#but also why does susato have to be so. young
o-wyrmlight · 2 years
So far I'm really enjoying the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles by the way. The themes in it seems to take itself a lot more seriously than the original Ace Attorney Trilogy, and while it does have its own strange cast of characters, it feels a lot more realistic, if that makes sense. There are parts of it that are 'out there' but it feels more grounded to the universe itself. You can really see where Phoenix gets his tendency to find the truth in every case from.
#also van zieks seems cool if a bit um#odd#like are you allowed to drink wine in court sir. are you allowed to smash your chalice around the courtroom#are you allowed to gain Style Points by putting your booted foot on the damn prosecution desk#sir saying 'i'm sorry if it offends the court' doesn't make the fact you're actively doing this stuff any less. ya know--?#but for a prosecutor in an ace attorney game he seems largely interested in getting the facts straight rather than outright winning#and it's also very interesting that he doesn't get his reputation based on some flawless win record but because of the misfortune that#the defendants he prosecutes tend to undergo#ALSO THE FUCKING THIRD CASE#I AM FUCKING LIVID /POS#great ace attorney really looked at the reputation most ace attorney games have#for the third case in the games and went 'actually no'#augh i am Livid#also that whole court system is also pretty neat with the jury#though i want to wrangle them for jumping to conclusions so fucking fast#also karumaaa i knew that'd happen to you but whyyy whyyy aoughh#surely there are fanfics out there where That Incident doesn't happen and they make it to britain and things are All Right In The End#ALSO I LOVE HOW HIS CONFIDENCE AS A LAWYER JUST GROWS AND HOW IT'S SHOWN IN LIKE#THE ANIMATIONS AND IN HIS OBJECTIONS AND STUFF THAT'S JUST SO COOL#but also why does susato have to be so. young#i think i've seen some fan implications implying that they canonically end up together#which would make her phoenix's ancestor as well but#karuma's like 23 and naruhondo is at least around that age too#and she's like. 15 or 16. so#hope they don't end up together#gives me the same uncomfortable vibes as phoenix and maya as a couple#anyway i'm rambling#thanks for reading these tags if you did lol#van zeiks... hmm#curious lad. i wasn't sure i'd like him at all at first but he seems like a fairly reserved prosecutor for the most part
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yyxandere · 1 year
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I'm writing shorts drabbles as of rn bc I literally forgot how to write/ the persona of characters, so these kinda drabble are like a work out, so I'm really sorry if this is bad/off characters and sorry of a lot of these were super rushed I just couldn't think of an ending(〃>_<;〃) also I'm trying a lot of aesthetic as of right now
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the uptight young lawyer - RYUNOSUKE NARUHODO.
A stuttering, blushing mess was the boy; Ryunosuke Naruhodo when you accepted his love confession. He was not intense unlike a certain best friend of his when showing his affections towards you, he's sweet and charming in his own ways making sure that he's doing everything in his power to be the best lover to his beloved.
He's quite suffocating with his affections but you can live with that you think. He was in your opinion the best lover you ever had until you started noticing that a lot of your friends were drifting away from you ever since you started dating Ryunosuke, you tried your best not to think deeply about it but then you noticed the guy who used to flirt with you at campus started avoiding you like a plague, and then like a courtroom evidence started stacking off. Remember that one friend who warned you about Ryunosuke? Yea, they were now in prison for a crime. You really wanted to talk about it to Ryunosuke but all he's giving you was murky answers. Before you wanted to ask for more questions, he opposed a question,
"Do you not love me? If you do, then why are you doubting me (Y/n)?"
Ryunosuke isn't powerful or courageous but he does know his ways on words.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the sharp tongue samurai - KAZUMA ASOUGI.
My, it seems like you caught the eye of the composed, yet hot-blooded Kazuma Asougi. Him being determined to claim your heart by courting you, you felt super flattered. It's not like everyday you'll see anyone declare their intention of courting someone in front of a whole crowd and better yet someone as handsome and diligent as Kazuma. 
Everyday he'll pick you up at your estate, maybe even trying to woo your parents into thinking he's a perfect partner for their child. Maybe it's his passionate words about how he's ready to climb mountains after mountains just for your soft everlasting touch. Let's say after his whole speech his name will be brought up more every time you visit or eat together with your family. 
At first you thought that this was too good to be true, Kazuma is always the first person you'll see in the morning, he'd carry all your stuff for you and even bring you gorgeous accessories, until he became quite overbearing... 
He'd act so possessive over you, making sure that every free moment of your time should be with him. He'd act so jealous whenever you're getting too close to your male or female friends. There isn't a single moment where you can't hear his name on someone's mouth and your parents didn't help either, they were always gushing about him like how he helped your mother pick up some groceries or how your father talks about how he's easy to bond with, maybe if you have siblings; younger siblings to be exact rants of how big brother Kazuma help them with their homework and after that played with them. It was too much, you want time for yourself. But you can't do that now, rejecting a man like Kazuma would not only make your parents see you with dejected eyes but also Kazuma is a stubborn man, no matter what you say or do he'll always be coming back to you. No matter what he won't back down.
Sometimes being passionate and determined can lead you to being stubborn.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the strong yet warm-hearted assistant - SUSATO MIKOTOBA.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always there's help you giving you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always be there to help you and give you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
She's your right hand and she’s one of your most loyal and reliable friends, a young woman who you could always count on, may it be legal advice or your feelings. She's the person you can rely on, she's an example of what kind of woman you'd want in a partner or as a friend, no matter how much she has her faults sometimes she always tries her best to make you happy with anything she can offer.
So with that, her love for you is composed yet stern, so would be with you every day, it could be overbearing to time but how can you decline or push away someone you completely trust with your life?
It was not hard for you to admire such a woman. While you were admiring her she's lovestruck by you whenever she's around you she tries her best not to act like a schoolgirl, Susato knows those dark lingering thoughts are not normal and she's strong enough to stop them from spreading because...
..as long as you're happy she's happy.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the dunce but cunning British detective - HERLOCK SHOLMES.
You were used to the smell of tobacco and sweet pastries ever since you became close to the infamous detective: Herlock Sholmes and his assistant slash adopted kid slash border Iris Wilson. He may have a reputation and name for being called a great detective but if you spend even a second with him you might even find yourself wondering if the man in front of you even called a detective after all his deductions that do not even come close to being correct it's quite concerning time to time but that's the reason what led you to be close to him. You were helping him in every job he decided to accept you helped him fill in some missing logic, little but still crucial things, that's the reason why he kept on dragging you to new cases you basically didn't even have time to do your own detective work.
While your relationship with Iris was wholesome, she'd make some of the most delicious sweets you have ever tasted, and whenever both of you have remaining time you help her bake or cook dinner It truly a heartwarming bonding with her. Or maybe there are days when you and Iris are playing with each other she might be a genius but she is still a little girl. You really tried to avoid the feeling but both of them were overbearing in their ways, you one day decided to talk to them about their behavior and how much they were taking so much of your time but whenever you looked at their eyes especially Iris's the words would just die on your mouth and eat dinner with them with a sad smile on your face, Herlock would try his best to be more comfortable around with him and Iris the sweetheart she is would try to pry those thoughts off you.
Herlock knew exactly what he was doing with the help of Iris the both of them would be like one happy family, you wouldn't leave them, right?
[♡]ー ꒱・!the boot-rising, lip service deadly prosecutor - BAROK VAN ZIEKS.
Barok Van Zieks hates you. He hated how determined you were when helping the defense clear out the defendant's name and how your eyes spark with hope when doing so. 
You made his almost dead heart slowly beat for the first time in many years, he kept on investigating you, digging information after information on you, every time you were on a new case he would also be there, and he would throw some snarky remarks towards the attorney you were working with but never towards you. Whenever he's stressed or had a bad day he'd always look at a picture of you and his heart would beat faster, he just couldn't get enough of you. 
Barok knew what he was feeling wasn't normal and he was guilty for it. But he just couldn't resist you. The last straw was when he got injured when protecting you from a gunshot, probably the person was tied to the case and didn't want anyone finding out, besides the point. He woke up with you beside him with eyes with care and concern only for him. He hates you for him making feel greedy. He hates how much he yearns for you. He also hates himself that his heart is so weak for a person that everyone and anyone could love. You're so nice, kind, caring, understanding, selfless and so strong, that he can barely stand seeing you with another man when you've just started going out with even if it's just your legal companion.
... you made the Barok van Zieks weak.
And yet he loves you for it.
[♡]ー ꒱・!the rather easily flustered young girl - REI MEMBAMI.
Gallant! Dashing! Such compliments could be said by Rei to you, she would praise everything you do. Gushing, Fussing at everything you do it's too much to bear, but you don't want to break the girl's heart. Why should you that girl is head over heels for you, and ready to put anything including her below you, your needs will always be first! 
She's always with you making sure that you won't get hurt but if you do get hurt then get ready for an incredibly adrenaline-rushed lady, she would fuss over it even if it's a paper cut, but don't worry she didn't learn medicine for nothing so let her take care of you! 
She would be bandaging your wound while trying to keep her cool but how can she? She's touching the skin of her beloved so how can she contain her lovestruck smile. Oh, how she dreamt about this! Like one of those fairytales when the princess heals the Knight. Now, would you love her and protect Rei like a princess while you act as her courageous Knight? You do love her, right?
[♡]ー ꒱・!the honest and hard-working sick detective - SATORU HOSONAGA.
He's an honest and hardworking man and you love him for that. Your fiance Satoru Hosonaga; a detective is such a lovely man. He's devoted to you making sure that you eat and sleep well, he's even the one making your bentos, better yet even if he's a detective he always has the time to make dinner for you. Day and night he's always on your side, ready to protect and smother you with his love. 
He would praise the floor which you've walked upon, how could he not? You were sweet and caring no wonder why he was attracted towards you, but like candy unwrapped and left unsupervised it will attract some flies, just like how your sweet honey personality attracted many suitors. Hosonaga knows his limits as a detective and the power he yields as one, he tried to be logical about it first but whenever one of your suitors were making moves on you all he sees is read and all logic are thrown out of the window, the longer he stays away from you the more he yearns of you. 
He'll keep you safe, and you'll always be loved by him, his love for you is expected of your soon-to-be husband.
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I’m late as FUCK but I also took a look through your dgs liveblog tag and WHOOH. Congrats on finishing such a life altering game 🥺
What did you think of the game? Any favorite characters? Any ships? And I also happen to talk wayyy too much about this game so if you ever need to yell or scream incoherently my dms are always open! I WILL yell back
Also I am legally obligated to ask what you think of susato. Thank you, and have a nice day/night :)
I'm tentative about talking one on one with people before i really know them just because I am a very awkward and socially anxious person and tend to warm up to people easier in group settings-- however!! i'd love to chat with you! you seem cool i'm just a lil guy who needs to be approached slowly like one would approach a wild cat therefore if you ever wanna chat at me through asks and stuff i love talking to people that way so i'm always down to hear your thoughts or if you ever wanna ask me more stuff <3
1] What did you think of the game? I LOVE IT IT'S ONE OF MY TOP TOP FAVOURITE GAMES OF ALL TIME???? IT'S. IT'S. Okay what you need to know about me is 1) I LOVE extremely linear plot-heavy games. I have somehow never played a visual novel before ace attorney despite the type of game I would most enjoy being the ones you're basically just reading instead of playing. 2) I have been super interested in murder mysteries ever since I was very young but NEVER found anything that I felt I could get into before finding ace attorney. mainline AA already filled so many niches there but DGS just completes something in my soul. that's my house. that's my home. i live there. I love it SO much it's so perfect it's everything I've ever wanted in a game, being able to put things together and figure things out as I was playing was SOOOO fun and it was SOOOO . just. GOOD. HJOUOUOUUOGGHH.
2] Any favourite characters? IS IT . CAN I SAY ALL OF THEM??? HFJDKFKD. I have several friends who are still playing DGS and every time they get to literally any character I'm like "that's my blorbo ":3" every time. to all of them. I love all of them they're all my beloved family you couldn't possibly make me choose. Anyway it's Kazuma my favourite is kazuma. JKFDHDFKJKGJFE. Like yes I love all of them completely equally and this is the complete and utter truth however I have been so emotionally attached to Kazuma since several months before I ever even touched the game. I have openly cried on the couch in the dead of night over Kazuma several times. Before I touched the game. I'm dead serious. He means a lot to me <3 However everyone else is an honorable mention and by everyone else i DO mean everyone else. EVERYONE in the main cast + my obscure side character blorbos (haori and inspector hosonaga i love you)
3] Any ships? eehh?? Kind of? I don't really do shipping in the way that fandom does? Usually I'm not as invested in ships much because I care way more about the platonic relationships. so there's a lot of ships that i just kind of shrug and go "yeah, sure! i'll take that as headcanon" and accept it without being invested, and otherwise most other ships i'm just neutral on. when I AM invested in romantic pairs i still am like. completely chill with them not being romantic it's more of just an investment in that pair and their dynamic lol
THAT BEING SAID. Asoryuu. Susahao. Ginasusa. Uhhhh. whatever the ship name for holmes & yuujin is. Those are the ones you'll see me reblogging. I'm either very invested in them or at least have them as my headcanon depending on which it is but! those are them <3 susato polyamory real. everything else is generally just a "eh not for me" or "yea sure why not"
4] Thoughts on Susato My thoughts are uuummm she's me! HSDJKHF. I'm usually pretty quiet about kin stuff on tumblr but. [gestures to my tag masterlist with one of them labelled "kin tag" pretty openly] not necessarily hiding it either lol lol. Hi! She's me <3 I'm her <3 i am incapable of pretending to be a normal average person about dgs. those little guys in there are my family. I mean this so genuinely
That fact that I'm kin with her aside though I think she's a really good character I'm just like. kinnie lens makes character analysis interesting lol. To an outsider's perspective though I suppose she'd technically be my favourite character? I'm gonna write a whole ass fic going over the entirety of the events of the game from susato's point of view just to put all my thoughts somewhere so. FKJDFDLK if that gives you any idea of how frequently i am thinking about her.
Come talk to me about her introductory line in 1-1 that is just "in my darkest hour, with nowhere left to go, she appeared like a bolt of lightning." i'm SUPER fucking normal about it i'll wax poetic about it for hours. honestly i'll wax poetic about ANYTHING re: susato for HOURS because listen. listen. i have the insider knowledge. i have so many thoughts all the time i'm bark bark bark
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ultraviolet-ink · 11 months
Hi hi, I've never done an ask thing on tumblr before so sorry if I do it wrong somehow, lol. ~
I was going to get caught up on your long fic tonight but AO3 is broken, so instead I'm going to gush about how much I've been enjoying it so far! I have just a couple chapters left until I'm caught up, and I'm stoked to read them as soon as I can! I absolutely adore your writing style, it's been such a pleasure to indulge in.
I feel like you've captured the characters so well in your writing. Absolutely love seeing how you've portrayed Mikotoba's many conflicting feelings. When I was playing the game I was like, okay but I need to see more of exactly why he left Japan and what that was like, and you've captured exactly what I wanted so well! Reading about his journey to London was so much fun, and I've loved seeing him develop even more as he's gotten more accustomed to being there! And watching his relationship with Sholmes progress has been such a delight. And ahhh the letters from back home! And baby Susato! I love them!
I've finally been getting around to reading the original ACD stories and seeing all the references to them has been so much fun. I love love love reading the cases you've been including in the stories, but the little domestic day to day journal entries are delightful as well!
I can't wait to read more and see how the story progresses further. Thank you so so so much for your writing, I desperately wanted fanfics after finishing the games and this fic has not disappointed! So stoked to see where it goes next! ^u^
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this!! <3 This is an absolutely lovely ask to wake up to, you are absolutely too kind, thank you so much! :D I was definitely in the same boat as you were when I decided to start the fic, I really wanted to explore why Yujin would leave when Susato was so young, and especially how it affected him! From what we see in the games, he really does care for her greatly, and is quite doting to the point where he would literally help her break the rules lol! He's such an interesting character to me, especially since we don't get to see much of him until close to the end of TGAA2. Part of the fun for me is all the research that I've been able to find! I'm a big fan of day to day life, especially when it makes you realize "wow, these were just people, they had their errands and they had games, and they got bored too!", makes you think that you could easily be friends with someone from well over 100 years ago, and I really find that beautiful! Baby Susato's pastiches are also some of my favorite parts to write too haha! I get really excited for her birthday chapters because I get to show her growing up <3 ACD canon is so great, I love it a lot (obviously lol XD), and it's been a fun challenge to diverge from them! My personal favorite is The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton because of how evil and smarmy the villain is (and, unlike Moriarty, he manages to get a name drop in the title...! That's how you KNOW he's someone you shouldn't take lightly) Thank you once again for your lovely and thoughtful ask, it's truly humbling, and I legitimately can't stop smiling omg omg omg! <3 I'm really happy that you are enjoying my fic so much, and like you, I hope Ao3 gets back up soon!
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061890 · 3 years
Asougi and Naruhodou’s speeches and localization
A while back when the Great Ace Attorney was first released, I made a post on my DGS Twitter on some… Not great localization changes made in the first Escapade in the game's DLC. Namely, the topic of Asougi's speech.
In the Dai Gyakuten Saiban subtitles channel's translation of the DLC, Asougi's speech excerpt is this:
"Now's the time to make a stand! All you young and elderly, gentlemen and ladyfolk of the downtrodden classes!"
