#but doesnt cause thats hard
seldomscilence16 · 7 months
Whumptober Day 24:
"I've got a head full of chemicals, mouth full of ridicule."
Goodbye note | Neglect | "I thought they were with you."
Fandom: Scoobydoo
Prompts used: all
So this ones a little drawn out, a little less on screen whump. A look into Mystery inc's not so perfect lives from teens vague perspectives. I'm basically writing the same thing over and over, because the headcanons are too good to change much. I refused to write Scoobys speech impediment though, I am surely doing it injustice, and it's terribly hard on my tired brain.
TW for implied abuse, Neglect and running away from home.
Rich kids, poor kids, middle class kids, no matter where you fall, there can be crap to deal with.
High society was fine for Daphne Blake, she shopped where she wanted, she always had food, she had a car-
She was exhausted.
Any club or extra curricular you could name, she's done. She gives everything 210% in the hopes that something will make her parents look her way.
She'd failed so far.
Shaggy Rogers hated high society, too much pressure and too many snobs. He'd been forced into so many clubs as a kid, he ended up hating everything except track.
He tried to do anything to keep his parents out of his business, to get them off his back, to block out their suffocating words. He spent time with Daphne- which was so easy, but his parents didn't need to know that- he did his school work, he went to track meets, he did anything and everything to be good and invisible to them, to get them to stop asking for more.
He'd failed so far.
Fred Jones loved his parents. He thinks… It was hard to love people he never saw for more than an hour over the course of a month. Their love for adventure didn't stop cause they had a kid, and Fred was happy for them, but the house- already rather small- felt like a box closing in on him every moment he spent there alone.
He did what he could, to keep himself occupied, to get himself some spending money- for all his parents' love of adventure, they mostly just had great luck and jobs that traveled. Fred did everything, so the house wouldn't crush him at night.
He'd failed so far.
Velma Dinkley's parents didn't quite understand Velma. It frustrated her most of the time, being forced into a bubble she never wanted to be in. She just didn't feel things the same way, didn't always say what she meant, her dad called her mean, and her mom ignored it and pretended she was her pretty little perfect daughter.
She distances herself as much as she's able, she doesn't give in to the pressure of disappointed sighs. She hangs out with Fred Jones, because he doesn't mind being her partner in class and makes her think about what she says. She tries to convince herself that the thought of going home isn't exhausting, that she can handle it.
She'd failed so far.
They're all just shy of 18, senior year, and they finally find themselves in the same place together. They've had interactions of different pairs/groupings, but now they're all four face to face. Well 5, if you include the dog, which they should since he was of the talking type and would get offended otherwise.
They'd all individually decided to solve the same mystery. It was the biggest- and only noteworthy- mystery of the town. Daphne just knew this would impress her parents- or she'd get to punch a ghost. Where Daphne went, Shaggy was bound to end up one way or the other, a little food was the best bribe, and Scooby was by his side and Daphne was in front of him, he had nothing better to do. Velma was unconvinced it was a real ghost- though she now knew a talking dog so- but whether it was or wasn't, she could hone her skills and hope for a challenge to solve. Fred couldn't very well let Velma go alone- he didn't have enough money to bail her out of jail if she decided to fight someone or trespass- and he was always looking for exciting things to keep him from home, and if there was a ghost, they'd need a trap.
To find other teens willing to go ghost hunting at a questionable hour in an abandoned fairground, was not what they'd expected however.
"Daphne Blake and Shaggy Rogers, I wouldn't expect to find people of your standing out here." Velma will say it came out better than it would have, but still harsher than what she'd meant.
She didn't mean, 'why are you rich as*e* in a sketchy field?' She meant, 'You guys do a lot at school, how did your parents let you out of the house to do this tonight?' Before either she or Fred can add to it however, Shaggy answers,
"I figure if there's gonna be any screaming tonight, it'd be like better if I can get some out first before I go home." Shaggy seems more mellow than he does at school, hand running over the dog- Scooby's- head.
"I'm gonna punch a ghost." Daphne states plainly, glaring at Shaggy when he elbows her, "and hopefully get into the paper, my dad reads that every morning." She adds reluctantly, turning to make her way into the fairgrounds.
"Do you mind if we join you guys?" Fred asks quickly, as Shaggy and Scooby follow the red head.
"Sure, a bigger group may attract the ghost!" She calls over her shoulder.
"We do not need help." Velma tells Fred.
'I do not feel comfortable.'
"Don't worry Velm, if we work together you'll have more time to do the fun stuff." Fred smiles, throwing an arm over her shoulders to guide her towards the other teens.
