i said, it's all connected. Having a better understanding of, say, how infection happens in an amputee, means they will probably have a better understanding of infection in general, which could stop a lot of deaths in other ways. Likewise, sewing a stump closed in a way that won't cause immense amounts of nerve and phantom pain implies a decent understanding of the nervous system in general, which will have run on effects in how a lot of other conditions can be viewed and maybe even treated.
There's a lot more you could consider, but I hope this gave you some additional stuff to think about (sorry for the long response, but like I said, I was already working on a nearly identical post so this was perfect timing lol). Let me know if you need more help, I love this kind of worldbuilding stuff! Also, just to be clear as well, as long as you aren't just ignoring the fact so much of your world is disabled or being super ableist about it, there's no right or wrong answers here. You can have more positive answers to these questions than what I've given as examples, you can go darker, you can have a mix of both, whatever you like. Depending on the tone you want, you don't even have to answer every question if you don't want to. If you have a rather light-hearted setting for example, you probably don't need to know how all your amputees are surviving infections and unmedicated amputation surgery lol, but if its a darker tone where the illness you mentioned is a central focus, then it's probably a good thing to think about at least. At the end of the day, just ensure your answers aren't based on stereotypes or misinformation and you're all good for the most part!
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andhumanslovedstories · 10 months
Hello! I love your blog very much. I too am a second degree nurse. I just graduated from an ABSN program and I'm struggling to get my foot in the door anywhere despite good grades + honor society membership + in state license already secured. I live in NYC and the nursing shortage here is CRAZY but for some reason no one wants to talk to me. Would you recommend home health nursing for someone in my situation? I did my preceptorship in the ED and that's 100% where I belong, but the bills are really piling up and I have no prospects. How long did you do home health before you went bedside? Thank you for any advice you have!
(Disclaimer though for all this, I'm across the country from you and have no idea the landscape of nursing jobs in NYC.)
I worked in home health for 18 months. If my goal was to get to the hospital as quick as possible, I didn't need to be there that long. I wasn't in any particular rush to move on. Plenty of people worked less than that and got hired at a hospital, I think something like a year was the average. I know the different between sending out my new grad resume and sending out my home health nurse resume was night and day. As in: literally anyone wanted to interview me.
I'd encourage you to at least apply and see if you can interview. You get to interview the company right back, and that'll let you know the kinds of work they expect from you. There are two main types of home health: the kind where you visit a lot of patients in a day and the kind where you're with one patient for the entire shift. The first kind is doing stuff like dressing changes, medication management, or periodic assessment. The second kind is more like general caregiving with nursing related requirements. I mostly did the second one, and worked night shift. So I fed a patient dinner, I gave them a bath, I got them dressed for bed, then tucked them in and stuck around until morning for their needs in the night. But within that was trach management, seizures, G tubes, medications, central lines, ongoing assessment, all that stuff that got this person nursing hours. I'm not gonna lie--it was often very very boring. I read a lot of books.
(btw west coast disclaimer again, but if you're willing to work nights, you'll get hired more easily. Everyone everywhere in the world doesn't have enough night shift coverage. also, oops! this got long and became an essay on home health!)
For downsides, in home health you can get limited training and orientation before you're alone, responsible for a patient. And then it's all on you. I had some gut-dropping moments early on where I encountered something I didn't know how to handle and didn't know how urgent it was. There's supposed someone you can call at all times, but multiple times when I did call, no one picked up. It can be super stressful and frankly dangerous as an inexperienced nurse. Luckily, many times you have the patient's family as a resource. It's likely they've been doing this years longer than you have. Though it's worst thing in the world when you wake someone up at 3 am because you're unsure and concerned, and then have that person explain in a really supportive tone of voice that these frequent, very brief seizures were probably just hiccups. Hypothetically speaking.
You can get too entwined with the patient and family's lives. It's hard to call out sick because you know no one can cover you. It's easy to cross emotional boundaries. Imagine spending 40 hours a week with someone and their family. They'll occupy a spot in your brain.
