#but it is a horror for the npc hahaha
isekyaaa · 1 year
Speaking of faceless extras, it'd be fun to write a story from the perspective of essentially a faceless NPC. Like literally when they look in the mirror, they don't have any eyes or a nose. Only a mouth. They're only attracted to clothes that literally every other NPC wears. Their hair color is a muddy brown. Honestly they are not sure they even have a name.
That being said, they know they are in a story. They know who the main characters are. It's hard not to. The main characters have faces, bright clothes, and funky hair styles and colors. The NPC don't know what the story is, but from their place within it, they are able to watch everything unfold. They aren't upset though. They know their role is to fill up blank space and they're happy with it. It's safer that way.
Then on a very random day that something very small ends up interrupting their schedule. They realize at the end of the day that they forgot their umbrella. One of the kind protagonists notice and lends them her umbrella. The NPC doesn't give it much attention. That character is known for being kind and helpful, after all. But then everything slowly starts changing from there.
Soon seats are changed and the NPC finds themselves sitting beside the girl. They don't think much of it at first. The girl is still preoccupied by her main and side character friends. The only time she addresses them is when she greets them in the morning or when she picks up an eraser they accidentally drop. But then it becomes more. One day the girl is absent and she comes back a few days after and asks to borrow the NPC's notes. Then she starts making conversation with them when her friend group is busy during lunch.
The NPC tries not to think too much about it all. While the girl is starting to befriend them, she doesn't belong to the same class as the rest of the main characters. It wouldn't be like the NPC's interactions with her would be broadcast in the story.
But then a haircut gone wrong one day occurs, and the NPC begins to stand out a little bit more. Just a tad. The girl says it looks nice. The NPC tries not to think about it. Then on an errand to buy clothes, they almost find themselves purchasing a jacket that's slightly more saturated than they normally go for. They find their interest beginning to grow in accessories and piercings. The NPC tries to ignore it.
It all culminates one afternoon where the NPC is returning from their club to their classroom. They find themselves passing the clubroom of the protagonists, and from there floats the sweet voice of the girl. She's talking about someone rather cheerily. Then she mentions a name, one that the NPC has never heard before. And yet, they know this name. They know it horrifyingly well.
It's their name.
Panic overtakes them. Sweat drips down the back of their neck as they take a step back in fear. They run.
They're not seen at a school for the few days following. They know it'll only make them stand out more, but they're too afraid. They don't want to face her. Their purpose is being torn away from them and they're terrified to know what'll result because of it. They weren't supposed to be destined for more. And if that meant locking themselves in their home until the danger passed, then so be it.
But a knock at the front door interrupts their frenzied thoughts. Their mom calls for them to answer it. She is busy putting on makeup, but she mentions she is expecting a package. They trudge to the door, but the person that meets them isn't a deliveryman. It is one of their classmates, an NPC like themselves. He stands before them alone. The girl, their neighbor, one of the protagonists—she is nowhere to be seen. The classmate tells them they were missed at school. He brought the homework they missed, as well as notes from their various classes.
It's almost shocking how normal everything is. Were they freaking out over nothing? If they were changing, it would've been either a main or side character at their door, right? But instead, it was someone like themselves.
So, in relief, they thank their classmate for bringing them their homework and turn to leave. But before they can do so, they notice their classmate staring at them oddly. Before they can ask, the classmate speaks.
"Has anyone ever told you you have an interesting eye color?"
Their body acts before their brain does, and they turn to face their reflection in the glass door. They don't know why they find themselves staring so intently when it's the face they have seen their entire life. But at the very least, their classmate is right.
It is an interesting color.
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13eyond13 · 6 days
One of the main things I dislike about book 2 Lestat vs book 1 Lestat is it just takes away a lot of the interesting mystery about his character in the first book to have him definitively answer everything like: "oh actually I WAS hiding a bunch of secrets of the vampire universe and rules and hierarchy and history from you the entire time, and actually I WAS also filthy rich secretly the entire time due to a treasure left to me by my maker and didn't actually need you for your money at all, and also I wasn't a bit insecure about my lower class upbringing and poorer education and trying to compensate for that by being both showy and secretive about myself I was actually a noble, and also I CAN do a bunch of other vampire things that I never taught you to do or did in front of you even though we lived together in the same house as a family for like 70 years, and yes I DO hate following rules and doing what I'm told and keeping secrets but I did it because Marius said your fragile minds couldn't handle the truth if I DID tell you anything else, and also I DIDN'T want any revenge on Claudia or blame her for attempting to murder me or think I maybe should undo what I did by making her one bit, I was just being forced by the even EVILLER vampire to have her condemned to death, and also almost everything questionable or problematic or cruel that I did within the first book was either a lie told by Louis or secretly actually a kind and heroic thing I did because I cared about someone other than myself, IN FACT I SECRETLY THE ENTIRE TIME HAD A STRICT MORAL CODE I WAS FOLLOWING every time I casually killed an innocent npc in the first book, and whenever you watched on in horror at my cruelty and toying with my victims I was actually only killing scummy evildoers and Louis was just too dumb and romanticizing of humans to ever see it etc..." like FINE WHATEVER, I GUESS hahaha but I actually kind of liked you better when you were a bit meaner and a bit petty and a bit imperfect and a bit lame
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miniar · 5 months
I'm playing the most illegal character I can make in elder scrolls online and I find it hilarious.
When I say illegal, I mean that my literal class abilities (many of them) have red text atop the description. That red text only says the word CRIME!
What that means is that if npcs see me do these things they'll call the guards on me because I'm a necromancer... and necromancy is illegal.
Now, of course, that wasn't illegal enough, so I went and got my character snacked on by a friendly neighbourhood vampire. (Visited an altar where another player character preformed a vampyric bite upon mine, infecting me with their curse.)
Almost every vampire ability also has the word CRIME! atop the description, and this of course includes eating people. That's illegal you know.
Of course I gave this darling, malnourished looking dark elf the most hippy friendly name I could think of (Faðmar Heiminn - Icelandic for "Embraces the World") and all he wears is pinks and purples. Extremely non threatening twink that is 900% CRIME!
And thus, I walk from town to town, saving people, solving problems, and pretending to be not a necromancer and not a vampire.
There are so many interactions wherein an NPC will say something about the horror of necromancy and I'll only have one possible answer that boils down to a "that's horrible" but as my character isn't voiced, the tone this is delivered in within my head is inevitably one that would be consdered amateur theatre overacting.
Tonight I was tasked to bring a vial of vampire blood to save the Skald-King from poisioning.... and the only answer available to my character was "where would I get vampire blood?"
Where would I even get that? HAHAHA that sounds insane? Vampire blood? Are those even real? HA HA HA HA HA I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE WHERE I COULD EVEN BEGIN TO LOOK FOR THAT!! please ignore how red my eyes are I haven't been sleeping well and the pallor is... uuuuh... too much dungeon.. underground.. not enough sun... HAH HAH HAH VamPIRE bLOOD? Weird!
