#cale angst
galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
I literally have no background for this I just want angst.
Cale becomes the caretaker of the super rock villa. He's extremely overprotective of the villa and if anyone gets near it he scares them away.
Because his family is asleep. They've been asleep for years and haven't shown any signs of waking up.
They remain unaging and so does he.
Even the crown prince resides in the villa.
Every so often, he has to check to remind himself that they haven't died, just asleep.
Still asleep.
He's trying to keep his promise to team leader by continuing to take care of the farm as well..
The bastard that is the god of death has been his only chance of waking them up. He's tried many cures for poisons, remedies for sleep potions, traveled places for even the slightest hint for waking them up..
At one point, he did the paperwork Alberu was behind in for said crown prince. Once it became apparent that he wasn't waking up..
Still asleep.
Rarely, a group of travelers or bandits will come and attempt to break into the villa..
The shield has become a permanent addition.
Cale suddenly became aware that his family's resting place won't stay hidden forever.
Kingdoms and Countries are expanding and exploring places they weren't able to before.
He can't protect the villa like this forever.
Cale has quite literally become a legend of the past. His stories actually being a popular bedtime story-
He chooses to ignore this.
Cale occasionally visits the descendants of his siblings, them being aware of his apperant immortality, but stopped doing so at one time.
He feels very alone.
Sometimes he goes out on short trips to collect any ingredients needed for whatever potion he decides to try. When he gets back, he checks on everyone multiple times.
He can't bring himself to use Eruhaben or Rosalyn's rooms, so he modified his study into a temporary potions workplace.
Temporary. He won't need to do this anymore when they wake up.
Hm.. maybe he should start a separate garden for potion ingredients?
Cale still waits.
(He's lost count of how many times he's cried by his children's bedside, pleading at them to wake up.)
He decides to hire builders to build him a greenhouse in an area far away from the villa.
After paying them, he quite literally picks up the greenhouse at night to take it back home.
It looks nice with the garden.
They're still asleep.
When Choi han stirs slightly when he is changing the bedsheets, he stops what he's doing and watches.
He doesn't stir again..
This, surprisingly, gives Cale hope. There's a slight chance that Choi han may be close to waking..
So, he takes to monitoring him a lot more closely.
He does this for two years.
Nothing happens.
The greenhouse has surprisingly started attracting butterflies. They're very pretty.
On one of his trips to the nearby county, he spots two children from the slums. A girl and a boy.
He hands them a gold coin and some bread. That's enough shopping for today.
Ron is awake.
He's awake. He's standing (albeit a bit shakily), he's breathing, he's alive.
Cale realizes just how lonely he's felt all of this time when the first thing he does is sink into Ron's arms and let out a sob.
Ngl I got a little sad writing this-
I hope you like! :D
(I feel like I'm posting too much-)
Part 2 :>
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alien-slushie · 1 month
Litterally Everyone: I could never chose to love another~
Cale: Maybe one day I could learn to love...me...too
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blueteller · 2 months
You guys ever think about how funny it is that the whole reason why Cale did not have try at all to impersonate the original Cale, was because no one actually knew anything about him, despite the fact that everybody knew about him? On an international scale, even??
Cale: (doing an absolutely terrible job at being trash) Everybody else: That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Cale Henituse to dispute it
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calethescammer · 6 months
What if Cale had a habit of wandering to high balconies or roof tops and just sitting there whenever he was stressed/sad?
See it this way: Kim Rok Soo had the habit of roaming around destroyed buildings and finding a high spot and just sitting there? Perhaps he liked seeing the horizon. Or maybe he wanted to see how far the destroyed area stretched to. Or maybe he thought of it as his responsibility to look out for anyone injured, who may still be looking for help. Either way, it brought him peace, some sort of serenity and quietness.
So anyways, as Cale, after the conflicts with White Star started, his habit involuntarily reappeared. He would frequently go on roof tops, sometimes a tall tree or just sit upon the balustrade of his balcony. His feet hanging, his heart quiet and his gaze fixated on nothingness.
And now imagine someone, maybe Raon or Ron, catching him sitting on the edge of the balcony with a blank face. Then the panic, the chaos, and maybe Cale lost his footing because of the startling shout, and he fell down before balancing himself mid-air thanks to the wind ap.
Now imagine him trying to explain that it was just on a whim, that he has no intentions of hurting himself, but the children keep on sobbing and his family hang their heads down with despairing eyes, and now Cale feels helpless.
