#but in that dream she at my school for a fansign and I was waiting in line but my teacher called me and told me to get Siyeon a pen
lnkedmyheart · 6 months
Today in my dream, Chuuya cracked an egg on Dazai's forehead and instead of the egg cracking, Dazai started cracking till he fell to pieces and then Chuuya sagely said "things fall apart".
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lyramundana · 10 months
today is five years since I started to follow stray kids ^^ have you even thought of a fan!reader and minsung in skz? how the things can grow between them? 👀
sorry I'm such a delulu -🌻🌻
Congrats for staying in this circus so long!!🥳 And yes. Fan!MC x idols is actually one of my favourite tropes, and I find it unsettling that there's not much content about it.
And don't ever apologise from being delulu, honey. My blog is pure delulu material and proudly, so don't hold back.
Anyway, here you go, my sunflower. Sorry for the waiting:
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Reader has been a devoted Stay for a long time. However, as much as she loves all the members, Han and Minho hold a special place in her heart. Not only because of them individually, but mostly because of their relationship.
Because yeah, no one can convince her these two are just friends. She refuses to believe it. She sees the signs, the gestures, the body languages. You can't fake these kind of things. She feels it in her bones. She lives, breathes and moves for this ship. Plus, they look so fucking good together! You can say she's more in love with their chemistry than she is with them as people.
She's a Minsung supporter first, a Stay second. While most Stays dream of asking their bias questions about dating, their ideal types and trying to flirt with them, the only thing Reader wants to do if she sees the members is gossip with them about Minsung. She'll take any crumbs she can get from them about her favourite couple and feed into her fantasies. Of course, she'll also tell all of them how wonderful they are and thank them for bringing light to her life with their mere existence.
When the news of a fansign spread out, Reader fighst tooth and nail to get a spot there. She prepares consciously before going. She's so excited! She feels like she's buzzing in her skin from the emotions. She makes sure to dress prettily to make a good impression, but since she doesn't really have the intention of "catching their eyes", she's not too preoccupied. She's in for their music, their personalities and the hot homo couple. Sure, she admires how handsome they are and will most likely be ogling at them a bit, but she knows where she stands and where they do. She arrives just in time to see them coming and her eyes almost fall off her face when she catches a glimpse of Han and Minho coming off the van...together and exchanging sweet glances.
Yeah, she's going to take full advantage of this fansign.
She walks to the line and talks with each member while they sign her album. She asks them about their day, their projects, she compliments their songs and express how much she loves them and how grateful she is for all their work. She dares to throw a pick up line at Chan that ends up with both of them flustered and him giggling like a high school girl. But she never looses sight of her main objectives, and she almost faints right there when she realizes they're sitting next to each other, so while she speaks to one the other will hear.
Perfect. It's like they did it on purpose.
She gets to Han first, who receives her with that signature smile of his and the friendly behaviour he always displays. Even though he seems natural about it, she can notice he's a bit tired. Her heart aches for the boy, but it inmediatly dissapears when she comes back to her intentions. That's right. This might be the closest she'll be to the group, and she doesn't want to have any regrets later when she returns home. So she buries her growing nervousness at being in front of her bias and focus on the task at hand.
They have the typical converstation. He greets her, thanks her for coming, and exchange questions. She notices Jisung is a bit tired and isn't really in the mood to talk, so she decides to use the moment to catch him by surprise and make him ignore his exhaustion. Before he can sign another page, she stops him, making him look at her confused and even worried, only to tell him to sign somewhere else, an extra page she added. When he looks up to it, he sees this:
"You guys have my whole support. Please, invite me to the wedding" and a rainbow colored heart written in the entire page. He blinks at it and stares at her with a confused giggle.
She winks at him and throws a not so discreet glance at Minho. Han inmediatly stumbles through his words and almost falls of the chair. At least he seems to have energy again. The boy doesn't know if play along to pretend it's all fanservice or deny it all, but Reader whispers to him that "friends don't look at each other like that" and that she's incredibly enamoured of their bond, how happy she is for them for finding each other. Jisung listens to all in shocked silence, still feeling shy but also a certain warmness in his heart at the girl's words.
He expected the usual banter with a fan. Shyness from both parts, random questions about his life and hobbies, his ideal type and some flirting he'll usually play along with. At worst, some hater to spill hate at him. This, however, he couldn't have ever see it coming. When the time is out, he lets her go almost reluctantly but smiling at her so widely she knows it's not forced.
When she greets Minho, she notices the fidgeting of his fingers and his red ears, and guess he has heard some words. Enough to know what she was talking about. His english sounds so tiny and cute she can't help but say it out loud. He smiles shyly and thanks her, proceeding to sign until Reader stops him too, opening the album to the same page was before. He reads a bit slower than Han, taking in the words, and his ears are now completely red. He coughs and his grip on the pen is a bit unstable. He stares at Jisung's signature next to the heart and then smiles, signing right next to it. Reader wants to burst out of her body, and she lets out a tiny fangirl squeal at his gesture, at which he giggles shyly and returns at looking through the album. Much like with Jisung, she only asks a handful of questions for him before focusing on Minsung again. She talks completely sure that they're dating and she covers Minho on nice comments about it. He'll fight to not show a big reaction, but he's fucking melting inside. He starts to feel more relaxed and, unlike Jisung, he replies shamelessly to all her comments. She's overall really enthusiastic about their relationship more than she's with them and it amuses him for some reason. It's refreshing to have this kind of interaction with a fan, even more if she's respectful about it. Jisung is listening to everything not so discreetly and almost joins. When the time is up, Minho actually grabs her hand and asks the guard for some more minutes with a pout, but he isn't allowed. Reader is sad about it too but understands she has to go. She feels satisfied with herself for what she did and decides to keep it as a sweet memory.
When they wave goodbye at her, she winks at them and says that they look so cute together. They're flustered again but also happy.
Reader doesn't know yet, but whent he fansign is over and the boys meet in their dorms, her favourite couple talks about her and they both agree they wish they could see her again. It felt so good having someone so openly supportive of them, even if it was born out of a fan enthusiasm for her idols. They wish more people could be like that. They wonder if what she said was true and there are more Stays like her.
After that, the boys are already interested in having a closer bond with her, but it's not romantic yet. When Reader encounters again by accident during a date, she struggles between taking a photo for herself and run away to avoid the sasaeng charges or continue her way and pretend she doesn't see them. Before she can decide, she's spotted and they're surprisingly friendly with her. Reader expresses how honoured she feels for having see the Minsung on a date and basically have her beliefs confirmed and excuses herself for interrupting it, swearing she won't tell a soul (because she doesn't want anything to ruin her ship) and attempts to leave. However, she gets thrown back when Jisung, after exchanging a glance with Minho, invites her to stay with them and keep them company. "The more the merrier" he says. Reader feels tempted, the offer of staying to watch Minsung in their natural love bubble sounds too good, but she claims that she shouldn't be in the middle of a romantic date and they wouldn't be able to interact as openly as they would like with a third person there. But they insist so much she ends up complying. She's mostly in silence, watching with heart eyes every gesture they share, and squeals from time to time because they're so adorable together. It feels like a private fanservice show, except she knows it's not fanservice and has no idea why they brought her, but she's not complaining.
They actually include her in the converstation, but she makes most of it about them. She doesn't see the need to speak about herself when she's having this golden chance. In the end, they ask for her contact number (and her signature for a NDA contract) because the want to be friends. Reader doesn't even hesitate and agrees.
And that's how she becomes close to them. She makes sure to keep the distance at first and not get too into it because she sees them as idols, and so she feels them out of her league, while they try to make her more comfortable with them. Their dynamic is basically "gay couple x agressively supportive bestie". She lives off the romantic momens they have, encouraging them to be more expressive about their feelings when she's there and ready to fight any bitch that judges them for being specially affective towards each other. Minsung are golden in her eyes, they deserve to have love and they have something precious. She's not about to let anyone make them feel bad for it or, worse, make them stop having their interactions.
Meanwhile, the boys become addicted to all the love and adoration she shows for them, and get a warm feeling inside their chests when they see how much she supports them. It feels so good to have someone besides the members that knows about it and is completely accepting of it (maybe too much, but they like it). They won't ever admit but they low-key find it hot when she argues or fights homophobic jerks for them.
Eventually she gets to see them as friends rather than celebrities, and this comes with privilegues. Reader receives spoilers from new songs and projects, they buy her VIP tickets for concerts (they wanted to bring her backstage but she prefered to live the experience like a normal fan), they might show more fanservice than usual when they're in her zone. And of course, she gets the privilege to see the dorms. Reader wouldn't have ever believe she'll be friends with the guys she previously worshipped (and still does tbh) but turns out they make great company and she has so much fun with them. They find things in common beyond music and hang out often. Suddenly, she's in a group chat with both and there isn't a day where they don't talk.
As time passes, things start to...change.
Everyone but them can see it. They basically act like three way marriage without noticing. They include her in all their dates, to the point that they don't even go anywhere without her. She's at the dorms more often than Chan himself, usually locked in Han or Minho's rooms and barely seen by the other members. Minho becomes less of a tease with her and instead acts softer, treating her with the same gentleness than Jisung. The younger boy becomes more physically affectionate with Reader. Hugging her from behind, dragging her to sleep with him so they can cuddle, kissing her face and call her stuff like "baby". Minho forgives her everything and shows her a patience that the other members don't believe him capable of. Like, if she makes a mistake, he'll pat her head and encourage her to keep trying, but if the other members do, he'll scold them until tomorrow.
Now they don't feel comfortable seeing her show her admiration for the rest of the group. They're so used to be the center of attention that now they can't stand it when she praises the others or looks at them with the same adoration. If they catch her interacting with other members' fancams or videos, they "playfully" take the phone away and exit the app before return it to her. If another member (example Hyunjin) speaks to her longer than a few minutes, they're rigid. Oh, and god forgive they see her screaming someone's else name during a concert. After all, she's a Stay, so they're aware she can be attracted to the other guys. And they don't fucking like it. They're supposed to be her favourites!
Now come to think of it they may have a problem..
Reader doesn't notice the shift, or she does but her brain instantly processes it as "friendly" banter. There's just no way Han Jisung and Lee Minho themselves, being perfect as they are and happily in love, have a minimum of romantic/sexual interest for her. It doesn't sound right. They already have something great going on, how the hell could she be part of it? She doesn't fit. And so she tells herself all of this to ignore the butteflies on her stomach whenever she's between them, feeling the warm of their bodies covering her. When Jisung calls her sweet nicknames and kisses her cheeks, when Minho feeds her like she was a baby and rubs his head against her tummy to ask for massages. When they drag her to their bed to sleep in the middle and cuddle, each hugging her from the sides.
Yeah, that's all platonic. Nothing to worry about.
(Even the moments when she feels horny and burning with desire while she sees them being passionate with each other, kissing and grooping the other, and she can't help but hide her face in the pillows and make herself climax to that image)
But all these arguments she repeats in her head become dust when, during one of their dates, Minho wanted to drink and play games, and of course she agreed. Jisung hesitated because of his light weight thing, but he relented in the end to join the fun. The drank and asked each other private questions or dared them to do dumb things. The drunker they got, the more tense things grew in the room. The challenges became more suggestive. At some point, Reader dares them to make ou in front of her, for five minutes. The boys have no problem complying, gone as they are, and they specially put on a show for her eyes. Reader feels her skin melting and not because of the alcohol. Suddenly, when they stop with a thin string of saliva between their mouths, they look at her with darkened eyes and filled with an emotion she can't comprehend, but makes her cross her legs.
What happened next was blurry, but she remembers clearly the feeling of their warm breaths against her neck where their lips were hungrily biting her and the air hiting her skin when her clothes were tored off her. She remembers so vividly the way their hands roamed her, their husky voices, the delicious climax in the end and the darkness that came over her eyes when she fell asleep.
When she wakes up next morning unable to walk and with two familair bodies pressing against her, she knows there's no point in continue running away from the truth.
They have a loong talk after that, in which there are messy confessions thrown and some tears from all parties. It ended with a three way hug and a promise to try, to see wherever this lead.
In short, the relationship will be sweet (because that's how they are) but as Stay it'll add an interesting layer into it. I think there might be some power imbalance at first, because their dynamic is pretty much "celebrities x enthusiastic fan" and so they don't really treat each other as equals. I'll like to say that Minsung wouldn't be entirely comfortable with this, but I can't help but think some sick part of them would enjoy it. They would enjoy this power they have over Reader, the sheer devotion she shows to them, how she lightens up with their attention. Again, they're possessive and easily jealous assholes, so they like to know their partner utterly adores them.
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jeontaehui · 3 years
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posted by taeheesaurus on youtube
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[video call accepted]
TH: heyy— oh! we’re matching! (points to her sweater) orange!
ME: hi !!! yeah, we are (laughs). you’re so pretty!
TH: (she squints at the camera playfully) you’re prettier !!! (laughs) how are you?
ME: i’m great! you?
TH: i’m doing great too! (chuckles) it’s so nice to meet all of you! i feel stoked right now.
ME: taehee, when all of this is over, come to australia!
TH: (surprised) oh, you’re from australia? (i nod) that’s sick!
ME: yeah! i’m from sydney!
TH: oh sydney! how’s it going in sydney?
ME: (chuckles) we’re doing alright! we’re staying safe and stuff. it’s winter season already!
TH: (surprised) winter season, right! do you have any plans?
ME: i’m actually a part of our school’s dance team and stuff (taehee nods as she listens) so we still try to uhh compete despite the circumstances, you know?
TH: ahh
ME: we’re preparing for one, actually.
TH: ohh !! so it’s like (she gestures as if she were drawing an invisible circle in the air) for the whole school?
ME: yeah! we compete with other schools.
TH: aw that’s cool !!! but how does that like, work though? don’t you have to go visit other schools usually?
ME: yes, but now we just basically film ourselves and then edit them later.
TH: ohh (pouts) but isn’t that more difficult though? ‘cause you’re all like, separated?
ME: it is difficult than we would have preferred rather, like face to face, but we try and (giggles) do our best (laughs).
TH: (laughs along too) well, i’ll be cheering for you!
ME: (grins) thank you!
TH: i wish you guys good luck! (writes something on the album)
ME: umm i just wanted to ask...
TH: go ahead!
ME: i’m actually the absolute worst at rock, paper, scissors (taehee laughs), and i was wondering if i can play one round with you.
TH: sure! i’m not too good at it either (giggles).
ME: to make things more interesting, if i win, i would want you to sing.. a taylor swift song that reminds you of anyone from dream—
TH: oooo
ME: but if you win, you can decide my punishment.
TH: (chuckles while pointing to herself) i can decide your punishment? (i nod)
TH: mmm.... since it’s haechan’s birthday, you could post a dance cover of his part in—
ME: oh my gosh
TH: —boom..? and tag nct dream! (laughs) would that be alright with you?
ME: sure, yeah! would you be able to find me though? (giggles)
TH: i promise, i’ll try my best to! (she motions to the camera) i memorized your pretty face already, don’t worry.
ME: okay (laughs), would you want to start?
TH: okay! (she raises her fist as she readies herself)
ME: rock, paper, scissors! (taehee throws paper while i throw scissors)
TH: (gasps) oh nooo (we both laugh) (the timer goes off and the staff tells us to wrap up the call)
TH: wait, hold on (grinning). i’ll sing this one song and we end from here, okay?
ME: yup!
TH: mmm.... okay, this is for jeno. and it’s new, the shape of your body. it’s blue, the feeling i’ve got and it’s ooh, woah oh, it’s a cruel summer. it’s cool, that’s what i tell ‘em. no rules in breakable heaven, but ooh, woah oh. it’s a cruel summer, with you.
ME: i really love your singing voice, that was great! thank you!
TH: thank you to you too! it was so nice meeting you! i’ll try to go home to australia soon (she pouts).
ME: we’ll be waiting! thank you so much, taehee! (i wave)
TH: thank you! (she blows a kiss to the camera) be safe and keep warm! bye !!!
ME: bye!
[video call ended]
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what she wrote on my album:
also, believe me when i say you’re very pretty :) have fun dancing!