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tangerinesteve · 2 years
📺 🤖👻
Hope you’re having a great weekend! ✨
Aaahh! Hello!! Thank youuuu!
📺 Do you watch horror movies? If yes, which are your favorite?
Oh i absolutely do!!! Love them!!! My all time favorite is the first Scream movie. But i love these ones too: Ready or Not, Final Destination (they're all fun), The Ring, Frailty (you gotta watch it if you haven't seen it), Candyman's a classic, and all the old slasher movies like friday the 13th, Halloween, nightmare on elm street. I grew up on horror movies and there are SO MANY good ones!!!
🤖 If you were a video game NPC, what would your catchphrase be?
Uuuuuuuhhhh, oh my god.... this is hilarious i suddenly have no thoughts in my head.... maybe... i wanna say.... something about chickens or cats.... or like... one of those npcs that dont talk directly to you but just walk past and ramble about stuff. I wanna ramble about making the perfect soup!!!! idk. Such an odd answer idk idk!!! Hahaha!
👻 what is something in an animated movie or cartoon that scared you as a kid?
I dont remember anything that like, full on scared me. But i DO remember that scene in Tarzan where the bad guy falls and gets tangled in the vines and there's lightning and you just see his shadow swinging on the tree cuz he'd been hung by the vines. It didn't scare me but it definitely left an impression. Like... was definitely unsettling.
THANK YOU!!! my weekend is going well!!! I hope yours is too!!!! 💚💖💚
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tearlessrain · 22 days
HELLO, I'm going to try and be the chance I want to see in the world, hahaha. So TELL ME PLEASE, who is your favourite swtor OC? And how do you relate them to the story of the game; is it canon for them, do you write/imagine/rp stories for them adjacent to the game or totally divorced from it...?
eeeey thank you for the ask! sorry it's taken me so long to get to it, my brain has not been cooperative on any front this week
I have several I'm very attached to but I'd have to say my favorite is my Imp Agent, Khatte Antilles (pronounced "cat." he's a cathar. I originally made him as a joke character before he developed a personality/backstory and now I just have to live with my choices.)
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the fact that I had to go back four years in my art folders to find an image of him suitable for all audiences really tells you all you need to know already tbh
Overall he lines up pretty strongly with the canon basegame Agent story, it was kinda one of those "if it ain't broke don't fix it" situations because I do love the Agent storyline a lot. The headcanons kick in more in the DLC/Alliance zone and in his backstory, and I definitely fiddled with the timeline of things because he was very young for his first mission on Hutta (definitely no older than 20, probably closer to 17/18, he lied about his age and joined ImpInt at 13 claiming he was 16 so that makes everything more complicated. he only got away with it because the people doing his paperwork were all human and Imperial and had no idea what a 16 year old cathar would actually look like), but he's in his mid 20s for most of the basegame questline and in his early 30s by the Zakuul era. Basically it all works out that there are some unaccounted for years between Hutta and the rest of act one, and some very accounted for years during the Carbonite Timeskip because he's not the canon Commander and being incorrectly frozen in carbonite is one of the few medical horrors that hasn't happened to him. He spent that time having a mental breakdown because he believed that the only person he still trusted in the galaxy had been killed by the Empire, and channeled his feelings about that into wiping out every trace of the Castellan Restraints and their development, including the people who worked on the project. It was all very dramatic and probably would have also have included himself if Lana Beniko hadn't tracked him down before the Empire did and dragged him back to the Alliance to help organize and lead their Intelligence division, which wasn't fun for anybody but did ultimately lead to him getting therapy and starting to heal from the clusterfuck that was his career.
I also expanded on his relationship with a few NPCs quite a bit, he's got a History with Darth Jadus and met him not long after joining ImpInt, because Jadus saw someone that young and vulnerable as a perfect opportunity to mold himself a loyal (or at least scared into submission) man on the inside and eventual personal Hand. it did not work out for him; Khatte was both more willful and more loyal to Keeper than he bargained for, and by the events of the game he absolutely loathed Jadus and also knew him well enough to handily unravel the rest of his plan. he clashed even harder with Zhorrid once she "inherited" him because unlike Jadus he held no fear or respect toward her and no amount of getting barbecued by Force lightning at every meeting would change his mind. This has all lead to him having a distinctly unfavorable view toward Sith, which he voices probably more often than is advisable for one's continued health and safety in the Empire.
he also had an extremely toxic and mutually abusive situationship with Hunter throughout the latter two acts that he's still unpacking the baggage from to this day, and still has a much healthier slow burn romance with Vector (let him kiss the bug man EA I am begging you it's 2024).
But yeah, Alliance era he's honestly thriving as much as could be expected for someone with his history, I've got him in a whole multiverse situation with some friends' ocs where he's free to be a horny disaster in a much safer and healthier way than he used to be.
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characteroulette · 2 years
Okay. Let's actually talk about this.
Player character personality as player choice: an essay.
The Persona games are often cites as having cardboard cutout protagonists, like many other games in which you play as a silent protagonist. After all, they're made to just be the player avatar. You, the player, get to decide which actions you get to take as them.
However, haven't you ever felt constrained by the choices you're given? Don't you wish for better options that better reflect the character you're playing or your own personality? Surely, it's a simple constraint of video games as a medium. The creators can't account for every possibility, after all. The game can't diverge into a million different choices, after all.
But, may I posit: it's not actually your choices you're making.
Every option you get in these scenes is actually a thought and decision your protagonist would make. Every option is also in service of informing you of your protagonist's personality and I think this is the most understood thing about player choices in gaming.
Of course the Persona 5 protagonist doesn't give you many options to be kind to Yusuke or Mishima. He doesn't actually like them. Of course the Persona 4 protagonist would give you the option to claim you're Jesus to some random npc. He's a weirdo who has weird thoughts.
Perhaps I'm just stretching, but this reading into the stated personality explains a lot about the types of choices you get to pick. It also becomes more fun when you realise that the Persona protagonists are designed to be manipulative, saying what their Social Links want to hear, just like real people can do when thrown into these sorts of situations. It speaks both of a desperation for friends and a cruel mirror towards the audience (that most gamers don't recognise, let's be real).
Anyway, analysing the protagonist's character through the player options is good actually and explains a lot about how writers portray these protagonists in peripheral media. Sometimes, these actively contradict each other (PQ comes to mind, concerning how you the player treat Yukari while in control of the Persona 3 protagonist versus the way the Persona 3 protagonist treats Yukari when he has free reign, but that's a whole other debate because Persona 3's protagonist is a horror story of the player choice overriding most of his own character entirely), but the way they mostly inform one another is a great little writing trick that I think more people should be examining.
