#but charlie would absolutely pick her up just to kiss her little face
haljathefangirlcat · 3 months
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Charlie + picking up and twirling her badass spear-wielding former Exorcist gf
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
lovely how are u? hope you’re doing amazing, please don’t overwork yourself and take care.
Can i send u a request? If the answer is yes…HERE I AM
There is a ball/or like an event where we have dancing involved. There reader is in a corner of the main hotel hall, looking at everybody dancing, she decides to go out in a sort of garden or whatever you want, and there meets Alastor? Maybe teasing and stuff like that YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN- surprise me darling
luv u💌
aww you sweet thing 🥺!! i’m doing well thank you and i absolutely adore everything about this request! especially the fact you trust me with such a lovely idea, so i hope i did you insane amounts of justice with this one and as always enjoy ❤︎₊ ⊹
under the pale moonlight
alastor!f reader
no warnings for this one c: just fluffy !
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Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel had came together in the last couple weeks to throw a HUGE elaborate party with the hopes of welcoming in more sinners that were accepting of their rehabilitation program. Charlie was all a buzz about it, as she loved seeing her friends so willingly help get this all together as she went to the highest extent of writing her own little speech for it (of course with yours and Vaggie’s help) and making sure to mention her little band of misfits as she would pitch it later on that evening to hopefully win a couple hearts with her insatiable charisma. 
Tonight just so happened to be the night, guests already flooding in through the doors of the main hall, you couldn’t help but look around admiring the hotel in this moment of controlled chaos with a small smile creeping onto your face since it had never looked and sounded so alive in all its time sitting here on top of the hill.
Beautiful decorations adorned the walls and any crevice the crew could find, platters with food of all kinds to dine in on, jazz music from a band Alastor had mustered up playing softly in their designated corner, and a big scribbled on sign that hung over the main doors with the words “welcum” managed to some how weasel its way into the formalities here making you giggle to yourself as your friends were so predictable.
“Bitch!! Look at you!” Angel dust compliments making you snap out of your sweet little thoughts to yourself as you looked over at him then looking down at the white gown the girls had helped you pick out blushing bashfully as you playfully fanned a hand at him then covered your cheeks. “Oh stop! Have you seen yourself!” you attempt at reciprocating the energy as you gesture towards his short pink dress that flattered him well.
He chuckles brining you in for a hug before admiring the hotel alongside you with a smug look on his face. “I can’t believe we actually did this”
“I know! i think we really outdid ourselves with this one and i bet Charlie’s shitting bricks right now seeing all these people” you snicker in which he does too at this.
“Oh without a doubt, hey! Have you seen smiles anywhere? He’d usually be all over this joint kissing ass.”
Now that he mentioned it you started to wonder where the tall deer man was, attempting to look over the crowd of demons to no avail, Alastor would’ve been easy to pick out if he was here.
“Yeah i’m not entirely-“ before you could finish your sentence Angel was dragged away to the bar by none other than Cherri Bomb, a small ‘sorry’ was mouthed to you and then you were alone with your thoughts once more.
Sighing softly to yourself you noticed the band had started playing a slower song now, demons who had partners gathered to slow dance in the middle of the floor so elegantly with the lights of the chandelier above them casting a pretty glow amongst all their usual ravaging faces, surprising and almost scaring you seeing their decency unfold in-front of you.
Continuing your watch from afar a small ache within your heart erupts as you couldn’t help but wish you had someone of your own to share moments like that with. You quite pitied yourself since you never were much of the realtionship type though now that didn’t seem to be the case. Sighing once more in shameless thought, you tear your eyes away to stop the torture amongst yourself as you desired some fresh air.
Finding yourself in Hazbin’s small little garden with the few dead frivolous plants amongst a murky pound with barely any life in it, sitting yourself on a bench in the mix of it all.
The breeze being the only nice thing as it lightly brushed through your hair and dress as you looked up at Hell’s moon for a moment as you still pondered the thought of love.
“Running away from our problems are we?”
You jump startled slipping off the bench and onto the hard ground making you huff as you stare up at the smiling bastard.
“Gosh…I must say you look quite good from down there my dear~” his voice low and oddly somewhat playful as he appears next to you in his usual attire that seemed almost too fitting for the occasion.
“Oh don’t flatter yourself” huffing once more as you scrunch your eyebrows at him, you wanted ever so badly to give him a piece of your mind, but you knew it wouldn’t do you any good in this moment since it seemed with the weight of your dress you could barley get yourself up.
He chuckles seeing your predicament as you plop around the floor before you finally give up not daring to look up at him for help as your cheeks burn from embarrassment.
“Do you need assistance darling?~”
“No” you grumble crossing your arms as he waits patiently for a moment before you say, “alright maybe i do..”
A mischievous glint passes through his eyes as you finally look back up at him shivering slightly when seeing it.
“Beg for it~”
The wind practically knocked out of you as he said it so huskily. “w-what?”
“You heard me my dear….i want you to beg for my help, it’s not that difficult to comprehend~” he teased with his eyes squinting down at you as if demanding you to do it now.
Your cheeks were on fire as your mind scrabbled with what to do, though it was painstakingly obvious.
Once your mind was right you suddenly grab his hand with your upper body pressed up against his leg giving him the best pleading eyes you could muster as you say, “p-please help me alastor~” in the sweetest voice that had him squeezing your hand.
He then pulls you up to your feet with a surprising amount of strength making you teeter about before you catch your balance once more, his hand staying in yours.
(cue the music!! ⤵️)
There’s a sudden silence that falls between the both of you with the only sound being from the soft tunes of the jazz band pouring from the windows of the hotel.
Alastor without warning grabs your hand tighter as he pulls you toward his chest, discarding his microphone for the spare of the moment without care, then rests that hand on your hip.
The sudden movements catching you off guard making your heart race a little with both the close proximity and the feeling of his touch.
“I think you deserve a dance for all my trouble tonight~”
“O-oh nonono Alastor- I can’t dance” you say bashfully trying to pull away with no budge.
“I won’t take no for an answer~” his voice stern as he keeps a hold on you as he then starts to guide you with his movements. Delicately swaying back and forth.
At first you looked like a new born bird trying to fly but eventually you started flowing along with Alastor, becoming way more comfortable with yourself. The two of you glided along the grass of the garden underneath the spotlight of the moon. You then lightly rest your head against his chest feeling the vibrations of his humming along with the song that seemed to comfort you as you shut your eyes to take it all in.
Because for some reason it seemed so perfect to you. Like you’ve finally found what you’ve been missing for all this time.
You open your eyes once more meeting Alastor’s as you softly spoke out to him,
“Yes my dear?~”
“How come i didn’t see you at the party this evening?”
“Well….because i knew i’d be seeing you~”
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hazbn-oneshots · 3 months
Dancing Headcanons
Charlie loves to dance, that’s a given. With as strong as a passion that she has for singing, well it’s not really surprising when the two go together like milk and cookies.
Both a fan of freestyle dancing as well as more classical styles, she’ll grab your hand and pull you into a full Ballroom-Style Waltz before moving onto a lively two-step.
Speaking of the waltz, it’s one of her favorite dance styles. It makes her yearn for a day where she could throw a big party and just parade around the room, showing off just what kind of power couple is taking on Hell.
She mainly just likes to show you off, she’s very proud to call you her partner and she’d scream it from the rooftops if she could.Or even twirl you ‘round and ‘round an ornately decorated ballroom.
Until then she’ll settle for twirling you around in the dim light of your bedroom, singing quietly to the old record playing.
Vaggie doesn’t know how to dance and it takes a lot of convincing and just a little bit of bribing for her to even entertain the idea of letting you show her some moves.
She’s relatively quick on the uptake, however, her background as a fighter serving her well to stay quick on her feet. She definitely takes to the livelier dances, absolutely loves to salsa and as soon as she hears the music she’s immediately tying her hair up.
Vaggie will never admit it to you but she looks forward to these moments with you, showing her whichever new dance you had practicing just to show her.
Lead her through a sultry tango and you’ll have her swooning in no time, although in the classic Vaggie fashion you’ve come to love. With a face brighter than the sun, if you even dare to try going for a kiss she’ll…. Well she may just let you have one ;)
Few may know but in the living world, Alastor lived quite a thriving social life and with that comes a little bit of knowledge when it comes to the dancefloor, be it old fashioned as it may.
He’ll be genuinely delighted if you’ll ask him to dance with you, probably one of the few times you see his forced grin slip into a more relaxed smile.
Alastor forces everyone to vacate the main floor of the hotel, after all, he would have nothing in the way of a perfect evening with his darling.
An evening complete with a custom outfit he’d had ordered for you from his tailor-only the best- and a shiny old phonograph that broadcast music that he was more familiar with himself. 
And with you on that floor, he almost feels like his old self. It’s like the hotel fades away only to be replaced with the backdrop of the old club he’d frequent when he was still human. He’ll fox trot ‘till the morning comes, loves to Charleston, his smile never wavering one bit.
He only begins to slow when he notices you begin to slow, tripping on your feet with a newfound exhaustion. He’ll glide you to a stop, one hand on your lower back and the other holding one of your own.
