#can you tell I was a theatre kid?
polutrope · 6 months
oooh holiday prompts! Can I ask for Maedhros & Maglor, and “singing carols” please? ❤️
Thank you for the prompt! Here we have ~1100 words of Maedhros saving the show -- a little canon fix-it, if you will. Handful of F-bombs, otherwise G-rated brotherly fluff. Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list. Beleria Cast of Characters.
Maglor flung his hand under the tap and unleashed a string of curses entirely inappropriate for the greenroom of a children’s theatre school. Already blisters bubbled up on the tip of his index finger and the heel of his palm. There was a gash across his thumb joint from the broken ceramic.
Shit. He glared at the microwave as if it had personally injured him. What kind of shit-ass microwave only heats the bowl—! Why was it so damn hot!
“I swear, I could throw you out the fudging window right now,” he grumbled at the appliance.
“Hey, uh, Mr. Finvesen? Are you okay?”
Maglor startled. “What? Oh, hi, Galdor. Yeah yeah, I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine,” said Galdor with all the arch attitude of his thirteen years.
“I just burned myself a bit.” Maglor examined his blisters with trepidation.
“Why is there a shattered bowl and soup all over the floor?”
“Because that’s how I burned myself!” Maglor snapped, then took a deep breath.
“That doesn’t look like a microwavable bowl,” Galdor drawled.
Maglor grit his teeth and did not respond.
“Hey,” said Galdor, “how are you gonna accompany us for the concert if your hand is fucked up?”
“Galdor! Don’t swear!”
At that, Maglor’s eyes flooded with tears and he sank to the ground in front of the greenroom sink, cradling his bleeding, burning hand in his lap.
Galdor huffed and left him to his misery.
Relatives and friends filed into the small black box theatre at Lindon Studio. For all the effort that went into the children’s summer musical, it was the Yule concert that the kids’ families looked forward to most. The old metal folding chairs creaked as proud parents took their seats and boasted good-naturedly about their children’s many achievements that year.
Maglor stood in the entrance, greeting each group with forced enthusiasm and hoping no one would notice that his left hand was rammed in his pocket where it clutched an ice pack.
In the background, he listened anxiously to the garbled melodies Daeron was plunking out on the piano. It was not good. It was frankly embarrassing. Maglor had to implement Plan B.
But would he come?
There! Maglor nearly tripped as he wound a path through the press of bodies towards the head of red hair rising above them all.
“Oh thank god you're here,” Maglor said in a breathless rush.
“Whoa, hey. Of course I am,” said Maedhros, pulling him into a hug, which Maglor returned one-armed. His head fell against Maedhros’ shoulder with a pained choking sound.
“Uh, Cáno?” Maedhros pulled back to look at him. “Are you okay?”
“No, no. Not at all,” Maglor gritted through his teeth, aware of the crowd around them.
Maedhros guided him to a bench around the corner of the building.
“What’s going on?” he asked when they were seated. “Why do you have your hand shoved in your pocket like that?”
Maglor took a deep breath and pulled the hand and ice pack from his slacks. Then, eyes shamefully cast to the ground, he showed Maedhros the ruination wrought by his dinner plans.
“Yikes,” said Maedhros. “Still not using a rag to take things out of the microwave, then?”
“Shut up,” said Maglor.
“Sorry. Looks pretty bad.”
“It is bad. I’ve got to lead kids in a concert in twenty minutes and my hand is fucked! I can’t play piano!”
“Oh. Right, shit. What about Daeron?”
Maglor frowned and glared at Maedhros. He waited for the sound of Daeron’s playing inside the theatre to make itself heard.
“Is that him?” Maedhros asked, and grimaced. “I thought he was, like, super talented.”
“He is!” Maglor said, and stuck his throbbing blister in his mouth. “But he can’t read sheet music,” he said around the finger, “and barely knows his way around a piano. He taught himself by ear on a guitar, the fucking hipster prodigy.” He pulled his finger from his mouth and flapped it frantically in front of him. “That was mean. Don’t tell him I said that. Ugh! I’m just—!”
“It’s all right," Maedhros chuckled, "I know you like fucking hipster prodigies.” Maglor groaned. “Okay, so. Surely someone else who works here can play piano though?”
“No! Of course not! The admin is all actors who didn’t make it because they didn’t have these skills. Nelyo,” Maglor pivoted towards him, “you remember how to play, right?”
