#but he absolutely killed it (pun intended)
mesopelagos · 5 months
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i'll make it worth your while~
#little shop of horrors#little shop#lsoh#lsoh twoey#audrey ii#audrey 2#sal art#so um. guess what i saw at Westside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#holy shit. oh my god. jesus christ#ive never seen a professional production before#and like more power to the volunteers/students whose productions i HAVE seen#by god they did their best considering the challenge this show presents#BUT THE SHEER SCOPE OF THE OFF-BROADWAY ONE???????????????#first of all i have to shout out to everyones vocal performances because they were absolutely stellar#it was corbin bleu and constance wu and i had no idea the latter could sing?? but she killed it as audrey#AND AARON A. HARRINGTON AS TWOEY.................MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE RAAAANGE HE HAS IT ALL#but with that said#Jesus Christ The Puppetry Was Fucking Otherworldly#no pun intended i swear#like. again the volunteer performances did so well considering#but the sheer breadth of the skill difference between them and the professionals#GOD!!!!! GOD.#SHE HAD SO MUCH LIFE. SO DYNAMIC. AND SHE WAS *SILLY*#a lot of twoey's mannerisms were like a combination between a snake and a cat and it was delightful every time#in her final stage especially she had all these little like. head tilts and minute reactions to things#and it just made her feel so ALIVE.#her full-bodied laughs mean everything to me#EVEN WHEN CORBIN WAS DOING THE HANDHELD SHE WAS SILLY!!!!!!! ya never know funniest fucking choreo EVER#UGH ive said enough. ive said enough. i will talk until my tags start getting deleted if i keep going so ill leave it there
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shions-chin-scar · 8 months
The fandom: *collectively losing their mind over Kento Nanami this episode*
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who's calling death the wolf toxic? is it the x reader community i bet it's the x reader community
it’s them for sure but also people in the ao3 tag are writing death/puss fics where he’s acting like a stalker or a toxic boyfriend and i’m just standing here like 🧍‍♂️
to me he is so vanilla aside from all the murders like i just know that he takes up crocheting as a hobby when he is not out reaping souls
which isn’t to say i don’t like the stalker/toxic bf dynamic bc i read them anyway and enjoy them (put the orange cat in situations, heh) i just don’t think they’re as true to his character LOL
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cod-dump · 1 year
Price comes into their shared safe house after he had to shave and all he gets is chaos. Soap's close to hyperventilating as he points at him. Gaz is screaming about stranger danger. Ghost looks like he's seen a ghost (pun intended), absolutely shell shocked
Shaving his beard was only practical for the under cover mission ahead of him considering it was his most recognizable feature. It was strange seeing himself without it. He looked so much younger. When he walked out of the bathroom after finishing, Laswell did a double take.
“Wow. Forgot what you looked like without a rat on your face.”
Price rolled his eyes, “Very funny.”
He kept feeling his face. He felt like he was missing a part of him without the beard.
“I’m sure you gave the boys a heads up, right?”
Laswell gives him a look, “You really should tell them. Before you get stabbed or blown up or shot.”
“Kate, they’re not going to react like that.”
“John, you look like a whole different person. Have they ever seen you without the beard?”
“No? But that doesn’t matter! I don’t look that different. They’re smarter than that.”
Price ignored the face Laswell was giving him. He needed to head back to the safe house and get ready to leave for the mission. He had two meetings he needed to attend, as well. Laswell just wished him luck instead of a usual goodbye. He scoffed, she was overreacting. The boys were all grown men. They may be taken aback by his missing beard but nothing extreme was going to happen.
Price was tired by the time he got back to the safe house. It was late but he knew the boys were still up. Most likely waiting for him so they (Ghost) could lock up the house properly. He opened the door and all but slammed it shut, that way Ghost knew he was there and didn’t try to kill him. He took his hat off and hung it up, groaning as he headed to the kitchen.
Ghost was there, sipping some tea.
“Hey, Simon-“
Ghost looked at him and immediately dropped his mug. Price jumped as ceramic shards and tea went all over the floor.
“What the hell, Simon?!”
Ghost stared at him, eyes wide. Soap ran into the kitchen not long after the mug shattered.
“Si! Are you okay-“
Soap cut himself off when he saw Price. His mouth hung open and he lifted his hand and pointed at his face. Price instinctively rubbed his face.
“I shaved.”
Soap gasps and stumbles back towards Ghost. He only stops when his back hits the man’s chest. He kept trying to speak but nothing comprehensible came out. He started breathing heavy as Ghost stood there like a statue.
“Breathe, Johnny-!”
“What’s going on in here-“
Price turned as Gaz walked into the kitchen. The man took one look at him before he just screamed at the top of his lungs. Price winces as Gaz screams bloody murder, Soap dropping to the floor. Ghost continued to stand, unmoving.
It took two full hours to get the three to calmly sit in the living room. They stared at him as he explained the mission he was going on, not hearing a word he was saying. Price stopped talking when he phone started ringing. He winces when he sees it was Laswell.
“Kate, hey-“
“I told you.”
Price blinks, groaning when he remembered that Laswell had full access to the security cameras around the safe house. He rubs his face, missing his beard.
“Yea… you did.”
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
May I request the class 1A boys (if u write for multiple in the same fic) reacting to their gn! S/o (who’s normally insanely calm and patient) finally snapping and ends up nearly killing a villain? Like reader snaps during a fight against a villain or smth because the boys (seperate but yk) got hurt and stuff? Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I suck at explaining things 😭
hi! i didnt end up doing all the boys but I did the ones I think I would b able to write for best hehe, for future posts probably gonna limit it to 5 characters per post!
characters: Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Mezou Shoji, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya.
reader: Gn
summary: the very well known 1a student (reader) who is known for being calm and understanding almost fucking kills someone.
warnings: blood mentions, near death experience, swearing, injuries.
other details: 1A!reader, reader quirk not mentioned but they use their bare fists to beat the shit out of the villain, villain is not any specific one.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
👓- Iida was fast but damn the villain was faster.
👓- this resulted into iida now basically completely motionless on the ground yet still concious.
👓- usually if it was any of your other friends you would just take a deep breath and anylis whats going on to make sure things are delt with properly.
👓- but that iis not the case this time.
👓- it was almost like something snapped.
👓- nobody could actually figure out how you managed to catch the villain, especially with their speed.
👓- but bystanders were more focused on the fact that you were now repeatedly slamming their face into the sidewalk.
👓- honestly a miracle the villain survives that shit, but they 100% had brain damage afterwards.
👓- normally iida would step in but he could only really stare at you.