"We’ll break for now dearest, wouldn’t want to take you out of the race”
You better take a breath and drink of water though because before you know it you’re swept away again
He’s more of a watcher, truth be told. With his big ol feet and wings, he knows he’ll end up getting in the way so he prefers to keep his post behind the bar. It doesn’t bother him, not dancing anyway. These stupid little hang outs that Charlie organizes at the hotel bar piss him off beyond belief however.
Things typically go one of two ways. Either every resident of this forsaken hotel will completely disregard the invitation; Which never fails to upset the poor princess and leave her and Vaggie sulking on a couch.
Or, on rare nights such as tonight, a few residents will show up and sometimes it’ll fizzle out not long after everyone gathers. 
Not tonight though.
You see, during your stay at the hotel you and Angel had come to become quite close and as such had decided to take it upon yourselves to liven everyone up a little. You pick the music though, Angel’s taste wasn’t awful but you feared sending Sir Pentious into a fit with the content.
You only try to ask Husk to dance once and his wordless response was but a chuckle.
"I don’t dance kid but, maybe next time” and if you catch the hint of fondness in his eye as he turns to put a glass away, you sure don’t mention it.
Angel Dust:
Sign him the fuck up, he doesn’t care what they put on, when it is, he just wants to grab his love bug and give them a spin.
He’s the type to remember certain reactions you’ll have to specific songs, making sure to add them to a special playlist reserved for you.
He even named it after you, adding little hearts and kissy faces next to your name.
Angel likes to break it put whenever you’re feeling down, even if you’re not fully up to a dance he’ll wrap you up in a gentle sway anyway. 
Due to the height difference he’ll let you stand on his feet while he sways back and forth. Complete with little peck kisses on the head and face as well.
It’s not long before you’ve got your face buried in his chest, wondering what you did to deserve someone like him.
He’s gonna twerk on you at some point those, it’s inevitable. If the two of you are out on the town for a night, you can bet he’ll be dragging you to the liveliest club possible, eager to dance up on his honey
Requests are open!!
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bestpigeon · 3 months
Vox x male reader unfamiliar feelings..
Vox x male reader.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, aggression, strangling.
Words: 1.6k
Thought I'd do some Vox for a change
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I've been safely working at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie's been more than kind. She let me stay for free, knowing my struggles. Though despite the face that I've got her help, Vox can still make me appear into thin air if needed. I'm still trapped. A worthless demon like me binded to a powerful overlord called Vox. I was relaxing in my hotel room. I suddenly felt myself black out for a moment. Like I was fading away.
This feeling was familiar, and I wasn't surprised one bit when I opened my eyes to see Vox. Great, what does he need now.
"Vox." I say in a stern tone. I was clearly not happy with his presence.
"Ah, where the FUCK have you been!?" He says as he lunges up in his chair in anger. His screen glitches as he shouts into my face. He's slightly taller, so I have to rotate my head to look up at him.
I hesitate to answer. I mean, if he knew I was in his enemies' hotel? He would absolutely murder me. "Away." i say simply. I didn't intent of telling him my where abouts any time soon.
His face only glitches more in anger. His fists clench as he grabs my neck and pulls me close to him. So my face is inches away from his. "Answer my FUCKING QUESTION" he says shouting once again. His screen glitches when he's angry. I choke and feel tears prickle in my eyes. He was gripping my throat with intense strength. I flinch as he lifts his other hand to my shoulder and claws at it.
"I- just at a..f-friends house!-" i say. I could barely breathe since he was gripping intently at my throat. He squints his eyes at me and stays silent for a while. He rolls his eyes before dropping me onto the floor.
I fall to the floor. I'm a thump. I groan and gasp for air while grasping my now purple neck. Vox speaks again. I feel a familiar chain appear at my neck. I look up at Vox with watery eyes.
"Don't forget who owns you, sweetheart. You dont want to fuck with me!" He says before the chain disintegrates into thin air. My head falls and I wiped the tears on my face before Vox had a chance to notice them. He'd probably make fun of me for being so pathetic. "Yes.. sir." I say in almost a whisper. I felt so pathetic under Vox. He rolls his eyes and snickers. He then walks out of the office, leaving me on the floor.
I slowly catch my breath and rise from the floor. I rub at my still bruised neck before I fo some paperwork. I have a little desk at the back of Voxs office. It's a little space where I can do paperwork. Im assuming the reason why he called me here was to do his shit work. I haven't seen him for about 2 months now. Normally, he would summon me at least once a week.
I sat down and automatically saw a pile of papers dumped onto my desk. I sigh and slump onto the wooden chair. I grab a few papers and start signing and writing some random shit on them. Vox told me to just sign everything. I mean, he doesn't really care. If he can't be fucked to go to a meeting then he would just cancel it, with no feeling of shame at all.
After what feels like hours, I've finally completed half the stacks of paper. I rub my neck again since it's sore. I continue to pick out papers and sigh away. I didn't bother reading them. Why would I? Suddenly, Vox enters his office again. I don't move at all. I don't even bother looking at him. I just lean onto my knuckle and repetitively write Voxs name over and over again. I see Voxs flat-screened head rotate and glare at me. I don't move again, and he just sits onto his chair. He straps the wires to the back of his head and does whatever shit he usually does.
I felt so tired, overwhelmed, and bored. All this dumb paperwork. I mean, I know this guy is famous and all, but still. People can't care that much about him. I mean, I don't. He's not too bad, I guess. Sometimes he's nice sometimes he's not. His mood mainly depends on Valentino. If Val pisses him off, then he would lash out of everyone. It's not entirely his fault. Valentinos a bitch and Vox gets stressed easily. I somewhat understand. But sometimes it's too much.
I rub my worn-out eyes and groan. I hold back a yawn before I lean against the back of my chair. Vox glares at me again, and I turn to make eye contact with him. The silent communication is cut off when I look away. His eyes were different than usual. Some different emotions he's never expressed for me before. Sympathy, maybe? Could be.
I sigh and lean on both my hands. I lean against the table and drift away into a deep slumber. I didn't mean to. Though the activities I did with Charlie earlier and all this paper work.
Vox turns and notices I was asleep. He holds back a smile and approaches my sleeping body. He taps my shoulder to justify that I was actually asleep. He slowly and carefully picks me up, bridal style, and relocates me. He walks towards a door in the corner of his office and walks through it. His bedroom.
He delicately puts me down and tucks me into the bed. He smiled down at me before writing on a piece of paper he found scattered on his desk. He then leaves. He quietly shuts the door and leaves.
Hours later, I awake finally. I have slept for a while. I was clearly sleep deprived. I sit up and look around the room, confused. Where the fuck was I? I quickly went to run out the room when I noticed a ink covered peice of paper. I pick it up and read it.
"Morning, or whenever you wake up. I just wanted to say sorry earlier. I didn't mean to treat you that way. I had a bad day and took it out on you. Let's talk."
From Vox
I couldn't help but smile. That was sweet. Well, the bare minimum, but for Vox, this was a big step. He never shows sympathy or any fucks for his minions. This actually meant something. My head flies up to the door as someone slowly starts opening it. I see Vox glare into the room to see if I was asleep. He enters when he sees me.
"Oh. Mornin'.. um. Are you doing okay?" He says quietly. He approaches the bed and lifts my chin before looking at my neck. I blush and glare at his pretty but flat face.
"Since when are you nice?" I say somewhat teasingly and somewhat truthful. I mean, I'm right. He's never nice.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up." He says as he rolls his eyes with sass. I chuckle slightly and smile up at him. He's been nice, well, in his own way.
"The letter, let's chat," He says. I have no time to deny before he sits on the bed beside me.
"So. Val has been a little fucking asshole. I mean, the idiot thinks he can boss me around like I'm his boy toy, and -" He stops talking for a moment. "Never mind. Um. But I've been.. pissed off lately. So I lashed out on you." He says. He seemed genuine. His normally loud dementure not present. I nod. I somewhat forgive him. My neck still hurts but he's trying. Which makes it count.
"Yeah so. Sorry for being a bitch. Asshole I don't know. I um. I guess I just find you different from the other fucks." I chuckle at that. Though he's calm whenever he talks about someone else he grits his teeth.
"You find me different? How?" I question. I generally was confused. How was I different? I assumed he meant because I'm not an overlord. I'm weaker then everyone else he knows. Anyone that's not Velvet or Valentino is under him. Though I could be wrong. Because I've never met this Vox before.
"I guess I uh.. feel different with you. The others fucking stress me out. You dont- as much." He says. Adding a snarcky comment on the end. Of course. Why wouldn't he?
"How.. surprisingly charming." I say. He rolls his eyes and looks away. He thinks of what to say before turning to look at me.
"Oh fuck you. Really. But I feel different with you. Fuck knows what that means." He says as he leans back slightly. I smirk and glare at him.
"Aww you have a little crush on me Vox?~" I say teasingly. His screen turns a lighter and brighter blue. I pull playfully at his bowtie all while having complete eye contact.
"Oh fuck you asshole- I'm trying to be nice yknow?" I smile at that and move my hands away from his bowtie. I look into hi alluring red eyes. They're actually quite beutiful.
"Yeah. I appreciate it though. Your not too bad." I say. He smiles at that. Oh that smile. He normally just smirks but that soft smile is so fucking attractive. I grab his bowtie again and peck the side of his screen. "I'll see you tomorrow, Vox." I say before getting up and leaving.
