#but tell me why i'm suddenly clueless as to what people even put in them.......... like what do i even link to.............
mattodore · 11 months
going to post those matthias poses i made that were just labeled "AAAAAAAAAA DOG" in a sec and they're a little horny so watch out
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robosanz · 8 months
ʟᴜᴄᴋʏ ᴍᴇ
"𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔯𝔢, 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔞 𝔡𝔬𝔲𝔟𝔱, 𝔪𝔶 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔣." - 𝔲𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫
pairing: kuroo x fem!reader
summary: anything you draw/write on your own skin appears on your soulmate's. what happens when you need to cheat on your chemistry exam, and these formulas suddenly appear on Kuroo's arms who has to take the same test?
word count: 3,099
note: this is my first time posting something on tumblr and i'm still not completely sure how tumblr works, hehe. usually i post on ao3 and wattpad (under the same name) but i wanted to try it out here as well. I hope you like this oneshot :)
“Are you ready for our chemistry test?”
Your best friend’s question made you stop in your tracks in the crowded hallway. A few students walked into you, complaining about you not moving and holding them up. You, however, had other concerns; the chemistry test had completely slipped your mind, despite it being the biggest test with every 3rd year having to take it. With wide eyes you looked at your friend and grabbed his arm. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?”
A sheepish smile grew on his lips, his warm brown eyes not looking at you. “I forgot to tell you,” he admitted with a shy chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. He knew how you were but he had been busy and forgot to remind you. 
You clasped your hands over your face. “Hayate, what am I gonna do now?!” You always had problems remembering important things concerning school, mostly because you didn’t care that much about school. However, you still managed to get good grades and that’s why you kept not being bothered by it too much.
“Hey, you’ll manage,” Hayate said with a warm smile and put a hand on your shoulder. “You somehow always do,” he mumbled. He was just as clueless as you about how you managed to get good grades. 
You took a breath and nodded. “Yeah you’re right,” you said and rolled up your sleeves, eying your inner arm. Hayate raised an eyebrow while you tried to estimate how much stuff you could fit on them. Chemistry was one of your strongest subjects so you only needed to write down specific details that were new to you. Looking up with a smile, you nodded. “You know, I guess I’ll really manage.”
Hayate shook his head with a smile. “Your soulmate must think you’re some loser.” 
You gasped and put a hand on your chest. “Excuse me, I’m actually a genius if it wasn’t for my laziness.”
Hayate chuckled and ruffled your head lovingly. “Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that. But they sure must think you’re always cheating in school because you’re stupid.” 
You pouted and crossed your arms. It was still true what Hayate said - if school stuff would appear on your arms like that you would think exactly that. But your soulmate has never written something on their arm or anywhere else before. It was mostly you who wrote on your arm; mostly for cheating on tests. “Well, they could also write something on their arm for once.”
Hayate shrugged. “Maybe they’ll finally freak out about this much advanced chemistry and write something back.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I don’t want them to write anything,” you huffed, making Hayate chuckle. It was quite strange that you still hadn’t heard anything from your soulmate. Normally, people would go crazy to find out more about them and most of the people already found them by the age of 16. You were now 18 and had never even written a word with them. You weren’t too obsessed with finding them and they seemed to feel the same way about it.
Hayate had also found his soulmate about a year ago. She was a sweet and kind girl in your year. You got along with her a lot and she even became one of your best friends in a year. You were happy for your best friend and even if he teased you about possibly not having a soulmate, you didn’t make the effort to find them in order to prove him wrong.
The bell snapped you out of your thoughts and you gasped. “Shit, I’ll be back in five minutes,” you called out to Hayate before running down the hall towards the lady’s restroom. You needed to scribble down a few things on your arm before the exam. The brown-haired boy chuckled and shook his head before making his way to class.
Kuroo was bouncing his knee up and down while waiting for the teacher to enter. The tense atmosphere in the classroom only contributed to his nervousness. It was unusually silent, only the clock’s ticking echoed through the room full of students. 
The upcoming test was taking a toll on everyone, and despite being one of Kuroo’s favourite subjects, the chemistry test was making him nervous as well. And when he noticed black lines appearing on his arms, he tensed even more; especially when the lines formed into exactly the chemistry formulas and definitions he needed for the test. He read the things appearing on both of his arms briefly before rolling down his sleeves with shaky hands and a quickly beating heart. He didn’t want to fail the test just because his soulmate decided to go crazy about chemistry. What the fuck? 
This was not the first time things about school subjects appeared on his arms. At first he thought that his soulmate was cheating themselves through their exams but somehow it didn’t make sense that they only wrote down a few specific things and not everything. Kuroo shook his head and the teacher came into the room.
A sigh left your lips when the exam was over. You didn’t get caught cheating and the notes on your arms even helped you with some answers. You packed all your things and left the classroom where Hayate was already waiting for you. When you saw him, a grin grew on your face. “I completely nailed it.” 
He chuckled and shook his head, “yeah, but only because you cheated.” 
“I didn’t completely cheat,” you said and crossed your arms. He raised an eyebrow, making you glare at him with narrowed eyes. You two had a staring contest until someone bumped into your shoulder. You snapped your head over to the person only to see the school’s volleyball captain. You huffed and looked away from his retreating figure. Everyone at school knew Kuroo; he was one of the popular boys everyone swooned over. You looked at Hayate, “your captain is rude.” He didn’t even apologise for bumping into you.
Hayata smiled, amusement flashing in his eyes. “He’s actually pretty nice,” he said, making you roll your eyes. “You know, everyone is kinda waiting for him to find his soulmate. The girls are freaking out over him.”
You only hummed, not really interested in the whole Kuroo situation. You had other things to think about. The girls who were obsessed over him were stupid in your eyes; there were more important things to think about. Turning to your best friend you shrugged. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun at practice.” He nodded and ruffled your hair before you went separate ways. 
At home, you spent the rest of the day doing nothing in particular and when you stepped out of the shower, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Tightening the towel around you, you gawked at your arm.
'I have no idea why you’re suddenly a chemistry freak, but for once your scribbling helped me in an exam today.'
“Oh my god,” you mumbled and tightly shut your eyes, cringing at all the things you have written on your arm before. “My soulmate really thinks I’m stupid.” A part of you had secretly hoped that Hayate was right and you were one of the rare cases that didn't have a soulmate. 
Quickly putting on your pyjamas, you took a pen and sat on your bed. You tapped the pen against your chin while looking at the first ever message you received from your soulmate. “What am I doing?” You shook your head and were about to put the pen away and roll down your sleeve when another message appeared. 
'You’re not gonna tell me what you needed the notes for?'
“Screw it,” you mumbled and opened the pen’s lid with your mouth before writing down something on your arm as well. 
'I had a chemistry exam as well.'
You raised your eyebrows at the coincidence. How were the chances that you and them both had a chemistry exam on the same topics? With knitted eyebrows you watched new words appear on your skin. Could it be that we are in the same school?
'What a coincidence. So you normally cheat on your tests?'
You let out a huff and crossed your arms, considering not to answer anymore. Whoever that was seemed smug and you didn’t want to keep talking to them. Pressing your lips together, you glanced at your arm briefly. A groan escaped your lips before you scribbled on your arm. 
'I normally don’t cheat, I tend to forget a lot of my exams so I only need a bit of help.'
A few minutes passed and you were still staring at your arm, waiting for an answer. But nothing came. “Whatever,” you mumbled and rolled your eyes before laying down. You closed your eyes but let out a sigh before you angrily peeked at your arm one last time. A smile crept on your face when you read the words. 
'You still helped me today, thanks. Good night :)'
Scribbling down a good night as well, you went to sleep with a small smile on your face. Maybe they’re not that bad.
“Your soulmate really did write to you?” Hayate’s eyebrows shot up as he eyed you nodding your head. A sudden knowing smirk crept on his face, making you knit your eyebrows. “This is fucking amazing,” he mumbled to himself. 
“Oi,” you slapped his arm, “what’s that supposed to mean?” He hid something from you and being the noisy person you were, you wanted to know on the spot. And the smug smirk didn’t mean anything good. Hayate only shrugged and whistled before going to class. With narrowed eyes you followed him to the classroom; for the rest of the day you didn’t get out of him what he was smirking about. 
“You’re not gonna tell me?” You crossed your arms when you both stood in front of the school building after classes. He didn’t have practice today, so you walked home together. 
Hayate smirked. “If you really want to know,” he shrugged and glanced at you with an amused expression, “Kuroo wants to find his soulmate now.”
You sweatdropped and slapped the back of his head. “Idiot, and I thought it was something important.”
He chuckled and stepped away from you. “That’s kinda important, and I know exactly who it is.” A wide smirk crept on his lips when your wide eyes snapped over to him in surprise. “I saw something written on his arm yesterday and coincidentally I saw the exact thing on someone else’s arm as well.”
“No way!” You grabbed his arm looking up at his face. “Tell me.”
Hayate pushed you away from him before walking ahead, shaking his head. “I thought you weren’t interested in him.” He laughed internally. If you only knew.
“You’re right,” you said and jogged up to your best friend, “I don’t care.” Grabbing your backpack’s straps, you bit your lip. You really wanted to know who it was and Hayate knew it. You glanced at him. “It’s Kenma, isn’t it?” It wouldn't surprise you even a bit if it was the quiet setter. You had always thought that they were too much of best friends and partners to not be soulmates.
“I won’t tell you, but maybe he’ll tell you.”
“Idiot,” you grumbled, “why should he tell me?”
Hayate only shrugged, sending you an innocent grin and a shrug. You huffed and crossed your arms, oblivious to all the hints your best friend already gave you. Just yesterday, Hayate had seen both of Kuroo’s arms in the boy’s changing room. And they were full of the notes you had taken a few minutes prior to the exam. Hayate was glad that it was someone like Kuroo that was your soulmate. The both of you were quite similar; you were good at school, mostly introverted and both of you were calm and collected people - at least if Yaku didn’t trigger Kuroo.
“You really won’t tell me, will you?” You stopped in front of your front yard and pouted slightly. 
Hayate shook his head with a fond smile, happy that his friend would soon grow up. “Get some sleep, I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a great day.” He patted your head before walking to his house, leaving you standing there with crossed arms. 
With knitted eyebrows you looked after him until he was out of your sight. Heaving a sigh, you got into your house and immediately went into your room to take a nap. However, a message on your arm made you stop. With knitted eyebrows and a small blush you sat on your bed.
'I want to know more about you. Are you free?'
You gulped and took a pen. 
'Yes I am.'
While waiting for the answer, you quickly changed into something comfortable and got under the covers, taking a pen with you. You opened your laptop to watch a movie when new lines appeared on your arm.
'Nice, you can text me. xxx xxxx xxx'
You froze, not believing they gave you their number just like this. They may be your soulmate, but you still hesitated before saving their number on your phone. For all you knew, they could’ve just given you a random number.
Biting your lip, your fingers slowly typed hi before lingering over the send button. Shutting your eyes tightly you pressed send. When your phone vibrated, you peeked one eye open and looked at the text.
'I almost thought you wouldn't text me.'
You rolled your eyes with a small smile.
'I almost didn't but whatever.'
The both of you texted for a while and you found out that his name was Tetsuroo and he was also in 3rd year high school and even in Tokyo. He liked chemistry and was therefore interested in you after he saw all the notes. If you hadn't written all these things on your arm, he probably wouldn't have contacted you. But before you could manage to find out more about him, he ended the conversation, saying he still had something to do.
With a sigh you laid down, covering yourself with your blanket completely. "He's not that bad," you mumbled with a small smile before letting sleep take over. 
You huffed and put your chin on your palm while the teacher was going on and on about maths. You were good in the subject and already knew all of that, boring you to death. Beside you, Hayate was busy taking notes while you looked out of the window, not paying any attention. 
When something appeared on your palm, you felt your heart skip a beat and waited for him to complete his sentence with a small smile.
'Hi, I’m bored out of my mind right now.'
You resisted the urge to giggle and took a pen to tell him that you’re in the same position as him and that maths was killing you.
'Well, we could continue our conversation from yesterday.'
You nodded to yourself already knowing which question you wanted to ask next. After all, you wanted to know roughly in which area he was living in.
'Which school do you go to?'
He didn’t take long to answer and when he did, your heart threatened to stop right there and then. Staring at the words nekoma high school with wide eyes, you sat up straighter. Immediately, you looked around the classroom, trying to find someone who was looking or writing on his palm. When you found no one you turned back to your own palm. 
'Which class are you in?'
Your heart dropped and you jumped off your seat, scaring everyone in the room with the loud scraping sound of your chair. The teacher sent you a glare to which you quickly bowed and excused yourself. Avoiding Hayate’s questioning look, you rushed out of the classroom. 
“What the fuck?” you said to yourself, leaning against the wall beside the classroom before pressing your palm on your forehead. You only knew one person in this class that was called Tetsuro and that was Kuroo.
“You don’t seem to be too happy about me.” 
You looked up when his deep voice reached your ears. Kuroo stood in front of you with one hand in his pocket and a small smirk on his handsome face. Pushing yourself off the wall, you cleared your throat quickly. “I don’t know what you mean,” you trailed off, not looking at him.
A chuckle escaped his lips and he nodded to himself. “Lucky me, I got a really charming soulmate.”
“Hey, I can be charming,” you quickly defended yourself, making him laugh. Heat rose to your face and you huffed, crossing your arms. However, you couldn’t help but feel relieved. At least, a decent person was your assigned soulmate and not someone you couldn’t stand or was absolutely disgusting in character. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile crept on your lips at the realisation.
“You sure are a cutie.” Kuroo patted your head, making your face beet red. You swatted his hand away from your head, your smile falling quickly. “Well, since we found each other, I wanted to ask if you’re free on Saturday.”
Taking a breath, you slowly nodded. It would make no sense to reject the boy now. Why not give it a try. It can’t be that bad.
Kuroo smiled and nodded but before he could add something, Hayate put his arms around your and Kuroo’s shoulder, pulling you two closer to him. “Finally, you two found each other,” he grinned, “and here I thought you two oblivious people would take weeks to find each other.”
You pulled out of the group hug and slapped the back of Hayate’s head. “You knew and you didn’t tell me, idiot.”
He rubbed the spot you had hit and chuckled innocently. “Then it wouldn’t have been fun for me,” he admitted and shrugged, earning a glare from you. He smirked and looked between you and his captain, “but you already have a date.”
“No,” you quickly said, knowing exactly what your best friend was thinking, “you’re not coming as well.” Turning to Kuroo, you narrowed your eyes at the taller boy. “Don’t tell him where we’re going or he’ll deadass come.”
Kuroo chuckled and nodded while Hayate let out an offended cry and dramatically fell on his knees, clasping his chest. “The betrayal!”
With a blush you grabbed Kuroo’s arm, and dragged him away from the scene your best friend was causing. “If anyone asks, we don’t know him.”
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thinkofmehoney · 1 year
"Smell that, it's wet grass and smoke in my hair."
Chapter one
Next chapter ->
Summary: the Sully family moves to another city after Neytiri gets a new job there as an Archery teacher. In consequence, the kids go to a new high-school where they meet new people and also face people from their past, and basically just live their lives as teenagers.
Pairings: Neteyam x Ao'nung, Lo'ak x Tsireya, Kiri x Rotxo
Notes: I'm indecisive so I didn't know if I wanted this to be a Human Au or just a Na'vi fic, so you can imagine them as humans or Na'vi! it's up to you! I tried not to describe their appearance too much to make this easier, but I'll use human and Na'vi images for the chapters.
Also, I chose the title because it's a lyric from Townie by Mitski, and it makes me think so much about being a teenager so I think it's appropriate.
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Includes: kind of Slice of Life?, High-school au, Neteyam, Ao'nung and Rotxo are 18, Lo'ak, Tsireya, and Kiri are 17, Modern au, enemies to lovers, ex's to friends to lovers, daddy issues, bullying, crushes, hurt/comfort. I'll be updating the tags once I write more!
2.1k words
It was early in the morning when Jake was driving his kids to their new school. They just moved to their new house after Neytiri got a new job as an archery teacher, they decided it was better to move than to have Neytiri traveling everyday, they also saw it as an opportunity to buy a bigger house where they would live more comfortably as the big family they were.
Neteyam glanced at Lo'ak's phone and saw that he was looking at old pictures of Tsireya and him, Neteyam couldn't help but feel worried about his little brother's situation, even though he thought Tsireya had good reasons to break up, but it also wasn't something they couldn't work up.
"Do you still miss her?" Neteyam looked at his brother's face who couldn't stop looking longingly at his ex girlfriend's picture.
"Of course bro, I miss her more than anything"
"and have you talked to her lately?" Lo'ak sighed.
"Nah, I don't think she wants to talk to me."
"I mean, if you ask me, I think she would wanna hear about you, so she'll know that you care about her, like, that's the whole thing about your break up." Lo'ak sighed, putting his phone down.
"I don't know bro, I still feel kinda embarrassed, I was so clueless and thought everything was just fine between us."
"Okay but… Now that we live in the same city as Reya, what would you do if you run into her?" Lo'ak laughed at that scenario, because it was an impossible thing, he thought.
"Bro this is a big city, what are the odds of me running into her." Neteyam stared silently at him, confused.
"Is that actually a joke?"
"what do you mean?" Now Lo'ak was even more confused than his brother.
"Lo'ak, are you being for real?"
"About what?! please don't play with me right now I swear."
"Bro we are attending to the same school as her, and you are both on the same grade" Neteyam felt like he was explaining to a toddler that two plus two is four. "Are you telling me you didn't know that?" Judging by Lo'ak's wide eyes, no, he didn't knew that.
Lo'ak unbuckled his seatbelt, being his dramatic self. "Dad stop the car." Jake looked at him through the rear view mirror.
"Lo'ak don't start, put your seatbelt back on or i'm gonna crash into a tree."
Lo'ak's face was pale as he looked at Neteyam once again "Why wouldn't you tell me about this shit?!"
"Cause' I thought you knew what was your girlfriend's school smartass! that's why she broke up with you, you don't even know something so basi-" Before he could finish, Lo'ak grabbed his hair in a fist.
"Take that back!" Now, Neteyam was trying to push his brother back.
"Get off of me!" At this point, they were both pulling their hair and pushing each other's faces.
"Hey, hey!" Jake suddenly stopped the car, making both of them stop immediately and look at their father with frightened faces "You two are way too grown to be fighting like this, specially you, Neteyam" the mentioned boy's ears laid flat against his head. "Now, both of you, get out of the car and walk to school, let's see if you keep misbehaving like this when you arrive."
The brothers looked at their father with wide eyes, but soon they just looked down and said "Yes, sir" as they opened the door and got out. They weren't far from the school, they could see it from where they were standing, but it was embarrassing that they got kicked out of the car because of their little fight
the walk to school was silent and the tension was palpable, Lo'ak felt guilty and he could also feel Neteyam's anger irradiate from him like fire, but once they got to the entrance, the older brother patted the younger's head.
"If you need anything just text me, okay?" He may be angry because of the scolding they got because of their little argument, but he was still worried about Lo'ak and his situation.
Lo'ak walked fast into school because he didn't wanna run into that particular someone, meanwhile, Neteyam wasn't in any hurry so he just walked like a normal person.
Until he saw Kiri surrounded by a group of guys laughing at her.
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After an eventful car ride to school with her beloved family, Kiri arrives to school before her brothers, of course.
"Have a nice day baby" Jake watches her get out of the car with her green backpack "If someone bothers you don't hesitate to ask your brothers for help, okay?" She nodded.
"Alright dad, see ya!"
As she's walking towards the entrance, she spots some beautiful flowerpots with big leaves covering them. She didn't knew yet, but that was part of he gardening club. At the entrance, if you walk a few steps to the side of the building, you will find a narrow but long greenhouse with some vegetables growing inside that the students sowed themselves. outside theres two white benches in between flowers, cactuses and other beautiful plants that are well cared for by the students.
She strongly believes in talking to plants and giving them positive energy to grow stronger and beautiful, she also finds it really therapeutic talking to them, and the best part is that they'll never judge her
Unlike some other skxawnks.
"Look!" She hears a masculine voice getting closer, along with some giggles. "Is she talking to a plant? you gotta be kidding me" It was some Metkayina boys that were getting closer.
"she's a freak, man" Kiri looked at them with furrowed brows and they could tell that she wasn't Metkayina. "And she's not from here... She must be from the forest."
Kiri rolls her eyes and sighs annoyed as she tries to leave the garden, when the tallest boy gets in her way. He had braided hair and a bun along with some loose curls. His blue eyes were so blue they were almost clear, and Kiri always thought blue eyes looked terrifying.
"Hey, chill." He laughs mockingly "I doubt we interrupted an important conversation here, Forest girl"
"Please just, leave me alone" Kiri tries to get out of this situation but the guys just kept walking around her like vultures, making her dizzy.
