#but that pain is so awful and i just cant deal w it
bunnihearted · 4 months
#ughhhh sighhh im so tired#last night i started getting gallstone attack feelings#i took one of those painkillers i got for it but nothing#then i got such a bad attack ughhh. i even took another pill (idek if u can bc theyre strong nd yk.. precaution necessary) but it did nothin#so i've just been in pain for like 14 hours. idk how i managed to doze off to sleep nd then wake up nd then doze off again several times#it was just so awful skskks#i didnt even do anything different yesterday so i have no idea what triggered it#guess i just gotta cut down on everything like coffee nd the two small squares of chocolate i have :')#guess i just gotta stick to oatmeal nd brown rice nd crushed tomatoes lmaooo i wanna throw up just thinking abt it#but that pain is so awful and i just cant deal w it#it's so frustrating that i have to wait so long to even get a date for the surgery#it's been over a month now and i havent heard anything?!?!???#at least gimme a date so i can know how long i need to keep this up T-T#im so tired of this i just want my health to go back to the way it was before#i wanna exercise for real and i want real food!!!! i cant even use spices bc it's too much... 😔#and like i realize now that i think the gallstones have affected my bodily function for quite a while#i wasnt able to take iron or magnesium supplements or vitamins and stuff bc my body reacted so weirdly to it#i just dont wanna deal w this pain or be scared of what i eat. or eat bland boring food constantly. or not be able to work out#just wanna have the surgery </333 it's so hard to have to sit and wait for it sigh
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valdotpng · 1 year
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monsterbisexual · 4 months
feeling like im being driven to my execution (its a drs appointment)
#p#also thats a little dramatic but i do hate them so much#i was feelin like well ill be uncomfortable n miserable but its not the end of the world#buuuut then i remembered (TMI AHEAD U HAVE BEEN WARNED)#that last month ish when i was here for an actual concern (n agreed to this physical bleh)#i was told im overdue for another pap smear n like they cant force me into it ofc but i know its smart to do it#cuz i already have lots of anxieties abt what if i secretly have some disease or condition n im gonna die blah blah blahh#but last time it was so awful n i was like crying thru it cuz of the pain which. isnt normal#googling it afterwards i found ppl saying stuff like 'it might be weird n uncomfortable but not too bad'#so i was like well ok thats just me then i guess :/#n anyway i def think i have that condition called w/e cuz ive never been able to do any kind of like. anything in there#not like day to day its a huge deal but for this its not too fortunate :/#so long story short i remembered ill have to decide if ill let them do it again at this appt#n i was reading abt the process again n then uh oh crying -_-#omw now n idk what ill do tbh. def wanna say no but also idk i shld be responsible or smth#dies instead.#n anyway even if its just the super basic physical theyre gonna do ill still wanna become an incorporeal entity thing#hate it hereeeee (body)#its a PA im seeing who i remember being nice some other time i saw her so theres that at least#theyre gonna wanna weigh me tho i forgot that too jeez#i said no last time but idk. kms
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evvlogetarian · 4 months
Not to whine I just don't feel well physically n I'm overwhelmed,,, and also recent interaction but why does everyone in my life seem 2 enjoy snapping at me n taking out their anger on me even when I am Not the cause of said Anger !!! Like don't apologize to me be better abt it !!!
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fairycosmos · 10 months
i feel like ur almost the only person who i can talk to about this. i lost my brother similar to you also almost three years ago. how do you feel about the angus cloud situation? i couldn’t even read the full article bc i related to his situation so well and it hit me to my core. my mom and i almost both took our lives together days after his passing and sometimes i feel guilty for still being here when i wanted to just end it all and still do bc life’s not worth it without him. i also judge myself bc i feel like bc i didn’t leave i’m not showing how horrible i truly feel (to both him, myself, and others) idk. i just wanted ur thoughts on feeling guilty and also feeling invalidated in how we handle our grief
yeah honestly i've been avoiding articles on it like ever since i heard the news ive just been kind of blocking it out, did the same w demi lovato's drug overdose in (i think) 2021 i just can't even begin to approach news like that. it fucks me up for weeks/months at a time and i cant afford to feel like that honestly. i'm so so sorry youre going through it too and i'm sorry youre in such a dark place, i know me and my mam often are too. it's the kind of feeling words cant really touch and i wont try but i absolutely do understand and i think everything youre going through makes a very painful sort of sense - the guilt, the absolute despair, having to go along with the way life just moves forward and then feeling bad because youre not displaying how awful you truly feel. i feel like i'm feeling my sister in so many ways every day honestly, i feel like i failed her the day she died and every day since. guilt is such a big part of my grief, and i think it's one of the most unavoidable and natural parts of it too unfortunately. we'll always feel a heavy responsibility towards them because we love them so so much and the worst thing that couldve happened to them happened. i think there's not many ways for the brain to make sense of that without going a bit mad. there are so many moments that ive wished i could swap places with her, so many moments i just want to die, and still i'm here and i still i have to deal with being here. those are very difficult, conflicting emotions - im so so sorry. i hope you have the support you deserve in your life and i hope youre able to find a way to mourn your brother that feels a bit more cathartic (if there even is such a version of mourning.) i hope you're able to talk about this with a grief counsellor or someone who can help you make sense of what youre thinking and feeling in a way that doesn't hurt so much - not because i think it'll solve anything or bring your brother back, because you deserve to be listened to and validated throughout the grieving process. for your own good, whether you feel you deserve it or not - you do. if you ever want to talk about him, tell stories about him and what he was like, or talk about what ur going please know im always here. i'd like to talk about becca (my sister) more too and share her memory in a way that makes her feel real again. sending a massive hug. x
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hi, i hope its okay if i vent here cause i know shits been rough for you lately (wishing you the best btw, which ik simply saying that doesnt magically make things better but hope yk what i mean)
i sent an asks a few months ago about having empathy for someone for the first time and really struggling to come to terms with it, how to deal with new overwhelming emotions and the like (i believe i also mentioned them being in an abusive situation at the time, which was a whole other complicated feeling to empathize with someones pain and to take it internally on levels i had never experienced or was capable of fathoming before in my entire life)
currently struggling with that person again, they left their original abusive situation but have entered a new complex one, as this person isnt intentionally shitty but they're rich, white passing and extremely privileged and out of touch, like truly they don't grasp my friends trauma and why it makes things hard for them (friend has gone through severe abuse and childhood trauma, neglect and homelessness just to say the light ones, its truly awful what they've been through) despite having some trauma of their own and i truly fucking despise them with my entire being
my friend is abusing alcohol and debating killing themselves due to this person dangling ending their relationship over my friends head --- (which is another thing thats complex and hurting, my friend never told me they were dating which like they totally dont have to obviously!! but they continuously insisted to me they were only friends, before suddenly revealing through a screenshot of their partners text that they were together, which they did with their previous abuser so like having it happen twice was icky feeling for some reason despite the fact ik they don't owe me that information at all, i dont care they hid it i just feel hurt and confused if i had done something to warrant not being trusted with that information but thats a whole other can of worms) --- due to them struggling to do something the person wants, because my friend has trauma what the person is requesting is hard and my friends explained why its hard and hurts them, they've thrown up daily from the stress and this person knows that but somehow doesnt grasp why its causing my friend such distress