👓- partly due to the shoock, but also the fact that he straight up couldn't move from his injuries.
👓- after everything calmed down and iida recovered he gave your ass a huge lecture.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
⚡- he was shocked.
⚡- pun intended but also he was just straight up in shock.
⚡- first off, surprising he got these many injuries without short circuting.
⚡- guess his training rlly payed off.
⚡- well at least his quirk training.
⚡- thinks its sick as hell how you just beat the shit out of the villain.
⚡- their face will never be the same again.
⚡- hes kinda into it tbh.
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🪨Eijiro Kirishima🪨
🪨- literally just makes the :o face
🪨- this man got one hit that actuqally injured him at you just cut loose.
🪨- he felt like not even he could do that much damage in unbreakable. (he totally could do worse but hes just having a moment leave me alone.)
🪨- aftwards will literally beg you to spar with him.
🪨- unfortunatley never gets to fight you while ur that pissed off.
🪨- honestly when he saw how beat up the villain was he thought that it was bakugos doing for a hot second.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
🐙- the way you reacted to him getting hurt lowkey reminded him of dark shadow during the training camp.
🐙- very similar situation tbh.
🐙- it was just one of his extended limbs that got injured, yet you reacted as if he had just been decapitated.
🐙- froze up for a second when he watched you just immediately run up to the villain you have been fighting for at least an hour and just absolutely demolish then within a few minutes.
🐙- had to restrain you a bit to stop you from actually murdering them.
🐙- was a little shocked at the sudden swap oof personality for that short time but was more focused on stopping you from being charged with murder.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
❄️🔥- ^that face.
❄️🔥- like that is just his reaction tbh.
❄️🔥- i mean its not everyday you see the person thats just a slightly more emotionally available version of you almost kill someone.
❄️🔥- especially over a small cut.
❄️🔥- the cut wasnt even caused directly by the villain, it was a broken piece of glass that was flying around with other debri./
❄️🔥- i mean-- at least you caught the villain?
❄️🔥- and almost killed them.
❄️🔥- along with free medical debt.
❄️🔥- or no medical debt?
❄️🔥- idk how that stuff works in japan bruh.
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💥Katsuki Bakugo💥
💥- fight me all you want but
💥- he just straight up finds it hot.
💥- like if you look close enough this mf is blushing.
💥- who knew that the one time someone makes bakugo blush is his partner attempting murder.
💥- originally wasnt going to hold you back.
💥- the longer he watched you beat the shit out of this guy he started to genuinley think you were going to kill them.
💥- once everything settles down you started back to you normal calm persona.
💥- bro was just like ????
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
🥦- panic.
🥦- like you dont even have to look at him, you just need to be near him and you can basically feel how panicked he is over this.
🥦- lots of panicked words, you can barely even tell whats he's saying through the rage but also the pure speed he's speaking at.
🥦- few words that were mostly intelligable you could tell he was saying you should stop.
🥦- even if you wanted to stop your body wouldnt let you.
🥦- ended up needing to use blackwhip to get you off.
🥦- not that it did much being the villai already had a broken nose and multiple broken ribs.
🥦- probably missing teeth aswell.
🥦- izuku is lowkey terrified to somehow piss you off now.
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theyre all a little short but i think I slayed
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mademoisellegush · 10 months
On the Emperor and *that* scene
so i went and looked at some of the branches of that conversation -he basically reacts by reflecting and amplifying whatever energy the player gives him. Whatever you say, he will not contradict you.
You reject him, violently? He'll show you how right you are, how much of a monster he is. You reject him, preferring to "stick to business"? so does he. You agree to see him as a potential partner? Not a one-night stand, you are "bonded and it is time to consummate love with war".
Something to keep in mind, however (pun intended) is that "to best protect yourself from illithid manipulation, pay attention to its actions, not words."
tldr: i think the emperor is a very neat character.
The first branch is the disgusted rejection - the one where the player calls him a freak. his reaction is to show you how right you are. a mind controlled Stelmane, how the partnership was puppeteering. "you are my puppet", he tells you. "You have no other choice, if I must, I will force you."
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he does not force you to do anything, after that. the threat is there, of course, but it's hollow. empty.
should this be taken at face value? can we trust him, even now, that he is telling the truth? it is certain that he mind controlled stelmane, yes. But was he the one who made her ill?
two items put that into question. a) stelmane's portrait, hung up at his desk along all his treasured possessions from before and after he became an illithid (balduran's butter fork, to go with the butter knife. his old sword, a recipe for fiddlehead soup, his dog Rascal's collar. the emperor's outfit, container for brains, chains for his "meals".)
If he's a liar about everything, why does he have a framed picture of Stelmane? He would not have been able to physically go back and set things up in a Knights of the Shield secret hideout while he was stuck inside the Astral Prism in our pocket from the hells, down to the Underdark, unless i'm getting the timeline of this story majorly wrong.
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and b) an account of stelmane's illness.
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Stelmane's condition got worse *after* Balduran/the Emperor disappeared, captured by Gortash and the cult of the Absolute.
Make of that what you will. Is this an actual testimony, or something he somehow planted there for you to find, despite the logistical difficulties in doing so? You decide.
2. The violent rejection is the only branch where he does not tell you how big the elder brain has grown. I think that is because there is an actual reaction on his end; something vicious that he's unused to feeling. Not the cold, calculating pragmatism he was praising in the player character three lines ago. Compare the first branch to the following two paths:
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What i think is: Balduran uses you. The sole thing he cares above all else is his continued survival, any power gained that way is a side benefit to his goal. If you even get the Orphic hammer, even "as leverage," even as you threaten him, he does not "force you" to do anything, as threatened above. Ansur died, yes, but is self defence murder? Neither Ansur nor Balduran deny that Ansur tried to mercy kill Balduran as he slept.
What I also think: you have to succeed at perception check, in the third guardian dream, to figure out that "the hurt runs deeper than they're willing to show you." then, an insight check (something that requires wisdom, what you use to resist, or lean into, the tadpole's hivemind) "beneath the resilient veneer, a touch of fragility. they need comfort." This allows you to hug them, if you desire - something they say "it has been a very long time since someone did that. for [me]".
Make of that what you will.