When Neteyam arrives, is almost like a sixth sense activates on his brain. He gets closer to the laughter, where the garden is, he doesn't understand what's going on until he hears his sister's voice. He walks at a fast pace and throws his backpack to the ground once he arrives to this circle formed around his younger sister.
He sees the taller boy standing in front of his sister, preventing her from leaving while the other boys around them just laugh. By grabbing the taller boy's shoulder, he turns him around, finding a stunned look in his face.
Neteyam didn't even need to raise his voice to be intimidating, his eyes were just enough to feel your blood getting colder.
"Leave her alone," His voice sounded almost like a growl, Ao'nung felt goosebumps. "Now."
Koro, Ao'nung's friend, was quick to talk back, "Who the fuck do you think you-" But Ao'nung stopped him right away.
Looking at him up and down with a smirk, he raised both of his hands in surrender, letting the darker skinned boy know he was done annoying Kiri.
The girl walked towards her brother just wanting to leave the scene, but Neteyam and Ao'nung held eye contact for a few more seconds until the siblings turned around and left.
Ao'nung's friends looked at him confused, while he just kept looking at Neteyam's back, feeling just as confused as them.
"Who's that?"
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Once they were far enough, Neteyam quickly stopped to check on his little sister, he scanned her up and down with his eyes and held her head in both of his hands to talk to her.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Kiri avoided eye contact.
"I'm fine, It's just... I don't wanna talk about it right now." The bell rang indicating their classes were starting, the hallway appeared to be busier at every second.
"If anybody bothers you again just call me and I'll rip their throats off with my teeth, alright?" Kiri smiled, Neteyam shuffled her hair and then they parted ways.
The first period was over, the Sully brothers didn't knew anyone yet other than Tsireya, so they were spending their free time at the school gym, not doing anything in particular, just chatting.
"Do you think that if I talked to her we could start dating again?" Neteyam sighed, actually getting tired of the Tsireya situation.
"I mean, you could at least try instead of asking me that same question over and over." Neteyam rolled his eyes.
"Yeah but what if-" before Lo'ak could finish that sentence, a guy came up to them with a basketball in his hands.
"Hey, we need two more players, are you guys up to?" Neteyam smiled and took the basketball in his hands as he walked away with the boy.
"C'mon Lo!" Neteyam shouted.
"Alright, alright!" Lo'ak followed his brother even though right now he just wanted to keep talking about his situation.
Lucky for them, they both played basketball since they were kids when their dad taught them. Neteyam even won some trophies when he was younger, which made his father really proud. On the other hand, Lo'ak wanted to be as good as his brother at basketball and make his father proud too, but he just couldn't, was it because Neteyam was taller? maybe he was faster? or maybe he just jumped higher? he didn't knew for certain, and that sometimes made him feel impotent.
They were getting into their positions when Neteyam noticed something, or more specifically, someone, on the other team. It was the guy that was making fun of Kiri earlier.
When they made eye contact neither of them looked away, Neteyam looked at him with a frown and Ao'nung at first had a surprised look on his face which soon switched into a smug grin.
When the game started, Ao'nung was baffled at how fast Neteyam was, they weren't even playing an actual game, this was just for fun, but the boy seemed so immersed in the game, like a professional player. Everyone noticed how good Neteyam was and how in sync him and Lo'ak were, probably because they played the sport together for years.
The bell rang just in time when their game ended, it wasn't a surprise that Neteyam's team won, everyone congratulated him, he was the new kid and he already was a sensation amongst their classmates, which made Lo'ak feel a bit left out.
"Yo Neteyam, are you joining the basketball team?" a boy from Neteyam's team asked while walking next to him
Neteyam found himself surrounded by people talking to him about how amazing he was at basketball and that he should definitely join the school's team.
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"That's amazing son! Do you know when are the tryouts?"
The day was finally over, they were having dinner when Jake asked Neteyam about his day. He knew if he told his dad about the whole basketball thing he would be so proud, and he was, his eyes looked brighter when he heard the news.
"I think they start next week, they also play basket in between classes so maybe I'll practice with them but i'm not sure." He was moving his food with a fork while he spoke, Jake looked at him with a confused frown.
"What do you mean you're not sure? you have to do it! So they'll know you're motivated." He raised his voice unconsciously.
"Jake" Neytiri said as a warning, she knew her husband gets a little carried away when it's about his son playing sports, and Neteyam was such a people pleaser he would do whatever it would take to never disappoint his parents. So if Jake told Neteyam that he had to train 24/7 until he passed out, his son will most certainly do it.
"i'll go to the tryouts too dad." Lo'ak said looking at his father, who looked at him a little less excited.
"That's good, son, but you have to keep your grades up if you wanna be on a team, alright?" Lo'ak sighed and looked down at his plate, expecting a happier reaction from his dad.
"Yes, sir."
"Speaking of joining things" Kiri spoke, trying to ease the tension in the table. "I joined the gardening club, the "tryout" was being good at science so I just signed in." she joked.
"That's great darling" Neytiri smiled "You'll meet a lot of smart people like you then." Kiri laughed softly.
"I hope so, at least I won't be joining a sports team, everyone there is crazy." Lo'ak and Neteyam pretended to be offended.
"At least I won't be surrounded by nerds" Lo'ak talked back playfully, but Kiri looked at Neteyam.
"You'll be surrounded by hot athletic boys that's why you'll join the team" her older brother looked at her with wide eyes and his mouth full of food as he spoke.
"Why are you attacking me! I didn't even said anything!" bits of food fell out of his mouth, Neytiri put a napkin on his mouth, trying not to laugh.
"Teyam that's disgusting! behave on the table!"
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Next chapter ->
please reblog and like if you enjoyed this first chapter!
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Nevermore!Tyler x Thorpe!Reader pt.6
part 1 part 7 this fic on ao3
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Hi loves! I know it's been like three months since I updated this story and I'm sorry! Life happens and school does too and also my health started acting up a bit so yeah. It's a lot. This chapter is Tyler's POV with a little bonus at the end. I'm thinking I might starts writing more of his POV, I hope you'll like this format. I'm still going to write MC's POV as well but it'll probably be somwhere around 50/50 split. I just love writing Tyler's perception sm (°◡°♡)
Hope you enjoy! Don't hesitate to drop me a comment telling me what you think (*σᴗσ)
Tyler spent a lot of time learning how to tune out the noise in crowded places. With his enhanced senses that shit didn’t come easy. Dr. Shin has been a tremendous help in all of it, and these days Tyler has almost perfected the ability to just not hear every conversation or discern every smell in a 1000 feet radius.
Today, however, something feels off. Tyler can feel the attention directed at him itching under his skin. It’s been like that since he sat down for breakfast 15 minutes ago. People keep throwing very much not stealthy looks at him every couple of minutes like they’re expecting a bomb to suddenly go off where he’s sitting. The conversations are hushed and Tyler’s growing anxiety hinders his ability to concentrate and listen in on at least one of them.
So he just sits there, pulled taut like an exposed nerve, and waits for the other shoe to drop.
Y/n is late again, which by her standards is not late at all. Her morning cup of tea is steaming next to his own breakfast. Cereal was not on the menu today so Tyler grabbed some sugary thing that may or may not be a croissant under all those layers of strawberry jam and nutella. Makes him a bit nauseous to even look at it. Y/n devours it in three bites and calls it God’s gift to humankind. Figures.
Tyler is wiping nutella off her face, the two of them pretending that it is beyond any shadow of doubt a task that requires outside help and not just some awkward flirting technique—God, they’re so bad at this—when Enid plops down at their table looking like she hasn’t slept at all and is already operating on at least four coffees. It gets more concerning, though. She’s followed by Wednesday, who’s followed by Xavier fucking Thorpe himself. Tyler is still confused about their conversation on Saturday. Xavier on the other hand seems to be less hostile towards Tyler this morning than usual. Which is very worrisome.
Enid takes a chair next to y/n, Wednesday sits down next to Enid, and Xavier sits down next to Wednesday, which coincidentally also puts him next to Tyler. Y/n doesn't seem awake enough to comprehend the sheer weirdness of the unfolding scene until Enid turns to her and asks, wide-eyed and distressed, “Have you seen it already?”
Y/n blinks at her a few times, confused. “Seen what, babes?”
Enid passes her phone with trembling hands. Tyler can hear the beating of Enid’s heart, which at the moment resembles a rabbit on Red Bull.
Y/n plays the video that was already pre-loaded. It’s a clip from Good Morning America, a musical segment in Central Park. The title reads Jeremiah Elffire Presenting His New Single “Trust Fund Baby” Live From Central Park!  
Tyler is vaguely aware of this guy because he remembers watching a show on Disney with him as the main character a couple of years ago. Tyler is generally clueless about pop culture so he’s somewhat confused about why exactly is Enid freaking out so hard right now. Did this guy get super famous after his Disney days?  The view count is already sitting at over 500k even though the video was uploaded less than an hour ago.
When y/n hears the first verse, she goes uncharacteristically still.
“I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen
Or spends a stack of dollar bills on a limousine
I want a girl who takes the bus and who wears baggy jeans
Rockin' Nike Airs, what the hell are Louboutins?”
Tyler’s still not sure what exactly is going on here but the angry grinding of y/n’s teeth tells him it’s not anything good.
Xavier leans into his ear and in a conspirational whisper about as subtle as a tornado warning siren informs Tyler, “That’s her ex,” gesturing at the screen of Enid’s phone with his spoon. Then he goes back to eating his oatmeal as if nothing happened.
The video goes on.
“Don't want no fake tan, short skirt, daddy's money don't work
Shop until you drop on the town
I want a smart girl, stronger than her father
Someone who will laugh at tryna fit in the crowd”
“And all we used to dream about
Is getting rich and getting out
Move to the nicer part of town
Where we'd have numbers on our house”
“You little asswipe,” y/n seethes, “you’re from fucking Palo Alto!”
“I don't really want no trust fund baby
I like my women independent
And I say to people, that's my lady
And we don't need nothing else”
“I don't want a girl who takes selfies, want her makeup free
Don't want no mean girl, lady in pink, prom queen”
The plates and cutlery on every table in the dining hall start rattling. Y/n doesn’t notice and Tyler fears that any second now she might accidentally shower people in their own breakfast.
“I want a throwback kid who loves Missy Elliot
Who for my birthday, makes a mixtape and puts it on cassette
Want a girl with common sense, who's dripping in competence
Don't wanna die to get rich but she loves Fifty Cent”
“Alrightie,” Tyler says with confidence he doesn’t feel. “I think we got the general gist here,” he gently extracts the phone from y/n’s deathly grip with some help of his superstrength and hands it back to Enid. 
Enid starts rambling like someone has put her on 2x speed, “I am so sorry to be the one to show you this, oh my god, I hope you don’t hate me or anything but I just, I just thought it would be like a thousand times worse if you haven’t seen it and everyone will be talking about it at school because you guys were absolutely an it couple and all, and then you’re going to be caught off guard and…” Enid runs out of breath, but before she can continue y/n gently catches her hands—which were flying in every direction as Enid tried to reinforce her point with frantic gesticulation—and catches her eye. “It’s fine, Enid.” 
Y/n’s soft and steady voice momentarily deflates Enid’s agitated demeanor. “But, but…” Poor thing tries to form a coherent sentence but she’s not very successful. To be completely fair to Enid though, if Tyler was in her position right now, with y/n’s attention focused on softly comforting him, he probably wouldn’t even be able to recall his own name. 
“It’s just a gimmick. A former Disney kid desperately clinging to relevancy at the expense of a high-profile relationship he was in and a catchphrase that will cause some stirring in the media. Don’t get worked up over this, love. And don’t comment on it to anyone. Publicly or privately. Present company excluded.”
“Yeah no, I would never discuss your personal life with anyone like that!” Enid looks horrified at the thought. 
“Mon petit furet, I know you wouldn’t,” y/n says, sympathtic. “It’s just people know that you’re my friend and any comment you offhandedly make can be twisted and sold off to TMZ by some loser chasing his 5 seconds of fame.”
To an outsider’s eye y/n would seem like the epitome of calm right now, but Tyler already knows some of her tells though. He can see that she’s actually far from calm and he has no idea what to do. He turns to Xavier who lazily watches y/n’s exchange with Enid, chin propped in one hand, sipping from a coffee cup in the other one. “Does this not worry you?” Tyler hisses at him. “Even a little? You can’t not see that she’s not okay.” 
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win,” Xavier says like it’s a completely normal thing to say about your sister’s trashy ex disrespecting her in front of the entire country.
“Are you quoting The Art of War at me?” Tyler asks in disbelief.
“He is,” says Wednesday without looking up from her gigantic dusty old book. 
Xavier sighs. “What I’m saying is, have patience with her. If you do, it will pay off tenfold.”
“Okay, I don’t know why you’re talking like a fortune cookie right now and I’m not sure I’m too keen to find out,” Tyler says.
At this moment y/n’s phone starts ringing. She declines it on the little screen of her terrifyingly futuristic phone and a second later it starts ringing again. It happens another three times before she shuts the phone off altogether and gets to her feet. “We’ll see you in class, guys,” she says to the rest of the table as she picks up her and Tyler’s bags. “Have a good day.” Tyler catches the tiniest crack in her voice before she takes off towards the exit.
He takes it as his cue to follow her.
They skip class. Not that Tyler really expected that they would attend it today. Y/n walks way faster than usual, clutching their bags in both hands like she’s taking them to execution. 
Tyler realizes she leads them to that little shed near the dormitory that he walked her to the night she saw him as a Hyde. The classes have already begun so the forest is very quiet and peaceful. The same can’t be said about y/n.
She throws Tyler’s bag on the ground, then grabs her own with both hands, and covering her face with it she starts screaming into it.
Tyler is so out of his depth here. 
He decides to just wait until she gets it out of her system and then maybe she’ll talk to him or something.
His hopes don’t come to fruiting because when she’s done screaming, she just slumps on the ground, her back leaning on the outer wall of the shed, and starts crying.
Tyler carefully sits down next to her and she leans into him as she tries to take her sobbing under control. He wraps one arm around her and she tucks her face in the crook of his neck. They just sit like that for a while until her breathing evens out.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Tyler asks quietly.
“Maybe. I don’t know. It’s so stupid, Tyler. Like, I meant every word I said to Enid. I know what this is. It’s all about business and trending and getting into charts. It’s not supposed to hurt me but it fucking does and I hate it…I hate it.”
“I think, in a way, it’s good that it hurts.”
“Dafuq?” Y/n asks, raising her head a bit to look him in the eyes. She’s not angry though, her eyes are soft and curious.
Tyler doesn’t really know what to do with this level of trust from someone. 
“It means you’re not like him,” Tyler starts, trying to put his words together with care. “Your feelings make you…well, you. That guy seems to be more like a cardboard cutout of himself rather than a real person. Thornhill tried to make me into something like that too.” I thought she succeeded until I met you, he doesn’t say.
“That’s a nice way of looking at it, I suppose. I just…I hate remembering the good stuff. Because there were good times too, at the begining.” She says quietly, hiding her face again.
“What changed?” Tyler asks.
“On a larger scale, everything did. His career was taking off—mind, not without the help of media coverage he was getting for dating me—and he started to become more and more obsessed with his “persona”. His mom hired this new publicist who, like, tried to mold him into another Harry Stiles or some shit. Steady girlfriend was very much not in the cards for this kind of image. And on a smaller scale, he broke up with me after my powers manifested. Which is such an idiotic display of bigotry too," she scoffs, "like, both my dad and my brother are outcasts, you couldn’t seriously expect me to end up a normie.”
“Probably still hurt, though,” Tyler says, gently petting her hair.
Y/n just hums.
“So what’s next? You’re just going to ignore everything until people forget about it?”
“I really don’t even want to think about him anymore. But ignoring it won't work this time,” y/n says, slowly disentangling herself from Tyler. “I already gave him too much agency over the situation by staying quiet.” She gets to her feet and offers her hand to help Tyler up. She doesn’t let go even after he’s standing firmly on his own. The look on her face is absolutely captivating, eyes burning bright with determination. Tyler is unable to look away.
“This time I’m gonna fight back. Fuck being the bigger person. I’ll hit this fucker where it hurts.”
Y/n Thorpe Just Posted On TikTok For The First Time Since The Release Of Her Ex’s Jeremiah Elffire Controversial Song Allegedly Aimed At The 17 Year-Old Influencer And Her Fans Are Setting The Social Media Ablaze
Jemma Young for Buzzfeed News 
This week proved to be particularly eventful for the fans of a 17 year-old TikTok influencer Y/n Thorpe, the younger daughter of a well-known Hollywood medium and soothsayer Sébastien Thorpe. 
After y/n’s outcast status was publicized without her consent a few months ago, following a controversial split from the former Disney golden boy Jeremiah Elffire, y/n deleted all social media sans TikTok (where she unfortunately also stopped posting for a while but was previously known for her musical covers) and went completely off the grid.
This prompted a lot of speculation from the fans on what the cause of the sudden breakup might’ve been and whether y/n’s outcast status had anything to do with it. The official statement from the Thorpe estate's publicist came later that month, assuring fans that the split between two teens was amicable and for now y/n is focusing on her education, switching to a school that specializes in helping young people master their supernatural abilities.
Fans of young miss Thorpe were delighted to see her come back to TikTok with a heartfelt rendition of Rufus Wright’s Hallelujah [watch the original tiktok here] a few weeks ago. Some fans noticed that the song was a bit out of y/n’s usual repertoire, which sparked a discussion on Twitter regarding miss Thorpe’s mental state and well-being. Many of her loyal fans came to y/n’s defense though, stating that they’re just happy to see her doing what she loves, sharing her positive energy and creativity with the world again. 
Some people still had their doubts, though, when a video from one of miss Thorpe’s schoolmates surfaced a few days later where young influencer gets into a verbal altercation with a fellow student. We reached out to the user who posted the video but didn’t get any further comments about that situation.
A new wave of scrutiny came Y/n Thorpe’s way when Jeremiah Elffire released his new single titled “Trust Fund Baby” this Wednesday. He premiered it live on Good Morning America and the video hit one million views in less than two hours. The accompanying music video was released a few hours after that and sits at a comfortable 3 million views at the time of writing this article. However, the like/dislike ratio was disabled almost immediately and fans on Twitter point out that the comment section seems to be heavily filtered. 
Miss Thorpe stayed quiet for the first 24 hours after the release so fans expected her to not make any comments regarding the issue, same as after the breakup. However, this morning a new tiktok was uploaded to y/n’s account that seems to be addressing the brewing drama in a subtle, yet cutting way. 
In a short clip with a Taylor Swift’s song playing in the background, y/n shows what appears to be her morning routine: she creates an extravagant make-up look with vibrant pink eyeliner, her short haircut is tastefully styled with two gold-rose hairclips shaped like little crowns, and even though her outfit isn’t lavish by any means, being simply the school uniform of the educational institution she attends, some watchful fans pointed out the peculiar detail that might’ve escaped the notice of everyman.
[screenshot of the comment by the user “littlemissgetwrecked”]
Guuuuys!!! I don’t think you understand the gravity of this shade!! She’s wearing fucking Louboutins!!! You can’t tell at first because they’re sneakers and not signature high heels but you can see the red soles when she spins!!!! 
Another user followed with a comment supporting this statement.
[screenshot of the comment by the user “notyomama”]
I know!!! I’m literally going feral over this! I scoured the Louboutin website to make sure and she’s wearing Louboutin Fun Vieira , their comics-themed sneakers. I LITERALLY CAN’T EVEN WITH THIS GIRL. The tea is scorching hot *sips aggressively*
The caption of the video boldly proclaims “what’s a girl gonna do, a diamond’s gotta shine” with the hashtag  #makethewholeplaceshimmer, mirroring the lyrics of the song playing in the background.
This particular choice of song is hardly a coincidence. Y/n mentioned many times before that Taylor Swift is one of her favorite artists and a big inspiration for women who want to achieve success in the music industry despite the sexist scrutiny media puts them through. For those of our readers who are unaware, Bejeweled by Taylor Swift was allegedly written about an ex-boyfriend, famous DJ  Calvin Harris, and describes her partner’s emotional absence, as well as him taking the singer for granted. 
Thorpe’s fans quickly connected the dots and the speculation on what exactly led to the Thorpe/Elffire breakup resurfaced with more vigor than before.
 Elffire’s loyal fanbase also joined the conversation to defend their fave, stating that this is “exactly the self-conceited behavior to be expected from an out-of-touch nepo baby [in regards to Thorpe]” and that they are happy that the “toxic influence is finally out of [Elffire’s] life for good.”
The fans are taking sides and the comment section of y/n’s video reminds a battlefield at the moment, yet at the time of writing this article the comments still haven’t been disabled and the tiktok video keeps racking hundreds of thousands of views every day, currently reaching a little bit over 4 million with 1.2 million likes.
