notanacousticsetcal · 3 years
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you guys, respectfully, i’m flipping my shit.
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
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From this 'panicking red faced' baby
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To this 'lemme tell you about it' bubba
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To this motherfucking sly smirking boy who owns my heart!
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Hiraeth (Calum Hood x Reader) - Chapter 4   NEW CHAPTER OF HIRAETH UP NOW ON MY WATTPAD!!
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
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* = author favorites
prompt list - send me a request!
or slide into my dms and tell me how your days going! i love to make new friends! :)
here is where i put archived fics that i maybe don’t like as much as i used to but don’t want to take down in case they mean something to one of you. :)
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luke hemmings blurbs:
nervous flier?*
(the one where luke thinks the girl he’s sat next to on a long flight might just be the most beautiful one he’s ever seen)
dating luke would include...
(the one where you imagine what it would be like to date luke in high school)
run to you
(the one where luke, struck unexpectedly with grief, is faced with the realization that there’s only one person he wants to run to)
(the one where you attempt to scare luke when he returns home from work)
don’t be an asshole
(the one where the boy who’s teased you since you met him comes to your rescue and you start to wonder if you’ve been blind this whole time)
speak now (song series p5)
(the one where luke is about to marry the wrong girl, and at the last minute you decide you can’t stand the thought of him with someone else)
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calum hood blurbs:
(the one where calum finally gets his girlfriend in his arms again after long, torturous months alone on tour)
broken pieces* (song series p1)
(the one where calum is faced with a crumbling relationship and wonders whether he can fix it)
begin again* (song series p2) - mood board
(the one where you get out of an emotionally abusive and self esteem draining relationship and begin to wonder where a date with a certain cute and goofy brown eyed boy might take you)
the way i loved you* (song series p3)
(the one where you reflect on a past relationship from your current one, finally understanding what it is you really want and with who)
be home soon
(the one where you are away from calum while in a relationship and where you finally reunite)
he loves me... *
(the one where you reflect on your relationship with calum through the classic game “he loves me, he loves me not”)
betty* (song series p4) - mood board
(the one where calum royally messes up and you don’t know if you can forgive him)
‘tis the damn season (song series p6)
(the one where you come back home to visit your parents and are faced with the boy you never got over, and who never got over you)
calum hood prompt pieces:
prompt #13*
(the one where maggie hates being sick and calum loves to take care of her)
prompts #3 & #6
(the one where calum’s awfully late and all you want to do is kiss him)
promps #9 & #23
(the one where you work at a beach town diner and calum doesn’t know how to tell you you’re the only one he wants)
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
begin again - mood board
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a/n - this is my first one of these and i’m not sure how it turned out but it was fun to make
begin again
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
nervous flier? - luke hemmings
request - nope!
summary - luke and (y/n) meet on a flight to australia :)
warnings - none :) fluffy (some slight flying jitters hence the title)
word count - 2.8k roughly
copyright: all rights to this works reserved to the author. this product cannot be redistributed, reposted or parodied.
you step into the dimly lit airplane glancing down at your ticket to quadruple check which seat you were assigned. you hated flying alone because you were already a nervous flier but you had to for the work you had waiting for you in australia.
your camera was strapped safely to your side and your carry on bag hung at your feet. you were on your way to shoot a couple big weddings in sydney and to visit some friends you had there. you've known kay kay since high school and we're excited that you happened to be right place right time to see her again.
her boyfriend ashton which you knew virtually nothing about was from australia and she was there with him visiting his family. they were staying relatively close so you were planning to meet up.
she'd been so vague about the whole situation — her boyfriend being from australia and virtually any details about him — but you decided not to pry because it didn't feel your place.
your fingers brushed against the top of the empty fabric seats as you made your way through first class.
you continued through the luxurious seats until you found business class which you were happy to have as opposed to the usual coach. you had anticipated this flight would be painful as the average flight from cali to aus was 17 hours so you allowed yourself a treat and upgraded.
people were filing in front of you and whatever jerk was behind you scuffed your shoe a little but eventually, through the sea of people, you found your row and filed towards the window seat you scored.
you sat down and got comfortable as no one else in your row had arrived yet.
about 10 minutes went by and you felt your anxiety building at the idea of this plane leaving the ground in the near future.
you looked out the window to your right and observed the small men on the ground below directing small vehicles and conversing.
you reminded yourself that the ground would be waiting for you once this flight was over and that people rode planes all the time. you would be fine.
the quick pace of your heart and the trembling of your fingers begged to differ but you ignored them best you could.
while you were immersed in your own thoughts and the tiny men in bright vests outside, you didn't even noticed the seat beside you cave as your neighbor took their seat or the sound of them clearing their throat in a pathetic attempt to get your attention.
finally, you felt a soft nudge to your shoulder and you jumped a little, blinking and turning to your left in mild confusion.
the blonde boy next to you grinned sheepishly.
"sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he looked a little blushed. "my name is luke, nice to meet you."
he reached out his hand for a friendly hand shake and you gladly accepted, returning the warm smile.
"hi, luke. i'm (y/n). it's nice to meet you too." you held his gaze while waiting for his response.
"(y/n) is a beautiful name." you felt a strong blush creep up your neck.
you looked down, smiling and flushing a violent shade of pink, you were sure, and tucked a piece of hair gingerly behind your ear.
"thanks, wish i could take any credit for it." you heard him chuckle and you mentally applauded yourself for making the cute blonde boy laugh. "do i detect an accent?" you ask. it sounded australian to you, but you didn't want to mention it and end up being wrong.
you looked back up to find him smiling proudly. "yeah, i'm from australia actually. i live in LA now, but i grew up in aus."
you tilted your head with a friendly surprised expression on your face, "is that so? that's really cool. heading back to see family?"
"yeah, actually! my mum and pops live in sydney and my brothers are around there as well." he looked thrilled to be talking about his family. "and what about you, what brings you to aus?"
"my work, actually. i'm a photographer and i have a lot of weddings to shoot in australia over the next couple months. i'm also visiting a friend from high school who's out there with her boyfriend. he's from sydney as well, actually."
"a photographer, very nice." he smiled approvingly, seeming impressed.