In Japanese: 「さあ! 今こそ立ち上がれ! 低所得者層の老若男女よ!」
While the translation uses the phrase "downtrodden classes", the original text uses  「低所得者層」 specifically, referring to low-income working class people. This is relevant due to the fact that, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, rapid modernization and changes in Japanese labor relations led to the mistreatment of the working class. The emphasis on social harmony, along with censorship and restricting the right to assembly (which would later become criminalized in 1900), made it difficult to organize labor strikes.
And yes, while this DLC episode was very much a slice-of-life thing compared to the rest of the Great Ace Attorney, the original topics of both Asougi and Naruhodou's speeches are very informative of their characters and political views; Asougi especially, which makes the changes made in the localization even more confusing.
See, at the time, rapid industrialization was done in order to bolster the military, as the government believed back then that doing so was necessary at the threat of European imperialism; however, as real-life history shows, this directly led to Japan doing irreparable damage in its own imperialist conquest.
So, for Asougi to have given a speech explicitly in support of low-income working class people was not just him being anti-capitalist, it also very much had to do with him being anti-militarist and anti-imperialist as well. 
Him planning to say 「老若男女」 ("men and women of all ages")  —specifically, him mentioning women of low-income in the working class— also references how labor relations for female workers in the textile industry were mostly girls from poor families that worked in wealthy households in preparation for marriage. Similarly, Asougi acknowledging workers of all ages references how at the time, Japanese labor unions were more inclusive than that of the United States', as apprentices could join regardless of age and skill level. 
Kazuma Asougi is, to the surprise of few, an incredibly political person. In fact, his actions here and generally recalcitrant treatment of authority figures, parallel left-wing socialist views at the time:
"One ideological faction [of the early labor leaders] favored discussion and cooperation with management, avoided strikes and political issues, and tried to win higher wages through improved productivity. These were moderates who favored harmony between labor and capital. The other major faction favored confrontation with management, thrived on political issues, and embraced the strike weapon. These were the left-wing socialists." — The Birth of the Japanese Labor Movement by Stephen E. Marsland
Even the year wherein he gave his speech, namely, the summer of 1897 is relevant to Japan's labor movement and how Asougi's character is rooted in exploitation by Western powers. This is because in April of 1897, Takano Fusataro, a Japanese labor activist, wrote "A Summons to the Workers", calling for the workers of Japan to organize at the threat of being exploited by foreign capitalist powers. Asougi's speech even parallels some of it, but notably, advocates for confrontation now while Fusataro discouraged revolution and radicalization, instead advocating for gradual change.
From "A Summons to the Workers":
"Stand up, you workers! Stand up and organize unions!"
Asougi's speech:
「さあ! 今こそ立ち上がれ! 低所得者層の老若男女よ!」
"Now's the time to make a stand! All you young and elderly, gentlemen and ladyfolk of the downtrodden classes!"
Note: Fusataro references men due to "Summons" being directed towards factory workers at the time, but Asougi's speech generally references workers of all ages due to having a different audience.
In sharp contrast, Naruhodou's speech is about filial piety:
"Let's all cherish our mothers and fathers!"
Asougi losing all support for what was considered a very gutsy and controversial speech when he made a single slip-up —that being the infamous tongue twister— where Naruhodou wins for a very simple, even boring, speech tells us a lot about how they're seen by society. 
Asougi in canon is considered arrogant and annoying by multiple authority figures —namely, Auchi— because he's outspoken about current events and politics; and while being 23 years old is very much an adult by our standards, in Meiji era Japan, one couldn't vote unless they were male, over the age of 25, and paid taxes of at least 15 yen per year. This was something that mainly landowners and ex-samurai could do.
Naruhodou, on the other hand, is initially a typical Japanese young man that conforms to the status quo. He dislikes going against his parents' wishes, and as his speech shows, advocates for an idea that's the standard in Japanese society. He's also notably apolitical, as originally, when he claims he and Asougi talked about politics over lunch, Asougi corrects him stating he only ever talked about comedy theatre.
Note: While Naruhodou uses the term 「愛国」 (あいこく, lit. love of one's country, basically patriotism) when talking about he and Asougi's "debates", from literally everything we know about Asougi's political views, I seriously doubt Asougi was being patriotic when he criticizes the government as often as he does. That, and the fact that Naruhodou is already a very unreliable narrator and doesn’t even remember what actually happened.
Similarly, in the Japan-only DLC episode for Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2, he chides Naruhodou for not keeping up with current events:
Asougi: "It sounds like you haven't been reading the papers, Naruhodou." 
Naruhodou: "N-No, not so much lately..."
Asougi: [...] "Defence attorneys didn't exist in our country until only recently. Our reputations are still as low as mud, being called shysters who make underhanded deals. It's stuff like this which makes us have to claw back the people's trust. You should read at least this much, Naruhodou."
Naruhodou: "Urghhh… Newspapers are too complicated…"
Now, to return to the topic of the Great Ace Attorney, Asougi in the localization instead gives this speech:
Asougi: "So arise, ladies and gentlemen, and applaud our forefathers' plight and the fight for filial piety!"
...Thus, making him losing to Naruhodou a matter of skill and verbal articulation rather than that of politics. While again, yes, the DLC episodes are very much just extra content, the fact of the localization changing this not only weakens Asougi's character due to him being a very political person, but goes directly against his character.
After all, his original speech was a call to action for laborers in a time where labor relations were based in a parent-child (oyataka and kokata) dynamic for employers and employees respectively. To have him say that when he originally challenged this authority is just plain wrong, especially when Japanese society expects one to defer to their elders and authority.
Not only that, but Asougi's motivations for traveling to London had to do with how he and his immediate family were killed or harmed because of the Professor ordeal. He makes no mention of being obligated by his family name, even when he tells Naruhodou and Susato about them, nor the idea of clearing Genshin's name of wrongdoing. After all, while Genshin supposedly being the Professor was concealed from the public, it still would have brought him and his family shame in the wider Asougi family as a result.
While the Great Ace Attorney being localized certainly brings many great things —accessibility, directors' commentary, etc.— to the Ace Attorney's audience, it has several flaws in its localization, and this speech thing is just one of them; one particularly egregious example being Megundal being made Irish in a time where they were racially discriminated against, not to mention the antisemitism in DGS1-3, but that's a post for another day. 
In the meantime, I can only wonder why this change was made to a character whose story is inherently rooted in questioning authority, and speaking out regarding Japanese politics and current events at the time.
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
Do a drabble on Barok’s and his s/o wedding day and night.
The Ring of Truth
Notes: Hmmm! This is another of those scenarios that would no doubt differ depending on S/O's gender and, possibly, their standing in society. I'm going to proceed on the assumption that the wedding is a private affair that is conducted in a rather unconventional manner.
Also, sorry anon, I didn't end up writing about the wedding night – perhaps another time!
In this instance, S/O is gender neutral (they/them pronouns). Barok refers to them using petnames.
Content Warnings: fluff, marriage, Herlock Sholmes
"You know," Herlock Sholmes began, causing Barok to surreptitiously roll his eyes, "It just so happens that I'm a recognised member of the clergy!"
That one caused a small ripple of shock at the table, "Are you really?" Barok replied dryly, because no doubt this was going to form part of a 'witty' (and lengthy) anecdote that would drone on and on until the teller forgot what he was talking about and changed to some other inane subject.
"Yes, indeed," Sholmes said, taking a brief puff on his pipe, "I was ordained into the priesthood as thanks for my swift, discreet solving of a little matter that was upsetting Vatican City..."
"Oh Mr. Sholmes you simply must tell us more!" Susato chimed in, clasping her hands together in delight.
"Why I'd love to, my dear madam."
"Yes," Barok muttered, "There's nothing you love more than the sound of your own voice..."
"Rather a rude quip, Mr. Reaper, and from a lawyer no less!"
"At least when I talk it holds some relevance to it."
"Hmmm, I suspect what I say here will hold relevance some day down the line..."
And, much to Barok's disbelief, Sholme's words held true when he found himself in need of someone to officiate a ceremony between him and his beloved. He'd abandoned his faith a long while ago, when Klint died, and he did not care to rejoin a flock again.
While his beloved had never been much for faith and was similarly without a Parish Church to call theirs. In such circumstances, Barok had finally cast his mind back to the irksome detective's declaration to the effect that he was a 'member of the clergy'.
Any ceremony they conducted would be unofficial, of course, given their circumstances, but they were both keen to be married in a symbolic sense. An exchange of rings and words. It was not something Barok had thought he wanted, but a growing part of him had become deeply keen on the idea of a 'wedding' with his beloved.
So, much to his chagrin, he found himself calling at 211B Baker Street to speak to Sholmes.
"My dear man!" Sholmes exclaimed excitedly, "A wedding is a truly auspicious affair, and the wedding of a Reaper must be doubly so in some realm or another!"
Barok peered at the detective, lips drawn into a thin line, "Answer the question, man, will you officiate or not?"
"Nothing would delight me more! Now, might I suggest the perfect venue?"
". . . . You may suggest what you like, but I remain at liberty to reject your request on account of it no doubt being utterly ridiculous."
"Come now, Mr. Reaper, I'm not about to suggest you be wed in a hot air balloon or something of that nature! Though, come to think of it, that would be quite a thrilling way in which to 'tie the knot' haha!"
". . . . I'm starting to lose my patience, Sholmes..."
"Running out of wine, are we?"
"That's neither here nor there," Barok observed, taking a sip of wine, "Though it does mean that casting this hallowed chalice at your head would be a more worthwhile use for it..."
"Yes, yes, no doubt you've the right of it, sir!" it seemed nothing could affect the detective's mood when his spirits were high, not even the threat of violence from the Reaper himself, "Anyway, as I was saying: I think a ceremony, right here, in Baker Street, would be perfect. There can be no more romantic venue than the living quarters of the greatest and most famous detective of all time! And the pleasure can be yours, my good fellow, for the nominal fee of one hundred shillings!"
A long silence drew out between the two men: Herlock stood over his guest, leaning in, with a smile on his face and hands out in fanfare while Barok stared at his host, unblinking, before finishing what remained in his chalice.
"No," he finally and bluntly replied, "I have a perfectly attractive ancestral home that can serve as a venue. Naturally, I will permit you the use of one of the cottages within the estate, and you may remain for a spell afterward on holiday if you so wish... but I won't be renting your... eccentric premises. I cannot think of a more chaotic and unappealing place to host a wedding."
Sholmes sighed, "Ah... it must be quite a challenge to be so perpetually dour! Still, I admire your tenacity Mr. Reaper!"
"... Thank you, it comes naturally."
"Well, it is settled, give me a date and time and I shall be there posthaste to wed you and your sweetheart in holy matrimony? Unholy matrimony? Oh but wait... what on earth will happen when you reach the 'til death do us part' section of the vows? Being a reaper and all!" Sholmes laughed with delight as he contemplated the absurdity of a reaper being wed.
"I'll see myself out," Barok said, leaving the detective to his amusement.
A few months later, the date of the wedding arrived.
In somewhat unconventional fashion, Barok had selected his lawyerly nemesis, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō, to be his best man. The gesture was not lost on the young man, who took to it with his usual furtive vigour.
"Would you stop looking around like with quite such a terrified look in your eyes?" the groom said, glaring at the best man as he stood there trembling, "Anyone would think it was you getting married."
"Well... uh... yes I... um, sorry," Ryūnosuke eventually managed, "... I suppose I'm still a little surprised that you would ask me, of all people, to be your best man... not least of all given that I have no idea how British wedding ceremonies work."
"Well, happily for you this is far from a conventional one," Barok replied, "Who knows what will go wrong with that idiot detective in charge of proceedings..." it was strangely freeing, however, to know that nothing hinged on this. There were no expectant aristocrats, waiting for anything to go wrong so that they could then gossip about it for years to come; nor extended relatives to have to placate. The intimacy of the ceremony meant that the only thing Barok cared about was his beloved enjoying their day, which was a good concern to have.
"And as for choosing you to be my best man," he continued, "I think you've earned at least that much... Were it not for you, I'd no doubt be dead or transported by now."
It was still sobering to think that he'd almost been convicted of murder...
"... I'm sure you would have managed your own defence, but, I'm glad that we could all reach the truth."
"Yes..." it had been deeply cathartic in its way, perhaps just a touch more so than it had been soul shattering. If not for Ryūnosuke's impressive defence and his beloved's support, Barok was unsure what sort of a mess he would have become post-trial.
The ordeal had only cemented in his mind that this person was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life – however long that might be. He paused as he looked down at the Prosecutor's badge he'd affixed to his suit; Klint's badge. His fingers grazed the finely enameled surface. The fact that his older brother was not here to see him wed was a tragic one, but, he had come to the conclusion that he needed to move forward rather than perpetually looking back.
No doubt Klint would want him to enjoy his day, so he ought to honour that wish.
"Uh... Lord van Zieks?" he realised Ryūnosuke was speaking.
"... You may call me Barok, Mr. Naruhodō."
"Oh... uh..." clearly that had startled him, "In... that case, please call me 'Ryūnosuke'."
"... Very well. What is it, Ryūnosuke?"
"It's time for the ceremony."
Barok took a deep breath and nodded, "... Let's go, then," it had been a long while since he felt the flutter of nerves quite like this; in fact, it reminded him of the first time he stood in a court during his studies for a mock trial full of nervous energy.
To his credit, Sholmes was surprisingly focused and capable in his capacity as an officiator. Barok had to give him credit for that. The proceedings were conducted with an air of sobering warmth and not even a snicker at the 'til death do you part' section. Even the exchange of rings went off without a hitch.
It was all going so well, until––
"I now pronounce you Reaper and Spouse, you may now kiss the demigod."
Barok shot a fierce glare at Sholmes, but was quickly and completely distracted by his beloved's arms around him and their lips on his. He had to lift them up so that they could reach his mouth, but that was easily and readily achieved.
Finally they parted, Barok looking at his love in a delighted stupour, "... Well," he murmured after a few moments pause, "It seems we're now wed..."
"Yes," they replied, with a beaming smile and tears rolling down their cheeks, "And I couldn't be happier..."
It took him a moment to realise that his own eyes were glassy with tears as he looked down at his delighted love; his spouse, "Nor I... You have brought such light into my life, my beloved... it may sound trite, but it's true."
"I love you, Barok," they held him close while he returned the hold in kind; everything else melting into the background as he focused on the love of his life.
"I love you too..."
31 notes · View notes
bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Case of the Unbreakable Speckled Band (Part 3b)
Last Time: After being discovered in Miss Pavlova’s cabin, things didn’t go as badly for us as we thought they would. In fact we got to dance around with Herlock Sholmes the Himbo Detective and discovered that Susato (and presumably someone at Capcom) really knows a lot about snakes, Nikolina has a pet kitten called Darka, and Kazuma apparently died by tripping over said kitten in a tragic accident. However, while it would probably be the best explanation for everyone involved, I’m not entirely sure it’s true as it still doesn’t explain the fact the crime scene was clearly tampered with.
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Well it seems that, like me, Susato’s not entirely convinced Nikolina’s telling us the truth.
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In fact, it looks like she’s sure of it.
You know, I didn’t expect to feel conflicted about finding Kazuma’s killer, but I kind of do...
Like, I came into this fully expecting to feel hatred and anger towards whoever did this. I was expecting to confront some hateful villain on a par with Miss Brett or Manfred Von Karma and to take satisfaction and vengeance in taking them down... but this isn’t that. There’s no conspiracy, no big untouchable threat, there’s just an abused and scared little girl who probably killed Kazuma because she thought he was going to kill her.
I don’t expect to feel good about taking Nikolina down. I think it’ll feel like when we had to go for Adrian Andrews... only this time she’s actually guilty.
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I don’t have anything to add to Susato’s speech, other than it feels important to put it up, and it seems like a good show of who Susato is as a person.
You know, I’ve had a little difficulty pinning Susato down until now, but I think I’ve finally got her. Susato Mikotoba is a woman who believes in truth and justice, and will go to great lengths to reveal it... even if it hurts far more than the lie ever did.
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Herlock’s been quiet for a while now, and I don’t think he’s still reeling from the snake business. It’s difficult to read his expression with his hat like that, so I can’t tell if he’s running through the crime scene in his mind, or if Susato’s words have struck a cord with him.
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Wait WHAT?
Ah, ok. Herlock basically been using this whole thing as a distraction, and was planning to give everything over to Scotland Yard once we arrived home so they could deal with any ‘outstanding issues’.
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(Also he’s handcuffed us again)
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It hadn’t quite clicked before, but no one’s actually considered what Ryunosuke must be feeling. His best friend has just been murdered, and all almost everyone has done, has been to accuse him of killing him. Even among Hosonaga, and later Susato, Ryunosuke hasn’t got to really talk about his feelings, and I’m not sure if anyone’s actually given him the opportunity to do so.
With the next stop looming ever closer, I know we don’t exactly have the time to talk right now, but I hope Ryunosuke gets the chance once this is all done.
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Ok, let’s do this.
Let’s run through what we know doesn’t fit so far:
1) The writing in Russian: not only is it in the wrong language but Kazuma died instantly, meaning that there’s next to no way he wrote this himself, and absolutely no way he did it if he died tripping over a kitten.
2) The ships log has been left blank from after 2am, meaning that who ever was probably in on it.
