#calum hood reader
Sweet Dreams--Part 8
Calum and you have dance around reality for a few months now. But after Calum leaves and returns from a trip, the reality has to be confronted. 
Weeks are passing and maybe more is blooming between you and Calum than might meet the eye.
Prince!Calum x Reader Insert.
CW: Smut across the series. Mentions of parental neglect, and alcohol abuse across the series as well.
Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist
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It’s a nerve wracking call, only because you’re sure Turner’s going to laugh. You’re sure she’s going to tell you that you’re probably overreacting. But you want to at least look Calum in the eye and tell him the truth, that you did call at the very least. So you hold the phone as it rings against your ear. You don’t even know what you’re going to say, how you’re going to breach the topic but you’re hoping that it’s not terrible. 
“Thank you for calling Forest, how can I help?”
“Hi, I’m calling trying to get in contact with Turner. Is she available by chance?”
“Oh, uh, one second. I believe so.” 
The rustling carries on. You can hear the chatter of patrons and servers alike mingling in the background. Dropping your head against the door, you wait with a thundering heart. Perhaps lightning could strike you and save you from your own anxiety and from the potentially embarrassing moment. But you doubt that the world would be that kind to you. 
“Turner speaking.”
“Hi, Turner,” you greet, picking your head up sharply. You feel a small tweak run up the back of your neck at such a sharp movement. At the supply of your name in return from Turner’s greeting, you pause. How are you going to ask this?
“Is everything alright?” Turner asks in the silence. 
“I think so. I-I’m calling because my boyfriend’s let me know about some photos that have surfaced of the two of us on a date. And I-I guess I’m calling to help placate his worry that it’s going to impact my ability to start with Forest.”
There’s a soft chuckle that echoes from the receiver. “Oh, no need to worry here. Not about that--what you decide to do on your own private time is truly none of our business. Of course, should you start working here, and feel that patrons or even staff are pressing hard on that boundary or things get out of control due to your relationship with the Prince, do let me know.”
There’s an exhale, you can feel it pressing at your shoulders. But you hold the wince at her words of ‘the Prince’. “I take it you already knew?”
“It may have come up in discussions during the hiring process and the impacts to you and the business. But I remain steadfast in the decision to add you to the Forest family.”
“Thank you, Turner. I appreciate it. Should anything get too out of hand, I’ll definitely let you know.”
“You are the second person to call today though, about your start here, at Forest. Seems like you are adored mightily.”
“The second?” you question. Calum promised he wouldn’t do anything else behind your back, that he’d only help when you asked him to help you. 
“Your current boss thinks highly of you, dear. Is there anything else I can help with by chance? We’ll talk more about where you’re comfortable once you’re trained up on the line. Should you get to the floor and it gets bad, we’ll do what we can to accommodate you. But I think it might be best not to worry about the shadows we can’t see.”
You nod, finally letting the exhale push out from your nose. “Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks again, Turner. Hope the rest of today is good for you.”
“Thank you. Same to you. We’ll chat again on your first day.”
The call ends, a three tone beep letting you know that the other end has disconnected. Part of you wonders what Janet would’ve called about, what she might’ve had to say, but asking feels like too much of an overstep. Whatever Janet had to say didn’t appear to be bad, or you think Turner’s choice in words would’ve been different. Though it would be easy to ask Janet about the contents of the conversation, you don’t think it’s worth pushing. If Janet wanted you to know, she’d tell you. If Turner wanted to divulge more, you think she, too, would’ve given more. So you leave it where it is, lay it to rest there in the single sentence Turner gave you. 
You’ve got one week left. A week left and then there won’t be any more night shifts for you. A week left taking breakfast orders between batches of biscuits. A week left of whatever it is that you and your coworkers have fallen into--Calum called it family. Said you were allowed to call them friends. But worry is a loud beast. Wouldn’t it all feel way too awkward? Wouldn’t it be better if you kept distant? Yet, you can’t help but wonder who else will tease like Declan, or Yvonne, or Crypus do. Who else is going to look out for Val? Who else is going to keep Janet from going insane with scheduling issues? 
There’s no staying though. You know you can’t stay, not for what you want.  Someway, they’ll take care of each other. It is your prayer, your hope. As you slip your phone back into your pocket and play with the ring of keys in your hand, you hope that they always find a way to take care of each other long after you’re gone. 
“Groceries won’t get themselves,” you whisper to yourself. 
It’s so strange, that the world keeps turning. The creak of your bedroom door closing behind you is faint--so much so, that you’re not sure if you actually heard it or if you’ve imagined it given all the other times you’ve heard the sound. Above the living room, you can hear the steps of Josie. You think it’s her day off from work, but you’re not entirely sure about that. She could’ve gone out earlier before you got up and come back. In the hallway, you know the breeze will be starting to stiffen. You suspect you might even find the neighborhood cat curled up on a step trying to soak up the last of the sun’s warmth. 
And yet everything just keeps going around and around. You along with it. The way it’ll always be you’re sure. 
The cat hardly looks up at you as you pass it. The bowl of water is full. There’s pieces of food in the corners and you wonder if someone recently left some behind. But you make a note to add at least a can or two of food to your grocery list. It won’t hurt to have the extra for when the bowl empties. The wooden stairs creak under your weight but carry you steadily down. 
Everything keeps turning--round and round. The aisles are bright. The teenager who checks you out looks bored as they scan bread, meat, the fruits, vegetables, and even the snacks. They don’t blink at the cat food you’ve put on the conveyor belt either. There’s some solace, you think, as you carry your bags back to the car, that at least there’s some normalcy. When you return, you expect that the cat’s long gone. You expect that you’ve bought just a hair more than your portion of the fridge can handle and will need to hurriedly eat something to make it all fit. It’s like clockwork as you snack on the page of baby carrots that are the culprit this grocery trip. 
Your phone chimes from the counter; you watch it light up as you work on getting the box of corn dogs that you shouldn’t have bought but did so anyway into the freezer. Your first instinct is that it’s Calum. He knows your schedule just like you do. But with the box snugly fit into the freezer, you lift it to find a message from Cyprus. You’d given your number to her should she need you to cover a shift. No one had yet to contact you outside of job needs. Until now. 
Wednesday. 7:30 PM. Vivant Pub. There will be no ifs, no ands, no buts. 
 What if I have ifs, ands, and buts? you respond but make sure to add a reminder to your calendar. You work that Tuesday, but don’t not Wednesday night. 
You better leave them at your house, Cyprus answers. 
Your fingers hover over your keys. You want to ask what this is about. You knew the group got together occasionally for drinks or lunch, but those gatherings were always planned aloud in the kitchen with everyone bustling in and out to set tables or clock in and out of their shift. You have never been able to attend given the way your schedule falls. And if you had been able, you usually declined to get more sleep in your day. 
Who else is coming? you ask in return. Declan’s on my shit list as you know. 
It’s a small get together. You can’t use catching up on sleep as an excuse though. Declan knows he’s supposed to behave. Or I’ll unleash hell on him. 
Vivant’s kind of far out though. Wouldn’t Tootsie’s be closer? Vivant is a bar forty minutes out--about three cities over. It’s not classier than Tootsie's in the sense that Vivant still serves a similar menu to Tootsie's; it’s just newer. They’re able to pull in more live events and host theme nights as a way to garner patrons. It’s upscale in a way that no pub really ought to be, but it makes sense for the town it’s in. You’d heard about it opening earlier in the summer, but hadn’t given it much thought given the options around town. 
I mean it is, but I’ve never been to Vivant. So, you’re coming with me. Done deal.
You could tell her that you still need to meet with your siblings and see if there’s anything they need for back to school. You could tell her a thousand things to get out of it. Yet the echo of Calum’s word rings: They’re your friends. So you don’t tell Cyprus that you’ve got other things you have your agenda. You don’t tell Cyprus that she really knows how to drop an invite. You don’t tell her that you’ve got worry in your stomach like lead about leaving or about moving on from their community and how you don’t want to make things awkward when you leave the job, but aren’t really gone. 
 Instead you type back two words: Done deal. 
The conversation lies there, with agreement, well after you call Calum back to update him about the conversation with Turner. The agreement you’ve made with Cyprus closes on those two words. Because maybe you all are dysfunctional, and maybe you all are also family in the way you never noticed it until it was time to leave it. 
When Wednesday rolls around, you find yourself staring up at the ceiling of your room. Though Calum had asked if you were going to stay, you declined. He had plans for the evening anyway, and you didn’t want to be in that castle with nothing to do. Though you knew Calum was working on the shed for you in the garden, it was still not done. There’d been some big questions about getting the unit powered, whether a line could split off from the main building and what would that mean in terms of extending the timeline. And even if you did decide that you’d wait around in Calum’s room, he’d only be there for an hour or two max after you woke up before having to leave for his plans. 
The evening sun is lower than before; you can tell by the shadows. The first sign that summer had been pushed out. Fall was creeping in and would consume the heat and bright sun in just another couple weeks. You didn’t mind the crisper evenings or the brisk mornings. Summer’s heat clung to you, like children begging for candy in a grocery store. Fall feels like an opening, a rush of something that’s not come but on the way. Fall feels like promise. 
“Why aren’t you here?” Charlie asks over the phone. After eating and getting dressed, you called after Charlie and Teagan’s dinner. You wanted to make the most of the time you did have before needing to head out to Vivant’s. Though, you preferred to meet Charlie and Teagan in person for back to school stuff, you wouldn’t be able to make that drive, see them, and get out on time. 
“Some friends asked me to go out with them.”
“But you always make our list together,” Charlie comments. 
“I’ll be back Friday to finish it in person, Charlie. Just be thinking about it, okay? Like if you need a new backpack or a new pencil holder. Just think about it.”
“Oh, okay.” You’re not sure if the answer has totally placated him, but he seems to get it in the interim. 
“I want socks,” Teagan interjects. “With the lace on them. I saw a girl wear them today and they’re so cute!”
You snort. You’re glad Teagan’s not asking for anything outlandish and that she seems unphased by the slight change in the normal routine. She’s always had a more level head, but you know that at the end of the day she is still a kid. You always want her to be a kid. So lace socks it will be. “Got it, Teag.”
“Oh! Our uniforms changed colors this year,” Charlie interjects with enthusiasm. 
“Did they? What color are they now?” you ask and it launches Charlie into a discussion about how the grade levels get a different school color to denote their grade. Charlie’s traded in pale blue for purple this year. You whistle at the upgrade, even though you knew his uniform would change colors. Teagan grumbles that she’s still stuck in white and how it’s not fair that her color is boring. 
“You’ll get a new exciting color soon,” you state as comfort. 
“Yeah, I will. Just sucks right now,” Teagan comments. “Charlie, that’s gross!”
“I had a booger,” Charlie returns. 
“Get a tissue then! Ew. Give me the phone. You need to wash your hands now.”
The good thing about Charlie and Teagan is that there is no dull moment. There's a shuffle of the phone before Teagan’s voice floats through again. “You promise to get us Friday?” she asks. Her voice is soft. 
Your heart thunders at the sound of her question. What happened? You don’t want to think the worst. You keep telling yourself not to think the worst. Thinking the worst is only going to serve bigger problems. 
“Is something wrong?” you ask. Your mouth is dry as the words form. 
“Just--just promise you’ll get us Friday.”
“I will. I promise. Teagan if anything is going on, you can tell me, you know that right?” Please just tell me, you beg internally. 
“I know.” 
You worry about the sigh. You worry that if you push her too hard she’ll clam up on you, shut you out entirely. “We can go anywhere you want Friday, okay? Anywhere.” 
“Just want to see you,” Teagan responds. 
“Hands are clean!” Charlie announces as he gets closer to the phone. Teagan’s plea gets lost in Charlie’s new demand that he get cool tie dye socks. It takes every ounce of pressure to keep your mouth shut. The muscle in your jaw twitches. It’s not the time for tie dye socks, but Charlie goes on and on and Teagan laughs. The window’s closed, the moment gone now. You can’t push her even if you want to. Even if it burns the tip of your tongue. So you let Charlie rant on about the socks. 
You know colors are well outside of the regulation for the school uniforms but that’s a problem for Diana and Melvin. You’re getting him the tie dye socks at the end of the day. You talk for another twenty minutes before you have to get off the phone--most of the conversation revolves around their days at school. You listen intently to the way Teagan speaks though. She’s getting along with her friends and so far has not had any issues with the teachers. It still doesn’t leave you as you hang up about her soft plea that you pick them up Friday. That she needed to hear your promise. 
“Just let them be okay,” you whisper to the silence of your car. You just need them to be okay. 
Vivant is more packed than anticipated. The parking lot looks like it could spill over at any second, cars pulled and backed down the aisles. You circle through the four lanes and manage to catch a space between two SUV’s. It looks like a close call, but street parking is on a meter, which you know will be a pain to monitor--sober or drunk. So you make the spot work and carry on towards the door. The music is spilling out from the inside of the pub, thanks to the outdoor patio. People stand outside, drinks in hand as well.
You hate to admit that it is a nicer appearing place than Tootsie’s as you step through the door. It’s not as crowded inside as the outside appears to be. Not at the front, but as you push through the initial thin crowd and move deeper, you see the bodies lined at the bar. It looks like most people are still getting the night started. You peer around, trying to see if you can spot Cyprus or Declan, since they’re the only two you know that are going to be there. But so far, you’re coming up empty handed. 
Your phone shakes from your pocket and you take a moment to pull it out. Back patio, near the fire pits. It’s from Cyprus. A picture follows it up of her and Declan, grinning hard into the camera. We may have gotten started without you. Sorry! 
Typical, you send back but smile at the thought of them apologetic about already being a drink in or so. Grabbing a drink, be out soon. You settle in at the bar at a clear corner. There’s two bartenders working. One that looks a little bit older than the other. The younger one slides to you almost immediately after you press into the wooden counter. “What can I get you started with?”
“What’s on draft?” you ask. With the options listed off and your ID checked, you settle on Guinness. 
“Opening or closing that tab?”
“Closing,” you answer. 
“You got it. Thanks for making our lives easier,” the man laughs. His curls are wild around his face, resting against his shoulders. A scrunchie lives on his wrist but it seems to be more decorative as he never reaches for it to secure up his hair. Though, you wonder if the black velvet with what looks like stars on it might be indicative that the scrunchie was gifted by someone important. 
“Any time,” you return, singing the receipt. “Best of luck out there.” You tip the glass to the people still pouring around the bar. 
“We accept cash, cards, and prayers,” he snorts before tapping onto the bar and moving on. 
You push on through the thickening crowd until you’re deep at the doors that lead outside. The rush of warmth and the breeze mix as you push open the doors. To your right there’s a hodgepodge of people clustered together. No one you recognize but before you can even fully look left a cheer erupts. You catch your name in the mix, spinning and there--a good fourth if not half of the kitchen staff are bundled up on the left side of the patio, surrounding two fire pits. There are balloons, a set that says congrats, tied to a pole. They bump into each other with another slight breeze. 
Cyprus reaches first you first, grabbing your arm to bring you closer. “Don’t act so shocked,” she laughs. 
You watch the crowd, here assembled for you. “I-I am shocked,” you return. There’s a mix of emotions--joy to see all these folks rallying for you specifically. But you can see just under that is the sadness of knowing you’re leaving. Friday’s the last day for you; the end of the era. You’d pulled out all the chef’s coats already, washed and pressed the ones that you plan to turn in tomorrow. Janet’s let you have until Monday to turn in everything.
But there’s that crowd--smiling and cheering at your entrance. There’s Cyprus pulling you in and and in. You’re buried in hugs. Declan wraps you up first, arms swaddling you. “I’m going to miss you. Even if you were a stick in the mud sometimes,” he teases. 
“I’ll still be around to be a stick in the mud,” you laugh. “But I’m going to miss you too.”
Yvonne catches you next. Her arms rubbing over your back. “It doesn’t feel real,” she whispers. “I’m happy for you though. So happy for you.”
You’re shuffled from person to person, hugs and congratulations given the entire way. In the back though, you spy Calum. The baseball cap and sunglasses do well to keep his identity concealed to the outside, but you watch the way he watches you. The squish of his cheeks as he laughs along with Delcan about something that’s been said, but his gaze doesn’t fall from you for too long. You feel it, even through the cotton of your shirt. Calum’s adorned in a green flannel open over a black tank. It’s the most casual you’ve seen him in a while. He looks good, like he could fit in with the crowd around him. 
Val’s the last person before you reach him. Her hug is shorter though as she pulls back, she punches at your bicep. “I’ll be taking your spot. Still not going to give up that biscuit recipe?”
You laugh. “Family secret. Haven’t heard back about a secret brother though, so I fear your chances are growing slimmer for a sequel.”
“I’ll take a sister too,” Val snorts. She pats the spot she hit and then nods over her shoulder. It’s always obvious, you know. The way you and Calum are always pulled in close to each other, without thought. It’s easy. It feels right to keep close when he’s around. 
You roll your eyes, but walk on until you’re just a couple steps from Calum. Declan clocks your approach and pats Calum’s shoulder before stepping away. A declaration of needing another drink is his departure from the group. “You said you had plans,” you comment around a sip of your drink. 
“They fell through,” Calum returns with a grin. 
“Nice of you to take the time to join.” You take another step closer. The fire pits aren’t on, not yet this early in the season. It’s not cold enough yet. You give it another few weeks and they’ll be on in full force. Even still, Calum’s warmth radiates. You feel drawn into it like a moth to a light. You want to chase it and have it bathe your skin eternally.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Calum sets his bottle down, the Corona seemingly not interesting anymore. His embrace is tight. His cologne filters into nose as you wrap your arms around him too. 
Calum presses a kiss to your temple as he pulls away. The brim of the hat bumps you just a little with the action. “Don’t let me hog you though. You’re the person of the hour. I’ll be here.”
“Awkward?” you ask, eyes trailing down to his lips. It’s a brief look before you look back up at his face. 
“No, they’re cool. I’m cool. But I know this is your time, so I’m just being mindful of that.”
“I appreciate that. Can I kiss you? Before I romp around.” It’s public, you know. But the desire stirs in the pit of your stomach and it’s crazy to think that the slight dampness from his drink makes the pink tint of his lips that more alluring. 
His palm is warm on your cheek. “You don’t really have to ask, baby. Of course.” 
The press is soft--the taste of his beer coating his lips. You know your lips are bitter too. But you revel in the embrace. Calum’s grin brightens his face as you pull away. “Love you,” he whispers. 
“Love you,” you return just as softly. There’s part of you that waits for the teases, a whistle or comment. But there’s nothing but chatter around you. 
As you’re reabsorbed back into the crowd, you get circled. Declan starts the chain--a retelling of all the work stories they have about you. The first time you showed up on the job felt rather boring to you. You’d put in the code to get through the gate, walked into the kitchen, and noticed a note from Janet about the times that you needed to be mindful of. She’d compiled a list of the normal breakfast that everyone had. You stared at the list, memorizing it and then out of boredom dug out what you needed to make biscuits. The door opened to the kitchen in a rush as you pulled the second batch of biscuits out and there Declan stood, sniffing like a dog chasing a scent. When he asked if he could try one, you shrugged and quipped back, I’m sure you could. But if that’s asking for permission, we should try again. Declan howls even as he retells it, how he’d been so shocked at your dry wit, but that he knew from that day on that he’d always like you. That Declan knew you’d be someone special--even if you were a tough nut to crack. 
Around and around you hear stories of how touched people were at your effortless grace--how you’d helped Cyprus with her hosting uniform when her hands had been aching and cramping all day. How you’d been the first person to greet Yvonne on her first day--asking her if she’d eaten before arriving and if she needed anything. You’d assured her that the job wasn’t too bad, as long as she could cook and follow directions. The more and more you hear--how you’d helped Kennedy change his flat tire, or sat with Jennifer’s kid when she interviewed--the more you realize that as boring as you called your life you’d been a force of kindness. You’d assumed anyone would’ve done the things you did, but you can see now just how impactful those actions were. 
You still want to think that anyone would’ve done those things. You still want to believe that everyone has that same kind of grace. But you realize maybe that it has been something about you. Maybe it’s okay that your life felt boring, and maybe even as shitty of a road it’d been previous, it’d all led to this. To the invisible threads that connected people to each other. One simple act of kindness can be the difference in the universe. It’s all invisible strings around you and you are at the center--tethered to people in ways that felt so mundane to you, but now you realize are much more significant. 
“Any stories you want, or can, share?” Declan questions. He looks over to Calum, who’s kept the outskirts as promised. “I think we’re all curious how this came about.”
“Cake,” Calum returns with a laugh.  
“Technically, a sandwich,” you correct. “You stumbled into the kitchen drunk one night to make a sandwich and hadn’t seen me.”
Calum snorts at the correction, “And you told me that you could lead a horse quieter through the castle. But then I asked a couple weeks later for their help baking a cake for my mum’s birthday.”
“I still uphold that I could've led a wild horse quieter through the castle than you making that sandwich.”
“If I’m honest, you probably could’ve,” Calum laughs. “But it’s, uh, not scandalous.”
You know how scandalous it actually is; the words exchanged in the heat of the moment, how you two promised to consume each other-- from flesh down to the bones. But you know in reality it was the conversations, how the interest started was the way that Calum wanted to talk to you more and more as the weeks went on. It’s how you wanted to come in earlier to talk to Calum too. The truth, sometimes, is boring. “I liked talking to him,” you confess. 
“I liked talking to them,” Calum states. “Didn’t hurt that the cake didn’t turn into a disaster.”
You throw an elbow back just a little to nudge Calum’s rib. “It only didn’t turn into a disaster because I was there, Mister Are-You-Sure-We-Need-Baking-Soda?”
“It was a valid question,” Calum huffs.
“Cakes need to rise.”
“I know that now. Thanks to you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Cyprus fake gags. “I love your love. But speaking of cakes, I do have cupcakes for us to enjoy as well. Please eat them so I do not take them back home. I do not need 2 dozen cupcakes.”
The group migrates over to the boxes, next to the balloons. A few cliques form as people take their respective treats. By the time you get your hands on one, the first dozen and a half is done. You pluck up a vanilla one and get half of it down in one bite. You know the bakery Cyprus got them from, and it’s just as good as you remember them being. 
“Need another drink?” Calum asks. You finished yours a bit ago, but hadn’t made moves to go inside for more. 
“No, no I’m good. Thank you though.”
“Of course. I’m going to go inside for a second, I’ll be right back. Do you want something else even if it’s not another beer? Soda? Water?”
“Uh, a Coke would be great.” After the taste of the cupcake, you want something sweet.
“A Coke it is.” Calum squeezes your hand before slipping inside of the bar. The conversation surrounding you settles to how kids are doing. You listen to the excitement about teething and first steps, alongside the celebrations of the first couple weeks of school being survived. There’s fear though about children getting sick and bringing it home. Parents swap secrets and tricks to help keep sickness at bay. All of it reminds you of Teagan and Charlie. But specifically the plea Teagan had. 
“Baby, you okay?” the question is soft.
As you blink, you realize a cup of fizzing soda is in front of you. You’ve lost track of the time you’d spaced out. “Yeah,” you answer slowly to the voice--Calum’s you’re sure. It’s not that you aren’t okay. You just know that as you answer this, you are opening up to a much deeper line of questioning. Calum won’t let the topic go easily. 
“You sure?”
Not answering Calum will cause him to worry. Answering Calum will cause him to worry. There is truly no winning in this regard at all. You’ll be honest though. “Yeah, just. I'm a little worried about Teagan is all.”
“If you need to swing by and see them, I don’t think anyone would mind. But if you want to say, just know I’m here for you.”
“I’m going to see them Friday. I’ll be okay.”
Calum’s hand is warm as it surrounds yours. He squeezes only for a moment or two, but it’s enough that you know he’s there for you. “Do you want to stay? I can fake sick.”
A soft chuckle leaves your throat. You squeeze back at Calum’s hand before threading your fingers through his. “I don’t think you have to go that far. I didn’t expect you to take it easy,” you comment, looking now at the clear glass in Calum’s hand. 
“Meetings in the morning, unfortunately. Or else I would’ve gone much harder.”
“Getting older sucks, don’t it?”
“Only a little bit,” Calum laughs. The evening winds down slowly--it starts first with the parents needing to get back to their children, then the people who have morning shifts, and then the people who have respectable bedtimes. You stay behind to help clean up, even though Cyprus and Declan both tell you to leave several times. It’s not a big clean up. Calum takes the last cupcake so they can break down the boxes and toss them into the trash. You unravel the balloons from where they’ve been tied down and tie the bunch around your wrist. 
In the walk back to your car, Calum at your side, you pause to watch Declan and Cyprus head to their respective cars. There’s laughter between them, you hear it echoing against the night. You hope not to forget that sound.
 “You’re somber,” Calum notes, paused behind you. 
“I’ve never had people care about me leaving a job like this before. I mean sure, Ms. Shirley was sad to see me go, but she knew that I wouldn’t be there forever.”
“It’s like I said before. They’re your friends, baby.”
“I guess I just wish it didn’t take me leaving to realize it.”
“Well, you still got time to make it work, baby. You’ve still got time.” 
Time is such a funny word and concept. The seconds pass in the blink of an eye. The minutes fall like sand. The hours move like a breeze. You know it’s there and then it’s gone. You’ll never be able to catch it. 
“Thanks for coming to this,” you return, facing Calum again. “I appreciate it.”
“Of course, you’re welcome.” His smile is soft and the two of you start back to your car. “Do you want to come back to my place or head home?”
“I’ve got to get some stuff sorted for Friday, so I’m going to head home. But I will be free until Monday.” You think there’s a dinner happening on Friday. Calum hadn’t given too many details about it, but it was something he needed to attend from what you were told. 
“Saturday then? I’m still ironing out details with some friends for drinks in the evening, and would love to have you along.”
“Friends or the boys?” you ask. It’s a small tease as you do know that there is a collection of three other guys Calum’s especially close too. You’d yet to meet them. Your schedule being the most unforgiving at the time. 
“Drinks with the boys, yes,” Calum laughs. “But I mean it. I’d love for you to join. IF you can of course after you see Teagan and Charlie.”
Calum offers it tenderly, like he might be scared that you won’t believe him. You do though. As much as you had on your plate, there’s always a sense of calm when Calum’s around. A little bit of separation--you know that life won’t stop spinning for you, but when you can steal moments away with Calum it feels like life is stopping. You feel like you can soak it all up. 
“It’s a date, then. With all of them, specifically.”
Calum’s kiss to the back of your hand is quick as you’re paused outside the driver side door. “Silly, silly goose. But I’m happy you can join. Text me when you get home, yeah?”
“I’ll let you know when I get home too,” Calum assures.  
“Promise?” you tease. 
“Always,” he grins. 
The curtains flutter as you pull to a complete stop outside the house. The engine is still knocking gently as the door flies open. Teagan’s figure stands in the now empty doorway. Behind her, you spot Melvin who’s pushing up from the stairs. “Teagan, sweetheart, please wait for a knock next time. We need to make sure you stay safe,” Melvin laughs. 
Charlie is slow around the bend, his smile bright as he looks at you. You smile over to him, but quickly turn back to Teagan. She looks normal--a bounce to her as she waits. Maybe it was all a fluke. Maybe it was just the nerves about going back to school after the summer. “Hi, Teag,” you greet once you’re up the short set of stairs.
She greets you with a hug, arms wrapping around your legs. “Missed you.”
“I’m here now, Teag. I’m here now. Ready to go to the toy store?”
“Born ready!”
There’s still a small battle with jackets, light for the evening, but still necessary as you hear Diana gather Teagan and Charlie to take a pick from the ones in the hall closet. But once they’re layered up, you take a hand of theirs each and start back down the steps. Teagan’s in first and slides all the way to the passenger side of the back seat. Charlie climbs in second. They make quick work of getting buckled in, but the entire time there’s a prickle--the eyes of Diana boring holes into you. 
“Have we thought about anything else needed for school?” you ask, reversing out of the driveway. 
“Just the socks,” Charlie answers. “You’ve got everything else. Or at least I do.”
“Fair enough. Anything for you Teag?”
“Not at the moment.”
“Just give a call if you need anything.” You hope Charlie still has the piece of paper you gave him with your number on it. 
“When do you start your new job?” Charlie asks. 
“Monday. I start it on Monday.”
You hum at the question. Maybe to you starting something new isn’t all that new to you. You’ve started over and over before. This is just another one of those times. “Not scared. But I think I am nervous about not embarrassing myself on the first day,” you laugh. 
“You’ll do great,” he reassures. “You’re already pretty awesome.”
“Thanks, Charlie.”
At a red light, you take a glance into the rearview mirror. Teagan’s staring out the window. Charlie’s staring back at you. It’d all look normal if not for the soft echo of Teagan’s plea in your mind. “School’s still going good?” you ask. 
It’s only been a couple days, but yet the fear keeps pressing the question. You want it so desperately to just be something with school. The question you keep trying to swallow back, yet keeps pushing to the forefront of your mind is what if your parents have slipped up? What if things are getting bad like they did for you? You’re in no position to take Charlie and Teagan in. You’d do it if necessary. You’d do whatever you needed for them. 
Charlie shrugs at the question. “I don’t think I’m going to like my science teacher.”
“Why not?”
“He’s mean. Spits a lot when he talks too.”
