#cabin home 444
hockeymusicmore · 11 months
0 notes
yeswearemagazine · 3 years
The Side Look of a Barcelonese #1 733 : Untitled © Cabin Home
The Side Look of a Barcelonese #1 733 : Untitled © Cabin Home :
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
for the event, witch!futakuchi x fae!reader and for the scene the reader takes in futakuchu after he's in the run from his coven and he ends up traveling with the reader who offers him a home up north look ive been reading too much throne of glass and istg id die for fenrys moonbeam and elide lochan
also ur writing is just 😩🤌
Ironteeth Witch Futakuchi - Fae Reader
Nothing very interesting happened to you.
Every other week you would stop at a town to restock, maybe take an odd job, and then you'd go back on your way. You'd only been travelling up north for around five months, but it was starting to feel like a normal cycle.
Deciding to stay in the woods tonight maybe wasn't your brightest idea though. Winter was coming about, (the cure of starting your journey in the middle of the year), and nighttime got frighteningly cold sometimes. On the bright side, your body was far more resilient than a human.
You sighed, putting out your fire and standing up. Luckily there was a worn cabin in this area. You'd dropped your supplies in there to start a fire outside, figuring that lighting a fire in a mostly wooden cabin wasn't a good idea.
You stretched slightly, walking towards the door. Or, rather, what was left of the door. Walking in though, something didn't feel very right. Your bag didn't look out of place. The walls creaking slightly from the wind. Then you felt eyes on you from behind. It wasn't the typical 'boring into the back of your skull,' no, it felt like someone was sizing you up.
Your suspicion turned out to be valid, as when you turned around a clawed hand made its way around your mouth. The person pushed you back into the darker corner of the cabin. An iron clad finger was lifted to their lips as a plea for you to remain quiet, their silhouette outlined by the little moonlight peeking through the cracks in the walls.
You reached up and tried to pry their hand away, but they only tightened their grip, iron nails breaking the surface of your skin slightly. You bit back a pained noise.
"Stay quiet," they whispered in your ear. Their voice was masculine.
To your surprise, you heard around seven pairs of footsteps outside, faint beats of large leathered wings, and muffled shouting. After a couple minutes, the sounds faded completely. The stranger stepped back into the light, letting go of your face. You took a deep breath, casting a disdainful look at the stranger.
The person- male- had his bright brown eyes narrowed.
You were about to say something obscene, until your eyes snagged into the side of his face.
A trickle of blue fell from a cut on his cheekbone. "Oh god," you whispered softly. "You're-"
"A witch, yes," he lifted both of his hands up to ruffle his flat brown hair, knocking some leaves out of it.
You stammered. The marks on your cheeks from where he had his hand were already healing. He raised his head to examine your face. "You're fae, aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes, attention focused on your pointed ears.
"Well, yes, but you're literally a witch," you still had a hand on the wall behind you for support, watching as the iron points in his teeth and nails slowly disappeared.
The man scoffed. "It isn't common to see your kind around these parts either."
You stood up straighter. "Well no but, I just- I just thought that all witches were women." Your brows were knitted together in confusion. In all of the tales you've heard, every eye witness account, every drawing, witches were always female.
"Well you thought wrong," he sighed heavily.
Every part of you was either confused or scared. Most likely a combination of both. "So? What's a pure-blooded fae like you doing out in the middle of nowhere?" He snickered.
"I could ask exactly the same question," you narrowed your eyes. "Whats a witch like you doing in the middle of nowhere?"
He snarled at your return of his mockery.
You didn't seem to let up, the question hanging in the air like some kind of heavy fog. He sighed. "My coven. I may or may not have done something awful and immoral. And I may or may not be running." The cut on his cheek was mending itself back together.
"So you chose this cabin?"
"I saw a fire."
"Mm," you moved out of the corner to where your supplies was sitting, untouched, on the table. "Do you have literally anywhere else you could be?" You didn't turn to face him as you spoke.
"No." he leaned against the door frame with crossed arms.
"Well what about a ride?" You finally turned around to look at him, steadying yourself against the decaying wooden table.
"They killed my wyvern."
You sucked in a sharp breath. "Ah, um, sorry?"
He shrugged. "She was an asshole anyways." He chuckled dryly.
You shuddered. Witches. "So," you rock against the table slightly. "Basically, you don't have anywhere to go, your wyvern is dead, and your coven hates you?"
He nods.
You sighed, rubbing your temple. "Right, you can come with me then." You could feel the confusion radiating off of the man.
"Wait, seriously?" He pushed off of the wall and moved a bit closer.
You nodded. "I have a home up north that I'm trying to get back to. Come with if you want to stay undetected."
He laughed again. "I don't remember fae being so forgiving," the glint in his eye was obviously teasing.
"Well, witch, I wasn't raised at a typical fae. Are you going or not?"
He pondered for a second, his eyes trained on the ground and his brows furrowed. "Alright," he finally said, looking up.
You smiled. "Lovely. (L/n)."
He tilted his head.
"My name," you let go of the table. "Yours?" A small 'oh' left his mouth.
You nodded. "We'll be going tomorrow." He raised his brows.
"What? I haven't slept in three days," you rolled your eyes and started to the other side of the room, bag in hand. The floor creaked no matter where you walked. "Just don't watch me in my sleep or anything."
"Witches sleep you know."
"Good," you put your back on the floor, lying down to face the wall. He growled.
"Not a typical fae my ass," he muttered, slipping out of the house to sit by the door. "Still a dick."
I still have no clue what to do with the plots so sorry if it progressed too fast
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saunaguides-blog · 5 years
10 Sauna Benefits That Will Blow Your Mind
Sauna advantages are mind blowing, from weight reduction to hostile to maturing and past. Find the main 10 different ways saunas can improve your wellbeing in this article.
Sauna treatment (counting infrared) is an antiquated strategy for detoxifying and recuperating the body, brain, and soul.
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With regards to sauna benefits, they come from a sauna's capacity to enable your body to detox. That's right, a loosening up sauna can enable you to expel a larger number of poisons than practically some other method of detoxification!
Our bodies are worked to detox to a limited degree all alone. In any case, since we are presented to such a significant number of more poisons today than any other time in recent memory in mankind's history, it's significant for us to rehearse straightforward detox measures routinely.
I cherish saunas since they are too sheltered and make me feel astonishing. They additionally initiate our most prominent detox organ… OUR SKIN!
From the beginning of time, people have utilized sauna treatment as a sheltered and ground-breaking methods for detoxification. Models incorporate Native American perspiration cabins and Finnish wood-terminated saunas, where saunas have been being used for more than 2,000 years.
10 Sauna Benefits (that will knock your socks off!) 
Sauna Benefits #1 – Extreme pressure decrease
Saunas are tremendous pressure warriors. Because of sugar, espresso, absence of rest, focused on adrenals, and dangerous concoction presentation, a significant number of us are stuck in the thoughtful or "battle or flight" state. Saunas urge our bodies to go into the parasympathetic state, which enables us to de-stress, overview, rest, and recuperate.
Sauna Benefits #2 – Balance hormones
Stress decrease brings down pressure hormones (cortisol). At the point when cortisol is kept in equalization, thyroid, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, and estrogen are likewise kept in parity. Actually, progesterone levels can increment in the event that we keep our cortisol in solid range. Saunas help the adrenals discharge aldosterone, which helps keep electrolytes in parity as well.
Sauna Benefits #3 – Get superpowers!
Sunas can cause it to appear as though you've procured very mending quality. Various examinations demonstrate that close to infrared saunas can fundamentally improve tissue and wound mending, including retinal damage!
One examination found that mice who were blinded by synthetics had their visual perception harm totally switched due to NIR treatment. Finnish and German examinations demonstrate that saunas can lessen the occurrence of cold and influenza by about 30%.
Sauna Benefits #4 – Fountain of youth
Close to infrared saunas can help lessen indications of maturing and help your skin be more advantageous and more youthful looking. The red light animates collagen and elastin generation. Collagen and elastin help full and firm the skin which can likewise help mitigate stretch imprints and cellulite.
Profound perspiring can likewise help improve skin cell turnover. It can expel microscopic organisms from the skin, which assists with skin break out and improves skin wellbeing. Also, NIR saunas are appeared to lessen irritation, which can mitigate skin issues, for example, psoriasis and dermatitis.
Sauna Benefits #5 – Lose weight easily
Saunas can help with weight reduction. Saunas can build pulse while bringing down circulatory strain and expanding oxygenation and metabolic rate. These physiological influences are inconceivably like cardio work out!
An investigation including a gathering of ladies riding stationary bikes showed a 444% expansion in weight reduction for the gathering presented to close to infrared light when contrasted with the activity just gathering. Far infrared brilliant warmth can consume in excess of 600 calories in a 30 moment session! (That is my sort of activity.
Close to infrared saunas can likewise help with weight reduction by animating human development hormone which helps keep us youthful and fit.
Sauna Benefits #6 – Improve dissemination and oxygenation
When you sit in a hot sauna, your body temperature starts to rise. This makes your veins enlarge, which builds blood stream and by and large dissemination. Blood carries supplements and oxygen to all body tissues and help them recuperate. Studies demonstrate that infrared treatment energizes mitochondria, so it's contacting us at a cell level and is an incredible practice for expanding vitality and stamina.
Sauna Benefits #7 – Avoid coronary illness
We definitely realize that saunas lessen circulatory strain, increment oxygenation and course, all of which bolster heart wellbeing. Studies show saunas are more outlandish than exercise itself to cause cardiovascular scenes in men who have basic heart conditions. In any case, saunas are similarly as viable at expanding cardiovascular yield (practicing the heart) as exercise, making them an incredible option for those with some heart conditions that make practice possibly perilous.
Sauna Benefits #8 – Helps with ailments
Saunas have been demonstrated to be helpful in reducing manifestations related with despondency, immune system ailment, and constant torment and exhaustion. It assists with interminable pressure cerebral pains. Sauna treatment decreased torment and weariness related with rheumatoid joint pain and ankylosing spondylitis.
Sauna treatment has even been utilized to help different malignant growth medicines. It is realized that high temperatures can execute disease cells, more often than not without harming typical cells and body tissue.
Far infrared treatment repressed the development of strong tumor cells. One investigation demonstrated that the utilization of hyperthermia alone brought about complete generally reaction paces of 13%. Utilizing hyperthermia, notwithstanding other treatment modalities, has demonstrated noteworthy improvement in tumors of the head, neck, bosom, mind, bladder, cervix, rectum, lung, throat,vulva and vagina, and furthermore for melanoma.
