#anyway. haruta <3
shions-chin-scar · 8 months
The fandom: *collectively losing their mind over Kento Nanami this episode*
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9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Thank you for tagging me @mikuni14
3 Ships You Like: atm completely obsessed with Nomoto/ Kasuga (She loves to eat, She loves to Cook). And still thinking about Haruta / Maki (Ossan's Love) & Kai / Watari (Perfect Propose)
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First Ship Ever: Before bl I didn't think of things like this. This is my first fandom so all of this is till pretty new to me. I was big into Sailor Moon when I was a kid and I really liked Tuxedo Mask so I guess maybe them?
Last Song You Heard: I was giffing earlier and listening to the sountrack for Tengu no Daidokoro that I finished yesterday. It's great. The ost and the show.
Favorite Childhood Book: Probably HP. It's the ones I remember anyway.
Currently Reading: I wanna start Da Ge by Priest but since I don't have the physical copy is taking me longer to get to it.
Currently watching:
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Currently consuming: I just had dinner. So now I'm having coffee and almonds - the best thing about easter.
Currently craving: Ice cream. Cookie Dough specifically. Or Strawberry cheesecake. Either would be great right now.
Tagging but as usual no pressure: @blmpff @italianpersonwithashippersheart @colourme-feral @dribs-and-drabbles @lurkingshan @i-got-the-feels @littleragondin @danthebookworm @imlivingformyselfdontmindme💜
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
Hello! My Name is Nemo! Welcome to Jackass!
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Lol, this was "supposed to be quick, easy and literally just a meme" and now it took nearly a week and drove me nuts 3.14 times XD 😂
I had this in mind for ages and pushed it to the back of the shedule all the damn time, now it's finally done. *20th century fox proudly presents* Nemo being grounded! 😂
Two weeks of kitchen service is way too nice for all the non-sense and chaos she caused on board - and of course she just gotta provoke, eh? Push one button and BANANABEARD CAN GLOW WITH LED LIGHTS! ISN'T IT BOOTIFUL???! 😂😂😂
I'm surprised Pops didn't throw this girl over board a single time... XD
Anyways, hope this short memetic content amuses you as it amused me! XD Which punishment do you think Nemo deserves? How long would you ground her for? How many dishes would you let her wash? ><
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Nemo loves to prank others! From glueing Pops to his seat, to putting chilli into Marco's pineapples - everything is possible! And since she is a horrible influence regarding this on Ace, he often tags along with her shenenigans! In a nutshell, so far in the story they pulled off:
Roasting a Seaking with an alien-weapon
Spilling glitter everywhere
Using yellow paint to make Pops mustache become banana
Glue Pops to his throne
Make Blamenco smell his own feet
Let Deuce run in a circle for one hour to find his mask
Hide Vista's hair-care products and let him suffer to find out
Fireworks ala Firecracker!
See if you can cook faster than the oven! (Faster apparently does not imply better...)
Use watermelon-seeds as ammunition against everyone!
Make Haruta admit to his love for rubber duckies
Find out who Jozu's secret crush is
Arrange a date between Whitey Bay and Izou, don't tell either of them though!
Surprise everyone with a loud, cheerful party at 3 AM for a whole week!
Sulk at the Crew when 3 AM parties are suddenly forbidden.
Make the sulking as dramatic as possible and pretend to die.
Shock the Crew by jumping into the sea and let them believe we drowned!
Jumpscare them all with a trumpet.
Make them fear the trumpet.
Make them wish the trumpet was a nightmare that would end.
Place fart-pillows everywhere.
Tag "Kick me!" pictures to everyone's back.
Make the world believe aliens exist.
Fake an alien invasion.
Make headlines!
Use narcolepsy as an excuse for literally everything fifty times in a row.
Make them believe you don't understand socialising.
Put too much wasabi into all beers.
Sew Marco a feather-dress.
Put eggs into Marco's bed every day.
Ask Marco if he's already a chicken-daddy every day.
Test: How long and how intense can you annoy Marco until he fries?
Will he taste like chicken when he fries?
Force everyone to do maths!
Put the alpahbet into the maths once they think they're safe.
Let Ace believe he is safe from the maths, but then make him do maths anyway.
Make everyone be scared of numbers!
Make everyone scared of numbers and letters in combination!
Put hidden numbers everywhere to cause paranoia.
Replace Satan.
Paint Pops a pretty make-up while he sleeps.
Also do his fingernails.
Put a bow on him.
Make Namur believe he might be an alien as well
Make everyone believe they're aliens
Establish a conspiracy and laugh about the idiots who believe it
Fake a UFO crash
Fake found-footage of alien abducting pirates to cause global panic.
Shoot confetti-rockets at Mariejois and make them beliebe it was the Marines.
Estabilish A.M.A.B as a Slogan: "All. Marines. Are. Bastards!"
Create hundreds of robots, fake loss of control and prank'em by thinking A.I enslaves mankind.
Clone coconuts.
Clone a huge amount of coconuts.
Establish coconut as super fruit and throw them at everyone who disagrees with you.
Polish Jozu to make him Shiny-Jozu.
Make Blenheim believe Fossa has a crush on him.
Watch chaos unfold.
Mess with the cacti-juice.
And so much more...
... to be continued!
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
Hey, there! Thank you so much for effort and time subbing Ossan's Love Returns! I was waiting to start watching because when it started airing I couldn't find subtitles anywhere, then I found your subs but I wanted to watch all on one weekend but couldn't wait anymore (I hope it doesn't sound like I'm rushing you >_<°, that's not my intention at all, really! :D ) so I already watched until episode 4 for now, and I loved every second of it! [1 / 5]
I know that for some people the comedy & the acting can be too over the top, but that's exactly what I love about this show; if I remember correctly, Ossan's Love (2018) was the first BL I've ever watched and it left a deep impression on me since then. I still remember so vividly Haruta's line to Maki: "It's not embarassing... being with you. For me, it's not embarassing at all. " That's exactly what I like about this show, the balance between the comedy and these kind of lines! ^u^ <3 [2 / 5]
So when they anounced their comeback I was so excited for it! I didn't expect another season at all! And till this day I still wonder why Tanaka Kei keeps returning to make this show? (Not a complain btw hahaha I love that man so much! °u°) Anyways for this season I see a big jump in terms of budget! Thank god! Let the gays have these high quality shows! hahaha n_n'' btw I love that all the cast decided to come back but also the new actors! Kikunosuke-san's eyes! Such lovely actor, right? [3 /5]
I've been having a lot of fun watching these 4 episodes, the cozy moments between Maki & Haruta, the ridicolous but always funny moments when Kurosawa-san starts yelling or fighting with Maki, also Takegawa-sensei looks more atractive to me than ever! hahaha I'm also watching Izakaya Shinkanzen Season 2 and he looks so different! I like him better here, the scene in this house, wearing traditional clothes?¡ & also him looking for a diaper partner?¡ He's bringing the REAL tea! hahaha xD [4 / 5]
Anyways, sorry for all my rambling! I wish it could be sent all together! >.<° I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate so much that you're taking the time and effort subbing this series! :D I'm having a blast watching! It helps me to take a break & forget about everything else even for a moment! I'll wait patiently for the rest of the series! Don't push yourself too much if you're not feeling well! Make sure to take a good rest! Hope you're feeling well soon! Have a nice day! n_n [5 / 5]
Hello! I'm so late with my response, I'm sorry about all the asks that have gone unanswered while I've juggled medical issues.