You grimace at the mental image; the fury of a red faced man shouting at a group of children, coupled with the globs of spit that fly around him. “I think I should get you a poncho, huh?” Charlie howls at the suggestion. Teagan’s laughter joins in too, much softer than Charlie’s. “What about you Teag?”
“School’s fine; I have friends in most of my classes,” she states.
The conversation falls after that into silence. You have to pay attention to the road. The radio’s playing softly. There’s a hum of the car passing you by and utter dread solidifying in your gut. It’s too big of a leap--one bad mood from Teagan is not enough for you to make this much of a conclusion, but your gut’s sinking and you cannot stop it. 
Charlie’s first into the store, tugging you by the arm. But Teagan stays close to you. Where you’re normally fighting to keep an eye on both of them, Charlie’s taking charge and leading the trio of you. Teagan’s hold on your hand is tight. The store itself isn’t too busy. There’s a few families from the looks of it. A father carrying the littlest of the family on his shoulders. A mother carrying her child on her hip. You suspect in the coming weeks though the place will become busier--the closer and closer it goes to Christmas. 
Charlie at the helm leads the trio into the section where the Lego sets are. You let go of his hand so that he can navigate a bit more freely. He pauses and picks up various sets, turning to look at the back of the boxes. Teagan shows only vague interest in the few immediately near her. “Don’t you think we should beg Santa for a sister to your unicorn?” you ask Teagan. 
She laughs, head shaking as she looks up. “Rosie already takes up my entire bed. No sisters for her.”
You shrug. “Looks like you might just need a bigger bed then. It’s the only real solution here.”
“Look! They have Star Wars!” Charlie shouts. He’s only at the end of the aisle, and you look up to see the set in his hands. You think you make out one of the ships from the series, but you wouldn’t be able to place it exactly. “It’s a republic ship, but it’s still cool!”
“Oh don’t tell me you’re going to the dark side, Charlie. I’d hate to fight my own brother, but will if I must,” you return. 
“No, no dark side. Not yet anyways,” Charlie tacks on with a dark cackle. He places the box back and turns to look at the items behind him. 
With only a soft tuft of laughter, you look back to Teagan. She’s wrapped herself around your forearm now, clinging to you but uninterested in the items around her. 
“What was it like with Mom and Dad before?” Teagan asks as the two of you follow behind Charlie to the train sets. 
“What do you mean?” you ask. 
“You said that they didn’t tuck you in and that you didn’t get bedtime stories. But we do get that. So what was it like before?”
It’s not fair. You know that. Teagan’s asking you a genuine question but you don’t want to taint the view they have of Diana and Melvin. They’re much too young; they’ve had a good childhood. But that lead in your stomach grows heavier. The very suspicion you’d prayed was wrong creeps back up. It burns your throat like bile as your body grows hot. Please let me be wrong. 
“Has something changed?” you ask in return. 
“You’re avoiding my question.”
“And you’re avoiding mine. So I guess we know where the other got it from. Teag, has something changed?”
“I wasn’t supposed to be up.” The start of her sentence comes out soft, reminiscent of the first snowflake that falls. You hope it’s not the calm before the blizzard. You still hope that maybe Teagan overhead something and is misconstruing it. She is only a child. There’s so much she doesn’t understand; there’s still so much the world hasn’t done to her yet. You want her to stay that way. It won’t be forever. No one gets through the world with their share of scars. But you don’t want Teagan’s world to be shattered like yours was. 
“I won’t tell on you.” But you will set fire to that house if need be. You will tear your parents limb from limb if they don't keep it together for Charlie and Teagan’s sake. You will be more than their worst regret. You know that in the marrow of your bones. 
“Dad was talking to Mom; it sounded bad. Mom hadn’t been reading or tucking me in. Dad does it. And that’s fine. Dad does great with it. I just--I missed Mom doing it. She did read and tuck me in last night. But we only got through one story. I talked to Dad about it. I just wanted ot make sure everything was okay.”
“Did you or Mom get sleepy first?” You can’t ask her if Diana’s words were slurred. You don’t dare try to ask if something smelled different. Teagan wouldn’t have a concept of what would even smell different, how to place the sterile stench of alcohol on someone’s breath. 
“Mom did. Which is okay. She’s been up late, she says. Working or something. I didn’t mean to cause more trouble.”
Your palms are wet, you know they are. You can feel the sweat prickling at your skin. You can be wrong. All you had was Teagan’s recount--noticing that she wasn’t getting tucked in or being read bedtime stories by Diana like normal. It could be nothing. Maybe Diana was taking on more hours at work. Perhaps there was some sort of logical explanation for all of these behaviors. But it could be sinister. It could be that Diana’s relapsed, returning to drinking. 
“Did you hear anything else? Anything specific?” You’ll need something solid. Though your gut lurches at the idea that you’ll be dropping them back off to that house, you don’t think taking them would help at all. You couldn’t hold them hostage for the weekend or for the week. You don’t have the grounds. Nothing that would hold up in court at all at the very least. But you know. You know in your bones that something bad is happening. 
You won’t be going anywhere though. Even if the storm gets tough, you will fight it out for Teagan and Charlie. You’ll do whatever you can for them. They have the shot you didn’t. They have something that you could’ve only dreamed of. You’ll be damned if it’s taken from them. 
“Dad was going through the cabinets or something. There were things opening and closing. So I couldn’t really hear what was being said. That was Tuesday. It’s sort of gotten better though. I swear it has.” 
Is Teagan trying to convince herself or you? The fear quakes her throat and you realize that behind your own fear is a child. Teagan’s just a fucking child. “Hey, hey, no,” you start, squatting down to her level. “No, you’re not in trouble. It’s okay. It’s okay,” you reassure, cradling her face. 
“I really didn’t mean it.”
“Thank you,” you return. “For telling me. You’re not in trouble, okay? You’re not.”
“What if she never reads to me again?”
“She’ll read to you. I’ll read to you if I have too. Okay? I’ll do whatever I need to. You just call me. If it gets bad again, call me, okay? I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the night. You call me.” 
She needs to believe you. You need her to believe you through and through that you’ll come and get them. Even if you all have always had a bit of a wedge, their own natural curiosity as to why you weren’t around before and your own stubbornness not to ruin something good for them, the obvious tension between you and your parents, even with all that, they’re still your siblings. They are still young. They still deserve everything you didn’t get. 
Teagan nods. “I will. Thanks.”
“Of course. What else are big siblings for?”
“Lace socks and looking at the doctor’s kit.”
You snort at Teagan’s clear directive to go take a look at the other toys now. “Sure thing. Just, you know I love you right?” You offer wiping at her cheeks with your thumbs. Only a few tears fell, but you just need her to know that you’ll be there. Come hell, high water, fires, you will always be there now. 
She nods. “Yeah, I know. I love you too.”
“Good, good,” you whisper. Teagan steps in for a hug, her arms winding around your neck. It’s a tight hug, even you know it, but you hold Teagan close, hoisting her up onto your hip you stand. 
She laughs, still clinging to your neck. “Charlie, c’mon. We’re leaving you,” she calls out to her brother. It’s the sign that she’s ready to go. Maybe she’s ready to drop what had been plaguing her. You hope that she can leave it here in the toy aisles, that she can drop it onto your shoulders for you to worry about, for you to fret over. 
Charlie huffs, putting the train down but takes your hand. You take the lead, carrying Teagan on one side, keeping Charlie close to the other and start off to the other end of the store. There’s a collection of other toy kits for different professions--astronauts, hair stylists, construction workers. You hadn’t known about Teagan’s sudden interest in medicine. She’s generally a healthy kid, so is Charlie. The most you’ve heard of them talking about doctors is at their yearly appointments and when either one of them caught a cold. It might’ve been something at school that came up, though you think anything surrounding careers is much too young for Charlie or Teagan to worry about seriously. 
“What kind of doctor do you want to be?” you ask as you set her down. 
“There’s different kinds?” Teagan returns staring up at the kit with the white coat and stethoscope. 
“Yeah. There’s like the doctor you see when you go to get shots and stuff, who practices general medicine. Then there’s doctors that work with specific kinds of sickness and specific body parts and organ systems. You could be an eye doctor. You could be a nurse. Or be a pharmacist. There’s a lot of different things inside of medicine.”
“Like the dentists?” Charlie questions. 
“Yeah. There’s oral surgeons too.”
“Are their doctors for your brain?” Teagan poses. 
You nod. “Yeah, like doctors who study the physical brain and study how to operate on them--brain surgeons. Then there’s people who study how the brain works and how it changes over time and stuff in your environment--like a psychologist or psychiatrist.” 
“I don’t know what I want to do. Just want to help people, I think,” Teagan answers. 
“Well, the good thing is that you’ve got time to figure it all out.”
“Maybe at the library I can check out a book about all the kinds of doctors.” It’s a gentle suggestion and you nod in agreement. Charlie wonders a few steps over. You spy an excavation kit that seemingly has caught his eye. 
How much has Charlie noticed any changes? How much of Teagan’s story could be reaffirmed by Charlie? But if Charlie’s not bringing it up, you worry you could plant the wrong seed. There’s already enough concern and fear. You don’t want to keep making a pit that didn’t need to be deeper, deeper. It would only serve worse for wear in the long run. The only thing you can think of as you watch them is that you’re praying you’re wrong. You hope you’re so fucking wrong.
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33-81 · 9 months
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missed but never forgotten 💔
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valentiyne · 8 months
𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 716 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Paper-thin walls and numerous noise complaints.
FULL BOOK: MIDNIGHT | L.R.H Warnings: None! Slight swearing if you squint hard enough Word Count: 2.8k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
Game Night was hosted every third Friday of the month. Cramped in the new tiny apartment, 7 friends and their significant others wound up on my shitty couch shouting nonsense at each other.
The living room consisted of the old couch, my TV on top of a cardboard box I hadn't quite unpacked yet, and numerous card games.
Holding the slip in my hand, I eye the timer in front of me on the makeshift coffee table My eyes scanned the paper quickly before jumping up and snapping my fingers, "Okay okay, it's born in the water but moves onto land when older."
My friends stare at me dumbfounded, their minds elsewhere as I furrow my brows and tap my feet numerous times. "Come on guys, it's what a tadpole turns into when it's older!" I'm practically yelling now, eyes darting between my friends sitting down and the tiny timer on the table.
"A baby turtle?"
"Andddd time"
I groan in annoyance, dropping the slip of paper while walking back to the spot on the couch, and plopping down with a huff.
"A baby turtle? Seriously?' I scoff, rolling my eyes at my friends who couldn't contain their laughter at my obvious annoyance.
"Okay I'll go nex-", My friend Abby was cut short by a knock on the door. It wasn't necessarily a pound, but it definitely made all of us go silent.
We all look at each other quickly, almost mentally counting everyone to make sure it wasn't an expected visitor.
I slide off the couch, my eyebrows raised for a moment before I walk towards the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I look through the peephole to see my next-door neighbor, Lucas, standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. I sigh and unlock the door, poking my head out with a smile.
"Are we too loud?", I ask with innocent eyes, my bottom lip tugged into my teeth as I speak quietly. Lucas gave a friendly smile, his eyebags hidden behind his eyeglasses as he turned to point at his door, "I know it's a Friday night but I'm really busy in the studio tonight... kind of hard to concentrate when there's a bunch of girls next door squealing over....?"
I finish the sentence for him, "If tadpoles are baby turtles." I rub the back of my neck shyly, laughing almost to myself.
"Right yeah, is there any way to keep it down just a tad?"
I give him a thumbs up before we part ways- him rubbing his eyes and kicking his door shut with his bare foot and me turning around and closing it softly. My friends all huddled up behind the door, eavesdropping on our conversation, and as soon as the door shut, they all squealed quietly.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n!", My friend Abby gushing, nudging me with her shoulder harshly. "You never told me you have huge chemistry with your neighbor?"
My eyes grow wide and my hands shoot up in defense, "Oh no- Lucas? He's just a neighbor"
All of my friends' eyes were on me now, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I give a mere shrug before walking back over to the coffee table to scoop up all the cards spawled across it.
"Game night at mine next time?", Abby asks from beside me, picking up the numerous cups with mysterious liquids in them with a disgusted look on her face.
I just nod in response, shoving the cards in their rightful places before sighing softly. We said our goodbyes with platonic kisses on the cheeks and dramatic waves before I was left alone in my apartment again.
It was cold, empty, and dead silent in here- completely opposite of the neighbor beside me I'd assume. My bedroom was similar to the living room- a tiny mattress rested on the floor and my toiletries were packed away in numerous boxes I was too lazy to unbox. My head hits the stiff pillow below me and I could hear Lucas in his bedroom strumming his guitar, humming to himself lowly.
It was a little after one o'clock in the morning, but he seemed to be wide awake singing.
"some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard"
It had officially been two weeks since the game night and two weeks since he came to my door. Lucas and I would occasionally make eye contact on the way to the mailboxes or even hold the elevator for one another- but not a single word was shared between us. He was always in his own world, his head bobbing to an imaginary beat inside his head.
Every night I could hear him singing to himself softly, the wall dividing our bedrooms was as thin as paper. The occasional groan and the sound of notebooks hitting the wall distracted me on nights I needed to sleep, but I never once said anything to him. He was a musician- and a very good one to say the least. I didn't want to be the annoying next-door neighbor.
I swing my door open, looking out into the hallway and scanning each door before finally averting my eyes to his own. The wrench in one hand was held on with a tight grip while the other hand carried the TV mount at my side. I could hear the sounds of various instruments being played from behind his door, his voice clearing every few moments to restart a lyric if it didn't sound right the first time.
The hand that held the wrench swung up, knocking on his door a few times before I took a step back and awkwardly looked around the hallway once again. The sounds from behind his door abruptly stopped and I could hear his heavy footsteps making their way towards the door now. Taking one more step back, I watched as Lucas opened the door and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry, am I being too loud?", He cheekily asked, a smile painted on his lips.
"No no, you're fine.", I laugh at his innocent teasing, quoting our most recent encounter. "I was actually coming over to see if you knew how to mount a TV", I poke my head around his figure and motion towards his apartment, "but seeing as you're busy-"
"I'm not busy." He corrects me, leaning inside his door to grab his keys before turning back towards me and grabbing the box from my hand. "Let me help you out, it'll take 10 minutes tops."
It didn't take 10 minutes. Hell, It didn't even take 30 minutes.
There Lucas and I both were, tools of various shapes and sizes sprawled out across my apartment floor and a cheap bottle of wine I found at the back of my fridge.
"Lucas are you sure you know how to-"
"It's Luke and yes, I know how to do this", he grumbles nonsense to himself as he flips through the instruction manual for the third time tonight. I sighed to myself slightly, trying to keep myself from laughing by taking a swig of the wine.
"Could always just use thumbtacks"
This makes Luke laugh, his eyebrows relaxing on his face and cheeks going bright red. He tosses the manual at me, and I put my hands up to defend myself.
"I'm pretty sure some thumbtacks couldnt hold a 35 pound Tv," He holds his stomach as he rolls around my floor, laughing loudly. I roll my eyes at this, groaning and tossing the screwdriver on the floor.
"Look, it's getting late. I'll just have you come over and do it another time.", I point towards the clock, which was held up with thumbtacks, that read two o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit, sorry I totally spaced it," Luke stands up now, gathering up his tools quickly and giving me a crooked smile. "I'll swing by sometime this week to help you, I promise." I'm smiling now, shooing him out the door quickly.
"Yeah yeah see you later, rockstar", I tease and close the door abruptly, only to be stopped by a foot in the way.
"What are you doing tomorrow?", The way his eyes glimmered in the hallway light, his hair slicked back from sweat and cheeky dimples appeared as he smiled at me.
"I have finals tomorrow morning, and I'll probably be dead by the time its over- anytime after that I'm free.", I groan dramatically and push my palm into my forehead.
Luke just nods, freeing his foot from the doorway, and gives me a thumbs up, "I'll be sure to be quiet tonight so you can get your rest." I thank him kindly and give him a soft wave before closing the door behind him.
Luke was anything but quiet. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pushing the pillow closer to my ears as I heard him attempting to sing a lyric he wasn't even finished with. if there's one thing I've learned about him in the month and a half I've known him- he was a perfectionist. He sang the same things over and over countless times making sure it was absolutely perfect.
"Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted-"
I swing my arm up, smacking on the wall a couple times before groaning and letting it fall to my side once again. His side of the wall went silent immediately, the shuffling of papers and a small mumbled "sorry" was heard.
Luke had avoided me from that point forward: he didn't hold the elevator for me nor did he come and check his overflowing mailbox.
I found myself at his door once again, knocking in one swift movement before clearing my throat. I could hear him shuffling around his apartment, a loud thud followed by a "shit, one second!".
The door opens and a dripping-wet Luke is before me, a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times, holding my gaze above his shoulders out of respect.
"Why are you avoiding me", I ask in a monotone voice, cutting straight to the point. He raises his eyebrows at this now, one hand sassily on his hip.
"Who said I was avoiding you?", He chuckles lightly and opens the door wider, motioning for me to enter. My nose is filled with the smell of the oven baking something sweet mixed with his charcoal body wash. I step inside with a smile, closing the door behind me.
Luke wipes the water from his face and turns away from me, entering his bathroom for a split second, leaving me standing in his kitchen.
I glance around his living room: Pictures of his friends and family are hung up neatly on the wall, his instruments are laid out on the floor around his couch, and his bookshelf is overflowing with numerous copies of musical books.
He emerges from the bathroom once again, now clothed in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and the towel that was once wrapped around his waist was now encased in his curls.
"I was just going to invite you over actually," He laughs again, flashing me his million-dollar smile before pointing at his dining table. It was decorated with a lace tablecloth, a small bouquet of flowers sitting in a glass-decorated vase, and a plate of steaming hot pasta was laid out. I smile to myself slightly, looking back up at him before taking my seat at the table, he rushes forward, scooting my chair in for me before taking his own seat across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask while picking up my fork, poking at the seafood pasta that was professionally plated. If you would've told me he hired a chef to make dinner- I would've believed you.
"I was loud on the night of your finals and I felt horrible knowing I kept you up all night", He picks up his napkin and places it neatly on his lap, "I wanted to make it up to you after I mounted your TV buttt you showed up a little early", He teases.
I take a bite of my food, groaning into the fork with a muffled giggle as my eyes look up at his. The food was amazing, and the flavor was intricately picked out to perfection.
Going back, this perfectly proved my point that Luke was a perfectionist.
We found small talk, conversing over what I was majoring in and what he was busy working on.
"So the album is almost done, I just need to finish this last song," He shrugs his shoulders and scrapes at the remains off his plate. I smile to myself, looking up now with innocent eyes, "Maybe I can help?"
He stands up abruptly, turning around and opening the oven to reveal the freshly baked brownies he had made- from scratch may I add. I groan in anticipation and rub my hands together dramatically. He grabs the brownies with oven mitts, turning around and facing me.
"If you want to help me, I'll allow it", he laughs and places the pan down gently and walks towards his living room, picking up a notebook that was previously thrown across the room.
"Here", he places it in front of me, removing my empty plate and walking
The notebook was written in barely eligible handwriting, with numerous words crossed out and mental notes scribbled on the sides.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard so if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word. when the doors are all closing.....It's bound to get ?? all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to
The rest of the page was scribbled out, lyrics that never made the cut. I snatch the pen from the metal spiral holding the pages together and click it once.
"it's bound to get.... loud?" I scribble it down next to the question marks and look up at him, scratching his chin with a nod. His cheeks were red now, the wine flushing through his body.
"What rhymes with loud?"
I look up at him now, as he scoots his chair right up next to me to the point our legs are touching.
"Cloud, hmmm,"
"Sound," we both say in unison.
Luke claps his hands together and grabs the pen from my hands, opening the notebook to a new page and scribbling down the new and improved lyrics. I watch him closely, the way his eyes twinkled and dimples poked through when he was concentrating.
I was so screwed. I was falling for my next door neighbor.
I didn't see him for another two weeks, his side of the wall seemed eerily vacant and completely silent. I even knocked a few times in hopes he'd knock back in some sort of rhythm, but there was no response.
Hearing the knock on my door shot my body out of bed, sweat dripping down my neck and sides. I groan and tap on my phone to check the time, blinding myself in the process. The pounding never stopped, not until I stumbled out of bed and opened my door. My heart skipped a beat, praying that the blonde would be on the other side with that cheeky smile I adored.
"Hello?", I ask in a groggy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and squinting up at the person who disturbed my slumber- at 2 a.m. may I add.
Instead of a person, I was met with an empty cold hallway. I avert my gaze down and towards my door mat. There, set up neatly was a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to the front with white lace.
I smile at myself and crouch down, picking up the thoughtful gift and looking down the hallway one last time before kicking my door shut.
I'm sorry I didn't see you before I left. Our album releases at 2:30am today and I was supposed to leave at 2... I just knew I had to leave you something on my way out. I hope you like the flowers I picked out my mom helped me.
I'd have probably sent you the link to the album by the time you finish reading this note.
I'm going to be all over the world, touring and doing what I love. I can't wait to be back home and see you again, i'll make sure to facetime every change I get.
your rockstar
I could hear the familiar ringtone from my bedroom, alerting me that Luke was a man of his word. I wipe a few stray tears and make my way to the bedroom, snatching my phone up with my free hand and clicking the link he had sent me.
This is the song I spent the last 3 months working on, keeping you tossing and turning until finally you perfected it.
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nobitchs-world · 27 days
Me realizing I look like my father
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265 notes · View notes
emergency contact | calum hood x fem!reader
FUCK this took so long and took so many twists and turns but i have finished lads
summary: you end up in the hospital after an accident, only to find that your emergency contact number hadn’t been updated. you are yet to find out if it’s a blessing or a curse. 
word count: 8.9k
warnings: self doubt, talking down about oneself, she/her pronoun usage, swearing, breakups, angst, drinking, car accident, hospital mentions, injury mentions, mentions of weed, partying, fighting
author's note: it might be rushed at the end and there's no set timeline of events, so it might not align with the true events IRL.
i also would like to say that we support girls here! no hate toward anyone, girls support girls!
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In defense of yourself, you hadn’t expected to be back in Los Angeles so soon. Nor had you anticipated an accident like this to update your contacts on your phone. It was on the back of your mind, yes, but you had intended to change your emergency contact list on your phone for events like these. It was something you’d remind yourself occasionally, only to push it off for the next day, then the next day, then forget about it altogether. 
And perhaps you were too cowardly to change the list. You didn’t admit this to another soul since it had been nearly a year since the two of you broke things off. Your friends time and time again had persuaded you to put yourself back on the market, to get over the musician. But how could you? You had dedicated the best years of your life to him, nearly six of them. You thought you were going to marry the man, but life had other plans. 
That being said, you still loved him. The small act of removing him off your emergency contacts list felt so final to you. Like that was the end of your sad little love story with him. Truth be told, it was the end. It was the end from the moment you broke things off with him. You were just too stubborn to admit that to yourself. 
It was your doing, wasn’t it? You were the one to tell him it was over. He had just gotten back home from their tour and went to greet you with open arms. You had been wretched enough to deny him that, pulling away immediately. You ignored his eyes when you told him you were tired of your lifestyle. Of waiting on him like a dog for him to come back from tour. Of relishing that one month of being together like it was the last thing on earth, only for him to leave once again for tours or writing retreats. 
And most of all, you were tired of not feeling enough for him. In the world of popular and beautiful stars, why did he stay with you? Calum never made you feel so ordinary, not on purpose, at least. You had nothing to offer him other than your love. You feared that wouldn’t be enough in the end. The more years that passed, and the closer the possibility of marriage became, you thought it would be better to let go of him first before he ended up resenting you for not choosing someone better when he had the chance. 
You didn’t listen to his pleas for you to stay. Or his professions of love for you, or how his promise to leave the band entirely if it meant you staying. You felt so cruel to let someone who loved you so much go so easily. He was willing to give up his music for you, so how could you ever claim that you were second best to his music? 
But that was the very thing, you were afraid. He loved you so much that he was willing to let his entire life go for you. You couldn’t let him do that to himself, to let go of his happiness. But you had enough self dignity to know that you deserved more out of life than waiting in an empty home to fill up again. 
Calum wasn’t sure what to make of the phone call he received just a moment ago. He never thought he’d hear your name again, much less be summoned to the hospital to see you. 
“Mate, why are you still here?” Ashton asked, tucking away his drumsticks. “The nurse called you a half hour ago. Aren’t you going to see her?” 
“I don’t know,” Calum uttered truthfully. “It’s been so long since I last saw her. It was probably a mistake, right? Why would they call me up?” 
Michael rolled his eyes from the couch where he was tuning his guitar. “Because you’re still down as her emergency contact,” he drawled sarcastically. 
“Thanks for pointing out the obvious,” Calum deadpanned. “I mean, why would they call me and not her parents or something? Or her new boyfriend,” he muttered under his breath. 
Luke approached the group from the bathroom, running his fingers through his hair. “Easy there, tiger,” he teased, grasping Calum’s shoulders from behind. “One might assume you’re jealous.” The youngest of the group quickly dodged the bassist’s shove, laughing while doing so. “To calm your worries, no, she doesn’t have a new boy in her life. And her parents moved to the east coast three months ago so they can’t come over.”
“Well aren’t you the stalker,” Ashton snickered. 
Luke shot the drummer a glare. “I’m not a stalker,” Luke defended himself. “In case you actually wanted to know, I still keep contact with y/n. At least Sierra does for the most part. Though, last time I heard she was in Boston.” 
“Boston,” Calum spoke up in confusion. “What’s she in Boston for? And how did she end up here?” 
Luke clicked his tongue, a knowing look on his face. “If you want to know, you can ask her yourself,” he sang in an annoying tone. 
Michael set his guitar down and stood up in defense of his friend. “While that’s true,” he began. “What about..you know?”
“What about “you know?”” Ashton piped up. “There’s no harm in Calum going. She could really be hurt and need someone with her. If what Luke said is true and you’re the only nearby emergency contact, it’s better safe than sorry that you go to her.” 
The boys shared a look with each other. In their heart of hearts they knew it was a bad idea to let Calum go, especially after everything that had happened. But a selfish part of them wanted their best friend back, so what harm was in that notion? 
“I’ll go,” Calum finally relented. “But she’s coming with me.” 
When Calum arrived at the hospital, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting. The doctor explained it was a car accident, and although you were recovering okay you still had to be observed after minor surgery. A part of Calum’s heartstrings tugged at the thought of you alone and afraid during the accident, thinking he could have done something if you hadn’t broken things off, but he pushed that feeling down. It’s been a year; you’ve probably gotten over him and he’s started a new chapter of his life without you. 
Calum followed the nurse to the recovery room where you were still unconscious. At the sight of you, he instantly lost all air in his lungs. Frozen, the bassist stood before you with a mix of emotions flooding through his face. 
It was as though you were entirely different but still the same in some way. Your face, albeit bruised, looked more peaceful than Calum had seen of you. Hell, even before you broke things off you always had a furrowed brow or frown of some sort. It broke Calum’s heart to know that he was the cause of that stress. 
Calum sat down beside you, instantly grasping your hand like second nature. It was just as soft as he could remember, and your nail polish was chipped and stained the skin surrounding it. Calum chuckled to himself, a tearful smile on his face. He knew your nail polish was your own doing, seeing as you had always asked him to paint your nails since he had “more precision.” 
“Oh y/n,” he whispered, his voice cracking slightly. “What the hell did you get yourself into now?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
Calum jerked back to see your eyes staring back at him. “Hi, stranger,” you managed to crack a smile. “What brings you to this hospital?”
Calum choked out a laugh, his thumb grazing against the top of your hand. “Oh you know me,” he said. “Always hanging around these parts whenever I get the chance.” 
“You idiot,” you snorted, shaking your head and wincing in pain.
“Easy now,” Calum reached over to cup your cheek. “The doctor said you have a mild concussion and a sprained ankle, but nothing a bit of rest can’t fix.”
Your hand met his on your face, instantly warming to his touch like nothing had changed between the two of you. “Why are you here, Hood?” you asked curiously.
“You tell me.” Calum pulled out his phone and showed his past calls list. “I got a call from the hospital saying I was your emergency contact.” 
You dropped his hand and covered your face in embarrassment. If your headache wasn’t killing you, the sheer embarrassment was. “Oh my God,” you groaned. “I’m so sorry, Calum. I had meant to change it but I never got the chance and–”
“It’s alright,” Calum calmed you down. “Relax. I’m not mad or anything. If anything, this gave us a great opportunity to reconnect and catch up on things. It’s been what, a year?”
One year, three months, twenty eight days, and twelve and a half hours, the both of you thought subconsciously. But who’s counting? 
The both of you were. Clearly.
“Something like that,” you lied smoothly. “How are you? How are the boys? I’ve kept contact with Crys and Sierra, but I haven’t had a chance to meet with them both. I was actually planning on shooting them a text as soon as I landed here, but obviously I haven’t had the chance.” 
Calum laughed at your blunt humor. He missed that a lot about you. “I’m alright,” he replied. “The boys are great, too. They send their love, by the way. We’ve been cooped up at the studio writing and producing music, though you probably expected that from us.”
Ouch. Was that a dig toward why you broke up with him? “Naturally,” you grinned. “Do I make a special feature in this album? The trashy ex that broke up with the bassist as soon as the tour ended? You best get back to the studio, I’m sure this whole debacle has given you something to write about.” 
