#butter cup oc
marclef · 5 months
an art trade for @lucia-the-mii!
tiny little friends hanging out and eating beans 😊
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.... y'know, this got me wondering something, though.........
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saturn-noctua · 8 months
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I made a painting of Eilihese today
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dreamingundone · 10 months
Infinite Space
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Female OC Rating/Warnings: No real warnings. Angsty but with a happy ending. Summary: Her life has consisted of work, trying to find her way in the world, and more work. Until he walked through the doors of her bakery. Disclaimer: I don’t own TG:M, Jake, or the lyrics I used for the title and that are at the beginning of the fic, which is from “Infinite Space” by Young Mister. Please don’t repost or translate my work without my permission! Author’s Note: Feeling some type of way about my lack of love life lately. I also read Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison last week and it gave me feelings. So here we are. Hope you enjoy!
Are you listening? Are you sending out a message of your own? Show me some flashing lights Give me a signal I'll be waiting by the window
Baking makes perfect sense to her. It’s scientific, exact measurements that when put together and baked, create something beautiful in the end.
She always thought love was like that too. Two people with the ingredients the other is missing come together, and something beautiful comes out of it. It’s just not been the case for her, ever in her entire life, and it’s something she struggles to make sense of.
It’s not like she’s miserable. She has her friends and her little house that she loves, and her bakery. She spends her days surrounded in a cloud of flour, sugar, and butter, and she makes people happy by giving them birthday cakes, little treats for their friends, and breakfast pastries to brighten up their mornings.
It’s when she leaves for the day that she feels the absence of something to make her feel happy. Her little bungalow, as cozy as it is, starts to feel too quiet sometimes, and if she lets herself think her own thoughts for too long, that emptiness starts to fill her up.
The arrival of the newest Top Gun class keeps her really busy. They come in for sweet treats and coffee and take up space at the tables at the front of the store. There’s whispers about some top-secret mission that no one really knows much about, but also everyone knows about it. It makes her grin. Nothing is ever a secret at Miramar for too long.
She’s in the middle of sliding a tray of mini cinnamon rolls into the oven when the bell over the door chimes, and she frowns, annoyed that someone is coming in this close to closing time.
“We’re–” She turns around and stops, seeing the most bedraggled fighter pilot she’s ever seen standing in her lobby, looking for all the world like he’s been in the air for hours.
“I know you’re about to close, I’m sorry.” He says, dragging a hand across his face. “Any chance you have coffee left? I’ll pay extra for it.”
“Are you okay?” She asks, coming around the counter. She slides out a chair to one of the tables, and he collapses in it gratefully. He looks a little bewildered at her question, like he can’t remember the last time someone asked about his well being.
“I’ll be alright,” he says. “I can go, I’m sorry if I’m–”
“No, I have coffee left. Made a fresh pot a half hour ago. Just let me…” she steps quickly towards the door and locks it, flipping the sign to “closed”. Heading back towards the counter, she grabs a to-go cup and starts pouring, hearing his audible sigh when the coffee steams.
“Long day?” She asks, walking back to the table and setting down the cup.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He says, eyes closing as he inhales the steam. “Seriously, let me pay extra. I don’t mean to keep you.”
She shrugs. “I’ll be here a while longer anyway.”
“Thank you.” He takes a sip, and swallows a groan. She grins. She may be known for her pastries and cakes, but she makes a mean cup of coffee, too. “I’m Jake,” he says, holding out his free hand.
She introduces herself, and shakes his hand. “I’ve seen you here before,” she says, and he nods.
“Anyone who’s been at Miramar long enough knows this is the place to go for breakfast. I think your donuts have single handedly helped me stay in my weight class.” He grins at her now, and it’s such a difference from the man that walked through the door a few moments ago, she’s momentarily blindsided.
“Any reason you’re here in time for dinner, then?” She heads back behind the counter to begin stacking plates for the next day’s morning rush.
He winces. “I’m due back at the base tonight. It’s—” He stops himself, raises an eyebrow. “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.” He stands, and it looks like it takes all his energy to haul himself to his feet. He drains the rest of his coffee in two gulps and sets the mug down on the counter. He starts to dig into his pocket for his wallet, but she waves her hand.
“That one’s on me, Jake.”
And so it goes like that, at least once a week for the next month. Jake comes just before closing to beg for a cup of coffee, and a few times, he scrounges up the leftover pastries to bring back to base with him. He insists he’s not hoarding them all for himself, but really, she doesn’t mind.
Jake is easy to talk to. There’s an alarm bell clanging in her mind every time he leaves, because she knows one day he might not be back at all. He could get deployed, or reassigned, and then where would that leave her?
Right back where she’s been, going home alone at the end of a long day.
They don’t even really know each other besides the basics. She tells herself not to get attached to him, to the way he swaggers in now like he owns the place, that little dimpled smile she’s starting to think is only for her.
He moves from a table to the counter, and watches with his coffee as she preps pastries for the next morning, or does dishes, and he offers a thought here or there about bear claws or croissants or whatever it is she’s trying a recipe for.
In turn, she listens as he complains about work, about the endless training they’re doing for some mission he can’t tell her anything about.
There’s some tension between him and his coworkers that he also doesn’t open up much about, but that’s okay with her. They’re in this little bubble, she and Jake. She bakes, and he samples. They don’t get too deep. She feels like it’s an escape from the rest of her life.
It absolutely aches every time he leaves, and the emptiness she feels when she goes home at night only gets worse. She feels like she’s been waiting forever for a connection like this, and it’s that feeling that makes her hesitant. She’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The next time she sees Jake, he’s tense, his shoulders drawn up and face stoic.
He doesn’t say anything for a while. She starts to get worried, starts to wonder if it’s finally happening - he’s here to tell her that he’s leaving and he’s not coming back - or worse, going to tell her that he’s been being nice by coming here so often, but that there’s nothing really there between them, and he’s sorry.
“I, uh–” he takes a few steps closer, and when he gets within arm’s reach, he stops, looking at her with an unreadable expression. “You smell like cinnamon.” He smiles, his voice a little rough.
“Occupational hazard.” She replies, smiling.
“I’m being deployed.” He blurts, and he flexes his hands like he’s not sure what to do with the energy running through his veins. “I wanted to tell you, I didn’t want to just disappear…”
Her defense mechanism kicks in right away. “That’s okay,” she says quickly, busying herself by tidying up the counter by the register. “You didn’t have to come by just to tell me that. I mean, we’re not–” she gestures vaguely, not able to meet his eyes.
If she did, she’d see the way he blinks rapidly, taking a small step back, before clearing his throat. “Right.”
She forces a bright smile and looks up, seeing how he’s still standing by the door. “I appreciate you letting me know. I’ll have to stop leaving the coffee pot hot past three in the afternoon, now.”
His answering smile is a little brittle. “Hopefully not forever.” He looks like he wants to say something else, but he just nods at her once. “I won’t keep you. Thanks for… well, for everything. The last few weeks.”
“You’re welcome, Jake.” She says. She wishes she could just open her mouth. She wishes she was brave enough to tell him that she wishes he would ask her out for real, instead of coming by for a cup of coffee and pastry. She wishes she could just say that his company over the last few weeks means more to her than he knows.
She doesn’t.
He leaves.
What if I never reach you What if I never get to see your face I've been dying to break through I know you're somewhere out there in the infinite space Somewhere out there in the infinite space
Not being picked for the Dagger mission would have been a blow to Jake’s ego on any day, but it’s especially a kick to the gut a week after his last conversation with her.
“We’re not–”
She had said it so quickly, so casually, he was just glad that she hadn’t been looking at him in time to see the way he felt it like a physical blow.
He’s not stupid - he’s not in love with her or anything, but he feels… something. He felt it the minute he came in, hoping the bakery was still open, desperate for a decent cup of coffee to give him the boost he needed to get back to work.
When he looked up and saw her there, it was like a punch right to his chest. She had flour on her cheek and there was the smell of butter and cinnamon in the air, and she asked him if he was okay.
That was all it took, really.
He kept finding excuses to come back, and at first he kept saying it was because he’d never had a neighborhood place, a place where he walked in and they knew his name and his order. This was better. She knows his name, and that he likes his coffee with one sugar and one cream, and sometimes she gives him a free cookie or croissant or asks him to taste something she’s working on.
That’s all it is.
A place where he can go where she doesn’t know him, doesn’t know that everyone calls him Bagman, doesn’t know that he’s a grade A asshole to his friends on a daily basis.
He can be someone else. And the worst part, the part that really makes him wonder where it all went wrong, is that he wants to be someone else. He wants to be better. He wants to be more deserving of that smile he gets from her when she puts that cup of coffee in front of him.
Maybe he read it all wrong. Maybe she was just being nice, humoring the exhausted pilot who kept showing up and mooching her coffee.
He runs a hand over his face, trying to concentrate on the mission specs for tomorrow. Even though he’s the spare for this, he’s determined to be ready for his moment, to prove he’s supposed to be here.
Of course the whole thing goes sideways, because of course it does. His heart is in his throat and he feels helpless the entire time, and finally he just does what he needs to do.
He says fuck it, and he takes off, unable to listen to a second more of everyone else deliberating whether or not they should sit there while Mav and Rooster get killed.
So he goes AWOL, and he does what needs to be done. It’s the first time in a long time that he’s felt he did the right thing, and he can see it in the eyes of all his squadmates.
It makes him feel more like the person he is when he’s around her.
It scared the shit out of him, too - the entire day was one non-stop adrenaline ride.
He wishes he was back in San Diego, wishes he could drive the few miles from base to the bakery, and let her talk him down. She’s always got that smile, and she always smells like chocolate and sugar, and he wishes he wasn’t such an idiot.
He should have asked her out weeks ago, so there wouldn’t have been that awkward moment. At least then he’d be sure he hadn’t just imagined the connection between them, that he wasn’t making it up. He feels like he’s known her for years, and he doesn’t even have her phone number.
He resolves to fix it as soon as they get back, as long as he’s not facing a court martial first.
She wonders how Jake’s deployment is going almost every day. She keeps herself busy, tries not to replay every second of their last interaction in her head, and tries to convince herself she did the right thing.
But the look on his face when she told him not to worry about ghosting her… was there something there?
She feels like she’s been waiting for her person for so long, that it seems impossible that one day he’d just show up out of the blue asking for a cup of coffee. But what if he did?
What if she ruined it by trying to protect herself?
Too busy daydreaming, she groans as she looks down at her ruined bowl of buttercream frosting, moving to the trash can to begin scraping it out. All day she’s been like this, distracted and making mistakes.
She’s watching the clock drift closer to time to go home, and without much else to keep her busy, she’s dreading going home where all she’s going to do is overthink more than she already is.
The chime on the door surprises her, and her heart stutters.
“Any chance you’ve got one of those cinnamon rolls left?” A familiar voice asks.
Her heart lurches. “Jake?”
He looks tired, but his eyes are almost sparkling as he looks at her. “Hey.”
“You’re back.” She blurts, and immediately feels stupid. He’s standing right in front of her. Of course he is. It doesn’t deter him, though. If anything, it only makes him smile wider.
“Before you say anything, I just want to tell you that you were wrong, the last time we talked.”
Her brow furrows. “Wrong?”
“When you said it wouldn’t have mattered if I didn’t let you know I was being deployed.” He takes a few steps closer. “When you said we weren’t…” he trails off, gesturing between the two of them. “I know it’s just been a few weeks, and I know we’ve only had conversations over coffee about non-important stuff.” He ran a hand through his hair, looking like he was struggling to find the right words. He looked up to meet her gaze. “I’d like to take you out, if you’ll let me.”
