#bc i have ideas
milf-harrington · 1 year
canon-divergence: max survives and vecna does not but the rifts still open for plot reasons, eddie does not exist as a hawkins citizen and is instead an upside down creature that comes through after the earthquake + steve's just kind of like "i guess"
Steve wondered when he'd stopped being phased by these things.
There was a time when all of the Upside Down shit had affected him normally. Had him flipping out in a panic, had him running.
Now, after four years of it, it was starting to feel like just another weekday.
There was something hanging out by his pool, but it was 7 in the morning and hadn't made a move to attack him, so, until he made coffee: it was none of his business.
He drank it in the sun room, blinds open for a clear view of the pool yard and the thing wandering around it. It was kind of human shaped, except for the wings and the tail and the claws that Steve could see from where he was sitting.
Maybe he should call Robin. She still had normal reactions to this stuff.
He paused, watching the creature tentatively reach down to touch the water before startling away, wings flapping. Actually, from the start, Robin hadn't reacted normally to any of it.
(He hadn't forgotten the time she'd told him about spitting in the Russian's face when she thought they'd killed him. Or the way she laughed when she thought they were going to kill her.)
The creature danced further around the pool, still peering curiously into the water. It lowered itself right down until its chest was brushing the cement, reaching for the water again, wings poised like it was ready to flee. It flinched when it's fingers brushed the surface, but didn't pull away and Steve watched as it plunged its whole hand in with a splash before pulling it back out to watch the water drip from its claws.
Steve put his empty cup down on a side table and stood up, nodding to himself before jogging upstairs to grab his bat from his room.
The pool yard was empty.
Steve yanked the sliding door open anyway, stepping outside like it would magically cause the creature to appear. Nothing.
Fingers curled tight around the handle of his bat, he circled the pool from a safe distance, scanning the surrounding woods as he went. The only evidence that he hadn't been imagining shit were the dark patches of water splashed across the cement.
Facing the deafening quiet of an empty backyard, armed with a monster-slaying weapon, Steve felt the first whispers of unease curl beneath his ribs. It was kind of like finding a spider in your room, always worse when you lost track of where it had gone.
Cautiously, Steve headed back inside, locking the door behind him with another glance across the backyard. He really should call the others, let them know the rifts had spat something new out.
He thought about the way it had played with the water, and wondered if maybe not every creature from the Upside Down was bad. If maybe, now that Vecna was gone, they were changing.
He was broken out of his thoughts when he kicked something, sending it skittering towards the hallway, under the indoor balcony. Steve frowned, confused, as he looked from the mug laying on the floor to the side table he thought he'd put it on.
Must have knocked it off, he realised as he walked over to pick it up.
As he did, he noticed the ceramic was oddly wet, and he quickly scanned the carpet to see if there'd been any coffee left in the cup that had spilled over the floor. Everything was as clean as he'd left it, so-
Something cold dripped on the back of his hand and he blinked, staring at the droplet in surprise. Another landed on his wrist, and a third hit the back of his neck and rolled down his shirt. He flinched in surprise, dropping the bat to slap a hand to the back of his neck as he looked up.
He came face-to-face with large, dark eyes, and an inky mop of dripping hair, two leathery wings flared slightly for balance.
Alarmed, he threw the cup at it.
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gi4hao · 2 months
chat are we fucking with the neighbors to lovers trope?
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hero-in-waiting · 1 year
Changed my mind actually gimmie more Nav! Evan and Carto! Ronon
yesssss okay.
Ronon had tenure at The Satedan Insitute for Cartography and was one of the most respected professors. But he was bored and he wanted adventure. He wanted to get out there and see the world. His Granma had always told him he had the stars in his veins and eyes made for the darkness between planets and he was wasted on the ground. She passed, and he applied when he saw there was an opening on Captain John Sheppard's ship, Atlantis. Sheppard always went into uncharted territory, and came back. Ronon wanted to go.
Evan's past was murky. He knew that, and he never held back when people asked, but John had only asked him if he had killed someone. Evan had hesitated, and John had clarified. Had Evan ever killed someone because he wanted to? The answer was no, and John took him on without a second thought. He found out later that John already knew everything about him because while John went with his gut, Rodney's guts were only good for telling when lunch time was. But they accepted him and his past, and they trusted him despite it.
