#judith harris
violettesiren · 2 months
Not yet summer, but unseasonable heat pries open the cherry tree.
It stands there stupefied, in its sham, pink frills, dense with early blooming.
Then, as afternoon cools into more furtive winds, I look up to see a blizzard of petals rushing the sky.
It is only April. I can’t stop my own life from hurrying by. The moon, already pacing.
In Your Absence by Judith Harris
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judediangelo75 · 2 days
Funny Feeling
*Looks around for a few seconds, sneaks in, drops this, and goes back into my little hidey hole*
MC Friend: David Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard )
Kendrick Lives!AU Installment
Word Count: 3.026
"Talbott, what are you doing?" The young wizard jumped at Andre's voice, immediately hiding the journal he was writing in behind his back. The Style Wizard raised a brow, noting the nervous look on Talbott's usual impeccable poker face.
"Andre, I didn't hear you come in," Talbott said, slowly inching closer to the entryway that led to the dorms. The loner Ravenclaw fought the urge to fidget under Andre's narrowed gaze.
"...whatcha got back there, Winger," Andre finally asked after a few beats of silence.
"Nothing, just some class notes," Talbott replied, though Andre could hear the slight tremor in his voice. Andre smirked.
"Class notes don't make you nervous, Winger. Let me see. It's only me..." Andre and Talbott stood in the middle of their common room, staring at each other in silence. Before they both broke into a run--Andre chasing after a red-faced Talbott.
"NEVER! JUST LET ME SEE, YOU STUBBORN GIT!" Talbott faltered for a moment, a fond memory of a particular dark-skinned Hufflepuff calling her fellow Housemate the same thing for her "little." Of course, that distraction cost him greatly. The next thing the avian Animagus knew, he was on his stomach with his best mate on his back, crowing his victory as he held Talbott's journal in the air.
Talbott wriggled, trying to get Andre off of him.
"Now, let's see what's got you so flustered that you're too afraid to tell your best mate about it," Andre drawled. Talbott growled, thrashing harder.
"Andre, don't you dare-!" But it was too late; Talbott could hear Andre flipping through the pages.
What Andre saw was something he didn't expect.
"I remember hearing about her when I first came to Hogwarts, but today was my first time officially meeting her. I heard about her fight in our first year. I heard about her famous dad. I heard how she and her best friend defeated the first Cursed Vault. Heck, she was well-known about just two months after the school year started. I always heard whispers about her scar and never understood why everyone made such a big fuss until I saw her for the first time. The scar was impossible to miss, covering almost half of the left side of her face. It went as far back as her ear, forcing her eye into a permanent glare. The nickname "Scarface" made a lot more sense than before. But the one thing about the rumors I could never agree with was her being scary or ugly. Something about those pale gold eyes said a lot more than she would ever say. The shyness, wariness, and hidden warmth... and I never thought I would say this about anyone before, but... she had to be the most beautiful person I've ever seen..."
"...how can someone like her, someone who seemed to have experienced so much pain, still show kindness? Even to those who reject her? ...even to me?"
"It's been years since my parents died. The only thing I had left of them was my mum's feather necklace. Losing that nearly made me lose my mind. The anxiety of losing my last connection to my parents threatened to pull me under. I would have never thought that two insistent Hufflepuffs would be hellbent on helping me find it. I still remember taking the necklace from her small hands. The brief contact rattled me more than the miracle that my necklace was with me again. Her hands were soft, save the light calluses on her fingertips and a bit on her palm. They felt a bit cold, but not in an unpleasant way. I remember hearing once that people with cold hands have warm hearts. Normally I wouldn't believe stuff like that, but for her, it seems fitting..."
"Why did I have to open my big mouth and tell her to make her secret interesting? I've been trying to get her to tell me that secret for what feels like forever, to no avail. I know that defeats the purpose of the Memory Charm, but it's been some time since then... surely it should be okay now that we know each other better? Clearly she begs to differ. She's hellbent on keeping her secret from me. She's always so evasive, asking why I want to know. I always found it difficult to answer that question... how was I going to tell her that I wanted to know the reason why I remember the sweet flush on her cheeks, the cute shuffle she does on occasion, and her endearing habit of playing with her rings before those soft lips told me a secret she was too nervous to tell me without that spell ensuring my ignorance? Why would Professor Flitwick and David look at the two of us with a knowing smirk if we were in each other's space? I feel like I will go insane just trying to figure it out..."
"This can't be healthy. The girl is all I could ever think about. Her brown-black sunbleached locs that sway down to her hips. The sweet scent that clung to her dark skin. Her adorable height of 5'6 (and a half, as she would stress, heh.) The breathtaking smile where that sweet dimple would appear on her right cheek. Those otherworldly pale gold eyes that outshine a treasure trove of galleons whenever she lets her guard down. She's so beautiful... what are you doing to me, Judith Harris?"
Andre's shell-shocked state was the perfect opportunity for Talbott to throw him off and grab his journal back. Talbott had a thunderous glare on his face, holding the little book close to his chest. Andre stood up, reaching out to touch his friend's shoulder.
"Talbott-" The Quidditch player cringed at the sight of angry red eyes.
"Damn it, Egwu! You couldn't leave it alone, could you?!" Talbott felt an embarrassed blush working up his neck and turned away before it could show on his face. The Ravenclaw loner has been trying to work out his feelings for the Hufflepuff witch since he met her. Whenever he's with her, he feels like he's both flying and falling at the same time. There was something there, something familiar, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what it was.
He hoped to keep his feelings a secret until he felt ready to talk to someone about it.
'So much for that. And it had to be Judith's date to the Celestial Ball out of all people?!'
"...oltt... Tal... TALBOTT!" The young boy jumped, shaking himself out of the panic he nearly fell under.
"What?" The Seeker let out a weary sigh, turning his friend around so he could face him.
"Hey, it's okay, Talbott. There's no need to be embarrassed because of how you feel for her," Andre said softly. Talbott narrowed his eyes at him.
"How can you say that? I like your crush, and you're telling me it's okay?" Andre stared at Talbott for a few moments before chuckling. Talbott bristled.
"I'm sorry, did I say something funny," he hissed. Andre shook his head fondly.
"Talbott, mate. I don't like Judith that way. At least not anymore. It was only temporary," Andre said. Now, it was Talbott's turn to stare.
"How?" Andre rolled his eyes.
"It's called a "crush" for a reason, mate. Temporary feelings of infatuation. Plus, her father may or may not have talked with me before I could consider asking Judith to the Celestial Ball," Andre said, his voice softer towards the end. He could still remember the sight of those cold, pale gold eyes in his mind's eye.
'If you like my daughter more than a friend, Andre, I'm telling you now; you better be prepared to properly court her and give her the love she deserves. If I ever find out you broke my little princess's heart, I'll break your bones in a way that they'll never properly heal for you to play Quidditch another day in your life. Do you understand me, son?'
Andre may find Judith to be a sweet and beautiful girl, and he admired her father, one of his Quidditch role models, but he was nowhere near ready to consider a serious relationship. He also would like to play Quidditch professionally. Andre wasn't looking to test the older man to see if he'd be true to his word.
If his daughter is capable of putting people in the Hospital Wing, he doesn't want to know whether the man will use his knowledge as a Healer for its opposite purpose.
"...if you're sure, mate," Talbott said slowly. Andre mentally shook his head, shaking himself out of the memory. He gave his friend an encouraging smile.
"Of course I am, Tal. Besides, what you're feeling is more than a crush." Talbott blushed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"I'm not entirely sure what to call my feelings towards her. I only experienced this funny feeling only once before. The person who suggested what it could be nearly had me falling out of a tree..."
"Sounds like love to me..."
Talbott could remember only a few details of the girl he spent the day with when he was eight, but her shy smile will forever be etched in his memory. He never saw her again after that day.
"Still, you can't just pine after her. Do something about it," Andre insisted. Talbott's lips formed into a worried frown.
"Like what? I'm not exactly the "romantic" type," he sassed. Andre had got to know the loner long enough to know he was using sarcasm to hide his nerves. Andre regarded him with a gentle smile.
"Give yourself more credit, mate. You may seem cold to others, but you have your charms. Besides, you could use your strengths to your advantage." Talbott cocked a brow at the style wizard.
