#but they're hella cute
thatredheadwriter · 2 years
I had my first case of gay panic (?) today and I’m still reeling! Little story below...
There’s a very cute queer person at work (we haven’t really talked much and I haven’t had a chance to ask for their pronouns) and I was lowkey crushing on them when we first met the other day. All that to say, I walked past their station today after clocking in and they stopped the conversation they were having to say hi to me and tell me I’m pretty.
Well, me being an absolute trash gremlin, I just spluttered and blushed real hard and said thank you and I noticed the pride flag pin on their badge and I said ‘I like your pin’ to hopefully convey some reciprocation, but idk. I’ve been thinking about it since.
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fangirlintheattic · 9 months
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SHIRA & HANNAH | Harlan Coben's Shelter ↳ s01e04 (Phantom Threads)
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ex0rin · 1 year
I really, truly think that all of fandom needs to have a yearly re-watch of the source material so that people don't start agreeing with stupid fandom takes as gospel:
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like... are you KIDDING ME with that??? she's so clearly smitten with him you'd have to be blind or literally closing your eyes to not see it
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ragnarssons · 1 month
so... i wanted to be done with this watcher stuff. but then i saw on reddit that one of their eXCluSivE nEw CoNtEnT got leaked, you know "road files" which is basically a behind the scenes video for ghost files. which is a nice idea. ...................... but the video lasts 8 minutes. you pay, 6 dollars a month, the first video you get is an 8 minutes video. opening with ryan saying "well this could be the only time we do that". so. huh, not new exclusive content, then? - since they want to be compared to tv, let's compare that to a behind the scenes video/film some tv shows make, for example the star wars ones, on disney+, that are minimum at least 20 minutes long if not more, way more, like 45+ minutes. and then you have the bts elements of a ghost files. so now, i can truly say: i do not get how their ghost files' seasons cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. like there's nothing in the video that warrants this video not costing them... like 20k at most. (and i mean that without counting paying the employees/crew, because i'd argue they do that with their general revenues, and not just their revenues out of the ghost files seasons). and that's without even delving into everything that's weird about how much money they're spending by making dumb shit like sending a "scouting crew" (of no less than 5 or 6 people, I don't remember, cuz that ain't too much at all) before them... you're ghost hunting, like what's the point of that?? and as i suspected when they switched to watcher, this video just proved how scripted, over-prepared the whole concept of "ghost hunting" became when they switched from buzzfeed unsolved to watcher. so you gotta tell me that the "unscripted, 100% natural" episode of ghost files, is actually made with like 10 other people in the room, behind the camera, the guys having entered and toured the "haunted building" like 10 times before the cameras start rolling, producers, crews and all and all having scouted the building (here, a small house) dozens of times already. legit. h u h ????? then they went to see dune 2, hung around in their hotel rooms, ate burgers, and the whole thing lasted two days out of their schedule... and then credits roll with no less than like 20 people credited for a behind the scenes video, where most of the footage is from ryan's phone. huh??? and that costs y'all hundreds of thousands of dollars??? and this is the "tv quality" exclusive new content we get if we pay the 6 dollars a month?? 🙃
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faragonart · 2 months
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@1driedpersimmon I just thought it'd be neet if they meet hee hee~
with @pali-himbo 's Vatii Kiri~
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just-a-mod · 5 months
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-clicks tongue-
I blame this post
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lucienarcheron · 4 months
Ok but after seeing the Bambi post my brain can only picture Elain drunkingly licking Lucien on the face 😂
But you know it's happened at least once. Drunk Elain is my favorite to picture (and write hehe). I can easily picture them at the end of a fun night and Elain's curled up in Lucien's lap, giggling like crazy about their day. Her mouth is going a million miles a minute and she's squishing Lucien's cheeks as she's talking because she's so excited about god knows what and he is so amused and in love, just letting her go off.
Until the conversation is suddenly about desserts and she's thinking about baking a cake tomorrow and —
Elain gasps suddenly and Lucien's brows go up, "What is it, dove?"
"I don't know if I have all the ingredients to make the frosting I like!"
His lips twitched and leans in to quickly peck her lips. "That's alright, I'll buy whatever you need tomorrow morning."
"But what flavor cake should I go for? I'm thinking chocolate but what about strawberry? Ohhh, what if I make red velvet!" She gasps again. "Lucien!"
"What if I make a Lucien flavored cake?" she asked with a coy smile that was more of a twitchy-drunk smile and Lucien tried so very hard not to laugh.
"And what flavor would I be, dare I ask?"
Her expression was mischievous and before Lucien could stop whatever drunk shenanigan she wanted to do, her tongue darted out and quickly licked his face.
Lucien barely made a noise of objection when Elain squished his face again and rested her forehead to his, staring intensely into his eyes. He blinked rapidly as she said in all seriousness, "Carrot?"
His expression flattened. "How dare you."
She burst into giggles at Lucien's outraged expression and Elain tried to make it up to him by peppering his face with kisses then licked his cheek once more, for good measure. "Cinnamon? Pumpkin Spice? Ohhh — how about caramel?"
"I think you need to stop, dove."
"Apple cranberry?"
"Not the kind of sticky I usually go for."
She ignored him and gasped dramatically again, "Gingersnaps."
Lucien's lips twitched as he gave her a playfully reprimanding look. "It seems I need to remind you exactly what I taste like, my love."
Elain bit her lip, her cheeks already tinted pink from how hammered she was and she hiccuped. "Oh? And what do I need to bake to find your flavor?"
His smirk was roguish as he cupped his mate's face and kissed her lips slowly, reverently earning him a soft whine before Lucien pulled back and said, his voice filled with wicked promise, "No baking required. All you need is your pretty, pretty mouth."
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supersecretnerd · 2 years
Guys- we could've had this for the end credits of Wendell & Wild! {Art is fine by Yuna Cheong: links to the original posts here 😈 and here 🎡}
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{Note: there are more images, but due to Tumblrs limit I can't share them- click on the links provided to view them all!!}
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empresskadia · 3 months
i just read your headcanons about Blue Team on Valentine's and i present to you an idea: Red Team on Valentines (jerome my beloved).
Oh 100% I will go write this for Red Team [I'm playing Halo Wars 2 ironically enough when I saw this], I have two things in development for Jerome right now, but the writer's block is blocking.
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astraskylark · 1 month
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niishi · 10 months
imo I thought Zoro and hiyori had gr8 chemistry.. I'm a zoyori truther.
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rotisseries · 5 months
new game how many mha posts can i spam on the dash before rori finally loses it enough to reblog one. i know what you are
you were created in a lab to torment me specifically
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ragnarssons · 2 months
people out there pretending the watcher dudes are struggling wittle poow artists having to live by capitalist rules :((((( to justify their dumb ass move... y'all are cute, i guess.
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sweetcircuits · 6 months
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OC-tober Day 22: Charm
from this prompt list!
I wanted this piece to be about the things that Lucy and Delphei find charming about each other - so Delphei is charmed by Lucy's keen eye and caring heart, and Lucy is charmed by Delphei's musical skill and sweetness.
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katimanki · 1 year
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Turtleneck twinsies💅🏻💅🏻
Yeah no, the shirt choices were not intentional at all, I only noticed when I’d already finished Nancy’s lineart and I wasn’t gonna change stuff at that point anymore💀
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
don't you love watching your friend beat up your boyfriend and beloved (tiso) (hollow)
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