And I don't think it's a great place for a new nurse to stay for years and years, just for like professional development reasons. You won't get exposure to a variety of patients (unless you work that other type of home health in which case enjoy seeing eight different patients a day, hope traffic doesn't suck), so it's easy to forget stuff you just learned. I never had to think about transfusion reactions until I started at the hospital and shit now it's relevant all the time. I had to completely relearn how to hang an IV piggyback. Plus, since you work alone, you don't get the chance to see how other nurses work. It's hard to figure out a profession when you practice in complete isolation. It's easy to learn bad habits and have no one ever correct you.
But there's a lot I like about home health. You really do have a perspective on patients and patient care that is unique to home health and long-term care. In the hospital, you don't always get that long-term perspective. If you work with someone for a while, you can track how they progress or decline. Why do some clients stay at home for years and others keep going back to the hospital? What's different about their conditions and cares? You see all the work it can take to keep them steady. That's perspective that easy to lose. It helps you put the patient on a timeline that extends beyond the hospital. If you click with a patient and/or family and work with them for a while, it can be very satisfying working with them because you see so clearly the impact you're having.
Also! I read so many fucking books! I listened to so many podcasts (played so so softly). I knitted and learned sudoku and practiced yoga, looked up vacation spots, put in my grocery orders, and organized my playlists. I also could research and research and research. I had time to look up everything about every condition my patient had, and once I felt more comfortable with those, I moved on to looking up whatever other disease process and patient experience seemed interesting. I'd make myself a little curriculum and, after my patient was tucked in, and be like "tonight's class is vlogs about having a trach."
There were plenty of shifts where I bustled all fuckin night, and sometimes those shifts seemed to be in one endless hellish row, but often I had a lot of time to myself that I could spend however I wanted, as long as I was still in the room with the patient, able to meaningfully hear and see them, and keeping up with the night routine. I fucked around a lot and got paid for it because the job is to be available when needed, and you're not always needed. (I'm not saying slack off! I'm just saying even colicky babies sleep peacefully now and then.)
Anyway jesus christ that got away from me, but like please know that I was in your exact place, and I know how much it sucks and how crazy it makes you feel because I THOUGHT WE WERE SHORT ON NURSES DON'T ANY OF YOU FUCKERS NEED A NURSE, and know that all the other job hunts after this should and will be easier than this.
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mxttellion · 9 months
sort of related to my previous post about not connecting new characters to preexisting ones, I think the issue with adding SO many new side characters comes from fundamentally misunderstanding why those characters became popular in the first place
(it's under a read more because it became..longer than expected LOL)
Side characters like laurel or bing and larry, the rejects are beloved because they ..well, felt like characters, as simple as they might be - and they had memorable roles and character designs to along with them
Background characters are a weird phenomenon, of course, because it's silly to fall in love with a character who only spoke 2 times (talking to myself in the mirror here) but- I personally believe that happens for the same reason why side characters get popular- cool character designs and the possibility of being part of a bigger plot / being developed (the pilots and yuu have that going on when you think about it). Usually bg characters don't become popular unless they have some kind of connection to a main character, in the case of the aforementioned pilots it's their connection to Tord / Red Leader
Beyond is ...basically trying to do what the fandom does but in an inorganic way, almost forced in some sense: Trying to introduce side characters they think Might be interesting for the audience, thinking they might be a hit, but it comes off as awkward (look at the blonzie? stuff) ...because well- why are we supposed to care those guys? And why is the staff / episode pushing so hard for the fandom to care about them? Do we have a reason to care about the bullies when the neighbors already exist? Or that one scientist when the evil director has the same role?
