#casual about it either well i won't elaborate
jade-curtiss · 10 months
Btw beware about intercepting cop shit sometimes the issues last 😑
#i mean is it disability or just having to deal with casual visits over every damn thing because of certain records#like i mean the attention is overwhelming (the weird thing about cops is that sometimes they are straight up almost flirty)#these cases are the worst tho because it's kind of up against the wall but nothing happens but you know if anything happened either you are#casual about it either well i won't elaborate#or at least this is the impression it gives but I think they just play games because at some point i kinda played along#and he got uncomfortable like so uncomfortable i mean the dude went silent and sat in my stair for over 45 minutes#i did nothing just gave an ok vibe#was enough 😐#maybe he was like really unsure either way he wanted but like we have a bidet bitch#all that when his colleague yelled at my bitch and asked them for a coffee next#some destiny's child was even playing in the bg#we had so much fun 🥺#everyone wanted to bottom especially the yelling one probably like i mean bitch probably on the way to arrest crimes#and we dunno how we got here i mean it was my dad who made the call over a clown thing but a mega one#that's why i kinda hate him#twice#but like he just...i don't know why he prank cops over my case but sometimes parents are insane#i had to go to fed court because he thought he was funny...#like...dude#i wasn't guilty of course but he had to say funny quotes to the cops#and he straight up no helped because he was like “oh shit fuck ohshit oh no but not guilty and work every receipts but oh shit fuck sorry”#when i received the real receipts he almost landed us in a wall ajdjsjsjfjfjd#i mean with car and everything#but in face of things#we figured#this is stupid and keep the circus up#and i won while he went...i mean imagine#i cope as much as i can#bitch just roam around in jacksonville to prance i mean what are you doing here?#i mean i get the very will to die but can you cope better you don't go through the deal bitch eh oh
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freckliedan · 3 months
wait can you talk more about christmas 2018?
Anonymous asked: Just what you said in your post! "the first christmas where they publicly spent that much time together" did they usually keep quiet about where they were?
i can't speak to the 2014-16 era because i fell out of touch with the fandom at that time, but i was absolutely around during 2017 & 18. both of those years marked HUGE shifts, and both of those huge shifts came at the tail end of gamingmas/dilmas. you can check out my original frog theory post and my frog theory tag for elaboration on the function of gamingmas irt all of this. as just like. prerequisite framework reading.
ANYWAYS. the thing that was such a big deal was that dan was openly visiting the lesters with phil. yes, you can visit friends' families during the holidays. but it's much more frequently something you do with a significant other. so the ruckus was because dan and phil knew the conclusions people would jump to if we knew dan visited the lesters at christmas, and they still let us know that it happened.
(this got disgustingly long, so i'm putting the rest of this post under the cut.)
part of what made that such a big deal was having that happen after the no homo/closet era, the "we're not together we're not even that close of friends we're just roommates" era. the significance of their trust & openness was MUCH more tangibly felt. a way larger percent of the fandom at that time had been present when the vday video leaked/had joined shortly afterwards when that was one of the biggest things impacting both phandom culture and our relationship with dnp.
so in 2017 when we got a glimpse of dan up north at the lesters' in a couple of cornelia's instagram stories? we lost our fucking minds about it. it was only 2 (i think) background cameos, but it was quite literally unprecedented. it's not something that qualifies as openly spending time together at the holidays because of the method throug which we found out about it, but like. there's no way they didn't know that cornelia was posting those, and no way that they didn't know we'd know about it.
when i say we, i mean dedicated phannies. people who could possibly be reading this post, not casual subscribers to the gaming channel. because when it comes to casual viewers, or even people who aren't a part of dan and phil's usual audience at all? there's a lot of methods of communication that they just plain aren't paying attention to and won't be aware of.
the most direct, permanent methods dan and phil have for communicating are videos on either of their individual channels or on dan and phil games, and after that is instagram grid posts or tweets, as well as videos on their side channels. twitter replies, insta stories, livestreams, and their public likes on any social media platform? those are for a more private audience. their appearances in other people's posts reaches a similarly small audience.
knowing that they were starting to be more and more open through the communication channels only open between them and dedicated fans, and that it was a trend - december 2017 is also when phil, in a liveshow, read out someone's "you and dan are so married" comment and just.. laughingly said "it-it's a useful thing". (link to gifs of that). it wasn't a one-off. it was a trend.
and compared to 2018, it was dust. they spent the whole year becoming increasingly open with us, through increasingly direct methods. it was a whirlwind. even for people who've watched all the videos and liveshows, you don't have the whole picture. the onslaught was coming at us from every angle at all moments. you'd have to also explore the full archives of social media posts, insta stories, meet and greets , social media likes, and like.. the archived recordings of every interactive introverts tour date. it was batshit.
it was genuinely one of the most insane years of my life. i was having physical symptoms. we all knew what was coming, we all could tell they were working up towards coming out, but nobody wanted to trust that we were right about that. my dashboard was regularly at a fever pitch.
and december 2018 was the culmination of everything. and then they were talking directly to us in a liveshow and being. insanely open. they told us that dan was going with phil to visit the lesters. and they told us that pinof was ending. and then dilmas started dropping, aggressively cementing the fact that dab and evan were sim-universe proxies for dnp, while dan and phil posted instagram grid and story updates about visiting the lesters. and then dab and evan came home to the howlter house for the holidays. and got engaged.
and then they went on hiatus, and we pretty much did not hear from dan until he came out.
the point is. we knew there was a fucking insane energy. we KNEW something big was coming. we fucking knew. it was a two year build up to dan and phil being the most publicly gay they'd ever been on the gaming channel and every single other platform - and part of that insanity was them being open about dan visiting the lesters, which coincided with them having their proxy sims get gay engaged while visiting family.
"did they usually keep quiet about where they were?" anon, the last time before all this that they had openly acknowledged dan visiting the lesters during the holidays was 2009.
the way they were acting over christmas of 2018 had me experiencing shrimp emotions to such an intense degree i was having verifiable psychic visions.
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
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Secret identity part three — Prince!Carlos sainz x reader
Carlos the criticizer
Tagged — @67-angelofthelordme-67 @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @crashingwavesofeuphoria @charlesf1leclerc @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @purplephantomwolf @lightdragonrayne @hrts4scarr @cmleitora @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @vivwritesfics @vellicora @venusisnothere @carlossainzwho @darleneslane @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @ironmaiden1313
The next morning was a new day with new possibilities.
As you got up from bed you stretched a bit then made your way downstairs for breakfast.
You didn't plan on actually engaging in a full breakfast since you usually just toast a bagel and drink some water but this was a special occasion.
To your surprise, you found Carlos already in the kitchen making some eggs and bacon for both of you.
"Morning" he greeted with a relaxed smile
"Hey" you responded back
"I thought I'd make you something nice for breakfast" he added
"Uhh...thanks...I usually just toast a bagel and have some water" you said with a faint blush
As he continued cooking the entire room was filled with the smell of cooking bacon which made your mouth water.
The delicious smell combined with Carlos's calm and relaxed demeanor made your heart skip a beat.
You noticed himself just staring at him as he cooked you could feel the heat radiating off him and the kitchen.
"Is this how every morning is gonna go for a while?" you ask him jokingly
"Pretty much" he joked back with a mischievous smile
"I mean it though you don't have to cook for me," you said slightly flustered
"Nonsense...this is part of the roommate experience" he replied with a playful tone.
"Yes," Carlos answered with a playful grin on his face.
This guy was one for surprises and you couldn't help but find that quality about him appealing.
The idea of someone cooking you breakfast every morning wasn't so bad either.
"Is it a problem that I'm cooking for you this morning?" he replied with a light grin
"Not at all. I mean I'm not used to people doing things for me" you responded jokingly
You couldn't help but notice the playfulness in his tone and how he had no problem teasing you in the middle of cooking.
"My mother was a good cook, so she taught me how to cook when I was fairly young and I just learned how to improve on her recipes," Carlos responded
"Interesting" you replied
He continued to keep cooking, his entire demeanor was so laid back it was a bit mesmerizing.
"Do you cook often?" Carlos asked you
"Not really no, I'm usually too tired after work to want to cook anything elaborate" you responded
"Is that why you only toast bagels when I'm not here?" Carlos teased
"Good. So we have a deal. I cook and you clean" Carlos replied with an easygoing smile
It felt like such a strange yet intriguing deal and yet somehow you felt comfortable making it with this stranger.
"Sounds like a fair deal to me" you replied
What was even stranger was that you were starting to feel more and more attracted to him with each interaction.
Your mind was just racing with scenarios and images of the two of you just lounging around the house cooking and cleaning while getting to know one another better.
"Since you won't give me any real details, can I ask you a random question?" Carlos asked
"Sure. What's up?" You replied
"If you could've chosen to have any career, what would you have chosen" Carlos asked
"Hmmm...well I never gave it too much thought. I guess I'd like to be a travel blogger or an author or something" you replied.
“But I became a paramedic instead it was a lot more achievable,” you say eating your eggs
"So you didn't have big aspirations," Carlos said with a light laugh
"Well I did, but yeah they were pretty unachievable " You couldn't help but feel a slight sting in your heart as you responded
"What kind of career did you dream of having as a kid?" he asked
"I always wanted to be a writer or actor....something along those lines...." you replied
"And what's stopping you from becoming a writer or actor?" Carlos asked you with a light smile
"Realistic goals I guess" you replied
"So what you're saying is that you chose to limit yourself?" Carlos continued
"To a degree, I guess?" you answered
"Doesn't sound fair" Carlos said
"Why? What's wrong with that?" you asked
"Well, you should live life to its fullest you know?" Carlos replied
"What's wrong with being realistic about my goals?" you asked
"But who made up these rules about what is realistic and what's not?" Carlos reasoned
"Isn't it just common sense to be able to differentiate between what's realistic and what's a dream?" you argued back
"What's wrong with dreaming big?" Carlos asked
"Nothing I guess, but they're called dreams for a reason. How is it supposed to be realistic?" you said
"That seems like a rather limiting way to view the world" Carlos replied
"It's not limiting, it's just logical" you argued back
"Well sometimes you have to take the risk to achieve certain things," Carlos said
"It's not a risk I'm willing to take," you said
"So what will you do instead? You'll just keep living life the same way you always have and let the opportunities you could've gotten slip away?" Carlos asked
"I-I mean it's a comfortable life" you answered unsure.
"You're also just working all the time. How does that make you feel?" Carlos replied
"It's what adults are supposed to do," you said
"I'm an adult and I'm not working a mundane job that requires me to work all the time just to make a living" Carlos replied
"It's not mundane. It's a job that requires skill" you countered
"And that's a job you always wanted to have? I don't think so" Carlos replied
"That's not fair. You don't know what I've wanted my entire life. I'm happy in my job" you said
"Sure. But is that what you dreamed of becoming when you were a kid? Be honest"
"I-I" you paused
"It's not the career I wanted if that's what you mean" you reluctantly answered
"So basically you chose to limit yourself" Carlos followed up
"Yes, I was always told that you need realistic goals" you replied
"So you gave up on your dreams because you were told by others to have realistic goals?" Carlos asked
"Yeah I guess so..." you replied
"I don't get it. If you're so passionate about writing and acting, why give up on it based on what other people tell you?" Carlos asked
"Isn't that how it works?" you followed up
"Not necessarily. You need to make life your own. Don't let the opinions of others limit what you can achieve" Carlos replied
"What about money? What about survival?" you argued
"Money doesn't equal happiness. You could become a millionaire and still be miserable" Carlos replied
"So you're saying I should live on my ideals, dreams, and ambitions instead of realistic money and security?" You asked
"Yeah pretty much" Carlos replied
"I don't know. That's a huge risk" you said
"Life is full of risks. I'd rather change it all in an attempt to achieve a dream than stay stagnant." Carlos said
"Have you always had this mindset?" you asked
"Pretty much. I've never been one to play it safe" Carlos replied.
"So you'd be willing to just drop your job and pursue what you wanted?" You asked him as you finished your breakfast
"In a heartbeat" Carlos responded with a slight grin on his face
"And what's the backup plan if you become a huge failure?" You asked
"I won't fail" Carlos replied
"But what if you did?" You argued
"I won't" Carlos quickly replied
"But how can you be so sure?"
