#but i have no experience with that game/type of game
meanbossart · 1 day
Did Astarion kill DU Drow or did DU Drow pass the checks? (Or did that interaction not happen?)
Cause you’ve basically described DU Drow’s type as THAT Bitch™️ which I respect. But if THAT Bitch™️ killed him too?
Of course this could be me projecting, cause my Durge failed the checks and he came before he went 🫡.
Pretty face, legs for days, a mean streak, AND held a knife to his throat within five minutes of meeting, Astarion had already grabbed his attention, top that off with the fact Astarion actually killed him? My murder man was munted, the Bhaal boy was barking, slaughter son was salivating…
You get the idea
God damn it you're right, his type is just the conceptual archetype of That Bitch isn't it LOL
THAT BEING SAID you are actually mistaken! He may not like suck-ups, but he likes strangers putting knives to his throat even less.
Not to mention: Astarion's immediate order of business after that is to try and desperately get on your good side. In other words, doing the very thing that puts DU drow off. He didn't care for Astarion or his attempts at seduction at all, held him at arms' length, and was just a dismissive asshole to him throughout the majority of Act 1 (he was an asshole to everyone at that stage though, to be fair.)
It was only at the tiefling party when Astarion, completely unprompted, implied that the very idea of having sex with him disgusted him that DU drow became interested and started pursuing him. In the narrative I made up for this course of events, I like to think Astarion realized that his usual strategy wouldn't work here and that he was dealing with a man who only wants what he can't have. DU drow is a contrarian at heart, and for as long as Astarion was throwing himself at him he was going to be turned down.
Astarion only bit him after they started having sex, and at that point he had already told DU drow about his vampirism through normal dialogue ("Well, Obviously."). This is sincerely the only way he got away without being staked when that scene triggers (and it was honestly really cool to experience it in that order because it felt a lot more strategic from my POV as the player).
The bite was definitely a turning point in the relationship (DU drow enjoys being hurt by people he values under a controlled environment, but isn't fully aware of it due to his missing memory -> now his object of carnal desire puts that very concept on the table on a habitual basis, making it pretty much a pillar of the relationship -> DU drow begins to see Astarion as someone who actually has something to offer him, instead of just being a pretty conquest that he can show off.) However he still attempted and passed the first check to break free from it. They weren't close enough for DU drow to completely let go of his sense of self-preservation, nor did he come to trust Astarion entirely for a long time even after that. At that stage, if Astarion had sucked him dry (and then revived him, I guess) DU would have most definitely killed him.
(And If you're wondering how this translates to my actual gameplay - I wasn't taking the game seriously because I don't usually like fantasy as a genre, so I made a guy, named him Drow, and proceeded to be a huge dick to everyone until they all ultimately wormed their way into my heart while I kicked and screamed.)
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chongoblog · 3 days
Weird question, I know, but do you have any recommendations for getting into roguelikes? Or at least roguelites?
Great question! As far as the genre of roguelike/lite goes, there’s a pretty wide berth. I think it depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for.
I was gonna give a breakdown of lite vs like, but honestly I’m just gonna go down the list
Hades/Hades 2: Very good if you want to experience a story, tight gameplay, and be pretty sure that you’ll make your way to the end eventually without ragequitting. A lot of its charm comes in it being easier and focusing more on progressing story than Just Being A Wall like some of the other games on this list. Probably the best entry point to roguelikes in this whole list.
Spelunky/Spelunky 2: Remember when I mentioned a wall to throw yourself at? I haven’t played nearly as much Spelunky 2, but I can tell you that I have SOOOOO much time in the first Spelunky (hell I had a lot of time in it back when it was freeware. Now THAT was an exciting time). It’s very very difficult and unforgiving. But it’s a blast once you figure out the tricks.
Slay the Spire: THE deckbuilder roguelike. A ton of roguelikes nowadays have deckbuilder elements and I feel like a lot of it comes from this game. Can’t recommend it enough. If you’re looking for other deckbuilder roguelikes, you can try Monster Train or Balatro (warning this one is crack if you like Number Go Up)
FTL Faster Than Light: You know Star Trek? Imagine if you were a ship captain and you were in control of all the ship functions and crew members. And also everything wanted you dead. And uh oh half your crew is dead. Oh god the O2 chamber is on fire. Another one of those “Throw Yourself At A Wall” type games. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever completed a run myself, but it’s a wonderful experience every time I pick it up
Skul: Definitely one of my favorites in recent memory. A fun action platformer where you get to be a lil skeleton dude, what more could you ask for? Very similar to Dead Cells, which I’ve also played, but I think I like Skul a good bit better (DC is very good though!!!)
