#can u see me giving up around the last panel?? yea..
beeqisch · 10 months
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batfam minecrafting
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tbnrpotato · 2 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 11
General Skywalker comes in to check on us. I don't say anything to Echo, because I know that anything that will come out will be a pile of emotional shit. And I don't wanna do that in front of General Skywalker, Tech, or even Rex. Too embarrassing. Besides, Echo probably won't give a shit.
I can still hear some blaster fire from outside. "Situations almost under control out there," General Skywalker says. "How's it going in here?"
"I'm still trying to decrypt Echo's cerebral interface," Tech reports. "Until I do, we cannot disconnect him from this computer system."
"How's he doing, Rex?" General Skywalker's tone softens. Rex stands up. "He's too weak to walk. Very disoriented. Doesn't even remember how he got here. He remembers being at the Citadel, but that's about it."
Who wouldn't remember that?
"Any word on the extraction squad?"
"We called it in, but no word back," Rex replies.
A droid comes flying into the room, and I assume it's thrown by Wrecker. "Well, that's no surprise." Maybe General Skywalker's referring to the extraction squad and the droid that just crashed in here. "We knew when we got into this we'd be on our own."
Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair back into the room, closing the doors. "It's gonna get more difficult to get outta here," Hunter says, loud enough so that all of us can hear it. "There are several squads of droids closing in." I hear Hunter and Crosshair sealing the door.
"Enemy approaching. Droids. Lots of em," Crosshair says.
"How long can you hold them off?" General Skywalker asks.
"How long do you need?" Hunter replies.
"Tech, how much longer?" 
"Not yet. I need more time."
I can feel the atmosphere get more tense. 
Everything's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
Yea right it is.
Shut the kriff/fuck up.
No you.
I look at Hunter and Crosshair, who are sealing another pair of blast doors. I look over at Tech, who's pressing a few buttons before saying, "I've got it. We can unplug him now." And then he takes off his helmet, showing his receding hairline.
Echo turns around, and Rex and I start unplugging him, ripping off a wire from one side of his neck, and then the other. Echo clutches onto the control panel, I can tell it hurts a lot.
And then Rex rips out the last cable from his head, and Echo falls to the ground, groaning slightly. "Rex?"
"What is it?" Rex looks concerned. Echo coughs a bit, before smiling slightly. "I got a big headache."
"Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy," Rex says, smiling.
"At least your sense of humor's still intact. Now what our fucking plan on getting outta here?" I ask.
Echo coughs slightly. "There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there," he says, pointing upwards at a circular vent on the ceiling.
"They've breached the front door," Hunter reports. "It won't be long before they're through the second."
I look up at the exhaust vent. How the kriff are we supposed to get up there? 
Echo uses his cybernetic arm and plugs it into the control panel, turning some stuff. "That should get it open."
I look up. The exhaust vent opens, revealing an upwards tunnel that's glowing blue.
"Great. Now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asks. Bro literally spoke my mind. 
"I can help with that," Wrecker replies, and I see him grabbing a slightly confused Hunter and throwing him up the vent.
I hold back a laugh as Hunter shouts, "A heads-up would've been nice!"
One by one, Wrecker throws each of us up the vent, and after he throws Tech up, it's my turn. 
"Just don't grab me by the ass," I warn him, for obvious reasons. 
So he grabs me by the sides and throws me up, and I grab the side of the vent, climbing up behind Tech. Rex follows behind me. Fives and Echo usually do that, but I guess since Echo's not really functioning right now and Fives is DEAD COS FUCKING FOX KILLED HIM-
Rex just likes to make sure I don't fall to my death. I'm really tempted to kick him. 
We climb up to reach the cooling systems and Crosshair helps me up. I hear an explosion down below and assume that's Wrecker's work.
We walk through the cooling vents and Rex and I help Echo walk. Echo says that he can find us a safe way outta here. My fingers are slightly cold, because it's a cooling system, obviously. My gloves don't help much, considering they leave my fingers exposed. It's a design choice. It looks cool.
"Well, there is a way," Echo says, and he's referring to how we're gonna escape this place. "But you're not gonna like it."
We walk through the cooling systems for a while, General Skywalker and Echo leading the way, until we reach a door that opens up to the above of a large metal pipe connecting to another of those floating city buildings. It's windy as we step out. I don't particularly like heights either. Echo was right. I don't like this at all.
"I don't know about this," Rex says as he looks out. 
"I'm telling you, there's a landing pad on that other building," Echo says, pointing to the building across the pipe.
"So you think there's a ship there we can steal?" Hunter steps out as well.
"Well, I hope there's a ship we can steal," Echo replies.
R u serious right now bro
"Let's hope this trip isn't for nothing," Hunter says as General Skywalker, Echo and Rex start walking across the pipe.
If it is, I'm definitely hacking your Call of Duty account and using up all your COD points.
I follow behind Rex, and Hunter and the batch are behind me.
"Oh boy, I can't even look," I hear Wrecker say from the back.
"Then don't," I reply from the front. 
"Just keep walking, Tech," Wrecker says.
"That's fine, but if you fall don't take me with you."
"Uh oh, I looked," Wrecker sounds scared. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"If you vomit don't vomit on Tech," I tell him.
"Hang on Wrecker, we're almost there," Hunter tries to calm down a currently very freaked out  Wrecker.
I hear that familiar sound of droids coming from the front, and draw my knife and pistol, trying to keep my balance on the pipe. To be honest, drawing my weapons makes it easier.
"Turn around! Go back!" General Skywalker shouts from the front, and I see him igniting his lightsaber. When we turn around, we see some more droids coming from the back.
Shit. We're either fucked or very fucked.
I hear General Skywalker deflecting a blast bolt at a droid and Tech shoots another, I throw one of my knives at one of the droids' heads, and the droid falls from the pipe. 
I never liked that knife anyway.
I see Crosshair falling from the pipe and Wrecker, despite his intense af fear of heights, literally jumps down and catches Crosshair, hanging by the legs from a support just below the pipe.
Stupid ass. Bro could've died.
"Anyone got a brilliant idea?" General Skywalker shouts.
"I do have a brilliant idea," Tech responds.
"I'm hanging here!" Wrecker shouts from below.
"When the locals attacked us, I recorded the creature's distress call," Tech says, tapping a few buttons on his datapad.
"He records everything. It's a hobby," Hunter says, as I shoot a few more of the droids, not wanting to use my knives because those things are expensive.
"Which allows us to call those flying creatures to us," Tech continues, and presses a button which produces a really high-pitched screeching noise, and we cover our ears to try and block out the sound.
"Ow! Enough with the sound!" Wrecker shouts, and he and Crosshair shoot from below. Crosshair's literally hanging from Wrecker, and he literally puts all his trust into Wrecker not to let him fall while he shoots the droids.
Really wish I had friends like that. Oh wait, I did. Yea, that was Fives. And Echo. But I was closer to Fives. 
"There is our ride out of here!" Tech says, pointing at some shadows in the clouds which I could only assume to be the flying creatures that he called, and we all look up at them as they fly up and past us.
"Now how do we get on them?" General Skywalker asks, and I shoot another droid.
We jump you fucking dumbass.
"How else? We jump," Tech replies as the flying creatures fly below us, and General Skywalker jumps and lands on one of them.
You can do this. 
I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, and I see Hunter looking at me expectantly, and because I have to impress the batch, I use what little strength is left in my legs and jump off, trying not to close my eyes.
I land on one of them, on its back. I'm breathing heavily. That choking feeling when I'm in a life-threatening situation starts surfacing, and I'm trying to calm down, gulping down dust-filled air like I'm resurfacing from a deep dive.
And now I'm starting to get angry. Getting scared like this makes me feel weak in front of the others. I don't like it. I hate this. 
Suddenly, a blaster bolt whizzes past my head, and I look back seeing a bunch of droids shooting at us. 
Gotta steer this thing. But I don't know how. My legs grip the flying creature tighter, because I have no interest in dying today.
I turn back and aim with my pistol, lining the back sight up with the front sight and aiming slightly below the droid's head, and I shoot. It hits the droid in the head and I shoot at the others.
We fly sideways, and I was just aiming at another droid when I feel a sharp pain shoot through my right hand. It slams against a rock, hard, and my pistol flies out of my hand, and my hand doesn't feel so good. I grit my teeth as I'm almost thrown off the flying creature, and I'm hanging on for dear life on the creature's tail with my left hand. 
I can barely move my right hand, it hurts so much. But with one last clench of my fist, which sends jolts of pain shooting down my arm, I shoot my grappling hook at the back of the creature, pulling myself up as I retract my grappling hook.
"Hey ad'ika! How you holding up?" I hear Echo shout from the flying creature next to me.
 I take a few moments to regain my sense of surroundings and find out that we outmaneuvered all the droids. 
Should I shout back? That could come off as cringe to the batch. 
I nod at him as we land back in the Poletec village. Before the flying creature lands, I jump off and land on my feet, dusting myself off, at least hoping to look slightly cool to the batch. My injured hand throbs as I land, but I try to act as if it doesn't hurt at all.
The Poletec leader comes up to us and starts shouting shit at us.
"Their leader is impressed that we tamed the Keeradaks," Tech translates. "But he wants to know why we returned here."
"Tell him we had no choice. Tell him...that we wore out our welcome in Purkoll," General Skywalker tells Tech, who translates and speaks back to the Poletec leader in that weird ass language again.
I nudge Crosshair in the side. "Keep reminding Tech about how goofy he sounds rn." Crosshair nods back, and I think he has the biggest smirk ever under that helmet.
Suddenly, blaster fire rains down from above, and I draw my other pistol with my good hand, General Skywalker ignites his lightsaber. The flying creatures take flight and fly away, and Crosshair shoots at the incoming droids, hitting one and sending it spiraling to the ground, leaving behind a trail of smoke. I manage to hit one as well with my pistol, and as the droids fly away, I keep my pistol in my hand, my other arm hanging by my side as I try not to move it.
"Not good," General Skywalker says. "If I know Tambor, he'll come after us. Us and the Poletecs, with everything he's got."
The Poletec leader starts talking shit to us again.
"What's he saying, Tech?" General Skywalker asks.
"He says that we have broken our word. We have brought the war to his village."
"You're right," Rex speaks up, stepping forward and taking off his helmet. "Tell him he's right, Tech. Tell him we didn't plan to drag his people into war. But look what the Separatists did to one of our people." He points at Echo, and all the Poletecs look at him, all gasping, looking slightly horrified.
"They took away his freedom, his humanity. They tried to turn him into a machine. The Techno Union claim they're neutral, but they have chosen sides. Now your people have to choose."
"Couldn't have said it better, Rex," General Skywalker says.
That was a good speech, Da-Rex.
Crosshair scoffs. "Let's hope it works. Because I see forces coming. More than we can handle alone."
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4dtk · 4 years
b’day boy
anon: “hi hi hi hi!!! how’re you!! idk if you’re requests are on but!!! can i request smth where jaehyun thinks the reader forgot abt this bday bc she didn’t text him all day but she actually flys to seoul to see him?? basically johnny helped surprise him!!” quick pretend johnny is living on the same floor as jaehyun for this fic. enjoy anon! :-)
“hey! happy birthday, man,” johnny greets jaehyun, slapping him on the back as the birthday boy answers with a nod and a tired smile.
the dorm’s still quiet in the morning, save for the boiling water and the white noise from beyond the flat. the taller male doesn’t miss the way jaehyun’s smile drops, eyeing his phone a meter away from him in case the plan’s busted.
“hm… hyung, have you heard from (y/n) lately? i haven’t gotten her breakfast text, which is weird…”
jaehyun exits the messaging app for the umpteenth time, seeing if there was anything wrong with the internet or with his phone itself.
johnny shakes his head at the question, going back to prepare his coffee as he struggles to hold back a smile.
“sorry, jae, i’m not so sure about that.”
he saves his phone as it lit up right as you messaged, spamming to the poor guy about nerves and bizarre situations due to your overthinking mind.
(y/n) the homie: ?????? what ???? the hell do i wear!!!!!!!!
(y/n) the homie is typing…
(y/n) the homie: i’m trying to hard rn not to click on jaehyun’s name lol
(y/n) the homie: unnnnf i feel so bad johnny
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: u know for someone that has my contact name in wack ass emojis, i’m not gonna help you fashion-wise
johnny 🔥🥱🕴:  don’t worry k, plus it was ur idea!!!! how’s the packing coming along
(y/n) the homie: haha very funny, i am already on the plane mf
“john, hyung, you already made the reservation for tonight yea?” jaehyun asks sleepily, getting up from his comfy position on the table solely to get a chance at johnny’s coffee.
the other hums, having had made reservations for 12 people. sicheng was joining the boys for dinner tonight and taeyong was bringing his girlfriend as well, leaving one last seat for you.
one last text catches johnny’s attention, hoping all will turn out well tonight.
(y/n) the homie: i’m taking off rn, pls follow the plan or i think i’ll actually cry
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: is typing…
johnny 🔥🥱🕴:  overdramatic. i will, just focus on getting to korea safe yea
you leave it as that, buckling in and settled in quick well once the plane had reached a certain altitude.
the present you prepared couldn’t leave your mind, debating here and there whether jaehyun would like it or not.
would something go wrong? we didn’t fight before this, did we?
your thoughts travel everywhere, trying your best to relax while you find a film to distract you. soon, you ease into the movie and then, into a comfortable sleep.
it’s almost evening when the captain announces the landing in a few more minutes, bringing you to open the window.
although the clouds seemed to dance around the plane and the deep blue of the sky takes over the day, the sight provides little comfort as you practice your korean in the plane.
you repeat the restaurant’s address in your head even through immigration, steps unknowingly speeding up at how excited you were.
on the other hand, jaehyun gets more and more worried at the lack of texts, eyeing the single one sent early in the morning at 3am, while you bid each other goodbye on facetime. nothing seems to get him out of his daze, having been reminded several times of the car that was waiting for him.
as the manager wishes him a happy birthday, jaehyun could only thank him half-heartedly, staring down at his phone with a frown.
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: oh man you gotta have like a full on dance number when u enter or something. your mans can’t stop sighing at his phone like it’s a magic mirror
(y/n) the homie: oh nooo, crap, i feel so bad. i’m omw, gotta thank u for going over my korean before this flight
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: you learnt it from the best
(y/n) the homie: 🙄🙄🙄
your eyes pass through many different shops and districts, observing the busy streets of korea and it’s liveliness and wondering if you will ever be up to living in such an exciting country.
it was a long drive, your feet unable to stop moving while you kept yourself calm by counting the exchanged money over and over. a notification from @johnnyjsuh lights up your phone and brings you out of your anxiety for a bit, the instagram story filling up the screen as he records the grand restaurant that they would be dining in.