There is no ghost. Just an old man who wanted cheap land. But for a moment, it seemed as if there was one, a clue here or there that didn't quite add up. They all bounced off each other well, Shaggy understood what Velma meant and even seemed to appreciate her bluntness occasionally. Daphne listened to what she had to say, and pointed out things the girl missed- finding signs and meanings from seemingly random things that weren't actually random. Freds elaborate traps were easier done with three added people- and easier to shrink down to an easier one with three arguments to why they didn't need a flamethrower Fred.
They do get their picture taken for the paper, to be released in the morning somehow, but for the rest of their night, they take Shaggy's suggestion and find the 24 hour diner for milkshakes and snacks. They don't realize they need to wind down until they're sitting in a corner booth and their hands shake as they hold their menus.
"I don't want to go home." Shaggy murmurs after a few milkshakes and three plates of food.
"You could come to mine." Daphne responds, "Not like my parents will notice." She adds under her breath, slouching because she knows her mom hates it.
"So you meant it before, about the yelling?" Fred ventured cautiously, playing with the straw in his drink.
Shaggy shrugs,
"They say I've got a head full of chemicals, but their mouths are still full of ridicule. I had to like… fight to get my meds, but they hate it. Hate…" He trails off, shoulders curling inwards as he thumbs a bruise on his wrist. "It's whatever."
"It is not. Your parents suck and I hate them." Daphne glowers at the straw wrapper she's mangling, since she can't touch his parents.
"So do yours." Shaggy counters, leaning on her shoulder some.
"You guys could come to my house. I… don't have a lot of room, but it's empty anyways. Parents wouldn't even notice if you slept in their room." Fred puts in, nudging Velma to include her in the offer.
"My mother would lock me up if she knew I'd stayed at your place." Velma says with a huff.
Daphne sits straighter,
"So you stayed at my house." She says, eyes gleaming. "And I stayed at yours if mine bothered to ask. And Shaggy was at Freds."
"Idk Daph, they'll already be pissed tonight…" Shaggy looks like he wants nothing more than to say yes, but a fear lingers in his eyes.
"Well, if they're going to yell anyway…" Velma re-uses Shaggy's earlier reasoning, and suddenly it's like they've all been friends for years and this is totally ordinary behavior for them.
Like, 'Of course we're gonna lie to our parents about where we are and have a sleepover at Freds.' Like there isn't the likely chance of real consequences in a couple of their futures, but it doesn't matter in this moment. And as they gather at Freddys house, they come up with more plans, more 'of course's!' Because they get along like a house on fire, and smooth eachothers edges and calm eachothers nerves and boost each other's confidences. By the end of their night, after hearts laid bare- bruises on display, feeling gross and out there, tears shed and shouts shouted- they have the vaguest of plans.
Several days later, finds phone calls from panicked- re; angry- parents to one another.
"I thought they were with you!" Mr. Rogers accuses Mr. Blake.
"Why in good heavens would I allow my daughter to have two boys stay the night??"
"Well what about my sweet baby Velma?? She said she was at Daphnes!" Mrs. Dinkley is in tears, she had plans for them! Mommy daughter plans!
"Norville said he would be at Fredricks house dear." Mrs. Rogers cuts in, voice devoid of anything.
"Oh my. Well they could have been I suppose… let me look." Mrs. Jones mutters all the way to her son's room, jetlag weighing heavy on her mind, she had wanted to sleep when she'd arrived, not deal with this. "Oh look, a note, let me get my glasses-"
"Hurry up woman!" Mr. Rogers yells, he was late for work dammit!
"Alright alright, so fussy, I have a headache… hm, Dear adults- so informal- Dear Adults,
We have left. If you are reading this, we've been gone for nearly a week without your notice. As we are nearly adults ourselves, we decided we weren't going to put up with your sh*t anymore. If you want to check on us, watch the News, we'll be making history with our new 'Mystery Solving' gig.
Goodbye forever probably,
~Velma, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred
"Oh there's a paw print too, how festive."
The angry yells last for long hours and weeks after. Police read the note and do indeed find them on the News, they inform the parents there's not much they can do. They warn them, an investigation may garner… worse results than they hope for.
The threat is clear.
The members of Mystery Inc. Smile.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
"harley quinn's never had a good design in the last deca-!" WRONG dropkicks you through a brick wall
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kristybluebird · 1 month
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20 years later RGU
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wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 08 - Fav. (Side) Job
When she's not running around as Ninja or Summoner , Arsay's next choice is the lance. Being bestowed a source of draconic power by Midgardsormr moments before his slumber, and knowing how to channel the powers of Bahamut with dreadwyrm trance, Arsay's power as a Dragoon rivals that of even the former Azure Dragoon. With that said, she'd much rather use her polearm to hunt monsters.