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author's note:
Enid is so baby in this chapter, this girl was more worried about y/n’s drama than her own brother lol
Btw, MC calls Enid "mon petit furet" which google traslate assured me means "my little ferret". I though it was a fitting nickname because MC likes to give everyone nicknames and Enid is cute and ferrets are cute and also are very good and sniffing out and finding things, like Enid is with gossip.
The song I used as the one MC's ex used to shade her is actually Trust Fund Baby by Why Don't We. No shade to the band whatsoever, I think it's funky little pop song but it fitted my story perfectly so I used it. Jeremiah Elffire is a completely random character I came up with and is not based on any real disney actors. Also I don't really remember if Xavier's dad's name was mentioned in the show and I coudn't be bothered to check so I just made one up for him.
*Palo Alto is an expencive neighbourhood in California so that's why MC reacted the way she did to that line in the song
Btw it's been so long since I updated, idk if people are still interested to be tagged so if you are, please let me know in the comments!
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Sandy Skies Ahead
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The Savannah
Completely Under Your Love
What’s Real and What’s Not
Coffin Azul hasn't let go of me since I agreed to be his girlfriend. The only time I get to be by myself is when I shower or change in or out of clothes. He stays by my side if I don't remind him to go away enough or starts to go back into his habits of force-feeding me. It's like he's my shadow within a person.
"Yuu, what's wrong?" Ace asks, breaking my train of thought.
"Nothing, I'm just tired, that's all," I respond, eating my breakfast. "I think Crowley is calling me."
"Ok, I'll see you later," Ace solemnly says, trying to be happy.
I walk into the Mirror Chamber and find Crowley in there.
"What's the problem?" I ask as Crowley fidgets around with the smaller mirrors.
"It seems that something is wrong with the mirror. I can't send you in there until it's fixed," Crowley responds, swiping the mirror again. "By the way, Jamil and Kalim wanted to see you about something."
"Ah, ok. I'll be getting on then."
I walk to the Hall of Mirrors and enter Scarabia's dorm mirror. Orange sparkles surround me, and I wake up in a nice bed with red silks.
"Where are we- Gr-oh my fucking God, you're a tiger!" I yell, sitting up and noticing Grim's large orange and black body.
"NYAH! I AM HUGE!" Grim yells, roaring as he gets up on the bed.
"We're in the mirror's stories, aren't we?" I ask, noticing me wearing the red outfit that Jasmine wears. "Which, if I'm correct, means that Jamil is about to take over and kill Kalim!"
"My princess, your brother has requested you," Jamil says, opening the door. "May I add that you look lovely today."
"Thank you, Jafar," I reply, getting up and nodding at Jamil. "By the way, how old are you?"
"I'm 17, my lady. The stress sometimes adds age onto my face-God do I wish your brother was dead!" Jamil snaps, making me stare in shock. "Sorry, princess."
"Have you ever tried telling him how you feel? There's no point hating him if he doesn't even know what he did wrong. Besides, you know Kalim is happy-go-lucky and clueless he couldn't tell a woman is pregnant unless he saw her giving birth," I say, petting Grim before stepping out the door. "You should come with me."
I grab Jamil's hand and make him follow me to Kalim's room. My brother turns around and shows me a tray of chocolate chip cookies that are warm.
"Tadah! I wanted to surprise you both for all the hard work you do for me!" Kalim exclaims, hugging Jamil and me. "Thank you for telling me how you felt, Jamil! I promise you won't live in my shadow ever again!"
Jamil cries as he eats Kalim's cookie, and suddenly everything fades into white. I wake up on the ground with Jamil kissing me on the lips. I knee him in the crotch, making him yowl.
"Jamil, what the hell?!" I scream, sitting up with Grim on my chest.
"Ah! Damn, your knees are hard!" Jamil groans, holding his crotch.
"Jamil was trying to perform CPR on you. We found you on the ground when we walked into the common room!" Kalim explains, running to Jamil.
"Why would you perform CPR on a person whose heart is still beating?!" I ask, putting Grim in my arms.
"I told you CPR wasn't supposed to be used on passed-out people!" Jamil yells toward Kalim.
"It worked in Sleeping Beauty and Snow White!" Kalim rebuttals, getting huffy about it.
"Number one, those are fairytales! Number two, it was the kiss that broke their curses, not CP-fucking R!" Jamil shouts, standing up and limping onto the couch. "Damn, are you one stupid bitch!"
"Well...you're a snake bastard!" Kalim yells back.
"Never denied it, sweetie!" Jamil yells in return.
"Alright, enough! What did you two invite me here for?!" I shout, making them stop fighting.
"We wanted you to taste our cooking. Jamil has a new cookie recipe he wants you to taste, and Kalim wants you to taste the ice cream someone sent him," Azul explains, coming out of a shadowy corner.
"Ah, I see you've decided to get up in shady business again," I comment, looking at the now-normal Azul.
"Oh, quite the contrary. I'm only here for your services. You see I need your period blood for a potion I'm trying to make. I give you menstruation products and the best remedies for anything menstruation-related, and you give me your blood. Is that a deal?" Azul explains, pulling out a golden sheet of paper with clauses about our deal.
"Azul, no! Furthermore, this is a creepy new low for you! I'm not giving you my period blood anytime soon! Besides, you have to wait till next month to get it!" I reply, becoming annoyed by the chaos going on.
"SO, what you're telling me is that you've recently had your period and that there are remains of it in the trash?"
"No! And if I see you rummaging around in my trash like a raccoon, I'll turn you into takoyaki!"
Azul smirks and runs away, leaving me to sigh on the ground.
"I'll be back to taste your cooking later. I'm going to make sure that octopus bastard isn't in my trash," I say, waving goodbye to Jamil and Kalim. "Grim, what are you pawing at?"
"Look at the key with a lamp on it! It's so shiny, plus look at the mist around it," Grim mewls, pawing at the keychain near my thigh. "So...SHINY!!"
"Grim, stop! You'll get your claws got in my pants again!" I groan, trying to pull him away from my pants. "Besides, that can't be a real key. We can only access those by going through the Dark Mirror. Not only that, but there was no problem for me to resolve. Everything solved itself on its own."
"So? The mirror has been acting weird for a while. Maybe it's finally going easy on us after seeing what happened last time."
"Maybe, you know what, I'll take this as a stroke of luck today,"
We walk back to Ramshackle and find someone has entered my bathroom.
"Azul, get out of my trash!" I scream, making the octopus boy jump and look for a way out. "There's no way out but this door!"
He moves from side to side, and I do the same thing. Then he fakes a right and jumps out my window.
"Azul, are you ok?!" I yell, looking at his body from below.
"Call an ambulance..." Azul moans, holding his right leg.
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Sakura: *putting on a knee guard*
Sasuke: What are you doing, loser.
Sakura: Putting... a knee guard... on?
Sasuke: Why.
Sakura: Because I twisted my knee... and we still have to complete the mission? Why are you acting so clueless.
Sasuke: Why not just tell Kakashi-Sensei and, yknow, rest your injury.
Sakura: Why don't you go annoy Naruto or something, Sasuke. I don't want to hear it.
Sasuke: Why are you getting so snappy?!
Sakura: Because you're annoying!
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: *stands up* Can't you take a damn hint? At least when I was "annoying" you I gave you your space. Just leave me alone.
Sasuke: *watches Sakura walk away, her mood clearly down* ...
Sasuke: I didn't mean to annoy...
Naruto: *appearing beside him suddenly* She knows.
Sasuke: GAH! The hell?!
Naruto: She sees and hears more than you think. She's not an idiot, especially when it comes to people's emotions. Hell, she could see I wasn't feeling happy from across the street.
Sasuke: So? How does that have anything to do with her being snappy?
Naruto: She respects your emotions, Sasuke. She doesn't agree with the way you deal with them, but she respects it and gives you space anyway. Does she not?
Sasuke: ... she does...
Naruto: Mmhm. She does it for everyone. Everyone except herself. That is clear as day. Her snapping is just the tip of the iceberg, hiding so much more beneath the surface. You don't understand it, 'cus you've never seen who she really is. Give her a few minutes and she'll be back to... "normal".
Sasuke: ... How do you know about this...
Naruto: Because I'm just like her. I see things in people that sometimes they don't even know. I pay attention to it, and if they need it, I'll give them space to figure it out. But I don't let my own issues out like most people. It's just the type of people we are.
Sasuke: ... Sorry... Naruto...
Naruto: I'm not the one you need to apologise to, Sasuke. You've said a lot of hurtful things about Sakura. Especially when you think she isn't listening. Problem is, because you've left it so long... she's not going to forgive you like I would.
Sasuke: ...
Naruto: Besides. You need to think more on what you need to say and what you've done. Leave it a few days. Maybe you can fix what you've done. If you're lucky.
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mintchocobeans · 6 months
My Tulip garden.
sometimes I'm just left thinking if the efforts I put in are even reciprocated...then I go on convincing myself that it's fine we've ourselves have got a share of misery in life, everyone is coping, if not, they're trying. so it's fine. but I just. but its unexplainable and I feel stupid to crave attention from the ones I love. its valid but how do I. they care yes, but. I know they wouldn't leave but im scared if they can't stay.
Maybe it's because I never really got the love i craved from the people I invested my time and energy and heart into. Maybe it's that. Maybe it's all that but I cant stop but blame myself for wanting too much. is it even too much? am I asking a bit too much?
They are giving their best. They've got a lot to take on their own plate and I need to remind myself all that to stop myself from thinking I they even like me. Of course they do, what am i thinking c'mon think straight.
Respect yourself for fucks sake. Why do you always do that. But its not really me who's overthinking, or craving all that she barely used to get. Its my inner child that's hurting, but in the end thats me too. My inner child is me. no matter how much I love and respect myself right now, she had never done that, she hated herself to the core, she thought she was the fucking problem and whenever she comes upstairs to give me a hi she involuntarily brings all those spiral of emotions and I just wanna love her. I do. she's been through a lot. but im so lost and confused sometimes.
I know the only way to help her out is validate her emotions and help them turn into sumn healthier by being on her side. But I just. I don't know. Whenever she's there I can't help but agree with her.
She is someone who hated everything she had turned out to be. she was so selfless, always gave whatever she could. Never thought she could put herself first cuz she always put her loved ones and more, above her. Everything. She was stuck onto that forever.
It had all stated to change just right now. in the past 3 years, that's when she started seeing stuff differently. Started seeing herself differently. Maybe it's just been a year since she started validating herself, loving herself and finally gained the courage to put herself first. Started prioritizing herself. Its been hard. Really hard, but she's really trying. I'm trying but I can't help but crave more love, reminders. Because no matter what the rational part of me knows and thinks, my brain will not hesitate to flip them in all directions and tell me otherwise. Then I suddenly don't know what to do. I start asking myself if I'm doing that on purpose like what the fuck???? WHY WOULD I EVEN THINK THAT. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND WHAT. Maybe I am completely out of it. I'm so clueless of my own emotions, they manage to take me to places I didn't even know existed.
I want to get flowers. Im not asking for bouquets nope. i mean why would I not like em wtf but "this looked pretty, I got this for you." I would love even if you got me a tiny rock, "it reminded me of you". And no not because I'm asking for that. I don't wanna ask for sumn like this please no I would feel terrible. I want people to genuinely make or get me sumn. I feel like im being really selfish. Im not saying that they SHOULD get me stuff. Im saying IF they ever get me sumn. ANYTHING. I want them to get me that because THEY want to get it for me. Not because I want them to or sumn.
There's been sooo many times I've made people tulips. I love tulips, I'd say they are my fav flowers. So me giving people tulips, is literally me handing them my love, trust, time and energy. And I don't really think people realize that, and that's literally the best part about it. but oh I love them so much. The tulips I make and especially the people I make them for.
They're my tulip garden.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Tell me if you're going down you brought my Grandfather into the mix because you had a Mexican stand down freaking retard and a simpleton
Zues Hera
You're fired Billy z
You don't even know if anything happened
Billy z
I can't see it either no we see it we see it you're stupid busy
That's how you talk all the time isn't it Billy z no no we want to hear something why don't you think there's something there cuz you don't want to know
There could be something there but I hope there's nothing there it could be old ships that are deteriorated and so it's not likely so I'm pissed off. I guess it's kind of funny cuz he's probably kicking my ass I'm driving around like a high school kid yelling at people screaming at him he says I drank my milk at lunch time okay out of the carton how's your face on it it says wanted globally so he says that I guess I don't get it
Billy z
Is that you was shot at the green line in Iraq and the idiots put an idiot brain in you and you're an idiot you sound just like them her friend says he's accomplished a lot but he has gaping holes and I understand that too you don't listen to me I can't get him to shut up it's a f****** huge f****
You two to watch what you're saying
You didn't watch what you're saying you think like a retard if you have the look you're fine and you run around saying stuff to people yeah cuz you can't control yourself that's what it's called you have a big mouth and you try and blame us because you have a big mouth people try and make you have a big mouth yeah of course they do and then you turn on try and blame us I'll screw you. By the way you're not the only one in the universe you're not the only one in the planet and you're walking around people that you wounded shot or killed they're getting back at you you're so stupid I don't want to see you ever again I see you I'm going to start taking pot shots at you you're such a f****** a******
Zues Hera
I got some frustrating him beyond belief he's sending everybody after me and putting warrants on me and bounties in the real I can't figure it out no I figured it out I'm going to sit here running until I run out so so what you want Mac doesn't care about that either cuz we both just sat there and ranking him like little kids someone to surgery honest we refuse to fix so he doesn't care there's the conundrum
Billy z
I don't want to talk to either one of you two buffoons you might have some kind of relationship going Mac but it's business they don't want to sit here every day and every night but you're too f****** guys on the f****** line and your God damn retards being space cadets all night and all day long what you doing is a cardinal sin it's blasphemy beyond imagination and I know why but I just can't stand you I'm sitting here ripping you apart when you're doing it and you're totally clueless absolutely clueless you can't figure it out wear your bases Billy z are they up your ass your hardware tons of it's missing there's a lot of hardware there it's enough to watch the salt and your stupid tag like the attacks you watched on my balls such a balls such a f****** homo
Such a huge f****** gay boy you're so f****** dumb you don't understand what you're messing up and like basic rules of your realm everyone goes around explaining it and you're messing it up there's no such thing when you're a weasel okay you're still thieves you're stupid okay so how did you get the Jets oh you stole them so you want to blame about it be a dick so your weasel like Trump was
Zues Hera
I know something else I'm having a hard time with them any of these a****** pukes they're making me look real bad I suddenly see something I'm on camera and I'm looking down all the time at the dinner table and avoiding them while they're still there d****** with me it's not going to end very well Max
This blows you more like a so stupid I got to do something about you you're so dumb
0 notes
rcksmith · 3 years
Desire — Kaz Brekker
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(Photo not mine)
Requests: “Hello there! I've been around this blog for a bit now and you are an amazing writer! I was wondering if you would be ok with doing something with 21 28 & 29 from the smut prompts and kaz brekker? If you are uncomfortable please just ignore this!”
“Kaz brekker Smut prompts 28 66?? Love you💖!!”
“I can request Kaz smut prompts 29?❤️”
Smut prompts:
21. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
66. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of shot, mention of desire, desire, mention of smut, explicit smut, NSFW.
Word count: 3k
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
I hope you like💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
— — — —
There was something about you. Something impossible to decipher, with a glow hovering around you like a electrical energy. Wrapping your whole body in a cloak of magnetism. There was something about the way you spoke, walked, laugh. Something about what it was like to be you, in your beauty and mysteries like a sphinx.
Something that made Kaz Brekker completely furious.
You couldn't be more distorted from the image, in Kaz's mind, than what was to be a peaceful woman. Calm, controled, with steel emotions and wit in eyes. Someone who, like him, knew how to dance the waltz of negotiation, manipulation, who could blend in with the shadows and know the best time to listen more than speak.
You were not like Inej, you were not like Jesper. Hell, you were like nobody Kaz has known in all of his 28 years.
Nothing reminiscent of calm and control would be used to describe what it meant to be you.
Your soul are stormy, loud, obstinate, too stubborn and too talkative. You needed to speak loudly, laugh, move, expose your opinions to the seven winds and to whoever listened the most. You needed to question, inquire, doubt and test the limits of any situation. A direct order for you would be an affront to your free and independent spirit. A command that would curtail your freedom or tame your strong genius was almost like an invitation for you to do exactly the opposite of what they had ordered you to do.
So, for a man of trained reasoning, subtly balanced world, and who was used to his every command being followed vehemently and promptly in blind obedience, such a personality like you was like introducing a disturbing factor capable of shaking all his judgments. Sand in a watch, or stone in a shoe, would be no more a nuisance than a strong nature like your.
The extraordinary stubbornness and mania to counter his orders - when, in your words, they were unreasonable - had made you different from all the women Brekker had ever met. Kaz liked challenges and responsibilities, a good puzzle, but you were on a level far beyond that.
You were a danger to his peace of mind. And you knew that. All his aversion to your indomitable spirit only served as fuel for your own mission in to piss him off. Few men were like Kaz Brekker, you knew that, with a strength of character too powerful to be ignored. He was not just comfortable in his position of authority as he was obviously unable to act in any other way than as a leader. His stoic figure and always so contained in a wall of indifference made you want to ruffle his hair to see if you could remove any emotion. And being a girl who hasn't always liked leaders, Kaz Brekker was a huge temptation. Few moments had been better than those that you managed to piss him off beyond what he could handle.
However, all the reasons why the two of you were so exasperating for each other, did not explain why the air crackled in ambiguity when your eyes met. The hemisphere was adorned in a thought-provoking, poignant veil, like a warm honey flowing down its throat, and there was something else in the way blood flowed like flames of fire through veins of you two.
Jesper said that the sexual tension between you was so tangible that it could be cut by one of Inej's knives, but you refused to think of Kaz that way. At least until that moment.
Not pure images of what the infamous Brekker could do to you between four walls swept you like the strong Arabian wind. Making you be surprisingly breathless. Kaz was not a man whose private life was exposed, nor was he involved with many women, but you have heard two or three of them when they were drunk saying that Kaz Brekker in the room could be incendiary.
Everyone knew that his touch reserve didn't limit him to anything, but that his job was at the top of the priority list and that sexual encounters were almost never on that list.
"It was not my fault!” Jesper defended himself one night, slightly drunk, sitting at the club's round table next to the other crows “I didn't know he was married to another man! That damn pretty face seduced me!”
"Did he seduce you?" You asked, skeptical and playful.
"I swear to God! And it had been a long time since I had sex with anyone, and I went… ”
“But you did sex last week." Inej laughed, chocked.
"Exactly!" Jesper said, as if he were obvious.
You laughed with your beer glass in your hand, taking another sip.
“Is a week a long time to not sleep with anyone?" Matthias retorted, trying not to laugh.
“Are you going to tell me that is not?” Jesper and Nina spoke at the same time.
“If a man has time for sex more than once a week, he clearly doesn't have much to do. And I'm sure I gave Jesper a lot of tasks that would keep him busy.” Kaz narrowed his eyes at his friend, and Jesper hid his guilt behind the rim of his beer glass, looking to the side.
"So you are saying that you are a very busy man?" You teased, trying not to laugh at the scathing look Kaz sent you.
"I disagree. The values ​​of hard work and discipline cannot match the hot body of a woman in bed.” Matthias said, exchanging a brief conspiratorial look with Nina, who winked at him.
"There are more important things." Said Kaz.
"Like what?" You rested your chin on the back of the hand whose elbow was on the table, the playful look of a rebellious student.
"Progress." Kaz held your gaze.
He wasn't going to take your bait. But you didn't give up easy.
"Tell me, if God gave you a deal: all the hunger in the world would be extinguished in exchange for you never being able to have sex again, what would you choose?" your eyes had a teasing feline glow.
At that moment, Kaz felt a shiver up the back of his neck, like a warm breath of autumn. Something crawled, like a snake, across his rib cage and down to his groin, pumping blood like fire through his veins.
He held your gaze, but the feline glow in your eyes promised to contain the most ardent sins. Suddenly, Kaz's mind was flooded by the wave of obscene images of you, on his bed; moaning, squirming, shouting his name and being very obedient with every order he gave you.
He would make you such a good girl...
"I don't believe in God." He replied succinctly, the predator's eyes still in your eyes audacious feline's.
A big, satisfied smile spread across your face, and you said: "As I thought. Bad luck for hungry people.”
Realizing that he had fallen right into your cunning trap, Kaz got rid of your diabolical magnetism and cursed.
“I didn't say…” he stopped, impatient “It doesn't matter. I have more important things to do than waste time here.”
But the smile you hid behind the glass was noticeable to Kaz.
After that night, the crackling, gasping flame that circled the two of you intensified to alarming levels. Kaz could feel you holding your breath when he was too close, and you could see him squeezing his cane harder when you sweetened your voice for him.
However, regardless of Kaz's wanted to fold you at a table and put an end to your brat girl pose, enjoying the groans he was sure you would let out, the two of you still fought like dog and cat.