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: you here?
(y/n) the homie: yes, almost. this person right here is very jumpy and tense
johnny 🔥🥱🕴: breathe, i’ll give u the green light soon
(y/n) the homie: kk
with one foot out the cab, you find yourself needing to calm your heart, feeling the familiar heat and adrenaline rush through your body at seeing your boyfriend.
you eye your phone for the last time, entering on johnny’s cue to surprise jaehyun. with his back turned to the event room, your lips naturally curl into a smile as you watch him through the glass panel.
the gentle jazz pouring from the speakers give the atmosphere its intended ambience, as the boys catch up with sicheng and others converse with each other. they keep their cool according to plan as you enter silently, the gift clutched under your arm tightly.
“guess who?”
with your hands over his eyes, you can almost feel his shock.
“what... no way,” jaehyun’s jaw drops, gaining some laughs from the members as he turns around rapidly. his latches onto your smile, the corners of his lips slowly stretching into a grin before you stumble back at his embrace.
jaehyun holds you tight, as if you’d vanish once you left this room. his arms were wound around you all the way by the next minute, leaving you with no opportunity to breathe.
“babe, i can’t breathe,” you blurt out, making the male release you almost immediately before you attack with your own hug, loving how you could feel the rumble of his chest as he giggled.
“was everyone in on this?” you nodded as he turned to his members, most of them donning bright, sly smiles and jungwoo even winking when he met his eyes.
“y’all are incredible,” jaehyun throws his head back in laughter, an arm naturally encircling your waist as you pile your present with the other’s, making your way to your seat after.
dinner is filled with joviality and loud conversation, even coaxing johnny into revealing that he was the ringleader of the plan. the birthday boy applauds his subtlety, bringing the night to a close an hour or two later as each member finishes their share of the cake.
“i’ll come in later, you guys should head back first,” jaehyun states, pressing a kiss to your temple as the others bid you goodbye.
the lean into your boyfriend feels natural, the cool breeze brushing past your face as he interrogates you about you ghosting him.
“i was so worried, i honestly thought you forgot about me.”
you chuckle, “do you think i really could? when there’s valentine decorations everywhere? i wouldn’t forget it even if it wasn’t valentine’s,” you mused, matching up with jaehyun’s steps.
“it would be sad if my own girlfriend couldn’t remember when i was born.”
the two of you fall quiet, enjoying each other’s company as you stroll around the park near the restaurant.
“say, did you like the surprise?”
“like? baby, i loved it,” jaehyun pulls you in, the walk stopped short while he holds your freezing fingers, “thank you.”
you answer in the form of a smile, tippy-toeing to reach his lips halfway as the moon shines on. it settles your heart in familiarity and warmness, never losing that giddy fondness whenever you were with jaehyun.
“i’d travel anywhere to be where you are, jung jaehyun.”
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Busy Earning (Pieces of the People We Love, Part 1.)
Description: Not many people had the chance to see a vault or to mean anything in the world of Pandora. Will a hardly built relationship in the loneliness of the desert would have the potential to change anything in the world of anarchy and chaos - or will the friends try to murder each other?
A/N: If you're not familiar with Borderlands, this series will most probably won't make any sense to you. But that's alright! I am thinking about releasing a small thing called Vault Hunters Vocabulary and I will try to explain the lore and everything used IN the story but not explained in there. Whaddaya say?
A/N 2: Also, I AM MAKING NEW-U STATIONS LEGAL AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME. So I guess this is an AU? ALSO: the Bandits, Psychos, and Fanatics will speak only in the ancient language of Vine!
Warnings: A lot of guns, violence, reader is a tough badass - not a vault hunter tho. They're badass and don't give a fuck. And Scooter is a dumb bitch, as always.
Word count: 4.5 K
Tagging: @notaliteraltoad​
Series master list:  H E R E
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It was one of those days when you took a deep breath and it almost burns your whole mucous membrane. Most of the days were like that in this particular part of Pandora, yet some of these days were too much. The desert around you was dry, the rocks were so hot that you'd burn your whole palm if you'd touch it. No plants or water source insight; it was just you, the asphalt road, the heatwave, and the complete silence.
If you wouldn't be aware of sweating like a living fuck and of the fact that your trousers were pretty bloody then, you'd most likely have the suspicion that you most likely just pissed yourself. On the other hand, you also knew that you had to be dressed from your head to your toes - if you wouldn't have every inch of your body covered, the sun would burn your skin down in a matter of minutes; that was how strong the sunlight was. It wasn't the most practical choice to cross the desert in a long coat, long boots, and a huge cowboy hat; it was, in fact, very much impractical, but you really didn't have much of a choice. That big, cowboy-ish hat became your personal trade over time - you were easily recognizable. If someone would've asked you to describe your personality, the hat itself would be one of your personality traits. Ever since you started wearing it, almost everyone was calling you the Cowboy, even if you were pretty sure that you're a woman. Why would you or any of the people you've been living in this hellhole with being obeying any of society's rules if you were leaving at the edge of civilization itself? Something like grammar and other constructs didn't have any value in the world you knew and were living in.
Back to you. You were pissed at the moment; very pissed. For some random reason, the Catch-A-Ride station near your house was off for the last three weeks and anyone cared enough to repair it. You were hunting Skags for a living and believe it or not, having the chance to get a functioning car was making your job very much enjoyable. But because anything could work on Pandora, you had to hunt down two Skags and drag them to the man living in the nearest town, where you had your contract signed.
Every single morning, you had to get up super-early to track some pack down, hunt at least two of these animals, and then drag the dead bodies through the entirety of the desert. That was the pain in your ass. To drag two damn heavy animals in that goddamn weather. Not that you had a chance refuse to hunt for that day - the meat was rotting quickly in this part of the planet and also, Pintley had quite a lot of customers he had to feed - you being one of the said customers. Also, funny enough, there wasn't that much meat on Skags. It was a doubtful business, to say the least.
A sudden, quiet mechanical noise threw you out of the train of your thoughts. It was easy to tell what was the problem since you could feel your right shoulder tensing up. - "Please no, please no." - You mumbled as you felt your right arm getting stuck and letting the bag go. A hiss left your lips as you felt the metal limb giving you a slight electric shock, sending it down your body. You sighed and sat down on one of the dead Skag's body, carefully taking the coat off just enough to reach the small panel, so you wouldn't tear the arm of your body. It took you almost half an hour of sitting there with a small wrench in your hand as you re-organized the small cabled inside as the metal whole arm was made of got hotter and hotter. Just a small moment longer and you'd burn your damn fingers.
In the end, you somehow managed to connect all the cables on the upper arm and attached the small piece of metal back on its spot again, rolling the coat back on your shoulder so it would cool down a bit. You were good to go again, so you took the bags your Skags were put in and walked forward again, dragging the corpses on the road behind you. At least, the buildings of that God abandoned city could be seen in the distance.
Hell's Cauldron. That was the name the locals gave it. The barely-a-town was raided by the bandits so often that they became more of your neighbors and maybe even friends over time. You knew a mentally unstable bandit named Bernie, who sometimes gave you a drive home - a ride from a Psycho was never a good one, but do as they say and don't look on the teeth of a horse that was given to you. You also became friends with Blind Billy, who was a better driver than Bernie and his one-man crew. This psycho was the man who always tried to buy your Skags. But you were persistent against selling them for Eridium.
Just as you thought of your favorite boys, the roar of their car could be heard in the distance as the machine got closer and closer. You smiled when you heard the sounds of their cars; they were very specific sounds breaking the utter silence around. The cars themselves were... Something. It wasn't a model rentable in Catch-A-Ride stations, so their cars were working just right at the moment. Also, this meant that you wouldn't have to the last few miles on foot, which would be simply great.
"Y/N!" - It was Billy's voice that could behear through speakers placed on the back of their car. In the next moment, the machine stopped next to you. You gave him a smirk and a nod through one of the windows. - "Ya still huntin' down those bunnies, ha? Come in, Cowboy girl, we'll give you a ride, whatcha say?" - The man opened up the door and invited you in. You gladly accepted and gave him the first bag containing a dead animal so he'd help you with dragging it inside the back of the car. Blindy threw it on the ground next to two benches before giving you a hand to drag you in as well.
"I guess I do, yeah. You know, Blindy, everybody needs a way to survive. You rob and kill, and I hunt. Everyone's doing great." - With a sigh, you sat on one of the only clean spots on the bench, getting a hold of it as you felt the engine shaking with the entire car.
"TO HELL'S CAULDRON YOU FUCKING DEADBRAIN!" - Billy yelled into the microphone so it could be heard at least miles from you. The car started so abruptly that it almost knocked you to the ground. - "Ya still don't wanna gimme one of those delicious creatures? I'm sick of eating bugs and sometimes people, when necessary, of course." - Billy asked and dragged his hand along one of the Skag's body. You were disgusted to say at least, but you also were careful enough not to display it in your expression. In the end, there was nothing to wonder about - these men were classified psychopaths.
"We've talked about this more than once, Blindy. Pay me the cash and I will give you one. If you don't want to pay for the work... Well..." - You laughed and touched the Jacobs shotgun attached to your back, sending him a clear message. - "Let's say that we've talked about this, shall we?" - "Oh, yea, Cowboy! Do ya get good money from it? I told ya I can pay ya in Eridium." - The psycho smiled and leaned in closer to you. You leaned to him as well, putting your metal palm on his mask.
"Eridium is worth only if I am a siren or if I have someone who deals Eridium to someone else. So... Do I, a), look like an Eridium dealer or do I, b), look like a siren to you?" - Your metal wrist patted the mask, and right after, you leaned away. Billy chuckled at what you've said. Eridium was an extremely valuable material - for some sort of people. If you weren't that sort of person, Eridium were just violet glowy stones in your eyes. Why would you even need that shit in this hole? The most ridiculous thing in this matter was the fact that psychos of Ham's Creek had a ton of Eridium on them; piles, probably. Hyperion jerks excavated many shafts in the proximity of your homes before they left; and while Hyperion guys were gone, the Eridium was still there and ready to get mined. You've heard that the guys from Ham's Creek, the bandit colony, were trading the stones to doubtful people for less than half of its value... But who were you to judge them? You were all doubtful people, you were all doing shady things. Any of you could be considered innocent.
"You may not be a siren, but you're ma muse in everythin' I do, Cowboy." - Blindy chuckled as the car stopped right in front of Hell's Cauldron's pub. There were seven more buildings in the city if you counted the toilette cab...  The least pleasurable place in the proximity of fifty miles radius. - "Don't ever dare to repeat that, dear God. If you do, Imma shoot your ass off, okay?" - Your laughter filled the air as you watched Blindy and Rayray dragging Skags into the local.
"I SMELL LIKE BEEF!" - Rayray yelled and threw the Skag body next to the bar. It was a greeting, a very polite one if you might add. Rayray was still learning how to grasp the rules of being police and sometimes, he really hit the ballpark. With a small smile, you entered the pub as well and nodded at Pintley, the local pub keeper, who shrugged his shoulders. - "You've been making the boys busy again, Cowboy?" - Pintley, an old man with white hair and a missing eye, asked kindly and controlled the Skag. One day, Billy's crew accidentally took out a bag with a dead human body instead of the Skag one and when Pintley wanted to cook his famous Skag goulash, he almost threw up. This time, it was really the dead animal.
"Oh, yea. And I would get the bags to the freezer as soon as possible, it is probably already grilled at this point." - With a grunt, you finally took off the coat as you leaned into and took your enormous hat off to look at Pinty. The man was still looking at the animals, trying to set an amount of cash to pay for this catch. - "That's fifty dollars for each one of them... Maybe even sixty, they're huge. Good call today, Cowboy." - He hummed in the end, opening the cash register and handled you the money. It was not much... But it was something at least.
"Something must be happening out there again, huh?" - It was a quiet, suggestive mumble as you looked at the banknotes in your palm. Pintley asked a silent "What?" because he hadn't heard about anything going on. - "I mean... Marcus Munitions charges for bullets are off the charts since Jack had... You know." - You peeked behind the bar, pointing at a slice of bread. Without you having to pay for it, Pintley gave it to you to chew on it.
To your surprise, Blind Billy nodded at you as he too leaned into the countertop. Even the bandits of Ham Creek could see that something's going on when they were buying their bullets for another raid - it cost almost two hundred dollars more. All of the things you've mentioned happened over five years ago, maybe even more. Handsome Jack, the CEO of Hyperion, was allegedly murdered by Lilith and the Crimson Raiders of Sanctuary. Since then, Hyperion Corporation was filled with social climbers who tried to become the new CEO - but before everything ended, Elpis' lunar station Helios was blown up, meaning that the days of Hyperion ruling over Pandora were over. Not that any of you would particularly care about any of that.
After that, there were some rumors about a new vault key found and about the existence of many new vaults all around Pandora and its sister planets. And as you heard, it was usually a joke, the vault key ended up in a desert where two jackasses found it. That, in fact, led to the creation of a pain in the ass known as 'The Calypso twins' and their cult; the Children of the Vault. Now, allegedly, Crimson Raiders and their leader Lilith had left Pandora and created Sanctuary 3, a spaceship flying on the orbit of Pandora.
Honestly, as far as you cared, all of this could be just a bunch of made-up stories. How the hell were you supposed to know what happened in space or on the other side of the planet? Who were you supposed to be? A fortune-teller? A telepath to know all of these things for certain? There was one sort of people on Pandora about which everyone seemed to forget - normal people. Normal people like you. Yes, people who only tried to live their lives and who owned only one gun existed. People who pursued normal jobs, calm life without all of the vault hunting business.
You've personally never seen the infamous Handsome Jack (only his posters and billboards) or the alleged vault hunters scattering through Pandora, searching for new things to kill and new loot to find. You never have seen Lilith, Roland, or any of the Crimson Raiders with your eyes, nor you've visited Sanctuary, Haven, New Haven, or Helios - and you surely had not visited the Concordia spaceship. You never saw any of those rumors for yourself, thus, you didn't know what was real or fake.
