pttwice · 5 months
could u write abt little!nayeon having a bad day and wanting to nurse from momo for the first time?? thank u sm, you’ve always written great things and i’m always happy when u answer my requests!! <33
hi anon! absolutely :) this is my first time writing a nursing story, and i'm very excited but also a little nervous. i hope i did it justice!
(just a warning that there is nursing in this story, as per the request!)
|| little!nayeon, cg!momo ||
"Nayeon, you have a meeting with..."
"Nayeon, don't forget about the ad campaign you have to shoot for..."
"Nayeon, can you write this thank you letter to..."
“Nayeon, remember you have to speak to the…”
The whole week had been full of 'Nayeon this' and 'Nayeon that', so it wasn't surprising when Momo had been calling her from the kitchen of their apartment for the past five minutes that she didn't respond.
It was Friday, and for a typical person working a 9 to 5 job, it would mean the start of the weekend. Unfortunately for an idol, a typical weekend only came every few weeks if they were lucky.
Nayeon was currently dealing with a long stretch of days off here and there due to their comeback as well as modeling for different brands, doing interviews, and being a mentor for upcoming groups who had yet to debut.
Nayeon was also currently standing in the entryway to her and Momo's apartment. She had one shoe off and the other just untied.
She stared down at her feet and although it was usually the easiest task in the world, taking her shoes off felt like she was being forced to run a marathon in an hour. She heard someone calling for her, but she hadn’t quite processed that it was Momo even though they lived together.
“Nayeon, are you going to stand in the doorway forever?” Momo came out from the kitchen with a pair of chopsticks in one hand and a dish towel in the other. She took in the sight of the oldest, frozen in place and staring at her feet. “Unnie… are you okay?”
‘Unnie’. She was called that at least a hundred times a day but hearing it from Momo… she knew it was serious. Momo only ever called her ‘unnie’ in their apartment whenever she had seriously messed up, or she looked like she had an awful day. Seeing the current state she was in, Nayeon assumed that Momo was thinking the latter.
Nayeon finally tore her eyes away from her feet and looked up at Momo. The second Momo’s brows knitted together in that look of concern that Nayeon rarely ever saw, she broke down. She didn’t even bother trying to take her other shoe off when she threw herself to the ground.
Thankfully, Nayeon still had her heavy winter jacket on to cushion the fall. She landed with a dull thud and immediately started to wail. Everything she had to do on her schedule over the past few weeks finally caught up with her as sobs quickly wracked her body.
Momo’s eyes widened as she went back into the kitchen. She quickly set the chopsticks and dish towel down before she rushed back into the entryway of their apartment. She crouched down beside the oldest and reached her hand out, just barely hovering over Nayeon’s back.
“Unnie, can I touch you?” Momo asked as softly as she could, trying not to upset the poor girl any more than she was. Nayeon just gave her a wordless nod, more sobs escaping her as Momo gently started to stroke her back.
They stayed that way for a few seconds before Momo noticed that Nayeon had started sweating. “Can I take this jacket off you, unnie? You’re starting to sweat, and I don’t want you to overheat.” Nayeon nodded again but didn’t move. She was definitely overheating, but any movement now felt like it would take ages to make.
Momo started with Nayeon’s untied shoe and slipped it off. She placed it beside the one that was already off and worked to get Nayeon’s jacket off. After a few tugs and some gentle pushing and pulling, she was free from the offending material.
Nayeon didn’t want to stay on the floor, but she really didn’t want to move by herself. She knew it would be too much to do, so she just held her arms out in front of her, whining in between her sobs.
“What else do you need me to do, unnie?” Momo put Nayeon’s jacket in the closet before she crouched back down.
“No unnie.” Nayeon sobbed out. She put her arms out in front of her, hoping that Momo would get the message that she was feeling way too small to do anything by herself right now.
Momo’s eyes widened in realization as Nayeon put her arms out. She gently picked her up and set her down in her lap. “You’re okay, bunny. It’s okay. Mama’s here.” Momo rubbed a soothing hand up and down Nayeon’s back.
At least half an hour had passed before Momo stood up with Nayeon still in her arms. Nayeon’s crying had died down a little and her breathing started going back to normal. Momo walked into the kitchen and got two bowls out. Thankfully, Nayeon had come home right in time to eat dinner.
Although it took almost an hour, Momo managed to feed her baby a full bowl of ramen and some sweet potato for dessert. They moved to the couch after dinner and Momo turned an episode of Bear in the Big Blue House on.
Momo glanced into the kitchen and shook her head, deciding that dishes could wait until tomorrow. Taking care of her baby was more important. “Feeling better, sweet girl?”
Nayeon looked up at Momo, her eyes halfway open. She was more than exhausted from her schedules and from breaking down a few hours ago. At least her mama’s arms were warm and safe.
“Do you want to keep watching your show, or are you ready to bedtime?” Momo pressed a gentle kiss to the side of Nayeon’s head and smiled when she pointed to the TV. Of course. Even if she was fully asleep, Nayeon would never refuse to finish at least one episode of her favorite show before bedtime.
Momo was getting tired herself as she watched the show. Although her schedules had been slightly less hectic, everything was starting to catch up with her. Thankfully, she and Nayeon had the entire day off tomorrow. That meant sleeping in and taking care of each other, one of Momo’s favorite things to do.
Just as Momo’s eyes started to close, she felt a light tug on the hem of her shirt. She looked down to see Nayeon staring up at her, a small pout on her lips. “What’s up, bunny?”
Nayeon silently shifted her gaze to Momo’s chest then back up to meet her mama’s eyes. Momo tilted her head in confusion and looked down at her shirt. “Is mama’s shirt uncomfy to lay on?”
Nayeon let out a frustrated huff and shook her head. “Wan’ mama.”
“Mama’s right here, bunny.” Momo spoke softly, her eyebrows furrowing when Nayeon shook her head again. She waited a few more seconds to see if her baby would give her any more hints, but Nayeon just kept staring up at her.
After about a minute of staring, Nayeon’s eyes drifted back down to her mama’s chest. She let out another small whine and tugged on her mama’s shirt a little harder this time.
It took a few seconds, but once Momo finally pieced it together, she wasn’t sure what to say. “Do you want to… nurse?” Nayeon shyly nodded and rubbed her cheek against the soft fabric of her mama’s shirt. Now that her mama said it out loud, she suddenly felt embarrassed about it.