3) Half of Darka’s bell somehow found it’s way in Nikolina’s bin, meaning someone must have taken it from the crime scene.
4) If someone went into the cabin (which they must have done) they have to have pressed the emergence alarm after they left.
Let’s start with the biggest contradiction shall we? The photographic print.
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Oh Nikolina, that’s not the issue here.
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Ryunosuke’s got it.
Well done Ryunosuke.
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I’m trying to work out what this could be. The bell half perhaps? But that’s something that was taken away surely.
Ok, so just something that proves it wasn’t an accident. Well I’m not too sure if it’s what I’m supposed to be looking for here, but I’ll present the mark on the floor and see what happens.
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Oh thank god!
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Well, not exactly Hosonaga, while it’s true that the tripped kitten explanation does explain how the bell was broken, it doesn’t explain why half of it made its way out of Kazuma’s room and into Nikolina’s bin.
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Exactly Ryunosuke!
So, now that we’ve successfully proved someone was at the crime scene, let’s start working out who could have done it.
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(TBH I still think that, while Nikolina killed Kazuma, Stroganoff was the person who tampered with the crime scene. The writing just feels a bit too calculated to be Nikolina, especially if she killed Kazuma out of fear.)
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Ah, I was wondering when you’d have enough Stroganoff.
He’s basically saying that we already know I (Ryunosuke) was in the room, and that if what I’m saying is true then it has to be me as the door was bolted from the inside.
However, as I (both Ryunosuke and me) have zero knowledge of Russian, it’s impossible for me to have written the message. What we do have however, is knowledge as to how the door was bolted from the outside, which we must be getting close to revealing.
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That’s... a really good question actually. Why didn’t they just take the whole thing?
Ah, I see. I was looking at this from the eyes of someone from the modern era of electric lights, rather than with the eyes of someone who lives with jolly old Victorian lighting. The floor wasn’t visible enough to make out half of a cats bell.
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Shit... she’s their kid...
You know, while we still don’t know exactly how Nikolina came onboard this ship, I’d kind of assumed that the sailors (or perhaps someone affiliated with them) had found her trying to stow away or hiding down by the docks, and taken pity on her and decided to help her out. Because, I thought, there was no way Nikolina would reach out to strangers for help, given how scared she is. But the answer is that they weren’t strangers. They were family.
That’s why they’ve all been ready to risk everything without hesitation, even if it means covering up a murder. She’s their kid, and I’m about to make them watch it all be for nothing.
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Yeah, Ryunosuke... it is...
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(I love the way these spirits combine together. Nikolina looks even smaller and younger next to Stroganoff, and her hiding behind him while his fighting stance partly shields her does a good job of showing how things are for them right now. It makes me think of images of cornered animals protecting their young.)
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Because he’s lying, but then I think you’ve already figured that out.
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My time has come.
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Susato, it’s ok. I’ve got this, you don’t need to make us look bad by suggesting things you know aren’t true.
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(Again, me an Rynosuke operate on the same wavelength now)
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Look at him go! He’s even using Susato’s fancy words to explain it!
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And there goes the bolt on the door!
Now we’re explaining that the emergency stop button can be pressed at various different points around the ship, including, crucially, just outside these two cabins.
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Oh Susato, you know as well as I do that this whole things had Herlock’s fingerprints all over it.
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(Important information, along with not being trusted with a pet, do not trust Herlock Sholmes with any machinery or control panels)
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To be honest this is the appropriate reaction. We’re at sea Herlock! Don’t mess with the thing that stands between us and drowning!
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Herlock ‘But Did You Die’ Sholmes: Now lets not lose sight of the fact I got us evidence.
And the worst part is that he’s right.
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Not if you drugged everyone!
I think it’s finally time to bring up the blank ships log.
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Ok team, Herlock’s in charge of our excuses from now on!
We’re going through the fact that the log was blank, which with Stroganoff’s meticulous ritual of writing: Nothing to Report, every half hour on the dot, means that there definitely was something to report.
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We sure are suggesting that Susato!
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Not if you were drugged Hosonaga!
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Ok, have the drugs finally worn off on Herlock’s brain, because he’s saying really smart things now. Or is it just that he’s taking things seriously rather than using this whole thing as a distraction?
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Susato’s got it too!
So, because it’s such a large scale job, it couldn’t have been pulled off by any one person, meaning that the entire crew must have been in on it.
(Poor drugged Hosonaga, they really identified you weren’t one of them the second you set foot on this ship didn’t they?)
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Now see, the problem with this strategy, is that while Bif might not be happy about the rest of his crew getting into trouble, I feel like this is a Murder on the Orient Express scenario, in the sense that everyone involved fully acknowledge the risks and came into this prepared to go down if necessary.
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Yeah, he’s not happy, but he’s not cracking.
In fact, I’m not sure anything could cause him to crack. He is the one person’s standing between Nikolina and (potentially) death. I can’t see any way he’s going to back down.
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I understand now, Herlock wasn’t aiming for him. Because they’re Nikolina’s family too.
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It seems to be just like we suspected. Nikolina asked them to help her escape, and so, as one, the crew agreed to help her. They put sleeping drugs in the chicken so no one would notice what was happening, and got one of their comrades on the shore of Shanghai to take her to the ship at midnight.
Here’s the problem we have now though. Now she’s covering for them. Even if I’m wrong about Stroganoff or another member of the crew writing the message, the ships log means that they either knew or found out, and I can’t imagine they would have sat by and done nothing.
Wait a second though. We met Nikolina in her cabin, which means she must have got back inside some way or another. She couldn’t have done that if she was the one who pressed the alarm. I think this could be a way to establish someone must have helped her.
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They’re still fighting, and to be honest I didn’t expect anything else. They’re both protecting each other now and it’s going to take nothing but evidence to make them budge.
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I’m going to be perfectly honest Herlock, you’ve kind of lost me.
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In fact I think you’ve lost most of the room...
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Ryunosuke, don’t play dumb. We must dance!
(Or observe, that’s good too)
Right, well we’ve worked out Stroganoff was the one who did the fabrication, so we should probably focus on him first.
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Got you.
To be honest I’m at a loss as to how he got some of the ink round there. Perhaps he knocked the ink over when he was sorting the crime scene out.
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Or perhaps it was on his finger and he accidentally rubbed it over when he held his hands like this?
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... I thought so...
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So, just after one in the morning, Bif was patrolling the corridor when a scared an pail Nikolina came up to him desperate for help. He followed her to Kazuma’s cabin and found him on the floor. Apparently the event before went on like Nikolina said, only instead of luring Darka through the vent, she went next door because she was worried about the sounds she’d heard through the vent.
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... he’s still shielding her isn’t he?
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I think Susato knows it too.
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The problem is, that Nikolina’s following Bif’s lead. Perhaps if we had the chance to talk to her alone we’d know we were getting the truth, but not with Bif there. And to be honest I’m not sure I can really blame either of them for that.
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I’m not 100% sure to be honest. And I don’t think I will be until this case is closed.
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I’ll take that as not being done then.
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I have no idea...
(His fist was closed, could that be the issue?)
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(Thank you god of video games!)
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Yeah, we’re not going to be able to guess!
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Nikolina’s earring!
Which he couldn’t have had if he was dead when she came in!
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(Stroganoff’s face seems to suggest that we’ve reached the final curtain.)
I don’t think either of them can explain away this.
(Again, lead with the earring next time Herlock)
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Things are in the right order now.
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He let her in. He thought she was Hosonaga so he let her in.
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It’s all going fine right now, but we know how this ends.
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Of course he did, just by looking at Nikolina you can see she’s been through a lot, and besides, Kazuma has a secret all of his own.
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Here we go. Whatever it might be, the thing that triggered Nikolina’s survival instinct is coming.
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Ah shit...
You know, since the moment Darka disappeared through that vent, I’m not sure things were ever going to end differently. Kazuma was always going to open the door, he was always going to help the frightened girl he found there, and being the incredibly quick man that he was, he was always going to recognize her.
And Kazuma was always going to want to look into the situation, and that was always going to tip Nikolina into a panic. And then sooner or later she was going to lash out in what seemed to her to be necessary self defence.
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Here it is.
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So this wasn’t the trigger. But then what was?
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Oh no. He was going to get Ryunosuke from the wardrobe. The wardrobe Nikolina couldn’t possibly grasp the significance of, but that was right next to the bell cord.
(Also didn’t I say the captain was somehow to blame?)
(What do you guys say we chalk it up to him and put this whole business behind us?)
(And yes I do know that I’m stalling again)
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... in a panic you struck out... and he stumbled... and hit his head on the way down...
I see, so Darka put him off balance first. And so when you pushed him he he hit his head on the bedpost.
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Fear, adrenaline, and a lack of judgment due to stress and trauma. Perhaps if this had happened on any day other than the one where you’d just fled things would have been different, but maybe not. It’s hard to tell.
And we know the rest...
Stroganoff cleared away as much of Nikolina’s presence as he could find, and in doing so found Ryunosuke asleep in the wardrobe. It must have seemed like fate was giving him a stranger who could take the fall instead of his kid.
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So Nikolina was the one who ‘cleared away’ the bell. That explain why some of it was left behind, and why it ended up in her bin. Stroganoff would probably have thrown it overboard.
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What’s that?
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I see, that’s a good question.
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What he said about the inspector...
Oh dear.
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Hosonaga, you were literally drugged at the time, and I’m still pretty sure you were set up to fail (which does raise the question of what would have happened to Kazuma if Nikolina hadn’t killed him)
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I see, she’s realized that he was going for Ryunosuke, thus slotting the final piece of this whole tragedy neatly into place.
(These two cases are really going all out in very different ways. The next one better let me relax and have fun Maskqu de Masque style. I’m not sure I can take much more of this.)
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Here it comes, the unnecessariness of the whole murder.
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Ryunosuke’s best friend has been murdered because of the misunderstandings of a child, and he’s been raked over the coals because of that. While it might not be the kindest thing to say for Nikolina, it’s an important thing to say for Ryunosuke, and I feel he’s justified in saying it.
In fact it would probably be a bad sign if he didn’t say this. He’s as much of a victim in this whole affair as anyone. I’m glad he’s at least getting an apology from Nikolina, even though it’s unfortunately gone past the point where that would be useful.
It’s finally over, and just as I predicted it doesn’t feel good.
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‘It’s just a scratch’, you said.
‘Go to a hospital’, we cried.
‘No need, just give me a few hours to click my face back into position and pass me back my glasses lenses and I’ll be fine’
Hosonaga, you are unkillable and this is exactly why you’re superiors had to resort to shipping you out.
Ok, enough fun declaring Hosonaga to be our new god. Let’s go back to the serious and depressing business of Nikolina.
So, it seems like Nikolina will be handed over to Scotland Yard, and Herlock will sort things out with the immigrations office so she doesn’t have to go back to Russia.
Also the way they’re talking about her future means that she’s not going to be executed (thank god), which makes sense given that she committed manslaughter rather than murder. Whether or not she goes to prison will probably depend on the judge as, while she has the fact that she’s a white female child, she is also not English and speaks with a strong accent, and therefore, is going to be subjected to a lot of Xenophobia.
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Again, I’m glad Ryunosuke’s getting these apologies.
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Wait, are you sure Stroganoff? Like yeah, you’re not going to get done for murder, and the whole defending a kid thing will  play of pretty well in court (plus the man you accused wasn’t English and has a less white skin tone than you). But you are also a Russian man with a strong accent and you won’t be able to fall back on being a child or let the evils of sexism and xenophobia fight each other.
Well at least we’re free again, even if we’re in a worst place than when we started.
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You know he will Ryunosuke. And given how well he was defending her till now, I think he might just succeed.
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But we have to get to England to make Kazuma’s dream come true!
Herlock, can you come to us again in our hour of need? I know we have a lot of them but...
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(I swear to god this game is shooting for my jugular)
We’re holding Kazuma’s sword, aka, his spirit. Please don’t make me let it go game.
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Is it too much to ask for them to hug? I think they both need it.
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Hold us Hosonaga.
(Though not me (Eleanor). Instinct tells me we must remain two meters apart so our weird lungs don’t accidentally take each other out.)
(I cannot be the person who killed Hosonaga)
(And yes I am trying  to lighten the mood with my talk of genetic lung conditions because I’m aware it’s only going to get sadder)
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(Told you)
There was nothing you could have done Hosonaga, and it’s become my own private mission now to find a way to prove that to you.
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Game are we going to have to sail to England on Hosonaga’s guilt?
I’m aware that you’ve got a whole fun game lined up over there, but is this really the only way?
Can’t we just go to Japanfornia instead, track down Amy Fey (if she’s even been born yet) and get Kazuma back on our team?
No... ok...
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He’s amusing himself at least...
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(You know what, I’ve decided right now that this is a family friendly blog, so no, I’m not going to say what I’m thinking. You can’t make me.)
Also read the room Herlock, the three of us were having a moment!
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Nice save.
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Ryunosuke’s trying to throw himself under the buss and send Susato and Herlock and Hosonaga off to go live out the rest of the game without him.
Sorry Ryunosuke, but you’re the protagonist. We can’t leave without you.
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That’s it! Ryunosuke, you’re naturally good at lawyering! It’s time for you to take up Kazuma’s mantle!
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Am I chopped liver to you Susato?
Are we doing a studying montage on the ship over?
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Yes Ryunosuke!
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Training montage Hosonaga!
You can help! Teach me how to be the crime scene thief and not give a damn!
(Actually on second thoughts, maybe you should sit this one out and offer moral support instead)
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Said Hosonaga, knowing that I wasn’t.
(*Eye of the tiger starts to play*)
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Oh good, I’d forgotten about Kazuma’s morally ambiguities loose end.
(Probably because every character I fancy has one of them and it’s no longer anything to write home about.)
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Let’s do this Susato, me an you all the way!
Hosonaga? You cool too?
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Wait, now is not the time to be sensible Hosonaga! Remember when we got Miss Brett? That was against protocol and it meant we got to see her take off via her big hat! (Although we didn’t get justice and it ended with you being shipped out, but let’s not dwell on that.)
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Hosonaga normally (while shovelling three tables worth of crockery into his bag): Nothing will get in my way! I’ll lay my life on the line if I have to! I will strait up ignore the rules if I think they are unjust!
Hosonaga when Herlock is present: I have never broken a rule in my life, nor would I ever do so. I am the most sensible and down to earth man you will ever meet, please ignore the way I am dressed right now.
What happened Hosonaga, did you watch me and Herlock doing our dance of deduction and immediately decided someone had to be the adult and it might as well be you?
Or... did watching Herlock roll around on the floor and cling like a limpet to the walls make you wonder that this is how you come across?
Because to be honest you were loudly declaring yourself the Crime Scene Thief just last trial... so I don’t think you’ll ever be able to create too much contrast in our eyes.
Come on Crime Scene Thief!
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Herlock’s aiming right for Hosonaga’s canonically shit schooling with those words.
Remember who you are Hosnaga! You’re the badass who lay his life on the line for us!
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(I like how much Herlock’s talking Ryunoskue up, I guess this makes up for the fact he handcuffed us again for the asthenic)
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Hooray!!! Hosonaga’s taking us to Disneyland England!
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“Hello, this is Saturo Hosanaga. Just calling to say that I’ve done it again... yes I understand that my breaking the rules makes you sad, but I simply will not stop... well you see, they’re unfair and heavily biased in your favour. Also we both know if you could have stopped me you would have done so long ago. Goodbye.”
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Capcom! Stop trying to make me get to England off of Hosonaga’s guilt!
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Allow me to come with you, or at the very least please borrow the KBS (Kazuma’s big sword) for protection.
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Goodbye Hosonaga... until we meet again...
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But (and I need to make this very clear Capcom gods) not my mentor!
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The KBS!
We will guard this with our lives!
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(Karuma huh? That name sounds faintly familiar.)
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(Ok Google, now play Eye Of The Tiger)
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Oh thank god, she just wants to be even!
Ryunosuke, are you sure you’re even able to do that?
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You heard the lady Ryunosuke. (And no this totally isn’t because I want to see if you’re even able to do it.)
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Herlock, I love you, but...
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Poor sweet Ryunosuke...
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Ah, I see it’s time to be sad again.
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Oh Kazuma, what were you up to?
Anyways, that’s it for The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band. Join me next time for The Adventure of the Runaway Room!
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dreamerswriter · 3 years
Ryunosuke x Susato: Christmas Gifts
So, I love this ship. It is built well and taken care of wonderfully. Especially whenever they were in any situation. It was such a delight to read their dialogue! I haven’t actually had this much fun reading this since Apollo, Athena, and Trucy. Also, when Phoenix and Trucy were paired up for a bit until that was taken from us. 
So, I saw Yumikumo and their idea on the 12 Days of Christmas. I am in love with The Great Ace Attorney cast, so why not write this out?! Enjoy! 
It was their first Christmas together in Baker Street, and everyone was very excited to spend it together. Though, Ryunosuke wasn't too sure how he was going to find the perfect gift for Susato. He was sitting in the flat, deep in thought. Kazuma was reading a law book while Professor Yujin was helping Sherlock with another invention of his. Irene had taken Iris, Gina, Maria, Haori, and Susato out for the night to buy Christmas gifts. They were doing a simple gift exchange, so Sherlock deemed it appropriate for the boys and girls to shop separately. They even invited Lord Barok Van Zieks on their Christmas exchange with Mrs. Hudson even attending too. The Mittlemont family had already delivered their gifts, and Lord Barok was even going to bring Benjamin. Everyone had picked the perfect gift for their exchange, except for Ryunosuke. At this point, he couldn't tell if it was his luck, but he couldn't find the perfect gift for Susato!