"What strengths are you talking about," Talbott asked slowly. Andre grinned.
"You like to play the background character a lot, making you mysterious. What's more romantic than a romantic note from a mysterious secret admirer?" The Animagus let out a soft hum.
"Go on..."
"I'm sure you can add an extra little something. You seem interested in botany, so maybe a flower with the note? You could leave it before one of her classes starts so she would have something to look forward to," Andre continued, pleased to see that Talbott was considering his advice. Red eyes stared into brown ones for a few silent moments.
"I'll think about it... thanks, Egwu." The boy smiled.
"Anytime, Winger..."
Judith let out a soft yawn as she headed for her Charms class. It was early morning; the girl was known to be an early riser. She inherited the philosophy from her father that an early start is a peaceful start. Hardly anyone would be up around when she awoke, giving her the alone time she always loved. She made her breakfast in the Kitchens, under the watchful eye of Pitts, and wanted a quiet place to study. She didn't have Charms for at least another hour, and Professor Flitwick didn't mind if she was in the room alone to study.
What she didn't expect that early morning was to find a lone folded piece of paper and a flower at the spot where she would sit during class. The girl was positive she didn't see anyone in the halls on the way to the classroom or hear anyone lingering...
She slowly approached her seat. On the top layer, read 'To Judith' in impeccable cursive with a love heart at the end of her name.
"Well, there's no question on who it's for," she mumbled with a blush. Unfolding the paper, she began to read,
"Excuse me, miss... I don't wish to take up too much of your time,
For I simply wish to express to you a few things that have captivated both my heart and mind; I'm...
I'm not one who wears his heart on his sleeve,
But even without it being out in the open, it was my heart you managed to thieve...
Stolen by an angel in disguise,
...at least that's what I secretly tell myself when I think about your beautiful eyes.
No amount of galleons could outshine such eyes colored gold,
For they hold such a priceless, precious story that has yet to be told.
I often think to myself, "How can one who experienced so much pain, hurt, and rejection... remain to have a heart so kind?"
For you are an undeserving gift to all of mankind...
To those who only see your scar, I consider to be fools who are blind,
For they're unwilling to see the true you beyond the exterior, in which you hide behind...
Darling... when I see you,
I see a mystery with hidden clues.
When I see you,
I see one who's known by many but understood by few.
When I see you,
I see a girl who makes me feel as if... I'm see-through...
Such a revelation would normally make me turn and flee,
But there's something about you that makes me wonder, "What could we be...?"
Oftentimes, I would find myself caught up in a daydream,
With the idea of you and me as the main theme...
To have the privilege to play with such long, beautiful locs,
With your pretty little head on my chest as we lose ourselves in one of our idle talks...
To be constantly graced with the sight of your breathtaking smile,
That radiates such a warmth that makes me want to bask in it for a while...
To be able to breathe you in, taking in your signature scent,
Something that I find both unfamiliar and comforting, warm and sweet, matching perfectly with your accent...
To be able to feel your soft dark skin,
Even if it's just to hold your hand, I would still consider it as a win...
To no longer have to wonder what it's like to feel those perfect lips,
Quietly yearning for more as I pull you closer by the curves of your hips...
What I feel for you... it's like I'm both flying and falling,
There's just something about you that is just so bewitching... enchanting... enthralling...
There are times I like to believe that... you were made just for me,
The one I would ask to spend my life with while down on bended knee...
Heh. My apologies... I'm getting ahead of myself, seeing how we're both still so young,
But I hope you can understand that I could no longer hold my tongue.
I can't reveal myself just yet... but I will in time,
So, until then, I will appear to you in the form of poetry and rhyme.
Maybe by then, I could finally say the name of this feeling that, in the past, had me reeling,
But for now, my dearly beloved, what I feel for you, I'll call a "funny, funny feeling..."
Your Secret Admirer
A single blink. Followed by another.
Slender fingers shook slightly as the person's sign-off whirred around in her mind.
"I-I... I have a..." The last two words died on her tongue as Judith stared at the sign off with baffled astonishment. Ever since her mother scarred her, Judith could never see herself as someone desirable. She almost didn't go to the Celestial Ball; most of her friends had dates, and being in a fancy dress with an eye sore on her face made her uncomfortable.
The idea that someone could like her was impossible.
'Well, not anymore, so it seems...'
Judith set the paper down to rub her temples when the back of her hand brushed against something soft. Amid her flustered confusion, the young witch almost forgot the flower left alongside the note.
It was a dark pink and deep red carnation. In quiet awe, the young girl picked up the flower, feeling its soft petals. Bringing the flower to her nose, she inhaled quietly before sighing blissfully at its natural perfume.
"Oh wow, this is so sweet, but why..." Her voice trailed off, noticing an extra little note towards the bottom of the page.
"Carnations symbolize many things: fascination, distinction, devotion, gratitude, and love. Depending on the color. I chose this flower in those particular colors, so you know that... I find you interesting and unique... and to symbolize my budding feelings for you. I hope you accept my token of longing, dear Judith."
'Why is the room spinning right now...'
Judith can feel all the blood rushing from her heart to her suddenly hot cheeks. She had never had someone do something like this...
To think that this person is falling for her?
She shyly twirled the flower between her fingers before tucking it behind her scarred ear. A slow smile appeared on her lips for the first time that morning.
'I hope to meet you soon, my secret admirer...'
Charms class seemed to have flown by because the next thing the young witch knew, it was time for lunch. While Judith did pay attention to Professor Flitwick's review, she couldn't help but take a few peeks at her note. The warm fuzzy feeling in her chest only grew as she reread the romantic poem.
The girl wore a dopey smile as she left the classroom and headed into the Great Hall.
"Who's got you smiling like that, Little Tigress?" Judith nearly jumped out of her skin as her best mate, David, appeared beside her. She gave him a brief glare for the "little" comment before a blush blossomed on her face.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she retorted, walking over to the Hufflepuff table. David raised a brow at her.
"Uh-huh... I saw you in Charms class peeking at something in your pocket with that same smile. I'm guessing who gave you that note gave you the flower, too," he sassed. He quickly evaded a punch from his embarrassed House mate with a laugh. He poked her side, smirking as the girl let out a high-pitched squeak.
"C'mon.... tell your best mate who it is," he teased. Judith let out a long-suffering sigh.
"Stubborn git... and I don't know who it's from. They signed themselves as "Your Secret Admirer," she admitted, fiddling with her rings. David's grin softened.
"Any idea who it could be?" Judith gave a small shrug.
"Your guess is as good as mine... but I hope to meet them one day..." Unknown to the two Hufflepuffs, a Ravenclaw was watching from their assigned table. Those red eyes were trained on the female witch, catching sight of the flower tucked behind a scarred ear.
Talbott let out a secret smile behind his book.
'One day, I'll be able to reveal myself to you, darling. You can count it...'
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meateatersims · 4 months
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random makeovers ⁉️
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And the Tony Award Goes to...
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Six-Time Tony Winner Audra McDonald, reigning Queen of Broadway
In honor of the Tony nomination announcement today, it's about time I published this post I've had waiting for almost two months now. With 64 Divas in our tournament, they're practically drowning in Tonys. Collectively, 53 Divas have received one or more nominations across four eligible acting categories, and 31 have taken home the prize. And you'll never believe what tumblr's image limit is. 30.
As luck would have it, two Divas won Tonys in the same year and despite what might be the most dramatic height difference possible, Bebe Neuwirth and Janet McTeer were photographed together specifically so I could make this post work 27 years later. (Bebe in heels and Janet in flats, and still...)