i feel utterly suffocated by the entire situation and its put my life on full stop because i cant just leave my friend to deal with this themselves, but theres nothing i can say or do that can help them because they're deeply in love and won't break up with their partner even though the stress is physically ruining them. i feel hopeless and unable to do anything, i encourage them to talk to me because really i wanna be there for them but i feel so scared all the time that somethings gonna happen to them which makes me need to listen even more because their other friend is horribly abusive and contributed to their trauma, so i don't wanna leave my friend alone. i don't know how to deal with empathizing with their pain and not being able to stop it feels like its killing me cause now im also throwing up multiple times a day, genuinely debating drug relapse to cope with it all and i can't sleep properly anymore and only sleep on specific 4 hour intervals throughout the day next to my phone so i can be on constant standby for the friend and i know its not healthy and if they knew it was like this they'd never tell me whats wrong again (which i really dont want i truly honest to god wanna be there for them), i feel like no matter how i go about it theres no winning in this situation and honestly i wanna die from it all which sounds so silly cause my friend is going through SO much worse and here i am going waaah this hurts me!! i just eugh, i don't know what to do. which i guess i know what to do, but i don't wanna do any of it i've never cared about someone like i care about them and the thought of leaving them to sort it out themselves feels like the end of the world, even though i know they're also a sociopath and don't feel empathy towards me which is also a new shitty feeling cause now i know how people feel around me. this is exhausting i don't know how people with empathy deal with it especially you kat!! if i remember correctly you mentioned being very empathetic, it's amazing you're able to handle having empathy and running a blog where people often dump stuff in your inbox (which uh is the very same thing im doing now, sorry!) ok i got it all out of my system i'm gonna go take a nap and hope the problem is solved tomorrow (it wont be but a bitch can hope!!) thank you for being a space where i could word vomit my brain out, i really hope things get better for you and that your eye gets sorted out <3
No matter how unwell your friend is, you're allowed to have boundaries and limits. And while I get the desire to be there and do everything you can because you care about your friend, you will not be able to continue pouring from an empty vessel. This is not a sustainable situation. You neglecting yourself and not sleeping and getting physically ill and wanting to die is not an acceptable consequence of your friend being in a toxic relationship without being able to change their situation. I know you didn't ask for advice, but I strongly encourage you to establish some boundaries here and stand by them. You do not lose your right to have boundaries when a loved one is mentally unwell and if you do not prioritize your own mental well-being, you will not be able to continue being there for you friend
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
ive definetely said this before too but another thing abt the internet/social media/tech of this sort and even tv is that while its nice and important that we care about the tragedies and suffering around the world and its nice this at times def leads to more awareness and sometimes even actions that help, i am 100% convinced the human mind did not evolve to be able to handle, especially not constantly, information about so much endless horrible and painful shit happening all over the globe everywhere all the time. like we just werent. people already have to deal w the suffering in their own lives and in their known proximity and that is often v overwhelming but thats what our brains have been used to for the vast majority of history, and then were adding on top of that ,,, news of everything everywhere
....... and on Top of that on social media too, theres often this stupid mentality that if you dont reblog/talk about something/endlessly doom scroll/whatever you dont care or youre priviledged to be able to not do so and youre basically responsible for having to be up to date w as much atrocious shit as possible. even if you cant do basically anything about 98% of it, even if your own life is full of suffering and overwhelming and w issues..... thats just not how it works. and the ppl throwing privilege in this regard should also be uhhhh aware that theres 80000 other absolutely horrid god awful things they cant imagine theyre not talking abt either..... like yea u know yes being informed is important spreading awareness is important helping if possible is and its important to keep in mind that in some regards youre better off than others but overwhelming urself to the point of disfunctionality and chronic hopelessness helps like noone and nothing
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de4dskunk · 2 months
ok but like tooth pain is the last thing i wanted to deal w rn.... not only is that my phobia, it is expensive af, it is stressful, it sucks and is scary (what if the cheapest thing is to pull my tooth out??). etc etc there are million of things but i just hate it. i want to eat but now that i can stomach cookies nd real food, i get a fkn tooth ache and cant eat!!!! i accidentally bit down on the tooth nd it hurt so bad i wanted to cry :(((( awful hate this. but the only thing i can do is endure it now, try to sleep a bit, get up at 7am nd call nd HOPEFULLY they have available emergency appts, then i talk to them, call my wellfare worker and then i can fix it w money plus the dentist can do smth abt my pain :((
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bhaalxbabe · 9 months
Its sucks you're dealing with so much anxiety :(
It really is such a killer, to say the LEAST.
I'm sure you've gotten all the obvious fixes or suggestions told to you 100 times, so I'm trying to find something a little out fo the box (since it seems you got some meds already right? Which would have been the most obvious suggestion).
There was a suggestion I stumbled on once that I think mentioned a good counter to anxiety ir at least panic is to try and induce anger or just... force? So like, clenching your whole body and holding it as long as you're able and the releasing it, and that helping because it's pushing your body to an almost higher stress level and the act of the active release helps you go from a higher energy place to a lower, more manageable one?
That or that if you do something kinda weird like just yell at the top of your lungs (into a pillow?) forces, again, a bunch of pent up energy and allows your body to come back down?
The only other things that I could think of is that, whatever your comfort actions are, like if you really benefit from hugs or just being near someone else as an example, can help provide a counter to the anxiety while you ride out the waves?
In any case, I hope you feel better :'(
OH ANON YOU'RE SO SWEET ;A; thank you so much for the suggestions !!
It's honestly been a struggle. not to go into a rant. i've dealt w depression and anxiety like all my life but my anxiety has never been bad to this point where im having panic attacks and the panic attacks have been ruining me because i don't really know how to deal with them and the pain of them have just been so freaking awful it feels like im dying and i haven't been able to sleep because im afraid i'll wake up with a panic attack.
i went to my dr and they said it's stress and heartburn/acid building up all together and then that triggers my anxiety and it's a cycle. and yeah ;A; i got prescribed paroxetine if you know anything about that and the er have me lorazepam but even the meds give me anxiety alsdkfj everything gives me anxiety ! LOL
and im like afraid i cant go back to like normal life T.T it's alksjdfa yeah. im working at it. sorry to spew all this alskdjfa ;A;
but i really really appreciate the suggestion and you just giving me the time to offer some helpful tips !! no words can express how appreciative i am it's been so hard and i will try anything !! and just thank you so much ;u; for coming in and trying to help me <3 i will definitely try that the next time i feel one building up!!
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pepprs · 5 years
im so scared. please like this if u read im sorry
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bunnihearted · 2 months
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket,Se03, Ep 8 (part 1)
“ I hate myself, so much, so intensely, so completely, I wish I just go away, disappear for good, & yet in the end, I always protect myself, instead of taking responsibility, I run away every damn time, like now, I’m too scared to even look at your face”. The real kyo under the layers of trauma.