Dicey Dungeons: Made by the same guy who did VVVVVV, Dicey Dungeons is a very fun take on the genre, basing it around dice, and allowing for a lot of creative playstyles around the mechanic.
Binding of Isaac: I feel like this one needs no introduction, but in case it does, BoI takes most of its inspiration from the original Legend of Zelda. I have a few issues with it myself which is why I don’t play it nearly as much as I used to (mostly due to it having soooooooo much stuff that trying to remember everything is a hassle, kinda like my issue with TF2 unfortunately) but it’s beloved for a reason so it might just end up being up your alley
Other games I know about but haven’t played much of, so I can’t say much are Streets of Rogue, Risk of Rain 2, Rogue Legacy (I did play a lot back in the day but never got far), Noita, Into the Breach, Darkest Dungeon, and Crypt of the Necrodancer
If anyone else has any recommendations or if you second any of these recs, feel free to put em in the replies
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epickiya722 · 2 days
Not the first time I talked about Kenjaku deciding "let me just birth Sukuna's vessel". Did so here and here.
Before, I really didn't have a legit reason as to why I think Kenjaku did that. Today, I have a reason. I don't think I'm right and I would say it's a reach.
But... what if Kenjaku went the route of birthing Yuji... to have someone surpass Sukuna? Maybe even be the "next Sukuna"?
As of 257...
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I'll spare you the longer details since I already said them in my other posts, but in summary... if Kenjaku could make contracts with other Curse Users and just give them a body, why was it necessary to birth Sukuna's vessel. Hell, why not use Jin as a vessel for Sukuna? Wouldn't he have been perfect given he already was a part of Sukuna anyways being his reincarnated twin?
Here's what I think... Kenjaku likes to push limits. They like to experiment, sometimes for a laugh and for the sake of satisfying their curiosity.
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What if that was the case for Sukuna? What if this whole time they wanted to see if they could create someone that with the capabilites of surpassing Sukuna? The thing is Kenjaku doesn't seem the type to actually care about "being the strongest" so when someone like Sukuna who boasts being the strongest, they took as a challenge just to have a laugh. Maybe even spite him?
Which is something given that Yuji is also someone who doesn't care to surpass someone.
Even though, he can could it almost effortlessly.
He had incredible strength, durability and speed. He can beat world records. He can outrun cars. He can do anything without the need for cursed energy.
He was indeed the perfect vessel for Sukuna. But a little too perfect. Yuji held the capability to control Sukuna.
Now, keep this in mind. Kenjaku is just as old as Tengen and has knowledge of jujutsu that still has to be learned by others.
I bring this up because of chapter 258. Kusakabe makes it a point of saying that because Sukuna used his technique in Yuji's body, his (Yuji's) body adapted to using Shrine. However, Sukuna have only been in control of Yuji's body and used Shrine twice. What if that was all it was needed to be unlocked for Yuji to later apply his own efforts into using his own version of it?
And Kenjaku knew this. Again, Yuji can suppress Sukuna, but there are expectations. For one, he has to willingly gave up control. Two, if he consumed too many fingers at once. The latter, Jogo knew. And who told him?
What if Kenjaku purposely told Jogo that because they wanted Sukuna to have that chance to use his techniques in Yuji's body for Yuji to have?
There's also the tidbit when Kenjaku tells Yuji in 136...
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"I expect much from you." Of course, Kenjaku would! Rethinking about the final confrontation in Shibuya, Kenjaku says Yuji's name 4 times, twice in which of making Yuji an example. While it makes it's easier to understanding what Kenjaku is relaying to them, it also comes off like "vessels like the one I created" in a sneaky, bragging way.
That brings to mind this to me from chapter 158.
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I brought this up in another post how I joked how Kenjaku already having Yuji signed up in the Game is like a parent who signs their kid up for clubs and whatnot even though the kid doesn't want to.
And well, Kenjaku actually did just that. Not like Yuji willingly signed up. In this case, it was more he was a lab rat Kenjaku was observing. What if this was the time that Kenjaku was continuously watching Yuji to see how he progressed after Shibuya? When they say "I expect much from you" this is what they meant? Yuji's performance in the CG and beyond that?