Sauna Benefits #9 – Removes overwhelming metals and synthetic substances
Numerous poisons appear to want to dump into perspiration versus blood or pee. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury have been appeared in concentrates to be discharged through the skin too or superior to anything they are discharged in pee.
Moreover, a Canadian report found that the grouping of phytates (synthetic substances in toys, scents, beautifying agents, and so on) was twice as high in perspiration than in pee or blood.
Another examination discovered BPA in 80% of the subjects' perspiration, while finding no recognizable levels in their blood or pee. This appears to point to perspire being the best strategy for discharging the poison.
Sauna Benefits #10 – Protect Your Brain
An ongoing report directed by specialists in Finland — a nation where it's not bizarre for a home have a sauna — found that men who utilized a sauna four to seven times each week for a normal length of 15 minutes had a 66 percent lower danger of creating dementia, and 65 percent lower danger of Alzheimer's, contrasted with men who utilized the sauna just once per week. (Source.) WOWZERS! Visit sauna  if you are looking for more Information.
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
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So since I am closing down fic commissions (effective 9/20/19), I’m going to make two seperate posts: one for the finished commissions, so they can still be found, and one for outstanding commissions, fo me to use as a checklist. I’m going to remove the individual pages from linking, but these will both be linked on the Graphics/Coding Commissions page for people to find.
finished fic commissions for @chitarra10
A Slip Of The Tongue (1,350 word one-shot; Sherlock; Anderson-centric with Molly) 
Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (16,288 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally & Molly-centric with eventual Sherlock/Molly)
Discoveries (3 part series; Sherlock; John/Mary, Sherlock/Molly and Lestrade & Sally friendship)
Her Number (1,473K one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Lady Smallwood & Sherlock)
Imperfection (6,493 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly with Lestrade)
Is There Any Room Large Enough To Hold Their Massive Egos? (2,812 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Molly & Clara-centric with Sherlock & Twelfth Doctor)
The Past Reacts To Future Events (2,847 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock & Mycroft)
What Matters More (10,294 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally-centric, Sally/Tom, minor Sherlock/Molly, Sally & Molly friendship)
finished fic commissions for @greenskyoverme
A Private Moment (900 word one-shot; Elementary; Joan & Sherlock)
A Wave Of Heartache (900 word one-shot; Sherlock; Molly-centric with past Tom/Molly)
Best To Let Sleeping Dragons Lie (6,003 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Khan-centric with Marcus)
Comfortable In My Skin (1,000 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; McCoy/Spock)
Common Tongue (1,233 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura)
Cupcakes & Conversation (1,402 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Just Another Day In The Life (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; McCoy-centric)
New Family Memories (6,580 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Firefly/Doctor Who/Green Lantern/Cowboy Bebop; Kirk & McCoy friendship-centric)
Purring (420 word one-shot; Star Trek: The Original Series; Kirk/Spock - shared with strangelock221b)
The Beauty In Numbers (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; pre-ship McCoy/Spock)
The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & Spock)
The Sweetest Of Treats (3,133 word one-shot; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Khan/Molly)
To Sink Or To Strive Towards The Light (900 word one-shot; Elementary; Sherlock-centric with past Sherlock/”Irene”)
traces and whispers and guilt held too tightly (1,280 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock-centric)
finished fic commissions from @strangelock221b
…And She Came Home Again (263 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
A Brilliant Notion (562 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
A Letter To “Santa” (381 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
A Normal Christmas (350 word one-shot; Doctor Who; Twelve/Clara)
A Walk On The Beach (250 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly)
Aftercare (440 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
Beginning – Middle – End? (879 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
Fictober 2018 Stories (collection; 18 stories; various fandoms, various pairings)
Happiness Achieved (542 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Irene)
Home Is Where Molly Is (339 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Interest (1,137 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; Khan/Molly)
Just Want The Best For You (825 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly)
Laughter Does A Sex Life Good (368 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene - is an M rated story)
More Important Things (544 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly & Sherlock)
Nighttime Routines (1,131 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Nine Lives (1,846 word drabble collection; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Cabin Pressure/Doctor Strange; Molly-centric, multiple pairings)
Odiferous (526 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Purring (420 word one-shot; Star Trek: The Original Series; Kirk/Spock - shared with greenskyoverme)
Say It With Flowers (1,326 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
Snow & Books (797 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Molly)
Surviving (849 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly and others)
Tells (665 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Natasha)
The Best (392 word one-shot; Doctor Who; Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble & Thirteenth Doctor)
The Comfort Of Counting (585 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Rosie)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (1,571 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Mrs. Hudson)
The Molly Letters (400 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
The Night Before (464 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Peggy)
The Night Before Christmas, And All Was (Not) Well (754 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Sherlock/Amy)
The Paradigm Shift (13,201 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly, past Moriarty/Molly and Moriarty/Moran - is a NSFW story)
The Shadow (481 word one-shot; Sherlock; one-sided Moran/Molly)
The Very Secret Diary Of Molly Hooper And The Secrets It Contains (2,801 one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly with Sherlock - is a NSFW story)
They Deserve Better (713 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Up Too Late (444 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; one-sided Jack/Phryne)
We’ve Been Told About You And Your Dog (1,087 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura with Carol)
Wedding Jitters (569 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura with Kirk)
What The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher Does Not Notice (Could Fill A Man’s Thoughts For Days) (335 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
finished fic commissions for @whclocked
A Self-Made Family (508 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Prudence-centric)
A Sense Of Almost Déjà Vu (1,242 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
Earworm (1,043 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
He Tried (1,040 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
I Can Explain… (8 part series; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
I Was Just Saying Hello (1,274 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
In And Out Of Messes (1,519 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
In Sync (1,096 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & OFC)
Meeting Mummy (7,086 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Lestrade, Anthea, Sherlock, Mr. Holmes, Mrs. Holmes, OFC)
Nothing As Complex As A First Word (900 word one-shot; Sherlock; John/Mary & Sherlock/Molly)
Repeated Rhythms and Patterns (1,030 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Temptations (1,067 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Anthea)
The Littlest Untruth (13,738 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Lestrade)
The Case Of The Pholcidae In The Lavatory (900 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
The Kegger (1,143 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & McCoy - shared with greenskyoverme)
Trying To Leave The Past Behind (1,219 word one-shot; Sherlock; Lestrade/Sally)
finished fic commissions for assorted peeps
I - V (4,124 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene - written for ladytudorrose for a donation - is a NSFW story)
A Bittersweet Day (790 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally & her mum with background Sally/Molly - written for onceinabluemoon13 for a reblog)
A Full Belly, A Full Heart & A Lighter Conscience (2,483 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft, Sherlock & John; written for a-studyinsherlock for a donation)
A Well-Timed Rescue (1,017 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; pre-ship Lestrade/Donna; written for awinterbornrose for a reblog)  
Do You Want To Be With Somebody Like Me? (41,415 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for bakerst-sherlolly for a donation)
Dreams (3 part series; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Carol & McCoy/Molly - written for posterofamyth for a donation)
Exquisite Taste (11,673 word one-shot; Sherlock; primarily Sherlock/Molly with Mycroft/Lestrade - written for missymegs2698 for a reblog)
Haunted (6,860 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly with background John/Mary - written for sherlolly-is-jolly as apology for delay in actual donation fic)
Inappropriate Lunchtime Conversations (1,896 word one-shot; Sherlock; Molly & Mary friendship with background Sherlock/Molly & John/Mary; written for @mcbangle for a donation)
Kindness Brings Happiness (2,042 word one-shot; Bleach; Ichigo/Orihime - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
Led About On A (Not So) Merry Chase (8,435 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & John/Mary with Lestrade, Moriarty & Sally - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
Mambo No. 1 (1,018 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for narniangriff23 for a reblog)
Maps Of A Life Well-Lived (1,008 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & Spock Prime; written for Felis Blue)
Measure Of A Man (3,171 word one-shot; Marvel Cinematic Universe; Coulson-centric with Nick and Melinda appearances - written for sherlolly-is-jolly for a donation)
More Than Just Numbers On A Wrist (1,397 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly; written for come2myrescue)
Moving Forward Slowly (1,447 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly; written for welcometothelosingside for a donation)
Never Will I Forget The Deep Shadows, Never Will I Waste The Moon’s Light (19,722 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock & Molly-centric with Mycroft & Moriarty - written for sirro134 for a donation)
No More Regrets (36,086 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly, John/Mary, Lestrade/Sally, implied Moriarty/Irene - written for ladysolitaire for a donation)