— JTH ☆
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leerongrong · 4 years
College Student!Haechan
part of the NCT DREAM living the Y/N life collection.
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lemme introduce you to some new things donghyuck
full name: lee donghyuck
age: 19 [international]
height: 174cm
donghyuck is an adorable prankster who’s known far-and-wide throughout his life
the boy started out as a class clown, making jokes at teachers and other students in kindergarten
it got him into loads of trouble, and he didn’t really have friends because the other kids called him mean and scary when he tries to joke around with them
hyuck didn’t care tho
he loves the attention from both his peers and parents even if it meant getting scolded every night
he didn’t change when he went to elementary school, still going around pulling pranks on other people, so far as to pulling at a girl’s pigtails and being sent into detention
although his persona did change when high school rolled around
he’s no longer donghyuck, the adorkable class clown he’s now donghyuck, a rebel that hates schoolwork, teachers, and gets thrown into detention more often than he should
never does his homework, smack talks at teachers and destroys school property
people started to wonder why he hasn’t been thrown out of school yet
the only reason he’s still passing his grades is because of mark, a senior who talks and acts friendly around hyuck as if he’s just any normal student
at first hyuck thought the guy befriended him because he wanted something from him
maybe his lunch or his money
but hyuck’s blown away when mark tells him that he just wanted them to be friends
mark tells him about seeing him roam around the halls with no one to talk to,, his hands in his pockets and staying out on the outskirts and how he feels a pang in his heart
he knows the feeling of being alone with no one to talk to just because people won’t spend time trying to get to know the person underneath
he felt it himself after he moved to seoul, all the kids rejecting him from their friend circles because he looked and talked differently
and mark felt the need to befriend him
the two start hanging out alot after that
playing online games together, hanging out in arcades together, walking around school together
sometimes hyuck gives mark headaches because the boy doesn’t want to do any of his workload,, even once trying to pay mark to do his homework
and mark’s pleasantly surprised when he finds out that hyuck is nowhere near stupid
the boy could rank number one in his year if he actually put some work in
hyuck tells him it’s because school just isn’t his passion
“i want to be a singer someday. i won’t be stuck doing algebra and i’ll be going on tours and performing instead.”
hyuck’s 20 now and a changed man
he’s gotten himself into a prestigious college for the performing arts, one step closer to making his dream come true
and while he would never admit it, he’s grateful for mark. if it weren’t for him, he’s end up as a dead beat high school dropout
speaking of mark
mark went to a different college for arts, almost a town away from his
and today he’s going to come by from all the nagging hyucks’s been giving him about not meeting each other often
they’re going to meet at a cafe
and hyuck’s waiting for mark who’s 20 minutes late because of traffic
“hyung! if you didn’t want to see me you could have said so.”
“traffic’s a bitch.”
he’s starting to get bored sitting at the corner alone with nothing but his phone to keep him company, mark not even replying to his messages
until something gets his attention
its you
you’re a solo singer that started out as an actress
relatively young and have debuted for a few years now, known for your amazing vocals and catchy songs
and there you are
on the screen of a flat screen tv hanging just above him, singing and dancing in your newly released mv
hyuck’s staring at the screen and he’s listening very carefully to your song
even going onto his phone and searching for your music after the mv finishes and another show starts playing on the tv
he doesn’t even realize mark running in looking like a train wreck
out of breath and very disheveled with a very clear coffee stain on his shirt
and when he does, haechan shoves his phone into mark’s face, the latter squinting at the bright screen
“who’s this?”
“that’s y/n? she’s a solo singer, i told you about her remember?”
hyuck’s a little confused because?? if mark had told him about you there’s no way he would’ve forgotten
boy goes on a streaming spree right after coming home
can’t be reached by anyone for a whole 24/7, burrowing in his room with the air con on full and his phone blasting your mv one after the other
he’s hooked
goes on an impulsive buying spree for your light stick and multiple albums
pretty much spending his life’s money
droning on and on again and again to mark about you
he goes on non stop about how mark should’ve told him about you sooner, said boy rolling his eyes because, “you’re the one who forgot.”
he burst into tears when mark gave him a fan sign ticket as a reward for acing all his classes mark is THAT friend yall
hugging the life out of the older one and covering mark’s face with spit when he kisses him all over we all need a mark in our lives tbh
he still can not believe he’s going to meet you
d-day arrives
hyuck set up 5 alarms last night so he wouldn’t accidentally over sleep and miss meeting you
all his life, he’s never been a fan of working out but here he is, 8 hours before a fan sign doing pull ups and push ups because he wants to look good
he isn’t ashamed to admit that he shaved twice
nor is he ashamed that he’s using a face mask he literally just bought yesterday because they’re supposed to make him look shining, shimmering and splendid
he’s rushing out of his dorm to where the fan sign is held and he literally stops breathing when he sees you in person surrounded by security and scary looking managers
he’s reminding himself to breath because he doesn’t want to pass out in front of you while all his brain is thinking is, ‘how does she even look better in person?’
‘she looks like an angel.’
‘she’s breathtaking.’
hyuck’s convinced he’s in love
and he only watches you and stares at everything you do
he turns red when you turn to him and wave from afar
‘did that just really happen?’
‘did i just get noticed?’
‘am i in heaven?’
when its finally his turn, he turns into stone all of his planned speeches disappearing into thin air
donghyuck.exe.has stopped functioning
he gives you his gift and he knows you see him trembling and you laugh, holding his hand to stop his shaking
‘did i just hear wedding bells ringing?’
‘i’m never going to wash my hands’
he’s having his own internal crisis
you’re there staring at him for a bit, making sure you smile at him and engage in eye contact
while inside you’re a little blown away because you’ve seen your fair shares of handsome men, your own fans being the most handsome in your eyes but you’ve never seen anyone as handsome as donghyuck is and you’re wondering why he hasn’t been snatched by idol companies
both of you smile and talk to each other
and hyuck’s freaking out a little because this is his time is running out and this is the only chance to tell you the words he thought about for 3 days he even forced mark into his mini lyric writing session
“i wanted to thank you for always making me smile.”
and you’re smiling so much wider by now, the sweet words from your fans never failing to take your breath away
“are you kidding me? donghyuck you’re like the sun, so warm and you bright up my day. you’re my full sun.”
the boy practically melted then and there and had to be escorted out by your security team
the next time he meets mark all he can ramble on and on about is your fansign
“mark, she called me her sun..”
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qtyanan · 5 years
Summary: “You and Mark hadn’t seen each other in years. Now he’s famous, and you didn’t think he’d recognize you.”
Pairing&Rating: NCT Mark Lee + female reader ; FLUFF, slight angst
a/n: this is longer than expected, and super sappy, and it took me forever to finish it... but wow, soft mark hours are REAL and im gonna cry over him gn
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“Where do you think we’ll be in five years?” 
“Mark, it’s like 3am, I thought you were asleep.”
“Well, you’re not asleep.”
You blindly reach towards Mark in the darkness, trying to hit him with a stuffed animal, causing him to snicker. Weekend sleepovers together were pretty normal, sleeping in the same bed wasn’t a worry from your parents since you’ve known each other for so long. Mark randomly saying things and asking questions about the past or future in the middle of the night was more common than sleeping
“Really, though. Do you think we’ll still be friends in five years?”
“I don’t know, probably,” you weren’t really sure on the answer, but you didn’t really have doubts. You two had been friends are as long as you can remember - classes, clubs, and sports were taken on as an unstoppable duo. Now you’re in eighth grade, half a year away from high school, and you’re closer than ever. It seems like nothing could tear you apart - and you liked it that way.
“I bet we will. I hope so, at least,” his voice sounds so sincere, it seems as if he had been thinking deeply on it for a while before he spoke of it. 
“Yeah, me too.” With that, he let out a delighted chuckle, and you both fell asleep. 
It had been six years. Six years and that conversation still plays in your mind late at night when you can’t sleep, painfully missing your favorite childhood friend. 
Not even a month after that sleepover, he moved away, seemingly never to be heard from again. All of your friends in class pestered you about where he went, and it only upset you more - because he didn’t tell you he was leaving. 
Him becoming a kpop star was probably the last thing you thought would happen to him; it was quite a slap in the face. BTS got you into kpop, then EXO, GOT7, now you’re into many different groups, including NCT. When you found them, and saw your prepubescent best friend, all grown up, dancing and rapping, you thought it was a dream. 
Now they’re on a world tour, and Canada is one of the stops. You could never pay for a fansign ticket, but finally, you managed to save the money to be able to attend. 
There were so many people around you. Many had some kind of merch, a lightstick or a sign. You could even count maybe 5 girls crying about meeting NCT. 
Your hand was in your pocket, nervously sweating and gripping your ticket - second row, 5th seat. In your other hand, was a baby pink gift bag with a little stuffed animal in it. Years ago, Mark had left the little bear at your house, and it seemed like a nice time to give it back to him. The wait in line outside seemed to take forever, and it added to your anxiety. 
You couldn’t understand why you were so anxious. He was your best friend, shouldn’t you be happy to see him? But you were so scared - what if he didn’t remember you? What if you went up to meet him, and he doesn’t even look twice? If you told someone, would they believe you? Of course not. The negatives in this situation made it hard for you to breathe. 
The girls sitting next to you on either side both shifted excitedly. One had a mask on and didn’t turn your way, but the other smiled at you. 
“Who’s your bias?” She asks, and you couldn’t control your smile. “Mark,” you say, and she smiles and nods. It was hard not to bias him, since you knew how he was off camera. 
“Aw, he’s so cute. He’s my bias too, he seems like such a sweetheart!” She squealed in delight, causing you to blush a little bit. 
This is it. As your row stood up and walked towards the fansign table, you felt like you could pass out. Yes, you were so excited to say hello to the other members, but it was almost the moment of truth - and you could only think of the bad. 
As you took the seat in front of Mark, he didn’t look up at you at first. For that half second, you really admired him. He looked so grown up, you realized just how long it’s been. You suddenly felt a wave of so many emotions wash over you.
“Hi! What’s your name?” 
He had his sharpie in his hand, your album in the other, ready to sign it like everyone else - but he obviously froze. Your stomach dropped, gulping hard. He slowly looked up at you, his eyes wide and mouth open. You almost really did cry, but then,
“Y/n... [your full name]..?” He went quiet, and you smile, nodding at him, trying to hold back your tears. 
“Hey, Mark, long time no see,” You chuckle, trying to joke so you don’t actually cry. 
“Wow, yeah, oh my gosh, how have you been!?” He said quickly then started scribbling something on the inside of the album cover. You laugh at his awkwardness, shrugging at the question with a little “eh.” 
“Here, I brought this for you.” You put the gift bag on the table, causing him to raise a brow at you. “It’s actually yours, from forever ago..” He looked inside the bag, and you noticed him take a big breath. He looked at you with big, glassy eyes - he felt this emotion too, he never thought he would see you again, or if you would even know where he was. 
“Y/n... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you-” He spoke quietly, but you were being pushed along to the next member by the manager and the girl next to you. You gave Mark a small smile, then shifted over to Johnny.
“Y/n, huh? Mark talks a lot about you.” Johnny gives you a little smile, causing you to blush madly. You glance over at Mark, who’s blushing as well, and he gave you a quick glance with a happy smile. 
When you finally arrive home, the day seemed like a dream. It was late at night, the drive home was only an hour, but you were tired. You kept playing the day in your head - he recognized you. Right away. That alone made you happy, but what you wouldn’t give to spend more time with him. 
Oh yeah, he signed your album, but you didn’t look at it yet. When you opened it, you knew his writing - his signature, and then... a number? He wrote ‘Whatsapp’ in messy letters. Of course, you message him right away, hoping at this hour, he’d answer.
And he did. All you said was ‘hey.’ 
‘you still live in the same house, right?’
‘yeah, why??’
‘go to the park, i want to see you’
Your heart was beating in your ears. You didn’t think it would lead to that, but at the same time you expected it. It was late, yes, but you hurriedly slip your sneakers back on and go back out to your car. 
You remember the park of course. It was mostly fields and trees, but you two would sneak out and play on the swings when you were younger. The last time you two went, Mark fell off his bike and hurt his ankle, so you had to call your mom and you two got in trouble. As you were driving, you snickered thinking about it. 
But... You couldn’t help but to feel nervous. It had been years, you didn’t think at all that you were ever on his mind. 
There wasn’t a single car on the road. The air was a bitter cold, it had snowed when you were on your way home, but none of it stayed on the ground. Every time you stopped at a red light, your stomach would turn again. You tried to calm yourself, but for some reason, it was just hard. You didn’t realize that you missed him this much. Now he had asked you to meet up at your childhood hangout place, and none of it seemed real. 
The gates to the park were closed, and a padlock kept them shut. You knew it would be like that, so you parked down the street and cut through the trees to the lonely swing set. You looked around, you didn’t see anyone. But, sitting alone on a swing, was a single person. In the bright moonlight, you could just barely make out that it was Mark. His back was turned to you, and you could see that his head was hung low, and he was holding himself from the cold. 
“Hey, Mark Lee,” Your voice startled him, but he stood and turned to face you. You couldn’t read his expression in the dim light. Neither of you walked closer for a moment, and the tension in the air made your shoulders go rigid. He didn’t say anything for a bit, he just stared at you. 
“You look exactly the same.” He finally said, taking slow steps towards you. You look away, afraid to see the look in his eyes now that he’s close enough to see it. His words oddly made you feel warmer, but you still shivered when the wind blew. 
“That’s surprising, it’s been six years.” You didn’t mean for your words to sound bitter, but they did. You hear him take in a heavy breath, and when he says nothing, you finally look up at him. His brown eyes glistened in the moonlight, and the shadows on his face made him look mature and defined. “You look different, though.” You say, a dry laugh following. “Older.”
“Well, it’s been six years.” He mocks you in the joking way, and you couldn’t hide your smile. This makes him smile as well, and while you looked away again, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“It’s been... six years...” He sounds breathless this time, like it finally settled on him how long it’s been. This forces you to look back up, and he now has a sad smile. His eyes are apologetic, same as when he tried to speak to you at the event. In a way it hurt you. His face holds pain in the situation, but in a way, this was his doing.  He was the one that left to be an idol. You didn’t hold that against him, but you were still upset that he left without telling you. You didn’t think that you two were ever going to part, and you still can’t believe that now his life has gone so differently from yours. He seems to be having an amazing life, but you’re lonely without him, and for some reason... mad.
But the way he looked at you, you didn’t show your anger - it melted away when he put his hand on your arm. 
“I’ve missed you, Y/n. You don’t have to believe me, but I think about you all the time.”  You wouldn’t believe him normally, but even Johnny said it.  “Y/n, huh? Mark talks a lot about you.”
You chew on your lip nervously, you have no idea what to say to him. What does a person do in a situation like this? You just stare at him for a moment. He’s closer to you now, and you see just how tired he is. His blonde hair is messy, different from how you saw him earlier. 
“Are you okay, Mark? You look... so tired.” 
“Mark, please, calm down.” Johnny tries to make Mark sit down, but the younger is pacing across the hotel room, almost pulling out his own hair.  “I am so stupid!! How could I not have said more?! It’s been years and I barely said anything!! She probably hates me for leaving...” Mark’s almost on the verge of tears as he speaks frantically, and all he wants to do is scream.
“She came today, so she doesn’t hate you. Just talk to her some more-” 
There’s a ding from Mark’s phone. He quickly picks it up, then looks at Johnny. 
“It’s Y/n. Oh god, what do I say?!” 
“Maybe you should go and see her. You said we’re pretty close to your hometown right?” 
“Yeah...yeah! But how will I meet her anywhere?” 
“I’ll drive you, just tell her to meet you somewhere.” 
The moments that happened before he came here played in his head, but he said nothing to you about it. He just gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I just haven’t been sleeping well. Surprise, surprise, right?” You just give him an awkward smile. This made you chuckle. He’s always had trouble sleeping, he used to tell you how his mind was moving too fast for him to fall asleep. He always wanted to listen to soft songs to sleep, or he would ask you to sing along to a song you knew well. 
