#but honestly you’re beautiful handsome cute pretty whatever you prefer!
elysianslove · 3 years
ay yo? lmao haiiiii any chance we can get some haikyuu boys and nicknames they'd call their s/o? a lil deprived of kageyama, so if possible can you pls include him?? i hope you're doing well :)
omg wait i remember seeing this in my inbox and planning on answering it but i ,,, i forgot :( im sorry :( but here it is lovely <3 
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ANGEL ! — 
akaashi; out of all his nicknames for you, this is his favorite!! he just thinks it’s very fitting for you, because you’re nothing short of ethereal for him. loves to say it when he’s first greeting you or as he kisses you gn or!!! when he says thank you :) 
osamu; it slips sometimes with him!! not his go-to but it’s very familiar on his tongue when it comes to you, and that’s very endearing :,) just slips casually when he’s asking you a question like, “angel, do we need milk?”  
daichi; omg he usually adds to it and it ends up being some cheesy stuff like “angel-face” and it makes you all flustered because wtf man :( and he always says it while laughing teasingly too ugh :( 
suna; suna has the cheesiest nicknames for you and you cannot convince me otherwise, and you can never tell if it’s genuine or ironic but,,, it doesn’t matter. he sounds so sweet calling you “angel” so whatever :) 
aran; this man. this man. he says it cause he knows it has you weak. he says it so lovingly, so sweetly, so casually, so suave and relaxed and his voice is so smooth and deep. who wouldn’t be swooning over him??? 
aone; AONE AONE PLS AONE PLEASE. he’d just think it’s such a sweet and kind and soft nickname and he likes the way it sounds when it’s whispered and he thinks nothing is more perfect than nicknaming you angel and he says it all the time like “ok, angel,” and “see you tomorrow, angel,” and, “love you, angel,” and it’s so quiet but so sweet hwbwjsjd 
oikawa; he’s about to be in 90% of these cause he’ll be calling you anything but your name. is it because he wants to be annoying and to get on your nerves? or is it because he genuinely means it? the world will never know. you’re not even sure he himself does. 
DOLL ! — 
matsukawa; are you kidding me this is his. it’s HIS. he sounds so hot saying it and he looks so hot saying it and he’s so charming and it’s so like easy on his tongue. and he has a slight drawl to it too and he always says it with this aura of relaxation and ease it’s so hot. he just. he loves it. he loves you. you love it. the world is a better place. 
atsumu; he thinks he’s way cooler than he is when he says it. you suppose he is pretty hot when he calls you doll but you’re not gonna tell him that!!! it’s not his go-to but you can catch it slipping off his tongue every once in a while. 
kuroo; yesyesyes he loves it. only ever says it when he’s so up close and personal with you like cups your cheeks and hovers his lips against yours like, “heya, doll,” and he’s just so handsome. ugh. 
kageyama; at the start of your relationship, kageyama called you by your name and nothing else!! but then he had like this talk w someone and they asked him what he calls you and he realized like,,, am i supposed to be doing it differently??? spent so long just searching up “cute nicknames for my s/o” and then he found “doll” and was like ok. i’ll try. and he tried!! and it stuck!! plus timeskip kags calling you doll??? that’s so hot bye
oikawa; this might be the only sincere nickname he has for you cause everything else is either to provoke you or to be cringy and annoying. and i’m sure you prefer doll over sweet cheeks and pumpkin pie and cinnamon whatever like you hungry tōru?? anyways he loves loves loves calling you doll cause he thinks it’s such a ? smooth and serene nickname? and his voice always gets deeper and quiet when he says it so!!!! 
hinata; please he is all the sunshine, but he always claims that you’re the true sun in his life. idk hinata would be so lame yet so cute like that :( and he always says it with such a big grin he’s so cute pls :( 
tendō; he’s so cute he’s so cute he’s so cute !!!!! your contact name is “my sunshine” definitely definitely definitely. he is literally in love with you and wants the whole world to know it. he loves screaming it out for everyone to hear but also absolutely adores like hugging you from behind and whispering in your ear as he kisses your cheek, “hey, sunshine.” :(((((
kenma; kenma doesn’t wanna think too hard on the whole nicknames thing but he also does kind of sort of really wants to call you something special and the first thing that pops in his head is sunshine. first time he used it you were Shocked but he was acting nonchalant about it (read: freaking out on the inside) and you were like “ok guess im sunshine now.” and you are his sunshine to this day. 
atsumu; it’s easy and it’s endearing!! he personally loves being called babe but he loves hugging you close to him after a long day and just sighing, “hey, baby,” like. he loves it okay. he thinks it’s perfect cause it fits and cause it’s like kinda traditional yk!! 
bokuto; he loves calling you baby cause he just cannot fathom that you’re his like he loves to always say it!!! and he loves how casual it is too like he can just call you that?? that’s so cool?? 
iwaizumi; again with the traditional but endearing and fitting. he doesn’t have to think too hard on it, but also it still means something and is more than just your name or a shorter version of it. also he sounds so hot calling you baby or babe idk i just know it. 
hanamaki; king of “babe! babe :( babeeee! babee. babe come on! babe! baby :(” you’re 99% sure he’s just provoking you at this point. like say babe one more time. but he actually loves resorting to baby, especially when you’re upset and he wants to be as endearing and kind as he can to you. 
daichi; very traditional too tbh. honestly when you two first started dating it was all he could think of saying without feeling awkward or feeling like he was trying too hard. later on when he started to feel more comfortable and more secure he got more creative. 
nishinoya; he has been waiting for this moment his whole life. the moment he can actually call someone his baby or babe. it’s his favorite and possibly only nickname (aside calling you pretty or gorgeous or handsome) and it will always be. 
akaashi; definitely definitely definitely calls you “my love” like i am 100% sure of this. akaashi is just so. he’s just so romantic but it’s also so unintentional? he says it because it feels natural and it feels right like you are his love after all, aren’t you? 
sakusa; he’s not one for elaborate nicknames honestly, and he feels like “my love” is the right balance of sweet, kind, fitting, and subtle and serene. it’s not doing too much but it’s also doing more than enough yk? also people that look like they would wear a trench coat/blazer and a turtleneck beneath also look like they would use the term “my love” hence sakusa and akaashi. 
tendō; i am telling you guys he is a simp. the loveliest simp ever. he says it so sweetly too like it genuinely makes your tummy twist and heart backflip when you hear him say it cause you can hear how genuine he is in his words oh my god. 
kita; he just !!! he is just husband material okay!!! he is so endearing and he says it in the softest most genuine voice ever and it’s literally his go to because yes you are his love you’re his entire world!!! he loves you!! he wants you to know it every time he calls out to you!! 
bokuto; ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE LOVES IT. he. loves it. he just finds it so cute and like. he loves the way he associates it with you now. prefers puppy over bunny but like. he loves both. he adores both. 
matsukawa; calls you bunny all the time. not more than doll, but it’s definitely so common. he won’t use it around others not because it’s embarrassing but more because he kinda wants it to be just a thing between the two of you, honestly. 
kenma; IT SLIPPED ONCE AND HE WAS LIKE. A DEER CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS. he calls you bunny!! sometimes, not always. when he wants something from you mostly. “pass me the water.” “no.” “bunny please :(” it works like magic every time. 
oikawa; oh my god can you imagine??? he loves it so much because one, he thinks it’s such a cute nickname props to whoever decided let’s use pets as literal pet names, but also two, he thinks nothing describes you or fits you better. you are just his bunny :( his puppy :( he loves you :( 
kageyama; timeskip kageyama calls you puppy. i have nothing more to say.
hinata; timeskip hinata calls you puppy. again, i shall say no more. 
suna; hello !!! he loves to call you bunny and/or puppy. the feel of satisfaction he gets when he calls you that like ,,, he feels like you’re properly his yk? yk.
kuroo; this one is for him and only him. 
LOVELY ! — (maybe sweetheart too) 
osamu; is there anything more beautiful than a tired osamu snuggling up to yoi and with a deep gravely voice saying, “missed you, lovely,” ? no there is not. it’s his favorite nickname for you, and he uses it all the time!! kisses your forehead as he leaves and tells you, “have a good day, lovely,” and comes back home and says, “hiya, lovely,” and tilts his head when you wanna talk to him about something like, “what’s up lovely?” cause you are his lovely, you’re his loveliest. 
sugawara; i have no other explanation other than i can picture it perfectly. he thinks it’s the best choice of a pet name he’s ever chosen and thought of. and he loves the smile on your face whenever he says it, he thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever <3 
BAE ! —
hanamaki; is it a joke? is it not? both. 
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okay im sure i missed so many boys but i can’t think of any rn bc it’s like. hella late :( but i wanted to put something out for you guys!! point is, if i didnt mention a boy and you want to know, send me an ask!! and if i didn’t mention a nickname and you want to know that too? send me an ask well!! ill be happy to answer it <3 
love u all mwah <3 
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sukirichi · 3 years
jujutsu kaisen characters as students in high school: (non-canon AU)
featuring: itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, getou suguru, & ryoumen sukuna notes: some parts include you as their friend, or even their high school love! (this is unedited/ not proofread)
masterlist ! requests are open 
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he’s not the brightest bulb, but he makes up for it through hardwork and enthusiasm
yuuji is literally that classmate everyone is just friends with
the type who waves with a smile, saying “good morning!” the moment he walks through that door
with that being said, since he’s everyone’s friend, i headcannon that yuuji doesn’t really have a best friend because he’s so open and available to everyone it’s hard to have just a one on one conversation with him
not to say he’s always surrounded by a crowd that you can’t get near him, but everyone likes talking to yuuji
he just fits in so well and understands people 
kind of like how he easily clicked with junpei (please, i miss him, i still can’t believe that he’s...you know...)
whether it’s the guys raving to him about sports
or girls shyly talking about their crush on class or about that new shojo manga
yuuji is open to anything and everyone. this boy wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s honestly such a precious boy, please be kind to him <3
the type of student that gets called to answer in class but isn’t shy to admit he doesn’t know the answer while rubbing the back of his neck
he does pay attention tho
i think it’s canon that yuuji is a dedicated man, like from that time he just watched movies straight and kept his cursed energy controlled so the cursed corpse would stop hitting him
overall, yuuji is a very hard working student! 
he wouldn’t get over the top grades, but he’s really proud of himself (and he should be!)
also that one kid in class that is surprisingly good in sports despite his lanky figure and laid back persona, because all the other sports-craved people are always flexing or challenging other captains 
but plot twist, this boy is ripped and very, beautifully kept in trim
yeah he’s not really into club activities that much
not because he hates them, but he’s just not that into it. he’s more than glad to join in whatever activities though and enjoys them, but if asked what he’d like to do, it wouldn’t be that first thing that came to mind
in conclusion: itadori yuuji is the class sunflower that lights up everyone’s day  🌻
yuuji’s role: the hard worker! 
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hands down, megumi is THAT student
if you’re volunteering in the library, you can sure as hell guarantee you’ll see megumi there
he doesn’t like studying in class because it’s too noisy, so if he’s in school, you’ll always see his name in the library logs
he’s that kid that aces all exams
the type to scowl when he sees a 96% mark because he’s expecting a perfect mark
okay before you come at me, i’m not saying megumi is that annoying smart kid in class that goes, “Oh, I’m so dumb, just a 96?”
no he’s more frustrated at himself because he knows he studied hard and lost sleep over it. he’s just wondering where he went wrong. he has literal note cards and customize flash cards on an app on his phone, waking up every four am and probably taking supplement classes after regular school hours
i headcannon that megumi is someone who always wants to do his best and actually goes through lengths to prove his worth
maybe it stems from having the need to show who he really is and what he’s capable of
but yeah i can totally see him doing that
also that cute student that keeps visiting the cafe every saturday morning, wearing a black hoodie and headphones tucked in, his pretty hands nestling over a book
he looks like a gamer but honestly i don’t think he’s got time for that lmao
would also be that guy people find hard to approach because of his quiet and reserved self
he’s pretty intimidating too
definitely sits beside the window at the back of the class. you can’t fight me on that
just because he’s smart and loves studying, it doesn’t mean he’ll sit on the front row and raise his hand every damn second
the teachers will encourage him to participate in class a little bit more, especially after seeing he’s awkward during group activities, but megumi just really prefers to do things by himself
i also headcannon him eating in the cafeteria like everyone else instead of having his alone time during a rooftop? like idk i can’t picture megumi completely isolating himself like that
he blends in well in a way that you know he’s just like everyone else; a human
but he also stands out in the manner that he’s a lot more introverted and reserved compared to everyone else
surprisingly good during sports and relay games
100% reliable
the type to stay up at midnight to finish a group project, sighing because his groupmates doesn’t care as much as he does, but turns it in anyway the next day
he’d be annoyed at them, but he doesn’t really like confrontation so he doesn’t out them to the teacher like that
but he’s also not someone who lets people walk over him, so he’ll simply say something about his groupmates becoming more responsible and to be serious for once as a “warning”
and yeah, he may be closed off, but once you get really close with him (even better if you have similar interests) you’ll find there’s a lot more to him than what you’ve originally seen and he’s actually a pretty great friend and supportive classmate
would teach you instead of just letting you copy his work or snap pictures of his notes
ugh he’s so responsible and morally right and that’s so attractive help
in conclusion: fushiguro megumi is the hidden gem  💎
megumi’s role: the intellectual outsider!
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man...i don’t know how to start this
i’ve said this about megumi, but gojo is also that student
no, in fact, he’s THE student
everyone loves him. literally everyone
the teachers? smitten
his classmates? in love
the school guard? calls him by his first name
the cleaning lady? turns into a star with the way she lightens up when he’s there
the cafeteria staff? yeah free food because he’s gojo satoru
gojo is what i like to call the “one who has it all” because....well, he kind of does
he’s really smart and talented, which comes as a surprise to everyone in the first day of school when he nearly gets kicked out for falling asleep in class
only for everyone to be shocked that he knows the answer already and the teacher is only discussing chapter 1 lmao
yeah he’d be that kid who always sleeps in class
or is playing games on his phone behind an open textbook
he literally doesn’t listen to what the teacher is saying at all - or at least that’s what he wants you to think
man is a god at multitasking and his seatmate would snicker because he’s crushing his enemies at a phone game, but then gojo coolly corrects the teacher about history or something
he’s pretty laid back tbh
but when he’s got everyone’s attention on him? ofc he’d show off
basketball meats are wild. even students from neighbouring schools would visit just to see gojo play - and he’s not even an official member! the coach just asked him to replace a sick player but boy won that champion shot
but he pretty much excels at everything
except cooking class, gosh, don’t ever bring this man anywhere near a fire. that’s probably the only thing that really got him to detention this time because he always somehow talks himself out of getting that red card with his words and charm
also that kid that would receive lots of confession letters, chocolates, and random gifts in his shoe lockers
he knows he’s handsome and he’s not shy about it. in fact, he’s shameless when it comes to his allure on people
but he also doesn’t really date anyone (it’s canon this man won’t stay loyal to a single woman lmao)
if he and megumi were classmates, they’d be sort of rivals
megumi would always come on top of class, but gojo is just a breath away from the former’s perfect marks. if it only weren’t for megumi’s squeaky clean record and reputation - whereas satoru’s is TAINTED as heck - and the fact that gojo doesn’t really study as much as gumi, then yeah he’d also be top of the class if he wanted to
on a much more serious note,,,gojo acts like nothing really bothers him and he’s simply that effortless
but i feel like he grew up with tutors from a very young age and that’s how his natural intelligence was just further improved and increased with that type of environment in his childhood
and unlike megumi, i don’t think gojo would really have a set goal in mind on who he wants to be or what he wants to do in the future
he’d just be enjoying the moment <3
in conclusion: gojo satoru is the effortless god!
satoru’s role: the lazy king everyone is envious of 
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the playboy
you can’t argue with me on this one
he just is, i feel it deep in my SOUL he just is
moment he walks in, all classy and suave aura and all, you can honestly smell and taste the amount of confidence that drips from him
probably came from a well-off family
probably the mayor’s kid lmao and he’s been used to the attention ever since he was young
much like megumi, he’s not really the type to show off his intelligence
and similar to gojo, people are surprised he’s actually got them brain cells just because everyone is more focused on his appearance first
like who would expect this tall hunk beautiful beast of a man with long hair and piercings actually liked classic novels and could effortlessly recite sonatas and poems in different languages
yeah i headcannon that getou is an intellectual, cultured man
ofc having long hair and piercings isn’t allowed in his school, but because he’s geto and the school knows about his family’s influence, they just let it slide
probably comes late to school too
he eats in the cafeteria, but you don’t really see him indulge much. some days, he’ll have his own fancy bento box prepared by a family chef, but geto is actually pretty simple and humble that he also buys packed bread or canned coffee 
takes the library volunteer by surprise when he drops by one friday after class to borrow an old classic novel that even your professors had a hard time analysing
but geto’s like, “oh this? yeah i last read it when i was thirteen, thought i’d read it again”
IDK WHY but I can see him as sort of breaking the rules when it comes to the school uniform
top three buttons of his shirt open when he’s feeling hot or something
doesn’t really keep his tie that tight too
but overall, geto is a composed and well-put together guy
i just can’t picture him slacking when it comes to his appearance, he’s too fancy and pretty for that
he’s also similar to megumi in a way people find it hard to approach them, but most definitely, geto also receives confessions often 
i can see him dating someone after being interested in someone in school and actually being serious with them unlike gojo
then they would be “that” couple that’re just so couple goals
not the type that goes overboard with pda and pulls off the angry face emoji when they hear someone talking about them and they’re like, “NO HE’S MINE”
okay that’s cringe but i legit witnessed that way too many times in high school yall cant blame me lmao
but they’d be more like the chill laid back couple that supports each other in everything and you can just tell they have a happy, healthy relationship
(oh to be getou’s girlfriend in high school and his first love and all his firsts)
in conclusion: getou suguru is the unpredictable!
getou’s role is: that one classmate you really admire but he’s so far out your league but he’s genuinely a good guy anyway so you’re happy for him no matter what <3
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okay okay hear me out but...the stoner
i really can’t see him any other way guyssss
and if you’re his classmate, you most likely wouldn’t see him that much either
dude is like 2-3 years older than everyone in class and he doesn’t give a shit about it
he’ll come like...once a week, if he’s in the mood enough
teachers don’t even bother scolding him for his tattoos anymore because there’s rumours going around he’s the son of a yakuza leader or that he’s a gangster who sells organs or some creepy dark stuff
ofc he doesn’t do that
he just does drugs and gets drunk at most
sukuna doesn’t really have that much friends either. yeah he parties with people and often gets high with some older kids, but he doesn’t genuinely enjoy their companies either
would totally come to school with his uniform unironed
red-eyed from his high and naps at the back of the class, making the teacher soften their voice in fear of waking him up
also doesn’t have a pen or paper
i mean...he doesn’t even bring a bag
fails the exams all the time, making him repeat year by year, and he’s even known for beating his senpai up for something stupid and sending the guy to a hospital where he stays for two weeks
but on the other hand
he’s also freakishly attractive and surprisingly easy to talk to
you probably bumped into him one time and you profusely apologize, but then he notices something about, something odd like, “did you just cut your hair?”
“uhm yes...you noticed?”
sukuna shrugs lazily, “noticed something was different, but whatever. it looks good on you though.”
he’s just soooo nonchalant most of the time, it’s hard to believe he’s actually pretty violent
but yeah this man has anger issues i’m sorry
but with that speaking, i actually don’t see sukuna as a bully with like a gang of his “followers” or that type of jazz
he’s more like the kid that hides under the bleachers or gets high in a storage room while everyone else is occupied with school festivals
it’s a shock he even came, but sukuna just says “free food is always a gift” but ofc it’s not free food...he just steals from the stalls
now here comes the fun part
so now that we know sukuna pretty much is a hopeless case...suddenly, he isn’t? maybe he meets you, the class volunteer who goes out of their way to visit his shabby apartment just to hand him his class work that he’s missed out on
he obviously disses you at first and ignores you, telling you to get lost
but somehow your kindness and persistence has him breaking
now he starts coming to school often, carrying a pack of gum or mint pops because he smells like weed and he’s slightly conscious of himself
this is supposed to be just them being students in high school, but i could honestly sukuna changing colors once he just gets a better grasp of what would be good for him
or maybe something finally interests him and gives answers to his silent questions
i feel like he’s such a troubled kid and just lacks proper care and attention, but once you become his friend and show him you don’t have bad intentions, he’s actually a loyal and decent guy
and when you two finally get close, you eventually gain enough courage to tutor him. sukuna is actually pretty smart too, he just doesn’t like studying, but when you compliment him, oh man, he melts
“yeah, you actually got that right! i told you you could do this!”
tsk,” he scoffs, “that’s all kindergarten shit.”
“if it is, then why haven’t you graduated?”
“shut the fuck up.”
although he sneers, you and sukuna have gotten close enough that you know both of you don’t mean anything bad behind those words and it’s all light hearted teasing
oh and when you ask him to take a picture with you for “high school memories?”
sukuna is disgusted
“get that thing away from my face - did you just take my photo?”
“yeah, you look pretty cute here! i’m so printing this and putting this in my album.”
sukuna is about to scold you even more, but the thought of you putting your photo together - even when he’s frowning in the picture - in something as sentimental as a photo book really has him softening up
would even try - keyword is try - to study more just so you’d stop frowning when you see his paper covered in red marks all over again
and he’d even try cutting down on his weed for the sake of his “health”
ofc he won’t suddenly - or ever, even - become the amazing student megumi is
he’ll still get into trouble because he’s impulsive and has poor coping skills, also he’s not good with words or dealing with his emotions
but on his good days, he’s a pretty funny guy
it just takes a lot to see that side of him, but it’s worth the time and patience
also i was expecting to write funny scenarios or imagines of stoner! sukuna because he’s too high to even hold a proper conversation sometimes but all i got is him saying weird words like “snail trap” or something when you ask him how his day is
would also have that garbled little laugh when he’s so out of it
sukuna will try to be better though, you just need to be patient him
but my GOSH when he finally graduates
he’s going to hide that little smile because deep down, he’s also pretty proud of himself and how far he’s come <3
lol now this makes me want to writer a high school au lololol
in conclusion: yeah he’s the stoner with a good heart 
which is so not canon...this shouldn’t even be a headcanon we know ryoumen sukuna is PURE EVIL but oh well maybe when I’m down from my sukuna high I’ll write him a lot more canonically
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“We’re hiking at 5 am, what’s the problem?”
jungkook x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.7K
a/n: Oh to be Holly and have Jungkook’s entire heart and soul :(( he’s so in love, so is she, and this is just cute and playful Guk/Holly, as per usual. I hope you all enjoy and thanks so much for reading! :)) 
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Huffing, you halted your steps, placing your hands to your hips as Jungkook turned around to look at you with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Why do you look so pissed?” He questioned knowingly, causing you to groan at him.