Nayeon had never asked to nurse before. She and Momo had spoken about it once or twice ages ago, but she had never really shown any deep interest in nursing. Momo looked down at her baby and blinked a few times before she nodded.
“Okay. Mama can do that. You don’t have to be embarrassed about anything, bunny.” Momo gave her baby a reassuring smile and kissed her forehead.
It wasn’t scary, but it sure was new as Momo lifted her shirt over her head. She unclipped her bra and set it down on the couch alongside her shirt. Nayeon looked down at Momo’s chest again, her cheeks a little pink. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to nurse from her mama, but it’s what her body wanted.
Momo took a deep breath before she adjusted herself and Nayeon in her lap, so they were sitting more comfortably. Bear in the Big Blue House played softly in the background as Momo carefully cupped the back of Nayeon’s head, leading her towards her nipple. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, hoping that this would make her baby feel better and not more uncomfortable.
Almost instinctively though, Nayeon latched on and let out a relaxed sigh. She started to gently suckle, resting her head on her mama’s chest. Momo laid her head back against the couch and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. It was a new sensation, but it felt… calming. The quiet sound of her baby suckling combined with the very gentle tug of her lips against her nipple were close to making her fall asleep herself.
Momo looked down at Nayeon gently latched onto her and smiled. She had never felt as connected with Nayeon before now, and it made her heart warm. She ducked her head down slightly to place a kiss on the crown of her baby’s head before she rubbed her back, her other hand still supporting Nayeon’s head.
After just a few minutes, Nayeon’s gentle suckling slowed down significantly. Momo pulled her eyes away from the TV and let out a soft chuckle. Nayeon was on the verge of sleep, her eyes closed and lips barely moving.
Momo carefully and slowly unlatched Nayeon from her chest, much to her baby’s dismay. Momo stood up with a now slightly fussy and very sleepy Nayeon in her arms as they made their way to her room. She sat Nayeon down on her bed, going over to Nayeon’s room to grab her pajamas, her bunny stuffy, and a pacifier.
Before Nayeon could fully wake up and start to get fussy again, Momo quickly changed her baby into a pull-up and a pair of soft pajamas. She changed into her own pajamas and slipped into her bed beside Nayeon.
“Wan’ mama.” Nayeon pouted and reached her hands out to tug on Momo’s pajama top.
Momo smiled and kissed her baby’s forehead, gently slipping a pacifier between her lips. “I know, sweet girl. You can have mama in the morning, but it’s bedtime now.”
Without much more complaint, Nayeon cuddled into her mama’s side. She had her bunny tucked safely under her arm and her mama’s arm draped over her waist. As Momo fell asleep with a small smile on her face, she knew that she and Nayeon’s bond was that much stronger now.
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kitty-agere-fics · 5 months
the sana fic was perfect thank you!!!!
coudl i make another request, cg!momo this time? her baking cookies with reader please :-)
You're Welcome! Hope you enjoy!!
Bad Day Cure
(CG!Momo, Little!Reader)
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Momo walked into your room and saw you sitting on your bed. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hug your stuffed bunny to your chest. Momo walked over and gently wipes tears from your face.
"Hey, Baby," she whispers, "Tell Mama what's wrong." 
"No know, Mama," you manage to mumble through your tears. 
Momo makes a soft humming noises and sits on the bed, gently pulling you into her lap. "Did big Y/N have a bad day today," she asks knowingly as she rocks you back and forth gently.
You nod slightly into her shoulder, not even bothering to try and explain more. You know that in your regressed headspace, you would never be able to word what had happened that day. 
"I'm so sorry that you had a bad day, Baby," Momo smiles slightly, "But, Mama's got a really good cure for a bad day. Do you wanna try it?"
You nod and she picks you up. She carries you into the kitchen and sets you on the counter. You watch as she pulls ingredients out of the cabinets and the fridge, setting them near you on the counter. "Cookies?" You ask, recognizing the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. 
Momo smiles and nods, "Yeah, cookies. Do you want to help?" You nod slightly, the tears starting to slow. "Okay, let's wash your hands, Baby." Momo picks you up off the counter and sets you down by the sink so she can help you wash your hands. 
After, Momo carefully guides you through measuring the ingredients. She moves your hands gently, making sure no mess is made. When she opens the milk, you watch her, "I try, Mama?" Your voice is soft and hopeful.
"You're too little, Baby," she smiles and hands you a spoon, "can you stir for me?" 
You nod and slowly mix the ingredients. Momo adds the milk and eggs, then watches you mixing the dough. 
"Done!" You smile when you've finished. 
"Hm...I don't know," she smiles at you, "I think that we forgot something."
"Forget? Forget what?" You frown as you look at the bowl. You gasp as you figure out what's missing, "Mama! Forget chocolate!" You exclaim.
Momo laughs at the look of shock on your face, "You're so smart, Baby! What would I ever do without you?"
You giggle as Momo adds chocolate chips. She pours some into a small bowl for you to snack on while she puts the cookies in the oven. 
Half an hour later, the cookies are done. Momo looks at you, laughing softly as she sees the chocolate all over your face from the chocolate chips. So much for not making a mess. She takes a cookie and feeds small pieces to you, her smile widening as you smile and giggle. "Is your bad day better, Baby?" 
You nod, "Uh-huh! Mama and cookies fix everything!"
"That's good, Baby" She kisses your forehead gently as she continues to feed you the cookie. 
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yootdong · 11 months
Sick StubbornDahyunnie
caregiver: momo and sana
little: dahyun
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Dahyun started regretting all her life choices the moment her feet touched the stage, that morning she was feeling really sick but when her members told her to stay in the dorm and not attend the concert she didn't listen. She insisted she was feeling better and even when Sana and Momo almost tried to force her to rest she was still being stubborn.
“Dahyunnie, you can still go wait for us in the backstage if you're still sick” Sana tried, putting an hand on her red cheek
“is she hot?” asked Momo
“she's basically burning Momoring” answered Sana resulting in Dahyun glaring at them
“i'm fine, stop talking like I'm not here in front of you” the younger one complained pulling sana hand away from her face
“no, i said I'm fine leave me alone” she said walking away from the two
Sana sighed resting her head on momo's shoulder “what do we do?”
“i don't know Satang”
“she'll come around guys, don't worry too much about it, we all know Dahyun, she can't stay away from the two of you that much” Nayeon, who watched the whole scene, tried to reassure them
“i hope so”
but after her solo Dahyun really wished she'd listened to them, her head was hurting really bad and she was feeling like she was about to throw up, she didn't even know how she had make it for so long, she was shivering from the start and as the show went on it only got worst.