Not to say it never worked with any character, I mean it SORTA worked with Dan and Honey Piper but even then, it seemed more like those were pushed by the staff rather than the fandom actually giving them importance and letting them become popular - that's why I said inorganic beforehand lol
The best comparison I always bring up is deltarune and the addisons, they became popular because of the connection with spamton (namely pink and blue), not because some outside force was pushing them to become popular and to care about them in the first place
I DUNNO where I'm going with this weird ass rant I promise, I'm just saying that they want something like the next Paul and Patryck without remembering why those two became popular in the first place (bait)
Oh, btw, the adding characters thing beyond has going on shares the same issue with cartoons that continue for too much long have. introducing new characters to keep things "fresh", but without developing them, changing the status quo in the worst way possible or replacing characters that already had the same role for some reasons (think of the fairly oddparents for example)
I get that maybe they're trying to add more characters to make the world feel "alive", but when you're focusing on characters that only appeared once and people haven't really attached to the whole thing falls kinda flat, I guess
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zhalfirin-binds · 4 months
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Edge colouring with acrylic paint
I was asked to go over my process for painting edges and I wanted to do a new one so I could take good pictures of the process. Alas, I don't have the time to do that at the moment so a quick write up with already existing pictures it is
These pictures only show the colouring of the top edge. Traditionally it's either the top edge or all edges that get coloured/decorated. Colouring the front edge of a rounded book comes with another set of challenges that I will not address here. (On the upside, colouring a straight front edge is just the same.)
The basic procedure is always the same though.
First up the book is set in a press. Trimming helps to get a more even surface and will help reducing the time one spends on sanding.
Prepping the bookblock I prep the bookblock and use some sturdy and not voluminous paper to cushion the bookblock between boards. A bonus on this is, the cushioning can adapt to the shape of the bookblock. As visible the pictures, these are from colouring the edge of book with shoulders (which means it has not only been rounded but also backed). By cushioning the bookblock I can protect the shoulders from being squashed by the boards when I apply pressure. The cushioning paper should also be larger than the book itself. Otherwise the pressure from clamping the edge tight can cause a smaller cushioning to leave marks on the bookblock. (btw paper from high gloss magazines is perfect, because it's very dense and will not be compressed/ reduce pressure on the bookblock)
Putting the book in the press For this you need a press that allows to have one side of the book (the one you're working on) point upwards. The paper is level with the edge, but the boards are a bit recessed (no more than 5mm). This is done to keep pressure on the bookblock without having to sand the boards at the same time. Also thinner bookblocks can quickly get sanded at an angle which is a) an aesthetic issue and b) causes trouble when taking the measurements for the case.
When the book sits tightly in the press (here the go to is, give it as much as you have! you want those pages so tight no water is seeping in and causes bleed! Sometimes paper quality is lacking though and it can't be avoided.)
Sanding the edge Sanding is, in my experience, the one of the crucial parts of edge colouring. A smooth edge will lead to an even result and removes one possible cause for flaking (there are more though). Even my trimmed books usually have a mark from the blade when trimming and to get an even looking result those need to go. I sand in different grits, starting with a 120 sandpaper wrapped around a block of cork or another tool for holding the paper. I go no lower than than to avoid getting even deeper groves than there still are. Then I follow up with 180, 240 and 320 paper. Usually that's enough to get a glossy sheen on the edge. (different book but you can see that gloss and the part I still had to go over in the pictures below)
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Once they have that sheen...
I know it's hard. The temptation to just run the fingers over them great. They look so smooth and shiny. Almost silken to the touch... and they are... but I repeat YOU MUST NOT TOUCH!
The oils on your skin can interfere with a good result. Especially water based colours may not stick as well to the areas touched as others, glues and foils do not adhere as well, stuff like that. Applying colour When the book is in the press it's not removed or pressure reduced before the edge decoration is done. For the colour shift acrylic paints it's essential to get a dark foundation. Otherwise the colour will not show! I've done this with ink.
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(This was really rushed and not neat at all, don't aim for a look like that! All the darker parts show where I did not have a smooth surface yet. Even the cutting marks from trimming are till visible.)
