#but regarding teaching
somuchstrdst · 1 year
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
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fully losing it over these frames from the beach kiss btw
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salemontrial · 7 months
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~And then Red Son wasn't allowed 1ft away from MK for a full 45 minutes~
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owlphibiansprite · 8 months
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can we talk about thi- cAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS the ship is under attack and ed's first reflex is *protecc stede*
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laufire · 4 months
"batman is first and foremost about rehabilitation and the possibility of redemption for everyone-" is he. is he really, though. when he clearly believes "criminal" is some personality trait divorced from circumstances and goes around calling goons "scum" and acts as if killing once, even under extreme circumstances that are not at all their fault, taints someone forever?
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p4nishers · 8 months
love ships where its like the silliest person alive and their special little meow meow the guard dog
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akashis-waifu · 6 months
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Neuvillette and Furina | Frieren and Himmel
Belated happy birthday, Neuvillette!
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bonefall · 6 months
the "strange place" could be a private wildlife collector? i know the buying and selling of wild animals as pets can be pretty bad in the uk (or at least it is w/ birds of prey? that's abt what i know)
OH that's a good idea, that's going to be one of my top choices for if I DO end up needing to change the "twoleg den" in the upcoming super edition. Private wildlife collectors are a HUGE problem because the laws on simply owning exotic animals (as long as they're not covered by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act) are suuuuper lax in the UK, and the Zoo Licensing Act only applies if you accept general admission.
(and even then, specifically, you can take admission a limited amount of times a year. James Wellington's Animal Welfare Nightmare Extravaganza, beloved winter tradition, £25 each, kiddies of edible height get in free)
Birds in particular are a huuuge issue because there's big oversights in the laws surrounding the keeping of birds of prey. You don't actually need a license to own any birds except ostriches and cassowaries, or one of the five destructive invasive birds. Your pet eagle just needs to be registered so they know you didn't snatch it from the wild. Licenses will only apply if you're breeding, selling, or using it for falconry.
Maybe I could even tie this hypothetical antagonist guy to Sharptooth/One Eye/The God of Summer's previous human incarnation, on some off-chance the series ends up using this villain again. That could be kinda neat.
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heich0e · 26 days
mentor!Sukuna probably sits Yuuta down and holds an initiation ritual through 盃事 and Yuuta just goes, “S-sir, I can’t drink alcohol yet 🥲🥲”
and then he does this again after he’s mentored Yuuta for a few years, but this time, it’s a succession ceremony :’>>
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crownspeaksblog · 8 months
I don't know if this is just me but I was kinda caught of guard when ed was talking about intercourse and orgasms..
because (unless I'm forgetting something) i genuinely can't remember ed or stede displaying sexual desire/attraction, unlike other couples in the show.. and i didn't realize that in season 1 but now i just kinda find it little weird that ed and stede have not acknowledged sex on their own..
I get focusing solely on building their friendship and romantic relationship slowly throughout season 1 but it's just i was so taken back when ed started talking about sex that i was like "oh yeah!! Sex!! Of course! Of course ed fucks!!"
and i hope that we get more of it, more of ed and stede (on their own and hopefully towards eachother at some point) displaying sexual desires! Because i need repressed stede bonnet who's probably only been with mary to want and to have good sex with ed!!
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sassypantsjaxon · 11 months
Sometimes I think about how canon really doesn't indicate that Mic is a very popular hero/radio host/teacher and I get sad
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marc--chilton · 2 months
(mgv) OAUUGHHH lawrence and adam rooming together out of the hospital because it's made VERY CLEAR that they need each other close and safe after the trap. like @lucradiss said, they had to be moved into the same room because even after the smell of blood and shit and fear were cleaned off of them, their distress scent -- raw and unfiltered "NEED, COME BACK, DON'T LEAVE, WHERE ARE YOU, NEED YOU" -- was palpable enough to send their respective floors into a state of unease. and adam's being evicted, and tensions are high between lawrence and alison right now, so....
