#but the beam is not about how you act toward other people its how other people act toward you
danmeichael · 28 days
If SQQ has the wifebeam does that mean LBH has the cuckbeam? Even going as far as cuckholding an alternate reality version of himself.
if sqq's wifebeam makes people want to wife him, then by that naming logic i'm *sorry to say you have condemned binghe to getting NTR'd by every eligible person in the universe by giving him a beam that makes people want to cuckold him. it is law now. no take backsies.
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aezuria · 2 months
Hear me out.. happy Golden Retriever bf x broody black Cat gf, but it's Jason Grace x daughter of hades reader 👀👀
*ੈ✎ light of my life, where are you?
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content: jason grace x daughter of hades! reader
╰┈▸ warnings: none (until the ending oopsie)
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maybe it was your gloomy disposition, or the fact that you were a daughter of hades, either way, most people avoided you like the plague. you didn't mind it all too much—you were usually one for solitude.
that was until you met jason grace. you disliked him from the start. dislike, not hate, because you couldn't bear to hate the person who always stuck up for your brother. but he was too bright, too overbearing for you. very much not your style.
(that's what they all say at the start)
he was just too good to be true! how could he be all these things everyone claimed him to be? they just had to be exaggerating.
but when he flashed his dazzling smile and tender gaze, you knew that all the rumors were true. even so, you pried your eyes away from him. you would not be wooed by a roman so easily!
jason did not make it easy for you. he followed you around camp like a lost puppy. he tried to be subtle, but his tall form wasn't exactly hard to spot. you went to your cabin? he followed you to the door, claiming he wanted to see nico. you went to the training grounds? he picked up a lance and started examining it a little too hard. when you finally confronted him about it, he just laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head, saying, "i was trying to work up the courage to ask you to be friends."
how were you supposed to not like him after that?
despite your lack of romantic endeavors, you were sure that friends didn't do what jason did. he opened the door for you, made sure you ate proper meals—and sure, those acts were pretty "just friends" level. but he also tied your shoes, put flowers in your hair, and hugged you so warmly whenever you were feeling especially down. you felt the unmistakable flutter in your heart whenever he did those things, instead of your initial distaste for him.
your confusion was answered the next evening. you swore nico had muttered something about jason being the only guy (besides him) he'd trust with you, right before telling you to go into the woods. "there's a surprise there," he had explained. "just trust me, okay?"
the sun was starting to set, its rays darting between the leaves and casting a soft glow on the grass. "go to the woods... can he be any more specific?" you muttered, before you caught a familiar head of blond hair in the corner of your eye. you turned and walked towards him, brushing away the branches as you did so.
"y/n!" jason beamed as he caught sight of you entering the clearing. he straightened up and messed with something behind his back. he shifted his feet and pulled out a bouquet, offering it to you shyly. "i asked the dryads what your favorites were. do you like them? did i organize them properly? are these actually not your favorites and they were just lying to me-"
"jason." you cut him off and smiled, taking the bouquet and smelling the freshly picked flowers. "i love them, thank you."
he swore his heart stopped. your smile was the most gorgeous sight he's ever seen. you were like an angel; why was it that no one thought to make you smile more often? he met your content expression with a wide beam of his own.
"really? i'm glad!" jason sighed in relief, before clearing his throat. "um," his voice cracked, face flushing red at that. "i wanted to ask if i could be your boyfriend? i just, you're so sweet and strong, and pretty... anyone would be lucky to be yours. but, i want to be that lucky guy, if you'll let me?" he looked into your eyes so earnestly, there was no other answer but yes.
"you know i love you, right?" jason whispered into your hair. your warmth brought him comfort in his otherwise cold cabin, empty and unfeeling, just like his father's attitude to him.
"uh huh. and i love you too." you mumbled sleepily into his chest. "but do you have to go?"
he laughed softly. "yes, i do." jason combed through your hair, silk between his fingertips. "i'll be back before you know it."
"do you ever think that we don't deserve this?" you whispered, eyes already shut as sleep slowly overtook you. "that we shouldn't have to fight someone else's battles?"
"yeah." jason rested his chin on the top of your head and squeezed you tighter. "sometimes i think that too."
shadows pried your eyes open, then slipped around your heart and squeezed. he was gone. you could feel it. you knew and yet you hoped and prayed that you were wrong. he was supposed to come home later, right? he would.
but the darkness settled in your stomach and weighed you down until morning.
and so you waited and waited, for nico's familiar shadow, or a chariot riding from the sky. what came was the former. you felt the comforting coldness of your brother's appearance, but jason's warmness was nowhere to be held. nico's dark eyes were rimmed with barely kept tears, his shoulders trembling with silent sobs.
"he's gone." your brother's voice was as dead as jason, as final as his last breath.
never had you begged and pleaded to your father so much; never had you needed to. never had you imagined a life without the sun, your sun. never had the ghost of your soul escaped in a pitiful shriek of agony, or became one with the dirt as salty tears.
and you knew, just as you knew death, that a part of you had died with him.
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csmtmra · 2 months
.....incl. denji, aki, power, beam, kobeni
一大 synopsis 概要: csm characters with a doctor reader
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DENJI . . .
denji would be acting so silly. he would be grabbing gauze and scalpels from the medical bag you brought, causing you to swat his hand away and him to laugh. he would be poking your face as you wrap and stitch up the huge gash on his arm. ‘can i get the hello kitty band aids?’ he would ask while he kicked his feet and plastered a smile on his face trying to convince you to use them. ‘denj those won’t fit on this wound’, he would pout and go silent until you grabbed one out of his designated band aid box(full of a bunch of childish band aids) and put it on his cheek with a small kiss. ‘thanks doc’
AKI . . .
aki would be quiet. he would sit calmly with a cigarette in his mouth and just watch you patch him up. he wouldn’t look away from you as your gaze meets his in a silent plea for him to be careful, just giving a small smile and finally looking to his lap instead of your eyes. you would pick his face back up and take the cigarette from his mouth and put it out, grabbing an alcohol wipe and rubbing it along the cut on his lip. ‘next time at least aim to get hurt somewhere other than your handsome face..’ ‘pffft’
POWER . . .
she would be on one. pacing around the little room, her blood dropping onto the floor and making a mess everywhere. ‘HOW COULD THINE SELF GET HURT LIKE THIS’ she would yell, throwing her hands up and groaning out about how she ruined her favorite shirt. ‘power sit down.” you would tell her, running around after her like a chicken with its head cut off trying to catch up. only being able to grab onto her by the horns sticking up out of her head and pulling her towards the bed where all of the medical supplies were. ‘SIT POWER’ ‘NOOFO’
BEAM . . .
he’s just happy to be there. he would be overly ticklish and would giggle everytime you brushed your hands or a wipe over his skin. very over dramatic. he would let out an over exaggerated ‘ow!’ everytime you used an alcohol wipe or something sharp on him, resulting in you shaking your head and rolling your eyes at him. ‘hey if you would be more careful i wouldn’t have to do this’ you’d tell him with an attempted pointed look as you started wrapping his arm but failing and laughing, ‘listen lady, i gotta be your big strong boyfriend who beats people up’ ‘beam YOU got beat up’
KOBENI . . .
she would be passing out and hyperventilating. holding onto the walls and dragging herself onto the floor. she would be crying looking at her wounds, and then looking at you for help. ‘HELLP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOO’ she would wail and curl into a ball, making you pry her hands off her knees and lift her shirt to see the wound on her side. you would be laughing at her and practically laying on top of her legs to hold her down so you can give her stitches. ‘DONT FLING THAT BOOK AT ME KO!’
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boy-cow000 · 5 months
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Newt x gn!Reader
A/N: This is technically my first real fanfic so pretty exited to share! Too bad its kinda for a dead fandom. Inspired by that one audio
Word count: 692
“Do I make you nervous?"
He said. As if it were the easiest thing in the world to say. As if that sentence alone couldn’t just end you right where you stood. As if you weren’t already head over heels for him. So pliable, he could just look at you, and you would bend to his command.
Part of you thought that Newt must’ve known what he was doing to you. It almost felt a little planned on his part. The mellowness of the hastily put-up fairy lights, the bumbling atmosphere of people getting a little more than tipsy off of Gally’s special drink, and the way he was dressed—it must’ve been all just to poke fun at you, right? As he spoke, you couldn’t help but look him up and down. His white cotton shirt draped across his collarbones with a gap, giving you a slight view of his chest and stomach. Too close, you thought.
An awkward silence hit the both of you as you realized that you probably needed to answer. All you could muster was a curt no with a slightly offended intonation.
Newt laughed.
He shifted back into his previous position, a little further from you. You couldn’t really tell whether or not he was satisfied with your answer. His half-decent attempt at continuing the conversation only confused you further. What you hadn’t known was that that question hadn’t come out of nowhere. In reality, Newt was genuinely nervous about the way you acted around him. He hadn’t meant to sound like an overconfident douche, but he didn’t know how else to introduce it into the conversation. From the moment he met you, you had always been kind of avoidant of him. Always staying behind other people when talking to a large group or running off when you two were finally alone. You never really interacted with him directly, and when you did speak, he was usually the one talking.
Newt just wanted to know.
He often compared how you talked with others to the way you talked to him. You were strong, reliable, and kind. You were also relatively social, which is what baffled him the most. So then, why were you so uncomfortable around him? Was he that repulsive?
Tonight was probably the first time in a long time that you didn’t find a lame excuse to run away from him with. He was determined to get his answer. He couldn’t keep letting it eat him alive the way it did. He spent too much of his waking hours thinking about his effect on you.
"No, but really, I know I’m being a bit repetitive, but do I make you nervous?"
“No?! Why would you make me nervous?”
“Well… You keep running away every time I enter the same room as you. Not to mention how you can't seem to look me in the eyes when we are talking.” Newt reassured you that if you weren't comfortable with eye contact or just didn’t like him, then that was totally fine; he just needed to know.
Your heart tore at that. How could he ever assume that you didn’t like him? You knew that your actions had been less than pleasurable towards him, but that was in no way a means to make him feel bad. You couldn’t keep it in longer.
"You do make me nervous.”
Newt’s face tensed, his shoulders perked up, and he readjusted himself to be facing you. The more you explained yourself, however, the more his expression softened. You confessed as quickly as you could, words cascading out as if they were unwanted to begin with. By the time you finished, you were staring at the floor so intensely that you could burn a hole through it.
You didn’t see it, but Newt was beaming. He was more than happy to know that you didn’t have a real issue with him. And after all this time spent thinking nonstop about you, he wasn’t against keeping you in his mind a bit longer.
He had gotten his answer, and now there was nothing holding him back from developing feelings of his own.
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schoenht · 10 months
In Every Lifetime
《 previous | masterlist | rewrite, restart 》
Jamil didn't know what to say as he saw you walking towards him, a familiar grin on your face that had a tinge of anxiety behind it. He was the same, only his hands were sweating a little. He was praying that they would not sweat if he decided to hold your hand.
His less logical side of him was positive it would happen at some point.
But when he saw you, the world stopped. How had he been so oblivious before? Were you always this radiant? The way that not even the sun could match to how you shone when doing such a simple thing like walking, Sevens, he was so utterly in love with you. He didn't hate the thought either since he had a feeling that if you agreed and teased him, you liked him too in some way.
"Hello. I'm so happy to see you." Act cool. "I didn't know if you'd come." Stupid.
You had just suffered through hours at the hands of Vil and there was that lingering fear that something was out of place. You could already hear Vil lecturing you about your posture, the way you walked and smiled. You ignored his voice and beamed at Jamil. "Of course I was coming. Where are we going?"
"Hmm, I have several ideas if you don't mind?"
"Lead the way."