In my experience working with acrylic paints is more forgiving to laziness when sanding than inks. At least when it comes to even coverage in the end, possible flaking is a different matter.
The colourshift acrylic paint was way more liquid than the ones I'm familiar with, still they needed diluting (a first go with undiluted colour resulted in severe flaking). For the ratio on how to dilute I can't give measurements. I think I ended up with a rather thin colour and did several passes until I was satisfied with the colourshift effect.
No matter what coat is applied I use a soft brush that is wider than the bookblock to cover all at once and avoid to obvious streaks. The direction of brushing is from spine area to the front. I try to get the whole edge covered in 1 motion. To avoid colour seeping down the front edge I lift the brush towards the end so there's less pressure pushing a bit of colour ahead of the brush and spilling down the front edge. (I'm still working on that part, different paints behave differently, but that's the ideal to aim for.)
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Now all to do is wait until the colour is completely dry. Which is rather fast with acrylics but takes a bit longer with ink. That step can be speed up a bit with a hairdryer on low heat and from a distance to allow the colour to dry evenly and then the book can be taken out of the press.
I've seen different approaches to separate the edges. Mine is a gentle wave motion. Holding on to the books spine and front and just twisting it and pushing the pages so they move against each other.
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If all went well there's a rewarding crackle and no colour flakes off. If colour flakes off, it's back to square one, sanding until all is clean and smooth, colouring, drying and separating (and hoping this time all goes well).
As a reference for the colourshift paints I used, I did a test sheet for the chameleon colours. So here's a dot of the same colour on white paper as the stripes under or next to it on the black and also slightly different angles to show the colourshift (sadly it photographs really bad on flat surfaces)
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 10 months
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Writblr Summoning Circle Intro
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Hello and welcome to my shrine place of power writing blog. I'm Ceph, they/them, and despite the ghostly username I am, in fact, a regular human adult with a job, college homework, skin, blood, etc. Video games, houseplants, and buying books faster than I read them are just a few of my hobbies.
I write different flavors of fantasy mostly, with sprinkles of horror and romance/spice thrown in for pizzazz. If you're interested in...
Vampires, werecreatures, necromancers, merfolk, and/or passive-aggressive poltergeists
Resourceful protagonists in terrible peril who sometimes make choices that change things forever, for better or worse
Lovers becoming enemies becoming forced allies and maybe more in some cases
Themes of solidarity, the myriad facets of love, and people fighting for a better future
Slow burns
Worldbuilding that I definitely don't make up on the fly
Mortals becoming deities and vice versa
Telepathic monsters that could devour your soul -OR- become your best friend
Liminal spaces like roadside diners at 3 a.m
...you might find my WIPs tolerable. Possibly even fun.
Follow my sideblogs @dysthanasia-series and/or @the-primrose-path-story to get notifications for new chapters and other neat story-related stuff. Check out @coven-archives to see what I'm reblogging from fellow writers. Or just ask to be put on a taglist for a WIP you're interested in.
I welcome asks, prompts, writblr events (Worldbuilding Wednesday, etc.), and any interactions that lead to transmutating Internet strangers into friends. Do tell me about your characters and lore. I want to devour know all of it. Yes, even the obscure facts that never really make it into the story despite hours of research poured into them. Especially those.
That's pretty much it. Feel free to reblog or like this post or invite me into an object you own at the stroke of midnight if you want me to give a follow.
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Below the cut you'll find a list of WIPs and links to read them which will increase my power every time you click one. Content advisories are at the top of each work and chapter.
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Old rough draft version here
Genre(s): Urban/Paranormal fantasy, vampires, post-apocalyptic
Status: Redraft in progress
Mermaids don't exist. Every agent of the Coven, the organization that researches and governs the supernatural community, knows that. Accepting a classified assignment to investigate sightings along the Broken Coast is just an easy paycheck as far as Isaac Soto is concerned (not to mention another way to avoid dealing with his trauma and relationship issues).