Just as it was now.
“What do you mean, I'm not going?!” You looked at Kaz, amazed, when he told you that you would not participate in the robbery that week “I know that security system like the back of my hand!”
It was true, what you had of stubbornness, you had of technological intelligence. There was no computer that you would not hack, a program that you would not hack, and a system that you would not unlock. Your genius with technology made up for all your lack of obedience.
But Kaz ignored. “I've already told you. It's a more dangerous mission than you're used to and we don't have time for the plans you come up with right away.” He needled you.
“Are you referring to Switzerland?” You were never anything short of direct and inquiring. It was logical that you would question every orden. “But I already told you that when the alarm went off your plan didn't work anymore! I was more useful inside to deactivate the alarm than waiting outside.”
And stubborn. Holy God, how stubborn you were!
"And it cost you to get shot."
"But it was just a shot!"
Kaz looked at you, puzzled. “Just?! And wasn't it enough ?! You put the whole team at risk!”
“But if I hadn't deactivated the alarm, we would all be arrested! And only I knew how to do that!”
"My fucking God, isn't there a speck of common sense in you?!"
But you answered boldly: "Not when you impose clueless plans on me."
Mortified would be an understatement to describe how he was now. What an unbearable creature! Kaz felt the anger spread from his neck to his face, igniting his breath and squinting his eyes in annoyance.
Why was it so difficult for you to follow a simple goddamn rule?!
“Besides, your initial plan was flawed and there was no reason for me to be out when it was necessary inside and...” And you kept talking!
If you had noticed Kaz's completely enraged state in front of you, you would have been scared, shut up and ran. But, truth be told, Kaz suspected that even if you knew how to read the murderous humor in his eyes, you wouldn't have left that office. Much less be afraid. You could argue with the demon. And you would probably beat him out of tiredness.
However, regardless of the desire to shake you up, to see if that put any good sense in you, in that second, watching you gesture with your hands, defending your point of view as if it were the england queen's crown, something swept Kaz's body from the top of his head with dark hair to the tips of his illustrated boots.
The sound of the world was drowned out by the flow of blood itself in his veins. His heart hammered hard in his chest and, in that instant, a sharp sting in his groin and the pit of his stomach set him on fire.
His gaze went down to your mouth, which kept moving. And when it came up to your eyes, your stubborn and defiant gaze sent Kaz's rationality into space. He dropped the cane abruptly, which toppled to the floor with a hollow crack, and advanced towards you in firm and determined steps.
Gluing his gloved hands to your face, Kaz silenced all your protests with a strong kiss. Hot, fiery, domineering. The kind of kiss that held years of camouflaged desire, years of irritability, years of an unnerving desire to make you shut up with all the perverse forms that existed.
You weren't afraid of him. But you should. You should if you knew everything he wanted to do with you.
However, as if you have been burning in the same desire for years, you responded to that kiss with the same urgency. The same hunger. Kaz slipped his hands into your hair, closing his fingers there and deepening the kiss with ferocity. He felt beside himself, like a hungry wild animal that had been denied food for years and that only now had its teeth set on its prey. You moaned against his lips, bringing your hands to his lean, strong biceps, squeezing your fingers there.
You both needed air, but neither seemed to give a damn about that. Misted of desire that burned like a fire in their bodies, Kaz pushed the two of you backwards, slamming your back against the wall and swinging a frame beside. You gasped, and the gesture made it possible for Kaz to invade your mouth with his tongue, hunting every piece of hot meat. You two fought the same battle in that kiss: invade, dominate, conquer.
They both wanted to take the waltz, but Kaz would never let you conduct the show.
He pulled your wrists up, pinning them with one hand against the wall, leaving you immobile while sinking his mouth further into yours. Kaz felt you try to get rid of his tight grip, but he was stronger than you. And much more when he have a objective.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He murmured against your mouth, the tip of his tongue playing with your bottom lip. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Was impossible for you to control the loud moan that escaped. Your body trembling with desire, your legs wobbly, your wet core vibrating with his words. Kaz Brekker was a fallen angel. With a beauty and charm you've never been immune to.
How can you think you'd win the dominance game with him?
And, like the fallen angel he was, his smug and arrogant smile painted the corner of his lips when he saw what his lines did to you.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Kaz mocked “If I knew it was only necessary to do this for you to shut up...” he brought his lips closer, his voice hitting yours “I would have fucked you like the naughty brat you have been a long time.”
If his caustic and maddening kisses hadn't been enough to break you in half, that statement would have done all the work.
In that second, you hoisted your white flag, biting your lip in a needy moan and closing your eyes for a second by the overwhelming vibration of your core. God, you needed more. Whatever he gave you. Anything he wanted to give you. You just needed more.
"Are you going to be good?" He played with the dough you were in his hands, his devilish mouth going down your neck, leaving a trail of fire and debris wherever he went.
You agreed, desperately. “Yes, Sir."
That title seemed to do things with Kaz. Because in the next second, his mouth was back on your. More urgent, more needy, more dominating. You shifted your hips for more friction with his, and Kaz rewarded your obedience by pulling one of your thighs forward, making your skirt go up, aligning your thigh on his hips and giving access for his member to fit perfectly against your pulsating core.
You moaned louder this time. Fingers clenching, heart pumping frantically. Kaz pulled his lips away from you for a second, taking his hand off your thigh and bringing it to your mouth.
“Pull.” He ordered, referring to the glove.
You murmured a low, excited moan, bringing your mouth to the glove and clenching your teeth on the cloth at the top of his middle finger. Satisfied, Kaz pulled his hand back, watching the alabaster skin peel away from the leather fabric. As soon as he was free, he removed the glove from your mouth, replacing it with his own and stealing all your breath in that fiery kiss.
His free hand wandered over your thigh, touching you for the first time with a touch that promised to show you all the most delicious and secret sins in the world. His tongue wrapped around your again, and the moan you let out was even greater when his long fingers brushed against your wet, throbbing core.
"S-sir!" You sobbed, your hips rocking against his hand, desperate for more.
"Look at you." His fire voice beat against your lips, the tightness against your wrists getting stronger, more possessive "I’ ve only started using my fingers and you ’re already shaking"
Your body cried out in unbridled desire, sobs mingling with loud moans and heavy sighs as Kaz tormented you with his fingers. He touched you, slid, opened and sank, increasing the volume of your pleas.
“P-please" You begged, the body in need, the urge too urgent.
Kaz looked you in the eye, a dark, malicious gleam burning in his Egyptian blue irises. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" He teased you.
But you no longer cared about his teasing. With your lips swollen and red, your heart racing and the core pulsing in despair on his experienced fingers, you were already surrendered.
"Please. I n-need." You mumbled submissively, rummaging your hips in his hand.
"I bet if I wanted to fuck you against my desk, here and now, you would be very happy to do it, wouldn't you?"
He was foisting all of his dominance on you, bending you to your knees for him. And you knew that. You knew he was taking years of anger out on you. But you couldn't care less. You wanted him. Ardently. Desperately. And if it was a good girl Kaz wanted, damn it, you would be a good girl for him.
You readily agreed, your eyes shining in supplication.
“Good.” Kaz pulled you brutally off the wall, turning you over to the table and pushing your chest against the icy wood, pulling your hips at him. “Because that's exactly what is going to happen.”
Suddenly, desire and hunger roared like a wild beast. Kaz watched you, bent over his desk, obedient, surrendered, offering every inch of your body to him.
His breath was burning in his throat and it was no longer possible to order his thoughts, contain his euphoria. He would fuck you so hard that it would make that memory the only thought when you remembered him. When you dare to rebut his orders.
Kaz pulled you skirt up and your panties down, letting out a groan that sounded more like a growl as he saw your wet core. Pulsing and desperate for him. For anything he wanted to give you. It sparked a fervent desire that Brekker had never felt in his life, devastating any possibility of thinking about anything other than fucking you.
Playing with your fingers in your slick, wet folds, you whimpered again, the core pulsing whenever he teased you inside, pressing his fingertips there but never entering.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" His voice came over the top of your shoulder, hoarse, animalistic, full of profane desires.
"Please." You were quick to beg “I do what you want! But just...please, please… ”
You already felt your eyes watering from over-stimulation, your heart burning so hard it was beating, your core aching from emptiness.
You sealed the end of the game between you. Kaz had won. In a triumphant checkmate.
And you didn't have to beg again. Barely seeing when he unbuttoned his pants, you just reasoned his hard, hot, pulsating member by opening your from the inside. Claiming everything that was yours as his in a strong, desperate, hungry lunge.
"S-sir!" You screamed, your nails scraping the wood from the table, the core pulsing overwhelmingly around his rigid member.
In a more badly lunge, Kaz sank completely into you, moaning loudly as he hit rock bottom. The gloved hand slid over your shoulder, propelled you to him while the bare hand tightened on your waist, hitting you at a steady, raw, animalistic rhythm.
The sounds were pornographic, dirty and loud, echoing off the walls. The air was hot like molten lava, pungent and muffled, driving you two lost breath. Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end tomorrow, in aggressive, rough thrusts. These were thrusts that made half of his things on the table fall to the floor, mixing in a mess that would serve as a reminder later about the sinful activities you two did.
You screamed when Kaz took on more force, his fingers squeezing you so hard that they would leave you with marks on your shoulder and waist the next day.
"Fucking hell!" Kaz snarled between his teeth, feeling your flesh throb around him, squeezing he with such desperation that he knew you were close.
You sobbed, tears streaming down the corners of your eyes as you pushed your ass towards him, trying to bring him as deep as possible, as deep inside you as possible. But every time his pelvis smashed into your ass, a loud moan and the feeling of being completely full drowned you.
You begged, pleaded, for something you didn't know. But Kaz seemed to know. Taking both hands to your hips, your pace became even more unperturbed, pushing you to the limit until you cum in a scream in his name, your lungs on fire. Kaz came close behind, sinking as deep as possible and pouring all the hot liquid into you. Almost like a brand.
The air was filled with sex, lust and desire, filled only by the sound of their ragged breaths that struggled to stabilize.
You were still panting when Kaz's voice came after you: "Whatever I want, don't I?"
A deal with the devil.
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mod-ibuki · 2 years
"backstabber..!" || dangnaronpa protags x reader
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the feels: angst?
warnings: killing is mentioned, reader is executed, swearing
A/N: addicted to backstabber by ke$ha, decided to make this (sorry for the oocness, by the way-)
🍀 Makoto didn't want to believe it. he didn't want to doubt Kirigiri's deduction, he really didn't, and he never thought he would, but he did. he just couldn't believe his.. his lover was the mastermind! of this hellhole, of this despair, of this suffering..! Makoto was in denial about it for a while, but Kirigiri wouldn't allow it so, she presented the undeniable evidence she had.
🍀 he cries, obviously very sad that he made it this far with his S/O only to be told they're the person he disliked the most in this awful situation. Makoto starts avoiding his S/O, not even wanting to look them in the eyes. it just pains him to do so, you can't blame him!
🍀 "um.. th- the mastermind is.." everyone encourages him to say it, to say who put them in this stupid game. the one behind Monokuma's actions, the one behind all these executions and murders!
🍀 but Makoto can't exactly do it, he's having trouble. he's stuttering, and beating around the bush while his S/O is curiously looking at him, probably mocking him.
🍀 suddenly, they asked. "Makoto, darling, who is it? you need to tell us so we can finally get out of here." and that's when he fully breaks.
🍀 he's obviously trying to keep his tears in, and he finally says who it is. he provides evidence that Kirigiri had given him, and his S/O is just standing there with no expression the entire time.
🍀 "um. d- do i have it right, L/N..?"
🍀 the h/c person doesn't reply, only staring. their face is neutral, and they aren't speaking either. they're just.. there. Togami butts in, seemingly annoyed about the amount of silence taking up the class trial. "well? how is his deduction, which i assume is also Kirigiri's? answer it, L/N."
🍀 and then they finally spoke. "have what right?" L/N played clueless, tilting their head and chuckling under their breath. "i don't understand, are you saying i'm the mastermind of all people? seriously? Makoto, is that what you really think of me? a monster?" Makoto hesitates before answering, but he does eventually answer with a "yes". he avoided answering the "monster" part.
🍀 L/N admitted after a few minutes of pushing, and Makoto doesn't know how he's supposed to take it. he just remained how he usually would act, optimistic and hopeful. but he wasn't hopeful at this moment.
🍀 one question stayed in his mind.
🍀 "did i fill you with despair, Makoto?"
🍀 what.. was he feeling at that moment? when his S- when, L/N was being executed? Makoto couldn't have been feeling despair, he was the Ultimate Hope, afterall. what L/N asked him wouldn't ever get to him.
🍀 right?
🍊 haha.. i had trouble writing for this guy. wasn't sure exactly how to write him.. lol.
🍊 anyway, after every single execution, including Nanami's, he'd always go to his S/O for comfort, and it'd work everytime. Hajime was glad that he had someone like his S/O to be in this, although he was horrified of the thought that either him or his S/O could die. executed or murdered, he tried protecting his S/O in whatever way he could.
🍊 Hajime loved them with all his heart, which is exactly why he was devastated to death when he put the dots together, and realized that his S/O, the one who helped him, the one who cared for him, the one who loved him, would ever put him through this.
🍊 now, unlike Makoto, he wouldn't cry. not physically at least. Hajime mentally beat himself up about things, and he'd just sit in his cabin, rethinking about his decision about his partner. was this the right choice? what if he was wrong and he betrayed his S/O's trust?
🍊 was the love of his life really the mastermind of this fucked up game? the torture that killed people who didn't deserve it?
🍊 Hajime decides that he isn't going to show the evidence to his partner or to anyone, and is just going to keep it to himself for the trial. he'd rather that he only suffered these awful feelings.
🍊 again, unlike Makoto, he wouldn't stutter while presenting evidence, but he wouldn't talk to or look at his S/O while the trial is occurring. no way that he'd be able to do that. though, an accidental glance happened (or was his S/O planning it..?), and it made him pause for a minute.
🍊 he was rethinking his choices again. the others begged him to proceed, that they needed this to get out safely and-
🍊 "Hajime? do you really think i'm the mastermind? because you know i'm not. you're accusing me wrongly, but it's okay. just stop telling them false evidence, and reveal the true mastermind to us. you can do that, right?"
🍊 Fuyuhiko blows up. "the hell? let Hinata continue! we need this shit to get out, and what do you mean by true mastermind!?" he's confused, furrowing his eyebrows.
🍊 L/N looks confused, yet smiles. "um.. y'know, the true mastermind." Hajime was having an internal battle until that, and snapped his head towards L/N, but not making eye contact. "what.. do you mean?" suddenly, he felt a bad feeling. that something horrible and terrifying was about to be revealed.
🍊 "you know what i'm talking about, right? like, you of all people should know, Hajime. i'm not the mastermind at all."
🍊 Owari looked down and raised an eyebrow, clearly not getting what was happening (she was feeling the same way as the others, confused), "what the hell is happenin'?! i'm confused!" Souda groaned, "you're always confused, Owari!"
🍊 "y'know.. the mastermind mastermind." they slowly turned to Hajime with a sick smile on their face, it made his stomach turn.
🍊 "Izuru Kamukura."
🧢 i couldn't decide if i should've used the magnifying glass or the cap emoji. and i'm so sorry but that magnifying glass emoji is reserved for Kyoko (<3) and Shuichi had some cap anyway so..
🧢 alrighty! so, this man was gaining so much confidence. he was finally able to be confident in himself and his detective skills, Shuichi could fully call himself, while still being completely confident about it, the Ultimate Detective.
🧢 and while Momota and Harukawa helped, Shuichi's S/O helped him the most. even outside of this stupid killing game, his partner would support him every way they could. they were loving, and would care for him. and Shuichi appreciated everything they did for him so, so much.
🧢 when he figured out who the mastermind exactly was, he cried. Shuichi cried until he couldn't, and he tried to convince himself that it wasn't his S/O. that it was someone else, like.. Tsumugi! but that couldn't have been the truth. and all Shuichi wanted to put out was the exact truth.
🧢 except it was so hard to accept this truth, and Shuichi knew, that as a detective, he HAD to accept it. no matter how harsh or brutal it was, he would have to accept it. and he tried to, he really, really did, but even after he told everyone the truth in the final class trial, Shuichi had so much doubt in his mind. he was second guessing everything.
🧢 while we're on the topic of the class trial, he was so scared. Shuichi was scared about what his S/O would think, about what the others would think. if they really were the mastermind, that should've been good, right? but Shuichi would be filled with so much.. despair. and what if they weren't the mastermind? what would everyone think of him? they'd be disappointed, and they'd all die, hating him. especially his S/O, he would lose his trust and would lose them.
🧢 so.. what did he do? how was his physical state in the trial? well, he was an absolute mess in the trial. he'd slip up constantly, would make up excuses, he's stuttering, and Shuichi truly looks like he's about to cry his eyes out until he couldn't once more. and he was about to, but Harukawa comforted him, though it was not direct, Shuichi knew what she was attempting to do, and it kept him from completely breaking.
🧢 "uh- uhm.. t-the mastermind.." he trails off, his mind going blank. what was he going to say again? and while he was trying to gain his thoughts again, Yumeno anxiously spoke up. "wh- what?! who is it!?" Harukawa glared at Yumeno, who toned her voice down. "quit it, let Saihara regain his thoughts. i don't see you revealing the truth." K1-B0 tried calming them down. "um, let us allow Saihara to tell us who this mastermind is. it is very important information as this will save us from these insane killings."
🧢 Shuichi's S/O suddenly talked, and Shuichi feels his heart break, and then feels like he was being stabbed repeatedly with no mercy. "yeah, Yumeno. shut up. no offense," they turned to Shuichi with a warm smile, that would've been comforting, but it just made Shuichi feel like throwing up instead. "anyway, c'mon, you can do it. tell us who it is, we need to know."
🧢 "F/- L/N, p-please. stop.. just, stop pretending. it- it's hurting me so, so much. i-i can't take it." Shuichi turned to L/N with slight tears in his eyes, and L/N's smiled slowly, but surely, disappeared and the others were confused. they all turned towards L/N, then to Shuichi. "um.. what's happening? Saihara, who's the mastermind..?" Shirogane's soft voice asked, confused as the rest were. Yumeno agreed, "yeah.. is this some type of soap drama?" again, Harukawa glared at her. "shut up."
🧢 Shuichi built up the courage to speak once more, but L/N quickly interrupted him. "Shuichi? what's going on? are you okay?" their voice is so.. caring, that it makes the detective so sick to his stomach. were they.. trying to do something? "y-yes. i'll reveal who the mastermind is, rig- right now."
🧢 everyone's eyes widened, minus L/N's. they remained without a smile, and the caring voice that was from earlier didn't seem like it belonged to them at all. "oh, you do now? tell us. are you confident in yourself?" L/N's personality seemed to change so quickly, and so Shuichi couldn't handle it and revealed who it was so quickly, and didn't tell the whole closing argument thing, that it basically stunned everyone to silence.
🧢 after a few minutes of absolute silence, L/N's personality changed once more. "you're like, totally totally sure?! 'cause that's a wild fuckin' accusation, y'know!?" Harukawa raised an eyebrow, "why are you acting like this all of a sudden? are you truly the mastermind behind all this, like Saihara said?"
🧢 and it changed again. "oh.. um.. well, i wouldn't say that! i'm totally way too innocent to be the mastermind! all that was, was a pointless, stupid, totally wrong, accusation!" the trial went on and on, but Shuichi would just stand there until it was all done. and as the trial was finishing, and the end was finally coming through, L/N asked a question that would make Shuichi fall into despair very soon.
🧢 "i still love you, Shuichi. you love me too, right?"
🎼 kayayday!! :D
🎼 anyway, this woman had so much support throughout her life, and she loved her S/O to death, she supported them and they supported her! definitely a win-win situation.
🎼 well, they were both(?) very happy until the killing game, of course. after the first execution, Shirogane's, and the first murder, Amami's, and so on, Kaede became more and more anxious. what if her partner were to go insane and.. well, she didn't want to doubt her S/O, and she didn't want to ever think about the outcome of that possibility.
🎼 Kaede was more scared for her S/O's life rather than her own, they meant too much to her, and she'd probably go insane if they were to die. She was paranoid, and counted on Saihara to help her and her S/O get through this, along with her hope to stay alive.
🎼 Kaede wanted nothing more but to get out of this hellhole. She hated the mastermind who put them through this, and she had sworn to herself and to all the people that she'd find out who it was, and kill them. even if it cost her own life.
🎼 this, of course, included her S/O. and as Kaede looks back on it, it makes her so uncomfortable. the fact that her S/O just sat there and nodded, agreeing to everything she said, while still being the mastermind behind all this, makes her so.. angry, yet sad.