(I have way more thoughts on the way that game mechanics also inform characterisation, like Yosuke having healing spells is obviously just to help you in the early game before you get Yukiko but it's super cute how he's so supportive it manifests through his Persona skills!! But this essay's not about that specifically hahaha)
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Reading One Piece pt 199: Dr. Hogback
Chapter 446
- That mansion is big
- “I can see a courtyard on the other side” so it’s a walkthrough? Weird
- There’s an old well. Wishing well?
- Who’s that girl? And why is she throwing plates at Usopp? I am confusion
- Cindry-chan, huh? Then the one speaking would be…
- Why the story about plates. I mean thank you, I understand now, but the shadowy boss sounds like the guy in DnD meeting who will tell his character’s tragic backstory to the first NPC the party meets. Or like that one guy who was standing behind me and my mom in the queue in the market and told us his life story without prompting. There’s a reason you have to unlock lever 4 of friendship for that kind of talk, people
- So that’s Dr. Hogback. …I decided against being mean, just know I don’t like his design, especially the pants
- Lol, no authority in his own mansion :D
- Chopper! Is! Happy! And That’s What Counts!
- “Besides… I…” oh? Secrets already?
- (his face really looks more like a mask than a face. Wonder if that’s relevant)
- Nice dining hall
- “So you’re here to study zombies?” “Indeed!” nice
- “Meddling with life and death is a medical science considered heresy” alright, you can stay, Dr. Mad Scientist, I know your deal
- (He’s talking about “The revived dead”. The irony here is both we and Straw Hats met a revived dead in Brook and he’s not exactly happy about it. Or replicable for study
- Chopper will get his autograph! :D
- They explained why no plates but it’s still so random :D Use spoons for that pudding, boys
- Usopp’s asking about Brook and Dr. Hogback clearly heard of our grandpa skeleton. The Plot is Thickening
- Bathroom time for our trio. Well, for Nami, Usopp and Chopper guard the door. smart
- They’re arguing if they should leave at night. I honestly don’t know what’s a good move here
- “This mansion is full of zombies” well, I guess
- Yeah, Nami thinks Dr. Hogback and zombies are buddies, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to live so close
- “You’re a smart woman…” huh?
- Invisible ghost + fanservice got Nami glued naked to a wall. This is bad
- Usopp, Chopper, you morons, help her!!!!!
- Oh, Chopper can smell those invisible ghost! Or invisible person, as it turns out!
- Yeah, explode them, Usopp!
- …I think they ran away but at least Nami is safe
- (don’t get me wrong, it’s a total fanservice but… I can’t even be mad for that one. After all, aren’t most of us scared of being attacked by a serial killer while naked in the shower? Especially after horror marathons. Looks like we’re getting all the nightmare fodder in that arc)
- And now we’re back to Thousand Sunny. How is our Strong Team faring?
- They’re in a giant spider’s web. That kinda suggests a giant spider is nearbly. Does anyone have arachnophobia here
- Ah, they’re not stuck on the ship, they’re stuck on the island! You should say it first.
- Hah, monsters wanted Straw Hats to be stuck here. They don’t know it’s them who are stuck with Straw Hats now
- Luffy is happy to explore the island with his friends :D
- In the moat
- Cerberus is here again but he’s getting a wildly different welcome
- “I wonder if it’s yummy” “!!!!” hahaha poor Cerberus :D
Alright, I’m still confused but at least everyone’s on the island now.
rOP 198  rOP 200
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veiled-legacy · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
Hello! I decided to make a tag that would allow me to get to know more about my followers and their favorite video games! If you love talking about video games and their characters, this is your chance!
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Pretty sure it was Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64 Favorite game: Either SWTOR or Dragon Age Game you’ve played through multiple times: Knights of the Old Republic!! Game you hated at first but now love: World of Warcraft (I got into the lore) Game you used to love but now hate: Sims 2. I love building and it’s so frustrating to build in after playing Sims 4 for so long Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Shout out to God of War! Gorgeous game Game with the best group/companion(s): Love the Dragon Age Inquisition companions! Dragon Age just has amazing companions in general in all 3 games A game with your favorite ending: Last of Us was great! Undertale too! A game with the WORST ending: Knights of the Old Republic 2. I don’t know, I just hate it. Also shout out to Mass Effect 3. Love the game. Ending left something to be desired. Best character customization?: With or without mods I love the Dragon Age customizations
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: Conor from Detroit Become Human (never played but loved watching his stuff) or snarky Sith Inquisitor that mains with lightning in SWTOR The funniest playable character: SWTOR Sith Inquisitor can be a HOOT or chaotic/sarcastic DA Inquisitor/Hawk (specifically the British male. Makes the lines funnier for some reason) Your favorite companion(s): Some of my faves are Dorian (DAI), Lana Beniko (SWTOR), Garrus (Mass Effect), Merrill (DA2), Cole (DAI), Varric (DA), Vette (SWTOR), Torian (SWTOR), Vector (SWTOR), Atton Rand (KOTOR2), Mission Vao (KOTOR), Hank (DBH)… so on and so on. Companions you could live without: Scorpio and Skadge in SWTOR for sure. Not a huge fan of Ashley from Mass Effect. North in Detroit.
Favorite game friendship(s): Gault and Bounty Hunter and Blizz and Bounty Hunter! Cole and Inquisitor and Varric and Inquisitor! Favorite game relationship(s): SheppardxGarrus, OCxTheron Shan, OCxLana Beniko, IAxVector, BHxTorian, DorianxInquisitor and CassandraxInquisitor are some of my favorites! Favorite companion banter: Alistair and Morrigan omg or Dorian and Iron Bull. Vette and Quinn are solid too! ATTON AND BAO DUR AND MICAL IN KOTOR2. A relationship you loved but went bad: Can we say SolasxInquisitor or what? A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: ConsularxFelix Iresso (SWTOR) A character you wish you COULD romance: Varric freaking Tethras. Don’t even get me started. Also Talos Drellik. ALSO could the relationship for AttonxExile been better in KOTOR2 please? A minor character you wish could be a companion: Okay hear me out. Jonas Balkar. Sanju Pyne. Scout Harding. Cytharat.
Shoutout to a random NPC: The one elf in Oblivion that sings badly on a bridge in that one town. I think about him sometimes hahaha A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Detroit Become Human! Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Most horror games like Resident Evil 7 or Outlast 1, 2 and whistleblower (tried to play the 1st and never made it past the first 10 minutes) Online gaming or solo?: Solo for me please. Even though I play SWTOR I don’t play in groups. Used to play WOW but just with my brother and sister-in-law Why do you play video games?: The same reason I love watching movies or TV shows or reading books. It allows you to escape to another world for a little while. That’s why I love story driven games so much. I also love how games can bring people together! Some of my favorite gaming videos to watch are Markiplier playing with his friends Bob and Wade. Just a lot of harmless fun and entertainment.
Tagging @the-worrier-warrior @winterfrostlegacy @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @commander-ralyle @fluffyteta @starknstarwars @darthvronton @rainofaugustsith @sheyshen @stargazing-sith @into-thegarbagechute-flyboy @shabre-legacy @charactercreationgirl @palepious and any other followers of mine or people who want to do this with their friends!