“Let’s go on vacation together, you said, it’ll be fun, you said,” you complained, Jungkook giggling as he stared at you fondly.
“Are you not having fun?” He asked, feigning surprise. “We’re hiking at 5 am, what’s the problem?” He continued teasingly.
Rolling your eyes, you looked into the forestry along the pathway, though you couldn’t see much as it was still mostly dark. “Since when are you a morning person anyway?” You criticized lightheartedly. “You know, most people go on vacation to relax, not start a new early morning workout regime.”
“Come on,” he chuckled, “you’re not even carrying anything.”
“I’m carrying myself,” you countered, Jungkook cackling boyishly. “You know working out is not my forte, Jeon,” you joked, the man shaking his head as he smirked.
“I think you’re doing great,” he told you with a soft smile. “But we are trying to get up there before six so if you could-”
“Kook,” you whined, dragging his name out. “Honestly, baby, what the hell are we doing?” You chuckled a bit. 
“Dammit, Holly, can you just-” he paused for a moment, your eyes widening in impressed surprise at his slightly frustrated tone. You could tell he was already feeling slightly guilty for losing his patience with you, even if it was only for a split second. “I’m trying to be spontaneous, can you just cooperate for once?” He questioned, staring at you sternly, which was really quite rare. “I promise I will make it worth your while, we just need to make it to the top,” he added, you cocking your head at him with a smirk.
Realizing that he was feeling some pressure in regards to making sure this date worked out the way he had planned, you relented with your questions and complaints, instead choosing to follow him wherever he wanted to lead you.
“Ok, damn, Kookie, chill,” you teased, stepping toward him. “Lead the way,” you nodded down the trail with a giggle, Jungkook letting out a breathy laugh as he shook his head.
“I love you,” he told timidly, waiting for your response before returning to the hike.
Smiling at him, you nodded. “I love you too.” Jungkook let out a breath as he began to turn around to start up the incline once again. “Also, you’re hot when you’re mad.”
“I wasn’t mad,” he protested, you scoffing as you followed him along the path. “You’re just a brat.”
“Says the man who made his girlfriend go hiking at five in the morning while on vacation,” you playfully countered, Jungkook chuckling ahead of you.
“Whatever, you’re gonna regret being so difficult,” he mumbled, you scrunching your eyebrows together curiously, unsure of what he meant by that. Before you could respond, however, he added, “also, I’m always hot.”
Laughing loudly, you slapped the backpack he carried, not close enough to him to hit his arm like you normally would. “Stop,” you whined through your chuckles, dragging the word out. “I can’t walk and laugh this much at the same time,” you whined, Jungkook looking back at you.
“So I’m hot and funny,” he smirked proudly. “Good to know.”
“Shush,” you smiled, Jungkook letting out a short laugh as he turned back around and walked a little faster, you groaning to yourself. “But yes, you are,” you called out to him, smiling at his lack of response, knowing he was wearing a bashful giddy grin.
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After at least a half hour more of hiking, Jungkook finally halted, looking around his surroundings. Sliding his backpack off his shoulders slightly, you sighed in relief. “We made it?” You asked, your boyfriend looking at you, his guilty smile beaming at you.
“Ok, that was my bad, I didn’t realize the incline was quite that steep,” he chuckled bashfully. “But yes, we made it.”
You simply laughed, making your way to him and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. Kissing him softly, Jungkook’s arms easily draped around your waist as he graciously responded to the kiss.
“I hope you know you’re the only one I would go on a hike like this for,” you mumbled against his mouth, Jungkook giggling before stealing one more kiss.
“I’m very honored,” he joked, but something about the way he spoke the words expressed a sincerity that made your heart race.
Stepping across the plateau, you turned your attention toward the lookout in which a stunning view of the forest and faraway mountainscapes were visible under the rising golden rays. “Wow,” you awed, appreciating the view for a moment. “This is so pretty,” you nodded to the overlook just as Jungkook appeared behind you. Placing his chin against your shoulder, he peered at your face. “Did you want to get up here in time for the sunrise?” You asked in sudden realization, Jungkook smiling softly with a cute nod.
Pouting at him, your eyes scanned his features, their proximity allowing you to fully appreciate their beauty. “That’s so fucking sweet,” you told him, hoping he felt your gratitude for his spontaneous date plans. “I guess the hike could have been worse,” you teased, Jungkook chuckling as he kissed your cheek.
Turning to face him, you quickly placed a kiss to the tip of his nose, making him crinkle it cutely. “I really do love you,” he told you as he brought his mouth to yours. “So much.”
“Ditto, baby,” you joked, Jungkook laughing as he leaned his forehead against yours.
“You can sit over there,” he slightly nodded toward to his left. “You brat,” he added just before leaving one last peck to your lips. Smiling at him, you watched as he pulled away from you and stepped toward the spot he wanted you to sit.
“What did you bring up here anyway?” You asked curiously, watching him as he crouched down next to the backpack and unzipped it.
“Surprises,” he smirked, teasing you with anticipation as you sat down next to him.
Watching him curiously for a moment, you appreciated the way his fringe was hung in his eyes just slightly, the man’s handsome features radiating under the warm glow of the day’s new sun. He was gorgeous as he chewed on the inside of his cheek before swiping his tongue over his bottom lip.
Jungkook looked up at you to catch you staring, you smirking as you quickly set your attention back to the scenic view, though you preferred your previous view of Jungkook. Smiling at your antics, Jungkook shook his head before looking back down at the bag.
“You know I love you, baby,” you assured him, responding properly and sincerely to his earlier confession. “More than life itself.”
Looking up at you to see you turning back to meet his gaze, he smiled appreciatively. Because as his fingers felt over the velvet ring box inside the bag, that assurance of your genuine love for him meant more than you could ever know in that moment.
When you turned back to watch the sun, he quickly slipped the ring box into his pants pocket before lifting out a bottle of wine with two plastic wine glasses from the bag.
“Ta-da!” He cheered, your eyes widening at him as you saw the alcohol.
“Wine at 6 am?” You questioned with a massive smile. “Scandalous.”
“We’re on vacation,” he reminded you with a grin.
Taking for one of the plastic glasses from him, you shrugged. “Points were made,” you smirked, holding the glass out to him, and nodding at it.
“Oh wait, wait, look at this,” he said excitedly before twisting the cap off the bottle with an exaggerated “ahhh”. “Twist off,” he nodded cockily at you. “I came prepared.”
“You’re such a dork,” you giggled happily as he began pouring the drink into your glass. “Impressive though,” you added. “Your preparedness is very sexy,” you flirted, watching as your boyfriend’s eyes sparkled as he poured his own glass.
“Is it?” He asked, flickering his gaze toward you in a sultry, attractive kind of way that had your abdomen twisting in excitement, the man staring at you through his fringe. Taking a sip of the wine, you prepared to flirt back, however, you got distracted by the way the sexy intensity in his orbs melted into a fond affection, dripping in tenderness as he took in your features as if it was the first time he’d ever seen you.
Biting your bottom lip, you held back a grin as you cocked your head to the side just slightly. “You’re really amazing, do you know that?” You spoke softly, your tone coated with warmth and so much fucking love.
“I try to be for you,” he whispered back, your lips quirking upward as you gently shook your head.
“I know that, baby, but that’s not what I mean. You just are amazing, all the time. It’s who you are,” you assured him.  
Licking his lips, he smiled bashfully. “Thank you,” he appreciated quietly. Setting his glass down, he sat down next to you and unraveled your crossed legs, draping them over his lap. “You know, I’m supposed to be the one making you swoon,” he pointed out, you giggling as you brought your hand to his face, pushing his fringe off his forehead slightly.
“Am I making you swoon right now?” You asked him, brushing your fingers through his strands.
Nodding, he confirmed. “You’re kind of stealing my thunder,” he cutely complained.
“Aw,” you cooed teasingly. “I’m sorry baby, I can’t help it.” The man watched you closely for a moment as you continued to run your fingers through his hair gently. “I love your hair this length, by the way,” you told him with a small smile.
“Thank you,” he chuckled, “stop flattering me,” he complained cutely. Giggling at him, he shook his head, feigning annoyance. “I’ll just have to out-romance you,” he joked, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your cheek. Laughing at the silly comment, you wrapped your arm around the back of his neck.
“You’ve already made me hike a mountain in the early morning just to feed me wine before breakfast,” you raised your glass to him, “and watch this beautiful sunrise together,” you nodded to the lookout. “How could you possible make this any more romantic?” You questioned with a smile.
Jungkook suddenly took the glass from you gently, making you pull your eyebrows together in question. “Hey,” you complained, Jungkook chuckling as he set it on the ground next to his.
“I have something to ask you,” he informed you, your eyebrows raising in response, your expression changing immediately as you studied his features.  
“Is everything ok?” You asked nervously, exhaling as he nodded in assurance. You curiously watched him as he dug inside his pocket, but before you could question him further, he pulled out the ring box and looked into your eyes.
Slowly coming to realization of what he was holding and what was happening, your eyes bounced back and forth between his own orbs and the small object in his hands.
“Wait,” you smiled, still wrapping your mind around the current situation. “Really?” You asked stunned, Jungkook smiling at you in amusement. “Wait really?!” You blurted out again. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this is why we- oh my god, Jeongguk.”
Your boyfriend chuckled fondly as he called out, your name, trying to get your focus.
“You should have told me to shut the fuck up earlier when I was complaining, oh my god,” you squealed, causing Jungkook to laugh further.
“Baby,” he called to you as you directed your eyes on the still unopened box.
“Baby, if that’s not what I think it is then you need to tell me right now because I am making an absolute fool out of myself,” you warned him, Jungkook opening the box in response to confirm that it was indeed an engagement ring.
“Holy fuck,” you breathed out, “shit I’m still talking, do you want me to shut up now?”
“I mean I don’t want you to shut up but like, I do want to propose to you,” he giggled, a shy smile appearing on your face just before you covered your mouth with your hand to show him you were being quiet.
“Proceed,” you mumbled through your palm, Jungkook laughing again at your antics.
“I had a whole speech prepared and now I hardly remember a fucking thing,” he scoffed at himself as he shook his head, you giggling at him, ducking your head to catch his gaze.
“Take all the time you need,” you told him softly with a small nod, your boyfriend, soon to be fiancé, exhaling slowly. As Jungkook prepared to speak, tears gathered in his eyes making butterflies flutter throughout your frame because of course your sweet, loving, sensitive Jungkook would cry when proposing.
“You make me want to be a better man every single day,” he told you, your own eyes becoming misty as you focused on his face intently. “And you inspire me every day, and you fill every day with so much love,” he continued, your heart racing at his words, and the sincerity in which he spoke them. “Life moves so fast sometimes, but you slow it all down and make me feel it,” he confessed, a tear spilling over your lash line, you quickly wiping it away as you and Jungkook both smiled. “I just want you forever and ever,” he told you sincerely as one of his own tears dropped onto his cheek. Before he could wipe it away himself, you reached for his cheek and swiped your thumb over the damp spot.
Leaving your hand to softly hold his face, you both grinned. “Will you marry me?” He asked you, you giggling instantly.
“Of course I will,” you told him, gently soothing your thumb overtop his cheek. Jungkook leaned toward your hand, pressing his lips to the inside of your wrist, letting his lips linger there for a moment. Pulling the ring out of the box, he wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled your hand from his face so he could slide the ring onto your finger. As you looked down at the jewelry, Jungkook was staring at you. “It’s beautiful,” you complimented his ring choice. “I love it,” you smiled, looking up to meet his gaze full of relief, and anticipation, and excitement.
You both leaned into a kiss, your hands intertwined, the metal of the ring pressed up against Jungkook’s hands that always carried the weight of the world for you. As you smiled into the kiss, Jungkook did too, both of you losing your composures as you fell into giggles.
“Is this real?” You squealed in excitement, Jungkook dropping his forehead to your shoulder as he yelled out in relief.
“You’re scary to propose to,” he admitted, you scoffing. “No really, that was the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” he looked up at you to see you gawking at him.
“That’s so ridiculous, in what world would I ever turn you down?” You questioned, shaking your head.  
Appearing bashful, he sighed. “I wasn’t worried about you turning me down, I just, I wanted it to be perfect.”
Watching him fondly, your heart filled with all that affection you had felt for him for the several years you had known him. That deep consideration for you, the love he made sure you felt daily, the way he always prioritized your wants and needs above everything else were all the reasons why marrying him was the most obvious and easy thing to do.
“It was absolute perfection, Baby,” you assured him truthfully. “I can’t wait to hubby you up,” you told him with an adoring smile, watching as his eyes crinkled in the corners in the cutest way.
Bringing his lips to yours again, you both lost yourselves in each other, the sunrise becoming nothing but a backdrop to the perfect scene you and Jungkook were.
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bitterrsweetss · 3 years
hi! could i request a oneshot for asahi x female reader where she is self conscious because she is plus-sized and feels like she isn't good enough for him?
of course, of course !! thank you for requesting, and have a nice day. gosh i love requests. 
just the way you are
fem! reader x asahi azumane
a/n: shitty title, i know, i know
the dress (creds to nordstrom)
it was no secret you were dating azumane asahi. everyone knew, from the new first years to the third year students waiting their last year of high school out. almost everyone was extremely supportive of your relationship, but something always felt off.
to you, asahi was extremely handsome. he was strong, sweet, and generous among so many other things. he even was a regular on the volleyball team. and you were just, you. plain old y/n, plus sized, slightly ugly, heavy and just far from perfect. far from perfect, and just not good enough for the angel of your boyfriend.
asahi had asked you out (with a lot of support from nishinoya and tanaka) and the start of this year and your relationship was still relatively new. he hadn’t even told you that he loved you yet.
honestly, you had zero idea why he would like you. was it a dare? how could he even find anything attractive about your body? he had told you how beautiful you were before, but had his perspective changed since then? was he just saying it for the sake of saying it?
these thoughts rushed through your head daily. a small, but strong voice was stuck in your head. “you aren’t good enough for him. you’re too heavy, too ugly, and he is too perfect for you.”
you had tried losing weight multiple times, but absolutely nothing worked. from going on a diet, to a strict exercise regime, you had tried it all. it was as if you were condemned to live a life like that forever. 
every day you felt ugly. you watched from your seat as your classmates walked around during lunch to talk to their friends, eating whatever they wanted without fear of gaining too much weight. the girls were slim and tall, with pretty hair and clear skin. again you thought of yourself. you just weren’t good enough.
for years and years all these heavy thoughts had weighed you down inside, but you rarely told people. they just wouldn’t understand.
asahi liked to watch you from his seat in the one class the two of you shared. you shifted slightly, disgusted at how heavy you felt, but you didn’t know he still thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever met. i mean, he was in love with you since year 2, of course, he would think you were beautiful. and you were. 
he loved the way your eyes shone when you talked about something you loved, and the way you frowned when you concentrated. he loved your curves, your fats, and your ugly. only, to him, it was all beauty. he loved the way you stood up to give an old lady your seat, the way you rushed to hold the lift door open or volunteered to help your teachers carry books. he liked your eyes and every single pimple on your face, how your hand felt when he held it, and every single hug you gave him and the dimples that littered your cheeks whenever you lit up with joy.
because all those things made you, you, and he was just so irresistibly, madly in love with you and everything that made you, you. which included whatever part of you that you hated, be it your double chins, large thighs, or the cellulites on your stomach.
it was just another sunny afternoon, and you had agreed to go out on a date with him again. he always made you so happy and special, and whenever you were with him, you suddenly felt like you were a queen, and he, your king. yet those thoughts never helped to curb the little voice that was convinced you just weren’t good enough, and that sooner or later you would be dumped and single once more. 
you stared in the mirror for the hundredth time that night, spinning around to check how you looked in that dress. it was a beautiful dress,but somehow you felt like it didn’t fit on your body. (a/n: change the dress if you would prefer another, i just found this and thought it was cool aaa) it wasn’t because it was too tight or too loose, you just didn’t like it. you didn’t like the way it made you look, you.
the moment your eyes met, he could immediately tell something was wrong. the usually happy love of his life seemed down, and he didn’t wait to ask if there was anything wrong.
it was as if a switch in you had flipped, and you spewed out all your concerns and all your insecurities to him while he listened closely. you had expected him to be slightly disgusted, or not bother, but what you didn’t expect was for him to envelope you in a hug while you sobbed your eyes out.
“y/n... i didn’t know you felt that way! oh, sweetheart...” soothing pats on your back and a warm heart instantly made you feel a million times better.
“sweetheart,” he looked you in the eye. “you’re so beautiful to me, and i mean it. you don’t have to change yourself, and i’m not going to break up with you just because of that! i love everything about you even if you don’t!” 
it must have been a slightly comical sight for passerby’s, watching a man try and comfort his sobbing girlfriend, but to you, it meant the world. to finally be comforted by him after spilling your deepest, darkest thoughts.
he kissed your forehead. “i know it may be really fast, but i really love you. and you’re so much better than me, never think you’re not good enough.” you sniffled. “really?” “yes! you’re so kind, so amazing, and i love how you look, every single inch of your body!” “i love you too...”
that night, after your date, you were sent a long, extensive list of all the things he loved about you. and for the first time in a long while, you felt so overwhelmed with love and joy and you just HAD to cry. the list stretched from your dimples to how you talked to a little kid, from how you helped an old woman to how he loved holding your hand, and it was the first time anyone had made you feel so safe, and you were convinced you were in love and he loved you, and the little voice was silenced for the first time.
from that day onwards, he told you daily that he loved you, just the way you are.
it wasn’t the last time you had to face that little voice, but now it just felt better because you had someone you loved who loved you endlessly, to face it with you.
a/n: gosh, 1k plus words! by the way, i saw a while back (or very long ago, i don’t know) that after the timeskip, when asahi becomes an apparel designer, he designs clothes for his plus sized girlfriend who wants to wear fashionable clothes but the stores don’t have it in her size. i just thought that was really cute and wanted to say aaaa
anyways, i hope you liked the oneshot ! i had a lot of fun writing it. remember that you are beautful and amazing, and thank you again for requesting. have a good day/night!
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NO REQUESTS FOR STRAY KIDS OR NCT??? HERE I AM. Well more for Stray Kids cause I don't really now NCT that well 😂 I actually just got a reaaally random idea for a reaction?? Do you do them? I guess I saw it in your masterlists but I'm not sure, if not then maybe you can just do something else with that idea idk do whatever inspires you?? 😅 Can you write their reactions to their s/o not liking to be taken in photo? Like they hate taking poses and selfies are their nightmare? And they always find a way to make weird faces or hide their face whenever they're being photographed? (I always do that and it makes my mom and close friends getting insane 😂) First random request, thank you so much already! As always I love your blog a lot 🥰 (omg that ask is so long sorry for that 😅)
Hahaha yesss!!! Finally a request for a reaction 😆 I’ve wanted to write one for so long but no one has asked for it until now. Thanks so much!! 💕💕
Stray Kids | Their S/O hates having their photo taken
{Stray Kids Masterlist}
-Bang Chan-
Chan would notice it right away
He loves taking pictures and videos of his S/O, so this habit of theirs would drive him insane
He at first wouldn’t think much of it and brush the subject off a bit
But after seeing them do it more often, he would get a bit upset
Like he wants nothing more than to take a cute picture with his S/O
He would be afraid that they were feeling insecure about themselves and always reassure them that they’re gorgeous/handsome
He would get so happy though if he takes a photo without them hiding their face/pulling a silly face
Would gush for ages about how pretty they look
“Oh my god you’re so gorgeous/handsome in this photo, baby look!” “No! I don’t want to see it!” “Pleeeeeeease!”
*rest is under the cut
-Lee Know-
Minho’s a little bit of a cheeky bean, so he would tease his S/O about it
Would take sneaky pictures of them so they wouldn’t notice and show them later
Sometimes he would do it just to annoy them, but a lot of the time he literally would just want cute photos of his S/O
Because as much as he would love the silly and stupid photos, he would love to capture them just doing normal things
Probably would have a little album in his phone
The only time his S/O would notice is when they see that his background is a sweet picture of them napping
“When did you take that!?” “The other day~” “Delete it!” “But you look so peaceful and cuddly!”
Would start some friendly arguments a lot of the time
l feel like he wouldn’t really care for photos that much
Like yeah, having selfies and videos of his S/O is cool, but he just prefers to be with them in the moment
Honestly they would just be laughing and having too much fun to be taking photos
But if the subject was to come up, he would be so comforting and chill about it, not making it a big deal
“It’s fine not liking your photo taken. Not a lot of people do.”
But if they were to send him a random selfie or picture of themselves, he would literally flip
Lots and lots of heart eye emojis and praise, feeling so happy that they felt comfortable enough to do that
I feel like Hyunjin would have trouble understanding why they hide their face
Always thinks they’re joking around and trying to be funny, so he would brush it off as a joke
But when he wants to take a cute selfie together and they get shy and hide their appearance, it would make him a bit upset
He would take it the wrong way and think that his S/O doesn’t want a picture with him
He’s a drama queen, so he would pout and whine about it
“Please just one!” “No! I look ugly!” “No you don’t at all! Just pLEASE-”
They’d have to eventually give in because he wouldn’t give up
Absolutely cherishes their selfies though
Would print them out and hang them on his wall to look at
Han at times can be a little bit of a shy bean as well, so I think he would relate to his S/O’s habit
He would respect their wishes for not wanting to be photographed without them knowing
He’s not fussed about not having many photos of them
But he would literally hate it if they spoke badly about themselves after seeing a picture of them
Like full scolding mother mode
“Don’t say that about yourself! It makes me annoyed and sad!”