Everything she’d been feeling over the last few weeks felt like it landed on her shoulders in the moment. She felt the relief of knowing that she wasn’t alone in her feelings. She felt guilty for pushing him away in the first place.
“I think I owe you an apology, Jake.” She says quietly, coming around from behind the counter. “I just… I didn’t know if you were just being nice to me, coming here all those nights. I didn’t want to assume anything. And I didn’t want you to feel obligated when you came back.”
He frowns. “I kept coming here for you, no offense to your coffee.” He takes another step closer, so the tips of their shoes are almost touching. “The cinnamon rolls are a plus.”
She laughs, and his grin widens.
“Is that a yes? You’ll go out with me?”
“Only if you tell me what happened on this not-so-secret top secret mission.”
He rolls his eyes. “Everyone around here is such a gossip. I can’t tell you everything but I can tell you about how I was a hero and saved the day.” His smile is smug.
“Perfect.” She says, and there, in the warm light of her bakery, surrounded by everything she’s ever known, she thinks she’s finally ready to take the leap and see if he’s the one she’s been waiting for, the other half she didn’t know she was missing all these years.
And for once, she’s not scared anymore.
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void-imp · 6 months
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wasn't tagged by anyone i'm just doing it for all of them lol
ANIMAL: dog (great dane, golden retriever), draft horse, koi fish
COLORS: green, yellow. bright, vibrant colors
MONTH: july
SONGS: the fold - wickerbird, shibuya - covet, punksong - cfcf. he has a playlist too.
NUMBER: of the trio, he is 3. on his own i associate him with 7 and 9
PLANTS: sunflowers, dandelions breaking through concrete, cacti, redwoods
SMELLS: hair dye, ink, pine, wild grass and flowers, the breeze and earth on a warm summer's day
GEMSTONE: peridot
SEASON: summer
PLACES: a tunnel covered in graffiti, a skate park, a field of sunflowers, rays of sun filtering through the canopy of leaves in a forest
FOOD: homemade quesadillas with extra cheese
DRINKS: a can of soda, fresh water
ELEMENT: earth
SEASONINGS: sage, thyme, sesame seeds
SKY: bright blue and cloudless
WEATHER: warm and sunny
MAGICAL POWER: revitalizing living things merely with ones presence, communicating with plants, creating a shield out of energy
WEAPONS: greatsword
MAKEUP PRODUCT: smudged eyeliner
CANDY: milk chocolate, peanut butter cups
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: passenger seat of a car
ART STYLE: street art. cartoony; bold, dynamic lines and bright colors, lots of contrast.
FEAR: fear of letting people down
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madameaug · 7 months
Please don’t tell me jungkook or oc cheats because they just had a baby 🥲
Jungkook would never! If anything Jennette giving birth to little Peanut only enhanced is love for her.
Jungkook During the 40 Weeks of Pregnancy
Finding Out
Jennette didn't experience the typical signs of pregnancy. No morning sickness, no excessive weight gain, no mood swings. Nothing like that at all. She was perfectly fine. She was taking down the silver and gold Christmas-themed tree in February. Still in her festive onesie, Jungkook noticed something quite odd. An open jar of smooth peanut butter.
"You bought peanut butter?"
Taking a big lick from the spoon, Jennette nodded her head.
"Babe you can't stand peanut butter. You literally gag at the smell. Now your eating it straight of the jar."
"I don't know why, but I've been craving it. The smell isn't bothering me right now."
"Are you sick?" Jungkook placed the back of his head on Jennette's forehead.
"I'm fine."
Jungkook found that moment weird, but didn't harp on it. Maybe she was giving peanut butter another chance. Surely that was just the explanation. But it didn't stop there. More peanut butter treats arrived in the house in the next few weeks. Nutter Butters, Reeses Cups, and an unhealthy amount of peanut butter jelly sandwiches.
Jungkook watched in awe as Jennette ate her fifth Reeses in one sitting. The empty wrappers were piling beside her, as she watched an old episode of Martin.
"Jungkook I can literally feel your eyes glaring holes into my face."
"Jeanie are you sure nothing is wrong? Like you aren't hiding anything from me."
"I'm not sick, Jungkook. I'm not coughing, no sore throat, and no fever. I'm literally fine- stop asking."
Six hours later while Jennette was lying in bed, Jungkook lay on his back, deep in thought. The amount of peanut butter products Jennette had been consuming in the past three weeks was absurd. How could she go from gagging at the smell of the ingredient to finishing family-size jars by herself in three days. Jungkook needed to get to the bottom of this. Slipping out of bed, Jungkook went to the 24/7 pharmacy. He went up and down the aisles, hoping to find some fancy brand to explain the eating habits shift.
No no no.
Soon enough, he found himself of the family planning aisle. In front of him were three rows of Clear Blue pregnancy tests. His heart skipped a beat as he contemplated picking up the pregnancy test.
Better safe than sorry.
The drive back to the house seemed longer, despite him going ten over the speed limit.
"Jeanie... Jeanie baby, wake up." He gently rocked Jennette awake.
"Go away." She yawned turning on her side. She nuzzled into her pillow.
"I need you to take this test for me."
"What test?" Jennette's cracked.
"Just take it."
Irritated, Jennette squinted as she sat up. She slipped her feet into her slippers. She headed into their shared bathroom beside their bedroom. There, she saw a pregnancy test on the counter. Her lips ready to fire off.
"Please just take it. I can't help but think this could be why you have been acting so different lately."
Closing the door, Jennette just went with the motions. Taking the test and peeing on the stick. She wasn't even anxious about the results in the slightest. She wanted to just get back in her bed, before her spot of warmth disappeared.
"Are you done!?"
Jennette washed her hands and opened the door. Jungkook had the edge of his thumb in between in teeth. A soothing habit he only did when he was highly anxious.
Jennette adjusted her bonnet slightly, slipping of her head. She went into her nightstand and put on her signature purple glasses. She couldn't read the test because of her astigmatism in both eyes. The lines would be moving too much for her to read the test accurately.
"See, look, one line." The thin second line arrived as she turned the test to gloat in front of Jungkook.
"Oh fuck."
"Wha-. shitttt." Jennette did a double take, seeing the positive pregnancy test.
Weeks 7-10
The next day Jeannette and Jungkook scheduled an appointment at the doctors office. She got her pre-natal vitamins and an official test done. They found out that they were seven weeks pregnant. The couple wasn't actively trying for a kid, but they were't devastated by the news. They were 29 respectively and could now use the next seven-ish months to prepare themselves for parenthood.
During this time they got their first sonogram. Jungkook was moved to tears and asked for several copies of the picture. One of them going in his car, one on the back of his phone, and the other in his night stand. The picture was so precious to him
It was only one time Jennette experienced morning sickness. She blames the vertigo spell for pushing her over the edge. She was doing perfectly fine, but when she was riding in an elevator one morning. She got nauseous all of a sudden. She told Jungkook, and he ordered her to take it easy for the rest of the day.
Weeks 11-14
This is when the nickname Peanut came about. Now, reaching the end of the first trimester, Jennette and Jungkook was looking at their developing child on the screen. Jungkook could point out their eyes, and tiny toes.
"Looks like this angel is gonna be on the chunky side." The OBGYN commented.
"Their so cute, though. Look at ‘em."
Moving around the wand on Jennette's small belly, they looked at all angles.
"What are they doing doing, doctor?" Jungkook wondered.
"Oh just sucking their thumb."
Jungkook gushed harder at the screen. "Look at our little Peanut."
Weeks 15-18
Time for the long-awaited gender reveal. Jennette and Jungkook opted to keep this moment more intimate. They didn't want a crazy gender reveal party. They were going to keep the gender of their little Peanut a surprise until she was born. But they still had to create a memorable experience.
Surprisingly both Jennette and Jungkook believed that they were having a baby girl. The April weather allowed for Jennette to wear a baby pink shirt and skirt set. Her bump was protruding more, especially from a side-profile perspective. Jungkook was wearing a pink button-up jacket. White t-shirt with pink pants to match. He found this really cute plushy online called 'Cooky'. It was a pink bunny, a perfect gift for the little girl he hoped to have.
"Are you ready to find out the gender of your baby?"
"Yes!" The answered at the same time.
Applying the cold gel on Jennette's belly, the doctor handed the wand to Jungkook. Allowing him to do the honors. He grasped the wand, eyes wide-looking for any declaration of the child's biological sex.
"Wait slow down, bug. Go a little more to the left." Jennette guided. The angle they were looking at they could only see her legs and stomach.
In a gasp of excitement, Jennette saw the outline of a labia majora. Stronger than she anticipated, she gripped Jungkook's shoulder and shook him.
"We're having a baby girl! OMG! OMG!"
“Peanuts a girl! She’s a girl! I’m a girl dad !!!”
Jungkook jumped up and down. The wand was long forgotten as it hit the ground. The OBGYN enjoyed watching the couple celebrate their baby girl.
Week 19- 22
Jungkook was very protective over Jennette's now obvious baby bump. Whenever they were out in public together, he walked slightly in front of her. Avoiding from touchy strangers, placing their filthy hands on her stomach. Only he could touch Jennette's stomach. His little peanut was inside, and he was obligated to protect her, and her mother of course.
On a lazy Sunday morning, Jungkook was playing with Peanut. Jennette was able to feel her kicking, and her moving around in her stomach. Her baby was quite receptive to her father's voice. Jungkook would stand on one side of Jenentte and speak. Watching the little imprints of hands and feet press against her stomach. Indiciating that Peanut was following her father's voice.
"Oh Toodles." Jennette jokingly tapped her stomach. Jungkook was coming closer to her, to do his daily quality time with his baby. She felt a flutter in response.
"Peanut. Come to me sweet girl."
"Ooo!" Jennette reacted to the sudden dart across her stomach.
"That may have been the fastest she's moved." Jennette paused in between her words. Her little Peanut was developing some speed, which always tired her. Even though she hadn't moved a muscle.
"Okay come to this side." And peanut did. Jungkook capturing the moment on his phone.
"I'm for sure showing her this when she's older." He snickered. "Okay I'm over here now."
Week 23-26
Jennette and Jungkook were sitting a frozen yogurt creamery looking at another sonogram picture of their little Peanut. They had gotten a really nice close-up of Peanut's face. Her lips and eyes were well-seen in the image.
"Peanut will be the first person in my family who is bald."
"Everyone in my family is born bald. Including me.” Jungkook commented. He dug deep into his camera roll finding an image of him when he was just a few days old.
"Oh-" Failing to hold in her laughter, Jennette's stomach shook with a violent laugh. Poor Peanut probably thought she was on a roller coaster.
"Most black babies I've seen were born with a head full of hair. It would explain why I don't have heartburn." Doing the same Jennette pulled up a picture of herself when she was a baby. She was born with a mini afro, just like her mother and her sister.
"But look I can already tell she has your eyes. I just know they are gonna be so pretty."
Jungkook agreed. "I make some pretty babies."
"I make pretty babies." Jennette emphasized.
"Can't argue with that baby." Jungkook took a scoop of Jennette's yogurt. "I hope she looks like you."
"I hope so too."
"Just because you said that, Peanut will look just like her daddy." Jungkook kissed her belly. His tattooed hand rubbed over the now darker vertical line running down her bump.
Leaving the yogurt shop, Jungkook and Jennette walked around the area, getting some exercise. Like an excited dad, Jungkook told random strangers he passed about his "twin".
"My twin is in there."
"She only has four more months left."
Week 27-30
Jennette is super clumsy. Don't hand her anything fragile that can break. She has butter fingers unlike ever before. Jungkook had to move the precious pottery to the top of the cabinets. No way would she step on a ladder to get it, so it would require Jungkook to assist you.