Vox was left dumbfounded. You just kissed him? Why? Why did he like it? His screen blanked out and read; 'warning, emotion overload.'
Let's just say, Vox's day got better. Way better
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jjwantsme · 1 year
It’s Christmas, Charlie Brown!
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pairing: jj maybank x girlfriend!reader
summary: after years of neglection, christmas was never an excitement in JJ’s life- that is, until he met y/n
warning: kind of grumpy boyfriend x sunshine girlfriend trope, fluff, mentions of abusive family, cussing, references to smut, let me know if there’s anything missing!
authors note: i couldn’t sleep at 6am and came up with this. Time for a holiday special!!! Sorry im over a week late 😭😭
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JJ groaned a bit as he felt his shoulder being shaken, still half asleep as he listened to his girlfriend’s bubbly voice.
“JJ, wake up, wake up, it’s christmas!” Y/n cheered, excitement radiating off her flushed face.
“baby, baby,” JJ rasped, “it’s 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 christmas. Don’t cream your pants over it.”
“‘Just Christmas’?!” She gasped dramatically, pretending to be overly offended- which, wasn’t too far from the truth. “now, come on, get up so we can make breakfast!”
JJ couldn’t really relate to her excitement.
Unlike his loving girlfriend, he grew up in a broken home.
Growing up with an abusive father, and an absentee mother, JJ never really got to have Christmas. His father never held them by the fire or watched movies with him; he received a present once, but it was taken shortly after on account of bad behavior.
So, because of him never getting to experience all of the christmas magic, it was never a big deal to him. In his book, it was just any old day.
And, normally, that would be a deal breaker for y/n. However, seeing as JJ is perfect for her in every other aspect, she let it slide this time.
She’d just have to make-up for all of the christmas he’s missed.
“Breakfast?” JJ sat up and groaned, “I thought your parents would be doing that!”
“Well, yeah…but, I asked if we could do it,” y/n grinned, clearly not understanding his exhaustion, “It’s part of the fun!”
She began putting bottoms over her bare legs, still half-naked from when JJ undressed her the night before.
JJ couldn’t help but let out a small smile at her excitement, looking over all the hickeys on her stomach.
Boy, was he in for a long holiday.
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“Oh, JJ! This is for you,” Mrs. y/l/n chirped as she handed JJ a gift, “from me and y/n’s father!”
Y/n had definitely received her positive attitude from her mother.
“Oh, shit, y-you guys really didn’t have to get me anything,” JJ chuckled and shook his head, rubbing his neck as he grabbed the present.
“Of course we did!”
JJ smiled wide as he opened the gift, feeling like a little kid again as y/n sat right next to him.
He wasn’t used to any parents loving him the way y/n’s did, it was definitely still something to get used to.
Her parents absolutely adored him, always inviting him over for meals and letting him spend the night
When they first met, JJ thought for sure they’d despise him, the same way most parents do. He thought they’d say he’s a bad influence on their daughter, and that he’s no good just like his dad.
But, they never said that. They took him in with open arms.
JJ opened the gift slowly, his smile growing when he opened the box to reveal a ring.
A ring with the letter “J” imprinted onto it.
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled up at him with her innocent voice.
“I love it!” He was so happy, he almost laughed, “Thank you guys, so much!”
He gave her parents quick hugs.
“Now open mine, open mine!” Y/n couldn’t contain her excitement, and anticipation, as she handed him the gift she picked out.
He opened hers much more quickly, and he swore his cheeks were going to break from smiling too hard when he saw it. A necklace with her first initial on it.
“Do you like it? Look, I got us matching ones!” She pulled hers out of her hoodie pocket, (the same hoodie she stole from JJ), and showed it to him.
It had a J on it, and he blushed so hard that he saw stars. He wouldn’t be surprised if there were hearts in his eyes.
“Oh my god, baby,” JJ kissed her head, and then her cheek, and then her lips. “I absolutely adore it.”
Y/n couldn’t help the giddy tears that welled up in her eyes as she watched him put it on with so much pride.
“I’ll never take it off!”
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“Who’s idea was it to invite them over? Like, seriously, who let John B in?” Kiara jokingly asked as she watched him and pope nearly break y/n’s family vase.
“Ha-ha, very funny, kie.” Pope sarcastically replied, taking his seat at the dinning table.
After everyone’s parents approval, y/n had invited all of the pogues over for christmas dinner at her place. Her mother made a five-course-meal for them, and let them have sparkling water to drink.
Y/n was pretty close with the pogues, especially sarah, as she grew up a kook. Well, nobody really called her a kook. She had a foot in both worlds; her parents were filthy rich, but she never acted snobby or better than anyone. She didn’t fit in with the other kooks, which is why she was more of a lone-wolf- that is, until she met the pogues.
“Oh, it’s fine!” Y/n’s mom insisted as she took her seat, “We can afford a new one, no worries!”
“Thank you, Mrs. y/l/n, this all looks amazing,” Pope nervously changed the conversation topic as he examined the meal, already having his heart set on the glazed ham.
“Hey, princess,” JJ spoke quietly to y/n as everyone else engaged in their own conversation, “can i talk to you in the other room for a moment?”
Y/n bit her lip, which was an anxiety-motivated habit, before nodding.
“We’ll be right back!” JJ smiled at everyone, taking his girl’s hand and leading her to the living room.
“What is it?” Y/n asked once they were alone, watching as JJ took a present from under the tree.
“Just wanted to give you your present…” he trailed off, handing a wrapped, book-shaped item to her.
“Awh, baby,” she pouted as she took it from him, “you know you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“What, you really thought i wouldn’t get you a present? On your favorite holiday?” He raised his eyebrows, “Jeez, i’m not that poor.”
Y/n unwrapped the gift, letting out a small gasp when she saw what it was.
A scrapbook of their relationship thus far, with polaroids of them from the very beginning.
JJ grew nervous when he saw how silent she was, her usually being his little chatterbox.
Most people probably found it annoying how talkative she was, but he thought it was just the most precious thing.
“Do you not like it? I’m sorry if it’s not…i don’t know, fancy enough? I was on a budget, i thought it was cute, but i completely understand if you don’t like it, it is kind of cor-“
Y/n cut him off by kissing him, passionately, as she rested a hand on his shoulder.
She pulled away after almost a minute, looking him in the eyes.
“Is that your way of telling me you would’ve liked a more sexual gift? Cause, y’know i have no problem getting you a-“
“JJ!” She spoke sharply as she cut him off, trying not to laugh, “I love it, you dumbass!”
“Really?” JJ’s face went from a smirk to a soft smile as she spoke.
“Of course, I do! I’ve never gotten anything this thoughtful. Thank you so much. I’ll read every single page.” She grinned and hugged him tight, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smiled wide and hugged her back, just as tight.
He was so nervous about the gift, only having a few dollars to spend.
But, her reaction made him proud of himself, and happier than words can explain.
“So…about that sex toy-“
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“I really can’t believe you’ve never seen this before,” Y/n and JJ cuddled on her bed, watching a charlie brown christmas special. “It’s a classic!”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He shrugged in reply.
Y/n giggled at his remark, making him smile.
“Y/n, I actually, uh, I wanted to…talk to you about something.” JJ rubbed the back of his neck, making her pause the movie.
“What is it, baby?”
“I just…” he sighed, “I wanted to say thank you.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, “Thank you? For what?”
“I don’t know, I guess just…being with me. Y’know, letting me be yours. I know we’ve only been dating 10 months, but…you really are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I really can’t thank you, or your family, enough for everything you’ve done.” JJ shook his head and sniffled, “I don’t deserve it.”
“Awh, my love,” y/n pouted and sat up to cup his cheeks, “of course you deserve it. You deserve more, actually. I love you so much, and I just know there’s many more christmas’ like this to come.”
He rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “I love you more, beautiful.”
Y/n finished their conversation with a kiss, a kiss that didn’t end until JJ moved his hands up her shirt and began kissing her neck.
“Gonna show you how much I love you,” He mumbled against her neck as he nibbled on it.
Let’s just say; what they did that night, definitely would’ve gotten them on the naughty list.
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ang3l-fac33 · 2 months
Sorry if I already sent this in! Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw (this right here, https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTkJvGK/ ). Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Especially since he’d take a look at the white button up, red trousers with suspenders, and blue bow tie with yellow polka-dots and see it as a fashion nightmare XD. And don’t get him started on the bunny ears and tail. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Low cut red dress with a slit and all. Just imagine pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
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i’ve actually never seen who framed roger rabbit so i hope i got a good idea of this!
warnings:not proofread
there was really no convincing you otherwise, not even his puppy dog eyes worked on you! you even went as far as to use the ‘do it for me and charlie?’ card since the costume party was being hosted at the hotel, and you knew he couldn’t say no to that.
charlie had been super excited to throw this little party, and even expressed how excited she was to see what the two of you would be dressing as. there was no way he could refuse after seeing his daughters excitement. he hated and loved how you knew all his weak points.
so that’s how he ended up in the current situation, standing in front of a mirror with a frown on his face. he already had his roger rabbit outfit on and now was waiting for you to finish dressing up in the bathroom.
as he looked himself over in the mirror a wave of embarrassment washes through him. how could he go out looking like.. this?! he looked goofy! he looked more like a clown than anything else. and do not get him started on the bunny ears and tail!
how was he supposed to go out looking like this? he was the ruler of hell! he should be treated with respect, to be seen in a better costume than this. he was supposed to be feared and intimidating! he’ll only be seen as a joke if he goes out like this!
and not to mention that the outfit and the character itself does not fit him at all. he was charming and suave, not some silly cartoon bunny. it goes against all that he is. and the outfit was a fashion nightmare! he could go on and on about everything that was wrong with this.
he sighed grumpily as he adjusted the suspenders of his outfit, a wave of embarrassment washing over him. he was definitely in charge of picking the outfits next costume party for sure.