He wants them to feel loved and valid 24/7, so he’d always be reassuring them that they shouldn’t feel shy around cameras because they have so much beauty
Very sweet and sensitive boy
He’d be upset about it if anything
Would enjoy having funny photos of them both, but sometimes he just feels soft and wants to take one of them sleeping or when they’re out on a date together
He understands that his S/O doesn’t like photos, but would try to convince them in the nicest way possible
“Just one. We don’t have to post it or anything, I just want it to remind me of our fun day together.”
He can sometimes get a little bit insecure about himself, so sometimes he would also hate having his photo taken when he’s not feeling his best
So him and his S/O would relate to each other about it
Funny photos are more fun anyway, so he would love it when they pull stupid faces
He would tease his S/O about it as well, thinking that they’re dumb for believing they’re photogenic enough
He’s very brutally honest, so he’d question it as soon as he noticed
“Why do you do that? You literally have no reason to hide your face so it’s pointless.”
He would laugh at the situation though
Like he finds it funny to see photos of his S/O trying to hide behind him or pulling a stupid face
If he wants a cute photo though and his S/O ran away, he would chase them and tackle them for it, probably ending with a funny forced picture anyway
“Haha never mind, this one’s better than a cute selfie.”
He’s kind of awkward with photos himself I think
So him and his S/O would just collectively agree not to take sneaky photos
If his S/O wanted a picture together, they would have to be the one to ask for it
They would rarely take photos I feel
Like maybe a few when on dates but that would literally be it
So his S/O wouldn’t have to worry about their habit
Jeongin would probably get a bit confused about it if he does notice something
But he wouldn’t approach them about it, thinking it’s not a big deal
Although he would love his S/O’s smile, so seeing a normal picture of them would always make him happy and giddy
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry if this isn’t that good! It’s my first reaction so I’ll probably get the hang of it as I do more ❤
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jalapeno-princess · 3 years
Kiss Me More
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word count: 6.1K
Genre: Very fluffy smut
Warning: Some sexy time in there nothing too extreme (hehehe...or is there?)
Summary: You were confident in the fact that your sex life with Mark was very exciting, wild and fun to say the least. In more or less words, it was perfect. Just your relationship in general was the kind that many people around you would be the envy of. It’s been four years since you began dating and you could honestly say it has been the best four years of your life so far because of him. He was the best boyfriend you could possibly ask for; kind, funny, gentle, considerate, soft-spoken, generous and extremely handsome. He took really good care of you and it was obvious by both his actions and his words that he was madly in love with you. As the two of you are coming down from your sex highs, you grow curious as to why once your love making sessions were over, so is the intimacy. Surely, your boyfriend has his reasons for not kissing you for too much longer as you’re about to go to bed. Right?
A/N: Based on the song “Kiss Me More” by Doja Cat and Sza. I am obsessed with this song and I knew I had to write something based on it so I hope you all enjoy! (I don’t really care for how the ending turned out but whatever).
We hug and yes, we make love And always just say "Goodnight" (la-la-la-la-la) And we cuddle, sure I do love it But I need your lips on mine
Can you kiss me more? We're so young, boy We ain't got nothin' to lose, oh, oh It's just principle Baby, hold me 'Cause I like the way you groove, oh, oh
Boy, you write your name, I can do the same Ooh, I love the taste, la-la-la-la All on my tongue, I want it (la-la-la-la) Boy, you write your name, I can do the same Ooh, I love the taste, la-la-la-la-la All on my tongue, I want it
“Ah—shit, shit—baby, I’m going to need you to slow down. Please—we have the whole night, I just—y/n—fuck. You’re so fucking sexy—“ Against your boyfriend’s pleas, you only sped up your pace to rile him more than he already was. 
“The whole night? We’ve been at this for three hours baby. I think I’m gonna tap out here soon. Aren’t you tired?” 
The devilish grin that immediately rose on his face at your confession confirmed that no—he was not tired or if he was, he still had enough energy to keep pumping in to you. You were currently bouncing on his cock; sinking up and down on him like it was your life duty to do so. 
Your walls were clenched around him deliciously; his hardened length filled you up to the hilt with every thrust. The tip grazed along your nub; flicking it with every pump and it was quickly driving you to the brink of insanity. Honestly, you didn’t think you’d find yourself in this position tonight. 
The two of you were exhausted beyond belief; you were at school since six in the morning up until four in the afternoon earlier today. You had finished two midterms and one very important exam you’ve been studying almost an entire month for. Tired wasn’t even a good enough word to describe your current state. 
Your boyfriend was just as much in bad shape as you were. His boss had him doing multiple errands today on top of completing his own assigned work. He only arrived home a little over an hour ago. When you heard the front door of your shared apartment gently open, you had to prevent yourself from running towards him and embracing him with all the power you had in your tiny body. 
You were confident that he was probably worn out and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. From previous experiences, sometimes your boyfriend would go straight to bed upon arrival—being too fatigued to care about eating or taking a shower even. 
Although you were just as tired and in more or less words; overworked to the bone, seeing your boyfriend slumped while his dark circles grew more and more prominent every day, you mustered up enough energy to iron his clothes for the next day, prepare the clothes he’d wear to sleep, pack him a lunch and even get some of his toiletries ready if he felt like wanting to rinse off just a bit. 
To your surprise, as soon as he made his way towards you—before you could even open your mouth to ask your boyfriend how his day was, his pretty, heart-shaped lips that you loved so much were fervently smashed against yours. He gave you no time in preparing yourself for what was to come next before he roughly grabbed you at your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
His mouth never left yours as he led the two of you to your shared bedroom. It boggled your mind that he was giving you his full attention; gnawing and sucking on your lips while he carried you to the room without bumping in to anything or tripping on the rug. Maybe he’s gotten used to doing so since the two of you have been in this exact same scenario more times than you can count on both hands. 
There were so many thoughts running through your mind and questions on the tip of your tongue—concerning the sudden affection and lust he was currently showing you, but whatever you wanted to ask him no longer mattered the second he shoved his tongue down your throat and squeezed both your ass cheeks before slapping them hard. 
“Mark—babe is everything okay—“
“Work was shit—complete and utter shit. I missed you so fucking much like I do every single day I’m at that shithole and so I logged on to Snapchat and to my surprise—and delight, my beautiful girlfriend sent me a few snaps of her pretty outfit today. Don’t play innocent baby, you knew exactly what you were doing as soon as you hit send. You are well aware of the fact that I was seconds away from calling in sick this morning and fucking you in to oblivion right against the kitchen counter when you walked out in to the living room. Ah—there was so many things I wanted to say. Don’t get me wrong, you look breathtakingly beautiful in every single thing that you wear, but my dress shirt and that pencil skirt that hugs you in all the right places and leaves little to the imagination? Tsk tsk—it’s like you wanted me to rearrange your guts tonight.” 
You looked at him in curiosity; it took you a few moments to pin point exactly what photos he was referring to. Since you were so busy today, you completely forgot about sneaking to the bathroom and taking a few pictures of yourself. This last week has been extremely busy for both you and your boyfriend—and so the thought of being intimate with him felt like a fever dream. 
Sex with Mark had to be one of your favorite activities not only as a couple, but just in general. One thing about the older boy that you admired was the fact that he was very talented in each and every single thing he put his mind in to. Baseball, volleyball, football, golf, tennis, soccer, martial arts—it wasn’t even only sports. 
Mark was exceptionally intelligent; he was one of the only people you knew that was good at both reading and math. He also could finish a Rubik’s cube in under two minutes which was quite the impossible task. Every single thing your boyfriend did never failed to impress you. However, you felt as though he was the best at blowing your mind in more ways than one. 
The older boy was extremely generous; he always bought you cute little gifts that reminded him of you, he’d pay for every single date against your pleas no matter where the two of you would go, he’d sacrifice his time and work his schedule around yours so he could pick you up and drop you off wherever you needed to go. When it came to the bedroom, he always put you and your needs first. Mark always made it his main priority to make sure you came first, that you were genuinely having a good time and overall he wanted to do whatever he possibly could to make you comfortable. 
Some days, he’d be so focused on eating you out that he found pleasure and got his full strictly by sucking on your pussy. If you were having a rough day, he’d prepare you a bath and get you all your favorite snacks in attempts of cheering you up but not before finding his place in between your thighs and dragging his tongue along your slit faster than you could actually handle. Mark was the king of overstimulation; one of his kinks was driving you crazy and not giving you a chance to do anything about it. 
He was extremely good at sex— and his body was handcrafted by God. Every single thing about him was annoyingly perfect; he wasn’t the most muscular man but he wasn’t exactly skinny either. He had just the right amount of muscle, a six pack and he was well endowed. Although you considered penises very unattractive before you met Mark, something about his was so pretty and it always made your mouth water. 
You weren’t sure if you preferred having it buried deep inside of your cunt, or filling up your throat—both felt so phenomenal. Out of all the positions you and Mark experimented in during your four year relationship, your favorites had to be doggy, missionary and the one you were currently in right now. In most of your love making sessions, Mark took the lead and dominated you—not that you ever objected. 
A dominant Mark—degrading, rough, animalistic was the sexiest Mark—well, next to jealous and overprotective which usually led to the passionate and extremely freaky sex the two of you’d have. But there were times where you would take control because Mark was the definition of a switch; and something about him submitting to you and whatever you told him to always sent your mind in a frenzy.
Mark was very vocal about how he came faster whenever you would find yourself riding him specifically because watching your breasts bounce, getting to see your gorgeous face and observing your pussy swallow his cock whole—your juices coating his entire length, the sensation was lethal. His hands gripped on your waist all but gently; you might have been the one on top but your boyfriend was a powerbottom. He never allowed you to do things on your own, especially during sex. 
“Nope. I’m like the energizer bunny whenever we make love. In fact, I could probably fuck you for a solid four more hours. I know sex isn’t everything in a relationship and there are so many other things I love to do with you—but damn, you’re a fucking dream y/n. We have sex almost every single day and it always feels like the first time. If you’re exhausted baby, you can get off. As much as I particularly enjoy and get off on the feeling of your ass clapping against my balls, I’m sure it’s pretty tiring.” 
You had to stifle back a laugh at his choice of words; when the two of you first became intimate with one another, there was a lot of laughter and playful banter in the duration of your sexy time to which you didn’t think was normal. Then again, your relationship with Mark was never normal from the start. Your relationship was the envy of a lot of the people around you. 
It’s been over four years yet somehow—maybe it was the deep, passionate love you held for one another, but you were still surprisingly in the honeymoon stage. Neither you or Mark could get enough of each other. Sometimes, whenever the two of you would tumble in to bed together, some jokes, corny pickup lines and even riddles would be thrown in while Mark would be railing you and on some occasions, he’d say things at the wrong time, but you still had so much fun nonetheless. 
“I’m not too tired, I just don’t want to be immobile for the next week. My thighs are jelly and I have work in the morning. I’ve called out three times already in the last month because you fulfill your promises of wrecking me and I’m sure my boss is aware of the fact that it’s not possible for me to get food poisoning that many times within days of each other—“
“I mean, I have no regrets honestly and if I remember correctly, you’re always the one telling me to “go faster” and to “fuck me harder daddy”—ow! What? I’m just stating the facts—“
“I know, but it sounds weird when you say it.” 
He playfully rolled his eyes before stealing a sloppy kiss from the corner of your mouth and motioned for you to get off of him. As much as you were reveling in his many wanton noises and lustful facial expressions, you could feel your legs giving out and you were in no position to be calling out sick again. At least not for another week or two. You let out a whine at the feeling of him slowly pulling out of you; you weren’t ashamed to say you were a huge fan of how it felt to be full of your boyfriend’s cock. 
Cock warming was another favorite kink of yours. Mark on the other hand, would have to mentally prepare a few minutes prior to staying inside of you. It was hard for him to stay idle—he’s told you this many times. As much as he wanted to do whatever you asked of him and wanted to please you no matter what it was you desired, the feeling of your tight, wet and warm walls clenching around him was too much. He allowed it to happen, but not for too long. He could be the one to tap out, but a couple minutes of cockwarming could lead to another round of sex and in many cases; it did.
“What a baby, can’t even go a couple of seconds without my dick inside of her—“
“Shut up, I can go in to the bathroom and finish myself off if I wanted to—“
“We all know your fingers aren’t enough to get you seeing stars princess. And that stupid dildo you bought when I was away in Taiwan last year can’t do shit for you either.” 
Thankfully, he didn’t take too long in throwing you against the bed and lining himself back at your entrance. You were seeping of your essence at this point and he swiped himself along your folds so that it would be easier for him to slip back inside. He brought his face up to your ear and his breath was hot against your jaw as he leaned in to whisper naughty words that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head in pleasure. 
“Only I can bring you to sheer ecstasy. Only I can get you to see white—only I can get your head spinning. My fingers; we both know how much my fingers are one of your favorite body parts of mine.” He wrapped one hand around your neck gently, making sure to glide his thumb along your pressure point while swiping some of your juices with his index finger and bringing it up to your mouth. 
“Taste yourself baby. I want you to experience the euphoria I go through whenever I eat out this pretty cunt of yours. Well—back to what I was saying, my tongue, I know exactly how to use it as we make out, when I suck on this pretty little neck of yours or when I suck the life out of your pussy—so even if you were to finger yourself like the dirty girl you are, you’ll never reach the mind blowing orgasm only I can give to you. Now, I think it’s time I teach you a lesson for speaking out against me.” 
You bit your lip in anticipation for the excitement that was to come; whenever Mark would get jealous or whenever you were bratty and went against whatever he commanded you to do, that’s when he would fuck your brains out. How the two of you were still going at it with such a rapid and forceful pace had yet to really process completely in your mind, but you didn’t question it. A muttered groan fell from both your lips and his as soon as he found his place back inside of you. 
Immediately, he placed his face in the crook of your neck for what you were accustomed to him trying his best not to moan loudly. He dragged his teeth along the juncture of your nape before sinking his teeth in and leaving a dark love bite in its wake. 
You swatted his arm once you felt the spot begin to throb. Sure, you found it extremely sexy whenever he’d mark his territory because it proved just how possessive and overprotective he was over you but at the same time, hickeys were difficult to cover up and you were confident the purple mark would be on display for your professors, classmates, coworkers, boss and clients to see. 
“Sorry baby, I couldn’t help myself—I’ll help you put some makeup on it tomorrow. It’s just that—ugh, how the fuck are you always so damn tight? We have sex on a daily basis, you should be stretched out by now.”
“You men obviously don’t understand the anatomy of a woman. You’re lucky you’re attractive and very sweet, you’re lacking intelligence—“
“Just fuck me already asshole.” 
You didn’t have to ask him twice. He went straight in to ramming his cock in and out of you. There was no time to be soft or gentle; the two of you were just moments away from your releases. You preferred the softness and romanticism that came with making love, but right now all you could think about was how amazing it felt when the tip of his cock reached your cervix. 
“So fucking good.” 
Your breasts were bouncing up and down with every thrust and to your delight, your boyfriend cupped one of your mounds in his hand; flicking your nipple all but gently and earning himself the sexiest growl he’s ever heard in his life. He wrapped his lips around your other breast and swirled his tongue around your nipple—bringing the nub in between his teeth and nibbling on it. 
“Such pretty titties—so soft, so big—your body belongs in an art museum. You’re a masterpiece. Everything about you—I can’t even wrap my head around your beauty. You’re really a sight for sore eyes you know that?” 
Slowly, you shaking my brought your palm up to his face and cupped his cheek feather lightly. You brought your free hand in to his hair and softly tugged at his curly, brown locks. 
“I—I love you Mark—“
“Mmm—I love you more baby girl. So much more. Every time you say those three words, I feel like a little kid who’s crush complimented his outfit. You do wonders on my heart. What did I do to deserve you?” 
Out of no where, he lifted up one of your legs and placed it on his shoulder. This position allowed him to reach deeper inside of you which you didn’t even know there was more of you for him to reach. 
“Shit—shit, just like that Mark—“
“You like that baby?” 
You nodded in agreement fervently; he needed to know the effect that this position was having on you. Something about having him on top of you, even if missionary was a position that most people considered boring and ordinary—you felt like you were going to burst in to flames at any moment. The sound of his pelvis clapping against your ass cheeks sounded off throughout the room. It only heightened the sexual desire that already filled up the atmosphere. His grip on your lower waist tightened as the two of you grew closer and closer to your ends. 
“So tight—so wet—so perfect and all mine.” 
He brought your other leg up on to his shoulder and you could fill your orgasm right at the edge. A loud moan fell from his lips and he tried to conceal it by smashing his mouth against yours, but you only felt the vibration on your tongue as he hummed in contentment. 
“Mark—I can’t—it’s too much—“
“I know baby, I know. I’m almost there too. Can you hold on for just a little longer?” 
With all the energy you could muster, you nodded against his chest and allowed him to reconnect your lips together; his speed was relentless and with the way the bed was creaking, you knew that there was a huge chance it would break soon and you would get yet another noise complaint. Probably the seventh one in the last month. You were secretly hoping that he was closer than you were and that he was only holding on as long as possible so you both could continue your late night romp. 
Your boyfriend was a nymphomaniac; sex might not have been the most important part of your relationship, but after a long, stressful day at work, he found relief in releasing his anger and frustration on your body. Making love was even better—but it didn’t matter how the two of you were intimate, just having your skin against his and your tongue battling for dominance with his, the sensation never failed to turn his sour mood in to a much happier and lighter one. 
He was happiest being one with you. Just by the way he let go of your hips to intertwine your hands together, you were confident that he was about to cum. Whenever he was at his end, he’d stop whatever he was doing to hold your hands and leaned back so that he could get a better look at you. Seeing your fucked out state; sweat dripping down your neck and chest, cheeks flushed with warmth, hair sticking to your forehead, mouth gasping for air—knowing that he was the cause behind your beautiful glow, it brought him confidence and glee. 
Soon, you were being filled with his warm creamy liquid in spurts—the sensation of being full of his sperm was one that you still haven’t gotten used to. It was just that mind blowing. Your orgasm followed in suit just seconds after. It felt like a tidal wave swallowing you whole, you were drowning but in the best way. It was hard to describe; but it was a high you never wanted to come down from. You were speechless; there were no words to describe just how on top of the world you were currently feeling. 
Mark called it a sex high. Whenever you and your boyfriend would find yourselves tangled in the sheets, you felt like you were in another world. Maybe it was just a high off of Mark himself. He was hot; there was no doubt about it and honestly you could stare at him all day if time permitted you to. For a couple of minutes, there was a peaceful silence.
All you wanted to do was calm your rapid heartbeat and to get your breathing under control. Mark’s heart pounded against your chest and his dick that was once hard as a rock was now soft and limp inside of your cavern—neither of you moved; he was pressed up against your breasts and his head was smashed up along your collarbone. Your mind was too hazy to really feel the stickiness of his sweaty body, but if this were under different circumstances you probably would’ve pushed him off. 
Less than five minutes later, Mark leaned back enough so that he had a better view to look at you. He gently brushed back some of your hair and glided his thumb along your cheek—bringing it down to your bottom lip. The soft smile he was giving you as you placed a kiss amongst the calloused digit sent electricity through your veins. In times like these; where you were bare, not just physically but spiritually and mentally and in the comfort of your boyfriends arms, you always felt so safe—so at ease, so serene, so loved. 
You might have just did something so naughty, yet you couldn’t help but blush timidly. No matter how many times the two of you relished in your love for one another, you always felt so shy with his wandering eyes gazing all along your body. Even if he’s seen you naked at least a hundred times, you still found yourself turning red under his stare. 
A few sweet kisses were placed against your mouth as what you assumed was a distraction because as he began to nibble on your bottom lip, he slowly pulled himself out from your slick walls. The two of you groaned at the feeling of emptiness; you gave him a glare—upset that he pulled out so soon especially since you told him earlier that you were in the mood for cockwarming. 
“I know, I’m sorry baby. I just want to clean you up and get us ready for bed. I think your pussy puts me to sleep a lot more often now. But if you want to take a bath, I can go prepare one for you—“ 
Something about the thought of fucking Mark to exhaustion made you giggle. Especially because moments ago, he was wanting to continue having sex for much longer. “No, I don’t think I can walk you asshole. I’ll just take one in the morning before my shift. But thank you. Am I wearing you out Tuan?”
“Yes and I’m not afraid to admit it. I think five orgasms in less than two hours would do that to someone. You’re so fucking sexy and so damn good to me there’s no point in trying to conceal my feelings for the sake of my pride. I’d shout it at the top of my lungs if I had to—I’m completely whipped for you and I have every intention on keeping it that way for the rest of our lives. Now, I’ll be right back okay?” 
With a couple of kisses against the corner of your mouth, he disappeared in to your bathroom. It was only natural for you to snicker to yourself at the sight of his cute little butt as he quickly walked over to get a warm wash cloth and a bottle of water. You decided to take that time to reminisce on tonight’s escapade. 
Every time you thought about your love making sessions with Mark, your stomach would swarm with butterflies. In the beginning of your relationship when you were just beginning to learn more and more about each other, the sex the two of you would experiment in was exciting, fun and intoxicating—not that it wasn’t like that anymore. 
But now that you were both so madly in love with one another, it was more passionate, more meaningful and a lot more desirable. You always had to be touching him and without even having to ask him, he’d always have his hands on you too. The bed sank and before you could even comprehend what was going on, a wet towel was gently being brushed along your lower body. 
He first got in between your thighs, making sure to wipe up any excess cum that might have dripped from your entrance. Then he brought it up to your navel, making sure to rid visible sweat—then finally he cleaned your folds and with the way a tingling sensation began to develop, you knew he was purposely taking his time to mess around with and to get a rise out of you. 