In 203 with this translation, when Choso questions Kenjaku what's the plan they have for Yuji, Kenjaku responds that Yuji already fulfilled that role with being Sukuna's vessel. Even far as calling Yuji "a thing".
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I'll admit I actually was appalled by this because in 160, Kenjaku addresses Yuji as "my son" to a girl Yuji was schoolmates with. Sasaki isn't some sorcerer, let alone haven't seen Yuji for months and probably won't ever again. There was no benefit to that.
Here's what I think, Kenjaku may feel a blend of both feelings for Yuji. He's their son, but also a thing in which they created.
Both proud that Yuji is their most successful experience but he is just that. Like, "You're still mine because I created you, I can do what I please, you're nothing more to me but the role I assigned you".
I also think when it came to Choso, Kenjaku could have just not wanted to reveal anything to him and at the same time set him off to throw him off his game. Again, Kenjaku likes to have a laugh.
There's also that "He will become the eye of the storm of the new era". Talking about Yuji here. This line of dialogue just feels like Kenjaku dismissing Sukuna in a way that's like... I don't know how else to explain it because to me, if Yuji was meant to be Sukuna's vessel I feel like Kenjaku probably would bave said something like "Sukuna will once more be the eye of the storm".
Back to my original point. What of this was Kenjaku saying Yuji is to be the next Sukuna? A better Sukuna? A new King of Curses?
Think of what an eye of a storm is like. That's the safest place right? The place one would want to be. The safest place while everything else falls into destruction. That works for both Yuji and Sukuna. They both have this aura to them that attracts others in a way that's either "I fear you", "I'll be your ally" or "I want to challenge you".
Sukuna and Yuji have a lot of bad things happen around them. Sukuna relishes in it while Yuji doesn't. This is just one of the many instances that they do mirror and oppose each other.
With this "eye of the storm" line it also sounds like Kenjaku has no intention of making Yuji being included in the Merger. It's an unnecessary line really if Kenjaku had plans to make this one huge monstrosity of a curse by combining everyone to Tengen. Why say "the new era" bit?
Was Yuji meant to lead as a beacon of sorts? Like, how Sukuna did in his time?
And I say Yuji because once more, what if that wad the intention? To create someone that could surpass Sukuna? Challenge him and replace him?
If Kenjaku could just assign bodies, why not have not it for Sukuna instead of birthing a cage for him? Also, why seem so interested in Yuji's progress? Why say one thing about Yuji and then be contradicting the next? Couldn't have used Jin's body? Watch Yuji's every move since the beginning because let's be real, Kenjaku probably planted that finger at the school for Yuji to find and either way was going to find a way to get Yuji to consume that finger. Which makes it stranger that this happens months before the CG! What if that was Yuji's headstart to get him progress?
The Merger may be for laughs, but what if what the outcome was going to be Yuji's next challenge?
To finish off, I think Kenjaku had plans for Sukuna to just be someone to be challenged by their creation. A creation meant to replace him. Sukuna is more adapted to the old ways, but Kenjaku tends to be more open minded to the eras evolving. Probably exhausted from Sukuna's ever repeating cycle of being "the King of Curses" and decided to create the very person that could be the evolved version of him. A version of him that's even greater than Sukuna.
What if Yuji wasn't just born to be Sukuna's vessel? What if Sukuna was just meant to be that stepping stone for Yuji to awaken into someone better, someone greater, someone that could replace Sukuna and that accomplishment that Kenjaku wanted to claim and use to mock Sukuna?
Yuji is the soul nephew of Sukuna, their souls have even intertwined and they do share much in common. They're two halves of the same whole.
Yuji is that challenge, he's Sukuna's mirror. A Sukuna, in a way, that could have been.
His existence is like Kenjaku's way of saying "your greatest enemy is yourself".
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bellaaldamas · 3 days
I just wanted to say, thank you and the other fans from this part of the GoW fandom.
In a place full of trolls and gamerbros who turn characters that they deem annoying into irredeemable, useless bitches (Freya, Angrboða) and characters they do like are reduced to either prize for someone (Thrúd, Sif and somehow, Freya again) or into their masculinity idol (Kratos, whom they only accept as the testosterone caricature godkiller and his development seen as creators turning him soft. This claim is at it's peak with Ragnarok, but it was there back in 2018 such as wanting Kratos to beat or even kill Atreus for "acting like a brat". What a horrible mindset!) - It's nice to have a side with people who are welcoming, creative and genuinely fun to interact with.
