#but now you know
milf-harrington · 1 year
canon-divergence: max survives and vecna does not but the rifts still open for plot reasons, eddie does not exist as a hawkins citizen and is instead an upside down creature that comes through after the earthquake + steve's just kind of like "i guess"
Steve wondered when he'd stopped being phased by these things.
There was a time when all of the Upside Down shit had affected him normally. Had him flipping out in a panic, had him running.
Now, after four years of it, it was starting to feel like just another weekday.
There was something hanging out by his pool, but it was 7 in the morning and hadn't made a move to attack him, so, until he made coffee: it was none of his business.
He drank it in the sun room, blinds open for a clear view of the pool yard and the thing wandering around it. It was kind of human shaped, except for the wings and the tail and the claws that Steve could see from where he was sitting.
Maybe he should call Robin. She still had normal reactions to this stuff.
He paused, watching the creature tentatively reach down to touch the water before startling away, wings flapping. Actually, from the start, Robin hadn't reacted normally to any of it.
(He hadn't forgotten the time she'd told him about spitting in the Russian's face when she thought they'd killed him. Or the way she laughed when she thought they were going to kill her.)
The creature danced further around the pool, still peering curiously into the water. It lowered itself right down until its chest was brushing the cement, reaching for the water again, wings poised like it was ready to flee. It flinched when it's fingers brushed the surface, but didn't pull away and Steve watched as it plunged its whole hand in with a splash before pulling it back out to watch the water drip from its claws.
Steve put his empty cup down on a side table and stood up, nodding to himself before jogging upstairs to grab his bat from his room.
The pool yard was empty.
Steve yanked the sliding door open anyway, stepping outside like it would magically cause the creature to appear. Nothing.
Fingers curled tight around the handle of his bat, he circled the pool from a safe distance, scanning the surrounding woods as he went. The only evidence that he hadn't been imagining shit were the dark patches of water splashed across the cement.
Facing the deafening quiet of an empty backyard, armed with a monster-slaying weapon, Steve felt the first whispers of unease curl beneath his ribs. It was kind of like finding a spider in your room, always worse when you lost track of where it had gone.
Cautiously, Steve headed back inside, locking the door behind him with another glance across the backyard. He really should call the others, let them know the rifts had spat something new out.
He thought about the way it had played with the water, and wondered if maybe not every creature from the Upside Down was bad. If maybe, now that Vecna was gone, they were changing.
He was broken out of his thoughts when he kicked something, sending it skittering towards the hallway, under the indoor balcony. Steve frowned, confused, as he looked from the mug laying on the floor to the side table he thought he'd put it on.
Must have knocked it off, he realised as he walked over to pick it up.
As he did, he noticed the ceramic was oddly wet, and he quickly scanned the carpet to see if there'd been any coffee left in the cup that had spilled over the floor. Everything was as clean as he'd left it, so-
Something cold dripped on the back of his hand and he blinked, staring at the droplet in surprise. Another landed on his wrist, and a third hit the back of his neck and rolled down his shirt. He flinched in surprise, dropping the bat to slap a hand to the back of his neck as he looked up.
He came face-to-face with large, dark eyes, and an inky mop of dripping hair, two leathery wings flared slightly for balance.
Alarmed, he threw the cup at it.
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the-daringstars · 5 days
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Eyyy- new icon!! It's been ages since I've made a new icon for myself and I thought with pride and dying my hair for the first time in 4+ years it was ✨Time✨
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datasoong101 · 1 month
My quest to watch DS9 has been thwarted by Life, School, Work, and The Unrelenting Urge To Rewatch Shows Instead Of Try New Ones, but I am now forcing myself to watch at least an episode. This relevant to you, dear follower, because after I watch it I will undoubtedly post my thoughts. You're welcome.
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plastiquefruit · 11 months
Do you ever wear crop tops? I think you’d look so good showing a little midriff 😍
Eh, they’re not really my thing.
Mostly I just hate the sensation of my skin touching a lot of common surfaces. I need a layer of cotton between me and the world 😅
Same reason I never liked leather. It just feels weird on my skin. Same for some synthetic fabrics! Like any of the tech fabrics that are sweat-wicking. Feels weird, do not like.
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therelentless · 2 months
ooc;; i don't know where i read or heard (probably the second one) that the red beads for this outfit were chosen with pomegranate seeds as inspiration, and i haven't stopped thinking about this bit ever since.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
The way I died at the line about Feyre throwing a shoe at Rhys in the epilogue! Does this mean she's joined his crew now? Is she going to become a pirate queen like Nesta?