Right as you were about to whine in attempts to get him to stop, he got another washcloth and wiped your face. Mark was well aware of how your skincare was very important to you. He’d watch you take the time to put on moisturizer, toner and sunscreen on in the mornings and right before bed. 
It was the little things that he recognized that made your heart swell; no matter how many times a day he’d tell you that he loved you, he professed his love just a little bit more through his actions. Once he was done, he helped you put on a clean pair of underwear and one of his t-shirts—a reoccurring act of affection he did not too long after you came down from your highs. 
With a sweet kiss on your forehead, he went back in to the bathroom to prepare for bed; brushing his teeth and putting on a pair of sweatpants before taking his spot next to you under the covers. By instinct, you were pulled up against his chest and his arms snaked around your hips. He left wet kisses all along your face; making sure to steal a few pecks from your lips as he smiled against your mouth. 
“That was mind blowing as always. My pretty—pretty baby, you’re so fucking perfect. What did I do to deserve you? God, I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve made love—“
“It’s been three days Mark—“
“Exactly. That’s a long time baby. Especially because I crave you every second of the day. I can’t get over how wonderful you are. Literally flawless. Rest up baby, once you come home tomorrow I’m having you again and again and again—“
“Oh God, how I’m not pregnant at this point is still a mystery to me. Horndog.” 
He let out the most adorable little giggle while turning your body so that he was spooning you. He’s told you many times that as much as he loved being able to see your face, he was more comfortable in this position. You were confident it was because he’d get to feel your ass pressed up against his length, but you didn’t want him feeling embarrassed if that was the real reason behind. Besides, you felt so safe and protected in this position. 
However, you’ve been contemplating on voicing your feelings about how nights would end right after you and your boyfriend would tap out from either exhaustion or overstimulation. Sure, you loved the cuddling and being held by him, but that was pretty much it. He’d kiss you a couple of times and then he’d say good night. If you both had even the tiniest amount of energy, you’d stay up and talk about whatever it was that your hearts desired. 
You wanted to kiss him for much longer than the fleeting kisses—you fantasized about spending a little more time with his soft lips on yours. Maybe he saved the makeout sessions for the bedroom. But even during sex, the kisses were hot and wild—in the heat of the moment, but you were too busy focusing on being penetrated to really enjoy kissing him. 
“Well, I mean my pullout game is the best—“
“You literally just came inside of me that’s a joke right?” 
He let out a scoff of disbelief and although you couldn’t see him, he playfully rolled his eyes. “I mean, well, you know—yeah whatever. The thought of impregnating you is a huge kink of mine. You’re stuck with me for the rest of our lives. You’re going to be the best mother one day and the cutest little pregnant lady. I can’t wait to see you swollen with my baby and I’m even more impatient in finally starting a family with you. You really are the love of my life. Look at how sappy you’ve made me. Mmm, I love you, I love you, I love you. Sweet dreams my love.” 
Hearing him confess all that he did about his love for you and the future the two of you had together—you couldn’t stop the smile from taking over the entirety of your face. Almost every single thing Mark said—no matter how naughty or straight up cheesy it was never failed to make your heartbeat increase. You were soon feeling silly for worrying about such a minuscule thing and you wished it could have been enough for you. Yet, the question was on the tip of your tongue; you were mentally battling with yourself. 
There had to be a reason why the kissing stopped once you both reached your fill. You didn’t want to seem too clingy or overdramatic—maybe you were overthinking things. Your mind kept telling you to leave it alone and that he had his reasons, yet you couldn’t stop the tiny voice in your head that begged you to continue to pry at him. Mark looked down at you in curiosity when you turned around to face him. He lifted up your chin and furrowed his brows in confusion. 
“Everything alright y/n?”
“Why don’t you kiss me more?” Your question was muffled since you were too shy to ask him out right and hid your face in the crook of his neck. 
“What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you—“
“I want you to kiss me more.”
“Wait, what? What do you mean? Where is this coming from baby?” 
An exasperated sigh fell from your lips and you were soon regretting actually asking him the question that’s been weighing heavy on your mind for months now. It was extremely silly now that the question was actually out there but the reason why your relationship with your boyfriend had been so healthy all these years is because conversation was one of the most important keys to making sure you were both on the same page. 
The last thing Mark wanted was for you to be uncomfortable or to feel as though you had to hide your feelings for his sake. Which is why you weren’t surprised to see him looking at you worriedly, waiting patently for you to go in to further detail. 
“Right before we go to bed, whether it’s after sex or just once we’re done doing whatever it is after we both come home from work, you give me a few kisses and then we cuddle and fall asleep. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy doing those things. I just—I want more. I love kissing you if you didn’t already know that by now. Kissing you is one of my favorite activities that we do because your lips are so addicting. But we only ever passionately kiss during sex and when we make out it usually leads to love making and theres really nothing wrong with that. I just wish we could kiss without having it end up or only be during sex.” 
Although the lights were off and you could barely see him, you could tell he was wearing a blank expression on his face. He continued his ministrations of gliding his fingers along your sides but he stayed silent for a few moments. You wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow you whole; you were so embarrassed but this was your boyfriend. 
He needed to know how you felt if your relationship was going to continue as beautifully as it currently was. To your surprise, he lifted up your chin and reconnected your lips together in a very passionate kiss. His hands cupped either sides of your face and he roughly nipped and sucked on your lips; leaving you breathless as he deepened the kiss further.
It was only natural for you to smile against his mouth; you were hoping you didn’t upset him and that he was only kissing you like this to please you. You were hoping he too was finding some enjoyment in kissing you right now. As his lips continued to attack yours, he took that chance to flip you on top of your back and stole a couple more kisses before sucking on your sweet spot right below your ear. This was what you wanted; it felt so wonderful and you felt even more closer to him than you felt a little over half an hour ago with his cock buried deep inside of you. 
“How was that? By that gorgeous smile of yours and the way your lips are swollen I’m assuming you quite liked that.” You nodded in agreement and stole a few kisses from the corner of his mouth. 
“I’m sorry if I made you feel as though I’m not interested in continuing our intimacy once we’re about to go to bed. Trust me, kissing you is my favorite thing to do with you too. You drive me fucking crazy. I’ve actually questioned myself about this numerous times too but I just assumed you were tired and I didn’t want to press you in to doing something just because I wanted to do it. Plus—“ 
He led your hand down to his sweatpants and your cheeks grew warm at the feeling of his hardened cock. It never failed to make you laugh seeing as how easy it was for him to grow horny at just the simplest touch. “This is why our make out sessions lead to sex and why I was hesitant about telling you that I wanted to be more intimate with you rather than the small pecks and holding you before falling asleep myself. It’s just going to lead in to another round. God, I sound like such a nymphomaniac but I’m proud to say that I am. I got a very sexy girlfriend, who could blame me for wanting to relish in our love at least once a day? Well, now that I know how you feel y/n, I would love to kiss you more. A lot more. why don’t we experiment a little tonight and see where it leads tomorrow?” You beamed up with him and with all the energy you still had left inside of you, flipped your bodies so you were on top. It obviously riled him up and the cheeky grin he was giving you sent warmth to your core. 
“That sounds like a plan. Now kiss me.”
“With pleasure.”
121 notes · View notes
natsukitakama · 3 years
Being in relationship with Porco would include
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Author note : Hi there ! How are you ?  I wrote most of it while I couldn’t sleep I hope it’ll be fine ♡ please let me know if you like it 
just look at him please it should be illegal to look that good 
Warning : slight mention of nsfw / some spoilers if you haven’t seen the new season of Attack on titans 
I do not own that gif credit to the owner 
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Him being cocky asf I swear he was born cocky. I don’t know if he is super confident or if he is just natural but he lives to tease the hell out of you 
At first he might act as if he was not interest on you. But no one believed him, not when he constantly got his eyes on you. Alway looking for you even when you were surrounded by people because of a festivities or anything else. 
Sometimes you’re just walking pass him and unfortunately you didn’t notice him but he did he always did. If you were more focused you would noticed how his eyes last on you. 
When he flirts he flirts. He is super bold about it and won’t be afraid to be straight to you. Like one day you were working and didn’t notice him at first but he started to flirt with you with his stupid grin telling you how gorgeous you look today, how your cloth Underline your natural beauty. 
I think he is kinda clingy, not in a wrong way. But sometimes when you two are chatting with each other he would brush his hands against yours just to have the pleasure of seeing goosebump on your body. 
Or sometimes he will just bend slightly just enough so he could whisper in your ear, you would feel his breath on your neck wishing he could kiss your neck 
He will just give him time 
He might be at first being clingy in public or even showing you off, being an endian (even if he is a Titan) means he can’t do everything he wants to especially because he is afraid someone might try to take you away from him. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mahr or an eldian (though he might be even more anxious being close to you if you’re a mahr because he knows both of you would be in trouble but at the same time he got excited by the thought of you wanted him despite him being an endian) he would still be cautious while being with you in Public 
When you two are in more private place though : he is clingy, he just can’t control his hands, they have to be on you (holding your hand, grabbing your ass, stroking your hips or your thigh). 
He is not really into hug he prefers more sensual act of love like kissing, but if you’re running into him or just hug him when he goes home and you just hug him, his heart would melt. Don’t do it in front of Reiner he doesn’t want to be seen vulnerable : but I promise you he will blush like a tomato, even more if you’re kissing his cheeks. 
Speaking of Reiner, be careful cause I can picture him to be jealous, like a lot, he is possessive man I can feel it. So everytime he will see you two chitchatting, Porco can’t help but need to mark his territory meaning he will put his arm around your shoulder, or even try to make you blush just to reminds Reiner that you’re his. 
He tends to do it to every man he might feel uncomfortable (because they’re stronger, smarter or wealthier than him) especially if you’re mahr 
He is always acting like he is super confident, but he remains a little brother : he can’t forgive himself for not discovering his big brother’s plan or for not being strong enough so the military won’t change his position for Reiner. Even if he has his own titans he is still jealous and bitter against Reiner 
Sometimes he feels guilty for loving you : after all he only has couple of years to live while you would have an eternity without him. Even if he’ll probably tell you to live your life and find someone else, he can’t forgive himself. But he is very selfish, as soon as he falls in love with you he wanted to keep you all for himself. 
Another angry baby (say hello Eren), even if he is pretty rough, you tend to not fight that much. Most of the time you can avoid argument because you’re calm enough to understand his point and to make a compromise so you two aren’t angry at each other. 
But sometimes argument can’t be avoiding, so instead of yelling at you or be condescending most of the time he chooses to leave you for couple of hours just to relax. When he is calm enough he would go back to see you with a bouquet of flower to apologize for being an asshole
At the beginning of your relationship, you thought that you’re two were sexfriends cause honestly he always managed to have you under him or sometimes on his laps. 
It didn’t help that he spent most of his time with Pieck, during a lot of time you believed he was into Pieck but couldn’t have her so he chooses you instead. It broke your heart and when you confront him well he didn’t react the way you thought he would. He just look at you deep in the eyes, he looked quite confuses : why would he date Pieck ? Why would he want to spend time with her while he could have quality time with you ? 
The only thing he said that day was « are you blind ? » 
His sex drive are pretty huge, maybe it’s because he is a beast and so he felt some animal instinct or because he just loves to hear you moaning his names, but it’s like he can’t never get enough of you. 
You see it coming but he bites you a lot, he just loves that sometimes it’s the sight of his love marks on your body that turn him on for another round. You’ll be warned. 
Don’t wear black lacy lingerie or you won’t leave your bedroom or with sore legs 
Do not talk that much about his friends, but talks shit about Reiner I just can see him giving you 99999 reasons to not talk to him. 
But with time he’ll talk a lot with you he just needs a little time especially about his brother : he is still bitter about it. 
Do not expect him to dance with you 
Kidding, he will if your giving him puppy eyes 
You can get whatever you want with it 
I mean everything 
Even if he noticed how you’re manipulating him, he can’t help but melt when you’re looking at him with those eyes of yours, even worse if you give him a pout. 
Sometimes he dreams about his brother and can’t help but cry while sleeping, he won’t say it, but please hug him and stroke his hair during time like this he needs to feel loved. 
Just realize that eren and Porco are angry boys and both would be jealous if they saw their S/O with Reiner. Stop being handsome Reiner it doesn’t help at all. 
I don’t believe he is the type to spoil you but in way you’ll be spoil. For exemple if he saw you looking at something for a long time or if he noticed that you’re talking a lot about something and are actually working to buy it. Don’t say much Porco Is here, what’s the point of having money if he can’t buy something for you ? 
He doesn’t know how to react when you are buying him something, internally he is so happy he feels so love but he doesn’t know how to react so he will hug you or kiss you on the cheeks thanking you for this (that’s me I can’t receive a gift properly so lame) 
Also he teases a lot but you can expect behavior like this judging by how cocky he is, it’s even worse when he started to court you. My gosh the man never stop to praise himself, he really thought that you’ll become interest on him but he started quickly when you tease him telling him how great it could be to be in relationship with itself. After that he tried to be more humble 
It never worked, he still shows off but you find it quite cute as if you two remain into the flirt part of your relationship. Especially because he is always giving you compliment. 
And during sex man, he can’t help but smirk ALL the fucking time. He is just so proud, even when he is on his back letting you have your way with him he’ll tease you, he’ll force you to go at his pace. He loves being in control. 
The man is not afraid to tell you when you’re hot, gorgeous, pretty, cute he looks his time to look at you up and down then whistle and would say something like « damn babe you look fine in those pants should wear it before » 
Oh if you’re asking he is an ass/thigh man but that’s for another headcanon 
Even after a long time being in relationship with him, he still has difficulty to tell you when something is wrong. He is so proud, he can’t admit when he fails something or just when he feels down. You’ll have to confront him, or even better acting not bothering to ask him what’s wrong and instead starting to help him. 
When you’re doing things like that god, he wish he could spend the eternity with you
oh and by the way, yes he knows he looks good in suit and will always tease for looking at for too long. 
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
boyfriend saeran headcanons
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• gets major butterflies around you and doesn’t quite know what that means until he asks you about them.
• it’s like i have anxiety, but it’s warmer. and it makes my stomach feel bubbly, a good type of sick?
• you mean butterflies, saeran?
• inside my stomach!?
• still confused
• he's definitely a little awkward, insecure and shy when the two of you first start dating. it’s all so new, after all, he's never done this before. it takes some getting used to.
• the type to always get you the prettiest flowers for no reason in particular. buys them in bulk and arranges them into beautiful assortments all by himself. he likes the time alone to think, and when he’s done you have a beautiful bouquet to call your own. so shy while giving them to you, but loves watching your reaction. the way your eyes light up. it’ll never get old.
• but he also loves getting flowers! if you buy him some just because you were thinking about him, he is a blushing mess. maybe even a little self deprecating, doesn’t think you should go through the trouble of getting him something like that, but you help push those thoughts away. tuck a flower behind his ear and give him a kiss on the cheek, he’s a goner.
• insanely blushy at anything and everything. he’s pale, so his face lights up like a christmas tree when he’s embarrassed, or flustered. if you tease him about it he’ll get even redder if that’s even possible.
• gets the reddest when you call him things like pretty, cute, adorable, handsome. the tips of his ears turn a pretty shade of pink and his face heats up. anything soft or sweet just melts him.
• has a lot of nervous tics– shaking his leg when he’s nervous, biting his nails, grinding his teeth, scratching his skin when he’s frustrated or embarrassed. you don’t scold him for it, but distract him instead. taking your hand into his and running circles over his knuckles, laying in his lap and talking with him about silly things to distract his shaky legs, placing kisses along his jawline to relax him.
• loves watching you do basic things like bake, clean, draw, put makeup on– especially makeup. he’ll tilt his head a little and ask millions of questions with his eyes, won’t actually ask them unless you speak up first, noticing his expressions. you invite him over to sit next to you, telling him what everything is and how to use it, maybe even adding a little blush to his cheeks or putting some strawberry tint on his lips. he’s so smiley afterwards.
• really enjoys domesticity. grocery shopping, cleaning together, doing your nightly routines at the same time, messing around while cooking. he looks forward to little things like that.
• he’s actually a pretty good cook, he really likes to cook for you especially. watches youtube videos and tries his best to follow along, totally has a little apron too. pink with strawberries and flowers on it. if he’s not following a tutorial then he’ll listen to music while he cooks. breakfast in bed is common, he loves to add little designs to whatever he makes! makes animal shapes out of fruit, draws hearts on top of your pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. at first he was insecure with how messy his art was, but you never seem to mind, so he warms up to it more as time goes on.
• big crowds and social situations are his downfall. he just gets so nervous and antsy. if it all gets too much he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your torso, burying himself in your shoulder as he hides from the world, closing his eyes tight and drowning out the noise around him. only focusing on you, your breathing, the way you smell or feel. to everyone watching it may look childish of him– hiding away in your shoulder like that, but you know it’s his way of stopping himself from getting overwhelmed. you reach back and run your fingers through his hair, humming softly, pressing your cheek against his, assuring him that the two of you will be out of here soon enough.
• struggles with being insecure, jealous, those types of things. definitely needs a lot of attention and validation in a relationship, otherwise he’ll start to overthink, doubt himself.
• very touch starved, but at the beginning of the relationship he doesn’t like to touch you first. you’ll have to initiate most of it, he’s scared you’ll be upset if he does something wrong, or maybe he’ll make you uncomfortable, so he tries his best to keep his hands to himself.
• with your encouragement, he’ll learn it’s okay to touch you if he wants to, you like it when he does. starts to become clingy in the best of ways. always wanting to hold your hand, run his fingers through your hair, have you lay in his lap, run patterns across your skin. a little nervous at first, but soon he lets himself just fall right into it.
• loves when you push his messy hair back, especially if you’re in the middle of talking to him and you just kinda brush his bangs back without paying much mind to it. blushblushblush
• he really likes video games, so you two play together in your freetime. you guys even have matching cat-ear headsets. he prefers more laid back games, loves minecraft. put your bed next to his without saying anything, he’ll be so flustered when he comes home to it.
• he gets you random little things without telling you. you’ll find a new plant on your windowsill, a game you’ve been wanting for awhile, a handmade necklace sitting on your dresser. not the type to get super crazy or expensive gifts, but on occasion he does like to spoil you.
• prefers giving you handmade things like drawings, jewelry, pottery, food, stuff like that. even if he’s not the best at some of those hobbies, he has to tell himself he does it with love and that’s all that matters. likes to make vases for you to put the flowers in, bake your favorite flavor of cupcakes when you’re feeling down, make you pretty jewelry with wire and things that you like. his gifts mean much more to you than an expensive diamond ring or a new pair of shoes.
• has night terrors often, sometimes he thrashes and if you’re not careful, you can be caught in the middle of it. you wait for him to wake, bringing him back down to earth once he is, breathing with him, distracting him the best you can. once he’s calmed down, he’ll shyly ask if it’s okay to lay on your chest. your heartbeat and breathing helps him fall asleep, it’s comforting.
• saeran is the best boyfriend if you’re having an off day, all you have to do is text him a :( and he’s already on his way. icecream and movies of course, your favorite takeout, a new game to play together from the store, a hoodie that smells like him for you to “borrow” aka steal and never give back.
• he’s here if you want to talk about it. if not, he's content with some cuddles on the couch together until you're ready to vent. pays you special attention on your off nights, runs his fingers through your hair, hums your favorite song while pulling you into his chest, might even “accidentally” get some icecream on your nose as an excuse to cover your face with kisses. more bold with himself during moments like these.
• can go either way, big spoon or little spoon! he prefers little after night terrors or a tough day at therapy, but other times he likes to be the one holding you, feeling like he’s protecting you. depends on which you prefer.
• if he's the little spoon, he’ll run his fingers along your arms, relax into your touch, start talking to you about random things he’s been thinking about recently.
• if he’s the big spoon, he’ll hold you tight and just bury himself into you, spilling about how much you mean to him.
• dates are lovely with saeran, he never goes over the top, simple but sweet. honestly going to the gas station for snacks late at night could be considered a date, you two sit in the back of the car facing each other, backs against the doors while eating snacks, talking about nothing in particular.
• when they’re planned, it’s usually picnics, walks, movie nights, pretty much anything where it’s just the two of you. concerts, restaurants, bars, they make him way too anxious. ice-cream parlors are the only exception.
• super naive, so any dirty jokes and things like that will go right over his head unless you’re forward with it or explain it to him. saeyoung teases him so much for it
• while he’s not a great texter, he doesn’t dislike it either. can carry a conversation and make you laugh, but more of a phone call kind of guy.
• will send you random things that make him think of you, flowers especially. he’ll stop on the side of the road just to take a picture of a pretty flower and text it to you.
• a little scared of the dark, so he likes to sleep as close as he possibly can to you. falls asleep first most of the time, especially if you’re using your phone. the light makes him a little more comfortable so he sleeps easier.
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thanks for reading! find more on my mysme masterlist
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axwalker · 4 years
Undeniable Miracle 2: Stranded
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I’m participating in the 12 days of Christmas hosted by  @leelee10898 and @emichelle . Thank you so much  💕 💕
Synopsis: Alexis decides to leave Cordonia on Christmas Eve, but she has a car accident in the middle of the woods during a snow storm.
A/N: This AU takes place during Liam’s and Madeleine’s Engagement Tour.
A/N 2: Some vocabulary for the Spanish words.
A/N 3: I’m using the prompt: “If you’re so cold, why didn’t you say something? Come here.” requested by @mskaneko​ 
Fonda: Small Mexican restaurant.
Romeritos:  Tender sprigs of seepweed  which are boiled and served in a mole sauce seasoned with shrimp jerky blended into the mix. Typical additional ingredients include boiled potatoes, nopales and shrimp. They are usually served with bread slices and in tacos
Ensalada de manzana: combination of lettuce, beets, apple, and peanuts in a light orange vinaigrette
Bacalao:  Cod fish prepped with sautee onion, garlic, tomatoes and olives.
Pozole: Tradition Mexican soup made with Hominy, pork and peppers.
Villancicos: Traditional Christmas songs.