"thanks. i love it, it's been a dream. it's sometimes hard to believe i even get to do it as a profession when i would do it for free, you know?"
the blonde boy blinks, a hint of amusement hiding behind his sky blue eyes. "man, you have no idea."
you laugh, confusion playing off your dainty features. "what do you do?"
suddenly, the captain came on the overhead speakers. you and luke were startled, having not realized the hustle and bustle of the passengers loading themselves onto the plane had died down and everyone was settled into their seats minus a few hurrying stragglers in a few places along the aisles.
attention, please. thank you for choosing aussie airlines. the seatbelt signs will be coming on soon and we will be taking off in 10 minutes.
the captain cut off the overhead speakers and you turned back to luke. he smiled back at you and you blushed embarrassingly hard, melting back into your seat.
he was very attractive and you were very awkward.
he chuckled lightly to himself and shifted comfortably in his seat.
you noticed that the third seat in the row was unoccupied and probably would be for the remainder of the flight.
you and luke conversed for a while  up until you felt a slight jolt in the plane.
you gasped audibly and gripped onto the arm rests, your knuckles white. you looked out the window and your heart rate became rapid.
"nervous flier?" luke said from beside you.
you turned to him and forced a smile that probably came out more like a grimace. he looked mildly concerned.
"embarrassingly enough," you laughed lightly, more out of pain than amusement.
"i was too for awhile but i've had to do it a lot in my life. for me, it helps to close the blind," he smiled understandingly at you almost like he found your fears endearing which helped with your embarrassment significantly.
you reached up and tugged the plastic blind closed and settled back into your chair, still gripping onto the armrests like they would even stand a chance at saving you if this baby went down.
"i also listen to music to calm my nerves and make me feel grounded." you turned to him. his baby blue eyes fell to your lips momentarily and then darted back up to your eyes quickly. he cleared his throat and shook his head lightly, as if shaking himself out of a trance.
you brushed it off and reached down into your bag for your earbuds.
the plane had started moving by now, but it was still on the ground from what you could tell.
you sat back up, feeling your stomach turn as you did, knowing that at any moment you would no longer be safely on the ground but instead be soaring through the open air and soon, over the entire ocean.
you plugged in your earbuds and offered one to luke.
he smiled softly. "thanks."
you just smiled back as he put it in his ear and scrolled through your playlists, finally landing on the one you were looking for.
tame impala rang softly through the earphones and you looked to see luke's reaction. you suddenly felt nervous that he would criticize your music taste.
he smiled and closed his eyes, leaning his head back onto the head rest.
"tame impala. you got good taste, (y/n)."
you blushed for, like, the millionth time since meeting luke and smiled proudly, falling back into your own chair and suddenly feeling a lot more calm.
the plane jerked unexpectedly off the runway and you gasped, grabbing luke's hand.
his eyes opened and he looked down at your small hand, now intertwined with his, and gave a small smirk.
you realized what you had done and began to pull away, feeling an intense wave of humiliation wash over you, but he gripped your hand tighter, pulling it into his lap.
he leaned back and closed his eyes again, listening to the music and humming softly.
you were surprised, but found it in you to relax a little too. you had successfully taken off and felt the plane start to level underneath you. 
after a few minutes you asked luke if he wanted to watch a movie to which he excitedly agreed.
when the plane began to shut down, you knew the passengers were preparing to try to get a good nights rest. you and luke reclined in your seats like everyone else and curled up with a blanket and neck pillow, hands intertwined.
you and luke had talked and talked and talked for hours and through whatever movie you attempted to watch. you had similar interests and liked the same musicians, movies, foods, animals. you debated a little on small, light hearted things like coffee or tea and whether or not hermione and ron should've ended up together.
you felt yourself falling for him, even if only a little at a time, and it was almost an overwhelming feeling.
maybe because falling for someone while thousands of feet high in a plane felt a little traumatic.
you enjoyed every second of his company, though, and you hoped he would want to stay in touch after the flight.
you woke up to hustle and bustle amongst the passengers aboard the large plane. you were curled in the fetal position towards luke and he sat upright in his chair, his legs covered by the blanket you brought on board. the other half of the blanket was wrapped around your body and pulled up to your chin.
he was reading a small book you hadn't seen before. he must've gotten it from his bag.
you wondered what time it was and how long luke had been awake.
you rubbed your eyes and sat up groggily, probably looking like shit but not really caring.
"good morning," you said, raspy and scratchy sounding.
luke laughed lightly. "good morning, sleepy head."
you pulled your rats nest of hair back to the nape of your neck and tied it into a loose low and messy bun.
"what time is it?"
"australia time?"
"it's 10pm."
"wait.. what?"
"I know," luke chuckled a little. "our flight left at 8pm california time. it would be 5am cali time right now but australia is 17 hours ahead. 10pm in aus."
"now i have a headache." you sighed playfully.
he laughed. "you can go back to sleep, i have some pairs of earplugs if you want some."
"nah, once i'm up, i'm up, you know? but thank you, i appreciate the offer."
"of course," he smiled warmly at you and you smiled back before leaning down and pulling the level that reset your seat to its upwards position.
"watcha reading?" you asked, nosily leaning over his shoulder, resting your elbow on his arm rest.
"it's a book of poetry, actually."
"sounds amazing. would you read me some? i'm feeling... existential." you smirked up at him innocently, your faces mere inches apart.
you noticed that unmistakable flicker. his eyes falling down to your lips, noticing the lower one that was tucked so comfortably in between your teeth. they fell back on your eyes in a split second, expertly covering their expedition southward, but you caught it.
"let me find a good one." he hesitantly tore his eyes away from your flirtatious features after lingering a few moments too long and flipped mindlessly through the crisp pages.
"ah, an ernest hemingway." he smiled admiringly at the yellow page and cleared his throat. "ultimately:
He tried to spit out the truth;
Dry-mouthed at first,
He drooled and slobbered in the end;
Truth dribbling his chin."
he turned to you, analyzing your expression.
"i like that one. he used the expression "spit it out" or "spit out the truth" in this context. but he made it literal. the truth became his spit. dry mouthed at first.. maybe as in he was lying, he couldn't get himself to tell the truth. but by the end, the truth was coming out in heaps. he couldn't keep it in." you glanced up at luke as you had been intently staring at the poem on the page.
he was staring at you in a sort of awe struck stupor. immediately, you felt uncomfortable.