He walked at your side but he was internally talking to himself, asking himself what he should do. This was the one thing he forgot to wrangle an answer out of the Light Music Club. Maybe when he got there with you, he could ask you something from the list of questions that Lilia gave him. But that's stupid, what could he possibly ask you that didn't make him sound weird? However, this silence was killing him.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?" He blurted out. He could feel his cheeks and ears burning as he watched you think, your face morphing into a thoughtful expression.
"I'm still thinking. What about you?"
Ah. You reversed it onto him with that smile of yours that he was weak for. He cleared his throat and looked at the ground. "I think...maybe a frog. I was going to say a duck, but ducks are angrier than Sebek when someone insults Malleus."
"Oh, but have you seen swans? Those things are so angry for no reason at all!"
Before long, he's in a set rhythm of bantering back and forth with you, the conversation so easy to carry. Unlike other people, he doesn't feel the urge to keep his walls up, to hide behind his mask. He feels like he's actually himself, like you see him.
Because when you turn to look at him, he feels like you're seeing him for him.
"Ooh, let's go get some of the cute little pastries!" You take him to one of the shops that caught your eye earlier, your hand holding his wrist. You were so close to his hand, if you had moved a few inches. Even he couldn't stop thinking about that as he looked down at where you were holding him. Some part of him was excited due to your proximity, but the other part of him wanting to crawl into a hole since he could feel himself sweating from anxiety that you wouldn't like him as much as he hoped.
You had just pulled your wallet out when he frowned and stepped forward. "I'm paying. Put that away."
"No, you're crazy."
"Put that away, I'm not letting you pay."
He didn't even look at you, immediately paying for your pastries. You were grateful, even though you nudged him playfully and shook your head. "Okay, but I'm paying next time."
"Fat chance."
"At least there is one." Your pastry was too cute to eat, with its sweet and adorable eyes as well as how colorful it was. Jamil had gotten something like yours, but unlike you, he had already nibbled off the ear. "Wow, that's just cruel."
Jamil grinned, "It's a pastry and it's really good."
"It's shaped like a bunny! How dare you?!"
He was laughing as he teased you. Both of you could feel every time one of your hands landed on the other and somehow, you found yourselves leaning closer to each other as you walked through the city. Most of the shops were ready to close, causing you to resort to window shopping, pointing out things that were cute or pretty. At some point, you found yourself in a shop after seeing a plush snake at the window. You had stated it looked like Jamil, to which he was unamused at. Internally though, he was pleased and amused at how excited you were.
The plushie was given to him and he was so incredibly happy as he hugged it, although he tried to play it cool. But this felt like something that he had for himself and for the first time, he had gotten a present from someone he liked. Neither of you knew but that would be the object that he would keep with him when he slept.
Your date led the two of you to a bench near the pier as you looked up at the stars. It was calm, quiet, peaceful. Then you said, "What time should we go back? Honestly, if it was up to me, I'd just stay out with you."
"Glad to know we're on the same page." He looked up at the stars with you but after a few moments, he took a small glance at you from the corner of his eye. He softened at seeing the reflection of the stars in your eyes. You were ethereal like this and his heart clenched at the sight of you. His gaze was on the sky above, yet his hand was inching towards yours. His movements were barely noticeable; nevertheless, it was like you were connected with him. His pinky finger barely touched your hand before you slowly turned it. His fingers slid between yours, his palm pressed against yours. Neither of you said anything but the tension said it all as you soon moved closer to each other. Your head on his shoulder, his head on yours.
"Oh, there are fireworks supposed to appear tonight," he mumbled as he rested against you. "I forgot about that."
"No way. Jamil Viper, forgetting something?"
"I know, sounds impossible." He chuckled a little and his declaration came true. Multicolored sparklers lit up the night sky with its gold, red, silver, green hues. They were reflections of what was going on between the two of you. His heart kept pounding as well as yours. However, in the midst of how you two felt, there was also the calm that comes with someone you can trust. For Jamil, who was not able to trust easily, this clarified something inside of him, something he never thought he'd be able to have.
His head moved back from yours and as if in sync, yours tilted up to look at him. His eyes were beautiful, reflecting the colorful lights from the fireworks. He stared at you as if you were the only thing in his world, and you were. You were the only thing that mattered. In his eyes, if there was any question, you were the answer.
His lips were parted slightly as were yours. There were only a few seconds of tension between you, and it was as if it was an eternity. His hand slowly moved up to cup your cheek and he leaned in, his lips centimeters from yours before he stopped, giving you a chance to pull away if you wanted to.
But you didn't.
The second his lips met yours, the fireworks in the background were silent to the two of you. There was only that feeling of being one, of finally finding what you've been looking for. His heart was beating erratically and for the first time in his life, he could not think. He could not think of anything other than you. Nothing mattered other than you. As long as you were with him, as long as you held onto him, his heart and soul would be yours. He did not mind being attached to you if it meant you would be his as well.
His kiss felt like the rain after a hot summer, it felt like coming home from a hard day. His other hand moved up to cup your other cheek to press you closer, as if desperate to not let you go at all. He was selfish, it was clear by the way he held you. His touch was all to gentle, his lips firm with the slight taste of the pastry you had a few minutes ago. Maybe it was an hour. Maybe it was centuries ago. In his arms, time meant nothing. Time was endless.
The kiss could not be described in one word, Jamil thought, nor a single book. It would take him centuries to describe how he felt as he finally kissed you, feeling a sense of calm washing over him. Maybe, if he concentrated hard enough, he would never have to leave you. He would never need to lose you. Every press of your lips against his was a reminder of how much he needed you to be with him, desperate for your affection, for you.
Jamil had never known the meaning of love until he met you.
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a/n: different format bc NYAHAHA KISS SCENE wouldn't have done it justice through smau format so here we are ahahahaha four more chapters I'M SO SAD yall i could not stop giggling and kicking my feet. i'm so serious. the reason that i took so long (other than video essays) is bc i was shaking and giggling so bad. i even had to listen to metal so i could calm down it was so bad
taglist: @taruruchi @idiaia @starchilll @h0n3ysgh0st @yumixxn @kalims @sakuram1nt @proximitybobomb @shiemori @fluffimemes @meigalaxy @kaechannn @ravenkake @unlikelyinternetprincess @magical-mace @lifeless-bug @atl4ntxc @pyrrhicgaze @chay2 @everettelz @voreaux @yelshin @kahunap @tingerines @teamoymas @pastellepastary @mochimiyaas @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs @sxftiebee @eccedentesiast-sapphic @kenma-izhu @twisted-jamil @bre99 @sherryuki-callmeyuki @yuchanyuna @faeryarchives @musclefanatica @stormyovent0aster @fangirl-d-blog @iameliseposts @minkyungseokie @skintights0cks @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @sugarrush-blush @kalims-pessimist-bestie @stupidwingboy @simp-incoming @kurenix @alex-the-bee
REMINDER: taglist is open! you will be tagged on the reblog however bc tumblr gave me a mf limit BYE but if i cannot, I'll try and tag you on the comments !!
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cloverjelly · 2 months
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life series duos as songs!
3 - boat boys (etho and joel) - chandelier by will paquin
song analysis under the cut !
-i know you'll never be mine / can you come around tonight / and sing me a lullaby? / just take my heart and break it - this is pretty joel-centric, since although he knew that etho kinda moved on from dl, he still holds out hope and has a soft spot for him (ie. kinda? headcanon but i like to think joel couldve killed etho when he did that boogey kill, but didnt bc hes etho)
-i might be the enemy / but nothing quite hits like you - despite the fact that etho and joel were major opps during liml, i think the fact that they had history meant that their interactions (even when they were threatening/actively killing eachother) were special and basically always referenced dl in some way. said history kinda makes them more than basic enemies, if that makes sense (esp. if you buy that a lot of joel’s hostility towards etho was out of jealously/yearning, so if him and etho were a pair again they didnt need to be enemies anymore)
-oh, write me a song and i'll try to forget it - the fact that these two were SO dedicated to one another in dl and, like, expressed their love for one another in extreme/violent ways makes their liml dynamic a lot sadder, esp considering how both parties reference dl when talking to one another. i think both etho and joel remember whatever mess they were in dl, but the season is over and they don’t really know how to move on (which causes etho to pretend like he doesnt rly know joel and for joel to be rly aggressive towards etho)
-and as my patience, starts to dry / and my feelings skid across the sand / they’ll know that you’ve won / and ill run back to where i came from - i think this represents the end of liml/secret life, when etho and joel both kinda start acting normal towards each other (mostly hc, but i would say etho bc he found other/better people and joel bc he just lost hope and moved on). its not clear who “wins” since both parties got pretty affected from what happened, but they can both go to their normal lives (where they “came from”)
-(not song related) i wanted to be intentional about the lighting in this, so i made it hit the string of the fishing rod (for obvious reasons, the fishing rod represents the transition from the duo using it together for fun/bonding to etho using it to kill joel in liml) and joel's hands/knuckles, which are bloody and messed up, showing his fighter energy lol. the light also hits the bread patch on joel's jacket (representing the bread bad boys alliance). the smaller beam of light shows etho's tie (representing team ties) and his hands, which are clean, since joel fought way more for etho's attention in liml than etho did for him imo
(ps. its been a while huh.. thanks for sticking around :-) )
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kmgkmg · 10 months
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word count: 0.6k…
pairing: seungcheol x gn!reader
synopsis: you and your boyfriend are out and about being affectionate and just obnoxiously cute!
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, bf!seungcheol, established relationship, domestic
warnings: none!
rating: pg
a/n: title is taken from the song love fool by exo! the fic is largely based on this pic hehe <3 first seungcheol fic so hope yall enjoy it!
“Doesn’t that sculpture look like a bunch of grapes?” Seungcheol asks you, pointing to the abstract sculpture in the near distance. 
“It does!” You agree excitedly at his discovery, to which your boyfriend lights up.
He lets his eyes wander on the sculpture for a while more before continuing to walk. The two of you were out for another one of your sweet dates, walking around the city after watching a movie at the theaters. 
Still standing in front of the sculpture, you call out to him, “Let me take some pics of you in front of it.”
He turns back, seeing you motion him over with your hands. “In front of this?” 
“Yeah! It has its own artistic aesthetic, no? Perfect for Instagram.” You explain whilst enthusiastically pulling your phone out in preparation. There were several passersby, but you continued to be unaffected by their stares, solely focused on your boyfriend.  
Seungcheol sees how much you want to take his pictures and lightly jogs back over to you. He’s used to your antics, well aware of how much you enjoyed taking pictures to remember the events of the day.
“There it is, Cheol! Your perfect smile.” 
He notices that you’re grinning from ear to ear. Seungcheol always thought your smile was infectious, but today proved it once again. Unable to contain his own joy, his smile only grows wider at your happiness. He poses with great focus, starting to care less and less about the people around you. 
“Now silly poses!” You direct him, acting playful behind your phone’s camera. He covers his mouth slightly with his hand, trying his best to stifle his laughter. 
An elderly couple approaches you, undetected by you since you were determined to take the best photos of Seungcheol. Seungcheol’s smile falters slightly at the strangers walking to you, stopping his poses. 
“Young love,” the elderly man starts, “this is the best time. Let us take pictures of the two of you together! You resemble my partner and I when we first started dating.” 
You finally look away from Seungcheol, diverting your attention to the source of the words just spoken. An elderly man stood behind you, waiting for your reply to his offer with a small smile and a hint of nostalgia behind it. The couple were still linking arms, clearly in love with each other. Your gaze drifted to their hands, noticed the wrinkled state of them, but both were wearing well-kept rings around their ring fingers. 
“Aw, we would love that!” You answer warmly, carefully passing your phone to him. 