"Look at it like this, Pintley... The Catch-A-Ride stations aren't working in this part of Pandora for God knows how long and now, Marcus is charging up for rounds again? The last time he did that when the last bunch of the vault hunters came to Pandora? I tell you, something's going on." - Now, you rose your eyebrows and stopped everything you were doing. A loud bang blasted through the Hell's Cauldron. There was silence for a moment, but then a loud song started to play. With a long sigh, each of you stood up and grabbed their gun to get ready for a fight. The Children of the Vault decided to pay you a late-afternoon visit.
This, unfortunately, meant a shootout in the middle of the sun-parched square of the Hell's Cauldron just for the laughs. Those guys were just fine most of the time, but on some days, they came to the town and all they wanted to do was fight with guns blazing. By now, you all knew the drill - a short shootout while letting them spawn back in their base and then, you could continue with your daily program.
No matter what you told those jackasses, no matter what you did, no matter anything - they just drove into the sun-parched square and started to shoot. They were idiots without a single functioning brain between them, to say at least. To your good luck, Blindy and Rayray were on your side. These two were pretty reasonable bandits. Billy was also unusually smart for living with psychos, midgets, and more for as long as he did, yet he still kept his brain working.
The shooting which happened in Hell's Cauldron that day was louder than usual. Maybe it was just the way you've been laughing or the COV's new summer playlist, but this one was unusually loud. People were throwing grenades just as they were yelling some nasty words at each other. Some of them dropped dead in a matter of seconds because they were just standing in plain open. A car blew up accidentally, the trunk almost hitting you in your face and the face. When everything was done, there was only you, Rayray, and Pintley standing in the settling dust. You and Pintley were usually a great team - since he had a slag sniper rifle and you had an orange tier Jacobs shotgun, you were good to go any time. The rest of the COVs slowly disappeared - they started spawning at the New-U stations back in their small cultist town fifty miles away from Hell's Cauldron.
But something wasn't right. Blindy was still laying on the ground, bleeding out with a blank stare. His body wasn't moving and there were even small droplets of blood as he coughed before he passed away. This wasn't supposed to happen. As you approached the body, you've been growing through how did you get into the town in the first place. You've driven in our of the eastern exist, which meant you've driven around a checkpoint. That led you to a conclusion that the Hyperion Checkpoint Station, those were all over Pandora, must've written his biometrical data down. Blindy was somewhere inside the database, hidden in the code; but New-U station wasn't, for a reason, reconstructing his physical body.
"What's going on? Why isn't he respawning, Pintley? Don't you tell me that he wasn't registered by the Checkpoint." - Without giving a single fuck about the blood and dust, you kneeled and took off Blindy's mask to look into his scarred, lifeless fave. He wasn't the most handsome lad you've seen, but he had a good heart and that was all you cared about. - "Billy, man, don't you play games with me now. Get the fuck up, man. Come on." - You begged silently. You couldn't lose him because of a routine shootout. You've survived hundreds of these - he was a good bandit, a good friend, and a significantly good gunman.
"I think the New-U is cut out of the electric network, Cowboy." - Pintley yelled at you, while Rayray was opening the database in the Checkpoint station next to the pub. - "We might as well put it back to use. Stop with the nonsense and get to work, come on!"
The New-U stations and Checkpoints were a special thing that Pandora needed to have any population surviving on it. It all started way back when Atlas, Dahl, Hyperion, and many more were supporting the golden era of vault hunting; those hunters got their own Echo devices to stay in touch all the time and in case they'd accidentally die or dismember, the New-U stations were meant to render a new body for them. As soon as you arrived or was born in this sector of the universe, the corporation implanted a chip to the nape of your neck; you wouldn't respawn only in the case someone would be using jammer or took the chip out of your body. There was a whole lot of things that could get you killed - psycho in a bad mood, hungry Skag, angry friend, bad food, accidental fall into a volcano... You could choose, really. Sometimes, it could take a while to respawn, it also cost you some money, and before the transaction was sent... It could be a whole lot at times.
Since there were no laws and anarchy and chaos ruled the planet hand by hand, this system came in handy at all times. The Checkpoint stations were the smaller ones, saving up your data like DNA and memories to have all of your personal information in the systems in case anything happened to you. New-U was able to resurrect a person after paying said charge - they constructed your body from the DNA and cells of your dead body, implanted the memories back into your brain, and even construed the clothes you had on. It was truly a miracle of modern age science - but also a necessity for Pandora and its moon Elpis.
Rayray nodded when he read Billy's name in the database. He was there; he was there, safe and sound. You only had to make the New-U work. Without giving any fuck, you just threw the dead and useless body on the ground, walking to the machine, next to Pintley, to look at the cables leading out of the back of the machine to the charger on the wall.
Luckily, you were quite handy with this sort of stuff. Really, you had to restore the electricity circuits inside your metallic arm; handily, you opened up the machine and started to work on it, searching for the problem. Pintley was kneeling next to you, so you were only telling him what you needed - like a wrench or a hammer - and he fetched it to you. New-U was mostly unused in Hell's Cauldron, so it was really no wonder that it wasn't working; it was out of order for quite some time now. If Blindy wouldn't have died, you wouldn't even notice the malfunctioning machine.
It probably was out of order for the last five years - since the last time Bandits provoked a gunfight was... You couldn't even remember. Maybe, Pintley himself pulled the cables out; you wouldn't let the electricity bill getting bigger if you hadn't need for letting the New-U running, right? The Calypso fanatics couldn't be considered a threat at all. Each of them was dumb and couldn't shoot for shit, so the only ones getting killed were them. Even more so, they usually started to talk about some of their damn fanatic nonsense in the middle of the fight. In the beginning, you listened to those jackshit rambles; then you just murdered them without blinking. It wasn't that easy. Rayray looked at you from the database's screen. Bandits, believe it or not, were sometimes pretty smart. Yes, they had their bright moments. The only thing they couldn't do was to speak like a normal human being.
"THAT HURTS LIKE A BUTTCHEEK ON A STICK!" - Rayray yelled at you and you furrowed - it was too late to stop the respawning process since the machine started barking loudly in front of you as it came back to life. What did he say? Someone else was written down in the system except the normies of Hell's Cauldron? You looked over to the bandit boy, but it was too late to pull the cable; the New-U already started to build a human being. And that person definitely wasn't Billy. You made Pintley step back since he hadn't any gun on him and took out your Jacobs shotgun again, pointing at the stranger. The man, it definitely was a man, was looking at his hands in wonder, opening his palms, closing them right after, playing with his fingers. He slowly pulled an Oz kid used in the vacuum off the back of his head, so he could take some normal, hot breath into his lungs. The breather was old as hell, probably six to seven years to your estimations (given it was an ultra-old Vladof Oz it). Who was that man, you didn't know at all; you just assumed he must've been dead for quite some time.
The Hyperion nice-ass lady was telling him something, but she couldn't quite finish her speech - Billy started rendering right next to the man. You exhaled and thanked God for Billy, but you didn't let the mysterious man go out of your sight - you didn't know who he was, what his intentions were, or if he was a bad guy or not. The only thing you could clearly tell was that the man was super-happy to be alive. "I'm alive! I'm alive! Would ya believe it, man, I'm alive, breathin' and stuff and I'm feelin' just fine!" - The stranger exclaimed and looked over to you. - "Wait... Wait. Man, man, ya not Lilith or Moxxi or one of their vault hunters. Who are ya?" - He tried to come closer to you, for some reason, so you only rose the barrel of the shotgun and watched the small laser light hovering on his forehead.
"Ya not any friendly folks, ha?" - The man asked and laughed your barrel off as if he barely noticed the danger he was in. There was... Something about him. You felt like you knew him from somewhere. That face was basically burned deep into your brain and it was so detailed, that it was freaking you out like shit. Those eyes, sharp lips... But his name was a remaining mystery to you; not for too long, unfortunately. - "Hey, name's Scooter. Ya know me. Most of the folks on Pandora do." - With that, he offered you a palm to shake, and because of that, you took the barrel of your shotgun down from his forehead. Scooter. Scooter. That face, that name... Jesus that man was reminding you of someone and you couldn't just remember who. Eyeing down his clothes covered in old, dry oil (which was clearly powering engines, or some other machinery), you straightened and watched Pintley approach Scooterboy. You exhaled slowly and put the shotgun on your back, shoving it back into the covering.
"Name's Pintley, young man. Come here, I'll give you a cold Dr. Bob and some food." - Pintley patted his shoulder and you carefully watched Scooterboy with a frown. You were inclined to believe him just after he looked like isn't about to kill you, yet it didn't mean you'd be particularly fond of the stranger just yet.
"Scooterboy?" - Your voice was firm and cold as you looked at him. - "Don't you do something with cars? I get the vibe you do, look at your clothes." - It was a short explanation, but it did work. Scooter looked down quickly, raising his eyebrows. Blindy was now standing next to you and he didn't have a clue about what was going on.
"Catch-A-Ride!" - Scooterboy exclaimed with a big smile. Oh dear, you got your mindset straight on who he was. It was like a blast inside your brain. You knew his face from all the commercials you've seen with his face - it was a big thing when he supposedly died on his way to Helios. Ellie, his big sister and the other big mechanic of Pandora, was paying him many respects and missed him dearly. She was mourning for a long time.
"How the fuck are you alive?" - With a frown, you stormed past him and Pintley, entering the pub first. - "This is one wild evening Pintley, I tell you. Give me, Billy and Scooter some cold Dr. Bob and some bread with cheese you have there because I'm about to faint." - You sat at the nearest chair, massaging your own face.
Scooter was alive.
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yakumtsaki · 7 years
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We don't like to do too much explaining, story stayed the same through the money and the fame, cause we... STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE’RE HERE ♪
As loyal readers may or may not remember, my original plan was to faithfully follow legacy rules and slowly build a greek house for the kids, using w/e money we had in junior year. Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions! Which doesn’t really apply here but i like saying it. I’m actually not sure I even get what it means. Point is the nll update came in the meantime and despite my lawful intentions I was too done to build a house, so we commandeered the sorority house, banished DJ and co in the sim bin, added a gorilla statue and our proud letters (U-U-U) and here we are! I gave the house an extensive 10 minute makeover, bringing our funds to an impressive:
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NOICE. We’re gonna starve but at least we’ll do it next to our bowling alley. Joining us in this glorious endeavor are Brit Brit, Melody and Frances J, while Wyatt and Ti-Ning have pledged and are expected to move in shortly. I doubt the sim world has ever seen such a bunch of assholes under the same roof.
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Our first night is off to an incredible start, as everyone is starving, no one knows how to cook, we’ve ordered both pizza and chinese food and are thus completely broke, and megabitch Brit Brit has been hitting poor Fran with a baseball for 3 hours:
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-Ooops, I did it again >:)
Idk but I have a feeling me and Brit are gonna get along great!
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Finally, it looks like Fran is concussed enough to make a move on Jojo, which marks the start of the 3-man race for his tiny, vicious heart. Place your bets and take some dramamine cause it’s gonna be a wild ride. 
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Case in point, it’s a new day in a new kitchen and Jojo’s mind is occupied by thoughts of everyone’s fav french-arabian prince, Wyatt Monif. Since Wyatt is a pledge and there are term papers that need writing we invite him over..
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..and things are heating up. You know, if heating up means Jojo continues to be a pain in the ass and still doesn’t have a crush on Wyatt even though they’ve made out a hundred times. Jojo WHAT IS YOUR DEAL
-It’s called being a stone-cold motherfucker, you should give it a try. Now Wyatt, just because we’re best friends and semi-lovers doesn’t mean you’re still not a lowly pleb pledge completely at my mercy, so don’t get any ideas.
-Of course not, I’d rather die than disappoint my dear Jojό!
-Well let’s see which happens first.
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-Oh, don’t worry, Gunthèr, it is I who will win Jojό’s heart!
-Yeah, I’m the complete opposite of worried.. whatever that is.
-..Are you sure college is the right trajectoire for you?
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Finally. THE TIME IS NEIGH. Hope you’re all ready for Ti-Nings personality panel........................
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.............................................LMAO. Perfect Jojo match!
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RICH BITCH CONVENTION. Seriously these 3 have a combined of what? 7 nice points? Put them all together and you make one bearable person.
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-Aw, Jojό, is that a hunting knife in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
-I’m happy to see you!
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-Ok I lied it was a hunting knife.
-Oui, I can tell :(
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Small dick jokes aside, Wyatt is now not only officially in love with Jojo but apparently ready to commit his life to this monstrosity. Which you know, Jojo is a Union and I’m under contractual obligation to love him but Wyatt, seriously. You’re still young, a lot of fish in the pond, normal, nice, non-serial-killing fish..
Fine, can’t beat young love I guess! I mean if Romeo and Juliette teaches us anything...
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...it’s that only death can.
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For whom the bell tolls..
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Oh Max........... the pleasure will be all mine.
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One last kiss for the road... The road which leads to me never seeing Max’s fug clone ass on Jojo’s panel again.
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Oh you’re a crafty one aren’t you!! Trying to charm your way out before I lock you in!! Thankfully Jojo has your number.
-Absolutely not, Max, I already have 3 people pursuing me, this is just excessive! Now get in there and die!
-Ugh fine, but my heart’s not gonna be in it.
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Meanwhile, disaster has struck our house in the form of that stupid fucking coach, resulting in me facing the sight of Gunther doing lunges in this indescribable outfit. I don’t know how long it will be before I can look at him with the same eyes again.
-I suffer now but Mel is gonna thank me later ;)
Remember when you were an innocent weird little kid and not a sex demon??? Those were the fucking days.
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Back in the yard and while the world awaits Max’s demise with bated breath, Frances has resorted to pulling dirty tricks. For shame, what did Wyatt ever to do to you, he’s a sweetheart!
-Well I’m not. And that’s why I deserve Jojo, unlike that family-aspiration-6-nice-points flop.
Yea you definitely deserve each other, no arguments here.
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OH MAN, Wyatt is not playing around, he’s in it to win it. 
-Your move, Frannie. 
-Name your price, you french harlot. 
-Forget about it, mon ami, can’t buy me love.. Though I’m sure you’ve tried with that mug.
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-Ohoho suck it, Fran, I’m going napoleonic wars on your pasty british behind!
-Yes, that’s an apt metaphor considering the FRENCH LOST. Don’t get comfortable, pal, you won the battle but I’ll win the war.
I don’t mean to interrupt this thrilling conversation...
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-Please bitch, the cake is a lie. 
God, fuck you, Portal, you overrated piece of shit.