“You are far from trashy,” Calum countered, continuing the light banter. “And I’m not going to throw your dirty laundry out like that, I have some taste, you know.” 
“Oh come on,” you pressed. “That hoe called me back, gave me a heart attack,” you sang terribly, making Calum cover his ears. “Oh yeah she broke my heart, that’s not even the start-”
“Oi, quit that!” he laughed. “Leave the songwriting to me because good God that was terrible. Any more of that and you’d put me in the hospital bed next to you. And please do not call yourself a hoe. That’s worse than Luke calling Ash “daddy.”” 
Once your laughter had died down and you ran out of lyrics to spew, a comfortable silence filled the room. His chocolate brown eyes rested down at your joined hands. 
“Thank you, by the way,” you spoke to break the silence. “For coming. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“For my trashy ex?” he teased, a smirk dancing along his lips. “I’d do anything.” 
God why did you break up with him? He was perfect, still is. Why does he still tug at your heartstrings and make you weak with one smile. How could you still feel this way after a whole year? Do you still love him-
“Babe, there you are! This place is a maze, I could barely understand the nurse’s directions.” 
You turned your head so fast, you nearly got whiplash again. Standing before you was a beautiful girl with the most luxurious beach waves and tan that every girl dreamed of. 
She bent down to kiss Calum’s cheek swiftly, making your breath hitch without you realizing. The girl smiled at you, taking your hand -that Calum instantly dropped at the sound of her voice- and squeezing it. “You must be y/n,” she concluded cheerfully. “I’m Tia, Calum’s friend.” 
“They are so not friends,” you grumbled to your friends, days after the initial encounter. 
Your friends chuckled at your gray demeanor, each of them taking sips of their coffee or bites of their breakfast. After being discharged from the hospital, the band and their significant others thought it would be perfect to catch up with you during brunch. You had agreed, eager to learn about everything you missed, especially the new couple. 
“You’d be right and wrong, n/n,” Michael replied, setting his mug down. The group was significantly more relaxed to talk about the subject considering Tia needed to take a phone call and Calum insisted on accompanying her. “The way they’re friends isn’t the same as how he’s friends with us–”
“Speak for yourself, baby, Calum keeps my bed warm whenever Sierra’s out,” Luke teased with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Sierra rolled her eyes playfully, elbowing him in the ribs. 
“And Luke keeps mine warm when they’re both gone,” Ashton chimed in without missing a beat.
Michael sent the youngest and oldest members a glare before continuing. “As I was saying,” he huffed exasperatedly. “They’re in the weird phase between friends and dating. They met a little after the tour and were friends for a while. It was Tia that made the move on Calum, like, two months ago.”
Noticing the stark difference in your facial expressions after hearing Michael’s explanation, Crystal came in to quickly finish the story. “He hasn’t confirmed or denied anything, but they have been on a few dates. He’s taking it very slowly.” 
“That’s..nice to hear,” you slowly began. “But the more I hear about her, the more guilty I feel about feeling this way.” Your shoulders caved in as your friends shared a concerned look. “She seems sweet, and Calum and I are old news. It was my own decision to break things off in the first place.” 
Sierra reached for your hand, squeezing it gently. “Why did you break things off with him?” she asked in a quieter voice. 
You couldn’t help but notice how the rest of the group leaned in to hear your answer. “You mean Calum didn’t tell you?” you inquired the boys. 
“He just said it was mutual,” Ashton raised his hands up in defense. “I didn’t know you broke it off with him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell us she broke up with Cal?” Luke whisper-shouted to his partner. 
Sierra only shrugged her shoulders. “I thought you knew,” she responded, her hands grasping around her mug as she took a sip.
“No one knew,” you settled. “And it’s going to stay that way.” 
The group let out shouts of disapproval that were instantly quieted once Calum finally returned and took a seat. “What’s the fuss about?” he asked curiously. 
You shook your head, taking an overly healthy sip of your mimosa. “Oh you know,” you sighed. “Typical group shenanigans, as per usual.” 
“What kind-?” he pressed before being curtly interrupted.
“Where’s Tia?” Luke cut in, saving everyone’s necks for the time being. 
Calum took in a draw of breath after stealing Luke’s cup of coffee, much to the singer’s distaste. “Oh you know,” he copied you teasingly. “Manager calls, as per usual.” 
“She’s been getting plenty of calls lately,” Crystal commented. 
You tried to not show immense interest in the conversation. After all, you didn’t know much about Tia and the group had been too distracted to show you her Instagram profile, damn Michael and his random tangents. In the meantime, you absentmindedly twirled your straw between your thumb and forefinger as the conversation continued. 
“Tia’s getting a lot of public interest, what can I say?” Calum responded. “Her videos are getting more views every day. Her manager’s been calling her nonstop since companies keep reaching out to offer brand deal after brand deal.” 
Ashton let out a hopeful sigh. “Imagine having a brand deal set for life,” he pondered aloud, setting his salad fork down. “I’d adopt more goats and expand the garden.” 
“Cool it, Old McDonald,” Michael snickered. “I can’t imagine the band doing brand deals. Remember One Direction and their Pepsi commercials during the Super Bowl? Louis hated them.” 
The table laughed, recalling the memory. Recognizing your confusion regarding Tia’s profession, Sierra leaned in. “She’s an Instagram influencer and interior designer. She went to school for design but has branched out since. Last time I browsed her page she was doing promos for some yoga company.” 
“Great, so she’s perfect,” you grumbled to yourself, quiet enough for only Ashton to hear since he was right beside you. The drummer snorted, elbowing you roughly. 
Calum, thankfully deaf to your comment, nodded along to Sierra’s explanation. “She’s great,” he hummed. 
Your heart clenched at his words, but a hopeful side of yourself couldn’t help but perk at his courtness. Of course, it could be just to spare your feelings to not speak much about her. But a selfish part in your mind wondered if it was because she wasn’t his missing piece, the way that you fit perfectly for him. 
Stop that, you scolded yourself. Calum is no longer yours, you made sure of that. You were the selfish one who pushed him away. Why do you continue to torture him when he’s finally happy, no thanks to you. You can’t continue to pull him back, that’s why you broke up with him. And here you are,  falling back into old habits. 
You blinked back your tears, the tears you had so desperately fought back since the day you broke up with him. You didn’t deserve to shed these tears when you caused the problem in the first place. Instead, you sucked in a breath and maintained your rigid composure. It’s better than falling apart, which you more than desperately wanted to do at the moment. 
“y/n, you alright?” Calum asked, breaking you from your trance. 
You jumped slightly, lifting your head to face the group. Forcing a smile, you nodded. “Perfectly fine.” 
You weren’t sure why you were called here. After becoming mutuals on Instagram (and thoroughly stalking her pristine profile) Tia was quick to invite you out for yoga. You weren’t too keen on attempting yoga with a certified instructor, much preferring to save face in front of the already perfect girl. However, you found her nice and sweet enough to befriend despite the heartache it caused you. 
“I’m really glad you agreed to come with me today,” Tia told you honestly as you finished your session for the day. 
You settled yourself onto the mat, easing yourself into a simple stretch. “I’m glad you offered,” you replied, grunting at the ache panging slightly in your ankle. You were careful not to apply extra stress on your injured foot since it was still tender to the touch at times. “I’ve been eager to relax, especially after that accident.” 
“And you deserve it,” Tia reassured you, beginning her own routine. “Yoga’s good for recovery and stress, I’ve always tried to convince Cal into joining but he wasn’t the most graceful learner.” 
You giggled, recalling how clumsy the bassist would be. “Yeah, I’d leave that to Ashton.” 
Tia nodded in agreement. Her fingers danced down her leg as she continued to stretch. Even as jealous as you were of her, you had to admit she was graceful in everything she did (and you were sure of it with a simple browse through her Tiktoks). 
The two of you stepped out of the yoga studio, mats in tow as you continued to talk about random nonsense. On the walk back to your friend’s house -you had been staying there for the time being-, you came to realize that Tia was as genuine as they come and found it very difficult to dislike her out of jealousy. 
“So you know how Cal and I met,” Tia began, referencing the story of how the two met at an awards show. “How did you and Calum meet and get together?” 
Your mouth went dry. She knew you and Calum were a thing in the past? “I-“ you stammered. 
Tia laughed at your sudden awkwardness. “I’m not dumb, you know,” she joked. “I knew about yours and Cal’s past. He talks a lot about you, you know? More now than ever now that you’re back.” 
You had to stop the butterflies forming in your stomach. “He does?” you catch yourself saying instantly. 
Tia nodded, uncapping her bottle and taking a sip of water. “Oh yeah, big time,” she answered. “It’s really sweet to know that you made such a big impact on his life.” 
Your cheeks began to warm at her words. “He did the same,” you responded with full honesty. Tia patted your shoulder and grinned. “To answer your question, I met Calum a little over ten years ago, once the band started getting famous. I was just a senior in high school when they moved to L.A. I interned at their studio and that’s how we formally met.”
Tia gave you an impressed nod. “You guys got history,” she mused. 
You couldn’t help but smile. The memories of the past always brought a smile to your face. Dyeing Michael’s hair and staining your bathtub red, constantly buying Ash bandanas whenever you came across one you knew he’d like. Luke coming to you when he had writer’s block, and Cal crawling through your bedroom window whenever he felt homesick and wanted someone to talk to. 
“We do,” you agreed. 
Turning a corner down the street, Tia continued to ask you questions. “Who asked who out?” she questioned. “Three years of being friends turned partners was clearly not an overnight thing.” 
“It wasn’t,” you said. “It was Calum who asked me, but it took a whole lot of convincing from the boys.” You laughed quietly to yourself, recalling how he asked you to be your girlfriend. 
You heard music playing softly in the night air. You had been studying nonstop for your college finals and hadn’t seen the outside of your dorm all day. You hadn’t called the boys in a while either since they’ve been touring the world after releasing Sounds Good Feels Good. You were significantly proud of them but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss your boys. Now, hearing the soft guitar strumming from outside your window made you feel more longingful for them than ever. 
Especially Calum. You had a soft spot for the bassist, everyone knew that. You spent the most time with him when you interned at the music studio. He trusted your opinion above everyone else’s, and reached out to you the most while on tour. To say you had a little crush on him would be an understatement. The boys teased you relentlessly and teased Calum much more. They always said it was a matter of time until one of you would cave in and confess to the other. But they were wrong. You’re here in a small college dorm with no air conditioning single as can be while the boy you loved was halfway across the world. 
“Thinking of you,” you texted Calum with a heavy heart. “And the boys, ofc :P” 
You set your phone down and attempted to go back to studying when your phone pinged again. 
“You don’t have to feel so blue, n/n,” he responded. “Look outside”
You hopped out of bed and opened your window as much as the old rusty thing could go. On the campus grass were your favorite boys flashing lights from their phones at you. Calum was resting on Ashton’s shoulders, waving at you with the wild boyish smile you loved with your entire being. Michael and Luke were beside him, Michael playing the guitar and Luke grinning and filming. 
Concentrating hard, you recognized the sweet melody. It was the very song you wrote with him, Beside You. 
“She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you”
Your heart did somersaults at the presentation before you. You had always begged Calum to sing more for the album but the boy was too shy. It took some pushing but you helped him get his confidence up. Taking a cardigan, you ran out of your hall and joined the boys on the lawn, tackling each of them into a hug. 
“What the hell’s wrong with you!” you shouted out with a grin. You didn’t care if your yelling woke up your peers. Your boys were here in the flesh. 
“We missed our girl,” Ashton told you, giving you a strong bear hug. 
“One of us more than the rest,” Luke added with a cheeky smirk. 
Calum had long been off Ashton’s shoulders, awaiting your hugs he missed so much. You, on the other hand, hesitated to do so. 
“Come on!” Michael playfully shoved you. “We’ve come all this way, give the boy a hug!” 
Your face was on fire. The extra pairs of eyes made you embarrassed. Calum took an extra step forward, his hands bashfully in his pockets. 
“Didn’t you miss me, sunshine?” he asked you, awfully shy now after his confession of love. He was nervous he put you off and that he read the signs wrong. 
“I did,” you whispered back, equally shy. “But I think I want something more than a hug.” 
The boys let out whoops and cheers of joy as you decided to bite the bullet, grabbing Calum by the loops of his jeans and pulling him into a kiss.
Once you had pulled away, Calum’s lips formed into a dazed smile. “Be my girl, sunshine?” he asked you softly.
You pressed your lips against his once again, though this one was much shorter. “I was always yours, Calum.”
“Why did you and him end things, y/n?” Tia asked you, bringing you out of your thoughts. You seemed to be stuck in a trance these days, always pondering over the past and what could have been. 
You chewed the inside of your cheek, truly at a loss of words. What could you say? That you had been selfish and pushed him away so that he wouldn’t end up hurting you first? That you drove the knife deep into Calum, twisting it in every way shape and form out of self preservation? There was no other way to put it than that in your mind. 
“Time heals but also kills,” you told her with a broken smile. “Cal and I decided to put ourselves out of our misery and end things while they were good before it got worse.” It wasn’t completely a lie. Sure, he had no say in your ending things, but you spoke the truth about putting him out of his misery.
“Do you still love him?” she asked. 
You glanced over at her. Her eyes shone in the light, curious and innocent. She didn’t know the pain you both had endured that landed you in this position. 
Yes, your heart cried out. You love him. You love him with your entire being, that’s why you let him go. Because you’d rather kill your soul every single day of your life than stop him from reaching his life goals. If you had to go through that awful night that you broke your own heart again, you would, just to ensure that he is happy. 
Even if that meant that he would be happy with someone else. 
“He’s my first love,” you told her tearfully. “Of course I love him. But I am not his love, and that is okay with me. Life goes on, and so should I.” 
The two of you stopped in front of your friend’s house. Tia took your hand and squeezed it. “I really do appreciate you coming along with me today,” she said earnestly. “And I’m glad I got to hear about you and Cal’s history. It really puts things into perspective.” 
You smiled back at her. “Thank you for having me,” you responded. “I hope my words haven’t changed anything between the two of you. I meant what I said; him and I are in the past. I truly want the both of us to move forward and grow in our own separate ways.” 
Your butterflies in your stomach turned into fierce wasps, stinging you sharply. Lies, your heart hissed. Tell her you love him and still want him. 
You forced the bile rising in your throat down. Tia, blind to your inner troubles, continued to speak. “That’s actually what I wanted to ask you,” she chuckled nervously. She grabbed your other hand, bringing them together. 
“I wanted to ask Cal to be my boyfriend,” Tia confessed.
Crack. There goes your heart.
Tia seemed to notice the dip in your lips and immediately retracted. “But I don’t want to overstep or anything!” she rushed. “You and Cal have history, I’m not stupid enough to deny it. And that’s okay, that’s no one’s fault. If you still love him and want him, I’m not going to get in the way. Calum, well, it’s clear he loves you, too. I’ve heard countless amounts of stories about you to not get the memo. I really like Cal, I do. But that can’t go up against love.” 
This was your chance. To right your wrongs from the past and take back what you truly wanted. Calum. You could take this moment to run to his house right now and take him back, and you’d have Tia’s full support. Zero guilt. 
But why did it hurt so bad? 
No. You made your bed, you have to sleep in it. It doesn’t matter if the bed was built of blades of self doubt and hate, you have to slip into the sharp sheets and let it pierce through your skin. You created your own mess. It is you alone that must deal with it. Not Calum, and surely not Tia. 
You’ve made enough problems for everyone as is. 
You mustered enough strength to let go of Tia’s hands and instead cup her cheeks. “Tia, honey,” you whispered calmly. “Our love is in the past. I’ve missed my chance, and I have learned to live with it. I’ve seen the way Calum looks at you, and that’s something that can blossom into something beautiful. There’s no need to dig up something that has already run its course.” 
Tia’s lip trembled at your words. You nodded carefully. “You don’t need my permission or anything to date Calum. You don’t owe me anything. You both deserve to be happy, and clearly you make each other happy.”
“Are you sure?” Tia asked. “I promise you, it won’t hurt my feelings or anything if you still want him.” 
“No, Tia,” you reassured her, despite the burning feeling in your chest. “Please, make him happy. Make him happier than I could ever make him. He deserves that much.” 
Two weeks have passed since your encounter with Tia. Last thing you heard was that the two were very happy indeed, but you didn’t hear if they made it official. You had plenty of dates with the girls, but you insisted on changing the subject whenever they brought Calum up. You feared that if you heard about him one more time, you might burst into tears or do something stupid. 
You finished up your work from the office in your friend’s house. Grateful to be able to work from home for the time you stayed in L.A., you had to admit that sitting on a chair from 9 to 5 made you quite sore. Eager to stretch your legs, you decided to take a walk to the local park. 
However, it wasn’t any random park. It was the place you and Cal used to have endless dates when he was back from tour or the studio. You’d lay on the blanket he took from his apartment at the time and stare at the stars. Back when you both didn’t have much, you’d snack on soup crackers you took from each time you went to the diner across the street and share a can of Coke Cal took from the vending machine after work. So many secrets were shared at this park, and so many memories were made, too. 
“I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who still frequents this place.” 
You jumped to see the last person you expected at this place. Calum gave you a bashful smile before sitting beside you on the grass. You took in the last hour of sun beaming down your skin before the sky went dark, closing your eyes and tuning out the sound of the infamous L.A. traffic. 
“How can I not?” you quipped. “This park is the only place in L.A. that isn’t stuffy or gross.”
Calum let out a laugh, quietly agreeing with you. “So what brings you here, Hood?” you asked, nudging his shoulder. 
The bassist could only shrug his shoulders. “Could say the same about you,” he hummed. “Sometimes I like to sit here and write music. Other times I just sit here and listen to the ambiance.” You nodded, crossing your arms on your chest and making sure to keep a safe distance from him. His touch was mesmerizing, but you had to remind yourself that he was no longer yours. 
“This place reminds me to stay grounded,” he told you truthfully. “When I get too in my head, I always go here, even after we broke up.” 
You dropped your hands to the grass, braiding the blades absentmindedly. “I’m glad,” you spoke up. Calum looked over at you, awaiting an explanation. “It’s too good of a place to let go after a silly little relationship.” 
“It wasn’t a silly little-” Calum fought back. 
“Let’s not talk about it, Cal,” you sighed exasperatedly. 
Calum instantly frowned. “Why not?” he pressed. “You never seem to want to talk about the good old days.”
“Because it wasn’t “the good old days,”” you insisted, lying through your teeth. 
Calum let out a stubborn huff. “Now that’s a lie,” Calum shot back. “But whatever, I won’t push.” A pregnant silence took over the two of you as Calum tried to find something to say. “Have you found yourself a new boyfriend yet?” he decided to ask. 
“Calum-” you began.
“You said not to bring up the past,” Calum argued. “This is the best I can do.” 
You shook your head at his words, giving in nonetheless. “No, I don’t,” you answered. 
“Are you not ready for one?” he asked. 
“I-” You took a moment to find the right words. “I need to work on myself before moving forward with someone else.” 
“Well, I don’t get that,” Calum commented with a snort. “You’re perfect, what could you possibly work on?”
You choked out a dry laugh, though there was no humor behind it. “Quite a bit, I’d say,” you confessed. “Calum, I was a mess, I still am. I can’t put someone through that again.” 
“You didn’t put me through anything,” Calum persisted. “And now that you mention us, I can’t recall anything that you did wrong in that relationship. It was all me.”
“No Calum!” you raised your voice, standing up abruptly. He quickly followed, standing up to meet your frustrated, tired eyes. “It was me. And I’m tired of you insisting otherwise.” 
“You said that I was always gone,” Calum reminded you, his voice matching the same volume as yours. “I don’t see anything that involves you in that.” 
You threw your hands in the air. “Because I was needy!” you exclaimed. “And I was pushy, and I hated being alone all the time–”
“But I’m right here!” he yelled back. You took a step back in shock. He was never one to raise his voice at you, even when you fought in the past. It was your throat that got raw in those arguments from having a shouting match against yourself and losing hopelessly. “Goddammit y/n I’m right here. And I promised you that night that I would always be here if that’s what you wanted.” 
Tears began to stream down your face as you pulled your hair in anger. “You don’t understand, Calum,” you cried out. 
“Then help me understand!” Calum took a step closer to you, taking your hands in his. His brown eyes were desperate, searching yours for an answer. “Please, sunshine, let me in.” 
For a moment, you almost faltered. You nearly gave in at his sweet words and use of that old nickname. But Tia remained in the back of your mind, and guilt sunk in once more.
You released yourself from his touch, looking away from his eyes. “You can’t call me that anymore,” you whispered to him. “I can’t, Calum. I just can’t.” 
Calum watched you back away hopelessly. “y/n,” he sighed.
“I’m leaving for Boston in two days,” you told him. “I’m sure Ash told you that already, though. I overstayed my welcome at my friend’s house. I should start packing.”
The bassist followed you to the gate of the park. “But I feel like we should talk about this,” Calum pleaded. 
Your fingertips grazed the gate, the cool metal sending shivers down your spine. “I’ll see you at the party, Calum.” 
When you told the boys the date you were going back to Boston, Ashton jumped at the opportunity to throw you a goodbye party. In addition to catching up with you and spending every moment available with you, the boys insisted on planning the “biggest party of the century” for your departure. 
“I still don’t see the necessity for all of this,” you told the three boys with a shake of your head. 
“Trust us,” Ashton said with a wild grin. “We all need this.” 
So here you were, casually sipping your cocktail in the corner of Ashton’s home while their exquisite rager took the house by storm. Sierra and Crystal stayed by your side throughout the night, insisting  to keep up with each other while you were away. This time, you made sure to not end contact with them the way you did last time. Tia had also been in the group but left some time ago to deal with something. 
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Luke asked, pouting dramatically. “L.A. isn’t the same without you here, n/n.” 
You ruffled his hair playfully. The singer was always a little brother to you, no matter how close in age the two of you were. “I do, bub,” you said in a sorry voice. “I don’t think my boss could stand another week without me in the studio.” 
“Then move back to this location!” Michael proposed, raising his glass and nearly spilling his drink on the floor. “Transferring wouldn’t be a bad idea, would it? The studio would love to have you back, producing and doing whatever else you do.” 
You laughed at Michael’s drunken state. You were having a lot of fun relishing in the last few moments with your friends before leaving them once again. You almost didn’t realize the shouting that was going on in the dining room of Ashton’s home. 
The entire group ran to the source of the noise to find Calum standing on the dining table with Tia pleading for him to get down.
“Calum, babe, please,” Tia shouted. “You’re causing a scene.” 
All guests turned to see what was going on, especially to see why the bassist of 5 Seconds of Summer was shouting complete intelligible nonsense. 
Ashton ran towards the edge of the table. “Mate, you need to get down,” he begged hurriedly. “You’re not thinking straight, you need to get down before you get hurt.”
“No,” Calum insisted, his words slurring slightly due to his inebriated state. “I need everyone to listen to me.” 
Someone had managed to find the speaker and turn it off so everyone could hear Calum. Your heart was beating out of your chest, not from the alcohol buzzing through your system, but because of the drunk boy standing before you. 
Calum raised his cup to the crowd. “I’d like to raise a toast to the girl who broke my heart,” he announced sloppily. “The “heartbreak girl” herself, y/n l/n.” Calum clapped loudly. He was the only one who was clapping while you stood there in shock and humiliation. “I loved you, you know?” he sniffed. “And I bloody well still do. Tia’s great, though. Absolutely nothing wrong with you, Tia, I hope you know that. But you’re not the one. y/n right here, she’s the one.” 
His brown eyes, red from drinking and smoking God knows what, teared up as he looked down at you. “But what I can’t figure out is why won’t she love me?” Calum threw back the rest of his drink and winced at how strong it was. “I was getting ready to propose to you, you know?” he told you. “I had the ring in my pocket, and I was just waiting for the perfect moment.” Calum chuckled to himself bitterly. “Guess I fucked that up tremendously.”
“Calum, stop,” you pleaded. 
“Why should I?” he asked you incredulously. “You didn’t stop packing your things when I asked you to. You didn’t stop running when I chased after you in the dark. You didn’t stop when you booked that flight across the country to run away from me.” 
Tears were streaming down your face now. “It wasn’t like that, Cal,” you cried. “W-we broke up for a reason-”
“And that’s what I can’t wrap my head around!” he shouted. “You barely gave me a reason! You told me you never saw me anymore. I was willing to make more time for you, to end my career for you, to get down on one knee and be with you, and that wasn’t enough! There had to be another reason-”
“There wasn’t, Cal!” you sobbed. “So drop it, please.” 
Silence spread throughout the whole house. No one moved an inch, too shocked to make a single sound or move. All that could be heard was the sounds of your messy sobs that you failed to keep in. Cal dropped his cup and gestured his hands at you. 
“The Heartbreak Girl, everyone,” he announced with a broken sigh. “Hope you enjoyed this one hell of a show, with your heartbroken host, Calum Thomas Hood.”
You ran out of the house as fast as your feet could take you. The air was brisk in your lungs, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t care when the man you loved poured his heart out to you, only for you to squash it like it was nothing. 
“y/n!” you heard a voice call out for you. You whipped around to see Tia, scrambling to catch up to you. In the back, you could see the band -minus Calum- and their significant others peering out the glass door to see what was going on. 
Tia grabbed your hand tightly. “y/n, fuck, I’m so sorry about Calum,” she apologized, swearing profusely. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. First we were talking about our relationship then-“
“Please, don’t bring up your relationship,” you cut her off, roughly shaking your head. “I know I gave you my blessing, but please I can’t bear to get my heart broken again.” 
“You don’t understand!” Tia pushed. “We don’t have a relationship to begin with! y/n, I never asked Calum to be my boyfriend, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t interfere with a love as great as yours and his.”
You stumbled backwards. “What?” 
Tia nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “y/n, you and Calum are endgame, don’t you see? I only talked to him tonight to explain that you still loved him. I guess he was too caught up in the alcohol to think rationally.” 
“Tia,” you said, voice dripping in disappointment and dread. “That wasn’t your secret to tell him.”
“Were you going to say anything?” she shot back. “You weren’t, so I had to take matters into my own hands. n/n, I’m a firm believer in fate and second chances. This is your chance at making everything right-“ 
“But I can’t!” you cried, ripping your hand away from hers. “Don’t you get it? I’m the one that’s killing him! I put him through hell and I can’t continue to do that. Why can’t you see that I’m a fucked up mess that ruins everything I touch? I love Calum, I’ll never stop loving him, but I’m not blind enough to not see that my love is torturing him slowly.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. Tears reappeared in the corner of your eyes, but you were too tired to wipe them away. “I’m never going to be enough for Calum,” you confessed. “That’s why I broke up with him. I can’t watch him waste his life away on a girl that’s only going to disappoint him. I’m not like you, Tia. I’m not perfect, or beautiful, or smart, or anything remotely interesting. And one day, Calum is going to see that and realize he missed his opportunity to find someone good for him, someone that he deserves.
“I don’t deserve him, Tia,” you finished in a broken whisper. “I never will. So I’d rather fade into the background and be a distant memory than become a face he can’t stand to look at.” 
“That’s not true,” Tia insisted, tears gracefully falling down her beautiful face. “y/n, you have to believe me when I say that’s not true.”
A car drove down the street, approaching the two of you. You let out a sigh of relief, recognizing it as your uber. “I don’t have to believe you,” you replied, opening the car door. “My word is all that I need.”
Calum woke up the next day with a pounding headache. He groaned aloud, sitting up on the couch and cradling his head. He wished he was drunk enough that night to forget everything that happened, but he remembered every single detail. From the beat of the bass from the stereo to the way your dress hugged your curves he loved to kiss and hold. 
He finally pushed you away, he realized. And for good, this time. Calum felt dread and regret rush through his system, and all he wanted was to crawl into his bed and sleep his life away. 
“You know grumbling isn’t going to cure a hangover,” Tia’s reprimanding voice rang through the living room. 
Tia. Calum jumped up to face her where she had been leaning against the door frame.
“Oh Ti,” he sighed, covering his face in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry for last night, I must have humiliated you. I’m a right idiot, and I’m so sorry I put you through that.” 
“Oh shut up,” Tia laughed, walking over to him and sitting him down. “I can’t say that I wasn’t hurt, but I also can’t say I was surprised with how things turned out.” Calum hung his head low, ashamed of his behavior. He never wanted to hurt either of you. “Cal, you don’t have to be so sullen. It’s okay, there’s no hard feelings or bad blood between us.”
When Calum couldn’t bring himself to respond, Tia decided to take it a step further. “I always knew you loved her,” she confessed. “That’s why I brought it up to you last night. I wanted both of you to work things out. She really does love you.” 
Calum let out a bitter laugh. “She sure has a way of showing it,” he muttered. “Tia, don’t make me feel worse by feeding me lies. It hurts enough that I hurt both of you, don’t make it worse by saying that bullshit.” 
“I’m telling the truth!” she fought back. “y/n still loves you, she told me that herself.”
“Then why did she break up with me?” Calum retorted. “If her love never left the table, where was it when she broke things off? Correct me if I’m wrong, Tia, but I don’t think that’s how you treat the people you supposedly love.” 
Tia screwed her eyes shut, heaving out a sigh. “She loved you so much, she thought you deserved more,” Tia finally explained. “She let you go so that you could find someone better, someone who makes you happier.” 