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thelov3lybookworm · 6 months
omg can we please get some more delulu reader x delulu azriel where the whole ic thinks they’re crazy and would absolutely not be s good pair, but they’re delusional and think they’re obsessed w eachother
” look at him just staring at me, it’s so obvious he wants me it makes him look stupid ”
” babes he’s literally glaring at you as if he’s planning to murder you ”
” she just cannot look away can she? god I know she’ll be my girl by the end of tonight ”
” um hello??? she’s literally talking shut about you, I heard her a minute ago?????”
and they walk up to eachother looking like they’ll fight but then they kiss to everyones surprise and leave them all with their jaw dropped. bext morning they see az and reader having breakfast together, and they’re nice to eachother
” alright tell me again how you fell in love with me azzie”
” okay, so it was when you first punched me. I really felt the connection there ( no pun intended )😍😍 “
” ohhh mother above i knew it!!! for me it was when you almost choked me to death w your shadows, true love fr😍😍”
everyone at the table:😟😟😟😟😟😟
Delulu!azzie x delulu!reader (Part 2?)
Summary: The inner circle feels like... they are going insane.
A/n: hehe i really got nothing to say but i love this looooolll 😂
alsooo... i think this could be read as a part 2 to the previous lil thing i wrote for this prompt, so I'll just link it here if any of you wanted to read it 😉
enjoy, babes 😉
Mor's pov.
Mor was seriously concerned for her friend, and it was not something that happened often.
Her friends were usually more sensible than this, and usually didn't call one of the most powerful male in the whole of prythian an ugly bastard and then always walk around nagging them.
But currently, Mor's best friend was glaring daggers at the Spymaster of the night court from across the dance floor, and Mor had never been more scared at the glare on the shadowsinger's face.
It wouldn't have mattered that much if Y/n and Azriel simply hated each other. But the fact that Y/n was so delusional over him and thought that the glares he sent her every waking moment of his day were because he was in love with her, didn't sit right with Mor.
Mor had tried to point it out multiple times to the winter court female, but the female either never paid attention, or she didn't care.
And now, as Mor and Y/n sat in the bar with drinks in their hands, the latter glaring all the way across the dance floor to the booth where the Spymaster was sat with the rest of the inner circle, Mor watched on.
A moment later, Y/n scoffed, turning to Mor.
"Look at him just staring at me, it’s so obvious he wants me. It makes him look stupid."
Mor's jaw was practically on the ground, and she spluttered out the first thing that came to her mind.
"Y/n, he’s literally glaring at you as if he’s planning to murder you." She whisper yelled, incredulous. But Y/n had turned away already, caught again in a staring-and-glaring-holes-in-the-other-person's-skull match with Azriel.
Mor sighed, swirling her drink in her glass before taking a long sip from it.
Even if Mor pretended that the two were really in love, she simply could not imagine them being a great couple. Not saying that she didn't want the two to be happy, but watching the pair constantly be at each other's throat gave her no hope that they could ever be in a loving relationship.
If they could simply sort out their problems with each other, then maybe there was a chance. But if not, Mor was sure she'd find one of their heads lying in the hallways of their home if they ever got together.
Cassian's pov.
If someone told the Lord of Bloodshed that he'd be scared shitless of his own brother a few months ago, he would have laughed.
But here he was, coiled tight like a spring, ready to jump into action if his brother decided to kill the winter court female right in the middle of the dancing and drinking bodies that filled Rita's.
It was absurd. Ridiculous, really, how much hatred radiated off of Azriel as he sat there, practically breathing flames as he stared at across the dance floor.
To get a reprieve from the constant tension in his shoulders, Cassian stood, stretching before making his way towards the bar, near where Mor was sat with her friend.
"He is such a loser. I swear I've never seen such a big loser in my life. Ever." Cassian overheard Y/n say, and he had to physically stop himself from laughing.
Mor began, but Y/n beat her to it.
"He's also such a jerk. Bet he never gets any females because of that shit attitude."
Cassian decided it was enough overhearing for the day and walked back to where Azriel sat, the rest of the inner circle having slowly dispersed.
Cassian handed a glass to Azriel, who never took his eyes off the female that now stood from the stool she was sitting on with Mor, now making her way towards the dance floor.
The general watched as his brother knocked back the drink, slamming the empty glass on the table in front of him.
"She just cannot look away, can she? God, I know she’ll be my girl by the end of tonight."
Cassian very nearly spat out his drink, coughing loudly as he stared at the Spymaster, who glanced at him, unamused.
"Are you okay brother?" Azriel didn't reply, his gaze fixed on the dancing female, her gaze fixed on him. "Hello? Are you listening? She was literally talking shit about you, I heard her, like, a minute ago?"
Cassian was not proud enough to believe he was he smartest of people, and he would admit that he did sometimes get confused over things that needed using his brain. But he would like to blame his dumbness on his brain being closely guarded by his thick skull.
But the things he did not understand? Those things were actually supposed to make sense.
But this? Azriel's weird delusion about how the female from the winter court was obsessed with him? This was not something that was supposed to make sense, and it would leave even the smartest person in Prythian scratching their heads.
But Azriel either didn't hear Cassian, or didn't care, because in the next moment, he stood, ignoring his brother as he made his way onto the dance floor, his steps sure and cocky.
Cassian watched in growing nervousness, then horror and shock, as Azriel stalked up to Y/n, as she stared at him, her eyes sharp.
Cassian watched, as his brother took the face of the winter court female's face in his hands, and promptly slammed his lips onto hers.
Cassian's eyes widened, his jaw unhinging from his face and dropping to the ground. A quick glance to the kissing pair's right told him he was not the only one who was experiencing this onslaught of emotional cocktail.
Mor stared back at Cassian, her eyes as big as Nyx's fists, her mouth opening and closing like a fish's.
The scene was comical, though it didn't erase the shock coursing through Cassian's veins. And all that he could think about was...
What the fuck?
"Was I dreaming or did last night really happen?"
Most of the inner circle was seated around the dining table in the house of wind, holding their cup of their preferred beverages or eating their breakfast.
They all glanced up at Cassian as he spoke, but before anyone could reply, in walked Y/n and Azriel.
The sight of the two of them clinging to each other was as jarring as the night before, when the two of them had been filled with lust and clung to each other, kissing until Az winnowed the two of them away.
Well- Cassian thought, that is one way to answer my question.
The two ignored everyone else, as if not aware of their surroundings as they settled down next to each other, one of Y/n's hands clinging tightly around Azriel's bicep as he used the other to pile food onto a plate.
Azriel picked his fork, scooping up some scrambled eggs, holding it up for Y/n, who smiled and opened her mouth for him. He slipped the spoon inside, then took a bite himself.
The inner circle watched in shock, all thought eddying out of their brains as they watched the loving exchange.
"Alright tell me again how you fell in love with me Azzie." Y/n mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder after she finished chewing, hearts in her eyes as she stared at the spymaster.
Azriel seemed to think for a moment, then he smiled down at her as he held up his fork to her mouth again. "Okay, so it was when you first punched me. I really felt the connection there."