Possibly Permanent Parting (513 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Eleven/Molly with pining!Sherlock - written for katiebuttercup for a donation)
Sacrifices (3,028 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Anthea with asexual!Sherlock - written for applebytezfood for a donation)
Saviors Of All Worlds (series; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Marvel Cinematic Universe/Sherlock/Eureka/Vampire Academy with roleplay tweaks; currently at 9 stories; Kirk/Uhura, McCoy/Molly - written for posterofamyth)
snip snip write (2,814 word collection of drabbles; Sherlock, Star Trek AOS, Once Upon A Time, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Star Wars: Rogue One, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, The Mentalist & Elementary; multiple pairings - written for various users for reblogs)
Strip Poker At Buckingham Palace (1,324 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene/Molly with Mycroft cameo - written for katiebuttercup for a donation)
Stuff Of Improbable Legends (series; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Vampire Academy/Doctor Who/Eureka/MCU/Murder In Suburbia/OUAT/The Scarlet Pimpernel/Elementary/Teen Wolf/Georgina Kincaid series/Farscape/Cabin Pressure/Star Wars/Grey’s Anatomy/Arrow/Supernatural/Endeavour with roleplay tweaks; currently at 118 stories; Kirk/Rose H., McCoy/Molly, Danny/Clara, Zane/Daisy, Elementary!Sherlock/Georgina, Armand/Allison, James/Zoe S., Jackson/Zoe C., Kate/John C., Martin/Rey with John W., Dean, Jo, Finn, Thea, Endeavour, Coulson, Peggy and OCs - written for posterofamyth - has NSFW stories)
Tactile Negotiations (834 word one-shot; Eureka/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; pre-ship Zane/Daisy - written for posterofamyth for a donation)
That Is Enough (200 word one-shot; Star Wars: Rogue One; Cassian/Jyn; written for doctor-molly-hooper-holmes for a reblog)
The Art Of Love Is Largely The Art of Persistence (266,753 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly, John/Mary, Mr. Holmes/Mrs. Holmes, OMC/OMC with Lestrade, Sally, OMCs and OFCs - completed for an anonymous donor for a donation - is a NSFW story)
The Best Day Of My Life (2,112 word one-shot; Sherlock; pre-ship Sherlock/Molly with Mary - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
To Keep From Sinking (16,661 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock-centeric gen with Molly, John & Mycroft - written for belis86 for a donation)
Unexpected (1,172 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Peggy - written for creativereadingfanfiction for a reblog)
What Happened After Sherrinford (1,690 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for loves-a-good-story for a donation)
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Neat Home With Rear Lane Access
0 notes
flis-posts · 3 years
242. 1992: Noises Off (Touchstone) (PG-13)
243. 1992: Straight Talk (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
244. 1992: Newsies (PG)
245. 1992: Passed Away (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
246. 1992: Encino Man (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
247. 1992: Sister Act (Touchstone) (PG)
248. 1992: Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (PG)
249. 1992: A Stranger Among Us (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
250. 1992: 3 Ninjas (Touchstone) (PG)
251. 1992: The Gun in Betty Lou’s Handbag (Touchstone) (PG-13)
252. 1992: Crossing the Bridge (Touchstone) (R)
253. 1992: Sarafina! (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
254. 1992: Captain Ron (Touchstone) (PG-13)
255. 1992: The Mighty Ducks (PG)
256. 1992: Consenting Adults (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
257. 1992: Aladdin (G)
258. 1992: The Distinguished Gentleman (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
259. 1992: The Muppet Christmas Carol (G)
260. 1993: Alive (Touchstone) (R)
261. 1993: Aspen Extreme (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
262. 1993: The Cemetery Club (Touchstone) (PG-13)
263. 1993: Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (G)
264. 1993: Swing Kids (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13
265. 1993: A Far Off Place (PG)
266. 1993: Born Yesterday (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
267. 1993: Adventures of Huck Finn (PG)
268. 1993: Indian Summer (Touchstone) (PG-13)
269. 1993: Bound by Honor (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
270. 1993: Super Mario Bros. (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
271. 1993: Guilty as Sin (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
272. 1993: Life with Mikey (Touchstone) (PG)
273. 1993: What’s Love Got to Do with It (Touchstone) (R)
274. 1993: Son-In-Law (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
275. 1993: Hocus Pocus (PG)
276. 1993: Another Stakeout (Touchstone) (PG-13)
277. 1993: My Boyfriend’s Back (Touchstone) (PG-13)
278. 1993: Father Hood (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
279. 1993: The Joy Luck Club (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
280. 1993: Money for Nothing (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
281. 1993: The Program (Touchstone) (R)
282. 1993: Cool Runnings (PG)
283. 1993: The Nightmare Before Christmas (Touchstone) (PG)
284. 1993: The Three Musketeers (PG)
285. 1993: Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (Touchstone) (PG)
286. 1993: Tombstone (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
287. 1994: Cabin Boy (Touchstone) (PG-13)
288. 1994: The Air Up There (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
289. 1994: Iron Will (PG)
290. 1994: My Father the Hero (Touchstone) (PG)
291. 1994: Blank Check (PG)
292. 1994: Angie (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
293. 1994: The Ref (Touchstone) (R)
294. 1994: D2: The Mighty Ducks (PG)
295. 1994: Holy Matrimony (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
296. 1994: White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf (PG)
297. 1994: The Inkwell (Touchstone) (R)
298. 1994: When a Man Loves a Woman (Touchstone) (R)
299. 1994: Renaissance Man (Touchstone) (PG-13)
300. 1994: The Lion King (G)
301. 1994: I Love Trouble (Touchstone) (PG)
302. 1994: Angels in the Outfield (PG)
303. 1994: In the Army Now (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
304. 1994: Color of Night (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
305. 1994: It’s Pat (Touchstone) (PG-13)
306. 1994: Camp Nowhere (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
307. 1994: A Simple Twist of Fate (Touchstone) (PG-13)
308. 1994: Quiz Show (Hollywood) (PG-13)
309. 1994: Terminal Velocity (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
310. 1994: Ed Wood (Touchstone) (R)
311. 1994: Robert A. Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
312. 1994: Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale (PG)
313. 1994: The Santa Clause (PG)
314. 1994: A Low Down Dirty Shame (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
315. 1994: Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book (PG)
316. 1995: Houseguest (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
317. 1995: Bad Company (Touchstone) (R)
318. 1995: Miami Rhapsody (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
319. 1995: The Jerky Boys (Touchstone) (R)
320. 1995: Heavyweights (PG)
321. 1995: Man of the House (PG)
322. 1995: Roommates (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
323. 1995: Tall Tale (PG)
324. 1995: Funny Bones (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
325. 1995: Jefferson in Paris (Touchstone) (PG-13)
326. 1995: A Goofy Movie (G)
327. 1995: While You Were Sleeping (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
328. 1995: A Pyromaniac’s Love Story (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
329. 1995: Crimson Tide (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
330. 1995: Mad Love (Touchstone) (PG-13)
331. 1995: Pocahontas (G)
332. 1995: Judge Dredd (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
333. 1995: Operation Dumbo Drop (PG)
334. 1995: Dangerous Minds (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
335. 1995: A Kid in King Arthur’s Court (PG)
336. 1995: The Tie that Binds (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
337. 1995: Unstrung Heroes (Hollywood Pictures) (PG)
338. 1995: The Big Green (PG)
339. 1995: Dead Presidents (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
340. 1995: Feast of July (Touchstone) (R)
341. 1995: The Scarlet Letter (Hollywood Pictures) (R)
342. 1995: Frank and Ollie (PG)
343. 1995: Powder (Hollywood Pictures) (PG-13)
344. 1995: Toy Story (G)
345. 1995: Father of the Bride, Part II (Touchstone)(PG)
346. 1995: Nixon (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
347. 1995: Tom and Huck (PG)
348. 1996: Mr. Holland’s Opus (Hollywood Pictures)(PG)
349. 1996: White Squall (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
350. 1996: Mr. Wrong (Touchstone)(PG-13)
351. 1996: Muppet Treasure Island (G)
352. 1996: Before and After (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
353. 1996: Up Close and Personal (Touchstone)(PG-13)
354. 1996: Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (G)
355. 1996: Two Much (Touchstone)(PG-13)
356. 1996: Little Indian, Big City (Touchstone)(PG)
357. 1996: James and the Giant Peach (PG)
358. 1996: Celtic Pride (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
359. 1996: Last Dance (Touchstone)(R)
360. 1996: Boys (Touchstone)(PG-13)
361. 1996: Spy Hard (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
362. 1996: Eddie (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
363. 1996: The Rock (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
364. 1996: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (G)
365. 1996: Phenomenon (Touchstone)(PG)
366. 1996: Kazaam (Touchstone)(PG)
367. 1996: Jack (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
368. 1966: First Kid (PG)
369. 1966: The Rich Man’s Wife (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
370. 1996: D3: The Mighty Ducks (PG)
371. 1996: The Associate (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
372. 1996: Ransom (Touchstone)(R)
373. 1996: The War at Home (Touchstone)(R)
374. 1996: 101 Dalmatians [live action](G)
375. 1996: The Preacher’s Wife (Touchstone)(PG)
376. 1997: Evita (Hollywood Pictures)(PG)
377. 1997: Metro (Touchstone)(R)
378. 1997: Prefontaine (Hollywood Pictures)(PG-13)
379. 1997: Shadow Conspiracy (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
380. 1997: That Darn Cat [remake](PG)
381. 1997: Jungle 2 Jungle (PG)
382. 1997: The Sixth Man (Touchstone)(PG-13)
383. 1997: Grosse Pointe Blank (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
384. 1997: Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (Touchstone)(R)
385. 1997: Gone Fishin’ (Hollywood Pictures)(PG)
386. 1997: Con Air (Touchstone)(R)
387. 1997: Hercules (G)
388. 1997: George of the Jungle (PG)
389. 1997: Nothing to Lose (Touchstone)(R)
390. 1997: Air Bud (PG)
391. 1997: G.I. Jane (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
392. 1997: A Thousand Acres (Touchstone)(R))
393. 1997: Washington Square (Hollywood Pictures)(PG)
394. 1997: RocketMan (PG)
395. 1997: Playing God (Touchstone)(R)
396. 1997: Flubber (PG)
397. 1997: An American Werewolf in Paris (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
398. 1997: Mr. Magoo (PG)
399. 1998: Kundun (Touchstone)(PG-13)
400. 1998: Deep Rising (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
401. 1998: Krippendorf’s Tribe (Touchstone)(PG-13)
402. 1998: An Alan Smithee Film: Burn, Hollywood, Burn (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
403. 1998: Meet the Deedles (PG)
404. 1998: He Got Game (Touchstone)(R)