"Well I guess you'll never find out" Carlos answered confidently
"Your confidence in yourself is both impressive and unnerving," you said
"I don't know why you think I won't succeed. I've succeeded in everything else I've ever attempted" Carlos confidently stated
"You're confident about everything?" You asked
"I never fail in the things that matter" Carlos confidently replied
That confidence of his was a bit intimidating but strangely it also felt comforting even if he was criticizing you.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I can't really decide if Usopp would hate Sanji's smoking habit or simply not care.
I mean it would be funny that he hides and throws away his boyfriend's cigarettes to the point where Sanji has to hide his cigarettes from Usopp so he doesn't hide them from him and the way Usopp just visually coughs any time he smells the slightest bit of smoke from him (or anywhere honestly, he's a bit of a drama queen) to make him at least a bit embarrassed (failed miserably) or when all of Sanji's hidden goods are suddenly gone in the middle of the sea (which may or may not be his boyfriend's doing) and they weren't going to arrive to any island for a few days so he had to hold onto the two little stumps he had left and just going into a straight up withdrawal and asking everyone if they smoked and falling into deeper desperation each time he heard a "no" and how Usopp would mock him and tell him "That's what you get, loser" and yes this is kind of cruel but he has no business smoking 24/7 killing his lungs like that he basically smells of smoke and I'm sure even tastes like smoke and I do not want to even think of the effect it has on his teeth.
Fun fact, my brother and I used to do that (throwing away my mom's cigarettes) so she stopped smoking. Well, my brother did that so she would stop smoking. I did that only to fuck with her, ngl.
And okay, this whole concept is extremely hilarious because I just got another ask talking about Usopp smoking and Sanji finding out casually and it's just,,, So funny. But I like both concepts a lot!! This one feels so funny to talk about and extremely canon, too. (OP's future note: I made this sad. I am sorry)
Like Usopp would hate Sanji smoking this much, right? He doesn't hate that he smokes (they're pirates and can do whatever they want, so of course he won't be telling him to stop smoking) but he hates that he does it constantly. All the time. He's fucking up his lungs and also the whole ship smells like cigarettes and his clothes too and Usopp is sick of trying to kiss him and tasting that in his mouth. And it's not THAT disgusting because Usopp is used to it and, after all, it's what reminds him of Sanji. It's a Sanji thing. But he's worried about his well-being and he wishes Sanji would at least only smoke like 2 cigarettes a day and not a whole fucking pack.
So he asks Chopper for advice because he's the doctor here and will probably know what to do when it comes to an addiction like this one. Chopper tells him that the only way to end an addiction is to go through a process of either gradually quitting or just directly stopping, but the latter might have more side effects due to the need to smoke all the time. After all, it is a drug.
But of course, Usopp is a drama queen and he goes all in with this elaborate plan to throw away all the cigarettes Sanji has and is all dramatic when he smokes close to him. Which is- Okay, I am actually not on Usopp's side here so I'm gonna make it a bit angsty. I am evil. *Evil laughter*.
Usopp keeps doing that every time he finds Sanji's cigarettes and whenever they go to an island and he tries to buy them. Sanji has been smoking less and less and less because he doesn't have any cigarettes left and it's driving him insane. Like- It's genuinely affecting him badly and Usopp is too caught up in his own morals and trying to be the good boyfriend he thinks he's being to realize that.
Sanji can't sleep well anymore. He's eating more because he has cravings he didn't have before. He's more anxious and way more irritable, which only makes him fight Zoro constantly (more than usual. Imagine the chaos). He can't even concentrate when cooking. And tbh his intrusive thoughts are coming back because what helped him concentrate and avoid them was smoking and doing something with his hands (why do you think he smokes so much??? That's his unhealthy coping mechanism, your honor).
And Usopp tries to act like everything is normal and like he's doing a good thing because he has no idea what Sanji is going through. He thinks it's just a lil punishment that won't last long. But it does last. And it is affecting Sanji a lot. And of course, the cook ends up snapping because there's no fucking way he can handle this anymore. And it's out of nowhere (from Usopp's perspective) because Sanji is just trying to cook and Usopp is on the kitchen table doing his own thing with his bombs. And he's making noises, but just the usual ones. The ones Sanji has never complained about. But it's bothering the cook anyway, for once, and it drives him wild to the point of turning around and yelling:
"Could you stop doing that?!"
"Wha- Doing what?"
"The little clingclingcling the fucking explosions your humming just- Shut up! I'm trying to cook for this whole crew and you're making it pretty fucking impossible!"
"You never had a problem with me being here before."
"I never had a problem with you at all before, so I guess there's a first time for everything!"
"... Are you alright, Sanji?"
"Oh! Why wouldn't I be, Usopp? I'm perfectly fine. Awesome, even. Since I quit smoking everything has been perfect!"
"Of course not, you moron! I've never been more fucked up in my whole life, why would you do this to me? Did- Did I hurt you somehow? Is this a punishment? Karma? What do you want from me? I'll do it, just- Stop this."
"Sanji, honey, I'm just doing this for your own good because-"
"For MY own good? Are you sure about that, Usopp? MY own good? Who do you think you are to decide that for me?"
"I don't know, your boyfriend, maybe?!"
"Usopp. I- I love you, okay? But you're making it really, really hard for me not to say some things I- Smoking is what keeps me going, Usopp, I can't quit it-"
"Of course you can! You stopped smoking a week ago-"
"And it has been the worst week of my entire life, Usopp. You can't just decide this for me I- This is what makes me feel I have control over my life! It's not the best but it's what I have and we're supposed to be pirates, don't we? Let me-"
"What? Let you fuck up your lungs only because it makes you feel a bit better? You'll die way before that!"
"But it's up to me to decide!"
"When you have people that love you, it's not up to you to decide if you die or not! You're always doing this! You did this in Skypiea and Whole Cake and- And you take so little care of yourself I had to do something!"
"Well, it's not working! You could've talked to me, maybe?!"
"You never listen!"
"Because you never talk! Why would you do this-"
"Because I'm in love with you and I don't want you to die! If you feel bad, you come to me. You don't need to destroy your lungs when I'm right here! You're not alone anymore, Sanji!"
"I just care about you, okay? I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this without asking and I didn't know it would make you feel this bad but- But I just care about you and I understand if you want to break up-"
"I don't want to break up with you, dumbass. I just- Let me do this my own way? Stop smoking, I mean- I- I'm sorry, too. I just really need to. To stop thinking for a while."
"... I didn't throw away all your cigarettes. I still have a few I haven't-"
"No. No, mon coeur. Just- Do you want to go fish? Or- What new bombs were you making? Tell me about them. I'll probably have that cigarette later, though."
And then Chopper scolds Usopp for his behavior (of fucking course) because you can't just stop smoking suddenly like that. And Sanji starts smoking again but less and less every day with Usopp keeping an eye on him! I am very sad now after writing this! I'm gonna go cry! <3
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yasyassie · 1 year
So I watched a 2020 barbie movie the other day and... I have mixed feelings
I can see the barbie essence in it. I appreciate the message that life is what happens when the cameras are off, that we shouldn't focus on our online image or care about what others will think of us, and we should fight to be heard, express ourselves freely... I truly think that the best thing about the movie is the ideas of social media, appearances and truth, which are especially relevant to the young kids that will/have watched the film.
The characters are nice, and Ken has my entire heart because oh his golden retriever energy is so endearing! I can confidently say that I like him better than 2010s Ken. Is he less funy? Ok, yeah, he is, but he is so sweet! Not sure if I can compare him to early 2000s barbie's love interests though...
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I liked the representation too, I appreciated the fact that barbie's friend group is more diverse than before, ALTHOUGH I'm still waiting for mattel to give us the wlw rep we deserve bc deep down we all know that barbie is sapphic. She has a pink dolphin that is the epitome of sapphic, I won't elaborate.
But come on are we using the "barbie casually finds a girl that looks exactly like her and become friends and switch places" plotline?? again?? it's the THIRD time
The music is honestly... bad. I'm sorry it's so terrible I couldn't stand it. I'm a big fan of the soundtracks of 2000s barbie bc they used classical masterpieces, and 2010s soundtracks were really iconic as well! (Queen of the waves, Can you keep a secret, Keep on dancing, Here I am) but this movie just gave us... nothing.
But what made me sad was the OUTFITS?? PLEASE they were so goddamn boring it made me mad. Where are all the sparkles and the colours?? They took all the fun and beauty of Barbie dresses and made them into the most basic clothes that could literally be found in any fast fashion shop ever. I'm sorry but I don't watch barbie movies to see her in a Zara dress??!! As a kid, I wanted every single piece of cloth that barbie ever wore, but I don't think I would've liked... this
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Especially when you compare it to THIS
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And I'm not going to lie, I didn't like the animation either. It was too... CGI-y for me, honestly.
So I started rewatching Barbie in a mermaid tale just to be reminded of the times when they used to make movies that were still based in the real/contemporary world but used loads of magic and good worldbuilding + main characters with very different personalities and goals.
(and btw, Barbie is supposed to be 16 in both movies but she is much more teenage-like in mermaid tale)
A lot of the things in the princess adventure movie (2020) just seem too unrealistic because there isn't really any magic involved, and while I know it's supposed to be a kids movie, I didn't feel like Mermaid tale (2010) had such incoherent plotpoints or resolutions.
Anyway, I appreciate the messages, but I wish they brought back all the fun and sparkles and magic from old movies!
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daz4i · 4 months
You should self-ship on main more, I'm 100% here for it. In the interest of fostering that, a few questions to ponder (or like. Elaborate if you've said it somewhere and I just don't recall lol):
Would y'all have the "Oh" moment? Who and how and all that jazz~
Is there cuddling? How's the cuddling?
How would y'all's first date go? Would it be an official date, or would there later be the, "wait we're dating aren't we?" moment?
Who fell first and who fell harder?
What was the pining process like? A long time, or just going for it once someone realizes?
Big romantic gestures or little acts of love?
Asking with Nikolai in mind but feel free to elaborate on others too 👀 And no pressure on anything obviously!
I love self-shipping and seeing others do it as well 🥰
oooooo these are so good 🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
1. nah! we're both too stubborn to admit smth like that even to ourselves i think. it's either obsession at first sight or denial forever 👍
2. ofc 😌 it's. messy i think :P going from nothing to the tighest clutching ever like our lives depend on it with limbs entangled in ways that shouldn't be anatomically possible. and then back to nothing after a few minutes. maybe some limbs still tied together like earphones you leave in a purse
3. oh absolutely not knowing it's a date :P if we go by my bsdsona i feel like our dates would be committing crimes anyway, less as a planned thing more in the heat of the moment. in our world tho, i actually can't figure out how we'll start, but it for sure won't be an actual date. i think it'd be funny if it's like going out with 2 friends who are a couple and are trying to set us up together without telling us, so they take us on double dates disguised as casual hangouts. actually that's a good one i decided this is how we'll be in a modern au. but instead of us realizing we're dating someone else will ask us and we will keep saying no, while acting like a couple. keep em on their toes (<- never had The Talk bc what's the point of labels and limits)
4. first? probably me 😩 (i'm like incapable of seeing someone as anything but platonic after a p short time so. it's near-instant or nothing) but i think nikolai would fall harder. like we just saw how he acts with fyodor after having like 2 conversations with him 😭 once i get him to like me i think he'll be ride or die
5. no pining ✨️ we're both direct i think :P just going for it immediately 🔥
6. big romantic gestures! i don't think we'll be very good as a casual domestic couple, there's a reason why i post abt us doing fucked up shit all the time lol. it'll be intense and short (not in a breakup way. if you catch my drift) so it really is all about the big acts 👀
(to get somewhat deep abt that last one. i always think my main f/o at any time is what i need in life during that period. and nikolai embodies fun and intensity and chaos to me, just being interesting and unexpected, bc i am. so bored. which is why we're less of a normal romantic couple and more of a chaotic duo uwu casual small romance may be nice but not right now and not with him)
👁👁 that comment at the end. i take it you have self ships too? 👀 who are your f/os!
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foundationalt · 5 months
could you elaborate on this part of your gameplay page: "headcanons are not considered “canon” unless written on the dash. This is to avoid miscommunication about character backstories as well as prevent metagaming." ? specifically what does this rule include and exclude. for example, say that i and another writer are plotting out a prior connection -- do headcanons/interactions involved in that have to be written in real time on the dash in order to be considered part of our characters' backstories prior to joining the task force?