Y/n made a face that screamed aww. "So the first time we met?" Azriel nodded, nudging her to open her mouth. "Oh mother above, I knew it! For me it was when you almost choked me to death with your shadows." She sighed dreamily as she watched him take a bite of the food, completely oblivious to the turmoil the inner circle was going through.
Mor rushed to stand, mumbling something about having an important meeting as she hurried away. Rhys and Feyre stood too, saying they needed to check up on Nyx. And before Cassian could point out that Feyre was literally holding the babe, they walked away.
Left alone with the swooning couple, Cassian made eye contact with Nesta, who gagged silently at the love in the air, then inclined her head towards the stairs.
Cassian was all too happy to get out of there, as the moment him and his mate were out of sight, the sounds of clothes hitting the floor sounded, along with declarations of love.
And, honestly, Cassian was not one to judge people or be disgusted by other's love life, but he couldn't help but sympathise with Nesta when she gagged again.
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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wyldeking · 3 months
I've rewatched the Owl House dozens of times now and my favorite scene (excluding season 3 because that shit is magical, pun intended,) is Hunter and Amity's fight at Eclipse Lake.
Earlier in the episode, Amity and Hunter have a chat where Hunter proclaims that they both have a lot at stake, unlike Eda and King. She attempts to argue but is interrupted by the sound of her Tamagotchi-Text thing, as Luz sends a text that Amity misinterprets as Luz threatening her with leaving if she doesn't return with the Titan Blood. Hunter almost directly after takes off and gets a massive head start to Eclipse Lake.
While Eda deals with the scouts and Kikimora, Amity chases after Hunter with King by her side. She enters the room to have this exchange with Hunter.
"Don't worry. I won't pick a fight. There's no Titan Blood."
"Then why are you digging?"
"Oh, it's simple really. Belos needs Titan Blood to make a new portal key. Can't get to the human realm without it."
"There's blood in the key?"
*Amity tightens her grip around the portal key.*
"Since I failed my last mission, I thought, 'Hey, a chance to make up for it.' But I can't go back empty-handed. Not again."
Hunter is noticeably hysterical, laughing between almost every sentence he speaks.
"Long story short, this is my grave. Want me to make you one too?"
"This is really bumming me out." King says simply.
"That's just life, rat. Everyone has a use, and if you don't pbtpbt bye-bye! Your friend gets it."
With the help of King, Amity finally learns how to interpret the text. Luz had never even thought of leaving her awesome girlfriend. Almost immediately after realizing, she becomes almost as bright and sunny as Luz is. With a burst of inspiration, she decides to give Hunter the best message she could think of.
"I grew up thinking that everything was an opportunity to justify existing, but there are people out there make you feel worthless. You just have to let yourself meet them."
She offers her hand, but unfortunately, Hunter notices the key sticking out of her coat, and a battle ensues. Hunter is sweating and incredibly anxious, which shows with the way he fights. Hunter keeps dashing around, making magical sparks fly everywhere. Meanwhile Amity is holding a poker face as she almost effortlessly dodges and blocks every one of his attacks. Every attack that she throws out has a very obviously calculated plan attached.
Hunter eventually tears the key away from Amity and they end up cornering each other. Despite that, Amity still very clearly has the upper hand, with a blade pointed at the neck of the battered Hunter that is caked in abomination goo. Hunter desperately thinking of a way out to give the blood to his uncle, tells Amity, quote;
"Listen, you're strong, and I'm tired. if this continues, you'll probably escape, but here's the thing: We know where to find you and your human. So just hand over the key."
Hunter's threat to kill Amity is completely empty, as they just displayed, Amity clearly has the upper hand. But Luz? The last time she saw her she was sick out of her mind and incredibly delirious. So Amity finally slips, the key cracks as her grip tightens, spilling half the blood. Hunter wins and slips away with the key.
This scene is so damn great because the emotions of the characters make perfect sense and intertwine with everything, we've known about them up until this point. Not to mention the music in this scene absolutely slaps ass and the animation is top-notch.
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dinkandballz · 2 months
I already sent in a request but like uhm you said to send another because you might not have seen the one I sent so uhm uhm I was wondering if you could do uhm Adam with a s/o headcanons (sfw or nsfw or both whatever you want) and uhm that's uh all
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YES!!! ABSOLUTELY!! Sorry this is late pookie 😮‍💨
Adam is a picky asshole
He never shies away from the truth around you, so expect to be insulted A LOT
More than that, he speaks through his actions better than he does with his words
He’s a cuddle bug with no sense of personal space. If you’re close by, his face is in your neck immediately
Angel anatomy can be confusing, but he’s often preening his feathers when he thinks you aren’t watching
His halo is very sensitive, so be careful not to knock it or touch it without warning, otherwise he gives you the silent treatment
He likes to pretend he’s a big, tough man, but really he’s more suited for a malewife role
He hates admitting it, but he loves to cook as much as he loves to eat, and seeing you enjoy his food makes his heart so happy
He’s just a sweetie pie with some bad ideas engraved into his brain, but you can work with him to get out of that mindset over time
Lots and lots of time.
Hopefully you’re also an angel, because it might take a few hundred years to convince him to stop being such a dick 😭
(NSFW below the cut)
He’s a brat
At least, at first he’s a brat
He hates being told what to do, he never listens to your instructions, in bed or otherwise, and purposefully makes a fuss whenever possible
But if you bribe him with praise and rewards, he learns to simmer down and listen
In order to even approach his ass, he needs sexual favours frequently
He loves oral, giving and receiving (receiving mostly, at first) and you can work your way up (down) from there
He surprisingly enjoys being eaten out, and he’s shocked to find out he can reach orgasm from only your tongue teasing his prostate
And when you fuck him for the first time, he insists on hiding his face from you, because he knows you’ll tease him if you see him drooling into his pillow
He can’t get enough of you after the first time, he’s already addicted (pun intended!)
He’s a good boy when he wants to be, patient in your arms as you tease him with just the tip
He doesn’t beg, he’s too embarrassed to at first, so he’s delighted when you finally bottom out
Your teasing gets him embarrassingly hard on occasion, too
He’s willing to try anything once, even if he thinks the humiliation will kill him, he wants to be good for you and please you
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Hello it's me again I am sorry for the previous request and I hope I am not bothering you and that you are doing ok ☺️
If it's ok and if you have time and you're not busy, would it be ok for a Yandere Poseidon x Angel Reader, Yandere Hades x Angel Reader and Yandere Buddha x Angel Reader
I noticed that in the manga and anime we don't see any angels at all unless I overlooked them but I got curious and wondered what would happen if one were to appear would the gods lock them up in a golden cage or cut their wings to keep them tied to them because in a way angels are being of pure light and power
I am sorry if it sounds ridiculous 😂 and Thank you
I don't write for Hades since he's in the manga, I hope you enjoy and SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER.