"Partner, are you ok?" Kazuma asked as he didn't bother to look up from his book.
Ryunosuke jumped as he looked at his best friend to asked in a nervous tone, "Is it my loud thoughts again?"
"Your thoughts are always loud, Ryunosuke" Kazuma answered in a blunt tone.
Ryunosuke sighed in defeat as Kazuma closed his book and faced his best friend. Although Ryunosuke was a very talented lawyer and his little sister is wise beyond her years, neither of them noticed their feelings for the others. Now, Kazuma is very pleased that out of all the man in their lives they've encountered, Susato does have feelings for the only person Kazuma trusted. As for his thoughts on Ryunosuke, he was just grateful he feel for someone who isn't out to kill him, or anyone in their family. What frustrated him beyond belief is that neither of them confessed to the other about their feelings! It was slowly driving him crazy! He has to do something!
"Ah, but loud thoughts are always so helpful!" the Great Detective said as he spun into the living room with a wrench in his hands, "Especially when one needs to deduce his situation"
Kazuma shook his head and cut straight to the chase, "He hasn't found a gift for Susato yet"
The room was silent. Kazuma understood too. Sherlock never admitted this out loud, but he view Ryunosuke has a son. Now, the professor wasn't normally protective of Susato. After all, he knew she could handle herself well in any situation she finds herself in. Though, when it came to finding the perfect partner for her, he was tense on the matter.
"So, you are going to give a gift to my daughter then?" the professor said in a quiet, dangerous tone.
Ryunosuke jumped as Sherlock stood for his best friend's defense to state, "But Ryunosuke is a wonderful young man who always finds the truth! Also, maybe he is buying her a gift as a result of our exchange!"
Well, that was sort of true. Kazuma and Iris were the ones who decided the exchange. Iris wanted to give something to Barok while Kazmua insisted that he exchanged a gift with Haori. Though, the two of them are completely aware that Ryunosuke and Susato have feeling for each other and haven't said anything on the matter! It was time they take matters into their own hands and force them to confess! So, they naturally picked who got who for the exchange. Though, both of them didn't account for overprotective fathers to butt in. Although Yujin and Sherlock are very good friends (Kazuma believed their friendship to that of his with Ryunosuke's), he didn't expect them to get into an argument about Ryunosuke giving a gift to Susato.
"If he even believes he could ever date my daughter, he has another thing coming!" Yujin shouted in a fatherly tone.
"Ryunosuke changed the law! He exposed the darkness!" Sherlock defended.
It was then that Sherlock accidentally hit the record and made it play the "12 Days of Christmas" song. Everyone was quiet as their gazed fell on the record.
"What is that song?" Ryunosuke asked curiously, hoping to ease the tension in the room.
"Ah! The 12 Gifts of Christmas! A traditionally long song about the gifts of Christmas" the Great Detective said warmly.
Ryunosuke paid attention to the song closely as Kazuma and Sherlock noticed this. It appears that Ryunosuke found the perfect gift for Susato. Or, gifts, they should say. They knew what they were going to do over the next couple of days. Yujin noticed their gazes, and well, overprotective fathers tend to be overprotective.
"So, is everyone pleased with their gifts?" Irene asked the girls warmly as they made their way back to the flat in the cold winter morning.
"Yep!" Gina said with a proud smile as Maria nodded her head.
Irene was even carrying a small bag for her gift as Iris happily skipped ahead with her gift. That left Haori and Susato walking behind them. Haori was holding a gift for herself while Susato was looking at hers. She, by her own luck, pulled Ryunosuke's name. She knew she has to find the perfect gift for him, but why was that so hard? Every item she looked at it just wasn't enough for someone like him. She finally managed to find a gift for him, but she still worried if the gift was even good enough for someone like him. Haori noticed her best friend lost in her deep thoughts. As did Irene. She slowly let Gina and Maria catch up to Iris to the flat while joining with Susato and Haori.
"Is everything alright?" she asked kindly to them.
Susato jumped out of her thoughts to find Haori's worried expression and Irene's gently smile.
"I am fine. I'm so sorry if I worried you" she said with a bow.
"It is alright. As your parent of sorts, it is our job to worry. Come, Susato, please tell me what alias you" Irene asked gently to her.
Susato was surprised, but she smiled at her. After all, Irene was as smart as the Great Detective. She must've noticed Susato's worries.
"I'm worried that the gift I gave Naruhodō-san will not be enough" Susato answered dismayed, "He's done so much. I hope it will be enough for him"
Irene suspected as much. Even when she first arrived at the flat, she noticed the loving gazes both Ryunosuke and Susato would share, give, and gaze longing. Irene thought it was cute, but she also had a funny feeling that Iris planned this too. Haori knew Susato had feelings for Ryunsouke, but she also knew Susato was rather self conscious about love. Susato is a strong, wise lady who wishes to find a partner that would respect her and her ideals. Ryunosuke was one of the first gentleman to do this! Haori knew they would be perfect for each other!
"I know there truly is no secret to love" Irene explained warmly, "As long as you put your heart, soul, and mind into the gift, he will love it"
She then walked forward as Haori and Susato looked at the opera singer who imparted an important piece of wisdom to them. Haori chased after her to question her words while Susato looked at the gift and smiled. She understood Irene's words and felt confident about her gift for him. They entered the flat to find the most interesting site before them. Yujin and Sherlock were wresting on the floor while Kazuma and Ryunosuke escaped to the antic until both of them returned in their winter clothing.
"And where do you think you two are going?" Irene asked of them with her glare.
Ryunosuke whimpered while Kazuma answered, "We are going to ensure that the roads are safe for the reaper and his friend to climb up the stairs to the flat! We shall return later!"
With that, the two of them bolted out of the room which made Susato a little sad, but she could at least wrap up her gift for him. Though, they looked at the two grown men fighting on the floor.
"Children, please return to your rooms" Irene said as she picked up one of Iris's smoke guns, "Mother will handle the two fathers"
Gina snickered as Maria and Iris took her back to the room. Irene then aimed the gun and prepared to fire some sense into both men.
The next few days, everyone was getting ready for Christmas. Decorations were hanged, presents were placed, and meals were being prepared. There were no cases for them, so they were mostly able to relax at the flat. Though, for the past two days, Ryunosuke, Kazuma, and Sherlock ran out of the flat every day to prepare Susato's gift. Susato wished to speak with Ryunosuke, but he quickly left or hide himself in his room. She was confused for the reason, but she also didn't understand why her father was more protective to her. Soon enough, Christmas did arrive. Lord Van Zieks arrived with a happy Benjamin. Mrs. Hudson arrived with a warm batch of cookies. The flat was certainly lively. From music, to dancing, to telling stories, eating, and talking, the night never seemed to end! Of course, it was time to exchange gifts. Iris exchanged with Lord Van Zieks, Gina with Benjamin, Maria with Mrs. Hudson, Yujin with Kazuma, Sherlock with Irene, Haori with the Mittlemonts, and lastly, Susato was ready to exchange her gift with Ryunosuke. Though, he was nowhere to be found.
"Where is he?" Gina exclaimed annoyed.
Sherlcok was struggling to contain his laughter as Irene glared at him.
"What have you done?" Irene asked in a threatening tone.
"Well, this is part two to my Christmas gift, you could say" he answered as he burst into a fit of laughter and gaining the attention of everyone in the room.
Iris and Mrs. Hudson both gave disapproving expressions to the detective. Benjamin could hear something coming from outside and walked to the windows to open it.
"Wow!" he exclaimed, "You have to see this!"
Soon enough, everyone went to the windows to see Ryunosuke talking with a bunch of people as well as a large row of birds! Irene and Mrs. Hudson glared at the laughing detective as Ryunosuke waved to them from outside.
He cupped his hands around his mouth as he shouted with all his might, "SUSATO! THIS IS MY CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU! THE 12 GIFTS OF CHRISTMAS!"
It was at that moment, Mrs. Hudson, Irene, Iris, Yujin, Barok, Benjamin, and the Mittlemonts all turned to the detective who collapsed on the floor from laughter. Irene was about to strange him for doing this while Iris was already giving him a full lecture. As for Gina, Maria, Kazuma, Haori, and Susato, they were watching with great interest as the people and birds played their parts to the song just as Mycroft arrived with his gift. He was unamused when he could hear his little brother laughing in the distance and concluded that this was all his doing. Once it was finished and Ryunosuke paid them, he returned to the flat with the five gold rings to give to Susato.
"Susato-san!" he shouted with a bow and held out the rings to her, "You're the best legal assistant! I'm so lucky to have someone like you at my side to guide and support me! I hope I can continue to be by your side and help you through anything! MERRY CHRISTMAS, SUSATO-SAN!"
She was flustered, relieved, and surprised all at once. She honestly never expected a gift like this. She reached out and held his hands and the rings with a warm smile on her face. Ryunosuke looked up and aw her beautiful smile. Susato finally understood Irene's words and took a step forward to him.
"Thank you, Naruhodō-san" she said warmly, "I love you and you gift"
The room was deathly silent as they heard Susato's confession.
Ryunosuke felt great relief, joy, and happiness as he beamed, "Oh, Susato-san! Thank you! I love you too!"
He pulled her into a warm hug as she exclaimed in delight. Everyone in the flat was relieved to finally see them together, though, Irene, Iris, and Mrs. Hudson were going to give the detective an earful with Mycroft's help. Once Ryunosuke released Susato, she pulled out her gift to him. He opened it, smiled, and thanked her by pulling her into another warm embrace with Kazuma and Iris sharing a pleased expression. Yujin sighed in relief that his daughter did find a wonderful partner, but he was a little sad to see her growing up as well and no longer depending on him. Sherlock patted his best friend's shoulder and flashed a reassuring smile to him. As for Susato's gift, it was a photo of all of them standing in front of the flat with joyful expressions. It was after the final trial when the photo was taken, though they didn't have time to give the photo to most of the guest before departing back to home. Now, everyone has a copy of the wonderful photograph along with the wonderful memories behind it.
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear Anonymous,
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I still have yet to play (or watch) DGS2, unfortunately, so we’ll have to save that part for another time, but I’d love to delve into the shared adventures of this adorable duo in the first game.
When Ryuunosuke first meets Susato, she’s nothing more to him than an ally in his defense in court.
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He doesn’t see her again until he and Kazuma find themselves at the end of their rope.
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It makes you wonder if she’s the one who founded whatever School of Interrupting at Just the Right Time so many Ace Attorney characters apparently went to, doesn’t it?
When she appears, “calm and dignified, in our desperate final moments,” to use Ryuunosuke’s words, she causes quite the stir.  Luckily, the five minutes granted to her by the judge to present some crucial evidence is all she needs to help him and Kazuma pull off the first turnabout in Ace Attorney’s history.
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The mysterious legal assistant’s wish for Ryuunosuke’s good fortune was granted, apparently.
Thus Ryuunosu--  Um...  Is it okay if I call him “Ryu” for short?  Thus Ryu’s life was saved by a humble young woman who had the courage and decency to collect, summarize, and present the evidence that turned the case around in the nick of time.  After leaving to finish his acquittal procedures with a humble bow, she disappeared, never to be seen by him again.
Or so he thought.
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Similar to Phoenix and Maya’s first encounter, Ryu and Susato's second meeting occurs under the most tragic of circumstances.  His close friend and classmate has been found dead in his cabin on the ship he managed to smuggle himself onto.  Unlike Phoenix and Maya’s situation, however, it’s the lawyer (or soon-to-be lawyer) who is initially blamed for his death.  To make matters worse, the young woman who helped to save his life isn’t feeling quite so compassionate this time around.
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Her anger and distrust are understandable, considering that the evidence seems to point to Ryu as the culprit, on top of the fact that Kazuma was her foster brother.  Luckily, she’s polite and reasonable enough to hear Ryu’s side of things, and even claims that she wants to believe him, so the two of them are at least able to treat each other civilly.
That is...until he tries to start investigating.
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There’s a bucket load of energy beneath that demure countenance of hers, it turns out.  Her move even has a special name -- the “Susato Toss.”  Who would’ve thought she came straight out of Street Fighter?
Thankfully, she still has a reasonable side.
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By presenting evidence of his innocence, Ryu not only vindicates himself, but finally starts to gain Susato’s trust.
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Sadly, her trust only lasts until a certain world-famous detective shows up to accuse Ryu of being a Russian revolutionary.
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It’s hard to blame her, of course.  Who wouldn’t trust THE Sherlock Holmes’s logic?
Nonetheless, her determination to find out more about Kazuma’s death is strong enough for her to begrudgingly continue the investigation with Ryu.  One notable moment occurs here when he attempts to gain favor wither her by appealing to her love of mystery novels.
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She’s no fool, of course, and only dislikes him even more for expecting her to fall for it.
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If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was the “main characters don’t get along until they’re forced into a situation together” cliché.  This situation may not fit that cliché perfectly, but it’s not too far off if you ask me.
When Ryu is finally allowed to investigate outside the cabin, Susato begins to show a bit more sympathy for him.
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I have to give her some credit for that -- it takes a special kind of person to show compassion for a possible murderer.  It also seems like she’s beginning to see Ryu as more of a human being than a heartless criminal.  Baby steps, as they say.
From that point on, their dialogue begins taking on a more friendly tone.  Thus Susato, whether on purpose or by fate, takes on the role of the first official assistant in Ace Attorney’s history.  And boy, does she pull it off like a pro.
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To make a long story short, their cooperative efforts combined with the ridiculous logic of a kooky detective (as well as the assistance of the less kooky Detective Hosonaga) bring them to the truth of Asougi’s death in the end.  While this clears Ryu of the crime and offers some much-needed closure for both him and Susato, his death still affects them deeply.
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Something wonderful stems from this tragedy, though -- a crucial moment, not only for the two of them, but also for the Japanese and British Empires.
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With Asougi’s passing, the exchange program between Great Britain and Japan is forced into suspension, unless, somehow, a replacement attorney can be found before the ship reaches London.
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It’s a shame it has to end this way after all they’ve been through together, but that’s just the way it goes someti--
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...Oh.  Well, then.  Who would’ve seen that coming?  (Besides us, I mean.)
And strangely enough, the young woman who once saw Ryu as a cold-blooded murderer has this to say about him becoming an attorney:
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Thus a new attorney/assistant pair arises from the ashes of one attorney’s passing (pun fully intended), and the two of them step into a new journey in their lives together.  And thankfully, it wasn’t exactly the cliché it appeared to be -- the two of them are now trusted friends, and Susato even offers to let Ryu toss her three times as punishment for not believing him.  (It doesn’t quite end that way, but that’s beside the point.)
The first leg of said journey takes place in the “centre of the world” the incredible city of London.  What a place to begin, am I right?
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Thus their incredible legal adventure begins (or adventures begin, I should say) in beautiful Victorian Era Britain.  To describe their encounters here briefly (and so I don’t spend a whole year on this essay), they learn together how the British court system works...
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...about its imperfections...
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...how it feels to pull off a turnabout in a British courtroom...
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...and perhaps most importantly, about the value of trust.
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To say nothing of their misadventures with Mr. Holmes, his young genius assistant, and several other unforgettable British folk.
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And a fellow Japanese immigrant, too, of course.  Who could forget him?
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You know, I’m starting to wonder if he might be one of Larry’s ancestors.
The game throws one final curveball for the great legal duo before it ends.  After telling Susato she’s the world’s best legal assistant, Ryu gets a very unexpected response from her:
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When he attempts to confront her about it, all he gets is another Susato Toss.
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What could someone like her, who’s already proven her worth as a legal assistant several times, be hiding?  Unfortunately for Ryu, he’s unlikely to find out soon, since her father’s illness has called her back home, leaving him to pull off his next turnabout on his own.  She doesn’t go without leaving behind as much helpful evidence as she can muster, of course.
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But, as fate would have it, a storm prevents her ship from departing for at least half a day, giving Ryu and his new flatmates a chance to see her off.  On top of that, it gives Ryu the chance to find out precisely what inspired Susato’s words of doubt.
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He catches her preparing to throw a copy of the British Empire’s Code of Law into the sea.  What would cause her to do such a thing?
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It turns out she broke one of the rules by tampering with the scene of the crime, and another by concealing that fact.  Her intentions may have been good, but her conscience became a little too heavy for her to let it go.  She takes it a step further by claiming that, for one moment, she began to doubt the law.
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She may not be wrong in stating this (she learned it firsthand in the British courts, after all), but it still caused her to see herself as a failure of a legal assistant.  Luckily for her, though, Ryu had learned some things himself in the time they spent together.
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While her methods were questionable at best, Ryu recognizes something in Susato that sets her and every just person apart from a criminal: a desire to protect the innocent.  Whereas Chrogray used her tampering as a way to protect himself, her only desire was to protect Gina’s life and to ensure that Ryu would be able to prove her innocence in the end.  In other words, her faith in the system may have been lacking, but her desire for justice, like Ryu’s, never faltered for even a moment.  With that knowledge in mind, the two of them can part with a better knowledge of the law, a better understanding of each other, and smiles on their faces.
