#but i have him on my main account too and love his gameplay
emirrea · 7 months
I decided to hop on my second Genshin account today, did the dailies and events that are available, got enough primos for like 9 pulls, and decided to throw them at Furina. I was close to soft pity and was guaranteed to get her, so no surprise that she came home. Yay!
I switch to Baizhu's banner kinda without thinking much, just going through in my mind what I need to get for Furina and whether I even have good teams for her. I do a couple pulls for Baizhu, still thinking that fuck, I don't really have any good healers that can keep up with the damage Furina deals to the whole team.
And then Baizhu comes home at 3 pity LMAO
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Aaaand then I realised which boss I need to fight to level up Baizhu and legit almost cried
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thesoulsofthedarned · 5 months
TL;Dr : Reverse 1999 is great
So since yesterday I’ve been playing Reverse 1999 because I was interested in the story. Honestly I’d say this game is pretty good overall! The story is cool, the gameplay is fun and interesting, and the characters are really fun, not to mention the character roster has a much more unique and diverse cast than Genshin (sorry Genshin). So for this post, here are some of my highlighted characters:
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Sonetto is pretty sweet, plus she has cool attack animations. She’s also a free five star you get in the main story, which is neat :3
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Normally i dislike Tsundere characters because they can be annoying, but Matilda is an exception. She also has pretty attacks, plus she’s kinda funny so I like her.
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Leilani is currently my favorite, i just love how cute and energetic she is! I’m really glad shes for free, even though she’s a 3 star :,)
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Currently one of the MVP’s of my account. Does decent damage plus provides solid healing, an overall comfy unit for me. It helps that she reminds me of Diluc. I dunno why but characters who represent justice/judgement always appeal to me in video games. Maybe it’s because of their strong presence?
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Mondlicht is another favorite of mine (even though i have trouble pronouncing her name ;-;). I really like how she’s a balance of cute and stoic, it reminds me of Razor (not 100% sure if they’d get along tbh). She also has an axe gun so she’s easily top tier lol.
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Ok so from what I’ve seen on the internet, his name in the English language is spelled “Zima”? I think? Lemme know if I’m wrong. Anyways yeah, I like him a normal amount. He’s just a peaceful, possibly sleep deprived lil guy with an owl, you can’t compete with that! Plus he sounds like he struggles with speaking english, unsure if that was the intent but it’s a very cool detail.
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Sweetheart makes me feel a certain way, plus she’s a really nice Dps. Her design reminds me of Betty Boop a little bit. Her voice is nice too, it really sells the kind of character that she is.
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Pavia’s interesting to be sure. He reminds me of Childe with his murderous tendencies and unmatched charm. For real though, this guy is a borderline psychopath, the voice lines will tell you that much 0-0
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La Source is a decently comfy healer, definitely worthy of the MVP status despite being a 3 star. Plus I love how sassy she is, she can be pretty funny. That being said, she’ll probably be benched as soon as I get my hands on a better healer.
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topicaltropic · 2 months
Close family resolution i fuck w/ since its always been about being doomed. Journey got cut short and only had a beginning and end though.
Oak & stampler family resolution share being haphazard and rushed and both impeded by the fact that the two dads are npcs and cant take a active role the story and relationship required of them. Sparrow and normals conflict about sparrow not being proud of normal shouldnt have been soley focused on normal feeling like he has to prove himself to his father but sparrow realizing the fault is on him for not being proud and grappling with his own self shame that hurts normal. Terry needed to be more proactive in reaching out to scary & continue to reach out even as she pushed him away to prove he wanted a genuine bond with her and it wasnt just surface level niceties.
What the hell was going on w/ lincs family bruvs 😭 first of all despite the other parents all already being majorly snubbed marco got treated especially dirty (2nd only to cassandra) and its especially frustrating when matt arnold mentiones how equally important he is to lincs development but a pivotal scene or moment between them never gets to come to fruition like what the fuck gives. A major part of the wilsons family story arc is taken up far far too much by depicting grants self deprecation to a frankly gratuitous degree and derails the main issue between them which is about trust. Im not as frustrated at the wilson families story because the emphasis were placed more on normal & scarys who had a more cohesive thing going on and my focus is over there for the majority but like i look away from 2 cars who nearly crashed just severely scuffed and see to the side theres a 3rd car completely disassembled and drenched in urine. What happened there.
First, the onus of these relationships shouldnt solely be on the teens the transition from adapting gameplay & story from the pc being the parents to child holds a different dynamic but unfortunately isnt either accounted for or good for gameplay and with it stems so many of its problems. This leading to them like getting tired/not caring and the complete lack of passion or investment towards the end of the story for this world & characters is so sad. The blanket statement of i love yous from the dads and it just immediately rolling credits is like damn yall are so done w/ this 😭
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exoticalmonde · 6 months
Part II. Hortus de Escapismo Dr. Evealia's Reaction
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Well, first of all, my snake sandwich gets his skin before anything else happens.
Second, SPOILERS up ahead about the entire Hortus de Escapismo event, including the story, art and the full blow of my tears.
I think this is covering HE-1 through HE-4.
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God in the basement has spoken and it says that something is wrong. A totally normal day in Laterano where your robotic diety is getting haywired from the inside. Surely this isn't going to be another cliffhanger where we never learn about whatever the hell this is since I may or may have not... skipped... Guiding Ahead story-wise.
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Transcribed: [Raise your head and stand by my side, Saint Federico Giallo, the first Chosen of Laterano who does not come from the ranks of the popes.]
The reason for that is that Pope Yvangelista XI got the threat responce from the MachineTM, but how does he plan to stop that, whatever it is, from happening if he just... baptises everybody? I agree with that other knight a moment ago, this sounds like a bad idea if that's the procedure for every account. Of course, we know Executor is the perfect personification of clean-cut justice, so how could it go wrong?
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Transcribed: [Eating]
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Transcribed: [ Delfina: You always have that gun with you. You got it from your dad, right? I thought it doesn't work anymore.
Fortuna: It doesn't. Maybe it's a parts problem. And I don't know how to use a gun myself...]
Can we just very shortly mention the meaning of their names? Delfina is Dolphin and Fortuna is Good Fate; Luck, but Delfina keeps calling Fortuna just Tuna. So they're Dolphin and Tuna.
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I absolutely need everybody to keep in mind that this is a fragment of a city that drifted away from the main city 60 or so years ago and got stranded. This is a city on wheels in the middle of ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY NOWHERE. And it's winter. These guys here are going to perish.
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... Great. Wonderful. Bleed me to death why don't you?
Where are they even come from? Are those Iberian beasts that are prowling the streets? Is it just a random angry wolf that's evolved in some bizzare way from the wastes and stalks people? Do they have any way to defend themselves against those canonically?
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Can i insert a spoiler from the me that played this on my own for the second time? These are useless. It says that they can help relax the panicking residents but it left me with the impression it was meant to do it somewhat passively.
Not even a smitherine. If anybody tells you they do, they're lying. 20 DP for a resident whose bar raises faster than DP regenerates on 70% of the maps is a terrible introduction into the overall gameplay.
Maybe I was bad, but it's so... Not meant to force me to replay the tutorial twice, you know? Not this one at least.
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It does remain a funny act though. They run from statue to statue looking for something to pray to. How... futile. At least I don't have to defend them from enemies.
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The maps are gorgeous though... I love what they're doing for everything after spending way too long in chapters 4-8 looking at literally nothing. I enjoy this a LOT.
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Raimund huh?
I'm not a nun but I'd be on my knees for you in a second. Lord have mercy on you or whatever.
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I love them so much... I hope the children are not doomed by the narrative.
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Oh I like Gerald as well... Him and Reimund are such father figure/son figure I hope to see more interaction between them. He seems pretty trustworthy though. Like, seriously just cares about his people and considering so far we saw a peace between Sarkaz and Sankta that has never been in the outside world... you know he has authority that matters.
