#but screw that
fandomestuff · 1 year
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kermitisverycool · 7 months
Yesterday at like I don't know how late I played olba with the goal to get to Derek's Step 4 ending when suddenly a realization hit me and I think I'm valid for it
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Look at those two and tell me you don't see it, I dare you
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chaoticattt · 1 year
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Here’s a little wip for a Pride 2023 project I’m working on! These five are my OCs, some of you might recognise Rabbit from my previous posts, and a friend and I are collaborating on a little comic using them!
Red head is Flossy, she likes plants, I used a random picker and it chose lesbian and the flag was a nightmare to do. She’s a little timid, but once she stood on a table during an argument to get higher ground so yea.
Pink hair needs a name, but he likes to dye his hair different colours every three weeks or so, and he can make jello frogs! He gay. Sooo gay.
Occasionally, after a break up, Rabbit will open his apartment door and just a bunch of jelly frogs will flood out into the corridor, and she’ll be like, ‘Oh shit it must be really bad this time’. Fun fact he has a pond because his frogs kept flooding the building.
Middle is Kia, she’s kinda mysterious (or she tries to be), kinda like Vanitas, but less.. dramatic, and she absolutely hates carrots. Like, she just refuses to eat them. She’s also pan, and during pride month, she dyes the ends of her hair in the pansexual colours.
The Enby is Jester, he also needs a proper name like Froggo man and Rabbit, goes by he/they, and he has a five year old child who regularly tries to eat the jello frogs, but they follow the lil toddler around a lot.
Last is Rabbit, I’ve made like, 2 posts about her here I think, and my friend literally squinted at her for about two minutes, and then said, ‘She’s ace,’ so she’s ace now.
To anyone who actually read my oc info dump, thank you for reading my rambling. As you can see, I’m having wayy too much fun with the lighting, I recenting started messing around with the blending modes on ibis paint.
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sso-montana · 2 years
I just think it would be funny if the big boss battle between garnok and montana is just her beating him up with a baseball bat
no magic, no circles, just and good ol' baseball bat on the head
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truetgirl · 2 years
Been thinking about how I would describe my gender without using traditionally gendered terms and I think I’ve got it. My gender is, to me, like my favorite hoodie. It’s nice and warm without being stifling. It’s weighs enough to be pleasantly stimulating but isn’t heavy at all. It’s worn in, well loved, quintessentially me, and I love it.
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isjasz · 18 days
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Stellar death
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time-woods · 10 months
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they are on a picnic date cloud watching
(well one of them is)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
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Imagine actually being so evil that you'd rather make sure your writers suffer financially instead of just paying them the pay they deserve. Hell truly has some seats reserved already, holy shit.
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ancient-string · 4 months
Anyone: *is watching Leverage for the first time*
Me: have you heard about watch order? Do you know the watch order? Hey. Hey. Are you aware that season one is out of order and requires a specific watching order. Hey. Hey. Hey. Have I told you about watch order yet?
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despazito · 5 months
Idk I have such a fascination with people who coddle and baby wild animals (or even domestic ones). Maybe it's not that deep but I think in some ways it does speak to a lack of maturity in empathy, which sounds counterintuitive but I think its not unlike some forms of unhealthy parenting. It's a cognitive disconnect that perhaps the way you'd like to be treated does not always translate to what others want or feel comfortable with. That maybe your reality is not universal, and an inability to place yourself in another's shoes. People hear low empathy and assume it means distant and unloving, but it can also look like lovebombing or over imposing oneself on others with a lack of boundaries. From the outside it can look loving and pampering and an incredible life, but do they ever really stop to try and get to know the other party, what it actually feels and wants? Are you doing what's best for it, or just what you think is best? Or worse, what you think makes you look best in front of others?
They call animal care professionals who ask for more restraint and less contact with said animals uncaring and cold because they honest to god cannot place themselves in a reality where a kindhearted hug could feel terrifying and a free donut could be horrible for one's survival. And I think information based arguments can fall short because they are primarily operating through emotions and what "feels" right to them. And I think some of these people may be drawn to animals and habituating wildlife because they won't ever tell them off in clean english. Idk it intrigues me
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irradiate-space · 6 months
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robintherobiner · 4 months
Jack: If someone is mean to you, you have to fight back, bud. You're a Drake, which means you're as tough as a dragon.
Baby Tim: Rawr.
Jack, holding back tears: Fuck, I'm such a good dad.
Janet: You have to be subtle with your insults. You must not be crude, nor weak. Understood, darling?
Baby Tim: So I can't say Daddy is dumb?
Janet: Exactly. You can offer to help him though. God knows that man needs it.
Brucie Wayne: Hi Janet, Jack! Oh, who's this little guy?
Baby Tim, staring into his soul: I saw pictures of you kissing Mommy and Daddy.
Jack: That's because I'm a real catch, Timmy boy. Everyone wants a piece of me. I'm sure you'll be a heartbreaker just like me when you grow up.
Janet: Hun, shut up.
Baby Tim at a gala: OH MY GOD MOMMY ITS DICK!
Janet: Timothy! Where on earth did you get such crude language? No, stop it, no running-
Freshly adopted Dick Grayson after being bowled over by a toddler: Alfred did NOT go over this in his etiquette lessons.
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egophiliac · 2 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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tildexart · 4 months
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mr gerrymandering keay, as the people wanted
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pouletpourri · 8 months
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I know the circustances didn't make it avaliable, but..I kinda wish we had a farewell scene
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ghost-bxrd · 23 days
Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne are childhood best friends.
Green Arrow hates Batman’s guts.
That animosity— and his aim to subtly piss Batman off at every turn— results in Green Arrow and Red Hood collaborating on a trafficking bust.
This somehow results in discovering that the Red Hood is his best friend’s supposedly dead son.
Oliver doesn’t know how he’s going to fix this, with Jason refusing to want anything to do with either Bruce or the Batman of Gotham (who everyone knows is dating the former)… but one thing’s for sure:
He needs to bring the kid home. Oliver can’t bear to watch Bruce suffer any longer when the cause for it is sitting at his kitchen table, alive, and stuffing his face with waffles.
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