405. 1998: The Horse Whisperer (Touchstone)(PG-13)
406. 1998: Six Days, Seven Nights (Touchstone)(PG-13)
407. 1998: Mulan (G)
408. 1998: Armageddon (Touchstone)(PG-13)
409. 1998: Jane Austen’s Mafia! (Touchstone)(PG-13)
410. 1998: The Parent Trap (PG)
411. 1998: Firelight (Hollywood Pictures)(R)
412. 1998: Simon Birch (Hollywood Pictures)(PG)
413. 1998: Holy Man (Touchstone)(PG)
414. 1998: Beloved (Touchstone)(R)
415. 1998: The Waterboy (Touchstone)(PG-13)
416. 1998: I’ll Be Home for Christmas (PG)
417. 1998: Enemy of the State (Touchstone)(R)
418. 1998: A Bug’s Life (G)
419. 1998: Mighty Joe Young (PG)
420. 1999: A Civil Action (Touchstone)(PG-13)
421. 1999: Rushmore (Touchstone)(R)
422. 1999: My Favorite Martian (PG)
423. 1999: The Other Sister (Touchstone)(PG-13)
424. 1999: Doug’s 1st Movie (G)
425. 1999: 10 Things I Hate About You (Touchstone)(PG-13)
426. 1999: Endurance (G)
427. 1999: Instinct (Touchstone)(R)
428. 1999:Tarzan (G)
429. 1999: Summer of Sam (Touchstone)(R)
430. 1999: Inspector Gadget (PG)
431. 1999: The Sixth Sense (Hollywood)(PG-13)
432. 1999: The 13th Warrior (Touchstone)(R)
433. 1999: Breakfast of Champions (Hollywood)(R)
434. 1999: Mumford (Touchstone)(R)
435. 1999: Mystery Alaska (Hollywood)(R)
436. 1999: The Hand Behind the Mouse: The Ub Iwerks Story (G)
437. 1999: The Straight Story (G)
438. 1999: The Insider (Touchstone)(R)
439. 1999: Toy Story 2 (G)
440. 1999: Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (Touchstone)(R)
441. 1999: Cradle Will Rock (Touchstone)(R)
442. 1999: Bicentennial Man (Touchstone)(PG)
443. 2000: Fantasia/2000 (G)
444. 2000: Play It to the Bone (Touchstone)(R)
445. 2000: Gun Shy (Hollywood)(R)
446. 2000: The Tigger Movie (G)
447. 2000: Mission to Mars (Touchstone)(PG)
448. 2000: Whispers (G)
449. 2000: High Fidelity (Touchstone)(R)
450. 2000: Keeping the Faith (Touchstone)(PG-13)
451. 2000: Dinosaur (PG)
452. 2000: Shanghai Noon (Touchstone)(PG-13)
453. 2000: Gone in 60 Seconds (Touchstone)(PG-13)
454. 2000: Disney’s The Kid (PG)
455. 2000: Coyote Ugly (Touchstone)(PG-13)
456. 2000: The Crew (Touchstone)(PG-13)
457. 2000: Duets (Hollywood)(R)
458. 2000: Remember the Titans (PG)
459. 2000: Playing Mona Lisa (no label)(R)
460. 2000: Unbreakable (Touchstone)(PG-13)
461. 2000: 102 Dalmatians (G)
462. 2000: The Emperor’s New Groove (G)
463. 2000: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Touchstone)(PG-13)
464. 2001: Double Take (Touchstone)(PG-13)
465. 2001: Recess: School’s Out (G)
466. 2001: Just Visiting (Hollywood)(PG-13)
467. 2001: Pearl Harbor (Touchstone)(PG-13)
468. 2001: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (PG)
469. 2001: crazy/beautiful (Touchstone)(PG-13)
470. 2001: The Princess Diaries (G)
471. 2001: Bubble Boy (Touchstone)(PG-13)
472. 2001: New Port South (Touchstone)(PG-13)
473. 2001: Max Keeble’s Big Move (PG)
474. 2001: Corky Romano (Touchstone)(PG-13)
475. 2001: High Heels and Low Lifes (Touchstone)(R)
476. 2001: Monsters, Inc. (G)
477. 2001: Out Cold (Touchstone)(PG-13)
478. 2001: The Royal Tenenbaums (Touchstone)(R)
479. 2002: Snow Dogs (PG)
480. 2002: The Count of Monte Cristo (Touchstone)(PG-13)
481. 2002: Return to Never Land (G)
482. 2002: Sorority Boys (Touchstone)(R)
483. 2002: The Rookie (G)
484. 2002: Big Trouble (Touchstone)(PG-13)
485. 2002: Frank McKlusky, C.I. (Touchstone)(PG-13)
486. 2002: ESPN’s Ultimate X (Touchstone)(PG)
0 notes
baby-du · 4 years
阿木爷爷 Grandpa Amu, traditional Chinese mortise and tenon skills
阿木爷爷 Grandpa Amu, traditional Chinese mortise and tenon skills muTu Note - Learn Chinese with Chinese Girl
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Wang Dewen, a 63-year-old carpenter, uses traditional techniques in the woodworking object he makes.
Consider Wang Dewen a fortunate man. While most people may be content to settle for one profession so long as it’s a reasonably good fit, Wang has had three distinct incarnations over his lifetime. First, at a young age, he was a farmer; then he became a carpenter; and now, at age 63, he has become an internet celebrity.
Wang’s YouTube account under the moniker Grandpa Amu, has 1.2 million followers. On video-sharing platform TikTok, he has 2.6 million followers.
In Grandpa Amu’s videos, he uses traditional Chinese mortise and tenon skills to make different wooden products, the same skill used in many classic structures in China, including the Forbidden City in Beijing.
The videos range from one minute to more than 20 minutes. Some were shot in front of his workshop, a wooden cabin, and others in the village where he lives with his grandson amid lush green trees and accompanied by the sound of a pleasant brook.
Watching Wang go about his work is a relaxing, even meditative experience brought by the Chinese folk atmosphere and soothing light background music, according to netizens.
Viewers may be surprised by Grandpa Amu’s craftsmanship-no nails or glue are used, but the structures he builds are strong.
Wooden models he has made include a replica of the Chinese pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, a Lu Ban chair, a Peppa Pig toy, a jumping kangaroo, and an interlocking puzzle in the shape of an apple.
Followers’ comments are appreciative, such as: “Astounding craftsmanship. And indeed no nails. What he can do with a couple of pieces of wood and an old saw is amazing.”
Another of his followers on the internet said: “This is so beautiful to watch, but with modern tools and technologies, these traditional crafts may become obsolete. Please keep passing it on.”
Wang, who was born in Liaocheng, Shandong province, had a hard upbringing. His father died in an accident when Wang was 9, and soon afterward the boy took on the responsibility of being the man of the house and helping his family make ends meet.
To do so, farming was insufficient, he felt. So he set out to learn another skill, becoming an apprentice carpenter with one of his relatives. In the decades to come, he would become a master craftsman.
“I think that in this line of work being passionate makes it enjoyable,” Wang said. “But you have to keep improving what you do, even if at times that may prove painful. From the very early days, I loved carpentry, but making things requires patience, concentration, and thoughtfulness. What you’re looking for in anything you make are beauty and balance.”
Wang said it takes him between three and seven days to make something, with the steps including measuring, drawing lines on the wood, drilling, gouging, and polishing.
In 2017, Wang moved from his home in Shandong to Wuzhou, in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in southern China, to live with his son and take care of his grandson. Most of the things he makes in the video are toys that are eventually given to his grandson.
Ancient skills
The idea of shooting videos of his work soon sprouted.
“We want friends from overseas to have an idea about rural life in China,” said Huang Chunmei, Wang’s daughter-in-law. “We want to show them ancient Chinese skills.”
Very few houses in China are made of wood these days, so this modern-day carpenter, who has skills that date back hundreds of years, is one of a rare breed.
Not long after Wang began posting videos on YouTube, some internet users began referring to him as a latter-day Lu Ban, a craftsman in Shandong who lived from 507 BC to 444 BC and is commonly referred to as the father of Chinese carpentry.
“I’m just an old farmer, and my carpentry skills can’t match those of my forebears,” Wang said. “I just want people to enjoy my videos as I show them some very interesting and sophisticated things.”
Carpentry, farming, and playing with his grandson are at the center of Wang’s everyday life.
His son, Wang Baochen, who helps his father produce the videos, said: “We’re eager to improve the quality and content of our videos, to highlight the uniqueness of this ancient Chinese skill. We’re now considering holding offline activities so people can get a closer look at the process.”
The popularity of the videos has made them the family’s main source of income, Wang Baochen said.
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    from WordPress https://chinesegirl.me/grandpa-amu-traditional-chinese-mortise-and-tenon-skills/
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spellucci · 4 years
Natchez Trace
Thursday, March 26, 2020
We woke on the east bank of the Mississippi River before dawn, nestled between train tracks and the water. During the night we heard a train crossing whistle, but no train came by. We did hear an unfamiliar engine sound approaching. It turned out to be a riverboat passing in the night with its cabin lit up and and its motor humming gently.
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When we took Amber for her morning walk we saw a rusted old iron boiler covered by overgrowth lying in the woods.
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And another. And another. What the? At first we thought they were from steam locomotives. But then we saw what looked like  a long steel smokestack lying in the woods. The only explanation we could think of was that this was the wreck of a paddle wheel steamboat. A quick look on the intarweb showed no articles about steamboat wrecks in  Vicksburg, Mississippi.
We took a wrong turn leaving the campsite and promptly had one of those serendipitous moments we enjoy so much. We went to turn around in the parking lot of a riverboat-turned-restaurant, when we noticed what looked like a small mini golf course, but marked with Army Corps of Engineers logos.
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It turned out to be a 3D scale model of the Mississippi River. Jeanne promptly took advantage of the ladder to surmount the RV and take a picture of the model.
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Wanting to continue enjoying the back roads on our way home, we set Google Maps to Avoid Highways. Boy did it. We began driving down some really rough roads, unpleasantly so. At one point Maps vectored us down a road to a closed bridge.
We abandoned that route and got back on a main road. We often set Maps for a scenic destination, but today we had no such plan. While examining the route Maps had plotted, Jeanne noticed a road called Natchez Trace Parkway. She remembered a book set on this road, which is basically America's longest National Park at 444 miles long.
Natchez Trace is a historic forest trail which extends roughly 440 miles from Nashville, Tennessee, to Natchez, Mississippi, linking the Cumberland, Tennessee, and Mississippi rivers. It has been used for many hundreds of years.
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The Natchez Trace Parkway roughly follows the Natchez Trace. It is conveniently oriented along our route home. It is as pleasant to drive as any National Park road anywhere. It has wide open grass embankments. It has many pull outs with historic landmarks and features of interest. Spring is exploding everywhere. Wisteria paint the trees purple. Buttercups decorate the hayfields. We ooh and ahh around every corner.
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We learn of a pleasant-sounding picnic area on the Tennessee River and pull in at 4:30. It is earlier than we usually stop, but Amber doesn't  complain at an early dinner. We take a walk, relishing the 80+ heat. Tim takes his conference call and Jeanne makes dinner.
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At night, the new moon sets and the stars are out in force. Venus is almost too bright. We say hi to all our favorite constellations.
When it's time for bed, we open the screen doors and put the ceiling fan on intake. The idea is to draw air in from the top and blow it out the sides to keep the bugs from getting in the screens. Stay tuned to tomorrow's episode to find out if we got eaten alive at night.