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1358456 · 4 years
Review Response, July 19-25, 2020
Another week!
Destiny #027
1)  Wow, I’m a little in awe. This chapter is unlike any of the others really. No strategy of the enemy’s that requires time to figure out. No Peter this, Zygarde that, it was actually a little refreshing. For once I actually knew what was truly going on lmao. Because the Hoenn legendaries were beyond thoughts not regarding the other. Huh... rivals... always thinking of each other... I think the Pokemon fandom is missing out on a real good ship here. Anyways haha like I was saying, it had sort of an apocalypse feel. And I actually really hate anything apocalyptic usually, but I didn’t this time. And I really commend you for that, for not creating that heavy feeling that just stays in you and drags down the entire story. I know that probably doesn’t make much sense... but as the audience it’s how I usually feel at apocalyptic scene and is the reason I hate them. This is probably done for a reason, but I personally feel that it’s shoddy work. Oh, I think I got a bit sidetracked... I was gonna explain why I was a bit in awe. I think it was because of how you wrote the chapter. It just gave me that feeling you know? The situation, the way you described it. I can’t even explain and probably just look like I’m fangirling, which to be fair I am, but I am a fan of how you write so it makes sense. First thing was how the situation slapped me in the face. Until now I’d only really thought of the dexholder’s deaths. So far no one outside of them has died. It was almost like regular citizens couldn’t be touched. But I realize now that I was being a little naive. Of course innocent people would die, this is something akin to a war. I had to pause for a moment there, imagining just how many people had died already. You’d already said the number, but numbers don’t make you think of the people themselves. Once you really start to think about it, you feel horrified. Since this is a fanfic, I didn’t feel the same amount of horror haha, but even if fictional, they’re still lives all the same aren’t they? It’s a really sad situation. Makes you realize exactly why the dexholders are so determined to bring down this guy. Or thing whatever. Speaking of lives I hope Winona is ok... Anyways, I’m so excited to read the next chapter that I think I’m gonna end this a little early kek so I can get ahead to it. Ugh I so wanna know what happens when Ruby and Sapphire get there. Maybe Sapphire will be able to gain control again? It’s definitely plausible since she’s so strong-minded. And I really hope she does. For the sake of everyone in Kalos. Maybe afterwards she can somehow knock some sense into Ruby. Could it be possible that they can get the legendaries to fight on their side...? I don’t want to hope too much, but it’d be such an advantage.
Huh. You hate apocalyptic settings, huh? I can understand that. I guess the persistent bleak hopelessness does kind of hamper a few things.
Technically, a whole ton of “NPCs” died in chapter 23 with Groudon’s awakening, but... chapter 27 is basically an extension of 23, so it’s like the same scene, I suppose. So... yeah. I guess none of those nameless fodder characters died yet. And now they’re dropping like flies because Destiny has the highest “NPC” death count. It will sink in a LOT in chapter 43... which is still a ways away. ... You might feel quite a bit of that horror in that chapter. Hahaha.
Destiny #028
1)  I was tired and fell asleep reading the chapter so that’s why I posted this in the morning haha, anyways. ...will her body rot? I mean that probably shouldn’t be my main focus, but I mean will she. Will her body stay fresh long enough? I wouldn’t want to fight a somewhat dead corpse for its smell. I mean I wouldn’t want to fight one if it smelled like roses, but you get my point. Speaking of Y, I wonder how everyone will handle seeing her. Now with her lovely acquirement of a skeletal arm, I doubt they’ll be too thrilled. But I guess they wouldn’t be thrilled either way, skeletal arm or no. X would no doubt react the worst. Oh I feel bad for the guy already. That’s some serious guilt he’ll put himself through. And so to will Y if she finds out he didn’t in fact quite kill her. It was a sound deduction I think, but she’s that type of person. All the dexholders are really, is it a hero thing? Cone to think of it, I don’t think her Pokémon will fight with her like that. Or would they? Ah geez I don’t know. If not then what use would Y be to Yveltal? Or Zygarde? If not to fight her friends. Maybe they’re gonna perform a satanic ritual and need a dead body or smth that’s all I got. And even if that wasn’t the case (thought I doubt it would be) why have her fight? This guy can brainwash practically anyone. There are a bunch of nice people to have fight for you. Why go for a dead chick? Well, I’m not privy to the thoughts of legendaries so I might as well give up. Anyways, somehow I feel that this little trip Platinum and Blue are going to take will either result in something great or awful. No in between. And seeing how this fic goes I’m more inclined to think it’s the latter. Hopefully she won’t get herself killed and manages to unbrainwash (is that a word?) Diamond. (Seriously Blue you didn’t mention before knowing how to unbrainwash people? A tad important don’t ya think?)
Hehe. Well... let’s not think about the decaying part as that makes a few things a bit awkward. “What the hell is that smell?! ... Is that still me?!” So for the sake of the story and some emotional scenes, the decay is delayed. Can’t make things too realistic or we end up right in our reality with no Pokemon or whatever.
Even if Y isn’t steaming mad at X for killing her, she’s still going to be steaming mad at him for leading the situation that got her killed in the first place. And she’s still going to be very hurt and desperate given what’s happening to her, and all that has to be directed somewhere. But more on that in chapter 32.
Ah, the Pokemon issue. For the sake of the story, if you mind control a trainer, it affects the Pokemon. Otherwise, mind control is meaningless. How does that work? ... It... just works. It’s like... if you mind control a transport unit, you get everything in the transport unit. ... Ahem. Anyways. ... But of course, Y isn’t mind controlled, but... for the others who actually are, keep this in mind.
Oh yeah. Blue didn’t tell Red that she knew of a way to cure the mind control. ... Well, she didn’t know that there were others who were mind controlled who were in any position to be rescued. And I guess she was a bit flustered from getting involved again?
DE #036
1)  Thought it was cool to see how Diamond’s character trait of wanting the best for Platinum could actually hurt her. Loved both the drama and fluff! Can't wait for more!
... I almost forgot that I wrote this chapter. Hm.
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And with that, the most recent chapter goes from “pitiful absolute minimum” to... “pitiful absolute minimum”. Well, it’ll still need 3x more to get above the average, so it looks like I won’t be touching this thing for a looooong time.