So she didn't even make it to the second act, when she got in the backstage after her song her vision was blurry and when she tried to lean on the little sofa in the room she almost hit the floor. But luckily for her momo was just behind her, ready to check on her Dahyunnie, and grabbed her just in time.
“oh god, baby are you okay?” and as soon as Dahyun heard Momo words tears started rolling down her cheeks, she was sick, overwhelmed and tired and in that moment she only wanted her moms to hold her
“mama” she cried holing on to momo
“aww baby I'm here, mama's here, it's alright sweetie, don't cry” but as hard as momo tried to calm her down the younger girl kept on crying so when Sana rushed in the room after someone from staff called her she couldn't be more glad.
“dahyunnie, sweetie, what's the problem? what happened?” but as soon as she touched her cheek to comfort her she realized the problem “oh my god she's burning momo”
“yeah i noticed” mumbled Momo “you have to go after Tzuyu, right?” and sana just nodded, still worried for her little girl “okay i can take care of her, I'll ask Jihyo to go talk to the manager and tell them about the situation, she can't perform, she was about to collapse”
“okay but first we need to take her clothes off, she needs to be change”
“hey it's fine, i can do it, you have to get ready”
“i got it satang, just go”
and sana nodded still not sure, but she trusted momo with her life so she just kissed both the girls on the cheek and left the room
“mommy?” asked Dahyun who had just stopped crying
“she'll be back soon baby, now you're all for mama” smirked Momo “come on, let's get you some comfy clothes”
during the night the two caregivers took turns taking care of her until the smaller girl fell asleep on the little couch in the backstage and the two made it to the end of the concert
Dahyun woke up only when she heard sana voice and felt someone picking her up so she opened her eyes looking for her mamas
“hi babygirl, mommy missed you, how are we feeling?” but dahyun didn’t answer and just hid her face in sana’s shoulder
“where mama?”
“mama is getting ready sweetie then we’ll go, okay?”
“i’m here!” momo yelled rushing out of the changing room “we can go now” she said put of breath
sana laughed at the older one, it was obvious momo tried to get ready at light speed “say hi to mama, baby”
“i think she’s sleeping again” whispered momo after the little didn’t answer
the older women just smiled at how adorable their kid was and got in the car to go back to their hotel and put her to bed
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tdoong15 · 1 month
hello hello fellow human, here to request a little tzuyu and chaeyoung wanting to spend time with there big sister dahyun so there parents MoJi (saw there 2date again recently) and leaving them there while they want on a date and dahyun brings ChaeYu to the park and lets them eat mcd and play wii all day because big sis dahyun is the best
Greetings fellow human, this is so so cool I hope you enjoy this.
Little!ChaeTzu, BigSis!Dahyun, slight mention of Cg!MoJi
Warning: none
The coolest big sister
Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were in the living room, clinging onto Momo and Jihyo's legs basically begging them to not leave them. “We're sorry, we promise that we'll bring back many things from our date.” Jihyo tries to reason with the two littles.
Dahyun was walking back to her room when she saw the scene in front of her and she knew what she had to do. “Hey Tzu and Chaeng, if you guys don't let go of Mom and Mama then we can't go on our amazing adventure!” Dahyun says dramatically but it works, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu rush over to her. “Dubu pway!” Chaeyoung yells and Tzuyu quickly agrees with Chaeyoung.
“It's like we've been forgotten” Jihyo leans over to Momo. “We should probably leave while we can.” Momo responds, Jihyo agrees and they quietly sneak out of the dorm so they can go on a date together. Luckily for them, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were too distracted by Dahyun and what she had planned for them.
As soon as Dahyun saw that her mom and mama had left, via her peripheral vision, she started to improvise on what she was going to do with the two littles. “Would you guys like to go to the park?” Dahyun questions since it was a sunny day for once. “Yes! Go to the pawk!” Tzuyu cheers and she claps her hands before rushing over to grab her companion, aka her dog plush Minjoong. “Will you pway with us, Dahyunnie?” Chaeyoung asks out of curiosity since she really enjoyed it when the trio all played together. “I'll obviously be playing, someone has to be the coolest big sis in the whole wide world and I'm clearly the right choice for the position.” Dahyun flicks her hair which makes Chaeyoung giggle at her antics.
“Cmon chop chop Dubu and Chaeng, I wanna go to the pawk!” Tzuyu yells as she stands at the door impatiently with Minjoong in her arms. “Well let's get going, I'll help you out with your shoes.” Dahyun smiles at Chaeyoung and she sticks to her word by finding where the shoes were as well as putting them on Chaeyoung, ensuring that the velcro straps were secure and not too tight for her little sister.
The trio then left to go to the park, Dahyun had hold of both Tzuyu's and Chaeyoung's hands because she didn't want them to run off and potentially get lost. The walk was quite peaceful and they even played a game of ‘I spy’ until they reached the park, which was mostly empty except for the occasional family or two.
“Wet's go on the swings.” Chaeyoung says and she wasn't letting anyone disagree with her since she dragged Dahyun and Tzuyu over to the swing set, before sitting down on one, Tzuyu joined Chaeyoung on the swing next to hers, Dahyun realized that she had to be the one that pushes them. When pushing the duo, they were completely different with it as if it was night and day, for Chaeyoung she enjoyed going high and she knew how to properly swing, meanwhile for Tzuyu she much preferred not being too high, Dahyun knew from experience because she accidentally pushed Tzuyu a bit too hard which made her go really high and it resulted in a lot of screaming coming from the Maknae.
After around 15 minutes on the swings, all three of them decided to play a game of tag, whenever Dahyun was it she went slower on purpose which would make Tzuyu and Chaeyoung laugh over the fact that they couldn't be caught. “Dahyunnie ‘m hungwy.” Chaeyoung says as soon as she was about to get caught. “Me too, Dubu.” Tzuyu goes over to Dubchaeng and her stomach growls to prove that she was in fact hungry.
“Well it is lunchtime and I'm quite peckish myself.” Dahyun mutters to herself before continuing when she decides what is going to happen. “How about we have McDonalds for our lunch?” Dahyun offers and she was met with immediate nods coming from both Chaeyoung and Tzuyu since they both loved McDonalds. “Let's get walking then, don't worry it's not far at all.” Dahyun once again takes a hold on the other two's hands and leads them all the way over to McDonalds.