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Seriously guys, Wyatt is diabetes-inducing-sweet. He doesn’t even get mad when the cow does that pillow fight thing on him, instead he actually starts playing with him? What an angelic creature. I’m really starting to feel the urge to protect him from Jojo. If that plan goes as well as my plan to kill Max, WHO IS NOW BIRDWATCHING, you can count on them getting married by the end of this shitshow.
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This rando ass prof comes to visit us and Ti-Ning has been mercilessly bullying him for the better part of the day. Ti-Ning, as much as I appreciate your relentless evilness, maybe you should focus your energy on something else, like perhaps going after Jojo aka THE REASON I MOVED YOU IN?
-Lol whatever, I have Jojo in the bag, he wants the one he cannot have...
Yea he also has 2 hotter guys than your bird ass after him, so time to step up! I mean look at this shit:
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Wyatt has the relationship advantage, Fran the chemistry one, and you have shit even though you’re the biggest freak of the 3 and the closer one to Jo’s terrifying personality points! Take what is yours boo!
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NOOOOO #REJECTED. Man that was some bad advice. Sorry Ti!
-UGH can’t believe I listened to you, ‘express my feelings’, what am I, 12?
Yea yea I’m sorry, let’s go back to your strategy of being a massive bitch.
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The day is coming to an end. Jojo is eating pizza while his suitors work out..
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 Gunther is back to doing ballet while Brit has picked up the mantle of torturing the prof..
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AND MAX HAS YET TO DIE. JFC. At this rate he’s gonna die of hunger before he gets eaten which is not how I roll, I wanted something quick, painless and fun for his murder but WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS CAN WE. Even in death you decide to be a fucking pain in the ass GOD. YOU ARE THE WORST. While I’m contemplating ways to solve my little Komei clone problem a little window pops up and my first thought is ‘someone died of hunger’ but then I look and what do I see....
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A PLOT FUCKING TWIST, THAT’S WHAT. Our good Jojo here waited until Wyatt and Fran were conveniently both at class to go for it! And now the real race for the crown begins. In the game of thrones, you win or you die birdwatch next to a cowplant, apparently. JUST DIE ALREADY MAX. Be a pal.
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poklina · 7 years
Jimon ft a Jace jealous of Simon and Raphael's friendship that he confuses for a relationship. It's not Simon's fault vampires are so physical.
ALLO FRIEND i lovelovelove physical relationships and also jealous!jace is my Baby Boi so this was a great great time it gets kinda iffy like writing wise in the middle but i pulled out the end and now i REALLY like it i hope u do too THANK UU
convince me - 3.1k
Jace has never liked vampires. Ever. Don't like the way they slink around in the shadows like cowards, or how the cloying smell of blood stick to them constantly, or how they always lie and cheat their way into situations for their gain, the selfish bastards that they are.
Yea. Jace really does not like vampires.
At first he thought it was because of his dad, and everything Valentine had told him about the Downworld and how they "need to be eliminated" because they're a "scourge upon the human race." Valentine even made Jace believe it for a little while there, but he'd always known that wasn't really it. See, the thing is that Jace didn't necessarily hate all vampires; just 99.99 percent of them.
Because then there was the issue of Simon.
Jace was quite conflicted about the way he felt about Simon. On one hand, he was a vampire and had everything that came with it in spades: the smell of death, the night walking, the total inability to fend for himself without someone else to save his ass (although that was probably left over from when he was a kidnapping-prone Mundane), but on the other hand...
He really, really liked Simon.
It had taken him a while, at first. When they first met, Simon was just another Mundane sticking his nose into places where it didn't belong, which ultimately ended up with Jace having to deal with the consequences; namely, Clary. He had firmly believed that the sooner Simon was out of his hair, the better, because then maybe he could actually focus on finding the Mortal Cup for more than 5 minutes before having to run off and save him again. But then something had changed.
Even if you held a gun to his head, Jace couldn't tell you when or why he started looking at Simon differently. Maybe it was the way he was so devoted to Clary, even when he must have known that he never stood a chance. Or, maybe it was the way his smile lit up any room he was in, or how he always  seemed to know when Jace needed to be taken down a notch of the arrogance meter, or the way his eyes seemed to sparkle when he laughed -
So. Jace really liked a vampire, and he was not very happy about it. And since Simon and Clary were nearly inseparable, that meant that he had to spend a lot of time with said vampire, as well as the clan leader of Brooklyn. Raphael was a vampire Jace definitely did not like; he spoke too softly, and always with an air that seemed to convey that he knew something you didn't. Needless to say, Jace never really like being around Raphael, even if it meant him staying away from Simon.
Alec had told him that he needed Simon for some reason or another, and of course, Jace was sent to go and get him. He complained under his breath all the way there, but another part of his brain (a very, very small but very loud part) was genuinely excited about seeing him. Jace hadn't seen Simon in almost a week, because he was always off doing one thing or another for Raphael. It was starting to get a little suspicious, how much they hung around each other, but Jace had pushed it out of his mind.
When he reached the boat house, he saw that the door was slightly ajar, meaning that Simon was awake. Jace pointedly ignored how even the thought of Simon made his heart jump, and he slowly pushed his way inside -
Only to stop dead in his tracks.
Simon was there, of course, awake and fidgeting with something in his hands, but Jace couldn't see what because his view was blocked by Raphael. That's not what shocked him, however. What made him stop was they way Raphael had his hand on Simon's cheek. And Simon was smiling. Jace felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach, and suddenly all of the little things between Simon and Raphael made all too much sense; the casual brushes of hands against arms, the prolonged hugs, the casual way Simon slung his arm around Raphael all the damn time.
Jace swallowed thickly as he slowly made his way out of the boat house, eyes still locked on the scene before him. Just before he was completely out of sight, Jace saw Simon pull Raphael into a tight hug and it felt like all of the air in the world was being sucked out of his lungs. He didn't know whether either of them had seen him, but right now, he didn't really care. Twisting around on his heel and trying to ignore the leaden sadness in his gut, Jace started home.
Alec could get Simon if he really needed him.
The next few day, Jace tried to avoid Simon as well as he could. Usually, it was easy, because he spent all his time in the boat house (and probably with Rapha -), but for some reason, he was hanging around the Institute like a kid bored on summer break.
More specifically, he was hanging around Jace.
Anytime he turned a corner, Simon was there. Talking to Clary and Izzy about something or other, and yet he always stopped and turned to talk to him instead. Jace tried (really, he did) to stop the way his chest filled up every time Simon smiled at him, but he couldn't. However, then he remembered how close he was with Raphael and that usually did the trick. He always ended up mumbling some half formed response of "having to go check with Alec" or even "left something in my room", whatever it too to get him away from that dazzling smile.
The 5th time it happened to him, Jace was about ready to go up to the roof and give the universe a piece of his mind. Simon was alone in the hallway, leaning against the wood paneling and looking at his phone disinterestedly. When he heard Jace, however, his head shot up and broke into a wide smile that left Jace weak in the knees.
"Hey, Jace! Uh, I had something to ask you..." Simon says, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck nervously, but for what Jace had no idea.
"Oh, uh, Simon, now's not really a good time..." Jace trails off, trying to find a semi-decent excuse that he hadn't used last time. Simon's face fell almost imperceptibly, but it was there, and Jace hated it.
"Ah. Sorry, I guess I'll, uh. I'll catch you later then?" Simon finished, eyes darting down to study the floor but not before Jace saw something almost like disappointment in them, which was ridiculous, because Simon had Raphael and why would he be disappointed over Jace?
"Yeah, definitely. Um, later. Say hi to Raphael for me" he said quickly, the words like acid on his tongue before pushing past Simon and rushing down the hall behind him. He ducked into the first open door and sagged against the frame, trying to catch his breath but not from walking down the hall.
Every time that Jace ran into Simon after that, it was always the same: he was alone, he said he had to ask Jace something, Jace would give a half-assed excuse before ducking out. Every time, he thought that he saw Simon get a little bit more frustrated, or even sadder, but he quickly pushed it out of his mind. It was probably just his mind playing tricks on him, trying to get him to think that Simon actually liked him as well. But of course he didn't. Obviously.
The next day, Jace walked into the control room only to be greeted by the sick stench of blood radiating from the middle of the room. His face twisted into disgust as he walked forward and tried to get a look at the vampire who was causing it.
Man, the universe really did hate him.
He knew it was Raphael even though he couldn't see his face; no other vampire this close to the Institute wore suits like that. Simon stood next to him, shoulders relaxed and hands shoved into his back pockets, forearms stretching over Raphael's arm that's slung around his waist. Jace's throat closes up in an instant, hands balling into fists even though he knows he shouldn't be jealous. Simon is happy with Raphael; that much is obvious. But that sentiment can't stop the thoughts of Jace stalking up to them, pushing Raphael aside and claiming Simon as his from pushing to the front of his mind. That's what he wants to do. So, so desperately wants Simon to be his, and his alone.
But that is not his decision to make.
With all the strength he can muster, Jace tears his eyes away from the two in front of him and steps forward, seeing Izzy over their shoulder. He pointedly ignores both of them as he walks up to Izzy, just glad for some sort of distraction. He's barely drawn a breath to start talking to her before -
"Hey, Jace. Um, can we talk? Alone?" Simon says quietly as he taps his shoulder. Jace turns around slowly, trying to figure out a way to get out of it this time but coming up blank. He ends up just staring at Simon, lips pressed tightly together before replying with a short answer.
Simon's face brightens at the prospect, and flashes a quick smile at Jace before turning away and leading him into one of the many corridors. He follows slowly, anticipation building in the pit of his stomach. He'd tried to avoid this for so long, he doesn't even really have an idea as to what Simon had to ask him. Simon comes to a stop at the end of the hall and faces Jace, eyes glinting in the low light of the Institute. Jace swallows hard again, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck just so it has something to do.
"So, uh. I think you've been avoiding me? And I don't know why, and I just like - wanted to check to see if I had like, said something or done something, because if I did, I'm really sorry, but uh, yeah. Well, that's the first part -" Simon starts, making eye contact with Jace briefly before darting to the other corners of the room, hands twisting each other nervously. Jace felt a small bit of growing fear in his mind, because if he had to tell Simon the truth...
Well, he would ruin everything.
"Oh, uh. No, no, it's nothing about you. Well, it kinda is, but - no, it's not you Simon. I'm just - yeah. It's definitely not you." Jace stammers out, trying to read the confused and crestfallen look on Simon's face as something other than disappointment.
"So, if it's not me, then why? I mean, I thought we were pretty good friends." Simon says back, voice cracking a little bit on the last word.
"Sure, uh. I've just been - I've been pretty busy." Jace said halfheartedly, wincing as it even sounded made up to him, and wondering just how fake Simon thought it was. Jace watched his face tighten in confusion as he opened his mouth to try and continue - before snapping it shut and just letting out a sigh instead. Jace felt a wave of relief wash over him, because he really didn't have any idea what to say if he had asked.
"Oh. Okay. Well, uh, I guess my second question is...Um, shit. This is a lot harder than I expected it to be." Simon let out a forced laugh as he tried to lighten the situation but failing miserably. His eyes continued to dart around the corridor, not ever once landing on Jace. He couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of disappointment at that; he really liked looking at Simon's eyes.
"Ask me what?" Jace bit out, sounding a lot nastier than he had intended to. He regretted it instantly, because it made Simon sigh heavily and shove his hands deep in his pockets, like he was ashamed of what he was about to say.
“Well, ah. I was, um. I was wondering if you - would you like to get dinner with me? Sometime?”
The silence that fell between the two of them was stifling, only punctuated by Jace’s shallow breaths. His mind was rapidly trying to catch up with this turn of events, almost letting him be excited before the reality of the situation hit him fully.
“Is this some kind of joke to you?” he said bitterly, trying to stem the disappointment that rose in his chest. Was Simon serious? Why would he ask him something like that? Especially since not 20 seconds ago, he was clinging to his boyfriend like a lifeline.
“Jace, I don’t - what?”
“Are you serious? You think that you can just pretend to ask me out even though I know you can’t?”
“Jace, what are you talking about -”
“Don’t you think I see the way Raphael practically drapes himself over you? Honestly, even Magnus and Alec aren’t this clingy.” The words drip out of his mouth like acid, burning and cruel. Simon flinched backwards, face contorting into an expression of profound hurt and...confusion.
“Jace -” Simon tries to interrupt, but Jace just keeps talking over him, anger washing over him in waves and waves, flooding out of him. Simon had never been this way, has never laughed in Jace’s face about something he couldn’t have, and the fact that he was stung Jace hard and deep.
“What, Simon? What else do you want from me? Well wishes on your relationship? Dating advice? Why won’t you just leave me alone -”
His mouth snapped shut, surprised at the force behind Simon’s words. Simon’s eyes burned with  annoyance, and yet underneath it was just the faintest hint of excitement. He was excited about humiliating Jace? God, he’d really have to look at why he’s so helplessly in love with this guy afterwards, Jace thought savagely. Simon stared him down for a bit, throat working as if he was trying to dig the words out of his vocal chords. Jace watched anxiously, just ready for this whole thing to be over so he could go to the training room and whale on a punching bag until he felt better.
“Jace. Raphael and I aren’t dating. We’re not together, never have been.”
Jace felt his heart drop at least 3 stories as Simon finished talking. He couldn’t help his mouth dropping open, because of course they’re dating, obviously.
“But - in the boathouse -” he sputtered, trying desperately to grab at any sort of evidence he had. Simon and Raphael were always together, always touching and hugging and whatever. There’s no other explanation. Obviously.
“Oh, you saw his hand thing.” Simon said shyly, blush staining his cheekbones and he was supposed to be mad at him right now, it is not the time to be thinking about how utterly adorable he looks.
“Well, yea! I’d say that pretty strongly suggests that you are, Simon.” Jace shot back, confused at just exactly what was going on here. Simon - Raphael? They weren’t - really? So, was Simon - did he just try to ask him out?
“Jace, like a second later he slapped me.”
Jace just stared at him dumbly, and watched Simon tried to hide the happiness that flooded into his eyes at watching him. He was still trying to sort out all of the information that he’d just been given, and it was proving to be a little harder than he expected.
“Jace? So? Will you have dinner with me?” Simon asked again, louder this time, but still filled with the same nervous anxiety as the first time.
“So, just to reiterate. You and Raphael - are not a thing.” Jace repeated, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing his temples, excitement welling up in his chest. He - he actually had a chance. As the realization hit him in the chest, his eyes flew open and landed right on to Simon, standing nervously in front of him.