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So, to sum it up, Ryu and Susato go from being friendly acquaintances, to a murder suspect and suspecter (for lack of a better word), to investigative partners, to full-fledged legal partners, and finally, to a legendary legal duo.  Will their relationship ever go any further than that?
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Also, full disclosure -- it’s been a long time since I watched Dai Gyakuten Saiban, so I had to do a hefty amount of re-watching in order to remember some of these details...hence why this essay took so long.  Thanks for waiting!
And hey, how’s that for good timing?
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Don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly looking forward to revisiting this unforgettable saga.  And, y’know...doing it the proper way instead of depending on fan translations.
-The Co-Mod
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years
Animazement 2019
It was pretty fun! I did a lot more than I normally do thanks to Bethany’s enthusiasm (her first con!), so I should always go to cons with her I guess haha. She drags me out of my introverted comfort zone.
I was kind of an anxious mess throughout in some ways though, need to really deal with my problem of fixating and obsessing over dumb things and learn how to live in the moment and have fun like my friend does but idk. therapy. someday.
BUT ANYWAY,  we did a lot the first day! I saw a rakugo performance, heck yeah! I’ve seen it in video games, seen it in anime, AND NOW REAL LIFE. The guy, Someta Hayashiya, was pretty fun!
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I went to a Kotono panel and autograph after that, then that night, tried out a Sailor Moon panel . It was not super fascinating and I was anxious about not having a wide toothed comb for my wig so I left early and got them. Then I went to a Class 1A “After Dark” panel, basically My Hero Academia cosplayers making a lot of raunchy jokes and having fun. Events: Kirishima proposed to Bakugo, Deku won a pressing contest against Bakugo and also swore for the first time in his life (”I WON FUCK YEAH”), cosplayer wrapped each other in TP, shenanigans.
Anyway, then we went to the thing where we watched weird clips and answered questions about them to win prizes (stuff in the vein of the He Man “what’s goin on” vid). If you answered wrong u had to do stuff like take a shot of hot sauce.
Next day! I got into my cosplay (complete with in-a-very-sorry-tangled-state wig) for the morning! And went to a maid cafe with Bethany!
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It was really cute, they did a dance and everything.
I left early for the concert with Jennifer Cihi, though, which was also a lot of fun. She was very passionate about being there, gave some background about how Dic approached her (they specifically told her to sing “very young and very white” which uh. bout what I’d expect from Dic tbh). She had no idea Sailor Moon had gotten so big until a friend approached her years later, then got into going to the cons and stuff. She chose a bunch of Sailor Moon cosplayers to come on stage and dance with her, which included me because my friend pointed me out. I bought my Luna and glowstick from the Super Live, but had to drop them when we were asked to hold hands. She hugged us all but then got caught on my wig, which nearly claimed many lives the short time I wore it.
Anyway, after that was another Kotono panel, which I was surprised wasn’t as full as the concert one. But it was still lively and you can read more about it here. Her selfie with us from her twitter!
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I’m the civilian Usagi with the Luna.
 Then we went to the Fight Like a Girl: The Importance and Impact of the Magical Girl genre panel! It was pretty thorough, talking about the different perspectives surrounding magical girls and gender. She cited Akiko Shimada! It also talked common tropes regarding lady heroes magical girls subvert, talked about women in refrigerators and asked if anyone knew who Stephanie Brown was, at which point I yelled “I created a wiki!”. It was wild to see Steph bought up in a magical girl panel, I thought I was the only person who would ever cite her when talking about magical girls but APPARENTLY NOT.
But my favorite panel was definitely the La Soldier panel, about the Sailor Moon musicals. It was super informative- a lot of behind the scenes stuff about the early musicals and mentioning their connection to Saint Seiya of all things- told me a lot of things I didn’t know, and the guy who ran it was great! He even griped about the scandal with Mercury being replaced for the most recent SuperS musical cuz fanboys whined about her having done gravure shots (”sexism KILLS”) and was really cute talking about his crush on one of the guys who played Tuxedo Mask. AND gave PGSM a shoutout.
Unfortunately, there were two assholes throughout the panel who were talking loudly and laughing (Bethany said they were mocking the guy and the way he spoke, and they’re lucky my hearing’s so bad and I was so focused on tuning them out so I could hear the guy cuz if I’d known that I’d’ve gone off on them MUCH harsher and sooner). I turned and glared a bunch and said “hush” quietly bc I was afraid of disrupting the panel further, but it didn’t do anything, finally a Sailor Venus cosplayer told them loudly to stop and I joined in and then security kicked them out. Ugh. What losers. Why were they even there.
We couldn’t really get in late night panels bc it was so packed, so I (very badly) played a board game with Bethany and another guy at the tabletop gaming section (I was so tired I was even worse at following board game directions than usual, but fortunately they were both very patient. Then we went to a panel dedicated to ridic fanservice clips, but it was crowded and I couldn’t see subs and tbh already seen enough of all that for a lifetime, so I left a bit early.
And that was basically it! I did some kareoke on the last day and also got my GOODS:  a CUTE ART of all the Ace Attorney girls (Maya, Pearl, Kay, Athena, Fran, Ema, Iris, Susato- still gotta play Great Ace Attorney to meet those last two but I’M SURE I’LL LOVE EM), an adorable fanmade Athena keychain, an OFFICAL Makoto Kino in her school uniform keychain, a small Natsume art, some cute kitty arts, some smaller, nicer plushies of Venus and Mercury so they can hang with my other small plushies (unlike the huge in-hindsight-bootleg ones I already had) annnd some stickers for the laptop I’ll have to get to replace this one- Sailor Moon, Alphys/Undyne, Frisk w/ Flowey in a flowerpot, and Garnet). I’ll maybe post pics later.
Cosplay wise, there was SO MUCH My Hero Academia and Persona 5. Art was also dominated by those two, plus Mob Psycho. (I did see SOME MP cosplay, a mob and a reigen, but i guess the characters don’t stand out enough to be super popular for that?) 
Anyway it was a good con, glad I went to one for the first time in a while. Maybe next time I go to a con I’ll have my anxiety straightened out and have an even better time.
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airisuwatoson · 6 years
my friends got me on a dgs2 high recently, and it got me thinking a lot about Iris Watson
(major, MAJOR dgs2 spoilers, right up to endgame)
iris’s relation to her real parents wasn’t really a “big deal” in the grand scheme of things, and i’m okay with that.
despite this tumblr’s URL being her, i struggled with iris’s place in the narrative for a long time. while i adore iris a whole lot, and her familial bond with sherlock makes me cry for a million years, her place in the narrative was a complicated subject for me. her relationship with klimt felt a bit like an afterthought, answered at the end of the story. i didn’t know if it was “wasted potential” or not.
but, recently, as i went home one day after discussing the game and its writing with my friends, i finally have an answer. and yeah, i’m sure there’s people who won’t agree with me, but iris’s story is fine. heck, i love it, now that i’m given time to think.
- to me, iris’s involvement in the story is more character-driven; rather than providing us The Clue to solve the conspiracy, we would instead watch her develop as the story goes on and we jump headfirst into the swirling darkness of the conspiracy.
in the first game, we spent the first case solving her presumed father’s murder. when ryuu and susato go to london, they meet iris, who claims to be john watson’s daughter. we get an “Oh, Shit” moment as we now struggle to consider whether we should tell her about her father’s demise. during her conversation at the attic with gina, ryuu and susato, she expresses that she misses her father, even when gina expresses her grievances regarding parents.
in the second game, we get in depth about the mystery, and how iris feels about her missing father. we learn how desperate she was to find out who her father is, even going so far as to have stolen government documents just to learn her father’s name. she is crushed to learn that not only is john watson just a nobody to her, the man who wrote the manuscript for sherlock’s cases wasn’t her father either.
it’s important that we got the scene in the middle of chapter 5 where iris feels a bit sad that she wasn’t yuujin’s daughter (as that would’ve made her susato’s sister), showing how she is still yearning for that biological connection. after susato and ryuu tell her that they’re perfectly fine in being her siblings despite having no blood relation, that’s when she starts to change her mind.
plus, with this exchange, we get an astonishingly heartwarming scene about the baker street family’s bond, even though only two of them are tied by blood. (”ryuu: i’ve got the strongest family backing me, after all” “me: my eyes are sweating”)
and in the end, we see that iris, who has certainly watched how the trial went down while having tea with Queen Victoria (lol), finally decided to stop trying to look for her biological father. she stops yearning for someone who most likely isn’t coming for her, someone who may not be the good father she may have imagined him to be... because she has sherlock, an amazing father who has been by her side this whole time, even if he may be eccentric and flawed.
- (insert me crying for years)
- when iris has her talk about seeing sherlock as her father, she says how she’s caused so much trouble for everyone during her quest to find her father. and it’s true - in the first game, gina goes to the pawn shop to look for the manuscript and gets arrested for murder, while sherlock gets shot; and in the second game, she stole the document about klimt’s autopsy report, which is just?? a bad thing to do??? daughter no
speaking of that, i really appreciate that moment because it’s iris acting out of a strong desire to connect with her father. i’m so glad that it’s plot relevant that susato and ryuu gain access to the document (which also reveals who sherlock’s partner really is), and also a character moment of a sad little girl who’s desperate enough to commit a crime. it kind of reminds me of pearl fey in 3-5, when she does That Bad Thing for a “good” reason? yeah
- i also think that iris serves as another person linked to the overarching theme of “Family” in the dgs series.
we have asougi & genshin, susato & yuujin, barok & klimt. except for ryuu, who is the lens we see this story through, the core cast has a family member, and we seen how... troubling these relationships are.
genshin and klimt’s deaths, as well as their actions before those deaths, have haunted asougi and barok for many years. we also know that susato and yuujin has a rocky relationship, due to how he straight up left the family after susato’s mother passed away. genshin, klimt and mikotoba aren’t 100% good people - and klimt is a heck of an understatement - and it’s caused varying degrees of emotional harm to the younger ones.
i suppose the only one who doesn’t have that is sherlock. he is, instead, linked to iris as her adoptive father. and it makes for a powerful scene when iris, one of the people haunted by the idea of “biological family”, calls him her “papa”. he is genuinely touched by that, considering her gratitude to be the most moving of all, compared to the many thanks he received from people he met in the past.
also sherlock is dadlock and i love the baker street family so much
on a lesser note is gina & gregson. in the first game, gina comes from a lonely past, jaded by how her parents abandoned her. in the second, she goes under the wing of gregson, who is yet another person who has committed numerous atrocities, but is well-meaning in general. in a way, gregson is an unstated father figure for her, and even if he may be bad, he still contributes to her growth. basically gina & gregson also make me cry a lot
to conclude this point, the “found family” narrative is one we see time after time in many stories, but the way DGS expresses this is wonderful.
- another thing is that, the reveal that klimt was iris’s father, felt less like a reveal, and more like the answer to “why hasn’t sherlock and yuujin told iris about her father, despite knowing who he is?”. for me, when i got to the reveal, my reaction was “ahhh, so that’s why they didn’t want iris to know!”
it’s also precious characterization for Klimt van Zieks, the man who committed crime after crime because he felt despair towards the darkness of london’s evils. klimt refused to tell barok about his unborn child, instead trusting this secret to genshin and asking him to help his family. klimt didn’t want iris to be raised in the van zieks household, and then known forever as the professor’s daughter, in case the true identity of the professor is revealed.
it shows that he may have strayed from the path of justice, it also shows that he still loves his family despite everything. after all, vortex managed to blackmail klimt by threatening to harm his wife.
if the dgs games were localized, i have a feeling we’d get so much discourse about klimt, lmao. but to me, it’s nuanced character writing. and if you know me, you know how much i love my flawed characters. klimt is a murderer, and don’t get me wrong, let’s not excuse his crimes, but he feels very human. and this is something we can explore in fiction. klimt van zieks is a tragedy, a good man who faced evil with justice and became the villain in the end.
- in a way, it’s also characterization for sherlock and yuujin, the latter to a lesser degree. they didn’t want iris to find out who her father is at her young age, because they were worried that they’d find out about the atrocities her father committed in the past.
they never intended to let iris know the name of her father, either - it’s only through her discovery that she found the document signed by john watson. at that point, sherlock had to go along with the lie, because to him, that’s better than telling the truth about her murderer of a father, and let her shoulder that truth for the rest of her childhood. he cares about iris, as cruel as his actions may be.
of course, lying to a little girl and letting her believe that her father is a complete stranger isn’t GOOD. but like i said, it feels nuanced, that our good lovable cast is very much imperfect. imo sherlock holmes is Good when you show how hecked up he is as a human being alongside how good he is as the famous detective
- “but john watson WAS involved in the professor case!” the imaginary person in my head says. “iris could still be his daughter, and it could still keep the idea that iris’s parentage would be problematic to the public.”
this is coming from a place of hindsight and being able to see the big picture as a player, but, like. between one of the few people centrally involved in concealing the truth of the the professor’s crimes... and THE guy, the person who committed said heinous crimes? the man who, in this particular narrative, is much more important to learn more about? i’d give the characterization to klimt every day of the week, no question.
and maybe it’s because i don’t have as much of an emotional connection to the sherlock holmes canon, but i don’t really mind that the man named John H. Watson wasn’t as important in the narrative as takumi’s original characters. just because takumi wanted to write sherlock holmes fanfiction, doesn’t mean he has to completely rely on the characters and conventions of sherlock’s stories, i feel?
i mean, we have Mikotoba Yuujin. just because the guy named john watson isn’t the man we know and love in THIS story, doesn’t mean our “sherlock” and our “watson” isn’t still there. i’m okay with takumi and the writing team twisting sherlock canon to fit their narrative. and besides, i’m going to be vague because spoilers, but it’s not as if certain TV shows adapting sherlock holmes haven’t changed the characters to fit their own narratives.
it’s funny to say this, but after writing all that, i feel like i have much more of an appreciation for iris watson’s story, and dgs’s narrative in general. it’s such a good game, and i’m so glad i got to experience this story myself.
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aoi-mikazuki · 7 years
The Briefest of Reunions
Huge spoilers for DGS1 and 2, but I wanted old people love and reminiscing so here is my contribution... >>;
Also on AO3 if shorter chapters are your jam.
Title: The Briefest of Reunions
Series: Dai Gyakuten Saiban
Words: 5,765
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/Mikotoba Yuujin
Chapter 1 - The Train Ride
"I nearly had a heart attack when I first saw Miss Susato on that ship, you know," Holmes suddenly blurted as he sat at his desk hunched over his fancy instruments.
"Hm?" I looked up from my book and over the back of the settee I was lazily reclining on. The children had all retired for the night, and I had been hoping to finish this last chapter before I headed up to bed myself. But alas, I could see that my relatively relaxed evening was not meant to be.
"She looks just like her mother," my friend continued, lowering his goggles into position on his face, "though she has your eyes."
I had, on a few occasions, shown a picture of my dear, departed wife to Holmes during our six years together, but to think that he still remembered her face ten years on was remarkable; the man could barely remember what had happened on a case an hour after the fact and yet he had identified Susato with ease, it seems.
Then again, one should never underestimate Holmes's capacity to remember things -- especially those even tangentially related to me -- is something I learned about him relatively early on. He had always chalked it up to his keen powers of observation, yet, I daresay it was more due to a combination of his youthful spirit and a keen personal interest in me.
It was 16 years ago that I first met the then 18-year-old Sherlock Holmes. I was only 27 myself back then, and though I was a rather privileged and well-educated man back in Japan, it was something of an eye-opener to travel with the intent of living in an entirely different country -- I was suddenly intensely aware of how very small and very ignorant I was here among a people and a society with a set of rules all of their very own. Suddenly, all of the book-learning I had done felt very inadequate indeed in preparing me for my new adventure half-way around the world, so it was a godsend that I had met a young man who was willing to share his home with me and acquaint me with different people of all stations of life.
As with most people he encountered, Holmes instantly struck me as a strange and curious fellow, and perhaps that is what drew me to him in the first place. From the poorest of the poor up to the noblest of the noble, the man had a way with every soul in London, it seemed. I had initially assumed that this was a perfectly normal state of affairs for the average British gentleman, but I soon grew to see that he is actually a most singularly peculiar specimen among his countrymen. His strange mannerisms, raucous laughter, and ridiculous theatrics endeared him to the masses, but his intellect and deductive reasoning were what made him a necessity to the upper elites. But none of that seemed to matter to him, for I never saw him with anyone I would label as a "friend".
That is, until a little under a year after we’d first met. We were on a train traveling back to London after a most thrilling chase through the English countryside when we hit upon the topic of how we should celebrate yet another great success.
"Let's go out -- just you and me! A night on the town!" Holmes proposed.
I laughed at that, my slightly larger frame bouncing in time with the train as it leaned into a curve in the tracks.
"I'm too old to be running around piss drunk like a teenager, Holmes. And you know how I feel about 'female entertainers' and brothels in general."
"That I do, but you still never gave me a good reason why."
"Does a man need to have a reason to decline the company of certain persons in this country?" I rebutted. I was beginning to sense that Holmes was going to try to push that topic again today.
Holmes stared at me from his seat across the cabin, making observations and filing the information away for future reference. I released a small sigh in response.
The Western custom of casually sharing one's personal life with strangers and friends alike is something I continue to find rather odd, and the expectation that I should divulge such similar information about myself to others still seems immensely invasive to me. Yet in the year of our acquaintance, Holmes had proven himself to be a trustworthy flatmate.