“That doesn’t make sense,” Calum shook his head, eyebrows furrowed in thought. “How could she think that? No one could be better than her, um, no offense.” Tia snorted at the last part. “If anything, I thought I didn’t deserve her.”
“Well you’re both idiots,” Tia deadpanned. “You two clearly love each other more than life itself but were too blind to see you were perfect for each other.” 
Calum’s shoulders caved in as he drowned in his thoughts. His hangover headache was piercing his skull but he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t process why you’d ever think so lowly of yourself when he praised the ground you walk on. 
“How can I go back to her and repair things when I never realized she was hurting?” he asked. “Why would she ever want me back when I wasn’t there at her lowest? All the signs were there. She stopped calling me every night to talk about her day while I was away. She’d dodge my Facetimes with bullshit excuses that I failed to point out.” Calum huffed to himself, beating himself up critically. “What makes you think I won’t fuck up again when she needs me?”
“Because you’ve learned from your mistakes before,” Tia told him, rubbing his arm soothingly. “And you can learn from them again. That’s what I like about you, Cal. You always made an effort to better yourself, no matter the challenge. And if you truly love her, you’re going to end up fine.” 
Calum smiled softly at Tia’s words, raising his chin to look her in the eyes. “I love her so much,” he whispered. The bassist took her hand, squeezing it affectionately. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out with us, Ti,” he apologized genuinely. “I really do hope you find someone who is willing to lay down their life for you.” 
“I’ve watched two lovers reconnect like no time has passed at all,” Tia smiled back. “Trust me, I have the groundwork laid out for what’s ahead of me.” 
Suddenly, Calum’s phone began to ring. Lunging towards the arm of the couch, Calum pulled his phone off the charger and read the caller ID. Eyes wide, he looked at Tia who gave him a knowing look. 
“I’ll start the car.” 
You opened your eyes, immediately squinting at the bright light. You were met once again with the familiar feeling of a skull splitting headache and aching ankle. 
“Must you always get yourself into these situations?” 
You turned to face those brown eyes and cheeky smile you adored. Calum shook his head in disbelief, taking your hand in his. “I thought you said you’d change your emergency contact,” he said in a scolding tone. 
Your face was on fire at his words. “I forgot,” you told him honestly. 
Once again, you ended up in the hospital with similar injuries to what you received at the beginning of your trip. But instead of a car accident, you’d clumsily fallen down the stairs on the way to your Uber to the airport. Luckily a neighbor next door heard the ruckus and loaded you into the Uber straight to the hospital. 
“Or it’s fate,” Calum suggested, resting his hand on the side of your head. 
“Calum,” you tried to counter.
He stopped you instantly. “I know why you ended things,” he simply told you. “And I think I deserve a say in it.” Closing your mouth, you let him speak. “You’re wrong, y/n. You do deserve me as much as I deserve you. And I love you no matter what. I don’t need a famous celebrity as my partner when I have you in my life. None of that superficial stuff matters to me, y/n, you know that. And I know that for as long as I live and you forget to change your emergency contact list, I’ll always come for you.” 
Your heart fluttered, and you allowed yourself to feel hope for the both of you. “But what if someday down the line you want more?” you asked in a small voice. 
Calum blinked away his tears. “What more can I want?” he said in response. “You’re all I want, y/n. I’m so sorry I ever made you doubt that.” 
“Don’t apologize,” you laughed, tears beginning to fall, too. “It was my stupid brain that made me doubt in the first place.” 
Calum leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. “So is that it?” he asked. “Are we done doubting? Will you finally come home, y/n? Be with me forever?” 
You raised your hand to cup his cheek. He instinctively leaned into your touch. “With you,” you told him surely. “I’m always home. I’m yours, Calum Hood.” 
if you enjoyed, please like and reblog! it would mean a lot to me <3
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bratzforchris · 8 months
Billionaire Baby
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Summary: In which Luke pays off your tuition in full and only asks for one thing in return
Pairing: Sugar daddy and investment banker!Luke x sub!reader
Warnings: Smut, dom/sub dynamics, nonsexual submission, overstimulation, jacuzzi fucking, doggy style, mentions of free use, unprotected p in v, fingering, underage drinking given to reader by Luke, sugar daddy mentions, student (university/18+) x older male relationship, bondage, Luke has an obedience kink, overall really fucking filthy and a bit fluffy ;)
Word Count: 5.1k
A/N: Luke leans more towards boyfriend instead of sugar daddy than I originally planned, but I still adore this work anyway. I put my heart and soul into this piece, so reblogs are much appreciated :)!
DNI under 18
“What the fuck…” You mumbled, scrolling through your email. 
You were sitting in the library, trying to study for your upcoming biochem exam, but failing a bit. You were getting distracted by everything, hence why you were scrolling through your email on your laptop instead of studying. The email was from two hours ago and it was asking you to come to the dean’s office today at three for a meeting. 
You began to panic a bit, wondering why on earth the dean wanted to have a meeting with you. You had never, ever been in trouble academically or ever, for that matter. You were a bit behind on your loan payments, but not so much they were rescinding your admission, right? You cursed when you realized that it was currently two-thirty, and the dean’s office was on the other side of campus. 
Quickly shoving your laptop, books, and stationery into your bookbag, you hurried out of the library that you loved oh-so-dearly. Going to Columbia University had been your dream since second grade, and that day that you saw the main library on your tour in tenth grade just confirmed that this was the school for you. 
You slowed your pace a bit when you got closer to the building, taking a moment to soak in the crisp, fall air and the splotches of autumn that decorated the New York City sidewalks. You pulled your cardigan tighter around yourself and hurried up the steps of the School of Professional Studies. 
“Hi,” You whispered quietly to the lady at the front desk as you signed in. 
“Oh, it’s you,” she said, eyeing you up and down. “You’re a very lucky girl.” she winked. 
You furrowed your brow, wanting to ask what she meant, but not wanting to be rude. You eventually just shook your head and sat down in the lobby while you waited to be called back. This was a huge school, full of children of the rich and famous. She must’ve had you confused with someone else. 
“Y/N Y/L/N?” the dean asked, walking out into the lobby. “Follow me.”
You quickly picked up your backpack and followed him, deep into the building where his office was sat. You struggled a bit to keep up with his long strides, being a bit out of breath when you finally reached his office. 
“Take a seat,” he said not unkindly, opening the door for you. “This will be quick.”
You took a tentative seat on one of the down chairs on the opposite side of the desk, trying to control your breathing. You were afraid your features would show your fear, so you tried to keep your face even. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, you are extremely lucky…” he started. “Your tuition has been paid in full by an anonymous donor, to include everything you will need to complete your undergraduate degree.” he smiled. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, trying to stay polite, but also wanting to know what the fuck was going on. 
“Someone has paid your tuition in full. Do you have any idea who it could be?”
“I…no…” You said, hoping the blush wouldn’t creep onto your cheeks. 
You knew exactly who it was. There was only one person in your life that had that much money. Ivy League schooling wasn’t cheap, after all. You wouldn’t tell the dean who it was, though. That wouldn’t be good for a number of reasons. 
“Enjoy your time here at Columbia, Y/N. You’re free to go.” the dean smiled, nodding towards the door. 
You stood on shaky legs and walked out of the room, trying to process what you had just heard. No more student loan payments, no more living paycheck-to-paycheck, no more working at your shitty fast food job until 2 am. You pulled your phone out of the back pocket of your jeans and typed out a message as you walked out of the building and stood on the steps. 
You: was it you???
Luke: Was what me, darling?
You: you know exactly what i’m talking about
You sighed, deciding to walk the half a block to your favorite cafe while you waited for Luke’s response. Your relationship with the blond was complicated. He wasn’t quite your sugar daddy, but he also wasn’t fully your boyfriend. It was never meant to spiral into a relationship, but Luke made you want more. Being a Columbia graduate himself, you had met him at a philanthropy event last spring. You had shared drinks and dancing, before he took you back to his large penthouse for a hook-up. 
Ever since then, Luke had made it clear that he enjoyed your company. He spoiled you beyond belief, both with material things and with a very active sex life. Being a Wall Street investment banker had given him the attitude that he would take what he wanted, and you were no exception. As much as you were an independent woman in your studies, having Luke in your life took some of the stress away. Going over to his place after a long day of classes, only to receive a mountain of physical affection and usually a gift or two, was just what you needed. 
Just as you finished ordering your chai latte, your phone pinged with a new message. You sat down at a cozy table in the corner and pulled out your laptop while you waited for your coffee, looking over the text. 
Luke: Come over. You’re done with classes for today, right?
Luke: I’ll order dinner. 
You smiled, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen loose from your braid behind your ear. You quickly typed out a message, thumbs flying across the screen. Even as frustrated as you were at the possibility of Luke paying off all of your tuition, you couldn’t help the way your heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing him. 
You: getting coffee, then i will&lt;3
You smiled when Luke typed back three red hearts. He was never one for emojis, mostly because of how professional he was. Every now and then though, you were the lucky one to see that softer, less-professional side of him. As soon as your coffee was placed in your hand, you dashed out the cafe door, walking towards the nearest subway station to catch the train to Luke’s apartment at the southern end of Central Park. 
Your heart was absolutely racing as you got closer and closer to the blond. Luke was unlike anyone you had ever met. He had an almost electric pull on you. Luke bore a striking resemblance to a prince, or maybe a king. The way he commanded his office and then carried that dominance home to you was probably the hottest thing you had ever experienced in your twenty years of life. 
As soon as the subway pulled up to your stop, you were leaping off the train and up the stairs to the sidewalk. As soon as you got out of the tunnel, you couldn’t help but to crane your neck. No matter how many times you came to Luke’s apartment, you couldn’t help but to be in utter awe when you came upon Billionaire’s Row. The sky-high buildings made of glass and steel were highlighted so beautifully by the rest of the city lights. 
You hurried your pace a bit, eager to see Luke inside of one of those penthouse suites. Eventually, you came upon the building that you knew all too well. Walking inside the lobby, the man at the front desk smiled at you, his name tag reading Randy. 
“He’s home,” he smiled. “Right over here.”
“Thanks,” You smiled. “I don’t mind taking the regular elevator, y’know.”
“Oh, please. Take this one.” he unlocked the private elevator that would take you directly to Luke’s apartment. 
“Thank you,” You smiled as the doors began to close when you stepped in. “I’ll see you later?”
“If you leave tonight.” Randy chuckled. 
As soon as you were on your way up, your heart began to flutter faster. You hadn’t seen Luke in a few days because the stock market had been picking up and so had your classes, which made you so beyond eager to be around him once again. The elevator dinged and the doors to Luke’s apartment opened. 
You stepped out onto the plushy, white carpet, looking around for the blond. “Luke?”
“Hey baby,” he hummed, coming out of the kitchen and wrapping you in a hug. “Miss me?”
You giggled when he buried his face in your neck, his stubble scratching your neck. “I did.” You said sweetly. 
As soon as Luke pulled back, you looked up into his deep blue eyes before speaking again. “Luke, were you the ‘anonymous donor’ that paid my tuition?”
“I was. What? I can’t spoil my girl?” he led you into the kitchen, rolling up the sleeves of his white button-down. 
“Luke,” You insisted. “I never said that, but that’s hundreds of thousands of dollars. You don’t need to do that.”
“Watch your mouth, princess.” Luke gave you a stern look as he poured you a glass of Merlot. 
You blushed, shrinking under his gaze. Even when it wasn’t sexual, Luke had a dominant aire about him. Maybe it was because he worked in such a high power industry, or maybe it was just the way he was, but the blond made you want to submit to him, clinging onto his every word. 
“I just want to make sure we’re, y’know, equal. I want to make sure you feel loved, too.”
Luke slid the wine glass across the island to you, where you had taken a seat at the bar. “I don’t need that.”
You snorted. “Contrary to popular belief, you like feeling loved too.” You craned your neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
Luke rolled his eyes, walking around the island and wrapping his arms around your midsection. “So you wanna know how you can make me feel appreciated?”
“If you wanna call it that, sure.” You shrugged. 
“You can be my little toy for the next week. You’re free use for me,” he smirked, growling softly in your ear. “You think that’s equal?”
You nodded quickly, knowing Luke was going to take free advantage of the week, but not caring. “I think so.” You giggled. 
“You know I love you, right?” Luke asked. “I don’t want you worrying about your tuition anymore. It’s done, it’s taken care of. You’re going to relax and let me make you feel good, darling.” he hummed, massaging your shoulders. 
You blushed under the subtle dominance of Luke’s words, relaxing into his touch. You nudged your head into Luke’s chest and he chuckled softly, knowing exactly what you wanted. 
“You’re so cute when you need me, baby girl.” he picked you, holding you under the ass and abandoning your wine glass on the counter so he could carry you to his large master bedroom. 
You laid your head on his shoulder, speaking out a soft ‘I love you’. It had been a long day between classes and the stress of the news you’d received and now you just needed Luke to take care of you so you could relax for a little while. 
Luke placed you down on his soft, silken sheets when you reached his bedroom, humming softly. “On your knees, honey.”
You did as he asked, kneeling softly and looking up at your dom with soft doe eyes.  You were practically reeling with relaxation and happiness over Luke’s validation. You watched him softly while he bustled around the room, taking off his watch and getting things ready for the night. 
“Good girl, baby,” Luke praised you. “You’re doing perfect, honey.”
“Thank you.” You said sweetly, knowing Luke enjoyed it when you responded verbally. 
“Go wait in the bathroom for me, honey. I’ll be there soon.” Luke told you, looking at you sternly but speaking softly. 
You scampered off to Luke’s luxurious bathroom, wondering what he had in mind. Usually, he would dom you in bed. You wasted no time on kneeling on the bath mat beside the jacuzzi tub, still fully clothed. If there was one thing you loved to do, it was be Luke’s sub. Something about letting someone else take the reins and guide you, sexually or not, helped you relieve your stress from attending such a demanding university. 
Luke didn’t make you wait long. He came into the bathroom and saw you kneeling, giving you immediate praise. “Look at you, honey. Waiting like a good girl.” he cooed, flashing that million-dollar smile that had been on the cover of Forbes magazine last month. 
You blushed, giggling softly. You could feel yourself slipping into subspace, that floaty feeling taking over your head as Luke fussed over you and took care of you. You leaned into his touch as he ran a hand through your hair, before moving to start the bath water. 
“Nothing like a nice bath to help you relax, right love?” he smirked. “Arms up.”
You did as the blond asked and Luke pulled off your sweater. He left your glasses on, but reached for the button on your jeans. Luke slowly helped you stand up and then pulled your pants and your panties off, trailing little kisses from your collarbone down to your pubic bone. You could feel the way your body had completely relaxed into your subspace, molding like jelly at whatever Luke told you to do. 
The blond fiddled with the settings on the tub, turning on the jets and adding the red lights, which were his absolute favorite. Luke put your favorite, rose-scented bath bomb into the tub before speaking. “Get in the bath, honey.”
You stepped into the large jacuzzi tub, holding Luke’s hand and sinking into the warm, fizzy water. “Thank you.”
Luke smirked, enjoying the way your face was tulip-pink at all the attention being showered on you by him. He wasn’t going to push you today; he had seen the stress lines that had burrowed their way deep onto your face. Besides, you two still needed to have the tuition conversation and he didn’t want you to be totally fucked out for that. Just enough to help you relax. 
“I think you need some entertainment while you’re in the bath, hmm? Wouldn’t want you getting distracted…” he smirked, running his ring-clad pointer finger under your chin. 
You immediately rested your chin on the ledge of the large tub, watching Luke with expectant eyes. He pulled back for a moment, just enough to make sure you were fully paying attention, but not enough to make you panic. Luke began to undo the buttons of his white shirt, smirking at you as he teased you so fucking slowly, ringed fingers pulsing as he worked. 
Letting out a few soft, sensual moans didn’t seem to phase the blond. He simply continued to slowly undress, making sure you were watching the whole time. He wasn’t not not acknowledging you, but he also wasn’t giving you the attention you were oh-so-craving. Finally, Luke came to his gray, Calvin Klein boxers. He slid them off slowly, smirking at you as he did so. 
“Mmmm, want you to dom me, Luke. Please. It’s so big.” You whined. 
“Ahh ahh, we don’t whine, honey. I think you forgot to ask nicely, hmm?” Luke stood towering over you, completely naked, but in all his godlike authority. 
Even in your fuzzy subspace, you could see why all of Luke’s female assistants fawned over him. He looked like something sent straight from Mount Olympus with his blond curls, perfect nose, and regal body type. He had a commanding aura about him, no matter what he was doing, and despite his multiple (yes, multiple) PhDs from different Ivy League universities, it was easy to understand how he did so well in the New York Stock Exchange. 
“Sorry sir,” You whispered out. “Can you please dom me?” You asked in a sultry tone. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” Luke planted a kiss on your head as he stepped into the tub with you. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
You giggled and blushed, still kneeling even in the bath. You kept your eyes trained on Luke, which proved a difficult task from here. Luke’s master bathroom was made up of crystal clear glass windows that allowed for a view of practically the whole city since he lived on the 69th floor.  With the sun starting to fade into a hazy dusk and the lights of the skyscrapers popping on one-by-one, it was hard not to get distracted, but you wanted Luke’s pleasure much more than you wanted to enjoy the view. 
You and Luke sat face-to-face, and he watched your eyes intently, wondering what joys he would unlock tonight. He began to rub your thigh up and down with his hand under the soapy water, keeping his eyes trained on you. 
“Relax, pretty girl,” he whispered. “Just let me take care of you.”
You began to relax under Luke’s touch and gaze, that is, until he began to sneak his fingers closer and closer to your opening. You unconsciously clenched your thighs around Luke’s hand, your nerves sensitive. You began to whimper, wiggling your hips closer to meet his fingers. 
“Oh god.” You whined. 
Luke smirked, running his fingers along your wet slit and trailing it over your clit. He smirked as he did so, scooting closer to you. “I want you to cum all over my fingers, princess. Get all that stressed properly fucked out.”
You moaned, thrusting your hips against Luke’s pulsating fingers. The blond began to make small, raindrop-like pulses on your electric spot, enjoying the view as you squirmed under him, practically riding his fingers. 
“Good girl, honey. Takin’ it like the slutty little school girl that you are.” he coached you. 
Your climax was beginning to build up, and you couldn’t help the moans and whimpers that escaped from your mouth as Luke finger-fucked you. As he tapped near your clit, he used three fingers on the other hand to slowly slide them in and out of your pussy. 
“That’s it, baby. That feel good? Yeah?” he smiled, knowing you were entirely too close to say anything other than small ‘yes’’s and ‘uh huh’’s. 
You were nearly crying as you tried to hold yourself back from clenching and cumming all over Luke’s fingers until he told you to do so. Your sex was absolutely throbbing with the way Luke was touching you, and the warm water from the tub was not making it any easier. 
“Luke,” You nearly screamed out. “Making me need to cum.”
The blond gave one last time of really working up your rhythm, before kissing your chest. “Go ahead and cum for me, baby. Cum all over my fingers.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You quickly released, and your walls began to clench around Luke’s fingers, coating them in your cum. The blond coached you through your climax, offering lots of praise and compliments. 
“You are so pretty when you cum, princess,” he cooed when you had finished, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Takin’ my fingers like a good girl.”
You blushed under Luke’s words, leaning your head against his shoulder when he pulled you into his bare chest, hand running up and down your side. Luke had an almost intoxicating way of making your orgasms one of the most exhausting, but best, things you did. 
“I think you need one more for good measure. Make sure all that stress is properly fucked out, yeah?” he asked you. 
You quickly nodded, never saying no to Luke pleasuring you. The blond ran his fingers through your hair and down your face and upper body, making sure to keep you fully relaxed in subspace. Because you were essentially sitting on his lap, you could feel Luke’s cock hardening under you and you couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks. 
“Turn around on your knees, honey,” Luke coached, moving you off his lap. “Right over the jet.” 
Doing as Luke asked, you had to bite your lip at the sensation of the rushing water tingling your clit. “Oh.” You moaned. 
The blue-eyed man chuckled, caressing your upper back. “Feels so good, doesn’t it, princess?” he whispered in your ear. 
You nodded, gripping the edge of the tub to keep yourself steady. Luke grabbed his white button-down that he had oh-so-conveniently placed on the tub ledge. He quickly used it to wrap your hands around the faucet. 
“I want to make sure you enjoy this in the right way.”
You moaned at Luke’s erotic words, angling your hips back so that your ass would meet Luke’s boner. He pulled you back by the hips slowly, offering you lots of praise as your body melted like butter in his hands, allowing him to touch where and however. The blond told you to stay on your knees and lean forward into your bond, angling your back, and you whined as you felt the pressure placed on your already sensitive pussy, even without Luke’s dick. 
Luke was practically a sex expert, and he knew your anatomy almost better than you did. That being said, he knew he needed to take you from behind in order to hit your G-spot. Your second orgasm was always faster than the first, and he wanted to make sure that he would get the pleasure of you cumming not only on his fingers, but on his dick as well. 
He slowly straddled you from behind, his hips pushing into your ass, before inserting only his tip into you. The pleasure on the blond’s face was evident as he heard you release tiny moans and pants, already nearly overstimulated, just from an inch of him inside you. 
“Someone’s eager,” he chuckled. “Did studying all day wear you out? Made you nice and needy for my dick, baby?” 
You moaned, nodding your head and straddling against your restraints. “Yes…” You breathed out. “Yes sir.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Good girl.” Luke slid more of his dick inside of you, painstakingly teasing you. 
You pushed your ass further against him, trying to take as much of him into you as possible. Luke was a big fan of doggy style and you had gone through this many times before; Luke didn’t give in to what you wanted right away, but nevertheless, you always tried. You tried desperately to distract yourself by looking out at the scenic cityspace in front of you, but the view was no match for the magic that was Luke. 
“You are so fucking hot when you listen to me, Y/N,” Luke growled, tugging on the ends of your hair slightly. “Obeying just the way you’re supposed to like a good sugar baby.”
You moaned, craning your neck back and arching your back as the jets overstimulated your clit and electric spot and Luke’s dick teased your hole. “Uh huh…oh god, Luke.” You whined. 
Finally, after what felt like forever to you, Luke slammed all eight inches of himself inside of you, bucking his hips so that you could feel his shaft pulsating. He began to ride you at an almost frenzy rhythm, slamming his hips into yours so that the sound of skin hitting skin and jacuzzi water splashing echoed around the room. The blond knew that if people in other high-rises looked hard enough, they could see him riding you doggy-style within an inch of your life. He didn’t care, though. You wanted to act like a good sub that was practically begging with your eyes for a slutty fuck, that’s what you would get. Besides, billionaires were too scandalous themselves to speak about their colleagues’ sex lives. 
“Luke,” You nearly sobbed out, overstimulated by the jets rocking your clit and Luke railing you from behind. “Need to cum.”
Your second orgasm was always faster than your first and you could feel the tight ball building up in your lower stomach, begging to be released. The overstimulation from pressure on your clit and penetration from Luke was having tears running down your cheeks. Luke wasn’t letting up though. He wanted you to be so worn out that you could just relax and let him take care of you. 
“You can cum, honey,” he hummed, fucking into you one last time before slapping your ass. “Cum all over my dick.”
You immediately did as told, crying out and straining against your bond as you released your climax. “Uh uh…feels so good.” You panted out, walls clenching around his cock. 
Luke rubbed your back as you did so, gently guiding you through it. “That’s it. Good girl. Cumming all over my dick.”
You moaned loudly, thoroughly exhausted. “Thank you.”
“Ah ah,” he tutted. “You’re not done yet, baby girl,” Luke slowly untied the shirt that had bonded you. “Turn around.” he huffed coldly. 
You did as he asked, looking up at him through your lashes. He had a smirk on his face, body radiating dominance and power as he lifted your heads above your head and tied them once again to the faucet with the shirt, only this time, you were facing him.
“You really thought you were gonna be done without me getting my pleasure off you?” the blond asked. 
You blushed under his gaze, unconsciously bucking your hips to meet his. “Use me. I love you, so use me.” You panted. 
“Think you need a nice facial to help you relax, hmm sweetie?”
You nodded quickly, knowing what Luke was getting at. “Please.” You said, eyeing his massively-hard boner. 
Luke began to pump himself with his right hand, rings still on. It was probably the hottest thing you’d ever seen, with his head thrown back, blond curls wet and plastered to his forehead, and his muscles bulging as he worked himself. You wiggled in the grasp of his white shirt, moaning loudly. You were beginning to get cold in the water without his body on you and you were making it very clear that you wanted him again. 
“Gonna cum, baby.” he huffed out. 
“Do it. Cum all over me, sir.” You whined in a sultry voice. 
Luke didn’t need to be told twice. He immediately came all over your face, coating your eyes and cheeks in white ropes of cum. 
“God, baby. So pretty.” he said, watching you blink the cum out of your eyelashes as he rode out his high. 
You blushed. “It’s because of you.”
Luke reached for a washcloth in the fine basket beside the large tub and dipped it into the water, slowly wiping your face off with the warm, wet rag. “I love seeing you when you know you belong to me, princess.” he crooned. 
You giggled softly, loving the floaty feeling that was coming from being in your subspace. “Thank you.”
The blue-eyed man continued to wash you off with the cloth, removing the stickiness from your face and body. Luke looked over and realized he had left a crystal champagne flute by the tub the night before. 
“Do you need your hair washed, princess?” he asked. 
You immediately nodded, absolutely loving it when Luke washed your hair. “Please.”
Luke smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead before using the flute as a sort of cup to wet your hair and using his own shampoo (which was vanilla scented, but no one else needed to know) to wash your hair. You melted under his touch, allowing Luke to take full control, directing you to close your eyes and lean your head back so he could wash your hair. 
“All done, honey. Sit in the bath while I dry off.”
His words hardly registered in your brain. The wonderful feeling of being totally fucked out and having someone wash your hair had made you so sleepy. Luke quickly stepped out of the jacuzzi, wrapping a plush, white towel around himself and grabbing his phone from the vanity. The view of you naked, fucked out, in his huge jacuzzi and against the background of crystal-clear glass and the lights of Billionaire’s Row in Manhattan was too pretty for him not to snap a photo of. 
The blond quickly dried himself off and dressed in a pair of cozy gray sweats with no shirt. No matter how much money he made off of Wall Street, that outfit would always be his pajamas. Luke pulled the plug in the tub, lifting you out of the tub easily and wrapping you in a pink towel with your initials monogrammed that you left at his apartment for hookups like tonight. 
“Kneel, honey, so I can dry you off,” he told you. “Good girl.”
You melted under Luke’s touch as he dried you off and lathered you with sweet-smelling lotion. He slipped your red, silken nightie with lace details over your head before picking you up. Being your sugar daddy, he figured it was only fair to spoil you after you had pleasured him so well and that was exactly what he planned on doing. Luke carried you to bed, tucking you in softly. “What are you feeling for dinner, baby?” 
You shrugged, feeling so sleepy and out of it. “You pick.”
“Nope, it’s your night, princess.” he chuckled softly. 
“You already did, well, what you did today with the money and all. Let me order it.” You said, reaching for your phone. 
“No ma’am,” Luke jerked it back. “You’re going to let me spoil you. You have two choices, baby. Seafood or steak.”
“..steak. Thank you.” You blushed. 
Even though you had known Luke since the spring, you were still getting used to the whole “sugar daddy” thing. It was still rather unfamiliar to you to let someone else care for you, especially someone as rich as Luke. The blond easily ordered the food from both his and your favorite Michelin Star restaurant, easily curling up in bed with you after. 
“Thank you for today. For everything. Are you sure it’s okay?” You asked quietly. 
“Princess, I told you. The only thing you owe me is free use of that slutty little body for the next week.” he told you, burying his face into your neck as he spooned you. 
You blushed and giggled softly, pushing yourself further into him. “That sounds good to me. But seriously, thank you. Helping me with my education means more to me than you know.”
“I know. That’s why I did it. Besides, smart girls are hot girls.” he smirked. 
You happily cuddled into Luke’s side, sighing happily. And if Luke spent the rest of the night being beyond soft and caring for you, no one else had to know. 
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bartxnhood · 3 months
talk fast | c.t.h
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calum hood x fem!reader
summary: you both agreed to no strings attached, right?
warnings: oh boy tons of drinking (sorry), smoking, language, brief mentions of sexual activity (nothing explicit), and sexual innuendos.
w/c: 13k
a/n: hi my loves !! this one is a long time coming, i’ve been working on this since september. i started school in november which put a halt on all of my writing, but now that i graduated expect more from me. :). to all of my calum lovers, this one’s for you. p.s: if this does as well as i hope it does, i may consider making this a series on wattpad.
a/n pt.2: shout out everyone who helped my write this. esp @valentiyne you guys are amazing. 🩷
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2024 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you weren't a stranger to relationships, and you'd had your fair share of them over the years. which you were aware that everyone else did, but you weren’t really serious about relationships. you didn't want to be with someone who didn't envision a future with you or who didn't share your goals.
your friends often told you that you should let loose and enjoy yourself, but that was not the life for you.
you had been in a very healthy relationship with someone you had known since college for the past few years. however, as time went, he became increasingly open about his needs for different things and eventually ended his relationship with you.
you went into a deep depression after the breakup, you didn't leave your apartment for weeks, you only showered maybe twice, and you couldn't remember the last time you ate anything other than instant noodles or ice cream.
what else could you do while you were wasting away? you had imagined spending the rest of your life with him, and now he’s gone.
your life seemed to change overnight.
while your friends and family around tried being there for you, you had pushed them so far away that they had just decided to give up on you. except, your best friend, olivia, finally dragged you out of your bed and forced you to shower so you could go out for the night with her.