This quotation is why this ep is not abt romance. Instead it is abt: Extreme self-loath, faulty coping mechanism, self-awareness & inability to make correct decisions due to suicidal thoughts & non-existent self-worth.  
This is a guy who’s literally seen death TWICE at the age of 4 & 15 (his mom & kyoko), is trying to avoid the THIRD (tohru’s) & is questioning why the FOURTH isnt happening (his own death).
-The layers of a broken self: Excellent writing:
I applaud the writer for choosing fitting methods to portray her characters’ own trauma. Yuki “ prince” mask & tohru’s “i’m okay” mask were fitting to hide their trauma & uncover the real personalities. However, since kyo would be the character to hide secrets & carry guilt, the viewers need to feel he’s hiding sth w/o knowing what it is. It was done cleverly to (a) tie the plot together, (b) build kyo’s character, (c) fit the climax, (d) suit his trauma of severe guilt & self-loath. Some of the things he does can fit two genuine layers: Both layers are true:
His initial refusal to open up to tohru in early se01. (Surface layer): he doesn't know how to interact with ppl who accept him as he confessed to shigure, (Deeper layer): he avoided tohru cuz he knew her!
He initially refused to join leisure activities & trips: hot spring & kyoto trip (Surface layer): he didn’t want to go with yuki (Deeper layer) he didnt want to spend time with tohru as he was unconsciously feeling that he’s stealing from her.
It killed him to see her true lonely self behind her fake mask & approached her with advice. se1, ep5 (grandpa house), se1, ep23 (sick tohru), se2, ep 8 (hiro’s remarks) & other instances.  (Surface layer): he was noticing her issues, & genuinely wanted to help her cuz he’s kind (Deeper layer) he was falling in love w/her & unconsciously wanted her to be happy with HIM.
There were times when there was ONE layer, such as: kyoko’s 1st grave visit. He was so off, rigid, unresponsive, & completely shut down. Everybody read him. Yuki, tohru, Arisa & hana. they just don’t know why he behaving like that. his trauma manifested itself deeply that he apologized to tohru in her sleep cuz he was “ too scared to even look at your face”.
- Kyo’s trauma takes physical shape: (Clutching his heart: PAIN, clutching his stomach : DISGUST) :
While confessing to tohru, kyo’s features spoke volumes. You can see disrepair, guilt, broken soul, sadness & surrender. His body reflected his emotions:
wide eyes (disbelief), Cat eyes (utter fear)
trembling body (overwhelmed with toxic emotions)
clutching his fists (anger at self) , opening fists (surrender to darkness)
hand covering face (shame), Hand around neck as he finished confessing abt kyoko & yuki (desire for death: the final judgement)
The most focused physical appearance was his fist clutching his heart: he was in so much pain as he narrated how he loved kyoko & found a friend in her, desired to make her happy, to find tohru for her, how his his mom withered away out of fear of him & how pitiful & sad he felt towards tohru for loving someone like him. It broke his heart to see them all suffer after knowing him. All the love he felt for them squeezed his heart tight, he wanted to pull it & rip it away. Above all, he was sad to loose them all. Sad he can’t be wit them.
Then he clutched his stomach: representing the pure disgust he felt at himself. As he realized that there is no escape from being responsible for their death, as he admitted he illogically blamed yuki, his disgust with himself boiled in his stomach. What kind of disgusting horrible person does that? blame someone illogically? I’m horrible, hateful & utterly undeserving to be forgiven. Being disgusted with one’s own self! oof! it was so well-done with animation!
-Tying Mature Themes with Child Trauma:
Through kyo’s story, there were different mature themes that excellently dictate his behavior, mentality & emotional well-being: Excellent writing!
(1) The desperate need for self-worth: To be good for once!
by constantly destroying his self-worth thro contempt (the sohmas), rejection (his mom), hate (his father), pity (kazuma/ kagura, initially), kyo searched for an outlet to be a worthy human. Someone who deserves to be loved for who he is. He found that in kyoko. It is brilliant that kyo didn’t look for a mom in kyoko. He called her “ old hag”, she told him unflattering facts abt herself “ neglecting her daughter”. she was his first real friend. He found comfort being with her. He wanted to return the intimate feeling he felt deep down, kyo is so hung up on giving as much as taking as it contradicts the notion of pity. The opportunity came! Helping her find her daughter! being someone who does good! Return the daughter & feel worthy of being a true friend, a man (aka a person). “ i’ll help her, I’ll protect her for sure! it’s a man’s promise” The promise in its core is abt kyo wanting to be a person. Not a monster, or a cat. A true real boy. Away from all the toxic past emotions. Being a man: means being a big boy (person) with good achievements! All this shattered when a better boy beats him to it. The boy who was always praised, loved & respected! kyo’s self-worth diminished greatly & all the toxic emotions came back!
(2) The downfall of faulty coping mechanism: Creating a Bad Guy:
I stated before that one of my fave scenes of kyo was in se02, ep23 when kyo lashed out at yuki on the stairs upon seeing the hat & how yuki felt nothing but pity towards kyo as he was stuck in the past while yuki moved on. Brilliant scene that explains why one moved on & the other didn;t. Yuki’s faulty coping mechanism was being withdrawn & shutting himself. This coping mechanism didnt make him feel better at all!!! Also, he doesn’t have regrets nor sins, he dealt with his faulty coping mechanism with tohru’s help & the school council & healed gradually. Forever loving the writer for writing the distinction between kyo & yuki logically without painting any as monster in reality. Kyo couldn’t do as yuki for the following reasons: ( remember the old theme of everybody heals on their own pace? love it )
(a) He was addicted to shifting the blame as it made him feel better abt himself!! he shifted his thoughts from “ I wanna go away for good” “ mom, why didn’t you kill me instead” to “ it’s not my fault at all, it’s yuki” No match between the two feelings! one leads to suicide, the other leads to feeling like a mere victim. The two feelings are wrong tho & He knows that! he isn’t ready to stop the drug. He can’t face himself. “ the bad guy, if he isn’t as awful as you think, who you’re left to blame”.
(b) nothing around him can make him feel better. Tohru? but she’s kyoko’s daughter! she’s a lonely orphan, carrying her mommy’s pic taking to it! why? cuz you didn't save her! Loving tohru? is good & I wish we can run away far & be together always! wake up! why would she wanna be with a disgusting monster like you?!! You dont deserve her! you who caused his mom to die, caused her mom to die, blamed an innocent guy! Yuki? yeah, look at yuki, you can never be like him, watch as his true kindness gets noticed by tohru, the school & everybody!! he’s everything you cant be!! he should be with tohru! not you!! Master kazuma? poor guy! you brought him nothing but misery! you see his sad smile, don’t you? he’s disappoint in you. Kagura? she pities you!