A chance meeting with a charming stranger in a roadside diner changes not only the course of Isaac's assignment but the trajectory of his life. A life now in danger of being cut short unless he figures out how to escape the bloodborn who takes him hostage, a necromancer out to kill both of them, and the corruption at the heart of the organization he thought he believed in.
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Genre(s): Urban/Paranormal fantasy, vampires, post-apocalyptic
Status: Redraft in progress
Living isn't always a mercy, but Isaac Soto will take what he can get. Storm season makes fleeing from the Broken Coast and the bloodborn he met there difficult. Said bloodborn somehow knowing his every move makes it nigh impossible. Hiding in one of the few western cities to survive the break, Isaac makes a stand, a deal, and ultimately a decision that will shape the rest of his life.
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The Primrose Path
Genre(s): High fantasy, romance/erotica
Status: Rough draft in progress
When his village is taken captive by an enemy nation, Illuminator Ân's priority is to make sure his people survive to fight another day. Faced with everything he's stood against as a priest of Cyanos, god of light and life, Ân prays for the strength to overcome and do what he must. It's not long before he receives signs that his petitions have been heard. Just not by the deity he serves.
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Beyond & Between
Genre(s): High fantasy, portal fantasy, whump
Status: Occasional, out-of-order updates
Sail beyond where the seas turn red, until the sky is filled with unfamiliar stars, to the lands between realities. Magic and the power to leave one's old life behind awaits for those brave enough to seek it.
Beyond & Between is a collection of stories set in the strange places settled by ancient people, deities, and creatures from Earth who fell through the cracks.
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Whumptober 2022
Each prompt followed by the story series it's set in and the MC. Content guidelines at the start of each story.
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fragmentofmemories · 1 month
hey can I get some beginner coh1 tips cause my team miss half their shots and can't afford new pants
No you can't I ran out of tips a while ago...
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So I'm seeing two issues you're having rn, so let me address them individually.
"My team misses half their shots"
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That's actually common for like, level 1. Especially for the Bug enemies you might have encountered - those can only be reliably killed with magic spells, as they have high evasion.
So if I have a tip for that, is that you should run from said bug enemies if you run out of MP, and instead focus on killing other types of enemies such as Blurred Silvers/Golden Deads (the coins basically). Those give both plenty of EXP and Gold.
As soon as you reach Level 2-3, you should be able to hit enemies more reliably with your melee attacks. You can also sleep whole enemy groups with the Doze spell, though its success rate is mixed from what I've tested (It works best on the mole enemies which are another difficult type of enemy in the earlygame).
"I can't afford new pants"
Also pretty common early on, and I feel it's the one thing I get asked about the most about CoH1 (lol).
Any and all enemies you defeat will drop a small amount of gold. But most importantly, they might also drop crafting materials and other items.
These need to be identified, something which can be done at shops at a price, or free by having a Bishop or Alchemist in your party.
If you have either of them, then Identify any and all items you have, then sell all of them. Crafting is not something you should worry about in the earlygame - only when you have a comfortable amount of cash.
If you don't have any, then either create a burner character... Or you could instead find another copy of the item you want to sell.
Identifying at shops costs the same as an item's selling price. But that price remains the same, even if you have more than one of said item.
So, for example, an Iron Junk material can be identified for 1G, which would normally be its selling price. However, you can still identify it for only 1G, even if you have 99 of them - giving you a net profit of 98G upon selling them.
So basically, only identify items at shops if you have more than one of them.
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As I mentioned before, you can also focus on defeating the coin enemies. These are most commonly found on Map 18, and besides what I've said, they can also drop Ancient/Magic coins which can sell for 150G.
You can check which map you're in by pressing A (keyboard). Though only if you either use the Sight/Mapor spell or, well, have the physical map of the dungeon you're in.