their new place doesn't scream "doctor's salary" but it's not a shithole either. one floor, too. at first they're in separate rooms but..... lawrence hasn't slept alone in years, and not having adam as close as possible still gives him some unease (if he can't see him how can he be sure he ever came back for him, got him out of there, let him live). he doesn't even get a chance to wheel by adam's room before the man himself is slipping into his. "keep seein' shit in the shadows. think i gotta take the door off my closet."
lawrence grants him half his bed easily. he also learns fairly quickly that adam is a funny sleeper. he burrows and squirms relentlessly in his sleep until he's nearly sideways with his head on lawrence's ribs. one time he woke up to adam sprawled bonelessly across his middle, slightly crushing him but mostly just endearing himself to lawrence.
the point of no return for Feeling Something More for adam was when diana stayed for the weekend. they hit it off well in the hospital already, so he wasn't worried about that. no, it was simply how much adam worried about making her feel safe there, because it might be her dad's place, but her dad has a roommate now and they didn't meet under fantastic circumstances. he doesn't want her to see him like zep, like some stranger in a home that isn't his.
(it is his home, though.)
he's trying so hard for this eight year old who's been through some shit, he wants her to like him, to be okay with him being there, and it chokes lawrence up if he thinks about it too hard. it feels a lot like a binding point between his old life and his new one. he loves them. he loves him.
diana learns what a 'pup pile' is that night. she has no siblings to pile up with, so she never got to learn, which just Isn't Right in adam's eyes. so that night adam stuffs them into their bed with the pillows and blankets from his old room they'll convert to be diana's, says, "three's not much a pile, but we'll work with what we got, right?" and hustles them into something comfortable, twined and piled on each other.
and if lawrence cries a few happy tears that night, well, he's allowed some by now, isn't he?
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irukasenseii · 3 months
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"Parent-teacher night is approaching."
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bookshelfdreams · 8 months
No, I do not see Ed that way at all. In fact I believe so hard in an uneducated Ed to subvert that very thought. My believing he's illiterate is based entirely on what is shown in canon (including his mother's thoughts on their lot in life) and my own knowledge of that period in history and how common illiteracy was. I also just love the idea of this poor, uneducated, abused brown boy growing up to become the most feared pirate in the world without any help. He doesn't need Izzy. He doesn't need Stede (as much as he wants him). He don't need no education, to quote Pink Floyd. He's still Blackbeard and he made himself what he is, ability to read or not.
I get the issue and I hate the way the person brought it up in that comment with a burning passion. But in my opinion canon does not disprove the possibility of him being uneducated. We can happily disagree on that point though.
anon, can I ask you a question? Why is it so important to you to defend that headcanon to me?
I never addressed you personally - that is, we don't have this conversation because I criticized anything you wrote or made. I have no way of knowing if you explored this in any kind of fanwork, and if so, to what aim. If you feel like you're not part of the pattern I criticized, then I wasn't talking to you. Why is your attachment to that headcanon so strong that someone criticizing a general tendency in fandom makes you feel personally attacked?
You can argue until the cows come home that actually, thinking Ed lacks basic life-skills* just proves his strength and resilience (which, yk. Is not as good an argument as you may think it is). Or that it's a disability headcanon and that makes it fine. Or it's all in the name of historical accuracy. Or whatever. Like, I agree with your basic interpretation of him, and idk how often you want to hear that I believe you when you say you're not ill-intentioned.
That still doesn't erase the fact that it's part of a larger pattern of racist interpretations of ofmd, and that there is no real proof in canon either way**.
idk what to tell you. If it's fundamental to your worldview that Ed is illiterate, go on believing that, I won't stop you. But I also won't stop thinking that it's telling so many people accept this without question, because it is.