"Bug you up?"
Jungkook had a tough training session in the gym and was trying to take a cat nap on the couch. It was 2 am and he believed that Jennette had already been sleep.
"Huh? What's wrong? Peanut good?"
"Yes, she's good. A craving is just hitting me."
"Peanut butter is in the pantry. You can reach it." Jungkook pouted his lips, looking so adorable in Jennette's eyes. She felt bad for waking him up.
"But I kinda want something different. I'm sorry baby."
"Don't apologize. I got you." With one eye barely open, Jungkook got the sweet treat Jennette had been craving. Being the good boyfriend that I knew he would be.
Week 33-36
Peanut's baby shower was a busy affair. Jennette's side of the family flew out to Korea. Her parents, grandma, and her little sister Asia were all able to come. Jungkook's parents handled all the food matters for the party. Jennette was hanging up some decor on the walls.
Jennette felt as big as a house. She looked exhausted and greasy. New growth from her braids were taking over her scalp. The August heat was not making her feel any better. She was already constantly warm with a growing child in her belly. The external temperature of high 80s didn't help either.
It was smart for her to get dressed later in the day, as she would have sweated out her yellow sundress. Instead, she was in her comfy maternity shorts that were extra-large. Cream-colored stretchmarks ran rampant across the surface of her stomach. She hasn't been able to see her feet in the past month or so. She could only imagine what her feet looked like.
Jungkook came down the stairs. Blothes of paint on an old graphic T-shirt. "Baby, there you are. I have something to show you." Jungkook was cheery this morning despite the few hours of sleep he got. He waited at the airport to pick of Jennette's family before coming home around 2 am.
"Come look." Jungkook gently dragged Jennette up the stairs. He had been cooped upstairs with his friends for the last four hours.
Peanut's crib was set up along the purple-colored walls. There were small animals along the wall. The purple went along nicely with the accent color of white. White flowers were thinly painted, creating a beautiful garden of flowers. Which all came ahead above where Peanut's crib was.
"Bug I love it!" Not wanting to cry, Jennette felt so moved by everything she saw. The nurse was so homey for their Peanut. The carpet was soft, a mobile spun slowly.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Jennette thanked Jungkook's friends, her Peanut's uncles. She would forever treasure the beautiful work that they did.
"Come on you need to get dressed. Guest will be coming in less than an hour."
Week 37-40
Jungkook is the type of boyfriend with labor emergency kits in every vehicle. So that no matter what car they were in, if they needed to drive straight to the hospital then they could. With Peanut arriving in less than a few weeks, Jungkook has become a lot more stressed.
He overreacts to any groan coming from Jennette.
"Was that a contraction?"
"Did your water break?"
"Do you feel her head coming out? Lay down, let me look."
Jungkook was getting on Jennette's last nerves. His pre-parental panic was cramping her style. She looked like a goddess. Afro out, wearing slightly form-fitting clothing. She was like Rihanna, making her bump an accessory with her outfit. Not hiding it under maternity clothing. She does several solo maternity shoots before inviting Jungkook to do a couple with her.
The afternoon of August 31st is when Jennette's water breaks. She was baking peanut butter cookies when a liquid trickled down her leg. Jungkook who was in the shower, wasted no time ushering his pregnant girlfriend to the hospital.
It was seven o'clock and Jennette was only four centimeters dialed. She bounced on a huge yoga ball. She did breathing exercises, and Jungkook was attentive the entire time.
Rubbing her back when requested. Holding her hand, kissing her forehead.
"You are doing amazing baby. I love you so much."
Jennette could FaceTime her mother for a couple of hours as she slowly dialted to eight. Her contractions were becoming closer together, and Peanut was slowly lowering herself into the birth canal.
"I don't think I could do this again." She huffed. She wasn't in pain but was in extreme discomfort. She couldn't get comfortable laying on her back. It just felt wrong.
"Whatever you say baby. Peanut is enough for me."
"Bug can you hold me up. I don't think I can lay down any longer."
Jungkook did just that. As Jennette moaned through her contractions, Jungkook rubbed her back. Trying to keep the hospital gown as closed as possible, he didn't want her ass out for any passing staff member to see.
"Thank you so much Jeanie." Jungkook was on the brink of tears. With the help of three other nurses, Jennette was lying on her back again. The doctor had declared Jennette at 10cm. She could start pushing, and her contractions were much closer together.
"GET HER OUTTTT! NOWWWWW" Jennette tossed and turned her head. Her screams of discomfort broke Jungkook's heart. He didn't know what else to say but 'Thank you' and 'I love you'.
Jungkook held Jennette's hand for the entire twenty minutes she was pushing. Jennette's head hit her pillow with a soft thud. All energy left her body, as she watched the doctor hold Peanut in the air. Her lip was quivering with no sound.
"Why isn't she crying?" Jennette choked out, trying not to cry. The nurses didn't respond, wiping Peanut's face of all the mucus. Jungkook's eyes never left Peanut. Her little pink self. He couldn't help but smile and notice that Peanut was bald. Very little hair was on her head, but Jungkook didn't care. She was the prettiest baby he had ever seen. Bald or not.
The doctor smacked Peanut's bottom, eliciting a scream.
"Oh my baby." Jennette smiled, arms open, ready to hold her. Peanut was placed on Jennette's chest. Jennette nuzzled her cheek against hers. Loving the warmth Peanut radiated. Jennetted motioned for Jungkook to get in the bed with her.
"Come on, come hold her. Take your shirt off for skin to skin."
Jungkook was a crying mess holding Peanut. This was the same person scattering across Jennette's stomach as the sound of his voice. He was now face to face with his Peanut. Yeah Jungkook was crying real bad.
Her eyes were like Jungkook's. It was too early to determine her skin complexion as she was just different shades of pink and slight grey. Her nose and lips were like Jennette's. After being washed up and dressed she took a nap on her mother’s chest. Preparing for her baldness, Jungkook put on a gentle (non-squeezing) bow on her head.
Looking at the time, Jungkook smiled even harder.
"Guess it was fate for Peanut to be my twin."
"What makes you say that?"
Shaking his phone, Jennette saw the time.
12:28 am September 1st.
"You got your twin bug. You definitely got your twin."
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duhragonball · 3 months
It's my birthday today, and the local grocery store was thoughtful enough to stock the Dragon Ball Z Reese's Puffs, so I'm gonna try it out. Join me, won't you?
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I still can't believe this is real. I mean, Reese's Puffa is kind of surreal enough as it is. It sounds like some satirical brand meant to poke fun at sugary kids' cereals. The box says "Made with REAL REESE'S Peanut Butter", the same way a fruit-flavored beverage will claim to contain genuine fruit.
The bowl on the box art is a Reese's cup, so it basically depicts candy being served in more candy. I'm old enough to remember when they would photograph cereal as "part of a complete breakfast", and there'd be grapefruits and toast and maybe a hard boiled egg. Basically they were admitting that the cereal was so unhealthy that you needed to eat three or four other breakfasts to make up for it. I just liked the photos because they were so picturesque. Ah, to have unlimited free time to prepare a leisurely 4-course breakfast while reading the paper. I just assumed everyone else was having toast with their cereal except my family, but yeah, it never really made any sense.
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I haven't even gotten to Goku yet, but first I want to talk about his spoon. I don't think we see him holding a spoon very often. He's usually a chopsticks kind of guy, or he'll just use his bare hands or even dunk his head into the bowl. It kind of looks like a ladle when he holds it like that, which implies he cooked this bowl of candy soup all by himself, and he's showing it off like a proud chef. This spoon kicks ass, is what I'm trying to say.
But the real reason I bought this is because of that orange hillbilly who needs no introduction. I wasn't even looking for Reese's Puffs. It was the furthest thing from my mind. No, I was stocking up on the old-man cereal I require to survive, when I just saw him staring at me, with his friendly-yet-confident smile. Goku's not pressuring you to buy the cereal. He's sure you'll enjoy it, but it's okay if you want to take a pass. He'll just enjoy all this peanut butter chocolate goodness all by himself. Goku is truly the ideal spokesman. How can you say no to this lovable hunk?
I'm kind of out of touch when it comes to cereal marketing, but I'm pretty sure this sort of cross-promotion is a rarity. Like, they once put WWE wrestlers on Wheaties or something, but usually if the cereal companies want a cartoon on the box they'll just make their own character. Or if the cartoon people want to put their guy in the cereal aisle, they'll just commission a whole new cereal just for that brand. C-3PO had his own cereal for a while. It was pretty good!
What I'm saying is that it's kind of unusual to see a popular character like this on a cereal box. The only exception I can come up with is Fred Flintstone on Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles, but I always assumed that those were specifically "Flintstones Cereal".
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Other than that, yeah, I can't think of any other examples of cartoon characters appearing on unaffiliated cereal boxes like this. Well, I drew my DBZ OC on a box of All-Bran today, but I don't think that counts.
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I wondered what was up with the picture of Piccolo on the back of the box, and it turns out that he's one of seven different characters you can find on the back of the box. Collect them all! Aw man, that Cell one looks fucking sick! I don't know how they distributed these. Maybe they roll them out in waves and Piccolo's came first. Or maybe it's random and I might have found a Cell if I'd checked more boxes at the store. Well, Piccolo's pretty good. I guess.
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All right, I just poured myself a bowl and Goku's cereal is gonna have to set course for Planet Oat. The dairy industry may not applaud my shopping choices, but I like oat milk because it doesn't spoil as quickly as cow milk, and it's got a nice oat-y flavor that compliments the cardboard taste of All-Bran.
I did not put Dawn liquid soap in my cereal. This time.
So what's the verdict here? Well, the first few bites were pretty tasty, and then I realized I was getting kind of sick of this as I made my way to the bottom of the bowl. The peanut butter flavor overwhelms everything. It has a very strong odor, so if you like Reese's peanut butter cups you can just sit this out in your room and savor the aroma. I barely registered any chocolate flavor at all. I mean, I believe they put it there, but the peanut butter is the whole story to this.
It's basically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs from Calvin and Hobbes, only this is a special Peanut Butter variant they made. I never really appreciated the jokes about sugary cereals before. I grew up on Frosted Flakes and the like, but there were a certain class of cereals that my mom would just refuse to buy. My grandparents would have them, but I never really understood the difference between Frosted Flakes and Honey Smacks. As I got older, I ate less cereal in general, but that was mostly because I fell out of the habit of eating breakfast altogether.
But now I'm 47, and the only cereal I eat these days is bran topped with diced peaches and a couple of packets of artificial sweetener, so Reese's Puffs is way, way too sugary for my palate. It's not bad, but a little goes a long way for me.
When I was a kid, old people were always griping about all the stuff they couldn't eat anymore. I remember Isaac Asimov writing mournfully about how he couldn't have an Oreo cookie, which bummed me out because that was my favorite cookie back then, and it seemed that the fate of all humanity was to be denied the simple pleasure of enjoying them.
Now, I realize that a lot of the stuff that you liked as a kid just doesn't age up with you. Your tastes change, and you gain appreciations for new things that you wouldn't have appreciated before. That's not a bad thing. It's life. Things change, and you change along with them.
Well, you and I do, anyway. Not Goku, whose Saiyan biology keeps him looking exactly the same for sixty years so he can eat all the sweetened corn puffs he wants. But I don't envy him, is what I'm trying to say. I'm watching a wrestling show on PPV tonight, my mom took me to Cracker Barrel for lunch today, and I drew on a cereal box. I can't complain.