And maybe he feels a pang of guilt, because sometimes, just sometimes, he had a fleeting thought, a nonsensical urge to jump off, not to hurt himself, like he hated pain more than anything, and of course, living was the best, but there was the curiosity to see how it would feel, first the amazement, then the numbness, and finally the quietness of his Records.
It's only a thought, he convinced himself. But that didn't stop his habit, the worrying gazes of his family and their watchful eyes on Cale, and the relentless explanations that would follow, with Cale always failing to convince them that he is fine.
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Guys help I rlly wanna write a story from Ohn’s pov where it’s all angst and the whole premise is “I wish my dad knew I loved him”
Because Cale has unimaginable trauma and cannot fathom that anyone would have positive feeling towards him because he has walls that are carefully constructed and built to keep him from getting hurt again
But Ohn really loves Cale. He saved her and her brother, and then proceeded to give them a family and a home. She loves him like he was her real father, but he cannot process that somehow
He’s always like “no, I’m a bad person, how could I be loved” meanwhile Ohn wants to hug him and never let go. She wants to be his little girl. She wants him to teach her how to ballroom dance even though she knows he probably doesn’t know how. She wants to brag to him about learning something new. She wants him to brush out her hair every morning and style it in the way he knows she likes. She wants him to know that she loves him so much and that she would do anything for him
But she knows that it won’t happen soon, so she’s okay with it. She’s okay that he doesn’t know that she would pass out from crying if he ever left her, because she has to be okay with it-
She has to be okay with the fact that her dad doesn’t know he’s loved and cherished, like she used to think until her brother would pull her out of it.
I’m crying windows and shitting tears, why did anyone let me get this attached to a goddamn fictional character
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dragonsbluee · 2 months
Is it just me who took a while to realize just how heavy on the angst TCF is? Mostly because our wonderful (unreliable) narrator Cale just has this nonchalant tone about everything.
Cale: oh you know, I just watched the literal apocalypse start, lived through it for years, my best friends/brothers all but blood died before my eyes, and now I'm in a whole new world where I've built a family that is being threatened by the same apocalypse and worse. Also, turns out my life was shit before I came here becuase I was dealing with the consequences of some bastard's curse since he stole my original body.
Readers: wait, what.
Cale: oh yeah, I'm deeply traumatized, but I'm not going to admit it to anyone unless I'm literally forced to by a god (derogetory). And my friends keep having to watch me sacrifice myself, throw up blood, or put myself in other really dangerous situations.
Reader: ummmm. Can we circle back around to any of that?
Cale: no.
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
Therapist: Define pain
Tcf fandom:
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i-am-not-meh · 4 months
So, I was thinking about Cale in song fics and how he learned how to play instruments to distract himself from his records. And that made me come up with a little head cannon. So let's go back to when Cale was Kim Rok Soo, overworked from refusing to take breaks, using work to avoid his records. I'd imagine Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk would force him to take breaks but would see that it wouldn't help him.
So they temporarily give up but then one day, Choi Jung Soo had a rip in his shirt or pants and off handedly mentioned, "Man, I wish we had someone here who knows how to sew." And Rok Soo, being the sweetheart he is, took a break to patch it up for him.
And then it clicked for Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk. They needed to give Rok Soo hobbies! That's how they can make him take breaks without him drowning in his records!
So, Lee Soo Hyuk started to give him books to read, Choi Jung Soo would give him sewing supplies. They would even try and make makeshift instruments for Rok Soo to learn.
And Rok Soo was, of course, weirded out by all of this but still tried them out. He learned embroidery, and he even learned how to make gloves. He started to read fantasy novels on the breaks he was forced on.
Most importantly, he learned how to distract himself from his records in a healthy way... however, this was basically all lost once Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo weren't there to force him to take breaks, making Rok Soo go back to burying himself in work.
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Kim Rok Soo with scars on his face but no smile lines or stress wrinkles. Kim Rok Soo who keeps his hands in his pockets because of the ugly breakage and dense callouses. Kim Rok Soo who always wears long sleeves. Kim Rok Soo who has never revealed to anyone in his team the extent of his scars. Kim Rok Soo who hides bandages under his clothes and wears all black so that if a bloodstain makes it through, it won’t be visible. Kim Rok Soo who works hard to hide anything scary about his appearance.
Kim Rok Soo who becomes Cale Henituse and assumes that no one will care now that he’s gone from the company.