“you need to get out, have fun, and forget about that jerk” she states, standing above you as she glides eyeliner on your eyes. “you’re hot, you’re fun, you have a great personality. i’m sure we can find you someone tonight!” she adds while finishing your makeup.
“olivia…” you sigh then look into the mirror, watching as your friend painted your face with a determined look in her eye. “no. we’re gonna have fun, we’re gonna party and get drunk. kay? you need this.” she grins, resting her head on your shoulder looking at you in the mirror. “now, go change into the outfit i brought you.”
"where are we going, anyway?" you ask, pulling at your skirt, which was riding up as you moved. you loved olivia, but some of her dress choices made you uncomfortable. "my brother got us into the pre-release party for the band five seconds of summer," she adds, gazing down at her phone for directions to the club, a hole in the wall on broadway. "what?!" you exclaim, your eyes widening. "how did he do that?" olivia laughs and clasps her arm around yours. "well, when you have a brother who manages a band, you kinda get vip treatment," she spoke with a grin. "plus, I told him how you've been feeling down, so he talked to the guys and they said it was fine," she chuckled softly, as the two of you continued your journey to the club.
the entry to the club was immediately visible due to the brilliant pink, purple, and red lights illuminating the street, as well as record posters in the windows. "this has to be it," olivia says as she opens the door for you, walking in after.
this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so you should be excited, right? but you couldn't shake the nagging guilt on the inside.
it’s okay to move on, right?
olivia leads you to the bar and orders a couple shots, "to your drop dead ex and a new beginning!" olivia cheers, toasting the glasses and the two of you downing the liquor.
you were about to start speaking when you were interrupted by olivia's brother, mark.
"it's been a long time, y/n!" he welcomes you with a shout. “how’s it going?” he asks, you see olivia roll her eyes and turn to her brother. “mark, we were having a conversation.” she states matter of a factly.
"i know, but I just wanted to introduce you to some of my buddies," the tall ginger says, stepping to the side and revealing four taller men. mark introduces them, "this is luke." he had blond curly hair, ocean blue eyes, and a white button-down shirt with the top button undone.
"michael," he said, his pink hair slicked to the side, a black snapback on, with a small wave of his hand in greeting. "ashton.” he had curly hair like luke, but it was fashioned in a 60’s greaser type of way, he smiled at you warmly, extending his hand for you to shake, the two of you nodding in acknowledgment of the other. "last- but not least, calum."
your gaze met his brown eyes, his chocolate curls resting just above his eyes as he looked you in the eyes. he was dressed in a white button-down shirt with black stripes that complemented his tanned and tattooed skin. he softly whispered "hi" as he squeezed his lips together in a smile. you smile back and nod. "hi.” calum's gaze lingers longer than he would have preferred, but he couldn't help himself. no way, not with you dressed like that. the way the black skirt clung to your hips and the dark blue halter top left nothing for the imagination
“guys this is my sister, olivia, and her friend, y/n.” mark says, pointing to the two of you, bringing calum out of his daydream. “nice to meet you guys” you say, offering a warm smile and they all nod to you. “are you staying for the show?” ashton inquired, olivia nods. “of course we are! wouldn’t miss it for a thing.” she gently nudges your arm, you laugh softly and nod.
"great, can't wait for you all to hear the album," ashton says, as the other three nod in agreement. "well, I have to get them backstage, but I'll see you later, okay?" mark replies, and you and olivia nod as the group disappears into the busy room.
as the show began, olivia tugged you closer to the stage, two rows back. the lights dimmed and you heard a huge cheer from the audience as the four boys you had just met took the stage.
your gaze was drawn to calum, who seemed engrossed with the music. how he made it appear so easy while looking so nice. you kept an eye on him for the majority of the night, but your mind was elsewhere.
you had found your way to the bar after the show had concluded; it was a terrific show, as expected, but seeing the band live was a weird experience, and you just couldn't enjoy yourself given your circumstances.
you found yourself reminiscing on your relationship during songs like "lie to me" and "why won't you love me," wondering whether you would have said something different or been more open to him. maybe you’d still be together.
you finish the drink you ordered and search the crowd for your best friend, but when you can't find her, you return your attention to the empty glass in front of you watching it being filled.
"was our stage set really that bad?" when you hear a voice, you quickly look up to find the person who is speaking. "i saw you, you seemed unhappy," calum adds, leaning on the bar. you shook your head and let out a breathless laugh. "no, it was actually very good," you say with a smile.
calum's gaze lingered, he leaned forward. "but? you were definitely not having a good time." you shrug and allow the bartender to refill your drink. "well, i got dumped not too long ago." "so", you trail off, messing with the glass in your hand.
"just not in the mood for a party, i guess," you shrug, and you hear calum hum. he switches his weight from one leg to the other. "actually, you looked pretty hot on stage," you cover your mouth and widen your eyes. "oh my goodness...i." you can't help but giggle, "i'm so sorry," you shake your head, and then gulp the last of the drink in the hopes that it will provide you with some liquid courage.
"you think I'm ‘pretty hot’?" he asks, his brow furrowed and his tongue protruding from the inside of his cheek. "no..i.." you sigh, removing some of your hair from your face. calum chuckles "no, no. you said it, you think I'm hot," he says in a teasing manner, crossing his arms with a quirked eyebrow.
calum would be lying if he said he didn’t think you were attractive as well. he had been eyeing you all night and figured, why not have some fun?
“what are you doing after this?” he asks, stepping a tad closer to you. now, he was just a few inches from your side and you caught wind of his cologne. you look down at the empty glass again, wondering what you’d say. you knew what he meant, and you had never done anything of the sort.
“well that depends” you answer, looking up from the glass and letting your eyes meet his. “well, i was kinda hoping you’d want to leave here with me” calum suggests with a smirk. you smile, figuring you could let lose for one night. “sounds great.”
it was just one night..right?
your eyelids flutter open, and you immediately feel a piercing pain in your temple. you groan silently and look about until you realize you're not in your bedroom when you peek over your shoulder, you notice a figure.
he was facing you, on his side. his curls were brushed back, his lips were slightly parted, and his arm was resting on your waist.
"oh, shit.." you think as you sit up against his headboard, drawing the loose sheet closer to your chest. your mind is filled with images from the previous night. meeting him, and then their brief talk in the bar. you rubbed your temples, still reeling from what you'd done.
you had slept with calum hood.
you had to get out of there because you couldn't believe what you'd done. you were never the type to do something like that. you attempted to remove the sheet so you could hurry up and put on your clothes from the night before and go home. however, while you were doing so, calum's arm gently tugged on your waist. "stay.."
when you looked at him, his eyes were still closed. you didn't move, feeling frozen as your gaze landed on the arm that framed your waist. you couldnt lie, calum was very attractive.
eventually, you finally managed to break free from his touch, and you threw on your clothing while searching for your phone and handbag. you discreetly opened and closed the door, making your way through the house to the front entrance.
you come to a halt as you pick up your shoes, pondering whether or not to leave your phone number for him. but you tell yourself that you'll never see him again, opening the door and walking out.
you order a lift home and finally check at your phone's alerts. olivia left almost twenty messages and made thirty phone calls. you tell her you're okay and on your way home.
you opened your front door to find olivia racing towards you. "where the hell were you?!" she exclaims, her eyes wide open. you hush her with a "shh," dropping your shoes beside the door. "i texted and called you!" "i know, i know," you remark as you pass by her to your room. "you can't just leave like that!" she exclaims as she follows you.
"olivia.." you sigh and stand in your bathroom, removing the last of your makeup from the night before. "i'm sorry okay, i was drunk and he was right there in front of me." "who?" she asks as she leans against the doorway. "calum.."
there was radio silence for a split second before you glanced to olivia, who erupted. "you slept with calum hood!?!" she exclaims, lunging for your arm. "calum hood?!? the one from five seconds of summer?" you closed your eyes, your head still throbbing, and her ranting only made matters worse. "okay, yes? i was drunk, and he came up to me for a moment...and the following thing led to another..."
"you slept with calum!!!" the ginger laughs as she claps her hands and softly jumps up and down. "oh my god!! my y/n is getting some!" you groan, throwing away the makeup wipe while moving past her. "oh, god. ew!" you exclaim as you enter your bedroom in quest of your pajamas. "tell me everything!" she says as she sits on your bed. "uh..no.." you say as you begin to change.
"just...leave it, im not going to see him again," you say as you brush your hair after changing. "what?! didn't you leave your phone number or something?" "no, olivia, it was just one night," you shake your head. i don't plan to see him again, okay?" you reinstate by placing the brush on the dresser. "ugh, you're no fun!"
"you should be happy about this, you're one step closer to moving on from your asshole ex-boyfriend!" exclaims olivia. you take a step out of your bedroom, looking over your shoulder at your ginger friend. you smile sadly, "i don't think I'll ever be able to get over him."
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"we are going to be late!" olivia yells as she tugs you out of bed. "i don't want to go," you protest, but the ginger pushes you into the bathroom. "get yourself ready and meet me outside, okay?" she smiles and goes away.
you sighed as you stood in front of your mirror and went about your business. wash your face, then apply skincare, makeup, hair, and finally your clothes. this consisted of a cropped white shirt, a black skirt, and boots. for the nightlife scene, this was your typical go-to.
you grab a leather jacket and your money on your way out the door to meet with olivia. “great, you're done!" she grins and grabs your arm. "and looking as hot as ever," you sigh, "i wear this every time we go out, olivia. this isn't anything new." you explain, and the two of you start walking up to the bar. "yes, but being single looks good on you... you look happier." she beams. you shrug and continue going, laughing as you say, "whatever you say."
you two arrived at the bar, which was already quite crowded with people you knew, and said your 'hi's and 'hello's' as you walked through the crowd to reach your normal friend group. this was a birthday party for one of your mutual friends; you were invited because you knew a few people there, but you didn't intend to stay long. after only a few drinks, you were dipping.
"hey, i'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" you ask olivia, who was in the midst of a conversation. "um, no, i'm good for now," the redhead responds softly. you nod and turn around, headed for the bar.
you take a seat on a bar stool and order your usual, then pull out your phone and scroll for a few minutes as you wait for your drink.
"fancy seeing you here," you hear from behind you. when you turn around, a familiar face greets you.
calum hood.
you gaze at him for a time, blinking slowly, wondering why the hell he was at this party in the first place. how did he know your friend group?
"what? like what you see?" he laughs and walks up to the stool next to you. you discreetly giggle, rolling your eyes as you notice your drink in front of you. "you're full of yourself, calum," you say as you sip your drink. "well, you weren't thinking that when you were in my bed a few nights ago, were you?" he says, lifting his eyebrows as he speaks, attempting to elicit a reaction from you.
"oh god.." you mutter. calum follows you as you push yourself off the stool and onto the club floor. "come on, I was joking." when you hear his remarks, you shake your head and spin around to tell him off, but you freeze when you realize how close he is.
calum gazed back at you, his chocolate eyes piercing into yours. the way his wavy hair fell just above his eyes. you couldn't think straight when he was wearing a tight-fitting black t-shirt that emphasized his muscles- or how nice he looked in those black plaid pants.
calum hood was fine, and he knew it.
"you're a jerk," you reply, eventually jerking out of your daydream. as he steps closer, you can smell the tequila dripping from his breath. "oh yeah?" you say, nodding, "yeah." "well, you won't be saying that when you're in my bed again."
as you stare into his eyes, your grasp on your cup tightens. you couldn't take your eyes off him.
"fuck you."
he takes pleasure in your reply and leans in, his face right up against yours, whispering, "maybe later, sweets." then calum walks away, leaving you on the dance floor.
you find yourself back with olivia and your group of friends, scarfing down the drink knowing you needed to be intoxicated for the night ahead of you.
"i saw that," she says, as the two of you sway to the music. "what?" you inquire, attempting to appear clueless. "calum hood, hitting on you!!" she rolls her eyes. she giggles and pokes at your side. "no, it was nothing," you promise, moving her arm away. "whatever you say," she sings.
while you were on the dance floor with your friends, you were pretty intoxicated, and you knew he was watching you. you tried to ignore the sense of his eyes burning holes in the back of your skull. he observed your hips swaying to the music and the way your hair layed against your skin. It was driving him crazy.
flashes of you in his bed, your skin gleaming with sweat, the softness of your lips against his, or the touch of your nails on his back that sent thrills down his spine.
normally, he would never return to someone with whom he had a one-night encounter, but he couldn't get enough of you. he hasn't stopped thinking about you since that night.
you'd had enough of his glances and decided it was time to face him.
"stop" you say as you approach him. he blinks and asks, "what?." you sigh and roll your eyes. "i know you're staring, stop it." calum laughs and sets his drink on the bar. "i don't know what you're talking about, pretty." you sigh and rub your temples. "don't act innocent, i saw you." you say. he shrugs and leans forward. "oh, I'll show you innocent"
"calum, we can't do this," you say, looking him in the eyes. “It was only once." you say, as if attempting to persuade yourself. "oh, yeah?" you cross your arms and nod. "because it seems you don't believe that." calum retorts, his hand coming to rest on your hip.
as he moves in closer, you catch the scent of his cologne combined with the booze on his breath, which sends a shudder down your spine. you see flashes of his figure hanging over you from a few nights before. you couldn't possibly lie to yourself because you think about it every day.
"i know you want me.. i see the way you look at me," he continues. "come on, let's have some fun." his thumb was tracing circles on the fabric of your skirt.
you look into his eyes, your stomach flipping. you didn't want to give in, you didn't want to become someone you weren't. but that was calum fucking hood, and you couldn't resist him when he looked at you like that. "fuck it," you state.
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you gaze at the sleeping figure beside you, his breathing calm and steady. you couldn't help but feel bad, so you told yourself you wouldn't hook up with him again. you told yourself you'd never see him again. he was a celebrity, and you were just a city dweller who happened to get caught up with him.
you lie there for a moment, admiring calum. how could someone look so lovely while sleeping? you yank the covers off your legs and frantically dress to leave him yet again.
you collect your shoes at the exit, stand for a moment debating whether or not to leave your number, but you decide not to because this is the last time you'll see him…
from that night forward, you felt like the universe was messing with you because calum appeared to be at every party, club, or bar you went to. he'd approach you as if nothing was going to happen, as if he was teasing you in some way- but it always happened.
those nights, you'd always end up in his bed, never yours.
you couldn't help yourself; no matter how hard you tried to pretend you despised him, you couldn't keep the mask up because you always caved and went home with him.
it became a habit; you'd go out with friends or by yourself, secretly hoping calum would appear in some way.
some nights, you weren't even there to drink, just to be there.
it was the same thing every time: you'd pretend to despise him because a small part of you wanted a serious relationship yet couldn't get enough of him. he made you feel alive. your ex never made you feel that way. the only person who ever made you feel *loved* was calum. you both knew it was only for fun, but it made you wonder if it might ever turn into anything more. you were always silently wishing you had left your phone number all those times, wondering if he would have called or texted you.
plus, you were aware that your friends, particularly olivia, were becoming suspicious. you had recovered quickly from your split following that first night with calum. she knew you’d leave with him at those gatherings but she didn’t stop it because you seemed to be doing better and you were a lot happier.
so far, calum was treating you right. at least, when the two of you were hooking up. so she never made any effort to stop what was happening.
for what felt like the hundredth time, you were back in his bed. instead of looking at him, you've turned your gaze to the ceiling. you know you should leave because it's about noon and you need to get home because you have plans with olivia later that day. you groan, running your hands over your face before getting out of bed and hunting for your clothing, all scattered along the floor.
"since you obviously don't want to stay," he spoke suddenly, causing you to pause in the middle of putting your shirt back on. calum raises up to rest on his elbows as your head spins around. "how about we just agree that this is a no-strings-attached situation," he suggested. you finish putting on your shirt and take your place at the foot of the bed. "calum.." you sigh,rubbing your eyes.
"y/n, just listen and consider it. we can keep doing what we're doing without making any commitments."
you stare at him, his hair was messy, he wasn't wearing a shirt, and you couldn't help but admire his physique. you lean down to grab your shorts, responding while you did so, "i'll think about it," before throwing on the rest of your clothes and leaving his bedroom. as you close the door behind you, you hear him sigh.
your hand was on the doorknob as you stood at the door, but you stopped yourself from opening it. you hated yourself as you reached into your bag for a pen and a random scrap of paper to jot down your phone number. you retrace your steps and leave it on his kitchen island. then you disappear from his home once again.
you unlock your apartment door and walk in, closing it behind you. you enter the kitchen, putting your bag on the counter and grabbing a water bottle.
"where have you been?" you jump out of your skin when you see olivia behind the refrigerator door. "what the hell, olivia!" you exclaim, nearly spilling the bottle. she's standing with her arms crossed with an intense stare. "did you hook up with him again?"
you move out of the kitchen and into your room, closing the fridge. "no, I don't know who you're talking about." you respond, but olivia isn't having it. "stop lying. you were with him last night and the nights before." "so?" you grumble.
"so?!", she exclaimed, you can't tell if she's really mad at you or just acting this way, she repeats. "you're having an fling with a celebrity! you have a habit of hooking up with him. surely something has to be there." she follows you to your room, standing in your doorway as she questions you.
"it's nothing, olivia. we just happen to be at the same location at the same time. okay?" you explain while looking for some clothes to change into.
"i call bullshit. you were never like this, until you met him." she continues, making you sigh. "it's just a distraction, okay?"
"I just...I don't know," you shrug, unable to express your feelings. "i'll meet you later, okay?" you turn away from her.
"actually…i have a date tonight," olivia confessed. "im sorry, but i'll have to cancel." she frowned. "that's fine," you say sympathetically over your shoulder. “have fun, and please text me when you get home, okay?" olivia nods, singing, "i will, love you hot stuff" she passes by you to leave your shared apartment.
you're sitting on your sofa with a container of leftover takeout from a few nights ago after freshening up. olivia had somehow gotten you hooked on a cringe-worthy television show.
you were already two seasons in and couldn't recall a single episode. calum had made your memory fuzzy. you couldn't get him off your mind. you remained curious about what he was doing when you left. did he think of you the way you thought of him? did he ever wonder what you did when he wasn't there? though you convinced yourself you were just being delusional.
calum glances at the scrap of paper on his kitchen counter, his fingers tapping near his phone, unsure whether to wait to message you. calum was well aware that what he was doing was probably not wise. because, after all, hooking up with you was just for fun, right? so why was it so difficult for him not to think about you? why were you so difficult for him to forget? it was just intended to be once, but now calum thinks about you whenever he gets the chance.
calum sighs, picks up his phone, and starts punching in your phone number. he has no idea what he's doing, but he doesn't stop himself from sending you a message.
- ‘hey, it’s calum’
you're standing in the kitchen right now, washing your hands, when your phone dings. your heart sunk as you looked over and said the message. you swiftly withdraw your hands from the sink, grab a towel, and dry them.
you take out your phone and read his message. You stare at it for a moment, unable to believe he actually messaged you.
you respond as you stroll over to your sofa and sit on the cushions. you weren't anticipating anything from him because he'd practically established that the two of you were only in it for the fun of it and that was it. no strings attached. you don't hear from him again for the time being.
you're disappointed, but you return your focus to the television, hoping to forget about the singer on your mind.
you haven't heard from olivia in hours; she should've been home by now, but you guess she went to the guy's place she was seeing.
you get up from the sofa and grab your phone; all of your anxiety fades as you open your phone to calums' contact information and call him.
It rang several times before he answered. “hello?”
“hey, calum sorry if i’m bothering you”
“no, you’re good. what’s up?”
“i was just wondering if uh…if you’d want to hang out?”
"what do you have in mind?"
you laugh, "not like that"
you can hear him laugh in amusement, “sorry- yeah, sure. there’s actually this party tonight and i wasn’t going to go since i didn’t have anyone to go with. would you be down for that?”
you pause for a moment, picking at your fingers. “sure! that sounds great” you answer.
“nice, i’ll send you the address to ashton’s place and i’ll meet you there. see you tonight, sweets.”
you arrive at ashton's house, sitting in your car for a few minutes as you ran your options through your head. ‘was this a smart decision? were you planning to do this?’ you groan, taking your phone, and bag then exiting the car, heels clicking as you approached the entrance.
when you opened the door, you were greeted by the smell of alcohol and loud music. you stroll past the crowd near the entryway and start looking for the person you came here to see.
you notice him in the kitchen with his bandmates, he noticed you as well. with a tiny smile on his lips, he motions you over to the group.
"hey," you speak softly now that you're standing close to him. "hi," he greets, unconsciously placing his hand on the small of your back. "guys, i'm not sure if you remember, but this is y/n," he reminds before re-introducing you to the rest of the band.
"are you mark's sister's friend?" michael interjects, you nod. "yeah! i was the one in the blue top that night," you smile, everyone nods in acknowledgment. "well, i'm glad you could make it, if you need anything just let me know." "thank you," you nod nervously, then glance up to calum.
he offers to take you around and introduce you to some people to make you feel more at ease.
"i'm going to get something to drink, you want anything?" you make the offer to calum, who is seated on the sofa, he responds with a simple, "sure." you nod, heading to the kitchen by yourself, leaving calum with his buddies.
"how long have you two been together?" someone seated next to calum asked, he turns to see it was ashton's girlfriend. "oh, no- we aren't together." he responds, but her reply is unexpected. "are you serious?" she asks, calum nods. "no way," she whispered, astonished as she takes a sip from the crimson solo cup. "what?" calum questions.
"there's no way you two aren't together," she says again, "the way you look at her. i'm not sure what the two of you are up to, but you should figure it out," she concludes, chuckling. calum simply stares at her, her attention drawing elsewhere.
he thought about what she said the entire time you were gone. did he actually act that way? did he treat you as though you were his girlfriend? did he look at you in a way that suggested you two were dating? no… you two were just hooking up. nothing else.
he had no idea you were back until you spoke up. "here.." you offer, handing him the drink. calum looks up takes the drink you offered, "thank you sweetheart" "anytime, sugar" you chuckle and go for a seat, but all of them are taken… okay, so you would just stand up for the time being. when calum notices this, he reaches for your waist and pulls you down onto his lap. you look down at him, confused, “what are you doing?” he looks up at you with those eyes.
those big brown eyes that made you feel as if you were on cloud nine. calum looked at you like you were the only girl in the universe.
at least, that’s what you told yourself.
“i’m not just gonna let you stand there.” he answered with a cheeky smile.
people started to leave after a few hours. you were still sitting on calum's lap as everyone else congregated in the living room, talking about whatever and playing drinking games.
you get up from the calum's lap, leaving your drink behind to walk to the restroom down the hall. you approach and knock, hearing someone in there. you stand a few steps away from the door and pull out your phone to pass the time.
after a few minutes, calum finds you. leaning his arms against the wall, effectively caging you between his arms as he stands in front of you. "whatcha doing?" he demands, boxing you in and staring at you. "I'm waiting for the bathroom," you say, glancing up at him.
"you know..." calum pauses, coming in closer. "my house isn't too far from here, and i have a bathroom..so..you can just use it there," you sneer at his offer, "how convenient.." you respond, just above a whisper.
you push yourself off the wall and past calum, leaving him speechless. "where are you going?" he asks, his arms at his sides. "your place. you coming or not?" you grin as you peer over your shoulder.
calum chuckles quietly as he approaches you and wraps his arm around your waist. he was nearly dragging you to the door. "sorry guys, we have to run!" he grabs your bag, carrying it for you before dashing out the door with you.
the others could only chuckle to themselves and smile knowingly as the two of you dashed away.
you're back in his bed, and you know it before you open your eyes. the smell of his bedsheets let you know you were back. the warm vanilla smell invaded your nostrils as you stretched and opened your eyes to find yourself staring at a familiar ceiling. you check over your shoulder for calum's sleeping figure, but he's not there.
you carefully sit up, bringing the sheet along to cover your chest and rubbing your eyes with your other hand. only then do you spew calum standing at the doorway wearing only basketball shorts. "good morning, princess," he says, and you groan, feeling a headache coming on. "i'm making breakfast if you want to stay," he says before walking out the door. you sigh as you get out of his bed and seek for your clothes before leaving his room for the kitchen.
you notice pancakes and fruit on a plate waiting for you. as he stands and consumes his food, you take a seat at the kitchen island. It's quiet for a few minutes before he speaks up.
"so i was thinking.." calum begins. you raise your head to look at him. "i know we said no strings attached but what if we expand the deal?" you lift your brows, confused as to what he was on about. "what do you mean?" you inquire. "at parties, we could be each other's automatic plus one. that way, we won't have to worry about who we go home with." you look up at him, then down at your plate, shifting some of the food about.
"i don't know, calum." you let out a sigh. you want to say yes, and you want to be around him at all times- but you just can’t confess it. "i'm just tired of being ditched by the guys at events, and i wouldn't mind if you were the one to fill that spot," you gaze up, your eyes meeting his. "okay...i'm down," you nod, and calum smiles. "great."
you continue eating as silence fills the room, you don’t really know how to keep a conversation with him since you two only hung out at parties. “when’s your birthday?” he asks. you chuckle, “what happened to no strings attached?” you ask, taking a drink of your water. “well, we can be friends with benefits. friends can know things about each other” he rebuttals. you look at him, finally caving. “y/bd” you answer, calum nods. “that’s coming up” you shrug, “its a couple months. what about you?”
“january 25th” he answers. “happy belated birthday” you reply and he laughs. “so you do have a heart.” you rolls your eyes, “oh whatever.” you can’t help but crack a smile.
calum admires you, how you still manage to look beautiful even in the makeup from the night prior and your hair is a mess. calum wants to be your friend, he wants to know stuff about you other than how you are in bed. he looks down at his plate, knowing he shouldn’t be thinking of you as anything for than his fuck buddy.
“what’s something you’ve always wanted to do?”
you think for a moment, your free hand is now supporting the weight of your chin. “hmm..i’ve always wanted like a big birthday bash.” you answer, “but i just never had the opportunity or people to go with” you add. he nodded, making a mental note.
calum proceeds to ask you out every other night, claiming that he doesn't want to be alone. of course, you went, but it simply muddled your sentiments for him. because he made it apparent that you were just friends.
so what was it about him holding your hand at parties that got you so worked up? or when he'd hold your back as you walked through a crowd of people. you'd have to convince yourself to stop staring at him for so long before anyone noticed.
you opted to see someone else on the side in the hopes of sorting out your feelings because the only reason you had feelings for calum was because he was the only person you had been seeing this much, right? furthermore, calum had made it obvious that there were no strings attached.
"hello?" you answer the phone as you go inside your apartment after getting home from work. "hey! "I'm sorry if i'm bothering you," calum says over the phone. "no, i just got home from work. you're fine!”
“how are you?" you ask, placing your keys on the table.
"i was just wondering if you're free tonight?" he inquires. you sigh and open your refrigerator to see if you have any snacks. "um, actually i was going out with a friend tonight…" you speak, and on the other end you hear him sigh, "okay! if your plans fall through, let me know." you smile to yourself, "of course," and it gets silent for a bit as the two of you are at a loss for words, "well, i'll let you get ready then..." "alright...bye..." you say as you pull the phone away from your ear and finish the call.
calum sighs as he tosses his phone to the opposite end of the sofa and rests his head back. he knows that he should not be disappointed; you have your own life, and calum was only a little part of it, just as he had his own life but knowing he wouldn't be able to see you tonight hurt. so, instead of moping about, he decided to ask his bandmates if they wanted to hang out for the night.
however, the night was uneventful; luke had met a girl, michael was conversing with someone, and calum was left alone with ashton.
"isn't that the girl you're seeing?" ashton says unexpectedly, motioning towards you at the bar. calum looks over his shoulder and sees you talking with a guy.
calum is hurt, but he turns around and shrugs as he faces ashton. "we're not seeing each other, i don't like her like that," ashton chuckles as he sips his drink, "sure you don't," calum moans, "mate, cmon.."
“you’re lying to yourself, mate. maybe you don't say you like her, but your eyes say everything." ashton spoke, calum knew it was true. he did like you, but he was unsure if you even considered him more than someone just to hook up with. you had been giving him mixed signals, because one night you were all about him but the next day you wanted nothing to do with him.
calum peers over his shoulder once more, this time observing that the guy that was now touching you, his hand on your leg, inching higher and higher. calum considers ashton's words and walks away from the table he was at towards you.
the way he felt was enough confirmation for his feelings for you. he wanted to be more than just a friend you sleep with. he wants to the be the person you come to during your darkest times, he wants to know your favorite songs, he wants to know your favorite movies, food, candy, animal, he wants to be your person.
“so when were you going to introduce me to your friend?” your head whips around to find calum standing behind the bar stool you sat at. “calum?” you blink before turning back to your date who had now removed his hand from your thigh. “you know him?” the man questions, eyeing calum.
“uh…he’s just my-“ calum cuts you off, “boyfriend” he finishes for you. your eyes go wide looking at calum again, you were about to open your mouth but calum beat you to it. “and we should be heading back now” he reaches for your waist, grabbing your purse and escorting you out of the bar.