I ran my hands over my face to clear my mind and buy myself some time. I needed to phrase things in such a way as to satisfy his immediate curiosity without opening the door wide enough for him to barge right on through to ask gods know what else.
Placing one hand on each thigh, I leaned forward and looked Holmes in the eyes. "I know I haven't shared very much of myself with you, Holmes, but I... I’m actually still in mourning. My wife passed away in childbirth, you see... and I..."
In my mind's eye, I saw my wife's pained face as she slipped away from me -- me, a medically trained doctor who was powerless to stop her rapid decline. The piercing cries of our new baby girl grew muffled in my ears as my mind focused solely on the woman in front of me.
"Ayame... Please..." I had pleaded then, as my eyes darted around furiously, searching for the source of the bleeding. I scrambled and tried to find a tear, a rip -- anything -- but it was like dowsing for water in the middle of the bloody ocean. Precious minutes passed like seconds, and eventually, my wife reached down to me and lifted my face up to meet hers.
"Yujin," she had said though a pained smile. "I am counting on you to raise our daughter now."
"No, we'll raise her together...!" I answered in denial. But she knew me, and gave me one last parting request.
“Please take good care of Susato for me.”
And then, she was gone.
"...kotoba! Mikotoba!" The force of Holmes shaking me snapped me out of my reverie and back into the train cabin.
"I-I'm sorry, I appear to have..."
Holmes gave a flourish of his hand. "No need to apologize. I assume you were transported back to that moment?"
I nodded in affirmation.
"I see," Holmes states. "So..." he started, "you have a child then?"
I nod again. "A daughter. Her name is Susato."
"And yet you are here with me in jolly ol' England?" he questioned.
"Holmes, don't..."
"You... didn't come all this way just to escape your responsibilities, did you?" he said with one eyebrow cocked as he drew ever closer. Uncomfortably so, even.
"I wasn't-- I'm not trying to escape my responsibilities!" I answered indignantly. And yet, he was right. I had come to escape something, but I decided that the sordid details could wait for another day.
His eyes lit up for a second, and I knew he had made some deduction in that short span of time. But he quickly hid it.
He moved to sit next to me, his long right leg against my left -- the man really had no concept of personal space -- but when he reached out to grab my left hand with his own, I pulled it towards my chest instinctively. His hand was quicker and he caught it mid-air and laid it over my heart, holding it there. He slung his other arm around my neck, his hand reassuringly gripping my shoulder.
"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to impugn on your honor. But... just humor my curiosity for a second, Mikotoba."
A long moment of silence passed between us as I considered my options:
Push Holmes off and away from me and switch to another topic
Ask him to extricate himself from me and then switch to another topic
Talk with him like a goddamned adult
I breathed in and steeled myself for what I knew I needed to do.
"You've probably already deduced that there is more to my story, but..."
"I'm sorry, my friend." The word "friend" couldn't have felt more right just then. "But I'm afraid your curiosity will have to go unfulfilled for now."
Holmes was strangely silently next to me. Perhaps I had been too forward, or perhaps he did not see me as a friend. I turned my head to see what was the matter. He seemed at once somber and yet, somehow, comically dejected.
"Ha ha! You are a tease, Mikotoba," he rebounded. "But I will get the truth out of you yet!"
I smiled back at the young detective. "I have no doubt you will, Holmes. But for now, I ask that you simply stay by my side."
"Isn't that what partners are for, Mikotoba? To be there for one another in times of need?" he gently said into my ear over the rattling and clanking of the train as it continued on towards home.
Chapter 2 - The Advertisement
Recalling the details of that train ride brought to mind another lady I couldn't save.
"...Is everything alright?" Holmes asked, concern in his voice. He had turned around and was now kneeling on his seat, facing backwards over the chair’s tall back. Holmes lowered his goggles to where it usually hung around his neck to get a better look at me.
"Ah, yes,” I started. “I was just remembering how I came to tell you about Ayame--"
"And it brought up memories of Lady Baskerville, right?" Holmes surmised.
"Yes," I replied, not the least bit surprised anymore by his ability to read me like an open book. "I can only wonder what she thought of me -- whether she honestly believed that this Japanese stranger would take care of her daughter, or if she had simply given herself over to me because she had no choice in the matter."
"But you explained yourself to her -- about how you came to know of her hiding place and your promise to Mr Genshin."
"I did, but she was delirious from blood-loss by that point. All I could do was help her finish delivering Iris and let her hold her child in her final moments." I squeezed my eyes shut in frustration. “What’s worse,” I continued, “is that I couldn’t even keep my promise to Genshin and I had to leave Iris in your care.”
Holmes looked at me as though I had just proffered him the world's most complex puzzle to solve.
"Mikotoba," he started cautiously, "to this day, do you really still doubt that you've been a good father?"
"Is it because of me?"
I looked up at my partner. "...I can't tell Susato what really happened, Holmes. You know that."
Holmes gave a small sigh and put his head in his hands as he leaned on the back of his chair. "She's not a child anymore,” he said as he looked me straight in the eye. “Sooner or later she will find out. Especially given how much liberty you allow her."
"I am only allowing her to claim her full birthright as a human being. After seeing the different kind of freedoms women are allowed here, and far be it for me to be a hypocrite, I found myself unable to justify my ability to act as I wished while she was bound on all sides by social expectations."
“Or is the real truth that you feel guilty for not being around for her -- be it that you are always busy with your teaching, or research... or that you were gallivanting around solving cases with me half-way around the world for six years?”
“I...” Holmes’s words stung with the pain of truth, but while I was still reeling from his pointed observation, he had leapt up and over his chair to close the distance between us.
“Wake up, Mikotoba! And see how highly your daughter thinks of you!” he said. “It is you, and only you, that thinks you have done her harm.”
Holmes’s countenance softened for a second before he came around to sit by my side, trapping my legs between himself and the back of the settee.
"Just as I will have to explain the circumstances of her birth to Iris someday, Yujin, you should explain how it was you really came to England in the first place to your own daughter." Holmes reached out to clasp my hand.
"I know. I've left her in the dark for long enough."
Holmes was right, of course. Susato would find out in her own way someday, just as he had in his usual, persistent way one morning, not long after that fateful train ride.
Holmes was reading the paper at the breakfast table again -- as he is still in the habit of doing -- with his meal in front of him lying wholly untouched. Yet, I could tell his mind wasn’t actually occupied with the paper, but rather, with me, as I sat on the other side of the table gently tapping the top of my egg open.
“Out with it, Holmes.”
I had no patience for his whimsical games today. I had a medical forum to attend, and before that, a train to catch.
“Nothing. I was merely scanning the personals and found an interesting listing.”
“You? An interesting listing? In the personals?” I laughed at the thought of Holmes finding anyone genuinely interesting. By this point in our relationship, I had been with him long enough to know that people were only as interesting as they were a source of puzzles and mysteries to solve. Otherwise, the ever-aloof Sherlock Holmes had little use for actual, intimate relationships.
“Indeed, for the comings and goings of society itself are reflected in these pages. One never knows when a particularly juicy piece of gossip may be the lead that cracks the case.”
“I suppose I’ve never thought of it that way,” I replied, dipping my toast into my not-quite-as-soft-as-I’d-hoped soft-boiled egg. My face scrunched up at the less than runny yolk. I knew there was a reason why I usually got up earlier than Holmes to make our breakfast.
“Here’s a fine example, Mikotoba: ‘Wanted: Male partner for a night of passion. Am willing to pay for transport, and utmost discretion.’ Now, what would you make of that?”
I felt myself slowly tense with each word of that infernal advertisement. Holmes had to know what he was doing, I thought. Curse the man’s inability to let things go until he’s solved the living daylights out of them.
“I’m afraid I must be going, Holmes,” I said as I ungracefully dropped the remnants of my toast on my plate.
“Fine,” he pouted. “But you will think on this listing and let me know your conclusions when you return?” he requested as I wiped my mouth with my napkin.
“Yes, yes, of course, my dear man,” I hastily replied as I checked for crumbs in my mustache on my way out of our drawing room. A quick glance back provided me with the picture of a close-eyed Holmes, deep in thought. Before anything further could transpire, I quickly shut the door, ran down the stairs, threw my coat on, and strode briskly out -- cane in hand -- into the mid-autumn air.
At the time, I had no intention of answering Holmes in any way whatsoever. What was private, was private. He had no right to pry, I thought. But as the day wore on, my mind kept drifting to my dear friend.
Surely a man with as many eccentricities as him could understand my plight without judgement. Not to mention, if he had indeed, already correctly deduced what my secret was, he had been more than generous in allowing me to stay on in our lodgings.
And so I resolved that should he ask for my opinion about the advertisement upon my return that night, I would do my best to be honest with him.
I arrived back at our lodging a little past seven, and found it to be empty.
“Holmes?” I called, but received no reply. On the arm of the settee was the paper from that morning, a giant red circle around a small block of text. I picked it up and read it for myself.
“‘Wanted: Male partner for a night of passion. Am willing to pay for transport, and utmost discretion,’ huh.”
I gave a long sigh, and wondered where Holmes had gone off to. If he was on one of his expeditions again, I feared what little courage I had scraped together would be lost by the time he returned.
I spent the rest of that evening reading, though honestly, I could hardly call what I did that. Rather, it was more akin to staring at a sea of English words with the more than occasional glance at my watch. At a quarter to eleven, I finally gave up all hope of seeing Holmes that night, so I placed my bookmark in its place and closed the book.
“Of all the days to be out, you had to pick the one in which I finally have something worthwhile to share.”
“Ah, then do feel free to share,” Holmes exclaimed as he twirled into our drawing room.
“Wh-Where have you been, Holmes?” I stuttered, bewildered at how my words had seemingly summoned him home somehow.
“My story can wait,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand, “while I suspect that yours cannot. Therefore, I request that you go first.”
“At this hour? And after you left me waiting for an entire evening?” A twinge of irritation slipped out of me. “I’m inclined to say that we should have to wait until tomorrow--”
“Un, un-un.” He tsked his finger at me. “I did ask that you provide me with your thoughts upon your return, did I not?”
I placed a hand on my forehead and looked down in defeat. I might as well get it over with, I thought.
“Well, then, I suppose I had best get on with it, haven’t I?”
Holmes took a seat in his chair and nodded, and urged me to continue. I took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.
“Let me just start by saying that it was an awful trick you played by placing that advertisement.”
“Ah, but how do you know it was me?” His eyes twinkled in mischief.
“You’re not the only one with deductive powers around here. I’ve gained quite a bit of insight into your methods by now, as you should know.”
“Quite right! Aha ha ha ha ha!” he laughed raucously, doubling over in amusement. “Well done, Mikotoba!” Holmes’s laugh subsided as he recovered into an upright position. “But I won’t be derailed so easily.”
“Very well. Where shall I start, then?”
“How about with why sleeping with a man compelled you to travel to the complete opposite end of the world when, unlike here in England, it has once again become perfectly legal to do so in Japan?”
Well. Let it never be said that Sherlock Holmes is the master of subtlety, I thought.
“Because,” I began, “as you are no doubt aware, I come from a country where honor and dignity is valued more than gold. And ever since Western culture began pouring into my home country, all of Japan has been most thoroughly taken in by your ideals and way of thinking. On the topic of human relations, a book titled ‘Psychopathia Sexualis’ by a Dr Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing has been quite influential, to say the least.”
“Ah, yes. The Germans have been rather vigorous in their pursuit of knowledge in the emerging field of sexology.”
“Then you are familiar with its underpinnings?” I inquired.
“Only that it seeks to explain anything outside of the everyman experience as perversion.”
“Yes, well, it got my own countrymen talking, and not wanting to be seen as closed-minded, perverse barbarians, I’m afraid that most people of my station in society and above have quickly turned their thinking around to match that of their European counterparts.”
There was a brief moment of silence as Holmes looked at me in all seriousness, the mirth gone from his eyes.
“And what about you, Mikotoba? As a medical man, does your thinking on the matter fall in line with those of your colleagues?”
I had never been asked to state so clearly my thoughts on such matters before, and I struggled to put them in some sort of order before I opened my mouth again.
“I... I must admit that I have a great deal of trouble reconciling the scientific literature with my own lived experiences, Holmes. It is hard to look back on more than a thousand years of Japanese culture and history and simply wave it all away as wanton perversion when truly beautiful relationships did emerge from such acts. Indeed, some of them have even endured the test of time through glorification in poems and art.”
Holmes nodded at me. “Which explains the lack of disgust on your own part at your rented liaison.”
I give a small sigh. Of course he would also quite correctly deduce that my partner was paid.
“Yes, he was slightly younger than me, and an actor of kabuki theater. Oh, Holmes, it wasn’t that he meant anything to me, though. I fear my act of indiscretion was the result of severe loneliness and grief.”
Holmes took my statement in and processed it as only he can. “Yet you chose a man. Why?”
“Ayame... She had only just passed. And I... I did not wish to dishonor her by replacing her with another woman so casually, or so soon. It is with greater shame that I reflect on my inability at the time to control myself and deal with my grief properly, and instead, succumbed to my emotions and need for another person’s touch.”
“Well, depression can do drastic things to a man, as you know by my own dark moods.” Holmes paused for a second before he continued on. “I think I have an idea of the shape of things now. Your family must have thought it best to use its clout to send you far away -- perhaps allowing you to regain your sanity by redirecting your focus to your professional studies and training here -- while they tried to repair any damage you may have brought onto yourself and your daughter’s reputations. Is that about the long and short of it?”
“Yes,” I replied, unsure of what else to say.
“Excellent. I’m glad we resolved that little issue. Now, on to the next!”
“N-Next?” I sputtered in Holmes’s direction as he got up and started for his room.
“Of course, my good man. Did you forget what I actually asked for your opinion on this morning?”
I thought back to my mad dash out of our drawing room earlier in the day and the truth of the matter began to dawn on me.
“The advertisement...”
“Holmes... I’m flattered and honored to have your attention, but... I hardly know what to think right now.” I answered honestly. “If you would give me some time...”
“As much as you need, Mikotoba. As much as you need,” he said with a flourish. “Just don’t expect me to pay for your transportation fee when you do come around.”
“Wh-What transportation fee?! I live with you, Holmes!”
“Right, so you do! Aha ha ha ha ha!” His laughter continued down the hall as he walked through his bedroom door. “Good night, Mikotoba.” He tipped his finger against an imaginary hat and closed the door behind him.
“Good night, Holmes,” I replied lamely from my chair, alone in the drawing room.
Chapter 3 - Our Family
“You should explain how it was you really came to England in the first place to your own daughter.”
“I know. I've left her in the dark for long enough.”
Giving my dear Holmes’s hand a squeeze, I picked up my train of thought from where I had left off. “I just hope she can understand and forgive me for the time I’ve stolen from us as father and daughter.”
“I’m sure if you start at the beginning, she will,” Holmes reassured me with a warm smile on his lips.
“I suppose that means I’ll have to more fully explain how it is that you and I came to live together as well.”
"That’s right! She did seem as surprised as Mr Naruhodo when she found out you were my partner!” Holmes paused for half a second before exclaiming, “Wait, are you saying that you never mentioned me to her -- ever?!"
"There was never any good way for me to do so!” I retorted. “It's bad enough that I haven’t been able to set my selfishness aside to do the socially correct thing and find myself a new wife to give her a mother. How was I supposed to explain why?"
"Pshaw, that’s simple: Susato, did you know that THE Sherlock Holmes used to call me "daddy" too?"
I threw the nearest pillow I could grab into Holmes's face.
"And sometimes," he continued as he sensuously licked his lips from behind his newfound cushion-shield, "he'd feed me a most thick and juicy sausage--"
"H-Holmes!" I ejaculated. "She could come down here at any minute!"
"Excellent! The perfect chance to fill her in, wouldn’t you agree?"
"N-No!" I sputtered. "I am nowhere near ready to divulge such information."
Holmes's eyes lit up.
"And you are not to divulge it either. Understand?"
The world’s most immature man gave me his most disappointed look.
"Time and place! And context, Holmes! This isn't something one simply blurts out over breakfast."
"Pooh, pooh! Why do you have to be such a spoilsport?" he pouted.
"Because you saw what happened when she thought Iris was my biological daughter. She was literally ready to punish me over an imaginary affair."
"But you did have one... with me."
"It's not the same. You weren’t some one-night stand. You were the one who taught me that I could still honor and cherish Ayame while loving another. And had I not been forced to leave this country, I might have called for Susato to come join us and raised Iris with you.”
“Thus bringing her into the very sort of inverted household you were sent here to cleanse yourself of!” Holmes chuckled.
I gave an exasperated sigh at the bald irony staring me in the face.
“Regardless, Holmes, there is so much more nuance to what we have than she can imagine."
"You mean the fact that we are two men in an actual honest-to-god relationship."
"Come on, now," Holmes said, looking rather serious. "Do you honestly think she has never imagined the domestic home life of 'Sherlock Holmes' and his partner 'Dr John Watson', and the sort of sexual congress they might have enjoyed?"
In truth, the thought had not crossed my mind, though I had seen my share of female students throughout the years whisper wild and taboo fantasies amongst themselves about their favorite fictional characters. Why had it never occurred to me before that my own daughter might enjoy such flights of fancy?