Yandere! Poseidon + Angel! Reader:
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- Poseidon does very much believe that, because he's a God that he is still superior to you. After all, Angels are meant to be messengers for Gods. Compliant, innocent, quick on their wings, and adoring of their Lord.
- Perhaps on the God's side, you belonged to a different God. One who was on good terms with Poseidon, at least from their point of view, and who you adored being around.
- Everytime they requested Poseidon to meet them, he'd open his room door and see you and all your holy light. It's clear you're scared of him from the timid smile on your face but you were given a mission from your God and you would not fail them!
- He was annoyed with you at first, after all, you were just a sniveling little servant who followed your diety around like a lost puppy. It was pathetic really. Yet, it never stopped his eyes from drifting towards you and never stopped him from zoning out as he took in your appearance...it was, no pun intended, heavenly. Everything about you was absolutely glowing both literally and figuratively.
- He started to hate your diety, honestly. They always got to keep you by their side. You always loyally flew after them with nothing less than admiration and a certain brightness in your eyes and a smile on your face. Even if they were upset, you'd break your back bending backwards just to see them smile and it sickened him.
- You start to get creepy vibes from Poseidon, his eyes holding this dark stare and your intuition as an angel could see something dark fester within him. His hands touching your wings, making you flinch from how cold they are but you didn't dare pull away...you'd just stand there, panicked and terrified. He smiled to himself as he let his fingers feel your soft feathers, enjoying your compliance and submission.
- When you tell your god, they hear your concerns and start to keep you away from Poseidon...a terrible idea. One that resulted in your diety dying, in fact.
- It was bloody and it was brutal and when it was done, you tried to fight him by summoning your sword and burning him with divine light. You stupid little angel, did you forget? He IS Divinity. A powerful God. And you were just an angel, powerful but not strong enough to kill him.
- He threatens to cut your wings off when he takes you to his palace in the ocean. You're not entirely sure if it's a hollow threat (it is not) so you take it to heart and try not to be annoying (smart decision) but you still mourn the loss of your God. You know better than to let Poseidon know that because as far as he's concerned, HE is your new God now. You serve and worship him.
- He wouldn't want to cut off your wings, they are apart of what makes you so gorgeous and considering you're underwater: they'd most likely drag you down than help you so he lets you keep them (for now) and admires you from a golden cage. He will touch them when he pleases, he will seek for your physical affection and he dares you to try and deny it to him because you know the consequences.
Yandere! Buddha + Angel! Reader:
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- Oh he's heard about you guys before...Angels, that is. He's pretty sure that you're the cutest one he's seen. You're so happy and upbeat yet so strong and loyal, even though most angels are like that, there's just something different about you that really catches Buddha's eye.
- The way you'd allow him to touch your wings and when you sat and talked to him while he napped, you'd extend them and use it to shade him from the sun. Maybe it was the way you were the first angel to greet him with a cheery smile or the way you constantly wanted to spar with him and pouted when he teased you after beating you for the umpteenth time.
- He met you because he was friends with your diety, the god you praised all day long. Buddha wonders when he started to hate the person he called his "friend", probably the same time his obsession started with you because he slowly became more and more jealous of the way you acted around them.
- Following them like a lost puppy with wings, declaring your undying allegiance to them every day, and having that adoring look in your eyes. Buddha was confused about the feelings he'd get when he saw you look at them like that but he knew what they were now...and he spent long enough trying to hide them.
- He tried to explain the entire thing to his friend, trying to cover up his obsession as best as he could with promises of taking care of you of you became his. Yet your god was a clever one and saw immediately through Buddha's honey coated words and noticed the obsession in his eyes. It was a shame really, Buddha would've preferred not to have killed him but your god threatened to keep you away from Buddha...to keep you safe from him.
- The old fool didn't realize Buddha was going to keep you safe, especially how Buddha held you after telling you that your god unfortunately got into an altercation with the other gods, how you should fight for humanity with Buddha to avenge them and stick it to the gods. He doesn't actually let you fight, however, despite the fact that Angels were adept fighters as well as messengers: he couldn't risk you getting killed after he stained his hands in blood just to have you.
- Buddha is one of the Yandere's that is least likely to get caught, I will die on that hill personally, and chances are is that you trust him enough to believe everything he says at first...but also, you're an angel. You can sense when someone isn't being honest, when someone doesn't have the right intentions, and while you don't want to doubt Buddha after all he's done for you and your deceased god...you know he hasn't been telling you the truth.
- When you confront Buddha about the truth or if he feels like you're becoming more cold or withdrawn, he'll tell you everything. He hopes you'll understand his reasons but it seems your too blinded by your grief to try and attack him...which is silly because you should know from sparring lessons how this is gonna go, little birdie.
- There isn't really any place you can go to escape Buddha, nor is there a God alive who will believe you, but Buddha would rather save the trouble and just tie your wings up and keep you in his room. He'll inform Brunhilde that he'll just do his fight and then yours because you're too torn over the passing of your god when in reality, you're tied up in his room crying tears of frustration from how easily Buddha fooled you and how he even managed to put magical chains on your wings to prevent you from flying.
- He'll take them off someday, when you realize why he did what he did and that it was for the best. When you realize that he wasn't the problem: your God was for trying to keep you away from him when you were clearly destined to be his. Don't worry, he fixed that...now he just has to fix you and everything will be all better.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
I’ve recently seen some The Rocky Horror Picture Show discourse. And like people are questioning if Rocky Horror is transmisogynistic. Of course it does. Dr. Frank-N-Furter is intentionally a transmisogynistic villain. That’s the point.
It’s intended as ironic of course, as deliberate camp. The musical is intended as a parody of old sci-fi and horror movies, mixed with a camp drag aesthetic inspired by the contemporary glam rock movement. The mad scientist villains in the movies being parodied were often queer-coded, and vaguely effeminate.
So to parody that, Frank-n-Furter goes far beyond the queer-coding, and is outrageously effeminate and evil. He rapes people, kills them with an axe and serves them for dinner and force-fems them to take part in his climactic stage show. He is a Frankenstein parody, who literally makes an artificial man in order to fuck him (a joke about Frankenstein I’ve seen on tumblr). And does it all while wearing stockings, a bustier and heavy make-up. He is deliberately the ultimate evil man in a dress trope, referencing Psycho and all effeminate mad scientists in media.