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Pictured (L to R): Andrea Martin (2013), Anika Noni Rose (2004), Bebe Neuwirth and Janet McTeer (1997)
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Pictured (L to R): Bernadette Peters (2012), Beth Leavel (2006), Betty Buckley (1983)
Nominations: (excluding wins)
Nominations Overall: 125 Best Leading Actress in a Musical: 56 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 36 Best Leading Actress in a Play: 13 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 19 Producer: 1
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Pictured (L to R): Cherry Jones (2004), Christine Baranski (1989), Debra Monk (1993)
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Pictured (L to R): Donna Murphy (1996), Harriet Sansom Harris (2002), Heather Headley (2000)
Nominations: (including wins)
Nominations Overall: 175 Best Leading Actress in a Musical: 75 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 50 Best Leading Actress in a Play: 18 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 29 Producer: 3
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Pictured (L to R): Jayne Houdyshell (2016), Joanna Gleason (1988), Judith Light (2012)
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Pictured (L to R): Julie White (2007), Karen Ziemba (2000), Katie Finneran (2002)
Wins: (2024 pending)
Wins Overall: 50 Best Leading Actress in a Musical: 19 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 14 Best Leading Actress in a Play: 5 Best Featured Actress in a Musical: 10 Producer: 2
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Pictured (L to R): Katrina Lenk (2018), Kelli O'Hara (2015), LaChanze (2023)
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Pictured (L to R): Laurie Metcalf (2018), Lea Salonga (1991), Lillias White (1997)
Special Tony Awards (non-competitive):
Special Tony Award (posthumous): Marin Mazzie (my beloved) Isabelle Stevenson Award: Bernadette Peters, Judith Light
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Pictured (L to R): Patti LuPone (2008), Stephanie J. Block (2019), Tonya Pinkins (1992)
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Pictured (L to R): Tyne Daly (1990), Victoria Clark (2023)
Most Frequent Nominee: (including wins)
Leading Actress in a Musical: Kelli O'Hara (7) Featured Actress in a Musical: Andrea Martin (5) Leading Actress in a Play: Cherry Jones/Laura Linney (5) Featured Actress in a Play: Jayne Houdyshell/Judith Light/Julie White (3)
No Diva has won more than twice in any performance category. This will not change with the current nominees this year.
Oldest Winners:
Leading Actress in a Musical: Victoria Clark (63) Featured Actress in a Musical: Patti LuPone (72) Leading Actress in a Play: Laurie Metcalf (62) Featured Actress in a Play: Judith Light (64)
Oldest Nominee: Mary Beth Peil (76)
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
Servants I Want to see in FGO
Catherine the Great (Rider/ Ruler)
Saint Olga of Kiev (Ruler/ Avenger)
Tomyris (Lancer/ Rider)
Hua Mulan (Archer/ Lancer)
George Washington (Rider)
John Henry (Lancer)
Molly Pitcher (Archer)
Harriet Tubman (Rider/ Archer)
Mary Seacole (Caster)
Harry Houdini (Caster)
Judith (Book of Judith) (Assassin)
Abhimanyu and Vrishaketu (maybe Archer for both ?)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Caster)
Sybil Ludington (Rider)
Deborah Sampson (Archer)
Yudhishthira (Saber) - but as a Lily version of himself so that he can be the pampered little brother for once and not have to put up with his younger brothers’ BS. Duryodhana tries to make fun of him for it and Yudhi goes running to Karna, crying. While Karna chastises Dury for making fun of him, Yudhi evilly smirks at Dury from behind Karna, who faithfully plays into the Big Brother role. EVERYBODY is aware that Yudhi is basically playing Karna besides Karna!
Inspo links: (1) @krishna-premi (2) @fanfictionroxs
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tiallussims · 4 months
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Six Townies to Make Over
Here they are. I hope I did them justice. Btw. there's a reason why Ted and Leslie look like they do. But that would be a StrangerVille spoiler. No one likes spoilers, right?
Thanks to my new suspects and my usual suspects for suggesting these sims. 🥰
Ted Roswell - @simmersofia Judith Ward - @noir-pixels Ukupanipo Hekekia - @latteaki Rahul Chopra - @crazy-lazy-elder-sims Leslie Holland - @bakersimmer Jeb Harris - @paper-lioness
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victusinveritas · 24 days
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Harry Clarke (1889- d.6 Jan 1931) Judith slaying Holofernes, Indian ink, date unknown.
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flhoarder · 11 months
“Where’s your homo, homey” mate you’re wearing a fishnet wife beater at work can we talk about that first
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georgefurth · 6 months
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Above: Ed Harris (Fred), Anthony Rapp (Freddy), and Judith Ivey (Bea) in George Furth's 1986 play "Precious Sons"
Below: Various photos from the playbill of the same production. Including Anne Bobby (Sandra), and William O'Leary (Art.)
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jeannereames · 5 months
So, for those who wanted a booktok on some Alexander fiction, here's one that features the work of Judith Tarr, primarily, although I also mention David Gemmell (setting Judy's book(s) against his duology), as well as Jo Graham and Harry Turtledove in passing. I chose Judy to begin as she's written more than one book on Alexander (including one on Olympias), and she's good at incorporating ancient views on magic and myth appropriately into her stories. Most of these also have some (het) romance, although I didn't say a lot about that. In Lord of the Two Lands (and Queen of the Amazons) she treats Hephaistion well, and he is shown as ATG's lover.
I'll do some more, largely on books I liked, to highlight them, as well as on some unusual (and old) ones I have in my collection. As I say in the video, I've been collecting ATG fiction for a very long time now (since the late 80s, in fact).
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bzedan · 6 months
Hadn’t listened to my TLT playlist in a while and had forgot I’d set it to be random, but always starting with “Bone” by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.
Like I’m scoring some quirky, nostalgic, necromantic college AU.
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judediangelo75 · 2 years
A Thousand Times
Hi 💛
This is another Kendrick Lives AU installment. I have yet to post anything gearing towards Kendrick (I have something in the works, I promise.) But thanks to @that-scouse-wizard for being interested in this AU, I was able to build how the Talith would begin. 
So it’s gonna be kind of similar to the First Date TLSQ but with some changes thrown in. 
MC Friend: David Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard )
(Bro, this has been sitting in my drafts for FOUR MONTHS. Writer’s block is the devil, but I’m happy to finish this piece. Now for the other drafts glaring at me.)
Hope you guys like it!
Talbott quietly snuck into the empty Charms classroom, holding an envelope and single hibiscus flower. 
He’s been playing “secret admirer” for some time now to a certain Hufflepuff witch.
Judith Harris.
One of the infamous Curse Breakers at Hogwarts. The other half of the dynamic duo Tigress and Hound, Hufflepuff’s feared Beaters on the Quidditch Pitch. A girl with the controversial scar that everyone can’t seem to stop whispering about.
Talbott has heard about her long before he met her. It was hard not to, seeing how everyone in school loves to gossip about something.
When he met her for the first time, he had to hold back a wince when taking a good look at her scar. He’s heard different stories about how she got it.
Most common was that she was born with it or found herself in an angry dragon’s nest somehow.
Other than that, nobody really knows.
But he knew that the time, it had to be painful beyond words.
Other than her scar, Talbott thought she was rather pretty. Beautiful if he was being true to his feelings.
Something about her pale gold eyes spoke to his heart, even if he was adamant about keeping his distance from her.
As he got to know the Hufflepuff, he found himself intrigued by her. He never thought he would encounter a person with a heart of gold despite the pain and rejection they received.
He even rejected her offer of help when Merula snuck up on her, David, and himself. The blatant hurt in her eyes is something he would never forget.
But she didn’t give up on him. Helping him learn the Memory Charm in attempt to get Merula to forget what she heard. 
Even going as far to help him to find his necklace.
He was able to call her his friend...
Until recently.
Not too long ago, the Celestial Ball was the latest buzz that overtook the castle. Everyone was eager to find a date to accompany them. Talbott didn’t think much of it at the time. 
Until he saw Judith in Andre’s arms. 
He was in his Animagus form, only wanting to observe the dance until he spotted her. Talbott remembered feeling like his breath was stolen from his lungs when he saw the painfully shy Hufflepuff at the refreshment table.
Her dress was a deep red and white. It hugged her upper body like a glove while the skirt flared out at the hips. There was a slit in the left side of the dress, showing off her toned leg. The sleeves were off the shoulder, revealing a lot more skin Talbott is used to seeing from her. Gold heeled shoes can be seen on her feet. Her signature accessories can be found on her ears with a simple gold heart necklace was around her neck.
Her locs were curled, framing her delicate face perfectly. Her face was make up free.
Even with her unsure sips of her goblet, her hunched shoulders, and a small frown on her full lips, Talbott found her endearing.
Until Andre popped up, asking for the next dance. 
Which so happened to be a slow dance.
The ugly twisted feeling that settled in his chest didn’t feel right as he watch the two share hushed whispers to each other. All he could think of was,
‘That should be me...’