“oh honey-bunny, i’m ready!” you called from the bathroom, opening the door and stepping out of it. lucifer groaned and turned around. “i told you not to call me that-“
he had prepared to scold you more for using that dumb nickname, but the words died in his throat upon seeing you in the jessica rabbit outfit. you looked absolutely stunning in your costume! his mouth hung open slightly as he took a good look at you, from the way you had neatly styled your hair to how your body looked in that dress.
you smirked at the way he was looking at you, and you slowly approached him in a similar movement to jessica rabbit. “hm? what were you saying dear?”
lucifer stuttered, a small blush lighting on his cheeks. he was obviously stunned, and didn’t know what to say. “you’re.. beautiful.” is what he managed to stutter out.
you giggled again, a small blush of your own appearing on your cheeks. “thank you dear. you look very handsome.”
that seemed to snap lucifer out of his trance, his stunned expression turning into a pout. he crossed his arms and huffed. “i don’t look handsome, i look totally ridiculous! i can’t believe you talked me into this..”
you sighed playfully and rolled your eyes. lucifer could be so dramatic at times, but you usually let it pass since it was cute. while lucifer was too busy being pouty, you leaned down and hooked a finger around his suspenders, a smirk resting on your lips.
lucifer blinked, looking a little surprised now. he opened his mouth to say something, but was once again stunned into silence when he realized how close the two of you were.
with a hum, you tugged him even closer, both your lips meeting softly. lucifer froze for a moment but was quick to recover, kissing back with a small sigh. the kiss only lasted for a few seconds but when you pulled away lucifer seemed in love all over again. he would never get tired of your kisses, especially when you were so pretty.
“my handsome little bunny..” you cooed, caressing his cheek gently, which made lucifer’s heart leap. he momentarily forgot about his complaints about the nickname and the outfit, leaning into your touch.
“you really think so?” he murmured, his eyes shining. you nodded, giving him a peck on the cheek. “i know so. now are you all ready to go? you don’t want to keep charlie waiting.
lucifer sighed dreamily, seemingly still lost in the moment. “alright..” he said without a fuss, and you smiled. taking his hand, you led him towards the front of the door.
despite looking goofy and unserious in this costume, he knew that he would be having a good time tonight.
i hope you enjoyed this! <3 it was really fun to write! and thank you for submitting
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yanderefoeyay · 3 months
Yandere Lucifer evil caretaker Au
After the battle he takes Adams almost dead corpse back into the hotel and keeps him his hotel wing, telling Charlie he’s going to nurse him back to health as an act of goodwill, but as she leaves he’s ecstatic that he’s finally got his human back with him after all his years hiding in heaven, soft and weak and who needs him if he wants to recover
He intended to actually let him heal at first, but as Charlie praises him for doing such a good job as his caretaker he realises he can kill two birds with one stone, he can keep Adam sick and reliant on him and continuously be admired by his daughter, his wonderful little family together at last
He coos at adam and holds him gently while he’s delirious, hand feeding him soup laces with small amounts of poison, none lethal but will keep him bed ridden, keeps him subdued and hazy with pain killers as he bathes him and dresses him, soft hands running through his hair fondly as adams bleary eyes look at him, fear in his veins
At some point Adam manages to recover just enough to move while Lucifers away for a moment, sluggish limbs trying desperately to crawl to the door, he tries to reach for the handle, but as his fingers graze it the door swings opens and he freezes as lucifers looks down on him with a cold twisted look in his eyes and a weird smile on his face “now where do you think you’re going? You really shouldn’t be out of bed, I know what’s best for you silly” voice seemingly playful and mock kindness but with a very clear threat underneath
He’s forcefully picked up, tears running down his face as he tries to yell, a loud gurgle of gibberish falling out, begging silently for anyone to hear him, the door slams shut and they’re alone
He’s placed on his back on the bed, being watched like prey “why would you want to leave in your condition sweetie? You’re not in your right mind right now, and I’m honestly hurt you would try to undo all the progress I’ve made and even worse try to run away from me when I’ve only been loving and kind to you”
“I’ll have to teach you not try to leave me ever again, it’s what’s best for you, what’s best for us” his hand running softly down Adams face, ignoring the cold sweat and his wide terror filled eyes, knowing he’s just afraid of hurting his feelings, that he’s been bad, but he forgives him
His hand takes Adams left arm and runs his fingers over it before quickly snapping it, adams let’s out a broken scream and he shushes him softly and repeats the same process with his other arm, he wouldn’t be able to grab anything including the door handle again anytime soon if at all, he didn’t need his hands anyway lucifer would happily do anything he needs for him
Adams shaking and in so much pain, deeps sobs coming from his dry mouth after the screaming
Charlie comes running through the door as lucifer is saying soothing words and rubbing circles on his chest to calm him down
Adams looks at her his eyes pleading for help, for her to understand, to save him but lucifers quick to stand in between them and with the most convincing lying voice tell her “it’s ok sweetie Adam just had a accident, he somehow got out of bed when I was gone and something fell on him, he didn’t know what he was doing, but I’m here now and he’s going to be fine I promise” a reassuring smile masked on his face
Adam watched, hope draining from his face as she breathed a sigh of relief “oh thank goodness I hope he’s going to be ok” lucifer hugged his daughter, her not seeing the sick smile on his face “he’s going to be absolutely fine he’s got me” and Adam watched as she left and they were alone, he felt nothing but dread
Lucifer turned to look at him and slowly walked over, the smile back, he flinches as he felt two hands on his cheeks, cradling his face as lucifer leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead “don’t worry Adam I’ll always be by your side don’t worry, we’ll never be apart again” and that’s exactly what Adam feared most, “now let me take your pain away” he saw a needle appear in lucifers hand, and then just a small sting in his neck, the light started to fade and the last thing he saw was that face looking at him and a whisper of I love you
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ughgoaway · 7 months
wait Adam's new tattoo has me thinking...
(teacher au btw <3)
so you and matty have been together for a good few years now, not engaged or anything but you live together and are very clearly stuck together forever.
it's a girls night between the wives and gfs of the 1975 (working on a seprate blurb about this little group hehe) and you're all out dancing and having the best fucking time.
you all get a little too drunk, and someone brings up the idea of tattoos, and before you know it, you're at a tattoo shop at 1 am planning tattoos.
carly gets a sweet thing for baby hann, charli gets a "G" on her hip, and you are sitting there trying to think of something cute but hidden. it's strictly no visible tattoos at school, so you're trying to think of a creative placement when the perfect one suddenly comes to mind...
cut to the next morning, and matty is picking you up from Charli's. You're doing surprisingly well for how much you drank and are eager to show matty your new tattoo.
you jump into the car, and obviously matty leans over immediately to kiss you, "Hi baby, have a good night?" he says whilst leaning in.
you pull back, and he immediately gets a grumpy look on his face. You have to stifle your laughter at the similarity between his and Annie's grumpy face before you explain yourself.
"Ah ah ah. no kisses, let me talk for just one sec, okay?" matty nods suspiciously but only pulls back slightly, clearly waiting to see if you'll let him give you a peck.
"Okay... so, as you know, the girls and I went out last night, and we got a little tipsy. someone brought up the idea of tattoos and..." mattys eyes light up at the word tattoos, and his eyes follow your hands, eager to see the reveal.
he's confused at first when they go up to your mouth, but his jaw soon drops when he sees "matty" scrawled on the inside of your bottom lip.
he's silent... a little too silent, just staring with wide eyes. you tentatively release your lip and say "so... what do you think, " hoping that he doesn't absolutely despise it, because not only would that be so awkward, it would also kill you inside.
matty still says nothing, but you see his hand move down to his trousers and not so subtly adjust himself.
internally, you say, "Why? oh- OH!" And soon, any slither of worry on your face was wiped away and replaced with a sly smirk.
you lean over and place your hand on his knee, noticing his leg jerk at the touch. you can't hide the confidence in your voice when you say, "matty... are you seriously hard right now because I tattooed your name in my lip? " You finish with a giggle that has matty throwing his head back and groaning.
"I mean, can you blame me??? it's like you've branded yourself as mine. my caveman brain is going haywire right now. " he tries to lean closer to kiss you again. You let him get centimetres away before ever so slightly pulling back. earning you another disgruntled groan and readjustment from matty.
"So let me just get this straight," you whisper, only turning matty on more, "you got hard because you like that I'm marking myself as yours, hmm?"
he groans hungrily and grabs your face, pulling you in roughly and kissing you as hard as he can without hurting your lip.
he nods dumbly as his eyes stay laser focused on your lips. slightly condescendingly you say, "Oh baby," before finally giving matty some mercy and kissing him.