That Frank-N-Furter isn’t explicitly a trans woman doesn’t matter. The musical deliberately blurs the line. The line “I’m just a sweet transvestite, from Transsexual, Transylvania” is like a perfect encapsulation of how horror movies treat transfemininity. “Men in dresses” (transvestites) trans women (transsexual) and a symbol of predatory horror movie villainy (Transylvania) are all conflated, making a pun of out how they all begin with “trans”.
Of course, it’s intended to be ironic. It’s a parody of queer-coded villainy in old horror movies by turning it up to eleven, so that you can’t take it seriously. The whole movie has this drag show camp aesthetic that it celebrates, and the supposed representatives of heteronormativity, Brad and Janet are turned in the end. Frank-N-Furter becomes a symbol of a hedonistic queer liberation “Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.. Don’t dream it, be it.”
This is the clear intent of Rocky Horror, and it’s how it became a “queer classic”. Does it work? I’ll admit that I enjoy the movie version. The glam rock aesthetic is fun, the songs are catchy, and they keep coming at a quick pace. A lot of it is admittedly that I love the old horror and sci-fi movies it’s parodying, so my cultural touchstones are similar. I’m the kind of person to get a thrill out of knowing that Frank-N-Furter at one point uses the exact same prop that Peter Cushing used in the second Hammer Frankenstein movie.
That is a different question however from how well it succeeds at subverting the transmisogynistic tropes it handles. Even in the most sympathetic possible account of the musical, it’s doing the equivalent of handling live grenades. Is it the creators tropes to subvert in the first place? Is it the fans?
Let’s talk about Rocky Horror’s creator, Richard O’Brien. He is certainly a weird and contradictory person, he identifies as a third gender and “70% male and 30% female“, and is using estrogen. So arguably he is a transfem enby and thus transmisogyny-affected. But he’s also a transmisogynist who doesn’t believe trans women are “real women”.( I would like to know what exact percentage of “female” as a transfem person turns you into a bad fake trans woman.)
Of course the important thing about O’Brien is that he is rich. He is in a vastly different class position than the majority of transfems. So while he may be taking estrogen and living as a third gender, he is simultaneously isolated by his own wealth from the effects of the transmisogyny he bolsters in the media (see Caitlyn Jenner for another example of a wealthy transfem doing the same thing).
And O’Brien is rich because Rocky Horror is a huge success. The stage show has seen tons of productions, the original ran for 7 years in the West End, and the movie is a slow but certain money maker, with probably the longest theatrical run out of any movie in history. He is swimming in residuals.
This raises the more interesting question of Rocky Horror’s position in the wider culture, and it’s status as “queer media”. It’s a movie which is just not passively watched but celebrated and performed by its fandom. People show up in cosplay to showings, “shadow casts” perform while the movie plays. And of course the original stage musical is still performed.
So we have to ask ourselves, what are people performing? And who is performing it? And I’ve already answered the former question earlier. Rocky Horror is largely an ironic performance of transmisogyny. And the fact is, the majority of people doing that performance are not the main targets of transmisogyny. They are largely TME cishet, queer and trans people. It’s “ironic” transmisogyny to be sure, I think most fans of Rocky Horror who have any understanding of what it is doing view Frank-N-Furter as the true hero of the show. But is it really their thing to be ironic about? Are transmisogyny-exempt people really the people who should reclaim with irony and camp transmisogynistic tropes in horror media? I don’t think so, and that’s why there is so much resentment about Rocky Horror from transfems. And it’s creator doesn’t help, because while he’s arguably transfem, he also spreads transmisogyny in the media.
It illustrates a lot of things, for example how imprecise “queer” is as a description of people. It’s an umbrella term, and does group together people who have much in common. But it also erases the material differences within the community. Queer people aren’t all equally oppressed.
So Rocky Horror status as queer media, as a campy celebration of queerness and parody of anti-queer tropes in genre films is kinda grating. Because it enables TME queer people to perform and celebrate Rocky Horror, because they are queer and it’s about “queerness”, when there are specifically transmisogynistic tropes parodied in the musical. It isn’t really their place to do so.
It appropriates specific transmisogynistic tropes in the media by thoughtlessly subsuming it into the general anti-queerness which it is part of.
Of course there are transfems who got to explore their gender at Rocky Horror showings. But I think the reason they did that is because mtf crossdressing is accepted as part of a camp ironic performance in such a context. It makes it feel safer to perform femininity in public, because you can backtrack and say it’s purely ironic. That’s no different from the comedy crossdressing in American Halloween parties, and I think we can all agree those are often transmisogynistic.
And of course, Rocky Horror is an example of how cis men can perform femininity, and get celebrated for it in mainstream society, while escaping the effects of transmisogyny that transfems experience, and in fact often furthering that transmisogyny. It’s often a (negative) performance of transfemininity, in which actual transfems play no part and are mocked.
Tim Curry is a very good example. He made his career from playing Frank-N-Furter, and he probably couldn’t have done that if he was actually transfem, and not just crossdressing for an ironic performance on stage and screen. Like I don’t have anything against him in particular, quite the opposite, he’s one of my favourite actors, love him in everything from Clue to Muppet Treasure Island to Gabriel Knight. My objection is to the patriarchal and transmisogynistic system that favors cishet men like him.
Speaking of crossdressing on stage, the drag culture which Rocky Horror is inspired by of course has a complex history. It’s deeply rooted in both African-American and queer culture, and transfems have played major roles in drag. But Rocky Horror is if anything even an appropriation of drag culture. It represents drag’s commercialization and recuperation into the mainstream. It took drag out of the gay bars being raided by the police and onto the more respectable West End stage, making a lot of money in the process.
Rocky Horror beyond any qualities it has as a stage and film musical, due to its popularity represents a lot of complex issues. It’s important to queer culture, but it also represents the commercialization and recuperation of queer drag into the cishet mainstream. And within the queer community, it is a shining example of how TME queers can appropriate specifically transfem struggles as their own. It shows how cis men can gain wealth and fame performing transmisogynistic caricatures (even if they are ironic and don’t mean it).
I’m not saying if you enjoy the musical that you should stop enjoying it. But maybe if you are TME, Dr Frank-N-Furter is not your “problematic queer icon” to reclaim.
