#capitano x female reader
demonskiss · 1 year
Hi one again it’s 👾 can you do something on capitano or pierro idk if you can tell but I like big men 🤭 if not it’s cool tho
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capitano nsfw drabble 11
cw: size kink, fingering, gentle capitano (to reader’s displeasure), accidental overstim
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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you’ll never truly get used to his enormous size, you think. no matter how slow he prepares you, fingering your tight hole with one, two, and three fingers, making you pliant and so desperately needy for him, begging him to take you like the strong, powerful man he is. when capitano finally gets impatient, he thrusts at an agonizing pace, leaving you whining as you feel the drag of his cock along your walls. but he dare not to hurt you, and he ignores your wails, your pleas for him to use you like a cock-sleeve.
“dear, you fit me so well.” the larger man breathlessly pants, nuzzling his face into the crook of your much smaller neck. “don’t worry, i’ll make it fit, you need to be patient however…” oh, he’s just so sweet, and you’re so desperate to make him snap and take you like the wanton whore you are, but capitano’s patience outlasts yours. but finally, he begins to thrust at a steady but slow pace. it somehow feels too overwhelming for you, and he hasn’t even gone at the pace that he likes! how will you handle him?
capitano will make you accommodate to his size, he’ll gently coo you the entire time, it just needs some work is all!
I CAN TELL. it’s ok i like big men too i’m crazy just a lil bit
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eluxcastar · 1 year
I don't know if you still receive requests. But if it is possible, I would like one with Capitano and a female reader. Where the reader is something of a red riding hood in appearance, but she is a beast hunter from the north. And she finds a wounded nether creature and she takes care of it. And it turns out that it was Capitano, so that Capitano can look for him later.
Capitano with a beast hunter
── ୨୧:il capitano x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: it seemed to start when a child approached you telling you of a 'doggy' that needed help. it wasn't a doggy, and it actually needed a sword through the skull to put it out of its misery, but the poor thing's whimpers had you taking it home against all your judgements.
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: fem reader, reader could be read as rude Idk, they're meant to just be blunt, reader doesn't have a vision (why was this relevant), possible ooc (he says exactly one line in canon), not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 3123
so I turned my back and suddenly had three thousand words of domesticating nether creatures 101 a class with Capitano. I accidentally made the little creature sound cute help 💀 I actually really liked this idea but then I had this whole confusion born of my own stupidity where I couldn't figure out if Capitano was the creature or if he owned it and I put it off thinking I would miraculously read it and know the answer (I didn't) so I ended up asking someone else and we agreed on he owns it, I then got busy and didn't come back to this for like almost a month atp but now you can have food anon
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"Look Miss, that's the doggy. It's hurt, isn't it?" the child whose hand you held must've been...perhaps not the brightest star in the sky, to put it delicately. you're not really sure at a glance how he can look at a beast from the depths of the abyss and call it a doggy. then again, maybe the idea of such creatures existing is foreign to the mind of a child.
he had enough sense to chase down the first passer-by and lead them to this supposed doggy, though you're not sure what he expects them to do. it was purely by chance that you were the one the child found, but odds said he would sooner find someone with no idea what it even was. them, or the fatuus scattered around the place as they had been for days now. for whatever reason, the Fatui are lingering, it probably ran away from one of them to hide in the emptier farmlands where it could recover. one of them would've killed it in front of his eyes without a second thought.
"It's been injured by something, and it's exhausted, probably wants something to drink about now." observing its trembling leaves you with only the conclusion you should probably put it out of its misery, just maybe not in front of the child.
"Can you make it better?" he asks, a clear pity in his eyes. you know you can't tell him you're going to take it out into the woods near the village and kill it.
you let go of the child's hand and inch closer to the creature, offering a hand to it - coincidentally your familiarity with these things gives you ample sense of how to approach them - and it weakly prods at your fingers, unusually passive for something which usually is vicious by nature. "Sure." you tell him, scooping the creature up in your hands finding it covered in dust and scraps of the crops it probably picked up running through the fields, "I'll take him back home with me."
you can just tell him it ran away once it was all better or something.
you suppose that's as good a reason as any to end up lugging a beast around as you pass through the woods to go back home, delicacy is an important aspect of your work. still you can't help but notice the way it nestles itself into your body, tucked up in your arms folded into itself. it's small, probably one of the babies. that would explain why it's so peaceful. even while you pick at some of the particularly tangled bits of wheat and accidentally tug at the fur, it doesn't bite.
you'll have to give it a proper bath in a bucket of soapy water when you get home, but the damage is less than you thought. now that it's out of the way of Humans it seems less injured than it did when it was piled in a heap on the outskirts of the village, barely injured at all in fact.
"I bet you were being dramatic to lure Humans in, weren't you, little one? Who taught you to do that?" you stroke a hand through its fur as you speak to it, almost like a common house pet. you don't expect a response, though it trills at you quite pleased with itself.
when you think about it, you're the real sucker. you picked it up anyway and basically did exactly the thing it wanted you to.
"I'm under no obligation to kill you for once, so maybe you can stay for a while. Company wouldn't hurt."
so you let it stay, and someone must've been treating him well as he's oddly affectionate for something that is meant to be fixated on hurting you. his little claws are blunt at the point and neatly trimmed, unable to hurt even though he seems to know how to be gentle with them as he sometimes beats his little paw-like nubs against your legs for attention, always soft enough so that it doesn't hurt but only grabs your focus.
he hovers while you make food for yourself, perhaps expecting a share of the scraps, spoiled little thing. he always topples over himself trying to follow you to grab at your bowl, though it's hard to deny you enjoy having company in a place so far removed from people. even if your 'company' is a fluffy little abyssal creature, it's some kind of company. things are less…quiet, livelier.
you just can't decide if it's like a child or a dog. it's enough like a dog in terms of appearance to be mistaken for one (apparently), but it's mischievous like a child and feels like one when it watches you. it's too small for a child, and children don't generally have fur last time you checked, but children are messy sometimes and make incoherent noises the way it makes a sound something like a 'woo' for any and all communications.
it feels just a tad like the little guy is taking over, claiming your blankets and hobbling around 'hidden' in them like you can't see the blanket draped over his head moving around of its own. he likes burrowing himself in piles of them, and he keeps eating your food much to your annoyance. he likes berries, so maybe you can take him to get the normally very poisonous ones since he shouldn't be affected in the same way you are.
little patters of footsteps causes you to look up as it runs over, a little woo noise it makes little babbling accompanying it as something knocks into your side. he's all tangled up in your basket - the second thing he likes - and almost looks as if he is carrying it. he wants in the basket, but can't get the lid up to squeeze inside, and now he's trapped in the handle tummy flat against the still closed lid.
"Ah, were you trying to hide again?" you lean down and lift the basket, bringing him up with it. his feet flail about as he thrashes to get out, "Ay, ay, settle." you tell him, and he calms to only a desperate wiggle. then you give the basket a harsh shake and he slips, only needing one more to thump to the floor and scramble to get up, claws scratching against the floorboards.
he woos at you again, claws scratching lightly at your leg, little nubs beating you gently like he pats you with a little too much aggression. it's affection…at least you think, admittedly you're not the most well-versed in the way they communicate with Humans.
"You want in the basket, don't you?" you ask, opening the lid to demonstrate, pointing to the inside which holds only a spare cloth to pad the bottom of the basket. "In." you try to emphasise in case he doesn't understand, though he emits another of his happy little trills and hops about his feet.
the second you lower the open basket to his level, he runs up to squirm his way in, disappearing into the comfort of his little hiding place with only the faint purr-like noise that comes from within the basket.
since he's in there, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to take him out now?
it's a nice day, sun high in the sky filtered by the trees, easy on the eyes. the wind feels nice, the temperature is just right, today is the kind of day you wish stuck around when jobs appear but it can never just be that easy. always they come in the pouring rain, or the blazing sun, anything to ruin your day, but just maybe you like the idea of having nothing to do on the good days. you can enjoy them more - not that you don't enjoy your work - nothing beats days off. then again, if not for the fuzzy little ball of energy shaking your basket you probably would be bored out of your mind right now, so maybe you really would prefer the clear skies to come on your work days.
if you can recall, a couple of berry bushes are scattered not that far from your little cottage, somewhere to the east just off the path. the little guy seems restless today-- what should you call him actually? he doesn't have a name yet. should you even name him? if you do that, you'll only get attached to him. whatever his name is, he seems restless, rustling your basket every few seconds, though completely silent.
the noise from in that basket stopped… you halt in your tracks, lifting the lid of the basket just enough to see him inside. he's curled up in himself scratching at his head. he's probably just cleaning himself.