"what the hell!?" you yell outside the bar, shoving him away from you. "you can't do that, calum! we're not exclusive, we are not dating; we're just friends who occasionally hook up" you hear calum chuckle and it sends you over the edge.
you huff and begin to walk away, but calum follows you and drapes his arm over your shoulder.
"youre mine and i don't share"
"where are you taking me?" calum walks next to you, instinctively leading you to his car. "home," he says, unlocking his car door and allowing you to enter before closing it and walking to the driver's side.
within a few minutes, you realize he's heading in the opposite way. "calum this isn't the way to to my place" you're saying. "I know," he replies, looking over at you. "i never said which home"
‘get ready, im coming over’
calum takes out his phone. he thinks nothing of the message you just sent him, presuming you're coming over to visit him. however, when you came and kept honking the car horn for him to come outside he was a bit thrown off.
when calum walks outside, he puts his phone and wallet in his pocket while walking over to your car. as you roll down your window, he leans in. "get in, we're going shopping," you say, music still playing and a smile on your face.
"why exactly do you need me for this?" calum inquires, his brow furrowed. you reply, "well considering you'll be the one taking it off i figured you might want to help me pick out something" while grinning. despite his flushed cheeks, calum takes a step back, unlocks the car door, and hops inside.
you took calum to the mall and modeled for nearly two hours while looking for the right outfit for your birthday. it had been two hours of no success until one of the last stores you visited had this leather skirt you had been eyeing for a while.
calum couldn't take his eyes off of your body when you emerged from the dressing room. both the halter top you chose and the skirt perfectly complemented one other. you drawled, "sooo?" hoping for a positive response. he answers right away, "yes." when you looked down at yourself, he speaks up again. “that’s the one, you have to get it.” and you couldn't help but laugh. you nod and examine yourself in the mirror before returning to the dressing room to change into your clothing so you could check out.
you happen to pass a leather jacket on your way to the register. and it just so happens to go well with the skirt. additionally, you observe that calum is examining it longer than anything else you have so added in the store. you made the choice to pick it up, do your best to estimate his size, and continue moving forward to pay.
on the way back to your place you pick up takeout since it was getting late in the evening and you both were starving.
when the two of your arrive home, you get comfortable on the sofa and begin picking out a movie while calum is in the kitchen sorting out the food before bringing it all into the living room. you picked out a movie and the two of you eat in peace, enjoying each others company.
afterwards, you had started cleaning up all the empty containers and throwing it away with the help of calum.
“will you put the skirt on again? i forgot what it looks like” calums asks and you laughed, looking over your shoulder. “seriously?” he nods. you pause for a moment before rolling your eyes and sigh, “fine.”
you walk out of your bedroom in the skirt but you hid something behind your back, looking a bit shy. which was unusual because you never acted like this around calum, so he knew something was up. “y/n, what’s behind your back?” he asks in a teasing tone and you begin walking towards him slowly. “okay, so, don’t be mad but i may have picked you up something too..”
she grins bringing the jacket from behind her and handing it towards him.
“i—y/n/n please tell me you didn’t buy this leather jacket for me” you take a few steps forward. “i’ve never heard you say please before. this is new.” you say, smirking. calums rolls his eyes but he can’t help but smile and you continue, “but yes i did. i saw you eyeing it so i grabbed it”
he tries to hide his smile. “well go on, put it on” you help him into the jacket and it’s then when he notices. “did you get this so we could match?” he says laughing. “no i absolutely did not! i just wanted to do something nice for you” he quickly responds “you didn’t have to go through the trouble of getting more clothes sweetheart. taking some off would’ve had the same effect” he chuckles. you playfully hit his chest and say “you’re insufferable.” you look away but then looks back smiling.
“but yeah maybe i wanted us to match a little bit. sue me” he grabs your waist and pulls your closer, you feel his thumb drawing circles on your exposed skin and it sends shivers down your spine. “well i certainly appreciate the thought, sweets. now we just need an occasion to show up everyone” calum teases, leaning in. his lips only inches from yours, you feel your cheeks warm up. “calum..” you warn but he continues to close the space between the two of you. “it’s just one kiss..”
you hate your birthday, it was the one day of the year you always found yourself to be the most miserable despite having people who loved you around. you still felt so unhappy.
“y/n, are you ready? you can’t be late to your own party!” olivia calls out from the living room. you exit your bedroom, meeting her in the room. “i’m ready, im ready” you say, throwing your bag on your shoulder. “y/n..” you hear olivia sigh, she takes a few steps towards you and puts her hands on your shoulder.
“lighten up. i know you hate your birthday but this year im not
letting you be miserable. kay?” she gently shakes you enough for you to crack a smile and nod, “good” she says, linking her arm with yours.
“now let’s go before people think you bailed your own birthday party.”
the two of you arrive to the same club where you had first met calum yet this time, the atmosphere was different.
no purple, pink, or red lights. no promotional posters in the windows. instead, you see white paper decorations and warm fairy lights.
you enter the bar in front of olivia and hear a loud uproar of people cheering as you did and some people even popping confetti. you couldn’t help but laugh as you walked through the crowd, seeing all of your close friends standing around celebrating you.
olivia was also giddy, knowing she had planned this whole thing along with calum.
“you guys didn’t have to do this!” you said over the music after you saw the cake sitting in the middle of the room, you’re beaming with joy. for the first time in a long time you were excited to be celebrating your birthday.
you spent time greeting people and thanking them.
some of these people you haven’t seen in years and it made you feel like things were finally getting better.
just as you were about to catch up with some old friends, the lights dimmed and you heard some light strumming from the nearby stage.
you look over seeing four familiar figures underneath the red stage lights.
“hello everyone,” luke begins, adjusting the mic. “if you all don’t know, we are five seconds of summer” the crowd roars at the name drop and some people are playfully hitting your shoulder not knowing your tied with the band.
“we just wanted to say we are truly honored to be back at the place we showcased our recent album, and of course to celebrate the birthday girls special day.” .
“so, happy birthday, y/n. we hope you have a wonderful year.” luke beamed.
the set was at least forty-five minutes long, they had played mostly their new stuff off the youngblood album but dropped in a few older songs.
you were over the moon.
to say you had five seconds of summer perform at your birthday party? that’s huge.
you never thought you’d end up in this position.
to say you had personal connections to people as big as calum, or even the whole band for that matter.
tonight was a night you’d definitely never forget.
standing outside the club, you watch the people inside dance and get lost in each other. the whole scene was almost melancholy- the way everyone was there to celebrate you. the night was near ending and you felt so cramped in there, you thought you'd spend the last few hours of your birthday catching your breath.
"hey you" calum voice interrupts your thoughts, a cigarette between his fingers as he watches you from a close enough distance. you furrow your brows, "didn't know you smoked"
he quickly flicks it to the floor, stepping on it a few times before picking up the trash.
"Is it a turn off?"
"no no i just didn't know" you shrug and look back up at the sky, "i don't think i know anything about you aside from you're good in bed and you like whiskey" he chuckles now, stepping closer to you and placing his hands on your waist.
"well, ask me anything you want"
you watch as he looks away for a moment, searching for the perfect question.
"if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"
your eyes don't leave the sky as you think, long and hard about the question. "i’d love to see paris... it's been my dream since i was a child."
you could feel his hands loosen from your waist, he steps infront of you and stared down at your face with a smile. It's almost like he's thinking of what to do or what to say next.
“paris?” he repeats.
you nod, tilting your head to the side, studying him. "what about you?"
calum had now completely removed his arm from your waist as he leans down to rest his elbows on the metal railing.
“considering i’ve toured around the world, ive been to plenty of amazing places” he says, looking back to see if you were looking at him.
“i don’t have just one, too many places, not enough time to explore” he answered.
you nod, looking away towards the city. the nightlife in downtown los angeles was a lot lively than normal.
probably because your birthday fell on a friday this year, so all of the bars were jam packed and faint music flooded the streets.
you inhale, about to say something as your turn your attention back towards the brunette.
“y/n! cmon!” olivia grabs your wrist pulling you inside and away from calum, towards the large cake so you could blow out the candles.
“come on birthday girl, make a wish!” olivia cheers along with everyone standing around. you laugh, “okay okay!”. you blow out the candles and everyone begins to cheer. olivia hugs your side and giggles, “what did you wish for?” she asks. you grin petting her head, “if i tell you it won’t come true, will it?” your eyes flicker between calum and olivia as you speak.
you hear olivia groan in annoyance. someone amongst the crowd, you guess ashton, you could recognize that arm anywhere, points to the cake and says, "birthday girl gets first pick!"
you finally see his figure merge from behind someone with a plastic plate and knife. "what piece does my girl want?" ashton continues.
you examine the cake once more and point to a corner piece smothered in the purple icing with a kiddish like grin on your face. ashton's nods and begins to cut you a piece.
as it nears the end of the night and the bar slowly begins to empty out, you've found yourself at the bar watching everyone says their goodbye and share a hug with you before leaving the building.
the music was faintly playing now, compared to when you had arrived eariler.
solo cups trashed the floor, paper plates and napkins scattered the bar table. you look down at the glass setting in front of you as you swirl around the liquid contents. you didn’t even notice calum approaching.
“how was your birthday?” he hums, sitting next to you.
“good” you smile, resting your head on your hand. “tonight was good. you did great on stage.”
“yeah?” calum raises his eyebrows, you see a playful smirk forming on his lips. “mhm, very rockstar.”
calum laughs at your comment and then the two of you fall silent, watching as some people begin cleaning up the mess.
“can i talk to you?” calum questions, turning his focus back to you.
you nod, “yeah, of course”
“in private.” he adds.
you raise your eyebrows , wondering what he needs to say that he can’t in front of your friends.
calum takes your hand and leads you towards the back door, which you had no idea was back here.
when he opens it, you see a patio with a string of fairy lights surrounding the area.
“you’re going to think i was stalking you or something, but this just happened by chance. i swear.” calum stands you in front of him as he reaches in his back pocket and hands you a plane ticket.
“we’ll be in paris on the first leg of our tour and i had an extra ticket.” he stated. you look up at him wide eyed, then do a double take to make sure you were seeing it right. “calum..what? i…i just i can’t just-“
“i want you there.” he adds.
“i want you in paris with me, hell- i want you on the whole tour with me. please, take it” he offers it to you again, making you take it.
“oh my god” you mutter, looking down at the ticket now in your hand.
“the flight is in two days, i know it’s hella last minute but i figured its now or never” calum speaks softly.
you’re still at a loss for words, your body working faster than your mind as your wrap your arms around calums figure. “thank you so much” you say into his shoulder.
“anytime” he hums, hugging you back.
“cmon cal! we gotta head back.” michael can be heard from the bar.
the australian pulls away and offers a warm smile, “see you in paris..” he says and walks off. “bye..”
you’re quick to whip your phone out and text olivia before heading back to your apartment partment
“youll never believe what just happened”
“is this a good or bad thing”
“uhh good? i think? i hope so”
“well dont leave me in the dark what happened”
“calum gave me a ticket to paris” “WHAT, Y/N THATS HUGE. are you gonna go”
“i mean, id feel bad if i didnt. i hate how easy it is for me to like him.”
“we’re so having a debriefing when you get home.”
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the plane ride was long and tiresome, eleven hours of being so uncomfortable in the seats and having someone next to you who had no regard for personal space. plus, you just hated planes in general.
but once the plane landed, you felt a wave of relief and soon enough you were off the plane and navigating your way through the foreign airport.
once you get to baggage claim you wait for your luggage and once you have it, you begin looking around for a familiar person.
you round a corner and finally see the one you had been searching for. “there’s my pretty girl” calum says, as his eyes lands on you as he makes his way towards you.
“i look awful calum” you laugh as his arms wrap around you tightly. “no such thing” he says into your hair before pulling away. “how was the flight?” he adds, taking your luggage from your hand then linking his free hand with yours while leading you out of the airport.
“long” you laugh tiredly, as you watch him load your bags into the back of the car.
the uber back to the hotel that calum was staying at was nice, being able to see nice scenery before you’d sleep for the next twelve hours.
the plan was, you’d sleep for as long as you could until calums show tomorrow, then hopefully, you’d be well rested and enjoy his concert and have a few days in the city to spend with him.
still only as friends..right?
while you start unpacking, calum was helping. “when are you going to sleep?” he asks, taking your now empty suitcase and putting it next to his as you were folding and putting the clothes in the dresser. “probably when i get done here.” you say closing the drawer to the dresser.
“no, you’re not” calum says, causing you to stop and turn to him. “what?” you blurt, harsher than you wanted. “what do you mean ‘no’”.
“i mean no because i’m taking you out tonight.” “calum” you try to interject but he doesn’t let you. “were going out tonight, no ands, ifs,or buts. kay?” he says, walking towards you. “and be sure to wear that skirt, you look good in it.” he whispers into your ear.
“what skirt?” you ask, trying to act oblivious.
calum scoffs a little, “you know the one.”
you finish swiping the last bit of mascara onto your lashes and close the tube, then check yourself in the mirror once more wanting to make sure you outfit was good enough.
“you done?” you hear calum voice ring the hotel room into the bathroom. “yeah!” you yell back and grab your lipstick, touching up your lips before throwing it and a gloss in your bag and exit the bathroom .
“you look great” calum grins, walking towards you. his arm snaking around your waist and pulling you closer. you grin, taking notice just how good he looks in leather jacket. “so do you, mr.rockstar.” “yeah?” he smiles, you nod. “yeah. you ready?” you ask. “yep let me get my wallet”
the night was nearing an end, you walked down the street next to calum, luke and sierra followed behind the two of you. calum had taken you all over the city, to nice cafes, his favorite spots from the last time he visited, and a museum. it was truly a wonderful day in the city of love.
the four of your turn a corner and suddenly you’re shocked by the bright dazzling lights of the eiffel tower.
you’re starstruck, you must’ve stopped in your tracks became calum looks back at you, “you comin’?” he grins, holding out his hand for you to take.
you felt like a kid in a candy store as you approached the structure. it felt like something out of a dream. you weren’t sure why you loved the idea of being in paris, but you were here now. standing in front of the famous landmark in the world, it was so beautiful you could cry.
“wow..” you speak breathlessly. the twinkling lights reflected in your eyes, the way it stood out against the dark sky, it felt like the most magical thing you had ever seen.
you’re quick to take your phone out and snap a couple pictures, not wanting to forget this moment. it would be something you would talk about forever.
“hey y/n-“ sierra taps your shoulder. your spin around and face the girl, “mm?”
“care to take a pic of me and luke?”
“sure!” you take the phone from sierra as the couple poses in front of the sight. “i’ll take a couple so pose however you want” you smile and begin snapping pictures of the two.
luke and sierra were a good couple, they complimented each other very well. and from what you’ve seen of sierra she was a good friend and good girlfriend to luke.
“check those, make sure you like them” you hand the phone back to sierra so she can check them.
“perfect! thank you so much!” sierra beams looking at the photos then up at you.
“do you want some with calum?” she asks.
you look over at calum who was already looking at you. “um, sure!” you hand your phone to sierra.
you and calum stand next to each other and let sierra snap a couple pictures together. luke is standing behind sierra watching as she makes sure to get all the angles.
“beautiful!” she exclaims with a wide grin as she hands your phone back to you so you could check the pictures.
you swipe through the pictures awhile calum looks over your shoulder.
“god damn” the australian begins, “we look good together.”
and it was true. you did look good together. maybe you could picture being with him more than his ‘friend’.
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your eyes flutter open to the soft rays of the sun peeking in through the sheer white curtains of the hotel room. “morning, pretty” you hear calum say causing you to look over your shoulder where he sat on the opposite side of the bed.
you groan quietly, rubbing your eyes as you slowly sit up to lean against the headboard. “mornin” you reply followed by a yawn. “what time is it?” “noon” calum answers, turning off his phone. “damn” you reply knowing you’ve slept almost a whole day. “sorry” you say but calum shakes his head, “don’t apologize, you needed the rest. plus, you’ll be well rested for tonight” he grins, you shake your head and playfully push his shoulder.
“what’s on the agenda for today?” you yawn again, and calum leans back on the headboard. “well, we have to be at the venue at two and soundcheck is at three”. he says, checking his phone for the time.
“good, gives me plenty of time to get ready” you say, reaching for your phone. “do you want to leave with me or do you wanna just come whenever you’re done?” you shrug thinking about how long it’ll take you to get ready. “i might just uber after i’m done that way i don’t have to rush.” you start, ripping the cover off of your legs. “plus it’ll give me enough time to make sure i look good for you tonight.” you say with a grin before getting out of the bed and making your way to the bathroom.
calum laughs before calling out to you “you’re a tease, you know that?” you smile to yourself using water for your shower. “always!” you holler back.
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you’re sat in the back of an uber staring out the back passenger window. the venue isn’t very far from the hotel so the ride wasn’t too bad. when you arrived you saw the line of fans outside all waiting in queue you smiled to yourself, feeling proud of the band, and calum.
you step out of the vehicle and walked around like a lost puppy trying to look for olivia’s brother, mark.
you take the time to see everyone waiting in line dressed in their best and looking beautiful.
“oh thank god” you start, spotting the blonde man. “y/n! you made it!” mark smiles, pulling you in for a hug.
“yeah, thank god, i almost got lost.” mark nods and begins leading you down a long corridor until reaching the dressing rooms. “i figured you’re here for calum?” you look up, staring at him for a moment before blinking. “that obvious huh?” mark laughs, then hands you a vip laminated lanyard. “keep this on you, have fun and enjoy the show.” he adds as he pats your shoulder.
you watch as he walks away, taking a deep breath as you open the door peeking your head in. you see the guys spread out in the room until calum looks up from his phone to greet you.
“its about time you got here, i was about to worry.” he says, now pulling you into their dressing room. his tan arms wrap around your figure and you get a whiff of his cologne.
he keeps you close to your side as the other guys come up to greet you. “was it hard to find?” calum inquires, you shrug, “i walked around the building until i eventually found mark and now im here” you laugh. “probably a little late, traffic was crazy”
calum smiles, “all good, at least you’re here now. that’s all that matters.” he says, slinging his arm over your shoulders.
“all right guys, they’re all ready for you” some stage manager, you had to guess, said as they popped their head in the door.
you separate from calum as he fixed his in-ear-piece and grabs his bass. you smile at him and give him a thumbs up and watch as he followed behind the other three.
“are you sierra and y/n?” and woman enters the room, her dirty blonde hair was cut to about her shoulders but it was obviously growing out. she had a welcoming smile and comforting aura. the two of you nod. “perfect, i’m hannah i can take you guys to your seats!” she beams and then the two of you follow her out into the arena where she showed where the two of you would be at.
side of the pit, calums side, so it was actually perfect for you. “are you guys going to be on the rest of the tour?”
“i will” sierra smiles. then hannah turns towards you.
“oh, i don’t know yet” you laugh, taking a swig of your drink.
“well, i’ll be on the tour with the guys so if you every need anything just look for me.” she smiles again. “enjoy the show!”
it was incredible to see, they were truly in their element. each of the acting as if they were born to be on stage.
“wow!” michael hollers about midway through their performance, taking a small break in between songs. luke is still strumming quietly in the background. “paris, how the fuck are we feeling?!” the crowd erupts in loud cheers.
“it’s great to be back after so long” he continues, then takes a glance at his band mates. “how are you all liking paris?”
“good, i love it here” luke answers, earning a few hollers from the crowd.
“how you liking paris, cal?”
“what about the view here? it’s such a beautiful place” luke interjects.
“you seen anything nice lately, calum?” luke continues
“yup, the views in my hotel room are amazing.”
your heart stopped, it was subtle. just enough for only you to notice. he was definitely mentioning you.
“do you mean from?” luke chimes.
you can faintly see calum smile as he laughs into the mic, “yup, my bad.”
“alrighty then.” michael pauses, luke had taken a few steps back from the mic but could still be been laughing.
“then how about you introduce the next song?”
“the next song is for all those who end up meeting someone and know it won’t be more than just having fun. and they’re okay with that. talk fast.”
you wondered what it looked like from their perspective. you turn to face the crowd and you’re overwhelmed with what you see. people screaming their lungs out to the lyrics, some dancing with their friends, you even see some people crying. you also see some signs. some more creative than others, and some sweeter than others.
you manage to spot one that made you a little uncomfortable; ��call me red with the way i be riding hood”
sure, clever, but it made you realize that if you had a shot with calum, what’s stopping him from hooking up with any other fan when you’re not around?
maybe you did like him more than just a fuck buddy.
during the next intermission you and sierra had made some small talk until you overheard some girls next to you in the pit talking about calum.
“oh i’d totally fuck him.” she says nonchalantly. “i bet you i could easily pull him by the end of the night, i just need to find my way in.” she giggles.
you shift on your feet and turn to sierra who also heard it. “welcome to my life..” she raises her eyebrows then take a sip of her drink.
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you sit in silence on the uber ride back to the hotel. calum sat to your right, you knew he was looking at you and he wanted to ask what was wrong.
did you have a bad night?
was the show bad?
the whole way back to the hotel you hadn’t spoken one word to him. you didn’t even look at him.
why did you feel like this?
calum wasn’t even yours. you had no valid reason to be angry.
except you did.
you were afraid that he would want someone else, that you were easily replaceable. you couldn’t deal with that, you couldn’t go through another heartbreak.
you should’ve known that messing with him would’ve lead to this, but you were naïve and wanted something to distract you from your ex boyfriend.
your feet seem to have a mind of their own as you storm past calum and out into the freezing cold.
"y/n/n, cmon don't be this way", he laughs innocently while pacing himself behind you.
you don’t say anything except press the elevator button and wait impatiently for the doors to open. you really couldn’t tell anyone why you were being so stubborn, hell, you didn’t even know why.
once the doors opened you were quick to slip in and press the button to your floor. you stand with your arms crossed, staring blankly at the metal. doors. you were quietly wishing he would say something, anything at all.
“y/n?” he tries reaching for your arm but you shrug him off. “not in the mood cal.” you reply. you knew you were being stubborn and very annoying.
he hasn’t given you a reason to act this way towards him.
you knew you were overreacting. plain and simple.
the elevator doors opened and you walk through the hallway towards your bedroom. you scan the keycard and open the door letting calum follow behind you like a lost puppy.
you throw your purse on the bed and take your jacket off. “y/n. please.” you hear him sigh. calum feels guilty and he doesn’t even know what the hell he did. but whatever it was he was going to fix it. he couldn’t take you being mad at him like that.
“why dont you go bother someone else, looked like there was plenty that would love to be in your bed” you hiss, the words spilling from your lips like venom.
calum stops in his tracks, also removing the leather jacket from his shoulders and tossing it on the bed. “what?” he asks, dumbfounded.
“don’t play dumb, cal.”
“i don’t know what you mean, y/n.” he bites back.
“i mean, if you can sleep around with me what’s stopping you from sleeping with your fans?” you confess.
calum just stares at you, “what? what are you talking about?” the bassist was genuinely confused, you had never reacted, at least, not when he was around.
“the people at the show, cal. the signs, their outfits, the way they talk about you-“
calum cuts you off, “look, i don’t know where this is coming from or why you’re acting like this but-“
“i’m acting like this because it was never just about being friends with benefits calum!” you confess, staring at him intently. “i can’t keep acting like im okay with not being able to love you. i don’t want to be hurt again. not by you”
everything came spewing out of you like a waterfall. all the months of pent up frustration and confusion had finally found its way into the world.
you were so frustrated you didn’t even realize what you had said, you turn to look out the window and stare at the lights from the city.
calum doesn’t say anything, racking his brain to make sure he heard you right. you said you loved him, without really even saying the three words.
“you said you love me.”
you look over at him, “what?”
“you just said you ‘can’t keep acting like you don’t love me’.” he repeats.
you shake your head and look away from him. “i didn’t.” you try to get him to leave it alone.
“you did” he sighs, coming next to you and takes you by the shoulders and turns you to face him. “you practically said you love me.”
“i love you too.” he smiled. “i don’t know if that means anything now but i do. i have for a while.” he confessed.
“y/n, you’re nothing like i imagined you would be. when i met you that night in the bar i thought you’d be like all the other girls, which i know doesn’t help, but; this has been the best past year of my life and i think of you more than someone i fuck occasionally.” calum is looking into your eyes. “you’re more than that, y/n/n.”
there are tears welling in your eyes, you shake your head. “i don’t want to be hurt again. i don’t think i could take it.” calum nods, reaching for your hands.
“i understand, but trust me when i say that id never do anything to hurt you, okay?” calum assures, “you’re everything and more.”
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*buzz buzz*
you groan and reach for your phone, opening one eye to look at the notifications. you have over ten messages and five calls from olivia. you sigh, wanting to ignore her antics but maybe it was an emergency. you unlock your phone and see all the messages.
‘girl check instagram.’
‘what time is it there’s
‘are you asleep?’
‘omg omg y/n!!!!’
‘you’re not gonna believe this.’
‘girl i’m freaking out !!!!!’
‘y/n please check your instagram.
‘you’re gonna flip.’
‘ please wake up.’
‘i’m calling you’
you sit up in confusion and then check your other notifications to see over hundreds of notifications from instagram. “what the hell” you croak and then open the app.
‘calumhood tagged you in a post.’
you swipe through the pictures until you see the very last picture which was you standing in front of the eiffel tower with your back turned to him admiring the view and then you saw the caption; “they say paris is the city of love <3”
you practically shoot up from your position staring wide eyed at the phone. you read some of the comments in a panic.
‘lukehemmings: it’s about damn time’
ashtonirwin: finally! don’t hurt my girl;)
calumhood replying to ashtonirwin: your girl?
ashtonirwin replying to calumhood: yep:)
michaelclifford: called it!
sierradeaton: you posted the pic !! omg !!!
5sos_updates: the last slide omg!?!? also last night was crazy!
iheartcalumhood: who’s the girl?
“calum??” you say out, hoping he was still in the room.
you hear the bathroom door open. “yeah?” he asks walking around the corner only dressed in a pair of basketball shorts.
“why did you post that?” you ask showing him the instagram post. “i wanted to prove to you that everything i said last night is true”
you blink, staring at him with little to no expression. “your first thought to do that was post me on your instagram?”
“uhh i guess? should i not have done that?” you crack a smile and look down at your phone, “i cant believe you, cal.” you say, falling back on the bed to scroll through more comments.
“can’t go back on it now” he says, standing at the foot at the bed.
“you’re stuck with me forever” he says crawling on the bed, hovering over your figure. “really? because ashton said i was his girl. sounds like you have some competition, hood.” you state, showing calum his comment.
he takes your phone and tosses it somewhere else on the bed. “nope, you’re my girl forever and always.” he hums leaning in to leave kisses on your neck which earned giggles from you. “calum!”
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inthepassengerside · 9 months
luke wakes up in the middle of the night needy as ever, and there’s no reason for him not to help himself out and use his beautiful wife right next to him
warnings: smut -cnc, somnophilia , dirty talk, wet dreams, unprotected sex-
i don’t even know what this is i just got bored and horny
Luke was rutting his hips into the mattress that night. God was that dream so real. He was whimpering and needy and he had you tied up with your favorite vibe on your sore and swollen clit. You knew how much he was stressed and you loved being someone he could take his stress out on.
He was just watching you, slowly stroking himself because it felt so good he just needed to draw it out as long as possible.
You begin your third orgasm of the night as it washes over you and you even manage to squirt a little on the bed. Right away, he pushes his fingers into you roughly and makes you squirt more.
Your moans, oh your moans are what’s getting him off the most. He loves you and your body but your noises, the way you whimper at him, he loves it.
Just as he begins to push his tip into your tight walls his eyes open.
He lets out a heavy sigh once he’s aware of his surroundings. He’s incredibly hard. Luke doesn’t even catch himself when he starts pushing down his boxers and stroking his hard cock.
He sits up in the bed to see you laying on your back with your eyes closed peacefully. He smiles to himself before he peels the covers off of you to find you in a simple tank and panties.
Carefully, making sure not to wake you up just yet, he slips off your soft panties and spreads your legs. He was confused how you still haven’t woken up, but doesn’t dwell on it.
He pushes the tip in and let’s out such a breathy moan, it takes about two strokes before you’re moaning quietly, finally fluttering your eyes open and becoming aware of what’s going on. You’re alarmed at first, but you remember the conversation you had with Luke a few nights prior and immediately relax.
Soon, you focus on the pleasure and feel yourself stretching to his shaft.
“Hey baby. Had a dream. You’re so sexy I couldn’t wait till you woke up. Fuck.”
You giggle tiredly, “It’s okay baby. Love this. Love you fuckin’ me like this.”
His thrusts are deep and sharp and every time your hips meet he stays there for a few seconds, letting you feel his length inside of you.
Luke peppers kisses along your face and anything of your neck that’s exposed.
“You’re so tight holy shit. Can’t even fucking move.” He groans against your ear, softly nibbling at it.
You moan, “Ah. What was your d-dream baby?”
You feel your orgasm start to build up and you can’t take it. This whole moment is so much for the two of you and it’s definitely something new.
“Mm baby. Shit, I uh, had you tied up with a vibe on your clit. And shit it was so puffy- fuck, and you started to squirt all over our sheets. And you were making such pretty noises watchin’ me stroke my cock.”
You let out a guttural moan, “Shit t-that really is a dream,” You giggle.