“I guess things like that will never change.” You say, and for some reason, your words lingered in the cold air for a moment. Without any thought, you put your hand over Mark’s, feeling how cold his fingers are. You took both of his hands into your jacket sleeves, something you used to do as you two waited for the school bus during winter. 
He feels another wave of emotion flood over him, and this time, he can’t seem to keep the tears away. He sucks in a shaky breath, looking down at your hands.
“Mark...” You feel this aching pain in your chest at seeing him like this. 
“I-I’m sorry, Y/n...” His voice cracks, and he can’t bring himself to look up at you.
“Mark, look at me.” Your voice is soft but stern enough for him to obey, his body relaxing slightly at the sweet look in your eyes. “I’m not mad at you. I never was.” You tell him, holding on tightly to his hands now. 
You can see his tears glistening in the moonlight, and you release one of your hands to wipe his cheeks. He flutters his eyes closed, resting his face against your hand.
“Really, Mark. I’m so proud of you. I just want you to be happy.” 
His lip quivers at your words, and he closes his eyes tightly. “I’m not happy. Not without you being my best friend.” 
The feeling his words gave you made you want to burst into tears, but instead, you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. He doesn’t hesitate to hold you, gripping your jacket with a death grip, as if he knows you’ll disappear any second. You stand in silence for what feels like forever. His embrace doesn’t loosen at all, and you’re okay with it. You miss his hugs, his smell and his warmth. He’s taller and more muscular now, making the way he holds you make you feel even warmer. 
“Please... keep contact with me, okay? Please...” You say into his shoulder, feeling a little ridiculous that you begged him like that. He takes a deep breath into your hair as if imprinting your smell into his soul.
“I promise, Y/n. I don’t want to leave you again. God, I’ve missed you so much...” He loosens his arms around you just enough to be able to look you in the eye, watching how the moon and stars seemed to be held in your eyes. 
The thought of being able to see and talk to him more made a weight lift off your shoulders. A happy smile forms on your face as you nod at him, and he nods back. 
“So, uh... I had to sneak out to see you... I should probably get back before my manager kills me.” He awkwardly chuckles, but even with saying that, he doesn’t let you go - God please, not yet, just a little longer.
“Yeah... My mom might kill me if she finds out I’ve stayed out so late.” You giggle, making his chest warm up. You wouldn’t believe how much he has missed your laugh. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” He finally lets go of you, and you shiver from the cold air once again. He nod at him, waving goodbye to him as he runs to Johnny’s car. You stand there for a moment, watching as they pull away. It takes a moment for you to actually comprehend what just happened, and you ended up standing there for almost 5 minutes.  Your phone chimes, and you look down to see another message from Mark.
‘get home safe. I love you, dork.’ 
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bitch im so fkin soft 
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taejeonie · 4 years
taehyuck moments that make me feel lonely
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every time hyuck would call taehee and how she would respond
taehee had a like,,love-hate relationship with hyuck back then
“noona, i don’t like your hair”
“i don’t like your face, donghyuck”
lol but that was before
present time!!!!
everytime hyuck would look at taehee he looks so
it’s cute
during yaja time,,,hyuck would always make sure that taehee calls him ‘oppa’ just to tease her
when they both won in rpd in their weekly idol guesting,,,hyuck gave his point to 127 while taehee gave hers to dream
mark mentioning taehee and hyuck used to fight a lot predebut but now they’re super close!!!
taehee being tsundere with hyuck
“noona, i love youuuu |( ^ 3 ^)|”
*shoves hyuck away aggressively*
but then later on she’s like
“haechanie, do you want to play games?”
“i knew you loved me (^_^)”
being good at games
they gave tips to dream on that one weekly idol episode
speaking of weekly idol episode
taehyuck stans got so much content when they guested there during superhuman era
taehee had to ‘appeal’ to them before picking a partner
“should i dance?”
“haechan-ssi said aegyo!!! wahh,,it looks like taehee-ssi is a bit reluctant”
taehee: jdkskdkfksk
“i....i’m not acting pretty-“
“i was born pretty”
“PASS!,” hyuck shouted
so the hosts continued to interview her while hyuck and doyoung were waiting behind her
“taehee-ssi, who do you want in mind?”
doyoung: <//3
“why haechan?”
“bc he’s good at playing games”
“ahh!! so you’re only using him?”
“yes hehe”
so when taehee turns around she’s like \(//∇//)\ bc hyuck’s there
but then she sees doyoung and she goes ( O . O)
“okay. appeal to me”
hyuck stands up and proceeds to wink at her and bite his lip
hyuckie sweetie don’t be so provocative or else sunflowers will d word
“ah you’re a bit bold, aren’t you?,” taehee taunts him
“even if you’re just planning to use me, you’ll fall in love with me in the end and i will cherish you forever”
taehee.exe has stopped working part 3948289492
“i have money-“
lol taehyuck wins in the end
taehee felt hyuck’s lips when they were guessing a ball of yarn was in between them so she got so scared
they’re so cute during fansigns also
the cutest was one they were sending each other hearts while they were on both ends of the table
taehee can’t resist running her hands through hyuck’s hair
even if the managers tell her not to
like you’d see her stare at hyuck for a moment before patting his head and keeping her hand there
or pushing it back from the front
cheek kisses.
“noona, what are you planning to do after practice?”
“i’m planning to sleep-“
“and that was haechan’s kiss cam- OW”
host: “haechan, your birthday is coming up. what do you wish for?”
*glances at taehee sneakily*
“i want a kiss from noona”
then you can hear jisung, chenle, and renjun gag
while mark laughs nervously leader tingz
lowkey the host pestered her to do it so taehee kissed hyuck on the cheek anyways
being each other’s seratonin boosts during performances
like they would pass by each other and next thing you know,,they won’t stop smiling
in america hyuck kept clinging onto taehee
they also kept going on about taeil’s butterfly
when taehee mc’d for isac she was cheering for hyuck
and vice versa
when they were planning the 24-hour relay, taehee said she wanted to do frisbee and walk her dog but she wants a member to go with her
“i’ll go with you,” hyuck told her
and you can see taehee’s eyes light up bc awowowow she’s so cute
so when they were doing the relay live already
the both of them went out to a park
“you’re in a lot of videos today”
“yes, but i enjoyed this the most since i get to spend it with youuuuu”
“you’re following in my footsteps, aren’t you”
so taehee taught him like the different throws of frisbee
hyuck threw the disc really hard and it landed far away so taehee had to get it
hyuck went near the camera and pointed it at her
“look at my noonaaaa”
“she’s so cute, isn’t she”
and then later on they walked taehee’s dog named ‘통이’
he’s a brown shitzu puppy that hyuck gave her for her bday
most of taehee’s relay vid was just her and hyuck playing with 통이
“so how’s our child doing in school?”
“통이!! 통이’s our child!!”
“since when???”
“i gave him to you!! he’s our child now”
“you’re weird”
then later in hyuck’s relay,,he was about to play games
but he called taehee first
“baby? what are you doing?”
damn hyuck you call jaehyun baby,,,now taehee?? donghyuck bad boy.
“why the sudden english?”
(in korean) “just answer!!”
“umm i’m about to sleep. why?”
“okay..let’s just play games when you wake up!”
“you’re still playing games when i wake up? HAHA”
hyuck laughs with her, “yeaaaa”
“okay, goodnight baby!”
“goodnight, baby!”
c o n t e n t
them dancing all the parts in kick it during their weekly idol guesting
we stan
hyuck couldn’t look away from taehee when she was doing her facial window
but the he suddenly goes silent when she does the cold ver.
flustered tm
but then goes back to finding her cute when she whined to jungwoo right after
in the latest nct life, they would sit beside each other all the time
vvvv competitive when they were doing the luge race
when they would sleep during car rides their heads are on top of each other <3
everytime taehee would laugh, the fans would notice how hyuck looked at her
like there’s literally heart eyes for her
and they were roommates
like her, hyuck, and yuta
since there were only two beds, yuta offered to sleep on the floor
“i’ll just sleep beside hyuck. you can take the bed”
later on...
“what are you doing?”
“i can’t help it...i like you too much”
“i can’t move”
“if we stay like this, we won’t need blankets anymore, noonaaa”
“turn the other way”
hyuck complied but made taehee wrap her arms around him
hyuck small spoon uwuuwuwuwu
both of them being good at the shooting game haha
instead of worrying over hyuck when he almost fell off the 9m thingy
she laughed at him and called him slow
but then they gang up on the opposing team bc they’re salty they lost
stealing clothes is taehee’s thing
well,,just hyuck’s clothes
like you’d see her wear hyuck’s ‘sinners’ hoodie from time to time
and his green one during the 00’ line vlive
i think she’s worn it a lot more than hyuck does
“you’re wearing my clothes again, why won’t you just buy your own?”
“save money!!!”
the way they hold hands is cute too
like during award shows, their pinkies are linked together akmakskakdl
and they’re always together in the airport
they were doing a punishment bc they lost in a game
and it was a peppero game
*cue mark sweating nervously bc the dreamies are scary and taehee is a rebellious so he doesn’t know what would happen*
anyw they got the peppero stick to go like really really short
like a little bit more and they would get in trouble
and then BOOM
renjun pushes taehee’s head forward, making her and hyuck almost kiss
but they pulled away so quickly
“you dangerous thing :000 we almost kissed”
and when mark thought it couldn’t get any worse
“it wouldn’t be the first time” - jeon taehee, 20
their iconic vlive moments
aka where hyuck professes his love to taehee it sounds so sincere that it makes her genuinely flustered
“one day, i’m gonna marry taehee noona-“
taehee hits him lightly in surprise before saying, “don’t stay stuff like that hahaha”
“it’s true!! i have my future planned out already”
“you’re so weird”
“it’s okay. as long as you love me”
hyuck moves his face closer to taehee, causing her to look away and gag
the other one was when taehee was reading comments
“lee donghyuck, do you love me?”
“jeon taehee, i really,,really,,really love you”
“.....i was reading a comment”
dw hyuck gave the fan a heart in slight embarrassment
and then the next one was during taehee’s birthday
she held a solo live yAYYYY
but then the comments were asking about hyuck so she let them know that he’s recovering well and he’ll be back soon before you know it!!
“haechanie? haechanie’s doing fine everyone!! he’s recovering at home and he’ll be back before you know it ∩^ω^∩”
“i think he’s watching this live- hey, haechan! you take care of yourself, okay? and don’t be too stubborn next time....”
“i got a little worried,” she mumbled softly
“just get better quickly, okay? i’ll treat you to beef and we can go watch movies as soon as your better”
she gives a smile before going back to reading the comments
her phones suddenly rings, “oh? it’s haechanie”
she puts it on speaker and says hello cutely
and the first thing hyuck says is
“i love you”
“i miss youu”
“i miss you tooo. what are you doing?”
“watching your live of course!! happy birthday”
“hihi thank you”
and then when hyuck got better they had another vlive again with 127 and dream
like the new year one
it got quiet for a bit after haechan said his like ‘i’m better now’ speech
and then when he finishes taehee calls his attention
and she’s like serious BC SHE WAS WORRIED OKAY
“be careful next time. don’t get sick again”
it sounded so sincere hyuck felt his heart melt.
ugh such an emotional day
hyuck was tearing up when watching their vcr
then he couldn’t hold back his tears anymore when they were doing their ending ment :(((
i mean he’s still with them in 127 but it feels different :((
when they were about to do a group hug, taehee pulled away from mark and ran into hyuck when he opened his arms out for her
it was a short hug but still
they continue to support each other even if they’re in different sub-units at times
taehee kept saying hyuck looked more handsome ever since boom cb
then even MORE handsome in reload
“i know (⌒-⌒; )”
fans noticed how taehee turned more affectionate with hyuck during this era
“most importantly, i miss mark hyung and taehee noona today”
now taehee is more clingy with hyuck these days
it’s either they’re beside each other and one of them is leaning on the other
or they sit on each other’s laps
they also go out and eat often yieeee
“is it good?”
that’s all thank u for tuning in !!!
although, she doesn’t show it that much at first, taehee loves hyuck very much !!!
so does hyuck
i feel like they’re really gonna have a very strong relationship til the end of time
yes they’ll grow old together <33
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always5hineee · 4 years
Profit Margin- Chapter 1: The Stage is Set
Chapter warnings: Mild language
Word count: 1181  
Story can be found on the Profit Margin tab on my page, or on Wattpad and Quotev under Taffysamg
       "Yeahhhhh!" Y/N was screaming along with the hundreds, if not thousands of people on the ground floor of the arena. The lights were glaring and the heat of the bodies around her was pressing in, but the adrenaline rush was more than enough to keep her jumping with energy. Watching her idols in front of her, it was like a dream come true.
       It had taken her ages to come across the opportunity to come to this show. Originally, they weren't even planning on playing in her city. She tried to find a way to afford both concert and plane tickets, but the journey was too much hassle. Devastated, she had come to terms with her lot. That is, until they released an updated concert schedule. They would be so close, she could practically walk to the arena if she tried hard enough!
       Ecstatic, she had pulled together the money to attend in general admissions almost immediately. Lighstick and a small backpack in hand, she walked in as prepared as a fan could be for an event. She was there nearly a full day in advance, more than willing to wait in rain or shine. The people she met in line seemed to feel the same way, antsy to get into the building. Now, her ears were ringing, the floor was vibrating beneath her, and she couldn't be more excited.
       WayV. By no means were they the most popular group, but that didn't matter to her. She knew every one of their songs, learning every lyric she could, no matter the language. She was happy no matter what photocard she got, thankful for whatever albums she could get her hands on. Although the group was fairly new, she started to learn the members' personalities, both from recent content online as well as old clips from other groups they had participated in.
       As the last song came to a close, her eyes were almost watering, whether from physical stress, sadness that it was almost over, or the sheer joy she felt in seeing her idols on the stage, sweating in the heat of the glaring spotlights. Kun, Lucas, Ten, Xiaojun, WinWin, Hendery, YangYang- they were all such beautiful, wonderful people. And she was here, right in front of them! Every time one of them even so much as looked her way, she felt as though she was going to faint.
       "Thank you everyone!" Kun said as one of his bandmates handed him an old-school microphone. "Have a good night!" The crowd went wild as they waved, lights dimming. She could just barely make out their silhouettes leaving the stage as the house lights rose and exiting directions began blaring over the sound system.
       Heart still beating wildly, skin shiny with sweat, lungs gasping for air, and enough adrenaline to run a marathon, Y/N began to follow the masses out the side exits into the gaping corridors of the arena. Having been vacant for the several hours in which the concert was happening, the air was chilly, a stark contrast from the floor. Her muscles began to react to the cold, making her realize just how tired her body was. Feeling the effects of over two hours of nonstop fangirling, she looked up to the directional signs in search of a bathroom.
       Sure enough, the closest one wasn't more than a few exits away. Following the arrows, she came to a door marked with a woman, tucked into a corner behind a cinderblock wall. Assumedly, the men's restroom was on the other side. Surprisingly, even after such a long show, she didn't see any line. Maybe there was a more obvious restroom on the way to the main exit? Regardless, she was thankful for it. Despite having just spent all that time crushed up against strangers, she wasn't really an extrovert. The opportunity to have a moment of alone time before starting her trip home was a welcome one.
       She took her time in the bathroom, sitting in the stall for a minute scrolling through her phone. At least, she thought it was a minute. It was only when the silence started to get to her that she got up, recomposing herself and exiting. Walking up to the bathroom counter, she glanced into the mirror.
       Her makeup was less than stellar, and a thin layer of sweat still graced her face. Her hair was a disaster, as was to be expected post-concert. Laughing to herself, she looked into her own eyes. Imagine if the band members saw her like this? Instinctively, she turned around, but obviously no one was there. This was the women's bathroom, after all. Plus, she had nothing to worry about. She couldn't really afford any insanely expensive meet-and-greets or fansigns, so she would have to settle for as close as she had gotten today. At least she had plenty of videos on her phone, no mater how shaky.