Having not been able to hear your conversation, Seungcheol is frozen in front of the sculpture. You head in his direction, an action that only confuses him more. The puzzlement on his face makes you smirk, before filling him in. Seungcheol nods, moving over so that both of you are centered in the photo. 
He glances over to you beside him, still beaming with a peace sign placed near your face. On the count of three, Seungcheol turns and places a quick peck on your cheek. He loved giving you wet kisses, so he ended the kiss with a loud smooch. Your head whips in his direction, putting your hand up to your face to feel the wetness he left. 
Faking disgust, you rub his spit off your face. “Gross!” 
“What can I say? You make me a fool, Y/N.” Seungcheol shrugs, looking back towards your phone. 
Without missing a beat, you reply to him. “A fool? Then, call me a love fool since I’m completely in love with you.” 
You look at each other adoringly, happy to have met.
“Say cheese!” The elderly man’s spouse instructs, making you both tense up, realizing how distracted you were. 
Seungcheol mumbles through his smile, “That makes two love fools.”
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f1letters · 1 year
snow on the beach | ls18
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's coming down"
summary: nothing would ever compare to the feeling of simultaneously falling in love with each other
warning: overall fluff, rom-com energy that WILL cure any heartbreak really, friends to lovers, mentions of alcohol, swearing, just a story about the exact moment when two people realize they fell in love with each other, not proofread (because my laptop is acting up and i'm done for today lol)
pairing: lance stroll x reader
word count: 3.2k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, which includes memories from the past.
hey everyone! honestly I've been feeling a bit down lately so this Wednesday I indulged my (not so) secret (now) crush on lance stroll and decided to treat myself (and all the lance lovers ofc) to some well-deserved lance content, haha! and for the ones who don't like him... just give it a try anyways and trust the process haha! enjoy! 💜
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One night, a few moons ago
I saw flecks of what could've been lights
But it might just have been you
Passing by unbeknownst to me
Do you know the feeling of your soul inexplicably catching fire? Of losing control of your thoughts all at once? Of your body being filled with enthusiasm at the sight of someone?
Y/N was very familiar with the thrill that hovered every time their eyes met across the room, as lately, it seemed to happen every time the young woman shared the same space with him.
It didn't matter how much she tried to deny it, or how much she looked for other justifications that would explain the butterflies she felt in her stomach. 
One thing was for sure: even in a room full of the most important people in her life, she still found herself continuously looking for his big, beautiful, brown eyes.
It was almost like he was the light in every room she entered.
The driver's lips curved gently, giving her a small lopsided smile as he returned his attention to her brother, bringing his glass back to his lips.
The girl's attention dropped from his eyes to his soft lips, studying the sensual way his mouth moved as he drank the rest of his whiskey. 
I wonder how his lips would feel on m- Stop, what are you even thinking?! Y/N shook her head, letting out a quiet growl, as she stopped whatever fantasy her mind was trying to create before it was possible.
We're just friends. She thought, trying to convince herself that this was just a moment of weakness. Maybe not even that.
Okay, sure, Y/N and Lance seemed to get along beautifully, the two naturally gravitating towards each other every time they got together. But in reality, Y/N couldn't help thinking that he was just being nice, keeping his future brother-in-law's little sister company.
Glancing at the boy beside the Canadian, she saw Scotty who, as if reading the thoughts in his sister's head, turned towards her and gave her a small wave, followed by a hand gesture to invite her to join them. 
Y/N laughed nervously, shaking her head, and decided to walk to the large dining room table to get some more appetizers on her plate.
Nothing like good food to entertain a confused girl.
Life is emotionally abusive
And time can't stop me quite like you did
And my flight was awful, thanks for asking
I'm unglued, thanks to you
Her eyes admired the decorations throughout the house, adorned in detail, without missing a single corner. It was clear that the eldest James sibling and his fiancée had set no limits on their housewarming party.
Their new home was simply magnificent. Its rustic stone walls perfectly complemented its wooden beams and columns, maintaining the house's original charm yet giving it a modern touch. 
The living room led to a majestic timbered window where Y/N seemed to spend eternities admiring the view from the top of the snow-covered mountain.
This really is Scotty's dream, endless snow, she smiled unconsciously.
"Uh-oh, she's smiling." She heard the Australian beside her, her smile growing exponentially as he leaned his back against the wall next to the window. "This can only mean danger."
"Shut up, you idiot." The girl shoved his arm playfully, shaking her head in annoyance. "FYI, I was having a proud sister moment, but I'm glad you stopped me. I definitely needed someone to wake me up from my temporary madness episode."
"Aww, baby sis, you're sooo cute." Scotty pinched her cheek, just like he always did since they were little, in order to annoy her. He knew how much she hated when he did that, so it didn't come as a surprise when she slapped his hand away from her face. "Hey! This is a no-violence zone. Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean I won't tell Mum and Dad."
Y/N rolled her eyes at the image of the smirk on her brother's face. "Just leave me alone, Scott. Go piss off Chloe or something."
The girl turned back towards the food, picking up a small pastry for herself, while the boy put his arm around his sister's shoulders.
He sighed dramatically, although she could still hear the smile on his face. "And here I was thinking you were going to say that I should 'go piss off Lance'... But I'm sure you would rather have that task for yourself, right sis?"
Almost choking on the delicacy she was eating, the girl started to cough, drawing way too much unnecessary attention to her.
Scotty was informing everyone that she was fine, enjoying her reaction to his words too much, as her eyes rose from the table. 
And she couldn't help but curse her bad luck when she found Lance at the other end of the room, right in front of her, wearing a concerned look on his face, as she almost choked to death.
At that moment, she realized not even time stopped her quite like he did.
But mostly, she realized she was completely and utterly fucked.
And it's like snow at the beach
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Scotty was patting her on the back, trying to help her, but he was interrupted by the sudden movement of the girl turning towards him.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She was nervously fixing her hair, her voice still struggling to come out.
Her older brother couldn't contain his laughter, letting his hand rest on the girl's shoulder. "Oh, my sweet, sweet Y/N... Everyone knows you're head over heels for our boy Lance! No need to deny it, especially to your big bro."
"WHAT?!" She yelled, drawing all eyes in the room back to her. She chuckled lightly turning to the crowd. Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed Scotty's wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. "What?!" She scream-whispered now.
"You heard me." Scotty said, crossing his arms confidently in front of her chest. "You have a big fat crush on Lance and you know it, I know it, everyone knows it!"
"Only someone blind wouldn't be capable of seeing it!" He continued to tease her, having too much fun making her uncomfortable. "In fact, even a blind man could tell by the way you sigh all lovey-dovey every time he walks by you."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do!"
"No, I don't!"
"Yes. You. Do." Scotty emphasized word for word, making the girl give up, even though she would never admit defeat. The man took advantage of her silence to provoke her even more. "Y/N and Lance, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-"
"Scott, stop! Are you a fucking child?" Y/N approached him, covering his mouth with her hand. "I hate you, I swear. Stop this nonsense!"
"Don't worry, baby sis, he likes you too. I'm sure of it." The snowboarder said, giving his sister a kiss on her temple and a final pat on the shoulder, and leaving her alone in the kitchen with her own thoughts.
Lance? Wanting me? That feels impossible. She thought to herself, feeling slightly disappointed. 
But she never let those feelings hang in the air too long, immediately contradicting them. 
It doesn't matter. I do not like him. 
We're just friends.
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow, ah
Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Lance swept through the crowd anxiously in search of the girl that he couldn't seem to get out of his head ever since he laid eyes on her that afternoon.
Though he himself also denied his growing feelings for the young woman, Lance couldn't help but notice how his palms were sweating, or how his heart was beating faster. 
He just couldn't help but feel worried when she disappeared in that state, leaving him wondering how she was.
Waking him up from his ceaseless search, a familiar hand landed on his shoulder, making him turn and find his sister with a sly smile on her face.
"Thank God you chose Formula 1 as a career because you would make a terrible actor."
"What on earth-"
"Get that lost puppy look off your face, Y/N's fine!" Chloe laughed, shaking her head. "Who knew? Two Strolls and two Jameses..."
"I'm not- I was just-" The driver found himself stuttering, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Jesus, Chloe, we're just friends! Friends care about each other. Don't start with this shit again."
"Mm-hmm, sure, friends." Chloe pretended to accept the repetitive excuse that came out of her brother's mouth every time. "I love it when you lie straight to my face just because you don't have the courage to admit that you have the hots for my favourite sister-in-law."
"I don't have the hots for-"
"Hey, watch it, pretty boy!" A voice appeared from behind him as the mysterious person quickly hugged the Canadian by his shoulders, causing his older sister to laugh uncontrollably. "It's my baby sister we're talking about here! Control your emotions, Romeo!"
"I- She- I don't-" Lance found himself in an even more awkward position again, suddenly turning into a deer in the headlights as he was caught off guard.
"Ahhh, kids." Scotty sighed, moving to his fiancée's side, leaning his head against hers without taking his eyes off the boy in front of him. "So young, so in love, and most of all... so stupid."
Lance threw his hands in the air in frustration, turning his back on the couple as he headed to the porch where he would be able to finally get rid of the two of them.
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen
I searched "aurora borealis green"
I've never seen someone lit from within
Blurring out my periphery
Lance carefully opened the elegant glass doors, being immediately hit by the intense cold that settled at the top of the mountain as usual.
He silently thanked himself for remembering to put on his army green padded coat and his grey beanie on his head. He would never have been able to survive those freezing temperatures without them, even if his Canadian blood helped him a bit.
Another factor that quickly contributed to his body heating up was the girl sitting by herself on the wooden stairs.
As soon as his brown eyes landed on Y/N, the driver could have sworn his heart started pumping faster. 
Just a coincidence, he thought, this is all Chloe's fault for putting these ideas in my head.
Gathering the little courage he had left to face these new feelings that were beginning to stir within him, Lance silently walked over to her and sat down on her left side, making the girl jump in fright.
"Oh my God, Lance!" She brought one of her black-gloved hands to her chest in shock, as the other one removed the AirPods from her ears. "You were about to give me a heart attack! Please don't scare a girl like that without warning."
"Sorry, sorry! It won't happen again!" He put his hand on top of her shoulder, laughing at her reaction. 
He took a few moments of silence to watch as her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in her surroundings.
"God, it's really beautiful up here, don't you agree?" She said, almost in a whisper.
Lance kept his gaze focused on her, not even thinking about taking his eyes off her beauty.
"Just like a movie scene."
My smile is like I won a contest
And to hide that would be so dishonest
And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it
'Til you do, 'til it's true
Unaware that he was subconsciously referring to her and not the dazzling snow that surrounded them, Y/N spoke in agreement. "It is, isn't it? I feel like I'm trapped in a Christmas movie or something." She laughed, eventually letting out a happy sigh. "They're going to love living here. I'm so happy for Scotty and Chloe, you know? They deserve this."
"Yeah, me too. They deserve more than anyone else to live their dream." Lance saw the girl shiver from the corner of his eye as she hug her own body closer. The driver moved closer to her and let his hands run up and down her arms to try to warm her up. "Are you cold? Do you want to go back in?"
"No, no! I'm fine! Just a little chilly, that's all, but thanks."
"Here." The boy removed the hat from his head, pulling it over her hair. The girl blushed at the affectionate gesture, not being able to hide the smile that was stamped on her face as if she had just won a contest. "That will make you stay warmer."
Now it's like snow at the beach
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
"Thanks, Lance. You didn't have to do that." The girl smoothed her hair shyly, pulling it behind her ear.
As it always seemed to happen, their eyes met, and couldn't let go. They were like magnets, drawn to each other. They just couldn't stand being apart from each other.