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Me: "Don't you love it when people in the story talk about plans they have previously made in such a way that doesnt tell me anything just so they can agree upon actions and or warn each other of consequences to actions without ever mentioning what they are and then I end up not understanding a single thing when the story ends, like… Isn't it fun?" Pinkie: "Ok, Fiametta." Me: "No, I'm being serious this is all over Arknights, I hate it." Pinkie: "I really can't tell if you're sarcastic right now, but this is really why Fiametta is so pissed." Me: "Well, call me spicy chicken." Pinkie: "Call me a Fat Duck then, because I'm about to go off."
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HA! Throwback to Guiding Ahead. Very nice.
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Transcribed: [The average conversation between the two of you is about as entertaining as 'What did you eat last night?' 'Dinner.']
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Transcribed: [
Spuria: Federico, how much do I have to pay you for a few extra words? You name the price, and I'll send the bill to His Holiness.
Federico: I have never considered this question.]
They have the funniest banters and Federico probably doesn't even understand that it's happening, this is simultaniously the funniest and saddest outcome to any conversation ever.
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Transcribed: [The dim light finally illuminates the girl's face, revealing spotty traces of blood, as well as the black horns protruding from her forehead.
Sankta blood drips onto the chapel's floorboards, giving off a dull sound. It is a deafening sound, one that opens all eyes wide.
The patron firearm used for prayer finally slips from the hands that were clutching it tightly.]
Oh... My... Fortuna...
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Transcribed: [
Twisted Monster: (Indescipherable howling)
Lemuen: Nuh-uh, just because I'm physically handicapped doesn't mean you can pick on me, visitor!]
I love Lemuen, she is the best bright pink-haired girl ever.
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Oya, welcome to Rhodes Island, uh-- *nervously looking around as there is not a single Sankta on my ship* -- feel... feel uh-- at home... Not Laterano home uh--- Sarkaz are not allowed there haha, but uh-- Just take... I mean your room is down the hall, di- mm dinner is at seven o'clock.
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candieddemon · 3 months
I watched Michael Knowles video on Hazbin Hotel so you don't have to.
I have sectioned off this post so you can just read the funny bits (in bold), there's a warning in the second paragraph, and some introductions to this in the beginning. I can't put subway surfer gameplay next to my blog but I hope this will do. I was shared a funny video about a highly religious YouTuber named Michael Knowles, which by the way no witch hunting it doesn't accomplish anything, and I found the video hilarious but I will give some warnings.
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His content can be incredibly offensive. He's proud of this but despite having nearly 2 million subscribers his last videos, which he posted in the past 24 hours, all have under 60k views one of which only has 11k. Despite the whole point of being a content creator is to be likeable and make content people like I'm sure he'll complain about cancel culture being the reason he's failing any day now. That's what people like him say to justify people not liking them. I'm also making this post because, even if you're not worried about certain triggers, this dude will not get out of my recommendations. I'm legitimately considering getting a new Google account. He is completely unironic although it wasn't until I watched a couple other videos to know this. I'm not making the typical "haha I thought this was satire it's so bad" joke I mean I genuinely thought in all honesty he was satirical. His whole personality is about how he thinks he's right about everything. The first line in his YouTube bio is "Bask in the simple joys of being right". That and about leftists yada yada. He doesn't have beliefs of his own, he's just an echo. He looks and sounds like a discount Ben Shapiro and even I think that's too mean against Ben Shapiro. He has a cup with "leftists tears" on his desk. To make your whole personality about how you hate everything must be miserable. Extremely, miserable. The amount of effort this dude spends trying to claim his mentality doesn't make him miserable is incredibly telling and the cognitive dissonance to dedicate a channel to things that offend you and then to claim you do it because others get offended so easily is incredible, but back to the main subject. The video actually starts of interesting. Hazbin Hotel has inspirations from various myths and legends and this person knows a lot about them and shares some light on where Vivziepop probably got some of the plot points from (e.g. How Lilith is portrayed in Judaism). It is all down hill from here though. This is me trying to be, no pun intended, open minded and a devil's advocate.
Despite the show being rated 18+ he claims it is for children and then after he's made up in his head it's specifically made for children he gets angry because of that. He talks a bit about "hook up culture" and does not seem to understand that two people hooking up can be beneficial for both people involved. That sex between two people can be an equal exchange for them. I feel so sorry for his wife. He also goes into how demons can't love but Hazbin Hotel of course does a great job at questioning this subject. If Hell is forever it doesn't make sense. Do you humans lose free will the moment they enter heaven? They're immortal at this point eventually they'll sin so would they not go to hell or is it inevitable even if you make it into heaven you're eventually damned for eternity? Can angels do whatever an remain in the sky? In the bible Lucifer shows there's a limit to what you can do so it is possible. However, Michael Knowles usually only tackles dilemmas he has an answer to and even then they're not great answers. He talks about how Eve was considered an equal to Adam in the bible but then goes into how Eve completely submits to Adam which would not be equal. Do keep in mind he watches the opening season to episode one and that is it. The rest of the show could expose him to a few too many beliefs that he doesn't share and we can't have that. He goes into how the right is riled up, radicalism, and satanism. This was a roller coaster the first time I watched it because the first minute or two I'm like "Oh cool it's kind of educational" and then the rest I'm like "Is this some sort of dry humor I'm not picking up?". "Leftism from the beginning has been a rebellion against God".
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fullbrave · 1 year
if i was going to make a direct sequel to bravely default 2 (and don't think i won't. move over team asano) here's how i would do it
friends and family alike will be shocked to learn that i'd borrow heavily from bravely second. not just in terms of style and gameplay qualities that i want to bring back, but also in the sense that i'd make a party comprised of two new guys and two returning guys. if you would guess that the two guys i'm choosing to return to the party are elvis and adelle, then you know me well, but you would be half wrong this time. i'm picking SETH and adelle. my reasons for this are twofold:
firstly, i just think that gloria and elvis have the most potential to be interesting as non-playable characters the way agnès and ringabel were. the newly crowned queen of a fallen kingdom? the laid-back scholar whose kindness transcends age-old conflicts? hell yeah, tell me more!
(in trying to boil post-bd2 elvis down to his bare essentials there i almost made myself CRY but seriously!! i can see him serving in some official capacity as ambassador to mag mell but at the same time being so unserious about it. have i ever told you guys i love him)
(by the way, in this game i would bring back the whole rebuilding-a-destroyed-thing minigame. we're rebuilding musa. it's right there. seth can be the guy in the party who's in charge of the rebuilding effort because you KNOW he would offer to do absolutely anything he can for gloria)
(bravely) secondly, and more importantly, seth and adelle both have personal character stuff the first game left unresolved that really bothers me. seth is obviously the more notable case of the two but i also wanted the game to dive deeper with adelle sooooo bad.
if one of the new guys was the Main Character™ then seth would have to be written differently to fit a supporting role (like tiz was!) and i think this could work wonders for him. a sequel would be a perfect opportunity to make him less of a vague plot device, more of a person.
and then with adelle, of course you can get into figuring out what the FUCK happened to edna to make her end up like that — something happens to make this relevant again in a way that adelle can no longer ignore, which i imagine has been her coping strategy up until now.
you know, i almost held back from saying more about adelle because i was like "this is too self-indulgent..." bitch, in my self-indulgent bravely default post? on my self-indulgent bravely default account? please. i'm going to say more: for reasons i actually won't expand on here because i feel like it's digressing i think adelle becomes the next fairy queen post-game, but i also don't think it's a smooth transition. i don't think she sees herself as a leader, and she's still carrying a lot of guilt over everything edna did, so she'd be pretty resistant to this idea. but i do think people would WANT her to lead. so i guess she's just going to have to go do some soul-searching and figure out what she wants to do! perhaps on some kind of journey, or adventure, accompanied by three other guys... (not unlike edea's bsel character arc, now that i think of it!)
this goes without saying, because i'm me, but i'd also want to flesh out the fairy lore a whole lot more. i need to know so much more information about bd2 fairies right now. yesterday. two years ago, even. who's with me? so that's another great reason to keep adelle in the party. maybe one of the new guys can also be a fairy. that'd be fun. just throwing out random ideas now.
edit: oh i knew i was gonna forget something. this didn't occur to me until i was posting my broken-ass twitter thread, but of course the original protags would all have new designs in this game, and adelle's could proudly include elements from her fairy form, because she doesn't have to hide anymore... this is important to me.
regarding crystals, seth and adelle keep their blessings, but the water and earth crystals choose new guys for whatever reason. if elvis and gloria are missing from parts of the story for reasons similar to agnès and ringabel that could be interesting, and would explain this — that doesn't necessarily have to be the case though. as we saw with sloan and aileen, the crystals can just kinda choose a new guy whenever, and i can also very much see gloria and elvis being retired from the hero of light business on purpose. i think i prefer that idea, in fact; it's a choice that makes sense for both of them in a way that it wouldn't for the other two, in my opinion.
a new party means a new fun little acronym, though! AGES had its day, now it's time for something new. on twitter i joked that the new acronym should be SWAG because i couldn't think of anything serious, but then i realized: if it's going to be a key part of the story that you're rebuilding gloria's kingdom, obviously it should be MUSA instead. so brb i will now be making up some bravely ocs whose names start with M and U.