I mean if there's one thing Feyre is going to do, it's throw a shoe at Rhys' head and we support that 💅
But listen.... Nesta killed the Commodore. That's pretty serious. And everyone saw her do it. There's no denying it. Papa Archeron? Panicking. He needs to marry off his two remaining daughters before word travels too far and no one wants anything to do with the Archeron name.
Luckily, a certain Lord Tamlin has had his eye on Feyre and he's more than happy to marry her. So that's how Feyre ends up on Tamlin's ship, sailing back to his land to marry him. But unbeknownst to her, Rhys, the crazy wife guy that he is, has just been chilling in the bay, waiting for his chance ever since they rescued Cassian. And when he sees Feyre being all but loaded onto Tamlin's ship? He's like 🎶now look at me and this opportunity🎶
He, of course, attacks the ship and takes his wife Feyre captive! Now, was Feyre on that ship praying for someone to save her? Absolutely. But she's not going to tell Rhys that. Especially when he's all smug and keeps calling her darling. She's going to fight him tooth and nail! Really make him work to make her fall for him! But obviously she does and you are correct that much like her big sister, she too becomes a pirate queen.
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wickedwonderlandd · 1 year
You can only pick one place to get kissed:
Inner thigh
What do you choose?
Absolutely the neck. That's like my Achilles heel haha kiss me there and I am literally powerless haha
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
My hair is doing weird things.
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if-mirrormine · 2 years
im sorry but i cant get over how hysterical the tag "me with joseph stalin" is if we dont know that joseph stalin is the name of your cat SDFKJGFKDGFGDFGLLLSKSK trying 2 get cuddles from joseph stalin... having a normal one here
me and the ghost of joseph stalin:
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jadegr8 · 6 months
Internal Bleeding (B99 meme)
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Back in school I learned in my biology class that snails have an open blood circulatory system and it has been so funny to me ever since because there is literally so much joke-potential!
I also have another comic in mind that I'll hopefully make soon :)
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sparfloxacin · 1 year
Hi! Kinda bold of me to assume someone notices or cares that I’m not so active here, but just wanted to let you know that I will be more inactive for the next few weeks! Will still try to open this app occasionally and I’ll answer all the messages asap ❤️ love you
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deathfavor · 1 year
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Because I haven’t seen anyone reblog the updates after initial posts about the reblog situation, here’s a very short summary.
1. Tumblr Staff IS aware of the reblog issue and is apparently working on fixing it already according to several people who sent in tickets already and have been answered by staff. That said, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to contact staff but please be nice if you do.
2. Apparently the FIRST post and First Reblog get notifications fine, maybe the second, but after that both parties stop getting notifications. I believe if you subscribe to a conversation, you WILL get updates. I’m not sure though as I haven’t had things reblogged more than once since this went into effect, but that’s what I’ve heard. HERE is a post on it. I believe OP are auto-included
3.  Best way right now is either to mention people in replies, message them, OR use rpthreadtracker.  If the subscribe doesn’t work. For me, you are welcomed to mention me or message me, i genuinely don’t mind either way. I’ll probably work to reset up a rpthreadtracker too for your convenience. But again, mentioning me is probably MY preferred method.  (also feel free to lmk what you’d prefer)
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harryforvogue · 2 years
sometimes (usually) when i say that i’m writing a scene, i’m lying about it and using the post as a note to self to remind myself to actually write that scene
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dragonskyheart · 1 year
Yet another Redesign of a different Crossover Digimon
This is another crossover Digimon oc that I made a couple years ago.
Soko (Redesign created on 2-12-2023)
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Soko (Yes, that's his name) is a Elecmon that got taken in as Spiral's partner Digimon. This little guy is very friendly and has huge "protect me" energy. He is very chill. I hope to elaborate later on him, (Like everybody else if being honest) but that isn't the point right now.
Soko Old Design (2017-2018)
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Not a lot of changes. I made the tuft on his head bigger and removed and altered some stripes. Like Mono, I altered some colors to be more pleasing. More varying contrast, hopefully.
Bonus: Vi-Elecmon Soko (Created near the same date as the Redesign)
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A Vi-Elecmon version of Soko for Dark Digivolution purposes. I went for a darker body pallete and lighter marking pallete to contrast Soko's light body-darker marking color pallete. As for why Soko has a separate entry for a Dark Digivolution pallete? It's a surprise! Hehe
I think I'm having to much fun with this...
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whereonceiwasfire · 2 years
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I've been wanting to do a doodly little avatar for a while but kept putting it off and putting it off and putting it off. Today I finally sat down and drew one because I was procrastinating something else (ah, the circle of life). So. Here it is. *throws into the abyss*
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
me: imma finish the next chp of my Valevans fic
also me: instead just scrolls through my valevans tag and looks at images
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