I'm glad you've enjoyed the show! I only knew they were coming back a couple of weeks before it happened, it was so unexpected but the best start for the new year.
Funny you should say the acting could be a bit over the top for some people because to me the acting on this show is one of the things that makes it so great! It's such a solid cast, especially this time around with the addition of Iura Arata and Miura Shouhei who are both great actors. Arata is one of my favourite actors actually so it was amazing to have him on my favourite show.
I think Tanaka Kei keeps coming back because he just truly love this show and the team so much. It's clearly his most cherished piece of work. He was actually talking about it on tv just the other day. He said Ossan's Love changed his entire work ethic and approach to his career and acting. He'd played a lot of side roles before OL so it seemed to have been a now or never opportunity for him. He also said that as the leading actor he didn't want the others to have similar experiences to his own as a supporting actor, and that whenever he now accepts roles, he wants the experience to be like Ossan's Love. One of the first things he said to Hayashi Kento was apparently that you don't have to say the lines as they're written, and I feel like that has made their chemistry so natural and grounded.
I love Mashima Hidekazu! I admire how he manages to deliver some of the most outrageous lines with such a poker face haha. He's mad handsome and just an all-around dreamy guy but you forget it because Takekawa-san is so out there as a character lol.
That zenzen hazukashikunee kara/I'm not embarrassed at all is such a iconic line. The way Tanaka Kei's Haruta delivers it with such stupidly boyish charm made my heart skip a beat. I'm excited for the Thai remake, but Tanaka Kei will always be the ultimate Haruta for me.
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hello Skye, I hope your doing well in your life and of course you having a good health, may I please request a react from modern au Sanji and Thatch (separated it can be platonic or romantic) with a s/o roommate who doesn't eat well? Like before these two arrived to their lifes they have been eating junk food, takeouts, instant food or basically none though work and studies and when these two finds out they are in absolute disbelief and horror cause c'mon these are chef's and legitimately refused to let them eat trashy food anymore and they took it upon themselves to make sure their roommate eats full healthy meals every day. If your ok with this then ok if your not then that's ok too I understand. Thanks for reading me
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Sanji and Thatch with Roommate! G/N! S/O that eats Unhealthy Food
Summary: Deciding to live with you, your boyfriend found out your pantry and fridge filled with unhealthy food! Nope, they would never let you eat those crappy food when you got him to cook for you!
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Blackfoot Sanji:
- Oh boi, you eating junk food in his presence??
- No can do!
- He'll immediately take away ALL of your instant food and fills your fridge with fresh ingredients.
- You tried stopping Sanji from taking your favorite chips but he just push a fucking strawberry into your lips and say "Don't worry, love. You don't have to worry about unhealthy food anymore! :D"
- Gosh, Sanji is definitely 100000% husband material like have you seen those magnificent cooking skills? Not to mention how he looks in your frilly apron 🤭
- Your food everyday would be better than those 5-star restaurant, no kidding!
- "Gosh, I'm craving for some (insert food) right now :/"
- Your wish is Sanji's command! Before you can look at your boyfriend, he's already in the kitchen whipping up some delicious food just for you~
- And of course, you would always thank the man by complimenting his food and maybe give him a little kiss too.
- Man's over the moon whenever you did this XD
+ Luffy and the rest of the gang will probably crash at your place just to eat Sanji's food.
+ Sanji's not impressed to see the boys savagely eating his food while in your presence!
+ As a gentleman, Sanji will treat you, Nami and Robin with his delicious food. But yours was noticeably a little more special 😉
- Upon seeing your pantry, Thatch will be like (ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ)
- You dare eat unhealthy food when he's here!?
- Nah, just kidding. Thatch won't scold you, maybe just a little though
- He's been in this situation before, having to deal with Ace and Haruta's junk food tendecies in the past (They're still eating junk food tho, just not when Thatch was near them lol)
- Anyway, Thatch, just like Sanji, would replace every unhealthy food you have with the freshest ingredients he could find
- You can see him leave in every early morning to the Farmers market with his cute grocery basket <3
- Thatch is a world class chef so it means that you will have world class food too, every morning, afternoon and evening.
- He will not let you have junk food! Not unless when you gave him your cute puppy dog eyes, then he will let you eat some. This doesn't happen very often though
- One time, you tried to cook for him and that didn't end well. Thatch just laughed at you and comforted you with whatever food you're trying to cook
- And yes, Thatch will definitely teach you how to cook :)
+ Just like the Strawhat gang, WB gang will also crash at your place
+ Ace and Haruta will try to sneak some junk food for you everytime they visit
+ But Thatch always caught them tho
+ Then he made the two wash the dishes as you, Thatch, Marco and the others chill at the living room with Pops telling you guys his fond memories from the past
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Hello, Anon! I am doing well, how about you :3? Also, enjoy these HCs made especially for you!
(The rhyme tho XD)
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tumbleweeddesktop · 3 months
OKAY YEA I HAVE TIME BETWEEN LESSONS NOW so i may have been waiting glued to my phone waiting for you to answer my asks im sorry for being so weird-
BUT LISTEN LISTEN YOU ARE SO RIGHT I ALWAYS IMAGINE . First thing Nanami does whenever Haruta gets back home from a mission or smth is he checks how many marks he has left,,, oh and if he only has one or none remaining i feel like Nana wouldn't even let him go or at least make sure to come with him to make sure hes okay (AHEM still traumatized after Haibara's death)
AND SJABDVSJHRJSHDJ I HAVE TO COME OFF ANON FOR THIS BUT SCREW IT here is the idiot guy.. i made it like a month ago its not perfect but . I love overdesigning characters </3
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I just wanted to play into the idea of him being incredibly reckless bc of his ability which is why hes all scruffed up,,, he constantly has to fix his clothes after fights and his sword is super chipped bc yea hes an idiot <3 oh and yea hes wearing a binder i made him transgender,, like i said i am not projecting in the slightest nope okay bye-3-
LAKDJSJHFHF Look him being trans is so correct, like his design in the first place is so gender anyway so project all u want to him abt this cs i do that too dw o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o
God nanami wouldve been so overprotective abt him when it comes to combat, like Haruta will absolutely be a good fighter and can hold his own after a bit of training but still has that recklessness from his ability so he always has Haruta on the edge of his vision, counting the tattoos every chance he gets.