"but darcy, seth can't be a supporting character because the player gets to name him in the first one!" way ahead of you. another thing i'm doing is retconning that moment at the end of bd2 when it would have been perfect for seth to reveal what his real name is because that was SUCH A WASTE! i totally don't think about this every day of my life or anything, but i just think that making a big deal out of the fact that the party's initials spell out an important word despite the fact that the player has the power to mess this up for literally no reason is the height of nonsense, so this is not how i would do things. personally ❤️
so you can name my new protagonist guy but whatever name you choose has to fit the MUSA acronym. just kidding, you can't name them. sorry women
(incidentally, if i couldn't bring seth and adelle back, and i was in charge of making a brand new party, i would make their initials spell REVO. nothing but respect for my president.)
when i thought about the way bravely second brought back most of the asterisks from the first game, i wasn't sure at first of how best to pull that off in this game, but then it hit me. elvis has them. every time you want to get one of the jobs from the first game you have to go fight elvis. square enix you can USE these ideas just GIVE ME CREDIT.
but that doesn’t mean all the asterisk holders who are still alive aren't around! they are! in fact i think it’d be funny if they were all part of the sidequests for their respective asterisks but every sidequest still ends with you fighting elvis for some reason. i won't bring any dead asterisk holders back because as fun as it was, that too was the height of nonsense. “couldn’t you just use the stone portal things from bd2 to allow the player to fight asterisk holders, dead or alive?” sure but i like my idea better.
(in fact it kind of gives me plot ideas. maybe elvis has been entrusted with the asterisks but it comes to light that someone is making NEW ONES and the party is charged with finding out who it is and what their deal is. could be a fun way to explain why there's new jobs!)
anyway, i ensure that revo comes back to write the music by offering him a trillion dollars, which i have. seth's new special theme is called "the seafarer's skills tame the storm... 2!" and adelle's is called "please stop praying for the wandering flame she's risen too high she broke out of the hospital". the game itself will be known as bravely default². thank you, and GOOD NIGHT
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araneitela · 3 months
AHHHH you're back!! this makes me so happy because i loved coming across your breakdown of her trailer and then sad when seeing you had left. i just really love kafka and i loved reading your opinions on her! so i've been meaning to ask you about something that i hope you don't mind! but what do you think about her path being nihility? i was reading into ix and found that they are tied or represented by laziness, meaningless behavior, and was kinda surprised. do you think that ties in with her? hope you don't mind this! have an awesome weekend!!
Smiling from ear to ear?! // Unprompted asks.
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Oh my goodness, this is literally one of the most heartwarming things to receive (and in my case, I got to wake up to it) and so I'm really, genuinely smiling from ear to ear over here. This is one of my favorite things, and it's been years. I'm thrilled that the little meta about her trailer found its way into her tag, because I've enjoyed feedback, even if it's criticism. I live for people trying to poke holes in my logic (to see if it stays upright, as I endeavor to be as canon-strict as possible), or to simply add to it. But I'll also say that I'm the first to plead guilty to praise, who does it not improve the mood of significantly, honestly? But truly, I'm honored that you found details in it that piqued your interest, resonated with you, or even had you look into her with a bit of a specific eye; that's why I do it. And also, character analysis is part of the joy of writing for me, after all! So thank you for this, and choosing to come to me with this, my gratitude is endless! As for your question, forgive me, because I need to give a little bit of background (or scroll down to find my bit about Kafka, I'm just in a rambling mood lately):
Sad as I am to admit it the paths in HSR are not quite as high in lore accuracy as for example, Genshin Impact's visions, are. Where visions are directly tied to a character's ambitions, drive(s) and/or passions and are thus heavily tied to their personalities and actions; paths are a little less simple, as there seems to have much more of a gameplay (the 'type' of RPG role, things like DPS, debuffer, healer, and so forth) tied to them, that counters lore to a degree. Keep reading though, as I have opinions! A good example of this for starters is Jing Yuan, he was given the path of the Hunt (and from the wiki: "Those who follow the "Hunt" Path admire determination, ruthlessness, and tenacious behavior") but his gameplay fits into Erudition's gameplay role perfectly (which is explained as follows on the same page: "Deals remarkable amounts of multi-target damage. The main damage dealer against groups of enemies") though I would also argue that his personality seems to befit Erudition much more as well (again, as per the same page: "Those who follow the "Erudition" Path admire thinking, logic, and strategic behavior"), though I don't write him, so I do not proclaim to be an expert by any means. But in essence, the difficult part becomes the fact that there can be a mismatch between a character's lore and their gameplay, which will often account for a bit of a discrepancy. I also believe some characters have been tied to a specific path, but it seems more likely from a lore standpoint, that they would be part of another but it is still unplayable. So yes, MiHoyo has made this a little complicated, for it doesn't seem common that lore and gameplay overlap one another in terms of paths.
However, I'm not someone who likes to just write off the concept of 'for gameplay purposes' too easy, I'll over-analyze before I simply dismiss anything. Now it's worthy to note that I've been away from HSR for quite some months now, and am not caught up with the story, so take what I say with a grain of salt, and anyone's always free to add to this, or help elaborate!
I wonder how the narrative paths (can?) influence each other. To keep up with Jing Yuan as an example, does he pray to Lan so that he keeps these 'Lightning Lord' powers that he has? To what extent do you need to follow a path to gain any of the powers tied to it? Do you simply take its tenets and 'hold them in your heart', do you progress your faith and live out its virtues in any capacity? Does this then vary from person to person, is it different across each path, because it depends on the temperment of the Aeon tied to it? Or does it go beyond that, and there is inherently a tie to its beliefs that stems from your heart or belief? If we're speaking of how human beings work and their nuances, nothing states that you couldn't 'pledge' yourself to one path, while still adhering to virtues and tenets of another, they simply wouldn't overshadow the former. Yep, it's complicated.
As for Kafka and Nihility/IX. Yes! I do think it ties in with her perfectly. See, while IX's description ("Those who follow the "Nihility" Path admire laziness, exhaustion, and meaningless behavior") is very clear in its message, we need to keep in mind that there are actually primarily two approaches to the concept of Nihilism as a whole. One is simply admitting defeat and falling into the belief system where one believes, just like IX, that all existence is meaningless and so there's no value in life to speak of, so why live? But then if you look into the factions tied to Nihility, you can see the Doctors of Chaos and their caption says the following: "Ponderers who inadvertently encountered the Nihility. They attempt to resist the destiny of Nihility, and try to prove to the Aeon of Nihility the meaning behind the existence of all things." And this matches with what you read when you first meet IX in the Simulated Universe, where you're presented with two options to proceed:
1: You can hate that life has no meaning, turning inwards, sink into gloom and eventually become a Self-Annihilator of sorts, which is kind of, basically, the equivalent of the antimatter legion for IX. 2. You create your own meaning in life. IX presents a belief that there is no meaning, but that does not mean that you inherently need to believe the same thing, and so you find your own significance and value in life. And this seems to be paramount to all of the characters that follow Nihility to one degree or another, including Kafka. For starters, let me remind you of some lines from her SQ to prove it:
Trailblazer: Are you sure you don't follow the Aeon of Nihility? Kafka: Do I sound that negative? No. We believe that existence has meaning, but that meaning is bestowed by ourselves, not by choices.