I could feel the tips of my ears burning with embarrassment. I harrumphed and twitched my mustache as I tried to think of something suitable to say in return.
“Speaking of those novels, do you remember when you sent Iris’s “Baskerville” manuscript to me?”
“Of course.”
“I must apologize for being so negligent as to leave it out in my study where Susato could see it.”
“It’s quite alright,” he forgave me with a flourish of his hand. “I deduced as much when she let it slip. To be honest, it was my fault for jeopardizing our case by even sending it to you in the first place.”
“Regardless, I’m glad you did, Holmes. You were so genuinely torn up about prohibiting Iris from publishing it that it was the first time I really saw that you had let her into your life... and your heart.”
Holmes looked sheepishly to the side. “I’ll admit I did spend a number of years trying to distance myself from her.”
“I’ll say you did! You told her I was her father!”
“Well, you were! You were the one who promised to look after her, after all.” Holmes grew quiet. “I only agreed to keep her safe because I thought you’d come back to England once everything had been resolved. I never imagined that so many years would pass in the interim.”
The fire crackled loudly behind us in the silence that enveloped the room. It was my turn to reach out to my dear partner. I gave his hand a squeeze.
"Do you remember how frantically you would telegram me at all hours of the day, asking me how to change Iris's diapers and how to tell whether she was crying from hunger or discomfort?"
Holmes turned and smiled in return. "I do. And I still remember your frustrated replies, reminding me that you never had to change Miss Susato's diapers so you had no idea!"
“What a spectacle you must have been at the telegram office with Iris crying on your back!” I laughed. “I wish I had been here to see it for myself.”
“I’m afraid that before I gained the moniker ‘Great Detective’, I was known as the Great Nanny Sherlock Holmes,” he joked and laughed. As his laughter subsided, the warmth in his eyes remained as he cupped my face. "Must you return to Japan so soon, Mikotoba? You've only just arrived! Why not relax a little longer here. We've barely had a moment to ourselves," he gently complained.
"That's what happens when you have kids, Holmes. I thought you'd have figured that out by now."
"I guess I have to take my fatherly duties more seriously now, don’t I?"
"You've got a charming young lady with even greater expectations of you than before."
"I get the feeling it won't be hard to live up to virtually no expectations," he gestured melodramatically.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. You are a brilliant father raising a most extraordinary daughter. I daresay she has even picked up a few of your mannerisms.”
My mind drifted back to the night before, when Iris had made her fondness of Holmes clear. A number of things had been brought to light that day -- some of them big, some of them small. But one thing had remained unchanged throughout it all: I had always intended to call on my dear friend Genshin.
“About my plans, Holmes,” I began. “I would still very much like to go and pay my respects to Genshin, and see about arranging for his remains to be returned to Japan, now that he has been cleared of all charges.”
“Why not let Mr Asogi deal with that?” Holmes said with a rather considerate look on his face. “Perhaps he would rather keep his father close by, though probably in a better grave than the one he is currently occupying.”
“Indeed. I suppose I’ll speak with him in the morning. To be honest, I’m glad I am able to speak with him at all.”
Holmes nodded his agreement. “Things did get a little too close for everyone a few times, didn’t they?”
“But you managed to keep things under control, and that’s what’s important.”
I thought back to that day when the children had left on the Alaclair, bound for England. Holmes had urgently telegraphed me two months prior about two things: “I’m sending you a package,” he had mysteriously said, “and I will be on the Alaclair”. I suspected something had begun to move in our case of ten years past, and I was not mistaken when I finally received the package containing the Baskerville manuscript and a note regarding some sort of conspiracy spelled out in a series of dancing men.
I sent the manuscript back after they had gone so as to delay its arrival until after Holmes’s return home with a simple, pleasant message about how enjoyable the story was, and added a few words of caution through a line of dancing men of my own.
I admit that sometimes, it had filled me with great regret to know that my partner had been on that very ship, and that we could’ve met then to strategize further, but as long as he was watching over Susato, I knew she was in good hands.
“You have no idea how many times I wished you had been by my side, though. Truly, as my fictional self would say, ‘I am lost without my Boswell.’”
“Well, there was at least one circumstance that was a conundrum of your own making. Naruhodo mentioned that you told him that sometimes Great Detectives lie. Far be it for me to be surprised that you would do such a thing to him, trickster as you are, something tells me your brilliant plan backfired when you'd set yourself up as the fool during your first encounter with him."
"It would have only aroused suspicion had I suddenly reverted back to my charming, clever self, wouldn’t it?"
"True, but to maintain the act for so long! You are truly a consummate actor, and a master of disguise, Holmes."
Holmes took a dramatic bow. "It was nothing really, especially in this case. After all, there is but a fine line that separates genius from jackass."
"I think you mean brilliant and bumbling, since there is certainly no line separating jackass from any part of your beautiful, Bohemian soul."
"Aha ha ha ha ha!" he laughs in that way I love. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"
"I dare say we're certainly much better off than we were back then."
"Who would've thought that the great Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr Mikotoba would have two daughters to round out their rather unconventional family?"
"Indeed, I'm not sure that the world would believe it, even if Iris wrote it up in one of her stories!"
"As she said, you really are the only "yujin" I have in the whole world," Holmes said as he doubled over in laughter at the silly cross-language pun.
"I honestly still can't believe you made Iris write that!" I joined in my partner’s mirth.
"My Yujin, the only one I will ever need," he whispered as he leaned in and took my last snide remark of the night from my lips.
- Technically, “Psychopathia Sexualis” was published in 1886 in Germany, and then later in Japan, but since DGS is fairly liberal with its historical timeline, I figured I could be, too...
- Japan had outlawed sodomy at one point in 1872, but in the quickest of turnabouts, it seems that it was repealed only 10 years later (8 - 10 depending on which dates you count) when Japan adopted the Napoleonic Code into what would form the basis of all Japanese law, the Six Codes. Thanks, Japanese Wikipedia article “日本における同性愛”!
- DGS Holmes seems more likely to initiate things between the two of them, but I wouldn’t say he is an especially sexual creature either. He comes across as demi-sexual to me (or he would if he had any other true friends to speak of other than Mikotoba). I like to think that he seems asexual in Iris’s accounts partially because he has no other partners that she can see (his only partner is off in Japan, after all), and partially because it probably didn’t occur to her that her papa could be interested in such things.
- Maybe someday I’ll get around to writing how they actually get together, but I fear that that will take another long fic on its own... ^^;
- Watson “ejaculated” a number of times in the real Sherlock Holmes canon. I guess that was just the hot word to use back then instead of “exclaimed” XD
- Mikotoba’s first name is phonetically the same as the word for “friend” but it uses different kanji.
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snakeassassins · 7 years
DGS Theory: The Deutero-Watson
| part 1 | part 2 |
A while ago @smiletowardstheheavens made a really good post about The Hound of the Baskervilles and how it relates to the ongoing mystery in Dai Gyakuten Saiban. In it, she mentioned that HOUN seemed as if it was going to be published according to the official publishing dates, implying that the game follows the publishing dates of the original stories. If this is true, though, we come across two major problems:
Iris Waston would have to have written stories since before she was born.
The Final Problem was published in 1893. DGS place in 1900. Sherlock Holmes should have “died” eight years ago.
Naturally, you’d think this would destroy the possibility of the game following the timeline of the original canon, but as it stands, I’m actually pretty sure the original publication dates are canon in Dai Gyakuten Saiban.
The “Original Author”
Beleive it or not, there was already a theory that covered the existence of two Watsons. Ronald Knox’s “Studies in the Literature of Sherlock Holmes” facetiously came up with the theory of the “Deutero-Watson”, asserting that two different Watsons wrote two different versions of the canon. The “proto-Watson” stands as the original, having written SIGN, Adventures, Memiors, and HOUN. The second “deutero-Watson” is a fake, writing  STUD, GLOR, and every post-Reichenbach story.
Needless to say this doesn’t quite work, as STUD was literally written before Watson was born, but if we iron it out so that John Watson wrote every pre-Reichenbach story while Iris Watson writes every post-Reichenbach story everything makes a lot more sense.
This does, however, mean that Iris Watson is being lied to. After all, she can’t have written SPEC in 1900 if it was already written in 1892. This wouldn’t be hard to fake, as Sherlock Holmes is the sole proprietor of her manuscripts, but there’s no explanation as to why-- He outright told her she couldn’t publish HOUN, after all. Maybe he intends to publish all of them after HOUN?
Canon Inconsistencies
Now then, let’s look at how Dai Gyakuten Saiban fits into the canon timeline. Namely, the dates of STUD and FINA vs the ages of certain characters.
STUD (1887)
Sherlock Holmes: 21
John Watson: 34
Iris Watson: -3
Gina Lestrade: 4
Tobias Gregson: 31
FINA (1893)
Sherlock Holmes: 26
John Watson: 39
Iris Watson: 2
Gina Lestrade: 9
Tobias Gregson: 36
DGS (1900)
Sherlock Holmes: 34
John Watson: 47
Iris Watson: 10
Gina Lestrade: 17
Tobias Gregson: 44
Iris’s age is exactly where it should be for the canon timeline to fit. She would be born in 1890, the exact year SIGN came out and John married Mary. John leaving also lines up with FINA, as it happened when Iris was too young to remember.
There are some discrepancies, however. Both Gina and Sherlock are far too young to be their canon counterparts (Sherlock is supposed to be in his thirties during STUD). This, of course, means that Gina and the canon Inspector Lestrade are two different people, though it doesn’t explain why the canon Lestrade is suddenly missing from the narrative.
Sherlock’s age gap doesn’t seem quite that jarring until you consider that he also looks nothing like his canon counterpart. I mean compare this
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to this
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And while it is true that artistic liberties are A Thing, these are all pretty glaring changes when you consider that all the biggest contradictions exist in a character who is supposed to be dead.
The Deutero-Holmes
By now you are all probably thinking to yourself “but Sherlock Holmes can’t be dead! He literally waltzed through half of London without anyone saying anything about it”. This isn’t quite true, though. He didn’t refer to himself as Sherlock Holmes.
He referred to himself as That Sherlock Holmes.
To be extra specific, he refers to himself as ano Sherlock Holmes. Ano means roughly the same thing as the word that (hence the translation), but it’s a bit more abstract (as far as I understand it anyway). Essentially, it is used to denote both familiarity and distance between the item and the speaker, so it could be used as a double entandre. Anyone who only knew about one Sherlock Holmes would read it as “Sherlock Holmes, but you already knew that”, but anyone aware the existence of two Sherlock Holmeses would read it as “this Sherlock Holmes specifically”.
So no one in London assumes that he’s canon!Sherlock Holmes because he’s that Sherlock Holmes.
Keep in mind that this man uses ano so often when referring to himself that Natsume Soseki assumed it was part of his name. It would also explain why Holmes was so anxious to have Susato and Ryounosuke live with him: It would help him make sure they don’t accidentally find out he’s supposed to be dead.
As it stands, I think the real Sherlock Holmes died (or at least faked his death) at Reichenbach, and whatever caused him to be killed is the reason John Watson left in the first place. The Sherlock Holmes we are dealing with now is simply someone acting in their stead. Who might that be? We can only guess.
As it stands, though, there is one important canon character suspiciously missing from the plot...
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reds-self-ships · 3 years
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🔎 The Adventure of the Detection Club
Chapter 10: The Case of the Familiar Coroner
Table of Contents & Trigger Warnings
⚠ CHAPTER SPECIFIC WARNINGS: Contains major spoilers for the ending of The Great Ace Attorney 2,—viewer discretion is severely advised unless you either know the ending or if you don't mind being spoiled. Warning for references to blood & gore made in passing.
“Er, Redford, are you coming?” asked Ryunosuke, standing outside the entrance to the coroner’s laboratory.
“Yeah. Just a second,” said Redford, furiously scribbling into his notebook.
Ryunosuke was ready to admit that, perhaps taking a crime fiction author with a habit for scribbling down notes to Scotland Yard, the headquarters of London’s Metropolitan Police, might not have been the best idea he’d ever had.
After the red-headed writer had taken more than his fill of descriptions of working police officers and layout of their offices and certain procedures, he joined Ryunosuke and Susato in descending down the staircase towards the coroner’s lab.
Ryunosuke gagged. “What’s that…awful smell?”
Susato sniffed the air. “It smells like formaldehyde. If I recall correctly from one of my father’s medical textbooks, it’s often used to sterilize medical tools before an operation. And it can also be used to preserve the human body to make sure that the body doesn’t decompose before its time.”
“So could it be used to stop aging? So I could stay 23 forever?” asked Ryunosuke.
“Well if you wanted to die in order to stop yourself aging, then yes, I suppose you could.” replied Redford. “The stuff, besides smelling as though it’s going to burn the inner hairs of your nostrils off, also happens to be very poisonous. The smell of it’s fine though, as long as the place is kept well ventilated or in a small amount.”
“Fair enough,” said Ryunosuke nasally as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
The three continued to descend down the stairs before pausing at the front door of Dr. Gulloyne’s office as they heard something.
“What’s that noise, Mr. Naruhodo?”
“It sounds like someone humming and mumbling to themselves, but it’s not a song I’d recognise.”
“It sounds familiar to me…” said Redford, picking up the tune himself. “It sounds like ‘Frère Jacques’.”
“It’s a French song. It means ‘Brother John’ in English though.”
“Ah. That’s probably why I’ve never heard of it before. It was only last week that Kazuma and I learned what the label on a bottle of French sparkling water said.”
“Which was?”
“‘Sparkling Water – Product of France’ or as it said in French: ‘Eau pétillante - Produit de France’.”
“Your pronunciation is rather excellent, Ryunosuke.”
“Oh, er…th-thank you…Mr. Sholmes taught me the pronunciation…” Ryunosuke stuttered, his face turning so red that he was glad that there wasn’t much light down at this depth of the building.
“Wait a second! I think I know whose voice that is…” said Susato, hurriedly opening the door and entering the coroner’s office.
Redford and Ryunosuke followed quickly after as the voice continued singing quietly to themselves:
“Sonnez les matines Sonnez les matines Ding dang dong Ding dang…Oh! Hello Susato!”
Ryunosuke exclaimed: “P-Professor Mikotoba!”
Professor Yujin Mikotoba, dressed in his shirt sleeves and a clean white apron, stood over an examination table, wearing a pair of dark red rubber gloves that seemed to go all the way up towards his elbows.
“Oh hello…Mr. Naruhodo, wasn’t it? And I see you’ve brought a friend. Good afternoon, I am Dr. Yujin Mikotoba.” He bowed his head. “I would shake your hand but I’m currently scrubbed up at the moment.”
“Oh why thank you. My name’s Redford Ninate. I’m a writer, President of the Detection Club and, well, a murder suspect at the moment.”
“Ah, so you must be working Mr. Ninate’s case, Mr. Naruhodo?”
“That’s correct, Professor.”
“Well I happen to be working this case as well, but as the coroner, not the lawyer. Dr. Gulloyne is away at the moment and they managed to catch my boat before it left Calais for the Mediterranean to ask me to step in on her behalf.”
“Well Mr. Sholmes did say that the coroner working the case was one of the best in the world, father…” said Susato with a smile.
“Did he now? He always did try too hard to upsell me, especially in that matter involving ‘The Giant Rat of Sumatra’…”
“Sorry – ‘always did’?” asked Redford.
“Yes. I’m Sholmes’s old investigative partner. The real life ‘Dr. Wilson’ as it were, but that’s a far more complicated matter than I’d care to explain at present. Not for a while in the very least.”
Ryunosuke could tell from the way that Redford had his teeth gritted and the way that he had his fist wrapped around his pen that he was resisting the urge to ask a hundred thousand and one questions.
“You mentioned that you were the coroner working on this case, Father. But a police constable mentioned to Mr. Sholmes that the murder weapon was in your custody for the time being…?”
“Why yes, that’s right. That’s what I’m working on at the moment actually.”
Dr. Mikotoba stood to one side to show the yellowy-white skull sitting on his desk, a large dark red streak splattered across its surface from the unfortunate victim’s blood. Both Ryunosuke and Susato seemed rather taken-aback.
“So…this is…”
“Norman!” exclaimed Redford.
“Is that his name? To me, he looks more like a ‘Takumi’ more than a ‘Norman’.”
“Maybe that could be his full name. If or when I get out of this mess, I’ll need to propose that as a potential surname, doctor.”
“Well I’m glad to be of service in that regard,” said Professor Mikotoba with a smile. “As for a more professional opinion, I can confirm that this was used to inflict quite a few blows to the head of the victim. In fact I think in my entire time working as a trainee coroner-turned-amateur detective-turned-general practitioner-turned-biology professor-turned-professional coroner again that I’ve never seen a body quite…what's the English word for it again...?”
Professor Mikotoba tapped his feet in what appeared to be a small tap-dance routine before he flicked the top of his greying hair and pointed. “Mutilated! That’s the word. Mutilated. I’ve not seen a corpse as mutilated as this one before.”
“You’re telling me! When I saw a photograph that was taken of the crime scene, I truly thought I was going to die myself,” said Ryunosuke with a wince.
“I feel the same sometimes, but I find the smell of formaldehyde actually rather helps keep me focused. As does singing. I learned that song you heard me singing, ‘Frère Jacques’, from a French chap with a top hat, monocle and tuxedo on-board my boat last month. Horace Velmont, he said his name was. Rather annoyingly catchy, I must say…
“…By the way,” added the professor, “If you’re fighting for Mr. Ninate’s innocence in court tomorrow then I might have an ace for you to use up your sleeve. Well, two of them, actually.”