(b) Kyo can’t fix his mistakes. kyo watched as yuki got back with his brother, befriended haru again, goes back to the sohma estate for the holidays. he feels he cant have similar reweds as he cant bring the things he needed. his mom, kyoko, his bio dad’s affection, kazuma’s pride in him, tohru’s love & his own satisfaction at himself. kyo just hates kyo “so much, so intensely, so completely”
(c) his fault coping mechanism mirrors his dad’s. Kids pick up toxic habits from parents all the time. Even his suicidal thoughts mirrors his mom’s! brilliant writing!
3- running away from responsibilities: perfectly constructed theme!
Who didn’t? I’m guilty! ugh! one of the best themes in furuba hands down! Any other writer would have made kyo do it once, or twice & have him face it in climax & then deal with it. but NOT takaya-san! She excellently took her time with kyo repeating this exact mistakes over & over to better portray the theme & take it out from the boundaries of story-telling to realistic depiction & logical gradual progression:
kyo ran away from being accused of killing his mom (he’s completely innocent & isn’t responsible for his birth’s deformity/curse nor his mom’s suicide)
kyo ran away from accepting kyoko’s words that yuki isnt bad & most importantly that kyo is good. He had found relief in blaming yuki, now you wanna tell me I should look into myself? I’m bad! i dont wanna look. your words are weird “ no bad or good”  Everybody says otherwise, the sohmas, dad & mom! kyo angrily ran away (completely guilty but excused as child would be).
kyo ran away from facing kyoko’s body & wanted to punish himself with death. Depression took over him as “ master tried to get me to keep living”. (completely guilty in his own eyes, if only he tried to safe her, even if he transformed, Even if she still died regardless!!! he hates himself for choosing the disgusting kyo over the kind kyoko)
kyo ran away from telling tohru the truth upon seeing her, pretended not to know her, slowly dying each time she smiles, slowly falling in love & wishing for a chance with her, a chance he believes doesn't deserve.
Kyo ran away in se01, ep14 when remembering the accident as shigure  triggered him. Tohru consoled him & he lost the chance to come clean.
kyo is running away now. Unable to face her “ too scared to even look at your face”. “ I cant forgive me! I dont want you to fogive me either”
So, after running away the first time, kyo should’ve learned better, right? now in the climax, he shouldn’t  have run away? Yes, he should. cuz simply, he isnt ready. We dont learn from our mistakes cuz someone told us. we learn when we fix the core issue. A guy who thinks he deserves a chance in life would stand tall, confess his sins, argues, talks, tells the story unbiased,  then waits for verdict. kyo thinks he doesn’t deserve to be alive, thus, tells the story with server bias towards judging himself as unworthy. HE decided the verdict & didnt wait for tohru: “ I cant forgive ME! I dont want you to forgive me either” That’s why toru’s words fall flat. “ why cant you see the truth: I love you” he can’t tohru!! cuz right now it is NOT abt love. It is abt trauma!
4- Sever guilt & desire for disappearance (death):
As adults our mistakes loom over us & we’re constantly reminded of the “ what if I had acted differently”. This ties with kyo witnessing his mom’s horrible death at 4 years old. Death in itself is scary. A loved ones death is devastating. Watching it unfold in shocking unprepared way is destructive. kyo was destroyed. Not enough: he gotta carry the guilt as his dad & the sohma hammer the accusations. He gets another chance & loves another person. Only to watch the blood splash reach his shoes. “Guilty” whispers the past. “Guilty” confirms the present. He stands in front of the most precious person to him. Now what? If tohru forgives you, the pain goes away???? You wouldn’t repeat the ultimate mistake of killing her, would you? you ominous creature. Her mom warned you. The nightmare stands hovering over kyo’s head, waiting to come true. IT WILL COME TRUE!!! OMG!!!
if Akito does it. It wouldn’t be kyo’s fault, right?  If the car hit kyoko, it’s not my fault, right? if my mom did it herself, it wouldn’t be my fault, right?
But if only kyo didnt ran away, tohru would be alive. If only I pulled kyoko, she wouldn’t have died. If only I wasn’t born, mom wouldn't have killed herself.
The “ if only “ that killed kyo’s mom as she lamented “ if only I gave birth to the rat” will eventually destroy kyo! ugh!!! AMAZING WRITING!!!
5- The Right Time to Heal (self-desire or outside help?):
When yuki was trapped in Akito’s room, haru visited to help. did yuki accept it? NO. yuki didnt even remember much of it. Why? cuz it wasn’t the right time & yuki was too deep into darkness to notice, to accept & to change. It wasnt until he was out, in co-ed school, rebelling against akito, when tohru came, he accepted her, then it lead him to accept School Council & haru. Tohru had Arisa & hana, but never went to them in her darkest moment, hiding she was living in a tent, they were hurt & confronted her, still she kept hiding her fears, sadness & darkest thoughts, interfering in Arisa’s life to provide help, but never allowing them to interfere, until kyo came & broke her mask, she started to complain, talk, show true emotions & want things! She opened up to Isuzu, too. Arisa & hana weren’t the right ppl at the right time for tohru to heal. Kyo had kazuma to teach him better, kyoko to make him notice his mistakes, tohru to love him unconditionally, the right ppl, but all that was in the wrong time cuz he’s in his darkest moment now like yuki was, unable to see or accept. Healing requires self-desire & outside help, but it gotta be in the right moment, when you can see beyond the abyss & into the faint light of dawn. That’s when words will reach the heart. Kyo need to fall so hard, in order to stand up again. Today, he unloaded his burden, threw up the disgust he felt towards himself, spewed all the hate against the real bad guy: himself! Kyo is kyo’s bad guy, has always been. He needs to let go of hating himself & accept the kind gentle kyo that kyoko & tohru saw ~
Side Notes:
This ep is why furuba wins & deserves 20 years of recognition among manga-readers! this story is real! it is NO sweet fairy tale of two lovers. It is abt one’s self & desire to live. All of them struggle with  this particular desire: kyo, tohru, yuki & the rest.
kid kyo was looking for young tohru all night! T_T
this ep of kyo confessing/ narrating his past , reminded me of yuki’s 3 eps of him confessing/ narrating his past!!! ugh! I wish tohru had that! ahhhh.
The 4 months in the mountains weren’t training!!!!! they were depression & suicidal thoughts! ouch!!
Perspectives are what dictate our feelings: Through yuki’s eyes, kyo was so happy with a loving father, friends around him & a house outside the sohmas. Thus, yuki envied him & wished to die not knowing kyo was living in trauma & feeling utter contempt & self-loath. Through kyo’s eyes, yuki was so happy with a living loving family, friends around him & a house with respect. Thus, kyo envied him & wished to die Not knowing that yuki was suffering abuse & neglect!