#miqomarch#miqomarch2024#ffxiv#miqo'te#WOL posting#Arsay Nun#arsay kain pose pog??#an attempt was made#I didn't want to repeat myself two years in a row lol#do love playing drg though its so fun#praying it doesnt become too different in dawntrail#in my canon Arsay never does the lancer or dragoon lv 30-60 job quests#She gets Estinien to teach her some basic moves while on the road trip to drivania#one cause she thought it looked fun two because its hard to back stab a dragon without going full shadow of the colossus on them#Shes pretty good with the lance too so she does use it on that first nidhogg fight#then she continues hvw as ninja/smn#she doesnt have any of the dragoon part of the dragoon kit until she goes through the great gooble library with y'mhitra#where they learn about dreadwyrm trance and arsay discovers her surprisingly strong connection to bahamut#y'hmitra: wow thats weird didnt you say you werent around during the calamity how did you connect to him so easily#arsay: so there's this massive hole in the ground in eastern la noscea-#When its time to end the dragonsong war for real this time in the patches she picks up the lance again and enters trance mode#She does get a job stone finally after that#its a gift from aymeric#a symbolic 'you were part of the troops' type thing#oh and later during stormblood arsay does go through Those job quests#because of course shes helping a little dragon friend#and during the omega raid series when Middy saves her life just before he goes to sleep again he gifts arsay a scale to carry with her#a bit of dragon aether to tap into when she needs it !#anyways thats arsay dragoon lore thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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sinfuego · 2 months
Tbh, nothing has made me sympathize more with Kipperlilly Copperkettle than her anger issues.
Cause anger is an emotion we feel when we're missing something. When we need something and can't get it. It's a balm to make us feel better when things don't go our way.
When things aren't fair.
#d20#dimension 20#d20 fantasy high#fantasy high junior year#d20 spoilers#fhjy#fantasy high spoilers#of course just cause you feel like things are unfair doesnt mean they actually are#and the reason why its an anger issue is cause the anger has befome detrimental#its warped from being somethjng to comfort you when you feel powerless to a tool you use against others when you fedl slighted#part of why anger issues are so hard to overcome is cause of how good it feels in the moment#even if you feel terrible guilt afterwards#the catharsis of releasing anger can be such a relief#that you dont even realise youve started looking for reasons to be angry#youre listing things that are terrible with the world just so you can feel better by getting angry at them#things like capitalism and people who bullied you and how your boss is a terrible racist#things that everyone can get angry over#until they get more personal and warps your judgment#“my boss called a group of immigrant a bunch of racial slurs” “his secretary was there too she can back me up”#“when i brought it up with her she says she wasnt payjng attention or something” “shes peobably racist too and thats why he hired her”#it becomes easier to make jumps like that instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt#easier to justify your anger with the smallest slights#until youre yelling at a pedestrian whe. you almost ran them over#“sure it was a red light but they shouldve paid attention and seen me coming too”#anyways this is all to say kipperlilly probably has some issues to deal with#idk if shes actually behind this plot or if shes being manipulated#doesmt stop her from being a total dick tho#but it does make me a little more sympathetic to her
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows what welcome home is. Just has a friend of mine go bananas when I mentioned WH is a horror project. They were flabbergasted!
"I thought it was some weird kid short series or something you got attached to! Like Bluey or something like that!"
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andrewknightley · 10 days
someday i will find someone to discuss the baddies of bg3 that are not 100 messages of repetitions of "i hate them" or "i'll fuck them"
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majorshatterandhare · 7 months
Today I, an aromantic, was getting ready to attend a wedding… with Stranger on repeat.