*before you take offense: literacy definitely is a basic life skill to us, the audience. And it would be a major handicap for a captain to be completely illiterate, too. I get your arguments about historical context and illiterate historical figures; but Ed isn't an actor, and his story is told in a modern context, to a modern audience. Things like historical accuracy or realism are pretty low on ofmd's list of priorities, anyway.
**Actually, scratch that, on his wanted poster, listed among his crimes, are improper citation, plagiarism, and tax evasion. All of which require literacy. There's your proof #confirmed
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dallonwrites · 9 months
bestie how the fuck do you start writing again when you haven't written in years bc you're so paralyzed with Fear of Writing Badly mixed with How Do I Get Started and also WHAT do I write about HELP
I WANT to write but every part of it is. so. DAUNTING
Ohhh bestie I have BEEN there. Whenever I take breaks from writing I find myself scared that I'll have just….forgotten to write?? I think the fear of "bad writing" is amplified when you don't write for a while, however long, because you have to like hype yourself up to go back to writing and it's like what if I do all that and then I just can't do it? Returning to writing, especially after a long time, for me has taken a lot of mental work, trying to understand what will make writing fun and healthy for me. A lot of it, honestly, is easier said than done, but also it's mental work you'll keep doing after you start writing again and as you write, and for me it's easier to process my relationship with writing when I am actually writing.
A big part of that mental work for me, and something I think is so valuable, is to reconsider what "bad" writing is and give yourself permission to write it. Sometimes you will think your writing sucks, happens to all of us, but that isn't all it has to be. Like yeah, I'll think something I wrote sucks, but I still wrote it. I can revisit it and work on it and maybe I'll turn it into something I'm happy with. And even if I don't, I still wrote it, I learned from it. Writing does not need to be "good" by whatever standard we're holding it up to for it to have value. And you can delete it! Nobody has to see it! Also you can have fun writing something and still think it's not your best. I've written a lot of "bad" scenes that I had fun with because the scene was entertaining to me! I love when writing turns out how I like it, or I write a banger prose line, but equally I found it helpful to give myself permission to not worry about that all the time and just focus on my interest/enjoyment in what I'm writing, regardless of the "quality". Again, easier said than done, but something I've found easier the more I write, because you'll have bad writing days but you'll also have writing days that are so good
I know a lot of people see writing as a skill that they want to improve, and like I agree it feels really good to see your writing grow, but writing is so much more than the skill and the craft and the theory. There is no objective "perfection" to reach with writing like we are not Sims with levelled skills LOL. Writing is art and creativity and it should be fun and fulfilling. And IMO, the more you focus on what makes writing fun, you will grow and "improve" as a writer a lot quicker and in a way that is a lot more enjoyable than if you treat writing like some icy quest for perfection. You also get to decide what "good" writing is for you/your story. Some of my stories are more prose focused and I'll play more with language, imagery etc. Others are more about the plot and just having fun imagining this scene. Sometimes it's a mix of both. What is "good" writing depends on the writer, story, genre, etc. There is no one way to write.
I'm rambling a lot because I'm just really passionate about this and I cannot express enough how easier writing got, including all the difficult and ugly and frustrating parts, when I gave space to prioritise my enjoyment and fun. People love to romanticise the idea of the "struggling" writer. I see stuff on here and I'm like you guys….writing should be fun. Like yeah sometimes it's hard and we should talk about that but like, you Need to make sure you are having fun. Anyway I'm going to try not to ramble and bullet point some things that helped me:
Make Writing Fun: Lol! Literally whatever makes writing fun. Sometimes I just write super indulgent scenes and the fun of that sets me up to work on my projects. When I work on my projects I try to find what in each scene I'm going to enjoy the most, and focus on that to help me write the rest. I make playlists, moodboards, memes, art etc for my story because it's fun, and it helps me be engaged with my story outside of writing it. Just, have fun.