"i mean.. that's just my guess. i have no idea if that's the real meaning... anyway. how much time left in the flight?" you desperately attempted to change the subject.
luke just stared a little longer and you found yourself wishing the bottom of the plane would fall out from under you and suck you into oblivion.
he cleared his throat "oh uh.. not sure. 7 ish hours maybe?"
"nice..." you smiled, probably visibly uncomfortable.
"so where's your place in california?" he asked, snapping out of his previous daze.
you talked some more about your house, your family, your cat mia. eventually, the conversation started to die. then luke shifted in his seat.
"would you want to.. meet up? in california? you live probably 25 minutes from me and i think you're really cool.. we could meet up in aus even.. i'm probably just embarrassing myself.. i mean.. you don't have to. i don't want to force you into anything.. but—"
luke continued to ramble so you leaned in and gave him a short kiss on the cheek to shut him up.
"that sounds great luke. i would love to."
"i understand.. wait, you would? great, that's cool."
you laughed softly and turned your attention to the movie playing on the TV.
you were down to about 10 minutes left in the flight. you had such an amazing time with luke, you were kind of dreading having to leave him.
suddenly, he grabbed your wrist.
you looked up and his face was taut with worry. he looked anxious and nervous.
"i have to tell you something important. i feel kind of guilty for not telling you sooner. something that's a big part of my life."
"what is it luke?" what could he possibly tell you that was so dire? is he a terminal cancer patient? did he have a girlfriend back home? oh god. was he a foreign prince and heir to the throne? you could live with that...
"well.. i'm.. a musician. i'm in a band. i'm not sure if you've heard of us.."
"what're you called?" you took a sip of your juice.
"5 seconds of summer."
you went to gasp but the juice instead went down your trachea causing you to go into a very embarrassing coughing fit. luke rubbed your back softly and asked multiple times if you were okay.
once you'd calmed down and attracted the attention of everyone on the plane, you spoke again.
"luke hemmings. yes, i'm familiar with your band. i haven't seen pictures of you in years though. you look different.. older. i guess that makes sense though."
he laughed lightly. "so does this.. change anything?"
"no, of course it doesn't change anything. rock star or not i'm glad i happened to sit next to you on this flight." you smiled at him and his cheeks tinged a light shade of pink which made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
"good. and me too. really glad."
now it was your turn to blush.
you and luke were grabbing your things and lining up among the large quantities of people trying to exit the plane.
once you had gotten off, luke started casual conversation as you headed in the same direction.
"so, who's this friend you're staying with?" luke asked.
"oh just someone i know from high school. she's great. she's a gifted actress but she hasn't really been discovered yet. she's very artistic overall and into photography and all that. her names kay kay. we used to be best friends actually—"
luke stopped walking. "wait i'm thinking maybe i misheard you. what's her name?"
"uhm," you chuckled nervously. "her names kay kay. kay kay blaisdell? why, you know her?"
"wow, um okay. and you said her boyfriend is from sydney? does his name happen to be ashton?"
luke's hands were tucked behind his head of curly hair.
"yeah.. how did you know? this is weird luke, tell me what's going on."
he chuckled again, in clear disbelief.
"ashton irwin! my band mate! drummer for 5 seconds of summer. kay kay, thats his girl!"
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
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Indignantly affronted, a series of Calum Hood!
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Calum Hood not knowing what the fuck the interviewer is saying is 100% hilarious!
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396 notes · View notes
hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Un hi I am so sorry for requesting this but I was wondering if you could do a smut of calum of 42,49,54. Like Calums a shy boy and him and the reader get into a fight and then something inside him clicks and then so ya know angry ass sex plzz😅
Reminder that this is a closed list and that I no longer write for this prompt list but requests are always open!
Okay, I am so so so sorry that this took me so damn long to write but there goes nothing, fam!!! Also, I am just going to make the reader and Calum already in a relationship because I feel like that makes more sense. Senior Year Cal!!!
“holy fuck”
“I didn’t know you could do that,”
“I didn’t know you had this side of you,”
Reblog Goal:15
You walked down the hall, your arms laden  with books that you were ever so close to depositing in your locker and then stand and wait for your boyfriend, the thought of him brought butterflies to your stomach, the way that he laughed this hearty laugh, one that no one else in the school had heard aside from you because you were dating the shy boy, the one who doesn’t really have any friends, blends in, which is odd because he is six-foot with a god like build, but no one has ever really noticed Calum Hood, well nobody but you. The both of you had been dating for a year and a half and were so desperately in love with each other. You reached your locker and mindlessly dumped your books into it, grabbing only the ones that you needed to take home, and pushing them into your bag, and closing your locker. As soon as the metal mechanism clicks you turned your head and jumped back seeing a person staring intently at you.
“Hey Y/n,” the voice drew you out of your shock and to the person standing in front of you, Cooper McCoy, a certified fuck boy and just about the most annoying boy i the whole school, burdened with the assumption that every girl in the school wants to fuck him.
“Um, Hi?” you returned the greeting but it came out as more of a question then anything else.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime,” he cocky voice proceeded as your mind was stuck on the fact that Calum hadn’t come to get you yet.
“Cooper, you know I am dating Calum, right?” you let the words out like a laugh even though you were feeling increasingly uncomfortable, all due to the boy standing in your way.
“Oh right,” he said, “that doesn’t mean that we can’t go out,” he smirks, “Or at least, do other things,” your stomach turned in disgust at his words.
“I’m good,” you scoff, turning around to meet yet another person.
“Calum!” you exclaimed as you wrapped your arms around his waist and burrowed your face into his chest, you pulled your back once you realized that he wasn’t hugging you back, his face was dark and stoney.
“Cal?” you questioned but he didn’t respond, he simply grabbed your arm and started walking you out of the school and towards his car you in tow. “Cal, what the fuck is wrong?” but you got no response, he just walked you to the car and opened the door for you, even when he was angry or off, he still opened the door for you. You hopped in the car and sat there, waiting for some sort of explanation for his actions but you got no such thing just silence when he got into the car.
You reached his house without a single word exchanged between the two of you, you out of the car and into the empty house, instinctively going up to his room and plopping down on his bed. He followed quickly behind you, picking you up and dropping you onto the bed, pinning you down with your arms above and his lips on your neck. This was so very very unlike Calum, he was usually so gentle with you, but something was different today.