#the mechanisms#stranger#ttbt2#i knew what i was doing when i put it on but also i am working on an addtion to my brian-jonny foils post so i was thinking about brian#its always sad brian hours#i cant really read that song separate from him anymore. honestly not sure i ever could but. its just so unconnected from anything else.-#actaea and lyssa is pretty disconnected. but its still almost certainly on the city. alice is pretty disconnected but its a result of-#king cole’s war. the most disconnected songs are redeath. the ignominious demise of dr pilchard. drop dead. hereward the wake. and stranger-#(and frankenstein but i consider that its own thing). and redeath and drop dead are my least favorite mechs songs.dr pilchard i didnt-#really care for for quite a while. stranger has so few words in it. it’s my favorite song. but the story is minimal fron the song (ie w/o-#knowing the crane wife story) so making a story around it sort of makes sense? im having a hard time with the words here. like we expect a-#story. cause that’s what the mechs do. and stranger has a story. it just doesnt have context and so creatong that context for ourselves is-#understandable. to be expected even. hope that makes sense#side note: i think it would make sense for hereward to have been from the same place (system I guess) as the people that made-#fort galfridian. i mean hereward was more of a real person than arthur (since there was no one person arthur was based on. like thats a-#whole thing) and hereward was anglo-dutch. so it makes sense hed be related to that story somehow#its just a theory. obviously. theres nothing in the songs connecting the too as far as im aware.#OH also achilles pointed out to me the anti-amatonormative/aromantic reading of stranger and i liked that a lot#hereward was anglo-danish. not anglo-dutch. sorry danish and dutch people
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
tbh I really wanted the 3jimas to win that fight, to have Kiryu realize that his actions have consequences and that maaayybeee the people he keeps disappearing on to only reappear briefly to make demands of are finally sick of it and the rose tinted glasses of admiration have come off
no absolutely i really needed kiryu to just. //shakes him//
another thing i really wish we got from IW was daigo going off on kiryu- like he STARTED to but i needed that Y4 shit RIGHT NOW. if Y4 did anything right, it definitely helped broaden daigo's character in how having the chairman title pushed onto him was stressing him out and having him express this to kiryu was SO cathartic, even if daigo's words ultimately mean nothing to kiryu (or at the very least, kiryu did a bad job on understanding daigo's grievances and helping him afterwards)
it really is agitating that the jimas ended up going to the tower anyway too. i get that saejima and majima are kiryu's ex-colleagues and daigo's practically his son, and the fight was supposed to be a 'wake up call' for them. but it just diminishes the anger we saw from daigo in that first scene (and as if i have to say it, daigo becoming angry is a rare thing so that when it does happen its so jarring and it's meant to be serious) and it continues to excuse kiryu's general disregard for others if it means he gets what he wants.
its unfathomable to me that after nearly two decades of holding a position daigo didnt want for the sake of his idol, he finally gets to break away from it. and now his idol's just waltzing back into his life- after acting like he was dead for three years- asking for ANOTHER favor. and daigo's just supposed to accept it. if kiryu wasnt literally dying i just know he'd keep doing this until his last breath and no one would punish him for it because despite how many times he claims to understand daigo's woes, it's evident he doesn't care enough to leave him out of things
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skitskatdacat63 · 21 days
happy vettonso day!!!! I am smooching you back (also I imagine this must be similar to the ref you made that won't see the light of day)
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and never apologize for rambling in tags!! I love them every time!! you are so right, fernando's answer is so much more loaded and he gives the game away in the process 😭 seb is so sure of himself, he just speaks his insane mind. COMPLETE? so...he's all you need then? 😏 heh! he was sooooo proud of that answer too.
fernando is obsessed with winning the encounter (I just counted, it took him 6 whole seconds to respond lmao) and seb's just like ??? could you just be for real for once 😒...but also maybe be my friend 🥺??? hahaha. thank you for peddling them, I love them so much
Happy (late) Vettonso day to you again!!!(also yes you are right, it is similar LOL. I'd post it but it makes me feel like a Larry shipper.)
You put it so well!! It's just such a key difference in them. Lmao I am about to read into this so hard, I'm normal I swear. I'm sure they both had answers instantly, but have completely different approachs. Seb, as you said, is so sure of himself! He lays all of his cards out instantly because it really is not that deep to him. Complimenting Fernando this one time is not going to have any negative affect, and he does not really see it as a game. The way he says it so quick, in addition to it already being a pretty good compliment, makes it more meaningful. It feels so honest, and like you said, is a friendly gesture. Maybe Fernando will be genuine too if Seb extends the olive branch?
Meanwhile Fernando has to think about it for six seconds, and you would think that time allowance would make his compliment more meaningful but NOPE. As you said, he has to win, but instead imo he comes off looking worse. You can just read into his answer so much more. Does he genuinely think Seb is fast? Did he want to say something else? Would that something else be more negative or more positive? Also "fast" is such a loaded answer imo in this sport; like it seems like such a non-answer at first. He had to think for six seconds, and imo was trying to think of an answer that would both: not compliment Seb too hard but not look like he's not trying(because he wants to win y'know.) But then it ends up with him basically bitterly admitting Seb is genuine compeition to him. I think if he didn't feel threatened by Seb, he would've answered instantly. He tries to keep his cards to his chest, but it's like he tripped and they all fell onto the floor face-up in front of him.