I love the pacing of this ep!!! It gives room to feel pain & understand the situation!!! I didn’t feel the headache of the bullet train!! THANK GOD!!! SO SATISFIED!!! I was invested all the time!
kyoko’s “ I’ll never forgive you” really destroyed kyo & went beyond it to destroy her own daughter! AAAAAAHHHH ~ T_T
I have some issues with the “ I forgot” part. It makes no sense that they make him forget the accident only to do the cheap cliff hanger in ep 6, then lazily weave it into his confession to tohru in ep. 8. He always remembered the accident. Apologized to tohru in her sleep in se01. ep14 for that exact accident, Then in se02, ep 9. It was ALWAYS in his mind! ALWAYS. Sorry Mr. Director. very lame try. lol.
The only thing I didn’t like is the music! very weird choices throughout the ep! especially at the end. Why a happy music over kyo’s “ I’m disappointed in you? lol!! its sad & tragic?! weird!!!!
I will talk abt Tohru will be in part 2. (her choice, kyo’s answer to her & the need to let go of her mom, the sohmas & of... kyo.
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randombubblegum · 2 years
I wonder if it would be better for Awsten to admit VS hide who he dates. altho from what fans say online-it must be painful bc u r opening that person up to criticism. Also-what if any of these recent girls have been good for him & care about him? Shouldn't he judge who makes him happy?It's been a long time since Ciara- let him live! Whoever is next I just hope she stays away from interacting w fans online *manifesting*-Also I don't agree w posting her insta bc now shes got to deal with that?sry
this ask goes in 10 different directions im not sure i uh understand it all LOL but yeah i wonder….. im not sure if it would be better for him to be open or to hide it when he dates someone either?? like i can see why hed never want to be public again after ciara bc i cant imagine how awful a relationship tanking bc u got cheated on publicly would be…. but also as bad as what she did was ciara got a TONNNN of online hate and harassment that was frankly uncalled for and awsten did nothing to curb it and even egged it on so……
but also IF dog girl hadnt been so terminally online and influencer brainrotted they probably could have actually kept that relationship on the dl?? of course she immediately had to go and capitalize on it for attention and money from his fanbase so 🙄 and now that shes set the standard were all too smart and we know what to look for so we can sus it out when awstens hitting on some other blond girl online lol. bc he… cannot seem to have offline relationships???
i agree that none of these girls hes been involved with…. uhh basically ever have been good for him lol but hes also been pretty awful to them as well…. theres been a couple girls who didnt make it to dog girl or pink haired girl status hes had talking phases with and treated like shit so. i dunno. he just keeps the same self destructive patterns when looking for a partner and i rly dont know why.
but YES for the love of GOD the next person he dates needs to stay away from his fans. dont engage w them dont let the batshit parasocial ones cozy up to you dont let them treat you like a friend to get closer to awsten DONT use them for clout or audience or money… just dont engage w them at all bc if u acknowledge them they WILL run with it. parx and associates has a chronic fucking problem w this LOL
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ok bhah ch11 my longest yeah boi ever
i’m literally... so excited I can’t even read it ok ok
oh no not the wedding invitations not this
i swear to god if we have to go through this wedding. knifeemoji
listen I have a fear that we’re gonna get the break up and the car accident same as canon dear god don’t put us through that either
no fears *literally everything that could make bhah more painful* several fears dot meme
god not the jamie invite. she cant even do it. another sign from god you are choosing to ignore
straight to Jamie’s house oh
lmao the red door I just worked out that’s a hill house reference from when I was wondering in like ch3(?) lol the inner workings of my dumbass brain never stop
“can we talk?” it’s happening what is happening
Dani was so tired of lying oh my god
my heart is literally beating so fast
alone in Jamie’s room bro wtf wtf
Jamie is just so soft and understanding always always aaaahhhhh
fuck she just wants out of this wedding so bad but she can’t even tell him
fuck fgkjhdfkjgh this is not good oh no. Dani finally finally fucking doing something for herself and Jamie so aware that this cannot be happening like this right now
and yet both of them just falling into it anyway oh my goddddd
jesus christ jesus christ “Dani had half crawled into Jamie’s lap, kissing her with a fierce and fervent heat” I am on deaths door
god they’ve both wanted this for so so so so long I can’t believeeeeee
(i am so thrilled that y’all just went there right away btw)
“Please, just - I just want to feel how I’m supposed to.” oucchhhh Dani
god her just... knowing. after one kiss w Jamie that she can finally do it and talk to him and end it and it’s so terrifying but goddd yes
“You think I can ever say no to you?” oof
“Ask,” Jamie breathed. “Ask me.” fucking fuck the power of this line oh my god Jamie is so fucking ready to jump of a bridge for her it’s- the dedication the love the longing the everything I am going insane is it too early to start drinking at 1pm
you’re not you can’t NOT THE CANON DINER SCENE
fuck this is like watching a car crash i can’t look away it’s so fucking visceral and nerve-wracking and painful
but god I’m so proud of her for finally saying what she wants
oh thank fuck y’all didn’t take him out with a passing delivery truck
“You must have known. You know me.” oh god this sentiment always kills me
“She couldn’t say it — the words ‘I’m gay’ forever out of reach — so instead she said, “I can’t.”” my whole body is on fire oh my god this is.... too fucking real
jesus christ the near miss w the truck are u trying to kill me (i actually kind of love that Dani will have to deal w her feelings w him face to face instead of having to bury it all in grief like in canon I am so excited to see how y’all handle that)
a fucking HOUR in the car dfkjghdfkjh the torture
oh honey. literally both of them suffering so much ouch
her favourite saucepan pls this is all so awful and sad but that make me laugh so much the poor confused little duck I am glad she has her comforts
god poor Dani
"Is she here to cook something?"  fgkjdhfkgjhfkjgdf
“No. I think you’re brave.” oh
“We’ll figure it out." listen listen I am undoubtedly losing my mind god this is soft
“She had spent so long being asked and not asking. Never asking. She never dared. To ask was to be known, to be made visible, words forging reality as surely as a smith’s hammer. And yet Jamie waited, letting Dani gather the courage herself.
"Can I -?" Dani said, "- stay?"” please fuck I am just so !!!!!!!! about Dani getting to know what she wants and having a fucking voice. just !!!!!!!!
“Jamie inviting her in” fucking just both of them finally getting some of that quiet courage w each other I am yelling so much
“Dani knew that it wasn't just her feeling this, that it had never just been her.” YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT BABEY
““But you do?” Dani asked. “Want to?”