He wanted to be the one holding her close. The one looking into those mystical eyes while sharing hushed whispers. To feel her hand clashed in his own, establishing an intimate connection that only the two of them could feel... 
It was in that moment that he couldn’t see Judith as a friend anymore. 
But he felt scared to come out and say it. So he resorted to this.
Just as he was about to leave the note and flower at the spot Judith always sat at, someone walked in.
David Willows. Judith’s closest friend.
The Hufflepuff wizard looked surprised to see Talbott there. More importantly what was in his hand.
David was aware of Judith having a secret admirer. It was hard not to, seeing how the girl would have a flower tucked behind one of her ears and she would be smiling down at a piece of paper with a blush.
It’s rare for Judith to turn into a giggling school girl. So David found it a bit strange, but overall happy for his mate.
Though, it didn’t squash his curiosity on who could be this mysterious admirer.
Guess he found out the answer to his own...
There was a tense silence between the two wizards. Talbott felt his face flush and blurted out the first thing that came to mind,
“This isn’t what it looks like.” Brown eyes narrowed out of suspicion. 
“So it is what it looks like,” he countered, slowly backing out of the classroom. First thing that came to mind was to find his little friend and tell her about her secret admirer. 
Who may not be really an “admirer” based on his response...
“David, wait,” Talbott called out, feeling a sense of panic building. The Hufflepuff wizard paused, waiting for him to continue.
“L-Look, I-I... that’s not what I meant. I would never do anything to hurt Judith, if that’s what you’re thinking. I...” An arch brow could be found on David’s face as he watched Talbott trail off. The Ravenclaw wizard swallowed briefly before forcing the words out before he could think about them too hard,
“I really like Judith and would like to take her out on a date.” Both brows inched closer to his hairline as David silently processed the confession. Talbott fidgeted under the Hufflepuff’s unwavering gaze, waiting for him to say something. 
He never confessed his feelings for the Hufflepuff outwardly before. The only other person knows about his feelings was his best (and infuriating) mate, Andre. And that was only because he got ahold of Talbott’s journal where he wrote about the girl and saw the few sketches he drew of her.
“So do it.” Red eyes blinked.
“T-that’s it? I don’t even know how to ask! I never even been on a date before,” he exclaimed, feeling the panic come back full force. David’s gaze soften ever so slightly.
“Just approach her gently and ask if she’d like to go out somewhere. Maybe to the Three Broomsticks or even the Owlery if you fancy somewhere more private,” he advised. Talbott mulled over David’s words silently, already having a place in mind.
“...That could work... Thank you David,” Talbott responded softly. David gave the Ravenclaw wizard an encouraging smile.
“You’re welcome, Tal. Now, go get her.”
Talbott was standing the empty Courtyard, sweating under his class robes. He sent his owl to Judith, asking her to meet him during lunch. He knew for a fact it’ll be empty so they’ll have some privacy.
The longer he waited, the more he could feel his heart start to pound in his chest.
That’s when he saw her stepping out into the Courtyard. Talbott quickly wiped his sweaty palms against his slacks as Judith approached. 
He could spy the hibiscus flower tucked behind her scarred ear.
‘Good Gods, she’s so beautiful...’
“Hello Talbott,” the girl greeted softly. A small shiver rang down his spine as he heard her voice. He was always interested in hearing her voice, especially with her accent. It was quite clear that she’s not originally from Scotland, or Britain for that matter. However the uniqueness of her voice wasn’t the only thing that captured his interest.
The young teenager couldn’t put his finger on it but he swears he heard that accent somewhere before but can’t figure out where.
“Hello, Judith... thanks for meeting me,” he said. Judith nodded, causing her high ponytail to sway behind her.
“Of course, Talbott. You mentioned in your note that you had something important to ask me,” she said.
‘Moment of truth... there’s no turning back now, Winger...’
“Um, yes... I-I was wondering... W-Would you like to go out on a date with me?” Judith’s good eye widen sufficiently.
“Wha...” Talbott sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“I-I wanted to get your attention... why I was leaving you flowers and notes,” he confessed. He watched as Judith looked around the area as if she was looking for someone to jump out at any moment. He coughed into his fist to gain the Hufflepuff’s attention again.
“S-so... would you like to go out with m-me, little bird?” Judith could feel her face turning red with each passing second.
‘Talbott is my secret admirer... this is really happening...’ 
“I-I would love to... if you’re sure,” she said, ducking her head. Talbott felt his body move on autopilot, taking her chin in hand to raise her eyes to meet his.
“I’m positive, little bird,” he whispered, giving her soft smile. He was rewarded with one of her own. 
Unknown to the two, another person was spying on this interaction. David smirked, sketching the moment to pester the two love birds later on...
“WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST GET MYSELF INTO,” Judith shouted as she paced about the empty Hufflepuff Common Room. 
Well, almost empty. 
David was sitting on the couch with a small smirk on his face. Judith didn’t even need to tell him what happened that is causing her to having a mini breakdown.
After all, he seen them himself...
“What in the seven hells are you smirking for?! I’m in the middle of a crisis, you git!” David snapped out of when he caught the glare in his little friend’s eyes. A small shiver of fear threaten to run down his spine but he held it back.
“Believe me I know, a little birdie told me.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he regretted it as pale gold eyes stared at him blankly.
“I’m sorry, mind repeating that?” Although that was worded as a request, David knew it was a demand. A demand he better fulfill in the next minute unless he wants to return to his assigned bed in the Hospital Wing.
“I... may have convinced Tal to ask you. And before you say anything, he wanted to before I suggested anything,” he rushed out. A few seconds ticked by before Judith broke the silence.
“WHAT?!” He winced as her shriek pierced his eardrums before replying,
“He came to me and I said he should go for it.” Judith resumed pacing, mumbling under her breath.
“Sweet Gods have mercy, there’s no way this is real. No wizard in his right mind would consider liking me without having some kind of motive. And I said yes like a lovestruck schoolgirl! What am I going to do, what am I going to do?! Maybe I shouldn’t show up, Talbott isn’t serious about taking me out on a date...” 
David narrowed his eyes at the pacing witch before letting out a frustrated sigh. Standing up, he walks up to his anxious mate, placing his hands firmly on her shoulders to stop her pacing. 
“Now you listen to me, Judith Harris. You’re fuckin’ gorgeous and a good person to the boot. I think that Tal is dead serious about wanting to take you out on a date, he’d be a fool not to. Give it a go and if it doesn’t work out, then that’s life. Also, if Tal really is bein’ an arsehole, I’ll kick his arse from here to London and back again.” Despite her best efforts, Judith ended up giggling a bit.
“You would know better not to send him to London. Papa would mount his head on a wall,” she said with a small head shake. David chuckled alongside her, grinning at the fact he could ease his little friend.
“There we go! I don’t doubt he would. Now come on, let’s get you ready for a date, yeah,” David said with an encouraging smile. Judith blushed a bit.
“Uh.. yeah, we can do that...”
“Good, let’s find Andre. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure he doesn’t put you something ridiculous.” Judith rolled her eyes at that.
“He should know better not to try. You wouldn’t survive between you, me, and my dad.” David gave a smirk.
“Exactly, now let’s go find that style wizard.” With newfound confidence, Judith beamed at her fellow House mate.
“Yeah, let’s go!”
Andre was just putting the final touches on the last dress he created when he heard a whistle sound off behind him.
“Andre, we got a mission for you. First date emergency.” Andre smirked as he turned to find David and Judith standing behind him. 
He stepped back and waved his hand with a flourish, showing off his work.
���Bold of you to assume I didn't see this coming when Talbott started waxing lyrical about asking Judith out,” he said with a chuckle. 
“Am I the only one who hasn’t noticed,” Judith asked aloud, a blush staining her cheeks.
“Yes,” both males responded bluntly. They both received a glare for their sass.
“Just shut up and explain to me my options,” she hissed. Andre graced her with a gentle smile before clearing his throat.
“I have three dresses for you today, Judith. One sleeveless with a black and red rose pattern. The second green and long-sleeved with a purple lining at the bottom of the skirt. The last is purple and gold, almost like a ball gown. Take your pick,” he encouraged gently. The two males watched as the small witch carefully studied each dress with wary eyes.