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In the case of Novice Road, you can actually get a map of it for free by talking to Yuno at the office.
(take that line to heart btw, don't rely on the Mapor spell and especially not in the lategame).
If you're feeling extra stingy: Don't pay the 100G for the Dorms to heal. Instead, have your healer recover their MP for free, then use their spells until everyone's at max HP again.
Also save a lot in case a character dies, as reviving can turn expensive if it fails once (aka the character turns into ash. Though in general you don't want this to happen at all since that's one step away from permadeath).
Now, if you're that desperate for money and somehow all of the above failed:
Make a new character, unequip and sell all their stuff, and transfer the money they get to one of your actual party members. Rinse and Repeat until you're satisfied.
This is the classic cheese strategy most DRPGs have, and it works just as well in CoH1. It's just... slow, though. And I wouldn't really recommend it for a first run, as it might dilute your experience with the game.
Long post, but hopefully this helps you in the earlygame of CoH1!
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crazycookiemaniac · 2 months
hi can u give me dummy steps on how commissions work? What app do u use??? How does it link to ur bank account?? Can ppl see ur real identity when they pay?? What r the usual prices etc.... im in a bit of a bind, financially and i have quite a lot of time on my hands during my job where i can write i feel and i want to start commissions. Im technologically (and more importantly, w my bank) very incompetent iG pls help thamk you. Love ur work btw!!:)
Hello there! Let me try to help you:
First, make sure your clients can easily get in touch with you. For example, try to have the same username in different social media and allow your clients to request via any of them. In my case, I'm "crazycookiemaniac" on Tumblr, Twitter/X, Instagram, Gmail and I even made a website that's offline at the moment (though the website is completely optional. You don't need to go that far). You can also create a linktree and copy&paste the link on your social media bios so people know where to find you!
Second step is, decide how much you want to be paid for your work. This step is pretty hard because it depends on so many things, like how much time you spend working on your writing, what you're willing to write and what you aren't, how much in a bind you are and how much you actually want to earn with commissions.
Using my own case as an example, when I first started working on art commissions 12~13 years ago, my prices varied between $2 and $7 USD. Nowadays, I charge $70~$130 (per character, and charge almost the same prices for additional characters). Even now, I'm not sure if I'm charging correctly for my work, but I still get clients so I'm assuming it's fair enough. I also offer discounts every so often when I'm in need to earn more quickly. A tip I can give you is to look for how much people who offer similar work as you are charging and create your price sheet according to theirs. Reminder that you are allowed to charge extra if the requests are too difficult or something you're not used to doing often (NSFW, for example).
Third: How to accept payments. I personally use PayPal Business, because in this case people will only see my business name (CrazyCookieManiac Productions) instead of my real name. And one VERY important note: always send invoices. DO NOT allow people to transfer you money of their own accord, because if you do you won't be eligible for the seller protection and you might get scammed (happened to me a couple times). If you don't want to send invoices, you can open a ko-fi, link it to your paypal and allow people to pay you through there (it'll be like they're paying for a service, so you'll be eligible for seller protection).
Other important notes:
-> Make sure you're paid at least 50% before starting to work on a commission, especially if it's a new client. It reduces the chances of you being scammed.
-> Always ask your client if they have a deadline, or let them know in how long they can expect you to finish or deliver part of what they paid for. Communication is key for a successful commission!
-> Set an amount of times your client can ask for free edits. I'm saying this because it may happen that one of them asks for way too many edits and you might have other commissions to work on. Time is money!
-> If you can, come up with a FAQ (even if no one asked you anything lol). Write stuff about deadlines, permissions to use your work, what you're comfortable with working and not, if you can make exceptions or not, stuff like that!
And I think that's it? I'm sorry if this isn't perfect, I just wrote down how I usually deal with stuff. If there's anything else I can help you with, let me know!