Your analyses - both fandom and in-game inputs - are a delight to read. They're beautifuly written, intelligent and well formulared, I always feel smarter after reading them.
Apologies if you prefer to discuss this in DMs, I wanted others to read this too.
I wish you a wonderful rest of your day/night 💛
Thank you so much for this message, this kind of feedback truly makes existing in this - and, admittedly, other fandoms - worth it. Your summary of my ramblings genuinely took me by surprise as I haven't been "conventionally" active in the fandom intentionally due to negative past experiences with other fandoms. Those occasional inputs I do come up with are mainly hastily written bursts in broken English.
I don't make a secret out of the fact that in my experience all fandoms, definitely not just Gow(R), are toxic to varying degrees due to trolls employing the very same tactic everywhere they go. For one, it's creating the illusion of dominance of their opinion in terms of quantity (as they have no arguments to back up their stance other than canon twisting nonsense they clearly realize that "quality" is not their strong suit). To attain that, they resort to a number of other tactics typically used by abusers both online and in real life.
As such, whenever trolls see intelligent and thoughtful people refuting their "points" they know they cannot come up with a single canon compliant rebuttal. Therefore they dog-pile in droves as to wear down the opponent who inevitably has to stop responding to them at some point. Because a logical person who dedicates time and thought to formulate an argument, fact checks and brings up evidence and quotes from the source material simply cannot withstand a wave of unhinged trolling coming at them left, right and center. They certainly cannot respond to each ridiculous one line statement of the trolls (such as the types of statements you bring up, in the vein of "Freya is a b1tch, she should've DyEd instead of He**d*all!!11!!") by typing out a thorough and researched response each time. As it would require not just spending hours on it but repeating themselves numerous times over.
The above behavior from trolls is what caused me personally a burnout from the fandom culture overall and led to my taking a distance. When I engage with people in online communities I tend to avoid blanket statements and try to always back up my points with examples from canon. Trolls don't need any of that and always dismiss those points or, at best, make it look like they acknowledge them (by quoting back). But instead of replying with canon facts they resort to Strawman Arguments or Ad Hominem.
In Gow(R) and other gaming fandoms there's also the matter of the trolls looking for "backup" in the form of big bloggers/reviewers who express, in some respects, a view of the plot and characters similar to them. Which trolls use as another "proof" their opinion is supposedly held by the majority. But the uncomfortable - for them and those reviewers - truth is that YouTube community (a cesspool of trolling as of now) represents hardly even 1 percentage of the general audience (one that pays actual money for the games). Which at most passively watches some of those videos, mainly when they have a click baiting title.
A prime example is that "viral" video with millions of views about Atreus supposedly "having a crush on Thrud". Looking at the comment section it becomes obvious that the people leaving humorous and lighthearted remarks don't take the video or the title statement seriously. Whereas the actual trolls who consider Atreus a "selfish little runt" (c) but somehow good enough to be a prize/reward for Thrud (whom they either sexualize or treat as their girlboss self insert); and who deny that Atreus and Angrboda is the only canon budding romance arc in the series are the same four or five people/nicknames. Who can be observed under other Atreus/Angrboda videos with their nonsense.
Furthermore, trolls actively participated in making the "Atreus and Thrud" piece viral in the comment section for at least one Atreus/Angrboda tribute video by mentioning the AT video and the amount of views it has. And openly insisting it somehow "proves that the fans want" Atreus and Thrud as a romantic arc for Atreus - the very same character they consider unworthy of being a secondary protagonist let alone becoming the main lead of the series or having his own spin off. But, as noted, they believe him to be acceptable enough to become a trophy man for their preferred girlboss.
That in turn brings us to another issue of male characters absolutely also being susceptible to objectification and being reduced to love interests and plot devices for female characters whom fandom minority treats as a part of their personal power fantasy. Atreus hating trolls originally didn't even deny they hated Angrboda "by association" with Atreus - thus even they initially admitted she was intended as his potential romantic partner by the narrative - because women to them are just men's extensions/accessories. But when they realized this argument makes it very easy to dismiss them for the bitter misogynists that they are they changed the tactic (also classic troll pattern) and started to distort canon in order to invent "arguments" to justify not just their Atreus hating but also their Angrboda hating stance.