       Washing her hands, she splashed water into her face, cooling her off and getting rid of a bit of the salt that still lingered. She couldn't wait to get home and take a shower. Her feet were beginning to ache from the weight of her body, overworked from the show. Adjusting her clothing, she made sure her bag was secure, looking around for the paper towels. She saw the dispenser, but- it was empty.
       Grossed out by the idea of drying her hands on her sweaty pants, she considered just shaking them off, but the dampness remained. Going back into the stalls to grab toilet paper would practically defeat the purpose of washing her hands to begin with. Sighing, she just decided that she would have to deal with it. She had been in the bathroom for far too long anyway- if she lingered, she may end up getting locked inside the arena!
       Putting her hand under her shirt to open the doorhandle, she reached out tiredly. At that moment, her vision went black. Surprised and scared, she realized that it was because something was over her face, dragging her backwards as she tried to regain her footing on the grungy tiles.
       "Hey! What the fuck!" She started yelling. "Don't fucking mess with me, I have a pepper spray in my-" She started to say, before another weight clenched on her mouth. Feeling something leathery slide across her tongue, she bit down in a panic, causing the thing to retract.
       "Fuck! The stupid bitch bit me!" She heard a male voice say.
       "Suck it up, you have gloves on. Now knock her out and let's move!" A second said. Knock her out? Eyes widening under the covering, she took in a deep breath to screech. Rather than oxygen, though, her lungs were quickly filled with a different gas. It smelled sort of like chlorine, and left a sickly-sweet taste in her mouth. Against her will, she felt her eyelids growing heavy. She had been drugged.
       She felt her knees fall out from under her as she sank to the ground, unable to do anything...
Go to Chapter 2
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Soulmate Marks (Maknae line)
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You sighed as you finally plopped down on the bed in the hotel room. Your best friend had drug you to Korea for a BTS fansign. She wanted to come the whole week and explore. You didn’t have a problem with it other than the fact that you had went to exploring two hours after you landed.
“So what are you going to wear tomorrow?”
She asks.
“I don’t know. Probably a pair of skinny jeans and that top that I got earlier. Nothing special.”
You say, shrugging.
“You can’t just wear a pair of jeans tomorrow. You could meet your soulmate tomorrow. I brought an extra sundress that you can wear. You can’t show up to possibly meeting your soulmate in a pair of jeans.”
She says.
You roll your eyes and grab a pair of pajamas and your face wash.
“Whatever. I’m going to go and take a shower and then get some sleep. I’m knackered.”
You say.
She nods and you walk into the bathroom.
You woke the next morning to your friends alarm going off. You groaned and ran a hand through your messy hair. You then gently shook your friend’s shoulder.
“We have to get up and start getting ready if we are going to do this today.”
You say.
She sits up and brushes hair out of her face. You got out of bed and then went to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. You walked back out and your friend threw a dress at you. You caught it and held it up.
“Are you really going to make me wear this?”
You ask.
“Yes. This is a big event and you could meet your soulmate. Just please wear it for me.”
She says.
You sign but nod. You grab your makeup bag and then went back into the small bathroom. You got changed and then added a little bit of makeup to your face. You then walked out and pulled on your old pair of white converse. It worked with the sun dress that your friend had let you borrow. You walked back out and grabbed your phone and made sure that your mother had not texted you. She hadn’t. You knew that she was probably still sleeping. You then sat down on the bed while your friend went and got changed.
You had finally got into the venue and you were now waiting for the boys to come out. You knew that the boys were going to hold a panel of some sort and then answer questions before they started to do the actual signing. You found yourself laughing and cheering when the boys said something that you found funny. You could tell that your best friend was having a lot of fun which was the whole reason that you decided to come with her. It finally came to the time for the actual signing. You were getting pretty close. You could almost touch the first person. It was Jin, then Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jeongguk, and then Jimin. If you remembered their names correctly. You tightly held your copy of their newest album. You could feel your palms sweating. The boys were really sweet. You had finally made it to the end after giggling with Jeongguk and talking about Overwatch when he saw your lanyard which had an Overwatch pin. You took a deep breath and moved onto Jimin. He had quickly been the one to draw you in and you were nervous to meet him. You then sat down in front of him. He gave you a big smile.
He says.
You say, meekly.
He giggles.
“There’s no need to be shy. I’m not going to hurt you.”
He says.
“I know. I’m just nervous. You’re my bias so this is hard.”
You say, feeling the blush spread on your cheek.
You then gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. You hear a gasp and you looked up to see Jimin intensely staring at your hand. He then gently took your hand and stared at the mark on your pinky finger.
“What are you-“
You were cut off when he held out his own hand and showed you the mark that matched your own.
“I never dreamed that I would be able to find you.”
He whispers.
He then pulls you into a huge hug and buries his face into your shoulder. You could feel his tears slowly dripping down onto your shoulder. The security for you a chair so that you could stay with Jimin knowing that the bond would be a lot more stronger now. It would be almost impossible for the two of you to be apart.
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*pretend that it is on the back of the forearm
Your best friend had been hired on to Bighit to be one of the makeup artists. You had also been hired but you were just going to be her assistant getting things when she needed it. Today you were going to be going to the zoo for an episode of BTS Run. You knew a good bit about BTS because you had listened to them when you were younger. You knew their names and who did what. You hadn’t listened to them in years though. School kind of got in the way and you didn’t really have time for music as much.
“You ready to go?”
Your best friend asks.
You two live together so it made it easier to get to work considering that you could carpool. You walk out to her car and you climb into the passenger seat. She would drive one week and you drive the next. You sighed when you saw the morning traffic that was always annoying. You finally made it to the zoo and the boys were sitting in the makeup chairs already, playing on their phones. You followed your friend over to Taehyung. She turns to you.
“You want to start on his hair while I do makeup?”
She asks.
“Sure. Good morning Taehyung. You seem bright this morning.”
You say.
He chuckles.
“Yeah I’m pretty excited. We get to see the otters today. They are one of my favorite.”
He says.
You smile and start gently brushing the tangles from his hair before heating up the flat iron.
“Otters are pretty cute I must admit.”
You say, thinking about your soul mark that was currently hidden behind your cardigan sleeve.
“Yeah. Did you know that they hold hands while sleeping so that they won’t be able to drift apart?”
He asks.
You smile again, separating his hair into different sections so that you could flatten the small waves that had formed while he was asleep.
“Yeah. I actually took some classes about zoo animals when I was still in college. Just some elective classes really.”
You say.
“Wahhh that’s sounds so fun.”
He says.
You laugh and finish up his hair gently parting it down the middle and adding hairspray. Your friend had long finished up his makeup.
“Thank you.”
He says.
You smile.
“It’s no problem. It’s kind of my job remember?”
“Yeah I guess so. Well I better get going before they start calling for me.”
He says, sliding his phone into his pocket.
“Okay I’ll see you when it’s time for touch ups.”
You say.
You smile as he skips off to join his friends for filming.
“He really has taken a liking to you.”
One of the other makeup artists says.
“He’s got a kind heart. Do you think they would notice if I snuck out to look around?”
You say.
“They said we could. As long as we stay out of the way of filming then we are good.”
One of them says.
You squeal and immediately head to the map to find out where the aquatic animals were. You wanted to see some of the seals, penguins, and otters. During your school years, you had spent a lot of time here. You volunteered there a lot helping with the animals. You always tended to be with the otters and penguins. That’s why you weren’t surprised when the otter soulmark showed up. You finally made it to the otters and smiled as you watched them swim around in the small river that had been made. It was a little warm so you pulled your cardigan off and tied it around your waist. You heard the boys come running towards where you were. You moved to the back wall to watch the otters so that you would not be in the way of the filming crew. You smiled when you saw Taehyung come bounding in the area, a huge smile on his face. He giggled as he watched them cuddling in the water. He then noticed that you were standing in the background and then his eyes locked on the soulmark that you were gently tracing your fingers over. He immediately dropped his pamphlet and walked over to you. The camera crew followed him. He finally made it over to you and pulled the sleeve up on his button up shirt. He then showed you his soulmark. It matched your own.
“I knew that there was something different about you. I felt the bond as soon as I saw you but I wasn’t sure what it was. I didn’t want to say anything until I knew something for sure.”
He says.
“Yeah. I noticed as well.”
You say.
You could see all of the boys smiling and the cameras still rolling as Taehyung pulled you into a tight hug. You could feel the warmth of the bond running through your veins.
“I’m so happy.”
He whispers.
“I am too. I never thought that I would find you this quickly but I’m not complaining.”
You say, snuggling into his necks.
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You work at a small animal shelter just outside of Seoul. You had moved there after a bad breakup. You had taken Korean classes for years and you were pretty fluent so it just seemed like a good idea. You walked into the shelter and placed your badge onto your scrub top.
“Today we are going to have a special guest. You will be showing them around and let them play with puppies. They are going to be trying to raise more awareness for shelter animals. We will be bringing out Minnie, Mochi, Anabelle, Tinkerbell, Trixie, and Gerum. Then we will just see which dog takes to who and they will be playing with those.”
Your manager says.
You nod.
“Okay. I’ll get them ready. Should I give them a bath first?”
You ask.
“Yes. Use one of the hypoallergenic shampoos. I don’t know if they have any allergies and I don’t want to risk anything.”
She says.
You nod and go to get the dogs ready for a bath. You were finally finished with all but Gerum. He was a little nervous still. He was one of the newer dogs that had been rescued from the streets. It looked like he had been there for years. You really hoped that this tv show that is being filmed will help him get adopted. He is really sweet once he warms up to you.
“Okay Gerum we have to get you a bath. There are going to be some really nice people coming today and you are going to be playing with them.”
You say.
He gives a little yip and follows close to your heels. You bathe him quickly and get him dried off. Once you were done you were immediately called into the backyard play area. You gather all the dogs onto leashes and walk outside. Your eyes slightly widen when you see BTS sitting in the grass talking amongst themselves.
“Hello, I’m Y/N. I’m a caregiver here and we have picked out some of our dogs that have been here for a while so they are the most comfortable. They are ready and willing to play as you can see.”
You say, as the dogs jump around and wrap their leashes around your legs. You could see the cameras filming and you mentally thank yourself that you had put on makeup and did something with your hair.
They all give bright smiles.
“We are BTS. I’m Namjoon, this is Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jeongguk, and Taehyung. Our task today will be play with the puppies and tell a little bit about this place. We hope that we can get some people in here to adopt some of them.”
He says, giving a smile.
“Okay, let me get untangled and then I will be giving you guys some treats and then the dogs will decide who they want to spend some time with today.”
You say.
You untangle from the dogs and hand them over to one of the other workers and pull the treats from your pouch. You then hand each of the boys a bag of the treats.
“Okay so everyone has their treats. I’m going to go and take their leashes off and then you guys can try to get one to come to you. They are all really sweet but they may seem a little hesitant at first because you are a new person. Just give them some time.”
You say.
They all nod. You then take the leashes from the dogs collars and they run free. You smiled as you saw the boys eagerly trying to get the dogs attention. You smiled when you saw the Gerum had chosen someone quickly. It was the one that you thought to be Jeongguk. He had a big grin on his face as Gerum sat in his lap and kept trying to lick at his face. The filming was finally over and all of the dogs were tired and satisfied. You took them back inside as everyone got ready to leave. You turned to walk the dogs back inside when someone gently touched your shoulder. You turned to see Jeongguk standing there.
“Is something wrong?”
You ask.
He immediately shakes his head.
“Um no. I’m actually wondering how the adoption process works.”
He says.
“Well, the first thing would be filling out paperwork and getting it approved which only takes about ten minutes. It just is a small background check of sorts and then you would chose the animal you want to adopt and then the adoption papers would be filled out and a small fee for the shots and stuff and the animal will be yours. You’ll get a list of what you should for them and then it’ll be all done.”
You say, hanging up the leashes as you closed the door the indoor playground.
“Well, I want to adopt Gerum.”
He says.
You smile.
“That’s really great. He’s an amazing dog. I hate to admit it but he has been here the longest. If I could have animals in my apartment I would take him in. He will be a good fit for you though.”
You say, going to the front desk with him following close behind.
You go to the computer and take off your jacket and go to print the paperwork but a hand stopped you.
You ask.
He then wordlessly holds out his arm where he shows the mark that fits with yours.
“It looks like you will be able to see Gerum a lot.”
He says, grinning.
“I think I like the sound of that. Don’t tell anyone but he is my favorite.”
You say, handing him the paperwork to fill out.
He laughs.
“Your secret is safe with me. So do you maybe want to get some coffee after you get off work. I’m dying to get to know you better.”
He says.
“Yeah that would be great. It’s almost time to close. Once we get all of this done we should be good to go.”
You say.
He says.
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dasomxfmd-blog · 5 years
Whoa, is that YOO DASOM? I love her! She’s the MAIN VOCAL of 7ROPHY, and she’s a ‘96 LINER! She’s one of my favorites under DIMENSIONS ENTERTAINMENT. Don’t you think she looks a little like HA SOOYOUNG (YVES)?
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Hello sweethearts! I’m your local Christmas Carolina ( 23, she/her) who makes terrible puns but is so excited to be here with all of you! Now i’m here with my girl Yoo Dasomie! And bc I’m terrible at managing time and i got lost while watching a drama I have 0 of her pages up but that will change soon, i promise! Still under the cut you will find some info about her as well as plot ideas so pls hmu or like this and i will message you for plots & talks & starters & anything.
She was that annoying kid who had always known that she would be an idol. The little kid who sang in the family reunions and that friend who always wished to go to the karaoke till late at night.
So it was not a surprise to anyone when the girl packed her life in a suitcase and left Guri to be part of a small company that had accepted her in a local audition.
There she trained hard for a couple of years before she was told that her project group would debut!!
That day never came, for this and that the date was pushed and pushed back till the point the other members of the project started leaving until it was only her and another girl which made the company cancel it and just like them, Dasom left.
She was a freelancer for a month or so, as she waited for auditions in other companies that would open soon yet a miracle came before that. Dasom had been singing on her way to school when she was followed and approached by a stranger. Dimensions scouted her that day.
Dasom trained with the girls who became 7rophy for years, till the point the observant girl knew everything of them, from their expressions to their actions, there was care and love for them in Dasom’s heart for them. Inside the company it was known that they would be the next group yet there was still fear that they would be pushed to the side and have someone else debut instead of them, she didn’t want to live that once again.
She debuted,and she was the happiest girl on earth though not everything went as planned and 7rophy faced a rough path as they walked to the peak of the mountain.
There were many, many times where the girl simply wanted to give up and move on to do something else yet she couldn’t bare to do it, those girls were her family and even if their boat was sinking she would stay on it till the very end yet none of those thoughts ever reached the members ears, from her they could only hear comforting and hopeful words of a change that, indeed came.
Plot ideas:
Close friends, someone with whom she opened up about that heavy burnden she hides behind optimism.
Friends from the other company. Someone who was in that group project with or another trainee!!
Idol. Someone she is a big fan of, in fact she was part of their fan cafe and attended many of their fansign events when she was younger. Now she is an idol just like them and she still fangirls hard for them.
Blushing mess. Oh the terrible ideal type question came and that’s how she found herself becoming a blushing mess. (it could be either way)
Colab...pls?. Dasom wants to do a collab with this artist and she is very vocal about it at any chance she gets, their style, their songs, them, something got to her heart and that became her dream.
Fan? Me? . Dasom has yet to fully realize that 7rophy is popular now and it’s clear with her surprised expresions every time they win or when they perform on stage with so many people cheering for them so when she meets you, a fan she is shook but also fond of you. (specially if it was pre latata era)
Something romantic angsty or fluff i’m down
More to come if you have something you wish to do pls hmu!
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biasedwriting · 6 years
Variety is the Spice of Life [VIXX, Hongbin]
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None
Word Count - 2290
Summary - In which Hongbin meets his bias and ‘Hormoneys’ unite.
This work is a part of the  Glowsticks And Music Notes series by @vixxscifiwritings​ . I had been asked to write this part for her as a part of an agreement that I don’t entirely remember the details of ( a.k.a she loves Hongbin too much to write about him)
Find all parts here
Hongbin grumbled as he shoved the cafe door open. He had been in the middle of editing a mood-board when his sister had intruded with her boyfriend and had promptly thrown him out of the house in the need for “privacy”. Not that he really wanted to hear what would take place after his exit.