"You doing alright in there buddy?" you ask, reaching in to poke at his head to pat him.
before you can even react he leaps from the back of your basket, little patters against the path reaching your ears. you turn around to see him running off down the path; away from you, toward the village. shit! without a thought you drop the basket and run off after him, little time to do much else as your focus shifts solely to either catching him or killing him before he can make it to a Human. he's been nice enough to you, but what happens when he gets too hungry? maybe you shouldn't have yelled when he ate all the apples you were gifted.
it's not surprising his stamina is enough to carry his little legs for several minutes, but it's not as if you're not used to this. you're reminded exactly of everything you both love and hate about this job. on one hand, you feel exhilarated by the chase, the adrenaline that pumps through you. at the same time you're overwhelmed by dread whenever your target decides to make a beeline for civilisation, whether to escape you or find food.
he weaves through trees, both of you well off the path by now. there's a clearing, you can tell. you draw your knife noticing how much he's hindered by the threat of obstacles. now will be the chance. you know you can't hesitate just because he spent a few days cozying up to you in your house, you have to set your personal feelings aside.
then suddenly you step into the clearing after him, the sun feeling brighter than before in your eyes, and the dread worsens tenfold almost immediately.
a man clad in armour stands in the clearing, and by the time you can see him your little creature friend has already jumped at him. the little guy's form morphs and contorts, growing into a much larger beast. it was disguising itself, you realise, not a baby. the body of what is now a large beast with sharpening teeth comes crashing down on the man, toppling him to the ground by pure force and you think it's going to kill him, as soon as it tears through that armour he'll be dead.
you step forward to raise your blade, though too small for the job, you can make it work, lifting your arm over your head when--
"There you are. I looked for days, and couldn't find you."
oh. oh now you get it.
you drop your knife to the ground at your feet with a clatter, and hear a hum come from the suit of armour under the best that excitedly greets him. he owns the bloody thing! god you really want to kill him right about now, but that's not exactly ethical nor is it legal unfortunately, so you're going to have to refrain if only by the threat of consequence. who the hell keeps nether creatures as pets? well, actually for a second there… no, no. you're not even going to throw him the bone and excuse that.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" you yell without thinking, only realising your mistake when that beast gnarls its teeth at you, a far different attitude than it had with you before. he can't see that you're concerned, he sees a crazy lady with a knife at her feet yelling at his master.
"Down, Pip." on his command, he retreats back to the man's side, now sitting up. "Did he startle you?"
"What kind of name for that is Pip?" that wasn't exactly what you meant to say, but it certainly was what came out of your mouth as the shock was still wearing off. in reality the name Pip was probably given to the fluffy little one you had picked up, not the much more intimidating beast it became.
"Is there something wrong with that name?" he asks,
"Well no--"
there's a lot wrong with it actually.
"That's not important."
that's a lie.
you feel the silence is awkward, but it is interrupted by Pip morphing again, shrinking this time as he returns to the fluffy little creature you know and tolerate come to beat your leg again. he patters over with an excited little woo like he's come to show you his master, a little child come to lead you off to his best friend as one of his paws flails about in the man’s direction.
this man seems to know Pip, and as much as you don't like these beasts, Pip isn't a danger to anyone. you can really do nothing about either of them. you can't tell what he's thinking, what face he's making as it hides behind the cover of a helmet. you have to base his mood off of his voice, deep as you'd expect, not seemingly phased by your brashness at all. "Was it you who bathed Pip?"
"And fed him." you reply, swatting away the little fur ball though he persists through your defiance, "I was taking him out to get him some berries when he took off."
"He likes those." he says it like a note, telling you to get him more.
"I noticed." your response is a little snarkier than you might like, but too late to change it you resign yourself to holding back your urge to wince and carry on. "He ate all my food, and stole all of my blankets."
he makes a noise like he stifles a chuckle, "He'll do that if he's allowed. Many of Pip's meals aren't so scarce."
"I thought he was spoiled. He wanted my fill too."
"He likes you, for a huntress that is.” he remarks, "If he didn't, he would have eaten you when he was hungry enough."
you know you wouldn't have been taken down too easily, but still the thought of Pip considering eating you while you let him rest in the warmth of your bed nestled against your side makes you swallow hard. maybe let was a generous word considering you tried to dump him out in his pile of blankets several times, only to wander back to your bed now featuring a lump that wasn't there before. either way, the fact he may have at some point been squirming back in to devour you… gorging himself on apples probably solved that hunger problem. maybe you should've thanked him for eating them. 
only then does it occur to you that he had already deduced exactly what you were doing chasing Pip about with a knife - for a huntress, he added. between the knife and the knowledge you had necessary to deal with the fur ball you assumed that was obvious now that you think back to it, but for a moment it had you wondering.
you allow Pip to lead you, hobbling his way back over to direct his little woos at the man clad in armour, like he was telling him some bizarre thing you can’t understand. it is kind of cute, admittedly. if nothing else he is quite dedicated to making you get along, and with this strange man not moving a muscle to stand, you assume that means you’re the one supposed to be sitting down. it feels impolite with your cabin not far from here, you could easily walk the two of them back to offer them something to eat, but it seems Pip would like you to sit here.
too bad for Pip, you don’t really want to sit here.
“Why don’t we go and get Pip some berries and talk instead? Thanks to him my basket is somewhere out on the path to get those berries. It’s a good basket, I don’t want to lose it”
“I didn’t expect a huntress to still want to feed a nether beast.” finally he collects Pip from beside him and stands. something clicks in your brain seeing how tall he is - of course he can wrangle a beast like Pip. if he really wanted to, he probably could’ve stopped Pip from knocking him over in the first place, but perhaps seeing his big little friend was more important than staying on his feet. “Or to meet the huntress who lives in these woods at all.”
“One of the village kids was crying about your ‘dog’ and besides that he’s domestic.” you brush it off quickly not wanting to go into a long spiel of excuses about why you wouldn’t just choke the little thing out, “Wait wait-- what are you on about? I thought only people who seek bounty hunters really knew about them.”
 he walks toward you, Pip under his arm squirming around to little avail, “One of the villagers warned me that my ‘dog’ might’ve been stolen by ‘a crazy lady in red who thinks she slays monsters’ - her words.” he explains.
“Oh cut it out! You haven’t even said your name yet and you’re already going along with what they say.” only lightly you punch him in the sight, though immediately regret it as you shake your hand off remembering you punched a suit of armour.
“Capitano,” he says.
oh. that answers your other question.
he’s a Fatui Harbinger, you should probably not punch him again.
with the two of you already beginning to walk in the direction you came from, you are easily able to set that thought aside in favour of retrieving your good basket which Pip had taken such a liking to that he got stuck in it. it’s still late morning and the sun is still out, a nice day for berry picking, and so berry picking you’ll go, even if you have to do so with guests. that’s fine, you’re not an antisocial crazy lady, and besides you’re starting to like that stupid little nether beast…his owner isn’t all that bad either, maybe the day will be nice with company.
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randomhealer · 30 days
your serious and needy husbando
warnings: gn reader, not reviewed , testing the waters on tumblr lol
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just thinking about your husband who is completely in need of you 24 hours a day. as if he kept his cold face impassive all day, even with his soft gaze he still has a serious and professional posture.
although his mind always ends up traveling to you, wishing he could be with you at those times, craving your affection and lips like a hungry man.
Then the restlessness and anxiety starts, his palm starts sweating, he unconsciously starts counting all the annoying 'tic tacs' of the clock like an anxious puppy. although he doesn't mind being compared to a dog when it comes to you (i mean he is simp)
so as soon as his shift is over, he eagerly packs up his things and says goodbye to his co-workers, eagerly rushing to the door.
He stops on the way a few times to buy you some sweets or dessert, smiling alone at the thought of you being happy every time he brings you something.
Finally on the way home he starts to get excited thinking that you were there waiting for him, he wonders what clothes you are wearing? What will be your perfume today? He doesn't care much, all he wants is to cuddle up in your arms and put his face in your neck and be a happy man.
He always asks about your day, paying attention to every detail you say, smiling and humming as you tell him, what about his day? well he would always say it was monotonous and normal. He doesn't have much to say when you're the best part of his day.
he hopes to have a day off to spend a homemade day with you... he really wants to bake bread with you-
Zayne, Nanami Kento, Gepard Landau, Capitano, Gallagher, u fav+
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Star Light, Star Bright | Fatui Harbingers x (Fem)Creator!Reader
A/N: holy Tsarista, I did not think that it would be this popular. Thank you so much!! It's been a couple months since I got into Genshin, but I'm glad that the Harbinger trailer dropped cause otherwise, this probably wouldn't have existed lol. I apologize for the late update. I have been quite stumped in the plot and just taking a moment to come up with one. If I didn't tag everyone, I'm sorry! DM or reply to be added to the taglist! :3
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Summary: Caring for children is hard, but it's especially hard when around the Fatui. Getting isekaied was the last thing on your mind after landing in the icy tundra of Snezhnaya all while your nephew is with you. What will happen when you encounter not only a Fatui Skirmisher but a Fatui Harbinger?
Tags/warnings: female reader, God!reader, Cult AU,
Not edited or beta read, we die like Signora.
First>> Next>>
Chapter 2: The Creator's Welcome
What could be said while the entire palace and the surrounding area waited with bated breath for their Grace to awaken?
They were fervent - they waited to leave and search for the "meaner" that has done harm to their Beloved but that would leave their Previous Grace with only the Heir for company and guard.
The Precious Heir - they have heard of them only from what was written centuries ago. He was beautiful - he was innocent and was crying for their Grace to wake up all while the Harbingers stood by with the Tsarista finally making her appearance, rushing towards the bed that their Grace rested in, bending the knee and holding their hand.
"Your Grace. Your Excellency. Oh, my Beloved Creator. What has that Meaner done to you?"
Nugget never left your side as he clutched onto your waist, but being careful with your arms as he was told by the blue-haired man with the mask. He was a doctor and clearly knew what he was talking about so the little one made sure to listen well. The Doctor man and the others gave them a room which is what his Auntie expected and though he was focused more on taking care of you, it was nice to wander around the room all while the Harbin Gingers (It was some word that he had trouble saying) always came to check on him and his auntie and even gave him coloring books and sweets and fruits. It was all so good and he made sure to save you some whenever you were going to wake up.
But he especially loved the Tsarista and Columbia (Colombina)
They were very nice. They held him when you were still asleep and he couldn't be there for the operation.
For what seemed like forever, when it was only a matter of four days, the bed shifted as Nugget was reading the latest book that the guy with the funny hat gave him. He wanted to read it to you when you woke up and his wish was soon coming true as he felt movement and looked over to see your [E/c] eyes. He gasped and immediately snuggled into the sheets and wrapped his small arms around your waist.
"Auntie! You're awake! You're awake!"