AND HI THERE IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU FINALLY TOO LMAO ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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kaoharu · 10 months
OKKK elies super awesome and fun guide to hanadoll 👍🎉✨️
for my silly friends @p5strikerss & @aiidol hehe :3
hanadoll currently consists of 3 seasons and focuses on 2 different idol groups ( anthos and louloudi, tho for this post i will mainly be talking abt anthos bc i do not follow louloudi much . . . oops ) and the main story is comprised of voice dramas and songs / mvs . the wiki is very organized luckily so it is easy to follow the correct order and all the tls are linked ( but like if uu need help uu can totally ask me 👍 ) also if ur curious there is both an anthos and louloudi official twt. theyre silly 🫶
now then. its a little bit hard to explain the story w/o basically spoiling everything but s1 actually follows anthos' predebut days and their struggles as they try to make their flowers bloom so that they can become idols !!! the members include mahiro yuki ( img color red; hes the center of the group !! ), kaoru kisaragi ( img color blue; in charge of soothing the group - i realize thar probably doesnt make sense but. i csnt rlly explain it well lol ), haruta kiyose ( img color orange; the moodmaker ), lihito toudo ( img color purple; in charge of vocals ), chise ( img color yellow; the visuals ), and ryoga kagekawa ( img color green; the muscle of the group - also another hard one to explain jejdjjd )
s2 introduces louloudi and also a new member for anthos ( this is after they debut !!! ) and i dont rlly want to say much so as to not spoil it but. ermermm it kinda follows how anthos deals w there suddebly being another member . . . ? yeah anyways
my suggestions for getting into it is pretty much following the album order and watching the mvs then listening to the voice dramas !!! theyre not terribly long ( abt 10mins each ? theres 5 per album tho ) so yeah !!!!! uhmuhmm any more questions can be directed to my ask box 👍
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ninthprime · 2 years
list of players who should fall onto the houston spies during fall ball (according to me)
rigby friedrich: i'm very amused by this "sporgias phenomenon" we're seeing, where two of our three falls so far have been former georgias. so i'd like to propose rigby, a player whose primary espionage skill is "oh fuck he's approaching me, oh god, oh fuck"
kaz fiasco: during the late expansion era some of the spies joked that it was inevitable we would someday receive kaz, as his pgr is "spying." perhaps now is the time.
sexton wheeler and/or mcdowell mason: look, i love sad horse man and the sasquatch captain as much as anyone, but can you imagine them learning spy skills? hysterical. i would like to see at least one of them, preferably both, in trenchcoats
phineas wormthrice: i need to see phinny interacting with nanci grackle's muppets. more importantly, it would be funny.
peanut bong: it would be funny.
lowe forbes: this might be even funnier
sutton bishop: also extremely funny
jessica telephone: though somewhat controversial, here's my reasoning: it would be, in the end, pretty funny
niq nyong'o: this one's just inevitable- now that nanci's on the team the sim is obviously going to curse niq with having to put up with hir again. the sporgias phenomenon continues. also, i like her.
mohammed picklestein: this one's cheating because mohammed was already a spies player, but 1. they're one of my favorites and 2. can you imagine noted blaseball safety expert mohammed picklestein on the same team as notoriously unethical nanci grackle?
at least one other blaseball scientist: niq and mo are the scientists i'd like the most, but really i just need at least 3 or 4 scientists/inventors/etc on this team. unfortunately the sim has already taken haruta byrd and mooney doctor from me as options but we've got a lot more. how about zion aliciakeyes? pedro davids? felix garbage? mint shupe? mullen peterson? maybe jomgy rolsenthal moves back to houston? maybe eve mcblase moves back?? whatever makes the vibes a little funky around here.
knight triumphant: last time knight was a spy they saw multiple people die and seemingly got cursed to wander the league. this time, they're going to have to put up with nanci grackle. and frankly: it's what they deserve
harriet gildehaus: i rest my case
isaac johnson: spies unionize! that's my argument. that and we need someone with defense on this team please i'm begging
tad seeth: i believe the spies always need a "spynosaurus" present somewhere on our roster
axel cardenas: imagine you were one of the worst blaseball players ever. and you've been jumping between the shadows of various teams. and you decide the best way to get a fresh start is to get onto the same team as your daughter and your younger siblings. and then you get to houston, and none of them are there, and the stadium is filled with necromanced muppets, and now you gotta learn how to read ciphers. hideous. anyway i love this guy and i'd like to see him
richmond harrison: i think richmond should be on every team, to improve the vibes of the league as a whole
commissioner vapor: this is a spy we just had again but one of the very first things i saw someone say when fall ball was announced was "it's just gonna wimdy us CV again." and frankly? yeah, probably
various other players i don't really have an argument for but it would be fun: ok here's a shortlist: miguel james. wyatt pothos. rafael davids. guy gulp. jaxon buckley. jayden wright. ronan jaylee. gerund pantheocide. mindy salad. coolname galvanic. nagomi nava. beck whitney. thomas dracaena. sandford garner. literally any crab. "crop, are you just listing random players you like now?" look if i keep listing them i'll predict at least one correctly, that's how blaseball works,
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hozukiblunt · 2 years
On Ossan’s Love
I’m rewatching Ossan’s love (the japanese version of course) for the 100th time and maaaan it’s crazy how much I still love this drama. Every time I rewatch it, I love it even more than the previous time. I am still amazed on how incredible Tanaka Kei’s acting is and his phenomenal performance as Haruta. Characters like Haruta usually annoy me a lot but the way Tanaka portrayed Haruta made him so endearing and lovable- like it’s so hard for me to dislike him! Of course I have to mention Hayashi Kento’s beautiful portrayal of Maki!!! Like I don’t understand how could anyone not root for him throughout the show! I know I’m not saying anything new that no one else has said but it just feels so nice to reconfirm the feelings about a show that you really love. Like there are times where you rewatch a show and you wondered why you enjoyed it so much when you watched it first time but I am so glad this is not the case with Ossan’s love for me. Anyway, sorry for my ramblings! I had to get my thoughts out since there are so much new bl shows coming out nowadays so I had to revisit and talk about the classic that changed the bl industry forever ^3^
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shions-chin-scar · 8 months
i want a full essay on haruta, you seem like a knowing person
*cracks knuckles* My time has come.
So, Haruta. Whether you love 'im, hate 'im, love to hate 'im, he's a character that few people in the fandom feel indifferent about. But I believe that he's also slightly deeper than the giggling sword-wielding maniac he seems to be at first glance.
Also there will be MANGA SPOILERS so don't click if you're anime-only
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First, let's take a look at his name.