>  𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛  🅟
thank  you  for  your  inquiry!  this  rule  was  something  our  admin  team  developed  after  seeing  ic  /  ooc  miscommunications  in  rp  games  due  to  incongruent  access  to  information  among  players. 
  firstly,  players  do  not  have  to  have  all  their  backstory  pieces  fleshed out before  joining  the  game.  the  fun  part  is  getting  to  write  together  and  discovering  new  aspects  of  your  muse  with  others!  <3  even  us  running  the  game  don't  have  everything  set  in  stone!  we're  so  excited  to  figure  things  when  we  open  for  interactions. 
  backstories  do  not  have  to  be  roleplayed  in  real-time,  and  headcanons  do  not  have  to  be  locked  in.  players  are  welcome  to  change  things  up  as  they  see  fitting  into  our  game's  plot!  <3  all  we  want  is  a  heads  up  for  the  group  for  any  significant  changes,  since  we  won't  know  what's  been  planned  in  dms.
  for  example  in  this  fictional  scenario,  players  a  &  b  decided  their  characters  were  in  a  casual  on/off  relationship  for  the  past  year,  but  then  player  a  plotted  with  player  c  and  established  a  headcanon  that  their  characters  are  also  on/off,  in  a  "will  they-won't  they"  for  a  while,  without  alerting  player  b  or  others  in  the  game  but  assuming  the  group  will  know  and  include  it  in  interactions.
  everyone  else  in  the  group  who  assumed  player  a  &  b's  muses  were  together  (since they read it on the dash) and acknowledge it in interactions may  end  up  in  situations  where  they accidentally hurt player  c's  feelings; as player c feels that no one "ships" their ship in-game.
  or,  in  this  imaginary  circumstance,  the  last  time  player  a  &  b's  characters  interacted  on  dash  was  a scene  declaring  their  undying  love  for  each  other.  then  when  a  different  player  writes  a  thread  with  them  mentioning  their  relationship,  a  &  b's  characters  react  and  say,  "we've  been  broken  up  for  the  past  few  weeks."  this  could  catch  other  players  who  don't  know  this  headcanon  off-guard,  especially  those  who  would  feel  that  their  muse  would've  known  this  relationship  update  beforehand  and  would  have  responded  differently  had  they  known.
  in  order  to  avoid  these  very  hypothetical  situations,  our  rule  asks  that  players  post  important  muse  information  that  everyone  should  know  out  of  character.  (of  course,  ic  knowledge  is  different,  and  no  one  should  metagame!)  basically,  pop  a  reference  somewhere,  whether  it  be  a  thread  response,  muse  intro,  connections  page,  etc.,  anything  that  people  can  access  to  read,  and  you're  gucci!
  for  example,  my  character,  old  sport,  can't  sing!  now  that  i  mentioned  it,  it's  canon.  :>  if  i  were  to  change  a  hc,  i'd  just  update  the  info:  old  sport  can't  sing, BUT  he's  always  on  beat. 
  it  doesn't  have  to  be  direct  as  mine  haha,  or  anything  detailed  either!  if  you  have  a  secret  plot  in  mind,  [frodo  vc]  keep  your  secrets.  <3  (but  defs  let  the  rp  mgmt  team  know  if  your  character  got  possessed  by  a  ghost  "off-camera"  haha! you know the drill!)
  all  in  all,  we  just  want  to  make  sure  no  one  feels  that  their  character  is  being  misinterpreted,  or  that  another  player  accidentally  revealed  info  that  was  saved  for  a  later  time.  by  having  open  access  to  information  you  want  others  to  know  for  your  character,  we  believe  this  will  encourage  muns  to  build  stories  with  each  other!
  i  hope  this  answers  your  question,  and  we  will  be  editing  our  gameplay page to  better  reflect  our  intentions!  if  you  have  any  follow  up  questions,  please  feel  free  to  ask,  we  don't  mind!  we  want  to  ensure  everyone  is  on  the  same  page  with  us.  thank  you  again  and  have  a  good  one! <3
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selvesdiscovery · 10 months
Hi- I know I'm not a non-host, but I'd like to ask some advice relating to them. So basically, I can't leave front, which makes it harder for me to make sure everyone gets the time in front that they want. I'm currently worried about a fictive we got recently whose exotrauma is such that they completely seclude themself and won't open up/interact casually because they're just not used to communicating like that at all. Getting through to them has been hard, and we're not sure if focusing on their source is helping or hurting. My headmates can't just steal front from me so I'm always the interim between my everyone else and the outerworld, and it's worrying the hell out of us to have someone so averse to talking and locking it up with iron walls instead. If you have any advice, it'd be helpful- exotrauma isn't our forté.
Hi Anon, thank you for reaching out.
Exotrauma isn't too much of our forté either, but we do have some experience with it and might be able to help.
Depending on what the specific exotrauma is and how able to influence this other headmate you are, in general, the best thing that I can recommend is that you treat the exotrauma as you would any real trauma, and the headmate as you would a frightened survivor.
Any person dealing with post traumatic stress is going to need compassion and understanding, help working through triggers, and constructive redirection of their beliefs and feelings. If it's truly the case that trauma is the barrier between them and being able to interact properly with your system, my best advice for you would be to do some research on trauma, on dealing with the specific type of stuff that they've been through, and on helping them through it, so that your interactions with them can be as understanding as possible, and you can help them more when they're ready to open up. Even so, you'll need to be patient with them and allow them to let you help them on their own time.
In the meantime, you could also (gently and compassionately, of course) try to offer them interaction based around things they enjoy. For example, if they/their source really likes flowers, you can offer to take them to a garden, or get them a bouqet of their favorite kind. This could help you build a more trusting bond over time that could be the foundation for you being able to help them, similarly to how you would build trust with somebody outerworld.
If none of this proves helpful, consider reaching out to a professional (if you have one) or a loved one for more personal assistance.
If you have any further questions or elaboration on the situation, feel free to send another ask, but in the meantime I hope all goes well for you, and our advice pushes you in the right direction.
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He appeared from his room, freshly showered, towel round his neck. It took him 247 seconds more than usual to finish washing up. Was something the matter? Walked up straight to the sofa where I was sitting and took up the other end. He was not thinking straight. Where was the bottle of water he usually has?  The scent of citrus from his shampoo got on my nerves. He's using a new one. I needed to change mine too, then.
'What about dinner?'
The casualness of my tone was an irony. I'd serve him the meat off my back on a plate if he ever joked that he wanted it. I fix my eyes on the bags under his eyes. He's tired. Men had a way of appearing unscathed in front of the world. The moment he stepped inside the house, all the exhaustion would show up on his features, like invisible ink surfacing under heat. I liked watching him like that. That meant he was comfortable in here. Even though we're just roommates. He didn't mind, me seeing him like this. Or maybe he couldn't care less. Either way, I'd take it. I'd take in his existence anyway I could. 'I ate.' That's all he said. I wished he would elaborate. What did he eat, who did he eat with, was it good enough? I wanted to know more, from his mouth anyway. His still form on the other side of the couch made him appear like a statue. He's looking at the TV screen. He was here yet he felt miles away from me. I wished to feel his gaze in my bones. His shoulders are tense. I read the distress off him like my favorite riddles. This time of the semester are always hell. What could be bothering him today? Was it that professor who refused his submission for a 2-minute delay? Was it that exchange student that won't leave him alone? Was it his mother that never knew when to shut up over the phone? All he had to do was give me a hint. A zist, just a crumb maybe. The things I’d do for him could not be limited by anything humane or inhumane. Who knows, maybe I already have crossed those limits before. Nothing fazed me when it came to him. His unawareness of this fact only fueled my devotion. "Whatever it is," I thought, "I'll find out myself. And I'll make it go away. I will take care of you, in ways you cannot imagine." Love, it was not. Mere love could never explain this. I wouldn't know what to do with him if this, whatever this is, was ever returned. The thought turned sour in my head. 'God, I hope not.' 'Today was your day off?' He was still distant. His eyes not moving once from the screen. 'Yes, I watched Netflix all day.' The lies rolled out of my tongue smoother than recited poetry. I didn't watch Netflix all day. I watched him. Off days meant my favorite entertainment. I watched him in the cafeteria, having dinner. I saw him buying an apple juice from the vending machine instead of Gatorade, because his insufferable mother told him to. I watched some girl bump into him because the she was on her phone. He almost fell on his face. I did not like that. So, I had to take care of that too. I hope she'll learn not to glue her eyes on the phone all the time, if she ever gets a new one. 'You don't look well.' I voice out, feigning concern. Whatever he looked like, it always seemed fine to me. 'It's nothing.' His eyes finally tore away from the screen. He smiled at me or tried to. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked the screen.
He sighed. His frown deepened.
One, two, three- deep lines appeared on his forehead.
He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation.
‘You wish you could do that, don’t you?’  I immediately cringed at the thought. No, I didn't wish that. I wished I could keep him in a glass box in my room, so I could stare at him all day. Untouched and Clean, all mine to admire. 'I'm...going to go to bed, my classes start early tomorrow.' He stood up and left without waiting for a reply. I knew who that was. He owed money to someone. The calls were getting frequent. He had enough time to sort it out himself, I decided then. I stood up.
I had errands to run. I walked out into the chilly night, wrapping my coat tighter around me. It was dark out, shielding my surgical gloves from the questioning eyes of any passerby. The taser in my pocket never felt lighter. Turns out, I was also in need of some money that I needed to borrow. I patted the inside of my coat, feeling the thin blade in place. My second most prized possession. Very handy for keeping things discreet. I had tested it on myself, and it passed with flying colors. Knives only made things messy. One stroke of this, on a spot vulnerable enough, and it would bleed anyone’s lights out in 15 seconds, give or take. 'Maybe you could keep something of his, for your collection.' My heart picked up at the thought. The blood pumping in my ear got louder. The pulse near my throat sped up. Maybe I'll go for the hands, to make it a suicide. That was safer.
‘But the sound out of his throat when the trachea is punctured deep enough, the cascading of the blood to the lungs; cutting off oxygen supply, the mouthwatering rich crimson painting the snow, and the eyes…oh, the eyes that’s going to give away his will to live a second longer and the fear, the regret, the pain-’, I breathed and stopped in my tracks to calm down. 'Haven't smiled this big in a while', the voice inside my head sneered. I haven't, have I? Looks like Christmas came early this year.
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alohajun · 2 years
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treasure x gn!idol!reader | wc :2.2k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, idol au, uncomfy instances (implied, not elaborated) | request : hi :dd i just read the fic about the treasure members reacting to their s/o away for tour and i really loved it. and that gave me an idea for a treasure reaction, if you are willing to write it then that would be great! okay so how about them reacting to (idol) reader being uncomfortable around a fan?
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🐷the oldest — as well as the leader — of his group
🐷if you were a member of treasure, he wouldn’t even hesitate to hide his expressions, just straight up calling his manager over and informing about the ‘fan’ before pulling you away
🐷but if you were an idol s/o or maybe even a close friend, he’d casually try to approach you, making sense of the situation before putting a smile on his face, trying to sort it out as politely as he could
🐷“y/n has done nothing to you, so why do you have to behave like this?”
🐷but either way, when you are away from the spotlight, hyunsuk would definitely approach you, checking if you are doing okay
🐷if you are feeling down, he’ll do his level best to put a smile back on your face
🐷but even if you seem okay on the outside, he’ll comfort you, telling you it was alright to feel down and not bottle your feelings
🐷“idk what they were talking about, y/n … i mean clearly they don’t know the y/n i know. bc if they did, they wouldn’t say all that.”
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🐼jihoon wouldn’t even hesitate to glare at the person who’s making you uncomfortable
🐼like if he had his way, he’d probably whack the living daylights outta them
🐼but since he’s an idol, he can’t really do that — so he sticks to glaring right into the person’s soul
🐼if it continues though, jihoon wouldn’t hesitate to pull you away from the so-called ‘fan’, not caring if he’s about to get into a scandal for being rude or anything
🐼the type to risk it all pt.1 — whether you are his idol s/o, member or even just a really close idol friend, if you are in an uncomfy situation, jihoon will have your back
🐼“if you are ever in such a situation again, just tell me. don’t think much of it, just tell me.”
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🐯oof baby tiger yoshinori
🐯whether you be a treasure member, idol s/o or a close friend, his priority will be you
🐯you were standing in front of the cameras, posing for pictures when your face fell upon hearing the comments ‘fans’ made about you
🐯as a trsr member, yoshi would subtly push you behind him, softly asking you hold on for a little longer before giving their leaders a look, quickly pulling you away from the situation
🐯if an idol s/o or close friend, he’d look at you worriedly, gesturing you to move away once you make eye-contact with him
🐯he’d simply pull you into a hug once you are away from the fans and cameras, just patting your back in assurance
🐯no words would be needed for everything was conveyed with the simple gesture of his
🐯“don’t listen to them, angel. you and i both know how hard you worked to get here. don’t let their inconsiderate words pull you down.”