He adjusted the strap of his backpack when he heard the bell jingle as the door slammed shut. Still fuming about his interrupted editing session, he looked around the cafe for a seat which was isolated enough to not be disrupted again. Jaehwan had requested a mood-board for Ara and Bora inspired by one of Wonshik’s angsty fics. Plus he had been working on a gif set for the new release (secretly spending time on perfecting Miya’s gif, not that he would admit it). Of course he had also said he’d help Sanghyuk who had recently joined the fandom with some video editing. Hongbin sighed, being technologically sound had its downfalls.
“Welcome! Would you like to place an order?” he heard a voice calling to him, breaking him out of his stupor as his searching eyes shifted to the counter. He gawked as his gaze fixed themselves on the woman standing behind the cash machine. His bias, Miya smiled back at him brightly, he was sure he choked a little bit on his saliva.
Miya tilted her head, looking at the new entrant gaping at her, completely unaware of the cameras trained on him. He was handsome, nearly looking unreal, she was certain this part would be broadcast. She could hear Haneul’s voice in the little earpiece wedged in her ear squeal about how handsome he was.
“Our youngest has gotten such a handsome customer!”
“Makes sense, visual meets another visual,” Ara’s voice crackled “make him say that you’re pretty.”
“That’s a good mission, yes.” Minah’s voice piped up as Miya tried her best to fight the embarrassed blush from creeping up her cheeks.
“Yeah, if he says it, you need to do the key point from Summer Love.” Bora called out. The rest of her group had been monitoring her every move, giving her missions for their variety show. Right before her shift in the cafe, Bora had been sent down to serenade a group of high school boys and dance for a pair of old ladies. But here she was, face to face with this very handsome man who seemed to be gawking right back at her, not making a move to place an order.
“Sir?” she called as he balked, blinking before approaching the counter. He looked a little bit like a lost bunny rabbit and Miya couldn’t help but smile to herself. Shuffling awkwardly, Hongbin tried to form the right words to tell his bias. This was exactly why he had avoided going for fan meets, because he knew the moment he saw Miya in person, all logical ability of speech was out of the window.
“I’ll uh...have uh…” Hongbin frantically looked at the menu.
“Hmmm, are you a tea or coffee person? Maybe I could suggest something for you?”  Miya offered helpfully, wondering if there was some way to make the man speak.
“Uh, I’m so sorry about this... I don’t mind either? I’ll just have a cappuccino please.” he sighed out, internally pleased that he managed to get a sentence out. Miya smiled, he had a pleasant voice.
“Would you like some cake or pastry with that? I’d highly recommend the fruit tart.” Miya rattled off just like she had been asked to. Hongbin paused to consider it.
“Yes, I would like a fruit tart as well.”
“Okay! One cappuccino and fruit tart for the handsome customer!” Miya chirped, trying her best not to cringe at how honest she was being  as Hongbin’s breath caught in his throat. He reached to his arm to pinch himself to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. Clearing his throat, he could feel his cheeks flush. Miya tried to ignore the teasing hoots from her group loud in her earpiece.
“I’m....” Hongbin fumbled for words “a Harmony!”
Miya’s eyes widened as the cheering in her ear piece resounded. Harmony was the name of their fanbase and it was a pleasant surprise to find a fan entering the cafe. Hongbin twiddled his thumbs nervously. Miya’s confidence was now boosted. Handsome man was a fan and she could definitely use this to her advantage.
“Oh! That’s fantastic! Who is your favourite member?” She asked, ringing up his order, sending him a blinding smile. Hongbin could feel his pulse pick up as he stammered. Here he was standing in a cafe he visited regularly having his bias taking his order while casually asking him who his bias was.
“It’s…you…” he mumbled and Miya could feel her attempts to ask him who he thinks is the prettiest being thwarted “you’re very pretty and talented.” Miya could barely hear him over Haneul and Minah screeching into the microphone. She shook her head, trying to deal with the ringing in her ears.
“Ah,” she bowed “thank you so much, I will bring your drink and tart to you.”
Hongbin’s ears turned red as he hurried to a seat, quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket and clicking open the Kakao Talk application. Tapping on “Hormoney” (he blames Jaehwan for this group chat name) he glanced at the chat between Hakyeon and Wonshik about some plot. Ignoring most of it, he took a deep breath.
Jajajaehwan : “Henlo Redbean. How goes it.”
“Who is anywhere near Autumn Cafe?”
Hakyeon: “Taekwoon said he was somewhere in the area. Why?”
“6Keys’ Miya is here. By the looks of it they’re filming a variety show.”
Shikkizzle : “You’re dead.”
Hakyeon : “Stop texting and go talk to her! Miya is the friendliest! Plus I'm trying to call ㅇㅅㅇ but he isn't picking up.��
jajajaehwan : stupid man. I hope he misses out. Go talk to her Bean!
Shikkizzle : Live for us!
“shut up, I'm going to casually open my laptop and continue my work.”
Shikkizzle :why are you such a loser
Jajajaehwan: boo
Hakyeon: you're crazy
Taekwoon : omw
Jajajaehwan: taekwoon you shady fuck
Hakyeon : so much for ‘I am not that into them’
Shikkizzle : taekwoon is a liar we all know that
Taekwoon : this is why I have this group on mute
Hakyeon : I hope you don’t get to meet Minah loser
Jajajaehwan : I’m catching a cab there, my precious Ara will be there!
Hakyeon : i’m heading to the metro station lol, wonder what my mum will say to seeing me on national tv
Shikkizzle : that you’re a dumbass
Hakyeon : you’re heading to autumn cafe too aren’t you?
Shikkizzle : 
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Hongbin sighed as the bickering went on in the group. Praying that this wouldn’t descent into chaos,  he set his mobile phone aside and picked up his laptop from his bag. Opening the lid, the squinted at the screen as his previous work popped up.
“That’s really pretty,” Miya’s voice piped up as Hongbin nearly slammed the lid of his laptop down. Thankfully he had been working on editing a photoset of the different sets that the Summer Love music video had been shot in “I didn’t catch your name though, could you please tell me?” she asked as Hongbin spluttered out his name. Miya quickly set the tray holding the coffee and tart down on his table before stepping back to take a deep breath “if you don’t mind, I need to complete a mission, so may I please take up some of your time?”
Hongbin gaped as Miya burst into the choreography of the chorus of Summer Love, humming along with the tune of the song. She halted as Hongbin continued to gape at her before applauding softly as she bowed “Thank you so much for your time! I signed your napkin, I hope to see you at a fansign soon! Thank you for supporting 6Keys!” she quickly greeted before hurrying away.
Hongbin looked at the spot Miya had previous occupied, wondering yet again if he was dreaming. He realized he was nearly burning a hole into the spot when his eyes began watering. Averting his gaze to the coffee tray, he looked at the napkin which had Miya’s elegant handwriting curving over it in in.
“To Mr. Handsome,
Thank you for supporting us!
Shakily, he reached for the precious piece of tissue, carefully placing it in his wallet. He picked up the coffee, taking a sip, soothing this nerves. He took a deep breath, before looking back at the cash counter to find it unmanned and Miya, missing. Instead, by the counter stands a tall lanky man suspiciously looking at the pastry. The door flew open as Hakyeon walked in nudged the tall lanky man. Hongbin squints, he’d met Hakyeon before. The tall man turned to glare at Hakyeon who grinned back, and Hongbin realized that he had been looking at Taekwoon.
“Are you waiting for Minah, you creep?” Hakyeon grinned as the bell of the door jingled again and Wonshik and Jaehwan walked into the cafe. Jaehwan’s curious gaze turned to fix itself on Hongbin as he waved frantically, thereby getting the group’s attention on Hongbin. A member of the cafe staff approached them to assist them as they shook their heads and Hakyeon looked visibly upset. Hongbin gaped at the group of men approaching his table.
“They left.” Jaehwan mourned as he plopped himself down beside Hongbin.
“Hi! Yes, they left after Miya’s shoot apparently.” Hakyeon greeted him.
“What was it like meeting Miya?” Wonshik asked as he dragged a chair from the table next to Hongbin’s.
“Are you going to eat that tart?” Taekwoon asked softly as he took a seat beside Hakyeon. Hongbin sighed, pushing the tart towards him. Taekwoon began devouring the tart silently completely ignoring the rest of the conversation. Everyone at the table nearly missed the young man hovering around their table. It was Jaehwan who spotted the tall man-child looking person before turning to the Hakyeon who was immersed in Hongbin’s story.
“There’s a dude who's eavesdropping.” he hissed, attracting the attention of the rest of the group, excluding Taekwoon who was still guzzling the tart. The young man approached.
“Hi, I heard you guys talking about 6Keys and I was wondering if you guys were interesting in some merch and a photo card swap for Summer Love? I got Minah and I really wanted Haru. My name is Sanghyuk by the way!”
“...like crack Sanghyuk?” Wonshik deadpanned.
“Uhh...crack videos, not drugs…” Sanghyuk blinked.
“Taekwoon would like to swap cards with you. He’s consistently gotten everyone except Minah.” Hakyeon butted in as Hongbin nudged him.
“Sanghyuk the same Sanghyuk who wants me to help with his crack video?” he gaped at the tall man.
“Are you RedBeans with the awesome edits?” Sanghyuk’s eyes widened as Hongbin nodded before waving at everyone “this is Hakyeon, you may know him as FlytoSky on Twitter and Tumblr.”
“One of the biggest Haneul fansites!” Sanghyuk gaped.
“Taekwoon...who isn’t really active, but maybe you know his blog Beautiful-Harmony?”
“Or his lesser known side-blog fairy-goddess-minah?” Hakyeon added, trying to avoid Taekwoon’s murderous glare as he nearly stabbed him with a fork.
“Stop exposing me!” Taekwoon hissed as Sanghyuk laughed.
“I actually happen to follow that blog, good content for Minah there.”
“Jaehwan here runs Twitter, Insta and Tumblr accounts Ara-sso.” Hongbin continued, undeterred by the violence that was being displayed by Taekwoon. Jaehwan grinned and waved.
“I commented on all your videos!”
“Yes! I noticed! Thank you so much! I loved the ideas you commented,” Sanghyuk returned Jaehwan’s grin before turning to Wonshik.
“This must be Wonshik, I think I saw a picture of yours in a bias x you selfie tag. You made me nearly cry with ‘Clandestine’. One of my favourite fics man.”
Wonshik visibly blushed as Hakyeon suddenly shot up, waving a photocard as Taekwoon now fought the murderous rage of killing his friend who stole his wallet.
“Trading Haru for Minah!”
“Oh yes! Hold on” Sanghyuk fished around in his backpack.
“Hakyeon!” Taekwoon hissed.
“You literally brought this card here to see if someone would swap because you were hoping there would be a hoard of fans.” Hakyeon deadpanned causing Jaehwan to snort as he attempted to control his laughter.
“I’ll throw in a set of Minah lomo cards for fifteen hundred won.” Sanghyuk reemerged from his backpack, with the photocard and a set of pictures.”
“He’ll take it, do you have any Haneul lomo cards?” Hakyeon continued as Taekwoon protested.
“Don’t you mean Bora?” Jaehwan wiggled his eyebrows at Hakyeon.
“Shut up.”
“Yes, I do, but for you I’ll give it to you for a cheaper price of fourteen hundred and fifty only!” Sanghyuk waved another set of cards.
“I’m adding him to our KKT group.” Hongbin declared over the noise, Sanghyuk was getting increasingly cooler and Hongbin knew that he would add some sanity to the group, even if he brought the rest of the group to the brink of insanity.
“This is daylight robbery!” Wonshik exclaimed, eyes still fixed on the set of lomo cards in front of him.
“Gotta pay the bills my bro.” Sanghyuk shrugged “what’s the point of being in a fandom if you can’t make some money.”
“This is exploitation of sentiment.” Jaehwan grumbled, pulling his wallet out. Sanghyuk grinned as he pulled a seat and sat down beside the group, counting the bills in his hands as the rest of them stared at the lomo cards with shiny eyes.
And that's how the first Hormoney meeting came to be.
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dong-hyucks · 6 years
dating rocky. | astro
⇴  admin. cj ⇴  masterlists. ⇴  dating series masterlist. 
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i love park minhyuk, so imma just jump right iN (don’t mINd iF i DO)
so, you guys have known each other f o r e v e r, like, it’s unreal,,, you guys are Ultimate Best Friends™ a.k.a you’ve been together since birth. the amount of weird faces, sounds, and overall oddities cannot be put numbered on a list.
this boy has always been by your side, whether it was you trying out for some sports team, or when your parents were having a fight, he was there.
when you two were kids you would have the cutest nicknames for one another. “minnie! stop knocking down my sand castles!” “no can do, dumplin’, you look funny when you’re mad!” 
okay, so, dumplin’ came from a sweet time when you two were together.
one night, your parents had decided to go out, and they also decided that they didn’t need babysitters this time ... so whoop-de-doo for you guys.
babysitters highkey sucked
and just like that, the rest of the night commenced. 
you and minhyuk played around in the waiting area, while your parents tried to get you both to settle down (it didn’t work). 
apparently you could knock people over when you played tag in a crowded place???? who knew??
anywho, when your families were seated, you guys bounced up and down, talking about insook and myungjun and how they had kissed on the playground earlier that day. 
on the lips
it was all the rave. 
but, minhyuk, he was being really weird. he kept looking at you with pink shade dusted across his cheeks. luckily the lights were dim, so you didn’t notice. 
he kept losing himself in your eyes.
though he was only eight years old, he felt like he’d been in love with you for centuries. he could stare at you all night ... even when you scarfed down your 수제비 like you hadn’t had food in years ... even then
수제비 is a Korean dish with chicken and potato dumplings, so, as minhyuk watching you eat it rapidly, he thought the nickname dumplin’ was fitting
from then on, that’s what he called you.
you on the other hand, liked to sWitCH things uP
if you were annoyed, you called him minnie, because it angered him even more. he hated that name with a passion, and you knew it
if you were feeling down, you’d call him hyuk or minhyuk. when you called him one of those two (or even both), he would know something was up. 
maybe it was an injury from a activity, a bad grade on a test, or maybe even a fight at home. he was there to comfort you. like always.
most of the time though, you called him rocky 
you guys knew that was coming
you came up with that name when the two of you were playing outside in the snow one winter, and he slipped and fell, chipping his tooth on a rock.
all the way to the emergency dentist he cried. he wailed and sobbed about how this would ruin his look forever, and how he would never grow up to be a famous chef because he “couldn’t taste right with a tooth missing”
and, the whole car drive, you hugged him close. you told him that a chef didn’t need a full set of teeth to taste. just a tongue and a mouth.
eventually, he stopped, and was taken to the back of the office, where his mother was not allowed ... but you were. 
through the procedure, he had one hand hanging down, and you tucked it in between both of yours. although he was on laughing gas, when you saw his brow wrinkle, his free hand would squeeze yours and you would return the favor.
when the doctors and the dentists had fixed his face and his mouth, he was a bit loopy.
“(Name), we have to goooo!” “Go where, Hyuk?” “I have—I have a shooting at twelve” “Are they shooting you for Food Network???”
“yES. finally someone understands.” “i know minhyuk, i’m the greatest.”
“marry me, dumplin’?”