Warnings: I can’t think of anything for this chapter but there will be NSFW in future chapters. All my fics are for 18+ ONLY.
Words: 2718
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Pixelberry.
@burnsoslow Thank you so much for beta read and for your encouragement. I love you and appreciate you so much.
The edit of the mood board is the work of beautiful @mskanekoI was dying to use it. I love youuu
When he sees I don't respond, he opens my door. "O'Brien? Are you okay?"
I blink, incapable of forming a coherent sentence. 
"Did you hit your head? You seem lost." Drake kneels in front of me.
Finally, I react. "What are you doing here?" 
"Hello to you too. I asked if you were okay."
"I'm fine. I need to call a tow truck."
"Yeah, right. There are no tow trucks in storms like this, O'Brien." He sighs and asks me to open the car's hood so he can check the engine. Five minutes later, he comes back, and I read his expression. The car is not going anywhere.  
"Sorry, O'Brien, but this car is not going to work for now, and the storm is getting worse. You're going to have to come with me."
I scoff. Drake is insane if he thinks I'll go anywhere with him. I've spent the last two months trying to forget everything about him; I don't need this right now. 
 "I'm sure I can find a way to get to Lythikos by myself."
"Shit, you're so damn stubborn, O'Brien. You aren't anywhere near there. It's about 50 miles away. I guess if your car had kept going about 50 miles through the woods, you might have landed there. Is that what you were trying to do?"
"Bite me, Drake."
"Wow, you really should do something about that attitude of yours." The asshole actually smirked. "I have a cabin a few miles up the road. We can go there and wait out the storm. My truck is parked on the road. I pulled over when I saw the car spinning."
"I'll wait here." 
"You'll wait for what? To freeze to death? Don't be ridiculous; you're coming with me."
I shake my head stubbornly. "I think freezing to death is preferable to going with you. Thank you very much." 
"You don't have much of a choice, O'Brien. I can't fuckin' leave you here. My cell phone doesn't work here, and I'm assuming yours doesn't either or else you'd be on it right now. They're expecting two feet of snow or more. So, I'm sorry if you're pissed at me or whatever, I'm not leaving you here."
I'm well aware that I'm behaving like a petulant, spoiled child, but my wish to make him as angry as I am overcomes all logical thinking. “As I said, I’m not going.”
 "I'm going to have to carry you to my truck then." 
"Carry me? No way. You are not touching me." I grab my phone again, begging my Abuela to send me just a little bit of phone service so I can call Max. 
"Either you get out of that by yourself, or I carry you. You have exactly 30 seconds to decide."
I shut my door and raise my phone, trying to get some signal. Suddenly, Drake opens the door, reaches into the car, and has me scooped up without effort into his arms before I can even protest. I barely have time to grab my purse. 
"Enough of your bullshit. Done," he states, then kicks my door shut and starts to walk up the snowy hill. 
I have no choice but to put my arms around his neck. "Let me go this second Walker!"
Drake stares at me and gently shoves a strand of hair off my face. I'm suddenly aware of how close our faces, our lips, are. Because my heart is stupid and has a mind of its own, it starts beating like crazy. Drake swallows hard, and for a second, I think he's going to kiss me; I'm almost closing my eyes when he speaks.
"Here we are." He puts me back on the ground and opens the door of his old Jeep. 
A bark coming from the backseat startles me.  
"Oh my god! He's beautiful! He looks like a wolf!"
Drake's eyes soften when he pets the animal.
"It's a Tamaskan dog." 
"Hi, boy! You're so cute!"
"He's not supposed to be cute; he's supposed to be terrifying." I turn my head, and I see he's teasing me. I shake my head and keep talking to the dog. "Don't listen to your dad, handsome; you're a cutie pie." 
"I'm not his dad. He's a damn dog, O'Brien." 
I rolled my eyes. "What's his name?" 
"Zeppelin. Get in the Jeep; I'm freezing my ass off out here."
I smirked at him. "I never realized how bossy you are." 
He shakes his head, but I catch the unwilling smile on his face. 
I glance to the seat next to me, still not believing that O'Brien is here, in my Jeep. I try to think of something else besides her maddening fruity scent or the curve of her neck, but I already know that my ability to function like a normal human being disappears when she's around. 
 I can't believe that I'm so fucking stupid to be still hung up on her after what happened in Ramsford. She made perfectly clear who she wanted to be with -- yet here I am, looking at her like a goddamn fool. 
We drive for a few minutes in complete silence. Suddenly a deer jumps out from the woods, right in front of the Jeep. I hear Alexis scream as I swerve, and the truck starts to slide and spin, gaining speed. In a second, I glance at her, throwing one arm across her chest to hold her against the seat when I see she doesn't have her seatbelt on. I try to regain control of the truck but it's not working. I feel the Jeep flying off the road and into the woods, crashing downhill and plowing down small trees, until it finally stops, wedged amongst a bunch of larger trees on the side of a hill. 
"Fuck!" I throw both hands against the steering wheel. "I can't fucking believe this shit!" I turn to O'Brien. "And why the fuck wasn't your seatbelt on?" 
“I thought you could drive!" She looks down at my arm, still holding her, and whispers, "Thank you." 
I rest my head against the wheel and take several deep breaths. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." My voice is level and calm, even if the thought that something could've happened to her while I was driving makes me murderous. "Are you okay?" She nods, still shaken. 
 "You okay, Zeppelin?" The dog whimpers and licks my hand. "That's a good boy. We're all okay." I try to restart the truck, but it's completely dead. I can't believe this; honestly, I just can't.
 "What are we going to do now?" O'Brien asks.
 "Well, we're out of cars, so unless you want to walk or ride the dog to my place, we're stuck here." 
She squints at me. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Walker."
"But the highest form of intelligence, O'Brien." I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes at me again. I've forgotten how much I loved teasing her. At least, I wish I had forgotten. "We're going to have to just stay put until the plow truck comes by, and we'll have to hitch a ride. Until then, we're in luck because I stopped at the grocery store on the way to the cabin. I have enough things we can eat and drink to keep us going until then. I have a big blanket in the back seat, so we should be able to stay pretty warm. It's really heavy and thick."
I saw the panic in her eyes, so I continued. "Hey, O'Brien, look at me." She raises those fucking beautiful dark eyes and meets my gaze. "I would never let anything happen to you, okay?"
She nods. "Okay. Yes, I know. I just hope we don't get hypothermia.”
"We won't, O'Brien. C'mon, I think we should both sit in the back seat, since there's a lot of room back there, and we can put the blanket over both of us. I think it will help keep us warmer."
She gives me an odd look but nods. "Right. Yes. I think it's the best idea." She climbs over the seat first, and my eyes roam over her perfect body. I suppress the urge to sink my hands in her delicious hips and sit her on my lap. I sigh and call Zeppelin to the front seat, so we have more space. 
"This is nice; it's very roomy," she says as she pulls the cover over both our legs. 
I can see that she's shivering. "If you're so cold, why didn't you say something? Come here." I put my coat on her shoulders, and she smiles at me. Fuck me if I wouldn't do almost anything for that smile. "Where were you going on Christmas Eve? I' would've thought you'd go to the Christmas ball in the palace."
She hesitates for a few seconds, but finally, she answers, "I was going to spend Christmas with Olivia in Lythikos."
I raise my brow in disbelief. "I must have a concussion, O'Brien; I just heard you were headed to Lythikos to spend Christmas with Olivia Nevrakis."  
"I know! Our friendship was … unexpected. At first, we were just trying to figure out who set us up. The whole Tariq thing that you stopped? It was a trap; someone was trying to blackmail both of us." 
I don’t want her to know that I spend every single free minute I have helping Max figure out who set her up. If I ever find the person who sent Tariq to her room that night and scared the shit out of her, I will kill him. 
"Yes, O'Brien, I knew. Liam told me."
She nodded. "Well, we're trying to get to the bottom of it together, so we've been spending a lot of late nights drinking bourbon and talking. She hides it very well under layers of sarcasm and abrasiveness, but she's extremely loyal and has a great heart. Just like you."
"If you compare me to that crazy redhead one more time, you'll be sleeping outside, O'Brien, and I can promise you, it's cold." 
She laughs. "Okay, okay, sorry. I won't do it again."  
I'm about to ask her why she's not spending Christmas with Liam, but she speaks before I can talk. "And you? What are you doing here?"
"I moved to a town close to Lythikos a month ago. I'm opening a veterinary clinic there. This morning I went to supervise the construction site and to get some groceries for the cabin." 
She looks pensive but doesn't say anything for a while. "I hope you're happier here than you were in the palace, Drake,"she finally says, so softly that I almost miss it. 
I take a deep breath because I can't tell her the truth. I can't tell her that I can't be happy now, not after her. When I kissed her that night, I lost everything. She would never be mine, and after that, we couldn’t even be friends anymore.
"Thank you, O'Brien," I reply anyway because I know she's expecting some sort of answer.
 "How did you get Zeppelin?" she asks as she pets my dog, and I swear the traitor's mouth curls up into a little doggy smile. 
"I was running some errands for the clinic when I saw him tied up outside. I came back a few weeks later on a sunny day, and this poor dog is just tied up to a fence on the side of the building with no shade or anything, and I don't even see a water dish or food. So I park my car and check on him, and he's all happy to have someone pet him, tail wagging like mad. There was an old food dish off to the side, but it was empty, and a dish with some dirty water. I went to my house and grabbed some of the toys and food I'd bought for the clinic. I also gave him some water, and he drank three fucking bowls. I felt terrible leaving him. I just had this bad gut feeling, you know?" She nods with misty eyes. "Anyway, I had to go back to Cordonia city after I gave the dog the stuff. To be honest, I kind of forgot about him. But when I came back, O'Brien, it was awful. I honestly think the last time he ate was the food I'd given him. He was nothing but skin and bones, too weak even to stand up. He was just lying there in the dirt with flies buzzing all around him. But when I kneeled in front of him, his little tail wagged a tiny bit. I think he remembered me." 
Tears spring into her eyes. "My God, Drake, what happened?" 
I see how affected she is, so I reach her hand and squeeze it. "An old man came out of the little building and started yelling at me to get off his property. There was just no fucking way I was going to leave him there. I told him that if I ever saw a dog or any other animal on his property ever again, I would fucking kill him. The douchebag just ran back to the house. I took the dog to my cabin. He was dehydrated and almost starved to death, had two ear infections, worms — you name it. We've been together ever since." Zeppelin looks up as if he knows we're talking about him. 
She wipes a tear and caresses Zeppelin's ear. "You named him?"
I shrug. "Best band ever." 
"Ha! You're so predictable, Walker."
 "How do you know my last name? I never gave it to you." 
"I asked Maxwell at the coronation. Why? You don't like it when I call you that? Turnabout's fair play, Walker." She bits her bottom lip; I look away before the impulse to kiss her becomes unbearable, and I do something stupid. Again.  
"Nah, I like it, O'Brien. Calling each other by our last names will be our thing." 
She sighs, not talking for a while. "What is it, O'Brien? I can almost see the wheels turning in your head."
"We're going to spend Christmas Eve here, stranded in the middle of nowhere."
"I know; I'm sorry, O’Brien. Do you usually do something special?"
She looks up to me with so much vulnerability in her pretty face, I find it hard to breathe. I instinctively come close to her because I hate that look in her eyes; I hate even more that I was the one who put put it there with my fucking dumb question. Her mom and grandma are dead; of course it's a sad subject.
 "Not in a long time. It was one of the holidays my mom, my Abuelita and I celebrated together. We didn't really do Halloween because my mom's Fonda was so busy preparing for Dia de Muertos. The day of the dead," she explains.
 "I know, O'Brien. You made me watch Coco with you and Maxwell in Applewood." I can't help but smile at the memory. She forced us to watch the damn movie in Spanish only to hit "pause" at every single scene to translate it and explain the traditions.
 "Well, Coco had it right! They really respected our traditions!" she replied, her eyes shining as they always did when she was excited. "Anyway, my mom worked for most holidays, and I was forced to spend Thanksgiving with my dad, his crazy wife, and her creepy son. So, Christmas was the best. Especially Nochebuena, Christmas Eve. We had this huge dinner where all our neighbors came to the house and brought Mexican dishes. We had everything; bacalao, romeritos, ensalada de manzana, and the best pozole in Brooklyn. We sang villancicos, had a piñata. The whole thing. My abuela took the holidays seriously," she says with a sad smile. 
I might be a fucking fool, but I can't stand seeing her this sad. And, suddenly, I know what to do. "We might not be able to have a traditional Mexican Nochebona ..."
She giggles. "No-che-bue-na, Drake."  
I think I could spend the rest of my life here listening to her speaking Spanish.“Yeah, that.” I watch through the window and when I see that the storm has calmed, I say, “I have an idea; just wait here." 
@texaskitten30  @leelee10898 @emichelle @burnsoslow @kat-tia801
@msjr0119 @twinkleallnight @mskaneko @drakexwillow @twinkle-320  @kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019  @drakexwillow @princessleac1 @marshmallowsandfire  @tinkie1973 
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
We’re Just Friends
A/N: This is an idea that me and @that-scouse-wizard have chatted about while ago. Now that I thought about it, it wouldn’t leave me alone. So here it is.
I hope you guys enjoy this silly one-shot. I would make it super concrete and specific but I don’t have the energy for that.
Just know nobody is truly dating anyone (Judith and Talbott aren’t together yet, neither is David and Merula)
MC friend: David Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard )
Anybody who’s been at Hogwarts long enough has heard about David Willows and Judith Harris.
Siblings of the missing Jacob Hall and Jamal Harris.
Hufflepuff’s feared Beaters, known as Hound and Tigress.
The proclaimed Heroes of Hogwarts.
What started off as a simple teammate relationship on the Quidditch pitch turned into an unbreakable bond. The two were thick as thieves, making sure to have each other’s backs through everything. 
You want to talk smack about one of them? Be ready to be grilled within an inch of your life by the other.
You want to try to engage in argument with the pair? Be prepared to walk away in shambles. 
You want to try to gang up on one of them? The other usually not too far away to act as backup.
Cursed Vaults? Psh, the two will be on the front lines, ready to take on whatever danger there is.
Many people have often wondered if the two were more than just friends. 
It’s a common thing to see Judith fussing over David after a rough training session or after he got into fight. Or to see David giving the sleeping Judith a piggyback ride back to their Common Room.
David grew up to be a handsome young lad. Pale skin, dark brown hair with warm dark brown eyes to match. With the help of his growth spurt, he grew up to be a solid 5′11. Thanks to his constant training and his position as a Beater, he maintain an athletic, muscular figure. It was no secret he had his fair share of admirers, girls often giggling or blushing at the sight of the Hufflepuff wizard.
Judith grew up as well. Upon entering Hogwarts, she was a small, slim girl. An easy target to those who didn’t know her and someone often overlooked. As the years passed, she grew to be a beauty. Dark skin, brown-black hair, with pale gold eyes. She didn’t grow past 5′6 (and a half as she normally stresses), making her one of the shorter members of their group of friends. But it suited her, especially with her body build. While she was still on the slim side, her body fill out and reveal womanly curves. Her training with David and Quidditch helped her maintain this figure. While guys still fear her due to her strength and fighting skills, that didn’t stop them from staring at the Hufflepuff witch when she came into view.
Two good looking people with a bond like theirs? They had to be together. There’s no way they would be just friends.
At least that’s what everyone who wasn’t friends with them thought.
“David.” The Hufflepuff wizard in questioned turned to his head to his friend.
“Yeah? what’s up, Judith,” he asked. The young witch’s brows were furrowed, as if she was trying to figure something out.
“Have you head the latest rumor going on,” she questioned him. David shook his head, curious to what the students at Hogwarts have came up with this time.
“Someone started a rumor saying that we were dating...” David blinked once before letting out a unattractive snort.
“Us? Dating? Merlin’s beard, people must’ve gone mad,” he laughed. Judith let a soft chuckle.
“You’re not wrong. Especially when we’re in own respective crushes,” she smirked. David took a deep breath to help calm down.
“So, what do you want to do about it? You wanna mess with some peoples’ heads or shut down the rumor,” David asked. Judith’s expression turned into thoughtful one. Very rarely would she tolerate tomfoolery, let alone entertain it.
This was a pretty stupid rumor.
David and her have been friends ever since second year. Never once has she looked at him that way.
Especially not when a loner Ravenclaw caught her eye during the beginning of their third year...
As stupid as the rumor is, it was kind of funny. In a way she can kind of see how people would think that they were dating.
Very rarely would she mess around and entertain something for her own amusement...
But she’ll make the exception this time,
“I’m down to have a laugh,” she finally said. David cracked a smile and laughed.
“I agree.”
Judith and David were cackling in their empty Common Room.
It’s been two days since they decided to have fun with this rumor and the reactions were well worth it.
The wide eyes, jaw dropped and jealous looks they received when they were being “affectionate” never failed to make them smirk.
They made sure to hold hands where everyone could see.
Casually flirt with one another when people where in earshot.
David would sometimes play with her hair. 
Judith would occasionally feel up on David’s biceps.
Hell, just earlier that day, Judith was sitting on David’s lap in the Courtyard. They were revising for Charms class as they did this, quizzing each other as they remain close. Guys were glaring at David as he had his arm wrapped around his friend’s waist. Girls turned red out of jealous rage as Judith occasionally nuzzled him.
They definitely looked like the “perfect” couple everyone thought them to be.
“Whew, that was the best laugh I’ve had in awhile,” Judith gasped, leaning on David for support. David rested a hand over his heaving chest, trying to compose himself.
“Honestly! You would think our House mates would know better. They’ve never seen us that close,” he snorted.
Judith let out a soft chuckle.
“You’re not wrong, Hound. Ahhh, I think it;s time to put this rumor to rest.” David nodded with a smile.
Little did they know, their little stunt soon reached a certain Ravenclaw and Slytherin...
Talbott growled, ready to rip David a new one. 
Normally he would ignore rumors and such, but when he heard his crush’s name being mentioned, he couldn’t help but to tune into the whispers around him.
He didn’t like what he heard.
‘David is lucky bloke to score a girl like Judith.’
‘David and Judith make such a cute couple, don’t you think?’
‘Ugh! I can’t believe Judith is with him! Now I’ll never get a chance to be with David.’
‘David is such a smug bastard. He’s basically showing off that he managed to lock down one of the prettiest witches at Hogwarts.’
‘Did you see how they were all cuddled up in the Courtyard?’
“If I hear one more time how perfect David and Judith are, I will puke.”
Talbott felt angry towards both of them. He was angry at David for stealing Judith and he was angry at Judith messing with his feelings.
He liked her for quite some time. And it looked like that she returned his feelings. Until he’s heard that she was dating David Willows.
Talbott was hurt and pissed off. He was a bit insecure about himself and the idea of her and David made that insecurity rear its ugly head.
He wasn’t as outgoing as David. 
He didn’t have David’s strength or fighting prowess.
He was no Quidditch player (while he believe that he could make a decent Seeker or Keeper, he couldn’t compare to a Beater. Players who could strike fear into the hearts of others).
He didn’t even have David’s looks. While he felt like he looked decent, he didn’t really have girls openly fawning over him or blushing and giggling after him.
He was a loner who preferred the company of a good book or birds. Hell, there were people who said he looked like their long lost cousin.
David looked like he had everything. Including the girl he’s been pining over for Gods know how long. Talbott just reached outside of the Hufflepuff Common Room where he met a Slytherin witch with a similar murderous expression on her face.
Merula’s blood was boiling. 
All day she’s been hearing about how cute Willows and Harris was and she’s at her wits end.
Out of all the witches David could’ve picked, he picked Harris? That bloody disgrace Jamal Harris’s sister?!
What the hell did she have that Merula didn’t?!
Merula is the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts!
‘Have you won a duel against Harris since you got here?’ Well no, but-
‘Did you forget that she can easily defend herself? Or did you forget the bruises and broken nose she gave you back in third year?’ No, but I-
‘Have you bested her at Flying class? Have you ever won a race against her on your new broom?’ Not yet-
‘Can you conjure a powerful corporeal Patronus?’ I haven’t-
‘Do you have a position on the Quidditch team?’ No, but who wants to play that stupid game anyways?!
‘Easy, David does. And Harris can.’
Merula internally growled at her thoughts. She was angry at Harris for walking around Hogwarts as if she was better than everyone else. As if she was better than her.
She was strong, powerful and apparently beautiful. Merula has even heard Slytherin wizards who picked on her when they were in their earlier years talk about how “pretty” and “beautiful” she was.
Now she stolen Willows’s attention from her!
She stood outside the Hufflepuff Common Room, waiting for the two to emerge when a Ravenclaw wizard stormed up.
“What you doing here,” she questioned with narrowed eyes. Talbott rolled his eyes, not in the mood to deal with the “Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts”.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he snarked. Merula glared and was about to retort something when the door swung open.
David and Judith were surprised to find their respective crushes in front of their Common Room, suddenly glaring at them.
“You have some explaining to do, Willows,” Merula hissed.
“We need to have a talk, Judith,” Talbott said coldly. 
The two Hufflepuff glanced at each other before back at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin trying to murder them with their eyes.
“What the hell is going on between you two?!” Both Hufflepuff winced at the loud yell coming from the enraged pair.
“Whoa, easy with the hostility. We’re just friends,” Judith said. David nodded.
“Yeah, there’s nothing going on between us,” David added. Talbott and Merula narrowed their eyes.
“’Just friends’? That’s sure as hell not what I heard, Judith,” Talbott huffed.
“Friends don’t cuddle up in public together, Willows. Don’t bullshit me,” Merula growled. 
Judith tilted her head to the side and David rose a brow.
“Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell us, you believe those rumors,” the Hufflepuff witch asked.
“Who the hell are we suppose to believe,” Merula snorted.
“Us, of course,” David said coolly.
“How do would we know you’re not lying,” Talbott asked. David and Judith looked at each other and back at them.
“Maybe because we don’t like each other like that,” Judith offered.
“Maybe because we could’ve gotten together a long time ago if that was the case,” David added.
“Maybe because we never started flirting with each other until a rumor started?”