Jamie’s answering laugh was brief and incredulous. “You have no idea.”” I AM: HOOTIN. AND: HOLLERIN
“I am here” hello? hello I am not coping I am on another plane of existence. DANI FINALLY FEELING SO PRESENT AND WHOLE IN THIS MOMENT
god they’re just holding each other i’m tearing up. Jamie is her home
Dani finally sleeping through the night ow my fucking heart
Mikey’s so chill about all of this sdkdhfdkj I love him
Jamie going out n buying her favourite jam... god the tenderness. love is stored in the strawberry jam and the hairdryer
hmmmmm her attraction to Jamie is so closely tied to a lot of really hard feelings this is gonna take a bit to work through huh???
aw Jamie going to Carson I am so happy she has her little band of gays to help her rn
I love that she can just kiss her now when she gets the urge like maybe chill out a lil just landing all these surprise kisses but like good for u girl. good for both of u
the warmth of the house hmmmmm I love that she’s found this esp because she is perpetually cold and Jamie is always warm but keeps it like that for the kid (and probably for Dani too) aaahhhh
cgjkdfhkjgh Dani is so thirsty poor Jamie trying to keep them in check. these moments are so fucking loaded holy shit
Dani Jamie and Mikey are the cuuutest lil family aw
god the tentativeness between them trying to figure this all out and the casual intimacy and just. all of it is so much and so beautiful to watch unfold
i love this little bubble inside Jamie’s house and Jamie kind of drawing the curtains around them both physically and metaphorically while she lets Dani figure things out and lets it settle between them
it’s all about the hands
oh my god Hannah instantly asking if she needs a place to stay she really is the best
soft little mornings with her Jamie like... once Dani finally defeats the ball of guilt in her chest there is so much goodness to look forward to and I am v glad she has that right now even as she is still struggling a bit. my girl needs all the sweetness in her life
also the idea of Jamie getting to wake up to sleeping Dani in her bed every morning after a lifetime of trying to repress her feelings... god
heh she’s already figuring out all the ways to push Jamie’s buttons god these two are going to have some fun w each other
this idea of learning the creaking floorboards of a new home is so... warm
Jamie leaving all the curtains drawn for her oh my heart keeping her safe keeping her safe
Nan would be so proud of ms Dani u know it’s true
awww Mikey comin home to keep her company
Mikey Dani time is always so sweet I love them
my god Dani n Jamie are so intense w each other and just so full of fucking desire... when those floodgates finally open will they even survive
oof Dani is dealing with soooo much ugh. Jamie always there with a gentle way to bring her back down to earth tho my hearrrtttt
“You’re allowed to be happy.” she is SHE IS ty Jamie Taylor voice of reason
a pinky promise to deal with everything together awwww
“why are you so good to me” “you know why” oh my goddddddd. that’s so soft that’s so gentle that’s so much love
Dani finding little bits in herself in media god i love this
Dani Mikey hours best hours
god Carson... sweet boy. And Judy sending over a whole bunch of food oof just. these quiet little reminders of their love for her. Dani’s about to go through a whole bunch more emotions huh?
fkjdfkjgfh Mikey going into protector mode when Carson is there pls i love hm
ohmy “our room” aaaaaaahhhhh
god Dani expecting him to be upset with her I am so fucking emotional. I relate far too much to Dani in canon and in this story and it’s just. painful as hell to see someone go through the things you know hurt the most holy shit
please Carson is so sweet and understanding and telling her he’s proud of her is making me cry so much I can barely see
this whole like.. uncomfortable but relief-filled kind of coming out between her and Carson is so so beautifully done I can’t stop fucking crying
“God, you two were agony to watch.”  fglkdfgkjdfhkjgh Carson a voice of the people
“You deserve to be happy.” - Carson and also me and also everyone reading this
god he is so wonderful!!!!!! this reminder that she’s not alone and everything will be ok!!!!!!! Carson I love you so much
the box being described as “the beating heart of their childhood“ god the imagery
Jamie so sweetly making room for her and welcoming her into a home I am emotional again the tears have really been unlocked now I’m gonna be a mess the whole rest of this chapter (i say as if I haven’t been already)
the really sweet way Jamie gets her to open up and trust her with the things that have been on her mind
and Dani doing the same for her god this gentle honest space between them makes my heart feel so full I am just so happy that they’ve got each other
“I want you to stay.” please (also now I’m thinking about AE putting Stay on her Jamie playlist jesus christ I am being tortured)
they get... to wake up.... in bed together. i’m so close to crying again when will this stop
i kind of love there hasn’t really been any like... just no more kissing u know but we still get this insane intimacy between them in a way that’s not them shying away from the way they want each other but so carefuly and sweetly and honestly coming towards each other
awww them always waking up all tangled is so cuuute (also Dani feeling so safe and comfy with her that her subconscious is like lets latch on she is good she is home)
lmao Dani having to mediate between these two dweebs and their playfights is so good
Jamie having her lil family surrounding her aww
(also i just noticed the rating change oh god)
sfkjfhdg Jamie looking at her hips all dark eyes and wanting we’ve all been there girl
“you can look” BOLD DANI MY BELOVED
god these two........ the grabbing her silver chain god @ google how to breathe properly??????
“Then show me.” oh my god
fkgjhdfkj so much electricity they shorted out the power
“this is just as nice” when they’re just hugging please they are so soft
i love that there’s just like... gentle soft banter between them in these quiet moments so much
“Dani, give him more homework.”  ghrfjkhjgkjgh
god the heated cheek kiss
this ‘game of chicken’ god they’re just.... really in it huh this is so fun
hmmm Dani going through the suitcases and sort of being able to bring some of herself/her past into this new place is so nice
heh this lil family and their snowfights are so cute
:( she can’t bring herself to eat Judy’s food
Jamie bringing her flowers oh soft
ugh they’re just so softly melting into being together it’s so sweeeeeeeet
“You’re lovely.” and the way Jamie just sinks into her with Dani’s fingers in her hair pleeease I am dying this is so warm
aaaahhhh they’re dancing soft soft soft
“gray eyes fluttered closed, as though the weight of Dani’s touch was too much to bear” god i am..... aaaahhhh
“a gentle calm settling within her. It had seemed that for all her life she had waited for the quiet of this” y’all this is so beautiful and lovely and wonderful and all the good things
ah that kiss. kinda feels like their first real kiss where they just get to be god I am so happy “a profound sense of finally” oh oh oh that’s such a pretty concept
god I love how much they just want each other that second kiss and them just all over each other is perfect and having to try and reel that in and being able to because they know it’s not going anywhere please it’s so so good
god Dani vs Desert Hearts I love this callback and the entirely different circumstances of her watching it again
dsjfhdkjfh oh no Dani losing her mind at Jamie touching her knee god these two have got the biggest storm coming
dfkdjhkgdjh god them like.... trying to take things slow but still letting things happen while having to be aware of Mikey is so funny but I kinda love it and how indicative it all is of them being so grown up and able to approach their relationship in such a mature way. as much as I wish they’d had their teenage love story I do like that it’s unfolding this way now.