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yeswearemagazine · 5 years
The Side Look of a Barcelonese #1 421 : The place were colors reflect in your face © Cabin Home :
The Side Look of a Barcelonese #1 421 : The place were colors reflect in your face © Cabin Home :
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
I simp super hard for ushi, so I would like a burly lumberjack ushi that saves a scavenger reader (like the reader documents nature n stuff) from the cold and ushi snuggles up to him and they kiss nehshj sorry if it's too long and congrats on 444!
Lumberjack Ushijima - Naturalist Reader
Winter was always Ushijima's favourite time of the year.
The woods where he lived always looked so beautiful. Dead, but beautiful. Snow was common in his area, but something about the glow of winder made it better. On good days, snow was settled all over the ground and trees. Soft light shone onto the ground through the trees that were now missing their leaves, an untouched blanket of white spanning as far as he could see.
Today though, was not one of those good days. It's not like it was snowing hard. The sky was grey, making the forest look rather dead. Ushijima sighed heavily and let his axe clatter to the ground. It felt like he was burning up through his multiple layers.
Hauling a log of wood up onto his shoulder, he started on the short path towards his home. He'd already brought a load of wood down to the sawmill a day before, so now he was just getting extra firewood. You can never be too careful, right?
The crunch of snow underneath his boot momentarily distracted him from the feeling of his nose and ears burning from the cold. He always felt bad about taking the first step in previously untouched snow, though after trails of footprints were left he didn't mind it.
Wakatoshi hummed softly as he approached his house. The soft light of a lantern sitting on his porch guided him further. Just as he was about to step up under the cover of his cabin awning, he was stopped by a voice behind him.
"Wait! Wait, Sir, do you live out here?"
He huffed softly, setting down the log that was previously on his shoulder. Turning around, he came face to face with a man who looked...disheveled, to say the least. Your coat was slipping off of your shoulder, buttoned shirt wrinkled and halfway untucked. He scanned you with an unimpressed look. Eventually, he nodded in response to your earlier question.
You let out a rushed sigh, looking up momentarily to smile at him. The smile quickly faded. "Can you-can you help me?" You were messing with the strap of a bag thrown over your shoulder. "My car broke down on the back road a couple minutes away," you looked down.
Ushijima's judgemental look dimmed into one of sympathy. (Never mind that it was hard to tell either way). "What were you doing out here," he asked gruffly. Taking your arm gently, he guided you inside. Actually it felt move like he was shoving you in, but he was trying his best.
Unfazed by his rough treatment, you relished in the warmth of the cabin. "I was working. You?" You looked at him as he moved to the hearth, putting a couple logs into the furnace.
He grunted out a 'same' and started to shrug off his top layers, being left in a basic red flannel shirt. The cabin was very open, the only doors in sight being one to the restroom and the door to the outside. You remained standing awkwardly.
"Well?" He turns his head towards you. "Take off your coat. Sit down somewhere. You look cold."
With a nervous laugh, you delicately slipped your large black coat off and sitting tentatively on the bed in the corner.
"Work outside a lot?" He inquired, for the sake of keeping a small conversation going on. Ushijima was busying himself with something, his back turned to you.
"Yeah, actually. I'm a naturalist. The whole documenting and studying nature thing," you explained.
He nodded, finally turning around. "Well, lay down."
You gave him a quizzical look.
"The back road is more than a couple minutes away. You must've been walking for at least a half an hour." He placed a large coarse hand on your forehead. A frown made it's way onto his face at the cold sweat on your forehead.
With a soft hum, he leaned down to plant a small kiss on your forehead.
Upon realizing what he did, his reaction was rather calm. "You just, uh, kissed me." You stammered slightly.
"Habit," he responded.
"Oh." You looked down at the wooden floor between your feet. "Do you have kids?"
He shook his head no. "Get some rest, Mister..." He trailed off as an invitation for you to introduce yourself.
"Oh, (l/n) (y/n)." You held out your hand.
"Ushijima Wakatoshi," he took it, firmly shaking it. "I'll have tea going. Sleep."
You nodded, too fatigued to say much else. Thank the gods there was a cabin back here.
Probably screwed up the ending, but YAAY I FINALLY FINISHED THIS DAMN EVENT
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lethaderr-blog · 5 years
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Have I found the best carry on luggage?
I haven’t tested out every carry on suitcase in the world, but I know that this one is a keeper. When asked if we wanted to test out their lightweight carry on spinner luggage, I’m not sure if they knew how reckless I could be with my belongings. I took one of these hard shell bags on a recent trip, and I’m pretty sure I bashed it off random walls and hauled it up curbs. I can hardly believe my eyes that it still looks brand new. luggage is the real deal, and I’m going to show you why you need to pick up one of these for your next holiday.
is Durable and Functional
’s Minima lightweight carry on spinner luggage is the ideal travel companion for you and your belongings. It fits the standards and restrictions of every airline to travel as a carry on bag (it measures 21.5” x 13.5” x 8.5” and meets TSA and IATA cabin guidelines). Weighing in at only 7lbs, it’s more lightweight than aluminum. With a 38-liter capacity, you’ll have lots of extra room to store your things. Skip the extra baggage fees and travel carry on only!
Best Hardside
Even though it’s lightweight carry on luggage, that doesn’t mean that it lacks in durability. The exterior of the bag is made of 100% polycarbonate hard shell, meaning that it’s unbreakable and flexible to store all of your stuff. It’s military grade, water resistant, and it can even survive high falls.
The last thing you want is your hard shell luggage splitting open at the airport. Trust me, I’ve been there! I’ve arrived from a flight between Toronto and Auckland, New Zealand to discover a huge crack in my suitcase. It’s a little unnerving to have your belongings held together with duct tape for a couple of weeks, and keeping your fingers crossed that they survive the journey home. You won’t have to worry about that with luggage.
When purchasing a suitcase, you might wonder if it’s best to buy luggage with two wheels or four wheels. Four wheels is definitely the way to go. The luggage Minima has 360 degree silent spinner wheels that glide with ease, even over rough terrain. You’ll zip across the airport in no time with the Minima in tow.
Functional and Compartmentalized
Do you like to keep everything organized? I like everything to have its place. Keeping your belongings organized as you travel really makes it simpler to find everything and lose less of your things on your journey. For instance, you can keep your tech gear in one side and your clothes in the other.
The Minima lightweight carry on luggage has three interior pockets to store both large and small items. Every pocket has its own zipper to ensure that everything stays securely fastened. There’s also a small, water resistant pouch and a removable laundry bag to store your dirty clothes away from your clean ones.
It also comes in a range of colors: blue, dark blue, black, gray, light gray, pink, and sand. We chose the light blue and the dark blue Minima bag. Its telescoping ergonomic handle has two locking positions and its perfect for people of any height (like us – Justin is over a foot taller than me!).
Cabin Keeps Your Belongings Safe
The Minima is the best carry on bag for a woman or a man. No matter your travel style or purpose, whether for business or pleasure, you’ll love this suitcase. Everything you bring with you will be kept safe, and not only because it’s made of the toughest hard shell material.
Built in TSA Lock
Gone are the days where you have to attach your own TSA lock to your bag. luggage has the TSA lock built right into the bag itself. You won’t have to worry about anyone stealing from your bag or rifling through your personal belongings. Everything is safe and secure inside this cabin luggage.
Money Back Guarantee
luggage has a 30-day trial. If at any point during that 30 days you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, they will provide you with a full refund (no questions asked!). In addition, luggage has a 10-year limited warranty. If the suitcase or any pieces on the suitcase break, you can get it repaired or replaced by the company.
How to Buy the Best Carry On
You can buy the Minima Carry On directly through their website. offers free 2-day shipping and returns: all orders are shipped in two business days. They also offer a regular checked bag if you’d like something a little larger, too.
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So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on the best hardside luggage I’ve ever come across. It comes in a range of stylish colors and will last you for years to come. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a<strong><a href="https://justinpluslauren.com/travel-gifts-for-frequent-flyers/"> frequent flyer for business, or a casual jet setter, <strong><a href="https://justinpluslauren.com/go/chester-luggage/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)"> luggage is my top pick for the best carry on luggage. <ul class="wp-block-gallery columns-3"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest3-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : Carry On for the Seasoned Traveler data-id="18552" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18552" class="wp-image-18552" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest3-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest3-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest3.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest2-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : Carry On for the Seasoned Traveler data-id="18551" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18551" class="wp-image-18551" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest2-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest2-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest2.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest1-683x1024.jpg" alt=" : Carry On for the Seasoned Traveler data-id="18550" data-link="https://justinpluslauren.com/?attachment_id=18550" class="wp-image-18550" srcset="https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest1-683x1024.jpg 683w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest1-200x300.jpg 200w, https://justinpluslauren.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/-Pinterest1.jpg 735w" sizes="(max-width: 683px) 100vw, 683px" /> <p style="text-align:center">PIN one of the above images to Pinterest for future reference. Click the top left corner. <div class="kt-simple-box" style="background-color:rgba(232, 232, 232, 1); min-height:1px; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; "><div class="kt-simple-box-inner"> <center><strong>Did you find this post useful? Show your appreciation with a small tip! <div id="JPL01" class="quid-slider" align="center" quid-currency="CAD" quid-product-id="JPL01" quid-product-url="https://justinpluslauren.com/chester-luggage-review/" quid-product-name="Justin Plus Lauren" quid-product-description="A Tip for Justin & Lauren" quid-text="Tip Us!" quid-text-paid="Thanks!" quid-amount="1"> <p><em>This post is sponsored by . It contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. <h4>Do you travel with a checked bag or carry on only? <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://justinpluslauren.com/chester-luggage-review/"> : Carry On for the Seasoned Traveler appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://justinpluslauren.com">Justin Plus Lauren.
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tripstations · 5 years
4th of July vacation: 7 ideas of where to go in the US and beyond
(CNN) — Looking to make a break for it for the 4th of July holiday weekend or another long summer weekend? The options are endless — you just need to decide if it’s a USA road trip you’re after or a hop-skip-jump over the Atlantic. The warm weather travel season officially kicked off Memorial Day weekend, but statistics from AAA indicate that more Americans travel later in the summer: Last year, for example, 41.3 million Americans traveled around Memorial Day, while a projected 46.9 million traveled around Independence Day.
Most Americans opt for a road trip, according to AAA, but ambitious travelers needn’t rule out Canada or even parts of Europe.
CNN rounded up seven possibilities, ranging from a couple of less-trodden international destinations to a few slightly under-the-radar US spots and some in between. All have one thing in common: They’re perfect for a minisummer escape on July 4th weekend or later in the summer.