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
hey i love your posts on anti-psych organizing, the work you're doing is really inspiring <333 i was jw if you have any advice for people who want to contribute to the movement but have certain accessibility challenges? for example in my case i have very high social anxiety which makes public speaking hard and i also have difficulty processing denser criticism/theory in written form due to cognitive symptoms, etc. and it makes me feel like i don't have much to offer to help but i would love to get more involved if possible!! tysm in advance if you answer this happy pride btw <3
Happy pride anon! Thanks so much for this question, I think it's really important!
There are so many ways to contribute to antipsych/mad liberation movement, and it's so important that our spaces are accessible! When we're fighting for our rights as mad and disabled people, we deserve to have our access needs respected, and to be able to show up in whatever ways work for us. I talk a lot about writing and theory on here just because Tumblr is a place I go to write, but theory is not something that feels always relevant or important in many spaces. Community and accessibility always comes first!
Whatever you have to offer to the movement is enough and valued. I'll list off some ideas I have, but honestly, whatever you feel passionate about and your own ideas are likely to be better than what I can list off.
Creating art! whether writing, drawing, mixed media, anything, creating art and sharing it with others really can be an important way to honor our experiences and share them with others.
Finding out where a psych ward near you is, and writing cards, sending in care packages with things like books, puzzles, fidget toys, things like that. Happy to write out some more tips for that if people are interested.
Graffiti! even if you're just using a sharpie to write alternative crisis line numbers that don't call the cops on posters for the 988 hotline, putting up psych abolition stickers near hospitals, things like that.
Going to protests. There aren't a lot of specific mad pride/antipsych protests, but depending on your area, there might be some stuff happening in July for mad pride! I know there's an event happening in Vermont on July 15th.
Creating reading groups. I think theory is not more important than lived experience and isn't necessary to read super dense academic stuff, but I know for some people it can be a really powerful experience to read stuff that validates your experiences and offers new ways of understanding. Creating a book club where you can read stuff with other people, talk about it together, discuss questions and confusions you have together, can be a way to make it more accessible then trying to navigate it on your own. And it absolutely doesn't have to be theory that you read, it could be memoirs, fiction, nonfiction, anything that interests you!
Finding out what is already going on in your location. Even if there isn't specific antipsych groups, a lot of cities will have mental health support groups, mental health clubhouses, peer support, etc. Sometimes there will already be projects going that you can figure out ways to get involved.
Writing reviews of hospitals/psychiatrists/treatment providers to better give people in your community an idea of what to expect.
Community building. I think that a lot of times, we can feel really isolated and that the psych system can make it hard for us to be connected to each other and learn the skills to support each other. Joining groups like the Hearing Voices Network, other peer support groups, local support groups, clubhouses, etc, can be a really important step just to build relationships and get involved without necessarily having to create specific projects.
Learning what resources are near you and building up a resource library so that you can share things like coping skills, peer respite, local orgs with other people in your community!
Understanding the laws around psych hospitalization, mental health, medications, etc. If new laws are proposed, giving feedback, emailing hospitals about policies, things like that.
Self care and rest. So often we are in crisis, constantly going, feeling the pressure to be involved. Resting can be part of resistance! Taking the time to care for ourselves, our community, embracing joy, play, recreation, is so important. Our survival can be resistance in a system that doesn't want us free.
These are just some ideas, and are not a complete list. I really believe that everyone's contributions are worthy and valuable, and that whatever people have to offer is worth celebrating. Our movements should be accessible and considerate of all of our different needs, and figure out ways to empower each of us to participate, and to get rid of barriers together. My way of engaging with antipsych stuff is absolutely not the only or best way, and I always love to hear from other people about their approaches!
TL;DR: Theory and public speaking are not the only ways to particpate, and accessibility is important! Whatever things you are passionate about are good places to start brainstorming. There are multiple options of things like art, sending care packages, and getting involved in local community.
Followers, please feel free to add on your own ideas or ways you participate! Would love to hear all the amazing ways we're all engaging with this movement.
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