“You were flirting with him,” he mumbled against your flushed skin, this tongue working his way down your neck.
“No, no I wasn’t,” you moaned out, the pleasure of his plump lips agains your neck was undeniable.
“He was asking you out, you were letting him,”
“And I was saying that I was taken,”
“I don’t care, I didn’t like hearing the suggestion of another man fucking you,”
“Then lets get that thought out of your head,” you moaned, a smirk spread across his chubby cheeks and as he lifted your shirt above your head and pulled down the cups of your bra, releasing your breasts to the cold air, your nipples hardening at the exposure chill of his room. His lips brushed over the buds but did’t spend much time there, he just made his way farther down your body, tugging down your pants but leaving your panties on, crawling back up your body and reuniting your lips with his, his hands ghosting down your hips. His hands slipped into the front of your panties and spread your folds.
“You are already so wet for me, so so wet,” he groaned as he thrusted his fingers into you at a pace that made you knees weak as your back arch on reflex. His thumb was rubbing fast and harsh circles across your clit, intensifying every single feeling you were feeling all at once.
“Ho-holy FUCK,” you moaned loudly, the sound echoing across the walls along with the sound of Cals fingers in your heat. The force he was using to get you off and mark you was so great that it didn’t take very long for the heat in your stomach to burst and release ecstacy through your every limb. His finger disappeared from your core quickly after your orgasm, but they were quickly replaced with his hard cock, somehow maintaining the same pace that he had with his fingers.
You were still sensitive from your first orgasm and the rate of his thrust brought another one around very very quickly, and you could tell that he was on the verge as well, the veins in his neck popping out as he moaned into your neck. Your walls began to clench around him as he began to twitch deep inside of your pussy.
“Cal I’m-” you didn’t get to finish your sentence as your eyes clamped shut, your legs  tightening around his waist as you had the most intense orgasm, the feeling of warmth and fire searing through your veins as you came, you felt Cal cum on you, his load dripping through your folds but it didn’t matter because you were on fire and it felt fantastic.
When you open your eyes and looked down you noticed that Cal’s abs had a glistening appearance to them and that he was wearing the smuggest look on his face.
“You squirted, I didn’t know that you could do that,”
“Yeah, and you got so jealous that we had angry sex, I didn’t know you had that side to you,” you quip back.
“You loved it,” he spoke with the same cockiness that Cooped had, the difference being that you loved the man in front of you.
“Yea, and I love you, no go clean yourself up,”
“I love you too, and I am gonna have to make you cum like that 
more often cause that was hot as fuck,”
Send Requests
@mylilbreadstick - @cthoodsthetic - @isabella100 - @dont-drop-that-lunchable- @moancurly - @numberonepoetryexpert - @buggy-blogs - @neonsgravestone- @calumsbitch4ever - @lukethecalumstan - @caswinchester2000 - @damselindistressanu - @dickmedownashton  - @myloverboyash -@soyuuuh - @blahehblah - @aulxna - @allamerican-betch - @ghostofcth - @boyfriend-cal - @rainingcalum - @thecurlsofgod - @5sosaccent - @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
What Changed?
Calum Hood x Plus!Size Reader
Summary: Ever since Cal got back from tour you have felt him being distant, less affectionate and all around disinterested in you, so you confront him
Word Count: 5,165 long detailed and specifically picked words
This is something I am really really proud of, it is the longest thing I have ever written and I worked my ASS off on it!!! I hope you enjoy!!!
Reblog Goal: 30 
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Fluff, self image issues, self hate, body dysmorphia???
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Calum had been away on tour for around 3 months now and you were in desperate need of him, and not necessarily in a sexual way, you just needed him with you, to hold you and love you and to remind you to not let the hate get to you, because whenever Cal was away the hate would always get much worse or was it just that fact that he wasn’t there to tell you to ignore it, either way it was always targeting your weight. Today was the day, Cal was coming home from tour today and you would finally be able to see him again, to kiss his plump lips and to hold him. His flight was getting in around mid day and you were going to pick him up, you had hardly slept the night before due to how excited you were to see the love of your life again. In preparation for Cal getting home you had gone out and bought a new set of lingerie that looked great on your curves. You had recently been working on loving your body and seeing it as a gift rather than something to hate for existing with a little extra chub here and there. Cal had always assured you that you were beautiful but there had always been the hate that you received, and that told you the exact opposite. 
You had put on your new lingerie set and thrown on some casual clothes over it and you jumped in your car and started your way to the airport, your hands shaking with excitement to see the man that you loved after so long. You arrived at the airport and parked your car in the parking lot, walking to arrivals, looking and looking up at the sign that displayed departures and arrivals, seeing Cal’s flight had just landed meaning that you were actually going to see him, not the pixilated, exhausted and half focused him that you would get during your face time sessions, no, the real thing. 
You stood idly at the exit area of the arrivals, your legs shaking with the anticipation of your reunion. You stood on your tiptoes to see over the heads of the mass of people in front of you, your eyes scanning the crowd of people exiting the doorway, looking for the face that you had missed so much, you saw him before he saw you, his short brown hair hidden underneath his favorite grey beanie, he looked soft and cozy, your favorite way for Cal to look, it always made you want to cuddle him and you hadn’t in so many months, the time having been hard on you because you always loved curling up in him and just existing so you simply couldn’t wait to do that after so long. You stood in front of him, waiting for him to notice you, and you couldn’t tell if he had and was ignoring you, or if he had just not seen you yet. 
“Calum,” you hollered, waving your hand above your head to catch his attention, his eyes landed on you and you could have sworn that the chocolate orbs lit up for half a second before going back to an unamused and exhausted expression, you decided to let it go.
“Cal, baby, I have missed you,” you spoke softly as you opened your arms, waiting for him to gather you in his hold and kiss you like he had never done so before, but he didn’t. He stood pretty still as you wrapped your arms around him, leaning in to press your lips to his and pulling back once you realized that he wasn’t reciprocating the affection that you were doling out. You decided to not question it, thinking that maybe he didn’t want to show affection with paps and fans around, so you settled for linking your hand with his limp one and walking towards the baggage carousel, gathering his luggage and walking back to the car, the whole while wondering what was up with your boyfriend, why he was being so silent, what had happened on tour that lead him to act this way upon his arrival. You decided to let is slide, he was probably exhausted and too out of it to really notice what was going on, and though deep inside you knew something else was wrong you decided to let it go, to move on and make it to tomorrow before bombarding him with questions. 