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🐨kluless and konfused koala
🐨legit won't even know what happened until you are cowering away from the cameras/crowd and accidentally bump against him
🐨if you were a member, you’d quietly brief him about the ‘fan’ who’s making you uncomfortable and he’d immediately look at them
🐨and junkyu being junkyu wouldn’t be able to control his facial expressions — just straight up looking disgusted and disturbed before he switches back to his idol face
🐨he’d keep looking in the direction of the ‘fan’ no matter how many times you’d tell him not to
🐨will definitely land himself an article for glaring at a ‘fan’ and somehow have the whole issue about the ‘fan’ revealed too
🐨it’s a win-win situation — esp since junkyu was just totally confused about everything from the beginning
🐨“wah, there are people like them too? i thought it was just in the movies.”
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🐹it’s not takata mashiho — it’s takata mime-shiho
🐹literally does not utter a word no matter what happens
🐹if you are member of treasure, mashi will definitely just pull you away without another word, not letting you stay next to the ‘fan’ any longer
🐹but if you aren’t a member, then mashi will desperately keep looking at you, hoping you’d walk away from the scene
🐹it’s not that he doesn’t care — oh no, it’s the total opposite — he cares a lot, but he’s afraid his response in that moment (when he’s too pissed) will be detrimental for the both of you
🐹mashiho is someone who knows himself well, and he knows he’ll go overboard if he intervenes and just prays you will stand up for yourself
🐹but once you are in private away from all the cameras, you will get to hear mashiho just rant and rant — maybe even scolding you if you didn’t act like he wanted you to
🐹“ykw, next time, i won't give a damn about the cameras. i will sock those mfs right in the face. how dare they say things like that?!”
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🦁angry jae is a scary jae
🦁jaehyuk is one of those members who we can never imagine as the type to get mad
🦁but hey, as the saying goes “calm before the storm” yeah?
🦁jae struggled to get to where he is, and had to constantly prove himself at every evaluation that came his way to make sure he had a chance at debuting
🦁so during that journey, manz has heard a lot of criticism and continued to see the hate even after his debut
🦁usually, he’d turn a blind eye (if it’s for/about him) but when he saw you getting thrown insults — for everyone to hear and see — and see you cower behind whatever you could find bc you were just so embarrassed and uncomfortable, he knew he had to do smth
🦁“who the hell do you think you are to say all that? last time i checked, y/n was the idol and not you. if you haven’t accomplished smth as big as that, you don’t have any right to say all that to them!”
🦁he’d just explode — and reasonably so
🦁yk when you shake a soda bottle and open it, how it explodes all the fizz? it’s kinda like that — jaehyuk kept bottling all his rage and just seeing someone dear to him get the same hate as he did, he just *boom*
🦁“don’t bear with all that, y/n. you’ve listened to enough of it. just take a stand and defend yourself. you’ve worked hard to be where you are, and people need to know that.”
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🤖ah, the observant one
🤖i feel like asahi is the type to have a mental profile of every one of his members — just for the sake of knowing things
🤖so being that kind of a person, he’d definitely keep an eye out for you, bc he knows you have a bunch of fans who aren’t really anything like the teumes he knows
🤖at first, he doesn’t really want to unnecessarily intervene so he merely stands in front of you when he sees a specific ‘fan’ continuously take photos of you with the flash on
🤖he tries not to mind it, but he sees you awkwardly glancing at the ‘fan’ from time to time and realises that he’s one of the sasaengs he had read about on the internet
🤖once he realises it isn’t an ordinary situation of you being uncomfortable by just any ‘fan’, he’ll make up his mind to pull you away from the ‘fan’ and talk to them
🤖when he figures that standing in front of you didn’t do much, he’ll pretty much approach the ‘fan’, straight up asking them what’s wrong
🤖“is there a problem? or do you just find making people uncomfortable fun? bc yk, fun fact! i find reporting such people fun.”
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🦊oh this manz will definitely land himself in an article the next day bc he can't control his emotions
🦊like even if he didn’t show his rage at that moment and beat the shit outta the ‘fan’, he’d definitely show it through excessive glaring or just some gesture which makes it obvious
🦊bc he really can't help it — esp when it comes to you
🦊it doesn’t matter if you are a member or not, he will literally go “what do you think you are doing?” when he notices how the ‘fan’ is making you uncomfortable
🦊has that vibe which screams ‘do you want to fight’ even tho he looks like he can't hurt a fly
🦊so aggressive for no reason — if you meet with him afterwards away from the cameras, he’ll get riled up once like, having needed to be held back by you
🦊kinda mad at you for not exposing the ‘fan’ or doing smth about it, but he wouldn’t say it to your face
🦊even more mad at the world for there being such people in existence bc he feels just terrible that you had to go through smth like that
🦊“i may not be able to hurt a fly, but that ‘fan’, however, i will maim."
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🐰dobby is one of those “looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you if he needs to” typa person
🐰tbh he doesn’t really notice you are uncomfortable until it becomes a little painfully obvious
🐰if it’s a case of you being his member, he’d definitely pull you away from the situation and make sure you are okay
🐰but if you are an idol s/o or friend, he’d immediately find his manager (or yours) and inform them about the situation, giving them a blank expression until they take you away from the ‘fan’
🐰uses more low-key ways of check on you — maybe text you if you two are in some sort of schedule/function/event
🐰“hey, you good? don’t let what they say affect you, okay?”
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🦙will risk it all for someone he knows pt.2
🦙tho ruto has that fluffy vibe to him, he just radiates that ‘i don’t stand for this nonsense’ kinda vibe too
🦙as soon as he notices smth off about you — whether you be his member, idol s/o or just a close friend — he’ll either observe you from afar or approach you to see what’s wrong
🦙and when he finds out, haruto will just straight up look at the ‘fan’ who’s making you uncomfortable, legit just proper glaring at them
🦙if the ‘fan’ comments smth weird — and he hears it — oho, it’s over for them
🦙“what did you just say? could you repeat that?” he’d sport a blank face, looking like he was gonna throw hands
🦙will stay rooted to his place there unless you or his members push him away
🦙if there are any articles about him the next day, ruto is the type to go live — preferably with his members — and just subtly address the situation, letting everyone know exactly why he behaved the way he did
🦙“jeez, who do they think they are saying stuff like that?”
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🐺the polite version of jihoon + haruto me thinks (?)
🐺jeongwoo would glare daggers into the ‘fan’s soul but have a cheery smile on his face — bc yk cameras
🐺he’d also probably talk to the ‘fan’, kinda giving mixed feelings to anyone watching him
🐺like “yah who are you to say that? you made y/n uncomfortable” with a joking tone but anyone could tell he was being serious
🐺keeps continuously looking at the ‘fan’ until they mutter a half-assed apology and leave
🐺does an ‘okay’ gesture and checks on you after the ‘fan’ goes away, sighing in relief when you smile at him
🐺“you are okay, right? stand up for yourself, idiot. i won't always be there, yk? just kidding, i’ll always have your back.”
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🐮aw, man this baby is pretty observant
🐮but he has a little trouble acting upon what he feels — bc 1) he’s the youngest, 2) doesn’t want to get into scandals and 3) wouldn’t know what to do
🐮kinda like doyoung, if you aren’t a member, he’d def tell his hyungs or manager about the uncomfortable situation you are in, hoping they’d know what to do to help you out
🐮if you are a member, this super king cow baby will be your bodyguard aka protective wall/barrier
🐮literally will do anything and everything in his power to make sure you won't see the ‘fan’ who’s making you uncomfortable
🐮kinda makes you laugh with the way he’s sized himself up, appearing like some club bouncer as he blocks your direct view
🐮“idk what to do, but i hope for now that just staring at my shoulders will help you out.”
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taglist — @kflixnet @ravenori @xiaosimp3 @nanasdream @twntycm @roseky21 @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @silent-potato @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @yoshiikore @f4ery @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @jun-bug @mui890mew @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @augustle0 @acciomylove @enhatrejor (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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faillen · 2 years
hi hello touch starved pat. let's talk. first of all, how dare you (i love it)
Hi hello :D
Pinging @seeking-moonscapes over here as well because they also asked for elaboration lol
first: forever and ever crying over this fic (hi haz)
This is going to be absolutely incoherent, I'm sorry.
I just think that by virtue of him growing up w the kind of father that Ming is, and with being the oldest son + his friend group really not being the kind of guys to really be vulnerable with each other, Pat hasn't gotten a lot of physical affection in his life? Like there are the adrenaline-filled hugs during rugby tournaments, or his father patting his shoulder when he does good, and his mother hugging him when he comes home from college, etc., but casual physical affection on a consistent basis is something that he severely lacks access to.
And it hurts even more to think about because he likely doesn't have access to a lot of physical comfort either, since he so rarely feels like he can exhibit being upset and/or ask for that comfort from the people around him. He's supposed to be the one that's okay, the one that has a plan, the one that's tough and unwavering. It's only with Pran that we really see him asking for that kind of attention, I don't think he really realizes that that's what's happening at first, but the way he gets close to Pran and demands affection from him is heart-breakingly sincere, even if he covers it up with cajoling words and/or jokes.
I'm specifically thinking about the dishwashing scene, which I have yelled about in the past, and also the breakfast in bed scene, where he's puffing out his cheek—his actions/words suggest a sort of flippancy, but his expression & eyes always, always, reveal just how desperate he is to not be brushed off.
I think it takes Pran a while to clock that, because 1) Pran has trained himself to avoid getting hurt by refusing to take Pat's flirtations at face-value, and 2) Pran has always thought of Pat as this sunshine-y, confident, loud boy, (which Pat is, tbf) and it can be hard to look underneath that, particularly because Pat banks most of his relationships on the idea that no one will look underneath that.
Pat's ability to admit things to Pran without bravado is something that grows and develops over the course of the series. And we really see the culmination of that in the ep12 noodle shop scene where he talks about not going home a lot vs. the way he talked about his relationship w Ming when getting lunch w Korn & Wai.
Pran's ability to not just see past the bravado, but also refusing to engage with it by being contrary, is also something that develops. It results in a middle ground where he might still tease, but he won't deny Pat what he's asking for, and he even starts anticipating his needs (airport parking lot scene w the shirt).
I've kind of digressed from my original point, but generally speaking, I think when Pat first gets together with Pran, he seriously basks in the amount of affection he can ask for as a condition (so to speak) of them dating, because he 1) doesn't allow himself to really be vulnerable with anyone else but Pran, and 2) because it feels like he something he's allowed to ask for from Pran.
However, this also means that when Pran leaves for Singapore, Pat has to deal with essentially getting thrown back into the situation he was in three years before, where there is no one in his life who he can get that kind of affection from. I honestly think it takes a serious toll on him, and the sucky part is that it's not really something that can be solved. Pat doesn't want to be vulnerable with other people outside of Pran. He doesn't have relationships that already have space for that, and he would feel like a burden if he asked for it. But I also highly doubt it's the kind of thing Pat would sincerely express to Pran as something that he's missing, because neither of them can do anything about it, and admitting it, even to himself, just makes Pat feel like crying—and Pran's not here to comfort him if he does.
I think Pran probably would wind up clocking some of the desperation when he visits Thailand at the one year mark, but in particular after he comes back for good. There's this odd adjustment period where Pat is stuck between literally clinging to Pran and then some days, straight up forgetting that he doesn't have to (badly) self-soothe away the yawning emptiness inside of him, that he can reach for Pran and that Pran will reach back and that it's not a burden to express that wish.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what y'all wanted, lol, but I would also love to hear any other thoughts on the idea—esp how it plays out during the LDR.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
I think you once said that Avery's appeal goes wayyy up if you add kidnapping, and I'm tempted to agree. Could you maybe, ahem, elaborate a bit more? Maybe ABO and non-ABO.
I fucking love the idea of Avery just finally snapping and deciding to take you home, whether you want to or not. Possibly going a little bit yandere. Just a smidge.