With no sound around them other than the muffled voices from inside the house, they both felt their stomachs drop as they both realized it simultaneously.
Fuck me, I'm completely in love with him, Y/N thought.
Fuck me, I'm madly in love with her, Lance thought.
Suddenly, all seemed to be coming down. The two felt consumed all around by the connection between them and they both knew they could no longer escape their undeniable attraction.
"I think I've had enough socializing for today," Lance said, charged with adrenaline. "Do you want to get out of here?"
"Lead the way, Stroll."
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow, ah
The wind blew in through the open windows of the driver's Aston Martin as the two made their escape without anyone back at the party noticing.
The girl's hair was blowing in the breeze and, even though he knew he should keep his eyes on the road, Lance couldn't help but appreciate the moment and the fascinating smile she wore on her face as she sang to the song that echoed through the car.
God, she's just... absolutely gorgeous, he thought to himself. 
A small smile appeared on his face, mirroring hers, as he imagined how much his older sister was going to piss him off for being right this whole time about the boy's crush on Scotty's sister.
Hopefully, the headache would pay off and he would have a chance to get the girl.
I can't speak, afraid to jinx it
I don't even dare to wish it
But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet
Now I'm all for you like Janet
Can this be a real thing? Can it?
"We're here." The boy said, parking the car in an empty lot with no one in sight.
"The beach! I love this place, how did you know?" Y/N jumped with joy, getting out of the car and letting her arms wrap around his shoulders without thinking too much about what she was doing. "Oh, sorry! I don't know what-"
She was about to pull away when Lance, driven by the realization of his most intimate emotions, pulled her closer to him by the waist. The girl's eyes widened as his face approached hers. "Just took a guess."
Oh but it wasn't a guess.
In all the years they'd known each other, Lance had found himself noticing every detail about Y/N. 
The way her eyes sparkled when she talked about the happiest days of her life being at the beach. 
How she bit her bottom lip every time someone asked her about her unstable career as an artist. 
How she tugged the skins on her thumb impatiently whenever she didn't have her hands busy with some task.
Lance didn't know if he could speak, if he shouldn't wish for a chance with her.
He was scared, no, he was completely terrified of the idea that he might lose her.
Could they one day become a real thing?
Fuck it, he thought. It was now or never.
The driver went all-in and risked everything, moving closer to the girl as his eyes dropped to her plump lips. 
He felt a gasp come out of her mouth, such was the way she was taken aback by his sudden move on her, but Lance didn't flinch and persisted on his way to her, until he felt her lips brush against his.
The two leaned towards each other, ready to be eternally consumed by their burning passion...
Until they felt a snowflake fall between their barely joined lips.
Are we falling like snow at the beach?
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Y/N turned away from him as her eyes watched as the snow fell from the sky, painting the sand on the beach white.
"Is that-" Y/N couldn't believe her eyes.
"Snow? On the beach?" Lance replied, equally confused. "This is so-"
"Weird." "Fucking beautiful." The two spoke simultaneously, bursting into laughter at the difference in their reactions.
Like snow on the beach (Snow on the beach)
Like snow on the beach (Flying in a dream)
Like snow on the beach (You wanting me)
Like snow, ah
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Lance's hand came up to the face of the girl in front of him, stroking her jaw with his thumb as he pressed his lips to hers not wanting to risk the moment being interrupted again.
His mouth pressed over her slightly pursed lips, starting with a gentle kiss and building in intensity as they both lost themselves in the moment for what felt like forever.
"I don't know how to put this into words but... Y/N, you are the most amazing, beautiful, fascinating girl I've ever met. Since I laid eyes on you, I've been head over heels for you. I've tried to deny it- Well, more because Chloe kept bugging me about my crush on you." The driver began to ramble on with the nervousness that came with his feeble attempt at a declaration of love. "Anyway, focus Lance! Y/N, you- You are everything. I-"
"Lance." The girl laughed, placing her hands on either side of his face and placing a quick kiss on his mouth. "I love you too."
"Yeah, those are the exact words I meant to say." He laughed, reuniting their lips once again, as they both got lost in their own little wonderland.
Like snow on the beach
(It's comin' down, it's comin' down)
(It's comin' down, it's comin' down)
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taglist: @dan3avocado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis  
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @scuderiamh @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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rosemaidenvixen · 8 months
Owl House Pumpkin Spice
“You know, when you promised traditional human cuisine, this wasn’t what I had in mind,”
“Yeah yeah,” Eda waved him off “It’s not apple blood, but don’t knock this coffee stuff til you try it,”
Another set of fingers entwined with hers.
“Well I’m looking forward to trying this human beverage,” Raine said with a grin, giving Eda’s hand a squeeze.
Eda grinned right back, feeling a pleasant flush color her cheeks.
Darius sighed “Do you two have to be so sappy all the time?”
Alador sided up next to him and slid an arm around his shoulders “If you’re jealous I can start acting more saccharine as well,”
Darius went stiff, face flushing while Eda and Raine laughed.
The people ahead of them stepped away, leaving the four of them at the head of the line. They stepped up to the counter, the uniformed human behind it beaming at them “Hi welcome to Robin’s Roast Cafe, what can I get for you?” 
Eda was still examining the menu when Raine stepped up beside her.
“What’s this?” they asked, pointing at a poster hanging over the edge of the counter.
“The pumpkin spice latte,” the human replied “It’s our most popular seasonal item,”
“I’ll try it,”
Alador stepped up beside them “That does look good, make it two,”
“Well you can’t get more local than that,” Eda heard Darius speak up from behind her “Make it three,”
Ah what the hell.
Eda slapped the stack of human snails– dollars, on the counter “Go ahead and make that four,”
A short while later the four of them sat around a small table outside, staring at four identical paper cups, each topped with a towering spiral of whipped cream and a dusting of spices.
“Alright,” Eda reached out and grabbed her cup “Let’s see what this ‘Pumpkin Spice Latte’ is all about,”
The others all grabbed their cups, bumping them together in a brief toast, before raising them to their lips, each of them taking a deep sip.
Grimacing, Eda forced herself to swallow what was in her mouth before setting her cup back down on the table “Welp, I ain’t doing that again,”
Across from her Darius was doing even worse than she was, a palatable wave of disgust washing over his features as he set his mug down in a way that indicated he’d much rather throw it across the street, or preferably even further away than that “I don’t know what that was but that was not food,”
“Agreed,” Eda muttered.
“Well I like it,” Raine cut in “Sure I wouldn’t have it every day, but as a special treat it’s nice,”
Darius stared at them levelly “Are you sure living in the owl house hasn’t fried your tastebuds?”
Raine narrowed their eyes, then without breaking their gaze with Darius, raised their cup and took another deep sip.
Eda could help but laugh at the half affronted, half disgusted look on Darius’ face “Say Alador what do you think of…”
She trailed off, Darius and Raine picking up on it and following her line of sight. Alador’s initial sip had never stopped. The bottom of the cup raising higher and higher as he continued to gulp down its contents.
Alador let out a quiet gasp, plunking the now empty paper cup back down on the table, blinking around at the three of them, traces of whipped cream still on his face.
“That was good,” he glanced over at Eda, raising a finger to point towards her drink “Are you going to finish that?”
“All yours,” Eda pushed her cup towards him with a chuckle “I’m just glad someone liked this,”
Raine cleared their throat.
“Two someones,”
Alador wasted no time in swigging down the remains of Eda’s drink, to Darius’ mounting horror.
“How can you drink that!? It’s pure sugar underneath an obscene amount of spics!”
Without missing a beat Alador paused in his gulping and glanced towards him “Oh don’t worry, you’re still sweeter,”
Eda hooted with delight at the expression on Darius’ face, only to freeze when she felt Raine’s lips against her cheek.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Raine sat back with a smirk, traces of whipped cream on their upper lip.
Eda could still feel some against her cheek.
Across the table Darius, looking the most bashful she’d ever seen him, gave a small smile and slid his cup over to Aldaor “Well the drinks may be hit or miss, but the company is delightful,”
Recovering, Eda slung an arm around Raine’s shoulders, grinning and pulling them close as they took another sip of their latte “I’ll drink to that,”
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foreverrogers · 2 years
james: one day peter makes a web in your apartment for you two to lay down on! but it’s perfect for eating on too 😉
peter's cooking up some new web fluid and wants to test its... endurance
sorry in advance that this isn't that smutty my brain stopped working <3
cw: smut!! 18+!!! teasing, fingering, peter parker has ulterior motives {1k}
james - as in... E. L. ... which means it's sexy time!!!! send me a prompt/trope and a character and I'll write you.... literally just the porn ;)
"babe! come in here!"
six hours after peter had locked himself into your bedroom, your first thought is finally.
he gets in these little fixations sometimes, when he has a new idea and has to inact it immediately, won't let anybody else see what he's diligently tinkering away at until he's absolutely certain its perfect.
"pete." hand still frozen on the handle, you take in the state of your room, thin strands of webbing dripping from the ceiling and the desk and the dressers, slowly disintegrating before your eyes. you feel a light string of it fall onto you from above, and when you move to untangle the substance from your hair your fingers come away sticky.
"yeah, it's a mess, i know, i'll clean it up later, promise, just look."
peter gestures towards the dense lattice of webs that stretches across the other side of the room, extends wall to wall over your bed, a different type than any you had ever seen him use before.
you walk towards it slowly, examining the thin sheet closely as you reach out to touch it. it gives a little under your pressure, but holds surprisingly tough as you lean against it.
"how did you..." you turn to him, and peter is beaming so proud and wide you forgive him for the mess in an instant.
"it's a new formula, kinda like a... web bomb. for catching people, hopefully."
"is it strong enough?"
"that's kinda what i was hoping you could, uh... help me with."
you raise your eyebrows a little, watch the light blush that tinges his cheeks and decide not to question his request.
you lean forward, both hands pressed against the web now, taut under your touch as you place more and more of your weight against it. once you're confident it'll hold you bring one knee up, slowly crawl up onto the swaying surface until you're feet lift up from the ground.
you turn lightly, sitting and leaning against your palms, hold your breath as you let the web bounce you up and down like the springs of a mattress. there's no creaking as it steadies, keeps you hovering above the bed with ease. peter grins at you, and you grin back.
peter's not as cautious as you were, dives headfirst beside you and makes you grip onto the edge of the web to stop it from propelling your body onto the floor.
you squeal a little, a light sound that melts into a giggle that peter happily shares with you, hand shooting out to your wrist to keep you steady.
"seems pretty strong to me," you mutter, still smiling, and when peter meets your eyes again he looks so happy you could melt.
his expression turns more thoughtful, edged with a mischief that makes you unsure what he's about to suggest next. "still need to test how much movement it can take, though."
"what did you have in mind?"
peter raises his brows at you, tilts his head with a light smile on his lips and blush darkening in his cheeks. there's a glint in his eye, undoubtedly, blatantly suggestive.
you narrow your eyes at him. "peter parker, was this all an elaborate rouse to build a sex swing in our home?" you try to sound a little scandalised with the end of it, our home, as if you and peter hadn't committed far more scandalous acts in bed together.