The car ride home was quiet, nothing but the quiet hum of the radio to fill the tense air between you and Cal. Your hand was placed on the center console, something you always did when you drove because Cal loved to hold your hand, but this time it was just left there against the cool metal of the interior of the car. You were trying so desperately not to let any of this get to you, he had only been back for an hour, you couldn’t take it personally, it was just that whenever Calum got back he was always so affectionate and loving, but now he was distant and cold, and you felt this realization pang in your chest as you looked at him in the passenger seat, pulling into your drive way and unloading his luggage, the two of you worked together, yet in silence, to carry his stuff in. Once the car was unloaded Cal began to make his way upstairs, leaving you in the entry way with the bags. He was being cold and you didn’t know why, making the rational and adult decision to go to bed, you followed after him, waiting until he was done with the bathroom to slip in and remove the lace from your body, not wanting him to see how excited you had been for his return home. 
You pulled back the neatly placed covers of your bed and slipped in, the fabric smooth against your skin as you pulled the blankets over top of you, rolling onto your side and scooting back to cuddle into Calum’s chest, like you usually slept when he was with you, his arm slung around your middle, your back to his chest, but not tonight, because when you backed up you hit his back, not his warm welcoming chest, causing him to groan.
“Go to sleep,” he mumbled in annoyance, and it was those words that did it for you, it wasn’t just exhaustion, there was something else going on, but what was it? Your sleep deprived and anxious brain began to race, all the reasons that Cal would be acting so cold to you, running through your mind at the speed of light, but one seemed to stick more than the others, one that hurt the most, he was grossed out by you. Your body had never been the so called ‘ideal’ body, but Cal had always told you that he thought that was utter bullshit and that you were gorgeous, but the thing with having been told that someone would have to work to love you, and could easily fall out of love with you because of how you looked, is that it leaves scars, deep set insecurities that are awoken by the littlest of things. A tear slipped  down your cheek as theses thought ran through your brain. You fell asleep like that, with red tear stained cheeks and a wet spot on your pillow, and still he didn’t notice and that broke your heart a little more.
You slept restlessly that night, your body apparently expecting Cal to hold you on his return and being discontent with him being so close, yet not holding you. Continuing with the trend of the previous night, your morning was just as bare of affection, awaking, still lacking the embrace of your boyfriends. Your eyes were sore from the tears you had shed hours before, they weren’t very bloodshot, but it was noticeable, yet it went uncommented on by Cal. 
The next two days were the same as the first, every interaction between you and Cal lacking affection or any romantic undertone, he hadn’t touched you since he came and it was all piling up on your emotions, had you gained weight and he was no longer attracted to you, did he just stop loving you, had he cheated on you. All these thoughts frothed up in the forefront of your mind on the third day after his return. You had a mug of tea in your hand as you sat at the breakfast bench, watching Cal as he sat spread legged on the couch with his eyes trained on his phone. You slid from the stool, approaching the couch with tea in hand and plopping down on the side opposite from Cal. 
“Cal?” you spoke his name as if it were some kind of question, the letters felt unfamiliar on your tongue after days of not saying it.
“Mhmm,” he hummed in response, not looking up from his phone.
“Can we talk?” you sat up and scooted towards him.
“I guess, what do you want to talk about?” he groaned, seeming entirely unenthused at the idea of conversing with you. 
“What has been up with you lately?” you asked softly as you stared at him intently, your whole body facing his as you sat sideways and cross legged on the couch. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he scoffed, still not meeting your gaze. 
“Thats bullshit and you and I both know it,” you exclaimed harshly, setting your tea down on the coffee table and repositioning yourself on your knees, just barely looking down at him, “You have been off ever since you got home, and for fucks sake I had shit planned out, I had bought myself some new lingerie, I had stayed off of social media to avoid hate so I could have the confidence to wear it, which by the way, is a lot of hate because its always worse when you are on tour! I was so excited, but when you arrived you brushed me off, didn’t hug me or kiss me back, didn’t talk to me, Cal it has been this way since you got back, what the fuck is wrong?” he was silent after your rant, the room stagnant leading you to continue talking, “Did I do something wrong? Did something happen while you were away? Are you no longer attracted to me, did I gain or lose some weight, am I not beautiful to you anymore? Did you cheat? Cal these are the things that my brain jumps to when you don’t communicate!” you spoke, tears beginning to roll down your cheeks as you let out everything that you had been holding in over the past few days. 
“None of that is it, babe,” he turned to face you, his gaze finally pouring into yours, his brown eyes dancing with sadness.
“Then what the fuck is it, Cal, because I am tearing myself down trying to think of it!” you spoke exasperatedly. His eyes dropped from yours to the ground, examining the grain of the hardwood that peeked out from beneath the carpet.
“It’s stupid,” he murmured.
“I bet it’s not if it had you flat out ignoring me for literal days,” 
“It’s the boys,” he stated with no further explanation, making your brows scrunch together in confusion.
“What about the boys, are you guys okay?”
“Yea. the band is fine, its just that they were making fun of me for how excited I was to see you, teasin’ me about how I get so ‘clingy’ when I get back from tour and I guess it got to me, I started thinking about what if I annoyed you when I got back from tour, what if this time it would be to much for me to comeback and you would get fed up and leave,” you felt tears in his eyes as he poured his heart out to you, you wanted nothing more than to hold him, so thats what you did,  scooting closer to him and tucking yourself into his side.
“You could never be to much for me, thats just your anxiety talking, baby,” you hummed, looking at him through your lashes as  you watched a smile break out onto his face at the reassurance and the validation. He looked at you as he slid an arm down your body, grabbing the back of one of your thighs and pulling your onto his lap.
“I hope you know that now that you said that, all I am gonna be doing is lovin’ on ya,” he mumbled, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours, but you laid your hands flat on his chest and pushed him back, his eyes shooting open in confusion.
“Good because you have 3 months of being gone and 2 days of ignoring to make up for, so do your worst, baby boy,” his cheeks flushed at the pet name as he returned his lips to their place on yours. His hands running up your thighs, squeezing the dimpled flesh of your ass and pulling you in closer to him.