(DoL relationships; noncon; abduction; omegaverse; not really structured, more of a ramble; anal, reader receiving; I like omegaverses where all alphas have dicks, so that's in the omegaverse section)
Cut cause I got carried away =P
You're too good for their image for them to let go, but they've seen you with other people, seen the marks left on your body. It infuriates them. You're supposed to be their trophy, theirs. Avery never really was all that good at sharing.
Avery pulls up next to you as you exit the park. They're not sure what's worse: that you smell like lemonade from helping that waif you insist on hanging out with, or that there's ink on your fingers from holding hands with that greasy-haired kid they can see glaring daggers from a bench. Either way, the smile they give you is tight as they invite you to their home.
Any apprehension you feel seems to melt at the offer, replaced by excitement at finally seeing Avery's home. They tell you to dress casually and that they'll pick you up in front of the orphanage at the usual time.
You're nervous again by the time rolls around to meet Avery.
The whole drive to their house is tense, Avery talking, trying to keep you from bolting out the door but you can tell something is off. Ushers you into their house, doesn't pause to show you anything, only drags you into their bedroom, shoves you onto their bed and tells you to strip.
Once you're naked, Avery ties you to their bed saying it's something new they want to do with you, but the moment they have your arms and legs are secure, their rage bubbles to the surface. They don't want you leaving. You're theirs now. They'll take care of you. It's for the best, really. You won't have to do anything except what Avery tells you to.
Now, you can be a dear and accept your fate, or you can fight and make it difficult for yourself. It doesn't really matter to Avery, they know they'll have you in the end.
This is where it differs, depending on if this is ABO or not.
Canon DoL
On top of you, whispering praise in your ear about how good you're being for them, how you don't need anyone else because they'll take care of you. You're doing so well, look, they've already got three fingers in you, knuckle deep, as they get you nice and ready to take their cock/strap. They're going to make you feel so good. This is what you want, right? To feel good? To be taken care of? They want to hear you say it.
They'll edge you like that, petting your sweet spot with their fingers until you're crying, begging for them to fuck you properly. That's all they want to hear, for you to beg.
Slides into you in one, swift movement. Now that they're inside you, they refuse to touch you properly. Won't play with your sex, angles their hips away from your sweet spot. They want you to beg again, beg to cum.
Has you screaming their name by the time they're done. Stays pressed up against you, murmuring soothing words in your ear about how everything is all right. They said they'd make you feel good, and they did, right? You'll be fine. This is your new life now, so it's best if you get used to it as soon as possible. Pulls out of you slow, rubbing your thighs as they do.
Tries to prepare you but whenever they get near you, you start squirming in your bindings, spitting insults and screaming. It's when you try to bite them that they lose any restraint, slapping you across the face so hard your ears start ringing.
Presses the head of their cock/strap to your ass. If you don't want to behave, then they won't make this easy for you. They wanted to make you feel good, but you've lost that right. Ignores you if you start crying; if you start begging and saying you're sorry.
Once the head of their cock/strap pops past your rim, they don't hold back, sinking into you until their hips are flushed with yours. Starts driving into you at a savage pace, growling about how this is where you belong.
Might try to get you to cum. Really depends. They would like to rub it in that even if you don't want this, you're body seems to say otherwise. But they might not. Might even punish you if you do somehow manage to cum without their help. Avery is the one who decides what happens to you now, and that includes when you're allowed to cum.
As soon as they're done, they're off you. If they tore you, if you started bleeding, they're making side remarks about how filthy you are, what a mess you've made.
End Results
Regardless of if you were Submissive or Defiant, Avery is putting a collar on you and keeping you tied to the bed. If you were submissive, they'll replace the binding they have you in for something nicer, wrapping your wrists and ankles to help soothe any rope burn incurred that first night spent in their home. If you were defiant, they leave you in the same rope until they feel they can trust you.
They want you to ask for their permission to do everything. Including going to the bathroom. You better ask, too, because if you have an "accident," there will be hell to pay.
Leaves you alone, tied to their bed for most of the day as they go about their daily life. The first thing they do when they come home from work is to remind you of where you belong: under them. As soon as they consider you sufficiently reminded, they drag you out of bed, keeping your arms bound, and takes you into the bathroom to give you a bath. Keeps you close by as they change the sheets on the bed. Secures you back in place before leaving again. Brings you food, usually soup, and feeds you themself.
Eventually gets a leash that they attach to their bed frame so you can move about the room a bit. Might even be long enough to let you go to the toilet on your own, but you still have to ask permission. They'll let you start feeding yourself, might even trust you with a fork within a month of bringing you home, if you behave.
Once they know you're broken, that you'll never leave them, they'll show you their house. They remove the leash, leave it hanging from their bedframe as a threat, but keeps the collar on.
Shows you around, pointing out how it's you're home now, as well. Won't it be nice, sitting in that window seat reading? Won't it be cozy in the winter, sitting with Avery in front of the fire? Wait until you see the back garden, you'll love it there. Do you like gardening? It doesn't really matter if you do, you will soon. Gardening is one of the few activities Avery will allow you to do.
Starts giving you small responsibilities. Shows you how things are done around the house and then expects you to do them. Change the sheets on the bed every morning, separate the white clothes from the colored and the delicates from the regular. Tidy up this room, then that one.
It's not long before Avery starts asking you to clean properly, to show you where the chemicals are stored in a locked cabinet. Only Avery has the key and everything is carefully measured and accounted for anyway, so it's no risk to them. Asking you to clean properly eventually allows them to trust you enough with handling their food, for asking you to prepare it yourself.
This whole time, Avery is allowing you little freedoms. You made the bed correctly for a week straight, you can take a bath by yourself. Not too long though, Avery's set a timer so that you can't get up to any funny business. You cleaned up the front room just how Avery likes it, they'll let you pick out your outfit tomorrow. It's still one of the outfits Avery bought you, just a step above lingerie, but maybe they'll let you wear a housecoat over it.
Punishments still exist, of course.
Backtalking Avery gets you shoved to your knees and told to put your mouth to better use. Bite, and they'll take your teeth.
Trying to run has you tied back onto the bed to start the whole training process over again, but it doesn't matter if you're submissive, they're fucking your ass dry. They're sure you won't be able to run when you can even sit properly for the next week.
Intentionally messing up their food will have you dragged over their knee. They make you keep count as they spank you, starting over if you mess up.
Trying to steal from the chemical cabinet is the worse offense. Avery will tie you to the bed in a guest bedroom, taping a vibrator to your dick/clit, and leave you alone. They don't care how many times you cum, or if you cum at all. They also introduce you the the fucking machine they have stored away, letting the machine run unsupervised while Avery goes about their day.
Even accidents get punishments. Avery insists it's to help you in the end.
Dropping a glass or breaking a plate will have you sitting with Avery in their home office, writhing under their desk as they edge you with their foot and you give them head.
Burn their food and they have you ride their shoe. Makes you look up at them as you beg for forgiveness, humping their leg.
Mess up one of your daily chores, don't tuck the sheet in right when making the bed or put the wrong cleaner into the washing machine, will have you trying to struggle through the next week with a toy shoved into your hole. The only time you get to take it out is when in the bathroom or if Avery wants to use you.
Once they've deemed you perfect, they'll start taking you to events again. Avery's peers don't question your sudden reappearance, all of them just complementing Avery on how lovely you look together. Is there a wedding in the works they should know about? It's been quite a while since Avery's been with one partner for so long.
Starts filling the air with their pheromones right away, trying to keep you subdued. It helps if you're close to going into heat, if they can trigger it to come early, but they're not relying on it.
Gets you so overwhelmed with their scent that you couldn't fight them even if you wanted to, all you can do is lay there as they nuzzle into your neck, scenting you as their cock hardens on your thigh. They mutter praise in your ear about how good you smell as they pet the side of your head with one hand, the other slipping down between your legs to start getting you ready for them. You've already produced some slick, the fact going straight to Avery's head as you start to whine and squirm on their fingers.
They keep whispering how you'll be the perfect mate for them, how they'll make sure no one ever touches what's theirs again. Tells you how good it will feel for them to claim you, for you to bear their mark. You want that, right? Want to be theirs? Let them hear you say it. Tell your alpha what you want. They have you so dazed that all you can do is nod.
Lines their cock up with your hole and sinks in slowly. The pace they set is slow, teasing almost. They keep asking you if you feel good; if they're making you feel good. Asks if you want them to go faster, only to slow down if you nod 'yes,' telling you to use your words. They want you to beg to be fucked, to be knotted on their cock. The moment you cave, they will.
It doesn't matter that you're not in heat, that your body isn't in a state to take their knot, they still force it inside you. Pauses as soon as their knot is inside, shuddering as the amount of control it takes for them not to grind into you and finish themself. You whine at the feeling, trying to buck your hips only to freeze when Avery growls for you to stay still.
They start mouthing at your scent gland, making you mewl and writhe in your bindings. Do you want them to mark you? They'll only do it if you beg them to. If a spark of defiance alights in your eyes, it's quickly wiped away. Avery lays their pheromones on extra-thick as they ask you, fogging your mind so completely that all you can do is whine and bare your throat to them.
A low chuckle is all the warning you get before their teeth sink into your flesh, marking you as Avery's. Permanently.
The pressure sends you over the edge, Avery starting to grind into you as they seek their own release. It doesn't take much for them to cum with your walls milking them dry; before they're painting your insides and growling mine into your neck.
Undoes your bindings so they can pull you into their lap and sit comfortably while they wait for their knot to go down. You're limp, resting against them, drifting in and out of consciousness as they rub your back, muttering about how you did such a good job, took your mark so well. You'll be their perfect mate, don't worry, they know you can do it. They wouldn't have bothered with you for so long if they didn't think you could.
Once their knot goes down, they'll tie you back up, albeit with something nicer than the rope they originally used. They don't want you to wake up before them and get any funny ideas when you have a clear mind.
You'll wake up with a collar adorning your throat, showing off your mark, and Avery pressing you to their side.
What follows would happen in canon DoL, but at an accelerated rate. You're mated to Avery now, hurting them isn't something that you can do easily. They can also just overwhelm you with their scent if you ever start acting up when they're around, make you needy and beg for them to forgive you.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
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I got these and more asks regarding the post from last night so I wanted to elaborate and explain some things, and also make another point about the anniversary thing and clarify for anyone confused. After this I promise I'll shut up about this lol sorry
1) yeah please do NOT come after the VAs for any of this, not even the actual developer side either is at fault. This is largely an issue with the PR and marketing and higher up people. It's really awful that some people are harassing people who have no responsibility here. And thanks to the original asker's reply, I feel like I'm really bad at conveying my thoughts so I tend to overexplain lol, but thanks that means a lot.
2) I have seen people confused on this so if you didn't already, you should know that this isn't just about the anniversary so much as the anniversary was a final straw. While Honkai has similar rewards/exchange for irl money as genshin, mihoyo itself has some of the worst in comparison to other gachas from other developers. Games like Arknights, Granblue, Azur Lane, Dragalia Lost, hell even a cutesy casual gacha app like LoveNikki have much better real money to game currency ratios, huge anniversaries where they give out tons of free shit, and much more generous systems (such as Arknights giving free 10 pulls with a lot of events/new characters/etc). All despite being smaller, less profitable games. There's major glaring issues with the game that have gone unresolved for a long time despite people asking over and over to change it. It's a combination of the rewards, general stuff, and mihoyo's refusal to solve certain issues for a long time that has people upset.
In any industry, any company is going to be held to the standards set by the mainstream industry, which is what is happening here. It is natural to hold a company to it's competitors for comparison and expect them to match standards, especially when the company that is lacking is the richer one and could easily meet the standards if they were willing to.
This is especially true for people who put money into the game. Due to the nature of gachas/online games, companies that produce these games are usually very adamant on rewarding players because whales/P2Ws, people who buy welkin and similar stuff, etc keep the game alive. When they do not match the standard of the industry, those people will feel unappreciated and go elsewhere eventually, which means they will not be able to afford much progress, then even F2Ps won't have content, and the game will burn out.
3) I probably should have clarified this last post but, I know review-bombing does seem like a kinda shitty tactic at first and I get that, but the reason people are doing that now is because mihoyo has completely ignored people complaining for months normally, and even now has started to censor and ban people, deleted critical posts, etc. Basically it's clear that mihoyo will just ban and censor criticism until people do something that actually forces them to listen, hence review bombing. Banning/censoring criticism is a really, really bad move for any company, historically speaking, it's insulting to players who keep the company afloat and results in losses. The review bombing + a lot of people uninstalled the app apparently + people who usually pay refusing to do so anymore, all of that hits them to where they can't afford to ignore it when people do it en masse. Because it will cost them money/players.