Fernando is NOT winning the idgaf war. I just find it funny that both of them are pretty terrible hiding their true emotion, but the way Fernando goes about it makes it explode in his face. So in his attempt to win the interaction at any cost, he just trips and lets Seb win by being too much a tryhard LOL. But I really love it about both of them. Seb isn't afraid to compliment and as I said, Fernando's avoidance in itself is a compliment(bcs it shows he sees Seb as a legitimate contender.) Your tag about Seb being passive agressive saying "Oh." is so real haha. He does not understand Fernando's evasiveness at all bcs this is really no big deal. And meanwhile Fernando doesn't understand Seb's openess at all; doesn't he understand the game??? Why isn't he playing along???
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kyistell · 3 months
Hi! Idk if ur still taking requests for little snippets, but is it possible to request a little snippet of NJ helping Loui with his messy curly hair in like- a hot day where humidity is a bitch? 👁️👁️
As a guy with curly hair most times, humidity is such a bitch and happens whenever it feels like here in Jersey, no consistency. So this hit close to home lol.
Hot and Humid (The Worst Combo)
Every door in the state house was open, along with the windows. The Southern States were out barbecuing and the Northern States were suffering, except New Jersey.
It’s not like Jersey liked the heat, it was a pain in the ass, but it did mean he could go swimming and get good southern food, so he can’t complain too much. The problem was the humidity, it was ungodly humid out. Jersey knew humid intimately but this was ridiculous.
Almost every state was either in the pool or on the side relaxing or barbecuing. Almost. The only state that wasn’t with everyone was Louisiana, which Jersey would understand if it wasn’t for the fact that this is weather Loui would absolutely be in.
Jersey was about to go inside to find him when his name was called. Standing in the doorway was Loui, his hair frizzy and messy, looking just as miserable as most of the NE states felt.
Louisiana only had to say one word and Jersey would be at his beck and call. “Help”.
Jersey dragged Loui to his(Jersey's) room, looking at what products he had that could work, he realized he was severely lacking and would need to get more stuff again. He gave Loui a juice box and the tv remote and got to work.
Hair was hard, especially curly hair, it’s hard and annoying at the best of times and at the worst it’s near impossible. Jersey was basically an expert in all things hair but he was definitely wishing that Loui had come to him in the early morning before the humidity got too bad.
It took two hours but Jersey was able to put Loui’s hair into cornrows, that way if he wanted he could go swimming with the others. By the time the two got back outside some of the food was ready and it somehow got hotter and more humid, but at least now Loui’s hair wasn’t a mess.
(And if there was some magic involved to make sure his hair didn’t get affected by the humidity again, then that was between him and the demon he calls his friend).
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slutdge · 4 months
somehow while ive been going through the unbearable torment nexus ive still been able to keep up with my album-a-day-for-a-year thing so far
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passumstars · 2 months
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I will likely never get to do anything with her
#my art#the band ghost#nameless ghoul oc#i mostly wanted practice making a character sheet ish thingy#and by god i got that#had to work hard for her colors which is not usually a problem for me#and the silhouette flip like if your character doesnt have a tail then bam its done and no one will notice the small problems#but it doesnt work with a tail if you want perspective i had to redraw/move her tail around to make it look right so. learned that very much#i like the layout concept though thats nice#i have a whole backstory for her. she was part of a group summon and it all went fine except that one person was missing and they ended up#with a statue. she was too terrified to talk to anyone so she got left there and after it sounded empty she reverted and found some place to#hide in the gardens. so she lives there now. and ruins a lot of socks. and helps with the plants not that anyone knows that. and panics and#turns to stone if anyone walks by. so everyone does realize theres a moving shifting statue in the abbey but no one is sure what to do about#that. doesnt speak much if at all. doesnt steal a new shirt bc people notice if those go missing unlike socks. has anxiety bitch face also#yeah. and like. i dont know what a fandom is and i certainly dont know what a music is and thats why ill likely not do anything with her#which kinda sucks. but i still made her a character sheet cause she wont leave me alone. and for the practice#cause if i think about doing a sheet for story ocs i get all perfectionist and it doesnt happen#the luck thing is that she kinda thinks being summoned was a curse#im gonna shut up now
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kennythetrampvamp · 7 months
Everytime my cis friends are like "ugh men" "hating men lol" etc etc. I have to ahhhh I have to grrrrrrrr I never know quite what to say though
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needylittlegirl · 4 months
being a little lover girl is awful because why do i remember every single thing about people. you can say something so small teeny tiny offhand and i’ll remember it. but i dont think anybody does the same for me?? i dont think people are ever as devoted to me as i am to them
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