“Yes. Honestly, I’m shocked that you would even think that. I mean, I definitely do not like Raphael -” Simon started with a forced laugh that became more genuine. His smile grew wider and wider as Jace looked at him for longer and longer, before he was suddenly cut off by Jace grabbing his shoulders and looking at him directly in the eyes
“So if I kiss you right now, no one would be angry.” he said quietly, throat working as he swallowed nervously at whatever Simon’s response was going to be. However, at that moment, Simon’s brain decided to switch off all rational thought, leaving him only able to shake his head jerkily. “Oh, thank fucking God.” Jace breathed out right before pressing his lips onto Simon’s
It was like a string had snapped, all of the jealousy Jace had been harboring over the past couple days suddenly evaporating into the air. He could only focus on this, and now, and how Simon felt underneath him, solid and steady. He tilted his head slightly to the right so his nose could brush past Simon’s, making it easier for him to lick his way into Simon’s mouth. Jace waited for the gasp after he swept his tongue over Simon’s bottom lip before crowding him even closer to the wall, just needing more. Simon responded in the same way, hands curling loosely into the front of Jace’s shirt and kissing back with just as much force.
They broke apart slowly, Jace’s chest moving up and down quietly with every breath he took, head never moving more than an inch apart from Simon’s. Their eyes stayed closed even after they pulled away, but only for a second, until Jace opened his again to find Simon staring intently at him, eyes bright. The sight made Jace’s chest tighten up and hands press into Simon’s side a little bit harder.
“So, can I take that as a yes?” Simon said breathlessly, one of his trademark grins stretching wide over his mouth. Jace couldn’t help it as his face did the same thing.
“I don’t know. I think you might have to convince me a little bit more.” Jace murmured into Simon’s ear, teeth grazing his earlobe a tiny bit and relishing in the small noise it pulled from the back of Simon’s throat.
“Oh. Well I think I can do that.” Simon said back, moving one of his hands from the front of Jace’s shirt to the back of his head, where he gently tugged the hair there and pulled Jace back into another kiss.
They did end up going to dinner on Friday. They went to Hunter’s Moon and Maia teased Jace for at least half an hour about how long it took him to realize that every time he looked away from Simon, Simon started to stare at him.
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 saturday diary
cosplayed/breakfast: same as the other 2 diaries. snack: a twin kitkat.
my eyes only, buckaroo. for future me.
can i b real w u i waited until 3 am to type this n a lot (esp from panels/early in the day) is HELLA fuzzy!!! sry! ;w; also it’s like. 4 am as im typing this n im not in the mood to write a diary! recalling everything is tiring, yknow? n i need to go to bed ghh... anyway!!
we left late bc i couldnt decide who to cosplay n i arrived late :(( anyway, it hadnt been 5 minutes there when i dropped my plastic purple heart ring i had from the dentist n i was so sad :( but i went to the bn-ha panel n i dont remember a lot of it sry. i remember iida wore a giant floppy sunhat that said Sunny Vibes on it tho n momo wore a black n white striped dress w sunflowers!
After this was cafe-stuck and it was fun! everyone kept calling jade a furry n i asked nepeta if she’d ever seen Nyan Neko Sugar G!rls to which she said no n someone asked her if she’d heard of/seen nek0para n she said she’d heard of it but it was “a bit.. too Extreme/Much for me.....” and someone asked the group (vriska, jade, john, dave, nepeta, tavros, aradia) why they were doing this and they said it was equius’ and john’s (i think?) prank that got way too out of hanf bc kanaya made the outfits for reals. someone asked vriska if she was a furyr cuz she had a spidersona and throughout the panel vriska and tavros kept talking abt how vriska took away his legs/him not having any. i asked the aradia n vriska if they’d work good together to make a good hall0ween themed cafe if this cafe were real n they were like “what’s hall0ween?” n the others told them it was a holiday that had candy n dead bodies n stuff! n someone asked abt who has the least human rights or just rights in general n john was like “jade u dont rights, ur an animal” n jade was like “trans rights”.
i decided to skip the d-dlc panel bc i didnt rly wanna write poetry cuz i do that at home n i dont rly care abt theories n discussing stuff like that so! i went walking around the dealers room n stuff. my crown actually came off at this time n i remember feeling like my crown had fallen off bc i thought i heard the mini whoosh it makes when it falls down but when i looked behind me, it wasnt there so i checked the aisles nearby n it wasnt there so i assumed someone had snatched it off my head but after a lot of walking, i found it half-underneath a con table w black tablecloth?? so i picked it up n went to the cosplay help desk and the guy safety-pinned it to my wig so i was all good to go!!
after that, i tried to look around to see if i could find any ens-tars cosplayers bc the meerup but i didnt see any so i was like oh well whatever im going to the LL panel anyway. so i went to the aki hana panel n i have videos of it! so im not rly gonna talk abt it. they played kings game there tho and “who’s most likely”! they said “who’d like an!mal crossing the best” n my immediate thought was rin so i raised my hand but the answer they had thought of was kotori, which actually makes much more sense haha. they said my answer was valid tho. i still got candy for answering! anyway the punk set ruby next to me ended up being the hifumi from yesterday that gave me the flower tin n they said it was nice to see me again n i said i wasnt able to go to the ES meetup bc i was only told when it was, not where it was, n they said that Eri/Eli (?) 9im guessing that was the host of the meetup) had to cancel it n i went oh. at the end of the panel i received a kotori pic! also a girl dressed up as a witch complimented my tsukasa outfit n i knelt down n said “thank you, princess” or smth i was like “i had a ring that i was gonna use to like. pretend to give to pretty girls but.. i lost it” n they seemed flattered but we parted ways!
after this was the aqours panel n the hanamaru did a dance n the you also did one but then they started playing the p0cky game n Headphones n i got kind of bored so i left n i heard “tsukasa!” n it was the jakurai from yesterday (that told me abt the meetup) dressed as mao in a yukata w their friend as oni ritsu n they looked so good! the jakumao apologized saying the meetup was cancelled. i think we talked for a sec then i went to go check out the rw-by q n a n it was a whole lot of roasting from the audience haha bc they did questions one at a time (ex: questions for yang, now questions for blake...) n i asked yang how she gets her hair so nice n she went “...nice?” w an unbelieving laugh/tone then they moved on n i was confused but oh well! they asked summer how she felt abt sloppy seconds bc taiyang n how taiyang’d feel abt a 3rd wife n nora got asked how many pancakes she could eat at a time n she was like “how much time do ya have?” n after the qna they started playing a weird game n it was rly boring so i left but the panel was almost over anyway. 
after i left i ran into a ramuda n they recognized me as tsukasa n they’re into ES n they said they hadnt watched the anime yet n they were surprised to see valkyrie in it bc they thought they werent gonna b but they said they hope the anime doesnt butcher shhu bc they like shu n know a lot of ppl hate shu n stuff. we talked abt the ES cosplayers at the con for a bit n i told them abt the ritsu+mao cosplayers n we had anice time talking n they said they rly liked rabits n i was like oh dude me too!! “i havent met anyone who hates ryu-seitai. like, Good.” n they were like “how could you hate ryu-seitai, they all wanna b nice n make friends” n i was like “yea mayb except midori” there was more but yea! i also ran into the witch girl n her friend from earlier bc they went “tsukasa!!!” n her friend (cosplayin smth from hn-k) showed me they had/got a leo plush n i was like “OH MY GOD. HE’S FINALLY BEEN FOUND!! HOLD ON CAN WE HAV A PIC W IT” so we took a pic of the leo plush beside my “where is leo??” sign like!! hell yea! n i was like “leo needs to pay child support. he’s evading his taxes. tax fraud” or smth around this point i think. at some point, on the escalators, i noticed a juto n a samatoki but when they got off the scalator they were heading for the exit so i couldnt rly ask for their pic so i decided to try n find em later.
then i went to the bn-ha panel but it was full to the BRIM but i made the mistake of sliding into the middle of an empty row for a good seat but the prson sat in front of me had big poofy hair so i couldnt see like half of the characters n ppl filld all the seats to my left n right so i couldnt leave. i was rly bored n trapped so i went on my ipad for almost all of thepanel n read part of a chiana/zu fic n stuff until the girl w the big hair left then i focused a Little more on the panel but i was still bored so wehn i noticed the ppl to my right all leave except the one guy next to me, i left the panel. i was sad bc at the time of that panel, there was a DR murder mystery panel that i couldve tried to attend instead but i was trapped so i couldnt :((
after that i decided to wander around for a bit before idolfest but when i went in at 5 pm, i 4got just how small that room was n how few chairs it had, n there were ppl standing against the walls so i leaned my sign against the right of the double doors BUT I LOOKED AHEAD N THERE WAS!! A HYPM!C PERFORMANCE STARTING TO HAPPEN!! DIVISION RAP ANTHEM WAS STARTING UP N MTR WAS ON THE STAGE!! but there were tall ppl standing in front of me n i was crowded against the back so i raised my ipad way above my head n started recording n watched them thru my ipad util someone opened the right door n i had to scramble tog rab my sign n lean it against me somehow n it made my fildiming falter but!! god i was just so exciting bc i wasnt expecting A HYPM!C PERFOAMNCE!! they did so good too ;w; after that, it was a solo hanayo perfoamnce then 3 songs from a non-anime-specific idol group that did 3 voca songs (one of which was LUVVVORATORY!!) n another non-anime dol group that did kpop songs (they were rly pretty n good) n then a you solo then a you/hane duet! ALSO during the hypm!cperformance, te juto n sama n a gentaro were dancing in front of me n right after the perfoamcne, a BB group opened the door but realized they missed the hypm!c performance n left n i decided to try n find em later too. 
after the last performance, there was still time, so a samus came over to me n asked to take a pic of my sign n they said they like ens-tars too n they said they cosplay tsukasa too n they ran a panel as him back in georgia n we talked abt best boys n i showed them all the keychains on my bag n when i pointed at mika n said 2nd best boy they went “:o me too!” n there was a lot more said but we went on talking for a while abt ens-tars n they showed me pics of the tori n arashi cosplayers that day they saw. 
after that i just walked around for like 45 minutes until the samus saw me again n waved me over so i was talking w them n they were apparently drinking alcohol despite being 18 n their friend was 23 n we were just talking abt stuff n i noticed a trigger group on the escalator n we called out to them n i took their picture n samus was like “dude it’s so cool that ur into id0lish7 too” n then we kept talking n at one point the samus was like “tsukasa i luv u” n made a lil finger heart n i tried 2 make one but my hands were kinda full but i managed to make one! they also said earlier today, they saw a sasuke cosplayer getting arrested n they took a pic of it for their snapchat lmao n it was them in front of a cop car n they said the person said “dont touch me!!” to the cop. the friend w samus said the only idols he knows were the combie one n that saki was def best girl hands down like, its a fact n i was like “ur right. it not even a hot take, its the Facts.” anyway then i wnted to walka round a bit more so i did n at like. 7:10 i decided “why not go near the photosoot area n registration to see more cosplayers that r there bc ive just been walking repetitive loops around the dealers room entrance n the con floor so! there could b some new cosplayers there! n lo n behold i found a tenn n ryuu that i had seen briefly earlier! n took their pic! then less than a few ftaway, i tried to walk past some ppl but there was a bag in the way so i stepped over it (like, not on it, i mean. like, Over, to avoid it) but i noticed it was an MTC itabag n the person next to it had bunny ears n it!! was the juto n sama i was looking for! so i took their pic n was talking abt how cool it is to see more hypm!c cosplayers here this yr until some guy came up n started telling the samatoki they looked like kaworu n they mistook them for kaworu n they said they didnt kno who i was supposed to b but i looked nice (iirc?) so i left n near the prop check table, I SAW THE BB BOYS! so i ran up to them n asked for a picture n then i started talking abt the hypm!c thing n there being so many this yr when there were none last yr n the jiro was like “aa ur tsukasa” n we started talking abt ES a lil bit n the anime then i complimented their ritsu+mao plushies on their bag n left!
after that i just roamed the halls until 8 pm. then the v0ltron panel! keith n lance hd like, a roasting rivalry going on n keith was like “i keep getting bullied! i dont deserve this!” n i kept askiing questions. me, a green ranger, a dave, n the dave’s friend were mainly the ones asking questions lmao. anyway keithd b like “lance dont touch me oh ew” and i asked keith what his fav anime was since he said he was a weeb n he said blue ex0rcist n i asked keith if hed seen LL (bc LL cosplayers were dancing to the music outside the panel room n i heard it) n lance was like “oh yea, he knows all the dances. he does them in his room” n keith denied it n at one point, i was like “since keith n lance share one braincell, who has it the most” n they said keith. the bonding moment was also mentioned a lot and alluras death n how lance can get much more “game” than keith (like, ladies. sorry im tired they might hav used another term) and an amami in the audience told lance to fortnite dance with him aftr thelance fortnite danced n!! just. a lot happened. it was a very casual-ish panel imo. haha.
after that i 4got that the bn-ha panel was at 10 not 9 so i just decided to wander then hit up the dance floor for most of the duration n i spotted the juto n sama n a nurse ramuda that i remember the samus talking abt n also someone who looked like the arashi the samus showed me but in an ali!ce madeness returns dress  o i asked the ramuda for a pic and then started dancing and the juto got into one of the dance circles n just started going hard as HELL n i was just dancing in the area they were near n out of the corner of my eye i’d see juto just absolutely KILLING IT w their dance moves bc they were dancing in front of their friends (occasionally w samatoki or posing w them) n i was just jamming out n during a slow song i pulled up a pic of chiaki on my ipad n started slowdancing w my ipad n the girl near me was like “that’s a Mood” n i think i heard the possibly-arashi n the others laugh a bit bc i was slow-dancing w “chiaki’ haha but god the dance floor was WILD! there was a guy w a saxophone at some point playing along w the music then a guy w a guitar! n we yelled lyrice to dont stop believing n stuff.
the the bn-ha panel! ...i was bored. most of the time i put tape on my leo sign and looked up wigs on ebay n stuff n sometimes i couldnt hear v well bc i sat near the back. they started up like, truth or dare but w a beach ball to decide who got to ask the dare or w/e? but i noticed a gentaro in the back of the room so i was like “ill just wait until the end of the panel then ask for their picture” then trivia started n they eventually asked what episode dabi appeared in n i was thinking “ep 7 of the most recent season” n some guy guessed that (he was the only one who fuessed) but the izuku n katsuki looked at their paper n i heard them mutter “episode 31″ so after somebody guessed ep 42 n the panelists said ‘”guess between 30-42--” i said ep 31 n went up n got a pack of aiw stickers but i shoulve taken the superhero shirt tbh. aftr that i decided to leave n asked the gentaro for a pic n they were one of the ryuus earlier they said n also a jakuarai from yesterday! they were like “oh! ur the tsukasa i keep seeing/running into!” n i was like “oh! hi!”
idk what convo this was in but someone was like “do u like how they did anzu?” n i was like “oh she’s so cute they rly said Fuck Anzu Haters” n they agreed.