Shigemo is written with 重 (“shige” = heavy, important) and 面 (“mo” = mask), and together those two characters can literally be read as "multi-faced". This is already a hint to his personality: Haruta is someone who acts childish and humorous, but is actually cruel and cold-hearted.
Haruta is written with 春 (“haru” = spring) and 太 (“ta” = thick/big, a common male suffix). Spring is the symbol of new life, of a fresh start. It could be a possible hint to him recently becoming a curse user, or maybe a reference to his power.
Next, his perceptive and cunning nature.
Because yes, Haruta is actually pretty damn smart and tactical despite acting like a goofball most of the time. People are way too quick to write him off as a weakling and make fun of both him and Nobara for her defeat at his hands. Here are a few examples:
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^Recognizing Nobara and accurately gauging her growth despite not fighting her during their previous (and only) encounter
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^Understanding what the injured Megumi was doing and not letting his own guard down
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^Realizing what Megumi was about to do (unfortunately too late)
He's also surprisingly self-aware about his own limitations despite his arrogance regarding his own abilities. When Gojo broke the barrier around the school, what did Haruta do? Immediately dip. When Nanami backhanded him across the whole store, what did Haruta do? Realize he was way outmatched and try to run. He's different from the likes of Juzo (hang rack guy) or Jougo, who overestimate what they can do and underestimate their opponents. Haruta knows he's not hot stuff, and as he says it himself, he's best at picking on the weak.
And let's not forget what a tactical fighter he is.
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^Sending his sword after Nitta, fooling Nobara and allowing him to both keep track of her position and take her down
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^Targets his opponent's weak spots to take them down
That was actually one of my few pet peeves with the anime: it felt like they made him less tactical. They removed Nobara's line about him aiming for specific points, as well as him injuring her leg, and it made his question about the sword hitting her head seem genuine rather than sarcastic.
His potential past.
This is where I'll be entering headcanon territory, but canon backs me up quite a bit on certain elements of it.
Haruta mentions that he doesn’t even know what exactly his own cursed technique does or how it works. Therefore, the likelihood of him coming from a family of sorcerers or having received a formal jujutsu education are more or less void. Had he inherited a technique like Nobara or Megumi, or gotten schooling, he would probably know more about it.
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There is a running theme among curse users (whose past we know) of being rejected, sometimes even persecuted by society for their ability to see the supernatural:
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Therefore, it’s not too far-fetched to assume that Haruta likely went through something similar himself. It would explain a few things about him.
Haruta's psychological issues.
I'm going to say it straight off the bat: I won't diagnose him with anything. I'm not a psychologist, though I did study psych in college. All I'm going to do is list a few of the obvious issues he has and their potential causes. JJK is a series of grey and gray, not black and white. No one is pure good and pure evil in it (except arguably some of the Curses because, well... they're Curses), and everyone has their own unique circumstances that led to them being the way they are.
That being said, one thing that immediately jumped out to me about Haruta is his barely hidden low self-esteem and insecurities. He's actually quite self-deprecating. If he just did it around other people I'd be inclined to believe that it's part of his "uwu i'm baby" front, but he also does it when he's alone.
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It's worth noting that he also seems to specialize in sneak attacks from behind - fitting for a self-admitted bully who prefers to prey on the weak.
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Yet at the same time, he's pretty full of himself and seems to have a certain paradoxical sense of superiority.
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That's why I half-jokingly said in the tags of a previous posts that he has an inferiority-superiority complex. I think Haruta knows that he's not strong, but that his technique is absolutely broken even if he himself isn't particularly skilled (though he seems to have gained some confidence between the school invasion and the Shibuya incident - that's part of why I think he's a fairly recent curse user).
It's worth noting that the jujutsu world is much more dangerous than the regular one and death roams around every corner, doubly so for curse users who have a Kill On Sight order on their heads, and triply so when one’s cursed technique isn’t suited for fighting. It must be easy to feel weak and helpless under those circumstances.
Now let's get to the obvious, which are also Haruta's biggest flaws: his sadism and impulsivity.
Haruta obviously takes a lot of pleasure in hurting others, but what's especially concerning is he seems unable to hold himself back when he sees an opportunity for it, or think of long-term consequences. He tried to kill an injured Hanami just because he could, without realizing that doing so would anger the other Curses, and he went after Megumi despite barely escaping his encounter with Nanami an hour or so prior, which led to his death. He actually reminds me a bit of Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia, in that both of them just want to have fun in this world. What Toga really wants deep down is love and acceptance though - unfortunately Haruta never got the character development that she did.
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He also clearly lacks empathy, which in itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but combined with a personality that enjoys tormenting other people and has poor planning skills, it makes for a devastating combo.
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^A perfectly healthy reaction to seeing an injured ally
It's worth noting that sadism and aggressive behaviors are believed to stem from both genetic and environmental (e.g., childhood trauma) factors. It can for example be a way for the person to turn the tables on the world and vent out their past hurts and anger, by making other people suffer like they suffered. Or a way to feel powerful - again, Haruta is someone with low self-esteem who preys exclusively on the weak.
Haruta Shigemo is actually pretty damn cool and smart and not just some one-dimensional grunt and he deserved better.
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^Me @ Gege
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dojae-huh · 10 months
jdjdjdjdjfkgljskl glad you like my jae description 🤣
here's the links to english profiles for lastart team. i wonder if you find anyone more interesting as a person or as an idol after reading their profile? 🤔
yusion and lastart trainee profile threads
daeyoung profile https://twitter.com/969901z/status/1692503810584010834
bonus yusion info compilation https://twitter.com/969901z/status/1674973991105167363
icymi i read on twt that ryu is jpop group exile tribe alan shirahama's younger brother and he was a graduate from expg, same performance arts school as shotaro. he's used to performing to some extent ig but i find him impressive anyway cos jp and kr training styles seem different. he looks less nervous than some trainees and has potential as vocalist and dancer both, lead for now but might move up with more experience.
ig anderson's half korean and canadian cos he doesn't speak jp and he kinda understands korean, just more comfy with english?
idk anyone's last name except ryu shirahama and kim daeyoung, the latter from a b*llying rumor which i hope isn't true. lots of allegations these days and some seemed legit but proven false later after damage's done so 😓
interestingly daeyoung got a bad rumor already. it's so quiet about the other trainees except old vids of ryu again. jungmin and minjae are korean and not a single singing vid even tho they got cast thru their singing vids? on the other hand daeyoung hasn't even debuted or sung yet. it could be a stretch to assume he's in the final lineup, someone knows and wanna ruin him with this rumor but that's not wholely impossible. or it's dark marketing combining with his new addition status at this point. maybe it will be months until we know since sm still not clearing wonbin and sohee allegations. lately sm new debut groups getting attacks just like karina was but sm cleared up and she got confirmation and support.