What people are kinda really upset about, even more than rewards itself, is just the silence and censorship on their end, which is more frustrating than the lack of rewards itself. I did have some sympathy for them up until they started censoring and deleting criticism on their site. At that point they're doing this to themselves by doing that.
4) Also, notably, this has worked with plenty of other game devs. You may remember the disaster that was Fallout 76. Bethesda also responded poorly at first, but spamming bad reviews and horrible coverage for Fallout 76 got Bethesda's attention, and they went the whole nine yards formally acknowledging the complaints and more or less apologizing to the whole world of players at E3 and even gave refunds, which is a very surprisingly humble thing for a company of their level of fame to do. The situation calmed down because people felt listened to, and while Fallout 76 was kinda a lost cause and didn't get fixed, the idea is that the refunds/open and honest communication restored the consumer base's relationship to Bethesda. That was a big blow, but Bethesda was willing to take that hit to maintain the sense of communication and mutual respect/value between players and devs.
In contrast, with mihoyo, what most people have been trying to beg/bargain for for an anniversary rewards is a free permanent banner 5 star, which would cost mihoyo essentially literally nothing.
So far they have responded by banning people for literal years on hoyolab, deleting posts, banning people from various social platforms etc, for criticism. Even putting whether or not that's ok aside, it's very unusual and not how game companies usually handle these things, and can only end badly for them.
Also mihoyo has had time to fix this -- it's not like Fallout 76 where they released the game and then the backlash came very suddenly and they had to scramble to prepare a response/plan and needed time. People have been complaining about these rewards for well over a week, so they could have easily fixed it by now if they had any intention of listening to people's complaints, especially considering the proposed fix of a single free permanent 5 star would be very simple and quick to implement.
5) also? it's extra unfortunate and really a marketing team issue bc they could have *profited* from giving more, if they opened rewards to new players as most gachas do. Genshin is incredibly popular right now, to the extent that a lot of people in the gaming/weeb sphere who don't play it, but still know of it, and even know a bit about it.
If you were someone who had never played genshin but had been considering downloading it for a long time, but just kept putting it off or forgetting, and heard "hey join now and you get free Diluc/Keqing," that would have convinced a lot of people to go ahead and join, and they would inevitably get sucked into the game and bring mhy profit. So it's a little strange imo that they chose not to do that, it would have been beneficial to them.
6) also, be aware that the glider we're now getting was supposed to be paid originally. Releasing it free now is damage control. It's also, well, a glider. Again, while it is pretty, it's paltry in comparison to the industry norm and does not have much use to most people.
Finally, criticizing all of this/the game/mihoyo does not mean people hate the game. I do see some people lashing out in defense of mihoyo and I get that bc they produce something we all really like. I really really do not want to see genshin become "that one game that was super popular for a year or so and then died" -- that's why people want improvements, because if improvements aren't made, that's where it's headed. What people are asking for right now is stuff that is very easily in mihoyo's capability and would not cost them much of anything. It would be one thing to ask them for something that would cut their profits or take time to develop, but that's not what's happening. People are asking for very little in the scope of their capabilities/the norm.
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alecxaheart · 3 years
Someone's Someone | Bang Chan Oneshot (2)
✎ Genre : CEO AU, Soulmate AU, Fluff
✎ Pairings : Bang Chan X Reader
✎ Word Count : 5.5k words
✎ Synopsis : We all just wanna be someone's someone that we can't live without. At this time, Chan was looking for his. And unexpectedly, he was already tied down to someone.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎ Parts : 1 , 2
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" Let's just part ways here, " Saying those words felt a bit disheartening at some point, yet you chose to disregard it.
You walked forwards, while Chan stayed in his position, wearing his coat and fixing his tie. Although, something stopped you. As in you couldn't go forwards as much as you force to. Well when you did force yourself, it only tugged Chan towards you. Turning around, he was already eyeing you. " What was that for?! "
Glaring at the thread, you thought out loud, " Is this string telling me, it can only stretch itself approximately at 7 meters?! "
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Twin buildings towered above you two, heavy work's shouting for the both of you. You suddenly feel so small when you found out who this dude was in the company. Either way, you stepped inside the building next to him as if you're supposed to be. You don't have any other choice though unless you wanna be dragged by this buff guy and look like a fool rolling around since the thread is invisible to the public.
" I'm surprised that you don't know who I am, " He stated as you entered the elevator with him. You could tell how much of a fuss this is already when you walked in those doors alongside him.
" Does it really have to be my fault when I only started working here a few months ago, Mr. CEO? " He responded with a chuckle.
" It's Mr. Bang, well, at work. You can call me Chan when we're not. I don't like such formality and bringing work on my rest hours. "
" Oh, so you're that Mr. Bang. The one I hid from last night, " You whispered the last sentence.
" Pardon? " The elevator chimed as you reached your floor, opening its doors swiftly.
" It's.. It's nothing, " You stuttered and hastily stepped out of the elevator while Chan followed. " Why are we on my floor again? Isn't yours like, at the very top floor just to have that stunning view of the world or something? "
" Seems like some fanfiction you got there for me, " He chuckled first while you lowered your head in embarrassment. " But no, my office is at the opposite building, about two or three levels above yours which means it's the middle floor. In addition to that, I have to discuss matters with your boss due to some adjustments that we have over here, " He brought up his thumb to your view, talking about the red string. " Just hand over the documents then wait for me outside by the door, copy? " Chan explained as he stopped in front of a dark oak door, knocking on it three times.
" Adjustments? What- "
" Come in, " The voice on the other side of the door called out. You could've had a short session of hesitations first but this Bang Chan just opens the door widely and gives off such superior vibes that gave you the chills - like he should 'cause he's the CEO, he freaking owns the place. You did wonder why you haven't been fired yet after every informalities you've shown to him. What a great first impression you got there for a Chief Executive Officer, you're never gonna get a promotion to get out of this trashy position.
The surprising entrance of the uninvited and unexpected guest caught your boss off-guard. " Ah! G-Good morning, Mr. Bang! " Ms. Kang frantically stood up and bowed, her phone slipping off of her hands and onto the desk. Looking up, she saw you behind Chan, your hand fidgeting around the strap of your bag while head held down. " And Ms... (Y/N)? " She questioned as she averted her eyes back to Chan.
" Pardon me although I won't be here for long, I'm only handing you the documents like you instructed, Ms. Kang. " You said while handing her the documents. She took a quick scan on it before she gestured you to leave. Following Chan's instructions, you wait by the door as soon as you've shut it. Trying your best to not let curiosity get the best of you and eavesdrop, you distracted yourself by scrolling through your phone and jamming to some Monsta X's songs.
" May I ask what business brought you here to my office? "
" I'd like to compromise. "
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It wasn't long that you've thought about getting fired and promotions, not even hours had passed.
Yet here you are, promoted and working as the CEO's assistant on that very day like it's the only choice. Standing on the polished marble floors, opposite side of the building, in his high-class office. It was spacious enough to fit two office desks and a lounge (probably for coffee breaks or small meetings) yet grand-looking with the accent walls and chandelier. The smell of lavender and the nice fluorescent glow it had made it better. Speaking of glow, you suddenly missed Kim Seungmin, the only co-worker friend you got. His bright presence who would constantly bother you from time to time during work hours. You can't really pinpoint whether he is an angel or demon with that fact because most likely you're the one being scolded instead of him. He better be jealous by the time he finds out you're now a CEO's Assistant.
" Ms. Kang got what she wished for in exchange for you getting the 2nd best achievable seat in the company, " Chan continued to elaborate the discussion in the room where it happened as he took a seat, not even bothering to help you fix your new desk if he was a gentleman. Honestly, it's undeniably comfortable being around this man despite you only got acquainted with him this day.
" Seriously? Can't you just promote me with a snap of your fingers? " You whined, arranging all of your things out from the container.
" Maybe if I had the infinity stones, " He first joked and you're not taking it. " Although it's Ms. Kang, there's an exchange for everything with her, " He casually said, looking through his emails with his chin resting on his fist.
" I- " Learn to shut your pesky little mouth, (Y/N). Your own conscience just sealed your mouth from babbling nonsense.
Well, let's think about the bright side. First up, you're promoted, meaning you'll get a way higher pay than before. Second, you're free from Ms. Kang's grasp. Third, Chan seems like a nice and chill boss. If your impression on him will be proven wrong, in any way he couldn't be as worse as Ms. Kang 'cause so far he saved your butt and doesn't mind your attitude.
" Ah, right. You're staying at my house for the meantime, " The book you're trying to place on the top shelf just fell on your head, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground. The loud thump made Chan glance at you, preventing himself from laughing. With your head aching and vision uneven, you tried to process what he said.
" What did you say? " Chan stood up from his chair and made his way towards you.
" I said you're staying at my house until we figure out how to break this thread off, " He answered as he offered a hand for you to take. This simple action made you tense, feeling your face heating up. You gladly took it with weak legs, though you eventually got back to your own feet without his support.
" Yours? Why not mine? I bet it's closer to work than yours. "
" You got a lot of complaints, I hope you know that. "
" No I'm not! Just.. talkative, " You bluffed, pouting. " And fine, your house then. Mine's probably not as presentable as yours anyway. "
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This is the red string of fate that kept you two together the whole time, knotted around one another's finger securely. Both of you share the same thoughts while sitting on the couch in the living room of Chan's luxurious penthouse. It did offer extravagant views of Seoul from the top of the apartment, making everything feel so surreal. Could it possibly be malfunctioning? It's supposed to stretch out without limitations as well as it'll be invisible to the naked eye including yours, according to the tales and legends you've heard as a child. Most importantly, how could you break it off?
" Maybe this had to do something with the child, " Chan thought to himself, legs crossed and eyes trained down to the floor. " You cleared our schedule for the week, correct? " He looked towards you, catching your gaze on him.
" Yes, I did. Why? " You couldn't help but be enchanted in his brown eyes. It did look brighter in the sunset than before as the sunlight kissed his face. You wanted to take a closer look at it as to what it may hold within those orbs.
" You know the child back in the train? The one who placed this string of fate around our fingers? " With those words, you were snapped back into reality.
" Child? No? I was asleep, remember? " You looked away and a dog's appearance caught your attention, feeling soft and in 'awe' for it immediately. It had some large brown spots on its white fur, fluffy and has this wavy ears. It looks quite similar to that dog named 'Lady' in "Lady and the Tramp". Noticing that it was really friendly even with strangers, you patted its head lightly as it neared you. Chan witnessed you bond with his partner, smiling. The dog was ecstatic to make new friends with you that it jumped to your lap. Giggling, you ruffled its fur and kissed its forehead. " Seems like you're well loved, baby~ " You cooed, booping its nose.
" She's Berry, by the way. " Chan informed you while watching you play with berry's paws.
" I have to say, she's the cutest, " You flashed a beaming smile at him, eyes forming into crescents. Chan couldn't do anything but smile back, his heart slowly melting at the scene in front of him. You caught the sight of his dimples, which made you think that it's now one of your favorite features he has. If everyday's like this, it'd be such a bliss. Yet you know it'll somehow be just another memory you'll treasure since there will be an end to this.
Back to reality, Chan further tells you the details of the occurrences while you were sleeping. " Ah, right. About the child. If my memory serves me correct, he was blonde headed and had ocean blue-like eyes. He's about 4'6 feet in height and the one who placed this thread around our fingers. When I tried to run after him, he just vanished into thin air. "
" You sure you're not being delusional? " You carefully placed berry down on the couch then made your way to the kitchen.
" Positive. " He replied while petting his companion, who's getting some rest first, before following you. You asked him what his plans were, wrapping your fingers around the refrigerator handle. Opening it, you scanned for available foods due to your stomach being upset in this whole conversation. There's a lot of goods, especially meat. You're assuming that this man eats a lot even when he's on his own. While you were busy with that, Chan thinks of an itinerary for the whole week to get your own lives back. Until, his deep thoughts were interrupted by you.
" How about we eat dinner first so then you can plan properly, hm? You want steak? " You asked, placing the ingredients you need right in front of his view. His eyes just twinkled before you and were already on the raw steak, famished.
" Chris wants steak, please! " Enthusiastically said by Chris, giggling afterwards.