To "warm up" they originally started calling Angrboda a "woke points character" which I cannot stress enough is utterly laughable when coming from Atreus/Thrud shippers. Because if there is a woke points or fan-service character in GowR it would be Thrud and Heimdall, respectively. They're the only ones who could be either removed entirely (Thrud) or replaced/have their screentime reduced to one or two scenes and the story would've been exactly the same. Thrud's Valkyrie aspirations have no influence on the plot whatsoever and are a complete filler. I'm saying this not because I dislike either of them but because it's an objective fact that smashes troll arguments flat.
Then there is the matter of the trolls being unable to stand the fact that interactions with Angrboda is Atreus's healthiest and most positive relationship in the story. It especially challenged them that Angrboda always valued Atreus's personal choices and didn't once question him (even when she disagreed with his train of action), his moral character or his right to take his own independent decisions (on the contrary, Thrud questioned his every move and deemed him untrustworthy the moment he made one, genuine mistake with Garm - and the trolls deemed it admirable because "finally someone put that little runt in place"; they don't actually ship Atreus and Thrud, they ship their own aggression and disdain towards Atreus projected onto Thrud).
Angrboda let Atreus exercise his agency (another troll nightmare as they cannot stand the very idea of Atreus having any) even when his actions went directly against her mother's words about the giant marbles or against the prophesy itself. That is, despite Angrboda considering the prophesy which killed both of her parents her lifeline. And believing that delivering said prophesy and the giant souls to Loki was her one and only mission in the existence full of loneliness (years of not speaking to another person, per Angrboda's own admission). As well as full of hard labor she had to engage in daily at a strikingly young age (purely out of love and sense of responsibility for every living thing in Ironwood) because there was no one around to help her (Atreus understandably expressed astonishment and admiration at that which Angrboda appreciated but - which is no less important - pointed out they're the same age; implying that she knows and acknowledges Atreus/Loki has gone through a lot himself and fared well). Even Angrboda's grandmother broke due to challenges that only made Angrboda more caring and compassionate.
Which is another point worth addressing about fandom culture because it tends to put down gentle and vulnerable girls and women as "unfeminist". Modern "feminism" has little to do with woman empowerment or rights and is a repackaged patriarchy that praises women/female characters as strong and independent only when they take the aggressor and conqueror mantle from a man.
Kratos fell a victim of a similar thinking on part of both the gamebro AND the "progressive" segment of the fandom. I realize Tumblr is not ready yet for that conversation, but masculinity is not inherently toxic and neither is femininity. What both gamebros and woke types cannot handle is that Kratos's development and Angrboda's character represent the type of masculinity and femininity, respectively, that isn't imposed on them by the sexist society but that is based completely on their free will and life experience. Moreover, Thrud is the one who was heavily influenced by the toxic environment she grew up in. Therefore considering her a "feminist icon" is both factually wrong and unwise (even if we discount her "treacherous ex wife" comment in regards to Freya because that was ALSO a part of Odin's toxic influence that she can now, hopefully, work through and move on from).
But the most delightful part is that none of those troll views and arguments have proven to matter at all. GowR developers went on to do literally every single thing trolls dreaded. Freya was not made into a "big bad b!tch who deserved to be killed by Kratos for being a less than perfect mother" (even though not only was Kratos the furthest thing from the father of the year in Gow18 but as you note, the very same people wouldn't object to physical violence against Atreus at his hands). Kratos continued to work towards healthier existence and carving a better path. Angrboda remained an emotionally mature, loving, caring and independent person with a potential of her relationship with Atreus going further in the following installments. Atreus is clearly set up to have his own spin off or remain a secondary protagonist or even become the main protagonist next game. That in and of itself is a prime example of how irrelevant trolls and their entitled demands are in the grand scheme of things.
That being said, as I always point out, we should keep in mind we cannot control media we consume, only our experience with it. A healthy emotional distance from it is the only way to avoid stress if/when the writers come up with decisions we might not like or find offensive. Mental well being should be our priority and media created by others should never define us.
Thank you again for this positive and inspiring message. Have a great and fulfilling time yourself <3
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deesblanketfort · 3 days
Activities for a fem aligning* caregiver ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶
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(*First things first, I'm not a fan of pointlessly gendering things, so of course anyone can do these regadless of gender or gender expression)
I'm making this post mainly because I feel like there's a lack of fem leaning caregiver content, and since my partner is very girly, I believe reassuring her gender expression through caregiving would be encouraging for her!
Plus, it's fitting for a mother's day post! Happy late mother's day for all mamas and fem caregivers!