Big Sur, California
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Big Sur enjoys a remoteness that’s not easy to come by these days.
Michael Troutman
Nearly two years after landslides shut down a section of California’s historic Highway 1 and closed off Big Sur to travelers, visitors are back to revel in the awe-inspiring natural beauty of the mystical expanse of California shoreline.
Located between San Francisco and Los Angeles, travelers come here to get away. The area enjoys a remoteness not easy to come by these days: Cell reception is spotty at best, and the nearest big grocery store is at least an hour’s drive away.
While they’re cut off from the rest of the world, visitors can take in the panoramas of the rugged coasts and witness the dramatic, crashing waves of the Pacific from nearly every vantage point. Also worth checking out is Bixby Creek Bridge, a stunning piece of architecture, and the hiking trails and coastal beaches of Garrapata State Park, Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park and Point Lobos State Natural Preserve.
Big Sur has rustic and luxurious hotels, from the sustainable accommodations at the modest but comfortable Glen Oaks Big Sur to the posh, celebrity-favorite Post Ranch Inn. A treatment in the spa, set in the middle of the forest, is the icing on the cake.
Glen Oaks, 47080 Highway 1, Big Sur, CA 93920, +1 831 667 2105
Buffalo, New York
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Buffalo’s Silo City is for art lovers of all kinds.
Drew Brown
As soon as summer hits, this city on the shores of Lake Erie in upstate New York comes alive. Happy to shed its winter coat in favor of blue skies and outdoor seating at many a restaurant and bar along Elmwood Avenue, just north of downtown, Buffalo soars in summer.
Architecture buffs will find no shortage of areas to explore.
From the Tudor mansions around Delaware Park to the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Darwin D. Martin House and a little further afoot, Graycliff, overlooking the lake, the city teems with majestic architectural works. Both Lloyd Wright buildings offer tours of the properties’ meticulously restored interiors and expansive grounds. Cap off the Wright tours with a visit to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, where a collection of modern and contemporary art awaits.
Those wanting a dose of art in the form of poetry or outdoor installations (courtesy of students from SUNY Buffalo) should head straight to Silo City, a historic grain elevator complex refashioned as a cultural community, complete with a food and drink venue.
And on that note: Travelers whose primary motivation is eating and drinking are in good hands. While you can’t go far without finding excellent chicken wings (they were birthed here, after all), relative newcomers Black Sheep and Dobutsu deserve attention, too.
Finally, if your long weekend should extend to a Tuesday, you won’t want to miss Larkin Square’s food truck lineup. Nosh on something from Ted’s (footlong with onion rings) or Lloyd (braised beef taco) while you listen to free live music.
For a truly special stay, reserve a room at Hotel Henry, another of the city’s architectural masterpieces.
Delaware Park, 83 Parkside Ave., Buffalo, NY 14214, +1 716 838 1249Graycliff, 6472 Old Lake Shore Road, Derby, NY 14047, +1 716 947 9217 Silo City, 105 Silo City Row, Buffalo, NY 14203Black Sheep, 367 Connecticut St., Buffalo, NY 14213, +1 716 884 1100Dobutsu, 500 Seneca St., Suite 119, Buffalo, NY 14204, +1 716 322 6004Larkin Square, 745 Seneca St., Buffalo, NY 14210, +1 716 362 2665Hotel Henry, 444 Forest Ave., Buffalo, NY 14213, +1 716 882 1970
Champagne, France
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A 45-minute train ride from Paris lies Champagne. A stay at the Royal Champagne Hotel can’t be beat.
Courtesy of Royal Champagne Hotel & Spa Terrasse
The birthplace of the bubbly and a UNESCO World Heritage site, France’s Champagne region is just 45 minutes from Paris by train. It has long been popular with day-trippers, but there’s plenty to entice travelers into a multiday stay.
Oenophiles can visit some of the 450 Champagne producers and cooperatives for tastings and tours. From the highly reputable Moet & Chandon and to under-the-radar Henriet-Bazin, there’s something to satisfy every type of sipper.
But it’s not a lost cause for teetotalers; history buffs can visit Reims Cathedral, an imposing medieval Roman Catholic site dating back to the 13th century. Fitness fanatics, meanwhile, can take advantage of the long stretches of uncrowded roads for scenic bike rides and runs. A hot air balloon ride, a boat ride down the Marne River or horseback riding through the valley are also on offer here.
Then there are the restaurants, worth a trip in and of themselves. One of the hottest tables is the three-Michelin starred L’Assiette Champenoise in Reims, which serves creative French cuisine using seasonal produce.
For the spendy set, the new Royal Champagne Hotel & Spa is the “it” place to stay. Built like a contemporary amphitheater with 49 chic rooms, the property boasts a Michelin-starred restaurant Le Royal, a sprawling spa, a bar with more than 200 bottles of Champagne and a fleet of electric bikes for guests.
Moet & Chandon, 20 avenue de Champagne, 51200, Epernay, France, +33 3 26 51 20 20Henriet-Bazin, 9 rue des Mises, 51380 Villers-Marmery, France, +33 03 26 84 07 79
Cotswolds, England
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Soho Farmhouse, a 100-acre estate in Oxfordshire, makes for a lovely — if spendy — stay.
Courtesy of Soho House Farmhouse
At close to 800 square miles, the Cotswolds, a less than three-hour drive from London, is sprawling, but visitors can still tackle at least a small part of it on a short getaway. The region’s beauty — think fields of meadows full of blooming daffodils and dozens of quintessential Jane Austen-era villages with stone houses shining underneath the sun — is especially vibrant in summer.
Days can be spent in the region exploring some of the historic houses such as Berkeley Castle and Blenheim Palace, built in the 18th century and designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Outdoor pursuits — long, meandering walks from one village to the next, biking along the country roads, fishing, golfing and horseback riding — add to the area’s allure.
Cheltenham, one of the largest cities in the Cotswolds, is full of diversions, too. The minimetropolis is known for its photograph-worthy Regency era architecture, dating back to the early 19th century and distinguished by elegant looking buildings with white stucco facades. And, it’s home to buzzy restaurants and festivals, including ones for science and literature.
The region’s accommodation scene, which once included mainly stuffy, formal hotels, has gotten hip in recent years. The Wild Rabbit, a modern inn in Chipping Norton with an excellent restaurant to boot, is one example. Bolderfacers, including Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, favor Soho Farmhouse, a 100-acre estate in Oxfordshire.
The Wild Rabbit, Church Street, Kingham, Oxfordshire, OX7 6YA, United Kingdom, +44 01608 658389 Soho Farmhouse, Great Tew, Chipping Norton, OX7 4JS, United Kingdom, +44 01608 691 000
Providence, Rhode Island
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Providence’s arts and culinary scene is flourishing, and it’s a lovely long weekend getaway.
Courtesy Providence Tourism
Providence’s flourishing arts and culinary scenes are nearly on par with major urban areas around the world.
Over the past decade, the city’s downtown has been transformed into an open-air museum with murals and sculptures. One example is WaterFire, a multisensory art installation composed of a series of more than 80 bonfires that seem to float in the three rivers flowing through the city. This showpiece will burn bright on July 20 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.
Performance art is also a draw: The Providence Fringe Festival, running from July 21 to 28, features performances by emerging and established artists. The lineup includes everything from improv comedy to variety shows with music and drag.
Then there’s the culinary scene. The popular Providence Restaurant Weeks, where diners can enjoy three-course affordable meals at otherwise pricey restaurants, runs from July 7 to 20.
But visitors will eat well no matter when they visit. Waterman Grille, set on the Blackstone River and serving French influenced cuisine with New England produce, is one of the most coveted reservations in town and for good reason: The cocktail list is creative, and the steaks, cooked on a wood-fired grill, are a standout.
WaterFire, 4 N Main St., Providence, RI 02903, +1 401 273 1155
St. Michaels, Maryland
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Luxury seekers will enjoy the Inn at Perry Cabin and its fleet of vintage sailboats.
Courtesy Inn at Perry Cabin
Only a 90-minute drive or 45-minute boat ride from the nation’s capital, the historic seaside town of St. Michaels is home to picturesque landscapes, rich heritage and waterside adventures. Known as “the town that fooled the British” during the War of 1812 when it faked a blackout to prevent an attack, it’s an ideal getaway for anyone interested in sailing, golf, history and seafood.
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is among the top attractions. Visitors can learn about the region’s history and culture by exploring its 12 exhibition buildings, checking out the fleet of historical boats and taking a narrated cruise highlighting life on the Eastern Shore.
Exploring the charming downtown filled with antique shops and seafood restaurants such as The Crab Claw, famous for its crab clusters, is another way to while away the afternoon.
The microdistillery Lyon Distilling Co., which produces an impressive range of rums, is also worth checking out.
To stay, there are plenty of family-run bed and breakfasts. For luxury seekers, the winning choice is Inn at Perry Cabin. Home to a prestigious fleet of vintage sailboats, golf course, a spa and a restaurant serving regional cuisine, it’s a retreat in and of itself, and no one will blame you if you choose not to venture far from the property.
The Crab Claw, 304 Burns St., St. Michaels, MD 21663, +1 410 745 2900
Toronto, Canada
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Summer, boasting more than 30 festivals in July and August alone, is a prime time to appreciate what Toronto has to offer.
Courtesy of Tourism Toronto
Canada’s largest city is a global entertainment and cultural hub worthy of serious attention. Centrally located between New York City, Chicago and Montreal, the metropolis is a 90-minute flight for much of the US and Canadian population. It’s known for its diversity — more than 50% of the residents were born outside the country — and this shows up in the city’s events, restaurants and shops.
Featuring more than 30 festivals in July and August alone, including ones for jazz, Caribbean culture, beer and local cuisine, summer is a prime time to appreciate what Toronto has to offer.
Outdoor pursuits aren’t usually the first thing people think of when they hear big city, but Toronto’s strong in this category. Visitors can bike or hike in Rouge Park, the country’s only urban national park, and canoe around the Toronto Islands.
Thrill seekers shouldn’t miss the attraction called EdgeWalk, a 30-minute walk outside and 116 stories above the city on a five-foot long ledge atop the iconic CN Tower.
The markets (we recommend Kensington Market, Gerrard India Bazaar and Evergreen Brick Works), selling everything from handmade goods by local artisans and antiques to spices and craft beers on tap, are another draw.