Maybe because our friends, especially in Hufflepuff, would’ve saw this coming a long time ago?”
“Or maybe because we wouldn’t lie to you because we care about you,” they finished together. Talbott and Merula looked at them shocked before they’ve started blushing.
Judith and David shared eerily similar smirks that made the Ravenclaw wizard and Slytherin witch take a step back.
“Is there something you want to tell us,” Judith asked in a sing-a-long voice. Talbott shook his head.
“W-what?! N-no,” Talbott denied, though his voice didn’t come out as forceful as he hoped.
“Is it possible you were jealous,” David teased. Merula blushed harder.
“M-me? Jealous of H-Harris?! Get real, Willows! The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts doesn’t get j...jealous,” Merula snapped weakly. 
“Are you sure,” Judith continued, thoroughly enjoying seeing the two squirm.
“I-I... I have no reason to be jealous of David,” Talbott retorted.
“Are you sure you don’t like us? Even a little bit,” David chuckled, enjoying the rare sight as well.
Talbott and Merula didn’t even answer and they took off in separate directions, seeking the relief from the unexpected interrogation from the Hufflepuff duo.
David and Judith laughed as they headed upstairs. 
With the fact that Merula and Talbott may feel the same way about them, they had more of a reason to disband the rumor of them being together.
After all, they had to be single of they wanted to get with their crush...
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Prince Harry, Prince William, Waver Velvet, Diluc Ragnvindr, Jeremy Fragrence, and Childe (Ajax)....uwa I spelled Diluc's name right on the first go!
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Yikes full stop. Yikes. || I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? || I Do Not Deserve How Could You Do This? Hmm? Et tu, Brutus? 😐
Ok listen being royalty esp modern royalty immediately cancels out any beauty god gave you in my eyes. All the poetry I wax about how there is something to appreciate in every face and body is null and void here. If we take the Some Guy approach and look at him objectively (impossible but I’ll humor you in the name of love and not being a spoilsport).... nothing I feel nothing. Maybe a whisper of contempt and a little voice in my head going “we should avoid him he’s not going to add to our life.” But that’s. IT.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II I’m Far Too Sane And Pretty For This?
*by this point I am shaking and crying from psychic damage* see above 👆🏽😐
Waver Velvet:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But. I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty (I Suppose) Like If He Floats Your Boat Epic But I Might Not Attend The Wedding || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
his younger self awakens big sister instincts in me meaning he would be SO fun to tease and annoy + root for + naively hope he grows into a fine young man. At that young age he is not yet broken so there is no fixing to be done, but I certainly could help set him straight! Like a bonsai 💚 he’s more sinless and (unintentionally) funny and full of promise than his other selves.
His adult self however awakens the misandrist in me. I wanna come up to him unprovoked and tell him to smile or else bc that’s the only time he’s handsome imo.... also when he has vulnerable moments like being sad the shoes he bought with his first ever paycheck got ruined 🥺 or when he gets all triumphant and carefree ever so once in a while, like in the first ep of Case Files... what I mean is sometimes his prickly hard cranky veneer cracks and I catch a dazzling shimmer of handsome but... not often enough for my liking 😑 for my favored pixelated men I get a genuine kick out of their being disgruntled (sign of true love) but his grumbling just makes me want to file for divorce and we’re not even married 😐 like can you imagine road tripping with this man? I can’t I couldn’t I will not! And omg I don’t think you could make him say stuff like I love you without feeling like you’re pulling teeth... I don’t have the patience to reach that point with him. We’d be so bad for each other and not even in the fun way... his sharp way of dress and penchant for red and long hair and passion for certain subjects are just not enough to salvage him for me, if I want to be subjected to a short tempered man all day I have a father 😩 also he has the kind of sense of responsibility that would doom you if you married him I feel. Like admirable but also what the fuck dude. Taking on all of Kayneth’s debt w/o batting an eye? Mr Velvet what about your hypothetical wife and children.... like I can’t imagine him stopping to think about them in such a scenario... he’d have to marry someone like Melvin (or Melvin himself) who would get a kick out of that brash decision and support him and I’m the wrong dame! He feels like if he had a family and he grew into old age, he would end up one of those foreboding slightly frigid patriarchs w/ short fuses who have hearts of gold but you have to dig so long and hard that by the time you have reached it you’re youth has passed you by and your fingers are worn to the bone and you’re tired... so tired..... you should’ve listened to your mother and married that nice doctor within your ethnic group instead... he’s been a widower for a few years now, hasn’t he? Has a summer home in Vienna and a very nice curly beard? Last time you stalked his FB anyway....
Also his little friend Melvin is hilarious but I could never allow him into my home on the reg. I refuse. Reines is on thin ice and reminds me too much of my sister in some ways... Literally the only person he is oft surrounded by that I would not only be chill with but delighted to have over is Flatt Escardos. Love that wild little man, he’s a brilliant riot. But also a bit of a danger to himself and others I think? Idk I barely read FSF bc the niqabi character design pissed me off to hell and back and then some 😔💔
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II You Absolutely Deserve Him, Bestie 🥺🤲🏽 (heartfelt + sincere)
Oh he’s pretty enough.... like def not an ugly man! But as you yourself often correctly say he’s just Some Guy! When you tell me why you love him I absolutely understand how he captivated you 🥺 but I personally am too wild of heart to be ensnared by so sober (ahaha get it? Bc he owns a tave— whatever nvm v_v)/ and stable a man.
Jeremy Fragrance:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I Could See The Objective Appeal If He Never Opened His Mouth But I’m Too Smart To Be Taken In By Some Conventionally Pretty Features And Some Muscle™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
I scroll past his vids fairly fast the same way I often scroll past spider pics that make it on to my dash despite my best efforts.... when I decide to watch his videos I regret it so much and can barely finish. The way he talks and acts and the things he Just Says sans hesitation make me so uncomfy... so performative and out of touch in the unfun way and aggressive... why isn’t he an actor why couldn’t he be named Jeremy Drama... then I could lie to myself and go it’s okayyy Hiba it isn’t real I’m sure he’s sane behind closed doors 😖 anyway I couldn’t willingly stay in the same room with him for 5 min I COULDNT! I’m v confident our priorities and moral compasses are polar opposites and have you heard the way he talks about women? 🤨 I would honestly. Prefer Patrick Bateman. Not even kidding bc at least that man isn’t real and has successfully made me laugh and gets Big Mad over the dumbest stuff so I can mock him before he kills me. Also I think I could outsmart Bateman but... what does one do with JF other than... keep ur distance. Like I’d never trust either BUT. Yeah.
Childe (Ajax):
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
HES ERRATIC.... IM ERRATIC.... CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUSSSS<3 no but rlly I love a lively straightforward man and he’s got red in his character design + is often pictured with whales? And his galactic themed suit of armor is nice 😳 he’d be fun to hang out with and divorce on grounds so outrageous and absurd we both find it hilarious ✅ like I don’t think I’ll ever love love him esp since all my knowledge of him is second hand but he sounds like a blast 💥
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Protector ~ Embry Call
Word Count: 4100+
Request: "Can I request a embry call imagines where the reader y/n Is kinda shy and she is very scared around big crowds so she always holds onto a part of em and he loves protecting her! He imprinted but loved her before and she is pretty short I'm 5,2 so when she is behind him you can't see her! And a girl at her school is teasing her about being like embrys puppy following him everywhere and she gets shy and em feels her discomfort and steps in to comfort telling her to mind her own business. Thank you" by @cullens-stuff
A/n: This user has been so sweet to me even as I took AGES to write their (I don't know your pronouns I'm sorry) and I appreciate it SO MUCH so I was hella on top of this when I came back. This is my longest request by a long shot as I added a bit (because we stan a queen who can stand up for herself). Lol hope you like it hun!
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Embry and Y/n were those kids who everyone knew would end up getting married one day. He doted on her and she got hyper and attentive when he was around. He gave her anything she asked for, and in return she would take care of him. Whether it was him giving her a piggyback ride, or her braiding his hair because it was in his face, they were always doing things for each other and staying stuck to each other's sides and it seemed that the friendship would never end.
Then they grew up, as most kids do. Puberty hit and anxiety rose and Embry made other friends, and after a time they were less inseparable and more casual friends. This was good, in the end, as the slight distance allowed Embry to go from joking and childhood crushing to actually seeing how pretty and smart and caring Y/n was. He might have gotten rowdy while she got quiet and reserved. He might have gotten taller and taller when she stopped growing in the fifth grade. He might live life for adventure and adrenaline while Y/n preferred to stay home and half learn skills and watch tv. They might be different. But it didn't matter. Embry Call had a huge crush on Y/n and it was becoming painful to watch as he did nothing about it.
Predictably, Y/n found herself in a similar predicament. She loved his hugs and how he pulled her right off her feet when they hugged. She loved how he was never bothered by how she hovered and instead made sure was nearby- within arms reach if he could help it. She loved that when she cuddled up next to him she fit right into his side, and how when things scared her or the sun was really bright she could step behind Embry and he would cover her completely. She loved how safe and loved she felt with him. She loved how he would constantly ask her to play with his hair, even if he had it up and especially when he noticed she was nervous and needed something to do. She loved... him.
The worst part was: Y/n was afraid of everything. Crowds. Bugs. Tall people. Mean people. Food that tasted good but looked really gross. Strong people. Places she wasn't familiar with... It's not that she was a coward, she was just small. She reached 5'2 and was shy and quiet and easily spooked. She had a faint heart and a weak stomach. She was cute and small and soft- the kind of person you looked at and immediately thought: PROTECT AT ALL COST! Which of course made Embry even more wonderful as he swooped in time and time again to have her back when she was struggling again.
Long story short: She was the purest of beans and he was her knight in shining armor and never before in their teenage lives at the kids that were apart of the pair's daily life been more in love with a couple that simultaneously made them so frustrated.
With all the potential wasted by longing and no action, everyone else was suffering.
They were perfect for each other... but they were also completely oblivious to the other's affections.
That was cured, more or less, when Embry became a wolf. He had to leave her side for a while as he figured everything out, but then he made eye contact with her one day and imprinted on her and everything lined up perfectly. What came next was a slew of Embry at the peak of awkwardness as he tried to explain to her how he'd felt all this time and about the whole werewolf thing.
She'd sort of had a melt down at first as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but didn't scream and run away as he'd expected so honestly she handled it pretty well. After she got used to the idea and they figured things out between them, it had been simple to move from that point to the next.
Now they were inseparable again, just like they'd been as children. She was glued to his side and he was attentively protective of her. She could be touched by nothing. Crowds a problem? They'd hold hands, or he'd put her on his shoulders or carry her or give her a piggyback ride. Anyone stepping up to her to cause problems? Embry was there. Wether they were being harmful or flirty, Embry was there. Bug problem? Emrby suddenly had lightning fast and one hundred percent accurate attacks. He could swat it out of the air, or guide it out a window and away from them. Dog on your heels? Let's see how long it lasts against Embry, the werewolf.
After a while of Embry stepping up to protect her, Y/n fell into an easy habit of just holding onto him. It allowed her to easily communicate when she was nervous- all she had to do was squeeze and he was ready and able. He couldn't always be there, but he did his best and really that's all Y/n could ask for.
People were shipping it more than ever. They were the sweetest couple, unphased by anything and so full of love.
Well, actually, almost everyone.
Marina Kyle was one of those girls who used beauty to get power. She had most boys wrapped around her finger, and knew how to keep the girls that could tear her down as friends. She was manipulative and smart and absolutely gorgeous. No one told her no and no one could take her down.
No one but Embry Call.
Which seemed to bug her endlessly.
When she was younger, she'd had a crush on Embry. She'd tried everything to get his attention, to no avail. She'd dismissed it after a while as him being uninterested in girls or being one of those people who didn't want to date until college. Then he started dating Y/n. The girl was pathetic in Marina's eyes. Absolutely pathetic. Y/n should have been learning how to survive on her own, conquering her fears and getting stronger instead of letting her weaknesses own her so much. She didn't deserve Embry Call- tall and strong and pretty. As if to rub salt in the wound, everyone LOVED THEM together. Everyone was psyched when they finally got together and for a significant amount of time, that's all anyone ever talked about.
Marina tried to let it go. She'd lost. Whatever. But Marine NEVER lost and it finally got to her and she snapped. She knew she couldn't ever get to Embry, but Y/n would only ne too easy. She waited for her moment then made her strike.
"Hey there," she purred, leaning against the wall next to Y/n's locker. School was over and Y/n was getting her stuff out to take home for tonight's homework. She paused when she saw Marina.
Y/n smiled sweetly. "Hi." She put her math book in her bag last, zipping it up and putting it on her back. She looked twelve. Small and young and ridiculous. Her smile was warm and her eyes were clear of any malintent. She was pure and Marina absolutely hated it. "Can I help you with something?"
Marina put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I was just wondering: how do do it?"
Immediately Y/n was confused. "Do what?"
"Get yourself a guard dog like Embry Call. I mean-" She grinned, sighing dreamily. "He's tall dark and handsome incarnate, and protects you from every little thing that goes bump in the night. Such dedication and he's hot? You have to let me in on your secret!" Y/n opens her mouth to defend herself but Marina leans closer, intimidating her so she doesn't get it out. "Come on sweetheart, us girls have to watch out for each other. How did you do it? Did you sleep with him?"
"What?" Y/n squeaked. "No-"
"Black mail him?"
"No!" Y/n insisted, her eyes wide as she gripped her backpack straps tightly. "Look, I can't help you. Embry isn't some muscle for hire, he's my boyfriend." She spoke very quietly, her words fumbling due to fear. Marina was feeding off of it.
The taller girl hummed, her finger touching her lips in faux thoughtfulness. "I guess he just pities you then."
Y/n's eyes went wide. "Wh-" The small girl broke off. With all her insecurities, the thought had occurred to her before. She'd been assured every time she brought it up so she'd finally dismissed it, but if someone else saw it too... Maybe Marina knew something Y/n didn't. "How do you figure?"
Marins tilted her head back and forth a few times,, as if considering. She had a smile on her face that made Y/n feel like she had a secret, and it would ruin Y/n's life. Y/n got the impression Marina was excited to use her power. "I mean, he's quite a catch. He's got to have plenty of girls begging for his attention. But you like him and you're so small and... cute." She reached out and softly pinched Y/n's cheek. "I'm sure he just sees you like a stray puppy." Marina pat Y/n's cheek ad the smaller girl flinched. "How could he say no when the only thing standing between you and every shadow on the street is him? You need a big strong man to watch your back everywhere you go or you'll break down in no time. You do seem to be afraid of EVERYTHING, after all." She leaned away, waving her hand as she looked away. Her complete lack of consideration for the damages her words were doing made Y/n feel like they were even more real. Even more honest. Like what she was saying had some real weight to them. Marina had spoken a lot of truth so far. Why wouldn't she be right about Embry's feelings toward her as well? "Do you miss him when he leaves at night or does he sneak in your room to protect you from the boogie man hiding in the darkness too?"
Y/n hated herself as she felt tears come to her eyes. "It's not like that."
Marine sighed, turning away. "Whatever you say, Sweetheart. Have a safe walk home! I'm sure you'll be fine with Embry watching your precious back." She walked a few steps to the corner that lead to another hallway before pausing to say one last thing. "If he's a guard dog, does that make you his puppy?" She laughed, leaning against the wall and watching Y/n look away, her eyes unable to meet Marina's.
"Are you really so pathetic that you have to tear people down to get what you want?" The laughter suddenly cut off and two girls turned, surprised, to see Embry Call himself. His usual smile was replaced by a glare. The sharp kind that dug and stabbed into Marina's very soul, making her mouth snap closed and her fingers interlace behind her back. The confidence she had before melted and she suddenly looked as nervous as Y/n usually was. Embry stepped closer to Marina. "Can't you ever mind your own business, Marina, or do you have to shove yourself into everything?"
"You don't have to protect me," Y/n snapped. Embry and Marina both looked to her now and both were surprised by the look of anger she had. She wasn't directing it at either of them but at herself as her eyes trained on her hands. She slowly looked up, stepping purposefully. She was shaking, obviously afraid and downtrodden but not giving into it for the first time in a long time. For the first time since she was little and had to force herself to walk by the house with the dogs who would bark at her every time. When she forced herself to walk slowly instead of run. She took shaky steps toward Marina, wiping the tears off of her face. "As much as I hate to hear it, Marina was right about a lot of things. You shouldn't have to keep such a close eye on me. You shouldn't have to protect me from literally everything." Y/n turned away. "I'm walking home today Embry. Don't wait up."
She walked away and Embry went after her, leaving Marina who leaned against the wall with ease now that the intimidating boy was gone. She smirked. She was winning.
Embry tried to get Y/n to listen to him, but Y/n wasn't having it. She eventually reaching into her bag for her headphones and once she put those on, Embry knew he had lost this fight. He stopped walking when she snapped at him to leave her alone, letting her keep going without him. She watched as she passed the same house they used to walk past as kids. The house with the loud dogs that made her jump. The house that made Embry smile, because it was the first time he'd ever had to put his arm around her and push her to the other side of him to put himself between her and something that scared her. The first time he'd made it known that he would always be there to have her back and protect her, even if all she really needed was comfort.
It didn't make him smile now. As she walked, the dogs went off and Embry stepped forward to run after her as she flinched. But then he froze as she solidified her stance and turned to the dogs to stare at them. They didn't stop barking but eventually her body relaxed and she turned away, walking calmly and unbothered by the big dogs and their unrelenting barking.
He had never seen her do that before.
Was he too overprotective? If she could face her fears like that and had simply learned to depend on him to deal with it, was he holding her back from being as brave as she could be?
When Y/n avoided him for the next week, he let it happen. She obviously needed some time and space and he was always willing to give it to her. If she needed time to find her own strength instead of depending on his, that was okay. He wanted her to be secure in herself as well as him and their relationship. He could protect her, but he could also let her protect herself... if she could. He hoped she was just okay.
Turns out, she was. She'd taken the week to really think about what Marina had said. To separate what had been real from what had just been mean. Y/n was weak. She was a tad pathetic. Especially recently. She faced her fears one at a time. She walked past those dogs every day. She watched scary movies and learned breathing techniques to deal with her anxiety properly. She went to the ocean and stood quite deeply in it. Maybe not deep for a normal person, but definitely for her. She let the waves push and pull at her and stood her ground. She went to the aquarium and walked through the tunnel with the sharks and moved slowly and purposefully, even when a really huge one swan right at her a second before swimming up. It had just been a swimming, but it was so big and she was so small and for a second it felt like it was coming for her life specifically. She didn't run though. Again and again she dealt with irrational fear with determination and proved to herself that she could protect herself. She could handle this. She could handle anything.
Well, not quite everything.
As much as irrational fears weren't a problem, real fears were. Like crowds. Being so small meant that she could easily get lost in a crowd and when she went to the dance that was jammed with people dancing and walking around she hadn't realized how easy it was for her to get knocked around and almost trampled until it was happening and she was near tears as she tripped and almost fell flat on her face.
A hand caught her arm and pulled her into a chest. She looked up to see Embry, his expression half worry and half pride. She felt the anxiety lift away from her as she smiled. She moved away from him, brushing off her dress a little and pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thanks."
Embry chuckled. "Anytime, Princess."
The nickname made Y/n frown. It had been developed after Embry had been at Y/n's beck and call. He'd had her back so often that Y/n had jokingly called Embry her knight in shining armor. He'd responded with calling her his princess. It reminded her of how weak she was. She needed him...
No, she didn't. "I had it handled."
Embry frowned. "Y/n can I please talk to you outside?" She hesitated before nodding. They moved to a distant corner where no one could hear them. The night air was chilly but Y/n tried to play it off and even though Embry knew it was bothering her he knew that it would only cause problems for him to offer help so he didn't. He turned to her and she looked up at her. He sat down on a bench so he didn't tower over her so much. "You know I love you, right?"
Y/n sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah." She shook her head. "But Marina was right about me needing you too much. I was weak."
"You're small, Y/n." She went to argue with him but he began speaking, cutting her off. "That isn't a bad thing, it just means that you can hurt a lot more easily. You can get pushed around. You're lighter and easier to physically move. You could have really gotten hurt in there." He scooted closer, trying to enunciate the truth in his words. "You're right. I've been overprotective forever because I was terrified of anyone hurting you. I'm probably even worse now that you're so much smaller than me and I have this whole imprint thing messing with my head. And I've noticed how you've been handling things recently. I'm so proud of you for learning to depend on yourself and being stronger and stuff- it's awesome! But there are time when you're going to need help. Hell, there are times when I need help. I'm a werewolf! But I'm also part of a pack, and for a reason. We all need each other to take down vampires. None of us could do it alone. Even in normal every day life, sometimes I have to go to one of my friends when something doesn't make sense to me or I've bit off more than I can chew. Sometimes I need y mom's advice for something I have no idea how to handle because I'm still so stupidly young." He exhaled sharply and Y/n realized for the first time that Embry Call was not unbreakable.
She moved closer to him, taking one of his large hands in two of her tiny ones. "I just want to be able to be there for you as much as you are for me."
Embry smiled. "Y/n, you are." She started, surprised. "You think I come over at 1am just because you're afraid of the dark?"
"I'm not afraid of the dark."
"Exactly." He smiled. "I go to you because I need your comfort. Because life is frustrating and confusing and hard and the only thing that makes sense sometimes is you and me. You might be small but when you pull me into a hug when we're cuddled on your bed and I burry my face in your neck and can't see anything and my senses are full of you, I feel completely at peace. You make me feel safe. You make me feel strong. When everything's out of control and terrifying and I feel like I can't do anything, I know that I can love you and that I can do it well and no one can do it better than me. You ground me. You straighten me out when I'm spiraling out of control." He pulled her closer and she melted at his touch. "I know that when I can't do anything to save my pack and I have to just sit there and wait for something to happen and hope it turns out okay, I can look at you or touch you or kiss you and you'll blush and melt and smile and be happy. I can protect you and you'll be safe." His eyes he been watering and now a tear fell. Y/n raised her hand to wipe it away and he leaned into her touch. "I depend on you too Y/n, and you let me. You handle every crazy thing I throw at you without hesitation or holding it against me. I put you in danger actively by dating you. Remember everything I told you about Bella Swan?" Y/n nodded. "If I made enemies like Edward and her did, they could come for you in a second- you know that right?" She paused before nodding. "And you're okay with that?"