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atopearth · 4 years
Chrono Trigger Part 1 - A Colourful World of Different Ages
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As someone who has played Chrono Cross but not Chrono Trigger, I’m curious to see why it’s so beloved haha, right now it just makes me think of Dragon Ball all the time (because of the character designs). But, I’m really liking the soundtrack and atmosphere though, it really has that nostalgic homey feel that I love about JRPGs in the past. Lmao at the maid in the Mayor’s house, she tells you that you can help yourself to all the treasure chests in this house as if it’s a treasure trove and there’s only two chests!! Lady, don’t get my hopes up! Umm, I went to the fair where Lucca is showcasing her new invention or something and I think I just ate the old man’s lunch!! LOL, I’m sorry old man. I might have to restart just because I feel bad eating it. Is Marle a princess btw? Anyway, lmao at the Biggs and Wedge in the horror house lolll. Ohhh I guess this is how the two games are similar? They both have a pendant that causes them to kinda be transported somewhere else? It’s really cool of Crono to chase after Marle when she disappeared though! I mean, who knows where she went! At least it’s not the fault of Lucca’s invention lol, since it worked properly when Crono was on it without the necklace haha. I assume that this is the past when there was a war going on and this Queen Leene that the people are saying have been found is probably Marle? Oh wait, 600 AD? It’s 400 years ago! HAHAHA omg the little green/blue Piccolo monster can ride on the ball monster hahahaha how cute. Anyway, as expected, we’re going to have to find the real queen, since if she dies, Marle/Princess Nadia isn’t going to exist~ Dunno why Marle keeps disappearing though! On another note, Lucca sure came here fast and found Crono in no time lol!
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Damn, monster nuns?! Awww! A frog guy to the rescue!! HAHAHA Frog has a skill called slurp that licks a party member and heals their HP hahahaha. I guess the reason why Marle “disappeared” and came back was because Queen Leene’s life was in danger, so Marle’s existence was questioned. Lmao at everyone in the castle now saying that yeah Marle couldn’t have been Leene after all since she ate so much and had no manners🤣🤣 I feel sorry for Frog but I can understand why he blames himself, he was the Queen’s knight and yet she got captured by Yakra… At least he saved her! Lucca is pretty amazing to be able to make a gate key to keep the gate there for them to go back to their time. She’s not dodgy at her inventions at all! Well, I didn’t expect it to go well but I didn’t think bringing Marle back to the castle would make her father etc think Crono was a kidnapper. Well, it’s just the dodgy Chancellor mainly but still. Lmao at the trial, like I’m sorry I picked up Marle’s pendant before caring about her lmao, she was already standing dude! Yes, I’m such a terrible person LOL. Anyway, apparently helping the girl find her cat was enough to make Crono a good enough guy lol. I guess not eating grandpa’s lunch really helped my case too HAHAHA. Not that it matters since the Chancellor still wants to execute Crono! I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to let Crono keep his weapons whilst in jail though lmao. LMAO at the piece of paper detailing the weaknesses of the tank boss, “as long as no crazy lunatic starts hacking at it with a sword, it should be invincible” hahahaha. I love how Lucca always comes to save the day though, she’s so cool haha. Hahahah I love how the dragon tank explodes on the bridge and the Chancellor and mechanics are then used as the broken part of the bridge for you to cross (since they’re all holding on to their dear lives) hahaha. It was pretty reckless of them to all run and jump into a Gate though, like who knows where it goes?!
It’s kinda saddening that these people (in 1999 AD/destroyed future?) seem to be at the mercy of their own technology that they developed, especially when Doan said they were atop food storage but they can’t access it because the robots are protecting it. Imagine starving on top of a pile of food… Ohh wow, so 1999 AD the day of Lavos is when Lavos appeared from underground around the world and destroyed it all? I was so nervous about losing to Johnny in the race across the ruins but lmaoo it doesn’t even matter! It’s not that far! And I have to go back into the ruins to get a chest anyway loll. Omgg Robo is such a cutie! It was so saddening when his “friends” called him a defect (since Lucca fixed him and he’s not a normal robot following the functions of killing intruders) and thrashed him! Even I had trouble dealing with them though, way too many robots lol. Anyway, we really gotta appreciate how amazing Lucca is to be able to fix future machinery like dang. Now we have a new friend too! 
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Omg the End of Time? It looks pretty much like the Bend of Time in Chrono Cross, it’s kinda cool how funky these things are haha. Wow, for a second, I was wondering whether 1000 AD was actually their home world and time hahaha, it was so different, I was confused! But it seems that in the underworld or whatever that’s where the fiends are living, and they hate the humans and wished that the Magus who created the Lavos killed all the humans 400 years ago? Hmm I wonder why they didn’t kill them all back then and instead decided to kill the humans around 1999 AD? I wonder if talking to Magus or stopping him from creating the Lavos will solve things… Wow, I can’t believe the war here seems to be speeding up really fast! I wonder who is the hero? On the other hand, I never realised the Commander and chef in the castle were brothers! It’s kinda cute how they’re both rough around the edges being stubborn about how their respective teams are more exhausted etc but in the end, they understand how difficult a time it is and will always help each other out. Didn’t think the king himself nearly fought to his death though, how reckless! Lmao at spiced jerky being the rations that the soldiers needed hahahaha.
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Lmao at the Freelancer monster (that looks like a bird), it legit throws rocks at you hahahaha. LMAO at the sheep looking guy that says mountains are so nice, I legit kept talking to him because I felt that there must be a reason for him to be here and lolll if you annoy him enough times he gives you a magic capsule hahahah! I nearly died when he said “you’re not gonna leave me alone huh” LOL. Well, I didn’t expect to find Masamune on a random mountain! They’re so cute separated as two little kids though, yet so ugly in their combined monster form lmaoo. Well, it was to be expected that the real hero was actually Frog, but to think he has the hilt for Masamune! I feel like he feels he’s undeserving to be the hero not just because he wasn’t able to protect the Queen properly though hmmm. Dang, Ayla gets a cool introduction! Didn’t expect her to come from 65,000,000 BC though when I first saw her in the opening. Honestly though, it felt as if Crono fell in love with her at first sight haha! Anyway, it’s kinda cool to come all the way here for the Dreamstone (to fix the Masamune), it kinda reminds me of Chrono Cross when they had to go to Another World for hydra stuff since it was extinct in their own world. Glenn huh? Anyway, didn’t expect Magus to be a good looking guy! Well, he’s a bunch of pixels but I think he’s good looking! Lol!
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I can see why Frog was so adamant on not going along with Crono and them before. He was Glenn, the guy who went along with Cyrus (the Captain of the castle who everyone admired, and even the King and Queen relied on him very much and still speak about him) to defeat Magus, but in the end, Cyrus sacrificed his life to protect Glenn so he could survive and retreat, yet in the end, Magus just turned him into a frog because of the “coward” he was. Not only that, but Cyrus’ last words asked of Frog to protect the queen and them, and yet the queen was kidnapped in the beginning of the story. So you can really see why he would feel so unworthy of being the hero that will save this land. But now that the weapon Cyrus wielded has been fixed (Masamune) and there are new companions enlisting for his help, I think it’s about time Frog stopped blaming himself! It’s time to show Magus that he’s not a coward! It was pretty cool to see Frog slash a mountain in half, like dang, I guess Cyrus was right to say Frog was stronger than him, he just never had the confidence since he was always stunted by his fear. Well, Ozzie is pretty annoying with his traps lmao, kinda childish at the same time though hahaha! I guess it was expected that Magus only summoned Lavos and didn’t create them since they’re beings that have stayed under the planet(?) consuming power etc to become as strong as they are to end up destroying the world in the future.