Cale Henituse who has a young soft face. Cale Henituse who keeps his hands at his sides and he has to remind himself not to hide them because there’s nothing to hide anymore. Cale Henituse who still wears long sleeves but can roll them up or unbutton his shirt. Cale Henituse who has no scars to hide. Cale Henituse who starts off wearing colors and clean white like a noble but wears the black uniform during battles because he knows it hides blood well, blood that will probably be his own. Cale Henituse who finds it easier to hide the scars of his past than physical scars.
Cale Henituse who has a new freedom with his body, because now the pain is internal and he can wipe off the blood from his lip without visible reminders to burden his companions.
Cale Henituse who feels fine but his complexion is pale and his body is thin.
Kim Rok Soo who is strong but he hides his wounds and the past painted onto his skin under dark clothing.
The person who hurts because he cares.
The person who hides because he cares.
The person who hides and hurts but can’t see when other people care for him behind the walls he’s built up.
Kim Rok Soo.
Cale Henituse.
Cold-blooded leader.
Young Master Silver Shield.
The same bleeding heart, two sides of one coin.
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xx3bvvx · 2 months
I can't imagine how close the Soos were, to the point both of Soo Hyuk and Jung Soo chose to die instead of Rok soo.
I mean, my own blood related family wouldn't choose to die for me. Humans are selfish, but both Soo Hyuk and Jung Soo chose to die and save Rok Soo. They didn't want the man they considered as their little brother to die, so they chose to die for him.
That's my roman Empire ♡
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sillydestiny · 8 months
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losing you Cale Henituse X Reader
Cale's thoughts raced as he moved through the chaos of the battlefield, searching for any sign of you. The vivid memories of your laughter, the touch of your hand, and the way you made even the darkest days feel brighter were etched in his mind. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
War had a cruel way of taking lives without mercy, and Cale knew it all too well. He had seen amny people and comrades fall, their lives snuffed out in an instant. But the idea of losing you was unbearable. The selfishness of war, the way it tore loved ones apart, weighed heavily on him.
Amidst the noise and the chaos, Cale pushed forward, determined to find you. The shouts of victory and the celebration of others faded into the background as he focused on his search. He knew he had promised to take care of you, to keep you safe, and he intended to keep that promise.
As he walked, his eyes scanned the surroundings, desperately seeking a familiar face. The worry in his heart gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but fear the worst. The war had already taken so much, and the fear of it taking you was a heavy burden he carried.
With every step, Cale's mind became more and more focused on finding you, making sure you were unharmed. The unspoken words and the unbreakable bond between you both made this search all the more urgent and heartfelt. He would do anything to ensure your safety.
He remembered your confident promise to take care of yourself and your unyielding determination to win the war. Cale's stoic facade softened whenever he thought about those moments. Your strength and your unwavering spirit had captivated him in a way he hadn't expected. But he hadn't realized just how deeply he had fallen in love with you until recently.
Cale found himself addicted to your presence, craving your every word and touch. It was a secret longing he had kept hidden, an unspoken truth between you both, born out of the challenges of the war. He was unable to resist the magnetic pull you had on him.
In the midst of busy days filled with endless meetings and responsibilities, Cale yearned for your presence. He couldn't help but wonder if you were okay, if you had eaten, and how you were faring amidst the turmoil. The moment he caught a glimpse of you, a sense of relief washed over him, and he quickened his pace to reach you.
"Name," he called out, a gentle, reassuring smile hidden behind his stoic expression.
You stopped in your tracks, holding a stack of papers related to your duties. The weight of the world seemed to vanish as Cale leaned into you, his arms enveloping your waist. The scent of your perfume filled his senses, a fragrance he associated with comfort and familiarity.
"Long day?" you inquired, your voice soft and understanding.
Cale's grip tightened as he held you closer, seeking solace in your presence. "Hm...yeah," he replied, his voice laced with fatigue.
In that moment, the two of you shared an unspoken connection, an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of war. It was a cherished moment amid the chaos, a reminder of the deep affection you held for each other.
As Cale continued his journey, his mind felt adrift, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. Every step he took felt like a plunge into the depths of his own heart, a journey filled with uncertainty and fear.
He eventually stopped, his eyes locked onto a gruesome sight. The world around him dissolved into a sea of red, a stark reminder of the brutality of war. Blood, everywhere, and it was something Cale loathed. But his primary concern was finding you.
Cale thought optimistically, trying to quell the dread rising within him. "They're fine... they're probably just resting. She's strong," he mumbled to himself, though an unsettling feeling gnawed at his gut.
Despite the victory celebrations happening outside, Cale's focus remained unwavering as he searched for any sign of your presence, the one constant in his tumultuous world. The gut feeling grew stronger, telling him that something was terribly wrong.