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jiminiecrickets · 7 months
So you mentioned that (love's little dagger part 2) oc hooked up with jimin and tae saw jimin in oc's bed.
Can I request a drabble where tae tells oc (after seeing jimin in oc's bed) that next time they should keep it quiet (tae is jealous) and oc provokes him? ^^
kinda nsfw but not really?
your bedroom door is slightly ajar. taehyung can't help but step towards it naturally, a bubbling taste of something bitter rising up his throat and settling in his mouth.
the shower is on, muffled water hitting the tile passing through the crack under the door. you just got in. you won't be out for a few minutes more.
taehyung watches himself place his hand on the handle, pushing it open an inch wider to catch the edge of your bed in view. half of your curtains are open and late morning sunlight leak through, bathing the foot of the bed in pale light, and sparse dust motes float through the air.
there's a pretty boy in your bed – pretty in that awful fae-like way, too good to be true. even dead asleep, limbs wrapped around himself and framing his soft face, his slightly-parted lips are sweetly pink, and his hair appears silky, messy in the way taehyung spends half an hour perfecting in the bathroom mirror.
the boy shifts with a soft breath, tucking his face into the crook of his arm. the sheets slip down around his bare waist.
taehyung's hand slides off the handle and he rolls his eyes, jaw working as he stomps into the kitchen.
why him? he thinks, annoyed. the moment the kettle finishes boiling, he steals it and pours himself a cup of instant coffee. of all the people you bring back, why him?
he's shoving spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth on the couch, watching a replay of last night's news, when he hears footsteps leading into the kitchen. you don't greet him, but he knows it's you by the way you exhale softly, popping your back before you place a pan on the stove and dig around in the fridge for some eggs.
"is this some sort of revenge?"
you glance up, only to find taehyung tucked up on the furthest side of the couch, determinedly not looking at you. you scoff and crack a couple of eggs one-handed against the side of the quickly-heating pan. "not everything revolves around you, taehyung."
"but this does, doesn't it?" he taps his spoon absently against the rim of his bowl as you turn on the stove fan, as if to drown him out. "fucking pretty boys just 'cause you can isn't your style."
"you know what my style is? didn't know you cared so much," you say wryly, grabbing a spatula out of a drawer. "why? you jealous, puppy?"
"only a loser would be jealous over a thing like you," he says rudely, and you make a face of mock hurt, touching your heart.
"ouch. long diary entry about that tonight."
he stops speaking, moody in his corner of the living room. you flip eggs, humming to yourself, and reach for the pack of bacon, eventually replacing the eggs with hot bacon. you take a moment to cover the eggs with a plate and find yourself face-to-face with taehyung on the other side of the kitchen island, glaring at you as if he's imagining eighty different ways to kill you on the spot.
"what? you want some?"
"out of all the boys you could bring back, how do you always know who the loud ones are?" he blurts out, his cereal bowl in hand.
you lift an eyebrow and half-assedly bite back your smirk. you begin to butter four slices of bread. "are you offering something, taehyung?"
he lunges forward an inch or two, as if moving to leap the island and wrap his hands around your throat. he settles for a deep scowl, flicking his bangs out of his eyes.
"you disgust me," he seethes, and doesn't even put his bowl in the sink. he rests it on the bench, relishing in the way you glance at it and your jaw ticks. "you're so fucking petty. bet your boy wouldn't like it if i told him you're only sleeping with him for revenge points against me."
"oh, he knows i'm better than that," you retort, resisting the urge to place your palms on the bench and mirror his stance. you give him one last glance before turning back to the stove, flipping the bacon and letting it sizzle a little longer to match the colour on the other side. "you're the one going on and on about 'revenge' and everything. are you sure you're not just making it up to justify your continuing dislike towards me?"
his mouth falls open. "that's gaslighting. that's actually gaslighting. that's so fucking rude."
"it's only gaslighting if it works. is it working?" carefully, you remove the bacon and reach over by him, winking as you grab your bread. you grin to yourself as he growls, and you set the buttered bread in the middle of the pan with a hiss and a sizzle.
"what is your fucking deal, dude? why are you so against me? i bring some company back, and then you go out and do it twice as bad as i do. twice as loud, twice as long, twice a night." he lists them on his fingers. "i'm about to stop being nice to you if this is the kind of thanks i get: no sleep and no peace."
you scoff. "that was you being nice? shit. i shouldn't've held back, then. could've gotten double the 'pretty boys' in that time. you could've joined, if you wanted to."
"join—?" he sputters. "join—! what gives you the impression i want to sleep with you, huh? what keeps giving you that impression? or is this some kind of immature boyish humour that everyone else left behind in ninth grade? fucking 'do i want to sleep with you'..."
a figure appears in the hallway, pattering down into the kitchen with a delicate yawn. he stretches, lifting his too-big white t-shirt above his hips. he wears a tiny pair of black briefs, and taehyung can't believe it. this boy has his own clothes drawer in your room. jesus christ.
"good morning to you, too, dolly." you grin, bringing a plate with a toastie over to him as he takes a gentle seat on the edge of a stool, shooting taehyung a sweet smile. you retrieve a knife from a drawer and cut the toastie for him diagonally, gently pulling the halves apart to show him the perfect golden insides: egg, bacon, cheese. you can never go wrong with a classic.
"morning," he hums, swinging his legs. he combs his fluffy hair back from his forehead and giggles as you bring your own plate over and cut it in half, leaning over the bench with an elbow crossed over your front. "you did all this for me, hyung?"
"mm, of course. you've got classes until six today – i want you to get a good breakfast."
"you're too sweet," he coos, picking up a warm triangle of savoury goodness. he takes a big bite out of one corner and moans, brushing his fingers lightly over his glossy lips as he stares up at you with crinkled eyes.
"you're exaggerating. i do this all the time for you."
"hm – maybe it's the new reason? what was the entrée to this, again?" he grins, leaning forward, and subconsciously, so do you, glancing up at each other between bites and hiding your smiles behind slices of crisp toasted bread.
"this is disgusting to watch," taehyung says bluntly, standing up. "i'm heading out. please keep all your fluids to your bedroom, i insist."
you watch him grab his jacket and bag, whisking out of the apartment with a whip of hair and a glare. you smirk behind your toastie, clearing your throat to stop a laugh.
he's always been a drama queen.
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boundinparchment · 5 months
How about Coffee Shop AU and Accidentally Married with Dottore (with anyone; reader, oc, etc)? I can't resist a good coffee shop au!
You scribbled the name of your patron on the cup and began their order, knowing the exact ratio of espresso and milk foam and pumps of flavoring.
For the last few days, the diamond and aquamarine ring and its band felt more natural than it originally did. They were slim things, unobtrusive, and thus couldn't get caught on anything or accidentally smashed. So simple and yet both spoke volumes about the thought that went into them, considering the circumstances.
You owned this place yourself, a little hole in the wall with enough seating for ten and a small desserts display. Regulars were your bread and butter in the cold Sneznhayan town, tucked below the Palace, but over the years, you couldn't help but notice that visiting dignitaries seemed to end up here specifically. An honor for any business, but a strange one.
One followed up by the world's weirdest encounter and the only time you ever saw the Tsaritsa up close.
"Can you take the next customer?" you asked your coworker as you steamed milk.
Or tried to. The stupid machine was on the fritz again. You muttered to yourself as you tried the usual fix of hitting it, which did the trick. Over the hiss of the bubbling milk, you caught a familiar timber at the register, his wording the same every time.
As soon as you passed off the latte, you plucked the cup from your coworker before they could shakily write on it, and fixed the cup exactly as apparently only you knew how to. On a whim, you grabbed the two remaining pieces of baklava from the display, tucked them into a bag, and held out both to the man waiting.
He rarely smiled when he visited, a facial expression most probably found terrifying considering who he was. A transplant from another nation, you hadn't a clue, and you treated him as any other customer. Your coworker busied themselves cleaning, clearly trying to listen.
You pointed to the bag. "New recipe, by the way; let me know how the flavor is."
"More honey or different nuts?"
"I managed to get a hold of Ajilenakh Nuts before they sold out this morning. You mentioned the variation and I wanted to try it."
He nodded and you watched the tops of his ears turn pink. As controlled as he was over his expressions, you were beginning to pick up on small cues that gave him away. That was your favorite so far.
He took your hand and kissed the spot above your rings, breath tickling your skin.
"I have time later; I'll come look at that," the customer said. "Repair services are expensive and they'll tell you a new model is needed. Should be an easy fix."
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
Thank you for the tag @papermint-airplane !!! 💖I will take any opportunity to ramble about my ocs and I haven't done so enough on here dkhjdfk
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I'm going to do my soft doll Crystal Leblanc! I'll be posting her save file with her friends eventually because I adore her and she has a lot of lore. Here's her pinterest board btw if you're curious about her!
ANIMAL: Dilute calico scottish fold
COLORS: Yellow, light pink, light green
MONTH: November/December
SONGS: What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish (THIS IS VERY CRYS CODED), Faerie Court (Under Moon) - CLANN, Femia - Purity Ring, Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar, and Coffee - Beabadooobee
PLANTS: Daisies, forget-me-nots
SMELLS: Cinnamon, sugar, coffee, old books, apples
GEMSTONE: Sunstone (her ship name with Leon), rose quartz
SEASON: Autumn
PLACES: New York Public Library, Treehouses, Bakeries, Coffee Shops, the grocery store Leon works at (she visits him), Aerolife Factory, Farmers Markets
FOOD: Cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pie, honey bread
DRINKS: Coffee drinks, especially lattes (with cute latte art made by her)
ELEMENT: Electric, air
SEASONINGS: Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
SKY: Cloudy but not too dark out
WEATHER: Gentle rain, soft thunder and lightning, crisp cold breeze, the kind you want to stay indoors and read a nice book in
MAGICAL POWER: Restoration magic, electromancy, dreamwalking
WEAPONS: "You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!"
SOCIAL MEDIA: Tumblr and instagram, she has a food blog called Cinnamew
MAKEUP PRODUCT: TooFaced Blush,glitter, lots of concealer to cover her seams
CANDY: Reeses peanut butter cup
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Flight or faerie rings
ART STYLE: Impressionism
FEAR: Water, sharp objects
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Hello Kitty with lots of scented stickers and written in glittery gel pen, along with doodles when her airy mind wandered
CELESTIAL BODY: Moon I tag: @bastardtrait, @simsandgiggles, @getboolpropped, @necile, @bool-prop and anyone else who wants to ramble about their ocs 💖
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ughtoomanyfandoms · 11 months
Preacher’s Daughter - The Last of Us (Joel Miller): Western Nights
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Pairing: Joel Miller x OC
CONTENT WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, DEAD PIGEON unprotected sex, religious trauma, gore, violence, swearing, explicit content, sexual violence.
Word Count: 5.3k
Read on AO3 and Wattpad
Chicago, Illinois
Joel had found something to fight for, something to keep him going as the world that they knew continued to fall. He learned how to fight to survive, and to survive was the fight itself. The fight is what he fought for. He had tried to convince himself that it was his brother and his girl he was fighting for, but something twisted in him felt the pleasure that came with the pain.
He stood at the end of an abandoned parking lot, weeds that were sprouting up between the cracks leading the way to where he was under the gas pump awning. He stood broad and ready, eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of a following.
The doors to the gas station squeaked on their hinges, spinning Joel around to see who walked out. The beating of his heart picked up for a moment as she walked out, her eyes squinting in the sun as she began her way over him. The arms of her muscles pulled at her shirt as she swung her arms at her side.