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Crono and them riding the Dactyl to the reptite castle was cool haha! I feel sad for Kino that he doesn’t get to fight alongside them though, especially since he’s aware that he’s not as strong as Crono and Ayla. Lmaooo at Nizbel complaining about Crono and them walking past him even though he was flexing his muscles and showing them that they needed to defeat him before they can get to Azala hahahah. Hmm, Lavos creates these time gates? 12,000 BC time!
For now, I’m really enjoying Chrono Trigger more than I thought I would! I’ve always averted from time travel stories because I never really found them too interesting, but I really love how the idea is implemented in this, like, it’s literally fun! Not only do you get to see how different the different eras are, but I think the monsters, the people and everything is just so detailed and interesting. Like, it’s hard to forget the NPCs and stuff because they all have such personality, like whether it be the chef and the commander in the castle, the monsters playing ball with each other, and just everyone you encounter along the journey really shows how colourful the world is and how interesting it is to explore it all. The graphics may not be the best considering how old it is, but I think they’re so cute. I kinda wish Crono actually talked or nodded and stuff a bit more, but I guess it’s okay since the rest of the characters talk haha. Honestly though, I think the charm of the game is definitely in the aspect of adventuring in time and how different everything is, yet also how enjoyable it is. And you kinda get a side dose of we need to save the world from Lavos, so it has the typical JRPG feel to it as well haha. Combat is also pretty interesting! Not too hard as well so that’s great, but I really love the dual techs where two characters cooperate to do one skill, I just love watching all the different combinations!
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sweetheart-minnie · 6 years
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Lilian “Lily” Rose Turner: NPC Aesthetic && Character Sheet 
One shot for yesterday, Two shots for misery, Three shots for them hating me.
Birthday:  October 30th 1992  Hogwarts House (Primary): Slytherin Hogwarts House (Secondary): Slytherin Myers-Briggs: ESTP Zodiac: Scorpio Weight: 120 lb Height: 5’4
Mother: Molly Turner (deceased) Father: Derek Turner (deceased) Mother’s Occupation: High school teacher taught Science, specifically Biology Father’s Occupation: Architect.  Family Finances: Middle class when her parents were alive Birth Order: She’s a twinn, but she’s the baby twin. They are identical twinss!!!  Siblings: Leanne Riley Turner Other Close Family: None, biologically anyways. She did get adopted though and so does Leanne by a couple when they were sixteen. She’s close to her adoptive parents Robert and Amanda Johnson Best Friend: Minnie!! Other Friends: She’s great friends with her co-workers: Aria, and Kristi Enemies: She’s not much of a girl that collect enemies although she has a fighting spirit and will easily get up in someone’s face  Pets: None but she does love Figaro!!  Home Life During Childhood: It was happy in the begining, but then her parents died and she and her twin sister ended up in foster care. That was how Minnie originally met the twins. They were in foster care together.  Town or City Name(s): Swynlake, England. London, England What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: Sort of an organized chaos. She wasn’t the neat twin, that was always Leanne, but she isn’t horrible either. She doesn’t leave clothes hanging around, other things, yes.  Any Sports or Clubs: In high school she was definitely into sports. She played basket ball, but wasn’t that much of a club girl.  Schooling: High school and college graduate. Graduated from Pride U.  Favorite Subject: Science and Math Popular or Loner: She was actually pretty popular, not the most popular girl in school, but popular enough Important Experiences or Events: Parents died when she was twelve and her and her sister where sent of to foster care after that. Eventually was adopted with her twin sister. Made it to Swynlake when she got accepted to Pride U and there she met Minnie again!!  Health Problems: None for now Culture: English Religion and beliefs: Grew up Presbyterian doesn’t follow a lick of it
Bad Habits: Blunt, sarcastic, crass, avid night partier  Good Habits: Funny, loyal, caring, honest, hard-working,  Best Characteristic: Confident Worst Characteristic: Loud Worst Memory: The death of her parents  Best Memory: Back in foster care when her and Minnie were in the orphanage during that waiting period, they had snuck into the kitchen when it was dark and everyone was asleep. She had to convince Minnie to do this excursion because she was the best at picking locks. They got in successfully and ate ice-cream all night. Best part? They got away with everything scant free!! Proud of: Getting through schooling and even becoming a nurse after everything that was against her Embarrassed by: Her sister and Minnie too hahaha bc Minnie always keeps her in line... for the most part Driving Style: Pretty decent can suffer from road rage from time to time especially if stuck behind a slow ass car Strong Points: Confident, bold, honest, care-free, loyal, good true-real friend!!! Temperament: Sanguine Attitude: Assertive Weakness: Anyone back-stabbing her. It takes a lot for Lily to trust people because of her back story. Anyone hurting the people she cares for because she’ll fight for those she loves.  Fears: Losing those she loves.  Phobias: Centipedes. They scare the fuck out of her.  Secrets: She doesn’t really have any she’s pretty much an open book. She does hold the secret of Minnie’s birthday, Minnie doesn’t share her birthday.  Regrets: The day of her parents death, Lily had an argument with them. She still wishes till this day that she had told them she loved them.  Feels Vulnerable When: Talking about her feelings Pet Peeves: People in general haha. They annoy the shit out of her and yet she wanted to be a nurse. She does love her job though.  Conflicts: Welp. There is the fact that people annoy her and she’s a nurse lmao.  Motivation: Her parents, wanting to be at least a decent daughter they would have been proud of. Her sister too. Leanne was the goodie two shoes twin. Lily always was the one that got into all sorts of trouble. Short Term Goals and Hopes: Move out of Castle Suites probably into somewhere better in Swynlake or like the Next Town Over.  Long Term Goals and Hopes: She kind of did her long term goal already, becoming a nurse.  Sexuality: Pansexual she doesn’t discriminate  Exercise Routine: Occasional gym goer with Minnie, not the best at it tbh Day or Night Person — Night. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist
Music: 80′s trash. Huge Bon Jovi and Pat Benatar fan. Does love Def Leppard too.   Books: Not much of an avid reader, but she likes thrillers and action packed books because they help in keeping her interest. Magazines: Not much of a magazine person at all, except for like a casual read while waiting for an appointment.   Foods: Huge fruits and veggie girl, but isn’t a vegetarian at all. She loves herself a huge greasy cheese burger from time to time and she isn’t ready to give that up anytime soon.   Drinks: Energy drinks. She knows there are bad for you, is very aware. Coffee, especially espresso. Never says no to an alcoholic drink, vodka is her choice of preference.  Animals: Rottweilers. When she gets a pet it’s going to be a Rotty Sports: Use to play basketball back in high school and Uni. She’ll still follow basketball on tv too and she does like watching football as well.  Social Issues: She’s an advocate for animals!! She likes them ten times more than she likes people.  Favorite Saying: “Fuck it.” Color: Red!!! Clothing: Very carefree with her clothing style. Huge t-shirt and skinny jeans type of gal, prefers converse and for her jeans to have rips in them. Not much of a sandals person, but would easily rock a pair of heels. She’s a little edgier when it comes to color choices, likes darker hues over lighter. Will never catch her wearing pastels. She’ll where a dress if it’s hot, tight, and highlights her assets. Most of the times though, she’s in scrubs because of her job. Jewelry: Simple, very simple. Silver over gold, wears like one chain necklace and maybe from time to time she’ll wear earrings, none hooped though. Not a fan of rings or bracelets.  Games: Does love board games and card games and is highly competitive when she plays. Favorite card game is Spades and she has trained Minnie into being the perfect partner for the game. She doesn’t have a favorite board game because she’ll literally play any one.  Websites: Ehh not really that much of a website girl. She does have an Insta though but that’s about it.  TV Shows: Crime shows—NCIS including all branches of it, Criminal Minds, Law Order as well as all of it’s branches, CSI, you get the point. She does like hospital shows mainly so she can crack on all the unrealistic things and errors Movies: Action packed films and horror movies. She is a fan of the Saw movies, but she mostly likes scary movies to laugh at them.  Greatest Want: Wishes her parents were still alive
Home: Flat in the Castle Suites in Swynlake Favorite Possession: Her stethoscope lmao look a nurse can’t survive without a really good one!! Most Cherished Possession: No one knows this aside from Leanne and Minnie but she has a red stuffed bear that was given to her by her mother on her 8th birthday.  Married Before: Nope, and will probably never be so, she’s not the marriage type. Significant Other Before: None. Children: Nope.  Relationship with Family: Close to her twin sister, Leanne. They text and call often. Leanne is currently married and lives somewhere else in England and so Lily often takes her vacation time to go and see her sister. If she doesn’t see her sister then she goes to London to see her adoptive parents she’s close to them too and always makes sure she knows how they are doing. They all always worry for Lily seeing as she can be a hot mess and her personality is very feisty, but Lily just finds that all hilarious.   Car: n/a Career: Registered Nurse works in the Emergency Room in Swynlake General Hospital Dream Career: Currently doing it and in the unit she has always wanted too Dream Life: She kind of loves her life as it is right now the only other thing that would make it perfect would be if her parents were still in the picture Love Life: Casual, no strings attached, lover of one-night stands (she does use protection!!)  Guilty Pleasure : Wine. She loves a good bottle of wine especially when used to unwind. Prefers red wine over white.    Talents or Skills : Great dancer, she loovvess to dance. Of course all her nursing skills, she’s as good as a nurse as Minnie (although Minnie always says that she’s better than Lily xD), can actually bartend real good haha Intelligence Level : Very smart, but that’s often hidden behind her loudness and personality  Finances: Self-sufficient. Independent mother fucker. She also has an inheritance both her Leanne do from the death of her parents. 
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fullsizedpixels · 7 years
((Little Niceland of Horrors))
I have too much time on my hands.....
Feed me, Mary! FEED ME NOW!
I can’t!
Maybe I have one more cookie, or a muffin from yesterday-!
There isn’t any more? What do you want me to do, raid Litwak’s? Look, I’ve got an idea! I’ll head down to Mario’s and pick up-!
You’re talking about the PASTRY right?
Must be hot.
I don’t want to hear this!
Feed me!
Does it have to be pie?!
Feed me!
Does it have to be MINE?!
How am I supposed to make it?!
Feed me, Mary.
Feed me all night long.
HA! That’s right, baby!
You can do it!
Feed me, Mary!
Feed me all night long!
Cause if you feed me, Mary…
I’ll be your Mayor.
Big and strong.
You eat too much pie, Mayor Gene! Let’s face it! How can I keep on feeding you?! KILL PEOPLE?!
I’ll make it worth your while.
You think this is all coincidence, baby? The sudden success of your bakery? Players coming in?
Look! You’re just a Nicelander! You roll around the apartments all day-!
DOOOOO you think I care about that, PINKY?! If I can scream and if Ralph throws me, who’s to say I can’t do anything I WANT?!
Like what?!
Like deliver, Pinky!
AAAAH, like see you get EVERYTHING your secret, pleasy, heart desires!
Would you like that fame?
Star in your own fancy game?
Tell me about it, don’t be ashamed!
You’re gonna get it!
If ya want it, baby…
How’d ya like ta be the main star?
People comin’ to play ya from near and far?
Be the arcade’s number one avatar!
You’re gonna get it…
Hey, I’m your Mayor.
I’m your boo.
I’m your NPC.
Take a chance, feed me and…
You know the kinda eats,
Those Pixelated treats!
Sticky coded sweets I crave!
Now come on, Mary!
Don’t doubt yourself!
Trust me and your life be top-shelf!
Show a little initiative, girl! Work up some byte!
And you’ll get it!
I don’t know!
C’mon, boo!
I don’t know!
Here we go…
I have many so-!
So many strong reservations!
Tell it to that Space Marine!
Should I bake?
And create?
Arcade cheesecake?
No one was eatin’ nothing,
Till you met me.
Come on honey, what will it be?
Extra lives?
Or is the answer in front of ya?
OOOOOOH, for you?
Think it over.
There must be someone you can GAME OVER, and I’ll come over.
Think about the Mayoral Suite.
I’ll cover your in diamonds, whatever your treat.
Lots of blocky nookie under the sheets.
You’ll get it!
Gee, I’d like to be taken seriously.
Now you’re cookin’!
I want the arcade to stop looking down on me.
Then I wouldn’t feel just two foot three!
Oh, you’ll get it.
If you want to play games!
If you really wanna justify!
Girl don’t be soft, don’t be tame!
A lotta games DESERVE to die…
Wait a minute, wait a minute! That’s not a very NICE thing to say!
But it’s TRUE. Isn’t it?
NO! I don’t know anyone who deserves to get unplugged and baked into a pie!
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thewittyphantom · 7 years
YES! Beat Yami Bakura for the first time at Level 40! Go me! :D My overall score was 3000. Times 18 made it 54,000 points and over 200,000 points total was enough to unlock Bakura as playable!
Yami Bakura: Memories......Virtual reality...... Hahaha......I see, Kaiba. This is a well-made game. I’d like to use it as an example for my own Shadow Game! Hahahaha! It’s a battle to decide the World Duel king...... I see. That’s something worth fighting for. For a Duelist, something worth fighting for brings considerable euphoria. However......I’m simply a killer. After I defeat everyone, i will be showered in euphoria! Dark Necrofear! ! I’ll show you a terrifying strategy that no one in the world knows...... Mwahahahahahahaha!!