🎼 "you know? i just.. want to get out of here, with the others. i don't want anyone else to die, but i know i can't stop them even if i were to sacrifice my own life." Kaede looked at her S- at, L/N with sad eyes, as they nodded. "yeah, i agree. i just want to get out of here safely," they put a hand on her shoulder, and smiled. "with the rest of you."
🎼 the last trial started. Kaede found her hand in L/N's, who took her hand and gripped it. as the elevator went down and down, Kaede got more and more scared. this was the last class trial after all, that meant all this pain would end if they got everything in the right place, like a puzzle.
🎼 that meant, there was no turning back. Kaede looked into L/N's eyes, and she swore she saw something swirling in their eyes, but perhaps it was just her imagination. after all, her imagination was pretty wild sometimes.
🎼 Saihara has presented her something earlier on though. the evidence that L/N was the mastermind. Kaede, well, she was hesitant to believe this, but knew that she couldn't deny it. this evidence was from the Ultimate Detective, and it was practically undeniable. as much as it pained her to accept it, she did in the end.
🎼 "L/N, are you.. the mastermind?" Kaede firmly asked, her hands shaking as her right hand pointed towards L/N, the supposed mastermind. Harukawa raised an eyebrow, then looked towards L/N, Saihara nodded approvingly, Yumeno groaned and put her face under her hat, and K1-B0 stared at them.
🎼 Harukawa spoke quickly after Kaede. "well?" L/N didn't exactly respond well. they simply rolled their eyes, and sighed out of frustration. "nah, i deny. how come you can accuse the ultimate [talent] and not the ultimate assassin or the ultimate detective? they seem like smartasses, and i'm clearly not the smartest in the room." they closed their eyes, seemingly calm about this. even though they were being accused of being the mastermind of this whole ordeal.
🎼 "well.." Saihara was about to contradict, before L/N cut him off. "quit it, emo chick. anyway," suddenly, as they turned towards Kaede, their snarky personality seemed to have changed to a sweeter one. "Kaede, you've got this all wrong. i'm not the mastermind, not in a million years. humans are too.. um.. precious? for this world to be in a killing game!" they turned to where no one could hear or see them, and remarked, "precious? the hell?" they turned back to the rest, and cleared their throat.
🎼 Kaede gulped, and nodded. "yes, L/N. we have evidence for our claim!"
🎼 L/N's personality changed again, and it was one that had no personality at all. just.. emotionless. "oh? is that so? well, present it."
🎼 K1-B0 became even more confused than before, "you're not going to deny the evidence that could be used against you?" L/N looked at the ultimate robot, and nodded. "so? i'm not the mastermind anyway, so whatever."
🎼 "are-" Saihara started, but was instantly cut off again by L/N. "shut it." Harukawa sighed, and looked towards Kaede. "continue, show the evidence."
🎼 and so, Kaede presented the evidence. it was all pointed towards L/N, except there were more.. darker assets. these darker assets made Harukawa shiver, even.
🎼 Kaede though, was absolutely heartbroken. the love of her life was the one that she hated the most. the one she had wished was dead, and Kaede didn't know how to think about it.
🎼 she watched as L/N was being executed, and they turned towards her with a smile that seemed genuine, but Kaede had slightly doubted it. L/N mouthed something to her, and Kaede felt her whole world freeze.
🎼 "you still haven't showed me how to play piano."
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A/N: (HAHAHAHA IM SORRY FOR THE WOODY GIF LMFAO) okay, soooo i made all this at Expo 2020, and it was kinda a pain bc i had to walk while doing this shit 😭 anyway i just realized 2 of my official posts (including this ofc) include the reader dying. help. also, i got kinda lazy on the end bc i was just getting tired and for some reason Tumblr didn't save Kaede's original one?? i'm sorry for not including Komaru on this, i love her to death but i decided 4 was enough since Expo was gonna be a long ride already shshdhhd
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➳the search party ❦
in which there is much one-sided pining after a mystery girl saves fred weasley in the battle of hogwarts. the reader helps him search for her but what fred doesn't know is the girl is y/n l/n, his flatmate.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.6k
tw: mentions of the war
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ft. the reader's very good acting skills
and all the pieces fall
right into place
the search party
the last thing fred remembered of the girl who held the wall up was her gaze. under the dimness of the world around them, he could tell she was on a mission. her eyes were cold and determined. her ponytail had swerved violently and that was the last time he ever saw her. or so he thought.
he didn't know that the very girl sat opposite to him, munching happily on icecream with a satisfied smile on her face, curiously drinking in the very familiar view of hogsmeade.
y/n l/n kept two secrets from him. the first was the massive crush she had had on him ever since he had left to open the joke shop, and the second, well, it was that she was the girl he had claimed that had saved him.
she had listened to his tales of pining after the girl with a bittersweet mood. he'd probably lose all romantic feelings when he discovered that the girl was her. if she was anyone else but her, she'd find herself very unpleasant.
he had suggested that they go on a trip to hogsmeade one sunday to possibly find the girl. with a little hesitation, she'd agreed.
for the most part, playing clueless was easy, especially when you knew everything he didn't.
there was just one problem. he only knew her by her gaze. y/n scoffed quietly to herself. fred was probably the most dreamy out of the both of them, surprisingly, considering y/n's terribly romantic thoughts that she had conjured from her lifetime of watching her friends absolutely fall in love with people.
they watch the people that pass with a sort of hidden interest.
y/n doesn't even bother trying to find the girl, instead observing every passerbyer with interest, analysing them quickly.
"d'ya think she's here or maybe in london?"
y/n shrugs, "anything's possible in a world of people. if it's fate, it'll happen."
"none of these people have the look in their eyes!"
"well that look did happen in the war, so it must've been a special type of condition that caused her to have the gaze," y/n offers.
"yeah, i think so."
they fall back into a comfortable silence.
fred now has a sneaking suspicion that y/n knows who it might be. right now, she's wearing sunglasses though. he can't tell anything.
"she's got the same sort of hair," fred nods his head in the way of a girl with her hair up.
y/n nods, "wanna approach her?"
"nah, she's looking over here."
"quick, avert your gaze subtly."
"okay, okay. i don't see why though. is my gaze not smouldering enough?"
y/n laughs, "it's creepy for sure."
"you wound me."
"truth hurts, freddie."
they watch as the girl watches them with narrowed eyes.
"that's definitely not her. she had pretty eyes," fred ponders.
"maybe you could post a note of some sort on the joke shop?" y/n jokes, "girl wanted, strong gaze, ponytail, saved me in the war?"
she laughs at his disgruntled expression as he folds his arms.
"maybe i should."
y/n bursts out laughing again, "i was joking!"
"i wasn't!"
she shakes her head, "suit yourself."
"why, i do have a suit!"
"it's an expression, dummy."
"how am i supposed to know?"
"you just do!"
"extremely helpful."
"that i am, mister."
this type of playful banter continues into the night, as they occasionally walk up to strangers to check their 'gaze'.
the search is unsuccessful, and soon y/n needs to get to her job at flourish and botts, where she works as the manager on the nights of weekdays, whilst she works as head of magical wellbeing at the ministry from monday to saturday.
"hi mister boris!" she says as she fiddles with an apron, open up the cash register and sorting the new stock.
"bonjour y/n," he says distractedly, frantically searching for something, "have you by la chance seen the book of french for wizards?"
y/n nods, immediately climbing a different shelf and hands him the leather bound cover.
"this is why i hired you. excellent."
"you hired me because i could find books...?"
"you were in here too much tes jours d'école."
"it's a nice place," she gives him a small smile.
"ahh, the weasley boy from just down the road, he came up to me and asked me if i knew of a girl with a ponytail, and when angry, has the prettiest eyes. say, it does sound like you, oui?"
"non," she answers in an easy manner, "not at all."
"and how come, mademoiselle?"
"it is not."
"well i do hear angeliqua johnson saying something, oui, what was it? sauveuse, perhaps that is like tu?"
she laughs, "you got me. angie's right. i dunno how she knows though."
"so it is you! comme c'est excitant! how exciting!"
"not really, boris."
"how so?"
"he's looking for her! imagine how disappointed he'll be when he finds out she's me!"
"it's half true, i guess. it's not exciting, but the story's very well real."
"i n’y a pas de verités moyennes. there are no half truths, mademoiselle."
"very sophisticated, boris." y/n rolls her eyes and continues to dust the shelves.
at the end of her shift, it's almost 10p.m.
she closes up and is surprised to find it's raining.
smiling to herself, she walks in the rain happily, enjoying the beautiful ambience of hogsmeade in night rain.
a tap on her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts. she stands face to face with cormac mclaggen.
unbeknownst to her, fred stands watching the exchange.
"hello, mclaggen."
"nice night, isn't it, darling?"
y/n sighs, "what do you want?"
"i want your company."
"no, goodbye. come to chase another girl who won't give you what you want?"
he scoffs, "i get all that i want. every single girl."
"get out of my face mclaggen," her tone is dangerous and hard. fred can tell she isn't angry just yet.
"as soon as you accept my date request."
"the first words you spoke to me, mclaggen, was 'you are a miserable beauty'. what makes you think i'll ever accept?"
"well just look at you, all pretty and vanilla-"
"get out of my way," she snaps, "all pretty and vanilla is out of your league."
fred watches as her eyes turn cold and furious, before she turns away with a swish of her ponytail, sparing one last cold glance at cormac and walks quickly away.
he's struck with realisation. he's seen that expression before. he's seen the hair before. those pretty eyes that gleam ominously. it's the girl. she's the girl. suddenly everything comes into place.
he doesn't know how or why or when exactly.
all he knows is that he loves y/n. and she's the one he's been looking for after all.
he runs after her. "y/n!"
"mclaggen just get out!" she turns to face him with those eyes, and that hair.
her eyes soften at the sight of him. they turn a bit lighter.
"oh, hi freddie."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"what?" y/n fiddles with her jumper hem. he can't know, can he?
"that all this time, we've been searching for you!"
she looks dismayed, "uh huh. yeap."
"why did you keep it secret?"
"i did think of telling you, but y'know, i played it out all in my head, and you seemed very excited and all, i didn't want to ruin it by just telling you this magnificent love story," she put quotation marks, "was with me. if i were you, i'd be disappointed, so i just let you go on with the nice fantasy. and whilst i'm spilling all my secrets i might as well get it all out. i like you maybe more than i should. and so it would hurt twice as much if you reacted badly to it and, and-"
she's cut off by a kiss on her lips.
her eyes widen. when they both pull out of the kiss, he chuckles at how surprised she is.
"i like you too."
"so you're not mad?"
"no, just never keep a secret from me again."
"and you need to promise me something."
"what is it?"
"that you'll be my girlfriend."
she smiles, "okay."
"that's it?"
"yup. okay."
she's grinning as she places a kiss on his nose, having to balance on her tiptoes to reach him. he blushes.
"and thank you."
"saving me, loving me."
"always, freddie."
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Okay, so I'm really skinny. Underweight tbh. And I'm kinda insecure about that, because I'm literary bones and skin.
Could I request Brothers dealing with some lesser demons who were laughing at MC because how small, skinny and "easy to break" they are?
All body types are valid and wonderful; just like some people can't control how much weight they put on, others can't control how much weight they can't gain. It's not always simple with body types - just look after yourself regardless of your size. Eat your 3 main meals, have small snacks or mini meals every 2-3 hours that are more healthy or if you have healthy main meals let your mini meals/snacks be unhealthy
Though too much of anything can be unhealthy so is there really a different between the types?
Also please everyone drink plenty of water even if you have to give it some flavour for it be more enjoyable!
"are you sure you're a human? You look more like a reaper to me."
Three demons surrounded you, leaning on the table as you tried to ignore them. Keeping your focus on the the worksheet Infront of you but a demon snatched your pencil.
"Hey, doesn't this remind you of Someone?" the demon laughed, pointing the pencil at you.
But they took it another step, they easily snapped the pencil in half with one hand. Throwing it back at you. You flinched away, covering your face but luckily it landed on the table.
They were all snickering. Prodding at your arms and sides. You squirmed away from them and slapped their hands.
"leave me alone..."
A different male demon grabbed your wrist, inspecting your slim wrist.
"hey don't grab them like that, you might break them! I mean look at them, they're bone!" The female demon mocked concern.
"Aw come on~ can't handle a few jokes? Humans really are weak."
Your wrist was thrown from his grasp; it smacked on the table and you hissed. Just before you could do anything the classroom door suddenly opened. The demons all whispered a fearful "oh shit" under their breath.
"I see you're living up to the title 'lesser demon', how wonderful for you."
His condescending smile immediately drooped
His hands moved swiftly and a whip appeared in them, he glared at them
The three of them gulped, looking at each other
"How many lashing should I give them, perhaps everytime they insulted you? Every snicker or chuckle - how about everytime they breathed?"
he snapped the whip with a snarl
They looked at you for mercy and you considered letting Lucifer having his way
But you felt a sick feeling in your stomach knowing how vicious he could get
"i just want an apology and to be left alone..."
"You heard them, beg for forgiveness and if i find any of you were bothering them again I won't let them decide your fate."
The three demons immediately got on their knees, legs shaking as they apologized repeatedly for their actions
You knew it was fake but apart of you felt happy hearing their apology
"you can leave now."
On that cue they ran out making sure to dodge the quick whip from Lucifer
The last one Getting caught on the butt and practically jumped out of the room
"They're foolish, love, you are absolutely ravishing and I could never ask for a more wonderful partner, let's go get some ice cream - my treat to help your bad day."
"ya wanna repeat that? Don't be going all silent just because I'm here~ go on, keep insulting the human, see what happens."
He chuckled, hands in pockets
The demons weren't sure how to respond
To test what he'll do or play it safe
Mammon twiddled a playing card between his fingers, a smirk on his face as he stood behind you
One of the demons opened their mouth but he just flicked his wrist, the card sticking itself in the wall just missing the demon
"I ain't very forgiving, ya see so it's best you start apologizing now or things could get abit messy."
You was surprised by how fast they all dropped
Apologizing and begging for you to forgive them
"Please leave, you've apologized enough."
They all ran out thanking you for being so kind
"awww but (Y/N), you could of made them your posse!"
"I just wanted them to leave, I know they aren't actually sorry."
"hfmp, they better be or else I'll get 'em - did I look cool?! I was practising that trick for weeks!"
You chuckled, kissing his cheek
He grinned even wider as he grabbed your hand
"you were real cool, you were like a spy."
"does that make you my stunning partner in crime? Your looks lure in the suspects and I get them? You can't convince me otherwise - you're a real beaut."
"LMAO, your faces~! I can't wait for this to go viral, perhaps even Prince Diavolo will see this, wouldn't that be unfortunate."
He kept filming, pointing the camera at their faces
They looked even more Horrified
A powerful demon was already coming to get them but now the prince could get involved?
"should I post it, (Y/N)? You're in it after all."
"I just want them to leave me alone, I don't care."
Levithan hummed, displeased at the demons
"it's pretty rude you're just standing there and not apologizing, they're the one in charge if you get found out or not."
The demons gasped, staring at you and then back at Levithan
They immediately started apologizing, blaming their actions on just jealousy
You shook your head and they began to sweat
Fearing they're going to put on blast for their actions
Surprised by your defeated sigh
"just go....it's not worth it."
Levi was about to argue differently but the demon had already left
"Wha!!!! I felt like an anime protagonist! Did they say anything else to you?! I swear they can't tell what beauty is-"
"it's fine, they weren't wrong."
"HUUUH???!!!!!! don't listen to them, (Y/N), I think you look just fine the way you are and yo-you should see yourself as attractive too-! because you're awesome and Your loo-looks are even more cool!"
He hugged you, hiding his red face in your shoulder
"You're brave to think you're in any position to even breathe in their direction, for all our dignities It would be best you apologize and leave."
They were ready to bolt right there and then
They looked at you and started to apologize but Satan clicked his teeth
"be sincere, we can be here for as long as we want until you feel genuine guilt for your actions."
He slammed his hand down on the table
The lesser demons cowered
You just sat there, frowning
You just wanted to be left alone and let your feelings out
The demons apologized again
Making sure to add sincerity in their voice but Satan kept making them repeat themselves
It got to the point you had to cut him off
"It's fine, they've apologized, let them leave."
He hummed, annoyed but nodded
The demons scrambled out of the room, fearing to even look at the two of you
"if you ever need me to go back at them I'll do just that, I couldn't believe they would say something like that to you."
"thanks for helping, just let them leave instead of using your energy."
"I'll try to but I'll make sure there is no next time, you don't deserve to be spoken to like that and you are far more charming than any of them, I for one, adore how you look."
"repeat that again~? I hope I didn't hear you three insulting my darling, it's so ugly to shame others for their body."
The demons tried to utter out a response but he just stared at them
Tilting his head as he smiled
He got closer to them, staring into their eyes
Soon enough they were charmed
"why don't you tell me why you thought it was okay to speak to (Y/N) like that."
They all began speaking; expressing their envy for your relationship with asmo and the other demons
One of them just telling him they saw you as fragile and unlikable
Asmo smiled wider before suddenly grabbing one their chins, a snarl on his face now
"do you feel sorry? Are you ashamed of yourself?"
They all said yes, apologizing to you
"thanks asmo, you can let them go now."
He happily did as you said, telling them to leave
He nuzzled into your body, hands wandering over it as he grinned
"They're just jealous demons who can't handle their own Insecurities, you're not like them, everything about you is good looking - inside and out! I couldn't ask for anything more~"
"yes!!! I'm in love with you and your body is marvelous to look at, i can't get enough of you!"
"Apologize and leave or I'll make you my next meal."
Straight to the point
And it was effective
His size was already intimidating but his willingness to devour whatever he wanted was scarier
They apologized to you, Getting on their knees and telling you how gorgeous you were
You felt your mood get worse so you waved your hand
"don't bother, a sorry was enough, you can leave now."
They shot up but Beel bite the air Infront of them when they passed him
They shrieked and picked up their speed
"I can't stand people like that.... they're more clueless than mammon."
He sat with you
Clenching his jaw, you held his hand and leaned against him
"Don't listen to them, I think you look really nice, I like the way you look but I know the important thing is that you like the way you look, I don't mind how you look because you'll still always be you."
"Hey gorgeous, are these idioits bothering you? What a shame, I was hoping lesser demons knew how to keep in their place."
He wrapped an arm around you
Glaring at the lesser demons, they grew more nervous under his hateful eye
They muttered to themselves for not realising he was there but belphie mocked them, asking them to speak up
"what's with the change of energy? You were confident about your opinions before, what changed?"
They couldn't answer without looking weak
Belphegor only grinned at them
He kissed your cheek
"that's what I thought, scram!"
They ran off, not daring to look at you
They couldn't even hiss or glare, knowing the demon behind you would have their throat for it
They were lucky to not get hurt when he found them
"thanks, sorry, did you come here to sleep?"
"I was looking for you, keep me close, okay? Don't listen to those demons - they wouldn't be able to tell what's good or not even if their lives depended on it, you're perfect the way you are."
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being the only angel that likes Lucifer and is still fighting for his redemption
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" Chloe ! You have awful neighbors, did you know that..?!"
" Lucifer !"
The devil doesn't have the time to make one more step inside the room that you are already jumping in his arms. He sighs as he recognizes you and awkwardly pats your back until you untangle yourself from him, a wide smile spread across your face.
" Y/N..What are you doing here ?"
He asks straight away, but you only shrug nonchalantly, as if your presence was of no importance.
" Just wanted to check on you ! Are you alright ? Father told me that you could use some company ! Plus, aren't I allowed to visit my favorite angel from time to time ?!"
He looks at Chloe that only shrugs at him, as clueless as he is. She had noticed you waiting near her house and had first suspected you to be a threat, but the way you had smiled at her had immediately made her trust you somehow.
" Chloe is a wonderful woman ! I understand why you like her so much. Thank you for the tea."
Lucifer looks at the empty cup and raises an eyebrow at the detective.
" Hey ! Why didn't you ever made me some tea ?"
Chloe scoffs at his poor attempt at jealousy before walking past him.
" Because A) She's better behaved and B) She isn't the Devil. Now, you two have a lot to catch up on I assume, so I'll be taking Trixie to the zoo while you two take care of whatever you're here for.."
She glances at you knowingly and you smile gratefully at her. She slams the door behind her and as soon as she is gone, Lucifer loses his playful smile and looks at you with a worried expression.
" Y/N..What are you really doing here ? You are one of his favorites. You have to return up there. It is not safe down here.."
You frown at his sudden seriousness and give a little pout before replying, your arms crossed.
" But it is for you ? You were one of us, Luci. The Greatest. It hurt me so much when I saw you fall and I am still fighting for your redemption ! You have changed. You have changed so much and I am not about to give up because you have !"
His eyes start watering despite himself and he asks you with a tremor in his voice.
" Why still believe in me ? There is nothing to save anymore..Why try so hard, Y/N ?"
You seem to think about it for a while before sighing and looking up at him with a hopeful smile.