" Steak coming right up just for Chris! " He responded with a small clap, smiling ear to ear. You have to be honest, your first meeting with him is just the worst than any other possible happenings to you two's first meeting. Yet you're satisfied that at least you met him in some way that brought you closer, especially with this string of fate. And today's gonna be a long night for the both of you.
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It's very late at night yet your body wouldn't let you rest despite Chan giving you his whole king-sized bed while he sleeps on his divan couch a few meters away, or so you thought he's fast asleep. Although the comforter, mattress, pillows, just the bed as a whole is definitely a 5-star, you can't really sleep easily in someone else's home that you just met. Minutes that felt like hours passed, your eyes were blankly staring at the ceiling. The silence was quite dreadful for you usually at night, which is what you get for watching a fairly ton of horror movies. With a few sessions of hesitations, you decided to break it by calling Chan first. " Psst. Hey Chan. Who designed your house? "
After a short pause, you received a fade sound of shifting and a groan. " A friend of mine. His name's Hyunjin. Why do you ask? " He responded, staring at the same ceiling as you. Arms resting behind his head.
You laid down on your stomach then propped your chin on your hands, facing him. " Is he cute? "
" Seriously, (Y/N)? " He deadpanned. " Also he's already Changbin's anyway so I suggest you stay away unless you want a death wish. "
" Okay, Okay. Chill. I'm just asking, " You rolled your eyes. " I just can't sleep. "
" I already offered you the best bed there is. " Chan looked at your direction and glared.
" It's not that. It's from the fact that I can't fall asleep easily in a stranger's house, that's for sure, " You shifted again in the soft cream cotton bed, letting your body sink. It's like you're laying on a relieving cloud in the heavens.
" We've already passed the stranger level. Let's say we're acquaintances. "
" That doesn't make any such difference especially to my problem but okay. " You pouted.
A long pause surrounded the room, the chills slowly creeping on to your skin. You covered your whole body with the warm comforter, feeling the slumber visiting you little by little. A yawn escaping your lips and eyes getting droopy. Pondering for a second before you let yourself sleep, you took a last glance towards Chan. " Are you cold? " You asked when you saw him without any blankets. He responded with a hum.
" A little bit. But I'll be alright, don't worry, " He yawned, eyes getting heavy as he slowly visited dreamland. " Goodnight, (Y/N). "
However, before you reply, you silently get off the bed when you're sure Chan's too tired to even open his eyes again. Making your way around the room with tippy toes until you found what you needed. You've gone over to his divan couch where he occupies it, placing the blanket you found on top of his and Berry's body, who happen to be sleeping peacefully right next to him. With a weak smile, you finally greeted him back before heading back to the bed and your slumber, " Goodnight Chan, Berry. Sweet dreams. "
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Almost afternoon came but none of you decided to rise and shine, except for Berry who's starting to get hungry. It was indeed past her usual breakfast time and she doesn't seem to like the sound of having 'brunch'. So then to get what she needed, she has to be the doggo clock for today.
Berry starts barking the best that she could although it didn't make any much effect, Chan only responded by covering his ears and turning away while you stayed unbothered in your deep sleep. She proceeds to hop back on Chan's couch and licks his face, surely an effective way. He immediately flinched at the wet contact and moved Berry's face away from his, slowly opening his eyes to meet an adorable face smiling at him. " Good morning to you too, " He replied followed with a yawn.
The King Charles Spaniel dog makes her way out of the room after accomplishing step one. While Chan took his time before completely getting out of bed - or rather, couch. With a few stretches and after taking a glance at the time, he made his way out of the room to make breakfast. He glanced towards your sleeping figure. Mumbling a silent, " Thank you. " for what you've done to him in the middle of the night before carefully closing the door behind him.
Before he could even reach the kitchen, a tug from his thumb stopped him in his tracks. Chan forgot that the string of fate only has a length of 7 meters. Sighing, he went back to you and thankfully found you still fast asleep.
Chan sat down on the edge of the bed, your back facing him. Once more, his dark brown eyes gazed upon your sleeping beauty state underneath the sunlight. Once more, he admired this mesmerizing view of you for a good few seconds. He lightly tapped your shoulder, causing you to shift your body to face him while responding with a hum. " Good morning, it's time to rise and shine, " He greeted in his husky morning voice, unknowingly smiling sweetly at you. You replied with a groan, covering your whole body with the comforter. " C'mon, let's go and have breakky. "
" You should've woken me up when breakfast is ready, " You whined, your voice muffled underneath the comforter. Chan chuckled then pulled down the comforter away from your face, " I would've if it wasn't for this string. Now come on. ". You groaned, feeling defeated. Sitting up on the bed, you opened your eyes to meet Chan's face filled with softness and joy. Seeing that first thing in the morning made you smile. It was lovely.
A loud bark from outside of the room interrupted, assuming that Berry's dying of hunger. You instinctively hopped off the bed and hastily made your way to Berry, Chan followed suit. At the kitchen, you both found Berry sitting in front of her food bowl, whimpering. " Oh no, the baby's hungry, " You cooed as you knelt down to pet her. " Chan, you can start making our breakfast, " He followed your instruction, putting on an apron and started preparing you two's breakfast.
" Where's her food, by the way? "
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" Are you sure we're gonna find him here? " You questioned, walking a little behind Chan at the same train station yesterday. His strides were big and quite fast which made it difficult for you to keep up at his pace. To the point that your eyes were set on the floor where you have a clear view of you two's feet. You're trying to match his pace but you immediately get worned out and fall behind once more. You guessed it was a CEO thing.
" Well, did you see him in any other places? " You fell silent, continuing to keep up with his pace. The fact that you've been asleep during that time and missed the chance to see who's behind this string of fate hit you. Chan's considered lucky to be awake and witness it.
Chan took a glance behind him to see your reaction, only to find you struggling to match with his settled pace. As soon as he noticed it, he slowed down and matched his pace with yours. Confused, you looked up at him. There were no signs of annoyance or pity on his face, and that made you delighted. What a considerate guy.
It wasn't that long until you both got in the train. The two of you sat down next to each other on a vacant bench and let the train lightly sway you as it starts moving. There was a comfortable silence lingering in the train car as you waited for this child to come into your view. Fortunately, the train's not as crowded as you thought it would be so it would be easier for you to spot the child.
After 3 more stops, you started to get distracted. Your eyes boring onto the view of the opposite window side. Chan kept cautious in his surroundings, still having high hopes of seeing the child's appearance. He didn't realize how much time had already passed and sooner or later, they'll reach the last stop. On the other hand, you slowly began to get drowsy. It's probably because you're sleep deprived for the past few weeks, over-working yourself since that Ms. Kang came into your life. You let your head rest on Chan's shoulder unconsciously which surprised him. With that, Chan first made sure you were comfortable, setting aside the thought of needing to meet the child. He hesitated first, though he did ended up wrapping his arm around you and kept you close to him. Feeling relaxed and secured, you shut your eyes as you slept in his warm embrace.
Chan noticed how much exhausted you are during the time he's been with you. He may not know exactly how tough your previous boss was to you, but it did show a huge impact on you. He thought that you looked so fragile underneath his touch, and he greatly feared the moment you might break. So he made sure to be careful with you. But other than that, he felt the urge - the need or wanting to protect you at that moment. He did questioned why, out of all people, he felt it from and because of you.
Maybe, it's because you looked so exquisite especially under the sunlight. Maybe, it's because he thought you looked adorable and amusing at the same time when you whine or complain. Maybe, it's because you're motherly especially to Berry.
Maybe, he just caught feelings for you. That's why he's questioning " why you? ", it was already love.
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Unfortunately for the both of you, you never got to encounter the mysterious child once more. Days have already passed, it has been almost a week. Yet to you and Chan's dismay, no signs of the boy at all. The both of you began to lose hope and just give up. Especially you.
You felt guilty for being the least focused between the two of you, leaving Chan more responsibilities. Find the mystic child and to look out for you. You weren't really in the best shape right now, Chan knew that. You easily got tired, tend to oversleep, and you're hella pale, which you knew well that it isn't so you. " I'm sorry, " You mumbled weakly, your legs crossed and back lean on the couch pillows. Trying to not lay down and sleep more since you did just woke up from a faint.
Hearing this, Chan head over to you then immediately refused. " No, no, no. It's alright, no need to apologize. Just focus on getting better right now, okay? " You replied with a small nod, his warm hands were on yours. That simple touch always made your blood color your cheeks and feel so shy. He went back to the kitchen to continue preparing your dinner as soon as he is satisfied with your answer. In the mean time, Berry made sure to keep you busy and entertained.
While Chan's dicing some pork on a cutting board, he took a glance at the red string wrapped around his thumb. He noticed a small difference to it ever since the first day you both tried to look for the child. It had more of a faint color red, losing its opaqueness. Almost like it's about to vanish which is at some point is a good thing. Though it still has its limitations for length and never broke at your own will. He wondered if you have noticed it as well. What would it be like to be back on your own lives? Chan would be lying if he managed to picture that when he felt disheartened just at the thought of it. He got used to your small complaints, you baby talking and spoiling his dog, needing to be taken care of - when you're unable to do it yourself, even the pocket knife in your bag, that he couldn't imagine you being gone. You did became apart of his life afterall and that left him thinking of making you stay. Chan already figured that he's starting to like you back then on the train, 1st day of hunting down the child.
Which got him pondering. Concluding to a theory that maybe, this string of fate isn't going to vanish. It was only starting to get invisible to your naked eye, just like what you originally thought it would function. But it will always be there no matter what. This string of fate just happens to be more translucent the more you both realize how much you love each other.
Chan tore his gaze away from the string, switching to your pale figure in the living room. Once he knew he could leave the food cooking for a while, he grabbed a glass of water and went back to you. " You like that friend of yours, huh? " You referred to Berry's favorite dog plush. Seeing Chan in your peripheral vision, you locked eyes with him. Beaming him the sweetest smile you could muster which he instantly returned. He offered you the drink and you gladly took it into your hands. Taking a sip, you could feel Chan's eyes burning through your skin. Heat rushes to your face just by that. It's frustrating how you're so easy when he's by your side and only with him. Frequently getting the butterflies, timid, blushy, heart racing, distracted by how ethereal he is, and everything related. And you completely denied your feelings for him.
Chan took a seat beside you, now looking at the pitch black night sky out of his window walls. Those dark brown orbs showed a hint of disappointment. Following his gaze, you figured out the reason. The sky's literally pitch black, starless. As well as the moon being nowhere in sight. The melancholic sight did brought a frown to your face and you couldn't stand it. Looking back at him, you realized that there's no need for you to be crestfallen. In fact, you should be in awe.
It seems like Chan took and held the whole galaxy in his eyes that's why the night sky is empty. His eyes twinkling and shining in the darkness. Many must've envied him for that and it feels so surreal to witness it in by your very own eyes. To have it in front of you. And maybe, just maybe.
You do like Bang Chan.
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" Where the hell are you taking me, Chan?! " You quietly panicked as Chan led you to an unfamiliar forest. Just the thought of the crawlies present in places like this made you shudder. " D-Do you really think the child would be brave enough to be here when I am already cowering in fear just looking at this? "
" We're not here for that child, " He chuckled at your state, continuing to walk ahead of you and deeper into the woods. Your wary eyes stayed restless, darting from left to right. " We're here to just relax. " Chan's voice began to echo the farther he is away from you.
You started to get pissed at how he started being inconsiderate and how relaxed he is right now, that's definitely not what you know about him. " What the fuck are you talking about?! So we're just wasting our ti- " The sudden raise of your voice resulted a noise in the forest - sounded like a bird flapping its wings. The sound made you flinch then you picked up your pace to get to him. You tugged onto Chan's jacket which caused him to stop and look back to you. " Chan, please, let's just go home. " You hushly pleaded from behind him, your head hung low in fear and embarrassment.
Sighing, Chan held both of your hands in his. Rubbing circles on it for you to ease up. The both of you still connected by the string of fate, which looks like it's bound to vanish soon. He also noticed how you're short in breath. " Easy, easy. Take deep breaths with me, yeah? " You matched his breathing with yours, eventually loosening up in his warmth like always. You just felt so safe and secure when you're with him. " Let's proceed? I promise you that when we get there, it'll be worth it. " He reassured, never leaving his grip on you.
" Chan.. " You whimpered and Chan instantly hushed you.
" If it makes you feel better, I'll never let go of you, " Oh how you wished that'll last forever. " Sounds good? " You nodded hesitantly.