I think NPC!Bakura may have become self-aware. What horrors have I unleashed!? XD
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kalimarsdreamlog · 7 years
Dream 121: Ghouls and Schools and Stuff (The Two-Part Special)
Sorry for this, but this one is completely in text form. I don’t think it detracts too much from the storytelling and it would take a lot of work to make it into a more normal format. Km (as in Kalimar) is me. Mg (as in Magnesium) is my best friend Megan, who I briefly introduced in the FAQ. I was just barely pulling out of my lowest point when I had this dream, so that may explain a few things. 
Km: Oh my gosh; it took sleeping until one in the afternoon for my dream to finally get something resembling a happy ending. It wasn't even that happy! 
​Km: Much like the story I'm writing, it simply came full circle, for the future to return to the past and live out the cycle of misery once again. At the beginning, all the school lived in peace. Then, everything changed when the ghouls attacked.
​Km: They were like zombies, but not. Even in the dream I dubbed them ghouls. Their eyes were hollow. They were once high school students. Someone brought tainted food and sold it to people, and whoever ate it turned into a ghoul.
​Km: But that was just the beginning. There were some cool parts too! I got to play a fun video game that turned into real life. It involved throwing foam balls at your enemies, but it happened in lots of cool places and you got your foam balls by defeating the various creatures you encountered. Each color did a different thing. Since it was real life I guess at times I sort of cheated... I had a rubber bouncy ball in my pocket and I discovered that it did a lot more damage than any of the foam ones that dropped from defeating enemies.
​Km: Most of the creatures were pretty cute, like a Kirby game. But of course a couple worlds involved water levels, and as cute as the fish were they could normally eat you in a bite or two.
​Km: Each world ended with a boss level of course, but there was also a guide you had to help in each world. I had a major crush on the third world's guide. ^^; I have no idea why... He wasn't my normal idea of attractive, and he seemed kind of ageless. He was the leader of the crocodilian people, though he appeared totally human.
​Km: He was also bald, had tattoos down his arms in the crocodilian language, and I can't remember if he had a shirt? I don't know what I was thinking... Maybe he had been more personal than most of the guides or something.
​Mg: Like a dragon laguz
​Mg: Have you been playing ahead? XD
Km: Noooo
Km: maybe he was a crocodile laguz XD
Mg: Hahaha maybe!
​Km: Anyway, I often came back to world three to visit him even though I had finished with it. Once we went on a bonus level, which ended up with us in a relatively small circular room with a tiny hut in the middle. Suddenly a ghoul or a zombie (i couldn't figure it out in that place. They might have been part of the game, making them zombies, but either way at the sight of them I was reduced to a shaking mess) came out of nowhere. That scared me enough, but together we could probably handle it. Then a second one appeared behind me, and I heard a third one on the other side of the hut. Now we were outnumbered and surrounded. I panicked and jumped on top of the hut, (I had crazy high jumps in the dream, probably because I was living a game) dragging I-don't-remember-his-name behind me, grateful that the game allowed me to instead of saying it was a out of bounds.
​Km: From atop of the hut, I saw more and more of the undead appearing...There were at least ten now, and both physically and mentally there was no way I could deal with them. Feeling cowardly in front of my companion, I used my take-that-I'm-in-a-dream powers to teleport us out of there. He rounded on me, asking why I did that, (the crocodilians were a very proud people who didn't simply run from a fight) and I told him that it was the only thing I could think of that was better than teleporting him out on his own, since he was the leader of his people and too important to lose to a bunch of zombie things, and he'd probably kill me for that anyway. He conceded my point.
​Km: It would have gone into a cute scene because I was shaking like a leaf and he was going to hug me and O was finally gonna get to cuddle, (it seems all I want to do is cuddle with people) buuuuut my subconscious is mean and instead I was teleported to the world I was currently on in terms of progress because my help was desperately needed. Let me tell you, that world was much harder and scarier. I was only a level away from the boss.
​Km: That's where the dream really went downhill. To my horror, i saw my features starting to turn into that of a ghoul, and I remembered I had had a mint at school many days ago. I guess I hadn't changed immediately because it wasn't a full meal. For most of the dream after that people were terrified of me (if they noticed) and I was always stuck between wanting to talk to people and wanting to isolate myself so as not to hurt anyone. I didn't know how contagious it was, but someone normally got hurt in one way or another. Eventually the leader of that world got tired of things turning ghoulish (even though I was obviously horrified at the sight of something undead, reduced to shaking uncontrollably and hyperventilating EVERY TIME, UGH) and banished me in a small space pod with only a day's worth of food.
Km: ​The worst part? He banished me with another person because she spent so much time around me that he concluded that she was either dangerous too or would be soon. She wasn't, but if she was stuck in a space pod with me I worried that she would be too. I decided that if we got wherever we were going that I would burn all my stuff to prevent any more outbreaks. I didn't know how this thing kept spreading, and if someone came into contact with my stuff it only made sense. I burned my shoes as I walked in them so I wouldn't leave any ghoulishness behind where I stepped. Fire is better than undead, right? Didn't feel very nice though.
Km:  ​We ended up landing in the world of Big Hero 6, where I tried to find Baymax to see if he could find a cure. (He was a robot, and therefor could not become a ghoul.) It turned out that I didn't need it though, because I was a child of Hades and had already gotten over it myself. I had just been contagious for a while in the meantime as my body worked to expel the ghoulishness. Which meant I could go home to my world three guide guy (the game was life, right? So he was real, not just some scripted NPC) without hurting anyone, so long as the person who banished me in the first place never found out.
​Km: The other girl from the pod had cooked some food to keep us going longer, but since we landed in San Fransokyo so soon we didn't need it. Unfortunately, when cooking the food she had used our tainted supplies. Our travel back to our own world got a little disrupted, and she got sent back in time to the school. With nothing else to do, she sold the food...Causing the whole fiasco in the first place.
​Km: It was so close to being a happy ending. It was SO CLOSE!
​Mg: That's awful
Mg: Write a book about it
Mg: It'd probably make Chris proud XD
​Km: Haha I also dreamt I had a twin last night. It was Robin BTW which was pretty funny. And we were both guys, so we were identical twins. This was sort of like an intermission during the other dream. The two dreams were separate and had nothing to do with each other.
​Km: Anyway, the awkward thing was that we were both into the same person. We also both knew we were into the same person, and that we were both about to make a move...So we decided to together. Hopefully Lucina was into polyamorous relationships.
​Km: Sadly, the dream shifted back to scary ghoulishness before we got an answer. :(
Km: So between crocodile king man and having the same crush as my twin, my love life was certainly...unusual last night.
Mg: Yeah anything can happen in dreams
Mg: I can't believe you'd cheat on Lucina like that though! Or crocodile man. Whichever came first.
​Km: I wasn't cheating it was a different dream!
Km: Crocodile man came first though
Mg: Oddly convenient...
Km: Shhh
In my defense, I had no memory of one dream while I was in the other. So I really wasn’t cheating, I swear!
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