Soft wet globs of tears started to stain your shirt as you looked down at the child who held you tightly and didn't want to let go. It would have been endearing if it wasn't for the fact that you had almost died from possible blood poisoning from ignoring your wounds. Your Nephew remembered seeing a lot of gold and despite still learning, he knew for a fact blood was red.
Carefully holding him up and ruffling his hair, you kissed his forehead and wiped his tears away.
"I'm sorry I made you worry, Nugget. I promise, I'll be sure to look after myself but my main concern was you."
That response earned a pout but your nephew thought it was good enough for now. If you weren't healthy and in one piece, how are you supposed to find a husband or a wife?!
"Just don't go to sleep anymore or at least for a long time. You made everyone worry!"
At the mention, your Nephew saw the clear confusion on your face and smiled brightly, but with a glint of mischievousness as he swiftly, with his small feet could go, hopped out of bed but careful to stay clear from your arms, rushed to the door and yelled out.
"Auntie [Y/n] is awake!" he said with a bright smile that was quite contagious, but it was last minute that you saw a figure by the door, or make it two figures. They had hoods over their head but it was the masks that covered their identities - the sheer happiness was clear from their body movements and one of them rushed out to who knows where while your nephew ran back to your side and started to share all the books he's read while you were recovering.
He's always had trouble reading so it was a feat itself to see him now reading at his supposed grade level. He still had trouble with certain words but nothing to worry about.
While trying to process all that was happening around you, you heard multiple footsteps before the door flew open, and in walked in about a dozen people.
Your face heated up at seeing all the gorgeous faces quickly surround you, pulling your nephew close to your side, weary of what else could happen. But you could have sworn that there was a hint of sadness in their eyes from your pull away from them.
"Don't be scared. They helped us! They helped you! Especially the Doctor man." Your nephew grinned as he held your hand and decided to make you sit up and face the group properly and pointed at the Doctor. The Doctor that he mentioned was practically preening from the praise like a peacock showing off its feathers.
The grip on his hand lessened as you looked at all twelve people one by one. It didn't take a rocket scientist to distinguish the power that they all radiated. Though at the time, you didn't know of the power you held yourself.
The elegant lady with long white hair, icy blue eyes, and who seemed to scream 'Ice Queen', slowly walked up to your bedside with a gentle smile as her hand moved to slowly hold yours. Now, you wouldn't have minded if it was your nephew or family, but this was a stranger. A stranger with a very firm grip despite how delicate it was.
"Now. How shall we punish the meaner that's done this to you?"
It was... a change to have people cater to your every whim despite half of them being just jokes like bringing you the finest gem. The honor of bestowing such a gem was by none other than the 9th Harbinger, Pantalone.
Your nephew was having a great time, especially when he got to get along with a majority of the Harbingers and the Fatui, who took the mission of entertaining Nugget very seriously.
Once your arms were good as new, you asked for the group of Fatui soldiers that you and your nephew first encountered. At first, they were adamant about having you and Nugget leave the palace but you needed to get back to your car and get the rest of your things.
But funnily enough, you don't remember a palace or an organization going by the Fatui in your life...
Not to mention, these people seemed to recognize you and your nephew despite you two not knowing any of them.
If you thought of it more, a headache occurred and the Tsarista was adamant in asking you to save your energy and that it didn't matter if you recognized them. That all that mattered was that you and the Heir were fine.
While bedridden, your Nephew had the privilege to waltz around like he owned the place and even got you some books to read in the meantime. You saw mentions of a Divine Creator, a God-like figure that was first in creating the world around you and beyond, the one that made the stars and skies. A Divine Creator from the Beyond gave life to a speck in the skies and named it Teyvat and thus, its first child was born.
During a certain period when the Creator was roaming freely, they announced that their sister was with child and so, the Creator named the unborn babe the Heir to Teyvat.
The book was quite the read and wanting to know more about why the people around you and Nugget called you the Divine Creator and the Heir, you took it around with you.
"Your Grace, you must bundle up. Snezhnayan winters are quite brutal. People freeze to death here, quite literally in fact." announced a Fatui sniper, the one that first saw you and Nugget as he came behind you and placed a coat, courtesy of Pantalone of course, on your shoulders and your nephew too.
Stepping out to the brutal snow, instead of the harsh snow that you were expecting, it was a light snowfall that shocked the group of Fatui that decided to travel with you.
[Nephew's Name] stepped out from behind you and cheered happily as he rushed out to the snow and started to play, making snowmen and snow angels with, of course, the Fatui looking out and being won over by the child's heart-felt giggles.
They were all trying to make sense of why the snowfall was reduced to just light snow instead of the blizzards they're used to until they recalled that their Divine Grace and the Heir were right here with them. Teyvat was the Divine Creator's first child and as the loyal child it was, it could always sense where they were. Though Snezhnaya was the domain of the Tsarista, the Cryo Archon, the Divine Creator's word was Law.
Everything came to a slow stop as the world first heard the giggle from the Creator and with each step that you had taken, noticeable patches of green started to appear and grow more and more. The chilled winds of winter called down as the grey skies parted to make way for the rays of the sun.
The Tsarista felt the pause of winter, looking out that the frozen lands of her region have warmed up to what it had been long ago before her ascension.
Her Grace has given warmth back to the frozen tundras of Snezhnaya to the point that the flora and fauna basked in the sunlight. "Nugget. Be careful. The snow is melting."
And like that, the snow stopped melting just enough for your nephew to enjoy making snow angels.
'Welcome to Teyvat, Divine Creator!'
@lizzhearthz, @yoshikuno , @anonclyde , @khalhaimdad, @ellenoir
@yunsblog030 , @lsleepysimpl, @potol0ver, @kitty-chan33
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a-998h · 6 months
Fatui x fem!Creator ft.platonic Pulcinella
@tea333love:Hi, can you write an order? You can write about cult! Sagau fatui harbingers, who found out that creator performs in theater in Sneznaya (imagine that there is a theater in Sneznaya) and one day they decided to go to performance of creator and we're amazed by elegance of dance and can you write what happened then? (Fem! Reader and she is 18 years old). (Romantic fatui harbingers, plantonic Pulcinella).
(La Signora, Childe, Scaramouche, and Arlecchino are in this becuase I can, also spoilers for Scaramouche and La Signora lore)
You have been performing in theaters across Teyvat ever since Yun Jin saw your dancing. At first it was just Liyue, but soon word spread of your skills. At this point everyone knows that you're the Creator, and combined with your skills, it was only a matter of time before other theaters around Teyvat wanted you to perform on their stage.
When it reached the harbingers that you're performing in Snezhnaya, they just had to see you perform. So with the help of Panatlone's money, and their status as harbingers, they got premium seats.
The legends and art of Snehznaya painted you as a motherly, mature figure (a milf). Your titles in Snehznaya was королева сверх жизнь, Queen above life, or simply королева, queen.
Your appearance was discribed to them, but it never said how old you were. When the curtains lifted and you were in full view under the lights of theater, you were dressed in traditional Snehznayan ballet outfit with a white under bodice, purple outer bodice, dark blue skirt, silver accents, and red shoes. You were decorated with stage makeup and costume jewelery silver in color with fake moonstones and rubies. When the music started, so did your dancing.
From their seats, they could see how young you looked. Pulcinella seemed to have his focus torwn between you on stage and a few members of the audience. While most of the audience looked at you in awe and respect, a few held... less than respectful looks. Some members of the audience had the gall to look at you with a hint of lust.
The music started slow, you at first only moved you hands. You moved elegantly in tiem with the music. It was like you were in a trance, your yes were open but it looked like nothing was behnd them.
When the performance reached it's end, the theater filled with applause. The harbingers were in awe, they wanted to know you better. Each of them had their own goals in mind. They left theater, planning a time to meet you face to face.
The next morning you are escorted to the palace and to the meeting room of the harbingers.
After that night, your visit lasts a month, in that month a lot happens. Your time is split between all eleven harbingers, so let's get into that.
He is a bit cold at first.
It's not because he doesn't like you, he loves you and but he is emotionally constipated
when is finally able to talk to you, he is watching his words as to not offend you
He is stiff, cold but very knowledgeable
He will take you to the palace library, after stealing you from another harbinger
In the library he sits on the couch closest to the fire, sits you in his lap, and then he starts reading to you or telling you stories from his younger years
He will give you his huge ass jacket, rejctibg the jacket is not an option
Il Capitano
He is the silent bodyguard to you, I will hear no arguments
He cares about you, but unlikey Pierro, who is emotionally constipated, Capitano just doesn't know how to properly show his love for you
If you show an interest in military history, or weapons, or anything like that he will teach you whatever it is you want to know
When the more... unsavory folks approach you he just stands silently behind you and stares
They leave, running as fast as they can
That night at the theater he was entranced by your skills
He would ask for you to dance, only for him
He is curious about you
We've seen how he is not opposed to performing human experimentation so with you, a supposed god, he has many ideas
He wants to see how far you can go
But, he also wants to know why you "made" certain things
If you say you don't know or that you can't remember, he'll use that as grounds for making you drink "something to jog your memory"
He sees you as a wealth of knowledge that is all his
He does not care about you as a person
He is not allowed to be left alone with you
She loves you
You're the picture of beauty in her eyes
Her and La Signora will team up to pamper you
Will sing you to sleep, you just have to ask
She fell in love when she saw your dancing that night, so like Capitano she will ask you to dance for her
I think she has a baking talent, I.. I don't know why she just seems like she knows how to bake
you will be her taste tester for her baking
She cuddles you to sleep, naps, or anytime she wants to
I...I don't know where to start
She knows you're a god, but she sees you as weak due to your age
She keeps up her calm, sane persona around her
Another person who is not allowed to be alone with you, but she oftens sneaks you out with her
She loves you, like a person loves a favorite possession
She allows the children at the House of the Hearth to interact with you
She kind of feels something in her cold, dead heart whenever you interact with the children
She only allows people to look at you. No one can touch, speak, breath, or even be near you with her around
She teaches the children to snitch on you or distract you if you try to leave without her
The second he sees you, and sees how young you are
He is now your unofficial grandfather, he will hear no different
He sees it as a personal mission to protect you, even though you are a powerful god
He will try and teach you new things every day you spend with him
Will feed you a lot "becuase you are a growing girl".