im sorry i'm still not shutting up yet 😭 let's look at riize and lastart training time until debut or official reveal and think about their roles and suitability (source for riize, not officially confirmed like lastart https://twitter.com/riize_net/status/1691497735759769600)
wonbin - 7 years
eunseok - 6 years till nct, 7 years till riize
yushi - 5 years
sungchan - 4 years till nct, 8 years till riize
sion - 4 years
seunghan - 3 years till nct, 4 years till riize
sohee, anton - 3 years
jungmin - 3 years
minjae - 2 years
riku, ryo, sakuya - 1 year
heitetsu - 10 months
haruta - 8 months
shotaro - 6-7 months if i remember correctly till nct, 4 years till riize
anderson, kassho - 6 months
daeyoung - 3 months
ryu - 2 weeks
i heard sion debut got changed between nct tokyo and riize. he's not that neo yet but i think he can become neo later rather than fit in riize? riize is looking to be a heavily performance group with grungey, emo but youthful style?? i follow lastart more than riize lmao so correct me if i'm wrong. based on few materials that we have, shotaro, wonbin and seunghan are on the upper levels of dancing and seunghan could also be lead vocal. eunseok didn't impress me despite his long training but he might have other charms. anton is very popular but not a strong dancer yet. sohee is vocal. sungchan doesn't catch my eye when he dances but he has experience to guide others. tho not dancers, so far i see sohee and sungchan have unique performer skills in the group as main vocalist and main rapper. anton probably composes or plays music but he sure attracts fans and might grow or have surprise vocal or rap skills unrevealed by sm? eunseok is a visual ig, it's been a while since sm revealed him. having said all this, everyone looks cool in siren and the 4 non-dancers keep up with showonseung. idk if it's an effect of seeing their confirmed debut that made me biased and think they all fit riize.
i agree with another anon that lastart boys look not ready to be neo but i personally find a few trainees with more outstanding skills than a few riize members. i prefer riku's rap to sungchan and minjae's and jungmin's singing are probably better or around the same as sohee (tho to be fair, sohee hasn't shown much yet). the lastart boys need practice and experience for charisma and dance performance, which riize has more, and their own songs to see if they can nail it like riize nails theirs. sm probably wants us to root for lastart team and watch them grow like jpop idol groups as huh and other anons here pointed out.
looking back lastart boys are styled and portrayed similar to sr15b aka our first neos. xiaohenyang and kunwoocas too. i was a casual audience in sr15b era and neo concepts weren't explained fully back then so i had no idea sr15b needed to be neo like this 🤣 i felt they were youthful but saw their talents. obv they weren't as polished as now but more experienced than lastart overall tho. doie was an emotional singer from the start. taeil and jae less emotional than doie but in rookies time, they did perform better than minjae and jungmin in emotions and dance and jaeil dance better than doie anyways. jaedo did so well when t7s came out tho and without you had more emotions than jungmin and minjae's duet. after that doie keeps growing in stage presence, appeal and expression (besides emotional singing). even if jungmin and minjae don't become a skilled dancer like jae, they need to find other ways to captivate like the way doie dances with facial expression. riku, yushi, anderson, ryu, sakuya and sion look like they are on their way to becoming neo, on different extent. daeyoung is said to get good comments in dancing so we'll see.
ok my last comment for now 😅 agree with you and another anon too about the lack of correlation with previous nct units especially experience and memories. even memories, wayv has a gap with 127 and dreamies. when sungsho was in nct, yuta was the official bridge for shotaro and some members spent time with them but i bet the members were surprised by plan changes too, even if some of them were affected by unit or plan changes themselves. sm might do a show next year after the japan showcase for all units but now the gap feels even wider than sr22b. yuta probably won't appear in lastart survival show either.
Link, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5
As I said before, Daeyong's answers were interesting. "Nevertheless", the lyrics of choice and "when I'm drenched with sweat (i.e. gave it my all)". He seems to have grit and desire to improve. History requires a lot of memorisation.
Some seem more suited to the idol job based on their answers.
Anderson probably just started with Korean, as he lives in Korea, there is more opportunities to practice around the clock.
Ryu's English is evidently good. The phrase that Anderson said wasn't easy (not the words, the meaning behind). It also improve his chances. Nowadays a group needs an English speaker. Not only for the West, many countries in Asia also use it. If Anderson is taken in, Ryu could be the of help as well.
What are the chances of Dae's classmates watching an idol show to release a rumour about him the day he was introduced? And to write on Pann of all places? Kfans can investigate, it's not hard to visit the school and ask around in the neirboughood or dig FB. More like someone didn't like an addition of a new contestant and a rival. We'll see. If the rumours are true, for SM it's easy to just not include him in the final line up.
Both the new bg and the Japanese unit were supposed to debut earlier (the were rumours about last summer). I guess some old trainees left seeing how many recent additions are in Lastart. The new SM gg was ready by Spring already, but their debut has been postponed as well.
Wasn't Sungchan a deer? Why frog emoji? Rebranding?
I can't support the convo about Riize, haven't watched anything sans Siren with them yet.
I keep comparing Lastart contestants to SR15B, which is unfair, considering their training period (with exeption of YuSion, and, perhaps, Jungmin). Not to mention, the numbers for the show aren't given time to be polished as much as a debut choreo would be.
No kidding, stright from NCT's pre-debut book.
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Side note. I think now I get why there was little of JaeDo and a lot of HanDo during Rookies times. The two were supposed to debut in the Chinese unit...
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Jaehyun was born on Valentine's day for a reason. The Universe created the Chinese ban for him, lol.
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Back to the new neos.
SM wasn't happy with Minjae if they kept looking for more main-vocal material. Ryu and Daeyoung were casted very recently.
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faerociousbeast · 11 months
YIPPEE sosoo uh context context stuff basically theres this special project ( known as the hanadoll project ) that is supposed to help young men turn into the "perfect" idol via a surgery that implants a seed in them that they have to bloom
ANYWAYS anthos my fav silly little group is the second successful product ( i cant think of a better way ro word that. lmfao ) of this project w seven members ! mahiro, ryoga, chise, lihito, kaoru ( the guy of ALL time btw ), me / haruta, nd setsuna ( he debuted w us but wasnt around during our predebut stage )
anywaysanyways i think uu wld like setsuna or lihito ( they r so silly !! i love them :3 but my fav will always be kaoru . . . no1 kaoru fan in this world ) lihitos the main vocalist nd setsuna is uhh ?? the pacemaker i forgot what he does tbh. kaoru is the calm one who does a lot of the public speaking ( kind of ?? its hard to describe what he is in charge of tbh ) me / haruta is the main dancer / moodmaker, chise is the main visuals nd mahiro is the center / leader ! i forgot what ryoga does. which i am very sorry for ( I LOVE HIM I SWEAR I JUST. FORGOR 💔💔 )
i forgot what else i was gonna say while writing this so uhh. just gonna go ahead nd send uu this long abomination teehee
thank you for this................ m, mm m aweosme. love men. the ones you mentioned for me really are accurate wow.... THANK you again for sharing
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ootahime · 3 years
what is utahime’s role in the future? — a prediction (manga spoilers)
part 1 (unedited)
part 2 is here!
in this post, i will be analyzing the information we’ve been given about utahime so far to form a prediction about her future role in the jujutsu kaisen series. if you’re as interested in utahime’s character as i am, please feel free to keep reading :3 (i’ll also be talking about her relationship with gojo a bit too)
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soukatsu_ on twt!