“Go on…” said Redford, notebook and pen already well-prepared in advance.
“The first is that the prosecution have requested my testimony tomorrow, in lieu of Detective Jones’s, you’ll be pleased to hear, seeing as I can tell already that you absolutely loath the man.”
“Wh-What?! How did you know that?” asked Ryunosuke.
“You mumbled ‘彼ではない…’ under your breath as soon as I mentioned his name. That means ‘Not him…’, by the way, Mr. Ninate. If you want I can write out the romaji form of it for you later on for your own records?”
“If you could, that would be appreciated, Dr. Mikotoba.”
“Happy to be of service. But yes, I’ll be testifying with regards to the autopsy report and the state that the victim’s body was found in. I unfortunately can’t say any more, because if the prosecutor found out I was talking to you like this alone he’d have me out of the country again before I could translate Mr. Ninate’s notes into Japanese and back again.”
“I see,” said Ryunosuke. “And what’s the second part?”
“The second is that I have a reason to believe that this skull, Takumi Norman-kun, it may not be the murder weapon that you or the police are looking for.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. I’m not sure why I think that at the moment, so we’ll just call it a doctor’s intuition. But I am still yet to conduct the further tests required for me to be able to say that as a certainty. I’m sure I’ll have everything figured out in time for tomorrow morning though.”
“We’ll keep that in mind, Professor Mikotoba. But thank you very much for this information, I’m sure it’ll come in use at some point in court tomorrow.”
Professor Mikotoba bowed his head. “That is exactly what I’m here for, young Naruhodo. I’ll still be cheering you on though, don’t worry about that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must continue my work.”
“We’ll leave you to it then, father. But thank you very much for your assistance.”
“My pleasure, Susato. But just remember, it’s usually the most obvious facts that we end up missing at times. You should do well to remember that, the three of you.”
“Well Redford already has it written down, so I’m sure he can remember it for me if I forget it,” said Ryunosuke.
Professor Mikotoba smiled. “Alright, I shall see you in court tomorrow morning.”
As Susato had decided to stay behind for a moment, and Redford had decided to wander about asking more policemen more questions, Ryunosuke decided to wait for them in the lobby.
For a building such as Scotland Yard, it was a decidedly unimpressive lobby. A police constable on a high lectern-like desk continued to sift his way through paperwork. He was occasionally interrupted by police officers dragging in criminals to prepare them to be detained in a gaol cell or to meet with a prosecutor to discuss criminal charges.
Other than that, there were the occasional civilian visitors sitting in the lobby waiting their turn to make arrangements for bail or to visit those who had been remanded into police custody, or to provide evidence and statements to officers and detectives for all kinds of other cases.
As he read through the faded anti-crime slogans on the notice board, a young woman with short blonde hair walked in, wearing a long lilac-grey coloured dress and holding a thick leatherbound notebook underarm.
She approached the constable on the high lectern-desk and stood for a few moments, clearing her throat after the constable, too busy wondering whether it was an I or an E in the last part of “antidisestablishmentarianism,” failed to notice her.
“Oh, sorry miss. Er, can I take your name please for our visitor’s book?”
“Christina Agatha.”
“‘Christina Agatha’, lovely. Nice and easy enough one for me to spell.”
(It’s not my fault you can’t spell ‘Ryunosuke Naruhodo’ very well, constable—even though it’s spelt exactly as it sounds…Still…why does that name sound familiar to me…)
“Now then, Miss Agatha. How can I help you today?”
“I was wondering if it were possible to speak to Detective Athelney Jones about the Harris Thomas case?”
“I’d certainly say so—he shouldbe in his office at the moment, and his next meeting’s not for another while yet. Here, I’ll write you a visitor’s pass. Now where did I put that pen of mine…?”
After a minute or so, the constable had the lady’s pass written out and sent her on the way in the direction of the Criminal Investigations Department, Homicide Division. And after that, he didn’t really think much of the entire thing.
“Alright!” cried a Scottish voice. “Tha’s enough o’ that! Out with ye! Go on, git! Git!”
A particularly burly-looking Scottish detective practically threw Redford Ninate into the lobby. “But Detective Superintendent MacDonald—!”
“Ah dinnae care! Now git tha hell outta here befurr ah tayke ye intae custady!”
“Well next time I’m writing a police procedural, you certainly won’t get a good portrayal, you great big Scottish red-faced eegit.”
“Mr. Naruhodo, I think Redford has asked more than enough questions of the police for one day, don’t you agree?”
“Yes. I think now’d be a good time to get out—”
Before Ryunosuke could finish the rest of his sentence, D.S MacDonald threw Redford’s notebook in his face, as well as his pen, followed by a bottle of ink that he only just managed to catch, a wad of blank forms – much to the chagrin of the constable manning the desk – and a full mug of coffee that ended up decorating the wall beside the front door.
“Get out and stay out ya wee bawbag of a—!” roared MacDonald as Ryunosuke, Susato and Redford made their escape whilst the constable despaired over his misplaced paperwork.
0 notes
dreamerswriter · 3 years
Ryunosuke’s Disappearance Final. The Final Part to that Weird Dream I Had! (Don’t worry, it is a happy ending!)
Sort of based on a dream, but mostly on the first concept I had with these characters. It didn’t work well with what I originally had planned, so I scrapped it. Luckily, I still had the idea fresh in my mind and I’m so grateful I could use it! 
So, enjoy! I tried my best to write Gina’s accent, but I've never actually had to do that before. Also, why can’t we use the bazooka? We used the gun! Well, time to change that! Enjoy! 
Part 1 
and link to Whatever I Like 
(Ryunosuke's POV)
I wasn't sure what happened next. I could hear Holmes-san's voice, but I couldn't see anything. I then felt myself being dragged away and thrown into a stone, cold, wet cell. I picked myself up and realized I could move my arms and legs again! I took off the piece of cloth over my eyes and found myself in a cell! Just like the ones in the Old Bailey! Where am I?!
"Ah, welcome, Ryunosuke Naruhodō" the same cold, calculating voice I heard before I was taken!
I looked up to see a post card picture gentleman standing before me.
"Who are you?" I asked as I tried to remain calm.
"Someone you will not live to tell" he answered as I gulped.
I looked through the bars of the cell to see Kazuma's katana and Chunosuke on the table! If I can just get him to pull Chunosuke's ears, I should be able to send a message out to my friends!
"I'm sick of people like you entering our country and changing it" he said in a cold manner.
Ah, that's right. Lord Van Zieks and Holmes-san mentioned this. There are people who will never accept us. This must be one of them.
"First, you learn from us. Then, you'll kill us to get your way!" he snapped and swung his cane against the bars of the cell.
I jumped back as he pointed the cane right at me. I was trembling, but I stared right at him with no intention of backing down.
"I was going to get rid of that Eastern girl. Especially since her father did come to our country and mess it up" he explained as I felt my blood boil, "Her father did nothing but cause trouble. I felt it would be only fair to cause him nothing but trouble as well"
I could breathe a sigh of relief. He'll never harm Susato-san! Especially after I made sure of her safety over mine! I could only sigh in relief and smile.
"What are you smiling about?" he asked angrily.
"The girl you want to hurt" I said strongly, "Is far away from you! You'll never hurt someone like her! Her family is here to make sure she is safe! She'll be safer and farther away from you!"
He can't hurt her! He won't be able to! However, he just laughed at me! Why is he laughing?!
"Why do you think I switched targets, you foolish student?" he mocked as I slowly felt fear and cold wash over me.
What does he mean?
"You don't have family. You're just a student. Your death will cause an outrage among our countries and maybe insight a war. Teaching those foreigners will never be safe outside of their countries and should just surrender themselves to the greater ones!" he declared as I felt myself in greater danger!
Please be safe and stop this crazy gentleman! He's going to hurt our homes and others if he is not stopped!
(Susato's POV)
We returned to the flat just as Adler-san, Kazuma-sama, and Gina arrived. Iris got to work on tracking Naruhodō-san, but we were anxiously waiting around. After what felt like a very long time, Iris exclaimed in delight.
"I've found Ryu!" she exclaimed happily as we stood around her, "He's near the port. He's in a wooden room. My charm should be able to hone in on Ryu's"
"Oh, I do not think so, young lady" Adler-san said seriously, "You will hand over your charm to us. Sherlock and I will be the ones to bring Ryunosuke back. You will stay here with your brother and sisters until we've returned"
Kazuma-sama and I were not going to simply wait here and wonder how Naruhodō-san is fairing!
"I must disagree, Adler-san" Kazuma-sama said seriously, "Ryunosuke is my best friend. I have no intention of just sitting here and waiting. I'm coming with you"
Holmes-san shook his head as he replied in his rarely serious tone, "I won't let you go either. Their target wasn't Ryunosuke in the first place. They switched their targets. Their original one was my dear friend's daughter"
I gasped as I felt my blood run cold. Is that why he pushed me away from him? Was Naruhodō-san aware of this? I shook my head. He must've protected me for a reason, and I, for one, plan to return the favor to him! I want to save him.
"Even if they wanted me, I cannot sit by and wait. I must help in saving Naruhodō-san! I'm sorry, but I will not wait either!" I declared strongly as I gently bowed my head to them.
The room was silent. No one said anything.
"Oi!" Gina shouted to gain the attention in the room, "I tink we're forgetting something. We all care for Ryunosuke. He's helped us out. It makes sense to me tat we help 'im out. Together. So, instead of arguing, let's just save 'im together. Sounds easy enough ta me"
Much like that, we calmed down. We were relieved by her words and attitude. That was the truth of her words. We all care about Naruhodō-san and want to help him. So, we should do it together.
"Very well" Holmes-san said as he snapped his fingers and walked to Iris's invention bench to take out a few items, "If we are going to do this right, we should do this in style"
He held a warm smile as the rest of us agreed warmly. Don’t worry, Naruhodō-san. We are coming to save you!
(Ryunosuke's POV)
That gentleman left me alone in the cell as I stared at the katana and Chunosuke. I just can't sit here and do nothing! I have to do something to help my friends! I searched and searched for something I could use to get myself out of here, but there was nothing in this cell! I am starting to believe Holmes-san's books were wrong about this! Suddenly, I felt the building shake in such a violent manner! What's going on?
"Robby?!" one of those brothers shouted, "We've gotta a problem!"
"What problem?!" the gentleman asked in a furious tone.
"A lady and gent! They have cannons! They're firing!" the other brother exclaimed as I gripped the bars of the cell.
A lady and gent? Wait, Holmes-san and Adler-san?! What are they doing here?!
"Stop them! Do everything you can to stop them!" the gentleman ordered as the brother departed from us.
I couldn't help but smile. They're here! They've come for me!
"You won't be smiling for long!" the gentleman snarled as he swung his cane on the table to break it and then step on the fallen Chunosuke while making his way to me, "You are coming with me!"
He unlocked the cell and held me by his cane. I raised my hands as I sighed, but the building was shaking again! I lost my footing and fell backwards as the gentleman growled.
"Just what in the world is going on out there?!" he shouted as I could only imagine the chaos Adler-san was allowing Holmes-san to commit.
(Irene's POV)
Well, this is certainly not what I had in mind, but I am not complaining in the slightest! Iris was giggling as she was standing behind us while my charmer was holding her bazooka. He aimed at the brick building as he fired one smoke grenade after the other.
"I knew this invention would come in handy one day" he said with a laugh as he pulled the trigger, "I cannot wait to read about this story, Dr. Watson!"
"I plan to! I just need to think of a title. Oh! What about, "One Point to Naruhodō!" she asked in a cheery tone as Gina, Kazuma, and Susato made their way to the back entrance of the building.
Another smoke grenade hit the building to drag out a pair of brothers as my charmer replied, "A wonderful title, Dr. Watson! Now, would my intended like to help?"
You only experience joy once in your life. I took the bazooka and carefully aimed it right at the center of the building. The building shook as the windows shattered when the grenade went off. Hm, perhaps that was too much, thought Iris is very thrilled while my charmer let out a wonderful laugh.
"Ah, it appears someone wishes to cut in on our lovely dance, my intended" my charmer said as he snapped his fingers to point to the pair of brother coming towards us.
I pressed a button to retract the bazooka into a simple gun to then give to Iris.
"Dr. Watson, please stay behind us" I said as I cracked my knuckles while my charmer readied himself.
The two of us drew our fists back and then punched both brothers. We knocked both out with ease as they hit the ground with a thud. Wonderful work as usual. My charmer then took my hand to brush his lips against it before smiling at me. I simply rolled my eyes at him before returning the favor.
"Papa! Mama!" Iris shouted with a small pout on her face, "You can flirt a little later. We have to help Ryu first!"
Naturally, Dr. Watson is correct. My charmer and I easily took the pair of brothers to the Yard before heading back to the building to help our kids with saving Ryunsouke. Hang on a little longer, Ryunosuke. We are almost there.
(Ryunosuke's POV)
I could only smile! Of course, that was the work of Iris's invention! I should've known! Wow! She definitely improved it!
"Those idiots can't even accomplish a simple task!" the gentleman growled before he swung his cane at me!
I jumped back just as I heard Susato-san's voice along with Kazuma's yells! They were here! I turned towards the only entrance in the whole building to hopefully see Susato-san coming towards me with Kazuma and Gina behind her. However, I felt something cold and melt wrap around my wrists. I looked at it to see chains around it! I turned back to the gentleman holding the chains! No! He roughly pulled the chains which pulled me to the ground. I hit it with a thud as he stood over me. He won't get away with this. The gentleman hide himself by standing at the side of the doors just as I heard a shout and someone running towards the room.
"Ryunosuke!" Kazuma shouted as he charged into the room with a sword in hand.
I saw everything in slow motion as the gentleman swung his cane to knock the sword out of Kazuma's hand and then swiftly to strike down Kazuma down by whacking his cane on his back!
"KAZUMA!" I shouted in a panic as he fell to the ground and clutching his hand.
I crawled over to him as the gentleman held his cane and looked down on us.
"You're going to regret that" I said to him in a dark manner.
"And just how do you plan to stop me?" he taunted as I saw a pink kimono coming towards me.
I could only smile. She's here.
(Susato's POV)
Now, I am furious. He took Naruhodō-san, hurt my brother, and possibly hurt Naruhodō-san! He's not going to get away with this! As Naruhodō-san threatened him, he saw me and gently smiled. I smiled back before my expression turned serious. I quickly grab his arm holding the cane and gripped it tightly to force him to drop it!
"Now, you've done it. Susato Toss!" I shouted as I put all of my force and power to fling the gentleman over my shoulder.
He landed on his back with a thud as I twisted his arm to make sure he couldn't move!
"Gina!" I shouted as I then pressed my foot on his chest to ensure he did not flee.
"Comin'! Man, you work fast!" Gina expressed before rushing in and placing handcuffs on the gentleman.
She then went to work to freeing Naruhodō-san from his cuffs as he tended to Kazuma-sama. Then, Holmes-san and Adler-san arrived to take away the gentleman from me, even though I was not finish with him. Later, we were taken to the hospital as the police checked on what remained of the building. It wasn't much, but they were thorough with their investigation. Kazuma-sama was fine. His hand wasn't broken while his back only had a bump. The doctor gave him some lotion to help with the pain. As for Ryunosuke, he wasn't hurt. His wrists were a bit cut up, but nothing serious. He was slightly shaken up, but he was fine. He was so relieved that he collapsed against Holmes-san when he went to check on him. We brought him back to the flat. Iris and Mrs. Hudson were preparing food while Kazuma-sama and Gina were talking with themselves. Holmes-san and Adler-san were reporting everything to the police about this incident while I remained at Naruhodō-san's side. I couldn't leave him. I sat by his side and waited for him to wake up. He stirred a bit as he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the antic. He sat up as he looked panicked, so I gently held his hand and smiled at him.
"Susato-san! You did it! You and our family!" Naruhodō-san said in relief as he smiled, "You stopped him! I was so worried he would get away with everything he said, but I also knew nothing was going to stop you and our family from stopping him!"
He sounds so relieved and happy, but he was just in a perilous situation only moments ago. To think, I could've been the one in that situation. What would he have done? Would he have searched for me until he found me? Oh, Naruhodō-san…
"How are you not still frightened?" I asked in a whisper as his expression changed to confusion, "You were in a terrible situation. You could've been killed! Does that not frighten you?"
He remained quiet before he held my hands to reply, "Yes, I was scared. Though, I knew you and our family would've done nothing to come and find me. I know you would save me. I also know you would've done everything you could to stop him. I believe in you, Susato-san, and our family. I knew I was going to be saved. Though, I am sorry I worried you. I didn't mean to"
That is him. His belief in everyone is astounding. I smiled in relief as he nodded his head while holding my hand in a gentle manner.
"Ahem!" Kazuma-sama coughed with a cheeky smile, "Food is finished. Iris has finished fixing up Chunosuke while I've tended to Karuma. Also, the culprit is arrested and will be handled by Lord Van Zieks. So, would you like to have dinner with us, or would you rather spend some time together?"
Naruhodō-san's face was read and blushing while I was giggling. Ah, I understand what Kazuma-sama was trying to do, so I pulled Naruhodō-san's hand to take him back to the flat to have a nice warm meal with our family and me.
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