He pulled away suddenly, his fingers still gripping your arse cheeks through the denim of your jeans, his eyes softening even more so as he looked into yours, hands dragging up your sides, catching on your belt loop before continuing their ascent, the pad of his thumb brushed across your bottom lip as he tilted your head up. 
“Did you really worry about all those things?” his eyes flicked to your lips as you bit down on them softly before back up to your eyes. You nodded your head bashfully in response, embarrassed at your own anxieties. His heart broke at the sight, you having been so worried that he had fallen out of love with you that you had driven yourself up the wall. “How so?” 
“I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror,” you admitted, almost ashamed at that, he knew what that meant but he still had to ask.
“What did you do in front of the mirror?” tucking hair behind your ear as he looked at you lovingly but your head was ducked to avoid his eyes, for fear of seeing the sadness take root when he found out what you did in front of the mirror, though he already knew what that meant.
“Poking and contorting,” you sighed, tears rimming your eyes as you remembered the distaste that you had felt for your own figure when you thought Cal had fallen out of love. Pinching at the extra chub around your tummy, wrapping your arms around yourself to try and hide from it all, from every flaw that you saw, “I thought you didn’t find me attractive anymore, I thought that maybe you realized I really am just fat like everyone of the headlines say,” you spoke softly as tears slipped from your eyes when you attempted to blink them away. Calum’s eyes shot wide at your words, not having taken into consideration all the hate you must have gotten while he was away, how he wasn’t there to hold you when it hit home, how could be have been such a moron, he was too preoccupied with the foolish worry of scaring you away that he didn’t realize you were tearing yourself down in front of him, ever since the day he came home, and it was his fault.
“No,” was all he could manage, inhaling deeply, his hands falling to your hips and pulling your into his chest, “Baby, no, I am sorry I have been such an idiot and didn’t realize what you were going through,” 
“You really were being an idiot, Cal, I love you in every way that there is, I love when you are clingy cause sometimes I need that reminder that I am still wanted,” You spoke as you looked up at him with slightly bleary eyes.
“I could never fall out of love with you, I love every bit of you, especially the ones you are criticized from, your mind drives me crazy and your body has me all kinds of unpure, you are perfect for me, you are it for me, fuck what anyone else says, you are sexy as hell, and one day I am gonna make you see that for yourself,” He spoke every word with such sincerity, leaning in and catching your lips with his when he finished, your lips stayed meshed with his in the simplest of kisses, feeling your way back into one another’s touch. It was simple pecks, one after the other, pulling away for short puffs of breath before delving back into each others lips, his hands remaining on your hips, that was, until the gentle pecks became more heated, his mouth opening as yours did as well, tongues dancing against each others as he slowly pushed you down till your back met the couch. Your tummy pressed against Cal’s as he hovered over top of you, causing you to squirm, reminding you of the distaste you held for that area of your body, Cal’s hands held you still, pulling back from your kiss swollen lips and looking you in the eyes.
“Stop movin’, I can’t love on you when you’re squirmin’,” he spoke, a smile on his face as he did so, a smile that you had missed so much over the months that he was gone. 
“But my stomach, its pressing against yours,” you sighed in what felt like defeat. 
“Yes, and its amazing,” he spoke, finger tips slipping underneath the fabric of your shirt, tracing over your skin as his lips pressed back to yours. His hands were making there way up to your breasts, slipping underneath the cup and palming at your boobs, pinching and tugging on your nipples as he bit your lip gently, earning a groan from you. “You like that, huh? Is my love just as touch starved as I am,” you nodded your head eagerly, as you arched your back into his hands. He had worked your shirt up till it was above you breasts, tapping your arm to signal to lift them over your head so he could remove it from your body entirely, as soon as he did, you wrapped you arms around your stomach, trying to hide it from his view, but he sat back on his knees, silently peeling your arms from your body before dipping down and placing kisses from the bottom of your tummy all the way up to your lips, biting down on your bottom lip and pulling away. 
His hand slipped underneath your back, skillfully unclasping your bra and dragging the straps down your shoulders letting your breasts fall free. 
“Oh, how I have missed these,” he groaned, ducking his head down and wrapping his kiss swollen lips around the nub of your nipple, sucking on the sensitive bud as he massaged your other breast, he did this for around a minute before switching, your body jolting as he began to work again on your already sensitive nipples. A slight pant of Fuck exited your swollen lips as he did this.
“We should take this to our room before I get to carried away on the couch,” he whispered as he pulled back from your chest. 
“Cal, you like fucking on the couch,” you mumbled as you watched him sit back and stand up. 
“Y/n, I am not gonna fuck you,” he spoke, his words making you utterly confused, was he gonna leave you like this, high and not really dry, more like dripping wet for him, “I am gonna fucking worship you,” he bent down and pulled you up so that you were standing as well, your breasts hanging low as you stood bare chested in front of him, you crossed your arms over your boobs and the movement caught Cal’s eye.
“I will let it slide for now, but there will be no more of this,” he gestured to your hands covering your breasts, “when we reach the bedroom,” grin on his face that sent your stomach into flurries of butterflies as to what was about to happen. He took your hand and began to walk down the hallway, pushing open the bedroom door before spinning around. Once again capturing your lips in his as his hands ran up and down your sides squishing the rolls on your hips as he held you close to him, walking backwards to the bed, turning you around as he went, the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed, causing them to unlock and fall back onto the bed, your breast falling to the side as Calum hovered over you, his chest to your sternum as his lips remained on yours. His fingers laced with yours as he pinned your hands to the bed on either side of your head as his hips slowly ground into yours, you felt his hard on through his pants as he rubbed against your clothed core. Slowly he began to kiss away from your lips, working down your jaw until he met the soft spot where your jaw met your neck, sucking on the flesh lightly before continuing his kisses down your neck. He placed two light pecks on your nipples, but not spending much time on them due to his earlier assault. 
You groaned as he neared the hem of your pants, knowing what was to happen as soon as he slipped your pants off. His slipped his fingers into the front of your pants, tugging them down passed your hips, drawing each leg from its pant leg as he did so. Once each leg was free he traced his fingers up each leg, the chubby flesh giving way beneath the light pressure of his hand. He pushed your thighs apart revealing your pantie clothed core that was usually hidden by your thighs that met in the middle, though it had always been something you were insecure about Calum always assured you that he loved it when your thighs wrapped around his head as his tongue curled deep inside of your core. 
