#but i'm gonna
respectthepetty · 7 months
She has a HUSBAND?!
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These two have no damn sense, but they got plenty of audacity! Girl, say no. You do not want this crusty boy!
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What in the entire fuckery is this conversation?! I don't feel like anyone properly warned me about these two. Plenty about ghost fucking, but nothing about this!
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He looks like he is going to murder everyone. I don't care what his actual deal is. He is doing the squinty eyes too well to be sane.
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This actress has the longest resume, yet her and Fluke being in another series together after the disaster that was Oh! My Sunshine Night and playing darker versions of those characters is pleasing my soul.
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Why is there never anything fun about a funhouse? Not one thing. Time for me to double speed this part! I'm not watching this on normal speed. Nah.
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This is too real
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It's an actual person being creepy as hell watching all this shit going down. STOP THE MADNESS! TURN ON THE LIGHTS!
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This is not giving me "I killed you" vibes. Don't make me feel bad for this bully!
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Oh, shit! The ring's gone.
Mom, I'm scared. Come pick me up. And bring alcohol.
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olliesneweyes · 1 month
godd i kinda wanna pin this song as andrew but i'm brainrotting him so hard i could be pinning jt wrong 💔 i have favorite artists can you tell /silly
REAL glancing at the lyrics I feel like he's trying to convince himself (likely when he was younger) that he trusted god and would understand anything he did,,
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acourtofladydeath · 8 months
The way I ran to this inbox!!!!!!!!!!!!! Given our recent discussion...I'd love to see some angsty feytamsand with a happy ending!!! Maybe forced proximity trope thrown in there? 💗
Was I initially shooting for 500 words? Yes. Did I immediately know it would be 1K but still want it to be under that? Yes. Is it? noO. But that's okay! This is the first in what I hope will be a series of exercises where I learn to write and achieve my story goal in less words. In the end, I just had to take my hands off the keyboard and go with it in the spirit of the drabble exercise!
I sort of forgot about the forced proximity part of the request...but it's definitely angsty and leads to a HEA! I sincerely hope you enjoy "Live, and Be Happy." What is the first of what I think will be many polycule ACOTAR fics I write.
TW: mention of slight self harm
Read here on AO3 or under the cut!
A loud crash sounded through the main hall of the river house as Lucien burst through the doors, coat askew and breathing heavily. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Rhysand jumped from the couch where he lounged next to Feyre, who sat up and immediately asked, “is he okay?” 
Lucien stood hunched and disheveled, sorrow in his eyes as he looked between the mated pair before him. When he’d caught his breath enough to speak he could only get out a few words, “he’s not well,” before they were both heading out the door, brushing past him carelessly. 
“How was he when you last saw him?” Feyre asked as she rushed to keep up with her mate's frantic longer legs.
“Not bad enough to worry you.” 
Feyre scoffed, pacing past him to turn and face him, stopping Rhysand in his tracks. “That was not the deal, Rhysand. We agreed you could go see him in person without me until he felt ready if, and only if, he was okay in the meantime.” She stared down his violet eyes, unyielding in her anger and fear. 
Rhysand had continued to visit the Spring Court in hopes of helping Tamlin rekindle his control. They hadn’t counted on it rekindling other things as well. After one particularly long visit, Rhys had explained his former relationship with Tamlin before they’d become high lords.
After Rhys revealed their former, and newly sparked feelings, Feyre had started writing back and forth with the male she’d once hoped would become her mate, and was surprised to find her own feelings for him returning as well. Tamlin it seemed was happy to love them both, but his depression and the trauma he’d been dealt and never dealt with had taken its toll.
Rhysand’s violet gaze was full of emotion, pain for the male they both had grown to love again, fear for his condition, conviction to protect Tamlin, and shame from deceiving the female they both loved so deeply. Eventually, he bent under the solid will of Feyre’s stare, dropping his head toward the ground between them. 
“Take me to him” she said, a statement with no room for question, as she held her hand out to grab his own. Rhys quickly winnowed them to the place in Spring he knew Tamlin would be. 
Tamlin’s struggle with his own monsters had been going on much longer than he’d wanted to admit, and when he’d finally started opening up to Rhys about it after that one solstice, it was like a damn broke, drowning him thoroughly. Today had been worse than most. He and Lucien had been discussing how the courts were still healing from the Hybern War and Amarantha’s reign under the mountain, when he’d suddenly been triggered by a particularly bad bout of memories.
Unable to stop himself, he’d transformed into his beast, attempting to punish himself for being the cause of so much suffering. His friends, his courts, the other courts, and worst of all the suffering of the two people he held closest to his heart. 