“Just how formal is this date? Do either of you know,” she asked. She only wore a dress one other time and that was the Celestial Ball. The dress was beautiful, but she couldn’t help but feel weird in it.
Especially when the only other thing that was eye catching about her dress was her scar...
“Something smart casual I reckon,” David reckon, breaking the girl’s train of thought. Judith did one last glance over at her options before deciding.
“I don’t want to look like an idiot by showing up overdressed... I’ll go with the black and red one...” Andre grinned, as if he know that she would pick that one.
“Ah, my personal favorite! You’re look fantastic in it!” Judith scoffed as she took the dress and ducked behind the changing screen.
“I’ll believe it when I see it, Egwu. This dress screams, “Outside my comfort zone.”, she retorted as she stripped and wriggled into the dress. She could hear Andre chuckling.
“You’ll love it, I’m sure of it.” Judith struggled with the zipper before getting it on. She slowly stepped out to show the guys. Andre gave her a bright smile.
“You look lovely,” he complimented. David placed a hand on the style wizard’s shoulder, as if to hold him back.
“Let her be the judge of that Egwu. What d'you think Judith,” he asked his little friend. Judith shuffled in place, a dark blush on her cheeks.
“ I like it… a lot actually… you guys sure it’s not… too much,” she asked. The dress fitted her perfectly and ended right above the knee. It showed off her developing hourglass figure thanks to her religious training sessions and natural genes.
‘So much skin...’ she thought as she rubbed her arm. 
“Looks perfect to me,” David said with a smile.
“You look fabulous,” Andre chimed in.  
‘Well I have my votes of confidence...’
“I-I guess I’ll take it then,” she decided with a small head scratch. David gave her a small mischievous grin.
“Right now, Judith, go get your bird boy.” Judith could feel her face heat up further but she gave her House mate a thunderous glare.
“David...” David’s grin turned into a nervous one at her tone. 
He knew it well. 
The “I’ll break your kneecaps if you don’t stop right now” tone.
He quickly ran out the room while calling over his shoulder,
“Enjoy your date, Little Tigress!”
Judith pinched the bridge of nose, mentally counting backwards from 10.
“That bloody git,” she grumbled under her breath. Andre shrugged before letting out a laugh.
“Maybe, but I'd say he's right. Talbott has been looking forward to asking you out. Good luck Judith,” he said before leaving the room himself. 
“T-Thanks again, Andre,” she called after him before she was officially left alone.
‘Talbott being obvious about his feelings? Hell must’ve frozen over. And I normally would notices things but I never saw this? Ugh, no time to think about it. I don’t wanna be late…’
Talbott was already at the date spot, nervously biting his lip as his looked at his watch for the umpteenth time.
‘I hope Judith has a good time. Damn it Winger, why did you have to fall so hard for her?’ he mentally cursed himself. He could already feel like his heart was going to beat out of his chest and his date wasn’t even there yet.
He wanted everything to be perfect for her...
Speaking of said witch, she was walking up the tea shop, taking in the site of where her first date will be.
‘I would have never thought Talbott would choose a place like this. It’s rather cute...’ she thought with a soft giggle. She could spy the Ravenclaw wizard standing inside, looking at his watch. 
She drew in a deep breath before releasing it. Smoothing down her dress, she walked inside.
“H-Hey T-Talbott... I’m here, I-I hope I’m not late...” Talbott turned around to greet his date but felt the words die on the tip of his tongue.
‘Oh sweet Merlin, how the hell did I get so lucky...’ he thought as he took her in from her curled locs to her white sandals. He caught her shy shuffle before he realized he still had yet to say anything.
“H-Hi Judith, y-you look nice,” he greeted. He got a sweet blush and shy smile.
“T-Thank you, Talbott. Y-You look pretty smart yourself,” she said, trying to calm her beating heart.
Talbott cleared his throat, trying to ignore the fluttery feeling in his chest when he heard her compliment.
“Thank you, sh-shall we take a seat,” he offered. 
‘Goddammit Winger, don't screw this up...’ Judith gifted him a gentle smile.
“Yes, of course,” she replied softly, walking past him to sit at the table near the window. The wizard was quick to follow, beating her to her chosen seat. Pulling out her chair, Talbott gave the Hufflepuff a shy smile. Judith stifled a giggle.
‘He’s so nervous, it’s adorable...’
“Such a gentleman, thank you,” she cooed at him as she took a seat. Talbott felt himself flush a bit as he pushed in her seat before claiming the one across from her.
“Tea and scones I believe are the most popular item here, shall we order some,” he asked, trying to soothe his nerves.
“Yes, that’s perfectly fine with me,” the young girl replied. Judith paused before a moment before speaking again.
“It’s nice to know there’s a little tea shop in Hogsmeade. Do you come here often?” Talbott rubbed the back of neck, sheepishly.
“Sometimes... it’s tucked away from the main street so it isn’t always busy... Besides, I didn’t want anyone interfering with our date.” Judith chuckled a bit.
“Well, aren’t you thoughtful,” she said with a smile. The high points of the wizard’s cheeks darken a bit before he cleared his throat.
“Thank you, I’m glad you think so...” The soft clicking of heeled shoes approached the pair’s table, interrupting the two’s conversation. Madam Puddifoot gave the young couple a warm smile.
“Hello m’dears. Sorry for the wait, what can I get for you today,” she asked. Talbott cleared his throat.
“Oh, um... the tea and scones please,” he answered. 
‘Definitely not the most confident response...’ he thought with a grimace. He wasn’t given a chance to ponder on this as the shop owner asked another question.
“Any specific type of tea you would like dearies?” Judith perked up to answer.
“Hibiscus, if you have it. Please and thank you,” she chirped sweetly.
“A-And nothing that can be spilled too easily please,” Talbott chimed in.
‘Why did I say that?!’
Madam Puddifoot let out a small giggle.
“Tea you can’t spill you say? I’ll see what I can do m’dears, in the meantime, enjoy your first date,” she said before walking back into the kitchen.
‘Ah... young love...’
Judith let out a high pitch sneeze, which reminded Talbott of a baby Kneazle.
“How did she know that this was our first date? W-well, it’s a first for me,” Judith asked, bewildered at the woman’s intuition. 
“I-It’s a first for me as well... it might be because we come across as awkward? That’s what I’ve heard first dates can be like,” Talbott mumbled. Judith flushed out of embarrassment.
“O-oh... do you think we look awkward together then,” she deduced, nervous to hear her crush’s answer. Red eyes widen and Talbott resisted the urge to slap his forehead.
“Oh no! Um, dating has just never been my thing... I think Madam Puddifoot just picked up on that... I do like you, Judith, and I appreciate you for coming out with me,” Talbott said shyly. The girl’s blush worsen at the confession.
“O-oh, I-I understand. Even though y-you could’ve fooled me, haha... I’m happy to be here with you, Talbott,” Judith replied in kind, twirling a loc in between her fingers.
‘He likes me! He really likes me! Oh my stars, there has to be some sort of catch...’ Just as the thought crossed her mind, Judith saw Tonks and Charlie walk in and take the table behind the oblivious Ravenclaw wizard.
‘Idiot! You just jinxed yourself! Okay, it’s fine! Talbott hasn’t noticed them, so just play it cool!’ Judith cleared her throat before giving a nervous smile.
“S-so, tell me about yourself,” she stated. Talbott regarded her with an raised brow before answering,
“Oh well, um... I like to write poetry in my free time, usually when I’m alone. I like to take flights around the school on occasion... how about you?”
“W-well... when I’m not curse breaking or practicing Quidditch, I like to spend time drawing, singing, reading, spending time with my magical creatures, and practice some Muggle forms of fighting... a few of those activities can be a bit difficult seeing how I have one good eye, but that’s all you need to make it work.” Talbott was leaning towards the Hufflepuff, intrigued.
“I see, that’s rather interesting. I’d love to at learn a bit how Muggles fight, seeing how majority of them can’t use wands. And I’d love to hear you sing.” Judith gave a shy smile.
“I-I can teach you a thing or two. My papa taught me everything I know so I can protect myself. You mentioned wanting to be an Auror one day, s-so this would be a good way to protect yourself, just in case your disarmed. A-and not a lot of people know I can sing... but I don’t mind doing so for you one day,” Judith offered. Talbott smiled.