Her breath hitched as her eyes caught him, dark and brooding in the shade of the overhang. Tommy pushed past her, eagerly approaching his brother to show him the goods he found. Mostly canned foods, jars of peanut butter, and some looted ammo.
The three of them met the rest of the group as the sun began to set, bleeding onto the streets between buildings. The ragged group scoped out their spot for the night, splitting up as they claimed their own areas amongst an abandoned apartment building.
Lianne’s skin crawled as she made her way down the hallway, the men leaning against their doorways staring through her. But not long enough before Joel came up to her side, arm brushing against hers, instantly putting her at ease.
Fear still swirled within her, an almost constant feeling that kept her light on her feet and her eyes alert. A sense of urgency was always lurking under her skin, the constant need to move and be hidden pushing her through the days.
Joel knew this. She never said a word, but he knew. Whenever he could pick up on her tension, whenever they were staying in a spot for too long, he had the three of them packed up and moving. He could see the fear in her eyes as they moved throughout the states. But at the end of the day, when the nights were long and dark, holding her close and feeling himself inside her, he watched the fear dwindle away.
Tommy had bunked with a small group of guys, while Joel cleared out a room at the end of the hall for just him and Lianne. She closed the door behind her, pushing a nearby dresser in front of it. As soon as she turns around, Joel’s on her.
His lips are rough against her lips, needy and hot. His fingers are gentle as they cup her face, and he grinds himself against her and pushes her against the dresser.
The dusty sheets crinkle against her face as he sinks himself into her. Her fingers bunch the fabric as soft moans leave her mouth. A banging on the wall is followed by loud chatter, causing Joel to instantly still his hips. The loss of motion has her whining, attempting to push herself back against him for some kind of relief. Joel shushes her gently as he waits for the shouting to quiet down, tenderly splaying his hand over the hard muscles of her back.
“Joel…” she calls for him softly. Meeting her eyes, he’s pulling himself to her, peppering kisses along her shoulder. He grabs her hips and spins her around to face him, their bare chests brushing against each other. She arches her back to press her chest into his, and he helps her lazily wrap her legs around him, pulling him closer.
They sleep naked that night, something that is rarely worth the exposure. The heat of the room has forced them to, their bodies sticky with sweat as they’re wrapped around each other. Lianne is the first to wake as the sun cracks in through the broken shutters. She rolls away from his grasp, immediately causing him to stir himself awake. The room stays silent as they dress themselves and begin rummaging through the non-perishables in their packs.
They meet up with Tommy at the end of the hall where he stands with a group of roughed-up men. The one in the middle, a battle-scarred man, is making a game plan for the day. Assigning people their spots and duties, he’s split up Tommy from Lianne and Joel.
Joel stiffens at this, but Tommy gives him a silent, reassuring look that he’ll be fine. And Joel knows he will be. Just the thought of not having his brother in his line of sight makes his nose flare and his skin burn.
Joel and Lianne gather their weapons, making sure they’re clean and loaded, before meeting up with the third hunter they’ve been posted with. A broad and tall man, eyes red from restless nights. His arms stay crossed over his chest as he introduces himself, but Joel pays no mind as he brushes past him to head out.
The three of them are to be near the QZ, trapping any tourists that might be passing through and gathering supplies. Not soon after they’re at their post, another group of hunters passes through their area, calling to Joel to talk to him. He gives Lianne a hesitant look, but she nods to tell him to go. He’s still in ear shot when he joins the other group, keeping the spot where Lianne was in his peripheral.
Joel freezes as he takes in the spot where he left Lianne. Her back was turned to face their third partner, rummaging through her pack that was propped up on a fence post. The hunter had sauntered his way up behind her, but she paid no mind to the foolish words spilling from his mouth. Leaning closer to her, his hand grabs a handful of her ass as he pushes her to be bent over the fence railing. She attempts to elbow him away from her, but his hand comes up to push her head further over the fence.
Joel’s blood runs hot, vision blurring, and the thud of his boots is the only indication to himself that he’s moving forward. He’s ripping the man away, slamming him against the ground. Once the man is down, Joel quickly turns to face Lianne, his brows scrunching in worry.
And she’s pissed, that much he can tell. He only takes one step towards her when a strong grip has him by the shoulder, spinning him around to be met with a searing force that has him stumbling back. Joel’s vision is blocked by a white heat, but he finds himself moving forward towards the man.
It’s become second nature to him. He knocks the knife from the man’s hands and kicks it away. His fists are swinging, connecting with any part of the man that he can. A fist connects with his jaw, his ears ringing and his pulse thudding as he continues his beration.
Lianne’s face was hardened and her eyes cold as she watched his fist swing down on the man in front of him. She kept a broad stance, the light from the afternoon sun spilling over her to cast a looming shadow onto the scene in front of her.
Blood drips from his nose, running down into his mouth, and he spits it to the ground, not bothering to wipe it away. His vision comes back, focusing on the man in front of him gasping for air.
Slowly, his eyes trail to Lianne. Joel’s chest rises and falls in heavy breaths, expecting her to be staring at him in fear, in disgust. But when he meets her cold eyes, they aren’t looking at him. Her eyes are locked on the man in front of them, the smallest hint of sadistic pleasure appearing in a slight smirk on her lips.
Before the man gets a chance to retaliate, Joel has him on the ground, fist pummeling into him, pounding him into the ground. The man has long become unconscious as Joel continues, seething as he watches the man’s face become bloodier and bloodier until it’s no longer recognizable.
Lianne is eventually pulling Joel off of him, sudden worry in her voice as she tries to get his eyes on hers. Red eyed, bloody fisted, nose slashed to the bone. He continues his ragged breaths, not realizing the animalistic grunts escaping him until Lianne is grabbing him firmly by the shirt, dragging him away from the scene with mentions of getting out of there.
She has him sat in their room on the windowsill, the cloudy sky still offering enough light to see what she was doing. She tenderly cleans up the blood from his nose, now not bleeding as intensely. She pours alcohol onto the wound, causing Joel to pull back with a hiss.
“Where did you get all this?” Joel asks through gritted teeth, eyes squeezing shut as Lianne works a needle through the skin of his nose.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it,” she whispers as she focuses on her work, fingers moving delicately as she continues to stitch him up.
Joel opens his eyes as she finishes stitching him up, expectant of her warm gaze over him. But when he meets her eyes, they are cold and reserved, working through the motions of cleaning him up. His stomach churns at the realization of her, that her eyes are no longer bright but cold and lacking. Guilt creeps up into him, from his stomach up his neck, blooming across his chest.
Tommy is insistent at Joel the rest of the night, noticing the longing in usually reserved eyes. Joel had distanced himself from Lianne after she stitched him up, causing a spark of curiosity to light in his younger brother. Joel had still kept his eyes on her, lingering on her from a distance, never letting her out of his sight for too long.
Until Tommy cornered him in a room, trapping him with the request to help him clean his guns. Now he doesn’t have instant access to look at her, to keep him grounded. And he lets the guilt begin to devour him, practically spilling out of him as he babbles to Tommy.
“The things she’s seen. The things she’s done, that she had to do, because of me,” Joel says, casting his eyes down as his voice cracks. “I need to leave her. Get her somewhere safe, somewhere with walls and nothing can hurt her.”
“Joel-“ Tommy tries to interrupt.
“Where I can’t hurt her.”
Tommy lets out a long, frustrated sigh as he rubs at the back of his neck. Joel’s eyes sting as he swallows.
“You know her, Joel,” Tommy finally says. “What you’re sayin’, it would kill her. And you know that.”
Joel sits quietly, shoulders hunched in defeat. Footsteps round the corner, and there she is. Her arms are crossed, fabric tight over the muscles under her skin, and she doesn’t further her way into the room. Her glare pierces through him, a cold shiver teasing at his spine. He’d die right there on the spot if he could, the fuming presence of her alone is enough to have him dizzy and breathless.
“You never say that shit,” she grounds out. “Ever again.”
Joel is on his feet, face going pale at the sight of her. He wants to reach out and cup her face, suffocate her in his arms, tell her he didn’t mean a word of it. But he remains frozen in place, his heart pounding loudly in his ears.
“Come on,” she says, her voice demanding as she nods her head to the hallway. “Both of you. I got someone I want you to meet.”
She turns and disappears into the hallway, and Tommy slowly rises to his feet as he warily casts his eyes towards Joel. Still pale as a ghost, Joel’s practically hypnotic as he moves across the room to follow Lianne.
She leads the two of them down the apartment building, through the tall buildings along the river, and into an old bar with shattered windows and broken floorboards.
“How’d we know this ain’t a trap?” Tommy whispers harshly as they crawl their way over the window sills.
“Just trust me,” Lianne whispers back, shooting him a look.
A floorboard creaks on the other side of the bar, and Joel and Tommy immediately draw their guns. As their flashlights shine in the direction of the sound, they’re met with a tall, pointed woman with her hand up to block the light from her eyes. She’s joined by a man, bearded facial hair covering the scowl on his face.
“Easy, easy,” Lianne says, motioning to the brothers to put their guns down. They don’t, remaining strong in their stance.
“Who the fuck is this?” Tommy hisses.
“She did say she was a package deal…” the woman murmurs in amusement.
“This is Tess. She’s good people,” Lianne starts. “You make sure you weren’t followed?”
Tess nods.
“You hunters?” Joel finally speaks.
“Nah,” Tess shakes her head, her nose wrinkling at the question. “We’re from the QZ.”
“You part of that rebellion group people talk about?” Tommy asks this time. Again, Tess shakes her head.
“We’re just people that want out of the QZ,” Tess replies.
Joel casts his glare away from Tess and towards Lianne. “How do you know her?”
“We’ve been trading,” Lianne says slowly.
“What?” Joel rumbles. “When? Alone?”
“It don’t matter,” Lianne tries to wave him off. “Look, I wanted y’all to meet, so we’re meetin’.”
“Those people you’ve been staying with,” Tess starts. “They killed a friend of mine. Now, I don’t want to start any trouble with you, but I do have a problem with the people you’re with. Just thought we’d give you the heads up before we do anything.”
“Then we’re out,” Lianne says sternly. “We’re done with these guys.”
“The hell we are,” Tommy says abruptly. “We’re stayin’ alive, being with them.”
“Those people ain’t good people,” Lianne tries to reason. “We’ve been with bad before, but it ain’t ever been this bad.”
“Well we ain’t any better,” Tommy quips.
“But you can be,” Tess responds, causing all eyes to fall on her.
“Look,” Lianne starts. “We’ve been lookin’ for an out. This is our out.”
Tommy is immediately disagreeing, saying something about how they have roofs over their heads, food in their stomachs, when Joel begins to speak over him.
“Then we gotta kill ‘em,” Joel interrupts. “We gotta get rid of ‘em all, or they’ll just come after us. I’ve seen ‘em do it before.”
“We can help you,” Tess says, still in her place on the other end of the bar. “I got a group of people wanting out of the QZ. Just five or six of us but it’s better than nothing. Right now, we’re holed up in a safe house not too far from here. We help each other by taking out those assholes.”
“What’s in it for us?” Tommy asks.
“You can team up with us, no questions asked,” Tess offers. “We’re making our way out East with a shipment for a QZ out there. Come with us, start over there.”
Lianne turns suddenly as the noise of outside chatter catches her ear. Tommy and Joel are quick to follow suit, ducking below the view of the windows.
“I thought you said you weren’t followed,” Tommy hisses at Tess.
“This isn’t us,” she defends, crouching down and pulling her gun from its holster.
The group creep their way out of the back of the bar, keeping as quiet as possible while finangling a way through the alleyway. They make it two buildings down before the chatter of another group breaks the silence.