Luke’s thrusts start to slow as you feel your orgasm. Your vision blurs as you’re already tired yet it’s probably one of the strongest orgasms you’ve ever had. It was such a sensual moment that it made the orgasm last so much longer and feel so much better.
He’s not far to follow, immediately spilling into you as you clench around him and your body shakes. He whines as he starts to suck along your jawline down to your neck.
He collapses on top of you, yet making sure not to crush you as you run your fingers through his hair. He groans against you as you tug on the curls.
“I love you. I loved that. Came so hard, Lu.” You whisper against him.
He shuffles his head along your chest. “Loved it so much baby. Loved it because it was you. Glad we tried it.”
“Goodnight baby boy. I don’t even want to check what time it is, but we should go back to sleep.”
Luke chuckles against you, “Goodnight my love.”
515 notes · View notes
sinning5sos · 9 months
“you’re so full of yourself”
“no, baby, you’re so full of >me<“
with calum please I’m a whore for him
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Cocky | Calum
Requested: Yes! Amen.
Word Count: ~2,100
Smut:  softdom!cal, oral, rough sex, doggy aftercare <3
Calum was driving the two of you back to his apartment, his fingers lightly grazing your thigh as his other hand held the wheel. It was quiet.
You weren’t sure exactly what you did, but when you tried to kiss Calum just a bit ago as the two of you got into the car, he turned his cheek to you. He wouldn’t let you kiss him when he was going to punish you later, so as soon as that happened. You knew.
You fucked up.
You were eager though. Calums night of punishments usually led to a lazy morning followed by sweet, slow sex with breakfast after. Plus, you loved being punished. You were Calums little whore when it was the two of you.
He hummed along quietly to a song playing from the speaker, and you captured his hand in yours and pulled the back of his hand up to your lips. You pressed a gentle kiss there, and he chuckled as he glanced at you, then back at the road.
“Don’t think you can fix it now Princess.” He murmured and you suppressed a smile as you let his hand fall back to your thigh. You loved his sweet touches, but you loved his rough fucks. 
The engine idled as he pulled into the driveway, and he released your thigh to turn the car off.
“Go ahead and go inside for me. Up to our room.” He instructed, leaning across the console to kiss your cheek. You nodded as you pushed out of the car, nearly tripping over your own feet as you unlocked the front door and went straight into the shared bedroom. 
With any nights like these, Calum always wanted you to strip down for him before he got in. He claimed it was because it built up the anticipation. You liked to joke back that it was because he was lazy.
That usually earned you some spankings or orgasm denial, just depended on his mood that day.
You stripped out of your dress and other clothes, and sat at the edge of the bed when he finally walked in. He shut the door behind him, and unbuttoned his sleeves as he stood in front of you.
“You were running your mouth an awful lot at game night tonight.” He muttered, his hands moving down to the clasp of his belt and you bit down on your tongue as you watched him undo it. He removed it in one swoop and pointed down in front of him. You nodded and quickly fell into position, on your knees and he moved behind you to tie your hands behind your back.
“Making quick little jokes to our friends. I think the one that caught my attention the most was that you were the one in charge in the bedroom.” Calum teased, and you felt your cheeks flush as you hadn’t realized he heard you. You had been chatting with your friends while the guys were grabbing refills, and made an innocent joke that you were the dominant one within your relationship.
“That’s right Princess, I heard that little comment. Nothing to say now?” He asked as he cocked his brow and moved back in front of you. You shook your head and eagerly pushed up off your thighs so you were closer to him.
“Good girl. Can I push you a little tonight?” He murmured, his thumb catching your jaw as he tilted your head up to look at him. You licked your lips, feeling your cunt start to drip in anticipation as you nodded.
“That’s my good girl. So hot for me, being on your knees.” He praised, and you smiled up at him as he unzipped his pants. He pushed them down slightly then he bent to press a rough kiss against yours and nipped your bottom lip as he pulled away, whispering, “Remember our word.”
Calum pulled his cock out, and pumped himself a few times before bringing it to your mouth. You opened and accepted him without complaint, and swirled your tongue around his tip. He moaned quietly and let you suck him off for a bit. You bobbed your head along his length, taking what you could and doing the best you can without using your hands.
“Breathe,” He instructed, and you took a deep breath in. He wound his hands in your hair, his fingers becoming tangled in as he started to grind his hips into you. He pressed in deeply, deeper than usual and you gagged for a second as you willed your throat to relax around him. As you choked on his cock, a victorious moan fell from his lips as his head fell back in pleasure. 
He rocked his hips slightly, now facefucking you and you looked up at him through watery eyes and adored how serene he looked. His eyes were shut tight, his lips parted and a quiet whimper fell out. He bit down on his lip then caught your gaze, and smiled down at you. He pulled out, your spit following as you were able to take a deep breath.
“So fucking hot for me. You like it when I facefuck you, don’t you?”
“Oh yes Calum. But I like when you fuck me more in my wet pussy.”
“Such a filthy mouth. I’ll have to fuck that out of you,” He murmured, and you giggled as he helped lift you up so you were now standing. He kissed you once again, his fingers tangling in your hair again as he helped back you up onto the bed. Your hands, still restrained by his belt, attempted to brace your fall onto the bed. 
“I thought about tying your legs up too, but I love it much more when you can be my flexible little slut,” He whispered in your ear as he climbed on top of you, “Can you do that for me?”
You nodded as you raised your legs in front of him, and he pushed down on your inner thighs. There was a slight burn, but he ran his hands up to your ankles, now as high as his shoulders and kissed the inside of your leg.
“Actually, I want your hands free too. Turn to the side real quick,” He instructed. You rolled to the right and he undid the belt loop and let it fall to the side of the bed as he pushed you back down onto the bed. 
“Fuck me Cal,” You whispered, and he chuckled as he dragged his fingers along your folds and then brought his hand up to his mouth.
“So fucking wet, and all you did was suck me off?” He teased, and you nodded as you stroked his cock for a second. 
He pushed inside of you, all thoughts coming to a stop at how he filled you. You breathed out as he started rocking his hips and moaned as he found the rhythm you loved.
“It feels so fucking good,” You whimpered and he chuckled as he placed his one hand on the inside of your thigh and pushed your leg further back, and his other leg gripped one of your boobs. Calum hungrily kissed you, his teeth mashed against yours and you giggled as you pulled your head back slightly.
“God who kisses like that?” You teased him, knowing that it could result in another punishment but you craved it.
“Please, you fucking love it.” Calum muttered. You rolled your eyes at him, and scratched your nails down his back. He moaned out lightly, before reaching down to kiss you again, but you turned your head at the last second.
“You are so full of yourself, aren’t you?” You whispered to him, and he chuckled.
“No but baby, you’re so full of me right now.” He murmured, his nose nudging yours and you giggled.
“Yeah, I love how your cock fills me Calum.” You breathed out, and he nodded.
“That’s what I thought Princess. Now don’t try to get an attitude again or I’ll have to teach you another lesson. Now get on your hands and knees for me.” 
You quickly followed his instructions after he pulled out, and turned your body over on the bed. You arched your back into the air, and he caressed the curve of your spine as he lifted your ass higher into the air.
“That’s a good girl for me.” He breathed out, and you smiled as you wiggled your ass slightly in front of him. He let out a quiet chuckle, then slapped your ass. You hummed at the contact, feeling his fingertips sting even after his hand was gone. 
He pushed you down further into the bed, your mouth falling open as he slammed back inside of you and you moaned loudly. 
“Still so full of me, aren’t you?” He muttered, his knee coming up beside your hips as he adjusted his position. You whimpered as you attempted a response, and he chuckled again.
“No response?”
“Fucking me too good,” You mumbled into the sheets, and you turned your head as best you could to see him smiling.
“Bet no one else fucks you like I do,” 
You couldn’t form a response, but reached your hand back to tap the outside of his thigh on the left side. A quick little three taps, y e s , and Calum gripped your hair in his hand as he pulled back roughly. Your neck was exposed to the wall, and he bent over your body to wrap his other hand around your neck. He tucked his three middle fingers into your mouth, forcing you to gag on them as he continued fucking you.
“Good fucking girl,” He grunted and your moans were shallow as your were pushed further down into the bed, “Keep taking my cock so well. You gonna cum soon?” 
“Mmm,” You whimpered around his fingers and Calum pulled his fingers out and nudged you to respond properly, “Yes Cal, I want you to cum inside of me too,”
“Fuck,” He groaned as his hands gripped your hips. He continued fucking you, his fingertips digging into your skin as your orgasm started to crash over you. Your thighs shook as you turned your head into the bed, and cried out.
“Such a good girl for me, just hold on,” He murmured as he continued fucking out his own orgasm, and you felt him cum inside of you. You hummed as he pulled out and turned your head to see behind you, loving the way that his cum dripped out from your cunt.
“What a sight,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the back of your ass and you wiggled your ass slightly in front of his face. He ran his hand up your ass, along your back as he moved around the bed. He cupped your cheeks and pulled your face to his and kissed you deeply.
“I love you,” He murmured, and you lazily hummed as you kissed him again.
“I love you,” You whispered and watched as he walked into the bathroom for a moment, then returned with a washcloth. He pressed the warm rag to your pussy, and cleaned up the mess that he made while you sat there contently.
His fingers slowly dragged along the outside of your cunt, and down your thighs and inner legs. He hummed quietly with each gentle swipe and threw the rag into the hamper by the closet.
“Lay down baby,” He prompted, and you nodded as you let your legs fall out beneath you. You felt the slight burn from being stretched earlier and from holding that position, but you loved that burn. You brought your arms underneath your head to support it and turned to keep watching him move around the room. He lit a candle, your favorite one, and you breathed in the scent deeply as you felt your body relaxing so quickly.
He grabbed your lotion from the bedside table, and straddled your lower back as he rubbed the lotion into your hands. His palms pushed down onto your shoulder blades as they massaged down your arms. He then scooted himself down and applied more lotion to your back, then your ass, then down your legs to your feet.
“Go ahead and sleep baby, I’m going to write for a bit,” He murmured as he pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead as he walked around the bed again.
“You wore me out,” You whispered, still lying facedown on the bed, your eyelids starting to droop. 
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alisonsfics · 10 months
roommate’s best friend part two
pairing: calum hood x ashton’sroommate!reader
summary: after your make out session with calum was interrupted by ashton, you were both very excited to spend more time together at a 5sos gig. (part one)
word count: 2.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, public-ish sex (it’s backstage), tiny praise kink, minors DNI
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You were planning to see Calum tonight for the first time after your little make out that was interrupted by Ashton.
You both had planned to have a little date night at Calum’s apartment, where you couldn’t be interrupted by Ashton. Before you could leave, you and Ashton had a plumbing emergency that kept you both at your apartment.
When you called to tell Calum that you couldn’t make it, he practically begged you to let him sneak over just to be with you for a little bit. You knew it would just end with Ashton accidentally seeing something he shouldn’t, and you couldn’t handle that embarrassment again.
Calum and Ashton had both invited you to a gig that the band was having tonight, so you would finally get to see Calum.
You were in the middle of picking out your outfit, obviously wanting to look nice to impress Calum.
“Oh, is somebody getting ready to see her boyfriend tonight?” Ashton teased you from your open doorway. You turned to face him and saw the smirk on his face. “C’mon, Ash, we can’t just be adults?” You pleaded. He chuckled and shook his head. “I caught you hooking up with my best friend. It’s a perfect opportunity for teasing, I can’t waste it.” He told you.
Ashton stepped towards you and held out a lanyard. “Wear this and security will let you in tonight. I’m about to head out, I’ll see you later.” He told you. You took the lanyard from him and said goodbye to him.
A few hours later, you were on your way to the concert, and you had butterflies in your stomach as you thought about seeing Calum.
You had picked out some leather pants and a red lace top that you were hoping Calum would like.
You got to the venue and security let you in quickly after seeing your badge. A security guard led you back to where the guys were hanging out. “They were in the lounge last time I checked, but if they’re not there, I’ll bring you to their dressing rooms.” The security guard told you.
You approached the room and saw a few couches sprawled around the room and a minibar against the wall.
You saw someone sitting on the couch on their phone. You recognized him as Luke from Ashton’s Instagram posts. “Here you go,” the security guard said, gesturing towards the room and then leaving.
“Hi, I’m Luke,” he said, jumping up to greet you. You quickly shook his hand and introduced yourself to him.
“Ashton just ran to the bathroom, he’ll be back soon.” Luke informed you. You nodded your head. “I’m really excited to see the show tonight. I got to go to one of your shows before, and I had a great time.” You told him.
“Oh thank you, yeah tonight should be good.” He agreed. You both heard footsteps and turned to see Calum walk into the room.
His eyes scanned over your outfit slowly, taking it all in. “Hi, there,” he said, softly. You gave him a smile as he walked over to you. “C’mon, Cal, give her a hug.” Luke said, teasing Calum for how stunned and speechless he was.
You giggled at Calum’s flustered expression. “Wait, but how do you—” Calum started to ask Luke.
“You really think Ashton was able to keep you guys and your thing a secret?” Luke said, chuckling.
Luke made sure not to stare so he wouldn’t make you both uncomfortable. “Hi,” you said, softly. He stepped closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You look beautiful.” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. The scent of his cologne filled your lungs. You both pulled away, not knowing what to say to each other with Luke in the room.
“So, you two met already?” Calum asked, gesturing towards you and Luke. You both nodded. Then, Ashton and Michael walked in the room.
“Hey,” Ashton said, smiling once he saw you. He walked over and gave you a hug. He turned around to gesture towards Michael and introduced the two of you.
You noticed Ashton walking over to Calum, probably to tease him in some way, so you started talking to Luke and Michael. You were telling them about the first show of theirs you had gone to.
You were trying your best to make a good first impression, considering you’d probably be spending a lot more time with them.
You felt Calum’s hand slip around your waist, and he brought his lips to your ear. “Can I get you a drink?” He whispered in your ear, keeping his tight grip on your hip. You nodded your head, “yes please,” you said.
He walked away to get you a drink. Ashton joined your group and was smirking at you. “Don’t you even,” you said, stopping him before he could make a comment.
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Ashton lied through his teeth. Luke and Michael chuckled at his horrible poker face. “I’m trying to make a nice first impression with your friends, and you just can’t stop yourself.” You said.
“You made a pretty good first impression with Calum,” Michael muttered under his breath, trying not to laugh. You were too stunned to speak. You sat there with your mouth open as the three of them started cracking up. “All three of you now?” You asked.
Calum appeared at your side with two drinks, handing one to you. “Yeah, she did make a pretty good impression, y’know until Ashton ruined it.” Calum said, winking at you.
You slipped your arm around Calum’s back and leaned into him. “You both are pretty cute together actually” Ashton said, making your cheeks heat up.
“Hey guys, you got like five minutes til you need to be on stage.” Someone said, as they walked in the room. You looked over your shoulder and saw someone who looked like their manager.
“C’mon,” Calum said, interlacing your fingers and pulling you behind him. You followed him to the side of the stage. You both set down your drinks and one of the crew members handed Calum his bass.
You gave Calum a kiss on the cheek. “Have a good show,” you told him. He thanked you and gave your hand a quick squeeze. The other three guys started to walk on stage, but Calum stopped.
He held up two fingers and beckoned you closer to him. He quickly cupped your face and kissed you. You were surprised by the kiss, but kissed him back.
“Gotta get my good luck kiss,” he said, before running out on stage.
You got to watch the whole show from the side of stage and had the best time. Calum even looked over at you a few times and winked at you once.
As the show ended, you cheered for the guys, and they took their bow. The guys filed off the stage past you, giving you high-fives as they went by.
Calum came off the stage last with a giant smile on his face. He handed off his bass and then grabbed your hand. He started pulling you down the hallway.
“Calum, where are we going?” You asked him. He didn’t answer your question, but continued pulling you behind him. You both got to his dressing room door and he pushed the door open.
Before you knew it, he had pulled you both inside and closed the door. He pinned you to the back of the door. “You remember when we talked about you fucking that bassist in his dressing room?” He asked you, his mouth almost pressed up to your ear.
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I remember,” you said, breathlessly. Calum’s entire chest was pressed up against you, and you were finding it hard to focus.
“Well that bassist really likes your outfit and got really turned on seeing you on the side of the stage, so if you were still okay with that plan,” he said, practically growling.
“Yes, yes, just touch me, Cal,” you begged him. As soon as the words left your mouth, Calum’s lips were on yours. His lips moved quickly against yours.
He grabbed at the back of your thighs and picked you up against the door. “No one to interrupt us this time,” he said, smirking against your lips.
You raked your fingers through his hair, causing him to groan. He planted his lips on the side of your neck and started slowly sucking on your skin.
You tried to silence the moan that fell from your lips. “Don’t hold back, let me hear you.” He coached you.
He pulled you away from the door and laid you down on the couch. “You look so gorgeous,” he said, in awe as he looked at you.
You pulled him towards you and tugged at the bottom of his shirt. He quickly pulled it over his head and threw it to the side. “C’mere, rockstar, can’t wait,” you said, pulling Calum on top of you. Hearing you call him “rockstar” turned Calum on more than he would ever admit.
His hands slipped under your shirt and traced your sides, caressing your skin. “Help me take it off,” you said, putting your hands up and allowing Calum to pull your shirt up over your head.
“So gorgeous,” he mumbled as he quickly got rid of both of your pants. He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist. You cupped his face and kissed him hard.
Having Calum’s hands on you made you feel like your skin was on fire in the best way. A moan slipped out of you as Calum rocked his hips against yours. “Please, Cal,” you begged.
“Please what, sweetheart?” He asked, placing kisses along your jaw. You groaned, twisting his hair around your fingers.
“Please, fuck me,” you told him.
He pulled down your panties and carelessly threw them to the side. “You know that when Ashton showed us a picture of his roommate, I think I fell in love with you right then, most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.” He told you, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“You look so hot on top of me, like this.” You said, as he slipped out of his boxers.
He grabbed your hips with his large hands to steady himself. “You ready?” He asked, meeting your gaze. You nodded your head quickly.
He slowly pushed his length into you. You clawed at his back as you adjusted to his size. He stayed still, buried inside you, for a while. He peppered soft kisses on your shoulder as he waited for you.
“Keep going, I’m okay,” you assured him. With one final kiss on your lips, he pulled himself out and started thrusting into you.
Calum’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as his hips hit against yours. You let your eyes roll back as you grabbed at the couch, desperate to find something to hold on to.
“Here,” Calum said, grabbing both your hands and pinning them above your head. You let out a whimper as you felt the strong grip of his hand on your wrists.
“Let me do all the work, just focus on feeling good,” he instructed you. He placed sloppy, wet kisses down your chest, using his free hand to caress your breast.
“So good, Cal. Just like I imagined,” you mumbled, your eyes still shut. You noticed a break in Calum’s rhythm. You opened your eyes and noticed he was just looking at you as he continued to push his hips into yours.
“You were imagining this, baby?” He asked you, curiously. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, both from the pet name he’d just used and what you had just admitted.
“Don’t be embarrassed, what were you thinking about?” He asked, turned on by the possibility of your fantasies. You hid your face in the crook of his neck. He peppered kisses all around your face, hoping to get you to open up.
It was ironic. His cock was deep inside you, but you could barely bring yourself to meet his gaze.
“I saw pictures you posted from tour, and I thought about what it’d be like to go on tour with you. We’d travel around together, and I’d know all the fans you met were imagining you the way that only I would get to see you. And I thought about what it’d be like to ride you.” You confessed.
A groan fell from Calum’s lips after hearing the words leave your mouth. “That’s really hot, gorgeous.” He told you, moving his grip to your hips.
He reached deeper inside of you and hit your g-spot. “Oh, fuck, Calum,” you moaned.
“Y’know, we could make those fantasies happen if you want. We could at least do that last one tonight.” He told you, making your cheeks heat up even more.
“C’mere, honey,” he said, holding onto you and sitting up so you were straddling him.
He kissed you to make you more comfortable. “I’ll help you,” he mumbled against your lips. He grabbed your hips and lifted you up. You started rolling your hips against his.
“Oh, fuck, baby. You look so good on top of me.” He moaned, throwing his head back. He pushed his hips forward, meeting yours halfway.
Your thrusts started to become more rushed as you got closer to your high. “I’m almost there, Cal,” you mumbled, grabbing his shoulders to steady yourself.
“Me too, baby,” he told you. You both quickened your pace. You arched your back as you started to feel it approaching. You both were breathing heavily.
You were mesmerized watching how quickly Calum’s chest was rising and falling.
“Oh, fuck, Calum,” you called out, as your orgasm hit you. He wasn’t far behind you. “Oh, shit,” he mumbled, his thrusts beginning to falter.
He slowed down his pace, slowly thrusting up into you to help you both come down from your highs.
You collapsed against his chest, resting your head on his shoulder. “That was amazing,” you mumbled against his skin. He chuckled at your exhaustion. “You did amazing, baby,” he said, kissing the side of your neck.
He ran his fingers up and down your back as you caught your breath.
Once you finally got up, you both got dressed again and headed to Ashton’s dressing room, where Calum was told the guys were hanging out.
“Look who finally decided to join us,” Michael said, smirking at Calum as you both entered the room. All three guys were in the room, along with their significant others. Luke handed both you and Calum a drink.
“You both finally sort out that sexual tension?” Ashton asked, causing you to choke on your drink. Your eyes darted to Calum for help.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “I may have left you a little present on accident,” referencing the hickey on your neck.
“Calum,” you whined, dragging out his name and trying to cover your neck with your hand. This earned a chuckle from the group.
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I’m going to have so much fun teasing the two of you,” Ashton said, chuckling to himself.
“Don’t worry, we won’t all be teasing you. Not yet, at least” Luke promised you both. You let out a small giggle. “That felt a lot less comforting than I think it was intended to be.” You replied, earning a laugh from Calum.
He slipped his hand in the back pocket of your pants, keeping you next to him.
“So, Ashton mentioned that you guys were planning to set us up anyway. How was that going to go down?” You asked, curiously.
“Well the girls had to talk down Ashton because he was ready to steal Calum’s phone and send you some raunchy messages, and Calum would have killed him. Michael and I suggested a blind date, but Ashton wasn’t going to settle for that. He suggested that we lock you both in a room together and just wait it out.” Luke explained to you.
“Your great matchmaking plan was to hold us hostage?” Calum asked Ashton, exasperated.
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me it wouldn’t work, neither of you can keep your hands off each other.” Ashton argued.
“That’s true.” Calum said, smiling down at you.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @impossibleapricotlampbat @lickmymelaninn @holding-on-to-my-youth @spiderstyles04 @ahoodgirl
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
white coded fics be like: “he runs his fingers through your long silky hair, massaging your scalp until you fall into a deep slumber”
my black ass, my head wrap, and my bonnet:
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orangeinecstasy · 8 months
i need more of those 5sos thoughts!!!!
bf ashton thoughts ⋆ฺ。*:・
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a/n: ask and you shall receive!!! i swear i've been seeing so much ash content so ofc i had to do him next. he also happens to be my 5sos lane which makes it even better. fluff and smut sections included in this one!!
so so so many beach days. he loved when you record a wave he caught while surfing and it doesn't hurt that you're wearing a bathing suit either
big gift giver. always brings you fresh flowers and makes sure to keep on to know when he needs to rebuy them. picks up little trinkets that he thinks you'll like and tries so hard to package them up cutely but ends up failing. but it's the thought that counts!!
100% tries to teach you how to play the drums, even if its just a simple beat
late night spontaneous dates are a normality when being with him. could be anywhere from going to a park and stargazing to diving into the city and going to a bar
he wants to show you off 24/7. like he doesn't have one picture "this is my partner" picture, its a whole album that he's showing to people because he can't believe you're all his
meditating together
guarding together
tbh just being outside and being in nature together would be a big thing for him
not a super huge pda person but BIG on physical touch
so so so many songs written about you. if they didn't end up on a 5sos album he would totally curate his own and dedicate it to you
tons and tons of inside jokes
would 100% get a tattoo for you. i don't think it would specifically be your name, but maybe some art you produced or something that reminds him of you, etc
not a super big pet name user, but sometimes he'll sprinkle them in
smoking together>>>
smutty/suggestive thoughts below the pics
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its always ass or tits, and though ashton definitely loves both i feel like he's more of a thigh guy. they way they're so plush and he can squeeze them and mark them to his liking. how they look in skirts or dressed or when they they're over his shoulders. he can't get enough of them
100% puts you're pleasure first. if he comes, great! but he's so focused on you and making sure that you're experiencing as much pleasure as possible
on that note-- he loved to eat you out. your taste, your smell, the way your hands grip at his hair and his name falls from his lips is just intoxicating for him. he also can't deny how much it boosts his ego knowing that he can make you come with just his mouth
so many suggestive comments when you're with a group of friends. he loves watching you get riled up and pressing your thighs together by his words
he's such a tease oh my god. like you know something is about to happen just by how his eyes shift and that smirk that he can't seem to wipe off his face
such a slut for you. he wants you anywhere all the time. doesn't matter who's around, before a show- after a show, he needs you.
thigh riding!!!
so much casual dominance omg. driving you guys everywhere, constantly trying to find ways to help you, helping you pick out outfits. ugh i can't stop thinking about it
don't think he's a huge lingerie guy, but he really appreciated it when you take the time to pick out a set and doll yourself up
cannot get enough of bondage and blindfolds. both using it on you or you using it on him
obsessed with marking-- he wants people to know he's yours and you're his. like i can just imagine him posting a picture on his instagram story where his hair is all messy and his lips are plump from friction, neck littered with hickeys. he would probably delete it after a couple of minutes because the pr team would actually freak out, but it was most definitely worth it in his book.
high sex
likes to take his time, but doesn’t mind a quickie
cuddles that turn into sex that end up with you two curled back together asleep
love love loves kissing. how simple it can show your affection for someone and how it can be innocent and turn into something more
sleepy sex!!! early mornings or late at night when he’s back from the studio and just needs to be as close to you as possible
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valentiyne · 9 months
𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 & 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗌 ☆ 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗎𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽
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Calum Hood x Famous!Reader Summary: Requested! After 4 years of agreed no contact, one phone call and song takes back all that you've worked for. Warnings: Mild Cursing, Slight of Explicit Content. Word Count: 1k (not rlly proofread lol) Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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"So, Y/n tell us more about Calum Hood"
A name I hadn't heard in exactly 4 years to the very date.
48 months, 1461 days, and 35040 excruciating long fucking hours.
My face immediately lights up at the name nevertheless, brushing my hair behind my ear nervously,
"Hood? I'm not quite sure what this has to do with my upcoming EP coming out at midnight", I breathlessly laugh out, my eyes locking with the interviewer in front of me. My new work titled, "Bittersweet" was launching at midnight, only containing 4 songs to go along with the 4 bittersweet years I've spent away from him. It was hopeless of me to write about him, but he was the only source of inspiration I could find.
"Well you two had a bit of chemistry as far as we know, is that right?"
Sure we did. We spent over 6 years together on and off, but always came back to each other. He was my rock, my everything, but ultimately we knew it wasn't going to work out.
"Sure we did, I mean it was nothing but a mere innocent crush", I cross my legs now, my shaky hands clasped on top of my knees. The crowd was silent as excited fans packed into the small room to hear the soft launch before midnight.
"Well it was surely more than innocent", she motions to the screen next to us. "This picture was taken four years ago in Bali during the second leg of their tour", I mentally roll my eyes but smile anyway. A few people from the crowd squealed as the iconic picture of us in cuddled up on the beach was displayed, the same one he posted himself as an excuse to have me on his page.
"Like I said- It was a small crush" I was trying to convince myself more than everyone else.
I watch as the slideshow continues on, the screen filled with every single moment in time that Calum and I were spotted together across the world. A few innocent ones of us walking next to each other, to one taken on the balcony of a hotel. We were just kids who didn't know what they were doing- lost in the moment together. He will always have a place in my heart. When things ultimately ended, we both agreed to never speak again- it was only weighing each other down.
"Well I thank you for your time, I hope everyone enjoys the album and finds some comfort in the chaos", I stand up abruptly, extending my hand to shake the interviewer's hand. The crowd cheered quietly as I walked off the stage with a slight wave. I needed to get out of here, I felt like a complete idiot working myself up over someone that I no longer talked to.
I slipped past the stage crew as I shuffled out past the backdoors and towards the parking lot, my fingers fumbling with my keys as I tore my driver's door open and plopped down dramatically. The door shut behind me and I sighed to myself loudly,
That was fucking ridiculous, they didn't even ask anything about me. Just about someone I never wanted to mention. Of course, I could talk about him until the end of time, but it wasn't my place to do so anymore. He was playing sold-out shows every other day and had no worry about a girl back home who happened to have matching tattoos with him, right? The tattoo we shared was of a small flower underneath our ribs, the same flower he gave me on our one-year "situationshipversary" as he called it. It was a silly gesture that I treasured, the California wildflower that he pulled over on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway to pick during peak traffic on the way to my house. It now lay inside a small glass bottle hung around my neck, all wilted like our history.
I pull my phone from my purse, scrolling down to the bottom of my contact list, and clicking on the "DO NOT CALL!!!!" number. I hesitantly dial his number and bring it up to my ear,
"Hey! You reached Calum, I'm away from my phone right now but leave a message!", He declined it immediately, either that or his phone was dead. Not quite sure which one makes me feel better. I roll my eyes at the stupid prepubescent voice and turn my phone off.