Kafka's entire involvement in the Stellaron Hunters originates from the fact that she seeks to feel what she's never felt: fear. And this is something that, arguably, makes people value life more than anything: knowing that it's precious, fragile and fleeting. Kafka makes an immeasurable amount of references to choice (and is surprised when it indeed counters 'fate'), and then also vulnerability, which is so tightly tied to the concept of something being able to be lost (something as seemingly trivial as the coats that she collects). You don't need fear to understand the concept of importance, or value, but it inherently strengthens it. But if you wanted a stronger motivation behind it: look at how ardently she follows Elio's script, and it's because he promised her that in the future he chose, she would have what she seeks. Is that not passion within itself? Is fighting and being part of something entirely blindly, not inherently the strongest evidence of craving, a longing for something? And is that not vehemently human? Is that not... the meaning of life itself?
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ashalsdream · 2 years
Guild Wars 2
I can’t write an actual review on steam as I don’t have the minimum one our gameplay through their launcher so I’ll write it here. 
I’ve been playing since September 11th 2016. Just about a year after heart of thorns dropped, I remember it being all the rage and all hyped up. My shitty little laptop that barely ran it at 10 fps on the lowest graphics but I still made an account, logged on and started to play. I had two people I played with, two people I no longer have any contact with and while those memories are fond, many others are no longer fond but this is the one thing I’ll always be thankful for.
This game changed my life. 
I grew with this game, I was 15 years old when I started this game, I’m 21 now. I’ve used this game as a coping mechanism, as a social platform, as a creative outlook, as a creator. I have made entire worlds and entire stories based on this game, I have formed sentences and structures while writing about these characters that I never would have before. 
On this topic I want to talk a bit about my first character, my first main, Tomomi. I was so young when I made his name, it quite literally translates (or what I thought it did at the time) to tiny blue plant. I don’t actually think it specifically translates to anything now actually. His creation was very basic, blue my favourite colour, I chose the elementalist because I was told I could use lightning magic (for a good 2 years I ONLY used lightning). But his gender was something I didn’t want to admit, I made him male because I knew when I was 15 that I was not female. I didn’t know how to tell anyone. So what does a dumb little teenager do? They make a character for how they wished people would see them. All the little “he’s” or “it’s him!” from the npcs made me feel like I wasn’t hiding to them, I could just be who I wanted. When I was 18 I realised I was transmasc non-binary. I finally! had a word for it! And then Tomomi felt like a comfort. He was my realisation that I didn’t need to hide, that I’ll be loved by the people who truly care. I’m very attached to him and I always will be. 
Ashal came from a dnd game. I was invited to play a guest character, Ashal, so I made her in guild wars 2 as a reference. Who would’ve thought I’d love her so much she’d become my main? I love her because she’s happy and she represents the best in people. 
The game itself I have nothing but praise. The story not only is inriching but it introduces you to a group of characters who you genuinely see grow and become better people. 
Canach will always be my example, he went from nothing. From a criminal, a slave to Anise. To becoming someone who is loyal to you no matter what, he genuinely sees you as someone who he can trust and he got the happy end he deserved. But despite the happy end, despite the fact he got everything, he would still do anything for the commander. 
Rytlock who went from brash and closed off to worrying about the commander and opening up to them, defending them, admitting his mistakes. 
Braham who was a teenager who lost too much in such a short period to realising his worth and that people rely on him, that he can be content while carrying a legacy he never asked for on his back. To finding himself.
Rox for yearning for a home, yearning to belong and finding that home! 
Taimi for confiding in us, for giving a voice to those who are disabled that she never gave up and neither should you. That her disabilities do not define her worth. 
For the commander, whichever race you chose, for going from someone thrown into a world they did not understand. From losing one close to them and gaining new family, for creating a home for those who were lost and making them feel safe.
For the community here and in game, who made ME feel like I belonged somewhere. While I will admit my last few moments with my most popular guild were not positive, I will be thankful for the summer nights playing for 12 hours straight on a voice call while making lockdown feel bareable, like I wasn’t alone.
I’m thankful for PRSM. My current home. My friends. 
For @luseminias-dream, @duskroots, @shiverpeakstraveler, @sylvari-bouquet and @greekmuller for staying by my side and never abandoning me. For making the game feel like home after all the trauma I went through.
And also for EXOS, especially @akurathereaper, @fuuinrei, @fellis-world, @arcadios-v and @nyfian for taking me in again and showing me that guilds weren’t scary, that I still had a place within the community. For being my friends. 
I know this is less a review and more just a love note to the game but truly, this game changed me. This game will always mean something to me, so  to the new players joining us. Welcome to Tyria, welcome to our family. 
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rouzuchan · 2 years
Who would the HiGH&LOW: SWORD Leaders main in Genshin Impact?
(alternative title; their kinnies)
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Cobra > Diluc
I think once Cobra gets into the game and goes through his story quest, he’d feel somewhat seen and relate strongly with him.
Their obvious similarity is they’d do anything to protect their home and the people they care about.
Stoic but friendly. Serious but passionate. Their families own businesses— Also, they’re both canonically lady killers 👀
Hence why the moment Diluc’s splash art appears on one of his pulls, you bet he’s already maxing him out 🤣
He wouldn’t play often, but you’d catch him playing on Tuesdays/Fridays/Sundays in the Foresaken Rift domain and farming artifacts.
I wholeheartedly believe he'd give advice to low AR players in Co-Op.
Yamato definitely teased him once about this. Cobra just shrugs him off and continues to deal with those annoying pyro abyss mages in his seat in Itokan.
Before he got Diluc, he mained Traveler for a good chunk of his experience.
Rocky > Beidou
These guys crossed hell and earth to get to where they are today!
Now, they're renowned legends in their areas. Rocky would understand her slack.
Would spend a little money just to get her in-slot weapons and constellations.
Like Cobra, wouldn't play often. As in "whenever he logs on, he triggers Stellar Reunion" not often.
Needs some guidance from Kizzy to get used to all of the mechanics and systems he doesn't understand.
He's a fast learner so no worries👍
Definitely asks her to pilot his account often.
Stays away from the fandom as humanly possible.
An honorable mention is Yelan. The aesthetic of her demo and her style piqued his interest.
Murayama Yoshiki > Venti
Ah yes, the playful menaces.
Venti Mains are stereotypically chaotic and wholesome bastards which fit Murayama.
I feel like he'd be too shy to admit he mains him, so he has Tartaglia built to put up a ruse.
Seki and Furuya found out. Didn't understand what he was ashamed of. It was THE Anemo Archon after all.
Nah, Todoroki found out and made fun of him. Got a good 'ol punch right after.
Would try learning some Lyre notes but then almost throws his phone away whenever he gets it wrong.
One time he caught Cobra playing near the seaside. Pestered the shit outta him to show him his UID so he could add him. 😭
Honorable mention to Heizou. Just the fact he throws hands instead of using a weapon. This show is literally about throwing hands!! It's perfect!
Smoky > Razor
Smoky didn’t understand the game, but while spectating Takeshi and Lala’s gameplays, the wolf boy caught his attention. Not long, but he left an impression on him.
They’re both similar in style and personality-wise. My soft and scruffy loves ^^
They were raised in the environment they were abandoned in but received a found family in the midst of it. Their loyalties don’t waver and will stand by them ‘till the end.
I guess that’s why Smoky started using him for the majority of his experience.
He wouldn’t be aware he’s maining him, just uses him constantly because he was the strongest in his arsenal.
One day, he asks Takeshi to help him build his character.
Takeshi would be floored by the amount of Primogems he has.
“Uh- are you saving for anyone?” “What do you mean?” “For upcoming characters? You literally have 32k Primogems.” “What’s a primogem?” “…” “Do you mean that glitter you get from quests and events?” “…”
…Yeah, he’d forget the Gacha system altogether LMAO!
He's pulled before, getting Razor and all. But I don't think he'd pay too much attention to released characters.
Another thing I wanna mention: since he lives in the Nameless City, it’s probably difficult to get a stable connection so he lags and buffers all the time.
Peak "Razor Main" Behavior 👌✨
Once he gets far into the game, I can see him still maining Razor simultaneously with Xiao or Kazuha.