When they reached the McDonalds, Dahyun let Tzuyu and Chaeyoung rush over to the machine to pick out what they wanted to eat. Tzuyu looked through the options first and she ended up choosing a chicken nugget happy meal and an ice cream. Chaeyoung had chosen the same thing as Tzuyu; they also both decided to have Coca-Cola for their beverage. Finally, it was Dahyun’s turn to pick out what she wanted to have for her lunch, she decided to choose a cheeseburger with fries but it wasn't easy for her considering the fact that she had to put up with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu adding more toppings on Dahyun's burger as well as adding on random sauces which ranged from BBQ to Sweet and Sour.
In the end, Dahyun ended up with a burger with extra cheese, lettuce, patties and ketchup but she also had no onions, tomatoes and mustard. “Should we take our lunch home because we can always play on the Wii when we get back?” Dahyun asks while she pays for their lunch. “Mhm, I wanna do that, Dahyunnie. I tink Chewy would too. ” Chaeyoung mentions, she decides to bring up Tzuyu because Tzuyu was too distracted by the ketchup pump, she didn't waste it on the table though, she poured it into the small paper cups and lined them up, she honestly thought that she was doing a good thing by having dips already ready for other people.
“Wow you're so helpful, Tzu, but maybe you should stop now because they might spill if you overcrowd the table.” Dahyun says in the nicest way possible because she knew that Tzuyu didn't have any malicious intentions behind her action. “Okay, Dubu” Tzuyu moves close to Dahyun and Chaeyoung to wait for their lunch. As soon as their order was ready, Dahyun grabbed the bags and hooked her arms around Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's arms, so they didn't run away even though they probably wouldn't have run anyway because they were more focused on the McDonalds.
The school meal club made it back to the dorm in around 20 minutes and they rushed over to their shared room so they wouldn't get caught with the McDonalds. “So what should we play on the Wii?” Dahyun looked at all the possible options, but she got no answer from either Chaeyoung or Tzuyu since they were busy with eating their lunch. Before Dahyun goes to eat she ends up picking Super Smash Bros Brawl since it was a game that they all enjoyed playing together.
Dahyun actually gave a silent prayer before she ate her lunch because the burger was basically a monstrosity but she was hungry so she decided to eat it, thankfully the fries and drink saved her meal, she also didn't get disturbed by ChaeTzu because they were too distracted with the free toys they got with their happy meals, this time it was squishmallows.
Once they all finished eating, they played Super Smash Bros and Mario 64 even once their mommy and mama returned from the date, mainly because the trio were too distracted by the fun they were all having together at that moment in time since all of them enjoyed it whenever they could enjoy a great experience together whether they're regressed or not.
Hii like I said in a previous post I'm alive and hopefully much better than the past week when I was ill. I hope you all have an incredible day/evening/night.
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Momo doesn't understand what age regression is at first...
She hears about it through Denki and Sero, who are very involved with the topic. Sero is Denki's (and Shouto's, but no one else besides Sero really knows that) caregiver.
They play video games together and do finger painting sometimes. It is really fun and is a nice way for the both of them to relax after the stresses of UA's hero course.
Denki decides that he wants to include more people with his regression and be able to go into littlespace where ever in the dorms he feels like. So, they start talking to people about it.
Some get it and some don't. Momo falls in the latter category.
"Why can't you play those games without Dino pajamas and a sippy cup?" she asks genuinely.
Denki just shrugs, grin never falling from his lips, "it's just easier to slip and have a good time overall. to not have to worry about every little stress and only focus on.. well, little things."
She nods, but it is clear to both boys that she doesn't understand.
She declines their invitation to see a play date in action, but not because she isn't curious to learn more but because she must do some research first. She hates when she doesn't know something.
Research is what takes up the rest of her evening time and so it is a few days later before she can find Denki alone to ask him more about it. She asks and he answers.
She doesn't ask to be around him while he's little for a little while still, but when she does she brings supplies. She waited until she was completely comfortable with it because she read that having an unsure atmosphere can sometimes throw a little off. So she brings stuff.
They play with Play-Doh together and make multi-colored sandwiches that she had to stop him from eating more than once. Sero says he's about four years old.
"Tanksies, Momm...oh," he says after the materials are all put away and he is laying his head on her shoulder.
The name sounded weird from his garbled speech. As if the last syllable was a mere after thought than intentional.
"What did you just call me?" she asks gently, nudging his head up so that she can meet his eyes.
He pops his thumb in his mouth and stares back at her.
Sero moves over from the other side of the room (he'd been there the whole time to keep a watchful eye on his little guy for Momo's first time with him). He sits on the other side of Denki and gently pulls the boy's thumb from his mouth.
Denki makes an argumentative sound, but Sero is there to hold his hand a shush him. Momo watches this play out while quietly observing.
"Shh, you know you can't suck on your thumb anymore. Not after you hurt yourself..."
Sero's voice takes on a tone that Momo has never heard before when he talks to Denki while he is little; more of a parental talk than she would have ever given him credit for before this moment.
Sero guides Denki to sit closer to him while he relaxes into his new spot on this couch. Denki sucks his thumb when he is anxious, so Sero had told Momo that the best thing to do is hold his hand and cuddle him.
It doesn't work this time.
"Nhnoo," Denki fights back, drawing out the consonant sounds.
"What, why not? You love cuddles," Sero watches Denki with a certain level of exasperated fondness in his eyes.
Honestly, Momo hadn't realized they were this close.
Denki shakes his head and says, "wanna still sit next to Mama." He cuddles back into Momo's side.
Sero's eyebrows shoot up to his forehead and he let's Denki snuggle close to the woman there.
Momo is speechless.
Had he meant to say her name? Or was it intentional? She didn't know.
So she asked: "am I Mama, Denks?"
Denki's grin is immediately as he rubs his cheek into her arm and shoulder. "mhmm, yesh... Mama, mama, mama..." he murmurs, voice growing heavier with incoming sleep.
Momo maybe finally understands.
Being called that name makes her feel special. Like, his simple mind chose her to look after him. She was deemed special enough by someone in such a vulnerable position to be called that?
Sero grins at her while watching this all play out on her face while Denki snoozes against her.
Later, once Denki is big again, they ask her if the name is okay and if she'd like to be more involved in the future and she agrees immediately.
I just love, love, LOVE Momo being her littles' Mama. She'd be such a good one, too! She'd make them all kinds of custom little gear and make sure they had plenty of snackies and didn't burn themselves on their tea. Ugh, I just love her!!
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tteokokki · 1 year
u asked for requests so here ya go! :)
little!chaeyoung going to the park with caregiver!momo or sana ?