"no," he defends immediately, but he's still got that smirk on his face, and as he shifts to lay on his side and press up on one elbow the hand at your wrist moves to dance over your thigh. "i just didn't get to touch you this morning."
it's a devastating thing to hear, objectively, devastating to your heart rate and the state of your underwear. you try to swallow it down. "yeah, because you evacuated the room as soon as you got up. got ejected from my own bed at eight in the morning."
peter's smile widens a little, leans closer, fingers just inching between the legs you make a point of squeezing shut. "let me make it up to you, then."
your eyes soften a little, not only because the warmth of his hand between your legs is impossibly tempting, but because it was useless to try to stay even mock annoyed at him for any amount of time.
then, because you don't reply quick enough, "for science?"
it makes you laugh, and peter takes it as a cue to hover even closer, dips his head to kiss the peak of your jaw and slowly back up to your lips. "you know nothing gets me hornier than science."
peter's kiss is soft at first, all warm and innocent despite the way you relent to his attempts, let up a little to let him part your legs and slot his hand perfectly over you. "you're joking..." another kiss, chastely pressed to your lips before he starts down the other side of your jaw, waits until he's just beside your ear to continue speaking. "but i see the way you look at me in those lab coats at school."
"pete," you say, one part warning and two parts pleading, and you can feel him smile as his hand moves to unbutton your jeans and quietly sneak beneath the fabric of your underwear.
he's still not really touching you, palm pressed feather light against your clit as two fingers dip in just enough to feel how soaked you already are. "want me to put it on for you?"
"i believe you were saying something about-" you gasp lightly, a shallow inhale at the feeling of his fingers sinking into you. he brings his face back above yours, just so he can smile at you and watch the struggle on your face as you attempt to keep up your attitude. "something about making it up to me?"
"oh, i will, honey," he mutters, leans down to kiss the corner of your lips. "don't you worry."
come join my 1.5k sleepover!
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romchat · 8 months
Ripe Town Ep. 1 visuals: Under the cover of light
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I am absolutely LOVING the historical crime drama Ripe Town. It's moody, nicely paced, and has really solid acting. The show reminds me of a grimmer, more ruminative A League of Nobleman, and its restrained but equally masterful cinematography caught my eye from the first scene. If you're looking for a prestige drama, this is it.
I wanted to share some of the cinematography choices the show makes in its first episode that help set the perfect tone for a crime drama. Film nerds, there are so many goodies in this show.
Under the cover of light
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What a great cold open.
The show drops us (literally) in a farm field with our main character, Qu Sangeng, and his partner, Gao Shicong. They are bailiffs who have been sent out into the fields to investigate the mysterious appearance of a scarecrow, and they soon discover it's the dead body of Sangeng's mentor, Captain Leng.
(Side Note: There's something intriguing about the way the camera lingers on this sea of gold as it swallows and propels Sangeng and Shicong toward the scarecrow. It's almost like the field is its own character with its own memories. I don't think this will be the last time the plot returns us to this location.)
We learn at the coroner's that Captain Leng had not only been strangled but also pierced with a wooden rod bearing the Confucian quote "My principle is unified." This inscription paired with the theatricality of the body's staging (in broad daylight, in an open field) lends a deeper meaning to the murder. As an officer of the law, it is Captain Leng's duty to uphold justice, so why else would the murderer distort a classic work of philosophy if not to indict Leng of some moral malpractice?
And to a certain extent, we can understand that indictment by how the show portrays Captain Leng and Sangeng's colleagues in the criminal court system. Just look at how these officials are introduced:
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They're filmed in darkness or shadow, the use of low-key lighting giving each a suspicious air. The strategic use of props further reinforces our first impression of them as sinister, incompetent, and corrupt men.
It makes you think about what other crimes have been committed in these rooms under the guise of justice.
The virtuous (but unstable) lone cop
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Given how the show portrays the police and court system, it's notable how our main character, Sangeng, is often blocked in relation to them. As a bailiff, Sangeng is intelligent and principled. When we look at the composition of his scenes with men in power, he is often positioned towards the other end of the screen with the vertical lines of beams or doors physically demarcating his separation from them. He doesn't share their ethics nor does he tolerate their power plays.
And yet in Episode 2, we see the usually stoic Sangeng display a startling amount of violence and abuse of power, similar to a colleague he had criticized for the same behavior during this episode. I'm curious to see if and how this investigation continues to unravel him.
If these walls could speak
Ok, my favorite part of this show's cinematography is its use of dirty framing. Look at these gorgeous shots:
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Dirtying the frame is when the camera crew uses things like architecture, objects, or even people in the foreground to add depth to a shot. Ripe Town constantly uses windows, plants, etc. to frame our characters as they discuss the case, which is such a smart way of upping the show's creepy factor. It feels like there is always someone (possibly the killer?) watching from beyond the frame
But maybe even cooler is the constant use of background action:
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Check out how often there are people in the background near enough to our main characters to observe but far enough to not be intrusive (or helpful). Throughout Episode 1, we see farmers, bailiffs, and other workers stand around as Sangeng works the case. Like with the dirty framing, there's a sense of surveillance but this time from the townspeople as a whole. It's the classic small-town mystery trope where you suspect everyone knows more than they let on.
I wonder if this notion of surveillance will become one of the show’s major themes: are people watching because they’re trying to protect a secret or are they watching because they're hoping someone will reveal and take accountability for those secrets?
Together, these filming techniques create a fascinating world where murder is committed during the day and secrets are revealed in the dark. I can't wait to see how the story continues to deliver more and more interesting visuals as its mysterious plot unfolds.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Those Economics/Architecture Videos I've Been Bingeing
But eating less bandwidth than the previous version of this post.
This post has 100 links, because that's how many tumblr lets me add before it refuses to save the post anymore. (Legacy editor allows up to 250, but then I would have the colors.)
A lot of these are about NYC, because that's my personal main focus, but there are a few others. Also, I have absolutely no training in this field and only started watching these a few days ago but Ya Girl Is Bingeing and Really Loves Edutainment. All the descriptions are my own, btw. I'm not looking to gain clicks or references, I want you guys to know what you're getting into.
I was not involved in creating any of these videos, but it did take me over a week to watch them all and decide which ones to include, how to organize, and how to describe the contents.
I cannot speak to a lot of the deeper issues touched on, and do not agree with all the political or economic points brought up in these videos (as this is a wide range of people and topics), but they are by and large a good look at much of an industry that most people, myself included, don't know enough about, considering how crucial it is to our lives.
I'm open to channel/video recs but there are a few I ran into that seem well-done but have an audio quality I can't work with, so that's... unfortunate.
Stewart Hicks - Chicago-based, professor of architecture at the University of Illinois
Why Skyscrapers Are Losing Their Tops - Stewart Hicks - The general history of architectural styles for skyscrapers from the 1930s to the near future.
Why Do Architects Insist on Using Flat Roofs? - Stewart Hicks - Compares and contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of flat vs gabled roofs.
How Buildings Changed After the Eiffel Tower - Stewart Hicks - Thirteen minutes of history on structural engineering in bridges and skyscrapers.
The Bewildering Architecture of Indoor Cities - Stewart Hicks - Goes into the planned and unplanned variants of this phenomenon, which ranges from giant buildings intended to act as an entire community, to the unplanned network of underground tunnels or overstreet enclosed walkways that let people cross blocks upon blocks of a city without having to step outside.
How This Tower Barely Touches the Ground - Stewart Hicks - Addresses the engineering behind 150 N. Riverside in Chicago, and the zoning laws that caused its rather unique Y-shaped base in the first place, along with the requirements causing things like custom giant I-beams and necessitating a barge to host the crane since they had nowhere to anchor one on the ground.
How Chicago is Being Unbuilt: Back to Nature - Stewart Hicks - Explores the ways in which Chicago is undoing prior urbanization, and implementing some new eco-friendly infrastructure and various projects.
Why We Should Live in Our Office Buildings - Stewart Hicks - More and more office buildings are standing empty. With movements towards more mixed zoning and the return to walkable city models, some of those office buildings are getting retrofitted to be livable spaces and mixed-use locations.
How Architects Design for Less Lonely Living - Stewart Hicks - In a lot of places, like the US, the way we interact or avoid other people is impacted heavily by the organization of the buildings we live in.
House Sizes Are Getting Absurd - Stewart Hicks - Just a fun romp comparing the range of sizes (from the bare minimum of capsule hotels to the absurd mass of some modern estates) for various dwellings. Lots of very deliberate visualization.
Shopping Malls are Getting Desperate - Stewart Hicks - Discusses the decline of shopping malls, and the 'tricks' they employ to try to keep people happy and coming by.
The Architecture of Curb Appeal - Stewart Hicks - There's a lot that goes into making a house look good in a way that gets it sold. A lot of people hate it.
The Controversy Over Accessory Dwelling Units - Stewart Hicks - In many places, it's illegal to build a smaller livable space in your backyard. You know, places you put an adult child who wants their own space, or your mother-in-law, or just rent out to college students for the next ten months. But, at least in a few places, it's not going to be illegal much longer.
Toilets Need to Change - Stewart Hicks - Plumbing is such an important part of our daily lives, and it's still evolving!
The Hidden Meaning and Logistics of Fountains - Stewart Hicks - This one is just fun. 😊
The Genius of 2x4 Framing - Stewart Hicks - So apparently the US is a bit odd in how much of our architectural/construction industry uses light wood framing as a standard.
The B1M - Hosted by Fred Mills (British), more generally about construction, rather than just architecture
Why America Is Tearing Down Its Highways - The B1M - Explores the history of the interstate highway system, and how much of it was used for redlining and general segregation, along with the challenges faced by the plans to tear those highways down.
The $1.2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild America - The B1M - NGL I'm like. Ludicrously excited about this one. There's a lot going on! I hope it works out!
Why a Billionaire Tried to Stop This Bridge - The B1M - There's a new bridge being built between Detroit, MI and Windsor, ON. This bridge is going to help with the ongoing trade between the US and Canada; these two cities are already a major hub for one of the largest trading partnerships in the world (the largest where one side is not the European Union), so building another bridge is a reasonable undertaking. However, the new bridge will be just a few miles down from an existing bridge that is currently owned by a billionaire who makes a killing over his control of a major portion of this bottleneck of the trade route. (Also, more engineering challenges!)
The Statue of Liberty: Building an Icon - The B1M - Someone actually asked me about this recently and anyway you should all go learn about how the Statue of Liberty happened, she's a gem.
Why New York’s Billionaires’ Row Is Half Empty - The B1M- The usage of NYC luxury housing as a semi-liquid asset used as investment by the megarich, along with the rights acquisitions that led to their building in the first place, the gentrification they contribute to, and the tax write-offs they get for it.
Why Our Cities Are So Expensive - The B1M - How infrastructure investment by governments can and does frequently lead to gentrification. Focuses on London's Battersea Power Station revitalization plan.
Why New York's Skyscrapers Keep Changing Shape - The B1M - This is actually an exploration of more than just New York, covering much of the same topics as the above 'history of skyscraper design' video, with a great focus on the Chrysler building.
Why No One Wants This New York Skyscraper - The B1M - Investigates the ways in which the development of Two World Trade Center has been delayed over the past decade and change, along with a handful of other projects in the area.
The Wild Story of New York’s Abandoned Skyscraper - The B1M - There's a half-finished skyscraper on the western shore of Manhattan, and due to the errors in laying the foundation, there's an 8cm tilt in it. The parties involved in construction are duking it out in court about who's at fault, and until they're done, that thing is just... sitting there.
New York's Latest $3BN Skyscraper Explained - The B1M - Another stupidly tall skyscraper for midtown. You know. Because we need another one.
The $7BN Plan to Save New York's Most Hated Train Station - The B1M - Explores the history, current state, and planned upgrades to Penn Station of NYC.
New York's Most Hated Highway is Falling Apart - The B1M - The issues hitting the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, and the difficulties in repairing it.
The Secret Subway That Could Save New York - The B1M - Hey do you want to hear about how we might finally be getting that Queens-Brooklyn line that doesn't need to pass through Manhattan first?