Hyuga Norihisa > Scaramouche
He has the worse reputation among S.W.O.R.D. and so does Scaramouche among his Fatui brethren. They're both well-respected and difficult to get along with if you're not up to par with their standing.
Along with him being a doll? With their stingy and arrogant personalities? It would fit ^^
Hyuga would laugh at the Genshin fandom's shenanigans, and by shenanigans, I mean their toxic behavior.
Would he participate in it though? That I do not know. He's an ass but he's not THAT big of an ass.
And I'll prove that— he would adore Klee.
Being the youngest among his family, he'd want to indulge in being an older brother to a little sister; especially one who makes bombs!
Would burn the grass below his Co-Op mates and slowly watches their HP go down HAHA!
Yamato - Arataki Itto (The himbo energy is strong on this one) Kizzy - Eula (#GIRLBOSSES) Takeshi - Bennett (I don't need to elaborate further) Lala - Kamisato Ayaka (She would just go for the pretty and fun characters, but would main Ayaka both being little siblings of the family and the desire to share their older brother's burdens)
I just had fun with this one, nothing too serious or deep. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them. If you see this in the Genshin Tag... Go watch HiGH&LOW right now. I am literally on a mission for everyone to watch this show (o゜▽゜)o☆
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kissalopa · 1 year
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I posted 994 times in 2022
355 posts created (36%)
639 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 994 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 630 posts
#not mine - 393 posts
#simblr love - 367 posts
#sims 4 gameplay - 271 posts
#ts4 gameplay - 271 posts
#sims 4 - 271 posts
#ts4 - 271 posts
#rainbowsin - 191 posts
#rainbowsinchallenge - 191 posts
#rsgreed - 176 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#all of these are recolours or swatches updates
My Top Posts in 2022:
A Little Update
Hi, everyone! Hope all of you are doing well!
I am still in countryside, trying to enjoy it here being a city girl. My boy is having fun, and that's the main reason why we are here.
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39 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I am finally back! 🏙️🥳
I have returned from my countryside trip and got back my blog. My account was terminated while I was packing and going home, so all of it was very stressful to me 😵
But I feel so... uplifted (is that the right word, I'm not sure), I want to play the game, I already started to update all my mods and even some CC (I heard CC beds were broken). And even more I want to get back to recolouring, I also want to try something new. Maybe recolouring in patterns, or hair conversions or maybe custom cas background recolours 🎨
I also need to do some catching up, but this will take time. And please don’t take it personal, if I won’t catch up on your posts! I follow a lot of blogs, and I can’t keep up with everything that happened in those 3 monthes that I was away.
I hope none of your blogs will ever be terminated like this! 🤞‍
43 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Hi, everyone! 👋
Sorry for disappearing without any notice.
Last time I posted, I said that my baby got sick. And then I got sick myself, I think it's some sort of a flu. I've never been so sick in my entire life (it was very like when I was pregnant though).
And while I was still lying in bed, my marriage started to fall apart. I don't want to get into details, but I don't know what future holds for me and my baby and that unsettles me.
But no matter what I am not leaving simblr. This is my safe place, my hobby. So I am planning to start posting again soon (but don't quote me on that). I also have some asks to answer and recolours to finish, but that will have to wait until I feel better.
I am not fully back yet, but I will be here from time to time, and will be fully back when I feel better (hopefully in a few days).
I missed you all a lot! I hope you all had a great Simblreen! 💜 🎃 I am sad I missed everything, but I will be looking for public treats to enjoy 👻 🦇
46 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
Hi, everyone! 👋🏼
Today is my Birthday 🥳
It's already evening at my place, so birthday is almost over. It was a good day today. I am still a little depressed though (not related to birthday or today).
I have this blog for three years now, and never shared when my bday is. But today I decided to celebrate it with you all 💜
48 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi, everyone! 👋🏼
I probably spend too much time here lately, but I just really miss you all and your sims stuff 💜
A few days ago a homeless kitten appeared at our place, he's so cute. We want to adopt him, we already started to take care of him. Can't come up with a name though. I will gladly hear your ideas for a pet name, if you have some. 😺
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See the full post
48 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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magicwhiskers29 · 10 months
Taking a break from my regularly scheduled staring out the window to give some thoughts on Pikmin 4 now that I've finished it! (finished the main game, anyway)
Spoilers, of course, ahead!
Great game! I enjoyed it a lot! I will be being obnoxious about it, but having waited a decade for it, I feel that's justified
I wasn't sure I was going to like the Rescue Corps during the first hour or so, but no, they're extremely fun. Their conversations at the end of the day/night are often completely insane, but I live for it. Highlights include:
Shepherd explaining that she hired Bernard because he delivered packages faster than any one else (probably through illegal means)
Collin telling Shepherd his current job was the hardest he's ever had, after listing a bunch of taxing jobs
Literally any time Yonny talks about his experiments ("glow pikmin are immune to all hazards" "yonny how do you know this? yonny!?!?")
Dingo's guilty conscience about leaving Bernard behind causing him to confess the truth of the incident when Bernard was just talking about stolen pizza
Bernard claiming that sleeping is an integral part of his job
Shepherd abruptly stopping the ship after the fake credits for Oatchi was really sweet too; it really helped to sell the moment.
Olimar in the second half was a really nice addition. It was good to see him defending the fact that Moss didn't need to change, at the end, even if it meant leaving her behind. They were a fun duo.
AND LOUIE! "Grade A troublemaker" indeed... I was waiting for him to show up and cause trouble the whole game, and he sure did! His memos in the voyage log are hilarious to read through (I particularly enjoyed the one about him planning to just make random nonsense up to use as a report to send to the President, since he's kind of just been vibing and enjoying the planet, rather than looking for Olimar) And goddamit, Louie, you've got to stop controlling final bosses!!! He's awful. (Never change, Louie)
Gameplay-wise, I think I definitely miss Pikmin 3's multiple captain system, but Oatchi can feel like a suitable replacement. Some Dandori challenges and night missions where it was optimal to control him separately definitely gave me back the feeling of piloting around three captains at once. "Go here" was definitely more of a thing I used because I was too lazy to find the way, as opposed to proper Dandori efficiency, though, on account of most commands being better if you want to send Oatchi or your captain somewhere.
In general, Oatchi is definitely a little OP too (I mean, I killed the final Empress Bulblax in one spicy-spray-fueled rush....), but is also really satisfying to control, so I won't complain too much. And I think the advantages you get from riding with him are interesting when you have to decide whether it's better to keep him with you for rushes and ease of traversal, or send him off to do something for multitasking, in Dandori challenges. He's a certified good boy.
Ice Pikmin were a wonderful new edition to the roster, I found. There was less incentive to just freeze water, rather than go in with blues, than I was expecting, which was good! It helped them to feel more balanced. The limited damage from them also helped, here, though definitely less so, because ice pikmin are, of course, still very much combat-viable. I've seen it suggested that creatures killed whilst frozen should not drop nectar/ spicy spray, and yeah, I agree there. Most of the time, that is not a disadvantage over using non-ice pikmin for the kill, and can also be actively advantageous. But they're not jarringly unbalanced as some other types have been before, imo, so I definitely think positively of them.
Night missions were way more fun than I expected! I went in with a lot of trepidation, but I love the general concept. It makes a lot of sense that when we finally get night missions, they're defensive endeavours, and we haven't just spent 3 games avoiding the surface at night for nothing. I enjoyed how they increased in difficulty by stacking and creating factors like the extra Lumiknoll, and Smokey Progg egg(s). (Also the Baldy Long Legs. Aghgh. It was a problem.) I didn't really find myself using items like the game kept trying to suggest, though. Only the occasional emergency lightning if something was at the Lumiknoll, or my usual spicy spray.
Glow Pikmin were really cool for the night missions, too. They have a great design, and their mechanics are definitely tailored excellently for night missions. Teleporting to the active player's location is a must-have, and Glow Mob keeps you in the habit of charging like you would usually rush really well. The glow seed mechanic for them was well appreciated, and the ten I made for the Cavern for a King were used to their fullest! (Not exactly like I was able to leave them at the sublevel entrance like I might with all the others...) I am a little sad how they completely invalidate blues in caves, but that's mostly because blues are my favourites; I only used them in the last cave anyway (Along with the blues, of course!) They are kinda just Bulbmin+, but that's fine; they're used uniquely
For the most part, I thought returning pikmin were handled well, too.