I've changed it a little bit
Fun Day! 🍓
Little🍼: Chaeyoung - 4yrs
Caregivers🧸: Sana and Momo
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"Mamas le's go!!" Chaeyoung almost screamed from excitement, her caregivers said that they're going to harvest Strawberries on the Strawberry Farm.
"Chaengie wait a minute! Mama is putting her shoes on!" Sana said trying to fit the Adidas snickers.
"No Mama no 'ait! Le's gooo!" Chaeyoung said starting to get fuzzy because of her mama's "laziness".
Sana got up from the couch with her shoes tied in a cute bow, Momo was wearing snicker too differently then Chae who was wearing crocs with lil socks.
Momo went to the car, already preparing Chae's little comfort chair, because it would be a Trip to the Strawberry Farm. A oldest woman picked all their favorite snacks, the bags and everything they would need.
The Trip went calm, Chaeyoung slept the whole way to the farm. When they arrived Chaeyoung was 100% waked and ready to go play and harvest Strawberry.
Sana laughed and Momo took pictures of Chaeyoung eating a Strawberry with Parr of her face face been red 'cause of the fruit. The harvested almost 70 Strawberries.
The day was fun for everyone, and at night they were back at their own comfort. Their house.
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Hi there! If it's not too much, could I ask you for some CG!Momo, CG! Iida and Little!Shoto? It can be a drabble or a hc list, whatever strikes your fancy :)
Of course!! ----
-Todo’s little range is about 2-4
-Momo spoils him the most
-She gives him all the stuffies
-Iida makes sure Todo follows the rules and goes to bed on time but he always finds ways to make it fun for Todoroki
-Todoroki is very quiet and calm but can get very bouncy when he’s excited
-He gets excited whenever he gets gifts and it motivates Momo to continue getting him stuff
-Iida also thinks it’s very cute so he doesn’t say anything usually
-Todoroki is a lot more expressive when little even if he’s usually pretty calm
-Very smiley baby that has Momo and Iida wrapped around his finger
-Iida is weak to Todoroki’s puppy dog eyes
-Todo knows this and uses it all the time to get things
-Mainly extra snacks
-Todoroki loves both Iida and Momo very much (platonically) but he thinks of Momo as the better caregiver bc she’s ‘the fun caregiver’
-But he thinks Iida is the best at story time and bedtime
-They are all very soft <3
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luvlybeansworld · 1 year
Hai hai!
Just an update for my babies!
I am currently working on a chapter about little momo and “daddy” Bakugou!
The chapter should be published by tonight but please don’t quote me on that ^~^
I will try my best to deliver my very best to my amazing frens!!
Wuv y’all!!!
Mwah mwah MWAH!!!
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
Momo’s protective big sis energy is a delight. And Im glad Pari is nice. I was worried she was going to admonish the Lindens for allowing Midas to teleport like that even though they had no way of knowing he would do that.
Nah, she wouldn't be like that with them. She saw how relieved both parties were to see each other again, so she doesn't see any need to bash them.
But thinking about it, I don't think she even knows he teleported. She just found him after the fact, and I don't believe anyone has stated he teleported out loud. As far as she knows, little baby Mew just ended up separated from his parents/caregivers somehow.
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dragon-queen21 · 6 months
Little Izuku w/ chronic pain + a handful of different caregivers
Awhile ago I really messed up my hip by being dumb and it’s never truly been the same, certain movements really hurt. Last few days have been really bad to the point that it hurts to walk.
~Chronic pain sucks. Having to deal with it at a young age was difficult, but manageable. Just another thing to deal with if you wanted to become a great hero. Izuku understood this, and for the most part was fine with it. Sure it sucked, and some days were worse than others, but overall he wasn’t one to complain.
~Having to deal with that same level of pain while mentally regressed to a two year old however is a different story.
~He's sore, and fussy, and he wants to get up and play but he can't because everything hurts.
~Shoto heating up his hands and running them over Izuku’s arms when he grows upset. Then switching to ice around every ten minutes or so. He’d put on a tv show and try to get the poor baby to relax a little, being so tense can’t be helping the pain any.
~Being overly sensitive whenever the temperature/weather changes because his hands hurt a lot. Momo makes him a cup of tea which soothes his hands at first but they’re still stiff and he drops the cup, shattering it and slipping further from a mixture of embarrassment, sorrow and pain. Momo makes a new cup, then goes to cuddle the baby boy, noting clearly that he’s too small to hold a cup himself and gets him a bottle instead.
~Uraraka waking him up from a nap. Izuku’s super excited to play because playtime got interrupted because he was getting too sleepy, plus fussy because it hurts to sit on the floor even of he really wants to. He swings out of bed quickly and ends up hurting his leg and being in pain.
~He doesn’t want to worry Uraraka, plus he wants to play, but she notices anyways when he refuses to walk without whimper. She hushes him, and carries him instead, gently calling him her ‘little baby bunny’
~Having a classmate microwave a heating pad for him. It’s a very boring plain one, so one day Kaminari decides to get his friend a better one as a present. So the next time there’s a really bad pain day he surprises the little with a heaty stuffed animal in the shape of a bunny which baby Izu adores.
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pttwice · 4 months
bad dream
|| little!chaeyoung, cg!mimo ||
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Putting Chaeyoung down for the night was surprisingly easy. She agreed to and stuck with one episode of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, let Momo brush her teeth without complaint, and didn't put up a fight when Mina changed her into a nighttime pull-up.
Momo and Mina leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her baby's forehead and whispered a soft 'I love you' before they turned the lights off. They left the door cracked open and turned the cloud shaped night light on as they left to their own room.
Easy nights were rare, and Mina wanted to take advantage of them. She leaned back against her pillow that was propped up on the headboard and cracked her book open. Momo was already fast asleep, so Mina used a little reading light attached to her book.
Other than the soft sounds of Momo's breathing, it was quiet. The light from the crescent moon filtered through the small cracks in the blinds. There was the lingering hint of the vanilla and honey scented candle that Momo lit as they were getting ready for bed.
Mina was a few pages into the next chapter of her book when the peaceful silence was broken. Their room was right across the hall from Chaeyoung's and at first, she just thought it was the little's bed squeaking as she shifted, but the small whine quickly got louder.
Shutting her book, Mina quietly sat in the bed. She leaned her head closer to the door and quickly got out of bed when she heard more whimpers and whines coming from Chaeyoung's room.