Tries to keep all the young harbingers from dating you
While he can't stop Pierro and Capitano, because they're fossils, he will just make sarcastic remarks and glare at them if they get to close to you
He will teach you chess, and he will play with you
Oh....Oh he is complecated
As we all know, he has a... complex relationship with gods
Let me rephrase that, he has problems with his archon mom
He is the biggest tsundere to ever tsundere
You couldn't waterboard the fact that he loves you out of him
Will give you things he "happened to find" that reminded him of you.
Will give you gifts but pertends that he didn't put any thought into it, but he did
A brat... that's all
If you offer him cuddles he will act like he doesn't want any
If you stop the cuddles, he will complain
He will demand your affection like a cat
She stares, a lot...
I believe she makes puppets and dolls in your image
She takes you to her workshop
Has you stand still so she can compare materials against you, to find the best one that look closest to your features
Will have nice clothes for you to try on
Will use you as a dress up doll
Puts makeup on you as well
Another that loves you as a possession
When will sit you on her lap at every possible time
La Signora
She is one of the few that loves you as a person
Due to her still greving Rostam she isn't very open with you, at first
When she does open up to you, she will almost suffocate you with love
If you aren't on Sandrone's lap, you're in hers
She will share the knowledge she got from her time in the akademiya
I think she remembers stuff from her life as a Mondstadter
She will sing songs, or parts of songs, she remembers
You are the only person she shows her scar to
She'll give head pats, nose kisses, and neck kisses
She will dance with you or watch will Colombina and Capitano
This man... where do I even begin
He will try an fight you
It's a way for him to see your strength
When he isn't trying to fight you, he acts as a scary guard dog
Will spoil you
Takes you to meet his family
He is extremely possessive of you
Loves you as a person
Will beg you to show off your powers
He marvels at you powers
Brings you something from every nation he goes to
He makes you go along with the lie he tells Teucer
Is the only normal one
Between him and Sandrone, your closet is overflowing
He likes to take you to shopping
If you feel bad about asking for something due to price, he'll buy it anyway
Will buy you stuff for dancing and any other hobbies you have
Has mini fashion shows with you as the model, sometimes Sandrone is there too
Has you sit near him when he works
Will give cuddles, just ask
Likes to spoil you
Thinks you deserve the best because you're a god
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xreaderanonaccount · 6 months
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🌷͙֒ NSFW
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‎‧₊˚✧[Fatui Harbingers]✧˚₊‧
Fatui Harbingers x Reader Headcannons
Fatui Male Harbingers x Reader Wearing their Harbingers Coat
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Dottore x Reader x Pantalone Funeral Procession
Dottore x AFAB!Reader 🌷͙֒
Omega x AFAB!Reader x Pantalone 🌷͙֒
Dottore x Reader Injured Reader
Webttore x Reader 🌷͙֒
Yandere!Webttore x Reader 🌷͙֒
Webttore x Reader Can't stop Worrying
Akademiya!Dottore x Reader 🌷͙֒
Dottore x Reader Hard to say
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Dottore x Reader x Pantalone Funeral Procession
Omega x AFAB!Reader x Pantalone 🌷͙֒
Pantalone x Reader Last Dance
Pantalone x Reader Walk down memory lane
Pantalone x Reader Rings
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Childe x Reader Rain of Blood
Childe x Reader Days like these
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Arlecchino x AFAB!Reader Caring Maid
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Capitano x Reader Rythm of the heart
Capitano x Worried!Reader
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Xiao x Reader Singing
Xiao x Reader Thunderstorms
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Baizhu x Reader Doctor knows best
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Neuvillette x Reader Singing
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Wriothesley x Reader Singing
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miyaur · 1 year
𝄞 — capitano, tartaglia/childe (fem reader) — ❝ you're both ours, don't complain. ❞
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summary: you were a rather cute secretary that was under capitano, a well known, and mighty harbinger. walking in on your boss and the 11th harbinger having a duel, deciding to have a change of plans the moment you walked in.
a/n: i've been trying to write this for so long but prince kaeya had to come first 😔😔.. ok but i'm so sorry posting some thing later than usual schedule, school finally started and not that proud of my exam scores, writing is fr my only escape <;/3
warnings: nsfw, threesome, dom!capitano, dom!tartaglia/childe, sub!reader, pussy eating,
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being capitano's secretary, doing groceries, helping him out with paperwork, is the usual, but every year, there comes a time where capitano gets into the mood, and need to take it out on something, or someone, whether it'd be stress, or sexual frustration. and you.. ohh you.. you were really just the cutie he needed.
tartaglia, the youngest of harbingers. you've met him before, what a pretty man! he was very much somewhat carefree, constantly asking every good fighter he meets for a spar. he always asked your boss to duel a ton too! you understand why though, capitano is quite strong, and big~
although, you definitely didn't know how tartaglia had convinced capitano into sparring with him. maybe he felt bad? oh well. but it was just a normal day, finishing up a bit of paperwork for capitano, wanting to see if they both had finished.
"hi sir! are you.. finished?" peaking through the door of the room, watching them both covered in sweat, tired from fighting, clothing almost torn off fully. getting flustered and apologizing till a huge hand grabs you by your waist
a husky voice whispers into your ears "stay. i believe i need help with a special something. actuslly me and my good friend, childe." pulling you back to the position him and tartaglia were in. "i- anything for you sir?" stammering over your words, yet confused, placing you on his lap, revealing what was under your skirt, nothing (lol), "dirty girl, wanting to be fucked so bad." he said taking off your shirt, chest being revealed, "oh, you must be so excited, already wet for us hm?" childe questions, slowly sinking his tongue into your pussy, licking your clit, as capitano's hands rub over your boobs. chulde lapping at your juices like it's his last meal, or beter yet his first meal in a long time, but it's true that he's never tasted something better than his cooking.
both of them pleasuring you, making you closer and closer to finishing, to reach your high. feeling a knot in your stomach, fonally breaking you cum all over childe's mouth, and he's glad to clean of your mess. "that feel good, cutie?" looking happier than ever, chukde wipes off any excess cum from his face, "i'm very sure my little secretary enjoyed it." capitano replied, he lifts you up so his cock can enter you, feeling his head, what if it.. it didn't fit? how is soemthing so big supossed to fit in your tight hole?
your ass is already so tired, and slowly you felt tartaglia put his cock in your mouth, making you slowly rock back and forth (indeed you are on all fours..), for hours on end. you fainted after they both finally released inside you, next thing you saw, you woke up in capitano's room, as he was reading something to you, "i'm sorry about last night.. we both brought you here, taetaglia would like to give you this." a little box of chocolates, jewelry, and a note that says "sorry for rearranging your insides, please accept this apology."
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ever-4sunlight · 2 months
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔- scaramouche, capitano, sandrone, signora and columbina
here's part 1- https:part 1
Pronouns: none
Warnings: none
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Scaramouche treats most people especially normal people with contempt what makes him a goddamn asshole because he thinks highly of him
Hes not a really loving person and would probably be some kind of abusive to keep you for him? Hes just not trusting you enough
He isn't sure about his own feelings... Is it really love or just his mind telling him to keep you away from him
He not really into hugging or kisses but i think words make his cold heart melt:) he just needs a few compliments and maybe... Just maybe he's gonna be more kind and open
Hes very possessive and will make sure that your by his side all the time! And if hes working somewhere you can't be he will male sure you keep yourself away from any other man
He totally not into kids he would hate to have screaming little bags of shit running around asking for attention and love
If you're sad he will maybe allow you to lean against him for comfort but its a one time chance! So take it!
His sexuallity is probably: i would actually say hes an aroace but its a relationship headcannon so i would say bi and asexual
His llove language is probably: acts of service
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I wasn't able to find many things about him but the otehr harbingers talking about him
Hes obviously a very strong and fearless person as scaramouche said but is barely noticing the weak
To have him be in a relationship with you you should probably be strong enough to be noticed by him but still weak enough for him to protect you i dont think he wants someone who isn't able to protect themselves he needs someone who can protect themselve while hes gone
Im not sure but i think he can be actually very sweet maybe he lost someone by not keeping them safe and now he wants to make sure it doesn't happen again
Having kids is something he never really thought about (many probably know the theory of him being kaeyas dad) but with you? Sure why not just make sure they dont cry so loud he has to work
He llooks like someone cold but he just has be intimidating for others so they respect him
He will definitely compliment you sometimes when he walks past you he just cant help himself by the way you look so pretty
His sexuallity is probably: im not very sure have your own thoughts on that
His love language is probably: words of affirmation
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She looks sweet and kind but totally isn't shes unfriendly and annoyed of the presence of her fellow harbingers but not yours! Your her lover and she loves you but please understand that her researches are important too and will take most of her time
She hates having someone looking at you and will make sure the person regrets even going near you
(edit) she literally cut someones tongue out and delivered it in a letter:D so yeah shes insane
She's not really into giving you attention because she has research to do but maybe a little pat on the head will make you happy whenever your having your head on her lap when she's working
As already said shes very possessive and if you even dare to go to someone else she will be mad at you for a while and keeo herself in her room working on her research while mumbling about how you shouldn't dare to go somewhere else
Kids? Never! She has research to do and cant have crying kids to ruin everything!