Reds got less use than I thought they would, but I think that's because of the three pikmin limit. (Why would I bring out reds for combat when I could just spicy spray the pikmin I actually need for overworld use?) Though their use in Giant's Hearth and the Frozen Inferno was really interesting, I will say.
Yellows felt like a proper staple for the first three or four areas, though did start getting less use, though I think that's just because areas stopped being designed for them. (I was definitely missing them in night missions for those Baldy Long Legs...)
I've already discussed blues a little, but I do appreciate how a lot of what water there was was tailored for using blues rather than wings, ice, or Oatchi. I think they could absolutely benefit from a secondary ability like most other types have, to give me a reason to use them in caves other than personal biases, and glow pikmin only make that more obvious.
Purple Pikmin are back, and I think their reworks were done well! A 1.5x damage multiplier instead of 2x, and lack of stun on impact make them considerably less OP when compared to Pikmin 2, whilst still retaining their core characteristics better than 3. Locking their onion behind a challenge most people will leave until later (people like me. I haven't actually done it yet, but I will) helps to keep them balanced too, so you won't just steamroll with a squad of all purples.
White Pikmin are back too, and whilst they, strictly speaking, only got nerfed, I still think they're pretty good here. Glow pikmin can't match their speed, and I think of their two abilities, that's the more valuable one, anyway, since poison isn't really used much until the final area.
Rock Pikmin cannot be matched by glow pikmin in any way, and are still as good as ever, though, woah, the final area really shafted them. You can't get them in the final cave? And you don't need them for anything? :( (maybe they know my defensive strategies of going in with only rocks to avoid being crushed too well...)
And Winged Pikmin aren't nerfed exactly (unless you count their ai being slightly wonky at times in their pathing for carrying things back), but they definitely have significantly less to do. Like rocks, they aren't in the final cave, though I think I definitely would have used them if they were, so maybe that's on me for not bringing them in.
Otherwise, I adored Dandori. I platinumed all the Pikmin 3 collect the treasure missions with my dad on the Wii U back in the day, and the Dandori challenges gave me that exact feeling again. I'm very excited to go through and platinum them all. (Though I think that might be a little easier than in 3, considering I found it fairly easy to platinum, or come very close to platinum many on the first try...)
Dandori battles were fun too! Nobody ever wanted to Bingo Battle me in Pikmin 3, but now I can have Olimar's trash AI! Yay? Seriously, Olimar's ai is probably a little too bad in some of the early Dandori battles, because it felt like he wasn't even trying. The Louie battles were really good, though. Those felt like an actual competition. (And the final Olimar battle, but that one to a lesser extent.)
I'll talk briefly about areas too, and say that, whilst I think they were lacking in variety compared to usual, I did very much still enjoy their gimmicks and map design. The Serene Shores are a great example of this, with the tide gimmick being fun to work around, and the sand castle overlooking the rest of the map being an excellent base.
As for the caves, the Pikmin 2 callbacks were wonderful (even if the Engulfed Castle did leave me terrified. Seriously, my only other Pikmin post before playing this game was me talking about being terrified of the Submerged Castle...), and I thought the new ones were cool too! The Subzero Sauna, Frozen Inferno, and Below-grade Discotheque, for example, with their interesting use of ice pikmin, use of red pikmin, and cool boss respectively.
Of course, the stand-out cave is the Cavern for a King, which, despite mostly just being a boss rush, has such creative ways of increasing difficulty on past bosses, that I have to praise it. It's incredible how just adding water can make the arachnorb bosses more challenging, and fighting the Smokey Progg without access to a proper glow mob definitely felt scary. The Ancient Sirehound was an excellent final boss too, with its gloom phase being actually decently challenging and intimidating. (Though I wish it had water and poison phases too, for completion's sake) It was definitely appropriate for the final cave!
I'd be remiss to not at least mention the music. I don't think I like the ost quite as much as I like Pikmin 3's (but that is a personal staple...), but that's not to say it's not great! There are still many stand-out tracks such as the tough enemy theme (which?? Just?? Went so hard???), the Groovy Long Legs's theme, Hero's Hideaway's theme, the Dandori challenge theme, and of course, the Ancient Sirehound's theme (with references to Pikmin 3's boss theme, my beloved), to name a few.
So yeah, it's a great game, and one I would definitely recommend :)
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shinygoku · 2 years
In LAL I’ve finally done the 7 chapters, so I feel like Ranking ‘em with short pros and cons that contribute to my placements~
It’ll be in Quality Acending order, so starting with the least and moving up to the Beast! ✨ This post will try to be Spoiler Free!
7th Place - Prehistory: A goofy Flintstones-esque romp, though with less smoking ads and 60′s references. Though honestly, I’d have preferred that type of humour over the Fart and Nudity centred focus that we actually get lmao... but this scenario still made me smile and was overall Fun, just the clear weakest for me. Extremely boppable music and nice simple enjoyment in raw Unga Bunga Power, but I did not want to deal with the Superboss and the secret I did engage in was still cryptic as hell.
6th - Present Day (1994): An interesting spin on the gameplay, but with only 7 battles you don’t have much to dig into... In a Mega Man-esque direction, the order of the fights is yours, but there’s a nice through line if you may your choices in a certain order. The other fighters have some implied depth to them and are good sportsmen, which was a neat surprise. Masaru is also fun to play as, his barren apartment still allowing him to make serious gains lmao. But yeah, very short and pretty same-y, so it’s not The Strongest on the rankings...!
5th - Near Future: This is hard to place, as when it’s good, it is very very good! And when it is bad it is horrid... Hmm. It starts several cool ideas but then fails to properly follow up on them, pretty much every point is left a bit open and hanging at the end, and that’s bothersome on one with a big dark plot! There ain’t many enemy types, one plot-important location is way too big and easy to get lost in while having no way to return in case you missed something. Also, there’s a minigame that you can miss entirely that gives good items. Also also, there’s a big plot turn towards the end that only had slight foreshadowing if you went out of your way to look for it. Yeah, it’s a bit of a mess... AND Akira’s stats are kinda weedy! But I do love Akira himself, the Battle Theme and especially the Kageyama vocal song~
4th - Western: This is a popular chapter, the main fault that people have with it being that it’s very short. And yeah, that’s very agreeable! I also didn’t much care for the battle theme in this one, fortunately you spend way longer hearing Megalomania instead! The main gimmick is a bit hard and/or trial and error, but very satisfying if ya pull it off~
3rd - Imperial China: Good length, good variety of moves and enemies, nice music, a huge gut punch that is impossible to avoid... This is a Solid Chapter. But I’m never that pleased when the Gut Punch actually happens, as I feel guilty too easy anyway! But also, if you get complacent, you may make moves you regret dearly later on. There are a fuckload of fights and I get a bit bored of the Imperial KK sounding first few notes after a few in a row though.
2nd - Distant Future: The most Cerebral of ‘em all, only 1 mandatory fight, and lots and lots and LOTS of Characters Talking. And it’s goooooood!! As much as the plot leans on Famous SciFi, the interactions and character nuances give this a lot of meat, with the side dish of horror and suspence. We Are All Love Cube!!
1st - Edo Japan: I’m gonna admit first that I am biased for this, and if I wasn’t, I mighta put it lower because HOO BOY this one is Hard Mode!! And you can choose to make it even harder, which I did! But see... that’s a strength objectively; it’s a huge, sprawling, maze-like scenario and you have a certain amount of freedom in just how you go about it. The visuals are fantastic, the music is all bangers and the ending even takes into account the choices you made and changes accordingly. This is the Undertale before Undertale, after all, but much more My Style lmao. Just yeah, go in ready to grind, refer to maps and get a bit lost several times... it’s all worth it in the end imo, also fighting as Oboro is really enjoyable and even pretty~
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disdaidal · 2 years
Incoming rant but I feel it’s ironic when people get upset over people liking a FICTIONAL character. Like when the Batman movie came out, nobody batted an eye over the Riddler simps.