“Patrol?” Lianne asks Joel, who’s in the lead, with a quiet voice. He only nods, holding up a hand to signal the rest of them to stop.
“It ain’t soldiers,” Joel whispers back. “They’re from our place.”
Slowly and quietly, Joel pulls a bottle of sorts from a pile of old garbage, tossing it as best he could somewhere across the street. It thankfully draws the attention of the nearest group of hunters, who whistle down the street to the other group. Tess has the suggestion that since the two groups are together now, it’d be in the best interest to get them all from behind. Joel gives her a nod, and the five of them split their ways into the street, following the hunters who begin to split up in search of whatever made a noise.
Tommy is the first to strike, stealthily maneuvering his way behind a hunter who had lingered off from the herd. He grabs the hunter from behind, bringing him down to the ground for cover before snapping his neck.
The rest followed suit, picking off the rest of the seven hunters one by one. It was almost too easy, Lianne thought. She wiped her bloodied blade on the side of her jeans as Joel came up to her side, giving her a once over for any sight of harm done.
“We have to finish this,” Lianne said, meeting Joel’s eyes. “Tonight. These guys don’t get back, people are gonna know somethin’s up.”
Joel gives her a single nod, before Tess calls to them that they should go now. Lianne leads them back to the apartment building, making sure to take a different route than the one she used to get to the bar.
The building is dark when they get near, drawing no suspicion that any person would even be in there.
“How many are there?” Tess asks quietly, hidden in the shadows.
“After what we just took out,” Lianne starts. “Maybe ten or twelve.”
“It’s light work,” Tommy says with a grunt.
And it is. Almost too light. The group makes swift work of taking out the men on sentry duty, easily sneaking their way into the building to begin working their way up. They clear each level as they go up, as quietly as they can. Most of the hunters are sleeping, easy to take out in their sleep. Others are up talking, drinking, gambling, fighting. That’s when the gunfire started. But with extra eyes to keep watch of each other's backs, the group spent little effort taking out the rest of what used to be menacing men.
The new group had made it further east over the next few weeks, losing people, gaining people, doing what they could to survive. Getting out of Chicago alive proved more difficult than Austin, but getting through and out of Gary was a shit show. It took them days to get through the disheveled city, infected that were left for dead had posed a threat at every corner. The people remaining there had become maddened with insanity, trailing the group down and picking off three of Tess’s people.
The remaining survivors of their group pushed through, stopping to rest for the night atop an open rooftop of a tall building. The neighborhoods of remaining survivors had become smaller and smaller as the group journeyed on, making it easier to pick them off and take food and supplies. The group kept the height of the building to their advantage, switching shifts every few hours to keep a look out over the city.
“You got people out there still? Somewhere that isn’t here?” Tess asks Lianne as she stokes the fire the two are huddled near. Near the door to the steps of the roof, the sound of a rustling sleeping bag draws Lianne’s attention away from the fire. Joel’s rolled himself from his left side to his right, now facing the fire, but eyes still pinched shut in an unpeaceful sleep. Lianne lets her eyes rest over the sight of him before slowly turning back to Tess.
Lianne shrugs, thinking over the question before finally settling on a response.
“My dad,” she answers quietly. “Don’t know where he is though, or if he’s still alive. Hard to keep contact nowadays,” she ends with a dry laugh.
“You ever think of finding him?” Tess asks, her voice softer now.
“No,” Lianne states. “No, I ain’t worried ‘bout him. Tried not to worry much about him before all this, either.”
The unzipping of a sleeping back has Tess peering her eyes over Lianne’s shoulder. Following Tess’s gaze, she’s expecting to see Joel waking from his restless state, but sees Tommy making his way to them after standing up from his spot with a grunt.
“I’m tappin’ in,” Tommy says with a huff as he approaches the two women. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep,” he says to Lianne, tapping her on the shoulder.
“You sure?” Lianne asks, stretching her arms over her head.
“Yeah,” Tommy sighs. “I ain’t gettin’ any sleep any ways. Go on.”
Lianne nods in agreement as she says goodnight to Tess, leaving her to chat quietly at the fire with Tommy. When she reaches Joel, she pushes his arm to roll him back over onto his other side before crawling into the sleeping bag with him. The warmth of his body was overwhelming, almost suffocating, as she wrapped an arm around his waist. He was awake now, grabbing her hand to kiss the knuckles before holding it close to his chest.
The stars twinkled above them, the open air a refreshing change to the rotting stench of the apartment building they’d been in. That night, the steady beat of his heart and his breaths lulled her to sleep.
The sound of steady gunfire is what wakes her the next morning, her body lurching to get up. Joel has a vice grip on her hip, willing her to stay down and beneath him.
Fuck that.
She’s pushing away from him and to her rifle, crawling on her stomach to the edge of the rooftop where Tommy and another traveler of their group are firing onto the street below. Joel is right behind her, peering through the scope of his rifle as he rests at the roofs edge.
“What’s going on, Tommy?” Lianne has to shout to him over the gunfire.
“Fuckin’ stragglers, man,” he shouts back, pinning his back to the cement barricade of the roof as he reloads his gun. “Just started openin’ fire. Must’ve seen the fire.”
Joel let’s out a curse next to her and pulls away from his gun and closer to her.
“It’s someone from Chicago,” Joel states, voice heavy.
“What? How?” Lianne asks loudly. “We cleaned out all those guys.”
“Apparently not,” is Joel’s only response.
Tommy is up again, firing onto the street when he says, “What’s the plan, Joel?”
Lianne doesn’t give him a chance to open his mouth, a plan already spewing its way out of her mouth.
“Joel and I can head down, keep anyone from makin’ their way up here,” she starts. “We’ll take Tess with us, the others can stay up here to back you up.”
Tommy gives Joel a look of hesitation, causing Lianne’s brows to furrow in frustration. She doesn’t give them time to think it over before she’s making her way to Tess, grabbing an extra pistol and ammo, and leading the way down the stairs.
Joel is instantly trailing behind her, following close behind down the stairs. When they get to the main floor, a few men have made it into the building. Joel makes quick work with his rifle, only needing to fire a single shot for each of them and they fall to the ground.
There’s more trying to make their way in through the front, firing at the three of them from outside, shattering the windows. Lianne ducks for cover, every so often taking a shot at them. Tess is able to move forward, asserting herself on the front lines and making quick work to nail the rest that were outside the building. Joel assisted with his rifle, firing from a distance to knock down the ones further away.
Tommy and the rest of the group on the roof have been able to take out the rest of the men that were still out of sight for Joel and Lianne. In a matter of minutes, the gunfight was over and the sound of gunfire silenced. Tess turns to Joel, a scowl written on his face, and gives him a nod of appreciation.
He stops frozen in his tracks, his eyes glazing over as he stares at her. His face goes white, screams of his daughter rattling through his skull.
Lianne looks at him in confusion, the adrenaline finally wearing off as she takes deep breaths. A searing pain stings in her side. Looking down, the left of her gray shirt has darkened with blood. She absentmindedly places her hand over the bloodied area, hissing at the sting it creates. Tess is at her side, lifting her shirt to examine the wound.
Joel can’t feel his legs. His heart thrums in his chest, the force of a freight train about to break through his sternum. His arms are limp at his sides, eyes stinging with the threat of locked away panic. His name being called hits him softly, breaking through the white noise ringing through his ears.
“Joel!” Tess calls again. “Get over here, I need you to put more pressure on this.”
His feet are moving, the frozen fear thawing as his eyes remain focused on Lianne. When he reaches them, he crouches down to where Tess has rested Lianne against a wall. His trembling hands push themselves to force pressure on Lianne’s bloody side.
His silence has created a new level of panic in Lianne. No longer worrying about the wound in her side, her heart stops at the paralyzing look in Joel’s eyes.
“Joel,” she calls sternly. “Joel, look at me.” She reaches up a bloodied and dampened hand to cup his cheek, forcing him to look away from the blood and into her eyes. “Look, I’m okay, see? It’s just a graze, a deep one but I’m fine. It ain’t nothin’ we can’t fix.”
Tess has already pulled a pack of bandage wraps from her back, working the bandage around Lianne’s torso and having to nudge Joel’s hands out of the way to finish wrapping. She gives Joel a wary look once she’s secured the bandage, never having once seen him break his strong and stoic expression in the weeks she’s known him.
“Joel,” Lianne says his name again. Heavy breaths come in and out his nose, his face still a ghostly pale.
“Joel,” Tess snaps at him. He blinks once, eyes examining Lianne’s face. “Joel, help me get her up. We gotta head back, get the others. The noise’ll bring more infected.”
“Can you walk?” Joel finally says, voice thick and dry.
“Yeah,” Lianne says in reassurance, relief washing over her as Joel finally focuses in. “Just… help me up for a sec.”
His arms are immediately around her, one staying looped around her to hold her upright. She leans into his side, head spinning as she’s finally on her feet. Joel grips her tight, not loosening his grip even once she’s steady on her feet.
The stairway door bursts open suddenly, Joel spinning to aim his gun at the intrusion. Tommy has led the rest of the group down to the main floor to meet them, eyes going wide when he sees Lianne.
“What happened?” He barks, coming up to where Joel still holds Lianne.
“It’s just a scratch, I’m fine,” Lianne replies. “Just dizzy.”
“She lost a bit of blood,” Tess adds. “She should be-”
“She’s fine,” Joel interrupts, voice still harsh as he tries not to bark out the words. “I got her, she’s fine.”
Tommy’s eyes scan over his brother. Joel isn’t as pale, but his eyes still have a fierce intensity of panic lingering in them.
“Okay,” Tommy nods. “We gotta move out. We packed up what was left of our supplies from the roof, but we’re short on ammo. We stick together, head east til we hit the interstate. Hopefully find a car or somethin’, but we just gotta make it to the highway and we’re clear.”
Joel gives him a firm nod, and with Lianne by his side, he and Tess blend with the rest of the group and make their way out of town.
They’ve made it a few miles east, walking a day’s worth along the interstate. When the sun had started to sink in the sky, the group made their way off the highway and found a small town pharmacy to spend the night in. Most of the group began setting up their spaces for the night after making sure the area was clear. Joel headed straight to the shelves, still half full of bottles of pills and supplements. Once he found what he was looking for, he all but dragged Lianne to one of the rooms in the back, making her sit on a chair while he popped the bottles.
She instinctively took whatever concoction of medications he had handed to her, something for the pain, something to prevent infection. Joel had found some clean gauze and fresh bandages in the room they claimed. Carefully, trying to keep his fingers from trembling, he begins unwrapping the old bandage around Lianne’s torso. And she lets him, leaning back in her chair.
“See?” She asks once the bandage and gauze are removed. “No big deal.”
Joel lets out a grunt, not meeting her eyes as he continues his work. New gauze pads in place, he wraps her tightly in the bandages, and once satisfied, turns to begin rummaging through his pack with his back to her.
She watches him work. For longer than usual, she watches him work. He’s had her back turned to her for a few seconds too long, and it claws at her chest.
“Joel,” she calls to him, voice soft and tender.
“You ain’t ever gotta do this again, you have a choice, you know that?” Joel says suddenly. “I ain’t ever makin’ you do harm like this again.”
“You aren’t making me do anything, Joel,” she says steadily. “I do what I do because I have to. It’s what’s kept us alive, and that’s all that matters.”
She lets him approach her, and her heart thrums against her ribcage as she takes her hands in his. The feeling of him leaning into her hands cracks at her heart.
“Everything that we’ve done,” Lianne starts, her voice unwavering as her eyes pierce into Joel’s. “We’ve done it to survive. And we are surviving. But that doesn’t make us good people, Joel. And I’ve known that for a long time, but I would do anything to keep us alive and together. We might never be good, but as long as we’re surviving, then at least we’ll be okay.”