I tossed my phone down onto my lap and leaned my head against the wheel. I subconsciously wanted to log back into my Instagram and scroll down an update page to find out anything about him. I had no idea what he was up to or who he was with, it's been years since I've last heard his voice.
"You know this isn't good for either of us, Y/n", he rang through my head as I remember standing on his porch in late July.
"Calum, we've been through this so many times- why can't we just try?"
He runs his hand through his freshly cut hair and shakes his head, "It never ends well, I feel like a fucking lost dog who always limps its way back to you.. I just- Fuck- I can't do thi-"
The last thing I remember was the door closing in my face, leaving me all alone with no closure. I could hear him on the other side, a thump on the door indicating he was leaning against it. I tried for the handle, jiggling it a few times before banging on it, begging for him to talk to me. I couldn't stay mad at him forever, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream at him, slap him in his beautiful face, and kiss him all at once.
My phone vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked down,
My heart skips a beat, staring at my phone on my lap buzzing away. I bit my lip softly, pulling it closer to my face as I accepted the FaceTime call.
The camera was pointing to the ceiling when I answered, his voice booming loudly as he spoke.
I let let a breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to gather the right words to say. What was I supposed to say after all this time?
"Cal?", my voice is softer than I had hoped for, the word slipping past my lip like it's begging to finally be let out.
"Holy shit", the camera shifts and he props it up against the wall, waving at me with one hand. Calum sits in his studio chair with his old bass in his lap, headphones pushed back against his long curly hair. His eyes are wide as he raises an eyebrow, "Shit, long time no see."
I adjust the camera against my steering wheel and scoot my seat back, allowing for a better view of myself as I smile innocently with an awkward wave. "Hi Cal, how ya been?" I see his eyes travel down to the necklace around my neck, my fingers dancing around the bottle as I speak.
"Shit, Y/n if I'd known it was you calling I would've answered way faster, I just had deleted your number-", he stops himself, looking up with a sympathetic crooked smile before sighing. I raise a hand up to reassure him instead, "Calum", god saying his name tugs at my heartstrings, "It's okay, I get it... we don't have to dance around it.. now what are you up to?"
He was lying, Calum hood was bluffing to my face and I had no idea. After all this time, he still had my contact listed as "My wildflower", but he couldn't dare admit to me that he didn't answer sooner because he was scared.
Scared of what I was going to say
Scared id tell him I found someone new
Scared of seeing or hearing me again
"I'm actually working on a song right now", he laughs and holds the iconic bass up, a small spot right under the strings that once had a star sticker I placed on it- now scraped off.
I make a face, reminding myself that that was the past and I shouldn't dwell on it too much, but seeing him happier without me didn't make me feel like I thought it would. A part of me wished he was as miserable as I was, cooped up in my room writing stupid songs that were confessing my raw feelings.
"What's it about?", I chirp up as he bends down to play a few notes on the keyboard next to him, assuming it's the intro.
"It's about someone that was in my life, uh someone you don't know- she came around afterward", he says slowly, not meeting my eyes through the screen. I just nod in agreement, opening my mouth to speak.
"Would you like to come over for dinner sometime this week?", The words flow out before I had time to think about it. As I wait for his response, I pick at my nails- a habit he absolutely hated. He would smack my hand out of my mouth every chance we were together, telling me "I'd get worms in my belly" I did stop for a while, but my bitten nails were the only reminder he was actually gone.
"Yeah, I would love to!- Look I'll let you go but we'll keep in touch alright?", He speaks quickly, his hand flying down in one swift movement. With that, he ends the FaceTime call and I'm left looking at my reflection. I looked dumbfounded, smiling to myself as wide as I could.
I couldn't let myself fall for this again, for him- we both knew it wasn't going to end well for either of us. But hell it's been 4 years and I've changed as a person, and by the looks of it, he has too.
My phone buzzed once, twice, and then three before I looked back up at it to see three new messages from none other than Hood.
DO NOT CALL!!!!: I kinda lied, you do know the person I wrote it about
DO NOT CALL!!!!: mp3.wildflower.calumdemo.rec
DO NOT CALL!!!!: my wildflower ;)
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nobitchs-world · 10 days
Me after explaining the multiverse of different people and characters where I have different ocs in my head to my sisters
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calumsrockstar · 5 months
Bunny - Ashton Irwin
a/n: DADDY ISSUES NATION RISE! This is my longest fic until now, and it´s inspired by @rip-quizilla.
word count: 3k
Where you find a mysterious hot neighbor.
Contents: MAJOR AGE GAP (reader is 19 and Ash is 44), perv!ash, spanking, pet names, praise, unprotected p in v, oral (f and m recieving) masturbation (f and m), corruption kink, daddy kink
Older!Ash x Reader
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You entered your brand new house, it was small, but spacious considering it was your first. Your mom and your dad finally let you move out, giving you all the privacy you needed.
For the first month everything was normal, until you heard almost every mom in the neighborhood talk about a handsome and mysterious Mr. Irwin. Only to notice that he was living right next to you.
You were curious, since moving to the neighborhood, you´ve never seen what he looked like, your window was right opposite his, but he always kept the curtain closed.
Adjusting yourself, you looked at the mirror and flattened your yellow sundress. It was a hot summer day, and what better way to quench your thirst than to deliver lemonade to your supposedly hot neighbor?
You opened the fridge to get a large jug of your homemade lemonade, and left the house, leaving the front door unlocked.
Walking to his house, you took deep breaths, and knocked on the door. Now you wait.....
A tall man opened the door, looking to be in his 20s. His light brown hair looked soft and curly. his skin sunkissed. "Hi there." He smiled. Making you forget why you were there.
Holy shit.
"Um-hi." You smiled. "I moved here a month ago and I ́ve never said hello, I decided to bring you some lemonade. Some friendly neighbor activity." You chuckled.
He looked you up and down, basically devouring you with his eyes. "That's awfully kind of you." You detected some kind of accent. "It 's no problem." You replied.
"Sorry if this is too direct but, how come i´ve never seen you before?" You asked him. "At my age, I don't go out of my house much honey, I like to read, play music." You raised an eyebrow. "Your age? Like 25?"
He let out a throaty laugh. "You flatter me." Making you smile. "How old are you?" You asked. "If you don't mind me asking of course." He grinned. "Guess."
"28?" He shook his head no. "30?" He shook his head no again. "35?" You asked, hoping you didn't say he was too old. "More." He grinned. "No fucking way." You replied. "40?" He clicked his tongue. "You're getting closer." Your mouth was practically on the floor. "I´m 44, sweetheart."
"What? That's insane." You smiled. "You definitely don't look or act 44." You said. "Hey, how is a 44 year old supposed to act?" He chuckled. "I don´t know, smoking cigars on your front porch, maybe?" You smiled. "I´m young at heart, you know." He leaned down to talk to you.
"How old are you, little lady?" He grinned. "I'm 19." He widened his hazel eyes. "19, wow. Basically a baby." You fake pouted. "I'm not a baby." You smiled, teasingly. "You are to me." He replied. You frowned. Did he actually think of you as a kid?
"What´s a young girl like you doing living all by herself?" He asked. "I just moved out, I wanted some privacy." You replied, making him raise an eyebrow. "Privacy, huh? You sure you´re not gonna throw any parties?"
You laughed. "That's not what all kids do these days, by the way. Maybe in your time, Mr. Irwin." You put your hand on your forehead. "That was rude, i´m sorry." He laughed. "How do you know my last name?" He smiled.
You turned pink. "Well, you must know that women talk about you." He raised an eyebrow. "Do they?" He chuckled. "Yeah, all the time." You replied.
"Can you tell me what they say?" He smiled, making you turn an even deeper shade of red. "Well, they all say you're really handsome and stuff... And how they wonder if you have a wife." You smiled. "No, I don't have one, sweetheart." He grinned.
Oh god yes.
"Oh, that's good to know. I mean, that's cool." You stuttered. Making him chuckle. "Well, I guess I´ll see you around, Mr. Irwin." You said turning your back. "Please, call me Ashton." He blurted out. "What's your name?" He asked. "It´s y/n." You smiled. "Nice to meet you y/n." I hope to see you soon." You looked over your shoulder and nodded.
When you turned around, Ashton couldn't help but look at your ass. It was sculpted and it drove him crazy. He could tell you were definitely trouble.
Ashton closed the door, and smiled. You were the only thing he could think of for hours. He wanted to get to know you, to know what your interests were, your life. He already was utterly obsessed. He felt like a teenager again, with hormones blossoming inside of him.
You were sweet and innocent, like a bunny. Something deep inside him wanted to ruin you.
You could not help thinking of him too. His tattooed arms, his curly hair, how his tank top hugged every place of him. How his shorts were tight around his bulge.
Shit. You wanted to fuck your 44 year old neighbor.
Ashton let his curiosity get the best of him. He finally opened his office window, to see if he could peek inside your house. Fortunately for him, this was the window directly opposite your bedroom.
After a long day, you decided to go to your bedroom to relax. Kicking off your shoes and getting out of your sundress. It was hot, so you absentmindedly left your bedroom window open, not knowing you had a spectator.
"Holy fuck." Ashton thought, his jaw was on the ground. You were wearing a lacy pink underwear set. The dim lighting in your room made you look ethereal.
Ashton was getting harder by the second. He knew this was wrong. Spying on his innocent little neighbor. But at this moment, he could care less.
You took off your bra, slowly. Ashton watched your breasts slip out of them, he thought he was dreaming. You were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.
You reached in your bedroom drawer and found a pretty pink vibrator that you've stashed there. You laid down, tracing circles over your panties with the vibrator, letting out little whimpers.
"No fucking way." Ashton mouthed. He couldn't take it anymore. He took his cock out of his pants, bubbling with pre-cum. He felt like a pervert, but this turned him on even more.
Little y/n wasn't as innocent as he thought.
Taking off your panties, your pussy was on full display. Making Ashton´s mouth water.
You pressed the vibrator on your clit while you inserted two fingers inside of yourself, curling them. The shock made your back lift off the mattress, with a moan so loud you were sure your neighbor could hear.
All you wanted was Ashton. You wished his fingers were inside of you, you wished he was fucking you.
Ashton started to rub himself, watching intently. So what if you saw? He thought. His cock was throbbing, he was desperate to be inside you. Every muscle in his body ached for you.
You started to squirm, your clit throbbing with pulsing sensations that made you convulse in bed. While Ashton was shivering. This is the most turned on he´s been ever.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck." You moaned while you bit your lip, feeling that familiar feeling in your stomach. Ashton started fucking his fist, harder and faster.
"Fuck! Ashton!" You screamed when you came. Putting your hand to your mouth when you realized what you said. At the same time, Ashton came all over his hand, panting hard. His curls were sticking to his forehead.
Did she just say my name? She couldn't have.
In the morning you decided to lounge by the pool, and get some sun. You put on your favorite blue bikini and put your hair in a bun and headed out to the garden.
You opened up the door to your yard, secretly hoping a certain hazel eyed man would stumble in.
Sitting on a lounge chair, looking at your phone you noticed a tall figure looking down at you.
"Fuckin´ hot today, eh?" It was Ashton. A shirtless Ashton. Looking you up and down with no shame. "Good morning Mr. Irwin." You smiled. "You're finally out of the house." You added. "I wanted to see you, darling." He replied. Your mouth turned dry.
"You wanted to see me?" You repeated, making him smile. "Why do you want this old man out of your garden?" He chuckled, making you giggle. "Nah, c´mere." You told him, making a "Come hither" motion with your finger.
Just to think those were the fingers that were inside you last night made him shiver.
You tucked your legs in and motioned for him to sit at the tip of the lounging chair. When he sat, you spread your legs to fit around his thighs.
The only thing separating your pussy from his back was a flimsy piece of fabric.
"So, where are you from?" You asked him. "I´m originally from Australia, but I moved here a few years ago." You nodded. "Why´d you move?" You asked, picking at his sunburnt shoulders. "I think I just wanted to move on with my life, start a new chapter." He looked back at you and smiled. "Fair enough." You smiled back.
"I haven't noticed your tattoos." You said, stroking your hands on his arm. "Yeah got a few of them, love, years of experience." He smiled. "This one's my favorite." You pointed at his snake tattoo on his bicep. "It's one of my favorites too."
"Do you have any more tattoos?" You asked, rubbing both of his thighs. "y/n..." He melted into your touch. "I'm just asking." You grinned, placing a kiss on his neck. "Jesus Christ." He chuckled in between shallow breaths. "Are you sure?" He asked. You muttered an "mhm."
"I´ve seen you eye fucking me, Ashton, when we first met, when I was taking out the trash, right back then..."
He stood up, turned to face you, and sat back down."Dirty girl... When I was in college you weren't even born yet." You shrugged your shoulders, smiling. You could feel a wet patch growing in your bikini bottoms.
"I was touching myself thinking of you last night." You whispered, making him grin. "Me too." He chuckled. "You just looked so pretty yesterday... Your window was open." Your mouth dropped. "You perv!" You smiled. "Hey, you´re the one touching yourself thinking of an old man fucking you." He grinned.
"You looked so cute squirming, bunny." This sent shivers down your spine.
"Please kiss me." You pleaded. He wasted no time. He held your face with his two hands and kissed you, the kiss was fervent, urgent. Your tongues battling between each other, barely giving you space to breathe.
"Do anything you want to me, Ashton." You told him. "Anything?" He asked. "Anything." You smiled. "That´s a very bold claim to make." "I mean it." You smirked.
"Stand up." He ordered, doing the same as you. "You brought this upon yourself." He smiled, as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, making you scream and giggle.
He unlocked his front door and carried you inside. You observed three guitars and a huge drumset in his living room, complete with 10 pairs of drumming sticks.
He placed you on the couch that was big enough to fit four people, putting enough force for you to land with an "oomph."
"You look so cute, babygirl." He smiled, making you blush. You decided to make a risky move. "Thank you, daddy." You replied, waiting for his response.
You could see his eyes visibly darken, and his mouth turned into a grin. "Holy fuck, y/n." He smiled. "Want me to be your daddy?" He asked you. You could only mutter an "mhm." Your clit was throbbing, practically begging to be touched.
He trailed a finger through your bikini bottoms, making your whole body shiver. "So wet for me, and I haven't even touched you, bunny." He whispered in your ear. "Please, Ashton." You mewled.
He tugged at the strings of your bikini top and undid them. "You have such perfect tits, princess." He said, while fondling them. Placing his mouth on one and nipping at it, making you whimper. "So sensitive, too." He smiled.
Kneeling in front of you on the couch, he tugged on your bikini bottoms taking them off. You clenched your legs together, by instinct, blushing. "No need to be shy, princess." He smiled, gently pushing your legs apart and peppering little kisses on the inside of your thighs.
"Such a pretty pussy." He cooed. "Fuckin´ perfect."
He kitten licked your clit, making you let out a breathy moan. He looked up at you, waiting for your approval. You nodded and smiled, making him grin.
He grabbed your lower back with his big hands and pulled you closer to his face, making you gasp.
His pupils were blown out with lust. Dipping down to face your sex. Without warning, he dives in and you feel him licking a long strip between your wet folds.
"Fuck! Ashton." You exclaim, grabbing his curls and digging your fingers into his scalp. He winced at the pain, but he definitely enjoyed this.
You grind against his mouth, while his tongue draws circles around your clit. Throwing your head back into the couch, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
The sensation was almost too much. His eyes never left you, enjoying the sight of you convulsing on the couch. Your pretty moans were like music to his ears.
He licks faster and faster. Groaning inside of you. "I'm getting- I'm getting close." You said in between shallow breaths. He starts sucking on your clit harshly, the sounds were borderline sinful.
You felt a tightness inside your stomach, like a cord waiting to snap. "Don´t stop, please." You mewled.
Your orgasm washes over you, making your whole body shake, clenching your walls around Ashton´s tongue. "Oh my God." You smiled.
Ashton surfaced, his lips were puffy and his mouth was covered in your slick. "Hi." You giggled. "Hi." He repeated, smiling. You covered your face with your hands, and blushed.
"Can I taste you?" You asked. "I-um, fuck yes." He stuttered. "Yeah, you can taste me."
He takes off his shirt and gives it to you. "Here baby, for your knees." You smile and bunch up the soft cotton material on the ground.
You kneel down in front of him, pulling his shorts down and snapping the elastic band of his boxers, finally freeing him. His erection sprang up at you. It was the longest and thickest cock you´ve ever seen.
"See how you make me feel, bunny?" He asked, making you smile. You pumped his shaft a few times to test the waters, making him groan deeply. "Fuck, y/n..." He moaned.
You kitten lick his tip, tasting his salty pre-cum, making Ashton´s whole body shiver.
Sinking down, you took his whole length, gagging. Ashton gently grabbed your hair, holding it to get it out of the way. Bobbing your head up and down, swirling circles around his tip.
"Fu-uck..." He moaned. "You're so perfect." He breathed deeply.
Soon enough, he was moving his hips, increasing his pace while his head was thrown back. "Makin´ me feel so good, sweet girl." He groaned.
He pulled himself out of you, grabbing you by the hair. "I´m not gonna be able to fuck you if we continue this." He chuckled. "Want daddy to fuck you, bunny?" He asked, making you nod. "Please, that's all I want, please." You begged, making him smile darkly.
You both stood up. "C´mere." He said, picking you up bridal style. You were still surprised as to how he could pick you up like you were nothing.
Taking you up a big staircase, you found yourself in a huge master bedroom, complete with another drum set, and vinyls hanging on the walls.
He plopped you down on the bed, a bit more roughly this time.
He looked around, opening a few drawers. "What 's wrong?" You asked. "Shit, I don't have a condom." He muttered. "I'm on the pill." You smiled, making him grin as well. "That's all you needed to say." He replied, taking off his shorts and underwear.
He climbed on top of the bed, hovering over you. "Daddy's gonna make you feel good, sweetheart." He smiled, you watched his eyes darken.
He puts a hand on your throat and pushes his mouth in for a kiss, hard, sloppy, hungry.
"You okay?" He smiles. "Yeah, just please fuck me Ashton." You pleaded. "Atta girl." He responded.
He grabbed your hips and slowly pushed himself inside of you, hissing at the feeling. The initial stretch burned, but slowly but surely you got adjusted to his size.
"Fuck, you´re so tight, bunny." He groaned, starting to pump in and out, guiding your hips, making you arch your back off the mattress, if they could, your eyes could roll into the back of your head.
"Please, faster." You exclaimed. You were lightheaded, becoming cockdrunk, letting out little moans that made Ashton go wild. "Want to ruin you, so nobody but me gets to use this pussy."
"Fuck! Just like that!" You exclaimed, feeling the pulsing wave of pleasure continue to grow inside of you, clenching around his cock. "You're taking me so well baby girl, won't last much longer with you clenching around me like that." He breathed rapidly.
"I'm close, Ashton." You repeated. "Cum for me bunny, let me feel that perfect fucking pussy." Those words were enough to make you cum alone.
You felt a familiar feeling inside your stomach. You felt Ashton´s cock twitch inside of you, meaning he was close as well.
You released yourself, gushing all over his cock, "Mphhhh.." You mewled and he filled you up to the brim with his cum, with a deep groaning sound,almost animalistic. he pulled out of you, letting his cum spill all over the sheets.
"Give me a second." He said, getting up and going to the bathroom, retrieving some wipes to help you clean up, discarding them in a trash can next to his bed.
"Was that okay?" He smiled. "It was perfect, Ashton." You grinned, looking up at him, pulling him into a kiss.
"Jesus, y/n, you´re gonna be the death of me." He curled his lips up into the kiss.
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bratzforchris · 5 months
what about really soft virgin!reader sex where her and luke have been going out for a while and they’re older and she’s just never felt so strong about losing it until now after they come back from a dinner date, and he’s very soft and reassuring and they confess their love to each other in the middle of it ♥︎
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Summary: In which you decide to finally let Luke know how much you love him<3
Warnings: Smut, vanilla sex, missionary, making out, virgin!reader, fluffy aftercare
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I'm am so terribly sorry for the late post, anon :) I have been going through...a lot in my personal life, as well as working on a full-length fic with lots of queer and neurodiverse rep (hint hint ;)). Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy and thank you for such a sweet prompt!
You smiled, blushing and averting your eyes as Luke kissed your knuckles from across the dinner table. You two were currently out for dinner at a wonderfully luxurious French restaurant for Valentine’s Day, and Luke was making the butterflies in your stomach go wild. You’d been dating for a little over a year now, but he still made you feel like a young girl, giggling and blushing over her school crush. 
“You are so beautiful,” the blond hummed, gazing at you as the candles on the table lit up his blue eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”
“More like how did I get so lucky?” You smiled softly, sipping your wine. 
Luke kissed your knuckles again, taking his time to admire how beautiful you were. He knew that you were rather insecure about still dating in your late twenties while all your friends were married, but he felt so beyond lucky to have you that he felt a strong pull to make sure you really knew just how much better you made his life. 
“More wine?” Luke asked you, nodding his head towards your empty glass. 
“I was actually thinking that we could head back to yours?” You asked softly, blushing the whole time. 
You’d recently been thinking about your life and how you felt about Luke, and realized that you wanted him on a deeper level. You knew Luke was your person, soulmate, if you would. You watched as Luke’s smile grew at what you said. He quickly called over the waiter, paying the bill, and standing up, taking your hand. 
“That sounds perfect to me.” he smiled, kissing the top of your head. 
One of your favorite things about Luke was how protective and loving he was. He refused to treat you as anything less than a lady, and that was evident as he held your hand through the restaurant. The evening air was chilly as you walked out of the restaurant, and Luke held you close as you walked to his Range Rover, giggling softly at how adorable he thought you were. He had never had a girlfriend that was as wonderful as you were, and he absolutely relished in the fact that he could spoil you, but you still respected him as more than a cash cow. 
“God, you make it so easy to love you.” You told him, kissing his cheek as Luke started the car and helped you in. 
“I’m amazing, aren’t I?” he asked with a satirical hair flip. 
You giggled as Luke began to drive, leaning your head against the window as you watched the lights of downtown go by. You had recently moved in with Luke on the outskirts of LA where many celebrities and musicians lived, and getting to have this life with your boyfriend made you so eternally grateful. It was a stark contrast to how you had grown up, and even to your early 20s, but it was amazing nonetheless. Luke took care of you in the best possible ways, making sure that you were cared for not only physically and financially, but emotionally and mentally as well. 
Which is why you took his hand, tugging him to the master bedroom once you two had arrived home. “I wanted to talk to you.” You hummed, sitting down on the bed. 
“Is everything alright?” the blond asked, worry creasing around his blue eyes as he took off his watch. 
“Yes,” Your blush deepend. “It’s just…you know I’m a virgin.”
“I do know that,” Luke walked over to where you were sitting and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Is that what you wanted to talk about? Because you know I’m okay with waiting until whenever you’re ready.” he whispered softly. 
“That’s just it. I am ready.” Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at Luke. 
You could see the expression on his face change from one of concern, to one of eagerness. His eyes roamed up and down your body, spending an extra bit of time at your cleavage. 
“Are you sure?” Luke kissed you softly, running his thumb across your jawline. “Don’t do it for me, baby girl. Do what feels right for you.”
“I’m sure,” You nodded firmly, kissing him back. “I want to lose my virginity to you, Luke. Tonight.”
“Well in that case,” Luke chuckled, running his hands along your back and then under your shirt until they met the clasp of your bra. “May I?”
You nodded, moaning softly at the electric touch that was Luke’s warm hands on your skin. He slowly undid your bra and then pulled it off along with your shirt. The blond quickly unbuttoned his own white button-down, tossing it onto the bedroom floor. 
“My gorgeous, gorgeous girl,” he whispered, trailing kisses from your lips, across your cheeks, to the sweet spot behind your ear. “Tonight is all about you.” Luke told you with a soft growl, beginning to suckle softly. 
You ran your hands along his bare back, feeling the warmth seep into your own skin. The feeling of Luke leaving hickeys along your neck was alighting your nerves, making you buck your hips closer to him. You were filled with want for your boyfriend, and you were pretty sure this was the first time you’d ever felt truly horny. Your clit throbbed against the seams of your underwear in your jeans and you nearly had to cross your legs to fight the feeling. 
Luke laid you back against the soft, cushiony pillows of your shared king-sized bed, straddling you and hooking his finger into the waistband of your jeans before speaking. “Is it alright if I take these off?”
You could feel the blond’s hardening cock brushing against your already sensitive crotch, and you let out a small whine. “Please.”
Luke kissed your tummy, slowly undoing the button of your jeans and sliding them down your legs. “You are so, so beautiful. I’m so honored that I get to be your first.” he whispered, planting a kiss on your lacy, pink underwear. 
The blond was being extra slow and gentle, and you loved him for it. Most men would jump at taking a woman’s virginity, not even considering how she might be feeling, but not Luke. He was taking his time, worshiping every inch and curve of your body and leaving soft kisses and hickeys all over your skin. Luke pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on a slow, romantic R&B playlist, before setting it on the nightstand and focusing on you again. 
This was exactly how you had imagined losing your virginity would go, and to say it was perfect was an understatement. Luke was grinding his own hips into yours with the beat of the music, quite literally ‘making love’ to you as his soft, blond curls fell in his face. He paused for a moment to remove his own dress pants, leaving the both of you in nothing but your underwear.
“Is there something you would like me to try?” Luke asked you, his deep blue eyes looking into your own as he brushed a strand of hair from your face. 
“Please, Lu. Just fuck me,” You whined out. “I’ve been waiting for this.”
Luke chuckled, kissing you as he slid your panties off. “Someone’s already losing her innocence, huh?”
You giggled and blushed, pecking his lips. “Only for you.”
Your boyfriend removed his own underwear, and you nearly gasped at the sight. You had seen Luke naked before, of course, and you’d seen him hard through his underwear, but you’d never seen what his dick looked like free from boxers while he was hard. He was huge. A part of you worried that there was no way all eight inches of him was going to fit, but at the same time, you knew Luke would take care of you. 
He rolled a condom onto his throbbing cock, topping it with some lube. “Are you ready? I want to make sure you want this too.”
You nodded quickly, your walls already clenching with want for him. “Please, Luke. Do it.”
“Tell me if you need me to stop, okay? My love’s comfort is my number one concern.” Luke kissed your lips deeply again. 
The blond wasn’t a virgin by any means, but he knew you were, and that made him feel extra protective over you. Luke left one last kiss on you before he slowly inserted his dick into you, practically moaning at how good you felt. You winced from the pain of suddenly being full, but slowly eased into it, enjoying the sensation. 
“God. This feels…good.” You whimpered, already running your nails down your back.
Luke knew you would probably be extra sensitive, so he took his time riding you, finding just the perfect rhythm. You panted as he rode you, not used to the feeling of being so aroused. You had never gotten yourself off before, so all of this was a whole new experience. Slightly unsure of what to do with yourself, you tangled your hands in Luke’s blond curls, panting heavily. 
“You doing okay, baby?” the blond asked you, beginning to ride you harder. 
You gasped and whined, nodding frantically. “Oh my god, Luke.”
“You look so pretty, baby. Look like you’re about to have your first orgasm, darling.” he smirked. 
You blushed under his gaze, still getting used to the feeling of him inside of you. Your lower tummy had been building up with a warm heat ever since Luke had started teasing you, and it was only getting hotter. Luke caressed every inch of your body, humming sweet nothings and leaving slight hickeys as he continued the exact same motion, knowing it would make you cum. 
“You’re so wet for me, baby,” he moaned loudly. “You and your tight little cunt.”
Letting out a high-pitched squeal, you ran your nails along Luke’s back. “Please,” You whined. “Think I’m gonna cum.”
The blond railed into you one last time before speaking in a deep, sultry voice. “Go ahead, baby girl. Show me how much you like having me take your virginity.”
You gasped as your cunt suddenly clenched around Luke’s cock, your cum coating his condom-covered dick. “Oh my god,” You yelped. “Oh god, Luke. Feels so good.”
Luke chuckled as he came himself, panting heavily. “God, you're such a good girl.”
You blushed, feeling yourself tighten again at his words. You had heard of a praise kink before, and you were pretty sure that that was your thing, seeing as how your pussy was practically dripping every time Luke complimented you. Your boyfriend slowly pulled out, removing the condom and tying it up, before throwing it into the trash can beside the bed. 
“Was that okay?” he asked you with a smile on his face.
You giggled, eyes glazed over from being fucked out. It wasn’t a lot, but for someone who had never had an orgasm before, you were wiped. “It was perfect.”
The blond smiled, grabbing a bottle of lotion off his nightstand and beginning to rub it across your body. Your skin was slightly red and had a few scattered bruises blooming from where his fingers had dug into your hips, and Luke wanted to make sure you felt as loved as possible. He rubbed the cream onto your skin, taking great care to treat your body with love. You had just given him a great honor, after all, and he wanted to respect that. 
“You were perfect, you know that?” he hummed. “My perfect girl.”
You blushed as Luke finished, curling up next to him and pulling the sheet over your naked bodies. “That was the way I always imagined losing my virginity to go, you know?”
Luke smiled and kissed you. “I love you, darling.”
“I love you, Luke. Thank you. For everything.”
And as you two fell asleep, he knew you really meant it. You were his girl. Forever.
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