Same with The Joker, and he’s worse than Riddler imo. He SA’ed Barbara Gordon (aka Batwoman) in Batman: The Killing Joke, he’s abusive to Harley Quinn, etc. but nobody makes a big deal about Joker simps.
Hell, nobody even goes after Patrick Bateman from American Psycho simps (unless they’re the “sigma” accounts) and he’s the most insufferable, misogynistic POS around.
Also don’t get me started about the horror simps. Like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Freddy Krouger, Michael Myers, etc.
I feel it’s trendy all of a sudden to hate Billy because of the recent TikTok’s that’ve came about. It should subside eventually (hopefully).
At the end of the day, a lot of people tend to gravitate towards controversial characters. That doesn’t mean anyone agrees or condone with what they do, and if so they should seek therapy immediately. Fuck sake, it’s not that deep.
It's absolutely ridiculous. I've watched all the Batman movies since the late 80's (I own Batman Returns on dvd), and I don't recall ever seeing such reckless hate towards any of the Batman villains, than what this fandom has shown towards Billy.
I have American Psycho on dvd as well and while I think that movie's hilarious because it is really fucking ridiculous and over-the-top, Patrick Bateman still is a misogynistic piece of shit who loves to cut up people into tiny pieces. But since that movie has been turned into a funny meme, now 'everybody loves it' and don't think too much of it. Which is how it should be. It's a fucking movie; Patrick Bateman is a fictional villain. Nothing more.
And speaking of other popular villains: I've "stanned" Freddie Krueger since my teens. One of my first female villain crushes ever was Callisto from Xena (still love her), and she's absolutely crazy. I thought Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter was kinda hot. :D I also had a crush on Christopher Walken in Batman Returns, where his character is a rich, pompous, misogynistic piece of shit. During my first gameplay of Horizon Zero Dawn, I thought Helis (the main villain) was hot, and guess what? He's a religious bigot and a mass murderer. I also latched onto Nil in the very same game, and he's basically a serial killer who tracks down bandits and murders them without an inch of guilt or remorse in his heart (I also ship him with Aloy, the protagonist, and that relationship would be like so normal and so healthy ommgggg).
Not to mention all the other problematic ships that I've shipped way before Harringrove. D: Like these antis are getting so worked up over Billy and Harringrove when they're both pretty vanilla compared to the other stuff that I've stanned / shipped before. It baffles me so much because they're seriously not even in the top ten of my problematic faves list, and yet I have gotten anon hate over them and Billy's tag is full of anti shit. XD like what the fuck
But on the other hand, just like you said, it has definitely become trendy to hate Billy. I've seen bigger blogs here refusing to have anything to do with him because he's 'racist'. And yeah, from what I've heard, TikTok sounds toxic as fuck, I don't want to have anything to do with it. I even left Twitter because I got tired of drama - as if there isn't enough of it here already. Especially in this fandom.
Also... I think Stranger Things is largely toxic right now because the fanbase is still pretty young. The majority of Batman fans - at least the ones I know besides myself - are generally older, long-time fans. The generation that actually understands the complexity of fictional villains and treats them as such, too. Fictional, not real. And that's how it should be.
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ladundying · 3 months
I’m Making A Yakuza Fan Game!
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Hello! I’m Avery ( @averydavery is my main account) and I’m creating my own Ryu Ga Gotoku/Like A Dragon/Yakuza fan game which will be called “Like A Dragon: Undying.” This post is the pinned post for this blog that should explain some questions you may have about it and bring awareness to the game itself! Please read below the cut for more details
What kind of game is LAD: Undying going to be? What is it a spin off of?
Like A Dragon: Undying (LADU) will be a multi-genre title. It borrows elements from RGGO! and LAD 7 & LAD 8, but still incorporates some aspects unfamiliar to veteran players. LADU’s story sections will be in visual novel form and feature rendered artwork of each character’s various expressions. Each chapter will feature one or more brief but important story beats that feature a fully painted and semi-animated scene to emphasize whatever is the most important moment of that chapter. If you’re familiar with the Metal Gear Solid Visual Graphic Novels, then it will be something very similar to that. However, combat/gameplay sequences will divert for this entirely and be in an 8-bit style. Fights will be turn based RPG battles on a horizontal plane, similar to OFF or Deltarune. These battles will feature a normal attack mechanic and a special attack point-buy based mechanic. Also the player will get some very few special moves that feature a brief animation for it— I plan on building a mechanic on when and how this special move can be unleashed.
What will the plot be like?
The plot takes place after the events of LAD 7 but departs from the traditional plot of the series by incorporating a supernatural element to it. While I cannot explain what I mean by this I will say that it isn’t anything like high-fantasy by any means.
As for a brief overview, the game starts with Ichiban crossing paths with the game’s new deuteragonist, Nokori, a vengeful amnesiac who is willing to do whatever it takes to find out his what happened to him and what his true identity is. Ichiban vows to help him on his quest and together they search for the truth.
Who is Nokori?
Nokori is my oc and the secondary protagonist to the game (who I plan on making playable for at least one chapter). He is seen in the art on this post wearing an orange and teal outfit! He dual wields with his katana and tanto, making for some interesting combat abilities. Later in the game you will see that he gains some very powerful and entertaining moves for battle, but I can’t say too much about him or else I’ll be spoiling. His personality is very much like a cat. He’s quiet and reserved, quick to irritation, speaks very eloquently, and at times can very bold when he’s cocky or teasing.
Will there be romance?
I plan on writing in a romance but it won’t come until the latter half of the story. I’m hoping by then I can maybe make it optional for those uninterested? But this entire game idea came from the oc x canon fic I wrote three chapters of about Nokori and Ichiban so… 👩‍🦯
Where can I see examples of your artwork to get an idea of what the game will look like?
On my main blog that I dropped the @ to above I have the majority of my artwork but all of my work and my most active platform is instagram! my username there is @averydavery.png!
Are there spoilers for it anywhere?
YES! Surprise, surprise, you can actually get spoiled up to chapter 3 if you know where to look. As I mentioned before this started as a fanfic and that’s still public, which you are free to read as you please but please know that some things that happen there have been RETCONNED in the script to the game, so be warned. I’m not share the name of it or anything either because I don’t want someone posting spoilers or something to ruin the intrigue of this game.
That being said I actually have some artwork that contains spoilers floating about and while I think it’s been archived or deleted, you can never be so sure…
Where can I play LADU when it releases?
It is my goal to post it on Newgrounds or Itch.io, or both!
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As of now I am working on this game almost entirely on my own and it will be amazing if I only ever get one chapter of it done. My fantastic friend Thea (no full name given) has been my editor and has been the person I’ve been running all of this by, so I’d be nowhere without her. Also I have another friend who has offered to compose a song for the OST! He’s making Nokori’s theme which I’m so excited to hear when he’s finished with it. However, since this is a fangame I’m not profiting off of it by any means and am making it from scratch so I don’t get sent a cease and desist order from RGG Studio. That means I am animating, designing, drawing, writing, and coding everything myself. So far the only thing unoriginal is that I’m using the intellectual property of LAD. Besides that everything is by me.
How can I support you?
The best way to support me and my fangame is by spreading the word! Likes, comments, reblogs, shares, and asks are all appreciated! Also it would mean a lot if you did the same on my instagram! However if you’d like to off me monetary support I take commissions!
How can I volunteer?
Since I’m making this on my own, any help would be greatly appreciated. However, I’m only looking for people who are qualified (musicians and coders are needed the most) so please understand that I will want to see your work first before deciding if you can assist. Please understand why I’m doing this and also understand that you will be VOLUNTEERING I am in no way forcing you to do anything and do not expect you to toil for hours on end for me. Like even some simple guidance on how to do these things myself would be great.
Finished script for chapter one
Designed Ichiban and Nokori’s base sprites (not animated)
Made this blog and an instagram reel
Did some planning shit
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gachastranjr · 1 year
Just a Kazuha Talk/Shitpost Rant/Appreciation Post
Warning: Some cursing and the entire post is just a big Kazuha lover rambling on and on about how much I love Kazuha so consider yourselves warned
You all remember pre-debut Kazuha? I think a good chunk of people thought he was going to have the personality Heizou has today. Though I believe a lot nailed the idea of him being a chill going guy. Not quite the poetry side but close enough.