Her sexuallity is probably: straight to bi
Her love language is probably: quality time
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She's a mysterious woman not much is known about her before the disaster but before she had you there was someone else...
She hates to be reminded of her old love because know she has you and tries to forget what happened
She thinks of her highly because of her rank as a fatui harbinger and loves to command you around do this and do that!
When you've done everything she wants she will allow you to lay against her so she can stroke your hair while talking about how a few of her fellow harbingers doesn't deserve there rank
Shes possessive! But only to make sure your 'safe' will lock you into your room whenever you threaten her with leaving
Kids? No! Shes thinks the same of kids like sandrone but maybe just maybe she will change her mind but one! One kid is enough!
Her sexuallity is probably: straight to bi
Her love language is probably: acts of service
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She doesn't really care whats going on around her she's carefree and will do what ever she wants
I would guess her to be a dreamy person but dont let the But don't let it fool you shes acting all sweet and innocent knowing exactly! How strong she is
She looks like a sweet innocent woman but shes no definitely not!
Whenever your sad she will be humming tunes for you so you relax
She's gonna sing you to sleep whenever you cant sleep sounds corny and it is but its sweet and lovely at the same time
I would say she's someone whos okay with the touch of her lover shes dreaming the whole day and probably wont even notice what your doing
Talking about kids she actually wouldn't mind to have mini version of you and her running and laughing she will be hapoy to teach them singing
Shes not really possessive bur wants you to stay safe and not get into any conflicts
Her sexuallity is probably: bi to lesbian
Her love language is probably: physical touch and words of affirmation (even though she wont hear you compliment her)
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sondepoch · 2 years
Oh, Sister! (Pierro x Reader ft. Harbingers)
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You’ve always been a useless sister, a thorn at his side, his lone weakness amidst all his strength—but Pierro realizes you might be useful, for once, when he sees just how interested his fellow Harbingers are in you.  
Or: Pierro gets the Harbingers in line by giving them an incentive. You.
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TAGS: INCEST, dubcon, implied power dynamics, dom/sub, voyeurism, exhibitionism, fingering, implied orgy, reader has a vagina and clit
PAIRING: Pierro x Reader (feat. the Harbingers)
GENERAL: This fic is part of a series. Each part of this series will feature a different character from Genshin Impact and their beloved little sister. Smut. You can read the masterlist for this series HERE.
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He hates how much he loves you.
It’s always irked him. He’s the strongest man in the world, probably, someone who’s lived for centuries and felled whole civilizations at his sword, someone who’s even now plotting world domination—and yet, the Tsaritsa was able to conquer him so effortlessly with a single threat, reminding him that while he’s nigh invincible, you aren’t.
Pierro knows it’s not your fault you’re only useful for warming his cock, knows he can’t truly blame you for the way you’ve only ever thought with that pretty pussy of yours when he’s always been the brainpower for both of you—and, deep down inside, he knows he doesn’t actually hate it. Your soft, warm skin is the only thing he truly looks forward to anymore, and the comfort of your arms is the one thing keeping him sane.
Still, though, Pierro has always been frustrated with how much effort he puts into protecting you both, how little you're able to help him in turn.
Now is the chance to undo all of that.
When this is over, he’ll pepper your face with kisses until you’ve forgotten everything, until there’s a docile smile glued to your face and you’re giggling sweetly, wrapping your arms and legs around his body and reciprocating his love like the angel you are.
Now, however, is the time for order.
“P-please,” you whisper, tugging meekly on the giant robe he wears. “I’m scared. What if they hurt me, they don’t know—”
“I promise none of their cocks are larger than mine,” Pierro hums, lifting a big hand to cup your face. And, really, that much is true. Pierro isn’t exactly human, and his monsterlike body ranks first in everything: authority, power, and certainly size. Arlecchino’s waist has the girth of Pierro’s bicep, Tartaglia’s broad shoulders are the length of Pierro’s forearm, and Capitano—
Well, you might have a little trouble with Capitano.
But Pierro will make sure you’re well prepared for all of them.
“I don’t want them, though,” you whisper meekly, sniffing. Your nude figure curls in on itself atop Pierro’s lap, and the man almost considers changing his mind until he hears the sound of his fellow Harbingers’ footsteps drawing nearer. “Please, I only want you, please, brother, please just—”
“Pierro,” the Harbinger says smoothly before you can utter his name. “For this night, you must call me Pierro. Understand, love?”
“Okay, P-Pierro,” you stutter, and he can tell you hate the way his moniker falls off your lips, hate the way you can’t even call him by his true name.”But Pierro, please—”
Three knocks ring out from the other side of the hall, and the Harbinger can feel your whole body go still. He presses a comforting squeeze to your waist, kissing your forehead once, twice, and then he steels himself. For centuries, he has risked his life to keep you safe, using his body, mind, and soul to ensure nothing but the absolute best for you. Now, just for one night, he needs you to reciprocate a fraction of that sacrifice. 
“I will watch,” he promises solemnly. “And if they push you too far, I will intervene.”
Slowly, you blink back tears and nod.
That’s all the affirmation Pierro needs.
“Come in,” he orders, and the double doors to the Fatui War Chamber swing wide open. Eight Harbingers waltz effortlessly into the deep blue darkness, their armors shining in the moonlight as you whimper at the sight. Already, they’re talking, bickering, arguing, and the noise raises a familiar headache to Pierro’s mind. Their countless squabbles overlap, and the Harbinger can hardly tell whose voice belongs to whom.
“—absolutely pointless, as always.”
“Is that so? I’d love to see you decipher the sacred texts. Or would you rather continue mourning—”
“Now, now, Dottore, let’s not go that far. I doubt—”
“Oh, is going far our concern now, Pantalone? If I recall, you were the one most adamant about—”
“Please, that was Pulcinella! I could never be so unmoved. Isn’t that true, Co—”
“Not at all. If anything, this entire argument is utterly—”
“Risible? I think it’s time to find a new adjective, dearest Marionette, or—”
“Must you always interrupt? Sometimes I wonder why Pierro hasn’t put you in your place yet.”
“Maybe it’s because Pierro appreciates my commentary. Isn’t that right, o' great lord Pi…”
All the Harbingers come to a halt when they finally look to the center of the room where their leader sits—but illuminated in the moonlight isn’t his figure alone. No, their eyes catch on the graceful shape of you, perched prettily on his thighs with a terrified, anxious look on your face that has each of them aching to get a better look. No one speaks. No one moves. For the first time since Signora's death, they seem truly stunned.
Good, Pierro thinks, enjoying their awed silence.
The man's lips curl into a grin when he sees how the sight of you instantly tames the lot of them. For the first time in weeks, these hallowed halls are dead silent even with every reporting Harbinger standing between them. Under their sharp, hungry gazes, you shift in Pierro’s lap, drawing your knees in so that they can’t see your pussy, your tits, but Pierro knows that the very sight of your flesh is enough.
“Well?” he calls, his empty smile bordering on a smirk. “You’re all late. Be seated at once.”
With unusual obedience, the Harbingers all move into their places, but they want your attention, now. Eyes fixed on you, they begin speaking.
“You had us under the impression that you wanted our efficiency to increase,” Capitano calls, his empty head of armor twisted your way. “Or have you already acquired Scaramouche’s whereabouts?”
“Maybe he finally got bored of figuring out how to hunt Scaramouche down,” Tartaglia taunts. "Or maybe he's just bored of us."
“Doubtful. The Tsaritsa ordered us to locate him. This isn’t the time for…” Sandrone’s cold eyes rake down your nude body. “...distractions.”
They’re right. Pierro usually only has you sit in on the most unimportant meetings: the ones where he doesn’t really need to be there but wants to simply keep them in line, playing with the folds of your pussy while his coworkers talk because he hates how their inefficient squabbling can keep him away from your loving embrace, hates how his position as Number One forces him to keep them in line even on the days where they don’t need him present.
Today, however, they have an important matter to discuss: something they’ve been debating for weeks.
For Pierro to bring you in now, when the time for them to finally agree and unite is drawing especially near—it goes against everything he’s ever done.
“Today, I have a challenge for you all,” Pierro says, and he can feel you squirm, feel you get nervous at the idea he’s about to pitch. “Since the incentive of the Tsaritsa’s favor isn’t enough for you fools, I’ve decided to give you another reward.”
Pierro wraps his thick fingers around your thighs, and with the barest shaving of his true iron strength, he pries your legs apart and pulls your back flush against his chest. Your pussy glistens from when Pierro had sucked on your clit earlier, twitches from how you’re still near that edge, and fully contracts in response to the eight hungry gazes that pierce it, and the pitiful whine that spills past your lips makes Pierro’s next offer even more tempting.
“Whoever pitches the idea to capture Scaramouche gets to make my little sister cum.”
And instantly, for the first time, all eight of them are actually trying to figure out how to acquire the Harbinger who got away, not one of them daring to ask why the ever-possessive Pierro is finally offering to let them fuck you when he used to threaten anyone with death for daring to look at you too long. Indeed, they're trying to make sure Pierro won't change his mind, trying to now complete the task he's presented them with in haste so that he won't take this tempting offer away—especially when they've watched him fuck you in front of them for weeks, all without ever having the permission to touch—and Pierro can only smile as his colleagues begin genuinely trying to determine the best way to bring Scaramouche back.
“—need to shut off the borders to Inazuma without starting a war. I can have my men pose as bandits around Ritou, and with him locked inside the nation, we can search for him island by island—”
“A dignitary like you could never understand, but such inaction is useless. Locating Scaramouche will never be enough. We’re better off distributing spies across the nearest nations with on-call skirmisher units to—”
“And risk losing valuable men and letting him realize we’re hunting him? The only people who can defeat Scaramouche are us fellow Harbingers. And I’m the strongest mobile fighter. I should go out on a hunt—”
“Oh, because you’re capable of being in every nation at once? A single bounty hunter isn’t enough. What we really need to do is contact every bank and threaten to cut off financial support unless Scaramouche is discovered. Then, they’ll have equal incentive to find him, so—”
For the first time, Pierro starts to hear real solutions.