" Because, I remember who you were..I remember who we were to each other and it was so beautiful, Luci. We were beautiful. When you fell, it took Michael, Azrael and Gabriel to keep me from jumping after you. I love you, Luci. We all did at some point but, even if the others chose to forget, I didn't..If only your pride hadn't taken control over you. You could have been magnificent, the angel of angels..This is also why I decided to take care of Hell while you're gone, covering your absence from Dad.."
He frowns in incomprehension before you smile and take his appearance in front of him.
" Neat trick, huh ? Nobody noticed the difference up there..Well, almost nobody. Gabriel did, but he promised not to tell anyone."
He had almost forgotten completely about Hell and takes your hands to kiss your knuckles in a simple act of humble tenderness, knowing what you were risking in helping him, knowing what HE would do if he knew.
" I'm sorry. I just wanted to feel loved..I just wanted HIM to be proud of me..I don't regret what I did that day, but if I regret anything..It's to have made you suffer, my little angel.."
You stroke his hair softly and smile compassionately at him.
" HE knows..HE is always watching you and know that you were doing what you thought was just..One day, you will come back home and that day, I'll be here, waiting for you.."
Luci looks up at you and gently runs his hand through your locks. He then kisses your forehead and you smile before slowly wrapping your arms around his neck to play with the hair at the back of his neck.
" No matter what happens, you'll always have me, Luci.."
You look up at him with all of the love you feel for this cursed angel and Lucifer tightens his grip on you, his eyes momentarily turning red with emotions.
" This is what scares me, Y/N..My poor angel, waiting for me will destroy you. I will never come back. Either Father will send me back to Hell or I'll stay here, among the humans."
You bite your lower lip before looking up at him and finally admit what you had agreed on with the great above.
" I know..This is why Gabriel has allowed me to rule Hell while you stay here, permanently, or at least until Dad finds out.."
His eyes widen at the news and he shakes his head negatively before cradling your face with his hands, almost crying at your act of kindness.
" Oh no, my darling..I..I'm sure he didn't say that, he couldn't have agreed to that. You must have misunderstood..You can't do that..Gabriel would never let you do that. And even if he did, I can't ask you to do that for me.."
You puff your cheeks, upset at his lack of faith.
" Why don't you believe me ?! Have you forgotten that the code forbids me to lie ?! Or do you have such little faith on my abilities ?!"
He laughs at your grumpy expression and shakes his head, making you understand that that wasn't what he meant, before putting his forehead against yours.
" Oh no, angel..It's not about not believing that you are good enough, I know that you are. It's about you not being here, right now, with me..Not being blamed for something that should be my responsibility.."
You try to make sense of his words until you seem to understand and burst out laughing to his astonishment.
" I see what's happening here ! You're afraid I'll put myself between you and the lovely policewoman ! But, don't worry, I'll be as discreet as a mouse as long as I'll stay here..I'm just here for a month and then, I'll be gone. I even got a job as a teacher at the school of Trixie, so you won't have to worry about me asking for money ! Lovely kid by the way !"
If Lucifer didn't have a headache before, he certainly did now..He is overwhelmed by the amount of information you've just given him and falls on the sofa. You follow him and sit next to him with your eternal sweet smile on your face and he runs his hand over his face, worry and tiredness written all over his features. You put your hands on his shoulders and your chin upon one of your hands, trying to soothe him by stroking his shoulders with your thumbs reassuringly.
" Let me take care of you..You've suffered enough, my wonderful little snake.."
Lucifer smiles at the familiar nickname before laying his hand over your back and looking down at you with teary eyes.
" Even after all this time, you still accept me ? You still find the strength in yourself to love me ?"
You answer him with a wide grin.
" Always. I'll always love you, Luci..They can tell me whatever they want, I know you and who you really are. I've seen every single part of you and I will always love all of them. Your flaws and your imperfections are what makes you so perfect..Can't you see ? You're not Father's greatest failure, your Father's greatest wonder. I could never be as human and empathetic as you are, I could never love them the way you can, because you understand them. Their desires, dreams and feelings are in you as well. In some way, I envy you. You'll always be closer to them than I'll ever be.."
Lucifer listens to your words with great attention and when you're finished, he looks at you like he's never looked at anyone before. He is full of gratitude and can't stop smiling at the abundance of kindness you had bestowed upon him. He kisses the palm of your hands, tears rolling down his cheeks and his heart swollen with adoration and devotion towards you.
" There is nothing great about humanity, but you seem to always see good in everything and everyone..You can't imagine how much I've missed you.."
You giggle as he peppers you face with kisses.
" I've missed you too, Luci..But, I think you should probably stop acting this way, or people will think you have a soft spot.."
You tease him and he takes a fake gasp before pointing a finger at himself.
" Me ?! Why never..?!"
You chuckle at his false startled expression before wrapping your hands around his waist to mumble against his shoulder.
" I love you, Luci..I know you don't believe me, but I really do."
He glances down at you with open tenderness before slowly petting the top of your head with care.
" I know, love..But, we both know that it will end in misery for the both of us.."
You smile up at him and kiss him on the cheek before replying with a shrug. You tighten your hold on him and make yourself even more comfortable by laying your head on his thighs.
" Misery with you is better than misery without you.."
He sighs loudly before looking down at you and seeing you suddenly asleep..Unaware that you were still somehow able to hear him, he whispers almost sorrowfully to himself.
" What hurts the most is that..You won't remember anything of what you just said.."
He watches your silent form for a while and takes a shaky breath before looking up at the sky, knowing that HE is listening.
" Punishing me wasn't enough ? You had to punish her as well ? How many centuries must you make her suffer and wait for something that will never happen ? You promised that when I would fall, she would stay safe..You gave me your word ! You turned around and left me to fall without her or you ! Can you imagine the pain I felt when I woke up in that dreadful place; alone and scared. And not only did you leave me, you took her away from me too ! You promised you wouldn't, and yet you did ! You gave up on us ! You gave up on me ! And just when I thought I would finally be able to forget her and live with Chloe, you send her to me and make me love her all over again ! What must I do to finally be able to forget ! I've done what you asked, over and over again ! I erased her memory every time she would come to see me ! I made sure that she would not remember all the moments we shared together after my fall ! And yet, you can't even keep an eye on her and let her run Hell alone ?! Why ?! To make me even more guilty ?! Every 100 years ! Every 100 years you let her come down here and make me suffer by erasing everything ! I thought that once I would be among them, she wouldn't be able to find me anymore, but as always, I'm trapped and must see the only person I love forget about me, over and over again.."
He starts crying and doubles in pain at the rage eating him up from the inside. This is where he feels it, a small tremor, a slight change in body position..He freezes in horror and looks down at you, to meet directly with your wide glassy eyes full of pain and grief.
"..Every 100 years ?.."
His breath stops as he understands that you've been listening to him and shakes his head at his own stupidity.
" Luci...? How many times did I come here to see you ?"
As he bites his lower lip in order not to answer you, you straighten up and ask again firmly, all joy having left your voice.
" How many times, Lucifer ?"
His eyes wander around the room before looking back at you and his heart tightens as he knows that he couldn't lie to you anymore.
" 50 times..You came 50 times and every time, you took a body and as soon as this body would reach its limit, you would die and get back up there with HIM..He would reset your memory and you would forget everything if I didn't do it first..while I remember everything. It hurts, Y/N..Just when I thought I could forget about you, he sends you again.."
You open your mouth agape at the news and look at the body you had taken and feel tears gathering up in your eyes. For centuries, you've fought for Lucifer's redemption, not even noticing that you were the one who was also being punished.
" This woman..Do you love her ?"
You suddenly ask and Lucifer stays silent for a moment before finally confessing.
" Not as much as you.."
You laugh at his answer before shaking your head and looking back at him with tears in your eyes, still full of compassion for him.
" But you will..You will love her with all of your heart and, knowing you, you will find a way for her to be by your side forever, something I can't be.."
He was about to deny your words, but you don't let him and stand up to walk towards the door. He quickly does the same and puts his hand over yours when you were about to use the handle to open the door.
" Please, angel..It is hard enough for me to know that I have very little time with you..Don't go."
He pleads and it takes all of your strength not to indulge in his request. You turn around and kiss him with a burning passion, to let him know that you weren't leaving him because you wanted to..But because you knew that there was nothing that you could do that wouldn't end up in tears and blood, because you love him. When he opens his eyes again, you are gone and he falls to his knees, knowing that it was probably the last time he would see you, or be intimate with you in this life. He knows that you've just given him the highest form of mercy there is: this kiss, signifying his freedom and the start of his new life..But then, why does it hurt so much ? As if you had just taken a part of himself with you..He looks up to see the car of Chloe that parks in front of the house, a very excited Trixie in her arms and wipes his tears away to smile at the family that he had learned to be a part of.
" So, is your friend gone ?"
Chloe asks, looking around to see if you were still in the house. Lucifer frowns before asking, confused.
" What friend ?"
One month later :
" Be safe on your way back, okay Trixie ?"
Trixie smiles up at you and nods vividly.
" Don't worry, my dad is coming to get me !"
You ark an eyebrow, wondering if Chloe had finally got herself a man to look after Trixie..not suspecting one bit that Lucifer would be the one entering your classroom to get Trixie. The little girl jumps in his arms and you can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm, as well as Lucifer's obvious awkwardness. When you make eye contact, you simply smile politely at each other and he turns around to get the girl back home. Perfect strangers. When he is gone however, you feel a pain in your chest and have to grip on the nearby table in order to support yourself. When you look up, you see Gabriel and smile bitterly, knowing why he was here..
" So, my time has come then, Gab ?"
He looks almost apologetic when he extends his hand towards you and answers affirmatively.
" You know the drill, Y/N..one month with him. You're the one who wished to share his burden..Hell is waiting.."
You close your eyes and nod in submission.
" I know..Lead the way, Gabriel."
Lucifer is feeling uneasy..He has this feeling that he knew that teacher somehow..But couldn't seem to recall where he could have seen her before..
" You know, the new teacher is really nice ! She got us some cake today, and said that I was going to become a very fine lady when I grow up !"
She puffs her chest out proudly and Lucifer smiles while they arrive at Chloe's house.
" Really ? And what else did she tell you ?"
Trixie frowns in deep concentration before answering him.
" Well..her name is Y/N..And when I said to her that I was friends with the devil, she told me to take care of him, as he is a very special friend.."
Lucifer chuckles before opening the door of his car and letting the little girl out to enter the house where her mother was trying desperately to find an explanation to her new case, not supernatural this time. It was rather refreshing..However, his thoughts come back to the earlier event when he had made eye contact with you, your smile had almost seemed..sad ? Y/N..Y/N..Where had he already heard that name before ? He searches in each corner of his memory, the feeling of knowing nagging and annoying him. He is in the middle of the driveway when he suddenly remembers and stops abruptly. His tires screech loudly on the pavement when he pulls back. He starts driving at a fast speed towards the school.
" Wait for me Y/N, I'm coming.."
You find yourself on the top of the school and look at Gabriel that seems to read your thoughts.
" He's not coming.."
You smile sadly at the prospect and nod understandingly.
" I know..Hell needs me, and he doesn't."
You take a big breath before opening your eyes, the last rays of sunlight reflecting in your eyes as your body starts shifting into his.
" Are we ready to go, Lucifer ?"
You smile at Gabriel's new name for you and nod before looking at yourself and smirking, the same smirk you had learned to love and hate as you were exercising how to do it in front of your mirror.
" Let's go, humans are such a boredom anyway !"
If Gabriel hadn't seen the transformation with his own eyes, he would have thought that it was the true Lucifer that was now standing before him..It is just when you deploy your white wings that he remembers that it is still you, under all of that pretend..You are both about to take your leave when you hear the loud bang of a car crashing nearby. You both look down and see Lucifer get out of the car, his eyes flashing a bright orange as he looks up at you. You shiver at the anger radiating from him and try to fly up after Gabriel. However, Lucifer shouts your name in such a guttural and ferocious way that you freeze.
" Y/N ! Don't you dare fly away from me ! I forbid you to go !"
You glance down at him and see that he has taken his true appearance back and each step he takes are trailed by little flames of Hell's fire. You shake your head and tear your eyes away from him to take a step back and jump in the air to follow Gabriel. Gabriel tries to warn you, but before he could utter a word, someone had tackled you to the ground in mid-air. When you look up, you see a very angry Lucifer on top of you and it's the first time that you are actually scared of him.
" Luci..? Wh..What are you..?!"
" Enough !"
He cuts you off with all of his mighty authority and you can't do anything but stay quiet as he glares at you.
" What do you think will happen if any of the demons down there recognizes you ?! What went through your little naive mind to think that that would ever work ?! You're an angel, Y/N ?! Come on, you really thought about the consequences of your actions ?!"
Your lower lip quivers at his harsh words and you feel hot tears rolling down your cheeks. He grins evilly at you before wiping your tears in a false gesture of sympathy.
" Aww..If you had done your researches like a good little angel, you would have known that Lucifer Morningstar doesn't cry.."
" Liar !"
You shout back and he smirks at your insult.
" See ? Progress."
He then stands up and yanks you up just as Gabriel flies down next to the both of you. He looks at the both of you before sighing and taking a step back, making you understand that he wouldn't take part of what was to unfold.
" I don't know what's going on, and I don't have the time to care..All I know is that I have to bring one of you in Hell before the gates close tonight.."
You and Lucifer look at each other and Lucifer is surprised to see you get on a fighting stance, but smiles at the determination in your eyes.
" You want to got to Hell ? Fine by me..But you'll have to go through me first."
Far from feeling threatened, Lucifer is amused by your strength of will and his smile widens. He slowly takes back his human form and cracks his fingers theatrically before gesturing for you to step closer with his index.
" Wanna fight the devil ? I must warn you, it plays dirty.."
You smile at his innuendo before running towards him and throw a punch at his face. He takes a step back, not having expected you to actually be fighting him, but quickly composes himself and tries to knock you out with a blow to the head. However, you're too fast and make him fall by round kicking his legs. You can't help but smile smugly at his startled expression.
" Have I forgotten to mention that I've been learning a thing ot two about fighting with Michael ?"
He groans at the name of his brother and quickly stands up to attack again. Soon, you are both fighting each other seriously and, blow after blow, both get tired. Gabriel doesn't even know which one is which at the end, when you both pass out. However, Time is running out and he decides to take the closest Lucifer to fly away. He succeeds in arriving to the gates just in time and when you wake up, you find yourself in Hell. You look around and see the billions of souls being tortured and it takes all of your self-control not to throw up and remain poised on your throne of stone. You close your eyes and take multiple breaths to calm yourself. When you open your eyes, you sit straight and whisper to yourself.
" Okay..Here we go, Lucifer..Wish me luck.."
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
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Deku cursing is so hard to write. Uraraka slander, I don't really hate her but this was needed. Cunt is such a funny word.
"Zuku are you ready?!" You call out as you put on your hoop earrings. You were going to a hero gala of sorts and of course you wanted to look your best.  "I think so y/n." 
Izuku walks out from the bathroom looking absoulutely scrumptious as he rolled up his dark green cuffs that matched perfectly with your green slit dress. You lick your lips as you trail your eyes down his form groaning when you get to his feet. "Really Deku, the red converse?!" He blushes, "I feel like it's very nostalgic to wear these shoes especially when we're seeing the others."
"Yeah well go be 'nostalgic' with those green bottom church shoes I got you in the closet." You rolled your eyes before fluffing your hair as you hum your way past Midoriya's whines of displeasure. 
When you arrive it's extravagant. Paparazzi are lining the outskirts trying to get even a pinch of an interview with a hero. "Puppy, stay here I'm going to go try to find the others!" Izuku yells over the noise as he heads towards the line of limousines arriving alongside the building.
 "Miss, "H/N, can i ask you a question!" A reporter calls out to you.
Judging by her shakiness and crooked glasses, she was a juvenile reporter. Feeling bad, you decided talking to her wouldn't hurt. "Sure what would you like to know?" The reporter fumbles through her notes elegantly ignoring the hateful glares coming from her peers. "Um, w-what is your take on the recent rumors, b-between pro hero Uravity and Deku?!" 
You hold your chin in thought, as far as you knew there were no rumors surrounding the two so maybe this is a new one that just barely breached the surface. "I'm sorry you're going to have to tell me this rumor dear." The reporter blushes at the term of endearment before fumbling with her notes once again. "I uh, according to a few eye witnesses, Pro-Hero Deku and Uravity were seen together late at night multiple times alone.
You laugh out loud scaring nearby people. "Oh really, are there any photo evidence of these meetups?" Outwardly one would think you were amused but they could tell by the way the blood drained from the thing reporters face that she realized that her new career depended on her proof. The other reporters had cleared away once the senior hero's arrived so it was just the two of you minus the civilians.
The clumsy girl fumbled with her phone and borderline dropped it from her sweaty grasps as she tried to keep her cool. 
Low and behold, there was a crystal clear photo of Deku and Uraraka walking into a park with big bright smiles on their faces. "Interesting.." you mutter squeezing the phone so tightly that it bursted. You blink before shaking it's remains from your hands.
 "Sorry about that hon," you pull out a few hundreds and toss them her. "Use this to buy yourself a new one." The reporter nods weakly and walks away clutching at her chest.
"Y/N!" Izuku calls out to you waving you over. Behind him is the rest of 1-A and next to him is....Uraraka. "Sup Bakuhoe." You say daping up Bakugo who only grunts in response. 
As you all go to walk in, Deku reaches for your hand but you quickly walk up to Shoji and start a miscellaneous conversation. "What's up four arms?" Shoji rolls his eye at you before slinging his webbed forearms around your shoulder.
From behind, Izuku purses his lips at the sight as Uraraka takes this as a chance to latch onto his and start a worthless conversation.
Inside the plaza, there are lights adorning the walls and ceilings creating a warm golden glow onto the various colors gliding across the floor as the hero's conversed below.
"Izuku honey can you go get me some wine?" You ask jutting out your bottom lip as you gesture to the table adorned with finger sandwiches and a river of chocolate. "Sure!" Izuku immediately perks up as he heads trip the table, Bakugo following close behind. 
"So...Y/N, you look nice!?" Ochako  starts up picking hesitantly at her nails. You swallow the distain and put a smile on your face once again. "How have you been Ochako, it's been a while since we've all seen each other." Momo clasped hey hands together, "It has hasn't it?! If someone would have told me hero work would be this time consuming, I would have second guessed my choices."
Todoroki shook his head, "No you wouldn't have." Suddenly pink arms wrap around your shoulders in a tight embrace, "Y/N!!! Heya g-friend!" You giggle as you feel a chin rub the top of your head. "Mimi you gon mess up my hair!" 
Mina laughs as she comes into your view, her vibrant pink skin blending with her red dress. "I see you girl, matching with your husband!" You tease watching her pink hue turn darker. "Your one to talk! Where's Katsuki anyways?" Your point to the wine table, shaking your head as Mina struts off. 
Moments later, Izuku walks over with two glasses of a clear alcohol. "So Y/N, anything new come up recently?" Ochaco asked poking at a small piece of cake settled on her plate. You gingerly take your glass from Izuku as he sits down next to you. "No I have not, why is there anything you'd like to share?" You stare at Ochaco over the rim of your glass as you sip.
Uraraka's eyebrow twitches slightly as she plasters on a tight smile. "No, not at all." 
From the corner of your eye you see Bakugo shift in his seat as the subtle hostility in the air gets thicker. "Aye nerd, come over here, I need to talk to you about something." Deku places his glass down and stands up oblivious of the situation as always.
"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Momo asked glancing from the two of you. "You know Y/N, usually in this stage of life, one would settle down with their…highschool sweetheart?" You bite the inside of your cheek at the comment. "Oh Uraraka you're so funny, just because Kaminari and Jiro are married doesn't mean we need to add well!" Momo chuckles softly. Under the desk you could feel her leg tapping rapidly from nerves. 
You down the rest of your drink and release your curled hair from it's bobby pins before turning to Ochaco. "Look sis, if you got something to say, say it." Uraraka giggles playfully, "All I'm saying is it's very strange that Deku seems to have so much free time that he's able to spend a lot of it with me all the while he had a.. loving(?) Girlfriend at home."
Shoji tensed in his seat and tried to make himself look smaller which was in no way an easy feat.
You clench the table sheet in your hands. "Is it getting darker in here?" Todoroki asked as he watched the small shadows in the room grow in size. "So, Uravity, what are you two doing during your alone time since you seem to have something to say?"
Ochaco smirked as her brown eyes darkened, "Oh a few things, but I don't think any of them are appropriate to discuss in a public place like this. Maybe it is where your from but not in Japan." 
Momo squeeked, "Uraraka that's so rude! Y/N you know she's only jesting, Deku would never do something like that"
The room had darkened considerably and the other guest had finally took noticed  including Deku and Bakugo who were talking in the most well lit part of the room. "It's about time she reacted." Bakugo said as Deku quickly shuffled back towards the table.