Your eyes were clamped shut as you felt lips on your legs, sucking as he made his way closer and closer to your core, placing a soft kiss to your clothed heat, a gasp escaping your puffy lips but it quickly turned into a sigh as he began to kiss your other thigh. He chuckled to himself as he teased you.
“Cal, please,” you whimpered, unable to keep going, your panties already had a wet spot on them from your arousal soaking through. 
“What do you need, baby?,” he asked though he already knew exactly what you wanted.
“You,” you moaned.
“What. About. Me. Do. You. Want,” Each word was punctuated with a kiss to your core, his nose nudging your clit through your underpants. Your hands shooting down to grip at his hair, the feeling all to much on your over sensitive heat.
“Fuck, Calum, all of you, please, I need you,” you whimpered.
“You got it, my love,” he bit down on the fabric of your panties, pulling back and dragging the fabric down your legs, leaving you bare and dripping in front of him. “Fuck baby, you’re so goddamn pretty,” he groaned, swiping his fingers through your heat, coating them in your arousal and bringing them to his lips, sucking them clean. “Fuck, I almost forgot how good you taste,” he moaned, “C’mere baby,” he mumbled as he chewed on his bottom lip, admiring the way that you chest rose and fell, how your breasts moved with your panting breath, he had missed this view, and god did he regret ever letting your doubt how fucking much he loved you and your body. He grabbed your calves, pulling you to the edge of the bed, your ass barely on the mattress as he held you up with your legs thrown over his shoulders, your heat at eye level with him, “Fuck, baby, you are so damn beautiful,” he mumbled, not giving you a chance to respond he leaned in, placing gentle kisses on your folds before sliding two fingers through them to part the flesh, spreading them into a v-shape to get better access to your clit. He was tender and loving and it was driving you mad, you wanted him, his tongue, his lips, his teeth, fuck you wanted it all. He stuck out his tongue and licked through your folds, his eyes on your face the whole time, the look of pleasure on your face enough to encourage him to continue, he wrapped his lips around your clit and began to suck, his tongue slipping out and tracing circles around the bundle of nerves. 
“Oh fuck, that-that feels good,” you moaned, your hips involuntarily moving against Cal’s face. 
“Mmm, you like that baby?” he asked rhetorically, knowing by the expression on your face kist how much you were enjoying this. His fingers circled around your entrance as he stayed sucking on your clit. He dipped one finger into your heat, feeling your muscles contract around his digit in response to the feeling of part of him inside you, a feeling that had sadly become foreign to you in his absence. Slowly he curled his finger deep inside of you, pulling out and adding another, repeating the same motion he had with the first, thrusting them in and out of you as his lips stayed on your clit. He felt the contractions of your walls around his fingers become more frequent, enjoying the feeling.
“You close, baby?” he asked against your core, the vibrations adding even more stimulation, pulling you to the edge, but not being what pushed you over, what did that was a thrust of his fingers that touched the spot that lived behind your pubic bone, one that was guaranteed to make your legs shake and your head to throw back in ecstacy. 
“Cal, Cal, oh fuck Cal,” you cried as your legs shook, tightening around his head as he continued licking and curling his fingers deep inside of you. He continued these motions till he was sure you had ridden out your high. 
Pushing your thighs apart he pulled back, watching as you peeled your eyes open from their clamped shut position from your orgasm. Pushing yourself up onto your elbows, you watched him as he stood from his place between your legs, a bulge evident in his pants. Your reached out and grabbed the tent in his pants, outlining his hard cock through the taught fabric.
“What got you this hard?” you smirked up at Calum through your lashes, dragging his sweat pants down his hips and taking his boxers with them, his cock springing free and standing upright against his still clothed torso. You tugged on the hem of his shirt, signaling for him to remove it. Taking your hint he pulled the shirt over his head leaving him stark naked in front of you. Reaching out you wrapped your hand around his cock, thumbing over his tip in a circular motion, spreading pre-cum around his painfully hard cock. 
“Baby, you need to stop,” he groaned, his eyes clamping shut.
“Hmm, why should I?” you didn’t stop your motions. 
“Because,” he said, snapping out of it, grabbing your wrist and pushing you down, “I want the first time I cum to be inside of you, not on your hand,” he chuckled, kissing your lips as he grabbed the base of his cock, running the tips through your sopping folds as he continued to ooze pre-cum, your previous orgasm mixing with his juices. 
“You ready baby?” he asked as he lined himself up at your entrance. Giving a quick nod in response, he slowly pushed into you. Your walls stretching at his size as it had been so long since you had had his cock buried inside of you. He stilled his hips after the initial thrust into you, letting you adjust to him as to not hurt you.
“M’ready baby,” you mumbled once you had gotten used to the stretch, letting him know that it was okay to start moving, which he did, thrusting into you with force, his cock reaching places inside of you that it never had before. 
His head was in the crook of your neck, his thrust powerful and slow as to make sure he felt the drag of your walls around him and that you felt every inch and vein of his throbbing cock. His lips brushed over your skin as he began to mumble everything he loved about you, one sweet nothing per powerful thrust of his cock. Reminders that it was you who he loved and that he loved every bit of you, your laugh, how your boobs jiggled when he pushed into you, how your thighs felt around his head, how he loved tracing your stretch marks because it reminded him of how much you have grown. Each compliment and each thrust pulling you both to the brink of your orgasms as you dragged your nails down his back, your legs wrapping around his torso.
“Come on baby, cum with me,” he groaned into your neck, sliding his hand down your waist and in-between your bodies, slipping his thumb between your folds and rubbing slow circles against your clit, each one in a slight upward motion to expose the nerves of your clit from underneath your hood. 
“Yea, yea, Cal I am cumming, Cal oh fuck,” your back arched into his chest as he pulled his head out of your neck and kissing you on your lips. 
“I am gonna cum,” he mumbled against your lips as he felt you release your juices around his cock, the pulsating rhythm of your muscles around him causing him to release his load deep inside of you. He collapsed against your chest breathless after the both of you came. You stayed this way until he went soft inside of you, that was when he pulled out of you and flopped onto the bed next to you.