“I’d like that... very much...” From behind the unknowing wizard, the girl’s two friends gave her a thumbs up. Judith’s cheeks flushed a bit at this.
“S-say Talbott... do you mind if I ask you something?” The young teen gave his date an owl-like head tilt.
“Of course, Judith. What is it,” he asked. Sharp canine teeth gently nibbled on the soft flesh of a bottom lip.
“W-Why... why do you like me? I-I thought you liked to “fly solo”?” 
‘Oh... it’s that question…’
Talbott took a deep breath, urging his racing heart to calm down before giving his answer,
“I-I… W-Well… I can tell there’s something about you, Judith. I can tell you’ve been through a lot, but that has never stopped you from being kind. Even with your kindness, you’re never the doormat everyone claims Hufflepuffs to be. That fierceness of your personality soften by the kindness of your heart… it’s magnetic… truthfully I was jealous when I heard that Andre took you to the Celestial Ball…” Gold eyes blinked at him like a deer caught in headlights before the girl shook her head.
“O-oh… there’s nothing wrong showing kindness onto others… well if they give me a reason not to that is. The way I see it is that everyone has a story, a bit of kindness can mean a lot. I-I know it did for me when I met Professor Flitwick and after everyone found out about my scar…” Talbott raised a brow at the girl. He remembers hearing about that incident from their first year. Though, he can tell there’s an element missing in that personal tidbit she just shared but chose not to ask.
“A-and I didn’t really go to the Ball with Andre. He just so happened to ask me for a dance. I was too shy to ask the person I really wanted to go with… not like he show up to the dance anyways,” Judith mumbled. Talbott was still able to catch what she said a frown.
Despite his distaste for large crowds, if she would’ve asked him to the Ball, he would’ve accepted…
“O-oh, I see… whoever you wanted to ask must be a lucky fellow… I know I would’ve felt that way,” he said, rubbing the back of neck sheepishly. Judith felt her eye twitch as she blurted out,
“It was you, bird brain!” Red eyes gazed into pale gold ones, stunned.
‘She actually wanted to attend the Ball with me?’
“M-me?! I-I mean, don’t get me wrong, I-I’m thrilled… but why me?” ‘And why not Andre?’
Judith ducked her head, too embarrassed to meet her date’s gaze.
“I… well… I always liked you… e-ever since we met in the Great Hall. Since you’ve taught me how to fly. Since David and I helped you find your mother’s necklace… Y-you’re mysterious in a magnetic way. Intelligent, witty, and a little sarcastic which I find amusing… you have many layers to you that make me curious… and I do find you rather handsome as well…” Talbott blinked for aw few moments because breaking out into a soft smile.
“Thank you, little bird. That was really kind of you to say. And I had fun teaching you, I always looked forward to it.” Judith took a peek to find those red eyes gazing upon her with fondness alongside the gentle smile. The young witch felt her heart skip a beat.
“Y-You’re welcome,” she replied softly. The pair stared at each other for a few moments in a comfortable silence. Talbott looked ready to say something until,
“WHOO! Go Judith!” Followed by a loud crash. Talbott quickly turned around to find a nervous looking Hufflepuff and Gryffindor next to a table filled with broken china.
“What in the name of Merlin-?!” Judith facepalmed at her house mate’s clumsiness.
“Damn it, Tonks…”
“Whoops,” Tonks mumbled, scratching the back of her head. The sound of heeled shoes clicking loudly towards the front of the shop was the their only warning before Madam Puddifoot appeared with a shocked gasp.
“Oh my! Look at this mess! Terribly sorry m’dears but I’m afraid I have to ask you all to leave so I can clean this up.” Talbott felt his heart sink.
“What?! Damn it, you two!” Tonks and Charlie flinched at the sight of glaring red eyes and a fierce scowl thrown their way. Judith simply shook her head with a soft sigh.
“Don’t worry about it, Talbott. Let’s just go…” Talbott returned his gaze to his date, saddened.
“I suppose so… I’m sorry this went so badly, Judith,” he said. The young girl stood with a shake of her head, walking up to his side of the table.
“Hey, don’t think of it that way. We could always walk back together… if you want,” she shyly offered. Talbott smiled.
“I’d like that…” Judith silently offered her hand to the Ravenclaw wizard, which he took before standing up himself. Talbott silently marveled at the feeling of her hand in his. Compared to his, her hand was small with long, elegant fingers. Her could feel a bit of roughness on her fingertips and palm but her skin was overall soft. Not only that...
‘It’s like her hand fits perfectly into mine...’
In the midst of his observation, Judith glanced over her shoulder, sending a glare over at her friends. They shuddered a bit.
“H-Hey Tonks, why don’t we head to Three Broomsticks. Butterbeer on me,” Charlie offered as he quickly ushered Tonks towards the door. 
“Y-Yeah! Good idea Charlie,” Tonks agreed. The two spared one last glance over at the couple mouthing their apologies before leaving. Talbott did his best not to chuckle.
As sweet as his little date may be, she could be scary if she wanted to.
Judith smiled up at her date, gently squeezing his hand.
“C’mon Talbott, let’s go.” The wizard nodded before they headed out of the shop and into the night.
“Oh wow, we’ve must’ve been in there for quite sometime. The stars are starting to come out,” Judith mused aloud. This gave Talbott an idea.
“So they are and it’s a clear night too... Judith, I have a suggestion, if you’re interested...” Pale gold eyes regarded him curiously.
“I’m listening...”
“I was thinking... with the stars out... possibly we could go stargazing? The courtyard, Astronomy Tower, or even the Creature Reserve could be ideal locations to do so.” Talbott watched as full lips split into a grin as the little witch danced on the balls of her feet.
“Ooo~ I would love that! We can go to the Creature Reserve, maybe you could meet some of the creatures I’ve adopted.” Talbot smiled, pleased that he could make his date smile.
“Great! I believe the grasslands would be the best place. If we run into any of your creatures, I would be more than happy to meet them.” Judith giggled as she tugged Talbott along.
“Then why are we still standing here? Let’s go, bird boy!” Talbott chuckled, allowing himself to be dragged away by his cute date.
“It was a good idea to come here. I never thought to come here at night, it’s so beautiful and peaceful,” Judith said as they walked along the grasslands.
“It is, truly. Where would you like to sit? I’m sure you know this place much better than me.” Judith paused before speaking again,
“I would hate to ruin your suit by sitting in the grass or in a tree. I know there’s a rock formation where my Diricrawl prefers to be, we can sit there.” Talbott gazed at the little Hufflepuff curiously.
“I’ve never met a Diricrawl before, but I do know they’re very skittish creatures,” he commented as he followed Judith to the spot mentioned. The girl smiled.
“Rufflet grew to be comfortable around me, I’m sure when she sees that I’m here with you, she’ll open up. She’s a sweet little thing.” Talbott’s heart sighed at the sight of the animated witch.
‘Just when I thought she couldn’t get any cuter...’
Judith gave his hand a small squeeze and they continued to walk along the grassland.
“I hope you’re not feeling too disappointed about tonight,” she mentioned softly. Talbott shook his head.
“No, I’m just sorry that our date got spoiled. I hope you’re not too disappointed with how it went...” Judith let out a soft laugh before looping her arm with Talbott, stepping closer to the Ravenclaw.
“Not at all. I’m happy to even spend my first date with you,” she said with a small smile. Talbott felt a blush blossom on the high points of his cheeks.
“I am too, Judith... I’m glad you had a good time...” The girl’s smile widen a bit, a teasing glint could be seen in her eyes.
“How can I not? You were so nervous, I found it rather adorable.” Talbott chuckled at this.
“Was I that obvious?” A smirk was the girl’s only answer. Talbott shook his head as another chuckle escaped him. The pair walked in silence before finally reaching the rock formation. The pair settled next to each other side by side as they looked up at the night sky.
“I wonder if we’re about to see Aquarius tonight. It’s my star sign,” Talbott said thoughtfully. Judith perked up a bit at this information.
“O-oh! S-so you’re birthday is during the school year,” she asked. Talbott let out a soft hum in confirmation.
“Yes, the 7th of February. I try to keep my head down that time of year... How about you?” Judith fiddled with a loc, a small frown forming on her lips.