The Tunnel That's Failing New York City - The B1M - The tunnel that handles a massive amount of the human traffic between NJ and NYC is starting to break down due to age. This one included a line that actually gave me feelings: "Look, it's a 110-year-old system, you know, it's done its job. Like, we really can't ask any more of it." It did its best! For a long time! Thank you!
The US Government Wants to Destroy These Towers - The B1M - The federal government just wants to demolish some Historic Skyscrapers in Chicago, no biggie.
The Secret $4BN Tunnel Network Under Chicago - The B1M - Since the 1970s, Chicago has been building an absolutely massive set of tunnels hundreds of feet under the surface to handle regular flooding from storms and the climate crisis.
The Fight to Fix the Tilting Millennium Tower - The B1M - There's this skyscraper in San Francisco that's leaning a few centimeters to the side, which doesn't sound like a lot, until you learn that just a few more will mean the plumbing and elevators stop working.
The £100BN Railway Dividing a Nation - The B1M - Goes over the political, economic, and environmental arguments and concerns behind the highspeed rail intended to connect London to the North of England.
Inside London's £19BN New Railway (and its Nightmare Station) - The B1M - Genuinely fascinated at the number of Train Problems that England seems to be having.
Why Europe Doesn't Build Skyscrapers - The B1M - Explains the historical and modern reasons that limit the addition of supertall buildings across most of Europe.
The Insane Scale of Europe's New Mega-Tunnel - The B1M - Explores the engineering and environmental challenges of the Fehmarntunnel, a passage from Germany to Denmark of terrifying size.
Why Europe is Building a 57KM Tunnel Through a Mountain - The B1M - No, a different one. This one is between Italy and France.
We Went Inside the Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor - The B1M - It's in France, there are over 35 countries involved, and it's just a Lot.
Inside The Lab That Tests Elevator Free-Falls - The B1M - There's this active mine in Finland where they test elevators for safety and it's pretty cool.
Finland Might Have Solved Nuclear Power’s Biggest Problem - The B1M - Finland has a new way of storing nuclear waste.
Nord Stream 2: The $11BN Megaproject That's Dividing - The B1M - It's an oil pipeline and it is causing problems for Everyone.
Why Russia is Building an Arctic Silk Road - The B1M - Russia is taking advantage of the melting ice caps to set up a new trade route through the arctic so shipping can go up through the north instead of down around South Asia and through the Suez Canal.
The $10BN Railway in the Jungle - The B1M - Mexico is building a new, very long high-speed rail line, and it's incredibly controversial.
Hong Kong's $11BN Underwater Railway Explained - The B1M - Hong Kong is putting in a new underwater tunnel (as part of a larger network expansion) for its subway system, and it's. Difficult.
China's Skyscraper Boom is Officially Over - The B1M - Just learned that China is outlawing most skyscrapers. There are a few cases where you can still maybe make one happen, if you can convince the government it's needed, but in most cases... nah. They're cutting you off.
The Unstoppable Growth of China's High-Speed Rail Network - The B1M - [insert gif screaming about trains here]
The Insane Engineering of Tokyo's First Supertall Skyscraper - The B1M - While the focus is ostensibly Main Tower, the video covers a lot of ground regarding earthquakes and the necessary engineering to resist the incredibly frequent occurrence. (Warning: Came out shortly after the Feb. 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake, and contains references to the event, urging people contribute what they could to help. The video was already almost finished when the Turkey-Syria earthquake happened, and rather than delay it for fear of it being in bad taste, they decided to use it to encourage people to help the victims.)
Japan’s $64BN Gamble on Levitating Bullet Trains Explained - The B1M - Let's talk about maglev, pros and cons.
Is This Asia's Next Financial Capital? - The B1M - Malaysia is building a lot, and it might herald a new financial superpower for the continent and the world.
Why India Doesn’t Build Skyscrapers - The B1M - The short answer is 'zoning laws that didn't achieve what the legislators hoped,' but it's changing.
The $4BN Railway Reshaping Delhi - The B1M - What it says on the tin.
The World's Most Extreme Construction Site - The B1M - Antarctica!!!
Egypt Built a Supertall Skyscraper in the Desert - The B1M - Egypt is straight up building an entire city in the middle of nowhere, primarily as a new seat of government, because Cairo is overcrowded... and a frequent site of protests.
Top 10 Projects Completing in 2023 - The B1M - Some impressive, expensive, and possibly unnecessary projects that are happening.
Tomorrow's Build is a second channel under The B1M, also hosted by Fred Mills. It's more focused on hypothetical, future projects than ongoing ones.
Barcelona’s Car-Free Superblocks Explained - Tomorrow's Build - Barcelona is planning to block off entire parts of the city from most car usage, excepting local delivery, mass transit, and emergency services.
The Hidden Crisis With Renewable Energy - Tomorrow's Build - Storage of energy from renewable sources that are not consistently available (e.g. solar is only available when the sun is out) is difficult, so here are a few options.
This Nuclear Plant is Built in 3 Months - Tomorrow's Build - Mail-order nuclear power is going to be a thing.
Greece is Turning its Olympic Ruins into a Casino - Tomorrow's Build - [good for them dot gif]
This Could Stop Construction Everywhere - Tomorrow's Build - So it turns out we're running out of sand. Which is important, because we need sand for concrete, and the easiest stuff to get (desert sand), doesn't work for that, which is why Dubai has to import sand for construction. So uh. Kind of a crisis. Sand pirates are a whole thing.
Architectural Digest - channel for the architectural magazine that dates back to 1920
Architect Breaks Down 5 of the Most Common New York Apartments - Architectural Digest - Just what it says on the tin! An architect explains brownstones, classics, railroad apartments, and loft/studio apartments. Lots of history, specifically that of the late 19th century tenement buildings and the art community and subsequent gentrification of SoHo.
Architect Breaks Down 6 Luxury Apartments from Billions, Gossip Girl & More - Architectural Digest - On the other end of NYC housing, we got the Rich People Places.
Architect Breaks Down Secret Details Of The Chrysler Building - Architectural Digest - An exploration of the external details of the Chrysler, with commentary on the historical context of art deco and related art movements.
Architect Breaks Down 3 Demolished New York Landmarks - Architectural Digest - Goes over the original Penn Station, Madison Square Garden,and the New York Herald building.
Architect Breaks Down The Evolving Skyscrapers Of New - Architectural Digest - I'm... not going to pretend I'm less than obsessed with NYC videos. Sorry! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Covers setback/wedding cake tiered, glass curtain wall, plaza towers, expressed structures, and the (hated) supertall.
Architect Breaks Down NYC Subway Stations (Oldest & Newest) - Architectural Digest - And we continue on NYC infrastructure history because I am insatiable.
Architect Explores New York City's Greenwich Village | Walking Tour - Architectural Digest - What a beautiful and inconvenient neighborhood, full of so many dead bodies.
Top Luxury - Despite the name, is about construction in general, including critique of megearich projects, so don't go in expecting it to be About The Luxury
World's Most Useless Megaprojects - Top Luxury - Did you know there are entire cities lying around empty? I already knew that, but there are just. So many giant projects that never got finished, ate up a lot of money, and are just kind of sitting around now.
5 Skyscrapers that Never Existed - Top Luxury - Some of these never got past the concept stage, and some ran out of funding, and at least one got turned into a fish farm by locals after it was abandoned.
Biggest Megaprojects in the World - Top Luxury - Exactly what it says on the tin! Guys, there are so many giant projects happening, and so many of them are controversial As Heck.
Why these Megacities are Still Empty - Top Luxury - Not entirely empty, but yeah, there are some megacities designed for one purpose or another that are more Ghost Town than Bustling Metropolis. Other than Naypyidaw, though, most of them are expected to gain larger populations soon, particularly Nusantara (which is being built specifically due to the sinking of Jakarta).
The Most Terrifying Bridges in the World - Top Luxury - Like half of these are in a specific region of China that just has. So many mountains.
Most Expensive Construction Mistakes in the World (Part 3) - Top Luxury - Have you ever fucked up so incredibly that it cost six billion USD to fix?
Not Just Bikes - Canadian living in Europe; city planning with focus on N. American car-centric zoning
Why City Design is Important (and Why I Hate Houston) - Not Just Bikes - Do you want more ammo to show people when they try to argue with you about walkable cities?
America Always Gets This Wrong (when building transit) - Not Just Bikes - How zoning and city planning needs to adjust in order for mass transit to actually work for people.
Suburbs that don't Suck - Streetcar Suburbs (Riverdale, Toronto) - Not Just Bikes - So there actually are good suburbs in the US and Canada, we just can't build them anymore because zoning laws make it impossible.
Stroads are Ugly, Expensive, and Dangerous (and they're everywhere) - Not Just Bikes - So there's this really popular and horrible form of street/road in the US and Canada that is bad at its job.
Would You Fall for It? - Not Just Bikes - 1950s pro-highway propaganda (which is referenced in many other videos from this channel), and the ways in which it was misleading and effective.
These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us - Not Just Bikes - This video actually did numbers on tumblr a few months ago. You know those stupidly big SUVs and Pick-ups? Yeah! They suck!
Cities Aren't Loud: Cars Are Loud - Not Just Bikes - With a few small changes, you too could live in a city that doesn't make you want to wear noise-cancelling headphones every moment of the day.
IT'S HISTORY - Various historic places... mostly NYC
Why can't you visit the Statue of Liberty's Torch? - IT'S HISTORY - Has some confusing image choices (photos from the early 20th century while talking about events from the 18th), but delivers on a fun history of the Statue of Liberty (and includes some facts that the other Lady Liberty video didn't get around to).
What's Left of New York's Lost Reservoir? - IT'S HISTORY - Apparently it turned into Bryant Park.
When Chicago built the Tallest Building in the World | The story of Sears Tower - IT'S HISTORY - Just what it says on the tin.. Big building, big history!
The Secret Tunnels Beneath New York - IT'S HISTORY - NYC has lost so many tunnels? Lost track of, forgotten, rediscovered... it's ridiculous. Half of these are for TRAINS. Those are HUGE. Led to me making this post (which contains a meme or two, but also a very important trigger warning).
The lost neighborhood under New York's Central Park - Vox - Explains the history of Seneca Village: a primarily-black community of newly wealthy, often first-generation-freed peoples that was destroyed to make way for Central Park.
The Rise and Fall of American Malls - Bloomberg Originals - Covers the factors that led to malls becoming so common, and the many things that are contributing to the move away from them.
Megastructures: Building the Burj Al Arab | Dubai Engineering - Reel Truth Science Documentaries - This is fifty minutes of engineering and architecture, and really well done/presented. Mostly steers clear of the larger political controversy in favor of focusing on the math, though it can't entirely avoid the political and economic conflicts due to direct influence on the design by a the Crown Prince.
Why Venice is Europe’s Worst Placed City - Real Life Lore - We all know Venice is sinking, but this explains why and how (it's not just global climate change).
Why Wyoming is VASTLY Emptier Than Colorado - Real Life Lore - More of a general history lesson than architecture, but still fun.
Why Engineers Can't Control Rivers - Practical Engineering - I've had a few classes touch on this topic, but it was mostly back in high school. This video has some really good visualization on the main elements, and addresses that there are some places working on actual fixes!
Why Construction Projects Always Go Over Budget - Practical Engineering - Goes over the process by which costs are estimated, the limitations of those processes, and the risks that inevitably force the budget higher.
Czechia's Incredible 1960s Supervillain-Lair Hotel (And Why Its Architect Got Banned By The Regime) - The Tim Traveller - There's this really cool hotel that recently got refurbished.
Why Egypt Is Building a New Capital City - neo - Another video on the new city in Egypt, but with more in-depth exploration of the specific planning choices (where certain buildings are, especially).