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Meet Ayanna! 
How do you pay your Bills?
[A] I am a Freelance Marketing Consultant. I do contract work with companies and brands. I am currently working with a live entertainment company, which is what currently pays me; however, let’s see what happens in three months. [Giggles] I also take on freelance clients on the side focusing on startups.  
What Kind of Start ups?
[A]  Mainly people who are trying to figure out how to brand themselves in the wellness, fashion, beauty and lifestyle spaces are my main targets. I teach them how to brand themselves by providing brand consultations and audits. So basically I am not apart of their team, but I can give them some advice and guidance. A personal brand coach for lack of a better word.
If it don’t make money or add some type of value to what I am trying to do, then it doesn’t make sense. I just can’t!
[C] All about the coin  
[A] It took me awhile to understand that and know my worth but yes it ultimately comes down to the coin or value.
When did you start learning your worth and demanding it?
[A] Good distinction! I’ve known my worth for years [Giggles] demanding it I would say recently, like the past 3 years. I used to be a fashion stylist, personal shopper, contributer and blogger and people used to take advantage of me because I wasn’t confident about my work and what I could put out there. As I continued to work through Corporate America it was a good lesson to learn because in corporate people will take advantage of you, they will have you do 3 jobs for 1 pay and that had to stop at least in my world.
I learned a huge lesson from the previous fashion company I used to work for, I had to demand the respect that I knew I deserved and pay that went along with what I deserved. It got to the point where they couldn’t match that, they knew my worth but couldn’t match the price tag that came along with me and I had to move on. Once I did it was one of those things where it was like ok girl you are ok. Once that clicked it’s been easier to be like nah, this is what I can produce and if you can’t pay me for this then I am not the right one for you. And that’s ok, but it’s a work in progress for sure. Sometimes I still have issues with it, but I am human.
What clicked for you?
[A] Confidence, learning more about who I am and what I wanted. Knowing what I could produce for people, stand in my power and owning that. It really did just click one day like, girl, you know you poppin stop it! Once that happened, I don’t know it was like anything and everything someone could tell me wasn’t going to work anymore. You telling me no we can’t do this, cool then we need to move on.
You know in life we have all these fears, questions and heavy concerns. We look for people to validate us so much it becomes second nature. When I realized that I needed to give myself that validation it was a wake up call. That’s all I needed!
What Corporate Companies have you worked for?
[A] Omg! I’ve worked for Cadillac, Coty, Wacoal America, Banana Republic, Joe Fresh to name a few.
When did u part with Corporate America?
[A]  August 2017 for the third time. [Giggles] My third time, I tried twice before.
What caused you to try 3 times and is this the final one?
[A] You know, who knows. If there is a great opportunity that comes around that could help push me forward in my career, I wouldn’t turn it down. For me it is really hard for me to work under people. I am a very free soul. I need to do my own thing and I hate corporate structures, they annoy me. I also have been in a lot of environments that don’t cultivate change, growth, allow you to think outside the box or even have a voice. I am just tired of working for companies like that.
If I found a corporate company that didn’t give me all of those negatives, I’d be there. Unfortunately,  that is not the way that 80% of companies work, especially companies that are not in the tech space; which is what we are dealing with. The last time I left, I had a really great corporate job on paper. The pay was good, my title was good but I was so miserable. I’ve essentially been miserable at some point or another at all of my corporate jobs, but this was the worst time ever. It was just one of those things, where I knew I had all the tools so the question remained “why can’t I do something I want to do?”
That’s when I told myself that I needed to create the life that I wanted and I took a leap of faith for the third time. I have no issue saying it was a leap of faith I just want to put that out there. This time was a little different because I was no longer 22 in my mom’s house right? I am in my early 30s, I live with a partner I have shit to focus on, that I can’t just put off on parents and stuff. But I wanted to prove to myself that I can create the life I want especially since I had a clearer direction this time around. So I took a big leap of faith. I wanted to prove to myself I can do this.
What have you been doing since the leap? What did you land on?
[A] The reason why I really wanted to leave is because I started this brand Non Corporate Girls which is a podcast / creative agency. We’re all about not conforming to what society says you should conform too. We’re all about the C’s.
 Creativity, Cultivation, Change, Collaboration.
My business partner and I have worked with a lot of companies that don’t do that, have that or foster that. We wanted to create a platform for people to do just that. It started with a podcast of us literally just venting about our friggin corporate jobs. That just turned into OMG! We’re entrepreneurs, we have done all this stuff why not put it in a platform for people to hear and really turn this into more .
Then I also have a platform called Meet Me Series which is a networking platform for women. At the time I left corporate for the third time, Meet Me Series was already a year in. I felt like I wanted to put more into this and it was really really hard doing this at my full time job that just drains me and doesn’t help me grow. Why not see what I can do outside of this? Those were the reasons why I took the leap of faith.
What I am doing now in this leap of faith is creating the life I want. The life I want is to live a flexible life where no 2 days are the same. I can go to a meeting for my brand here, I can work on other people’s brands there, I can travel, I can do this here. I can create what I want this day to look like and so far I have been able to do that for the most part. I have been taking on contract gigs for brands and I am working as a marketing consultant which is what my expertise is and I am able to have that freelance flexible schedule, maintain a check and still focus on my two brands and help them grow.
[C] Wow, well that sounds like a lot
[A] It’s a lot and it is not easy, but I can’t even express how happy I am for me. To provide some context or clarity here, my brand Non-Corporate Girls isn’t against Corporate America. We believe that Corporate America is needed to help you grow because there are things that you need to learn in your environment, industry, within yourself and from others that corporate structures have a way of pulling out. I’ve had a lot of exposure, successes and major challenges within a corporate structure which is why I know for the most part they don’t work for me.  
I’ve started from the bottom and worked my way up to managerial roles, you know what I am saying? I have a MBA, I have done a lot in the corporate world with the corporate structure and it just doesn’t fuel my soul. It doesn’t do anything for me and I wanted to have the opportunity to create the life I want right now. Giving myself the freedom to move things around to see what works, what fits and doesn’t fit into my box, not the one people are telling me I need to be fit into.
[C] How realistic do you think the advice of just fuck it do the leap of faith to aspiring entrepreneurs and what would you advise someone who is in their 20’s in Corporate America being told just do the leap but they are staring at their student loans like how? Where?
[A] Take the leap is an interesting thing because everyone is different right? No 2 situations are the same and that is how we are supposed to look at everything. First of all, people who are entrepreneurs are crazy, they are crazy people. No one really goes “yea I want to put myself through the hardships that come with being an entrepreneur” like that’s not realistic. Being realistic is having a plan. I feel like a lot of panels and talks mean to say this or want to say this but they probably neglect to say this but taking a leap of faith is only part of it. Some people scared to not move, but being stagnant isn’t the answer either, you just need to plan. For young professionals I will say this, being in your 20’s you need to do a lot of things to test the waters. Everyone doesn’t come out of college like “yeah I want to be an entrepreneur.” If you do great! You are ahead of most of us who are in this space.
As a young person, you could go work for a couple of companies, build up your portfolio, and learn what you need to learn. Be a sponge, soak everything up. There are so many things that people are doing that you do not know of that could help you in your future. The other part is understanding your worth. The other thing, is that their are going to be people in our environments that are older than us, and especially in the digital landscape it constantly changing. They won’t always know what we know and vice versa. So you need to understand what your value is for that company. You could teach people things and it does not necessarily mean they will take advantage of you. Sometimes people get to be intreprenuers in their role which is essentially entrepreneurs within their companies. We need to blossom that to make the world a more evolved place.
That is the key to the leap, you need to have a plan. Student loans they are going to be there. I have an MBA and I am 100 G’s in the hole. At the end of the day that is not going to stop me from pursuing my dreams you have to have a plan, how are you going to pay this? These are things you have to figure out. And if you are going to leave, leave with a cushion, if possible. Obviously it would be helpful if mommy and daddy could support you for a little while too.
Have a plan and understand that any job that is not your own is a place for you to figure out your passion, grow, learn and you know figure it out. You can learn so much in a short amount of time whether you are in a job for 1 year or 10 years. I think the issue a lot of people have, especially young people, is that they are not utilizing their resources. If you are in a position you need to know every single thing about your position, your boss position and her boss position. When you leave you can bump yourself up because you already know everything you need to know. People need to work smarter not harder.
People don’t know Cat they don’t know.
[C] They don’t wanna hear it though
[A] They don’t [Giggles]  
What’s the Box that people are trying to fit you in?
[A] What Box DON’T they try to fit me in?
You already know as a Minority, that’s already a box. You are a token someone to someone for some crazy reason.
Two, I am Black and I am latina and that’s a whole next thing.
Then I’m Bisexual so that’s another layer.
Then, I am also a very fashionable gal. Everything I do is bold and out there and I’m not coming into work in your typical basic work look especially not in corporate environments. This is how I’m walking into corporate meetings, this is how I am presenting myself.  
And the biggest thing out of all of that is my hair.
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[C] [Grinning] Let’s touch on the hair.
[A] I’ve had every single hair color you could possibly imagine. I have walked into CEO meetings with bright green hair and I have had this comment said to me lots of times where white men who are in high positions will look at me and say:
“ You know had it been someone else with your hair color I would probably hate it, but somehow you make it look acceptable.”
One, What does that even mean? Really what does that mean?
Two,  My confusion allows stems from “why does my hair color represent me as a person?” Hair color is just that a hair color and it really boils down to how you present it aka wear it. As long as it is presentable so what I just have green hair, it is just a different hair color. Why is it that when I walk into a room that is the first thing that you see, the first thing that you identify me by and automatically assume something? These are boxes that I have been put in aside from being a creative in environments that don’t foster creativity at all.
When did you start experimenting with color hair?  
[A] I would say 2012. Up until 2012 I used to have permed hair, long permed Black-Brown 1B Whatever. Whack ass hair. I used to get told your hair doesn’t match your personality and I felt that way. I didn’t know what to do with it. You know growing up I did the typical permed it, wrapped it and that was it.  
In 2010 my cousin who is my hair stylist said let’s do something different. I put in my first weave, I had never had one before. I tried a black weave and it was cool, which opened up Pandora’s box for me. I saw how my hair could match my personality. It was fun! I was like well, what else can we do? That took on its own thing!
Now I have done wigs, weaves, all types of colors. I had the pink undertone cut, the peekaboo, blue, purple, oranges. All my wigs have names like Pumpkin Spice, Purple Rain, Little Mermaid. They’re fun! They represent me. All colors always represent me because I own it.
For me, it’s really important, I have been in and out of corporate and I do know what it is like to be at a table with all white People and you feel uncomfortable. Because they are looking at you like does she not know? Why Would She come in here with Green Hair? And I’m sitting there looking at them like, Why WOULDN’T I? Ya know?
I try to be intentional with my hair colors. I love color, but I work it in a subtle way to keep in mind the environment I work in, but a color that still pops. In light they look really really bright, but in  low lighting the color doesn’t look as bright, like in a conference room. People are intimidated by color, afros, and curly hair. People are intimidated. So I try to ease into it with the color. Maybe some red then maybe brighten the red a little bit. Then go into that peacock, pink, green, blue.
What was your favorite color?
[A] Ah that’s so hard! Purple Rain! It was a purple mix, fuschia like mixed with Barney. And Peacock Blue Green, similar to yours but the green was darker those have to be my favorite.  For me I’m playing around with wigs, so they are long, curly, short, whatever.
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Do you ever think that your hair was the reason you did not obtain an opportunity or someone did not take you seriously ?
[A] Held me back from opportunities I don’t know of. But taking me seriously, yes. I have had incidents where people hesitate if I should be included in something and if it’s a suitable thing. I am fortunate that I am a very well put together professional individual and I know how to make my appearance really shine. And I’m not trying to amp myself up I just know how to come into a room and still be taken seriously even if my hair color is green. I will say that has taken a lot of work because when I first started doing hair colors I would love it, but when I walked into work I wouldn’t be as comfortable with it.
I’m sure you can relate and attest to this, the thing about hair colors and same goes for outfits you have to be comfortable and confident. If you walk in comfortable and confident they take you seriously and that’s kind of what happened. I just walked in like I own this. Also what worked for me is not being afraid to have the conversations.
I’ve had my VP come over to me and she was like [changes voice tone]
“So your hair is green today?”
And I am like Yes it is!
“Do you feel some type of way about that? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?”
I’m like Why Should I? It’s just hair it’s just color. I can dye it back I can change it up I can do whatever I want it does not defy who I am you know what I mean? It’s presentable.
I asked do you see something wrong is a strand hanging out? No it looks great! Then we’re great, you know? There is nothing left we need to talk about here. As long as I’ve been comfortable everyone else has been comfortable.
Did you ever have a conversation with your boss prior to doing the drastic hair changes?
[A] Oh God No. Girl, girl. First of all I change my hair up every 3 months. Literally my coworkers are waiting to see what I come in with, waiting. I usually do it over a weekend too so they have no clue. No I do not have a conversation with anyone. I will say that with all of the jobs that I have had I do look through the HR Manual to see if they have any policies against hair color and most of them do not because no one thinks about this, because no one is coming in with a bright hair color. It is just not what people do, but I am doing it. At one point when I left one of the jobs I made a joke like so yall are probably going to change that policy about the hair huh? My VP responded like I do not think we are, you probably are going to be the only one to do this.
[C] Just leaving a Lasting impression
[A] Yup, Yup.  People are always going to remember my hair color. What happened to the girl with the colored hair? I do look in manuals though that is my thing
[C] Yeah I didn’t even think to consider that, but like you said no one is developing a manual and going oh yeah and no turquoise hair!
[A] It is usually never there, I promise you that. And it is so interesting to me. Putting my hair in different colors has become so natural to me that it is my everyday life. Just like if you were a redhead, your hair is red why can’t my hair be green? I would say well her hair is red, and they would respond “Well that’s her natural hair” [Whispers] “Well this is my natural hair too”
[Both Crack Up]
What is Your Drink of Choice ?