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
Neeeeeeed more of Marty’s daughter and George! Was thinking of their bond/dynamic when George was taking care of her while Matty was sick plssss
is there somebody that can watch you?
george daniel + niece!healy!reader
warnings: fluffffff, being sick, i think that’s all????
a/n: Hi! i like this one it’s adorbs. ty anon!!!
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You never heard the quiet footsteps coming into your room. It wasnt until the slight sinking of your bed and the gentle hand on your shoulder that you finally woke up.
When you opened your eyes you were greeted with George.
“Hi, Bubs.”
“Daddy is sick. He doesn’t feel well, so you’re gonna spend some time with me. Okay?”
“Is he gonna be okay?”
“Yeah. He just needs some rest.”
George got a text from your father less than an hour ago. It was only 7 in the morning at the moment.
‘Just woke up. I feel like shit.’
‘I need you to take care of baby girl for the day. I don’t want to get her sick.’
‘You know you don’t need to lie to get me to hang out with your kid. She’s more fun to hang out with.’
‘I’m not lying. I’m sick.’
‘Mate I have a 102.2 degree fever.’
‘Ew stay away from me.’
‘Christ can you just come and pick up my kid?’
‘Hehe yeah i’m on my way.’
Next thing you know, George was in front of you waking you up, packing up a couple changes of clothes because it was very likely you would be with him for a couple days, and picking you up and heading out the door.
Matty was lying on the couch in his robe and an array of blankets drinking a cup of tea. You and George walked into the room and headed to the front door. George was carrying you with one arm and your mini suitcase with the other. You noticed your father called for him.
“Hi, darling.”
He looked like shit. He could tell by the look on your face that you were worried about him and it made his heart swell. That and the fact that you were still half asleep was a recipe for absolute adorableness
When George walked into his flat you were fast asleep in his arms with you head lying on his shoulder. Charli walked out from the bedroom when she heard the door open in close, and smiled at the adorable sight in front of her.
“Look at my little baby!” She whispered.
“Poor girl is passed out.”
She smiled and kissed her fiance. “Any plans for the day?”
“Yeah. hanging out with little Healy.”
Cut to a few hours later, Charli and you were sitting in the living room floor coloring notebook pages on either side of the coffee table. George came in with drinks for the wo of you and sat down next to Charli.
“Whatcha drawing babe?” He asked you.
“Princess.” You said.
“That’s a beautiful princess.”
“Do you like it?” You held the picture up to Charli.
She smiled. “I do. I love her dress.”
“Me too. I want to get married in it.” You said, continuing to color.
“No boys till you’re 30,” George said.
“That’s okay. Boys are gross.”
“What?! I’m a boy, does that mean I’m gross?”
“Yeah. You messy.” The couple let out a laugh.
“Hey!” George said.
Charli readjusted. “Boys can be fun! You can go on dates with them and hang out together and marry them.”
“Yeah. When I get married I want a pretty, silver ring and a big, white, puffy dress. Like Cinderella.”
George eyed Charli. They had just gotten engaged a little less than 2 weeks ago and hadn’t yet told you the news. “You know…I know someone who’s gonna get married.”
“Who?” You asked not looking up from your work.
“Auntie Charli.”
Your head shot up which caused the couple to laugh a little but. “You?” You asked. Your jaw was hund wide open. Charli nodded. “With Bubba?” You asked, pointing.
“Yep!” She said.
You ran around the table and hugged her tight. She did the same.
“Isn’t that exciting?!” She asked with a smile.
“You’re gonna look like a princess.” You said while pulling away. George just watched with a smile.
“I know! And you and your daddy get to come and we’ll get you your very own dress to wear so you and I can be princesses together.”
You smiled wide and big.
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gummie-cat · 1 year
Pizza and secrets.
Desc: Charlie finds you diary and reads what you wrote about him in it.
warnings: Kissing, making out, closeted feelings, fluff, crushes
After school you normally had Charlie over. it was a basic routine you've had in place since the 6th grade. And its now your senior year in high school and you're still doing the same practice. Today your guys agreement was to study. You both knew you wouldn't end up studying and you'd just get distracted but you enjoyed the company. Especially when its a guy you like.
You guys finally got out of school and were rushing to your car which was parked in the student lot off to the side of the school. You were so excited to get home. You absolutely HATED your school. "soooo what did you need help studying with again?" Charlie asked as soon as you guys sat down in the car. "just some homework shouldn't take long." You say as you start up your car and put some music on.
When you guys finally make it to your house the shut off the car and go inside. Both you and Charlie make a b-line to the kitchen to pig out. You see your mom sitting at the kitchen table doing some work (you assume) and say hi. "honey, me and your father are going out in a few for our anniversary. we probably wont be back until late can you please let out and feed the dog?" your mom said following slowly behind you guys as you made your way to the kitchen. "Yeah sure thing mom." You say opening the fridge and pulling out the lemonade. Charlie grabs 2 cups and slides them over to you. "Oh and by the way Charlie can stay over if you want because its a Friday." Your mom adds as she walks away going to her room to get ready.
You nod and you and Charlie walk up to your room with your stuff. "so what class is the homework for? or did you just fool me." Charlie says taking a seat at your desk and turning to face you. "I do actually have homework thank you very much. its for fucking geometry." you say sitting criss cross on your bed. "here lemme see if i can help." He says as he rolls your desk chair next to your bed. You pull out the paper and hand it to him and he takes one quick glance at it and says “yeah fuck no.” as rolls away back to your desk. “ughhhh” you exclaim as you toss the paper to the side. “ya know what. im gonna go order pizza. you stay here loser” You say as you get up and leave your room. “REMBER TO GET-“ you cut him off before he can finish “HALF PEPPERONI GOT IT.” you say marching down the stairs.
You pick up the phone and dial the local pizza place number and place your order. You then walk slowly upstairs and when you get to your bedroom door entrance you see Charlie flipping though and reading your diary. ‘SHIT. i left it out’ you think to yourself as you walk up and snatch it out of his hands. “Jesus y/n…” He says clutching his chest like you just scared him. “Stop snooping around in my room.” You tell him hitting him on the head with it. “Correction, i wasnt snooping. It just so happened to be on your desk.” He said puffing out his chest a little. You roll you eyes dramatically “are you done?” you say crossing your arms. “not yet… did you mean what you said about me? like all the ‘being jealous of kirby because im obsessed with her’?” He replies looking at you seriously. You blush and curse yourself for allowing you to leave your diary out and for this situation to happen. “Maybe…” you say nervously. Afraid of loosing a life long friendship. “So you meant what you said when you said you would kiss me?” He says. Now getting up from your desk chair and inching closer to you. “i- uhm… maybe?” You say obviously blushing even harder. You just wanted to die because of the embarrassment. If he told anyone you would never hear the end of if. “so would it be okay if i kissed you now?” He said slowly walking up to you and stroking your arm gently waiting for your response. But you’re dumbfounded. You can barely think. “y-yes…” you say growing redder and redder by the second.
He pulls you in by the jaw and kisses your lips passionately. Then he pulls back and smiles at you. “w-why’d you stop?” You say looking up into his eyes. “because i wanted to make sure you were okay and i didn’t want to assume you wanted to make out… which now im sensing was what you thought was going to happen.” He said smiling softly chuckling lightly. “I mean I did but like only if you wanted to because i want you to fee-“ you’re cut of by his mouth making contact with yours again. But a lot more aggressive this time. You quickly gather a rhythm and he starts to slip you his tongue. God you’re melting and your core is starting to become soaked just from getting touched the tiniest bit. He bites your lip and you whimper. He quickly swallows your whimpers and grins against your mouth. He starts to walk you back towards the bed and you fall on your back. He pins you to the bed and he starts kissing you. Slowly moving down to your jaw and then you neck to find your sweet spot. He knows he finds it because you whimper his name weakly. And once he finds it he abuses it. He starts sucking and nibbling quickly relieving the bite with his tongue. Meanwhile your whimpering his name as you become needy and sensitive. Suddenly you hear the doorbell. The pizza. He lifts his head from your neck and turns back around to face your bedroom door. “That must be the pizza huh?” He says looking back at you and grinning. “yeah uhm we should probably…” you say gesturing to your guys’s position. “Oh yeah right.” He says getting up and stumbling a little bit. Scratching the back of his next nervously he has a stupid look on his face. You cant help but give him a little smile before running down and paying for the pizza and bringing it back up to your room. You find charlie waiting on the bed for you. You bring the pizza box over and pop a movie on your tv. But its just background noise as you snuggle up into his arms. “ya know… im not obsessed with kirby.” He speaks up over the stupid show you guys are watching. “huh? what do you mean?” You say lifting your head to look at him. “I mean i wasn’t obsessed with kirby this whole time… i was obsessed with you. It was just a cover up. I love you” you snuggle up more into his side. “ I love you too Charlie.” You slowly close your eyes and fall asleep.
word count: 1200 words
A/N: okay so it wasnt really smut but this is what i wanted to start it off with. I’ll work on one thats a lil more smutty next time but yeah hope you enjoyed :) I know this is a bjt short but ive been having sum writers block so i hope you enjoyed!!
this was also posted to my wattpad @Alex66035
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
hi babe! could you write something about Joe spending christmas with you and your family? Some fluff so you don’t have to write the word cock for a second 😂
...that's what she said
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This turned out to be longer than I imagined, and I hope it meets your expectations. I actually have a smut prompt request for visiting family at Christmas which I think will follow this perfectly 🥰 but for now....WE FLUFF!