"Puppy?" You breathe shallowly glaring at Ochaco who gave you one last look before putting on a scared face. "Deku, I don't know what happened, she's freaking me out!" Izuku places a hesitant hand on your shoulder, "Y/N what happened." You close your eyes and stand up, "It's nothing, I think I'm ready to go home." 
You head to the car with anger in your heart as Izuku stays back to pay respect to the others. From any onlooker, you would think the end was near from the way shadows seemed to come out from the darkness and wrap around you as you headed towards the car. "Okay Y/N calm down." You say to yourself as you take out your keys. 
"Puppy." Izuku mumbles sliding his hands around your waist, gently burying his face into your neck. "What's wrong?" You grunt shrugging your shoulders, "Get off." Deku releases you after placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder. "You can't avoid me."
You both get into the car and sit in silence as he drove. "What have you been doing with Uraraka?!" You say staring ahead. "What do you mean?" 
"Why are there pictures of your an Ochaco floating around in less than appropriate places?!" Izuku glances at you and sighed, "Nothing puppy, Uraraka has just been asking to spar with me."
"Then why didn't you tell me?!" You yelled slightly making Deku swerve a bit. "I...I didn't think it was important?" Your roll your eyes, "You had me clueless and stupid." Was all you said before you got out the car. Deku got out to follow you but his phone suddenly rang, "Who is that Ochaco? Go ahead and answer since you have so much time for her." 
"Puppy it's not like that!" You slam the door in his face and head to the room.
Moments later Deku walks in  but you ignore him. "Puppy?" You remain silent "Puppy I'm sorry for not telling you, I didn't think you'd care." You whine into the sheets turning your head away. 
"That was Momo, she told me what happened. It's not true…what Uraraka said" 
You didn't reply but you lifted your head to look at him "I'm not speaking to you." His eyebrows furrowed as he walks behind you. 
You lurch forward as a hand comes to grab your ass cheek. "Huh?" Deku crawls up and straddles your thighs while gently massaging your lower back. "Want me to make it up to you puppy?" Izuku asked, kissing the back of your neck sucking lightly. "You looked so good at the party that I was jealous." You moan softly as teeth sink into your neck, "You let Shoji touch you but not me? That hurt puppy." 
A soft hand trails up the expanse of your leg where your dress split open. "Zuku?" You feel something hard press into the curve of your ass. "I wanna make you feel good puppy, forget about the rumors."
You find yourself turning around with Deku settled in between your opened legs. Your dress had rode up your legs so Izuku took this as an opportunity to press kisses to your lower stomach and naval. You huff Izuku pressed kisses on your face, "Will you forgive me?" Two hands take hold on your thighs and pull you forward. "Or will I have to make you?"
Deku kisses you, accidently clinking your teeth together making you grunt. You trail your fingers through his hair drinking his moans with your mouth. You pull Izuku further into the bed as you switch positions opting to straddle him instead. "I wanna be on top."
Deku licked his lips as he gazed hungrily at your breasts. You pull the dress over yourself sighing as your chest fall out, bra-less. "Y-You were walking around in nothing Puppy!?" Deku asked, face flushed as he took in all the bare skin displayed in front of him. "Well I was thinking of doing something naughty while we were at the party anyways." You reply, looking at Deku with lidded eyes as you played with your hardened nipples.
Izuku leaned forward and took your nipple into his mouth sucking lightly on your bud making you toss your head back. "Your so perverted puppy."
By now Deku was extremely hard as you rocked yourself back on his unclothed length, when that happened, you have no clue.. "Sit in my cock puppy, I need you so bad!" 
You reach behind yourself and grab Izuku's dick, positioning it below yourself. Izuku moans softly as you side down slowly making him sheath snuggly inside of you. It took all l the strength in his body not to thrust completely inside of you.
You rock slowly trying to adjust to the feeling of fullness. Izuku may be shy in the streets but the length of his dick was not. "You're so fucking warm." He growled, wrapping his arms around your waist before thrusting once, pushing the rest of himself inside of you. You whine as your nails unapologetically scratch the curve of Izuku's back.
Contrary to popular belief, Deku was a slut for pain and the feeling of your nails breaking through his skin only edged him more as he suckled dark bruises onto your right breast praying you'd adjust soon. He trails his hands down your sides before coming back to grip your ass in-between his hands.
You trail your hands down your stomach and rub soothing circles into your clit. Izuku watches closely as your face contorted from pleasure while you made yourself feel good. Each flick of your fingers made your cunt clench on his dick as it twitched inside you.
Izuku rolls his hips purposefully up into you, making your breath hitch as it slowly exits your body before slamming back in. 
Soon you'ry both breathing heavily and Izuku is using his full quirkless strength to lift you up and slam you back down on his cock. "Fuck you feel to damn good!" You wrap your arms around his shoulders as your body bursts with pleasure. "I'm gonna cum, make me cum Izuku!"
Deku lays back a bit and watches your boobs bounce with the force of his thrusts. "You gonna cum? Then cum puppy!" You arch your back as Izuku's thrust turned frantic and rhythmless. The sound of his balls hitting your ass was hilarious yet sexy as his fingertips would briefly light up with green sparks, shocking your nerves every time. 
The room was filled with a series of 'fucks' and 'so close' as you used your little bit of strength to bounce on his cock. You trembled from the overstimulation as Izuku cums inside of you, filling you up so much that you could feel it deep inside your womb.
You roll off of Deku and he immediately pulls you towards him in a loving embrace. "M'sorry for not telling you Y/N, i won't do it again, promise." He mumbled into your hair which had miraculously survived your seat inducing activities. To your left, Deku's phone rings and the name Ochaco flashes before you. Izuku was already snoring softly behind you so seeing this as an opportunity, your answer it.
"Hello? Deku?" You hum softly as to not give away your identity. "How did it go with Y/N? I feel so sorry that she embarrassed you in front of everyone like that… You know if you ever want to talk about it, my door is always open." 
You growled and opened your mouth to tell her off but a hand, soft but firmly, removes the phone from your hand. "Uraraka, I think it's best if we maintain a professional relationship from now on." From the other line you could faintly hear sputtered responses, "What do you mean, I-I was just trying to help and-" Izuku gently grips the bridge of his nose, "Shut up and don't lie to me, I don't want you near me or my family, now excuse me while I cuddle with my freshly fucked wife." 
You slap your hands over your mouth in shock and laughter as Izuku hangs up the phone without further response. Izuku smiled softly before rolling over on top of you, "Oh, you're not off the hook yet puppy, keep laughing and I'll put that mouth of yours to use next.
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catzula · 4 years
always there to help
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Synopsis: You suck at math, and who could be better suited for the job to help you, other than your brother's best friend, the born genius, Bakugou?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x (Kirishima's sister)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, maybe some bad writing
A/N: So, I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately, I just didn’t like anything I wrote, so, sorry about that. This one might seem a little all over the place too lol, but it’s because I inteded it to be a small drabble. but accidentally made it a 5.1k fic. So, it might not be one f my better works, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
BY THE WAY, 100 followers guys! Thank you so much for that!
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You were working on your homework when you heard the doorbell. You sighed deeply, standing up and going to the door, not expecting to see your brother and his friend group to be standing on the other side.
One specific friend caught your eye, his spiky, ash blonde hair hard to miss. You could feel your heartbeat rising almost instantly, cheeks now a bit warmer than before. You wished you had worn something else, anything but pajama shorts and an oversize shirt, maybe combed your hair and wore perfume or something, but how could you know your brother was going to bring his friends home? 
Okay, maybe you should have known since they were over almost every day.
But since there was nothing you could do now to change the situation, you just smiled, inviting them in -you noticed how Bakugou hadn't even glanced your way once, and though this wasn't different then always, it proceed to hurt and disappoint you every time. It's not like you were expecting for him to have feelings for you or something, but at least noticing you were there would be nice for a change.
Your brother was the last to enter, hugging you so tightly that you couldn't breathe for a few seconds, squirming between his arms. "Eiji lemme go!" You screamed, though your voice muffled by his tight hold. 
"Sorry, just missed you." He told you, letting you free. A cheeky, innocent grin was on his face, the one he knew that made you soft. You answered by a "Hmph," turning to his friends, who were already in the living room, doing their things. Mina was the first to notice you when you entered the room, the cutest smile on her face. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She caught you by the wrist, pulling you to the couch to sit with her. Of course, Bakugou was right next to you.
Feeling self-conscious -when was the last time you had a shower? Yesterday? You could only pray you smelled nice- you scooted a bit more to Mina, putting some distance between Bakugou and you, though it pained you to do so since he smelled like caramel. Honestly, why did he smell this good? It only caused your thoughts to be fuzzier, and for you to be even more excited around him. 
Though he seemed to have noticed your shift towards Mina since he sent a small glance your way, a 'tch' sound coming out of his lips, heating your cheeks.
"Hi, Mina-san." You mumbled, trying to forget the boy -your big brother's best friend- sitting next to you. "Oh, y/n-chan, I told you many times, you can just call me Mina! We only have a year between us anyway." You nodded, though still feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure.”
"I- I should go now, I have to finish my math homework." You told them with an apologetic smile, Mina and Kaminari pouting almost immediately. "Oh, come on, sit with us for a bit," Denki protested, his eyes wandering on your bare legs for a second, earning a deadly glare from your brother and a nudge from Sero. 
"What homework?" Your brother asked you, coming closer to you to block Denki's view. "Oh, you know, the one I was doing this morning." You shrugged, you've been working on the same sheet of paper practically the whole day, but you just didn't know the subject even a little bit, staring at the paper without knowing nothing didn't help much.
"Wait, you still didn't finish that? I thought I helped you yesterday." He pouted. Yes, he did try to help you, but you were sure he also had no idea how to do it, and he had just repeated the question to you again and again, until you had said, "Ah, I understand it now! Thank you, brother," without being able to do anything. You knew he meant good, but it still didn't change the fact that your brother was as clueless as you were.
"I-" You had started to say something before a deeper voice intruded yours. "Oi, shitty-hair, you know you suck at math, how do you think you could even help her?" 
Your eyes shifted to Bakugou -you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname he had for your brother, oh, you had to remember that one- he had an annoyed look in his ruby eyes, his eyes not leaving your brother once. "Well, I-" Eiji had started to talk, his eyes widening slightly after, understanding what Bakugou meant. "Oh, you should have told me!"
You shrugged. "Well, you just looked so happy finally being able to help me with something, I didn't want to make you feel bad." 
Oh no, did that come out wrong? You were about to apologize when your brother pulled you in a hug once again. "Oh my god- lemme go!"
"So -uhh- if you do it this way, you can, maybe?.. No, okay, I got it, so if you add this to... Nope, that's wrong- umm, oh, how about-" 
Mina bit the back of the pencil you had given her, fully concentrated on the papers in front of her. "Oh move over, I can help her!" Denki told her as he pushed Mina aside.
"You?" She told him in disbelief, "Don't make me laugh, you're even worse than I am!" 
"No, I'm not!" The blonde boy answered, pulling the sheet of paper. "Yes, you are," Sero also joined the fight, pushing himself between the two. "Oh, you shut up, you're even worse than him!" Mina pushed Sero with all her might, panting. 
"Umm, what is happening?" You asked your red-headed brother, watching them with a smile and clearly enjoying the show. "Oh, don't worry, this happens all the time." He answered, patting you on the back, giggling when Mina pulled Denki's hair, making the poor boy scream. 
Oh, that makes it all better then. 
"Oi, dumbasses, shut the fuck up before I do it." You jumped in surprise when you heard Bakugou screaming right behind you, and surprisingly, three of the grown-ass people that were just wrestling on the floor froze. 
"Sorry, Baku." Mina was the first to stand up, fixing her disheveled clothes and running a finger through her soft-looking hair. Sero and Kaminari struggled for a second or two more, but one look from Bakugou and they were up on their feet too.
"Well, thanks I guess." You told the people who literally just fought each other to help you, though instead of them, it was Bakugou who answered you. "Whatever, you shouldn't be asking these idiots anyway."
You weren't sure what to say since the gratitude wasn't intended for him, but you smiled awkwardly. "Guess I'll have to ask someone tomorrow."
"Oh, Baku, can't you help her? You always help us and you're the smartest." Eiji perked his head with the idea that suddenly came to his mind.
"Damn right I am!" Bakugou answered without missing a beat, though he realized his mistake almost instantly. "Oh, that's great, then, you can help her." Mina cheered, clapping her hands with a wicked grin on her face, eyeing both you and the now furious looking boy. Bakugou would have said no immediately, but everyone in the room -even you- knew his pride wouldn't let him.
"For fucks sake," he muttered, his hand massaging his temples. "Give me that stupid fucking paper."
"Oh, okay, that makes much more sense!" You told him, even though you still had no idea how he did it, but you tried your best to hide the confusion in your face, not wanting to seem dumb in front of him. But it took one look and his burrows furrowed, lips curling into a snarl.
"If you're just acting like you understood I'll fucking-" A fake cough came from your brother's way, making Bakugou growl. "I'll explain it to you again and again until you understand it." He finished his sentence, making both you and Eiji grin.
"So what didn't you understand?"
Good question.
"I- uh... anything?" You could feel your face heating as you answered, causing him to grimace. "Oh my fucking God." He muttered, pinching his nose bridge with annoyance.
"LOOK-" Oh, he was pissed. "THE QUESTION IS TELLING YOU TO DO THIS, SO YOU JUST FUCKING ADD THIS TO THAT, AND-" His spiky hair looked like it was ruffling up when he got angry, like an angry bird, the thought making you giggle. As he heard your giggle he stopped screaming, and seeing him so quiet was somehow scarier than him shouting.
"What the fuck is so funny?" He asked gruffly, though his crimson eyes weren't as angry as they were before. "You know it doesn't help when you just scream everything at me, right?" You giggled again because he looked really confused.
"Okay, look." He sighed, "see this? This actually just means you should do this." His pencil moved on the paper, his writing surprisingly neat and pretty- especially for a boy as impatient and angry like him. "Oi, you listening?" He pointed the pencil to you when he noticed you weren't looking at the paper, but at him.
"Oh- yeah, I'm listening." You answered, looking at what he recently wrote and trying to understand what he probably said. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't question it further. "Good."
"As I just said," he stated -making you grin since he probably noticed you weren't, in fact, listening to him, "you should do it like this and that's the answer." 
You couldn't understand why, but suddenly what he was talking about seemed to make so much sense. "Oh my god." Your eyes widened, looking at the sheet of paper, you pulled the pencil he was holding without thinking much on it, quickly writing down what was on your mind before you forgot.
After you finished writing, you turned your gaze to the boy that was sitting right next to you, though he concealed the amazed look he had sent you almost immediately. "Is that... right?" You asked him, feeling anxious, if it was wrong, you probably would look like an idiot.
"Yeah," he muttered, quickly glancing your way and noticing the smile on your face. "Fucking finally." He added, trying to get you to stop from smiling since he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty it was, though to his surprise you only smiled brighter. He could feel his heartbeat picking up, not sure why. Were you always this pretty? Smiled so softly, that made him feel all warm? Looked at him like this, like he was the most amazing person you've had seen?
For him, you have always been the sister of his best friend. He hadn't the slightest interest on you, though he could feel that was changing, the thought terrifying him. No, you were only and only Kirishima's sister, no one else.
"Hey, Bakugou-Kun." Bakugou was taking his jacket off as he entered the house, his caramel scent making you dizzy.
"Hey, idiot." He answered without thinking, the rude nickname slipping from his lips, he pressed them together instantly as if he could un-say it. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes, expecting you to be sad, or get mad at him, though he could have never thought you would giggle instead.
"Yeah," you told him smiling, "guess I deserve that."
"No." A sudden answer came his way, causing you to be the one shocked this time. "I- I didn't mean it that way..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very uncomfortable. "I just-"
"It's okay!" You told him, finally ending his misery. "I know you didn't say it to be mean."
Now, that was a first.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, entering the room, though regretting it immediately, was that rude? Maybe he shouldn't have stormed out? Did you think he was rude? Mean? An asshole?
He had no idea you were only happy because, for the first time, he had stopped to talk with you instead of ignoring you altogether.
You entered the room, noticing the rest was there too, and you wondered when they even entered the house. "Hey, Y/N!" Denki beamed, though noticing the look Eiji sent him, he quickly corrected himself. "-chan. Y/N-chan."
"Hey, Kaminari-Kun." You answered, making him pout. "Oh come on, you can just call me Denki!" A small glance was sent your brothers way, "Denki-Kun. You can call me Denki-Kun." He corrected, smiling widely.
"Oh, okay." You told him. "Would you like something to drink, Denki-Kun?" You asked, making him grin wickedly. "She's just too cute!" He whisper-yelled, nudging Sero. "Anyone? I can make tea."
"Oh, just sit with us instead!" Mina told you and you did as she said, knowing she would force you anyway. Once again, you were stuck between Bakugou and Mina, though this time you were prepared and had worn perfume. She looked at you excitedly, like she wanted to say something, but before she sent an angry look to Bakugou.
"Hey, Baku, can you go sit with Denki or something? We're gonna talk and you're preventing us."
"Haah?" Bakugou yelled. "I was the first one sitting here! And I'm not fucking preventing you, I'm just fucking sitting here, it's not like I wanna hear the stupid shit you'll talk about."
Oh, but he, did. He was dying to hear what you would talk about.
"It's not stupid shit, its girl talk!" She defended, grinning when Bakugou stood up. "W-what do you want to talk about, Mina?" It took a lot of willpower for you not to say Mina-san. "A little bird told me you have a slight liking to a certain angry boy." She finally told you, waiting at first for a bit of suspense.
"W-what, who?" You blurted, immediately noticing the mistake you did. "I mean, that's not- that's not true!"
"Oh come on, don't try to hide it!" She giggled, nudging you. "I know you have a crush on bskdhdhdh!" You slapped your hand on her mouth just in time, a sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you stopped her from saying the name. Though, you couldn't stop her from screaming about you having a crush.
"You what?!" Eiji screamed, standing up.
"Ooh, our little Y/N-chan has grown so fast," Denki told as he wiped the nonexistent tears off his eyes.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sero asked, grinning.
"Oops, I may have made a mistake," Mina said, giggling.
The only one that hadn't said one word was Bakugou, though that was somehow even more uncomfortable. His gaze lingering over you, you felt like you were going to die of embarrassment (and why did he have to wear that black t-shirt? It only made you even more flustered, and you just couldn't help but think about how nice he looked)
"It's nothing." You smiled awkwardly, face heating up. You glanced away, looking at anyone but him. "It's a misunderstanding." A fake giggle and all should be good, right?
Well, apparently not.
"No, don't you try to laugh your way out of this. What is this crush?" He looked so angry, it was one of those rare moments that he looked plain out scary.
"It's an innocent crush, Eiji! Nothing to worry about, okay? Now sit down, I need to do my homework anyway." Eyes narrowing, his gaze stayed on you a little more, though he dropped the subject soon after.
"If anything happens, you'll tell me everything." He told Mina, though it sounded more like a threat.
"It's not my place to do so." She answered, grinning wickedly.
You peeped your head from the door, trying to take a look of inside. What were they doing?
You've been doing your homework the past hour or two -it was only 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity- and you came downstairs to seek help.
"Hi, guys." You finally entered, only to find them all snuggled on the couch, watching the greatest show ever been made, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Eiji knew the consequences of such actions, desperately trying to close the TV, but he was late, you could recognize Uncle Iroh's voice from a mile away.
"How dare you!" You gasped, now feeling all eyes on you.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sero looked as confused as the rest of his friends.
"Eiji, how could you do this to me?" You ignored Sero altogether, eyes fixed on your red-headed brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sis, it's just we had nothing to do and-"
"I can't even see you right now." You told him, turning your back to exit the room, leaving three very confused people after you.
"No, Y/N, wait!"
And that's how you found yourself to be snuggled between Bakugou and Denki.
It was really comfortable, you had to admit, but also very maddening. You couldn't even watch the show anymore, your senses filled with the boy sitting right next to you, his body touching yours ever so slightly, his hair tickling your face every time you moved to get a bit more comfortable.
"So you're telling me," Bakugou suddenly spoke up, though your eyes didn't leave the screen, you could feel his ruby eyes on you. "That you have a crush on this guy?"
"She does." Your brother mumbled from the other side of the room. "She even-"
"Shut up, or you won't be able to speak ever again." Everyone in the room suddenly froze, no one able to understand how the hell you just turned in to the most threatening person they ever saw.
"Well, damn, okay." Sero laughed, sending a small glance your way. "I don't know, man," Denki muttered. "Sokka is much better than Zuko. He is a nice dude, everyone likes him, has solid jokes, and is pretty smart. He's kinda like me, actually." 