[A] Old-fashioned. I’m a Bourbon Whiskey Girl #BrightHairDarkLiquor
What do you define as your Passion? What gives you the Courage day in and day out?
[A] People understanding their power and understanding they can create the life that they want.
I’ve spent so much of my life trying to find myself and figure out what my niche is and what I’m good at. Without realizing that me as a whole and what I bring to the table is good enough and I can be good at a lot of different things and whatever my focus is that’s what I choose to create. That’s why things like Non Corporate Girls is so important to me because we don’t have platforms where people celebrate who they are. In whatever avenue or station in life that they are, be it corporate, non corporate, entrepreneur, intrepreneur.  I really believe wholeheartedly everyone gets to design the life they want, everyone. Until they know it, they will continue to be stuck in a box. Everything in life is a choice, we keep talking about how we are stuck in this box, so choose not to be. It’s your choice and I am choosing everyday to live the life that I want and not be in a box.
Drops Mic.
[C] Exit Stage Left.
0 notes
de-constructionsite · 7 years
He was on the interstate cruising south to a suburb 15 miles from the city for a job interview.
It was the end of July and everything was sticky. A dress shirt was folded neatly in the passenger seat. He was trying to a void a sweaty streak of smelling too strongly of cigarettes.
All the windows were down. He wore sunglasses, held the wheel with one hand and a cigarette out the window with the other. The door panel was spotted with circular burn marks.
As he reached the crest of a hill a Shell Station and water tower appeared to his west and a sprawling one-story brick building lined the other side of the highway. As he coasted down the road, no more than 10 minutes from the office, the check engine light burst to life, flashing on and off. Smoke came billowing from beneath the hood and the engine regulated itself instantly and the vehicle decelerated. Anytime he tapped the gas to push the vehicle up over 20 mph the check engine light began blinking and the vehicle slowed itself. He directed the vehicle into the Shell station parking lot. By then his dashboard was an explosive bouquet of lights and warnings.
Forty five minutes later a tow truck arrived. He had called the potential job and they had been gracious- Call us back when you have the chance, I have the aftenoon free,” they said. He told them he would check back in once he made it to the garage.
The big white truck approached cautiously, crackling over the pavement and pebbles. The man who had missed his job interview sat on the trunk of his car with elbows on knees and his chin buried in his hands.
The truck driver drove the hulking metal whale in a U around the parking lot and then backed towards the disabled vehicle, still simmering from its episode on the interstate. The tow truck’s crane hung morose and foreboding. THe metal hook was massive and unmoving, a curious planet held in suspension by a chain. When the truck stopped the hook swayed back and forth a couple times. The man who missed his job interview could almost reach out and touch it.
The front door squealed open and slammed shut. A man with dark brown skin and long, full, static black hair emerged around the vehicle. Streaks of gray like lightning in the night sky.
“Blue Honda Accord,” said the tow truck driver.
“That’s me,” said the unemployed man.
The driver returned to the truck’s cab and pressed a button. The crane began to slowly descend towards the disabled Accord’s bumper. The unemployed man hopped off the trunk.
“Shit luck,” the tow truck driver said, flashing a snow white smile.
“Uh huh,” the unemployed man nodded, wiping sweat with his forearm from his brow. He imagined this to be a well rehearsed, tired line but the driver seemed calm, pleased, genuine. He wore a blue t-shirt tucked into blue jeans. Sunglasses. He glanced through the unemployed man’s back window. The unemployed man had filled the inside with random knick-knacks from recent forays around the state- sand dollars, massive, genetically enhanced pine cones, deer antlers, cow skulls, a deck of cards bearing the state’s many bridges, a few coins, a blue hat faded in the blistering summer sun, and one other piece of nature.
”Don’t see much of that up here,” said the driver.
“What’s that?” asked the unemployed man who had been expecting to be departing from a successful job interview at this point in time.
The unemployed man had gathered a few bundles of sage leaf, as well as the antlers and cow skulls, from his last time in the desert, 240 miles east six months ago.
“White people don’t really mess around with that stuff,” the tow truck drive said while dislodging the hefty iron hook and guiding it beneath the bumper of the accord.
“I see it at the head shops,” the unemployed man said. “I guess hippies use it mostly. THere aren’t a lot of those in the city.”
By now the truck driver ws lowering a pair of ramps to the pavement and then dragging metal chains from the truck and securing those beneath the bumper.
“I picked them down south, smack dab in the middle of the state. Near the badlands.”
The truck driver stood p and looked past the chain connected to the metal hook. He moved to the side of the truck and said, “Put it in neutral,” to which the unemployed man obliged and then the tow truck driver pressed another button and the chains began lurching up into a coil, dragging the broken blue sedan with it. The truck drive watched with great diligence as the car inched up the ramps and into a pair of wheel wells. He pressed the button once more and all motion ceased.
“You smoke?” asked the driver.
“Ya,” the unemployed man said.
“Wanna have one before the drive?” “Sure.”
The two men stood in front of the big truck and smoked, watching the cars cruise up and down the four lane road in the oppressive heat of the early afternoon. The air above the concrete simmered in agony. Flies swarmed the gas station trash cans while cars slid in and out of the pump stations. It can be hard to justify and/or enjoy a smoke in such a stupidly hot moment regardless of the various stressors weighing on a human’s mind, especially with an already parched mouth and empty water bottle, but the body demands things- tobacco, for both these men, had not been so much a choice for a couple years for the unemployed man, decades for the tow truck driver.
“I grew up in Warm Springs,” said the driver. “Sage everywhere.” “Beautiful rocks, beautiful scenery,” said the unemployed man.
“Yea,” the driver took a drag through pursed lips
“You got family?” inquired the unemployed man.
“A brother on the coast, Newport. A mother still in Warm Springs.”
“Oh,” said the unemployed man.
“My dad died a few years ago. He was a good man.”
“Hard to find these days,” said the unemployed man.
The truck driver turned and looked at the unemployed man. Both wore sunglasses and studied the others face unabashedly, but with each others eyes shielded it was impossible to perceive any emotion. The both felt nervous, naked, and confused. The truck driver took a drag once more and looked out to the highway.
There were no clouds in the sky. The sun shone pale and white. Both men had been made to feel miserable by the cigarette but stubbornly smoked on.
“Driving a tow truck seems like good work,” the unemployed man, considering a completely unrealistic life where he took up the trade and turned it into a profitable, lengthy career. “Helping people out, doing people favors.”
The driver scoffed. “People pay man,” he said. “It ain’t cheap either. It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had. It’s not always fun, say like when it’s raining or cold, but hey I get to be outside.” He shrugged, smiled. “Just drive the truck, press a button, make some chitchat, and know my way around an engine.” “Ya,” said the unemployed man. He took in smoke and dropped his butt prematurely to the pavement, stomping it out. The driver did the same and declared that they hit the road.
They cab stunk of cigarettes and sweat. Empty plastic cups and receipts littered the floor. The windows were lowered with a manual hand crank which both men tended to before buckling seat belts or starting the vehicle.
The unemployed man took a look at the driver’s name tag embroidered on the dark blue shirt as the truck rumbled to life. “Chaz” it read in red cursive writing. The unemployed man thought he should give the driver a bundle of sage to him back at the station for this kind, expensive favor he was performing in a strictly dutiful, professional manner. The unemployed man thought the cab of the truck would benefit from a little sage cleanse.
Soon the truck had made it’s way east of the interstate into some unnamed suburb with curving roads shaded and lined with a canopy of trees that bloomed dark green The road led into the town’s main street. There were two diners, a post office, gas station court house, a quaint alien world. The driver lived closer to the city and commuted into the little village five days a week.
“I have to get up to Seattle today,” said the other man. “We’re having a birthday party for a good friend of mine from college.”
“Hope you’re car ain’t too banged up,” said the driver. He chuckled softly, the unemployed man perceived kindness. “What happened anyway?” the driver asked.
“All the lights came on at once. Smoke was kind of coming out from the hood, I couldn’t notice it until I stopped. But it stopped going over 25, 30, I was slammed on the gas but the car just kept cruising. I was going to get an oil change when I got back from Seattle...” the unemployed man droned on.
“Ah shit,” the driver muttered. Down along the road, at the intersection, the stoplight blinked red. A cement mixer and smaller construction vehicle sat on the east side of the road, protected by Do Not Enter signs. The tow truck slowed and drove past the impassible street. “That’s the shop,” the driver said, pointing at a warehouse of a building with big glass garage doors facing north. “Forgot we have to go around.”
The driver sped up, heading two blocks down to a four-way stop that got them turned around best. As the lumbering vehicle crept along the unemployed man looked up cabs on his phone to get him to the interview. He felt certain his car was toast. He expected to be leaving it with the garage for now, unfixed until he started making money.
“The train’s reliable for getting up to Seattle,” the driver suggested. “They have to run a dozen times a day, at least.”
The unemployed man nodded with an empty mind. “I’ve never taken the train,” he said. “Anywhere.”
“Oh what a place to take your first train ride,” the driver marveled. “If you ride up there this evening, with the sun setting over the ocean and glowing along the Cascades as they run north...sit on the right side of the train buddy. It’s affordable too. You’d spend more in gas money I think.”
“Sounds peaceful,” said the unemployed man. “I need that.”
The men sat in silence as they came to a stop before the light. Ahead a blind curve came from the east, out of the hills and trees and forest.  The driver put his blinker on and made his way into the turning lane before a red light.
“Burn some of that sage,“ said the driver.
“Smudge my chakras,” the unemployed man smiled.
“Yup,” said the driver.
The light turned green and driver rolled across the intersection. He looked at his customer, his mouth agape inhaling insects. He dropped his sunglasses, analyzing him and coming to understand how beleaguered and worn this poor soul might actually be, when the color in his cheeks was drained before he even actually understood what was happening as the oncoming truck crashed into the tow truck. For a second the unemployed man experienced both confusion and denial as the shards of glass were embedded in his skull and he bit a chunk of his tongue off. Their limbs flayed limply, their bones cracked weakly and for another 6 seconds the vehicles spun and bounced about unnaturally before the scene slowly settled. There was silence but for the simmering engines, the smoke that slid from beneath vehicle’s undersides and hoods. The unemployed man’s vehicle had dislodged from the tow truck’s wheel wells and hung with a great weight from the iron hook, the bumper preparing to rip itself from the car., the car swaying back and forth, rattling the many chains attached to it’s chassis. The driver of the vehicle that had come barrelling around the corner in his purple sedan threw the driver side door open and half their body fell to the concrete below into a puddle of broken glass. No one in the two truck stirred.
0 notes
yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 friday diary
Cosplayed/breakfast/snack: same as thursday diary
For future me only. preferred that you dont read this, thanks. 
Okay so we arrived at like, 10:23 or abt that time so i had some time before my first panel so i just kinda walked around. i dont think anything happened around that time, sorry. my memory of today is a lil bit hazy at parts. but while on the escalator, i looked over at registration n saw creeper print and a yellow crown n the person rly looked like king gavin n i openly Gasped but i couldnt get to them obviously but i was like gjhnsmjgh hh.
then, i went to the yoi panel! uhm.. not much to comment on for this panel, sorry. there was a viktor, yuri, and yurio! i remember there was a personality swap ask and for part of the panel, they all had switched jackets because of a dare.
next was the oh-shc panel! the honey was rly cute n gave a lot of hugs to a lot of the audience members n they were such sute hugs gjhnsm.. like the ones where u semi-leap at a person n hug em w slight movement it was so cute. kyoya said his entire budget book he brought was all for tamaki’s expenses and tamaki proposed to haruhi as a dare but earlier in the panel he was imagining outloud him n haruhi’s wedding gjhnsm
after that, i couldve went to the grav!ity falls panel or the bn-ha one, but since the bn-ha one was in the same room as the previous two, i just decided to stay in my seat for that one. the todoroki n kirishima came in late w starbucks which todoroki says was paid for by endeavor bc he had his dad’s credit card n he actually gave out 2 fake paper credit cards to ppl. aizawa got asked what the dumbest thing he’s gotten asked by one of his students n he said it was “whats your quirk, aizawa?” n todoroki said “it’s not ‘is mayonaise an instrument’? then there was other stuff n they played Sentences and i suggested the scenario “furry convention” after someone suggested todoroki and izuku. ALSO!!! i won the raffle for a bn-ha poster! it was drawn by the uraraka that was one of the panelists n it looks so good ;w; dunno where im gonna put it.. but as my first fanmade print (that’s not my hs wall scroll, which was officially licensed), ill cherish it.
after that i had time to walk! i saw a bunch of id0lish cosplayers! the id0lish7 ones in the dream journey outfits n the 2 trigger members i saw were in similar outfits? i forgot the name for them. anyway! i saw a gentaro n took their pic n they were like “i hav a dice n ramuda somewhere around here.. we’re fl!ng posse” so i wndered around the dealers room n eventually found the dice n ramuda together n took their pic too! thn i kept wanderin n i!! found the king gavin n i was like “are you cosplaying king gavin” n they were like “yea!” n i was!! so happy!!! n they turned to their friend n they were like “see you shouldve stayed in costume! [turns 2 me] they were mad k!ng ryan up until a lil while ago; they changed” but anyway i took their pic n they were talking abt how it feels kinda odd to come to terms w the fact theyre cosplaying minecraft n how they saw a minecraft person earlier n thought abt talking to them but it’s different bc it’s ach!evement hunter so they dont kno the full picture. i saw a corrin w arei button!! which was exciting. also met a nico who said they were gonna b arashi that day but didnt wanna contour but theyre gonna b her tomorrow!! DURING THIS TIME i also saw an adachi body pillow at an artist’s booth n im.. gjhnskm....... i wanted it...... i later found out it was $60 tho so. ;w; i met a sougo n tamaki n i asked if i could take their pic n they said yea, just give em a sec, n the sougo was like “r u cosplayin tsukasa??” n i said yep n they were like do u wanna b in our mv?” n i thought it was a whole event thing n i was like “oh. id hav to check my schedule i might b busy but” n they were talking abt how we (me, the luka next to them, n the kaito next to luka) would just do like steps to the side by following sougos lead n i was confused n repeated myself but the sougo was like “oh, no no it’s right now” n so i did that w them while the tamaki filmed n unfortunately i 4got to ask their instagrams so idk where the vid is but w/e. the sougo told me abt an id0lish meetup at 5 pm, too, out on the docks. 