“O-oh um, it is... d-during the s-school year I mean... but I don’t really celebrate it...” Talbott bit his lip, worried that he upset her.
“O-oh, I see. If it’s too painful, you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to...” Judith shook her head.
“My birthday is the 17th of October, the same as Professor Flitwick... only my dad and paternal grandmother would celebrate my birthday with me. Once she died and Papa and I moved to London, we tried to make the most out of it. My mother... she didn’t really care enough to even tell me happy birthday. Before his disappearance, Jamal would send an owl telling me happy birthday at least. Ever since I got to Hogwarts, I only celebrated with Professor Flitwick in his office. Other than that... it’s just another day filled with curse-breaking or practicing for Quidditch season...” Talbott hung onto the girl’s every word as she opened up more about herself. He empathized with her, seeing how he hasn’t really celebrated his birthday ever since his parents died.
But he wanted to change that experience for her.
“I see... if you’d like, could I join you for the celebration next year.” Gold eyes blinked owlishly at him.
“You... you would really want to spend my birthday with me,” she asked slowly, a small seed of hope blossoming from within her chest. Talbott nodded.
“Y-yes, of course.” Talbott blushed as the girl suddenly hugged him and slowly returned the unexpected embrace.
“That would be amazing, Talbott. Even though I can’t celebrate with my dad like how I use to, I know he would be happy that I have someone else to celebrate with me. Just so you know, I’m gonna find a way to make your birthday special.” Talbott smiled, touched by the girl’s words.
“Just as long you expect the same from me, little bird...” Judith blushed, separating herself from the Ravenclaw before he could see. 
“S-so... you’re interested in astrology too? I remember spending nights stargazing with my dad and grandmother back in my homeland...” Talbott nodded, mentally storing that little tidbit before answering,
“Yes, I am. However, I’m no fan of horoscopes or the belief that they influence anything in our personalities. Though I must admit, they’re fascinating to explore.” Judith let out a chuckle.
“That’s fair but consider it this way: They can give you an idea on how a person could possibly be.” Talbott turned towards his date with a smirk.
“Is that so?” Judith nodded.
“Take me for an example. I’m a Libra, but I balance out my personality, see? Sweet and fierce. Aloof but caring. And so on...” Talbott cocked his head at this, thoughtful.
“That’s an accurate observation... as an Aquarius, I’m apparently intellectual and analytical. Which I suppose I am if you count my poetry as being intellectually minded,” he mused. Judith nodded slowly at this, looking Talbott in his eyes.
“Depending on the person, poetry can convey deeper thoughts and emotions. Taking on double meanings using a play on words. It can be well thought out or straightforward.” Talbott stared wide eyed at the girl before looking away, coughing into his fist to hide his blush. 
“I see... that is... that is a very good analysis,” he commented.
‘Brains and beauty, what more could a wizard ask for,’ he pondered helplessly. In the midst of his thoughts, Judith fiddled with her fingers, embarrassed.
“S-Sorry, I do find poetry to rather interesting...” Without thinking, Talbott found himself saying,
“Perhaps I could teach you how to write it some time?” Judith perked up at this.
“R-Really? I would love that. Andre has mentioned that he’s seen you writing a lot more recently...” The Ravenclaw fought back a exasperated sigh. 
Of course his nosey mate would tell his crush this. 
“Well, yes I have. I’ve been trying to improve, often taking inspiration from things I find beautiful,” he mumbled, sparing a glace at the Hufflepuff. Judith had her head cocked to the side, much like a curious owlet.
‘Damn it, why must she be this cute?!’
“And what has inspired you lately, if I may ask?” Even though he knew the question was coming, Talbott couldn’t help but to freeze.
“Um... well... y-you actually,” he said slowly. He looked at the girl to find a wide pale gold eye staring back at him.
“M-me?! B-but, I’m not...” Judith fought the lump in her throat that formed around the final word. Talbott frown as Judith trailed off.
“Don’t talk like that, you are beautiful. Any of those idiots who bullied you would be lucky if you so much as glanced at them.” Now it was the Hufflepuff’s turn to frown.
“None of them would even look at me after I kicked their asses in first year. My social standing wasn’t that great even before the incident, that fight made it even worse. If people were scared before found out about my scar, they were terrified after the fact,” she grumbled, staring at her hands. Talbott could see the anger in her eyes, masking away the hurt that lingered underneath. Unconsciously, he reached out to gently raised the girl’s gaze to meet his own.
“I-I see what you mean... I’m sorry, little bird. I should’ve picked my words more carefully... What I mean is... I find you fascinating. And well, if there are people left in this school too short-sighted to see past your scar or your involvement with the Cursed Vaults. Those people are fools.” Judith could feel her heart race as she looked in Talbott’s eyes. She could see the sincerity in his firm gaze, making her blush.
“O-Oh, that makes sense... T-Though I-I’m curious. You... you weren’t scared of me when we first met? Or have you been secretly watching me? You strike me as a silent observer, I know I am...” The Ravenclaw smiled as he let his hand drop.
“No, I wasn’t. I was actually surprised you weren’t intimidated by me when you and David approached me about becoming Animagi. And... I do admit, I occasionally think of you and watch what you do in class but that’s about it. And I suppose I am... I do prefer to wait and see before passing on any judgement,” Talbott replied. Judith cracked a grin before laughing.
“Maybe a little nervous, but I wouldn’t say intimidated. I was scared you would find us annoying. And I’m genuinely surprised you don’t have more admirers or been on more dates. There are plenty of pretty and smart girls who don’t have a target on their back,” Judith said aloud, looking up at the celestial bodies above them. Talbott let out a soft hum at this.
“Maybe.. but to be fair, I’ve never been interested in dating until you came along...” Judith blushed, sparing a glance at the Ravenclaw.
“Because I’m fascinating?” Red eyes gazed upon the girl’s face with a soft look.
“Yes...” came the breathless response. A small shiver ran down the girl’s spine.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how so,” she asked quietly, looking up at the wizard under her curly lashes. Talbott nibbled at his lower lip before answering,
“Like I said before, you come across as warm to your friends, but you’re a force of nature towards your enemies. Like a tigress, you tear across the Quidditch Pitch. Your eyes...” Judith blinked out of surprise when the boy leaned closer to her face.
“Your eyes are captivating pools of gold. Breathtaking, beautiful, and so soulful... They’re bright like the sun and hold a comforting warmth like that of a flame alit at a fireplace. They speak for you when words can’t. That’s just some qualities I can name right now...” Judith fanned her heated face as she glanced away from her date. 
‘I wasn’t expecting that answer...’
“That’s a rather unique answer. Something tells me I’m gonna find out more about how you see me,” she said when she finally got her blush under control. Talbott smiled at his adorable date before looking at the starry sky.
“I hope to find out more too...” Judith looked over at the handsome wizard, finding herself scooting closer.
“I just hope you like what you see...” She saw the smile grow a fraction wider.
“I’m sure I will...” Judith noticed how close how their hands were before forcing her gaze upwards as well.
‘I held his hand before, why am I suddenly acting so shy about it?!’ 
“There’s so many stars tonight and they’re all so bright. Makes you really feel small under what seems like a never-ending universe,” she said aloud. Talbott’s hand shifted closer as he leaned back a bit, his fingertips coming into contact with Judith’s.
“It definitely seems like it when you put that way...” Talbott trailed off, perking up as a stream of light shot across the sky.
“Look a shooting star!” Judith perked up alongside him.
“Oh! Quick, make a wish,” she said. Talbott glanced at the girl, biting his lip.
“I wish... that we could do this again some time,” he whispered, no longer looking at the sky but the beautiful enigma next to him. Judith noticed this and willed herself to speak.
“T-That’s a wish I would be happy to make come true...” Talbott’s smile could rival some of the stars twinkling above them.
“I’m glad, thank you little bird,” he said softly. Judith reached out, intertwining their hands together before looking away.
“Y-you’re welcome, Talbott...” The young wizard felt his heart flutter at the feeling of her hand in his, squeezing the smaller limb. 
‘Yup, I’m too deep in this... Crap...’
Much to the flustered Hufflepuff’s relief, a little Horse guardian walked up to the pair, curious to know who was with his caretaker. Talbott was surprised to see the magical creature boldly walk up to him.