“it struck Dani then that she couldn’t remember ever laughing while doing this.” aww
Mikey’s “oh gross” hahahaha poor kid
god this is so funny
“ferret kid” jamie why are u like this sfkjhdfkjf
oh lordt it seems we have reached the unabashedly horny phase good show ol’ chaps
god they’re still so soft tho this is so fun to read
i looove how flustered they both make each other w just their presence. it’s just so !!!!!!
lmao Dani knowing exactly what to do to drive Jamie insane is fdkgfdkjgh perfect amazing show stopping more neck kisses more teasing more barely restrained desire i love it
“the reckless rush of being in each other’s arms” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
lmaooooo Mikey Jamie is going to lock you outside if u keep doing this
the fact it can just fade back to comfortable companionship too is like. ugh i love them together
“Yeah. You can touch me whenever you want.” oh jesus
“No more interruptions, no more waiting, no more holding back.” it’s happening god it’s happening everyone stay calm (also the slow build to this point has been so fucking perfect y’all are writerly geniuses)
lmao Dani is like please can we just get naked why do u want to watch a movie I am literally right here
“What do you want?” god the tension
aaaaahhhhh just. them being so out of their minds with want but still all nervous and wanting to check in but still just. wanting this so much god this is *chef’s kiss*
lmao Dani already having the hair pulling thing figured out is so good. poor Jamie lol is she even going to survive this
god the fact they’re both still fully clothed n still getting this fucked up just making out n grinding on each other I love this for them
mum just came in to tell me dinner is ready I AM ALREADY EATIN GOOD
lmao fuck I am just... so thrilled for Dani finally getting to experience this get ur whole world rocked baby u deserve this
thumb in her mouth i-
“my idiot” pls that’s so soft
“You have me.” i know this is like. horny but it’s also so romantic sfgkjhdfkjg
ayoooo Jamie’s tattoo excuse me while I lose my mind a lil bit
my god Dani is so impatient to get her naked I love her for it so much “I just want to feel you”... ma’am
Jamie being all nervous is so cute aw
god having this lil moment where they just call each other beautiful n get all cute about it while they’re fully naked n grinding on each other.... perfection
god I can’t stop thinking about every other mention of Dani having sex w Eddie and it just being like adequate or like her not letting him touch her and now LOOK AT MY BABY GO SHE’S REALLY HAVIN THE TIME OF HER LIFE LITERALLY BEGGING TO BE TOUCHED LET’S GO LESBIANS LET’S GO
I feel like I’m like cheering Jamie on rn sfjkghdfkj u guys need anything? some snacks? a condom?? ur doing great!!
Dani crying and thanking her like this is an acceptance speech love that for her
Jamie kissing all over her face aww
I can’t believe this whole chapter is them just getting to fall in love for real
“I want to taste you” i am blushing goddamn Jamie get it
oh my god the dream. she’s literally living out her dreams
“that same focused intensity that could make kingdoms fall” I love that Jamie is just as into getting Dani off as Dani is getting off lmao GOOD FOR THEM
Dani: desperately tryin to get Jamie off. Jamie: are u sure u want to tho??? miss ma’am let the girl touch u already she deserves it (but i do love that she’s always just like.... never wanting to make Dani do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want to)
“You sitting here on top of me like this is doing more for me than you can imagine.”  iconic jamie moment
Jamie literally just like.... ‘you can do whatever you want to figure this out’ is so sweet I love her capacity for just. giving herself over to Dani in every way (not just the horny ones) to let her forge her own path
“It was easy to understand now, the exhilaration of it, why people went crazy for it.” god I love this for her so much everything just falling into place
they’re so soft n comfy together and it’s all just so right and lovely
i love that once they’ve started they basically can’t stop honestly get it girls u deserve all the orgasms
“When did you know?” “Sixteen years.” oof my heart she’s known the whole time aaahhhh. all these lil memories god it really was all out of love I could cry. and Jamie admitting the scarf/scar thing whew she really carried around that moment on her face for the whole world to see (also lol at Dani being so fixated on it this whole time that’s so perfect)
heh they’re so cute with their lil teasing banter exchange
lol goddamn this so so spicy I am just dfklghfjkdjghkjdf (that is to say well fucking done I can’t even speak rn)
Jamie just being like you could literally just look at me and I am turned on I... love this whole situation for her so much
god they’re really just going all in Dani is getting like the.... lesbian sex speed run amen
oh god not Karen on the phone just hang up Dani do it do it
god she is so evil
omg she told her abt Jamie go off Dani I am v v proud of u right now
and she hung up on her godbless babe i LOVE your audacity
heh Jamie so transfixed by Dani’s lil purple sweater and skirt I love her
Dani u are such a tease sfkgjdfkg good 4 u tbh
awwww she got Dani’s desk for her oh my god that’s so lovely
Dani n Jamie being entirely not subtle over dinner w their lingering glances and Carson just laughing at them fkjghdkfjgh i love it. he’s so happy for them even w his teasing aw
aaahhh i just love Jamie giving her this space and this room in the house and Dani feeling so right in it
oooh an almost “I love you” god they’re just fuckin u-haulin in love perfection huh
and now we’re back to horny hours love this for them. gotta bless that desk somehow huh!?
i love the mentions of all this soft stuff about belonging when they’re about to rail each other it really rounds it out emotionally
HELL YEAH IT IS this is truly what we all deserve
oh my god literally ripping her clothes off her fuck i love how desperate they are for each other and just how into this they both are always
dfgkjdfh jesus Dani are u ever going to be able to get work done at this desk again after Jamie does.... all of this to u on it
“Good girl.” the single most powerful sentence in the lesbian language
jesus christ this is still so incredibly steamy sdflkhskhg it never ends. and them like.... experiementing a bit w some different um. approaches? lol good 4 them good 4 them (and us)
my god them instantly getting all soft after about making each other happy please they’re so dang cute
ok love that we are also getting Dani on her knees it’s equality.gif
this little “I like you” “I like you too” confession right now is... so fucking soft and like... after everything they’ve gone through they still have the power to kinda knock each other off their feet w lil things like this huh?? sappy lil shits
oh no Judy I am scared
holy shit Dani “Didn't think you'd love me anymore” owwww my heart
god Judy is such a good mama I love her so much. reassuring her she’s still a part of the family my god I am so emo. she loves her so much
aw I love this lil shared bathroom scene after so many awkward moments w Dani and Eddie in their bathroom and so many mentions of her fogged reflection. things are finally clear and it’s wonderful!!
lol Jamie well if u didn’t want Dani to get all horny u shouldn’t have worn suspenders!!!!! it’s simple math!
god Dani has changed so much this chapter which only takes place over a couple of weeks right?!?!? after so much anxiety and being so unsure of herself this is so fucking beautiful to see
stop the car thing oh my godddd. she doesn’t even care about having her own cause she’s so happy w the person she’s sharing with I’m so overwhelmingly happy
“You’re perfect.” please I will cry this chapter was so perfect (also so are the memes I cackled so much)
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kidney9-9 · 2 years
hey luv ! love the lil pairings you do. I was hoping i could get one. im a huge lesbo to start off lmao. Im 5’7, i have long curly brown hair and am a neuroscience major and lowkey like crave academic validation kind of a problem bc that’s where a lot my anxiety comes from. Like the other anon (btw that one was so cute) I get really bad anxiety to the point of like chest pain and i cant stop shaking. I also box in my free time helps me cope a lot tbh. I dont really like big social events, like parties and big friend groups and stuff, i keep my circle small and usually just stick to like 2 to 3 ppl max. I dont like ppl over at my place at all either lmfao, hence why i live alone w my cat. I am also a huge fan of like depressing weather lmao, like rain and snow and cloudy days, i love it. so yeah that’s mee. happy holidays btw :)
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hi there, thank you for sending this in! i'm sorry you deal with anxiety as well omg. it sucks so much, i hope it goes away for all of us! also thank you :) happy holidays to you as well! i pair you up with Wanda!