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kaikaikitan on twt!
utahime iori is a semi-grade 1 sorcerer working as a student supervisor/teacher at kyoto jujutsu high school. she loves drinking beer and going to karaoke. she’s also close friends with shoko and she’s not particularly fond of gojo most of the time. what else do we know about her?
hates sweets (funny she’s the complete opposite of gojo)
she’s great at singing and it’s a huge part of her technique
squabbling with gojo became a reflex :3
everyone absolutely adores utahime
loves watching soccer and baseball
a terrible drunk (worse than naobito zenin)
gojo is her main source of stress
let’s dive into her personality and abilities!
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chapter 65
before i get into it, i think it’d be best if i were to explain the timeline because a lot of people seem to be confused about this one particular thing. utahime is born on february 18th, 1987. contrary to popular belief, she is not 3 years older than gojo. it is november 2018 in the story because gojo was sealed on halloween. if gojo was born on december 7th, 1989, that would mean that right now, he is only 28 years old. he has yet to turn 29.
the year is 2007. gojo satoru is a second year at tokyo jujutsu high school. the japanese school year begins in april which suggests that gojo is only 17 at the time (even if it’s not april, it doesn’t look like winter yet so it’s unlikely that he’s already 18). utahime is 20 because it is past february. she is a 2nd grade sorcerer at the age of 20. that’s not bad at all!
chapter 65 introduces young utahime and mei on a mission together within a cursed site. in real time, they’ve been gone for two days which is a cause of concern for gojo, shoko, and geto because the two haven’t contacted anyone since the beginning of their mission.  the two begin to suspect something is wrong because the hallway markers they’ve set in place disappeared, and no matter how far they travel within the halls, the end is nowhere in sight.  mei theorizes that the cursed spirit is overlapping the space as they travel forward.  utahime agrees with this speculation and proposes a plan to escape the cursed spirit’s grasp by moving erratically.  notice how she says that if one of them should escape, they can try to attack from the outside or call for help.  if utahime was not capable of inflicting damage on anything then she would have told mei to escape and attack if she can while she waited to be rescued.  however, she didn’t.  she included herself in the sentence which leads me to believe that she is capable of going on the offense if needed.  
keep in mind that at this point in time, mei is a grade 1 sorcerer.  she is knowledgeable about all things involving jujutsu because she is experienced and skillful.  we can see this aspect of her character illustrated when she theorizes that the cursed spirit is messing with the space they’re in.  she chooses to go with utahime’s plan because she agrees that it’s the best action moving forward.  this verifies that utahime is an intelligent girl that’s able to get along with pretty much anyone.  
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her intellect is demonstrated once again in chapter 79.  she was able to deduce the possibility of there being more than one traitor and the fact that one is probably a higher up.  she also narrowed down the mechamaru as the mole of kyoto not because he was acting suspicious but by process of elimination.  she thought thoroughly of his technique and how easy it would be for him to manipulate devices small enough to be undetectable.  
sure you can argue that she should already know all her students’ abilities and whatnot but you have to admit that it’s hard trying to sniff out the traitor when no one is acting suspicious.  in addition to that, how did she know that there was a traitor in the top brass?  i would have never guessed that tbh LOL (maybe bc im an idiot).
okay, now that we have established that she’s intelligent, let’s answer a more important question.  is utahime weak?
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chapter 33
if gojo calls utahime weak, does that mean there is some truth to it?  well it is true that she is weaker than him because he’s the strongest and all.  in my opinion, he’s just teasing her.  he probably found that calling her weak is what really riles her up.  maybe i’ll talk about why he loves teasing her so much in a later post.  but anyway, gojo calls everybody and their mom weak.  he even said jogo was weak and we know how powerful that guy is.  gojo’s words alone do not indicate much about utahime’s power.  in fact, i don’t even think he has seen her use her technique yet.  he’s probably only ever heard of how it works.  this is what i think their conversation about her technique was like:
gojo: hm?  ur cursed technique is singing?  can u show me?
utahime: what!  no way!  
gojo: why not?
*one of the classmates tells him that she can only use her CT once in a while because it consumes a lot of energy*
gojo: hahaha!  u have to conserve cursed energy to use ur CT?  why are u so weak, utahime?
utahime: i!  am!  your!  senpai!  respect!  me!
what i’m trying to say is that gojo loves poking fun of people.  we should not believe him when he calls someone weak because compared to him, everyone is weak.  
this is a little off topic but let’s examine him telling her, “and you don’t have the nerves, utahime.”  i think he’s trying to say that there’s no way she’ll ever do something like that because she’s not the type to put her students in danger.  remember the soft expression and relieved smile on her lips when she said that she was glad the students were safe after the kyoto incident?  gojo was directly in front of her so not only did he hear her say that, but he could have seen the look on her face too.  even if he told her that she didn’t have the guts to betray the school to get on her nerves, he knew that utahime simply cared too much about the students so he ruled her out as a suspect right away.  this is why he ultimately decided to confide in her and ask her to help him.  
i’m a person who loves over-analyzing things.  i really enjoy the dynamic between gojo and utahime.  they’ve known each other for more than 11 years and although they always bicker, there is an unspoken feeling of trust between the two.  gojo can do anything and everything by himself because he is truly the strongest person alive, but he still knows when to rely on others.  him deciding to entrust utahime with such a job implies that he believes in utahime’s abilities.
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chapter 52
she’s not using any cursed energy here--not to our knowledge at least.  this is just pure skill.  she was able to swiftly evade the swing from haruta.  he was surprised himself considering the fact that he was right behind her.  how do we know her CT isn’t speed?  after haruta swung at her, we can see that some of her hair got cut off.  if she was using her CT then speed should be her specialty.  she should have been able to completely avoid the attack altogether but she didn’t.  of course this isn’t a wow moment because jujutsu sorcerers should know how to dodge attacks, however, i’m just trying to get the point across that she’s not a defenseless person without her technique or others.  let’s not forget that semi-grade 1 isn’t a weak rank either.  you can’t simply be recommended to be a grade 1 sorcerer if you only can support others.  