Mina slipped her robe on and crept out of her bedroom and into Chaeyoung’s. She turned the lamp on that stood by the bookcase and turned to see her baby’s covers pulled all the way over her head. Mina gently sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers down from Chaeyoung’s head.
As soon as Chaeyoung caught a glimpse of her mommy, she sat up and wrapped her arms around her mommy’s neck. She was shaking like a leaf and a thin layer of sweat was starting to form on her forehead.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Mommy’s got you.” Mina softly shushed her baby and carefully pulled her into her lap. She gently rocked back and forth; her arms tightly wrapped around her baby’s small frame.
Mina’s heart broke as she heard quiet, broken sobs and sniffles from her baby. Chaeyoung had her face tucked into her mommy’s neck as she clutched onto fistfuls of her robe.
They sat and rocked for a few minutes before Momo quietly appeared in the doorway. Her eyes were cracked open, obviously just woken up as she leaned against the door frame. “What’s up?” She whispered and nodded her head towards Chaeyoung’s still shaking body.
Mina just shrugged her shoulders and kept gently rocking back and forth, her hand rubbing soothing circles into the small of her baby’s back to calm her down. Momo yawned and shuffled over to Chaeyoung’s bed. She sat down beside the two and gently kissed the back of her baby’s head.
For a half hour, they quietly sat and tried to sooth their baby. Eventually, Chaeyoung’s sobs turned into soft whimpers. She kept her face tucked into her mommy’s neck but her grip on her shirt loosened a bit.
Mina carefully pulled Chaeyoung back and wiped her tear-stained cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. She wiped the thin layer of sweat from her baby’s forehead and placed a gentle kiss there.
“Did you have a bad dream, sweetheart?” Momo gently rubbed Chaeyoung’s back and scooted a little closer to Mina.
Chaeyoung nodded and leaned into Momo, resting her head against her mama’s chest. “No w-wan’ be ‘lone.” She managed to hiccup out a few words as she slowly crawled into Momo’s lap.
Momo’s heart broke as she wrapped her arms around her baby. It had been months since Chaeyoung slept in their bed. They thought she was okay sleeping in her own bed whenever she regressed, but there were still nights that were too much for the little.
“Do you want to sleep in our bed tonight, little tiger?”
“P’ease.” Chaeyoung mumbled out a quiet reply as she looked up at her mama. Her bottom lip was still trembling a bit as she sniffled and nodded.
“Okay, sweetheart. Mama will take you to our bed and I’ll bring your blankie and Mumbo.” Mina gave her baby a small smile and kissed her forehead before Momo picked her up and walked back into their room.
Mina picked her baby’s blanket and Mumbo, her stuffed tiger, up before she turned off Chaeyoung’s lamp and joined the two in bed. She helped Momo tuck Chaeyoung in between them with her blanket and slipped Mumbo into her small hands.
“Comfy, little tiger?” Momo smiled when Chaeyoung sleepily nodded. She nuzzled down into the covers, her grip tight on Mumbo as she cuddled into her mommy’s side.
They knew there was still a chance that Chaeyoung would wake up again with another nightmare, but they’d wake up as many times as necessary to keep their baby safe.
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littlestzrdoll · 1 month
Izuku Midoriya agere head cannons! ^_^
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recently i've been getting back into mha sooo,,,, here are some little izuku headcannons!! (i will be doing cg izu in another post but for now, have the little guy hehe) . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
ᯓ★ he is both an age regressor and caregiver! Possibly a little lean but it depends how he's doin mentally ᯓ★ when he's small, his headspace ranges from about 2 to 6 but usually falls between 4-5 ᯓ★ his main reasons for regressing are all the problems caused by all the bullying when he was growing up and finding out he was quirkless, crushing his dreams at such a young age. And the constant fighting in wars with villans and such, when in UA. Sometimes he just regresses to get the weight of the world off his shoulders for a couple hours. ᯓ★ found about his regression in the first year of being in UA from mumblings of coping mechanism during therapy. but he didn't really understand or think about it until kaminari was being pretty open about being a regressor himself one eday, so, Izuku being Izuku went down a rabbithole of researching and found it to be a great coping mechanism for himself! ᯓ★ when he's regressed, he prefers to be called "Izu" or "Zuzu" by his close friends who aren't his cg but still know he regresses! ᯓ★ speaking of cg's, he has a couple. Because I like katsudeku, I think that Katsuki is his main cg!! His other main ones are Todoroki and possibly Aizawa ᯓ★ when little, he calls Katuski either "Kacchan" or if he's really small sometimes he'll slip out a "dada". He likes to call Todoroki either "Todo", "Roro" or "Roki". As for Aizawa, usually just a little "Zawa" ᯓ★ Besides his main cg's, most of class 1A likes to care for Izu when he's small and absolutely love it since he's just such a little sweetheart! but kirishima, ochaco, momo, sero and Iida spend the most time with small izu ᯓ★ his love for All Might only grows when small! He just loves to watch All might documentaries, movies, little youtube clips. Dont even get me started on the amount of all might little space gear he would have hehe! paci's, decorated bottles and sippies, onesies, plushies, teethers, absolutely everything! ᯓ★ he's an absolute angel for the most part! especially when around the ages of 3-6 loves to cuddle, always smiley and giggly, just a joy to be around!! howeverrr, when he slips tinier than around 3, he can be a little sleepy, leading him to be fussy ᯓ★ loves to play hero games with his friends and cg's, "saving" them, usually pretending to be all might. ᯓ★ because i headcannon izuku to be autistic, i think he stims a lot more when hes regressed!! he loves to rock side to side and back and forth the most! ᯓ★ he also tends to babble nonsense, just complete babababa and all his cg's can do is just sit there and nod while he has a full conversation with them in baby ᯓ★ his favourite pet/nicknames (and the ones only katuski and shoto are allowed to call him) are baby, sweetie, honey/hun, sweet boy, bunny, bubba, cutie, dear, dearest, little love and munchkin! but everyone else can use little one, buddy, kiddo, things like that hehe thats it for now!! i will definitely be making more little izu posts bc hes just so cute!! i will also be posting little izu stories on my ao3 if anyone is interested :33 bye bye lovelies, hope you have a wonderful day or night!! 💗
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yootdong · 11 months
Healing December (pt.2)
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mina chuckled hearing chaeyoung's voice «i think they've arrived» while sana just come closer to her to seek warmth
«Tired unnie» and Mina smiled at how tiny she looked right now
«honey!» yelled chaeyoung entering the room and then throwing herself on the bed between her sisters «two honeys here!»