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You wished you'd driven. It would have given you something to focus your mind on, other than your all consuming panic about what was to come. Your leg wouldn't stop bloody bouncing.
Joe was nervous too, although he didn't let on. You could tell because he'd changed his outfit 4 times before you'd left.
It was just over an hour and a half's drive to your parent's house. You and Joe had been invited there to spend Christmas eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day with your mum, dad and 3 older brothers. Joe had actually paid for his own parents to go abroad this Christmas, so you didn't have to worry about splitting the time between both families. Besides, you'd already met his family.
This was Joe's first time meeting yours.
"So when you bringing Eddie home, then, Y/N?" Your older brother Jack had teased over the family Zoom call a few months ago.
"Shut up, his name is Joe." You'd said through gritted teeth. You loved your brothers, really you did, but God they loved to pick on you as the baby and only girl of the family.
"Still don't believe that you're actually dating him," your second oldest brother Tom laughed and you rolled your eyes. "What? We haven't actually spoken to him yet, he's conveniently always busy when we have our calls every week."
"Hey, leave her alone, not her fault her big time actor boyfriend is never home." The sarcasm in your eldest brother Charlie's voice made you scowl.
"Well, I've spoken to him, and he seems perfectly lovely. Leave your sister alone, boys." Your mum sighs, shooting you a small soft smile.
"Why don't you invite him for Christmas, Y/N? We'd love to meet him." Your dad offers and your stomach sinks as your brother's faces all break out into grins.
"Yeah, go on, Y/N, we've gotta meet this famous boyfriend of yours." laughs Tom. "Give him the old big brother talk."
"If I bring him home, you are absolutely not doing that, or I'm telling your girlfriend about the time you came home drunk, pissed in the pond and killed our koi."
That shut him up.
You had asked Joe if he wanted to come, and he didn't hesitate in saying yes. In fact he seemed quite excited about it, but as the time grew closer he was definitely getting nervous as you briefed him on your family, so when he offered to drive, you thought maybe it was best to let him concentrate on that and let you do the worrying.
"So...Jack is 2 years older than you, right?" Joe asked you, as the sat nav informed him he had 5 miles left on the motorway.
"Jack is 2 years older than me, yeah, then Tom is 4 years older, and Charlie is 5 years older. Even though he's the oldest, he's the most chill out of the 3 lads. It's actually Jack who's the gobby one. Him and Tom used to fight all the time growing up."
"Right, good to know, don't piss off Jack. Or Tom. Or Charlie. Or anyone in your family." You could see his grip tighten on the steering wheel ever so slightly. You place a hand on his knee.
"We can turn around and go home if you don't wanna do this, Joe."
"Y/N, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm in this for the long haul, so I have to at least convince your dad to like me." Joe grins, taking your hand in his and kissing it, making you melt in your seat.
When you arrive at your parents, you catch a glimpse of your brothers at the window. You glare at them and your mum comes up behind them, yanking them all away. She shoots you another little smile and you wave at her.
"Come on, let's get this bit over with and we'll get the bags later." You say raking Joe's hand in yours and walking up the front path and opening the door. Your mum descends on you with an excited little squeal, hugging you tightly. She then turns to Joe.
"And you must be Joseph! It's nice to put such a handsome face to a name and voice!" As if she wasn't a massive Stranger Things fan. Flirt. She gives him a little hug. "We're so happy to have you here."
"Thank you so much, Mrs Y/L/N. You have a really lovely home. And it's just Joe, please." He smiles, ever the charmer. Your dad and brothers then make an appearance, all looking at bit menacing. Your dad comes over and hugs you tightly, offering his hand out to Joe, who shakes it.
"Nice to meet you, Joe, we've heard lots about you."
"Thank you sir, likewise."
"Ah, none of the sir stuff, lad," your dad then tells him to call his by his name. "And I suppose I better let these 3 reprobates introduce themselves."
Your brothers, shockingly, make very polite introductions and say how happy they are to meet him.
"Want a drink, Joe?" Charlie asks holding up a bottle of beer for your boyfriend, who gladly accepts.
"Come on mate, we'll show you around." Jack says, gesturing through to the kitchen.
"Dad, go with them!" You hiss, well aware of your brothers' intentions on getting Joe alone. Your dad chuckles and follows them, leaving your mum and you in hallway. You sigh. "Oh my god."
"Oh, darling, he's so lovely!" Your mum grins at you, giving you a squeeze. "So much more handsome than he looks on TV! And so well spoken!"
"Mum, your fangirl is showing." You laugh, following her into the kitchen and watching as the 5 men walk around your parent's large garden. Jack gestures to the pond, and says something, making all 5 of them laugh. "He's telling the koi story isn't he."
A few hours later, you and Joe had settled in and you were sat in the living room with your family, chatting after a lovely dinner you helped your mum to prepare.
"So, Joe, tell us about yourself. And nothing obvious, mate, we already know who you are." Charlie says, although he's not mean about it. "Although, if you could tell me if Eddie is really dead or not that would earn you serious brownie points."
"Charlie!" You hiss, kicking him.
Joe laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"As much as I want to, mate, I have no idea." Your family makes a noise of disappointment. "I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you!"
"Ignore them, Joe, please! I do." Your mum calls from the kitchen and you laugh. Joe smiles at you, slipping his hand into yours and squeezing gently.
He was so much more relaxed than he was earlier, and it warmed your heart to see him getting on with your family so well.
The next afternoon, after a beautiful quiet Christmas morning, you were surrounded by family members, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. You had warned Joe that Christmas was always a big thing at your home, but you don't think he really understood just how big.
Joe was currently chatting to your dad, your grandad and some of your older cousins as you sat on the sofa with your 3 month old baby cousin Sophia in your arms, her mum, your mum and your aunty all sat around with you watching some of the older children playing with their new toys.
"That's a beautiful necklace, Y/N, was that a Christmas present?" Your cousin, the baby's mum, asks, taking a sip of Prosecco.
You glance down at the silver chain hanging around your neck, so delicate you'd forgotten it was there.
"Oh, yeah, it's from Joe," you smile running a finger over it. "He got it for me whilst he was in Italy."
Your mum, cousin and aunty all exchange looks. "What?"
"Nothing, Y/N, love," your aunty smiles over the lip of her glass. "He's a keeper, I think."
"Oh I don't plan on getting rid of him any time soon." You smile at him across the room and he comes over, kissing you on top of your head. "Want a cuddle?" You gesture to the sleeping baby in your arms.
"Is that alright?" Joe looks at your cousin.
"Yeah, of course! Gives me a break, she's a right little leech at the moment, Y/N has a magic touch so it seems."
You stand up so Joe can take your seat.
"Sit back, use the arm of the sofa to support your arm and her head...that's it," you say softly as you pass Sophia over to him, helping him to adjust so he could hold her correctly. You're pretty sure your knees almost give way as you stand back up and take in the sight of your beautiful boyfriend holding a beautiful baby. You sit on the sofa arm next to him, both of you looking down at Sophia. You see a flash out of the corner of your eye and look up; your cousin had taken a photo, a massive grin on her face.
"She's so tiny," Joe said softly, looking up at you. "What should I do with her?"
"Just hold her, she's pretty milk drunk right now so she'll be out for a bit." You giggle, pushing some of his curls away from his face and kissing his forehead.
"Do you want kids, Joe?" Asks your aunt and you shoot her a look. You know what she's doing.
"Up until about 5 minutes ago, I wasn't too sure, but uh, yeah I do." He says, unable to take his eyes off of Sophia.
"I'll get you another drink," you say, kissing the top of his head again and heading into the kitchen to top your own glass up and get him another beer.
As you were pouring your drink, a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You smile as Joe kisses your shoulder. "Are you having a good time?" You ask him, moving him with you as you get some ice from the freezer.
"The best, your family are brilliant." Joe says into your shoulder. "You?"
"Mmhm." You turn and hand him his beer. He pecks your lips in thanks. "Speaking of my family, you never told me what my brothers said to you yesterday. I sent my dad out for backup. I know what they're like, they've scared off boyfriends in the past."
"You mean there were others before me?!" Joe feigns shock, clutching his chest. You laugh, shoving him gently. "Well, yeah they gave me the old 'what are your intentions with our baby sister' talk before your dad made it outside."
"Oh? And you're still here...impressive." You grin and he plays it coy, shrugging. "So what are your intentions with me, Joseph Quinn?"
He moves behind you, one arm around your waist, steering you so you can see into the living room, where your cousin had her baby back in her arms and her husband was stood with her, both of them cooing over Sophia who had just woken up.