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shadowqueenjude · 8 months
“Easy,” Lucien repeated, and flame sizzled in his russet eye. The flame, the surprising dominance within it, hit Cassian like a stone to the head, knocking him from his need to kill and kill and kill whatever might threaten— Eris bared his teeth at Cassian. “Go sit at your master’s feet, dog.” Cassian stared at him from under lowered brows. Eris’s mouth curled upward, and before he winnowed into the night like a ghost, he said, “Stick to fighting battles, General. Leave the ruling to those capable of playing the game.” Lucien crossed his arms. “How fortunate that you got what you wanted in the end.” Lucien, to his credit, didn’t back away a step. From Rhys, or me, or the Illyrians. The Clever Fox Stares Down Winged Death. The painting flashed into my mind. “Here I was,” Eris said, “thinking Morrigan was going there so often to hide from me.” “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s only coincidence.” He wasn’t sure if the lie held. “Why shouldn’t I flatter myself with such thoughts? You flatter yourself, thinking you’re more than a mongrel bastard.” Lucien threw him a withering look. “I’m not your enemy, you know. You can drop the aggressive brute act.”
Compilation of the Vanserras absolutely flaming the Inner Court (pun intended) It's 👏 giving 👏 High 👏 Lord 👏 Energy👏
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br4inr0tx · 6 months
headcanons for dating sheriff newlon?
Yes ofc! Since I just watched the movie I have a pretty good grasp on him already, and I’m excited to write for him! I’m from Massachusetts so idk..I kind of resonate with this movie lol.
Tw - MASSIVE THANKSGIVING 2023 MOVIE SPOILERS, manipulation, loss of loved one, cannibalism(?).
Eric Newlon…
• Sheriff Eric Newlon. The good looking, friendly and dependable guy. He loves those who are close to him, and does anything he can to help a person out. He’s honestly, a great guy.
• Though as we all know, he has an intense sense of revenge from a woman he loved very much.
• No matter how you identify he at first would use you as a coping mechanism for Amanda’s death. It might be the smallest thing, like the same name, same laugh, same eyes, same personality..something about you just reminds you of a good time back in his life, and he can’t seem to let it go.
• The guy is manipulative, and it’s easy for him to pull the strings. If you don’t already like him, he can easily make you fall in love and join his side with the snap of his fingers.
• He’s genuinely charming, down-to-earth and caring anyway. Why wouldn’t you want to be with him?
• I’d assume you’d help him get through cases and cope with his loss in return. If he REALLY likes you that might not matter, but if it’s a genuine connection just someone caring about his well being is enough.
• I think Eric would also like someone who’s willing to talk about revenge. He’s bottled his feelings for so long, so someone that is willing to listen to and discuss harsher topics he’d enjoy; mostly for his own comfort
• He showers you in compliments pretty often. Sometimes he even babies you. It’s just a habit he can’t help but indulge in!
• Eric helps through hard times too. Though, watch out if it’s an issue with another person. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it out alive, especially considering how hellbent Eric is on the whole "revenge" gig. (I need a dollar for every time I say revenge.)
• He’s a pretty creative guy as we know. I’m not just talking about kills either. Dates and gifts are very creative and thoughtful, within reason an budget of course. I’d like to think giving gifts is as simple as you’d think either. He’d be the type of boyfriend to hide it in a funny spot or specific area for you to have fun finding.
• So, I’m not sure if this is just an act in the movie to get Jess in his side, but he seems really protective. Not just because he’s a cop either. If anyone talks shit about you he’d be one of the first people to stand up for you even if you don’t need it. Golden Retriever boyfriend mentality.
• Now..considering the more John Carver side of things..
• He wouldn’t kill you, he’d just let you enjoy the show. You’re technically a part of this now.
• Though be weary. Even if he acts nice and does nice things for you, he’s EXTREMELY hostile (pun intended) in his John Carver persona. Don’t do anything funny like escaping if he chases you, he won’t hesitate to hurt you just to put you back in place. Sometimes living with the pain is more harsh then just dying, remember that.
• Even if John Carver is a bit mocking, it’s in no way fake love. He’s simply giving you a happy thanksgiving with a glass of revenge, for the both of you.
• Also, remember how I mentioned he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone that harms you? Well, they’ll be guests at the table on the livestream! Now everyone’s together, on the day of togetherness.
• Overall, you fill in the void he was missing after Amanda’s passing. That’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate you for you, I’m saying that you keep him from going absolutely insane and killing everyone in Plymouth there and then.
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gh0ulixs · 9 months
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NSFW Alphabet w/ Danny Johnson
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): Danny isn't the biggest Aftercare person out there. Most of the time he'll just pull his pants back up and run off back to do whatever it was he was previously doing. If you're close however, he may stay back and make sure he didn't rough you up too much.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): His hands. He has rougher, calloused hands from his "art work", and he enjoys how they can make his partner whine and squirm while they're wrapped around their throat. His favorite part on his partner is definitely their ass; always trying to grope and smack it. He's an ass man, for sure.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): He loves getting messy with it. From thighs to mouth, his partner will be absolutely painted with his release. He takes many pictures after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Secretly wants to be pegged. The thought of being forced on his back and having his own guts rearranged for once makes him all warm under the collar, but he will never tell a soul that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): Danny has had a few flings which he killed or ghosted (pun intended) afterwards, so he has enough experience to make it pleasureable.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): Missionary or Doggy. On one hand, he loves having his partner on their knees, hands holding their hips while he takes them from behind. On the other, he enjoys watching their pretty little expressions as he absolutely breaks them.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): Being naturally playful, he'll crack a few jokes or teasing remarks during the moment, but he's usually more serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): He's fairly well groomed- thick, dark curls trimmed up a bit. He has multiple photos of his partner's nose buried on them while he finishes down their throat.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): There's almost no intimacy with Danny. It's always quick and rough, no real emotion behind it. Sometimes though, if you catch him on a good day or he particularly likes you, he may be a bit gentler with his actions and maybe even hold your hand during it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): Most of his time not spent in matches is spent back in his little cabin with his hand in his pants; groaning with his head thrown back as he fucks his fist.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): Oh man, you're in for a treat: Knife play, Vouyerism, predator/prey, blood play, bondage, the list goes on.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): Anywhere. Location does not matter to him. He'll fuck you right over the generator if he feels like it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): Seeing you afraid is definitely one way to get him hard. He also loves it when you're injured; blood-stained and whining in pain- He's lucky his cloak covers the fact he's aroused.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): Anything to do with Bodily fluids, Age Play, and CNC. He may be a monster, but he has some morals.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): Prefers receiving, his hand is buried in his partner's hair while he ruts desperately into their mouth and whispering the most filthy things. If you ask, though, he'll get down on his knees. He's very talented with his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): Almost always rough and fast. He'll bruise you at times and leave you a little sore after most sessions, but if he's in the mood he'll be more loving with it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He prefers them as they're more convenient, since most of the time your little rendezvous' happen during matches.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): He's a risk taker definitely. He's willing to try anything once, because how will he learn what he may be into if he doesn't give it a shot? He'll pressure his partner a bit into doing the same at times, just set your foot down and he'll eventually back off.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): He has the sex drive of Gods. He can go up to four or five rounds, but usually only gets through one due to time restrictions matches give.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): He doesn't have any toys, but he uses the little tendrils on his costume to tie his partner up. If he had the option, he'd use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): Biggest tease in the Entity's Realm. He'll push you right to the edge and pull back, leaving you whining and begging for more.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): Loud, but not overly loud. Lots of groans and grunts, maybe the occasional whimper or whine if you play with him just right.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): Before he got stolen by the Entity, he was a huge fan of phone sex. The feeling of a phone cord around his finger while he dirty talked to a partner over the phone would get his rocks off quick.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): Average length, a little more girth. 6.52 inches in length and 2.35 inches in circumference. Has a vein running down the underside that is his absolute weak spot; run your tongue over it and he'll cum almost immediately. His tip is a pretty pink, circumcised.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): Almost always horny. As stated before, he has the sex drive of Gods.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): If you're in a match, he'll stay up until the match is over and then crash afterwards. If you're in his cabin, he'll fall asleep almost immediately.