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chapter 48
i want to bring up this panel. it suggests that utahime and takuma are sorcerers who have not experienced black flash and therefore, do not understand the essence of cursed energy as well as those who have like gojo and nanami.  i find it strange how takuma and utahime were used to represent sorcerers who haven’t experienced it yet.  is the purpose to demonstrate that there is a clear difference in skill between adult sorcerers like utahime and takuma compared to gojo and nanami?  i could be nitpicking but the order of todo’s statement doesn’t line up with the sorcerers being shown.  let me explain in depth.  todo starts off by saying, “for those who have experienced black flash as compared to those who have not...” wouldn’t it make more sense to show gojo and nanami on the right side to represent sorcerers who have experienced black flash?  that was mentioned first, after all.  gojo and nanami should appear when todo says “for those who have experience black flash” while utahime and takuma should be shown right after to personify the second part, “as compared to those who have not.”  i’m just making it more complicated than it actually is LOLOL i’m sure it really just means they haven’t experienced black flash yet, which is completely fine.  i also find it fascinating how they used utahime to contrast gojo.  with nanami and takuma it makes sense.  nanami is someone takuma looks up to, he wants to gain nanami’s approval before he deems himself worthy of a promotion. what about utahime and gojo?  what’s the purpose of comparing those two together when it’s obvious that gojo knows more about the essence of cursed energy more than anyone else?  i might be delusional whoops
let me know what you guys think?  this is only a part 1 so i haven’t gotten around to answering the question.  i’m pretty much done with the second part, i just need to revise it a little.  i think after i post part 2, i’ll try to interpret all the gojo and utahime moments in the manga >.<
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firefistlaw · 3 years
Hiiii for the falling into your lap could you do it please with Ace Sabo and koby ? I would love it so much 🥺🥺🥺 thanks a lot !
a/n: i hope this is alright! tysm for requesting <3!!!
summary: you tripped at a public setting (party) and fall into their lap
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He'd circle his warm arms around your figure the moment you came in proximity to him, surprise on his features but his smile already tearing to a full blown grin
He wouldn't care whatsoever about who, what or where it happens - you sitting on his lap at a gathering was a very common occurrence, so you being close to him really wasn't the issue. See, the tripping however...
If you were at a party with strangers, he'd maybe tease you a bit and thats it. At other parties, the tripping would probably happen with a full audience of Whitebeard members watching and them reacting over the top at your little accident... and you can guess how that one ends bestie
They would laugh, whoop and if you wouldn't hide yourself in the corner of his neck, you could have seen Thatch mimicking your fall with Haruta. And the worst? Ace would laugh with them, maybe squeeze you a bit T_T
If he notices you being genuinely embarrassed about the situation though, he'd try to swerve the attention to someone else immediately and in 99% of the time it would work but the grin would stay you best believe
His arms were still hugging you close as you sighed embarrassedly. "This is the worst." You'd mumble, causing another chuckle to escape him.
"C'mon. Falling to my lap isn't the worst thing?" He'd ask, brown eyes twinkling in mischief. Not even a second later, his leg would bounce slightly, grin still plastered on his freckled face. You shot him a glare.
"Yeah, but this is." A pointed stare to your friends still joking about the fall. The dark haired man squeezed you closer at that, cooing as he turned his body away from the others, eyes stuck on your own. "Are you embarrassed? Baby, I was just about to come and search for you anyway."
Another huff, you weakly pushing at his exposed chest. "Shut up."
After planting quick pecks to your temple and your pouting lips, Ace turned his face towards his friends again.
"Thatch, if you have enough time to joke around like this, you should maybe use it for showering instead. "
His eyes would be on you the moment you stepped closer to him. Sabo would literally watch you come closer to him, trip on your way, fall towards him and yet - his arms would not be able to catch you until you're seated on his thighs.
And his friends would laugh, not at you, but mostly at his burning red face. I believe under normal circumstances he wouldn't enjoy showing this kind of pda, but being at a party and you tripping - he might let this one slide. Especially when he had a few drinks already - which he did.
He'd most likely grab your hands, closing long fingers around your fists on his shoulders and ask if you're alright, being the wonderful person he is, but you see the amusement in his eyes and the slight smug twitch of his lips.
If the gathering would be serious or with strangers, he'd probably ask about your wellbeing and softly push you off his lap, but due to being with people he's comfortable with and having consumed some Sake already, I think he wouldn't mind it all too much. In fact, he might start flirting with you instead :)
"You should be more careful," he'd say, hands still curling around your own. His thumb would start stroking over your knuckles soothingly. "I don't want you to hurt yourself."
You'd nod then, shifting so you were now seated on one of his thighs. Your fingers found themselves at the side of his head, playing with the blonde strands of hair. "I'm just glad I didn't fall on someone else."
And then the amused twinkle in his blue eyes. The alcohol in his veins started playing its role. "Oh?"
You can't help but playfully roll your eyes then, embarrassment completely gone as you lean towards the table and grab a drink off the overfilled table. He takes the drink from your hand, taking a sip for himself.
"I'm glad you didn't fall on someone else, too." His cheeks were painted from the alcohol, pink lips glistening from the drink he just took and like magnets, the two of you would meet in the middle, pressing a kiss to one another, the eyes around the two of you long forgotten.
Even though Coby had been searching for you with eyes only moments prior, it took one turn to his friend that caused him to not see you walking towards him, let alone notice you falling towards his lap. Only when your hands were already grabbing his Marine jacket for security, flushed face centimetres away from his, he'd finally notice and let me tell you something: mans would be extremely embarrassed--
The party you guys were attending was filled with so many people from the Marine and with your little accident, several heads turned, starting to whistle and whoop when they saw the little situation unfolding and Coby was in shambles
His face was glowing red, face turned towards you in a way that made pink strands fall to the side of his face. When even Helmeppo started cackling and told you to get a room beside him, Coby couldn't help but awkwardly laugh himself, finally looking up to you and god
The moment you had touched him, his hands reflexively found your hips - so when his eyes met yours, you started giggling at the embarrassment of the situation as well. Your hands would probably shield your eyes as you lean your head against the side of his face, both chuckling awkwardly. Helmeppo never felt more single
It didn't take long for the laughter and whistles to turn down, but the warmth on your cheeks certainly stayed fixed on your face. "I'm sorry," you'd whisper, voice mixed between humour and bashfulness. "I didn't mean to make... well, this appearance."
Coby, who turned one hand behind him to push his still cackling friend a bit, merely shook his head, "Don't apologise, it's all right.", and then he'd smile, red still lingering on his skin. "I just hope you're alright."
"Yes, of course." Your hands were smoothing down the small wrinkles created by your grip on his jacket earlier. "Thanks for catching me?"
"Of course, yn." His long fingers ruffled through the back of his pink hair, accidentally pushing the glasses perched up on his head down and causing them to sit on his nose - perfectly. More laughter escaped you at that, his hand squeezing your hips as reaction.
A few seconds later, you found yourself sitting next to him instead, hands intertwined. "So, what were you guys talking about before?"