«hi chaeng» smiled mina
«hii unnie, sana unnie we bought you stuff, wake up!» and sana now was more awake than ever, bringing all her attention to the youngest
but before chae could say anything jihyo entered the room and seeing the position of the younger she laughed «what are you guys up to? chae jeongyeon unnie was looking for you, you need to change»
«uff, fineee» the youngest huffed going back upstairs
«Be careful on the stairs» Jihyo said before going to change too
when the singer came back mina and sana were sleeping again so the older one threw herself next to Sana, who unlike Mina would not have slept that night if she had continued like this «booo!»
sana jumped slightly, opening her eyes and then grabbing jihyo's sweatshirt «why are you still sleeping, huh?» but the girl didn’t answer still too sleepy to deal with the older one
«It looks so comfortable» Mina sighed as she looked at her unnie in her pajamas
«jeongyeon surely brought yours too baby» Jihyo reassured her
«i’ll go up and get it in a moment» Mina said and then curled up in the blanket again
«hey I have some clementines, do you want them?» Jihyo then said to Sana, knowing how much the younger one loved the fruit
«Yay!» the little girl screamed excitedly, forgetting about how cold and sleepy she was the moment Jihyo handed her the bag with the fruits «i’m too happy now unnie!» Sana laughed
«i know princess» giggled the older one
«Mina look! they got clementines!” and the slightly older japanese just smiled at sana running a hand through her hair
«appa jeongy is upstairs, right?» she then asked jihyo
«mhm, if you go up tell her to go down and retrieve the princess, I don't think she’s very inclined to get up» said jihyo seeing the girl curl up back in bed and making Mina giggle
and Mina went up finding Nayeon explaining to Momo how to make the bread plate while the older was holding Tzuyu in her arms «it’s burnt eomma!» Momo teased her
«it's not burnt, it's just... the beans»
then she saw Jeongyeon entering the room holding Dahyun's hand as she carried Chae
«What's this burning smell? what did you burn?»
«smells burnyy» giggled Dahyun running to her mom and leaning against Momo «fish bread! appa look! they made fish bread!»
«made? more like they set it on fire» laughed jeongyeon
«’inari!» shouted chaeyoung seeing mina walking to them while jeongyeon sited on the bug couch
«here’s my minari, did you sleep well?» nayeon asked wrapping an arm around the girl
«mhmh, is my jammies in the suitcase?» mina asked shyly
«of course sweetie, do you wanna take it now or later?»
«later» she said sitting next to momo «oh appa! jihyo unnie said that um you have to go downstairs to to take sana-chan»
«mh guess someone doesn't want to get out of bed huh? thank you for telling me baby» Jeongyeon said placing chae on the sofa between mina and Dahyun and going downstairs
«hey, what's going on here?» jeongyeon asked making Jihyo, who was sorting out her pajamas, turn towards her
«your princess over there» she replied pointing to Sana who was lying on the bed on her stomach hugging the bag of clementines
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tdoong15 · 4 months
hello kai, loved the last fic, I feel like middle SMC would do that 100 procent irl with yeri, shuhua too if she didnt need to go home. the chaos would of been real for 2yeon
with a new request here, about baby momo wanting to have a play date with dubs and being really clingy to her and not wanting to be held or cuddly with anyone else and just being such a cutie while mommy 2yeon trying to get baby momo to nap in her crib but she doesn't want to because she wants to stay with dubs
Hello Chimp, I'm glad you enjoyed the last fic, I imagine that it would be peak chaos for 2yeon if it was SMC, Yeri, Mina and Shuhua all playing. Also this request is really nice.
Little!Momo. Cg!2yeon. Bigsis!Dahyun (basically.)
Warnings: none
Dubs and Momoring
Dahyun was sitting at the table eating kimbap when she felt a tug at her shirt, when she looked down she saw Momo holding onto her shirt. “Oh, hello Momo. How are you?” Dahyun questions, when Dahyun spoke Momo looks up at her, she grins widely and reaches her arms out to Dahyun. “P'ay?” Momo opens and closes her hands at Dahyun, to indicate that she wanted to be picked up.
“Yeah I'll play with you Momo.” Dahyun smiles and she picks up Momo, which makes the little squeal in happiness and kick her legs. Dahyun walked over to Momo's room so they could play together, she tried to place Momo on the floor but she refused to let go of Dahyun. “Okay, I guess you can sit on my lap whilst we play.”
Momo smiled widely and she stayed in Dahyun's arms whilst she sat down. Momo reached over to grab two toys and she handed one to Dahyun. Dahyun happily takes the toy and she plays with Momo, the regressed girl leans in closer and she hugs Dahyun whilst she continues to play. “Sissy, p'ay somethin’ else pwease?” Momo said whilst she pointed at her makeup bag. Dahyun nods her head and she grabs the bag and she passes it to Momo.
Momo shuffled in Dahyun's lap so she was facing her. “Are you going to do my makeup, Momoring?” Dahyun asks which Momo responded by giggling and nodding her head. Dahyun stays still whilst Momo gives her a new makeup look by giving her bright pink cheeks because of the amount of blush Momo placed on her finger as well as a lot of lipstick. When she finished, Momo smiled and she clapped a lot. “Woah dubu wook vewy pwetty!”
Dahyun grabbed her phone, turning on her camera to look at her new look. “Wow, that's amazing, Momo. Maybe you should do my makeup more often.” Dahyun responds, which makes Momo quickly wrap her arms around Dahyun and bury her head in the crook of Dahyun's neck. After a few minutes of the duo just hugging each other, they both heard Nayeon and Jeongyeon call out for lunch. “Well let's get going, Momoring.” Dahyun stands up, making sure that Momo stays in her arms since that's where the little wanted to be. When they reached the kitchen, Dahyun was able to make Momo sit next to her, in fact their chairs were basically together because of how close they were, the only thing that was different was that Momo was placed into a highchair instead due to the fact that she had regressed to a young age.
Lunchtime wasn't too bad, mainly because Momo loved eating her food, the only challenge was that she repeatedly leans over to Dahyun to smile at her and so she could get her attention, it didn't annoy Dahyun at all, she actually gave Momo the attention she wanted by doing things such as holding her hand or pulling funny faces which made Momo laugh loudly and hit the tray on the highchair. A few moments later, Momo and Dahyun were in the lounge, Dahyun had Momo sat in her lap once again whilst they watched Barbie despite it being time for Momo to have her nap.