“not yet, rocky. not yet.”
on the way back to his house, he fell asleep. you weren’t exactly sure when, or on what street, but your shoulder suddenly got a lot heavier. you looked over and saw minhyuk’s dark head of hair tilted onto its side
you also felt his drool
protecc this boy
through your childhood, you and park minhyuk had been best friends, who promised that they would never leave each other. 
you just wished that those promises weren’t broken ...
in high school, the two of you grew apart. minhyuk was cast in a drama with some of his other, new friends,,,,, and you were just,,,, forgotten ...
minhyuk never picked up your calls, and he never returned you texts,,,, you had become a blip in his huge timeline,,,, a speck of dust on the glass that he was staring through. 
and then, he started to fade. he started to fade from your life, from your vision,,, from your memory. his face started to blur, like watercolors on a canvas. his voice began to crackle and turn into static. 
the last time you heard of his presence was at your art show, where you premiered some of your pieces. they were being auctioned off, and minhyuk’s mother had one of the highest bids. 
she got the painting, but, minhyuk was elsewhere. you searched for him all night. 
you couldn’t find him
it was a sign
soon, he was gone. just like that, a lifelong friend had disappeared. and you were almost sure he wasn’t coming back. you tried to stop thinking about him. you tried really hard. but, there was always that little bit of optimist in you.
she missed his smile every day. she missed “dumplin’”
the optimist missed him.
then again. the real you wasn’t an optimist. you knew he wasn’t coming back, and even if he did, he probably wouldn’t recognize you. you’d sort of,,, let yourself go ...
your twinkling, child-like grin began to slip away, and a mature scowl took its place. minhyuk definitely wouldn’t have known you if you’d of slapped him right smack in the face. he wouldn’t be able to guess that a smile as beautiful as yours could just disappear.
then, you sunk. into a ... shell, as some people would call it. you became somewhat of a hermit. spending nights alone in your room—only coming out for dinner. it was unhealthy, sure, but to you, it was a way to cope. 
you kept to yourself at school, not wanting to be a bother, and mostly stayed in with teachers during lunch and p.e.
it was sad to watch—you even started growing apart from your parents. they tried to get you to open up, but you had thrown yourself in a cage. but, it was your own doing, and you didn’t want it to be unlocked.
this only made clear that there are many stages of grief.
but, little by little, you became your old self again. the process was long, but one morning, you woke up at three o’clock for an unknown reason. and, knowing that you weren’t going to get any more sleep, you went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed.
you looked out the window and sitting right on the tree branch outside was a plump robin building its nest. it paid you no mind, but the more diligent work it put into the construction, the bigger the grin grew on your face.
and that’s when it hit you
—you smiled. 
rushing over to the mirror, you stared at your reflection with an excited beam on your face. your recovery started with a smile. it all started with a smile.
after your shower, you raced down the stairs and turned on the “hot debut” stage you recorded last night. you figured some music would help you start your day off right.
a well proportioned face appeared on the tv screen and you looked to the right corner to see who the group was.
“astro?” you murmured, “cute.” you continued watching, but one boy really stood out to you. he looked extremely familiar. a childhood friend, or something like that. when he began to rap, you looked to the bottom left corner, to see what his name was.
it came flooding back so fast that your head began to pound. could it be, that you knew an idol?
“rocky—park minhyuk,” you whispered, “that’s right. he was the one who left. after all these years—he remembered.” 
the when their first album came out, you bought it without hesitation. your only wish was to secure a spot and be able to get into a fansign. you needed to see him.
and, a few weeks later, there you were. waiting in line to be one of the first people to meet astro. saying you were ecstatic would be an extreme understatement. 
with a great big grin on your face, you stepped up to meet sanha. he flashed you a bright beam and took your hands in his. the two of you talked about music and dance and how much you both enjoyed being there.
what a cutie
you moseyed along, talking with mj next, eunwoo second, then moonbin and jinjin, then finally—you stopped in front of rocky. you tried your best to keep from letting your tears fall.
“i’m surprised,” you laughed, sniffling a bit, “i thought you wanted to be a chef?” he looked to you and his eyes widened. “but, you always have been a good dancer, rocky.”
“[Y/N],” he breathed, voice wavering, “wow. i’ve missed you so much.” you nodded, not trusting your mouth to speak the right words. instead, you squeezed his hand tightly. he bit his lip to keep from crying, and you did the same. 
even though the salty rivulets would come eventually
“well, we don’t have enough time now, but later—would you like to, oh i don’t know, maybe get an ice cream with me?” his hesitant question blew you away, but you agreed nevertheless.
and, your recovery furthered. just like that robin, you were building a relationship again. this time, though, it would be stronger.
this time, it would last.
you were sure.
and, little did you know, you were right. woo woo !!
after a few months of sporadic (but frequent) “dates,” the two of you finally started dating. it was like a dream come true, and that beautiful smile of yours was seemingly infinite whenever minhyuk was around.
your favorite place to go with him was the ice cream parlor near your school. it was peaceful, and it served really good craft sodas. cherry, orange, lemon, lime, blue raspberry, and grape.
you also liked going to the movies with him and the other boys. minhyuk always wanted to go see action movies, but every once in awhile, he would give in and see a horror movie with you.
he made you promise that you would protect him after. minnie is precious i love him so much but he would never admit it in front of the boys.
minhyuk didn’t really get jealous, but when you were chatting it up with moonbin or sanha was teaching you a new dance move, he did get a bit riled up.
“minnie,” you giggled, teasing him, “you’ll always be my bias. i promise.” his bottom lip got a little smaller, and he snaked an arm around you. “i know, [Y/N]. i just wanted to hear you say it.”
sometimes he’s a cheeky little shit
but loving him is a given.
with cuddling, minhyuk is shy. he’s quiet and doesn’t really do a lot of pda. but, when you guys are hanging around the dorms alone, he’s all over you.
his favorite way to hug you is from behind.
he really likes resting his chin on your shoulder. (and let’s be honest here, so do you.)
but his all time favorite thing to do is sit with you on the couch. his head’s in your lap, and your fingers are carding through his naturally tousled hair. and, a laugh bubbles from your lips as the two of you watch a cheesy rom-com.
some people might call it wasted time, but minhyuk calls it time well spent. then again, he calls any time spent with you well spent. someone please call a funeral service bc i am deceased (and jade you sent me that video and i will never forgive you. MINHYUK IS A PRECIOUS BABY,,, but i digress)
when the two of you fight, it’s normally harmless. but, you do get really worried when he’s in danger of overworking himself.
if there’s a new comeback, you make sure he gets to the dorm and goes to sleep, even if that means going back with him. sometimes, he gets annoyed with the hovering.
“you’re not my mother! stop babying me, [Y/N]!!” his exclamations make you halt, and you purse your lips while scowling. “park minhyuk,” you utter, your voice steely and cold, “i’m not trying to be your mother. i’m trying to make sure you’re well and healthy,”
you continue, “arohas will love you no matter what. but, they won’t love it if you overwork yourself and end up getting hurt. so, if you can’t think of me as a reason to respect your well-being, then think of your fans—think of yourself.” 
this is where the tears fall. still keeping your head high, you begin to feel the liquid pooling and pricking at the back of your eyes.
he turns his gaze to the floor, and walks over to you. “i’m sorry,” he mutters. you shake your head, and pull him into you. 
the hug is pure and chock full of tenderness. though you would much rather see him resting in his bed—him resting in your arms is just as good. you smile into his shoulder.
he backs away, and cups your cheeks in his calloused hands. he leans into you and presses a delicate kiss on your lips.
and, when the two of you break apart, you gaze into his eyes. and, that’s when you see it. the days, the months, the years that the both of you had known each other. it amazed you—you didn’t know that an entire timeline could be visible in one person’s eyes.
you convinced him to go back to the dorms, but he convinced you to stay the night. you guys talked the night away, and eventually the two of you fell asleep.
your head was settled on his chest, while the steady beat of his heart guided you to a peaceful slumber. minhyuk stayed awake for a little while, admiring your slackened features, and soaking in all the quiet minutes that would one day be forever.
you and minhyuk loved each other, it was as simple as that. neither of you felt burdened, because love wasn’t work. it wasn’t a job that had requirements and tasks. it was a pure feeling—one that couldn’t be replaced by anything else. 
minhyuk wished he could gift you the entire galaxy, but for now, all he could give you was his love
—not that you were complaining ... 
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b0blegum · 6 years
A Pay Back (a request)
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Author: b0blegum
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Rating: G
Genre: Fluffya$$ Romance (i wish i was the girl)
Status: Completed
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“Kihyun, are you there?” The little girl called in a low calm voice as she closed the door behind her. Slowly stepping in into an empty locker room.
She heard sobs from the corner, behind one locker that had never been use.
“Hey…” She called again as she approached the crying little boy. “Don’t cry… I’m here!” She squatted and fold her arms on her bended knees.
“Am I really that fat?” He asked, still burying his chubby face in his hands.
Startled, the little girl with rosy cheeks tried to lie, but she thought it would make him felt even more offended. “Just ignore them, Kihyun! You’re cute! I like you.”
“You like me?” He slowly brought his face up.
“Well, you’re cute, you’re nice, and you’re funny. What’s not to like?” She giggled. “And you look like my teddy bear.”
“I…m, I’m fat.” The boy’s voice lowered.
Suddenly, the door kicked open. Three boys in the same age as the crying boy barged in.
“Where’s the fatty? I heard he is hiding here with muffin stuffed in his mouth!” The one who lead the other two laughed, followed by the two at the back.
The little girl stood up quick and turned her tiny figure. Setting an angry face, she shouted, “Don’t be so mean, Jihoon! Kihyun is not fat, he is just cute and kids should be cute!”
The three boys laughed while Kihyun hid behind the girl.
“You have to go to the nurse room and get your eyes checked, you baby!” The boy teased.
“No! I am going to the teacher’s office to tell that you are bullying Kihyun again!” The girl threatened as he pulled Kihyun’s arm and brought him out of the room.
“A blind baby taking care of a crybaby!” The three sticked their tongues out.
“Kihyun! Wake up! Hey—“ Minhyuk shook the fair skinned boy, Kihyun. Waking him up from his sleep.  “Stop crying, dude! Hey, wake up!” He said while chuckling, seeing the boy who’s slightly younger than him crying in his sleep.
After couple of shaking and calling his name, Kihyun finally opened his eyes and looked confused.
“What were you dreaming about? You scared me by crying in the middle of the night!” Minhyuk stood up and about to turn the lights off before climbing to his own bed.
“Oh—“ Kihyun wiped his wet cheek. “I cried?” He whispered.
“A lot. You looked like a baby whose diaper need to be changed.” Minhyuk said as he tucked himself inside the blanket. “It’s 2 AM and we have practice tomorrow at 7, so you better stop crying.”
Kihyun blinked. Trying to remember what he dreamt about. He stayed silence on his bed for a minute after he finally remembered his dream. It was about his childhood. Far back when he was in elementary school. He was bullied because other thought he was too fat. He often cried and refused to go to school because this guy Jihoon would ran up to him, calling him names like, fatty or pig, but there was always this particular girl who always stood up for him, defended him and even once got into a fight with this Jihoon guy.
It was you.
You who always looked for him and comforted him everytime Kihyun got bullied. You never understand why Jihoon and others could call him fat when all you looked was a cute teddy bear-look-a-like boy.
“I wonder how is she now. I hope she lives a good life after everything she had done for me.” Kihyun smiled before getting back to sleep.
“Are you really leaving the States to see your childhood bestfriend?” Your bestfriend’s eyes almost popped up after she finally met you at the airport. “I thought you were joking, you crazy!”
“Come on! I missed him so much and surprisingly someone randomly gave me a fansigning event invitation. Isn’t this what we called fate?” You smiled ear to ear. “Come on, I’ll be back in a week, don’t miss me too much.” You teased your bestfriend.
“You really are crazy.” She shook her head before she gave you a hug and sent you off. “I hope he still remembers you, though.”
On the plane, you can’t stop thinking about him. That cute chubby boy you always protected back in elementary was now a hot man who’s successfully ruled the world by debuting in a boygroup.
“That Jihoon would be so pissed if he knew about how Kihyun is living now.” You chuckled before drifting off to sleep.
The building is filled with girls with cameras hanged down their neck. The lenses attached were the one you know costs as high as the cloud. While you dressed yourself up like a thief who’s about to rob a candy from a store.
You had your hood covered your head and had your mask on, leaving only your eyes and bags visible. It was actually your plan to surprise him.
“So this is what fangirls do, huh?” You said to yourself after seeing what you usually saw on the Internet.
“I miss him so much! I almost couldn’t come to this fansigning, but thank God my friend canceled our lunch-date!” You overheard a girl who’s holding Monsta X album and other stuffs that has Monsta X written on the cover.
“This way.” A man with an in-ear guided all the fans to one room at the end of the hallway. One by one entered the room where there were only chairs and a stage prepared with MOnsta X clips were projected at the background.
You waited until the group itself arrived and the fans were taking turn to came down, hand-shaking and linking fingers with the members.
“Kihyun looks so good today, oh my God!” The girl beside you squealed after Kihyun said something through the mic.
You just smiled everything you heard the girls were talking about your childhood friend until it was finally your turn to meet him personally on the stage.
“Hi, how are you!” Kihyun asked without having his eyes focused on you. He was busy handing the stuff the girl before you gave him to the staff.
“I’m pretty excited, actually. How about you?” You smiled inside your mask.
“I’m…” He hesitated as his eyes met yours. “Great. But why are you wearing a mask? I can’t see your beautiful face if you’re hiding it.” He smiled. You almost cursed hearing his cheesy comment, but you tried to keep it calm.
“But I’m afraid you’d fall for me if I take my mask off.” You replied. Kihyun laughed at your reply and his cheeks blushed.
“Nice one!” He asked for a high five. “So… where do you want me to sign?” He asked,  realized you didn’t bring anything.
“Oh—“ you took something out of your pocket and putting it face-down in front of him.
“It’s a blank paper?” He asked without bother to flipped the side.
“It’s precious to me.” You replied.
“Yeah? Why?” He asked while signing it.
“Why don’t you flip it?” Kihyun looked confused at your words and slowly flipping it.
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened—about to popped out of their sockets as he saw what was printed on the small thick paper he had in his hand.
“Hi, my Teddy Bear!” You slowly took of your mask and it surprised him so much that he covered his wide opened mouth with both of his hands.
“Oh, my God!” He whispered. Looking left and right and trying to keep calm, while inside, he really wanted to jump and hug you. “I can’t believe this.” He whispered. “Hold on!” He called one of his staff and whispered something before the staff nodded and he smiled brightly.
“So—“ You began to converse again before your time’s up, but the boy cut you.
“(y/n), I talked to the staff and I don’t have a schedule after this. So why don’t you wait for this event to finish and we could catch up after that.” He whispered. Making sure no one could hear him, while without his knowing, Hyungwon who’s sitting right beside him smirking, knowing what’s going on. “How about that?” He asked.
“Well, everything for you, crybaby.” You teased.
“Don’t call me that!” He pretend to look offended but that just made you giggled.
You left the stage and back to your seat. Doing what you were told, you waited there, seeing him talking to fans, probably saying cheesy things to them, annoyed and teased by Minhyuk who seemed to hate (/love) him so much and once in a while stealing glances at you and smiling. You felt relieved that he still remember you after all these years you lost contact with each other due to your leaving to the States, following your family.
Two hours passed and the event finally came to an end. The members said thank you and waving their hands before getting off stage. Same goes with the fans, one by one was leaving the hall, until you were the only fans who’s still there together with the staffs who’s collecting everything the fans gave to the members.
You stood to wear your coat when someone tapped your shoulder from behind. “(Y/n)!”
You almost jumped at that sudden touch. “God, you scared me.”
“I miss you so much!” He pulled you into a tight hug. “Where have you been?”
“I—“ Your cheeks turned into crimson red. “I went to the States.”
“Wow!” He shook his head.
“Yeah, I left when we were in fifth grade. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” You sighed. “But it’s nice to see you living your life like this.” You smiled.
“It’s okay—oh, by the way, we can’t catch up here,” He blinked. “Why don’t we go somewhere and…”
“Oh, sure, sure. Yes.” You grabbed your purse and walked out with him.
“How about walking by the river?” He asked as he gestured you to walked first after he opened the door for you.
“A what?” You smiled.
“Yeah, the weather is nice and we could really talk while walking?” He tilted his head.
“But… is it okay for you to walk with me? In public?” You asked as he led you to one of his company cars, intentionally left for him to use.
“Why?” He asked back.
“I mean, your fans… Would they be okay seeing you out with random girl?”