You tilt your head to look at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." His lips then meet yours, sealing the unspoken promise.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
need some fiancé matty fluff so bad rn, also reader & matty‘s wedding!
let’s be honest, matty would cry watching you walk down the isle at ur wedding. full on tears and he’s not even bothering to wipe them away, he’s just so in love and he doesn’t care who knows it
Have you ever seen those videos of George and Charli DJing ?? I love them so much I imagine them having a set at the wedding 🥹🤍
the wedding!! basing this off of the venue being in london. after the rehearsal dinner finishes in the afternoon, i think you and matty have some time alone at home before you go off to do the "spending the night before the wedding apart" thing. you chill, have some wine and a bit of sexy time (imagine telling matty during sex that "next time we do this i'll be your wife". he'd lose it), before charli drops george and the boys off (they're staying in your house with matty that night) and picks you up so the two of you and the rest of your bridal party can stay in a hotel near your venue. and matty's halfway through the passenger window clinging to you before you leave like "please don't leave me at the altar like a twat" and you're like "as if i'd do that you're the love of my life! meet you there tomorrow" and you kiss.
and then matty looks at charli and goes "and don't you even think about seducing my missus into a torrid lesbian affair tonight" (as she threatens to do quite often, as a bit) and she winks and goes "no promises, healy, i mean look at her", and matty looks at you dreamily and says "... yeah" and you're like "you're gonna cry so bad tomorrow huh" and he's like "absolutely", then kisses you again before charli drives off. and the two of you have fun with your friends/families, but neither you or matty can fall asleep because you're not with the other :(( and he texts you like "can't sleep lol" and you reply "me either lol going for a smoke", and he's like "i'll do the same". so you're out on the hotel balcony and matty calls you and you guys just chat for a bit and it's really sweet, then he goes "s'past midnight angel, we should both get some sleep" and you say "yeah, it's technically our wedding day already and neither of us have gone to bed" and he laughs and says "so it is. sweet dreams, darlin'. see you in a bit" and you both go back to bed and actually manage to sleep. you're both up early, though - you get your hair and makeup all done before the bridal party gets glam, and matty takes mayhem for a really long walk and rehearses his speech on the way before he goes home to get ready. and the two of you are sending voice note updates and its making you even more excited about the day, and then it's time for some pics and then you're ready to go! and matty's probably in a black suit as per, but like the best black suit he's ever worn, and he doesn't even register the bridesmaids walking in because he's too busy craning his neck to catch a glimpse of you. and then you appear and he cries - your dress is perfect, you're glowing, and you just look like YOU, the love of his life. and you're smiling so big at him as you walk down the aisle (it's taking everything in you not to run to him), and when you reach him you say "hi handsome" and matty's like "you're perfect" and you giggle and reach up to wipe the tears off his face and he kisses the palm of your hand as you do, which everyone in the congregation swoons at. you cry at his vows. he cries at yours. adam's son passes the rings up with no problem, his dad behind him quietly sobbing. and then it's time for the kiss - matty being matty, he does something dramatic, either dips you like an old hollywood film or just grabs your face and kisses you. but it's a perfect kiss, full of love and contentment and joy, and then you sign the marriage certificate and that's it! you're married! and you have a little minute alone afterwards where matty's like "you're my WIFE" and you're like "hell yeah i am", and he says "well, wifey, can i kiss you?" and you're like "yeah i wanna make out with my husband". so you do, passionately, and it could turn into full-scale fucking but you both compose yourselves and go out to be congratulated by everyone before it does lol.
and the rest of the night is perfect, too. everyone's happy and laughing throughout the meal and george's best man speech, and crying at matty's (which he just recites to you off by heart). and then the boys get ready and play for you and matty's first dance (accompanied by phoebe, maybe) and it's PERFECT. after that, george and charli do a little dj set to start the party, and you and matty flit between dancing and chatting to people. it soon turns into all your producer and musician friends just taking turns to control the tunes, everyone getting a little tipsy and just having a great time. and there's so much love in the room, specifically between ross and your best friend/maid of honour, who have literally been glued to each other all night - you tried to dance with her to the spice girls but she was too preoccupied kissing him next to the bar lol. and then i think you and matty sneak out for a little smoke, and your hair's a bit messy and you're a little tipsy but you're so happy and matty takes a pic of you, cig in hand and all, because you just look the most beautiful he's ever seen you. and you're like "omg no i look like a mess" and he's like "nope that's my new lockscreen" and you giggle and just kiss him for a bit. and matty says "you're perfect. today's been perfect. i love you so much, wifey" and you say "i love you. can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing you that", and you cuddle. and matty's hands start to get a bit touchy and you're like "excuse me, husband!" and matty's like "as much as i'm enjoying today i just really want to take my wife home now" and you're like "actually fair i think you'll enjoy what i'm wearing under my dress (custom lace set lol)". and matty's like "right that's it i'm stopping the party now!" and you giggle and say "i love you" and he kisses your nose and says "i love you too" <3
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callmewrinkles3 · 10 months
25 with Dan and Em please? I love them so so much 😭😭😭😭
Almost every single detail about their wedding was planned. Thanks to Charlie and her wonderful family the venue dilemma was solved and ready to go. Dan had his suit, the boys had theirs. Em had a dress that she loved and made her feel like a dream. They’d taken their time and chosen the flowers, the food, the wine, every single other detail was solved. The only thing that they couldn’t decide on was the cake.
They’d tried so many, but none of the ones they were right. The flavours weren’t good enough, the filling texture was weird, the bakery couldn’t make the cake look anything like what they wanted. They still had time before they needed to have it ready to go, but it was one of the things that made Em completely nervous. Dan had promised that they’d find the right one. No matter where they had to go to find it and no matter the price they would find their perfect wedding cake. But she still worried.
What they weren’t expecting was to find it in a tiny bakery by the nearest shops instead of the big ones they’d been to. Dan went out to his parents for the morning and picked up a cake to treat them on his way home. Em was making coffee and waiting for Dan so she could finish cooking their brunch when the door opened. It was his normal greeting, a hug and kiss on the cheek with a little paper bag smelling of citrus.
“What’s that?” She asked, looking over at Dan as he perched on the edge of the countertop, right beside where Em was standing.
“A treat for brunch. Figured it was better for us to go back to basics between so many cakes. C’mon, open it.”
Em did as she was told, carefully opening the bag and the brightly coloured bakery box to reveal a perfect lemon drizzle cake. It not only looked beautiful, but it smelled like heaven.
“Where did you find this cutie?”
“Stopped off on my way back from mum and dad’s. Mum said we should have a break from tasting cakes and just have something to enjoy.”
“If it tastes as good as it looks then it’s going to be heaven.”
She pulled a knife from the block and cut a large slice for them to split. There was absolutely no point in cutting two slices for them, Dan would just steal bites from hers. It was the same way he always drank from her bottle of water instead of his own, the ridiculous habit he’d started years ago and Em wouldn’t complain about it. Em took the first bite before passing her fork back to her boy, waiting for him to take the next one. It didn’t just look beautiful, it tasted like a little piece of heaven.
“Alright, that’s a good cake.” Dan was the first one to admit it, taking the knife to cut another slice for them.
“That’s seriously good.”
It hit them at the same time. Blake and Michael had both joked that they had telepathic conversations and this was no different. They instantly knew what was happening, a small smile spreading across each face.
“Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, you just found our goddamn wedding cake.” Em leaned up to kiss him with a grin, Dan pulling her up to him to kiss her back.
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themetaphorgirl · 1 year
PSOLC headcanon:
Fran Morgan is so worried when she works out there's no adults really supporting Spencer. (Although there's obvious James's parents.) So when she sends care packets for Derek she keeps slipping in extra things carefully labelled for Spencer.
she is SUCH A GOOD MOM I love her
Fran Morgan was concerned.
Derek had told her that his roommate was younger. “He skipped a few grades” had been his exact words. Except her son had neglected to explain that Spencer Reid had skipped all the grades.
When Derek was ten he had been tall for his age, already threatening to tip into a growth spurt. He was a noisy tornado of nonstop energy, trying to play basketball in the house and whining when his older sister beat him at video games and making an absolute mess at the dinner table. And he was still young enough to anticipate being tucked into bed every night with a hug and kiss, to run to his parents to be consoled when he bruised himself for the millionth time after playing too hard and too carelessly, to fall asleep in the car and expect to be carried inside and put to bed. He was a happy-go-lucky kid, bursting with energy and affection and noise.
Fran took one look at Derek’s little roommate and alarm bells went off immediately.
Spencer looked far smaller than ten- seven or eight, maybe. He was small and skinny, his face pinched and his eyes too large. Any energy spilling from him was highstrung and anxious, as if he was perpetually worried that he would be told to be quiet or to go away. It was both a relief and a concern to watch him cling to the Miller girl; he would cling to her skirt or the hem of her sweater, and she would take his little hand or pick him up to hold on her hip. At least he was getting affection and attention somewhere, but where were his actual parents? How could they send their little baby off to school, all by himself? 
Then again, Derek could tell her nothing about the child’s parents. No one seemed to know anything, it seemed. She hadn’t met James Blake or his parents before this family weekend, but when she inquired with Charlie she didn’t know anything either. Maybe the little boy didn’t have any family at all. 
She didn’t know what she could to help, but she couldn’t just ignore the situation either.
“My mom sent me another care package!” Derek said. He tossed it on his bed and ripped it open eagerly.
Spencer looked up from his book. “What did she send you this time?” he asked.