“Oh,” said Maedhros. “I mean, yeah, I guess, but…”
“Can you do it?” Maglor grabbed him by the shoulder and stared intently. “Please. Please, I am begging you. Save my dignity in front of these theatre moms.”
“I mean, I would, but…” Maedhros showed Maglor his right hand, which was wrapped in a tensor bandage. “The injury has been acting up. I’m down a hand, too.”
Maglor’s eyes dropped to his brother’s hand and back up. “Fuck.”
“Hey, hey,” said Maedhros. “No wait, I’ve got an idea.”
“Please,” said Maglor.
“Well you remember how we used to play duets, when I sucked too bad to do the bass and treble at once?”
Maglor smiled wryly at the memory. “Yeah, you were pretty terrible.”
“So we do that. People will love it.”
Maglor’s racing pulse started to even out. His eyes widened. “Nelyo. You genius. Agh!” He threw his arms around his brother’s shoulders. “I could cry. Again. You saved me.”
A discordant clang slipped through the theatre door. Maglor winced.
Maedhros patted Maglor’s back reassuringly. “Now let’s get your poor boyfriend off that piano bench ASAP.”
With his left hand resting on a fresh ice pack, Maglor lifted his right to the keys. Beside him, Maedhros did the same with his left. The house lights dimmed and voices dwindled to a hush. Maglor could sense the buzz of excitement from the choir of children huddled on the stage, holding their breath almost as a single being in their shared anticipation.
As the stage lights came up, slowly bathing the space in soft gold, Maglor looked at his brother beside him. Maedhros’ eyes smiled back.
“I might still suck,” he whispered out the corner of his mouth.
“Too late,” Maglor replied, and struck the first chord to cue the children: Jingle Bells was about to begin.
Maedhros did struggle a little, but Maglor barely noticed, overcome by the warm pride that welled up in his heart whenever he heard a chorus of young voices singing in harmony. Yes, he was terribly underpaid, and terribly overworked, and terribly stupid about handling hot objects —but he loved this job.
By the time they were singing Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, Maedhros was mouthing the lyrics along with them. Soon after, he was merrily singing along to Wonderful Christmastime (“ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding!”) with such performative gusto that Maglor laughed so hard he fumbled his own part.
No one seemed to mind.
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musical-shit-show · 8 months
fuck man i just love theatre and broadway and musicals and plays and community theatre and regional theatre and new york city and touring productions and auditions and rehearsals and tech week and opening nights and closing nights i love it all UGH.
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calamitys-child · 4 months
My purpose and singular mission in life is to make sure queer and/or neurodivergent kids know that sometimes it really is their parents who are stupid and other adults are on their side. This, unfortunately, does not make me popular with their parents. Gonnae keep doing it though.
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katcreatesthings · 2 months
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shawolsos · 4 months
I feel like the best way to like explain what I think is the key difference between Charlie and Way is that if they were songs from musicals, Charlie would be Never Ever Getting Rid of Me from 'Waitress' whereas Way would be Meant to Be Yours From 'Heathers', because even though both showcase a kind of unhealthy obsession with the girls that the guys singing them are into, the number from 'Waitress' clearly has only wholesome and well-meant intentions even if the message is still a bit intense because we see that it does evolve into something reciprocated and healthy, whereas the number from 'Heathers' depicts an obviously malicious and dangerous one-sided obsession, even if the relationship initially began with some semblance of health and communication.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
hello!! i've been spamming about billie the kid a lot lately, and for good reason. seeing this show was such a reset for me. i really do feel like i walked out of that theatre a different person. i feel braver in my own queerness, my expression, who i am as a person - and i know some people have been asking about the show, or have wanted to see it but can't, so i just wanted to tell you that if you enjoyed or are even a little bit interested in seeing billie the kid i really really recommend you go to any of the shows main socials (@/billiemusical on instagram, @/billiemusical on tiktok and @/billiemusical on twitter) and make posts or dm them to say that - the creators see everything that's sent to the main socials and it gives them the opportunity to tell producers that there is excitement for this show that would continue even with a full run.
look. are you tired of queer tragedy and trauma being exploited? this show is for you. are you tired of seeing queer media that doesn't have the guts to go into the complexities and nuances of the queer experience? this show is for you. do you want queer media that allows it's queer characters to get the happy endings they deserve? THIS SHOW IS FOR YOU. i've never seen any queer media that uses such care and nuance in it's portrayal of the queer experience - the good and the bad, the pride and the fear, the beautiful and the ugly. and that's why it's so important that the creators are able to tell their producers that there is a market for this show, that there is interest and excitement for it. you can do anything! wanna make fan content? go right ahead! you don't even need to post it publicly, you can just send privately in a DM to the show's instagram. or if you're like me and aren't really an artist by any means, you can just let them know that you're interested in the show. you can go in-depth, tell them why you want to see it, why you couldn't, if you'd be interested in a cast album, etc etc - or you can just keep it short and simple and say 'hey, i really hope you get a full run!!'.