Ngl I'm feeling pretty nostalgic and I'm just thinking of Kazuha leaks and first impressions lol. Like it was nuts. People were saying how its reccomended to skip him cause he was going to be bad in terms of gameplay but then his banner goes and gdi, the regret. Man's became meta and I was so damn proud of having him during the almost 1 year wait for his rerun. I had a genshin related ego because of him. Hell, it was likely because of him that I also had FOMO and was playing genshin daily for 2 years.
I remember an encounter that asked me to swap accounts cause I happen to have Kazuha. It was my first Co-Op experience as well outside of the Co-Op Azhdaha fights I had to do to get Kazuha's talent materials. I thought it was normal to ask for that but I said no thankfully. Also I just got attached to the character too much to just give him away. Fuck no.
Funnily enough I almost pulled for Eula just before the Kazuha banner because her design is amazing but I was dead set on getting Kazuha. Although ngl it was also when the Kazuha is Canadian Aether thing is rampant and since I love Aether and I used Anemo Aether a lot and the idea of having two sort of Aethers seemed like an absolute win. But then I saw how different the two actually were and now I like them separately.
Due to my massive attachment to the character, I struggle to even remove Kazuha from my main party. Like it hurts to take him away because I need Wanderer or to use my 3 Geo + 1 Hydro/Pyro support parties. I feel so uncomfortable just exploring with no Kazuha. I've been reliant on his E. It's so convenient and fun.
Basically, I just love Kazuha. Thats what this entire thing is about lol.
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jwj212 · 2 years
cataloguing of major events in my life that effected me to be turned into a large series of posts made occasionally
One thing that truly effected me as a person was definitely Counter-Strike: Source. This game gave me experiences that changed me in so many ways and I plan to write about them here.
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Counter-Strike: Source, or CSS for short, is a game that was released by Valve Software in 2004. The game was just meant to show off the Source Engine and bring Counter-Strike into the new generation: but it was not accepted by all. Many thought that CSS was too different from its predecessor and can behave strangely at times compared to the old engine. While many switched over, some found it too arcade like to consider playing so they held off until the release of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in 2012.
My story with Counter-Strike starts much later on than that, however. My story begins around 2016, when I had first truly started exploring the Steam Store. One vibrant summer day I was inside my house on the family computer, browsing. It was at some point that I noticed the Valve Complete Pack on sale for eight dollars. I mean, hell I loved Portal 2 and Team Fortress 2 so why not get all of their games. I continued to sit on this pile of games until I got into another game, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This game got me into the gameplay loop of Counter-Strike and helped me get a feel for the games. Eventually after enough CSGO I decided to try out CSS. This game I found, with its superior bhopping movement was very enjoyable compared to CSGO.
After I began to play CSS I joined many servers, from a gungame server populated only by bots, or a hectic server on inferno. There would always be something to play in those early days. The main draw for me though, was most certainly the bhopping. To simply explain, bhopping is when you strafe back and forth in the air while consistently jumping to gain speed. Many different levels were created with this movement in mind, allowing you to navigate wondrous terrain, or challenge others times on the leaderboard.
This first era leads us to the point that I met Frozen. Frozen was a character, to say the least. He was twenty-three when I met him and living by himself. We met on a KawaiiClan bhop server and began talking from there. Over the next 2 days I did not sleep and I stayed in a call with Frozen. While getting to know him, Frozen revealed to me that he had recently gone through a breakup and might lose his job due to his bad mental state. He never directly stated anything about ending his life but after we logged off he deleted his accounts and completely disappeared two days later. This interaction was my first major completely online "friendship" and it set the stage for me being able to befriend people on the internet.
The second era comes a few years later, I had played intermittently throughout the summers off of school but was not as nearly invested as I was prior to then. That was when, while playing CSGO, planning to play all of the maps in the competitive pool, I met someone on our first match. At the start of the night me and my friend had just loaded into a map named cs_office. This map was disliked by many, but loved by some, mostly those who also play CSS. I was one of the ones who loved the map and my friend I was queuing with was a hater. But that day the map would present us one of the greatest rewards ever, a friendship. In that game we met another very talkative player who also happened to be incredibly good, even though we were in low rank lobbies. He explained to us that he was playing Counter-Strike for years, even as a young child. He went on to tell us how he had just picked up competitive matches again. Once we reached the end of the game, he agreed to queue with us. After that night had finished we formed a new joke team for CSGO named the Cum Strikers.
While this may have nothing to do with CSS yet, Sam, or as we knew him at the time, wowloop, is an integral piece in the story about CSS. In any case, continuing on, eventually as we played and wowloop continued to improve he eventually ended up in the player cheater review due to his absurd skill for his ranking. Eventually a real person watched his replays and decided that he was cheating, thus he was banned permanently. Once we realized that we could no longer enjoy CSGO we moved on to CSS.
Being around Christmas time I introduce Sam to a server I had played on in previous years, from the depths of CSS. Its name changed frequently depending on the time of year, but every time I would play it would be set to full winter mode. Throughout our time playing on the Christmas themed maps we grew a deep connection as I was force trained like a Pokemon against one of the greatest Counter-Strike players of all time. Eventually that time faded and it was the year where both me and Sam's schools were gone for COVID. This led us to all be in a server voice channel talking about school for entire days. Every single weekday we would log on at 8 AM and talk all day. This single interaction spawned many different things that too effected me. The people that were friends with Sam in real life were fucking insane.
Continuing on through 2020 and the whole COVID-19 shabang we began to play CSS more in the absence of proper school. As we began our fully virtual years we would often convene to game together and play plenty of CSS. In this time I began to heavily play on AWPClan servers, particularly the 24/7 Office Map Server. I would spend whole nights on that server, eventually I used clipping software to make a video of one of these nights.
This is that first Counter-Strike video. This single video spawned a whole series of clips of me and Sam playing CSS. By talking to him and learning how to play the game I formed a nearly real bond with some random internet demon. There were many other major things that just talking to Sam changed about me, but the increased Source gameplay is the one that matters today.
Eventually Sam came across a server, marking the beginning of the third major era. The AWP Bhop Era. The new server was insane to us, we had never seen anything like it. It was AWP fighting maps that usually consisted of side strafes and a middle fort now had full power rocket auto bunny hopping and no recoil or spread on guns. Every shot had a tracer, and best of all, everyone was just a giant fucking error sign. A red error sign was a terrorist and a blue error sign was a counter-terrorist. AWP Bhop became our complete obsession for the next few months before the creating of the first AWP Bhop which sparked an entire series.
Our AWP Bhop gameplay advanced to the point of insanity over the next few months, but was stalled later on due to a short visit to the Christmas Server once again. This server was a classic that had to be played every winter, and it was the perfect time as me and Sam were both off of school for a week. Every single morning and 7 AM I would wake up and get on CSS until I went to sleep during that break. We completely changed how we played and new videos were later made due to my increase in skill.
after returning to AWP Bhop we ended up entering a war for points on the server with another faction. This caused the birth of the new clan, (0.0km/h). This was a reference to the speed counters at the end of each AWP Bhop round. We fought for points every day for months until the other clan was defeated and we were victorious. After this turbulent period of warfare the server died off a little. A few months later, disaster would strike.
AWP Bhop was completely closed down. This new development marked the end of the third major era and the beginning of the fourth, current era. The Post AWP Bhop Era. After AWP Bhop closed we lost direction in our gameplay. Every now and again we would play, or make a new video but it was becoming rarer by the day. We had simply moved on after so much time on the game. This was, and still is not the end for CSS in my life. The cycle will continue as we play the game in short bursts for events like the summer or winter where we can freely game. Although those days may be escaping us soon.
In the end, Counter-Strike: Source has been an integral part of my life story. I have conversed with many people over this game, namely Sam. He helped me grow as a person most definitely and made me who I am today, in one way. The early days of playing in my room helped me develop a further aptitude to internet communication after the foundation had been built on Jwsurvival. And this all leads to today, where just a few minutes ago I was playing Counter-Strike: Source with Sam once again.
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