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🍨: Bake with them! My partner loves baking and I've been wanting to get us into cake decorating since colorful pastries make my regressed self excited!
🌷: Give them flowers! Flowers are often gifted to femmes, aside from being regarded as a symbol of tenderness and beauty. You can also make flower arrangments for them or put flowers on their hair.
💝: Pamper them with fem nicknames! If they enjoy being referred to with fem language they'll likely be happy to be called mom, Mamma/mommy, sis/sister, aunt/auntie, miss, madam/ma'am or lady.
🌈: Play dolls with them! Aside from it's sheer versatiliy in typing (fashion dolls, baby dolls, paper dolls, action dolls) dolls are suitable for several play pretend scenarios, and they're more fun to play with someone else.
💄: Give them a makeover! Paint their nails, do their makeup and hair, choose their outfit and let them enjoy their new look!
🍬: Have a spa day! Be it with skincare, haircare, bubble baths or manicure/pedicure, a home spa day is a good way to practice self care and bond with your caregiver.
🌺: Make accessories for them! From bracelets to necklaces and hair accessories, those can be made with a wide range of materials (beads, fabric, paper, EVA foam) and most are pretty easy to craft.
👑: Play royal court with them! They can be a princess or queen and you're their prince/princess or knight. Make a royal schedule and give them the princess treatment, pretty dresses included!
🎀: Style their hair! Grab a brush and all kinds of hair accessories and let your creativity flow! Short hair can be styled with headbands, bows and hairclips, while longer hair can also be tied into braids, buns, or anything!
🍡: Make dressup games and picrews of them! Picrews and other dressup websites are an amazing alternative to physical fashion dolls, since you can make them look just like your caregiver and dress them up in all kinds of pretty clothes. Don't forget to show them the finished pictures!
🩰: Play fashion runway! You can either both play as runway models, or one of you can be the stylist while the other is the model. Fashion runaway is also an opportunity to express and experiment with outfits.
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wholewolfsbane · 19 hours
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last edited: 23/5/24
Welcome to my kin blog! Heres some stuff to get to know me, my identity & my blog. I'd prefer if you read this before following me, but im not ur dad. Just know i block freely.
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🍁 You can call me Red! Or my real name, if you know it. Im an autistic 16 year old guy (he/it) and i identify mostly as a canine therian— But i have other identities. Im also goth & scenemo, which isnt important but i wanted to say it lmao
🍁 I am brazilian american (1st generation) but ive never been to the USA despite this, and i am self taught in english so im sorry if i fuck up 💀 im also learning french because i (unfortunately) live in france.
🍁 I have a mate and he is the goat (hes a cat actually) and he does not post at all but you should still follow him @vampiresvanity
🍁 I love getting new mutuals!! please ask to be my mutual i probably will never say no. and feel free to dm me as long as youre under 25
🍁 i follow from @120red
fandoms: homestuck, warrior cats, furry, scott pilgrim, pokemon, etc
games: wolfquest, planet zoo, the wolf among us, rdr2, transformice, stardew valley
books: dracula, frankenstein, owls of ga'hoole, wings of fire, watership down
music: my chemical romance, modern baseball, lapfox trax, pierce the veil, insane clown posse, korn, the cure, scary bitches, s3rl, yaelokre, sublime, etc
movies & shows: wolfwalkers, how to train your dragon, wolfblood, MTV downtown, invader zim, the lion king, oliver & company, etc
collectibles: littlest pet shop, charlie bears, plushies, feathers, crystals, model horses, random ass trinkets
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╰┈➤ KEY:
★ = spiritual
☆ = psychological
✮ = physical
𖤐 = all of the above
✦ = heartype
✰ = copinglink
? = still figuring it out
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🥩 Dhole (Cuon Alpinus) 𖤐
🥩 Wolf (Canis Lupus) 𖤐?
↳ 🦴 Sea Wolf
↳ 🦴 Yellowstone Wolf
🥩 Wolfdog (Canis Lupus x Canis Lupus Familiaris) ☆✮
🥩 Werewolf ☆✮
🥩 American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) ✦
🥩 Dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris) ?
↳ 🦴 English Cocker Spaniel ✦
↳ 🦴 A Big Breed Idk Which One ☆
🥩 Black Flying Fox (Pteropus alecto) ✰
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Im also dave strider from homestuck and fan from inanimate insanity but i do not talk about it much here
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this blog is where i post mostly about alterhumanity! this may be my experiences, tips for others, aesthetic shit and bla bla bla. its mostly just a space for me to be open about it.