When Feyre and Rhysand arrived, he was huddled on the floor of the cabin he ran off to to be alone, away from the prying eyes of his court. Both arms wrapped around his head and knees tightly as if he could hold himself together while his claws pierced into his skin, drawing thin streams of blood that flowed down his bare skin. He’d managed to stop harming himself most of the time, but still couldn't stop this one action to hurt both to punish his wrongs and to remind himself he was still alive. 
In the doorway, Feyre let out a soft sound somewhere between a gasp and a sigh, her tattooed hand rising to stifle the noise as she looked up on Tamlin for the first time in years. Rhysand moved forward slowly, his focus solely on the male before him. “Tam, it’s me,” he said as he slid onto his knees in front of the broken person in front of him, taking his tortured face between both his hands. 
As Rhys tried to tilt Tamlin’s face up toward his, he felt the male recoil away. Placing their voices together, Rhys spoke in a soft voice cracked with emotion. “Please don’t hide from me. I’m not scared of you. We want to help, Tamlin. Please let us help.” 
With that word, Tamlin looked up, his dulled eyes currently a deep, pained green. With a voice harsh and hoarse from what Rhys was sure had been hours of screaming, Tamlin spoke, “we? I thought Lucien left?”
Feyre had slowly walked into the cabin as Rhysand steadied her first love, until she was not standing a few paces away as she spoke. “He did, but he didn’t abandon you Tamlin. He came to get us, to get me.” Slowly, Tamlin turned to face her. Rhys’s hands still steadied him, one caressing his jaw tenderly, while the other softly ran across the spots Tamlin had punctured his shoulder. 
Unable to stay away any longer Feyre rushed forward the last steps, dropping to her knees and wrapping her arms delicately, yet firmly around his neck. After a long moment, Tamlin spoke, his face buried in her neck. “Why are you here…why would you bother to care for me, Feyre…after everything I did.”
Feyre pulled back, one hand caressing Tamlin’s chin as the other reached to cover Rhys’s hand still rubbing the sore marks on his shoulder. “We are both here Tamlin, because we see you. Because we’ve been where you are, and you deserve someone in your corner as you work through this.” 
Tamlin seemed to scoff at that, as if he either believed he didn’t deserve to heal, or was incapable. “That doesn’t explain why you are here, either of you.” As he said the second part of the statement, Tamlin looked between the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, sensing the cooling mist of Rhys’s magic that always seemed to calm him.
“We’re here because we love you, Tamlin.” Rhys’s smooth and soothing words hanging in the air between the three of them. Feyre spoke then, adding to her mate’s words, “both of us. You deserve to be loved.” 
Using her hand to tilt Tamlin’s chin up to meet her gaze. “Do you remember what you told me, after you brought Rhys back? You told me to be happy. You deserve to be happy too, Tamlin.”
Rhysand’s one hand rested on his mate’s back while she held Tamlin’s gaze, his other gently holding Tamlin’s neck, thumb brushing against his jaw softly, in the way he’d often done so long ago. “Let us help you come back, teach you to be happy again. The three of us.” 
Tamlin closed his eyes, a tear softly falling and being wiped away before it tracked too far. And for the first time since his father died, Tamlin truly felt like it was true, like he could learn to be happy. The three of them together could bring him back to life.
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unfortunatelycake · 10 months
You know what sucks? Going to bed when you don't want to go to bed because if you don't go to bed tomorrow's gonna suck and the day after tomorrow is also gonna suck because it'll turn into a recovery day after not getting enough sleep + having a busy day
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millenniumdueled · 9 months
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!! :p
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stolligaseptember · 2 years
i don't wanna
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
the whale looks awful ngl but i will be watching
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saryasy · 2 years
so I'm never getting over this scene actually
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and I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing at Bruno in the background. the man is just so happy to be included.
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hoffnungswolke · 2 years
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Jack Sloane in every episode - 15x08
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howldean · 2 years
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-sighs in now has to draw a mock gold pin icon for niffty-
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eyelessfaces · 1 month
amazing news for the bisexual community
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"oscar isaac" "kristen stewart" "vampire" "thriller" "80s" ???? please
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icarus-suraki · 2 months
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condensed-ink · 1 month
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I just want to remind everyone that it is your civic duty to jailbreak your Nintendo consoles and pirate every Nintendo property until the heat death of the universe.
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shesnake · 3 months
full offence but I do NOT watch movies so I can "turn my brain off" I take this shit so seriously
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spyglassrealms · 1 year
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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