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afterdeck-ace · 2 years
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@whitebeard-pirate-week​ Day 1 : Loss & Jolly Roger
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He made research. He knew enough already but it helped anyway. And Haruta kept sending him new books. Serious medical treaties, necromancy grimoires and weird witchcraft scrolls. Marco always wondered where on Earth his brother was traveling to find all those. But he knew to see it for what it was: a proof of life and love; keeping a line open, strengthening a forever-damaged bond.
Most of them had settled after... Everything.
Haruta couldn't dismiss the call of the sea.
They had all agreed to give themselves time. A break, needed if not clean. Disbanding had been hard, like shards of glass hastily removed from skin. Hundreds of them. Even Phoenix Fire couldn't soothe that kind of pain.
Some swore to keep in touch, some left without a goodbye. Sadness, anger, resignation. Relief too.
Marco reclined in his seat, scratching his bare chest. Shards were gone but tattoos remained, proof of what had been. Cursed or cherished reminder. Sometimes both. Most of the time both. More than allegiance, a sense of belonging, a family. If it could still be called that... Some believed so. Scattered all across the world now. He was ready to fly off and give a hand at a moment's notice anyway. More than duty, a sense of honor, a legacy.
Their last night all together, dazed by the overflowing booze and still battling with grief, they’d joked about what they would do if they could bring him back or see him again.
After that, Haruta had taken it to heart to find every existing book on the matter, reliable or not. He sent it between other medical or cartographic works he knew Marco would have an interest in.
He even threw in a couple dials recording the latest findings he needed to talk to someone about or new music tracks. Marco didn't listen to those, not anymore. No matter the liveliness of the tune, it always came with the nostalgia of a time not so long passed and he couldn't bear it. He didn't say it though, kept replying to Haruta, kept praising his songs with each time a different word for it. The thesaurus he found in Sphinx's decaying library was to be thanked for that.
{ Day 2 & 3 ; Day 4 }
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keashend0lly · 2 years
Requests rules!
WARNING: I swear ALOT, I may offend some but if you don't like it leave my page not my issue, and I can't spell for shit I was illiterate till the age of 10
If your not a bitch
Minors you can interact bc I know dam well y'all gonna look at it anyway but please stay 12+ atleast!
I write he/him she/her they/them or just good old gender neutral! /if your gender is some wacky hrgeggeg/hrhehgd shit get the fuck away from me and if your HOLE personality is based of being LGBTQ+ get the fuck away from me don't fucking talk to me
I have 0 patients for those people but I do exsept you just stay a mile away from me
I write for jojo/ Saiki k/ Toradora!/ HxH/ Black Butler/ and Ouran Host Club
No r@pe/ yander/ smut/ incest
Nsfw headcanons are ok and minors i don't care if you interact your just gonna look at it anyway (same) sometimes poly is ok
Don't be a bitch just be a decent human being
I won't write for SA, abuse, family issues, stress, suicidal feelings/thoughts, death of character/reader, trans reader (will exsplain), some mental illness (ADHD, low functional autism, retardation, and some others)
I will not write you as trans I will do your prefured gender or they/them. I see you as a person not as a trans person. I am stressed all the dam time and deal with my own mental health issues and family issues I try not to write about it BUT I will if it helps you cope. Also I don't know how to write for those illnesses but I WILL WRITE AUTISM on the higher functional end! ♥️
I won't write different races (skin color or religions or different holidays besides Amarican holidays)
Race doesn't define you, I write for EVERYONE chubby, skinny, fat, ugly, pretty, short, tall, white, black, Asian, Korean, and so on all in one. And I don't want to do the holidays/ traditions bc I don't want to stereotype or get something wrong. I'm sorry. BUT I WILL WRITE PERSONAL THINGS LIKE TALL, SHORT, SKINNY, CHUBBY, YOU KNOW THAT STUFF
However if you ask nicely I will try and write for your race, and personal information if you ask really nicely (I'm a push over)
I may add things depending on how my life goes. Haha it's going to shit but just don't be a complete weirdo and those will be the only rules for a long time (might add bc I'm forgetful af)
Part 1-2 characters (speedwagon, Joseph, piller men, caesar, Strohiem)
Part 3-4 (everyone exsept dio and his fallowers. Hol horse and oingo are ok I'll write them) I'll write all part 4 characters exsept Jotaro and dare I say okoyasus dad / ik ik he's a dilf bit uhhhh yeah I just can't
Part 5 ( everyone exsept gay ass watermelon hair head ass diavolo) Doppio is a YESSSS and so it trish!!! Love her♥️
No part 6+ sorry dolls I haven't got there yet but if I do say so myself Weather Report is a sexsy mf
Saiki k
I will not write anything for that blue haired bitch Kokomi EXSEPT I WILL SLANDER HER LIKE I'M SLAYYING A DRAGON or sm
No Saiki sorry I just struggle to write him
Shun kaido is a MUST
Aren yeah why not! =)
Reita Toritsuka hell yes i will!
Chisato Mera I'M IN LOVE WITH HER!!
Everyone else is a no exsept if there is a character you really want I will make an exseption
Koji Haruta
Hisamitsun Noto
Yuri Koigakubo
Everyone else can go to hell SORRY NOT SORRY
I love them and Yuri WILL BE LOVED
No ants but I'll pull some ties if you REALLY want
Illumi is a yesssss his brothers are a yes too
No alluka or kulluto and no Gon I find them a little uncomfortable to write and they are too young for me to feel comfortable writing in any way possible beside like on the side for exstra detail.
No kurapika I just hate writing him
Besides that everyone else is good! I will write the phantom troupe and everyone else
Love side SIDE characters I will write for them the best I can
Black Butler
Just the reapers and the triplets and of course Ceils worker
William SURE
Undertaker HELL YEAH (he's mine!)
Ronald why not
Triplets (usually together)
I may add more or make exception just ask! I'm really not that bad of a guy!
Ouran Host Clud
Ranka /Ryoji Fujioka (I will use they/them or he/him pronouns for him bc in the show it was not stated otherwise (if it was let me know)
Umehito Nekozawa
Kaoru, Hikaru Hitachiin /polly together is ok/ just no suggesting incest between them k =)
NO HONEY I just can't I'm sorry. But he will appear in random headcanons and stuff same with all the other characters I don't fic write
No mori I just can't like bruh I'm sorry you're an awsome character but I just can't without cringing or laughing like a donkey
No haruhi unless you as nicely well more like beg me >:[
Tamaki SURE!
Kyoya Ootori I CAN TRY MY BEST
I love you all and you all are free to message about anything show me stuff anything I would love to talk and if i don't awnser I prob am eating, sleeping, exerciseing, at work, in class, preforming singing/bass clarent, bells, marimba. Or the very rare accusation I see people SCARYYYY. Ages 10 at the min but I prefure 12+ people messaging me :) have a good day or night doll! (Keashen Dolly)
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