Hotel-wise, the Kimpton Saint George and St. Regis (the brand’s only property in Canada), both downtown, are the newest additions to the lineup of the town’s many luxury properties.
EdgeWalk, CN Tower 290 Bremner Blvd., Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, Canada, +1 416 86 86937St. Regis, 325 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5H 4G3, Canada, +1 416 306 5800
Stacey Lastoe contributed additional reporting to this story.
The post 4th of July vacation: 7 ideas of where to go in the US and beyond appeared first on Tripstations.
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Houses For Sale in Chippewa Lake, MI
10106 Maple Ln, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $16500
Two Lake Access Lots with 192 feet of pure sandy beach for a boat and dock.
10523 Lake St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $135000
Great investment property in Chippewa Lake. Consistent rental history and cash flows for this 5 Unit property. Building is situated with views of Mecosta County’s largest lake– Chippewa Lake. Monthly rentals generate $2700. This is 1 of 3 multi unit properties the owner has available. Contact LA for details. Go to Peakpropertyrentalsonline.com
Par A Chippewa Dr, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $54900
Gorgeous views from this cleared lot with unobstructed view of Chippewa Lake, 75′ frontage on road shared waterfront with doc-Cottage adjacent to West also available.
19825 Maple St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $189000
This Single-Family Home located at 19825 Maple Street, Chippewa Lake, MI is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 117 days. This property is listed by Doyle Realty for $189,000. 19825 Maple St has 2 beds, 2 baths, and approximately 1,264 square feet. The price per square foot is $150. The property has a lot size of 0.57 acres and was built in 1975. 19825 Maple St is in the 49320 ZIP code in Chippewa Lake, MI.
20047 Merritt Ave, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $135000
call polly at 989-640-1306 or terry at 989-640-4066 for more information and to set up your showing.
19939 Merritt Ave, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $130000
Spectacular Chippewa Lake waterfront! 3 bedrooms, 1 bath brick fireplace, extra back lot, garage, newer roof, siding, well, seawall, boat lift, and alumimnum dock. Some furnishings. Perfect lake GET-A-WAY. Enjoy the view from the front deck area, or travel downstairs to lakeside activities.
19624 E Chippewa Lake Dr, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $99900
Fabulous Water And Sunset Views From This 1 Bed 1 Bath Cottage On Chippewa Lake. Views Can Be Enjoyed From The Patio, Living Room Or Deeded Shared Waterfront With A Nice Sandy Beach. With Approximately 800 Acres Of Water To Play On, Why Rent A Cabin When You Can Enjoy This One Year Round. Check It Out!
10789 Lake St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $90500
An open floor plan makes entertaining easy in this 2 Bedroom/1 Bathroom ranch with plenty of outdoor space. Catch up with friends on the enclosed front porch featuring sun-filled windows. Guests will feel at home in the inviting living room featuring plush carpet and recessed lighting. Home chefs will love the open concept eat-in kitchen. Prepare meals surrounded ample cabinetry and counter space and stainless appliances. Spend the summer grilling and dining on the deck or relax in the large backyard. Back inside, end the day in the master bedroom complete with ample closet space and bu ilt-in shelves. A second bedroom is perfect for guests! The nicely updated full bathroom features a tile floor and pedestal sink. Tons of storage can be found in the laundry room and garage! For more information on this listing or to view all of my listings, go to www.PeacockRealEstate.com or contact me today at 231.856.4456 with any questions or to see this home!
10807 Lake St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $57900
Chippewa Township: Two bedroom, 1 bath. This cozy home is a great alternative to condo living. Built in 1960 and completely redone in 1993. The living room features a wood burning fireplace. Sharp updated kitchen with dining area and the appliances are all included. The home is heated with a natural gas wall furnace as well as the fireplace. There is a covered porch in back and a handy storage shed. Public sewer system for approx $444 a year and well water. For your enjoyment, a near by all-sports lake with deeded access and two boat launching sites. This home is Livable and affordable.
9848 Chippewa St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $39900
1996 Mobile home with deeded lake access for that boat and dock. Beautiful view overlooking east bay of Chippewa Lake. Priced to sell at $39,900.00
19165 3rd St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $27900
Handyman needed!! This home has been gutted, so it needs lots of TLC to make it the beautiful home it could be. Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with Chippewa Lake access and included 3 lots all together. Don’t miss out!! Call today!
21665 Lake Dr, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $30000
HUGE PRICE REDUCTION – Looking For A Rustic Cabin With Water Access? This Vertical Log Cabin In A Wooded Setting Is All Original. Enclosed Front Porch With A View Of Long Lake Is Perfect For Relaxing. Less Than 2 Miles From Chippewa Lake And Haymarsh Lake State Game Area. New Propane Wall Heater. Take A Drive From The City And Just Enjoy The Quiet Environment. 14′ Aluminum Row Boat And Furniture Included. Needs New Pump In Well And Hot Water Heater. BEING SOLD AS IS.
20145 Merritt Ave, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $165000
Great waterfront property with 83 feet of frontage flat on the lake and a pure sandy beach bottom. Great sunsets every night.
11126 Lake St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $20000
Two buildable lots with a view! Property has a 40 foot shared frontage on beautiful Chippewa Lake. Use it as a place to park your RV and launch your boat on the shared access. Your getaway awaits!
11229 Lake St, Chippewa Lake, MI
Price: $29900
Handyman special, needs work. 1 bed 1 bath cottage. Has been used as an income property in the past.
from http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-chippewa-lake-mi/
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dizzedcom · 5 years
The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
The RS 5 sedan shares a similar look to the everyday Audi A5 and S5. The RS 5 is a different animal altogether. At a moments notice it can go from a Home Depot hauler to a street brawler. Even in its most mild form, the RS 5 feels like a cat ready to pounce, but click few settings, and the cat turns feral.
This five-door sedan is raw and unhinged, and there’s an unnatural brutally under the numerous electronic systems. Its twin-turbo 2.9L power plant roars while the Audi all-wheel drive system keeps the rubber on the tarmac. It’s insane, and like most vacations, it’s lovely to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live with the RS 5.
After a long, cold winter, it’s finally nice here in Michigan. Leaves are peaking out, and the grass is turning green. The severe winter left Michigan’s crumbling roads in a state of disrepair. There are potholes the size of bathtubs and this Audi is equipped with rubber bands for tires. This became problematic during my time with the vehicle.
The RS 5 is Audi’s ultimate version of a midsize sports sedan. The tester I’m driving costs $99,990 and is outfitted with every option available including ceramic front brakes, 174 mph limiter,
Like most modern sports cars, the RS 5 has a bevy of driver-selectable options. Everything is adjustable, from the seats to the throttle response to the exhaust note. The RS 5 is a track superstar, and the adjustable options reflect that pedigree. Options are adjustable from intense to hardcore. Clicking from the so-called comfort setting to dynamic is like going from a 10 to a 12. Want even more? Click the transmission to sport, and the car turns from feral to rabid.
Driving the RS 5 is an exercise in restraint. The car leaps off the line with intoxicating enthusiasm. The shifts drop into place with German precision, encouraging the driver to go faster and faster. The RS 5 isn’t a commuter car. This isn’t a car that should be relegated to a life of driving to and from an office park. The RS 5 is built for the weekend racer and never lets you forget it.
The RS 5 offers impressive driving dynamics thanks mostly to the twin-turbo power and quick transmission. Engage the transmission’s sport mode and it seems to read the driver’s mind. It feels like there’s a camera looking at the road ahead telling the transmission that at any moment the driver will want to click down three gears to pass a meandering crossover. And then, when called upon, the RS 5 is ready to overtake, slamming the occupants into the quilted leather seats.
It doesn’t matter if the RS 5 is shooting off the line or going 70 down an expressway; when the driver mashes the accelerator to the floor, heads snap backward.
Driving the Audi RS 5 is like using a cheat code. The all-wheel drive system and instantaneous shifts can make anyone feel like a professional driver. To be clear, there are faster and quicker cars than the RS 5. I’ve been in those cars. The RS 5 is different in an old-fashioned way as few new cars feel as raw as the RS 5. The way it lays down its rather modest amount of power results in its nervous smile.
The RS 5 is a car with an old soul. Hidden under the modern German engineering is a vehicle wanting to break free of the electronic restraints. The RS 5 doesn’t want the advanced traction control or adjustable exhaust note. It wants to spend every Saturday morning at the track burning through another set of its low-profit tires. This car feels like a sports car from an era where it took skill to stay on the track.
The RS 5 feels as quick as the fastest electric sedans though by the numbers it’s slower. Audi pegs the RS 5 with a 0-60 time of 3.8 seconds. Some electric counterparts can best that time by more than a second. Audi’s use of a twin-turbo on an ingenious V6 engine enables the RS 5 to launch with the best of them though it will quickly fall behind as the speed climbs.
The ride quality is adjustable but always harsh. The RS 5 rides like a work truck in its comfort setting. In dynamic, it feels like a farm tractor. This stiff ride helps the RS 5 stay planted but it cannot ever be described as comfortable or enjoyable. Sure, the RS 5 can throw its occupants sideways while taking an expressway ramp at 70 mph. It also feels like it will shake itself apart while cruising down a side street.
The RS 5 shares the same proportions as Audi’s entry-level A5. It’s a midsize car that feels bigger than it should. The RS 5, like its A5 and S5 siblings, is comfortable and roomy for a vehicle of its size. There is plenty of room in the front while its a bit tight in the back for a couple of adults.
The one I’m driving is the Sportback trim. It features a sort of rear door that opens like a hatchback without sporting the trademark hump. It’s similar to that found on Audi’s fantastic A7/S7 series. The configuration gives the operator more convenient access to the rear storage while retaining the look of a sedan. I like it.
The infotainment system inside the 2019 RS 5 is of the same design as Audi’s used for years. It’s old but aging nicely. Everything is controlled by a large knob located by the shifter. It’s still one of the best user interface available though several 2019 Audi vehicles are equipped with a brand-new system that’s quicker and even easier to use thanks to a touchscreen with haptic feedback.
Besides a few choice details and carbon fiber trim, the inside of the RS 5 is unremarkable and rather pedestrian. That’s fine with me. Above all, the cabin is usable and comfortable. RS 5 buyers are not looking for luxury appointments. They’re here for the speed, and on that, the RS 5 delivers.