the whole team are truly the kindest people - i was able to talk to a lot of them at stagedoor as well as message a few afterwards, and their biggest hope for this show is that it's able to instill hope and pride in all the queer people who need it, because they've BEEN those frightened queer people. this show is authentic, it's empowering, it's real and it's KIND. it treats us with the dignity we deserve, and i hope so desperately that it can get the life it deserves. so if you can spare them a kind word, anything that goes to show there is interest in this show, i really do beg that you do it.
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intosnarkness · 29 days
we would have been friends in high school (derogatory)
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bemorekleinman · 1 year
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characteroulette · 11 months
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/slaps a burlap sack onto him CALL THAT THE OOGIE BOOGIE MAN
anyway I don't go here but a sack of bugs is a sack of bugs, and who am I to deny it?
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I got way too into this lol. (I actually like Gudao/Gudako's designs, I can draw them!!)
And a bonus Astolfo and me despairing
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Anyway this is mostly for @versegm hahaha
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phantomram-b00 · 9 months
Stop because the more I think about it the more if there was an AU where they were in highschool that Aziraphale will be a fucking theatre kid.
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You can’t tell me he won’t be a theatre kid, as someone who was a theatre kid I know a theatre kid when I see one.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
speaking of the horrors brian goosebumpsphantomoftheauditorium is still So funny for being like yeah i'm a ghost i know i'm a ghost. & he's befriended the horror fan menace duo who are giggling clutching each other like omg omg okay. we're fine. we're breaking into the school at night to investigate the horrors aaaa what if there's a ghost eek ok ok!!! & brian ghost who knows he's a ghost is like omg guys aaaa stopppp ;;m;; suffering thee Most but he's not putting on an act to conceal his phantomly destiny. he's just like that
#it's brian colson i believe (unless it's colsen. but i think colson) but clearly this is clearer#the book was killing me & i'm telling you brian especially. his whole thing is being So nervous about everything all the time#which maybe that's meant to be due to [you Did die; alarmingly] but it really does just seem like Mostly personality#the cadence & content of the exchange where he's bemoaning getting paint on his clothes off to the side lays me tf out#just the dynamic like brooke & zeke are Speculating abt Schemes & Ghosts & being hilarious too; here's tina joining in; also magical#while multiple times people just completely in stride And in earnest respond to brian's complete focus on his paint stains issue#goosebumps the musical#also getting Thank You For Being A Friend points like enduring the deadly trapdoors & mystery of; for all he knew ig; a whole other ghost#he has no stake in that beyond just genuinely helping out / providing what moral support he can lol#and You Know What They Say. you probably could've revealed your ghost status & destiny & Just Asked lmao#but maybe he was too nervous like think i'll have to Haint Style Steal Your Breath or sm shit b/c that's easier than a ghost reveal convo#is that a george costanza style approach? i have never seen a full seinfeld episode. no limits to the time/effort/complexity in avoiding#some comparatively more minor issue / hurdle? i understand the like archetypical achievement character of all time in that for sure....#like yeah they Are alarmed by the apparent ghost / apparent guy who wants to kill them / you as Actual Ghost but they roll w/it too#cracking open goosebumps of all time The Ghost Next Door...#i also need to crack open (press play) goosebumps the musical phantom of the auditorium original studio cast recording again soon#brian's pleeease let this be a normal field trip to brooke & zeke's beep beep seatbelts everyone! dream team for real#completely innocuous haunting except there's a separate totally unrelated guy taking a totally counterproductive approach to things....#scooby doo villaining it will Not bring the meddling kids!! if i act scary to said kids they'll learn anything besides that I'm scary!!!#bring emile back here like yeah we'll cover for you for real though. appeal to tina's theatre devotion like become frenemies to friends fr#goosebumps ghosts you Do just fulfill your Purpose & then Transcend but brian was just a guy hanging out prior. could do that again
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Beautiful thing happened today: the guy doing headshots had these brilliant nautical tattoos and I, a known ship nerd, pointed them out and said I thought they were brilliant. And he launched into how for 12 years he worked on a tall ship at one point as the captain. He got all excited telling me about it and asked if I was working on any ships. I said no, but I’d love to, have wanted to ever since I was a kid; he asks if I know so-and-so, to call him and even just being a passenger will get you credit with skippers. And at this point I’m grinning and laughing and I really want to talk more about sailing and historical stuff with this guy. He goes “Right tilt your head this way, you wanna look warm and approachable yet tough for any skippers!” Probably the best headshots I’ll ever get, those smiles were sincere. Then he recommended me his favourite book - its 700 pages and it’s 300 years of historical fiction called “We, The Drowned” which I’m checking out asap because it sounds brilliant