The first time the Atlantis caught the solar winds at the wrong time and sent them barreling through an asteroid field that they had been trying to avoid Ronon and Evan worked together like it had been decades together instead of a few weeks. Ronon drew on the screen that would transmit the data to Evan to allow him to navigate between the boulders moving at different speeds. Ronon's eyes never looked away from the view in front of him, but his map was perfect. A feat Sheppard tested with Ronon on a pair of solar surfboards Rodney and Radek had fashioned.
Evan didn't like getting close to people. They asked questions he didn't want them to know about. He didn't want them to look at him in the face and judge him, he wanted them to know him as the person he wanted to be, not the one had once had to be to survive. But Ronon was a planet, drawing Evan in closer in an ever-shrinking orbit everytime they worked together, hands lingering, working together as Ronon transmitted from screen to hand drawn maps, fingers stained black and then blue.
Ronon kissed him first, he had known from the moment he met Evan he wanted to kiss him, and his Granma always told him he should listen to his heart. But he had waited, knowing better to try and push that darkness away quickly. So he waited, and he earned Evan's trust, respect, friendship and more as time went on and they worked more and more together. Sheppard might be at the forefront of solar navigation, but he survived because Ronon and Evan knew what they were doing. And when they had finished charting the Obbasu nebula, a place known only for the lives it had claimed in pursuit of a map, Ronon hadn't been able to stop himself from leaning down to kiss Evan back. To his surprise, Evan kissed him back even as the celebration raged around them.
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masnmount · 2 years
i feel like it could have 3 parts
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mumblesplash · 5 months
i know it’s like years old at this point but i love that one collab mumbo and grian did with tommyinnit bc it’s like the single most concentrated example i’ve seen of mumbo’s Chaos Nullification Powers
you get to see a bit of it on hermitcraft, mostly via his interactions with grian, but until seeing that collab it didn’t really hit me just how completely mumbo can no-sell other people’s attempts to control a situation. tommyinnit is possibly the single shoutiest, most chaotic minecraft youtuber out there, and in most videos i’ve seen he pretty much overwhelms everyone else and sets the tone for interactions because of this. but mumbo just. doesn’t let him. no matter how much tommy escalates in intensity, mumbo reacts with *exactly* the same energy he always does. grian largely comes across in the whole video as annoyed and reluctant to engage with the whole thing, but mumbo’s not even affected. he just rolls with anything he finds funny and basically ignores anything he disapproves of, only seeming more and more unflappable the harder anyone tries to get a rise out of him.
AND imo, this is the key to my favorite interpretation of him as a character
see, when the people around him are being more reasonable/calm, i think mumbo often comes across as anxious and a bit easily overwhelmed. the thing is, his nervous wet cat vibes do not scale. he has one setting. his responses to the last life ‘ah-ha!’ jokes and to hermitcraft 8 starting to crumble to pieces under a falling moon are almost identical.
mumbo jumbo is inexorably and eternally Just Some Guy, but that gets stranger and stranger the weirder his surroundings become. the giggly incredulousness that makes him an easy target for goofy puns looks Very different when it’s also his reaction to the impending end of the world.
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mroddmod · 2 months
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one of the very few to show the batch kindness back on kamino
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poisoned-pearls · 8 months
wanting to include azul reflexively slapping people bc it’s absolutely hilarious that octopi do in fact just. Punch people vs. not knowing how to describe someone doing a light slap that doesn’t hurt for any longer than a second without overusing ‘lightly’
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sabh0 · 1 month
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Old Chuuya drawn over that Angel with a Shotgun nightcore version thumbnail
for that one person asking about it muah
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treasureplcnet · 5 months
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(lia voice) rolan you're 26. you should be at the pub
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polararts · 1 year
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OOops wooops woops oopksdfj Get em here
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lacquerheadd · 5 months
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pov: you walk into the training room in the jedi temple
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correctproseka · 1 month
At the end of the game, Miku will turn to the screen and go "this truly was our Project Yuri". The credits roll. And we'll all clap, crying.
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mokeonn · 1 year
I am trying to decide what I want to draw today so I think I'm gonna make the Mane 6 in the sims and see where it goes from there
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eggsdrawings · 2 months
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home visit 🏠 ft. shiketsu au dabihawks
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vault81 · 3 months
I've finished my Fallout OC Character Sheet! this is my first time making something like this, but I like how it turned out!
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PSD below cut!
Compressed Version!
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wtfforged · 3 months
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IDK IF I EVER POSTED THIS OLD REDRAW. here:) my fav chapter illustration i think....
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