She sighed. "I know you'll always protect me Embry. And you're not a such of an idiot as Edward Cullen is."
Embry sorted in amusement and Y/n smiled. He calmed. "You're amazing. Do you realize that?"
"I'm pretty cool," she agreed. He grinned. The old dropped a little as she got serious. "I just don't want to be weak either. And I was. I am."
Embry thought about that for a second. "We're all weak in some way or another."
"That's not-" she began.
"No I'm serious!" Embry insisted. "We all have a weakness, Y/n. Yours is just that you're short." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. "Can you imagine it being something worse? Like..." He trailed off. "Like the smell of blood driving you so crazy that it forces you to kill innocent people?" She looked away, her expression dark. He touched her cheek, guiding her eyes to his. "Or being so insecure and desperate for attention that you'll tear apart two in love, happy people just to make yourself feel better about not having someone like that yourself?" Y/n recognized the bite at Marina and tied not to smirk. "I love you Y/n. And maybe you can have your own back- that's fine. But sometimes you're going to need help. Let me help you those times. Please."
She hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, okay." She waved her hand, pulling it out of Embry's grasp to mirror what Marina had done weeks ago. "I suppose I'll allow you to be my guard dog." She put on an airy tone and looked away, dramatically teasing. She looked back, winking. They both laughed.
The next day, Embry and Y/n were back on track and better than ever. Marina, who had been thriving under the stress between the two, was pissed to see them have everything figured out. To her knowledge, Y/n was just as weak as before. Just as dependent on Embry as before. And just as easy to break without him to puppy guard her.
So she went in for round two.
And Y/n shut her down immediately.
"GOD don't you have a life? Get over yourself Marina not all of us depend on other people to fill what we lack in ourselves." Marina stood there, mouth agape stunned. Y/n shook her head. "You know I should actually thank you. You're the reason I finally found some confidence for myself. You helped me are my relationship even better. If it wasn't for you, Embry and I might have run into some real problems and had to break up." Y/n popped up on her tiptoes, tapping Marina's cheek like Marina had her a while back. "Let me return the favor by saying this: get a life and stop trying to ruin mine." The smaller girl's attention moved to something behind Marina. "Aw, if it isn't the cute little dog himself." Embry chucked as she moved to his side, Marina turning to face them with that same stunned expression. Y/n kissed him on the cheek and they walked off, leaving Marina to her own thoughts.
She had lost. Really lost. And they wouldn't be bothered by her ever again.
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @captainxmikaelson @justanotherdaydreamersoul
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seimeinotaka · 4 years
Movie Review (Vil x MC Fic)
(Cross-posted from AO3) 
His confidence shaking, Vil keeps pondering over himself and why he keeps losing to Neige. It somehow ends in a discussion with Ann about Type-casting, the role of an actor, and focusing on what is truly important.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this! 
The kitchen was empty, for everyone had gone to bed, having learned that crossing Vil and breaking the rules wasn’t something to take lightly. Twenty minutes before curfew, Vil was washing the cup he had just used. He needed water to clear his head. Beating Neige in the VDC, being the fairest of them all. He had these goals in mind, but no matter how hard he tried, it was never enough. The water from the faucet couldn’t flush his thoughts away, as it flowed down his hands, so cold but Vil hadn’t even noticed either.
Why couldn’t he beat Neige?
What did Neige have that he lacked?
The cute character he always showed? Was it just that? Something he couldn’t even work with?
The hero, the beautiful holder of the Legendary sword. That was Neige’s role.
The cold beautiful villain. That was Vil’s role.
The water stopped.
Vil suddenly realized someone was next to him, having been struck slightly by their elbow, as this person turned off the faucet.
“Schoenheit-senpai, are you alright?” It was Ann, who had taken him out of his trance.
“Manager…yes, I’m fine,” he replied, still in a daze. He hadn’t meant to get so carried away in his thoughts that anyone saw him like this.
He wasn’t as annoyed as before with her, since she seemingly didn’t insult him and had apologized for whatever she had meant to say, though he was far from being on friendly terms with her. She seemed to be treating him with a certain distance, since their discussion had ended abruptly when she stormed off. He was perfectly fine with this unspoken arrangement.
Ann didn’t reply to his calm reassurance, but her expression let him know she wasn’t buying his words. She could keep her worry to herself, channeling it to win the VDC instead.
“…There’s something I wanted to talk to you about…” she finally said, after taking a deep breath to break the awkward silence. “It’s not about Epel…it’s about you…”
For a second there, she seemed to hesitate. Actually, this expression was the same one she had been wearing ever since she apologized when they crossed paths. As if she had something to say but feared doing so. Vil had never intended to ask her anything, ignoring her gaze if she had nothing to add to their discussions or practice.
“…Go on.” He prepared himself mentally, he was going to end up annoyed, but if he didn’t pretend to hear her now, she would be nagging him later on. He could certainly do without that, so he would take the lesser of the two evils.
She took a deep breath, and somehow bluntly stated, “You are going to get angry at me, but I might have heard your conversation with that Adella woman. About a film where Neige Leblanche got the lead and they wanted you to play the villain.” And just as that, she looked at him, ready to face her punishment.
He would have actually punished her, if he hadn’t been taken by surprise.
He had been extremely careful in answering his calls, only twice had he been contacted, and she wasn’t around then. Had Rook told her something? Rook had fine ears and he might have heard the phone calls, but he doubted his vice dorm leader would betray him and tell that private information to her.
“The other day… at the end of practice. I forgot my tablet after we uhhhh…had a discussion.” She grimaced, and forced herself to look at him. “I left it there but you were talking on the phone and I couldn’t just enter.”
“So, you decided to eavesdrop instead,” he coldly replied.
“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to! By the time I had realized what was happening, you left the room and I didn’t know what to do,” she hurried to add, stepping back defensively. “I’ve been thinking hard if I should talk to you about it but… Whatever. You are angry anyway, so, before you kill me for eavesdropping, lemme ask the following: Is Neige really that good? Or was it because he looks like the good hero?”
She was extremely right in him wanting to kill her in that moment, though her second question took him by surprise. “What do you think, Manager?” He was not going to talk about Neige.
“So, it’s the second…. I had a gut feeling it was like that. I looked around the internet, he’s mentioned a lot, I guess, but he just looks cute to me. I honestly don’t see why everyone goes wild about him. But I guess he does have the appeal to play the good-natured hero, just as you do look like a good fit for a handsome villain.”
He certainly did not need to have her rub salt on his wound, it was bad enough that Rook would blab and praise Neige. Clenching his fist, he was wondering how to curse her to make her stop.
“That’s pretty disappointing and boring, actually,” she said flatly.
“What do you mean what?” She looked at him confused, unaware that she was the one not making any sense at all. “I looked up the Legendary Sword, it’s supposed to be a groundbreaking film series, right? But if they go for such basic casting, is it really groundbreaking?”
Vil stared at her for a moment, a mix of extreme annoyance and deep confusion because what did one thing have to do with another? Not to mention, it was a series he loved.
"Have you even watched the first one?!"
How dared she say that.
"....No, but that's not really my point."
He gave her a scornful smile, as he said, “Of course, Manager. Here you go again, please give me your opinion on things you don’t know the least about.”
"I don’t need to watch a film to get a sense of what they are going for. I can get the aesthetic they are going for, and usually that goes in hand with the setting.” She shrugged her shoulders. “From what I heard of your conversation, yeah I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, you didn’t get to audition, so they offered you the role. Probably the same happened with Neige, so it means they are basing the casting on your physical appearance.”
It wasn’t his physical appearance entirely, but she wasn’t that wrong actually. He was almost impressed she could have figured it out. And that meant he had to be more careful than he thought. Though he should have suspected something, if she managed to dupe Azul.
“That’s pretty disappointing, they aren't taking your acting skills into consideration. A true actor can make the audience believe in their character, no matter how they look. That's strength of their histrionics."
"Don't you realize you're being overly idealistic? You didn't strike me as the type," he interjected, arching an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure what she was trying to do, but he was almost curious to see how farfetched her ramble would go.
"But, am I wrong? Also, you got a point. The plot and allegiances, the roles of the characters shouldn't be spelled out from appearances. That actually lessens the strength of your acting. It kills the story when I can see someone and know exactly that he is the bad guy just because he wears purple and looks cold. That’s not creative, it’s extremely boring. I thought that as a fashion model and probably a trendsetter, you would prefer to break the rules."
He wouldn’t deign to give her an answer, but she didn’t look at him like she was expecting one.
"The fact that you said I didn't look the type, that's exactly my point. I prefer when my characters are deeper than what they only look. When they surprise me because someone looks cute but isn’t the cute type, that keeps me on my toes. To subvert the expectations of the audience, while showing them a story they can't predict, that's what I would call legendary. Surely, a movie like that should have a legendary casting too."
"I see you keep taking about things you do not know. You keep talking about a movie you haven't seen and the casting of a sequel you don't know."
"...You have a fair point, but I can tell that the casting is very safe. To cast the cute actor as the protagonist and the beautiful sexy one as the villain. They didn't really take any risks."
"Perhaps you weren't paying attention to what I said before,” he groaned. “You have to understand the visuals that suit the atmosphere. A group of elementary children singing metal will look off."
"I actually want to hear that."
"Forget it, your taste is too extreme to understand my point," he grimaced, giving up on trying to get through her thick skull.
“I guess… though I find it sad that for all the boldness you have, you’re stuck with mainstream ideals. Though it seems to come with the industry. They are the ones with the money.”
"Suppose you are in charge of casting, Manager. Do you mean you would have me as lead instead?"
"I wouldn't have a prince charming as the lead in the first place. But the role would go to the one who acts the part better. Not just looks."
Vil looked at her with a stony expression, somehow her words stung and he felt uncomfortable.
"Though, if we have a hero like that, to cast you as the prince charming, the good hero they are picking Neige for... I would honestly prefer that. It's a risky decision, and many would question your casting, but if you were to sweep everyone's minds with your performance, you would win even more than if you went with a typical casting. There's a higher risk, but an even higher reward."
"Fufu, you still have no idea what you're talking about. Unfortunately, as much as your ridiculous idea sounds compelling, the truth is, Neige was cast as the main character."
"If it makes you feel better, I can write you as a main character in a story I make."
He smiled mockingly at her. "Ara, should I be touched? That a mere potato acting as a manager makes me her main character in her story? Focus on your studies."
"I mean, we can’t change things now, but if you were the hero and people questioned it, it's your job as the actor to prove them wrong."
"You sound awfully confident in my abilities."
"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?"
Vil was taken back. That was the most unexpected way to compliment someone, though he couldn't say he hated it. That said, she was incredibly annoying.
"You do enjoy talking about things you have no clue about."
"What I don't have a clue about? If I look carefully at you, I can tell you've honed yourself a lot."
"It's the way you conduct yourself.  To be this knowledgeable about food and skin care, about music too. Dancing styles, dance moves. There's a limit to natural talent. You could understand things in theory but you call them by their names, that doesn't come from simple experience.  Your pose is always perfect, both when you're walking and when you're fighting. To be able to have that degree of grace, you can't always do it unless you've trained yourself to be graceful. I get the feeling you're always pushing yourself to be perfect in any way. No matter what. Like you could be wearing burning shoes and you wouldn't show your pain."
He looked at her, she liked saying the oddest things. Why was she focusing on that? Normally, people commented directly on his beauty. He wasn’t used to being told this, he was doing only the necessary things to achieve his goal. The obvious things that no one focused on. That no one praised.
You didn't praise the method, you praised the results. The finished product. It didn't matter if you did your best when you failed. The result was all that mattered.
Just as he couldn’t beat Neige.
However, her words made him uncomfortable. Was she offering a cheap clap on the back as his fate, and he hated that word, was to be the loser? Some cheap, meaningless sympathy as an equally miserable bandage to his mortally wounded pride?
"What is your game, Manager? Is this some attempt to get along with me to further your goals?"
She huffed, visibly frustrated and annoyed at him, when he should be the one groaning at her and her nonsensical questioning. "You know, you're really smart but you're horribly stubborn. I'm not dissing you. Damn this school. You're all a huge bunch of weirdos, you're always focusing on the oddest stuff."
"As if you can truly say that to me."
"Really? Riddle got so angry about breaking even the most ridiculous inconsequential rules that the Queen of Hearts made. I get things like ‘Don't run with scissors in the hall’, because you can actually get hurt, but the color of roses? The tea you serve after 6? That's just showing off your power in meaningless bullshit. It alienates people instead of making them like you. He is devoted and meticulous, except he's focusing on the stupid stuff.
“Leona is capable, he's actually smart and he could be an excellent student and magift player but he can't be bothered to do anything because he doesn't want to be compared to others. Well, duh, you're always going to be compared. Damned if you do it, damned if you don’t, it’s way better to be damned for doing your thing. The rest can go fuck off. It’s not like they are going to do things for you, and they won’t live your life.”
Was she trying to get on his good side by dissing everyone?
“Azul, for all the intelligence he has, is a big idiot. All the effort he made to hide his past, just to crumble because of a photo. Why would you want to alter it so much that you're no longer yourself? I don't understand. He could see how far he had come and how much he had improved himself, that the Azul in that picture, who was extremely cute mind you, would be just proud of who he had grown into. But no, he had to drag everyone with those shady contracts, trick everyone to profit off them, try to trick me instead of asking for help like a fucking normal person. I would have helped him without any of this idiot contract bullshit if he was just sincere and not an incredibly fucking shady yakuza.
“Jamil. Don't get me started on him, I'm still salty about it. It's a custom in his country, I understand that. His parents were in the wrong, I understand that but. Did he really have to try to fucking kill us? In the bloody desert?! Not to mention, he had Kalim, KALIM! Kalim wouldn't have minded that Jamil told him the truth about him having to play the incompetent servant when he's like a fucking genius. Getting average grades on purpose is really hard, you have to be super smart to do that! Hell, Kalim would have been the first one to support him if he knew the truth! Kalim trusted him, Jamil was his best friend. He even forgave him. With Kalim at his side, things would have been different. But no, Jamil had to fake this shady nice persona to get us to like him, then use everyone for his stupid nonsense and instead of talking! Like normal people! Attempted murder! Of course that is the right answer."
Her rant made him furious. It wasn’t her ranting about the others, as several of them, like Leona, were annoying in many degrees. It was because it showed how she saw the other students, and it made him wonder how she would later see him.
How would she casually dismiss all his struggles?
"I wish I had this much drive to care about stupid shit."
"You are exactly as Leona and Azul said you were,” he replied, wanting furiously to slap her, to make her shut up, “an obnoxious brat who talks as if she knows everything. Casually dissing everyone while supposedly praising them? I thought you were supposed to be a good quiet prefect. Your opinion doesn't matter."
"It does matter because when you die, you can't do anything of these things. You could fall off your broom next class, crack your skull and die, but all you worried about was an idiot meaningless thing, instead of doing what you really wanted."
Vil stared at her, shocked for a moment, her words a slap to his face. He didn't expect them nor the tone she used, a clear-headed but extremely heartfelt answer. It was rational, not spat out in the heat of the moment, almost a product of actual experience.
It was in that moment he realized she genuinely meant what she said before. She was genuinely praising his efforts, the things no one else even considered. And he wasn’t sure how he should feel. He was feeling annoyed, he could imagine her ranting about him next.  'You are an idiot, trying to best Neige in being the fairest.'
But what was the thing she would compliment him on as well?
The answer would have to haunt him, because he was not going to ask her about himself. He was scared of that answer. He was scared of being focused on something wrong, of being told his path was wrong from the start.
He had devoted himself to being the fairest of them all for so long, just to be told it was an impossible task from the start. The effort he put into it would be absolutely meaningless, as they weren’t in a fairy tale, and even if they were, they weren’t its main characters.
“Manager,” he said in a tone that he himself couldn’t discern. It was such, though, that Ann quickly cooled down from her rant, going from emboldened to suddenly stay silent, and hesitant. “I will not repeat myself. Stop talking as if you understand my feelings. You don’t know me, I don’t know you. All you need to know is that you have to devote yourself to the VDC.”
“But… I thought-”
“Yes, you always ‘thought’. Whatever you thought, you are wrong. Stop delving into others’ personal affairs.”
He saw her opening her mouth, but he wouldn’t entertain her any longer. She had damaged him enough, making him fear for a moment of his own goals, to let her destroy his shaking beliefs and crumbling confidence. With a fierce glare, hiding his inner turmoil as he had always done, the iron mask befitting a queen, he looked down on her once before leaving her alone, with only the wind to listen to whatever useless opinion she had to share.
This was a challenging fic to write given the limited information we’re given, at the time ofc, about Neige and the nature of the casting, as well as his personality. It was also interesting for me because it’s part of the culmination of the previous chapters. Vil is a very perceptive person and he would normally recognize when someone is genuinely praising him. However, in an overblotting state, where he is stressed and second-guessing himself, it wouldn’t be that hard to see that he finds it difficult to trust strangers, especially someone like Ann.
Ann herself is not entirely right either. She has good points about the others and about Vil, but she tends to see things from her own perspective and how she strongly feels, in particular to people like Azul due to her own personal reasons and past. Hence, she can’t sometimes really relate to things that oppose to what she believes and feels. Because she is also blunt, while well-intentioned, she can come off as obnoxious and intrusive, especially with how she words things. Basically both right now are not well emotionally and logically to reach an agreement and see each others’ points. But Vil wouldn’t be well right now because we’re in the middle of Pomefiore arc, F.
Thank you for reading!
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
DR2 boys with a S/O who’s on the chubbier side and is a insecure about it? I love this blog by the way!
Sdr2 boys with a S/O who's insecure about their body!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyohiko was never really in tune with others' emotions, or his own.
He didn't really pick up on how self conscious you were until one night you spelt it all out for him when you were drunk
After that, he tried to find ways to comfort you when you looked upset about your body. 
"Don't say that shit about yourself, (Y/N)" he said suddenly, looking at you.
"You're not fat or ugly or whatever the fuck you keep thinking you are. You aren't. You're so beautiful" 
He kissed you, holding you close. 
"I'm not good at talking about this shit… about confidence or whatever… but you're fucking stunning to me."
"And please let me know if you feel upset about your body. I'll tell you this all again, you know. And… find shit to help you feel better"
He truly did mean the best, yet had problems verbalizing it. 
He started to throw in more bashful compliments towards you whenever you looked nervous.
"Your hair is nice today" "I love your smile" "that outfit looks pretty on you"
He wasn't used to helping others with emotional help, but was more than willing to learn 
Gundham Tanaka
Gundham never really cared about the size or shape of your mortal vessel. 
That's why he was caught off guard when, before your date night, you said that you were afraid your dress made you look bad
"My gorgeous majesty, why do you think that?" He asked, taking your hand
You were starting to cry as he pulled you into his arms. 
"My love, how about instead of going out, I pamper you at home?"
You nodded shakily
He bought take out and put on your favorite shows and brought the devas to cuddle with you.
He kissed you all over and over, something which he didn't normally do. 
He didn't often initiate touch with you (or anyone) but did love it when you did hold each other close.
"My (Y/N)?" He asked after a while
"I… don't understand something about your mortal ways…"
"What do you mean?"
"How could someone like you feel so much shame for your body? Your body will not follow you to the afterlife, it is just a mere vessel for your spirit."
You listened to his musing quietly. You weren't sure what to say, and he just kept going.
"Especially someone whose beauty rivals those of the vessels of succubi and incubi"
"I... I don't know, Gundam…"
"And… My love… If you ever do feel this way again, tell me so I may treat you like the diety you are"
Hajime Hinata
Hajime was always self-conscious, being in such a great school with no talent to speak of.
He was able to pick up on your unease when he spent time with you and the others before any of the others. 
"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you alright? You look… upset"
You told him you were fine and didn't want to talk about it
"Well… if you need to, you have my phone number, ok?"
A few weeks later around midnight, you needed to talk about it. 
You called him, sobbing your heart out. 
"H-hey, hey! Calm down, okay? What's wrong?"
You let your emotions spill. About how you felt large and ugly, and the sore thumb of the group. 
He listened to you talk for hours, comforting you the whole time. 
"Don't worry, (Y/N). No one thinks you're any worse looking, ok? I know that me just saying that won't cure all of your anxieties, but.. I hope it helps"
Whenever you looked anxious, he would pull you aside and help you calm down, telling you how no one saw you any differently than any of your peers 
You two started to hang out on your own after a while, and you slowly felt yourself gaining feelings for him. 
You ended up asking him out, and he told you that he actually loved you too.
It was so lovely to spend time with him
He loved giving you gifts and often showered you with compliments
Imposter (Byakuya)
Byakuya noticed how nervous you looked in your dress/tux during date night at a fancy restaurant. 
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked with his cold voice
"I don't know, Byakuya… I just don't feel comfortable in this. It makes me look to… big…" you kept your eyes down
He got a waitress quickly and got the food packed in boxes and left with you. 
"Come along, (Y/N). We should go somewhere quieter" 
You followed him, quietly asking "are you mad at me? I'm sorry"
"Of course I'm not mad, there's nothing to be sorry for. Let's talk"
He sat down on a bench and you sat next to him. He looked you in the eyes.
"(Y/N), don't ever be ashamed of yourself. If you don't like your appearance you can change it to be one you love, but being heftier or traditionally unattractive is nothing to be ashamed of."
"And if it makes you feel any better, I think you look amazing… but that's the thing. You shouldn't listen to me, or anyone else. No one decides how you should love yourself but you" 
Byakuya knew he should have listened to his own words, but he had no identity to begin with with…
You guys went home early that night and spent the night at home together. 
After that, Byakuya started to go shopping with you more and helped you find clothes that you felt nicer in
He wanted you to feel comfortable in your own body
He wanted you to feel comfortable with your own identity.