He grins, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“See?” he whispers to you, grinning darkly. “You’re getting them to actually do something instead of sitting here like idiots. Doesn’t that make you proud?”
“They’re all looking at me…” 
You squirm as Pierro continues to hold your legs apart, and he almost feels bad. Even as they discuss, all eight Harbingers keep their eyes fixed on you, like starving wolves staring at the first food they’ve seen in weeks. And Pierro doesn’t know how often the lot of them fuck, whether they all even have such base interests…but it’s clear that each of them wants that prize he's offering for themselves.
You seem to realize it, too, and your eyes flicker away from Pantalone's skittishly when they meet. 
Pierro wants to tell you that your bashful little act, the way you’re so obviously anxious, only fuels them further. That these are monsters for men, and that they only want you more because of how scared you are of them. 
But, your bashfulness is also what is making Pierro’s reward so tempting, so he lets you be.
The humidity in the room rises, and Pierro begins playing with your pussy. Your soft, quiet moan draws their attention instantly, and the first Harbinger raises an eyebrow when they go silent in hopes of hearing it again.
“What?” he asks. “I won’t let her cum. I’m just getting her wet for you.”
Pierro presses a finger inside your pussy, and the lewd moan that spills from your lips—a moan that taunts, tempts, and teases all of them because they’re doubtlessly desperate to hear that sound again, aching to be responsible for you making that sound again—could shatter the warming air.
Their focus on the task at hand increases in turn.
“Forget all of that. Scaramouche has always wanted to go to Natlan, let’s just search there, so—”
Something strange is in the air, Pierro can tell. It’s getting warmer, thicker, wetter—but he chalks it off to the rising tension of his fellow, visioned Harbingers.
“Fucking dumbass. We can’t ignore the chance of him being elsewhere. We should just put out a bounty—”
Pierro starts fucking you with his finger, subtly rubbing his growing bulge against your ass. A single glance around the table confirms that every other man is hard, and Pierro almost feels sorry for them.
“And risk someone else finding the Gnosis? Forget that, let’s just—”
He wipes away the sheen of sweat on your forehead, curling his finger into the one spot that always has your toes curling. It works, and instantly, you’re spreading your legs even wider for the audience, moaning debauchedly as you babble mindlessly about how good it feels, whimpering his name.
“No, no, a bounty might work if we make it Fatui-wide instead of—”
Pierro can feel your core beginning to clamp tighter and tighter around his finger, and right when you’re at the precipice, right when you’re there, he retracts.
“What if we—”
All the Harbingers fall silent when Pierro pulls his finger from you, cruelly yanking you away from your high when you were so close. At once, you start whining into the silence. “No, no, no,” you mewl, hips bucking in vain as you tug on Pierro’s robes, staring up at him with desperate, wanting eyes, ignorant to how your display of absolute whorishness will only make things worse for you. “Please let me cum, please, please just—”
Pierro feels guilty. Edging has always been your weakness, and while he’s at last grown used to your utter…shamelessness when tempted, his fellow Harbingers aren’t nearly as unaffected.
A beat of silence passes, and your lip curls into a pout.
Then, the eight Harbingers get even louder, standing up and beginning to shout ideas at each other. It's so intense that the humidity in the air starts rising again, so Pierro looks around warily at the room to see if one of the Harbingers is doing it intentionally, but all he finds is Tartaglia looking especially intensely at your quivering hole, ignoring the ongoing discussion in favor of watching your wanton expression.
What a child, Pierro thinks. How pathetic.
It’s getting too noisy for him to keep track of who’s suggesting what anymore. All he knows is that everyone's ideas are equally flawed, so he leaves the Harbingers to filter out the best plans themselves and merely continues playing with your pussy—this time focusing his attention on your clit, rubbing slow, gentle circles.
“Oh,” you moan, eyes fluttering closed. All inhibitions seem to have vanished. “Oh, oh, Pierro—”
He builds you to another high, cautiously waiting for the moment he’ll have to rip it away, and the moisture in the room continues to rise unnaturally, your skin practically glowing with shine as you writhe and writhe, so edged from before that you’re already nearing another high, and—
Pierro pulls his fingers away from your hole with a smug grin, but he notices that the moisture of the room is getting higher. That it’s starting to get so wet and humid around your body that your little clit is reacting, and—
All the Harbingers fall silent when the humidity drops to nothing, cracking dry in the sudden, absolute absence of moisture, and you're so pathetic that the slap of evaporation that tugs through your folds is enough to push you over the edge even without physical stimulation. Pierro can only watch as your eyes roll back and your mouth falls open, a disgusting look of ecstasy washing through your face as you cum for all the Harbingers to see like a cheap whore, like a pathetic slut, like the useless little sister you are who can't even be put up as a reward without ruining things.
Pierro is furious.
“Tartaglia,” he hisses when he sees how the Hydro user is grinning in naivety at how his little trick with humidity made you cum. “Tartaglia, I could banish you from the Fatui for this, you—”
"What?" the young man asks, a broad grin on his face as he winks at you. "I didn't touch."
“Do it again,” Pantalone interrupts, his ever-closed eyes opened into slits that stare, mesmerized, at your still-orgasmic face. “We may not be able to touch her yet, but—”
"No, let me try," Dottore interrupts, his own vision seeping into the air around you, and Pierro realizes that he might have tempted his soldiers too much. 
The discussion around Scaramouche has stopped completely. Pierro realizes that they only discussed him to begin with because it was a means to an end, a way of possibly getting to touch you, and now, they've found another way to do that entirely. His leverage is lost, his stupid plan foiled, and—
And there's still a way to control them, Pierro realizes abruptly, seeing that he can still increase his original offer.
The Harbinger looks down at you, your dazed half-smile, and he wonders if you even realize that it was Tartaglia who made you cum. He can tell it just made you hornier, can feel the slick pooling on his thigh as you stare up at him with big, adoring eyes and...
Well, he thinks. This is just repayment for everything I've done for her.
Pierro glances around to room to confirm that every single person in the room is now ogling your body, the way you’re still twitching, the way you were able to cum untouched in a manner that doubtlessly has them all aching to replicate, aching to feel, aching to cause, and Pierro realizes that pitting his friends against each other was a mistake.
They all want you.
Bad enough to overcome even their hatred for each other, perhaps.
“Let me amend my earlier statement,” Pierro says, eyes dark. He pulls you closer in a silent apology, brushing his lips against your shoulder. “If all of you can come up with a singular plan to locate Scaramouche, I’ll let all of you fuck her.”
You stiffen in Pierro’s hold, and he raises the stakes ever higher.
“At the same time.”
And they react so quickly that they don’t even hear your terrified mewl, don’t even see the way you stare up at Pierro with betrayed, teary eyes that have his cock getting harder beneath those thick, furred robes. 
"Don’t worry,” he mumbles. “I’ll prepare you,” he says, and he sticks two fingers into your twitching hole, stretching you methodically because he’s now certain you’ll need it.
But he hardly has time.
The Harbingers are so overcome with desire that they unite instantly under their shared goal to acquire you. No longer are they vying to win Pierro’s coveted award alone. At last, they’re on the same team, and with eight minds thinking together, they manage to identify a plan in unison that upholds the Fatui’s standards, minimizes resources and personnel wasted, and, most importantly, will locate Scaramouche with near-perfect efficiency.
Pierro is almost surprised at how quickly they do it: three weeks’ worth of arguments settling in a manner of minutes, and he wonders if this was always their plan, if they always wanted to put Pierro’s back to a wall so that they might get a chance at touching you.
Whatever the case is, he has no time to contemplate it.
Pierro kisses your forehead twice and then lays you out on the table.
You whimper pathetically, reaching out in vain for him, but all you catch is his shadow. Terrified eyes dart to the eight faces that are about to devour you, and Pierro sighs.
“First come first serve,” he says, and as punishment for Tartaglia’s earlier stunt, the man uses his vision to slow the eleventh Harbinger’s movements just a tad, letting all the others get their prized spots first, leaving the eleventh with only a hand that he quickly smells and nips and licks—and the sight that then graces Pierro has him thinking that you might truly enjoy this, that this will feel like a reward for you as much as it is one for them. 
Then, Pierro sees the monstrous smiles on each of their faces—Arlecchino’s grin as she kneels between your legs on the table, Pantalone’s smirk as he shoves his fingers inside your mouth, Dottore’s simper as he presses both thumbs against your nipples—and Pierro realizes that he’s handed you over to monsters.
Perhaps this will be a good exercise for getting you used to their touch, their habits.
Because after seeing just how well these Harbingers worked when Pierro set you as their goal and prize, he realizes that he’s going to be doing it much more often in the future. 
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Word Count: 3.3k
Notes: finally had the courage to post this stuff on main!! comment who you want to see next! hopefully it wont take me nine months to update, this time
Reblog, Comment, & Like
Thank you for reading <3
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demonskiss · 1 year
(✦ ‿ ✦)
- 💿
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capitano nsfw drabble 1
cw: size kink, cockwarming
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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capitano just thinks you’re adorable! no matter if you’re six feet tall or five feet, or even in between! he thinks you’re adorable seated on his lap, focusing so intently on not shifting around as he does his paperwork! his large cock presses in all the right spots in you, and you whine, pressing your face into his neck, and he’s so grateful that his helmet prevents his blush from showing!
he’ll chide you, moving just slightly to cause you the tiniest bit of pleasure, but even that is overwhelming for you, and your cute, tear filled face nearly drives him over the edge. can’t you see how badly you wanna make him bend you over his desk, tossing all of his paperwork aside just to give you the fuck of your life?
ahh, but he needs to hold back! it wouldn’t do any good to ruin you this early, capitano thinks that the both of you should learn patience after all…
CAPITANO…. oh he big man i wanna press my face up to his chest please continue to have him living in your head nonnie!!!