He followed the trail of blood, his thoughts filled with apprehension. Those words, "we will be fine," echoed in his mind as he ventured further. But he didn't stop, driven by the need to find you, to ensure your safety.
Cale's breath hitched as he entered a half-destroyed building, the gruesome reality of war hitting him like a tidal wave. The scene inside left him speechless and paralyzed by horror.
His voice was barely a whisper as he realized the unthinkable had happened. Cale was confronted with a sight he couldn't comprehend, a sight that had shattered the world he knew. The name that had been on his lips now hung heavily in the air, unspoken and filled with anguish.
Cale's world shattered as he knelt beside you, his heart heavy with a despair he had never known before. Blood was splattered on your body, and yet your face bore a serene smile, as if you had already come to terms with your fate. He couldn't comprehend it; he didn't want to believe what was unfolding before his eyes.
Something inside Cale snapped, a thread of hope and happiness that had been holding him together. The fear of losing something so precious once more clawed at him. He had never imagined he would face such a devastating moment again.
As if on autopilot, Cale dropped to the ground, his gaze locked on you, the woman he had dreamed of having a future with, the missing piece to his life. The plan he had held onto, to propose to you after the war, now lay in tatters before him.
His trembling hands reached for you, his fingers gently tucking your hair behind your ear, just as he had done countless times before. It was a tender gesture that had always earned him your smile, your giggles, and your affection.
Cale inched closer, his hand tracing your features, from your forehead to your soft lips, your small nose, and your half-closed eyelids. He needed to convince himself that this was not an illusion, that the woman he cherished was still there, somewhere beneath the surface.
He remembered the way your eyes used to look at him with gentleness, the way your cheeks would turn rosy on cold days, and your laughter like a melody that filled his heart. Most of all, he could hear your voice saying his name with that sweet, melodious tone.
"Cale," he could almost hear you call his name, a whisper in the depths of his mind.
His arms gently cradled your lifeless form, just as you had done for him so many times before. Cale felt an icy chill as he touched your body, the reality of your absence sinking in.
He hated it.
He despised how you smiled so peacefully, as if you had no care in the world. He hated that you wouldn't open your eyes. He wanted you to come back, to tell him it was all a joke, that you were still there with him.
But deep down, he knew. He knew that you were gone, and the pain of that realization clawed at his soul. Cale couldn't accept it, couldn't fathom a world without you in it. It was a nightmare he wished he could wake up from, but the truth was relentless and cruel.
Cale's heart ached with regret as he knelt beside Name, his trembling hands gently stroking her lifeless hair, memories flooding his mind. He remembered those moments when they promised to stand by each other, to chase their dreams together. The war had brought them closer, but it had also torn them apart.
Tears flowed down Cale's face, unnoticed by him as he leaned in, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. The warmth of his lips against her cold skin was a painful reminder of what he had lost.
"I... love you," he whispered, the words escaping him with a flat, forced tone, like a last-ditch effort to convey his feelings to the one he cherished. He wished he had said those words earlier, with the passion and sincerity he felt at that moment.
Now, the reality of her lifeless form hit him hard. He held her tightly, his grip tightening as if trying to will life back into her, though he knew it was impossible. Cale's mournful gaze turned to the sky, his eyes filled with anguish. The world seemed to blur around him as he mourned the loss of the person who meant everything to him.
The passage of time had become a blur for Cale, a haze of grief that seemed to stretch endlessly. Minutes bled into hours, and he had lost all sense of how long he had been sitting there, clutching your lifeless form.
He felt a grip on his shoulder, but Cale paid it little attention. His focus remained solely on you. Then, a trembling, whispered voice broke through his trance, calling him by his name. It was Choi Han, but Cale's response was sluggish, as if his thoughts had been dipped in molasses.
He eventually glanced around and realized that there were only a few people left, a stark contrast to the bustling army that had fought the war. Cale felt a sense at having been lost in his own grief for so long. He had been sitting there like a fool, drowning in his sorrow.
Choi Han's grip on Cale's shoulder tightened slightly, as if to pull him back from the abyss. Cale recognized the guilt in his friend's voice as he whispered an apology, but Cale couldn't find the strength to respond. His mind was exhausted, his thoughts a jumbled mess. as he surveyed the surroundings, he saw others in a similar state of grief. Children cried, seeking solace in the arms of Eruhaben. Cale couldn't help but repeat to himself, "I'm not the only one suffering here."