Nayeon checked the time and she saw that Momo needed to have her nap so she wouldn't be cranky later. “Jeong, we need to get Momo now” Nayeon whispers, Jeongyeon nodded and she walked over to where Momo sat with Dahyun and she gently touched Momo's shoulder. “It's nap time, little one.” Jeongyeon says with a soft tone, in response, Momo shakes her head and she clings to Dahyun more.
“Come on bub, we know that you want to spend more time with Dahyun but you need to have your nap or else you'll have a temper tantrum.” Nayeon tries to reason with Momo whilst she rubs Momo's back, but it wasn't successful, Momo still clung onto Dahyun and she whined softly through her pacifier, it was clear that she wanted to stay awake and be with Dahyun more, she didn't care about her nap.
Dahyun grins sheepishly because she thought that she couldn't do anything in this situation, she wasn't upset with it or anything but she knew that Momo should probably listen to her mommies and go to sleep. Nayeon and Jeongyeon didn't attempt to pull Momo away from Dahyun because they were 100% sure that it would result in Momo freaking out and crying. Nayeon and Jeongyeon stood there in the middle of the room, wondering what they should do until an idea popped into Jeonyeon's head, so she quickly whispered it to Nayeon.
“What if Dahyun takes Momo instead of us since she's the only person that Momo is clinging onto today?” Nayeon instantly agreed with Jeongyeon and she went over to Dahyun and she whispered the idea to her. Dahyun nods her head and she stands up, keeping Momo in her arms. “Let's go Momoring, I'll even make sure that your mommy and mama reads you a story or sings a song to you before your nap. And I'll be right by your side while you sleep.” Dahyun promises to Momo who seemed to look up at her with the biggest pair of puppy eyes and reluctantly agree to the idea.
So with that in mind, Dahyun walks to Momo's room with Nayeon and Jeongyeon walking behind them. Despite the initial resistance Momo eventually laid down in her crib, Dahyun then sat on the floor next to the crib and she held Momo's hand to comfort her. Dahyun also made sure to make sure that every part of her deal was met by making Nayeon and Jeongyeon read a story to Momo, which they normally do anyway. This time they let Momo pick out the story called ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ as they both took turns reading the story to Momo, the regressed girl began to relax but she never let go of Dahyun's finger even when she fell asleep halfway through the story.
Hiiii, I hope everyone's day/evening/night is amazing. Also what do guys think about Twice's new album, based on the snippets?
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loveyjeongie · 2 months
Little!Momo Hcs
hi!! I haven’t posted much of anything in quite a minute so I thought i’d share some thoughts about little momo from this au I have (still working it out) :)
Momo is one of the members who regresses fairly often, she’s only usually big when she’s able to suppress it for times when she’s working but even then she happens to slip sometimes during schedules and has to be brought back to the dorm
She slips between ages but its only ever between 1-5 and she’s more frequently 2-4
Momo is autistic and also nonverbal when regressed
The girls have learned that when she regresses she doesn’t really understand korean very well, so if mina or sana aren’t around it gets difficult to communicate with momo albeit they try their hardest with the little bits of japanese they do know
This causes a lot of miscommunication tho because momo will get frustrated and upset that no one can understand her and vice versa :(
Mina takes care of her the most and is her primary caregiver among the girls, but everyone helps out a lot
Since momo doesn’t communicate verbally, mina got her a bear themed notepad (she loves bears) to write words or draw pictures to help them understand what she wants
They always make sure its nearby with one of those crayola orange markers bc its the only color she’ll write in (they bulk bought 100)
They also have communication cards that chaeyoung drew and had sana write with momo in both japanese and korean so it helps the other members as well
She’s a clingy baby :( she likes to play but other times she will cry a lot until someone picks her up and holds her, and will get really fussy when she’s put down again so she’s always kept very close to someone else
Jeongyeon got her a special weighted blanket that is only about 2 lbs and when she’s feeling very overwhelmed they wrap it around her and it calms her down a lot
Momo doesn’t like sitting on the couch or chairs bc she gets scared of being high off the ground without someone holding her, so they have a special area decked out on the living room floor with soft cushions and pillows, and the girls will sit with her there instead
Bedtime for momo is rough as she deals with a lot of nightmares, and after going through a handful of really terrible long sleepless nights they decided she’s not allowed to sleep on her own anymore
Mina sleeps with her most nights and momo is a lot more fussy when mina is busy or overseas for work but she doesn’t mind sleeping with any of the other girls as long as they make sure to stick to her routine as closely as possible
If she is going to bed with one of the other girls they have to facetime mina until she falls asleep otherwise she wont sleep
When she still has a really hard time during the night, they’ll wrap her up in her blanket and bring her out to her area in the living room and sleep with her there
She’s not extremely picky with food but she’s very specific about what she eats for breakfast in the morning because she wont eat anything else besides dry cereal and a bottle of slightly watered down orange juice
Her favorite member to have take care of her besides mina is jihyo :]
Jihyo even started taking extra japanese language classes to help her communicate with momo better
One of her favorite things is when jihyo holds her while singing songs from a playlist they made for her
Also when sana and nayeon play or stim with her, it makes her feel less nervous about doing it alone
She really likes animals. Even if sometimes the girl’s pets become overstimulating she loves seeing them and playing with them its really cute
Since momo is constantly on the floor they need to clean the dorm twice a day bc she’ll get sick if they don’t… the cleaning stuff scares her tho so they have to give her headphones and take her into an empty (already cleaned) room :(
this is kinda long, but if you want me to make a part 2 (I have lots I could talk about) or have any questions about any of it/want me to talk abt anything specific feel free to send me asks :] i’d love to talk about her
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agerefandom · 2 months
My Hero Academia/BNHA (agerefandom masterpost)
Sound and Silence: full fanfiction featuring domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!Hizashi Something Wrong: full (HEAVY) fanfiction, where regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well Class Outing: full fanfiction, featuring Izuku regressing while at the mall with Class 1A caregiver!midoriya headcanons regressor!camie and caregiver!katsuki headcanons
regressors!ochako and toga art regressor!kiri art tokoyami and dark shadow art regressor!toga art toga and big brother dabi art regressor hawks art regressor bakugou and cg!momo art regressor!shigaraki and cg!midoriya art caregiver!toshinori moodboard (and another!) regressor!midoriya moodbard regressor!toga moodboard caregiver!bakugou moodboard (and another!) regressor!kaminari moodboard (and another!) (and a third!) regressor!shigaraki moodboard
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