The Forgotten Story of Modulex: LEGO's Lost Cousin - Peter Dibble - LEGO had a brand called Modulex that was used for architecture and city planning for a few decades. These days they mostly do signage.
Why Airplanes Are Still Worth Millions After They Stop Flying - CNBC - The various ways planes are broken down, sold for parts, and otherwise recycled.
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lostamongthestarz · 1 year
John Constantine x trans!male reader because he's my favorite bisexual (canon)monsterlover
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❗❗Female readers are on thin ice but don't fetishize my writing, I write these headcanons for my fellow trans men ❗❗
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Now let's get one thing straight- constantine does not care if you are human or non-human, that man dated king shark and ended it on good terms so you know damn well he gives no shits
This man also doesn't fall in love easily, but give him time and he'll warm up to you (hope you have the patience)
He wouldn't judge you if you came out to him as trans either (I headcanon him to be trans because like before I hit all my favorite characters with the trans+bi beam)
 "Constantine I wanted to tell you I'm trans"
"Cool, me too"
I headcanon him to also be a huge fucking nerd, if your non-human then he's gonna want to know everything about you
You have diffrent magic then he does? Sit down your going to be explaining how it works and what it does to constantine for the next several hours
If your taller + able to carry him around? Do it, this man is a drinker so you'll most likely have to drag his ass away from the bar and into bed. If he tries to protest? Solution? Cuddle him- man melts. He'll grumble in small protest but after awhile he accepts his fate
Hope you can handle the smell of booze and cigarettes, you can practically hear his lungs and liver screaming
Constantine is touched starved, I dont make the rules. He acts like he hates affection around others but get this man alone and hes all over you. He doesn't even need to ask- your already at work pampering his face in kisses as you hold him close to you.
However with Constantine's job he will push you away, he's used to losing the people around him but if your a stubborn ass and hold up on your own then constantine slowly but surely opens up more and more.
When he's had a few to many drinks constantine is one of two ways- flirty or angry (that's canon)
Angry is just him trying to smash shit, again- make sure to keep all your belongings on the top shelf so he can't get to them and he'll eventually calm down
Flirty is him drunkenly saying shitty pickup lines towards you or if you try and carry him to bed he'd just go
"My boyfriend will get upset if he see this"
"Constantine- I am your boyfriend"
Don't let this man cook- at all. He nearly burnt down your kitchen one time
Overall, give Constantine the patience and effort and the relationship will go as smoothly as it can when its constantine
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Requests for constantine are open <3
As always m inbox is open <3
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Leverage: The Boiler Room
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TW: Smut. Language. Degrading Language. DARK RAFE! 
SUMMARY: It had all come to this. A showdown between the pogues and Rafe, all for the Cross. But once cornered, he turns his sights to you. 
*Referencing Outer Banks season 2 Episode 10: The Coastal Venture with a few changes... 
Thinking of making this a series...
The Boiler Room 
Everything you'd been working towards sat on the edge of your fingertips. The details of the plan were seemingly going off without a hitch. John B was in search of Sarah on the upper decks as Pope and Cleo ensured both the crane and the bridge, while JJ and Kie had managed to trap the entire crew, minus a currently isolated Ward, behind a set of watertight doors. Which was why when you'd rounded the corner to perform your duty as look out, you weren't expecting to find Rafe standing at the base of the boiler room steps. 
"I told them to check for stowaways...but if you want a job done right...gotta do it yourself..." He explained as your eyes quickly darted in every direction for a possible exit-frustrated how the only one had been that in which he'd blocked with his frame; lean but muscular enough to keep you from sliding on either side to flee. 
"Again with this shit...you pogues ALWAYS takin' what doesn't belong to you..." He narrated aloud, gaff hook in hand, as he'd begun to move around the labyrinthine pipes making up this specific section of the boiler room, your steps countering each move that he'd made. 
But you knew the probability of your success. At least at this moment. And if not an imminent victory, then the determination of the pogues to achieve it. It was this specific detail that allowed you to speak against a figure you usually scared the hell out of you-a factor unchanged, but altered by a change of your own confidence. 
"You lost, Rafe. You lost." You spoke behind clenched teeth, a wicked smile reflecting off of his jaw, cocked in amusement. 
"All of this....for nothing...And if something happens to ANY one of us...we have people that will look for us...people who love us...and who do YOU have?" 
His jaw clenched, all sense of humor asphyxiated by your words. 
"Topper knows what you did to Sheriff Peterkin...So does Shoupe...Sarah is terrified of you, and Ward..." You took a step closer to him to instill your dominance, this reckless courage you were aware could be fatal, and the words slipping from your lips anyhow. 
"Ward will ALWAYS choose Sarah." You swore for a moment you'd witnessed a glossy sheen of coming tears within his sapphire eyes now turned a cobalt from his sadness. But in typical Rafe fashion, he would react in immediate retaliation. Act first, think later. Never asking for permission, always asking for forgiveness, but always a moment too late.... 
"You're wrong..." He set the hook upright, allowing it to catch on a beam out of your reach, before his eyes found you as if to say "gotcha". 
"I’ve got YOU-" The realization of how you'd painted yourself into a corner was not lost on you. But the conversation and its accompanied dramatics allowed you to set both of you within the same distance of the steps. It brought you to the possibility of an escape, if only he hadn't watched your eyes cast to the incline. 
'Tsk, tsk,tsk...Don't even think about it-" Before he could finish his amused threat, you'd sprinted to the steps, hoping if anything, someone would hear your attempts as you were certain they couldn't be far behind. And yet the machines and pipes within the boiler room could silence out even an explosion if rivaled to do so. 
"Nuh-uh, where do you think you're going?" He took hold of your ankle, pinning you beneath him on the unkind bend of the step cutting into your back before holding one arm around your waist and the other on the ledge beside your head. 
"I always thought the first time I'd be on top of you, you'd be begging for my cock-" You literally spat at him for a release as he'd wipe it with his middle finger, a veiled curse against you, before drawing it between his lips. Your eyes widened, roused but convincing yourself it had been disgust. 
You hated Rafe. He was a murderer. A sociopath. A drug addict. You'd seen him hurt every single one of your friends and blur every line of proper social behaviors at the cover of his entitlement. You'd witnessed him wear that grin of arrogance and even how it was more often than not, splattered in blood. And you hated how your heart raced at the sight of it. Exhilarated in revelation to your innocent self, the pestering of the unknown, of his darkness, that always intrigued, frightened,, and excited you I equal measure. 
"Fucking sweet..." He spoke as his eyes descended your body locked beneath him. The rise of your chest beneath him, the arch caused by the uncomfortable position upon the steps, and the part of your lips as he'd lowered himself further against you. 
"There's something I've learned to love about this room..." He explained, hand slowly falling from the step beside your head. The descent began at your cheek as you forced it away, lower still over the curve of your breast, teasing the nipple he could feel beneath your crop, erect by his touch. 
"Any specific reason you aren't wearing a bra?" He taunted as you tried to shift as he lowered still, the weight of his body incomparable to your frail attempts weakened even more by the way a portion of you had wanted this. A sick, twisted, arguably disturbed portion. Even in your attempts. All while your body was delating you. 
And he could feel it. 
"Actin’ so innocent and you're really just a little whore, aren't you? Probably soaked through your panties-" His eyes suddenly illuminated. 
"Unless you aren't wearing those either..." His fingers ran the seam of your pants, your body shuddering in confused lust as your eyes pulled into a close. 
"Please-" But where you'd hoped this plea would pull at even the most distant of heartstrings, it had instead plucked something of hell's choir within his most desolate and depraved of emotions and desires. 
"You beg so fucking pretty..." He was now fixated on your lips, the way they'd taste, the fight you'd put up before ultimately submitting against him, the way they'd wrap around his cock, and finally, the way they'd pull into a circle once he'd made you deny your morals a come from his touch. You knew these thoughts ran through his mind as there developed a new fire behind his already demented gaze. 
"Wonder how you taste-" 
"No! Don't, I- '' But before you could speak, his fingers had pulled your pants just far enough to expose you to him while also using the fabric as a lock of sorts to assist to bind you. 
"Shit..." He breathed, your arousal visible immediately as he'd lowered back over you, the intrusion of his fingers bringing your hips into a flex, a flex that ignited the contact of his fingertips to your clit, and enciting a moan you'd fought since you were first pinned. 
"I knew it...You dirty...dirty little slut..." He continued these motions in a slow appreciation of your femininity, as if your entire pussy was a work of art to him. He was thorough and slow, pulling you apart to test which portion of you was the most sensitive. Once finding it to be your clit, he offered a smirk before lowering to you in a single suck if its sensitivity. 
"Fuck!" You breathed sharply, bringing him to smile. 
"Want me to make you cum with my tongue?" He asked as you could bring yourself to look at him. Despite the anger of your lust stacking up against you, making you nearly feral and unhinged, you managed to keep it at bay long enough to not approve of his actions. But he didn't need your permission, just the evidence before him and that look behind your eyes, which electrified him. 
"Will you behave if I take these down?" He asked, laughing at his words as he knew even if you didn't, he'd continue anyway. A detail you knew as well. Because of this you'd remain silent. 
"If I wanted you silent, I'd make you suck me off...I want to hear you!" He argued with your silence before shrugging. 
"But I have other ways of hearing you..." He muttered before yanking down the rest of your pants and taking your legs over his shoulders. As if you were comprised of his favorite meal, he savored you in a near worship. The luminescence of red lights overhead somehow complimenting him to perfection as your body responded to him just as he knew it would. 
"Your precious pogues know how good you taste? Huh? How you're fuckin' drowning me?" You blushed as he'd return, only to lift once feeling your hands run through his curtained hair. 
"Pull as hard as you need to. Im not fucking stopping until you're shaking-" Your eyes rolled into a close as he meant each word he spoke. And yet, you knew this wasn't because he wanted to make you feel good or that he even wanted to take care of you. He had been on his knees for you to prove something. And whether it was the skill set of his tongue or that he was the dominant one between you, his argument was already won. 
"I'm not stopping until you come on my tongue..." He took his pallette against your folds, massaging the length of your lower lips before drawing two fingers towards your mouth. When you kept them sealed, he shrugged, and set them inside of you anyhow. 
"Looks like you're wet enough anyway-actually...drenched-Pussy's cryin' for me, although I know you'll deny it..." Your toes rounded into a curl as your thighs began to shake, his hand moving beneath your shirt to tease your nipple having now driven your hand atop. But where he'd expect you to push him away, he'd find a pleasant surprise to not only or acquiescence but your pull for more. You guided his hand to take your breast roughly as he obliged, focusing on your nipples as his tongue brought you to the cusp of your orgasm. 
"Come for me, sweetheart...be a good little slut for me...come on...mmm...tasted so fucking good..." He broke from his licks, nearly edging you, if not for your orgasm too desperate for a release that accepted these hesitations before breaking beyond your restraints. 
"Oh my gucking God...you just squirted...More desperate than I thought…" He explained after swallowing your relinquishment as he rose over you, your quick breathing bringing him to you in furthering investment. 
"You can't lie to me...you want this JUST as badly as I do...Because you are more like me than you want to admit...." You turned your head away from him. 
"Always the one left out.. given the shitty job of look out while while all get to play hero...and who exactly do YOU have to go back to, huh?" You paused. 
"Even your pogues won't care. They had each other before you and they'll have it again when you don't come back-" But the tears his words brought managed to quell his ambition for only a moment. 
"Stop-" You spoke finally, the words fighting for freedom granted in desperation. The surprise of his weight leasing over you allowed you a fracture of a second to notice how he'd taken pity on you. Not wanting to grant him a second to resend this version of kindness, you'd turned on your hands and knees and sprinted up the steps, realizing by the grip on your hips that you'd just moved exactly how he wanted you. 