“I don’t know, let’s see!” he said. His mother and sisters had sent him a care package from home every other week like clockwork since his freshman year, and he always looked forward to it. “Let’s see…she made cookies again, and there’s some candy…”
He pulled out the letter on the top carefully and set it aside. The letters he always saved so he could read them properly, ideally when he was alone in case they made him cry. “A new shirt…a new comic book…oh!” He paused. “There’s something in here for you.”
Spenc er peeked over the edge of his book. “Really?” he said. “For me?”
“Yeah, it’s got your name on it,” Derek said. “Want to open it?”
He held out the paper wrapped parcel and Spencer took it timidly. “Why did she send me something?” he asked as he picked at the tape.
“I don’t know, maybe she just liked you or something,” Derek said. “What’d you get?”
Spencer held up a new shirt and a bag of Reese’s cups, beaming. “I like these!” he said. He surveyed the shirt. “I like both of these! Your mom is so nice!” He hugged the shirt to his chest. “No one ever sends me anything in the mail.”
“I’ll tell her you liked it, she’ll be excited,” Derek said. Spencer was already struggling to open the bag of candy; Derek opened it for him and handed it back. He rarely saw Spencer that happy, and already he was planning to tell his mother to keep adding surprises for him in his care packages. The kid needed it, clearly.  
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"Stalker's Tango (Love Me, Love Me, Love Me...)" by Autoheart | Female C...
Dani x blades, anyone? This is for my Burns mafia au, and the song fit too well for what I was planning for the get-together fic. Enjoy
It's crazy how little it took to hack Blades mind, make him crazy for her.
Dani started wearing perfume oil, a stronger, heavier but still feminine, lingering scent, even when not applied daily. It wafered off her skin, and soon enough, Kade told her that Blades would look around eagerly if he smelt anything close to the distinctive scent.
With all things Dani adopted, it quickly caught on trend, but never anywhere near copying her, all the stores on the island pulling the oil off shelves out of an abundance of caution, a few moving their displays around so you had to have a salesperson with you in order to purchase it.
The last thing any business owner needed was to be known as the business that sold to a (stupidly suicidal) copycat. Chief Charles Burns spoiled his fiercely independent daughter rotten when he got the opportunity, and that included executions.
And trips with her friends to pick up odds and ends to help with her efforts to finally get that stubborn hunk of metal to admit he found her hot and wanted to marry her and just do the goddamn proposal already. Dad had already bought her a set of sleek engagement, wedding, and milestone rings, and she had picked out a design for a custom dog tag to wear when she's working. Can't risk having blood get stuck in her pretty lab grown diamonds. If she was going to spend that much money, she was going to make sure she got exactly what she wanted.
In the end, it was perfume off all things. Not the dresses or the promise of his culture's version of an engagement ring, but a little perfume oil she spilled on herself when adding it to her bottle?
Like a kid running after an ice cream truck, he was having his holoform slip a ring on her finger by the end of the month. Boom. Some passion for all the little traditions and some open-mindedness towards not insisting that every little touch be soft and delicate. Dani liked that he was sweet and shy but was sick of him freaking out whenever he left a bruise or made her sore. She had long accepted that he liked to cuddle in bed instead of tumble in it.
Oh well, at least he was good in it.
Optimus was pissed, and both Dani and Charlie were living for it.
The fact that he had to officiate the cybertronian portion of their wedding?
The look on his face Charlie saw when Blades ducked back into the prep area, and his holo matter avatar and Dani came out together, and he was in a suit?
Glorious, absolutely glorious.
He had to pull himself together quickly as the human officiate took his place, and the couple spoke their vows and kissed generously, Blades grabbing Dani's veil to hide their faces. Kade, Cody, and Boulder egged them on.
Chase had to remind Optimus that what was appropriate at a wedding has changed dramatically since the eighties.
Optimus wisely decided to leave before they moved into the reception, and people started to visit the bar. And the engex crates. And for Chase and Blades, whose holo matter avatars let them get drunk in both forms, both.
And boy o boy, did everyone get drunk.
A limo service was booked, but there were a few people - and Boulder - who staggered out with the help of his teammates. Bumblebee, Strongarm, Hot Rod, and Smokescreen showed up at some point, and Dani suspected that there might have been three in the honeymoon suite, but honestly, that's Blades the helicopter's fun.
Blades, Dani's husband, was busy worshipping every inch of her, making her melt and drift away from her job of finding hikers and killing rivals.
Blades got up and ran the shower, cleaning himself off. Dani followed him, giving him a peck on the cheek before taking care of herself.
She curled up with him, knowing that he would be adorably clingy for the next couple of days as she made it up to him in attention and time together.
Yelp, he buried his face in her neck, she's not going anywhere.
She drifted off to sleep, Blades powering doen as soon as head hit pillow.
Hey, at least they were both happy.
At least, she was.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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Chapter 12
The past year has been such a world wind Jake as his new job working for the FBI. Harry is turning 1 in a couple of days. We have hired a bouncy castle, balloons and everything to make our little man's day special. We invited Jessy and Richy with their little one. She gets on so well with Charlie. They have just got engaged and are expecting a baby. She has really turned Phil's life around to see him so settled makes me smile. Jake has been working so hard this year saving up money so we can move out of his parents place. They have been absolutely amazing having us stay and looking after Harry.
When Jake had to leave I didn't think I would get him back but I did, I am so thankful everyday for him being in our life's. I'm making his favorite food for dinner tonight. Chinese good Helen has been teaching me how to cook and I've gotten pretty good at it. Helen and Harry are going out for the evening for their date night. I can't wait to surprise Jake with his favorite dinner with how hard he's been working for our little family. He deserves it.
Later that night MC put Harry to bed after his bottle, she went to get changed into something a little nicer. Once she had finished she made her way downstairs and got everything ready for dinner. Moments later she felt two arms wrap around her waist and a small kiss on her cheek. "You look beautiful MC, dinner smells so good" MC turns around as she's facing Jake. "I thought I would do something special for you baby, you have been working so hard" a warm feeling spread throughout Jake's body MCs words really meant a lot to him.
They both sat down to dinner having a wonderful time talking and laughing. After dinner MC got the desert ready. It was one of Jake's favorite strawberries and cream.
Jake's POV
This past year has been crazy to say the least but no matter what happens I've always had MC by my side. She is my everything some people say that there is one true love for you out there in the world and I have mine. Not only has she given me a beautiful little boy, she is my safe place. I have been saving up for our own place. I have more than enough saved up to get us a place. I have found a place not far from my mum and dad's. They insisted that we not move too far so they could come round and see Harry.
I have not told MC yet about the house. I wanted it to be a surprise, the house has a big garden at the back for the baby to play. There is a big garden out front and just off to the side is a garage. I have been putting extra money away so I can buy MC an engagement ring.
The next day Jake took MC to the house he knew from her reaction that she loved the house. They both looked around the house MC falling in love with each room she looked at. "Jake this house is amazing, but we can't possibly afford this it's too expensive" Jake took MC by the hand "things have been really good what with my new job I was able to save more that I thought so we can afford the house"
It was everything that MC had ever wanted from that first moment they started to date each other. With the help of Jake's parents and MCs Jake and MC had moved into their new home. Everything was coming together so well for them life was pretty good for them at this point. They had been in the house a few weeks and Jake was watching Harry while MC went shopping. Jake was setting up the romantic evening Jessy had gone with MC and was told by Jake to keep her out as long as possible.
Helen had come over to pick up Harry; he was going to be spending the night with his grandparents. "Is there anything you need Jake before I go?" Helen turned to her son who was busy cooking. "It's okay thanks mum I've got everything covered, thank you for watching Harry tonight for us" Helen walked over to Jake and kissed his cheek. "You just make sure you come over tomorrow. I want to see that ring on MCs finger" Jake smiled at his mind comment. "Sure mum we will be" Helen said goodbye and left with baby Harry leaving Jake to finish cooking.
When MC got home she couldn't believe what she was seeing, there were candles lit all around the room. Rose petals scattered everywhere soft romantic music playing the whole place looked absolutely beautiful. "Hi baby, what have you been up to?" MC walked over to Jake kissing him on the lips. "Well I thought we could have our first romantic date night, my mum is watching Harry for the night" a small smile spread across MCs face as she leaned in and kissed Jake on the lips.
They sat down to eat, enjoying each other's company "Jake are you okay? You look a little nervous" Jake put his hand on MCs and looked deep into her eyes. "MC there is something I would like to ask" Jake got down on one knee and opened up the ring box "MC will you marry me?" Tears fell from MCs eyes she was so happy "yes Jake I will" Jake took the ring out of the box and placed it on MCs finger.
Jake got up from the table and went to get the bottle of champagne, "I bought us this so we could celebrate" just as Jake went to pour MC come champagne she stopped him. "What's wrong MC? Did I not get a good bottle?" MC looked up at Jake and smiled "no silly it's just I can't have any alcohol for the next 9 months" MC put Jake's hand on her belly. "Y-your w-we" Jake put his arms around MC and kissed her. "Should I take that as you're happy I'm pregnant?" Jake smiled so lovingly at MC he was over the moon. "I am so happy MC Harry is going to have a little brother or sister I love you MC" "I love you to Jake"
The end
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