the h!veswap panel was p funny! an eridan n feferi in the audience were also entertaining, esp during the improve games. i remember someone asked lanque “what r ur fashion tips?” n lanque was like “...Dont Bother” n joey was confused by troll stuff n i asked daraya what her fav punk band was n she was like “we only listen to the grubbles. have u heard em?” n i was like “i.. actually havent heard the full album yet so i guess not?” but as im typing this i think i actually have?/ oops. anyway a lot happened but it’s rly hate so im gonna.... move on. im typing this paragraph last bc i 4got to type it lmao.
a ruby and dia complimented my nails! then i saw a doppo!! they were apparently the reo i took a pic of yesterday. they said their jakurai was still getting ready. 
i tried to go to the grav!ty falls party but it was just one girl as mabel making the audience do games for prizes that were rly boring like decoding n stuff so i left after abt 15 minutes n went walking again. i had 2 hrs to walk now.
i went downstairs after walkina round the dealers room n there was!! a bloody banquet rei and koga!!! they were so pretty.. i was intimidated kinda but i managed to approach them n we talked abt rei’s rei itabag n koga’s goro itabag n rei said they once spent $150 dollars in rei merch in one sitting on yahoo auctions whoa. they were rly cool tho! we talked for a few minutes. later, i also saw another hypm!c group of MTR + ramuda n took their pics n the ramuda was like “ur sign omg. wait r u tsukasa??” n i said yep n we got excited abt ES n the jakurai told me theres an ES meetup tomorrow at 1 pm!! unfortunately, i hav a panel (2, actually, but i can only choose 1) that is at that time so idk if ill go... esp since it’ll prob only b a few ppl n im not the type of person to make friends anyway, yknow? ....anyway! the hifumi game me a lil clear heart tin w tiny fake yellow flowers n a piece of paper that said: “thank u, prince/princess! -hifumi [doodle of 2 champagne glasses]” n thats.. so cute. i gave them a lollipop in return. little while later, met another jakurai! i think we also talked abt ens-tars!! cant remember a lot of it tho gomen. then a lil while later, i saw the kakeru cosplayer i had heard abt on twitter! they were manning an art booth. i was like “are you cosplaying kakeru?” n they were like “yea!” n i took their pic n i was like “i didnt think id rly find k!npri cosplayers here aa” n the kakeru went “FINALLY i can use one of these!” n handed me a lil kakeru sticker they drew n i was like “his fumb bg pink jacket.. it makes him look like a Shrimp” n we both laughed n they showed me the k!npri stuff on their table n a joji on the other side of their display that looked like he was behind bars bc the display thingy and a jin hanging from one of the bars. they (the kakeru n the person they were with) were like “we kept seeing you walk by w ur sign n we were like ‘i hope they find leo!’” (both days, bc the other person asked if i was tsukasa yesterday) n i showed them my yug!oh card that’s an obscure reference to a tsukasa cg! n i talked to them a lil bit abt ens-tars but i cant remember a lot gahh!! and while i was standing there, a honoka came up and asked for my photo n i was like “ANOTHER ES FAN??” n i talked to them for a sec n forgot to put up my prop for the photo at first gjhnsm but that was cool!!  oh, the honoka also asked me if i liked anzu n i was like “she’s super cute in the anime”
after that i tried to go to the fru!ts basket panel but im only 6 eps in the remake anime n they had almost all the characters n i didnt understand a lot of the questions bc i hadnt seen much of the show so.. then after only a few minutes of q+a they started up trivis so i left n just walked around the dealers room. it was during this time that my crown fell off (SECOND DAY IN A ROW) n i searched the whole dealers room but couldnt find it?? ghh..
ANYWAY i found another ramuda w a jakurai n the ramuda liked my sign too n they were like “ur tsukasa!” n i went yep n they saw the buttons ns tuff on my bag n all my keychains n they were like ‘oh, sry” n i was like “no no, it’s okay, u can go thru all the keychains on my backpack i hav A Lot” n i pointed out chiaki as my best boy n mika as my 2nd fav n they said they cosplay hakaze. at some point, i played drops on my flip phone i think bc ramuda was saying smth pertaining to drops?? mayb not. but i played it n jakurai was like “oh god i hav to hear it hre too..” (in-character, i think) n i spotted another ramud in the distand n asked them to wtch my stuff while i took the ramudas pic so i went over n the person next to them had an arashi plush!e n we both squealed (i think. i did tho, Loudly.)
after this i just wandered n i danced on the dance floor! chacha slide, cupid shuffle, n time warp iirc! def time warp tho. also to some 80s song n some guy not in cosplay spun me around nt ried to swing dance we me but he was completely leading it n i didnt kno what to do!! after that i saw a tumblr/con friend while on my way to the yoi panel!!
then the yoi panel was actually p funny! a lot of questions abt yurio’s parents being viktor and yuri and yuri n viktor slowdanced to an edd sheeran song n otabek showed off their muscles (like, flexed their arms in their tank top) n yuri kept dramatically thwipping open their rainbow fan esp in responses to gay asks. at one point, someone asked abt yaois n a mom who was attending w their preteen or teen child was like “whats yaoi?” n the ppl behind her were like “i dont wanna b the one to do this..” n ppl told the mom n the mom to their teen/preteen kid was like “what are u watching? where? is it okay? is it on tv?” n the kid was responding to ehr questions but i couldnt hear them gjhnsm. yurio did a dance to a song n after that, we all danced to cupid shuffle n wobble n then i stopped but others did the time warp too. oh! also i answered a trivia question right (”who’s yuri’s best friend?” “pichit”) and got an utapr! keychain/strap! it’s reiji in a glitter thing. none of the other stuff there aside from some yoi straps was my fandoms so i saw utapr! n went for it.
then the bnh-a pj party! ...uh. the original panelists never showed up so random bn-ha cosplayers (and their non-cn.ha-cosplaying friends) tred to host the panel but everythign was hectic and loud n unfocused n a wreck but i noticed a ramuda n a hifumi i hadnt taken a pic of yet in the corner of the room (there were no chairs) so i eventually got annoyed/bored n went over to ask for a pic but ended up asking to sit w them (i walked over, put my sign down, n went “i said Fuck leo rights n higumi was like “that chara is familiar..” n i said leo from ES n they were like “oh i watched p 1 of that” n i was like “ep 2, this unday. stan ryuseitai”) n i ended up talking to them abt hypm!c n cosplay stuff n i talked a bit abt ens-tars and we all agreed that stella n papillion Slap on the new album. n ramuda said they were cosplaying as a prom!sed neverland haracter tomorrow n recommended it to me n i was like “oh im watching fru!ts basket rn tho” n the hifumi said they were too n the ramuda was like “do u kno the horse one in fru!ts basket? My Horse Boyfriend....” (the game. i think that was the name) so i showed them the hypm!c ask blog where they draw some of the charcaters as horses n the other characters as cowboys n the ramuda showed me the pics that r on their swear jar (photshopped pics of kinako w long legs in stockings+heels) n id0lish memes n it was all chill!! i played drops for them on my phone too. someone came over n went “if u can type w those nails, ur a god[dess]” n i said i could w Only my nails n they said i was like a god[dess] hehe. the higumi said they should make a tumblr n i heard them muttering “should i put 14 on here?” n ramuda went “well i mean, you Are 14-” n i went “ur 14?” n they nodded n i asked the ramuda how old They were n they said 14 n i was like “oh my god.. yallre babies..... gjhnsmk im 18.” n the ramuda crawled back a bit n they were like “18??” n the hifumi was like “u look so young tho whoa! rly?” n i was like “yea i look p young.. ive been compared to a freshman b4..... n yea i graduated like 2 months ago” n the hifumi was like “congratulations :o”
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 years
metr0c0n 2k18 thursday
hewwo!! first day over aa.. this is 4 future me, but i suppose u can read it~? cosplayed: tsumiki (sd/r2)
started off the day rly eqsy bc apparently the lunch rush traffic was held back by a crash? i left after eating some cereal n packing n stucc n dad n i listened to The Eagles on the way there n i got all Registered then walked around for a lil while until my DD/lC panel. i saw a shiki (s1dem) tho n went “!!? bc i didnt think id see any s1dem cosplays here this weekend but!! oh i also saw my old friend Lynds (still cosplaying casual rapunzel like last year) n we talked abt how we became more depressed over junior year n how, when she went to d!sney trvia, she should just start singing tangled songs bc thatd b “a power move” n “have big dick energy” lol 
so anyway i went to the panel n it was just all of us writing poetry in near silence then sharing em n some ppl had serious poems or short dumb ones or funny ones n the joker/akira next 2 me wrote a rly good poem abt akira!! i wrote one abt a beast pouncing on someone in the woods n devouring em, w each line as 6 syllables! then shared one of my old poems abt my negative thoughts regarding my weight then the panel ended soon enough! 
then i got 2 walk around for 2 hrs.... i rly just kind of circled the dealer’s room n sometimes the con floor n i visited the idol table but only rly found one shinou keychain i wanted so.. oh1 a tsumiki i emt turned out 2 b the mei i befriended like 2 years ago at the con tho! n i was like “aaa it’s nice 2 see u again!” n they had the junkrat too (the junkrat wasnt junkrat tho, i just mean it was the same guy as the junkrat i befriended back then w the mei) HOWEVER at an itabag booth, i thought the person running it w pink hair looked like tori n i was like “oh my god r u cosplaying tori?” n they went “yea! n this is my Eichi!” n pointed 2 their fellow booth runner n i was so excited n asked 4 their pic n the eichi had 2 put on their jacket (they were the dance gcha versions) n i was like “oh my gosh dude i luv ES i was actually gonna go as tsukasa today we coulda been the rich kid trio omg” n i showed them my ES buttons/straps then left n a while after, i met a komaeda n took their pic n we talked abt despair n DR n joked around n hs was brought up n he apparently has a jake engl!sh cosplay at home n we were just joking around for a while abt DR n hs n h!veswap n stuff until i parted ways 2 go back 2 the dealer’s room. before that in the dealer’s room, i met a homare n after my pic i said “uhm.. prec/ure, thank you for saving everyone!!”  n found that kind of cute. a junko also took selfies w me aa.
i also met an aoba n took their pic n told them abt the official english localization coming soon n they were stoked bc they didnt kno abt it b4 n they told me there was a noiz at the con too so i was like “!!” n i eventually found them n apparently they were semi-new to the dm/md fandom? they said they were Late but i told them abt the localization too. while i was talking to the noiz, some lady at a nearby artist booth was like “are those ur real nails? omg can i take a pic” so i let her photograph my hands n we talked abt nails n how she usually kept hers long but has to cut em shorter for cons bc they break at cons due to the lifting she has to do n stuff.
the LL panel!! we mostly asked the 3 ooc questions abt idols n stuff after they did their trivia and dances. speaking of trivia, i won a d!sney villain lanyard, makkach!n sticky notes, n p0kem0n socks bc i answered like. 4-5 questions right haha some of the questions were rly easy tho sooo
then i walked around More. i explained to a group that i was giving out lollipops bc mikan’s a nurse n lollipops r like a doctor n the yukine went “i kno ur source ur no-!” n i went “i kind of am! but ur right, maybe im kind of like junko;’s mistress...” i saw a pregame saihara, kaede, n maki n when i gave them shots 4 their lollipops, i said “saihara, maybe thisll cure ur depression!” on impulse but jtggth. I ALSO MET A REI COSPLAYER n i was like “aaaa i luv ES hewwo... reiPs united” n they were like “im actually not a reiP, but ppkt hink since i cosplay him that im one haha. im a ritsuP but i cosplay rei bc who loves ritsu the most? rei!” n we talked abt events n how u have 2 try rly hard n they said that ppl think the next gacha or event will b leo n i was like “the knightsP are already Here...” n i said that if happyele brought out chiaki i’d die but b Ready n then we started talking abt how chiaki is so effing GOOD n ryuse!ta! being Good Boys n they were like “i wouldnt cosplay ryuse!ta! but chiaki, maybe... yknow, i actualy dont like subaru that much bc hes rude/cold to chiaki tbh.” n i was like “also arashi” n they went “...dont like him.” n then “how/why could/would anyone reject chiaki’s hugs?? they say he’s sweaty but like, ill hug tou so much dude” n i was like “YEA id hug him a thousand times over” n i was like “yknow how he pats anzu’s head n says good girl i wish that were me.. but hes so Good” n they were like “he obviously drops hints at anzu, saying things like ‘haha well this could/would happen If You were My Girffriend...’” n i was like “YEA the boy isnt Subtle.. he’d b like ‘wow i wish i could have a gf that could make me a bento.. wink.wink. oh, anzu u can cook? [scoots closer] hm. that’s-” they had 2 leave after a minute but ANYWAY they said they were gonna b kanzaki on saturday n im READY
THEN the whose line panel! it was RLY funny but writing all the details would take FOREVER okay.. im not that dedicated. maybe another time, kay? anyway, i saw a farz n a vincent n took their pic n went “oh, did yall see/kno there was a lawrence here earlier?” n the vincent pointed to farz n said “that was them” n they said “that was me haha...” n i went “...oh my GOD im so effing stupid i cant remember faces well im so sorry” but anyway the panel was funny n for the prompt “things u say abt ur cosply but not ur s/o”, i went up n i said “i could prob buy this for cheap...” then for “cheesy promomercials for anime characters” i said “welcome to kyu/bey’s magcal girls! u can become a magical girl w a low price. our prices r so low, but dont lose ur Head over em!” 
anyway i didnt kno the panel was 2 hours but i left a lil after halfway thru to go to the fr33! anel n they did trivia (i didnt get any of the questions.. i got CLOSE on a question tho. they said, “in 50 off who was nagisas boss” n i said “master dave” but it was “easter dave” so the other person got the prize (it was a poster or a button, idk) n i chose the number 5 for the dare n had it w rei, n rei had to propose to a random audience member n they nervously proposed to a hanayo n it was funny hehe. i also asked truth/dare 6 w nagisa n it was “whats ur dream/dream job” n he said an astronaut who’s also a penguin farmer pff anyway it was fun!! i also asked what if they were to b idols n i think rei said hed b the costume designer? i also asked if they could rap freestyle n they said “we’ll take a hard pass on that one haha”n i was like “hehe its fine i was Joking”
then i kind of loitered around blasting hypm!c songs then st down until i had 2 go hooome!! TIME 2 GO 2 BED
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