“Hello, little one,” he said softly as blue eyes blinked at him. The young Prolock walked up closer, nuzzling the Ravenclaw’s leg. Slightly bewildered, Talbott turned to Judith, who had a loving smile on her face.
“That’s Baron, one of my personal favorites. He was incredibly skittish at first, but grew to be more comfortable around me and the other creatures I have. He gives the best cuddles.” Talbott felt his heart melt as he watch the Hufflepuff gush over the horse guardian. 
“I see... I never been the best with creatures outside of the owls in the Owlery,” he said. Raising a tentative hand, Talbott reached down and began stroking Baron’s head. The magical creature perked up, leaning into his hand happily. Judith could see Baron tail wagging as Talbott scratched him behind his ears. 
The girl let out an elegant snort.
“But yet you managed to tame a Hippogriff? Come on now, Talbott. Give yourself more credit, I know Baron does. He already likes you,” she insisted. The wizard blushed a bit at the praise before chuckling.
“I suppose I can give Care of Magical Creatures another go...” A bright smile made its way on Judith’s face.
“You definitely should! I would be more than happy to help you. I’ve been learning about magical creatures ever since I was able to read. Plus, spending time with Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid helps a lot.” Talbott could feel his heart fluttering at the possibility of spending even more time with the girl. Talbott smiled at her.
“I’d like that very much, little bird. I do hope to spend some time with a Knarl. I’m fond of them, they’re just the right amount of suspicious.” Judith giggled.
“Then you and Ash would become fast friends. Little rascal kept biting my hands every time I tried to care for him,” she said with a playful eyeroll. The boy couldn’t help but to chuckle at the fond exasperation in her tone.
“I would love to meet him.” 
“Play your cards right, and one day you will.” 
‘If I play my cards, maybe one day I could have your heart…’
Talbott glanced at his watch with a sigh. It was getting late and they had to head back before Filch becomes an issue.
“Shall we head back to the castle? It is getting late.” Judith let out a dramatic sigh, not really wish to leave just yet.
“If we must...” Talbott chuckled at her.
“Believe me little bird, I wish the night could go on forever as well... maybe I should’ve wished for that instead, he playfully pondered aloud. He got the giggle he was looking for.
“I don’t think even a shooting star could fulfill that. Though, we could always walk back extra slow,” she suggested. The teenage boy squeezed her hand with a boyish grin.
“Yeah, we can do that...” With a few scratches from Talbott and a hug from Judith, the pair sent the Porlock on his way before making their way back to the castle.
“So, are you worried that Andre will grill you for information about how tonight went?” The Ravenclaw let out an exasperated groan, much to the Hufflepuff’s amusement.
“Andre is a good bloke who means well... but by Merlin is he one of the biggest gossips at school. It wouldn’t surprise me if I get ambushed the moment I step foot into the Common Room.” Red eyes glanced at the girl.
“What about yourself? Would David and the others do the same,” Talbott asked. Judith rolled her eyes.
“David is always pulling my leg one way or another. And I honestly didn’t expect Tonks and Charlie to crash our date. I don’t even know how they knew where we were. But I do expect the student body to make a big deal about it. A lot of them don’t have much to do with their spare time but gossip,” she sighed. Talbott gave a sympathetic nod.
“That is very true, they could do with keeping their nose out of peoples’ business.” Judith sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, looking up at the boy.
“I hope you don’t regret going out with me once your peace becomes compromised...” The slightly larger hand holding hers squeezed gently.
“I think it’s well worth the risk, little bird,” Talbott reassured, giving his date a soft smile. One he would reserve for her and her only. Judith felt her face heat up at the sight, urging her fluttering heart to calm down.
“I-If you say so, Talbott... but I do have a serious question for you...” Talbott let out a soft hum, waiting for her to continue.
“I-I-If w-we do continue g-going out... h-how do you feel about meeting my d-dad?” Talbott pondered over this.
Talbott has heard about the 6′4 giant of a man who was the girl’s father. His first appearance was during their second year, when Judith tried out for the Beater position on the Hufflepuff Quidditch position. Andre had burst into his dorm room, gushing how he got to meet the man. He was an ex-Beater when he attended Hogwarts many years ago and was considered to be one of the greatest for his time. He didn’t take it on as profession however, probably to try to be present at home for any family he would have. The one thing that is undeniable is the love he had for the girl next him. While he’s never seen it, he can tell how much Judith adores her dad and how much he adores her. By the sounds of it, there’s no mother figure in her life so her dad is all that she has.
Talbott wanted to be with the girl, and meeting her dad would be a massive step for the both of them...
It was a step he was more than happy to take.
“I-I would be honored. Meeting a parent is always intimidating b-but I’d liked to give it a try... especially for you...” Judith fought back the blush as she smiles brightly at her date.
“At least you’re honest. Papa can be intimidating but he’s a warm and wise man. I think he’ll love you.” Talbott willed himself to breath as her words settled in his mind. If what she’s saying is true, then he could have a family. Something he hasn’t had since he was 9 years old.
He can’t wait for that day.
“I look forward to it, little bird...” Judith let out an airy laugh.
“I bet, bird boy... I do hope we can do this again soon... I never said this before but... I really do like you...” Talbott gave her hand another squeeze.
“As do I. And thank you, Judith. Perhaps we could take another trip to Madame Puddifoot’s with no interference.” Judith giggled at this.
“I would like that, I never got my “unspillable” hibiscus tea tonight.” Talbott chuckled, deciding to play along.
“Very true, perhaps she’ll give us the recipe. I’d like to try it sometime.” A smirk tugged on the girl’s full lips.
“I think she would have to kill us first.” Talbott returned it with one of his own.
“Or swear a blood pact to never tell another soul lest we suffer a horrific death. Judith threw her head, let out a warm laugh.
“That would sound about right. Afterall, everyone has their secrets.” Judith said this as they approached the Hufflepuff Common Room. Talbott waited for to finish entering the secret passage to enter her Common Room before speaking again.
“I hope to find out yours, I had a wonderful time tonight...” His hand that held hers, slipped free before finding the little Hufflepuff’s waist. Judith squeaked when Talbott pulled her flushed against his body, nuzzling her temple. Judith gazed up at the boy with a flushed face.
“I-I... I-If you plan on sticking around, you just might...” Judith stood on her toes, pressing her lips against the Ravenclaw’s cheek. Talbott stared at her, slightly dazed as she pulled away and out of his grasp.
“G-Goodnight Talbott, s-sweet dreams.” With that parting, the girl hurried into her common room. Talbott stood there for a few seconds longer before a smile broke out on his face.
He turned to leave the basements to his own common room, touching his cheek in the meanwhile.
‘I think I may have found my mate for life...’
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nuninho2000 · 2 years
Harry after he had a conversation with his nephew
Harry : Hugo can hear you two in bed.
Hermione : Oh God! Oh God!
Ron : He didn't hear that.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2A Audios
New round, all new audio (more or less). In combing through my 58 GBs of personal audio bootlegs, here's a taste of what our favorite Divas can sound like live.
Six more audios to follow
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devoutlywished · 2 years
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judith beheading holofernes by caravaggio (1602) // spider-man 2 dir. sam raimi (2004)
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luckyloves · 1 year
(This has also been in my drafts for a few months.) Sing headcannons background characters part 2.
Eddie: Bisexual and might be in love with Buster.
Daniel: A proud pansexual.
Lance: Bisexual. (Becky broke up with him after he came out to her.)
Becky: Straight and homophobic. (Broke up with Lance after he came out to her.)
Bob: Gay and married, also has 2 adopted sons.
Derek: Straight and supportive.
Garry: Gay and in love with Eddie.
Harry: Aromantic, has an adopted daughter.
Hobbs: An old and proud pansexual.
Judith: A lesbian that's still in the closet.
Mario: A serious bisexual.
Nana: Straight but very supportive and proud of her grandson.
Nancy: Bisexual, she and Mike have 2 daughters assuming they're not dead.
Norman: A bisexual dad.
Pete: A fun pansexual.
Ray: Panromantic. (Best friends with Richard.)
Richard: Non-binary and omnisexual, pronouns are They/Them. (Best friends with Ray.)
Marcus: Straight and very supportive and proud of his son.
Barry: Transgender FTM, hasn't come out yet.
Stan: Gay and in a secret relationship.
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