“What do you mean random,” he chuckled. “It’s alright. If something bad spreads, I’ll just introduce you to them, don’t worry.”
You giggled at how calm he was unlike his self back in elementary who was timid and worried about anything.
He took you to the famous river where you could see couples and groups of friends hanging out playing or just sitting down by the river enjoying their beers.
“It’s not cold for you, is it?” He asked, hiding his hand inside his pocket.
“No, of course, no.” You replied, smiling brightly. “So,”
Both of you giggled at the same words you throwed at the same time.
“You first,” he tilted his head.
“It’s nice to see you grew up became someone.” You smiled, looking at his face that became a perfect silhouette.
“For me, it’s nice to finally meet you, (y/n).” Again, he made you blushed. Thank God it’s too dark for him to see it. “You know, I’ve been trying to find you.”
“I asked your best-friend, Jenny, whether or not she has your number, but sadly no.” he stole a glance at you. “Searching your name on Facebook multiple times but none showed up and even asked the members to help me to find you.” He chuckled.
“So… your members know about me?” Your eyes widened.
“Of course.”
Both of you stopped behind the railing. The sun finally set and disappeared in front of you and Kihyun.
“I miss you so much, (y/n).” He looked far to the trace of sun. “I miss someone who always defended me, who always stood for me,” you can’t see it clearly, but you knew he was smiling. “Someone who would even got into a kid’s fight, but sadly I never even said thank you to her.” He scoffed.
“You—well, I never wanted a thank you, actually. I did it because—“
“Do you still like me?” You almost choked at his question.
“You said you liked me. That I was funny, was cute and that I looked like the Teddy Bear you had.” He turned his body to you.
“Yo—u,” You awkwardly chuckled. “You remembered all that?” You stuttered, avoiding his gaze. Once again, you’re thanking God for sending night or else he’d see your burned face.
“Of course.” He nodded.
“I—uh,” your heart beats so fast that it almost jumped out from your throat.
“Ah—forget about the question.” He ran his fingers through his ash-grey colored hair. “I think I should say thank you to you first, for always stood up for me back in those days.”
“Kihyun, I told you I don’t need thank you—I did it because i—“
“It’s my turn now to be the one who’ll protect you.” He cut you midsentence. You could feel something warm was brushing the skin of your hand. “Will you allow me to do that, (y/n)?”
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ludeere · 6 years
The Beginning of the end. Part  12
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“I’m giving up”
Crush x Reader x  - A/F (it used to be angst, but now I’m not sure)
Word Count: 1804
- What the hell, Hyseob???- you took Hyo’s hand and pulled him to the staircase. The blood was boiling in your veins and you tried your best not to explode in front of the reporters, but now it was high time to do that. You turned round sending deadly vibes with your eyes.
-Ok, Y/N, just calm down and listen to me. I know it seems ridiculous and you want to kick my ass right now, but it was hella good move in this big game of commercial world. I guess after all this, my album, no.. wait, OUR album will gain a lot of attention.- you looked dumbfounded while your brain was making difficult  process of analyzing data which you recieved from this cunning little ass.
-People love stories, that’s why a thing with some “history” is more interesting for them, than just a simple canonic thing like thousand of  others. The story of OUR album is love, that’s it. Though its one side, but it’s still love.- he was tottaly right and you couldn’t deny that, but you still couldn’t accept the fact that you had to be a couple in public. The worst thing was that somewhere deep in you heart you didn’t mind that at all, and maybe you would have accepted his feelings soon, but you were too sturbon to admit that, especially after he frankly forced you to be his girlfriend. And that’s how the “I won’t give up” game started.
-Why didn’t you tip me off? 
-If I had told you that, you would left before the press conference started. I put a lot of efforts to take you out of the car what to say about that stuff.
-Fuck, you know me too good and that’s not good for me. - you laughed ruffling his hair.
-I guess you won’t kill me now? I have something for you, let’s move out of here.- you both headed to his car. After you two were already in the car you remembered about your phone which you left on the backseat. As soon as you thought the phone rang, it was Jiho. Your eyes were full of fear when you saw this name on the screen.
- Dafaq, it’s Zico, he is going to kill me, I think he saw  everything, and he’ll bury me for not telling him before everyone else.- you gabbled turning gaze nervously from Hyo to phone. Hyo looked not better than you, like a helpless child, cause he knew Zico’s hot temper.
-Pick it up! Pick it up or we all gonna die.
- Khmm… ohh it’s you Zico.- the tranquility of the voice on the other side of the phone was killing you, cause you knew  for sure that  it’s not a good sign at all.
-We’ll be right there in a few minutes. Maybe you want something, I can buy an apple pie or some ice cream.- you tried your best to wheedle him and it seemed to be working. You hanged up and looked at Hyo.
-Two buckets of ice cream and four cups of coffee, paliwa or else he’ll kick you out of “Fanxy” crew. -you both laughed and Hyo started the car.
   While Hyo was dealing with ice cream and coffee you stayed in car one to one with your thoughts. It’s not a big deal to explain everything to Zico, and it was the least thing which you worried about. But you were definitely afraid of meeting Dean right now, he was your ex, and you haven’t decided yet whether you are friends or what? You knew for sure that he is not the person to be moved from your life, cause you still felt something. It was love, but not that specific feeling that you had for a man but for good old friend. You also knew that Dean and Crush were best friends and you didn’t want to ruin this friendship. 
-Hey, are you still here, Y/N?? Let’s move or else I’ll lose my job.- you smiled slightly geting out of the car and turning off all your worries.
  To your big surprise Zico wasn’t as mad as you expected, he just asked if it’s true or not. He knew these tricks for sure, how could you didn’t guess that?? Nobody took it seriously except you, of course. Dean was as usually smiling and joking around and you felt relief, cause you didn’t need to explain something or feel embarrassed. You celebrated till the late night but after you remembered that you need to be at work tomorrow morning, you called a taxi and left those three by their own). 
  It was hard to get used to time zone so you didn’t have enough sleep for like two days but you grabbed yourself together and went to work. You took a bus but still had to walk from the bus stop like five minutes to get to the right place. Everything was as usual but a strange feeling like someone was following you didn’t leave your mind, you turned your head back reflexively but there was nobody. Your boss was already waiting for you to introduce you to a new group of students and give you some useful tips. After all the lessons were over and you were ready to leave you saw Hyo, who was surrounded by a group of your students, they all wanted to take a photo with him. So you stucked for fifteen minutes here.
-What are you doing here???? Why don’t you make a fansign for them????
-Are you jelous or what?? I came to take my girlfriend from her work.- you laughed nervously.
-Oh, shut up, why should I be jelous??? I want to eat something, let’s move.- after you had dinner at some restaurant you decided to go to your apartament and watch a movie which you heard of from your friends. It was already dark when Hyo parked his car in front of the building, the streets were empty and you both walked towards the door when suddenly you heard someone’s brisk pace. As soon as you turned your head you saw a young man with a knife in his hand. There was a foolish grin n his face and you felt like all the blood left your body, you grabbed Hyo’s hand, while he was hiding you behind his back.
-Stay back, Y/N. What do you want? - he asked looking straight at a man who approached you slowly, the grin on his face became wider.
-Haaa, she was mine till you came out from nowhere and told everyone that she is your girlfriend.- your whole body was shaking cause that sick asshole was approaching steadily looking straight in your eyes.
-Don’t you remember me, Y/N?- he stopped for a moment inclining his head on one side, it looked fucking scary. A lot of faces run through your head but you couldn’t remembered him, so you just shook your head.
-Of course, you can’t remember me, I was the one who was rejected by you in a high school, you were the one for me for all this time. I checked all your photos and knew your every step untill you moved to US. It was the hardest time for me, but you are here now. I was so happy to see you again, I even pre ordered your album, but he ruined everything.- he pointed on Hyo who stood still.
  You could still remembe those couple of seconds that lasted like an hour. Hyo swished his leg and you heard a clanging sound of fallen knife. The rest of the scene was like in a slow motion. You stepped back and fell. They came to fisticuffs. You’ve never seen Crush fighting, his hands were red with blood. You tried hard to get a grip on yourself and pulled your hand towards the knife which laid peacefully near the bush. 
-Get off him!!! - you screamed at the top of your lungs and cut his hand. Your screams scared that sick bastard and he ran away. Hyo wanted to run after him but you pulled his hand, scarcely standing on your feet.
-Let’s just call the police.- your whole body was trembling even more than before, you looked at Hyo’s face his lower lip was swollen like he was stunged by a wasp, his cheekbone was red as if somebody put some blushes on it. 
-Are you okay???- he looked at you with anxiety. You grabbed his hand pulled him to your apartament. After you found the medicine and got some ice out of the fridge you went to the living room where you left Crush.
-No, I’m not okay. I’m fucking full of angry. What if he could hurt you badly, or even kill? What the hell you were thinking about when you started fight? He is sick.- you gave him pouch of  ice and started rummaging in medicine box looking for salve and plaster.
-So you propose me to stand and watch while some jackass is trying to hurt you??? Yeah, that’s how real men always do!!!- he shriveled from pain when you put some salve on his lip.
-Thank you.- he looked at you putting his hand with a pouch of ice down.
-I’m sorry I shouldn’t have been mad at you, but I was so scared that I could hardly feel my body.- you hugged him still trembling.
-Congratulations on having the first sasaeng fan.- he chuckled and pulled you closer to himself.
-Yaaa, you still have energy to joke around, guess you don’t need medicine anymore. - he buried his face in your neck, pressing his lips.
-Can you give me a chance? - you freezed for a moment but you knew exactly the answer to this question long before all this started. You knew the answer from the moment he took you from the airport.
-I’m giving you a trial period for a month. So be nice and maybe I’ll make something out for you.
-Am I dreaming or what??? You just told me that you love me???
-What??? Where in those couple of words you saw “ I love you???”
-I definitely heard “Shin Hyoseob, I love you!”- you both burst with laughter. You punched him.
-Ashhhhh, it hurts.
-Oh Gush, I’m sorry, does it hurt so much???- he smiled again and you got that he was just kidding. 
-See, I told you.- you pulled your face closer to him and put a light kiss on his lips, he was shocked but didn’t lose a momemt and kissed you back but more confidently pulling you closer to his body. You stopped for a second looking straight itno his eyes.
-I’m giving up, Shin HyoSeob, guess you heard that right - I love you.
                                                        The End
Part 11
a/n I think it’s the end)) Excuse me for my bad english, it’s not my first language. Please, be indulgent cause it’s the first time I write scenario in english, some scenes may look stupid and not realistic, maybe some words are used not properly, but I tried to make it as realistic as possible. Thank you for those who stayed with me during the whole working process, encouraging me with comments and good words. And thank you all for reading))) 
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wannawrite · 7 years
Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?
PD 101 / YH's Justin X Reader [ fem ] 
part two Fluff Word count: 2571 • you're an idol, Justin is your #1 fan • you meet him at a fansign and tbh he's adorbs so you're hella heart eyes for him ;) • soMehow you land the spot as a guest mentor for PD101 S2 even tho ur like young ( okay I'm sorry anon I had to, it isn't part of the original request but...a bit more of Justin fluff never hurts anyone....right? ) omfg, I love love love love love Justin ?? And my Yuehua boys ?? Yes ?? Bless them ?? Freaking adorable Euiwoong and Hyungseob and Jonghyun was a judge hoW CUTE gOD BLESS anyways, hope you like this anon, even if I modified it a little ok but am i the only one who goes soft for China line im so soft for Jung Jung. I love Jung Jung so much. might make a part two for this as well as • Crushing On You - Kang Daniel drop me feedback - admin L __________ Justin could barely contain his excitement as he clutched tightly onto his copy of your second mini album, shuffling in his spot in the queue. The entire venue was packed, fans buzzed with joy and the energy in the atmosphere was insane. Today was the day that Justin had waited for his entire life as a fan of yours. Today was the day of your fansign. When your fansign was announced, he screamed so loudly the whole Yuehua building trembled. Then, he proceeded to beg his manager to allow him to go. It was tough since he was set to participate in the survival show, Produce 101 a few weeks after but he sweet talked his way through. Once he got the 'okay' from his company, he managed to wrangle his best friend and fellow trainee, Zheng Ting to accompany him. Zheng Ting now stood behind Justin with pink cheeks, mildly embarrassed by his best friend's enthusiasm. I suppose it shows how dedicated of a fan he is.....He spent ages picking out his outfit today. I bet that's his $500 Star Wars shirt he was going to save for Produce 101. Justin even visited the salon to re-dye his hair for today. Oh my god. Zheng Ting was downplaying his own elation for his own sanity's benefit. Sure, he wanted to meet such a great inspiration to him but he wasn't a super die hard fan like Justin. Zheng Ting knew that Justin could practically chemically combust from all his zest, his grin was so wide it was sure to hurt. Oblivious to all the judgmental glares from Zheng Ting, Justin continued to keep his exhilaration levels high. His legs couldn't seem to stay still or root him to the floor properly. Even with his height, he still tip-toed to get a better look at you above the crowd. He sighed dreamily when he caught sight of your hair. Oh my god, Y/N looks so pretty today. She's the perfect idol. There's so much to learn from her. I wish she would look at me. Is this love? The expression on his face was so sheepish and dreamy, Zheng Ting nearly slapped him. "Yah, Justin! Wake up! The line is moving," he hissed. It was entertaining to see the maknae so incredibly spellbound by someone. 