“I love you, and I am so sorry I ever made you doubt that,” he hummed, tracing the stretch marks on your skin, “Every inch of you is perfect and I could never fall out of love with you, I just got worried I would be too much for you,” you rolled over in his arms, looking him dead in the eye and cupping his cheek.
“The same goes for you, you are perfect and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and especially don’t hold it in and let me freak out,” you giggled, drifting your eyelids shut as you drew your face closer to his, pressing your lips to his in a gentle kiss.
Reblog Goal: 30(please surpass this though)
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@mylilbreadstick - @cthoodsthetic - @isabella100 - @dont-drop-that-lunchable - @moancurly - @numberonepoetryexpert - @heartbreak-5sos - @neonsgravestone - @calumsbitch4ever - @lukethecalumstan - @caswinchester2000 - @damselindistressanu - @dickmedownashton  - @myloverboyash -@soyuuuh - @blahehblah - @aulxna - @allamerican-betch - @ghostofcth - @boyfriend-cal - @rainingcalum - @thecurlsofgod - @5sosaccent - @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles - @omgitsclarice - @irwinkitten
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hollandsmushroom · 4 years
Confident pt 2
Hi guys, I don’t know if I’m back but someone commented for a part 2 so I wrote it and it made me happy but who knows. I hope you enjoy it like I enjoyed writing it. @generationsparkles
The two of you had finished having fun on the beach and had gotten back into the car, your legs all sandy and your hair curly from the salt water. It was a quiet drive, the radio was almost turned all the way down, the windows open letting the breeze run across your skin as Cal drove along the coast, the sun setting behind the horizon, it was like nothing you could remember, you had a feeling in your stomach that was so happy you wanted to cry. Just at that moment Cal decided that he wanted to make this moment even better for you, he took one hand off of the steering wheel and reached over, laying his hand on your plushy exposed thigh. His thumb ran over the skin, brushing off the small particles of sand that had stuck, it was gentle but his hand was moving closer and closer to the place where your thighs squish together, burrowing his finger in between the he spread the apart, trying to push them oven.
“Open your legs, baby,” he commanded softly, and you did, spreading your legs so that your thighs no longer pressed together, is calloused finger tips drifted slowly across the lightly chaffed flesh of your inner thigh, his touch was soft and sent shivers down your spine even thought the weather was warm. A soft whimper escaped your lips causing Cal to peel his eyes from the road to look at you, and you looked like the most beautiful person he had ever seen, your hair was messy and your cheeks slightly reddened from the sun, your boob spilling from your bikini, and the smile on your face as you looked right back at him, it was perfect. 
His eyes returned to the road but his hand remained on your thigh, moving closer and closer to your heat with every small sigh that you let out. Finally he pushed your swim suit aside and ran his fingers between your folds, collecting your wetness on his fingers before teasingly entering them into you. His thumb rubbed in gentles upwards motions against your clit, your thighs began to shake at the motion of his finger within you, it reached the spot that no one but him could. 
“You like that?” he hummed.
“Yea,” you sighed the glow that was building inside you matched the sun against the water. 
He kept moving until he felt you clench around his fingers, his pace picked up when he felt that, bringing you to your orgasm as he did his best to maintain focus on the road and not sit in awe of how beautiful you were when you came, that was that hardest part for him, well aside from his cock. 
As you came down from your high, you peeled your eyes open to look at the man that you loved so much, we was smiling as he drove, but there was a slight grimace to it, your brows furrowing in confusion but the bulge in his swim trunks caught your eye and it all made sense.
After a little while of driving in a peaceful silence you arrived at your shared home. Your bare feet met the concrete of your drive way as you got out, running inside and up to your bedroom, leaving a very confused Cal behind you. Cal followed quickly behind you up to your bedroom. He found you sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. 
“Hey babe?” he said it like it was a question. You didn’t respond, just stood up and walked towards him, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bathroom where you had already run a bath. 
“Whats this, love?” you smiled at him. 
“I saw that you were having a *hard* time in the car and i thought we could get clean and dirty at the same time,” 
“You have me, Im in,” he slipped his trunks down his legs and stepped into the bathtub. You removed your bathing suit and as soon as you were about to step in the bathtub, Cal pulled you down and onto his lap so that you were facing him. 
“I love you,” he whispered as he slowly slid you down onto his length.
“I love you too,” you barely got out as he met your lips with his. You moaned into the kiss, you both knew that neither of you weren’t going to last long, and you were right. Minutes of kissing and riding later, you were both try not to cum to make the moment last longer but you were sensitive from earlier and you couldn’t hold on anymore. You moaned into his mouth as you clenched around his cock, signaling him that he could let go, and he did, you rode out your orgasms together, the warm bath water splashing against the both of you. 
After you came down from your highs you sat in the bath for a minute after, catching your breath and washing off a little. Cal got out of the bath tub before you, opening the bathroom cabinet and getting two fluffy towels, before going over to you and offering you a hand.
“Come on, babe, lets go to bed,” he offered, you nodded as you took his hand and stepped out of the tub, he quickly wrapped you in a towel as you both got ready for bed, he left briefly and came back with one of his shirts for you to sleep in, quickly you pulled it over your head and went to lay in your bed. Cal joined you and pulled you into him. You snuggled your head into his bare chest, he kissed your forehead and you both drifted off to sleep. 
@mylilbreadstick - @cthoodsthetic - @isabella100 - @dont-drop-that-lunchable- @moancurly - @numberonepoetryexpert - @buggy-blogs - @neonsgravestone- @calumsbitch4ever - @lukethecalumstan - @caswinchester2000 - @damselindistressanu - @dickmedownashton  - @myloverboyash -@soyuuuh - @blahehblah - @aulxna - @allamerican-betch - @ghostofcth - @boyfriend-cal - @rainingcalum - @thecurlsofgod - @5sosaccent - @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
This is a petition for Calum Thomas Motherfuckin' Hood to grow out his fuckin hair!
Reblog to sign!
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
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Okay, what the fuck?
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Calum’s cheeks
Thats it, thats the post.
Reblog if you agree
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Okay, but...
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Even his silhouette
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Is sexy as hell
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And I need an explanation as to how this is fucking LEGAL?
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Mr. Smirky McSmirkerson with that cocked eyebrow and button down!
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Who the fuck
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Gave you the right
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To look that fucking good?
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