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hamartia-grander · 4 months
Forget about gritting your teeth through someone's media analysis that is egregiously incorrect. Some character/story analyses I see on here are literally just verbatim re-tellings of what happened in the story - the literal things you are supposed to understand, and the connections you're supposed to make to get what is happening - and they're phrased as crazy theories or analyses. And I just want to scream, because no, you're not weird or 'reaching' for coming to that conclusion, that is quite literally the exact thing the story was trying to tell you. You are stating blatant fact as some incredible discovery. Like that person who thought Lucy Gray Baird saying she was 'going to find Katniss' was "an accident" or maybe they were crazy. But I guess everyone's gotta start somewhere, even if you think saying 'did anyone else ever realise that Darth Vader's theme plays when Anakin does something evil???' is some mind-blowing observation. Like, shit, in a world where media literacy is so sorely lacking, quite literally witnessing a story and noticing details of it is considered analysis. Whatever.
#fandom#banging my head on the wall STOP FUCKING WATCHING NOTHING BUT MARVEL MOVIES THEY LITERALLY ROT YOUR BRAIN#marvel movies and marvel adjacent movies etc etc#THEY ARE COMMERCIALISED THEY ARE CORPORATELY FORMULATED SO THAT MASS AUDIENCES CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING#EVEN IF THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CHARACTERS ARE OR WHAT HAPPENED IN ANOTHER MOVIE#They WANT it to be so so obvious on PURPOSE so that they can get middle aged people who don't have kids to be entertained#so that they can get groups of teens with nothing better to do than watch some new marvel movie that's always in fucking theatres-#-to go in having absolutely no idea who these characters or their storylines are and still understand what's happening#wonder why no matter how good the new marvel movies are there's always just a certain substance that feels like it's missing?#What's missing is the part where they don't treat the audience like idiots who need everything spelled out for them#where the plot and symbolism went hand in hand to tell the story#when you didn't need repeated flashback shots of scenes we've already seen just to remind an audience with an absolute SHITE attention span#what happened literally twenty minutes ago in the same movie#like no. you're not insanely smart nor crazy for recognising that leitmotif. I beg you to look it up that is quite literally its purpose.#you are an audience member observing and understanding the story.#Like I LOVEEEEE delving into the symbolism and narrative rhetorical devices in stories it is my favourite thing#I always loved Socratic Seminars in school because we'd get to just discuss our analyses on the texts we'd read#there's too many people acting like they're INSANE like they are going to be SHOT ON SIGHT if they DARE notice blatant details#that are supposed to be noticed#and don't get me wrong I have no hate for these people.#I truly just hate the fact that this is enabled by the commercialising and commodification of ART.#“content” and all that bullshit#IT'S CALLED ART#IT'S CALLED A GOOD STORY#'bro has anyone ever noticed that gandalf is called gandalf the gray in the hobbit because it was set before lotr?'#YES. EVERYONE. STOP IT
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torchickentacos · 11 months
theatre or open mic night would fix me
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
the sound design the SOUND DESIGN I never noticed how good it is but akjwieuhhsknjkebd LOVE IT. you can never go wrong with a good sound design
once again the ost slaps. still not over macaque's leitmotif in the group attack thing
who are the scroll guys. do they have any association with the book of life and death? are there more scrolls with other functions? will this be another three season arc or just two? so many questions
we still don't know everything that happened between wukong and macaque (and also the exact timeline of everything unless I am stupid) excited to find out more in s5
I really need to research what golden cores actually are (unless subs mistranslated) because I saw that and my first thought was "like in mdzs???" so rn I'm assuming that's probably a Thing because lmk and mdzs are both chinese media
we really got lucky with the red son in s3 specials I hope they do more with him literally ever. since the samadhi fire arc seems to be wrapped up idk how else he'd be a major character but c'mon man
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watcherglowcloud · 5 months
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stellar performance at a terrible cost my beloved
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