Kazuichi Soda
Soda loved every single thing about you, including your body
He loved showering you in gifts and praise, especially about your body after he found out you were so self conscious
He would compliment you every single day about something new
It never felt forced or fake, either. 
It was all genuine and from the heart
He always did what he could to cheer you up when you were upset. He made you a few little toys to help keep you distracted by intrusive thoughts when you were alone
Whenever you went clothes shopping together, he would shower you with compliments.
"Are you sure this doesn't make me look… big?"
"Of course not! Why would I lie to you, (Y/N)? It makes you look cute/handsome, just like normal"
"It does?"
"Of course"
When you were at home together, Soda loved holding you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and just staying like that for a while, rambling to you.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
He knew that you wouldn't be instantly happy with yourself or your body, yet he wanted to help
Nagito Komaeda
Even before he was in a relationship with you, Nagito could tell you were always a bit anxious
He was a friend of yours for a few years before you finally asked him out
You both started to open up to each other a lot more
Nagito started staying at your house for longer periods of time, too.
One day, you just started crying to him.
Crying about how you hated your body 
He just held you close and rubbed your back
When you finished ranting, he whispered soft, sweet words in your ears. 
Words about how beautiful your body is, how sweet and kind and generous you are. 
After that, he would make sure to check on you when you looked upset.
He would go out of his way to compliment you more than normal.
You both had the habit of talking bad about yourselves, and heIp catch each other before either of you get to upset  
When his luck was causing problems and he didn't want to be around you, you would talk to each other for hours on the phone
It was really comforting to know that you were never alone when you needed love.
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru was always concerned about your health
To you, it was a shock someone as fit as him would ask you out on a date, and then another after, and became your boyfriend
You had honestly assumed it was some sick trick, or out of pity
One day, while you were walking together, you decided to ask.
"How could you like someone like me, Nekomaru? I'm just… ugly"
He looked at you in shock before sitting down under a tree, patting the grass next to him
"Why would you think that you're ugly, (Y/N)? Even if you're on the larger side, it doesn't make you look worse than others!"
"But you care so much about health, and I don't look healthy"
He let out a hearty, loud laugh. "BMI is bullshit, (Y/N)! Lots of healthy people have high BMIs, and some of your ability to lose weight is in your genes!"
His laugh warmed your heart. You just smiled at him. 
"And if you do want to feel healthier, then you're doing all the right things! Taking these walks with me, drinking and eating everyday, pacing yourself, even getting out of bed on hard days" 
He ruffled your hair, smiling. 
You two sat there for a little while, staring at the sky before getting back up and finishing your walk
He would give you more opportunities to join his exercises or design routines for you if you were concerned about your health
On his break days, you would both cuddle up on the couch and watch TV, snacking on whatever, not caring about all the little calories. 
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru honestly had a bit of a preference for larger bodies
Not to a point of it being a fetish, of course. He just found them pretty.
That being said, he didn't fall for you for your body.
He knew your body made you anxious, so he showered you with praise and love. 
He liked doing so in public to see how flustered you'd get,
but if it made you really uncomfortable, he would mostly keep affection at home, throwing in just a little bit of PDA when he felt particularly playful
Every day he would ask you what you wanted for dinner
Some days you would sheepishly say that you wanted something, but were afraid it would make you look larger
After assuring you that being large wasn't a bad thing, he would make you what you wanted. 
His food always cheered you up when you felt self-conscious 
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ruewrites · 4 years
We’re Blooming Together Chapter 3: Eyes
Ships: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 3023
Warnings: None
Chapter 1-Chapter 2-Chapter 3-Chapter 4-Chapter 5-Chapter 6-Chapter 7-Chapter 8-Chapter 9-Chapter 10-Chapter 11-Chapter 12
“I thought you said you were going to focus on yourself for a while.”
“I am … But they could also be cute, you know? Now stop moving before I stab you with the pin.”
All Asmo had to do was make a few adjustments so his latest assignment actually fit Solomon before making his judgement. If it didn’t fit him just the way he wanted it to, it would look bad if not every little last detail was perfectly in place. Not to mention, the colors looked good on Solomon. Long black jacket that flared down to his knees, with dark blue snakes hiding in the fabric. They were almost invisible until the light hit the sequence just right. Underneath was a white a light grey shirt with golden trim on the collar which bled into dark grey pants. They flared out at the bottom just a bit and also had the same gold trim.  Dark and mysterious, a perfect contrast to his person. The blue of the snakes almost matched the specks of blue in his grey eyes.
“I mean note writing is a little ‘high school’ I guess, but it never happened to me before… So I think it’s kind of cute. Plus it’s very well done, much better than anything any of our old classmates could have pulled off,” Asmo sighed, adjusting the cuff of the slacks. He’d gotten a few more letters since the first, some had even included little gifts. Each one had made him bubble up with joy.
“Have you told any of your brothers?” Solomon asked, looking down at Asmodeus.
“ Hell no . While I’d love to go on and on about it, the others wouldn’t let it go , and you know how protective Luci can be.”
Lucifer had been thrown into a parental role earlier than he should have been (honestly he shouldn’t have had to do it at all), but he’d done a fairly good job from what Asmo remembered. Of course they’d had guardians, but Lucifer always tried his best for all of them. He’s also been fairly protective over all of them. Asmo could still remember how he had reacted with his first break up,or the time a group of guys had ganged up on  Mammon and Levi after school. Neither situation had ended well for their offenders. Nothing really changed much. The only difference now was that Lucifer was a big, fancy, successful lawyer. While Lucifer was smart in his own regards, it also helped that he’d just so happened to make friends with Diavolo during his studies, a man born into money and power. Diavolo adored Asmo’s dear older brother, and wanted to see him succeed in life. Despite Lucifer’s many protests, Diavolo had poured a lot into Lucifer’s law firm and helped him make Morning-Star&Dev ílle the successful and glorious firm it was today. Long story short, people used to be scared of messing with any of the younger Morning-Stars, now they were absolutely terrified .
Asmo stood and walked around Solomon once more. Everything seemed to be marked properly for him to sew later so he brought Solomon over to the mirror. He let out a low whistle.
“I like this one,” Solomon grinned, gently tugging on the long dark jacket, “And Mammon really wouldn’t model this for you?”
“Not without pay no. He doesn’t do ‘free gigs’.”
More like he didn’t have time for them. Mammon was broke every other week. Asmo didn’t really know how he could do it, so he spent most of his time in the studio to make as much as he could. Asmo had tagged along with him to the studio once, mainly so he could talk to some of the designers. However, he would say that Mammon made a pretty good model.
Even so, he liked having Solomon as his model, and he wouldn’t have to redo measurements often. Plus, Solomon looked good in everything he made. It could be because he had a tiny thing for him, or that he was his type, but whatever. He had an attractive model who he also got along with, and that was important.
“You knoooow, you could always come along with me. I’d make you my own personal model, then I could make you clothes all the time,” Asmo hummed, peaking over his shoulder, “Mr. Author and or professor Solomon would always have a snazzy new  suit for every day of the week, or outfit of your choosing. I’m not picky with what I make.”
He caught Solomon’s smirk in the mirror, damn he was attractive . He always got this little twinkle in his eyes whenever he smirked, it was so mischievous. When had he started doing that? When had that shy little boy on the playground become this man before him?
“Perhaps. I’ll think about it.”
Asmodeus hummed for a moment before pulling his bangs back slightly, there it was. That was a nice look. “Oooh you should pull your hair back when you model for my class! Or do it more anyways, that way people can see more of that handsome face of yours!” he said. Or so he could see more of that handsome face of his.
Solomon chuckled and shook his head, pulling Asmodeus’ hand away and brushed his bangs back into place. “I don’t know, I kind of like my hair the way it is. I’ll leave the fancy stuff to you Asmodeus.”
“Pulling your hair back is hardly considered fancy, dear Solomon.”
Something was still missing… Asmo circled Solomon a few more times. What was it? He stared at the breast pocket for just a moment before snapping, “Got it!” Going over to his dresser, he plucked one of the fake flowers from its place. The yellow perennial added a nice splash of color to the outfit and stood out nicely against the dark fabric and matched the golden trim, even if it hadn’t been one of the fully bloomed ones. “Now it’s perfect .”
Solomon adjusted the collar just a bit, eyes fixed on the flower in his pocket. One arm was crossed over his abdomen and the other near his chin, one finger underneath his lip. Slowly he nodded.
Why did he have to be so wonderful ?
Asmo pushed those thoughts away.
“If you think it looks good, I trust you,” Solomon smiled, “After all, you’re the designer here, not me.”
“Good! Now take it off so I can adjust it. I still need to try a few ideas for your face until I’m done with you.”
A familiar meow greeted Asmo as he entered the cafe. One of the many residents greeted him happily looking for chin scratches and other affections from him. Few people were here at this hour, and honestly that was for the best. After all, he didn’t want people to overhear his little gossip sessions with Satan. Visiting his brother on break was always fun. He’d get to hear countless stories of odd customers that came in that day and Asmo could tell him about some of the latest gossip on his campus.
“All I’m saying is this, the next kid that pulls one of my cats’ tails is gettin drop kicked out the door,” Satan growled, “I don’t care if he’s six Susan, do your fuckin job as a mom and teach him to not hurt my cats. ”
Asmo nodded along with his brother’s words as one of the tabby’s pressed her head into his palm. “ Children. Surely we weren’t bad when we were that age.”
“Lucifer might beg to differ.”
Asmo flicked the paper wrapper from his straw at him, and Satan snorted, “Well he would .”
“Hush. Luci basically raised us, you know he loves us.”
Satan mumbled a bit and rolled his eyes.
“Anyways,” Asmo continued, “Wanna know my latest thing while there’s no eavesdropping brothers?”
Satan leaned over the table to meet Asmo half way, a smirk on his face. “Any dirt on dear older brother? Or did something happen on campus? Some stupid freshie do dumb shit at the latest frat party?”
That was when Asmodeus hesitated for a moment. Should he tell him? He could always pull something else out to tell him. It wouldn’t be that hard. After all, he knew all of the latest news on campus, he could think of something he hadn’t told Satan yet. No. He could trust Satan. Satan could keep a secret. Even if he couldn’t, Lucifer would be the last person he’d tell. Lucifer was the one he was worried about finding out.  He would worry. He’d think the worst.
Not that he blamed him. Lucifer had heard more than enough horror stories from clients to last him five lifetimes over. He knew what the world could be like.  He had to face it almost every day he walked in. Asmo just preferred to ignore those parts. Worrying too much could cause wrinkles, and that was one thing that Asmo never wanted to happen to him. Besides, they’d all been fine up to this point and they would continue to be fine.
The letters spread across the table and Satan raised a brow. Asmo slowly opened them and even placed some of the tinier gifts on the table. “ Read them ,” he said, “Satan they’re so wonderful . So beautifully written! I’ve been finding them in my things. My bag, my laptop, my textbooks, my desks, my makeup bag- Oh it’s so romantic and secretive .”
Satan opened one of the letters slowly, eyes scanning over the words slowly, processing what this was. Asmo held his breath, eyes trained on his brother. Oh he could wait to hear Satan’s thoughts. Of course talking to Solomon had been fun, but Solomon was more of a listener. Solomon was a good listener. Those beautiful grey eyes trained on him, nodding to let him know he was listening. He also never interrupted, which was nice. He always listened to him, no matter what. And those eyes…
“Well, their penmanship is certainly impressive.”
“ Satan. Is that really all you have to say?” Asmo couldn’t hide the exasperation in his voice, “This is romance . You know, like you have in some of the books you have in that mountain of a bookshelf? And all you can comment on is the handwriting? ”
“Well it is rather exceptional,” Satan shrugged, “And you don’t have a clue who it could be?”
Asmo had fantasies about who it could be, but as far as clues went-
“Nope! Not in the slightest. All I know is that they say such wonderful things, and they sound like they absolutely adore me!” he sighed, “They even used my favorite color for the letter. I can only imagine how sweet they are, or how wonderful they might be.”
“Or they could be a complete psychopath.”
“ Shut up . This is my fantasy and you’re about to be uninvited.”
Concern crossed Satan’s face, and Asmo could already feel himself starting to suppress a groan. “I’m just being rational. It could happen. There’s plenty of weirdos out there who’d do anything to get what they want you know.”
Of course Asmo knew, but that wasn’t the case here. It couldn’t be the case here.
“You’re starting to sound like Lucifer.”
“Please, don’t insult me like that,” Satan let out a sigh and looked out the window of the cafe, “I don’t want that to be the case. You’ve only been getting these on campus?”
“ Yes. Unfortunately they don’t follow me wherever I go. It’s not like one’s going to magically pop up while we’re sitting here in the cafe. Besides, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself if something does happen. They probably just look at my accounts. It’s not hard to find my favorite color.”
He wasn’t helpless, and he certainly wasn’t stupid. He was allowed to enjoy this.
“Perhaps,” Satan couldn’t shake all  of the concern in his eyes, but he could get rid of most of it, “Although, I may have to have a talk with them if they ever choose to reveal themselves. While they’re writing is good , I’d love to help them work on their  descriptions.”
“It’s cute in a sense, but there are certainly more romantic things that could be said if that’s what they were going for.”
“ Satan .”
“For example, they could have put more of an emphasis on your eyes-”
Asmo groaned and slumped over onto the table, “Satan I don’t want you giving my precious Secret an entire lesson. Knowing my luck you’ll scare them away.”
He heard Satan chuckle and felt him ruffle his hair. Asmo’s eyes peaked up from his arms so he could glare at his brother, but only for a moment. “You know the rule for partners. They get brought in, we get to embarrass whoever brought them in.”
Asmo grumbled out a quiet “yeah yeah I know ” before sitting back up straight. The future for him and Secret would be unforgiving when it came to his brothers, but he didn’t have to cross that bridge yet. Maybe he’d be able to find a way to save both of them from their cruel fate, or more accurately, maybe Asmo could save himself from the cruel fate of being embarrassed in front of his precious Secret.
“You’re all so cruel. You know that right?” Asmo huffed, “Here I am, searching for the love of my life, and all any of you can think of doing is whipping out old stories or teasing me until I turn red. The nerve of you.”
“Everyone gets the same treatment Asmo.”
“I know, but still,” Asmo smoothed his hair back over and let out a sigh, “Couldn’t you let it slide just this once? Please ? They could be the one.” He put on his best puppy dog eyes and batted his lashes for extra measure. For a few moments. One. Then two. Then-
Satan burst out into laughter, “Nah. Nope. Sorry Asmo. If the rest of us have to suffer so do you. Not to mention all of your partners, in your own words, ‘could have been the one’. I’m starting to think that you say that more than you realize.”
That’s because each time he honestly believed it.
“Oh whatever. In any case, this stays between us okay? No one else knows. Especially not Lucifer.” Asmo’s voice was stern. Satan had to know he wasn’t joking around now. He knew what mode Lucifer would jump into if he figured out what was happening, and Asmo couldn’t have that. He didn’t want Secret to be scared off by him. If Secret truly did care about him like they wrote about, Asmo wanted them to stick around for a while….
Satan nodded, “Asmo, you know me. Anything spoken between our exclusive circle stays between us. Lucifer isn’t going to find out. Not until you want him to anyways.” He refolded the letters and pushed them back towards his brother. It was their little secret.
Asmo smiled and took the letters back carefully. “I have a new one to read tonight. I can tell you what it says tomorrow.”
“Oh? You didn’t bring it with you?”
“I’d like the first read through of a first letter to be reserved for my eyes only.”
It made the moment more intimate that way. It was special. Every new letter he opened felt like a warm embrace from his Secret. He bet their embrace felt even more wonderful than he imagined.
“Now, care to tell me about some more of your horror stories?”
To the keeper of my heart,
Where do I even begin when it comes to you?
Some days I fear that my words may fall short
Or that there will be no words left to describe you properly.
What will I do then?
Perhaps I would have to come out from hiding
Hold you close
Never let you go
And recite all of the wonderful mysteries about you.
I love when you get excited about your passions.
Your eyes sparkle and outshine all of the stars in the sky
Your lips curl up in the most perfect of arcs
You voice lilts and picks up ever so slightly.
I’ve never known a more passionate person than you.
Never let anyone take away the life in your eyes.
Think of Me,
Your Secret
Asmo had read the letter three times over. Each time his eyes scanned over the words his heart skipped a beat. Of course he wasn’t new to compliments, he’d received so many over the years. People stared at him, People wanted him. Sure maybe it was a little narcissistic, but why deny it if he knew it to be true? Despite all of that, people rarely went into detail about what they loved about him. He’d had partners brag about how hot or cute he was, but many had also made him feel self conscious. He still remembered the disappointment that flickered behind an old boyfriend’s eyes the one time he had decided to “dress down” one day when he stayed over. The dismissive tone in his voice… Even though Asmo thought he’d looked cute…
Things like that stick with you.
Would Secret still love him if he dropped below the bar one day?
He didn’t want to find out…
Asmo placed the letter on his nightstand, and curled up under his covers. He certainly did think of Secret every night. He tried to create a picture of them in his head. He imagined their voice, how wonderful their embrace would feel, how absolutely perfect they would be. They truly adored him. How could Asmo not think of them? As he drifted off, his mind once again wadered to Solomon. Even if it wasn’t possible, thinking about it couldn’t hurt. It wasn’t like he was going to actually start falling for his childhood crush again. He was still allowed to think he was cute. Plenty of people were cute, that didn’t mean that he’d fall for every cute person he saw.
Once again, Asmo found himself dreaming of his best friend and his beautiful eyes.
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hwangzi · 5 years
You had a reputation.
Not that you particularly cared about what others thought of you, but you were aware of this nasty rumour going around about you being the most unapproachable girl at school.
It didn’t stem from your looks (which, on the contrary, might have been the reason why you belonged to the 'cool kids' once). But the fact that you preferred keeping your personal life private, generally avoided human beings unless it was your best friend, while unapologetically being yourself made people think you were a rude, antisocial weirdo. To top it all off, you made clear to everyone that you were completely unavailable for any sort of romantic involvement.
And then there was him.
Equally unapologetic, equally hard-headed and equally... handsome? But he was your school's notorious bad guy and the complete opposite of you in any other aspect - or so you thought.
Until one fateful evening when you happened to be studying in the same exact library where he had been condemned to carry out his duties as the janitor’s substitute for having skipped four classes in a week.
"Sylvia Plath, huh"
You spun around in your chair, not expecting someone to still be here at this hour, only to be confronted with the school's most dreaded boy. Right, detention.
"You know ‘The Bell Jar’?" You asked, unable to hide the initial surprise. Who expected someone like him to read American feminist literature?
He shrugged as if it wasn't anything worth noting.
"S'pose so. Anyway, what’s our highschool's sweetheart doing all alone in the library on a friday night, when every normal person should be out in the club?" He drew out the 'sweetheart' part in mocking irony, making you frown in response.
"I'm sorry, do I know you? This is none of your business." You scoffed and turned around to resume your reading.
"You might not, but I know you" he smirked and suddenly sat down next to you.
"Y/n, right? The so-called ‘unapproachable ice princess’?"
"I see you already picked up that much about me... Well then, allow me to live up to my title and kindly ask you to leave me alone."
Honestly, you were getting really annoyed at this point. So you're just another one of them, you thought. Full of assumptions and prejudice.
"Woah woah, what's with that sour face? Did I offend you?"
"I don't care what people think about me"
"Is that so?"
"Yes, and shouldn't you be cleaning the floor instead of sitting here, chatting to a cold-hearted brat?" You looked at him, anticipating a reaction.
He leaned back onto his chair, holding your gaze - much to your provocation, you spotted an amused twinkle in his dark orbs.
"Firstly; So you do know me. And secondly; I never said I found you cold-hearted, nor bratty."
"You're in my history class. Also, you just said so yourself."
"I said 'the so-called'. I never said it was my opinion." He countered.
"What is your opinion then?" You replied, curiosity uncontrollably sparking inside of you.
"I thought you didn't care about what other people think?" He replied, another smirk forming on his handsome features. God, now that you looked at him closely, you realized how brown his eyes are, almost like chocola-
Snapping out of it, you hastily started packing your belongings, turning away from him to hide your face, red with embarrassment.
"I- I don't-" What the hell was he doing to you? "Whatever, I don’t need an answer", you muttered quickly. You were about to storm out of the library when you heard him call behind you.
"As a matter of fact, I think you're very caring, hard-working and really pretty."
You stopped in your tracks. Did he just-?
"What makes you think I am any of that?" You looked back at him. His eyes caught yours before he spoke,
"I've been watching you for quite a while now. I know you're very kind to your friend. You keep to yourself because you're scared of getting hurt again, like those assholes you used to hang out with once did. You're very dedicated to schoolwork. I've seen you study ‘til past midnight several times when I was in detention..." Unsure whether you considered this creepy or actually kinda cute, you caught him chuckling at your bewildered expression before continuing,
"And from all those people in our school... You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
At this point, you couldn't help the heat spreading on your face - and you knew he saw it.
"Besides, you're not afraid of me. That’s all the more reason why I like you."
Your heart skipped a beat at those last three words.
"You what?"
"You heard me" he laughed. "Now would you stop running away and actually let me take you out on a date?"
"I- I don't even know you!"
I really don't, you thought, I didn't know you were that observant and thoughtful...
"Then let's change that and go out with me, so you can get to know me little by little."
He stood up, approaching you with a few quick steps. When he stopped right in front of you, you held your breath, heart beating so loudly you wondered if he could hear it. How come you've never noticed how stunning his presence was?
"Clearly, one of the things we have in common is our reputation. And neither you nor I give a shit about it. So why don’t we just do our thing together? Would you like that, baby?" Something about the way he stared into your eyes while your new nickname fell from his lips made your throat feel dry.
"Okay..." you finally said and he took your hands into his, a dazzling smile on his face you've never seen before but could definitely get used to seeing more of in the future.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, y/n.“
Many things come unexpected in life and somehow, life threw at you this boy with a story that offers more layers you had yet to discover.
And, little did you know, along with a love deeper than you could imagine.
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