The victory in the war seemed hollow now. It had come at a cost too high to bear, and Cale's heart ached at the emptiness that had replaced his hopes for a future with you. The promise of a life together had been torn away, just like that.
Cale's gaze fell to the blood that stained your body and his black uniform. It was a cruel irony that this time, it was not his blood on his hands. He couldn't help but notice the peaceful expression on your face, the smile that played at the corners of your lips, even with blood still present. He gently wiped away the blood from your mouth and touched your cheek, as if to reassure himself that you were at peace.
Choi Han's words rang in the heavy silence. "I'm sure Name-nim doesn't want to see us like this, Cale-nim. They probably want to rest in a nice bed."
The realization was like a dagger to Cale's heart. You deserved peace and comfort, not the anguish that weighed on everyone. With a heavy heart, he nodded, acknowledging the truth in those words.
Cale began to stand, cradling your fragile form as if you were the most delicate of treasures. Your head rested on his chest, and you felt terribly light, too light for his liking. Your pallor and coldness were stark reminders of what had been lost.
He hated it.
Choi Han remained by Cale's side, offering his silent support. "Let's go," he whispered, the sorrow in his tone mirroring the heaviness in Cale's heart.
As Cale moved, his body felt heavy with exhaustion, both physical and mental. His surroundings blurred, his thoughts scattered, and he couldn't fully process what was happening around him. He held you closer, afraid that if he let go, you would disappear from his sight, slipping away into the void.
In that moment, the world had dimmed, leaving only the weight of your absence and the burden of his grief to carry forward.
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galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
Cale writes a will a few days before the final battle (just in case he dies) and someone finds it
Whether he actually dies after or not is up to you sksjhs-
(actually now I'm wondering if Cale could have stabbed himself beforehand- did the blood need to be wet-? Does the vitality wear off after a certain amount of time? Could he have theoretically taken the root into a random empty room, asking everyone to leave him alone for a few hours to make sure he has enough time to heal? What if he falls asleep and someone just finds him there Would it eventually get out after the final battle because Cale doesn't think it's important anymore? what if GoD is worried and ends up telling cage? What if he's really vague and forces Cale to tell them himself? What about family and especially Ron /Choi han drowning in self hatred for not questioning why the sword used to defeat the radish was covered in blood- what if they hate themselves even more when Cale comforts them saying it wasn't their fault? What if- )
Cale writing a will
The world tree said he wouldn't die but just in case, he writes a will anyways.
Everyone notices him lost in his thoughts more often, nervous and contemplating. They brush it off and assume it's nerves.
What if Cale slips it in Alberu's office just before everything goes down? In a place he thinks Alberu doesn't check often a day or two before Cale-bab?
Maybe Raon notices when he teleports Cale into the office (when the crown prince isn't there) and assumes it's something important that Cale wants to show Alberu but can't because he's busy?
So like a good son, he leaves a note (it's readable but not perfect-) telling cookie prince about the super important paper that human left in his bottom drawer-
Later, Alberu walks in with Choi han, sees the cute note that's obviously from Raon, checks his drawer, notices the letter sealed with black wax, and opens it.
And Choi han witnesses his face slowly morph into one of anxiety and pure horror.
When they confront cale there are a lot of angry tears and they do it in the middle of everyone having dinner because there are more important matters at hand because of ONE suicidal bastard-
Someone finds it (probably Hans or Ron idk- OR MAYBE THE KIDS-) when he's not quite done writing it and confront him
Actually what about a tea break and Ron is helping clear out Cale's desk and finds the will while Cale is drinking tea literally ten feet In front of him-
I like angst.
I keep forgetting to post, ngl-
Did I ever tell you guys I got covid last month?
Anyways, have a good day!
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justanotherpjofan · 3 months
I remember reading somewhere that KRS adapted really fast to being Cale, like he just one day opened his eyes as someone else and was completly fine about it.
His only real problem was Choi Han beating him.
And I think that tells us a lot of his nonexistent attachment to his original world and now I'm sad because he felt all alone even when he was a team leader surrounded by his subordinates but with no real connection.
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weirdmultishipper · 2 months
Don't mind me, just going to cry after reading chapter 352
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calethescammer · 9 months
Tcf brain rot time :)
Ok so Cale as Krs never had any parental figures, and neither did Og Cale. So what if, some random day, Cale and his family go for an outing, just a small walk around the shops.
And somewhere in between, Cale stops in his tracks. His gaze lingers on the mother-son duo walking alongside a sweet shop, smiling and giggling all the while. His family watches Cale's blank gaze, with a hint of longing and sadness in it.