"I wasn't finished." He grunted. "They might not care. But that's because they don't know you like I do." He had you pinned at the steps, ass pressed to his crotch to feel his pleading erection formed against you. 
"You have nothing there...But you'll have everything with me, here.." The idea thrilled and terrified you in exactly the same result. Your heart raced as your lips parted to object, but he was right. You truly didn't have anything. Not anything worth returning to. Nobody to miss you. Nobody that would even notice... 
"Go ahead..." His breath was sultry against your ear. 
"Scream for me..." He undressed behind you, the sounds of a buckle and shifting fabric informing you of his nudity just beyond your reach. "Nobody is coming to save you..." The way you'd turned to face him for a moment, having amused him. 
"You wanna see? Greedy little thing…" To this, he set you onto your back, his direction forcing your spine to rest against the step again. When he noticed this, he pulled you lower before orchestrating you around him, his cock teasing the folds of your pussy; throbbing and crying for him. 
"So fuckijg impatient, not even the tip's in and you're already pushing back against me...pathetic..." You'd thrived beneath his words made against you, as if in doing so allowed you the chance to hate him that much further, despite how your body desired him-evidential by the way he slid into you with such ease. 
The initial penetration seemingly soft as he'd taken himself into you at an agonizing pace. 
"Shit...look how good you're taking me..." His hand to the back of your neck guided you to watch. 
"Only a whore would take me like this...and that’s you are...a dirty, filthy, selfish, greedy, and impatient little whore..." He lowered to you, surprising you with a kiss that pulled a moan from your lips. 
"But you're MY whore-" He quickened his paces, shameless in allowing his desires to overtake his body. And despite the guttural groans or expressions manipulated in pleasure, he was still fucking beautiful. More so in the way he's was in pleasure, a role of dominance above you as he'd pistoned at an ungodly series of thrusts, where you both became lost in a lack of care of time or discovery. 
The feeling of his lips feasting upon your body added to the euphoria, not a section of your skin left untouched by him. Beginnings of bruises and lines of nearly drawn blood mended by his tongue before he'd commit back to your mouth. These kisses, thorough and savage, alternating from passionate to desperate as he'd buck into you. Hand finalizing on your neck as your eyes shot open to the pressure teasing the oxygen he'd allowed. 
"Even prettier marked up. Send you back to the pogues with my signature? Stuffed with my cum?" 
He scoffed, "Go ahead. Beg me. 'Both know you're a whore for my cock with the way you're clenching around it. So beg me. It only makes it that much better..." You began to arch your back as his fingers came to your xlit. 
"Throbbing for me...takin' me so fuckin good-so fuckin' deep-" He grunted in approval. 
"But you wanna come...gotta ask nicely." He slowed his thrusts but quickened his fingers as your eyes fixated on him, heavy and guilty for what you'd allow. Surely he wasn't serious and this was shy you'd called his bluff and felt him continue. But with the second orgasm approaching just beyond his reach, he lowered to you, second hand to your jaw having stabilized you. 
"Gonna come?" You nodded, hoping it would be enough for him to not act on his threat. 
"Not if you can't tell me..." Just like that, you were left shuddering from being edged. 
"Rafe..." He waited a moment, taking in the whimpering and heavy eyes before adorning your breasts with one hand and your clit with the other. Building to that orgasm, only to pull away at the waves of release. 
"I love the sounds you make when you're about to come undone...so pretty...so desperate..." He chuckled into you. 
But as this continued for what seemed like an eternity, his patience did not share its length of existence. For this, he pulled you by your hair and forced the focus between you. 
"Look how deep you're letting me fuck you, how wet you are and how easy it's making it so I can give you my cock..." You winced in denied pleasure. 
"Watch my fingers rub that little clit...just like that baby...feel you shake...." In the threat of him pulling it away, your hand clasped around his wrist. 
"Just beg for it and you can have it...come on...be a good girl-" The mention of praise had you bucking against him as he'd continued his motions, this time, mutterings pulling a smile from his lips. 
"What was that sweetheart?" He teased as you fixated on his eyes. 
"Please Rafe!" 
"Please what?" 
"Make me come! Please make me come! I-Oh God!" He released your hair and returned his grip to your neck. 
"Come on then..." He swept you in a straddle over his lap. 
"Work for my cum baby...Ride me like your life depends on it-" He widened his grin, leaving you to wonder if there was sincerity in this threat. Either way, you were too lost in the lust to notice. 
"That's fucking right-thatta fucking girl-" These praises began mix in unintelligible moans and groans before finalizing to rhe sound of your name. The mutual orgasm testing through you both in perfection, tremors forcing lines of blood from clenched nails, breaths allowed exhales from released tensions. It was over... 
But to this thought, he'd pulled you to your feet and to the direction of the staterooms. Not caring to look back for even a second until reaching his room, he'd lock the door at his back before tossing you to the bed. You ached at the thought of his touch once again as he'd returned to you, belts in hand. 
"I’ve gotta cross to protect..." 
"Rafe...please...you said you'd send me back...all marked up-" He chuckled. 
"I did...didn't I?" His eyes drifted to the side in a pensive pause. "I'll think on it..." He teased, although you were well aware it was all to play into his own amusement. You weren’t going anywhere… 
"IN the meantime...I want you waiting for me when I come back...dripping with cum...pulsating for more like the whore you are...". 
"Please-" He only rolled his eyes as he fastened you in place. 
"If you wouldn't have been so wet...I WOULD have let you go, you know...But to know you want me...to know you're just as fucked up as me...I'm not letting you leave." His hand lined your jaw. 
"Ever." A kiss was reciprocated only to bite his lip as he'd scoff. 
"Kinky..." He winked. "I told you...You have nothing to go back to...so let's see JUST how much they want you back...maybe then we'll finally have some leverage...just in case..." 
"Too late to beg now..although next time you do, you'll be doing it with my cock down your throat...I went easy on you this time...but all marked up and breathless like this..." He bit his bottom lip as his eyes adorned you. 
"Im giving you every fucking reason to hate me...and you'll love me for it...thank me...and beg me for it again..." He grinned, leaving you abandoned as you knew he was right. 
The bastard always got what he wanted. Just as you knew he'd eventually get the cross. Just as he'd gotten the gold. Only now...his focus was on you...a focus that wasn't fading anytime soon...and you basked in the danger of it all. If Rafe Cameron was going to keep you a stowaway, you wouldn't make it easy on him…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Little blurb to introduce the idea of a yandere alien nun + more priest reader
Tw: religious themes, destruction of religious property
Red ink trickles down the stained walls of the chapel; bathing the prophet in a crimson curtain. It drips down the frame and off into the gas in a circle that puddles your shoes. rosses mark the figures eyes; a blank line over its lips. You let out a heavy sigh. It was time to accept was no mere prank.
"This is the third act this week. What's going on with the people in this town."
For the past month, there's been a string of incidences involving the church you attended. Stolen items, defaced murals - even your office had been tampered with on one occasion. Police had been of no help so far, and left without any suspects you were forced to clean up the mess yourself long with the occasional help of others.
"Is everything alright, Priest?"
A grinning face peers from the corner of your vision; beaming in elation as you turn to greet. The nun rocks on their heels, hands folded in anticipation for your reply.
"Aeryn- Good Afternoon. I'm fine, just looks like our "friend" is back again..." You limply gesture towards the window.
Their grin widens at your frustration, but they are quick to cover. "How troublesome.. Should I alert the authorities?"
"No, they'll just give the same excuse as always. Excuse me while I get some supplies. " You step past Aeryn as you head towards the chapel. They wait for you to go by, taking your place beneath the window sill in turn. It truly was a shame to damage the piece, but one must do what's needed when it comes to ridding the plain of false idols.
Even now they struggled to understand the faults in their previous acts of worship. From their research, a religous figure was who gave purpose to a community. A guiding hand and kind voice. Just like you. Your disapproval over finding your pictures displayed around the church confused them at the time, but with today's observations they've come to understand it well. Any person would be upset if their god was seen as less. It pleased them to know that you shared in that feeling. The one who's taught them so much about human behavior.
Returning outside, the bucket in your hand is nabbed by the nun who had so patiently awaited your arrival.
"There's no need to worry about this, Y/n. For our lord, I'll do it myself."
The unsure, but thankful smile on your face boosts their belief in their plans. Most people are more accepting to a lover who is kind afterall. Surely their praise and gentle nature will be enough to soothe you when the time to whisk you away from the life you've once known comes.
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scotianostra · 1 month
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April 28th 1919 saw two crew members lose their lives from Fraserburgh lifeboat, Lady Rothes.
The Fraserburgh lifeboat crew of 13 had launched their motor lifeboat Lady Rothes, following a call for help from the Admiralty drifter Eminent. In a gale, the ship’s engine had broken down. They signalled for help at 9am, drifting towards shore at the south end of Fraserburgh Bay.
Someone had called out “It’s nae a day for oilskins today, lads!” – the inference being that if the boat capsized the oilskins would drag the wearer under if they capsized.’ Coxswain Andrew Noble and Acting Second Coxswain Andrew Farquhar were the only ones who chose to wear oilskins.
All the lifeboat crew put on their lifejackets and launched.
The crew had a lot of faith in the lifeboat. It was self-righting and had proven its mettle in previous rescues. The volunteers were ready to take to the oars if the engines couldn’t power through the heavy swell. Before the lifeboat reached the Eminent, disaster struck.
The lifeboat took one lump of water on the port bow , it knocked her onto her beam end and the second wave caused her to capsize. Three of the crew members managed to cling onto the lifeboat, but ten were thrown overboard.
The Lifeboat magazine of that The 42ft-long Lady Rothes was just overcome by the swell, the sheer weight of the water and the size of the waves.’ era described it as a ‘DEPLORABLE accident’. Nobody was at fault.
The lifeboat righted herself immediately. Four of the crew managed to clamber back onboard, out of the icy water. Two of the others clung onto the lifelines on the hull of the lifeboat.
That left four of the lifeboat crew strewn across the water. The lifeboat and the men were swept helplessly towards the beach.
The desperate crowd on the shore pulled the men clear of the surf. Andrew Noble and Andrew Farquhar were alive when they were cast up on the beach, but despite medical attention, they died almost immediately.
Many people are shocked to learn that the men died after being pulled out alive. You can only surmise that it was due to exposure, exhaustion, cold water shock, inhalation of water or secondary drowning. We’ll never know whether their oilskins made a difference in the water.
The rest of the crew survived.
Meanwhile, the Eminent and crew were still in distress. Eminent ran aground. Those ashore managed to attach a line to the boat and all nine of the Eminent’s crew were saved.
Reports are sketchy about how it happened as the newspapers focused on the lifeboat tragedy. It might have been the local lifesaving brigade. There was also one report of heroism by a man called Stocks, a boxing champion, who jumped into the raging sea with a line and swam to the Eminent.
Both Andrew Noble and Andrew Farquhar left widows and children, who the RNLI was able to help them financially.
It was a huge loss for the station and community. Andrew Noble was an RNLI medal-winning coxswain who had served since 1887. Andrew Farquhar volunteered on the crew and worked as a pilot at Fraserburgh Harbour.
The lifeboat had been at Fraserburgh since 1915. It was named after the Countess of Rothes who survived the Titanic disaster, and funded by her father.
The lifeboat had minimal damage from the disaster and was back on service in a matter of weeks. It’s an indication of the faith that the crew had in their lifeboat, that the same volunteers came forward.
The Fraserburgh crew continued to save lives on the Lady Rothes until she was retired from service in 1937.
Pics are of the lifeboat and Andrew Noble (left) and Andrew Farquhar (right)
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