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y0ukn0wme · 9 months
Capitano x F!Reader
Warnings: Injured reader, blood, injury, mentions of war, angst, use of pet names, OOC Capitano?, time skip, malnourished body, kissing, comas, emotional distress, grief, violence.
Word Count: 1724
A/N: Dropping part 2 after 8 months of no uploads because a user by the name of @mikrou reblogged part 1 and made a comment that had me blushing, so I thought I’d grace them and everyone else who liked the first one with another one. Thanks @mikrou, lots of kisses for you from me. Part 1
Distant screams and echoes of thunderous explosions resonated amidst memories emerged. The stench of smoke from burning buildings and soldiers, the taste of fear that hung in the air was akin to that of a heavy smog, and then there was the deafening sound of gunfire and the clashing of swords.
The Second Archon War.
It had torn apart Teyvat, leaving scars not only on the landscape but etched deep into everyone's souls. The weight of being an aide in this war was a burden, one you couldn’t shake.
Faces flashed – comrades in arms, friends that had been lost to the raging war and their loss of absence was deeply etched into the few who remembered them. There was a desperation to remember and honour their sacrifice for the greater good... their families... for the Tsaritsa herself. 
Just as the memories began to resurface, something was pulling you away from them. They were becoming distant, unclear to the eyes. NO! NOT YET! Even with the desperate pleas to stay and recall such memoirs, they fell on deaf ears to whoever was prying you away from them.
The memories receded, sinking deep into the depths from where they came, unsure if they were to ever resurface again.
With a gasp, you yanked into awareness, your eyes snapping open albeit with a heavy feeling attached to them, as if they hadn't opened for a century. The familiar amber hue to the room made you relax, a welcoming sight in contrast to the war you had just been actively participating in.
Your heart raced as you struggled to make the connection – the battlefield and this room. Your body felt heavy and sluggish, as if waking from a deep slumber as you sat up to get a better view. Your eyes slowly swept over the room, you were alone.. But the familiarity of this large room was unclear to you until you saw the red chaise lounge seated by the large window, opposite to the hearthy fire.
You were… home.
Why were you home? In bed lying down as if you had just taken the world's longest nap without a care in the world, as if there was no war going on and as if you hadn’t just been in battle fighting! – fighting? A sharp pain coiled through your head as you began to remember, your hands holding your head. 
You and the 12th company had engaged in active combat with the Millelith from Liyue. While your company was large and vastly experienced, the Millelith had the high ground in terms of landscape and your soldiers stood no chance. But nonetheless, you remembered pushing forward with your company even if the odds had been decided. You and your soldiers had taken quite a bit of ground before you felt the familiar feeling of the hollowing ache.
You had been pierced in the side of your waist by… who had stabbed you? All you can remember is a polearm… and a mask… a… Yaksha. The realisation hit you then. 
General Alatus.
The one who had taken you down was him. You shook the memory from your mind before peering down and pulling the clean shirt that you wore up to where your wound should have been, but all that remained was a large scar. You traced a hand over it, feeling a small phantom pain as you admired it.
You pulled your shirt back down. How long had it been since the battle? A wound such as the one you had would have taken weeks to properly heal. Has it been that long since you had gone out? You pushed the blankets away from yourself and looked over the rest of your body. You had lost most – if not all of the muscle you had before, you even looked slightly malnourished in your eyes.
You slowly turned to the side, your legs dangling off the edge. It’s not that you were short… you were quite tall but the bed had been lifted a long time ago for Capitano to comfortably get in and out of.
Where was he? Now that you thought of it. You slowly stood up, taking time to get used to standing again, it felt quite dizzying to be moving again after who knows how long… You looked around the room once again, the only sound coming from the fireplace. The floor slightly creaked as you made your way to the red chaise lounge, kneeling on it as you placed a hand on the window that overlooked the forest that you so intimately remember.
You let out a steady breath, the window fogging up in return and a small smile graced your lips at the reaction and watched as snow continued to fall and heavily blanketed the estate outside, too engrossed in watching even that you had not heard the bedroom door creak open.
The deep voice from behind startled you, causing you to turn toward its direction before you relaxed as you realised who it belonged to. Capitano stood in between the doorway, not moving a muscle as he watched you, his helm still on.
A smile crossed your face as you took him in with your eyes, it relaxed you to know you were allowed to see your husband again since your last reunion had seemed like the last you’d ever get.
Just as you were about to speak and take a step towards him, Capitano stalked towards you,, his hands clad in armour found your shoulders, squeezing them a tad to make sure you couldn’t move, like he thought this was a dream and you’d simply vanish. He peered down at you, his breath hot and heavy as he took you in.
As soon as you spoke his name, the large giant crashed to his knees in front of you, his hands grabbing onto your pants. It was most definitely a surprise to you nonetheless to see the man you loved kneeling down in front of you. His grip tightened around you to make sure you couldn’t leave. 
“Oh, love…” your heart broke as you looked at him, your hands trailing underneath his helm and finding their place on his ice cold cheeks, your thumbs gently rubbing beneath his eyes. You frowned onced you noticed the slight shaking that came from him. “Dear… tell me what is wrong.” You said gently.
To Capitano, it seemed as if his prayers were answered by the Tsaritsa herself, even though he did not pray, he would do so on your behalf if it had meant you’d wake up one day – and you had.
“I thought… I had lost you Dove.” You looked at him with widened eyes. 
“No, I am right here husband. I-” You words fell through as you listened to him continue.
“First I thought it’d be because of how much blood you had lost from your wounds, but then… you fell asleep… and didn't wake up.” You lowered yourself on the red chaise, listening to him as he spoke.
“Everyday… I hoped and I prayed for you to wake! But you didn’t!” His voice raised in volume, but not at you – never at you. He had just been so frustrated with being so useless to help you wake sooner. Your eyes began to gloss over as tears threatened to fall from our eyes.
“I-I am sorry, husband. I did not mean too.” Your voice shook with heavy emotion, your hands holding onto his cheeks just a little tighter. “I am here now though, you need not worry any longer. I have only been out for a few weeks at most and here I am, back in your arms.” You spoke softly even though tears lined up under your eyes, ready to spill but didn’t.
“A few weeks?... No dove…” Capitano slowly released you from his grasp, sliding his helm off and placing it on the floor before his attention was back on you. You breathed a sigh of relief as you looked over your husband's rugged and handsome face, it had been awhile since you even saw it, perhaps even just before the war began. 
You admired his face, running your hands all over it because of how dearly you had missed it – him. He leaned into every touch you gave him, leaning in closer so there was no more space between the two of you.
The two of you stared at each other for quite a while, basking in each other's presence because who knows how long it had been since the two of you were last like this – looking at each other, being together.
The deep and intense kiss between the two of you was no surprise either, it was rough and desperate but neither of you mind. He tasted and smelt the same as ever – dewy moss in the woodlands surrounding the estate, with a hint of cigars and sweat lingering. For him, you tasted as you always have, the refreshing and relaxing scent of carnations lapped over his lips and nose.
Oh how he had missed this… how he had missed you.
When the two of you pulled away from each other, it felt as if you two had finally become one again after so long.
Capitano placed a hand on a cheek of yours and you immediately melted into his touch. Neither of you spoke for a minute, just enjoying the moment.
Till he told you,
Just how long it had been since you slept.
“It has been eight months since you have slept my dear.”
In that instant, it felt as if the blade had pierced you anew.
You looked at your husband with wide eyes… and the tears began to uncontrollably fall.
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randomhealer · 7 months
Every time you go to give the real dottore a light kiss on the lips he just makes a light hum of contentment and continues doing whatever he's doing...The problem is that later several other segments of him appear to have the same kiss that you gave in the real dottore so you need to kiss all his clones equally (or actually until the real dottore notices what's going on behind him and tells all his segments to go to work)
Il Capitano
Capitano likes a light kiss on his helmet. He knows he can't do much because firstly he is always busy and according to his size and strength... he still doesn't know how to return affection So all he does is stand still while you struggle to hug or kiss him. He thinks it's kind of adorable to see your little body completely beneath his as you hug him...Sometimes he might just stand there provocatively as he watches you try to ask him to bend down a little so you can kiss him. Your kisses are like a reminder that you still love him regardless of who he is even without spending much time with you, your kisses are like something good luck for him so whenever he goes traveling he asks you for a kiss.
Scaramouche scoffs lightly every time you go to kiss him...He may scoff slightly and hide his face in the hat but he is blushing slightly behind it and if you kissed him in front of someone he would blush even more but he may still click his tongue and cross his arms and of course he'll question you about it when you're alone... but deep down he secretly hopes you don't forget to kiss him...
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Star light, Star bright | Fatui Harbingers x Creator!(Female)Reader
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Summary: Caring for children is hard, but it's especially hard when around the Fatui. Getting isekaied was the last thing on your mind after landing in the icy tundra of Snezhnaya all while your nephew is with you. What will happen when you encounter not only a Fatui Skirmisher but a Fatui Harbinger?
Not beta read or proofed, we die like signora.
I tried to be a bit gender-neutral here, but I might have slipped. Nephew does call you auntie qwq
Tags/warnings: female reader, god!reader, cult AU
Tumbling down the steep hill and narrowly avoiding the cliff that just dove off, the car rolled to a stop as you opened your eyes slowly, your arms still around your nephew as a sort of shield for him as he sobbed. Gently and quietly soothing him as you rubbed his back, you soon looked around, even checking him to be sure that he was free of any injuries, which he thankfully was.