"Yeah, he is like you!" Mina suddenly cheered. "Except for the being-liked-by-everyone, having nice jokes and being smart parts, of course." 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling yo- hey!" He exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "If there's anyone that resembles any of these characters, it's Bakugou," Eiji muttered thoughtfully.
"What?" He snarled. Eiji shrugged. “You’re pretty similar to Zuko.”
"Wait, that's very on point!" You told him, causing Bakugou's brows to furrow. "Just think about it, you're very unreasonably angry all the time, keep picking useless fights with everyone, and are very rude!" Mina cheered.
Bakugou would have punched every one of you for even implying something like this, though now the only thing he could think about was if you thought this way too. 
"I- I didn't mean it that way, though." You told them. "He always tries to look so tough from the outside, but he's actually sweet. He tries to act like he doesn't like the gaang or his friends, but in reality, he really likes them. Don't you guys think so too?"
"Now that you put it that way..." Mina muttered, the topic closing and everyone focusing their gazes on the screen once again, though, even though no one realized, a small smile was on Bakugou's lips.
After the Avatar marathon, you stood up, about to go upstairs to continue the dreadful math homework when an idea fell upon you. You turned your gaze to the boy, who was sitting on the couch like it was a throne instead. Spiky hair looking softer than usual, you wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through them. His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. Under the dim light of the small lamp that hung from the ceiling, you were practically in awe of how pretty he was. 
Cheekbones high and defined, a sharp jawline, like it indicated his sharp personality, delicate brows furrowed, buried in thought. 
As if he felt your eyes on him, his eyes snapped open, crimson eyes finding yours. You probably looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, causing him to smirk. "What's your problem?" 
"I- uh, I was wondering if you could help me with... math?" 
"Again?!" That was a valid question, but it wasn't your fault math was too hard!
"It's okay, Y/N-chan, I can help you instead." You heard Denki's voice, a hand wrapping your shoulder, causing you, Eiji and Bakugou to jump in your places. 
"You don't know shit." Bakugou growled, his gaze suddenly predator-like, making Denki wince and pull his hand back. "Don't do me dirty like that, Bakubro," Denki whined. "I'm just trying to help-" His voice suddenly muffled by the hand on his mouth, a hand that belonged to your bother. 
"You come here for a second." Eiji told him threateningly, pulling him out of the room with force. "No- no, Kiri, don't do this to me!" The door closed behind them, though, a muffled scream or two could be heard every once in a while.
Everyone ignoring the whole ordeal, went back to what they were doing. Bakugou turned to you, his eyes on the sheet of paper you were holding. "So, does this mean you're helping me?" 
Bakugou knew the second you turned to him with that pleading look in your eyes, he was already going to say yes. "Tch," he rolled his eyes, pulling the paper from your hands. "Whatever."
This time, he sat a bit closer to you. 
You sat side by side, arms almost touching whenever he wrote something. "Did you understand this one?" He asked, the pencil he was holding pointing to the second question. Surprisingly, you did understand it. When you nodded, he smiled, it wasn't one of those cocky smirks, this one was a genuine, small smile that took your breath away. 
"Then do this one yourself." 
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his face as you felt your face heating up. It took you a bit to get focused on what was in front of you, but you were able to use what Bakugou had explained to you, and eventually reached the answer. 
"That's... That was pretty good." He told you as he inspected what you wrote. This time, it was you who smiled brightly, taking his breath away. He could feel his heart suddenly going crazy, hammering his chest as if it was trying to set itself free. And why did he have this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach? This dreadful but also... warm feeling? 
He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all. 
He stood up, his face suddenly angry, causing your smile to drop. He gritted his teeth when he realized he wanted to sit right back and apologize, to make you smile again. But instead, he picked his phone up from the table and turned his back to you.
He exited the room in a hurry that didn't even let you say anything, or thank him.
"Oi, shitty hair! I'm out." You heard him scream to your brother. 
"So soon?" Eiji asked though the door already shut mid-sentence.
Although Bakugou had promised himself that he was going to stay away from you, as far as he could, this thing -whatever this was- went on for weeks. He wanted to stop, Bakugou really tried to not think of you whenever he saw a fucking number, but it didn't take long for him to realize he couldn't.
So instead, he came to see you every day, with or without the Bakusquad and helped you with math even if you didn't ask for him to.
You always asked him to, though.
On the other hand, you weren't thrilled about this whole situation either. At first, this was a normal, innocent crush, but as you spent more time with him, you found yourself falling for him. Hard.
"Hey, Bakugou!" You greeted him (you had dropped calling him Bakugou-Kun sometime, though you weren't really sure when), a big smile that you couldn't drop on your face. "Hey, idiot. I brought this shitty thing you like." 
He meant donuts. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he had only bought it to see the way your eyes sparkled when you held one in your hand, about to take a giant bite out of it. 
The rest of the group was already here and settled, so you checked the paper bag in your hands if it had enough for everyone. You smiled brightly when you noticed it did, making your way to the kitchen.
You noticed Eiji standing, leaning to the door, and watching you both with furrowed brows. "Oh, don't look so mad, I'll give one to you too." You told him giggling, interpreting it wrong. 
His face softened, also smiling. "Don't forget to give me the strawberry one!"
"We'll see about that!!" You answered as you exited the room.
"Oh, Bakugou-Kun, did you buy us the shit we like too?" Sero said mockingly, making the others snicker. "Shut the fuck up, tape face."
"Oh, but Bakugou-Kun-"
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Suddenly his heart was beating really fast. "Relax, Baku, having feelings for someone is nothing to be ashamed of!" Mina told him, though she already knew the answer he was going to give.
"I don't fucking have feelings, dumbass." Bakugou didn't have feelings, especially not towards you, the sister of his best friend. But still, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, he couldn't stop his heart from racing whenever you smiled, and he couldn't stop feeling like he would do anything for you to smile again when you don't.
"Sure you don't," Mina answered, a sly grin on her face when she noticed Bakugou's confused expression. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't want the feelings, he just couldn't understand them.
They would have taken it further if you hadn't entered the room with a plate full of donuts in your hands. "Nobody touches the Nutella one!" You told them, letting them take a donut.
You narrowed your eyes and sent a threatening look when Denki tried to take the one you were going to eat.
"You're not eating?" You asked when you noticed Bakugou not taking one. He shrugged. "I don't like sweets."
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Can I eat yours then?" Bakugou found himself smiling to that, thinking about how adorable you looked with a donut in your hand, a shirt that was too big for you, probably stolen from Eiji and sugar powder smeared on your lips. He couldn't help but wonder, what would you do if he just leaned in and kissed you, right then and there? Would you flinch back? Scream at him? Maybe even be disgusted by him?
He decided he didn't want to lea the answer.
"Oh, you're staying late?" You asked with a small smile on your lips, making them look so kissable, Bakugou had to look away. "Yeah." 
"You have homework?" He asked when you didn't say anything. He didn't want you to leave. "Nope, already did them." 
"But I kind of wanted to talk to you." You looked nervous, your hands clasped together, anxiously biting your lip. His eyes narrowed, crimson gaze wandering over you like he was trying to read your mind. 
"I have-" You started to say, but stopped mid-sentence so he finished your sentence for you internally. ...feelings for you. 
(You actually had an upcoming math exam, and you were hoping he could help you study for it, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.)
Oh, he wasn't going to let you be the first to confess, so without thinking about it, Bakugou blurted. "I like you." There it was, he did it before you! But why did you look so shocked?
"You what?" You asked, eyes wide, just staring at him. Bakugou could feel his heart getting heavier by the second, hands turning cold and a dreadful knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Weren't you saying the same thing just then?
"I-" should he just tell you to forget about it? No, he wasn't the kind of man to just back off. "You heard me." He told you gruffly. "I like you." 
Much to his annoyance, you stayed quiet, not giving him the chance to be happy or sad about it. Just silence. "And? What's your answer?!" 
For the first time in this conversation, you looked at him properly. You hadn't noticed how his crimson gaze shined with uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. He was afraid of your answer, you realized. Even the great Bakugou Katsuki was afraid of rejection. 
So instead of giving him a verbal answer, you leaned in instead, your lips touching his softly. 
His eyes opened wide with the contact, not being able to understand what was going on. Your lips were so soft, it molded perfectly against his, and he was afraid that if he moved even an inch, you would realize you were making a big mistake and pull back. So he froze.
"Bakugou?" You pulled back slightly after a few seconds, making him want to pull you back and never let go. "Won't you kiss me back?" 
To this, Bakugou grinned, his hands suddenly on your back, pulling you towards him. The last thing you remembered before you lost yourself in the kiss was how soft his lips were, and how amazing he smelled.
"You know we still have to tell Eiji, right?" You told him, running your fingers through your messed up hair, trying to look like you didn't kiss a boy for the past... well, you weren't sure how long, actually. 
"Yeah." He answered, lips slightly pink. 
"You know, I think I have the perfect idea of how to tell him."
"You do?" He asked, now slightly intrigued. You nodded, standing up. Eiji was in his room, so you pulled Bakugou by the wrists up the stairs. "Come on." You told him when he hesitated. "This will work."
You knocked on your brother's door, opening it just the slightest when you heard him tell you to come in. "Hey, Eiji." 
"Hey, sis." He smiled widely, not aware of Bakugou behind the door. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much." You shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you that Bakugou and I are dating, okay bye!" You shut the door after you without giving him the time to say anything, running down the stairs, and pulling Bakugou after you. 
Your brother opened his door, running after you, his face as red as his hair. "You what?!"
"You idiot!" Bakugou screamed. "So this was your great idea?"
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White Lies (Pt. 10 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.5 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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{John Wick Masterlist}
Candle Lights
Keanu is driving back home after your third antenatal class. You enjoy them, but most of the things they say you already know. But it's not their fault you and Keanu do a lot of reading and research, and your doctors keep you updated. But you want to keep going.
“I'm thinking about a cesarian.” You tell Keanu, both hands cupping your bump.
“What?” He glances at you, and his face makes you giggle. “You have to be kidding me.”
“Why?” You ask, stretching your arm to touch the back of his neck.
“Because labor is something natural. Your body knows what to do.”
“Yeah, it just hurts like a bitch.” You snap back, playing with his hair.
“I know.” He sighs. “It's your call. You're the one delivering the baby.”
“I'm not sure yet. But we still have time.” You're currently in the middle of week 18. You feel more comfortable, and you have more energy now. The bump already shows depending on what you wear, but there's still a long way to go. “And we need to talk names, by the way.”
“I thought we decided on Clarissa or Henry.”
“Yeah, but we gotta be one hundred percent sure. Are you one hundred percent sure?”
“Now that you're talking about it, no.” Keanu giggles, a hand coming to lay on your thigh. “What were the other options?”
“Sophie, Nicole, Ethan, and Liam.” You recite them, looking at the landscape outside your window.
“They're all great. But... Liam. I like Liam. Or Sophie.” He takes a turn left, entering the condo.
“I like them too.” It's always like this. Whenever you bring this up, you just can't decide. “Maybe it'll get easier once we know the sex. Because we're clueless so far.”
“Do you want one of those parties where the sex is revealed?”
“No. It's not like I'd know the guests so...” Pushing this thought back before it starts bothering you, you sigh. “Let's just keep it between us. The rest of the world will find out eventually, but let it happen when it happens.”
“Alright.” As he slows down and stops to wait for the garage door to open, you see Mrs. Jackson walking to her front door. She spots you and waves. You immediately remember the amazing brownies she makes, and you suddenly need it.
“I'll go say hi.” You tell Keanu before leaning for a kiss and stepping out of the car.
Mrs. Jackson is a kind old lady who lives with her husband in the house on the left. When she sees you coming her way she stops, smiling. “Hello, (Y/N). Good morning.” Her long white hair is being blown by the wind, and she keeps it off her face with a hand.
“Good morning, Mrs. Jackson. How are you today?” Smiling, you hug her.
“You can call me Anne, child, it's alright.” She immediately touches your belly. “And how is this tiny little human? Are you eating well, honey? Exercising?” She raises an eyebrow, tilting her head at your house. “Is your husband taking good care of you?”
“Yes, yes, and yes.” Giggling, and blushing a little, you nod. “I have weekly appointments with my nutritionist, Keanu and I take a walk every morning around the neighborhood and he's being absolutely amazing.” You say with a sigh, your heart beating a little faster just at the mention of him.
“Are you falling for him?” With both hands on her hip, Mrs. Jackson inquires, a funny expression on her face. She knows about the accident since she has become a friend of yours.
“I am.” You mutter, biting your lip.
“That's true, genuine love, sweetie. Even after forgetting him, you're falling for him all over again.” She has a teasing look on her face that makes you blush even more.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that. In the beginning, I really thought we'd end up divorced.”
“Honey, you don't know the way Keanu looks at you.” She shakes her head no, taking your arms and pulling you to a seat on the steps that lead to her porch. “When you came for dinner earlier this week, I could see it clearly. He looks at you like you're his whole world.” Running a hand through your hair, you look down. “That man loves you with all his heart, I have no doubt.” She puts an arm around your shoulders.
“Yeah...” You mutter, a low chuckle leaving your lips. “Oh, sorry for yesterday's noise. We're changing a few things in the house for the baby and also working on the decoration. Since we just moved and everything is happening at the same time...”
Anne furrows her eyebrows a little, tilting her head to the side. “Honey, Keanu has been living here for a little more than a year before you came. It was a surprise to me as it was for everyone to find he was married.”
Mimicking her expression, you start thinking, counting. Keanu said you came here only a few weeks before the accident. “Well... We were keeping it a secret. He's a public figure so the goal was to keep the marriage private for as long as we could. But the accident happened.” The words come out slow, as you try to understand what she means by that. A year... It can't be.
“I don't blame you for doing that.” Squeezing your shoulders a little, she smiles. “People can be very intrusive with celebrities.”
“Keanu's fans are great. We bumped into some on our way to the Walmart a while ago. And Ke was kind, as always.”
“That man is a rarity.”
“He is.” Smiling, you look at her, remembering about your current craving. “Oh, do you think you can make some of those chocolate brownies?” You ask, pouting a little. “I hate to give you trouble but I really want them.”
“Don't worry, child.” Anne giggles, taking your hand in hers. “I'm retired for way too many years and I enjoy having something to do.”
“Thank you!” Pulling her into a hug, you place a kiss on her cheek. “I gotta go now.” Pushing yourself up, you jump to the sidewalk. “Important talking about this little one's name.”
“Won't you tell me the options?”
“Nope!” Winking at her, you start walking backward. “It's going to be a surprise.” With another wave, you turn around and head home.
Keanu is in the kitchen, starting with the preparations for dinner. Homemade pizza night, and he's just starting to make the dough. Moving to seat on the kitchen island, you're just about to ask how you can help when what Anne said comes back. That was certainly weird, but you don't think Keanu would lie to you like that. “Ke...” You make a small pause when he looks at you over his shoulder. “Mrs. Jackson said you were living here for like a year. But you told me we came to New York a few weeks before the accident.”
He stops, both his hands dirty with flour. There's something in his face you can't read, as Keanu avoids looking at you. “We bought the house about a year ago. I used to come and spend a day or two because of work, but we only actually moved when you found a good job here.” He speaks slow, only lifting his eyes when he's done speaking. You work with social services, and he said that your job is secure for when you're able to go back.
“Got it.” You mutter, furrowing your eyebrows a little. “Are you alright?” Getting up, you walk over him. Once you're close, he has no choice but stares into your eyes. Wrapping your arms around his midsection, you tiptoe to kiss him.
“I'm great.” When you step away, Keanu touches your nose in a quick motion, getting it dirt with flour.
“I can't believe you did that.” You giggle, stretching your arm to shove your fingers inside the bowl before showing them to your husband. “If you don't apologize, sir, I'll paint all this pretty face of yours.”
“Is it a threat?” Keanu inquires, raising an eyebrow.
“It's a promise.”
“Alright then.” He chuckles before cupping your face with both hands, getting your cheeks and jaw covered in flour.
“You're playing with fire!” You shout, running your fingers through your face before reaching for the bowl and taking a handful of flour that you succeed to half throw it at him, with half of it falling on the sink. He holds your dirty hand, some parts of his hair all white. “You're messing with the wrong pregnant lady, babe.”
“I surrender.” He says in between giggles, hands raised. “I'm completely at your mercy.”
Squinting your eyes at him, you only grunt before washing your hands. “Let me help you.” You say as you grab the dishcloth, damping it before starting to clean Keanu's face.
“No. Let me do this for you. Just sit there looking beautiful.” Once you're done with his face, you clean yourself the best you can.
“Only if I get to see you around the kitchen looking handsome.” Sassing back, you leave the dishcloth on the sink and head back to your place at the kitchen island. You love helping him, but you decided to let him do his thing this time.
By nightfall, the pizzas are in the oven. All three of them, despite knowing you won't eat that much. But one is for Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and the other two will probably cover up all meals for a while. That if Keanu doesn't bug you with eating super healthy on every single meal. The brownies arrive too, and you thank Anne a lot as you bite one of them.
The only thing to ruin the night, well, that got close to, was that the sudden violent wind caused a blackout. You were eating at the kitchen table when it happened, and Keanu left to check if there was anything he could do. There isn't, but he did find some candles and the pizza night became a lot more romantic instantly.
Right now, already satisfied after two slices only, you admire his face in the different lighting, his hand holding yours over the table.
“We should go out. Like a date.” He suggests, and it makes your smile grow wider. “If that's alright with you.”
“Of course it is. We're married.” Shrugging your shoulders, you notice the subtle change on his face. You never get it, it's a mystery. “Ke, what's wrong?” It's not the first time it happens, but even though you're getting to know him, learning to read his expressions, this one is still difficult.
“Nothing, beautiful. It's nothing.” He assures you in a low voice. “Do you wanna head upstairs? A shower lit by candles must be quite an adventure.”
He always does that. He says it's nothing and changes the subject... But you guess it's alright. Maybe Keanu remembers the accident. The wife he lost that day. Or maybe something you shared before that's completely gone for you. “Great.”
“You can go first. I'll clean this up.”
“Leave the dishes to me. I can do them tomorrow.” You say as you walk past him, a hand on his shoulder. “You already made dinner for us.”
“Alright.” He agrees and you smile before going upstairs.
Showering with nothing but candles to light up the bathroom is weird, and you almost slipped. And that you'll never tell Keanu or else who knows what he'll do. But it was different. Once you're done, you leave the bathroom loosening the bun you had your hair in, letting it down. “Your turn with the medieval style shower.”
“I didn't know they had bathrooms like this back then.” Keanu snaps at you, smirking.
“You couldn't just go with it, could you?” Rolling your eyes, you walk over the slide glass door that leads to the balcony, just to watch as the wind still rushes through.
“Absolutely not.” It's the last thing you hear before the door closes.
With your eyes on the street down there, you hope this wind won't bring anyone trouble by tomorrow. At least the news said the weather will get better in a couple of days.
After some minutes watching the threes bending under the weight of the wind, you walk back to the bed, sitting on the edge. This place is feeling more like home as the days go by, and you're falling back into the life you once had. And it's good. Despite all the medicine you still take, the endless appointments, and a very, very overprotective husband, everything is good. More than that, actually. It does bring you relief to know you were this happy before. That you weren't alone, that you somehow managed to find someone so amazing. You know it was probably difficult in the beginning, with him being a public figure, and so many years older, but look where you are now. It was worth it. It ended up in the best way possible. And you couldn't ask for anything else.
“Lost in thoughts?” His voice startles you, as he comes from the bathroom.
“A little.” Getting on your knees on the bed, you cross it until you're face to face with him. Well, he's still taller, but you don't mind. You like it a lot, actually. Smiling you wrap your arms around his neck. “But they were good thoughts.”
“That's good to know.” He whispers, and you can't resist the proximity, so you just kiss him.
It was supposed to be just a quick thing, soft and sweet, but it soon becomes too needy. You shouldn't be this needy, and you don't know where it comes from. But it doesn't take much until you're awkwardly wrapping your legs around his waist, but the sudden change of balance makes you fall back on the bed, giggling through the kiss. But you don't mind. You don't want this to stop.
But you sigh when Keanu pulls away, opening your eyes to look at him, his eyes barely lit by the two candles, one on each nightstand. “What?” You ask, your voice a little weak, you're not sure why.
“If we keep this going...” His voice fades, and you feel when he removes some of his weight from you. He wasn't crushing you, but you were feeling all of his body. “...I don't think we'll be interrupted this time.”
You get what he means. There won't be calls this time, nothing too put a stop to whatever is going to happen. But you don't care. He's your husband, and you're falling for him. You want this. “I don't want it to be interrupted, Ke.” You tell him, thanking the darkness because you're sure you never blushed this much.
“Are you sure you want this?” A thunder almost clouds his voice, but you manage to hear it.
It's kind that he still wants to know how you feel. Keanu doesn't push you, he never has. It suddenly snaps that you love him, that this is right. “I'm sure.” You whisper back, eyes closing again when Keanu leans in for another kiss.
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