DNI: antikin, anti agere/petre, proshippers & comshippers, zoos, kink/nsfw accounts
THIN ICE: kin-for-fun, non alterhumans in general
BYF: i curse a lot. i change my pfp based on the 'type i feel most connected with. thats practically it lol
#info :: information about me/my blog
#favs :: favorite posts
#asks :: answering asks
#howls :: stuff about alterhumanity
#barks :: random unimportant posts
#wags :: stuff that made me happy
#wholewolf-reblogs :: reblogs
#my art :: drawings i make
#moodboards :: moodboards. duh
#home :: hearthomes & nature pics
#me if u even care :: 'type pics lol
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pixel gifs by @bugsb1te
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nihilismtrcit · 9 months
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it's bc of all the bg3 on my dash
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bleaksqueak · 4 months
Okay, if you like fromsoft games or love bloodborne/love a challenge/love horror juxtaposed against endearing whimsy, please check out Lies of P.
The part of me that couldn't stop laughing at the game's name and the concept of "Edgelord Pinnochio Bloodborne Clone" can no longer fathom thinking of the game as anything other than "AMAZING!!!!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!! THAT TEAM SHOULD BE SO PROUD!!!! WHAT AN ASTONISHING CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENT!!!" I already knew I was on the "i'd recommend this to anyone who likes these types of games or wants to try them" team, but now that is 10000% And even better, it has filled me with so much art inspiration after exploring its world and collecting beautifully designed costumes. The world building/world design is so, so so so very actualized and charming.
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squishosaur · 9 months
hey man. i'm just saying. why would we put inexperienced teenagers with over-inflated egos and obvious emotional issues into combat classes and make them claw their way to the top of their dorms and expect things to just run smoothly. who actually thought this
#the reason rsa doesn't have overblots is because they understand the joy and whimsy of life and friendship btw#LIKE. why is there no school counselor?? do you know how much time & resources & effort & TRAUMA we could have saved the students &#school from if ANYONE had reached out to riddle and was like 'hey are you alright i heard xyz and i wanted to let you know...' ESPECIALLY#since TREY LITERALLY TELLS US 'oh well here's the lowdown on her trauma this is Probably what is causing this'#or if someone sat down to tell leona 'hey! i'm rooting for you in ur magift(?) game! you're my fav player!!' AND LET HIM FEEL NOTICED#or if someone approached azul as an Equal to try to stop his plans. as a friend even. BEYOND A BUSINESS TRANSACTION#or if ANYBODY BUT ESPECIALLY KALIM was like 'jamil i think you should follow your passions and do something you enjoy today!!' or AT LEAST#let him know he was appreciated as a person NOT JUST FOR HIS WORK#'i know you're doing a lot today but i just wanted to thank you for how much Effort you put into this and..' etc etc etc#ERM.. IF ANYONE TREATED VIL LIKE A HUMAN BEING AND NOT A CELEBRITY??? or even 'hey i loved you in this film i was wondering if we could#do a play together or something..!!' AND LET HER TRY A TYPE OF CHARACTER SHE NEVER GOT THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE. and sing her praises.#if anyone reached out to idia beyond a 'hey the teacher said to come to class'/'get out of your bed and come to our housewarden meeting'#or even. IF ORTHO HIMSELF was like. 'you know it's not your fault... you didn't cause all of this. not really' OR SOMETHING#or if malleus ever got to experience a small firsthand loss AND WAS COMFORTED THROUGH IT. not just quick fix via magic. not replacing. just#GRIEVING SOMETHING??????? and wasn't feared by literally everyone#um. maybe the real twisted part is that all of this tragedy was easily preventable if we had a support system in place.#but idk. twst is a highschool. there's no support in real high school either. i'd probably overblot too if i could ajdjrjfinfdndjd#twst#chatter#LONG RAMBLE SORRY#yes overblots are essential to the plot. but also. do you know how frustrating it is watching the blot build up and sitting in silence.#I'M SORRY IK IF SOMETHING LIKE THIS WAS HAPPENING TO A GUY I JUST MET I WOULD PROBABLY NOT NOTICE.. but of it was my Friend or Housewarden..#I'D ASK BRO.... I'D ASK ... UGHHHHHUUUHHHH#not that anyone would notice if *I* was about to lose it tbh#speaks volumes about our society o think#OKAY NOW I'M DONE FOR REAL
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
that soft round brush is gonna kill me btw that shit you drew is SKSBSKSB sksbsksbsj ksKSBSJSBSMALQJSLAHSKWBDKSJ 😳😳😳😳😳🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥴🥴🥴🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
Does this mean i succeeded in making him look.. um.. whats the word. grabbable
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I sincerely think if Dennis Reynolds and Jeff Winger were to makeout, it would benefit them both immensely, in fact, it’d be good for their health
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susielesbianism · 4 months
Been watching people play Home Safety Hotline recently and oh my god y’all please fuckinng play it it’s so good
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chibishortdeath · 5 months
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Simon doodles again. The poses were mostly referenced from some photos of figure skaters I found on Pinterest. They have a lot of really useful in motion poses, but I kinda ended up just using some static lying or sitting down poses for most of these oops.