Cale continues walking like nothing happened. Ron thinks of the young child who had faced grief at an age of laughter and happiness, and Choi Han thought of Rok Soo's past, with just his abusive uncle as his guardian.
Raon, On and Hong shifted closer to the redhead, trying to comfort him even if they didn't know what was wrong.
And now just imagine the angst. Like maybe Alberu or Eruhaben notice it too, how he sometimes smiles sadly seeing kids run around with their parents, or how his gaze turns empty as he tries to numb down his emotions.
And so, to comfort the redhead as far as they can, they decide to shower him with love. While Deruth increased the number of head pats, Violan frequently had tea with Cale, asking about his interests, hobbies and giving him small unnoticeable compliments in between, which Cale very well noticed.
Ron served him sweet tea more often, Eruhaben and Rosalyn helped him talk out his concerns, majorly of ongoing wars and safety reasons, and Choi Han was the best suited to talk about his previous life, which Cale was very reluctant to share.
Alberu, being the Alberu he was, did what he felt would be best for Cale:
Cale and Alberu stared at each other, the latter smiling more brightly than ever.
"Your Highness."
"Yes, hyung-nim. Can you tell me what this is?"
Cale pointed towards the table.
Alberu smiled more brightly and Cale almost heard him giggle softly, before covering it up with a cough.
"This, my dear dongsaeng, is a golden plaque."
Cale stared at him with the most deadpan expression.
"What do you want me to do now?"
Alberu just sat speechless, his face crumbling and smiling all together.
Eventually, he managed to convince Cale, telling him that a King needed to be benevolent, and that Cale had done more than enough to be rewarded a golden plaque. Not that Cale believed any of that bullshit, but well, free money should not be refused.
Aside from that, the kids brought him various flowers and Rosalyn helped in decorating Cale's hair with them.
'Why is everyone acting so weird?'
Cale thought, trying to ignore the warm feeling in his chest and his slight smile at the flower crown the kids had made.
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fictional2dcharacters · 2 months
Why were ancient powers in TBOAH not considered strong? Let’s talk about it.
What was that thing in the beginning of the novel that talked about ancient powers not being powerful? And despite people having them, they weren’t used very much in The Birth of a Hero because of that?
Cale had said it before when he talked about the fiery thunderbolt in tboah when Pendrick had gotten it, saying that it was of equal power to like a lighter or something, nowhere as powerful as what they needed it for.
But when Cale got it, it’s suddenly just gods damnation?!?!?? And it had the power to purify dead mana and black magic like this whole time?? That needs to be a topic for a whole other post (I mean seriously, that’s overpowered af, and no one would’ve ever known because only Cale can hear the voices of ancient powers, so Pendrick would forever have absolutely no idea it could do that)
I mean, it could be the way he spent all that money just to give it more power in a way Pendrick would never be able to do because they’re so non-materialistic.
But still, it’s just such a big difference????
The Sound of the Wind, Toonka in TBOAH never used it, again, maybe just because it might’ve been a bit too similar to magic, but he also called it weak and just never used it!
The Unbreakable Shield was just never used period, despite its usefulness and utility.
I have no idea about the Sky-Eating Water because I think it also never got used.
But why does something about Cale make these powers stronger?
They’re not even fully combined with his soul! They’re not at full power!! What the hell???!??
I have a theory about this, but you have to hear me out-
So TBOAH was the story about the creation of a hero through suffering and overcoming adversity, right?
Maybe his ancient powers are so strong because of a, “high risk, high return” type thing?
For example, referencing one of my past posts, every time he coughs up blood from an ancient powers recoil, he should be dying. His plate is weak, it’s made of glass, and every time he uses one last their limit, that glass will get closer snd closer to breaking, that is, without the Crybaby ancient power.
The Crybaby ancient power serves as a cushion, a shock-absorber, for every time one of the other ancient powers tries to recoil against Cale’s glass plate.
Just think of it as, every time Cale has ever coughed up blood, he should’ve been dead.
And of course, Cale, with barely any self preservation instincts, or those mental blocks in his brain that would usually be like “oh using that much would be too harmful, let’s not,” Mr, I can used Instant for 5 seconds and come out looking like I jumped into a blender, who is willing to sacrifice himself at anytime for the ones he loves, will always use the ancient powers past the safe limit.
For taking such a large backlash, one that would, should, be strong enough to kill you, you must be rewarded with something pretty powerful, right? Balance and all that shit?
Does any of this make sense? It’s like 1 am right now
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