On productivity: some people will benefit from setting clear goals and running towards them. Some people don't. For me it depends on my headspace. I don't think productivity is a bad thing, it can feel good, but productivity should not be the only reason you write. And the most productive writing process is whichever one makes writing enjoyable for you, because that's how you'll get words on the page
On that note, please be wary of anyone online who who treats the writing advice they share as Fact. I'm not saying every writing teacher out there does...but some of them market it that way! And creators do not have an authority on writing just because they have a platform however big. There are some AMAZING content creators out there who talk about writing, and I have found them motivating, but like just let yourself be picky about who you listen to/engage with. I say this because I consumed some very Strict writing advice when I was younger and it literally contributed to my years long slump so like...I'm picky now LOL
About goals: Personally, gentle goals are what help me get back into writing. Maybe just write for 20 minutes, or write every day for a couple days. When I do word count goals, I base them on how I feel that day, and recently I don't make a word count, I'll transfer it to the next session but smaller. So if I try to write 500 words but can't I'll say okay, lets try 250 next time. Goals can be a great motivator and way to feel achieved, and maybe bigger goals will help you, but you're also allowed to adjust them as you go to make it easier
On finding new ideas, having been there before, you don't need a fully fleshed out idea to start writing. My longest break I came back to writing with...one character and a backstory? If you have stories/characters already you can revisit them, either build on what you have or completely change it. Or if you don't have that, if there's a piece of media you like you can take that concept and play around with it in your own way, or you can even just write fanfic until you have your own idea (if you want your own idea, fanfic is cool too!) You can even just find a cool pic on pinterest and play around with describing it, writing about it, seeing if you can get anything from that. Ideas are everywhere and they can be tiny, and I think if you have that want to write you Will find your story eventually. All writers have had the Idea struggle, but I think the more you engage with writing and think about what concepts and stories interest you already, the more you'll like train yourself to get ideas
That was very long and maybe a lot but like, I am very passionate about this! I've been in writing "slumps" where I didn't know if I would write again, I've started writing again with no ideas, and in those times all I had was the fact I knew I wanted to write. There are a lot of reasons why we end up having long breaks from writing and it is totally normal, sometimes beneficial for us, and we should never give ourselves a hard time for not writing for however long. But also remember that you can always come back. Every one of us has the capacity to create, whatever that looks like, and you can make it as self indulgent and self serving as you want.
#also a bit on the creators and writing advice thing#I dont think every creator out there who does How To Do X.....is treating what they say as fact. and i dont think that's Bad#i think they're just teaching what they think is valuable info#but like...you're allowed to disagree with it#but I've also encountered people with big platforms who will say shit like if you don't do This Thing you WILL fail in some way#just because THEY had that expreience...or will do writing advice marketed like Harsh Truths For Writers!!!#and like yeah you might find something valuable in that but like it's all marketing!!! they want you to click on their post and engage!#again! not always a bad thing it's how the internet works unfortunately! but sometimes it IS kind of shady lol and you can just ignore it#i'm saying this as someone sharing advice right now. you can disagree with any of this lol#some people share writing advice online and that's literally how they make money or they're using that advice to sell their product#again fair i dont think that's inherently bad but i think just. look at this stuff with a critical eye. people have experience that can be#helpful but NOBODY is an authority on writing#cause unfortunately some people Are capitalising on the fact there are vulnerable writers out there looking for help#putting this extension in the tags because its not so much about starting to write again but i think its important#in regards to engaging with writers spaces. that engagement can be so motivating but you have to set barriers LOL
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afterthelambs · 17 days
the way USAmericans talk about uniforms is so funny. "It's too expensive!" not more expensive than having to buy brand new outfits considering the social pressures of trends. "It's too uncomfortable!" that depends on the design and millions of people worldwide get by regardless. “It kills your individuality!” no it doesn’t. This is the funniest complaint by far. It has to be some remnant of red scare right. There's no way you think millions of non-Americans across the world dont have an identity because they wear something assigned for like 1/3 of the day
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