“If something happens to you, that’s out of my control-” he says, stopping himself and failing to attempt to keep his voice unwavering. “You are everything to me, Lianne. And it’s killing me.”
“Then show me,” she hums, barely above a whisper. “Show me how much I mean to you, Joel.”
And he does. He has her there, on a make-shift bed of a pile of their clothes on the floor. Keeping her warm, keeping her hidden, keeping her safe and good. And she’s clinging to him, her life dependent on it, as a silent tear slips down her cheek. He buries himself in her chest, both of them feeding off each other, addicted to each other, breathing life into each other.
“I ain’t ever leavin’ you,” Joel whispers into her.
“Never,” she whispers back.
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Greetings to the person who found my blog.
Welcome, let me introduce myself first before explaining the rules. My name is Tea, it the name that many people referred to call me and pretty simple name to remember. I am basically 18+ and bisexual, He/Him/They/Them.
This blog is all about me having fun with art, drawing and posting to share with you all. It also one of my passions to entertain others but I have some common rules that you must follows.
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I accepts
Art trades ( I do love to do trades but please do not go overboard with it. )
Collabs ( I like to share some ideas and do art collabs, etc etc.. )
Roleplay ( Roleplay is what I love to do but it have to be at least appropriate. no 18+ or NSFW because there's minors, but angst is allowed. )
Suggestions ( You can suggest or give me idea what to draw. But for now, Cookie run fandoms, it can be others but I'll reconsidered about it. )
You can send asks to asks about the characters that I am open in this blog. Please keep it appropriate.
What I do NOT accept
Please for the love of god do not send me feet pics. ( I am too done and exhaust from it already )
Asks or Request me to draw NSFW. (There's minor in this blog, I know it. And if you want, it do not come in for free. )
Request to draw your oc/characters. ( I only do it for friends and mutual. If you really want, then considering commission me for it. )( And also, asking me to be your friend first and tell me to draw your oc will get you banned instanly. )
And finally, common sense thing that you must know. No Proshipper, Incest, Homophobic, Racial, Slurs, other bad shit, etc...
Now that you have read the rules. I can introduce you to the character that I am open to answers to.
Most of you might be here to ask about Electric eel cookie but there's more then just Electric eel too. Such as Angst au with Longan and Millie, Capsaicin and Prune juice and my oc's/Characters
update/edit. I'll add characters where you can asks or know what characters I own so you can asks/roleplay with
Clockwork cookie : little shit who control time
Timeless cookie : little shit who control time 2
Vanilla Extract cookie : Someone please put him to sleep for once.
Melted fruitcake cookie : He eat too much sometimes.
Forest fire cookie : your pride is too important apparently.
Ancient death thorn cookie : What the fuck are you?
Chai tea cookie : Stop adopting chickens goddammit.
Skullcap Sapphire Butter cookie : LITTLE SHIT NUMBER 1
Cinnamon dust cookie : a bean that need someone to burn some houses for him sometime.
Flaming dust cookie : LITTLE SHIT NUMBER 2
Vortex tea cookie : Someone put him to sleep too.
Ribbon eel cookie : Wake up, you sleep too much.
Rangoon cookie : Stop asking her for nudes you sick fucks.
Guarana cookie : Kinda a little shit?
Mythical salt cookie : Go to horny jail.
Space dust cookie : Your the moon son? how? The moon is still a virgin-
Luna/Moon cookie : introvert to the core.
Little Moon : Eh? What do you want?
Shooting star : Idiot number 1
Buh : buh
Toxic : the only tea cup for a head character btw
Melatonin cookie : don't make him cry...
Shimp / shimp cookie : every body favorite boi!
Here are some option link that You can open to see on the character to asks.
And to those who want to read the side story of the Angst au capsaicin and prune juice. Here's the link as well or you can just click the angst au tag in my blog and you'll find them too.
Anyways, hope you have fun and enjoy your time in my blog. ^^
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jamessunderlandgf · 3 months
TAGZ: @simply-jason ❤️‍🔥 @scarfacemarston ❤️‍🔥 @cetra ❤️‍🔥 @pitchmoss ❤️‍🔥 @bethesdas ❤️‍🔥 @newbordeaux ❤️‍🔥 @kyber-infinitygems ❤️‍🔥 @socially-awkward-skeleton ❤️‍🔥 @brujah ❤️‍🔥 @quickhacked ❤️‍🔥 @marazhaiaezyrraesh ❤️‍��� @timdownie ❤️‍🔥 and you!
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ANIMALS: white stag. hawks. eagles. fireflies.
COLORS: pthalo green. ivory. sky blue.
MONTH: may.
SONGS: down in the willow garden— billie joe armstrong, norah jones | old river— orville peck | the stable song— gregory alan isakov.
NUMBER: four.
PLANTS: lilies. monstera. sorrel. ivy.
SMELLS: wood. cedar. wildfire smoke. sweat.
GEMSTONES: lava stone. black jade.
TIME OF DAY: absolute dead of night.
SEASON: wet spring.
PLACES: the pacific northwest. whitetail mountains. a clover field. this place. big sur. the edge of a lake. an unmarked grave. cliffside.
FOOD: venison. microwave pizza. microwave anything really. bar food.
DRINKS: an ice cold beer. lukewarm coffee.
ELEMENT: earth.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: virgo. cancer. scorpio.
SEASONINGS: cayenne. pepper. oregano.
SKY: cloudy.
WEATHER: heavy rain.
WEAPON: crossbow.
SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: lip gloss.
CANDY: peanut butter cups.
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: on foot, but stalking and lurking the whole way.
ART STYLE: impressionism.
FEAR: being alone, but not of her own volition.
PIECE OF STATIONARY: a sticky note that you light on fire after reading.
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lyn-js · 2 months
One Step at a Time | Prologue
Calvin Evans x OC Reader
Summary: Everything in Ava Mason's life was what you call normal. She has a steady job as a lab tech at Hastings, has a beautiful bungalow in Sugar Hill, and sometimes babysits her friend Harriet's kids. But that all changes when social services show up at her doorstep with, her 2-year-old niece Delilah. Ever since then, it has been keeping you from your job, going to work late, and leaving when everyone else has gone home. But a certain chemist wants to know why a lab tech is staying late.
Warning: Angst, swearing, mentions of drug & alcohol abuse, dysfunctional family, mentions of adoptions & being put into foster care, and a whole lotta fluff.
(This story is kind of based on what actually happened in Lessons in Chemistry. But no dying. We need to keep one of Lewis's characters alive.)
I also do not own any characters in Lessons in Chemistry except for my character Ava Mason.
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Walking up to the sounds of little feet padding into your room, you couldn’t ever want to trade that sound in for the world. Fluttering your eyes open, you can see the little girl waddling her way to your bead, for how far her feet can take her. You can also see her hair sprawled out in different directions, and a dopy smile on her face, happy to see you. You focus your attention on your niece your big golden doodle Poppy to come to trodding next to Delilah to help her stand. 
“Mornin’ Aunty Ava,” she says with a cheeky grin on her face, while also trying to hide it from you. “Good morning Bunny,” you say to her. Then, the next second you lift her onto the bed, smothering her face in little kisses while she erupts into a fit of giggle. You had to stop your kisses when Poppy jumped onto the bed and sandwiches between you and Delilah. “Poppy missin’ the kisses too Aunty,” she says while still giggling. After the laughter died down, you over at the clock that was on your nightstand. Having to move some homemade drawings that Delilah made you the other day. You read that it’s 9:30. You’re Late.
Oh Shit.
You pick up Delilah and rush out of the bed, try and get her and yourself dressed, teeth brushed, and out the door. You are getting her buckled in the car and on your way to Harriet's house. When you both arrive, you see a man across the street stretching, maybe he was getting ready for a run. But after he’s done stretching you both stare at one another. It felt like you both were stuck in time like the whole world stopped spinning, and the attention was just on you and him. “Hey Ava!” you snap out of your daze and hear Harriet walking down her porch to greet you and Delilah. You wanted to see if the mysterious tall man was still there, but when you turned back around. He was gone. “Hey… Har’. I was wondering if it’s no trouble if you can watch Del again tonight. The amino’s lab is busting my butt. I need to get some more work finished-” “Hey, It’s okay. I’m happy to watch the little bun again. Plus, we're gonna have so much fun, whaddya think Del?” Hariient asks. Delilah just jumps up and down, “YAY! Hab so much fun Aunty!” you both laugh at her squealing excitement. You kneel down to Delilah’s height and kiss her cheek. “I’ll see you later Bunny. Be good for Harriet okay?” “Otay, Bye, Bye Aunty Ava!” She says waving while being carried up the porch. You give her one more wave until she and Harriet disappear into the house. You let out an exhale, start up your car again, and put it in drive.
Off to Hastings, it is.
Most of your day was spent in the lab cleaning up beakers that were once of a failed experiment, secretly correcting the mistakes some newbies made while writing their problems, and making them coffee. They can go down to the cafeteria and grab a cup, but all of the chemists butter you up with compliments “They don’t make it as you do,” or “At least you know how to make a good cup of joe than the other ladies on the staff.” You wanted to feel insulted, you wanted to speak up and say something. But you knew they would run off to Donatti and there was a high chance, you could get fired. So just keep your head down, mouth shut and be the disty lab tech. Who apparently makes good coffee?
When walking back from lunch you were walking past the secretaries room. Suddenly you hear your name being called. “Miss. Mason…Ava?” you turn around and see the head of the secretaries department, Fran Frask. “Good morning Miss. Frask,” you say to her with a tight-lipped smile and continue walking down to the lab. You knew she was going to bug you again about the pageant. But time and time again you tell her you can’t participate because you have plans that night, meaning you are having a movie night with your niece. That was the only night you could get off on time, and have some time with Deliaha. 
“I hope you can still sign up for the Little Miss Hastings pageant, you know your lab is in between secretaries and you fella could use a boost for the event.” She asks “I’m sorry, but I'm not a secretary,” I say to her being a little offended because she knew for a fact that I was a lab tech. A very good one to be at that. “Well… Ya know lab techs can participate too, it’s any female support staff.” “Thank you, Fran but pageants aren’t my idea of fun,” I say to her while grabbing lab coats and passing them out on each table. “Well, what do you consider fun Ava?” she says with a little enthusiasm in her voice. “I-I like to cook and bake.” “Well ya know, let me know if you change your mind.” “I won't but thank you. Now if you don’t mind I have a lot to clean up before the chemists arrive.” You give her a small wave and a smile so she can hopefully get the hint to leave.
She gives me another little cheeky grin and points her red-colored nails at me. “I’ll put you down as a maybe.” then walking away. Why can’t your life get any easier?
Walking around the lab once again you hear men wanting more coffee, and helping out some others who need help with their equations for the expedients. When coming around to the station where you set up your coffee, you see someone who was a part of the lab walk in with a magazine, and on the front was a man holding up test tubes and seeing what was inside. He looks so familiar, but I don’t know where I have seen him before. You think to yourself, but you snap out of your thoughts and finish making the coffee. But you keep getting distracted when all of the men keep talking about the infamous Calvin Evans. “What does he have that we don’t,” one of them said out loud. Also saying he was up for a Nobel prize, “Doesn’t give him the right to take all of our supplies. I mean how much ribose does one guy need?” 
Maybe this could work, maybe if you can get back some of that ribose you can finally be seen by the lab. Not seen as some female ditsy lab tech. You can finally matter in the world.