I’m not sure if I should mark this mature or not since Simon is dead in two of the doodles, I usually don’t mark my stuff because it’s within the content that can be found in the game series, but I really don’t know hmmm. (ó_ò ;) I also don’t know if tumblr lets you edit that after posting it or if I’d have to repost it again, but I wouldn’t be opposed to doing that if need be.
The last two aren’t on the same page as the others. Uh the short explanation is um I don’t think he’d sleep very well.
Still not quite back in the swing of doing art or really anything again, but I’m getting there I guess.
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plumbogs · 3 months
dustin and beau are closer in age in my mind than they are in game in general honestly. to me its like a 6 year age gap instead of the 10-12 or so (and dustin is on the younger end of being a teen to start). idk why i think it's just more to work with that way.
but in game the household would be twice as hellish if Dustin was a kid and less dramatic if Beau was a kid aleady so that's why it's probably actually like that
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wormy-worm · 2 months
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ok u know what maybe if the world isn't ready for sunrazer post that means that the world IS ready for Amoveous siblings post. This is Milo and Enho and theyre my DARLINGS and i love them SO MUCH. i have. SOOOOOOOO many thoughts abt them but after the previous post massacre i do not really feel like typing all of that xoxo love <3
#THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS LOL#meart#original character#robot oc#ily enho ily milo my darlings my angels my loves my funny robot guys.#ive posted abt Andromeda on here b4 if u remember her Enho is her best friend !!!!!#Enhos a battle robot who doesnt want 2 fight people..#hes the oldest sibling and theres a lot resting on their shoulders!#shes supposed to be this big metal protector but U.U she just wants to hide in his room.. and make music for the internet..#him and andy have this whole arc abt like. autonomy and identity and junk#being as andy is a government experiment who was raised to be a superhero who. has not yet realized that she HATES being a superhero lol#Enho inspires her!#milo um. does his own thing. he was the second amoveous bot and he is lucky to have been built without the responsibility of a battle bot#which means hes a LOT weaker. doesnt have a million weapons and lasers and such like enho does. no one expects much of him. he HATES IT!!!!#he wants to be POWERFUL! he wants to HURT PEOPLE!! he wants to be USEFUL!!! hes ANGRY ALL THE TIME#its EXSAUSTING.#yk that tinkerbell thing thats like. cuz shes so small she can only feel one emotion at once. and its so big it consumes her entirely?#hes that. he lives entirely in extremes. everything is 100% for him#he jumps to conclusions so quick and so violently.. hes incredibly impulsive and it gets him into a lot of trouble.#hes also a total NERD!!! GOOB!!! says mlady unironically. likes bad computer games. wears a stupid tie everyday. cartoonishly schemes 24/7#enho for the record is also a pretty angry person. they just dont rlly express it. they dont express much of anything lol.#shes semiverbal on a talkative day. he can be REALLY REALLY PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE THO. THAT MF CAN BE SO PETTY. GOOFY ASS#but shes TERRIFIED she'll lose control of her emotions and her body and that shell hurt someone someday. absolutely terrified.#enho is as afraid of his strength as milo is of his weakness. theyre both two ends of the same extremes in a lot of ways.#polar opposites and yet exactly the same. they resent each other a lot. they need to learn to meet each other in the middle.#anyway ''i dont feel like typing all that'' and then i ramble in the tags for ten million years lol ToT I LOVE THESE GUYS#theyre my oldest ocs in this universe and i have so many thoughts if you have any questions feel free to ask me lol
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snailfen · 7 months
just finished octo expansion. yuri 👍
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