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rabbitsrams · 9 months
size kink with schlatt but the roles are reversed :D (fem reader)
(don't rly see this often when speaking abt this kink, even in my own writing lol)
nsfw under the cut, minors dni, 18+ only.
so. what do i mean by roles are reversed? it's simple: the shorter person is the one who's in control/power/etc.
like idk, it kinda drives me wild the idea of big and tall schlatt underneath you, who's so much smaller than him.
teasing the absolute shit out of him and seeing him whimper and writhe underneath you. god.
"aw, am i too small for you?"
"my big guy looks so pretty under me like this."
big tough schlatt becoming absolute putty in your hands as soon as you push him on the bed in that certain way.
him calling you 'miss' or 'mistress' (i'm dead, gone, goin' to heaven)
so much begging and pleading for you to use him, to stretch your tiny hole around his big cock. but goes silent as soon as you touch him.
"big tough guy has nothing to say now? use your words, angel."
"please, miss, please."
and ofc once you comply he thanks you with every other word.
pegging him oh my fcking god killing myself
call him a good boy and he's got his legs spread for you in an instant. he has such a huge (no pun intended) praise kink i don't make the rules.
he still praises you even if you're the one domming cause he just loves you <3
and the aftercare!!! esp if you tie him up or do smthn that requires a bit more energy, you're doting on him: running a bath, telling him how good he did, all that good stuff.
"you did so well for me, baby. i'm so proud of you."
and afterward him laying on your chest resting as you stroke his hair!!!!!!!!!! <3333 i am so soft for this man you don't even understand
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thedaythatwas · 10 months
don't mind me, I'm just thinking about how much akechi would probably hate the fact that people defend his actions with some form of the argument "he was so young when he first started killing, he was taken advantage of and groomed by shido, etc."
this is going to be a long one, so let me add a page break real quick:
let me be clear: he was! the last thing I want to do is diminish akechi's agency, but when you are a young teenager there is absolutely no reason an adult in your life should be encouraging you to commit murder for their political gain. that feels... self evident? we know that akechi was young when he killed wakaba isshiki. shido saw an opportunity, and he took advantage of it. he's scummy. absolutely zero argument there.
still, it is integral to understanding akechi's character to remember that he viewed himself as taking advantage of shido throughout their relationship. he was aware that shido was using him, but he viewed himself as using shido right back. in his head, he had complete control of the situation, and his actions therein. for all accounts and purposes, he did! we all have control over our actions. akechi didn't need to do anything. we also know that he was eager to follow shido's orders, not for the sake of the orders themselves, but for his belief that his plan would end with shido utterly defeated and betrayed, groveling and desperate and recognizing akechi for everything he was. valuable. someone who maybe, shido shouldn't have abandoned.
so he was meticulous. perfect, and beyond reproach. we can see it in the interrogation room, when he shoots "akira." it's clear that he's still playing their game (asking akira if he's "figured it out yet"), but when he goes in for the kill, akechi is cold. we know that he cares about akira, but he puts any feelings that he might have aside for the sake of his ultimate goal. nothing is more important than ingratiating himself to shido and subsequently ruining him.
akechi's desire for revenge is complicated. yes, he wants to hurt shido, but more than that, he just wants to prove he's worth something to the man that ruined his life. he hates shido, and he needs him to see that he should have done better by him. he needs to be loved, even if that desire ends up twisted. we've all been there, yeah? it makes a lot of sense, all things considered. this in mind, it's pretty clear that akechi did not have nearly as much control over his relationship with shido as he thought he did. but I digress.
so, back to akechi defense. akechi sees himself as the sole perpetrator of his actions. technically, he was. but he was still taken advantage of. those truths can coexist.
that doesn't mean their coexistence is easy to digest. in the third semester, akechi acknowledges that he was manipulated by shido. arguably, his defining characteristic during the third semester is his refusal to be under someone else's control again, even at the cost of his own existence. still, he regrets the fact that he let himself be manipulated more than he regrets his own actions. for those, he seems unapologetic.
the crux of the issue here is akechi's acknowledgement that he let himself be controlled. that itself is a form of agency. allowing himself to be influenced was his own fault. at least, that's how I suspect he sees it. he can't allow it to not be his fault. that would be too hopeless for him to process.
akechi is angry, and sure as hell, he lets everyone know it. third semester akechi is absolutely awful in a completely different way from base game akechi (and I say this in the most affectionate way possible). as much as goro akechi hates the world, he hates goro akechi. anger internalized is rarely solely internal, likewise, anger externalized is rarely solely external. anger is also often a mask. the black mask is angry in the same way that the detective prince is polite to a tee. neither persona (no pun intended) is complete.
(after all, we know that akechi has feelings other than anger, even if he tries to downplay them. he turns himself into the police in akira's stead. he may not harbor affection for the rest of the thieves, but he certainly feels something for akira. call it respect. call it a need to be seen. call it love. I think that those are all pretty similar in the mind of our guy in question.)
the way I read it, akechi is his own worst enemy, and consciously or not, it seems that he sees himself that way as well.
to claim that akechi isn't accountable for his actions under shido would grate at him because, well, it just isn't true! at least not entirely. the argument that he was manipulated? it wouldn't work either, because akechi sees himself as at fault for that too.
the guy has issues. and isn't that what makes him compelling?
anyway! that's enough for today. perhaps I'll continue this later. believe it or not, I still have things to say!
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