The RS 5 is proof we’re living in the golden age of internal combustion engines. The biturbo 2.9L engine is brilliant. While cruising around town, the power plant is easy going and agreeable. In stop and go traffic, the turbos are restrained and slow to spin up.
What I’m saying is the RS 5 is properly tuned and will only snap necks if instructed to do so.
I came for the performance but stayed for the noise.
The RS 5 is loud. I love it, and my kids love it. I’m sure my neighbors will be glad when this tester goes home. The RS 5 has the performance chops of the fastest electric sedan, but the exhaust is a constant loud reminder that it burns fossil fuel. The exhaust roars while the turbos scream. In comfort mode, the exhaust is mechanically subdued, and yet it still growls. In dynamic, it sounds like an angry dragon as it spits, grumbles and roars an explosive warning to everyone in a three block radius.
There are a few competitors to the RS 5, but only the BMW M5 matters. The M5 is the classic sports sedan with a pedigree that spans generations. Between the two sedans, the performance is similar though, by most accounts, the BMW is quicker to 60 mph by a half a second. The BMW uses a 600 horsepower 4.4L twin-turbo V8 while the Audi taps a twin-turbo V6 that outputs 444 horsepower. A BMW M5 starts around $100,000 and can easily reach well north of that. The $74,00 Audi RS 5 starts closer to the sticker of the smaller BMW M3. The fully-loaded example I’m driving costs $99,990.
The pricing between the Audi RS 5 and M5 only tells part of the story and shoppers should spend time in both vehicles to understand the differences. Some might get drunk on the RS 5’s raw power while others could be sold on the M5’s refined performance and superior ride quality. If it were me, I would opt for the RS 5 and dump the difference in cost into a savings account to pay for speeding tickets.
There are countless examples of people expecting wild animals to behave like domesticated animals. But there’s a line between a tamed animal and a domesticated animal. One is still wild and shouldn’t be trusted. At a moment’s notice, the tamed animal can attack. That brings us to the Audi RS 5 Sportback.
To be clear, the RS 5 is not a grand tourer or a grocery getter. It’s an intense performance vehicle. For the right person, it will give countless thrills and endless smiles. During my time with the RS 5, I found myself continually egging the vehicle a bit faster and louder. The noise is addicting but the ride is back breaking.
The ride quality is intense and could be a deal breaker for some people. It’s rough and unforgiving and tuned for performance. The RS 5 is not for people with back problems or those that need a zippy commuter. For those, look at the much-less-expensive but still impressive Audi S5.
The RS 5 deserves a life on a track or open road. This sedan is a bottomless pit of power and thrills. The RS 5 is invigorating, a bit backbreaking but ultimately unforgettable.
2019 Audi RS 5 review: A bruising high-tech cruiser The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
0 notes
zeusevo · 5 years
The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving. The RS 5 sedan shares a similar look to the everyday Audi A5 and S5. The RS 5 is a different animal altogether. At a moments notice it can go from a Home Depot hauler to a street brawler. Even in its most mild form, the RS 5 feels like a cat ready to pounce, but click few settings, and the cat turns feral. This five-door sedan is raw and unhinged, and there’s an unnatural brutally under the numerous electronic systems. Its twin-turbo 2.9L power plant roars while the Audi all-wheel drive system keeps the rubber on the tarmac. It’s insane, and like most vacations, it’s lovely to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live with the RS 5.
Review After a long, cold winter, it’s finally nice here in Michigan. Leaves are peaking out, and the grass is turning green. The severe winter left Michigan’s crumbling roads in a state of disrepair. There are potholes the size of bathtubs and this Audi is equipped with rubber bands for tires. This became problematic during my time with the vehicle. The RS 5 is Audi’s ultimate version of a midsize sports sedan. The tester I’m driving costs $99,990 and is outfitted with every option available including ceramic front brakes, 174 mph limiter, Like most modern sports cars, the RS 5 has a bevy of driver-selectable options. Everything is adjustable, from the seats to the throttle response to the exhaust note. The RS 5 is a track superstar, and the adjustable options reflect that pedigree. Options are adjustable from intense to hardcore. Clicking from the so-called comfort setting to dynamic is like going from a 10 to a 12. Want even more? Click the transmission to sport, and the car turns from feral to rabid. Driving the RS 5 is an exercise in restraint. The car leaps off the line with intoxicating enthusiasm. The shifts drop into place with German precision, encouraging the driver to go faster and faster. The RS 5 isn’t a commuter car. This isn’t a car that should be relegated to a life of driving to and from an office park. The RS 5 is built for the weekend racer and never lets you forget it. The RS 5 offers impressive driving dynamics thanks mostly to the twin-turbo power and quick transmission. Engage the transmission’s sport mode and it seems to read the driver’s mind. It feels like there’s a camera looking at the road ahead telling the transmission that at any moment the driver will want to click down three gears to pass a meandering crossover. And then, when called upon, the RS 5 is ready to overtake, slamming the occupants into the quilted leather seats. It doesn’t matter if the RS 5 is shooting off the line or going 70 down an expressway; when the driver mashes the accelerator to the floor, heads snap backward. Driving the Audi RS 5 is like using a cheat code. The all-wheel drive system and instantaneous shifts can make anyone feel like a professional driver. To be clear, there are faster and quicker cars than the RS 5. I’ve been in those cars. The RS 5 is different in an old-fashioned way as few new cars feel as raw as the RS 5. The way it lays down its rather modest amount of power results in its nervous smile. The RS 5 is a car with an old soul. Hidden under the modern German engineering is a vehicle wanting to break free of the electronic restraints. The RS 5 doesn’t want the advanced traction control or adjustable exhaust note. It wants to spend every Saturday morning at the track burning through another set of its low-profit tires. This car feels like a sports car from an era where it took skill to stay on the track. The RS 5 feels as quick as the fastest electric sedans though by the numbers it’s slower. Audi pegs the RS 5 with a 0-60 time of 3.8 seconds. Some electric counterparts can best that time by more than a second. Audi’s use of a twin-turbo on an ingenious V6 engine enables the RS 5 to launch with the best of them though it will quickly fall behind as the speed climbs. The ride quality is adjustable but always harsh. The RS 5 rides like a work truck in its comfort setting. In dynamic, it feels like a farm tractor. This stiff ride helps the RS 5 stay planted but it cannot ever be described as comfortable or enjoyable. Sure, the RS 5 can throw its occupants sideways while taking an expressway ramp at 70 mph. It also feels like it will shake itself apart while cruising down a side street. The RS 5 shares the same proportions as Audi’s entry-level A5. It’s a midsize car that feels bigger than it should. The RS 5, like its A5 and S5 siblings, is comfortable and roomy for a vehicle of its size. There is plenty of room in the front while its a bit tight in the back for a couple of adults.
The one I’m driving is the Sportback trim. It features a sort of rear door that opens like a hatchback without sporting the trademark hump. It’s similar to that found on Audi’s fantastic A7/S7 series. The configuration gives the operator more convenient access to the rear storage while retaining the look of a sedan. I like it. The infotainment system inside the 2019 RS 5 is of the same design as Audi’s used for years. It’s old but aging nicely. Everything is controlled by a large knob located by the shifter. It’s still one of the best user interface available though several 2019 Audi vehicles are equipped with a brand-new system that’s quicker and even easier to use thanks to a touchscreen with haptic feedback. Besides a few choice details and carbon fiber trim, the inside of the RS 5 is unremarkable and rather pedestrian. That’s fine with me. Above all, the cabin is usable and comfortable. RS 5 buyers are not looking for luxury appointments. They’re here for the speed, and on that, the RS 5 delivers. The RS 5 is proof we’re living in the golden age of internal combustion engines. The biturbo 2.9L engine is brilliant. While cruising around town, the power plant is easy going and agreeable. In stop and go traffic, the turbos are restrained and slow to spin up. What I’m saying is the RS 5 is properly tuned and will only snap necks if instructed to do so. I came for the performance but stayed for the noise. The RS 5 is loud. I love it, and my kids love it. I’m sure my neighbors will be glad when this tester goes home. The RS 5 has the performance chops of the fastest electric sedan, but the exhaust is a constant loud reminder that it burns fossil fuel. The exhaust roars while the turbos scream. In comfort mode, the exhaust is mechanically subdued, and yet it still growls. In dynamic, it sounds like an angry dragon as it spits, grumbles and roars an explosive warning to everyone in a three block radius. There are a few competitors to the RS 5, but only the BMW M5 matters. The M5 is the classic sports sedan with a pedigree that spans generations. Between the two sedans, the performance is similar though, by most accounts, the BMW is quicker to 60 mph by a half a second. The BMW uses a 600 horsepower 4.4L twin-turbo V8 while the Audi taps a twin-turbo V6 that outputs 444 horsepower. A BMW M5 starts around $100,000 and can easily reach well north of that. The $74,00 Audi RS 5 starts closer to the sticker of the smaller BMW M3. The fully-loaded example I’m driving costs $99,990. The pricing between the Audi RS 5 and M5 only tells part of the story and shoppers should spend time in both vehicles to understand the differences. Some might get drunk on the RS 5’s raw power while others could be sold on the M5’s refined performance and superior ride quality. If it were me, I would opt for the RS 5 and dump the difference in cost into a savings account to pay for speeding tickets. There are countless examples of people expecting wild animals to behave like domesticated animals. But there’s a line between a tamed animal and a domesticated animal. One is still wild and shouldn’t be trusted. At a moment’s notice, the tamed animal can attack. That brings us to the Audi RS 5 Sportback. To be clear, the RS 5 is not a grand tourer or a grocery getter. It’s an intense performance vehicle. For the right person, it will give countless thrills and endless smiles. During my time with the RS 5, I found myself continually egging the vehicle a bit faster and louder. The noise is addicting but the ride is back breaking. The ride quality is intense and could be a deal breaker for some people. It’s rough and unforgiving and tuned for performance. The RS 5 is not for people with back problems or those that need a zippy commuter. For those, look at the much-less-expensive but still impressive Audi S5. The RS 5 deserves a life on a track or open road. This sedan is a bottomless pit of power and thrills. The RS 5 is invigorating, a bit backbreaking but ultimately unforgettable.
2019 Audi RS 5 review: A bruising high-tech cruiser The Audi RS 5 Sportback is an animal. Tamed, sure, but not domesticated. It’s important to remember as one day, maybe next week or next year or both, the RS 5 will revert to its natural state and become fervid, wild and unforgiving.
0 notes