how you met: buying cat food! while Wanda started to try to live an ordinary life, she adopted a cat and realized how crazy but fun it was living with a cat. when she went to go buy cat food, she asked for your advice on which brand to use because a certain one made her cat sick. after chatting about that, she asked what other products you use for your cat, and you ended up switching numbers to talk to each other about cats. after a few cute cat pics, she asked you out!
first kiss: when you were talking about your major, Wanda zoned out and just stared at your lips. she was completely impressed by you, but she was still lost on certain topics you taught her about. she didn't want to interrupt you because she loved hearing your voice, and you looked so happy whenever you spoke about your major. when you realized she wasn't really listening, you said, "i think it's going to snow today. i love snow so much." and she replied, "yeah, me too." while it was a very hot and summery day. you ended up laughing really hard, and Wanda was just in awe watching you. when you finished laughing, she leaned across the table and kissed you. she quickly apologized and pulled back, but you tugged her back for another kiss
first anniversary: she took you to a cute cabin during some snow days and you guys spend the entire week there. it was a lovely, secluded place, and you got away from thinking about school since it was during a break. you felt super relaxed and thankful that Wanda planned it. one of the nights in the cabin, she set up the fireplace, and put on one of your favorite movies! you guys cuddled the entire night, and before you fell asleep, she whispered, "i really love you so much". you got her a ton of gifts. you loved seeing her happy. the gifts ranged from big to small, varying from almost anything possible. by the time she finished opening the gifts, you gave her a sweet kiss and told her the most important one was saved for last. you gave her a note attached to an empty box. when she saw the box was empty, she was confused but read the note. "i will give you everything i can to show my love for you" it said. she ended up crying because it was so cute!
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mewtonian-physics · 2 years
"zuko alone episode" is a reference to avatar the last airbender where in the second season the deuteragonist is isolated from all other established characters. a lot happens in it tht i cant summarize in 500 letters. i think actually you'd have to have seen it to get what i mean. but i basically am trying to say "how does raiden function in the world, how do people perceive him, when he is existing outside of the videogame narrative module". how does he fare w strangers
very fair i have not watched that show so i did not get the reference, i am uncultured or something who knows.
im going to put this under a cut because i will be talking about sexual harassment and thanks to a certain ex-president that will unfortunately include (non-graphic) discussion of assault. homophobia + transphobia will be referred to as well. because people suck, and i don't just mean the ones in the metal gear universe. (has what i've seen from certain sections of the metal gear fanbase heavily influenced my perspective on raiden's general life experiences? yes. yes, it unfortunately has.)
i think raiden and the rest of the world are... i think there's kind of a gap between them, at least from his perspective. he doesn't quite know how to deal with strangers, so more often than not he just... doesn't try. it doesn't help that i think--well, i know, all i have to do is look at the early mgs2 playerbase and even sections of today's players to get an indication of how some people would respond to his existence--he'd have to deal with some pretty awful harassment and that would make him even less inclined to be social. why bother risking it?
that gets even worse after mgs2 because fuck you president johnson [coughs] i mean like. it's bad enough just dealing with that in regular situations. dealing with it from a man whose life you're trying to save? (i'd add specifically that it's the president, but unfortunately that really doesn't make it any more shocking.) at this point the idea of being at ease around strangers is ridiculous to him. since, y'know. he apparently can't do anything without risk. (can you tell i'm really fucking mad about that scene? because i am. i've only found one angle to look at it from that makes any sense and it is, of course, the absolute worst option available.) so he's really not good with strangers. at least, not adults. there's no way in hell he hasn't helped at least one lost kid find their parents or something like that, idk.
also reminder that i do not take rose's word alone as any kind of resource on account of how she does not stop lying so as far as i'm concerned the space between mgs2 and mgs4 is wide open in terms of what happens. i think after he made the decision to separate himself from rose (there is no way he didn't blame himself for what 'happened' and i am of the opinion that he left because the guilt was eating him alive and he was afraid he'd somehow make things even worse if he stayed) his difficulty figuring out what was real and what wasn't just got even worse, and he just... spiraled. not in the way rose told it, but he absolutely did spiral. i don't think alcohol ever really factored into it--the poor guy's head was messed up enough already, not being sure if anything in his life was real, he wouldn't want to risk making that any worse.
i think he probably was just wandering for a while, looking for something to do with himself, not really caring what happened to him. he just wanted to feel like a human being. someone real and tangible. if something could do that, could ground him, then what else really mattered? it wouldn't even bother him if he was badly hurt, as long as the pain could make him believe he really existed.
deciding to rescue sunny was what gave him something to focus on. fast forward to between the time when he left the PLA after becoming a cyborg and the start of mgs4; he perceived himself as a monster and decided that it would be better to isolate himself again, this time from everyone. eva insisted on having a way to keep in contact with him, but he never reached out to her, only ever the other way around. and he didn't even consider anyone else as possibilities. he stopped seeing himself as human. who was he supposed to talk to? in his mind there wasn't anyone left who wouldn't hate him (rose), be disappointed in him (snake), pity him (eva), or be downright terrified of him (sunny). and after that, people... well, that part is canon.
so uh i guess what i'm saying is that when it comes to how he functions in the world... he doesn't. not in regards to other people anyway. he can be quite self-sufficient (though that doesn't mean he always is, just that he can be when he wants to be) but his interactions with the rest of the world are awkward at best and nonexistent at worst.
i think... i'm actually thinking more about pre-mgs2 rn, sorry, but i think the rest of the world would just perceive him as odd, in multiple different ways, how he looked, how he acted. the way he was polite to everyone (or maybe just anxious) but never casual with anyone, never seeming to be friendly, always carried himself with so much tension, never made eye contact, too quiet, too withdrawn. 'effeminate.' (you know how it goes with the homophobia.) because of course so many people would judge him for the way he looked the moment they found out he wasn't a woman (not a man, either, but he didn't even really understand that himself, much less know how to explain it to other people). face too soft, jawline not sharp enough, features too delicate, eyes too large, eyelashes too long, hair too pretty, too feminine in the way it brushed his shoulders. even the general shape of his body was wrong. (note: these are NOT things i agree with they are however things i have seen other people complain about with regards to him. like i said earlier, a lot of my thoughts on his experiences with others were influenced by the reactions i've seen irl people have.) a lot of people would just see him as weird, or 'deviant', or whatever. and he wasn't exactly well socialized as a child (+ i hc him as autistic), so that'd just make things even harder. his experiences with the rest of the world would not be particularly fun ones.
idk. idk. i feel like i'm probably going on about things you weren't asking about at this point. if you have specific questions about stuff lmk i really do enjoy answering questions like these it's just i have so many thoughts that it's not always easy to figure out what i'm actually supposed to be saying lol. hence why it took me two hours to answer this.
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