"Shh. It's okay, Nugget. It's okay."
You attempted to sound gentle while not wincing in pain. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to unbuckle the seat belt and jump to the back to protect him despite him being in the car seat as well. His sobs and concern for his aunt would have been heard if one got too close to the car, but it was not the time to wallow in such a state.
You looked around, trying to find an exit to make.
Kicking down glass windows, especially the windshield, seemed so much easier in the movies so, using common sense, you opted in opening the back door, realizing just how cold it was out there. Quickly bundling up and gathering all the necessities: bags, blankets, food, emergency kits, and your nephew's entertainment bag, the two of you decided to march on to the closest town or at least to the main road they were taking before the car crash.
Giving your nephew one of the spare blankets, you wrapped it around him, holding back a shriek of joy at how adorable he looked. He looked like a penguin. But now was not the time to think about it as you bit your tongue from crying out from the forming bruises on your body, or even the icy air hitting your cuts.
Pulling out your phone to at least call the emergency line to at least report the incident and awaited for someone to answer. Never having called the emergency line before, you didn't know what to expect but it was definitely not the dial-up tone of the internet in the early 2000s.
It was quite concerning.
But not so much as the full battery on it.
The no signal was a common thing in the mountains, especially during the snowy days. But the full battery was a whole other thing as you clearly remembered it being at 30% at the store.
"Alright, Nugget. Let's go and find someplace warm to wait." Holding onto his hand, the two of you trudged along the snow, walking toward where you thought the main road was at, though when you got there, nothing.
Alright, plan b: look for a line of smoke. Smoke meant campfire, and campfire meant people. People meant help and warmth until then.
Or death if it involved a serial killer
It seemed like forever to get to the line of smoke as you then had to carry your nephew as he had started growing tired, but you never let him take the blanket off. You finally hiked over the hill and were happy but it was short-lived as the people surrounding the fire didn't look like any other person you'd seen before. Was that a lady with a slit-open dress? In the middle of winter?? Work it, girl
You winced in pain again, the injury of before seeming to be more than just a cut started to hurt more. But you couldn't rest now or even let your nephew down as it seemed to get colder already. He even started shivering and sneezing, which seemed to alert the group of people (?) by the fire. The one dressed in red, his eyes only showing and a rifle in his hand suddenly pointed at them and you instantly backed away and held onto the shivering bundle.
"Please help me. W-we've been in an accident." You said, trembling as your arms began to tire, shaking and trying to hold onto your nephew until you knew that you both would be safe. The group soon relaxed and walked over to you and gasped. It all seemed blurry at the moment but you could immediately tell that they grew worried and rushed to your side. The woman with the inappropriate winter outfit soon takes your nephew in her arms, revealing your arms to be covered in blood.
The blood was not it's ordinary red though.
Your clothes soaked in golden blood...
"Your Grace!"
It was chaotic, to say the least when a group of fatui Skirmishers arrived at the palace carrying a sobbing and shivering child and an unconscious person with golden blood covering their arms. The chaos disturbed the peace that the Harbingers inside created and were about to endue their wrath on the offenders when they saw the face of the person they were carrying and the child.
"Your Grace has been hurt!"
"My Lords! Your Grace is injured!"
Feet clattered, chairs scratching the floors as all eleven Harbingers rushed at the one carrying your form, the masked Doctor carefully holding her and rushing towards his lab with the others following suit. Well, that would be the case if it wasn't for the sobs of the child.
"W-where's auntie? Is she okay? She'll be fine, right?" He asked and reached to anyone, holding onto the mirror maiden as she began to soothe the child.
"All will be well, Your Highness." said a soft voice belonging to the third Harbinger, the young boy turned towards a beautiful woman with black hair with some pink locks, her eyes closed though he could hardly tell if she was as she stretched her arms out to him and started to sing. It was beautiful and sleepy but he had no time to rest as he wanted to go to you and make sure you were well.
"Auntie...! I want my auntie! Auntie might die, right? She can't die! She's my auntie! She kept me safe! The meaner crashed into us! It's their fault! If a-auntie dies, I'm blaming that meaner!!"
The air suddenly turned sour, with rage, and anger at the one that possibly harmed their Creator.
"She will not die, Your Highness." said a deep and gruff voice, making the boy look at an older man, seeing him wear half of a mask and walking towards him and the woman that held him.
"We will make sure of it."
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A/N: haha~ I did it~ Finally something that involves my favorite group of people. VILLAINS
Let me know if you want more~
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iicheeze · 1 year
so like (ill tell this in readers perspective for yall)
you and capitano were in a secret relationship and you two always meet at nights once a month
the reason why it's a secret is because you're like an important figure to ur people and ur nation, plus ur lover is a literal fatui harbinger 💀
and everytime you two meet, you'd always share news of each other. And sometimes more like 👀👀👀👀 yk
but everytime the sun rises, you'd have to leave to not raise any suspicion. but Capitano always insists and always tries to convince you to stay or just clings onto you
you don't mind it but it slowly becomes bigger and bigger to the point that he'd ask you to elope with him and have a family somewhere far away where no one, not even the fatui could find you two.
ill give you two options; yes or no (for yalls imaginations 😇 im so kind, also under the cut is nsfw, don't click if you're uncomfortable)
if you say yes, he'd be overjoyed!! He'd be so happy, it's as if the Tsaritsa has personally blessed your relationship. News of you disappearing would spread all over the nation, some thinking you're dead, some thinking you ran away, some even thinking that you're dead, somewhere.
But really, you've just eloped with a Fatui Harbinger.
He'd shower you with affection. Both physically and with words. It had always been his dream to wake up to you at his bed everyday. Now that it's finally come true, he'd think he's in Celestia.
He'd fill you up with his seed every chance he could, just seeing your hole filled up with his cum gets him off everytime. If you're a female, he'd love to see you pregnant with his babies. If you're a male or non binary, he'd adopt a kid with you. Having a family along with his beloved had always been a distant dream to him, finally making it come true would be murder attempt to Capitano.
Coming back from his bloody and dark job to a loving, happy family would be so delightful for Capitano. Just stay with him for the rest of your life and he'd swear an oath to make you happy.
If you say no, however, he'd be taken aback. What? What are you talking about? What about the time you've spent together?
No. Surely, you're just in shock. He believes so. He knows you.
But you aren't, mad and scared of his statement, you broke off all contacts with him. Why? Don't you love him?
No, this is unacceptable.
You love him. And he loves you. You were meant to be together. You can't run away. Not now. Not ever.
You're just running off to the wrong path. Don't worry, he'll set you straight. He'll make you realize what you're doing wrong.
It's a lover's job to take care and love for their lover after all. No matter how wrong they are, you set them straight.
Like a loving husband would.
So, stop struggling and just accept his love, won't you?
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mirangel · 1 year
Hi😻 if your up to it can you do literally anything about scara or capitano
Also can I be 👾 annon?
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capitano thirst 1
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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that man DEFINITELY has a size kink without a doubt i’m plugging my ears no debate!!! he loves how tiny you are, doesn’t matter if you’re 5 ft or 6 ft he will still tower over you!! you’re just so tiny to him, he thinks you’re so cute!! he treats you so delicately when you’re having sex, trying so hard to not hurt you in any way but it’s so hard not to be rough when your tight hole wraps around his fat cock so much!! he feels like he could ascend to celestia right there and then, even if he’s a harbinger. ahh, the joys of being so much bigger than your darling little partner!
“mm… you feel so good— i don’t know if i can hold myself back.”
WELCOME NEW NONNIE!! glad to have you around!! i know a friend who thirsts for capitano, so i immediately thought of her while writing this!! giggles n kicks my feet
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dearest-painter · 2 years
The fatui harbingers with a unstable female columbina darling(basically you take columbina’s place but by what the info I got she’s mental)
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive relationship,abusive behavior,Y/N is unstable and has hallucination,Y/N is unstable to the point of forcing someone to be La Signora.
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They were all worried,Y/N had brought a girl who looked like La Signora and forced her to be like her. “Y/N?” “Mm?” The insane girl smiled at Pierro. “It’s time for the girl to g-“ “La Signora~ that’s no girl~ it’s my dear La Signora~” Pierro frowned at the h/c girl,she was always a daughter figure to him but after they found out about La Signora’s death she snapped. Pulcinella was the grandfather of the whole fatui harbingers he was the one to comfort Y/N when la signora died as he saw her as a granddaughter. Childe already took the girl and made her leave. “Here’s some money for you to leave,now GO!” “Th-thank you so much sir!” The girl ran away while Childe just watched as she ran away.
When Y/N found out that the girl left she snapped even more! “No..no..no..no..La Signora please don’t leave me…you promised to stay,please come back…I need you” Her words mixed with her crying which was rare since she was all smiles and insane. Capitano sat beside Y/N and held her in his arms. “Di-did I do something wron-wrong? Why did she leave me!?” “You did nothing wrong my dear,it is just that her time has come and she was meant to go but she is still watching you even in the afterlife my love” The crying soften and it was all sniffles. “Thank..you Capitano..” She fell asleep in the arms of the captain.
The days after everyone saw how Y/N thought she saw La Signora only to be nothing,they’ve all had to watch her expect for that fucking bastard Scarmouche. When Scarmouche saw Y/N again he just hugged her and played with her hair since that calmed her down. “Scarmouche,can you tell me that story of when you met La Signora again” Scarmouche sighed and held her closer. “Of course N/N. It was my first day of being apart of Fatui harbingers and I met the annoying bastard Childe” he went on about his story which Y/N smiled at hearing the story of her beloved once again. Everyone is going to make sure that she doesn’t harm herself because of what happened.
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