The snaking queue moved listlessly and Justin's patience was running thin. To fuel his energy into something else so that he won't be all jittery, he combed through your photo cards that were included in your mini album, taking them out and reassembling them multiple times. People around him stared at him like he was a lunatic but really, he couldn't care less. Justin clamped a hand over his mouth to cover his yawn, he secretly regretted waking up at the crack of dawn, forcing Zheng Ting to drive them an hour out to the venue at five am and sitting in the queue since seven am. He was lucky he managed to sneak in breakfast and breath mints. Dedications of a fan. He huffed and shuffled along as the line gradually started to move. At least he was getting close to you. ... "Hello, Y/N. How was today's fansign? Everything okay?" Your manager asked, scribbling whatever feedback there was from other staff on her notepad. "Hmm, it went well. Thank you for arranging it. I was happy to be there. But right now, I want to sleep," you admitted with a small groan. Thankfully, your manager was an understanding and kind one, you two got along super well much to everyone's surprise. She laughed and nodded, telling the driver to speed up a little. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you when we reach." Truthfully, you were exhausted but your mind was plagued with thoughts of that handsome blonde fanboy at the fansign. His happiness was infectious, it put a smile on your face when you admired how his curls bounced with that skip in his step. You managed to catch his name, Justin, and you remembered exactly what had happened. It was rare you remembered everything word for word but something compelled you to. He had politely waited until the previous fan had stepped off the stage then, practically dashed up the stairs two at a time. He had run a hand through his curls before blurting out an excited 'Hello!' and bowing, nearly bumping his head on the table. As if he was ashamed, he used his right hand to cover his mouth and the other to pass you his bag of gifts and album. You had asked for his name which he gladly revealed. "I'm Justin." He beamed, revealing perfect pearly whites. "Well, thank you for the letter and the gifts Justin," you had said, shooting him your best cover-worthy smile. Justin couldn't be that much older than you. "You're very handsome." His face had turned beet red and he managed to stammer out a reply before nearly tripping on his way down from the stage. He was the most put together mess of a boy you had ever seen and somehow, you were attracted. It was rare you had male fans your age, cute ones at that. But, he was just fan, a face in the crowd you would have to force yourself to forget. You let out an irritated sigh, wishing it didn't need to be limited by its circumstances. Oh why, why couldn't I have gotten Justin's number or something? All I have is a name and a face I would hate to let go. It was safe to say sleep didn't come easy that night despite how worn out you were by the day's activities. You tossed and turned in your blanket, unable to block that blonde boy from your mind. Maybe it did you a favour by lulling you into a deep sleep and as creepy as it sounds, a dream of him. ... Justin was partially gone from your mind a month later but this morning, you could barely keep your eyes open as stylists bustled about, brushing your hair and whatnot, so once again, you found yourself thinking about him. You wondered what he was up to. Perhaps he was leading a normal teenage life. Going to school. Hanging out at the mall with his friends. All the regular, domestic things. A part of you was envious if he indeed had that kind of lifestyle. Today is going to be sooooo tiring. I just hope nothing terrible happens. Today was the day you were guesting on the survival show, Produce 101 Season 2. A few of your friends had participated in season 1 but so far, you hadn't heard from anyone about the second season. It was only the first week anyway, only one episode had aired but you were too busy to even watch teasers of it. Your role was simple, throughout the next week, you were going to support and supposedly mentor a couple of lower ranked teams as they prepared for their stages. It was a good opportunity for exposure and to make new friends. From what you had seen - or lack of since your van had pulled up to the location at six in the morning - all the contestants seemed to be pleasant. The plan was that you were surprising them with a wakeup call and a special buffet breakfast. ( bc i must feed my boys that's why let me live ) You hoped the directors knew what they were doing. "Y/N? Y/N." Manager unnie's voice shook you from your nap, you blinked bleary-eyed at her. She patted your head and helped you to your feet. "Go wash your face or something. Filming will begin soon." You complied, glad that the long-lasting stage makeup was sealed with a waterproof spray. After refreshing, you swiftly changed into your shooting outfit and followed a bunch of crew members to the dining hall. There, another team was busily preparing the surprise breakfast, probably the most the boys were allowed to eat. ( let them eat properly pls ) You stifled laughs when your mini album blasted through the speakers as an alarm. It could become pretty hilarious to hear your own music in public. When the main director signalled your cue, you raised the microphone - which was connected to the speakers - to your lips and delivered the message in a sickeningly sugary voice. "Good morning to all the gorgeous Produce 101 Season 2 contestants. This is not a drill. Please assemble in the dining hall in half an hour. Failure to comply will result in elimination. I repeat this is not a drill. Please assemble in the dining hall in half an hour. Failure to comply will result in elimination." The last part was a lie. No one would be going home on your watch. ... Oh my god. Is that Y/N's voice? Is that her album? How sweet of her to appear in my dreams. "Justin! Justin! Wake up!" What? Why is she calling me? A pillow smacked his face. "Yah! Justin! Wake up!" Justin shot up, rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes. He blinked at his roommates. "Why? What is it?" They didn't need to reply as the announcement sounded again. "Attention all Produce 101 Season 2 contestants, good morning! This is not a drill, please assemble in the dining hall in twenty minutes. Failure to comply will result in elimination." His jaw dropped, almost hitting the bottom bunk. "Is-is-is that Y-Y/N sunbaenim?" He stuttered out his question. "Yes! So that is why we need to hurry!" That was all it took. He washed up in a matter of twenty seconds and changed into his best outfit in five. Justin grabbed his training things out of his suitcase and bolted to the dining hall as fast as his legs would carry him, his roommates trailing behind. He needed to see with his own two eyes that it was really you. It was so crowded he was already pushed back to the end of the crowd. Somehow, Euiwoong and Seunghyuk found him, they called for Hyungseob and Zheng Ting to come over. "Is it her? Is it really Y/N?" He asked, lips trembling. Zheng Ting nodded, star-struck. Euiwoong had to hold Justin up to prevent his legs from giving way. He almost started sobbing. Does she remember me? I hope she does. He thought hopefully before sighing in realisation. No, there's no way she would have remembered someone as insignificant as me. Once everyone had arrived, you introduced yourself and explained your arrival. There were yells of jubilation and cheers. Some of the boy's jaws hung open and they had a hand over their mouths. It made you smile and amp up. Justin listened in awe to your motivational speech, he was in a daze the whole time as his friends led him to their usual table. Then, he noticed you were walking around and greeting some of the other boys. He scrambled to grab Euiwoong's arm across the table, almost making his hyung topple his tray of food. "Yah! Justin, are you okay?" Euiwoong was puzzled by his sudden behaviour. Justin frantically shot questions at him. "Is my hair okay?" "Do I smell good?" "How does my sweater look? Cute enough?" Euiwoong rolled his eyes and spooned some rice into Justin's mouth to make him shut up. "You look fine. I bet everyone else is worried about their appearance too. Full offence, these uniforms look awful," he said in a hushed tone. Justin fussed with his hair even more. Meanwhile, you too grabbed a tray and marched around the dining hall with your manager by your side, scanning for a place to sit. Suddenly, you spotted a familiar tuft of blonde hair. Justin? Oh my god, Y/N! Stop being delusional. Stop relating everything back to that......... fan. But your pace quickened as you approached his table, partially because he reminded you a lot of your long time crush who you would most likely never see again. As you neared, his face became more clear and you gasped. Even though the first and supposedly last time you saw him was a month ago, you still could recall what his face looked like. There was no mistaking that this trainee was Justin. Is the boy sitting next to him Zheng Ting? I met him too. It was cute to see Justin brushing his hair repeatedly with his hands. He whined when it still stuck out in different directions, the other participants sitting next to him only made fun of him. Should I address them formally? Are we friends? What if he is older than me? How do I call him? Oh my god, I don't want to be rude. These thoughts filled your head as you drew closer, palms growing all the more clammy. 'Oppa' isn't rude right? ( lmao guys this is such a koreaboo thing for me to add in my works but tbh i just didn't want to sound rude ??? and more realistic, not so Americanised but pls tell me what I should do. I don't want to offend anyone out here ) Should I call him that? I bet Zheng Ting is older though? What if I offend them? Do you want to sit with them or not? Another voice piped up. Yes, but- Just go! It gave you a push which pulled yourself together. Like the confident idol you are, you strutted up to the Yuehua boy's table, showing off your perfectly sculpted legs in the process, and tapped Justin on the shoulder. He spun round to face you and when he realised it was you, his jaw hung open and large eyes grew bigger. "Hi, Justin oppa, do you remember me?" You asked, beaming brightly. Justin was so shocked he couldn't form a coherent sentence. "The world would end if Justin forgot who Y/N is. He is your number one fan. Believe me, his wall in our dorm back at the company is filled with your posters. If-" Seunghyuk was abruptly cut off with a desperate yell from Justin. Zheng Ting shoved another spoonful of rice into his maknae's mouth. "You haven't eaten a thing on your tray." "Hello, Jung Jung oppa, I believe we met too." You bowed out of respect and Justin nearly fell on his knees. "Ahh, it's okay! Sunbaenim!" Gesturing to your tray, you asked if you could sit with them for breakfast. Seunghyuk moved over to sit next to Hyungseob which created a space next to Justin. The boy went red when you slid into the seat next to him, accidentally bumping his arm. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" You exclaimed but he assured you he was fine. Regardless, you grabbed his arm and ran your hand over it. "Are you sure? You can't get hurt!" He couldn't even utter words. Should I? Whatever, I should. You took his arm and slung it over your shoulders before turning back to him, a sultry ( keep it PG you're both kids ) smile on your lips. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Justin cleared his throat and suddenly adopted a blank expression. "My girlfriend is here today." No...... He held up his - well Euiwoong's pocket mirror - to your face. You burst into a fit of giggles. "Nice one, Justin. I knew I could recognise you." Sigh, let's see what happens during this short time of filming. ( this is so bittersweet i’m sorry )
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flowerconcept-blog · 7 years
soulmates can basically see what the other is doing in their dreams, but it usually only works if one of them is asleep and the other is awake
as children it's pretty rare to have frequent dreams, but the closer you get to meeting your soulmate the more likely you are to see thru their eyes. there are also soulmate dreams that happen when both soulmates are asleep, and some soulmate couples who have a strong bond can interact with each other in those dreams and remember them when they wake up
as a kid you never really had the dreams that some of your friends talked about, but you figured it was good because it meant your soulmate was sleeping well!!!!!
it wasn't until you were almost done with high school that you started having more dreams...... short ones but dreams nonetheless, and in most of them you knew your soulmate was practicing for something
and you also knew he was in seoul now..... whereas before in your rare dreams you knew he was in japan somewhere
knowing he was close to you was comforting but also worried you, because ...... it made the concept of meeting him realer and for all your life you had gotten used to the distance between you
meanwhile, yuta has always been a sucker for the idea of meeting his soulmate, and when he got into sm he knew he was going to be closer to his soulmate
when he first met his members he told all of them that his soulmate was in seoul and they were like ........ cool? i guess?
but even though you're closer now, it’s only after he debuts that he really starts to dream about you, mostly because he has to nap so much that whenever he dozes off for half an hour he'll see you having lunch with friends or studying for a test or in class
and to see through your eyes, knowing that you're living a normal life happily and pursuing an education, makes him really proud even though you haven't met
right when he wakes up from naps he'll babble to whoever will listen about what his soulmate is doing, mostly because he wants to hold onto the dreams and hold onto you in some way
leading up to his debut and after his debut, your dreams become more frequent, too, but you're dreaming of him at odd hours rehearsing and you wonder what on earth your soulmate could be doing
until one day you have a dream of performing in front of a large audience and when you wake up still full of adrenaline you realize your soulmate must be an idol?!?!???
and suddenly it all clicks ........ the fact that he's been rehearsing for something for so long ........ the dreams in mirrored rooms ...... the blurry faces of the boys he rooms with in that small apartment
but even though you've realized this, you still dont know who your soulmate is!!!!! because try as hard as you can you can't remember his name
as nct 127 gets more and more successful you get used to the dreams of cameras and huge stadiums and foreign countries, even though you worry that your soulmate isn’t getting enough sleep
you wish you led a more exciting life so your soulmate could have dreams as exciting as yours are, but little do you know yuta treasures your ordinary part time job and slightly dingy apartment
then ....... one day you're shopping and you see a cardboard cutout of a beautiful idol ..... and for a moment you try to figure out where you know him from but then you suddenly know that its your soulmate
for a while you don't know what to do with the information
because ,,,,,,,,, as much as you'd like to go to a fansign or something to meet him ,,,,,,, you're really afraid because nakamoto yuta of nct 127 is an idol and he looks like he isn't real and you're just you ,,,,,
and what if you go and he doesn't recognize you? or even worse, he rejects you?? you can't imagine how many crazy fans have claimed to be his soulmate and you don't want to be grouped in with them
you don't mean to, but the fear messes with your soul bond, and you stop having the soulmate dreams….. and also yuta isnt seeing your life in dreams anymore....... or he doesn't remember the dreams anymore, but either way he misses you and he's worried about you
finally tho your best friend gets tired of seeing you moping….. and she tricks you and drags you to an nct fansign event!!!!!!!
when you realize where you are and you see yuta in real life your heart stops!!! because how can one person be so perfect ??? and how can that person be your SOULMATE????? you really try to run away but your best friend is like “listen im getting my album signed and you are coming with me”
as she moves down the line of boys (boys you remember from your dreams, boys a part of you feels like you know from all those years yuta spent with them) you get more and more nervous and your heart is beating so hard in your chest
until finally you’re in front of yuta …. and he’s laughing at something the boy next to him said and you’re honestly about to pass out until he looks at you and you make eye contact and suddenly …… you feel this calm wash over you
and nakamoto yuta smiles the cheesiest grin in the world and leans forward and goes “i knew my soulmate was beautiful, but how can someone be so lovely~~~”
you feel your entire face go red and suddenly you’re being shuffled along to the next boy and yuta is smiling at the next fan in line
you’re almost worried that he was using a generic line on you when a staff member taps you on the shoulder and asks if you can come to the backstage waiting area until the end of the fansign
and ur like ??!??!??!??! and instinctively look over to yuta, who catches your eye and gives the smallest lil wink and you…… honestly how did you end up with such a greasy soulmate……….
but of course you go with the staff and settle in to wait to meet yuta ,,, trying to keep calm but your hands are shaking as you try to scroll through instagram
meanwhile yuta can’t contain his excitement, because the second he saw you he knew you were his soulmate!!! and to know you’re waiting for him makes him bounce a little in his seat like a kid again
doyoung is like……… chill tf out
but as soon as the fansign is over yuta practically sprints to the waiting room, and before you know it he’s pulling you into his arms and lifting you off the ground like it’s a drama or something
as soon as he puts you down he introduces himself and when you tell him your name he’s like “ah… pretty~~” and you honestly don’t know if he is actually like this or if he’s still in idol mode
you only get to spend like 20 minutes together before his manager is like “yuta we have to go” but you exchange numbers and he promises that he’ll tell you the second he has any free time
it’s like a week and a half before he calls you asking if you’re free, but he texts you as much as he can and you feel like you’ve already been friends for years by the time he’s picking you up at your apartment in a hat and mask
but when he takes your hand and the two of you walk to a little restaurant down the street, it feels right ,,,,, and when he kisses you on the cheek at your door ,,,,,, it feels right
after the first couple of dates he dials down the greasy lines, but when you’re together he always wants to have physical contact of some sort, whether it’s holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you
when you’re over at the dorm he pulls you into his lap and glares at literally anyone who looks at you … and ur like “yuta stop it you’re my soulmate why would i bother with taeyong”
he enjoys biting/kissing your ear and it always makes you squirm and scold him which makes him enjoy it even more
always apologizes to you for not being able to take you out on extravagant dates because he always has to keep it low profile to avoid scandals, but you tell him that as long as you’re with him it’s okay…… then immediately cringe after you’ve said it because he starts to squeal about how sweet you are
but even though he loves when you’re affectionate he loves it just as much when you’re like “yuta. those pants are hideous” or text him photos of his mushroom hair laughing at him or EVEN BETTER when you gang up on doyoung with him
brings you back little gifts from every single place he travels to and you have a little bookshelf full of them ,,,,,,,,,,, pretends he hates being little spoon but secretly really enjoys it,,,,,,,,, buys you stuffed animals and is like “for when i can’t cuddle with you~~~”
once you’ve been together for a while you guys start to share dreams, and he honestly thrives off of it when he’s on tour because it’s like you’re with him
in interviews or streams he’s always doing corny shit and then texts you like “did u see me on vlive today???? did u??? did u????” and ur like “yes”
really really good at picking up on your moods and is really good at making you happy, whether it’s with a cute selfie or a late night phone call or he sneaks out to come see you
and even though you mess around with him sometimes, you’re always there for him when he’s not feeling his best or is worried he’s not good enough for nct or sm or even you……  the second he doesn’t send a heart emoji with his “hello” ur like “what’s wrong my osaka prince?????”
he really regrets having to be apart so much but promises you that when the two of you are older he’ll buy a pretty house wherever you want to live and you’ll spend the rest of your days together
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suhsexual · 7 years
So I was just scrolling through your blog when I saw something about a sasaeng fan site and nct dream and I'm confused, would you mind explaining to me?
Tbh I’m not that informed about the situation, but from what I know:
Mark In My Heart (MIMH), a mark fansite on twitter, was exposed for being a sasaeng fan along with MysteryStranger, a Jeno sasaeng fan
She and MysteryStranger always wait outside the boys’ dorm, to the extent where Doyoung has to tell Mark to hide if he sees her before Mark does. So because of this, MIMH hates Doyoung. You can clearly tell he’s really scared of her in this gif because as soon as he spots her, he basically freaks tf out
They both always wait outside SOPA (the boys’ high school) for Mark and Jeno, and whenever Mark saw MIMH, he would call his parents, that’s how scared he is (Mark’s reaction to seeing MIMH at school)
When they were still trainees, MIMH gave Mark something and donghyuk told their manager. So she also hates Donghyuk 
MysteryStranger, her roommate is a Jaehyun sasaeng fan. They both went to SOPA and faked a photo with Jeno, Jae’s sasaeng fan took a picture of MysteryStanger stalking Jeno; standing right next to him as he walked home from school 
Also during a fansign, MIMH was being really rude to Jaehyun and threw the album in front of him on the table.
The twitter that posted those tweets, they posted a load of other stuff exposing the two of the sasaeng fans and honestly it’s so messed up. MysteryStranger has Jeno’s contact details, MIMH stalked Mark at a fast food place. MIMH also always posts pictures to her private account of her stalking the boys, she posts pictures of Donghyuk and calls him mean things in the captions
Here’s a link to MIMH��‘fan’ account, some pictures you can see he’s scared…
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