It was now after hours and you were over at the sink cleaning up some test tubes and beakers when you heard your name being called out. It was the head of the Aminos lab, Dr. Price. Just telling me to not stay later because he would get in trouble with Donatti. You just nod your head and oblige to his rules, but not listening. After everyone leaves you sneak your way out of the lab to avoid being seen by the janitorial staff and make your way over to Mr. Evans's lab.
When you reach his lab you see on his door there are cardboard signs saying “Keep out” and “Do Not Linger” but I know for a fact that I’m not keeping out, and I’m lingering. So screw your signs. You go back to sneaking in, so you take one of your bobby pins from your hair and unlock the door. Once open you can get a full view of what the infamous chemist does in here. You see records scattered all over the tables, so many loose-leaf pieces of paper with different equations and answers on them. And his lab coat hanging over a lounge chair in the corner. But you start to look around for the back room so you can find what you're looking for.
You pick another lock to the other door, you scan the shelves to find the little tiny bottles. When you finally come across the ribose, the shelves were covered from front to back with so many bottles. How many bottles does this guy need? You think to yourself. You grab a couple of bottles, lock up the doors, and seak your way back over to your lab, finish up your work, and finally head home to see your baby bunny and finally get some sleep. But what you didn’t know was when you were “sneaking” back to the lab, the best of the best secretaries Fran Frask watched you go back into the lab while she was locking up her room for the night.
Once again you wake up late, and trying fast as possible to get ready. You arrived super late around 9:00 but of course, there was traffic, and show up at almost 11. You rush up to the lab so you can get started on handing out the rest of the equipment. But you were stopped by Fran again to tell you Donatti needed you in his office. He sums up the meeting by saying that you weren’t supposed to be staying late, and if it happened again you would be let go from Amino’s lab and Hasingscompletely. Not only that but he was forcing you to compete in the pageant. You try your best to argue why you can’t participate, but of course, he threatens to fire you.  That sets you back a little bit more when Fran confers you to take a picture and be put it on the bulletin board for the pageant. Can this day get any worse than it already is?
You finally make it up to the lab. But, you stop suddenly when you see a man sitting on the table holding a miniature bottle of what you assumed was ribose.
 Oh No.
“Ah, there she is. The thief,” the man says in a mocking tone. I just looked at him like I didn’t know anything. “I beg your pardon?” you ask back. He hops down from the table and starts pacing back and forth. It looked like his head was about to explode. “I have been through every department, and interrogated multiple chemists. Including ones from this very lab,” he twirls his pointer finger around and then points to me. “Who say that you,  Miss. Mason have a history of ruffling feathers. And also have an arrogant attitude of self-importance.” “Have you heard yourself speak Mr. Evans?” I say with raised eyebrows. “Oh, s-so you don’t deny it? I-I mean what would a secretary have anything to do with ribose, aside from selling it on the black market.” 
I just look at him dumbfounded, almost looking like this crazy man has 3 heads. “I am a chemist Mr. Evans, not a secretary!” I said back to him but he was almost out the front door. “Oh, and a fibber, now aren’t we?” I drop my jaw when he walks out the door. “Oh, yes. Because there is such a high demand on the black market for monosaccharide!” “This is very disappointing! Very–- I’m disappointed Miss. Mason.” he turned the corner, and then he disappeared.
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(Calvins’s POV)
You were pacing back and forth in front of Fran Frask’s desk, deciding what I should do about this unbelievable situation. 
“One: My lab was unlocked last night, so I want someone to speak to janitorial and have new locks placed on the door.” I see Fran write down on her paper and nodding her head. “Two: I have calculated the cost of the missing ribose, and I want to make it clear, that will not be coming out of my budget. Three: I want the floors sterilized. At least one person entered without my authorization. And with my allergies, I cannot risk any contaminants. You understand?” You look back at her to make sure she has every little detail down to a tea. She just nods “ Yes. I’ll take care of it, Dr. Evans.” Writing the rest down.
“And lastly, I would like the secretary held accountable.” You look up to see Fran have a little smile on her lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll have her fired.”
I furrow my eyebrows a little bit, “Well… just a formal reprimand will suffice.” I see her giving the same look back at me. “I’m shocked that it was on my face. “Dr. Evans I’m shocked that it was one of my secretaries, honestly. Um, you said it was in the Aminos lab? Because that’s Mary Ann Rogers.” She tells me the woman’s name. It’s not her. “No, no, no. Her name is Ava Mason.” She looks back up at me. “Oh, she not a secretary. She’s a lab tech. Puls she should know better, she has her masters.” she looks back down scrambling around, looking for some important papers. “Her masters? In what?” “Chemistry.” Now I look a little dumbfounded at what Fran just told me. Then she asks about the “Little Miss Hastings” pageant, asking if I will be attending. I just simply ignored her and just walk out the door back up to my lab. But, I stop in my tracks to look at the bulletin board to see the contestant for the pageant. As I look in the lower corner I see the picture of the one and only Ava Mason. For some reason, she looks so frightened. Not wanting her picture to be taken, but giving a half-smile just trying to look nice.
You just simply walk away from the board and continue your journey back to your lab. Why would she want to steal some stupid ribose, and why would she be staying late? You need to get to the bottom of this, and fast.
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To all of you reading this, I hope you enjoy this story. I've said this many times with other stories, but I do have big plans for these 2 characters. So, stay tuned for what's about to happen.
Reblogs are always welcome. Unless you're under 18. I will block you. and comment if you want to be added to the taglist. If I forgot anybody message me and let me know. You will be added.
Also, If I forgot anyone on the taglist message me. I will add you.
Taglist: @petersunderoos96 @mrspedropascal5683 @callsign-magnolia
dividers are by @saradika
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nyaagolor · 1 year
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There are so many Kirby OCs rattling around in my brain I really oughta talk abt them here more
This is D_J_137_8C (aka DeeJ), HWC’s social media manager and defacto leader of the resistance movement working to help Kirby from the inside during Robobot (they left those charging station and power ups everywhere). His favorite food is chocolate peanut butter cups, he’s forklift certified, and he’s my little guy of all time. After HWC goes kaboom he keeps his access to the Twitter account and turns it into satire
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OC Recipe Tag
Thank you, @touloserlautrec for tagging me way back in November shhhh
In my defense, I was waiting to do this tag until I got to a particular scene in draft 3 and was forced to research medieval English/French recipes.
Rules: Share a recipe your OC would make, either one passed down to them or one they found all by themselves. Bonus if you have an actual recipe to link! Some OCs can't cook to save their lives, but let's talk about the ones who can! :D
I think I am actually going to share a passage from my WIP instead of just a recipe. I don't think just sharing a recipe alone does justice to explaining how these foods were eaten, why these particular foods on a given day, as well as Isolde's relationship with these dishes.
A few other things to note about this passage:
At the time this particular scene takes place Isolde does not know how to cook a few of these dishes but she will learn later in her life, after the events of the story end.
In this particular scene Isolde did not cook the meal. However, much earlier in the novel it is mentioned that she "is not very familiar with cooking meat" but she manages to do it anyway. We can assume from this that she can cook if she has to, albeit very poorly. She is at least familiar with how cooking works.
Isolde is a princess, raised from birth to marry a king. She will not have done a lot of cooking in her life but she will have a very good understanding of what ingredients are needed for what dish, approximately how long a dish takes to prepare, and she will be familiar with enough the materials required for some processes like marination and fermentation.
Lastly, this passage needs trimming. But that's a draft 4 problem. I should shorten some of these ingredient lists but I really don't want to ahhh
Without further ado:
It’s a fast day so our meal is light and without meat. There are few lakes as high in the hills as Aubemote and though the sea is near enough by horse it is still too far for fish. We fill up instead on rique-menger, a Diac recipe of apples and eggs parboiled in butter, and on pickles of white cabbage, parsley root, carrot, radish, turnip, pears, and currants soaked in a juice of honey, vinegar, mustard, and white wine slopped on a bread trencher. Saffron, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, anise, fennel, white sugar, and salt garnish our foods – the lord and lady of Aubemote spare no expense on food, just as on their tapestries it seems, even on fast days. After our meal a pageboy brings a plate of breney to our table– hard, unleavened bread dipped in a fruit compote of currants, dates, and pine nuts steeped in red wine, vinegar, mace, and sandalwood. Another refills our cups with clarrey – white wine spiced with cinnamon, galingale, and white pepper. We share the brass cups, two ladies to each, though Lord Aubemote’s wife, of course, has her own. I am not sure which part of the meal takes more courage to eat. The rique-menger and pickles are new to me, as lovely as they are, and leave my tongue with a sour, homesick flavour. These are the dishes I should have to grow accustomed to should I have decided to go through with my marriage. I don’t know if I could ever get used to eating apples and eggs like this. But the breney and clarrey are foods like home, and their taste is all the more bitter for it.
I love when the people I tag @ me and/or link back to my post. I love it when you reblog my post with questions, compliments, words of encouragement, about my WIP, or even no comment at all. But please make your own post to complete this tag. Please do not turn my post into a reblog chain.
Ever so delicately tagging: @fayeiswriting, @sleepywriter00, @boundedsea, @writernopal, @scribbling-stardust, @winterandwords
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waratah-moon · 2 years
Good Morning
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A lazy morning between the King and Queen of Ferelden. masterlist
Pairing: King Alistair Theirin x queen!Cousland OC
Warnings: morning wood ;), mostly domestic fluff
"Your Majesties," one of the young maids working in the castle spoke from the doorway. "I've been told to make you aware of the Arl's arrival."
"He's here?" Alistair pushed himself up on his elbows, squinting at the girl, his eyes still heavy with sleep.
The girl averted her eyes, looking at the floor. "Not yet, your Majesty. The party from Redcliffe shall arrive by mid morning, about two hours from now."
"Thank you, Mallory, you may leave us," Alistair fell back against the pillow with a wave of his hand.
"Wait, Mall?" Helena’s voice was muffled from the blankets covering her face, but the young maid listened carefully. "Would you send up breakfast? And some Coffee?"
"Right away, your Majesty," Mallory nodded with a smile as she closed the door behind her. The young maid had grown up serving the royal family of Ferleden, and King Alistair and Queen Helena were rare in the sense that they bothered to learn the names of their serving staff.
Back in their shared chamber, Helena groaned, flexing her toes as she stretched out her legs, rolling over to press her forehead into Alistair's chest, "it's too early," she grumbled.
"You've never been a morning person, huh?" Alistair mused, his arms wrapping around her body and pulling her closer against him. "It's a shame, really. You're so beautiful in the morning."
"Flatterer," she mumbled into his bare skin, her cold toes pressing under his legs trying to find warmth.
"It's sincere flattery," his hands moved down her back to cup her behind, lovingly squeezing it. "I swear to the Maker."
She giggled, moving her thigh to brush against the hardness she could feel pushing at her stomach. "Because you're an honourable chantry boy, right?"
Alistair scoffed, "of course. The most honourable-est."
"So you're not just buttering me up to give you a hand with this?" She arched her neck back so she could look him in the eyes, knowingly smirking at her husband as her hand slipped below the waistband of his linen sleep pants.
"I was hoping for a little more than a hand," he was biting his lip hopefully.
Now that made Helena snort. “Mallory will be back any minute with breakfast. Do you really want that poor girl walking in and seeing me with my mouth around your cock?”
“I suppose that would make her drop the tray," he pondered. "But you’re not exactly helping the situation, my love,” he looked down to where her hand was moving below the covers.
“After breakfast,” she removed her hand, patting his chest.
“Alistair you sound like a child,” he was still looking at her with puppy dog eyes. The same eyes she fell in love with. “I promise.”
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