With that, you let Chan lead you towards his destination. The comfort of his hands wrapped around yours never left on the way just like he promised. It wasn't too long until you saw light at the end of the forest. You could hear faint sounds of waves meeting the seashore and birds singing a melody. The fear you had a while ago slowly washed away as you're nearing the place.
Reaching the light, you witnessed the jaw dropping sight of the beach on the other side of the fence. Like Chan said, it is promising and worth it. He guided you in hopping onto an enormous boulder to get to the other side and you didn't complain, you're too drawn into the beach. In excitement, you went ahead of Chan, letting go of his grasp. Your feet immediately ushering you to the seashore where you could feel the cold water at your toes. As soon as you got here, you felt like you were cleansed. As if the sea took every problem, worries and fears away from you. It was healing and just the thought of it made you smile unknowingly. You never knew you needed this until now, it has been years since the last time you've been this carefree.
On the other hand, Chan's seated at his usual place. Where he could take in the whole view. Now that you were apart of it, everything seemed to set into place for his secret escapade paradise. All felt just right. The way you dance with the waves, moving with the sea, completely letting the rhythm of the water set yourself free. Plus the wind blowing your hair, your face glowing underneath the sun, how blinding your smile was at that moment, he cherished it all. " Perfect with no reasons, " Chan thought out loud as his eyes were trained on you. Unbeknownst to him, it was loud enough for you to hear it clearly.
" Perfect? " You questioned, making your way to his side. His eyes widened, alarmed. Chan looked away without hesitation. The tip of his ears starting to turn red in embarrassment. You sat down next to him, knowing that you'll be bringing some sand in your pockets back home. Noticing his ears, you let out a hearty laugh. " Aww, look at you! "
" I know, I know, " He started, covering his ears. " I'm helpless. "
" Huh? What are you talking about? " You asked while tilting your head to the side in confusion. There was a short pause, only the sound of waves continuously ringing in the area could be heard. As well as the sound of leaves rustling while the wind whispers sweet nothings to it and palm trees swaying from side to side.
" Like- "
" If this is you doubting yourself again, gosh Chan you're not the helpless one between the two of us. " You pointed out with your arms crossed. " You're a CEO of a well known company! Plus, who took care of me? You. Who saved my ass from Ms. Kang? You. Who just comforted me a while ago? You. You are never incapable or weak. If anyone told you otherwise, I- "
" I'm helplessly in love with you is what I meant, (Y/N)! " Chan confessed, now facing you.
Then, the thread in your fingers entirely loosened without any of you knowing.
The two of you locked eyes for a minute. Both surprised by everything, especially you. The wind did whisper something to the two of you, too. Yet it's difficult to figure it out at the moment. Even in broad daylight, his eyes still held the whole galaxy. And you could never let that dim.
" You walked into my life as if you've always lived there, like my heart was a home built just for you, " Chan continued, his hand already searching for yours. Looking down at your now intertwined hands, eyes filled with pure love and adoration. " It fits just like a glo- "
Perfect with no reasons.
Chan was taken by surprise at your sudden answer. You cutted him off, attaching your lips to his. Your free hand finding itself cupping his face. He then passionately responded to the kiss, his arm snaking its way around your waist to keep you close - now that the string of fate is invisible and endless. The kiss resulted you to feel so lightheaded. The softness of his lips brought you to euphoria, everything just felt so right in place. In the end, both of you were left breathless. You couldn't do anything for a few seconds after, keeping your eyes closed with mouth agape of you to try let your mind process what just happened.
You did't need for him to explain or give you anymore reasons why he loves you. The string of fate has always been the answer, reason and explanation to your love. Ever since the beginning, you and Chan are destined to meet regardless of the time, place or circumstances. It may stretch or tangle but nothing could break it and never will. You're one another's someone's someone who you can't live without.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
Episode 2. Next Time, Make it Up Twice
*Both Written and SMAU parts this episode*
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"I'm in love with soba, oh my god!" You're still relishing the meal you just finished as you walk with Toshi and his friends to grab some boba.
Tendou chuckles, "I think you only like it because of that character in your favourite manga."
"ONE of my favourite mangas, thank you. But yes, he's so cute just quietly eating his soba for lunch. Like, I'd definitely love it just for him, but I did actually enjoy it."
Semi smiles at your excitement, "You should try it hot too, it's different."
"Yes, yes. Of course, I will at some point but I'm soo full right now I can't think of more food."
"Do you not want the boba, then?" Toshi looks over at you seriously but you're already smiling and shaking your head.
"Of course I do, that's not food, Toshi!"
"Oh okay. I'll help you pick something light if you want."
"Thank you!"
The door chimes as you walk into the shop but you pause just inside to check your phone when you feel its persistent buzzing. You had updated your twitter and your friends are giving you grief over the picture of your lunch. Yeah, yeah, you wanted to try it because you simp for icy hot boys, so what? It's good to try new things.
You're firing off a reply to their sarcastic (read: jealous) comments when the door chimes again and then you're stumbling because something just knocked into you.
"Ow- shit!" That's not your voice. You don't think you've made a sound but you don't recognize that yet.
What you do register first as you're falling forward is how you're grateful because it's definitely not the hard door that hit your back and head, and you're lucky because you really shouldn't have been standing right there. Then you realize you're about to fall on your face because your hands are frozen clutching your phone. Just as that thought flits through your head faster than your lack of a quick reaction, you strangely find yourself floating before you can face plant on the floor and thank god because, ew, germs. Also, potentially ouch.
You're a little thrown off so it takes you a moment to realize you didn't make like another one of the characters in that particular manga and develop a float quirk. No, there's a toned arm that's caught you around your waist and now you're more than just a little thrown off.
You're sure you're blushing in embarrassment as you're carefully set right side up and turn to apologize to the owner of the savior arm.
"I'm so sorry!" You hear an apology at the exact same time it flies from your own mouth and you pause because you're melting into chocolate eyes that are probably as wide as your own.
Wha- You're looking up into the face of an angel! But no, really, omg it's a seriously cute boy. And why do you want to touch his hair??
He does look like he's genuinely sorry but his face relaxes as both your eyes hold and he smiles (quite charmingly), before calmly responding first "It's my fault, so I really am sorry for knocking you over, pretty girl. I was walking backwards and didn't see you there."
You raise your eyebrows, stuck on that for a second and accidentally blurting, "Who walks through a door backwards??" in genuine curiosity before your eyes widen, "I mean, no, but it's not your fault either! I'm the one that stopped right in front of said door, I really should have just moved up before checking my phone."
His hand reaches up to rub the back of his head in that way that really makes guys look cute when they're a little at a loss for words. At least that's what you think until he says, "Maybe we can make it up to each other, if you haven't ordered yet?"
"Oi!" An irritated voice calls out from behind him, "Can you let the rest of us in before you start flirting?!"
He lets out a light laugh before moving aside and two others cute guys enter. Like, what's with the air in Miyagi?!?
"Sorry Iwa-Chan, but I needed to make sure this angel didn't get hurt falling (for) because of me." He winks at you but you're a little lost in thought because you're thinking about how you like the way he talks. It's a little like he's singing at times and maybe it's because of his melodic voice but either way, it's pretty cute. You're going into overload and you have to consciously stop yourself from holding your hands to your cheeks. You really hope you're not still blushing, ugh.
You meet eyes with the intense one and like, hello, hi, I'm here for this vibe. The guy meets your eyes before quickly flicking his away. But then you swear he makes a conscious effort to bring them back to rest on yours and politely asks, "I hope you're okay?" You're smiling in reassurance when he adds, "This idiot is trouble on legs, so I'm sorry for him."
You burst out laughing and they're looking at you in surprise so you just shake your head and explain, "I think my friends have said the exact same words about me. No, we're all good, I really appreciate it."
And thank you, mother, for your own charming smile because all three boys blush but don't look away.
Point to pretty boy #1 though because he regains his composure the fastest and pouts, "Iwa-chan is so mean to me, angel, please don't listen to him. If I do accidentally cause trouble, I swear I'm good at making it up."
"I don't know if I can say the same?" You smirk but he grins.
"So let me make it up then, and buy you some boba?"
"Oikawa." Ah, there's Toshi, a little late for backup but you guess you did fine without a wingman.
Wait, wait. The pretty boy's smile dims and he's looking over your shoulder at where your cousin's voice came from. He's straightened up and his posture kind of yells belligerent attitude.
"Ushiwaka-chan. Tell me Miyagi isn't really this small." Wow, there's a bite in his words but like, you're liking it. What can you say? You're a fan of hidden depths.
"I am surprised to see you as well. Not as surprised as when I heard you truly chose another school over Shiratorizawa."
Okay, hmm, you're looking over at the friend he called Iwa and he's rolling his eyes, so clearly there's tension.
The pretty guy, who you're guessing is Oikawa, drops his smile completely. "Well, that was fast. Nice chat, but if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation with a new friend."
"You know Y/n?" Toshi's at your side now and sounds pretty surprised but it's not as amusing as your new friend's reaction when he looks back and forth between the two of you in a sort of disbelieving realization. What dots is he connecting, exactly? Because, you'd like to know.
"Y/n, huh? I- didn't realize you had a girlfriend..?" He's questioning hesitantly, good boy, no jumping to conclusions. Just get your feet wet, I guess.
"We're cousins." You and Toshi end up talking at the same time like twins or something and it's a little comical.
Oikawa's mouth drops for a split second before pursing his lips and addressing you, "Well, I guess I can't hold family against you. It's not like you chose him as your cousin."
You let out a wry chuckle with an equally dry grin on your face, "But I did."
"What?" He's blinking down at you in confusion so you elaborate just a little.
"Toshi. I did choose him, actually." You're highly amused at this point and you like having the advantage, so you're going to leave it at that.
He does try to push, though, you think it's curiosity since that is a pretty odd statement. "Like, to spend time with him, or acknowledge him or something? I won't hold that against you either, angel. Family first, that's sweet."
"Uh.. no." You just smirk and his eyes narrow as his head tilts. Yeah, he knows you're definitely messing with him now, he's just not sure how.
It's all good though, because Toshi's timing is on point now, "Y/n, I hope you don't mind but I picked you a drink I thought you might like."
You look over to him happily, "Really?"
"Yes.. you said that would be okay previously?"
"Of course, Toshi, I really appreciate it!" You look over at Oikawa with a sweet smile, "It was nice .. having you run into me, I suppose. I didn't get to thank you for - or maybe even take you up on - your offer, but I do appreciate it as well. So.. thank you, pretty boy, but I can't be rude and ignore my friends that I'm here with today."
He follows your gaze over to the table your new Shiratorizawa friends have grabbed for all of you. They're chatting casually but clearly looking over though you don't quite know why.
Oikawa looks a little conflicted and disappointed when you turn back to each other, so you add, "Feel free to run into me again and maybe then we can make it up to each other twice."
You can literally feel your trademark playful smile on your face so you know that's what pulls his own begrudging smile in response. Works like a charm, but it's genuine.
He studies you for a moment, "Then I hope Miyagi really is small, so I can hold you to that."
Then he looks back at Toshi with full force attitude so it's time to step away. As you walk away you hear his friend Iwa say something about telling his mom he swore. And when you hear that musical cadence of his reply but not his specific words, you can't help but look back.
They're up at the counter and his friends are ordering but, oh wow, he's just leaning back against it... looking right at you. Ahh, caught. He smirks at you, but clearly he was looking too, so you just return his smirk with a raise of your eyebrow and make sure you're the first to look away.
Leave 'em wanting more, it's a good motto to live by.
The rest of the afternoon is chill, you rejoin the Shiratorizawa boys and they explain the dynamic between Toshi and Oikawa in the most hilarious way so you're all just teasing him and laughing. You realized at some point during their explanation that you'd heard of this guy from Toshi a couple times and never thought much of it. But now.. he's a real person to you so you're definitely a little more interested beyond your cousin's innate desire to pull together an overpowered team.
Tendou also makes you recount the entire encounter from near face plant to Toshi's interruption before Semi and Soekawa have enough and decide to move on. It's even better, they have you laughing so hard and your sides in stiches from retaliating with funny stories about Tendou and Toshi or Coach Washijo impressions.
If you said you didn't end up glancing over at another group seated several booths down during the time you were there, you'd be lying. If you said you didn't connect with warm brown eyes every time, that would also be a lie. What you really couldn't say is if you enjoyed your boba or not because the butterflies that took residence in your stomach were the only other thing you noticed until you left the shop.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n really gets along with Semi but he reminds her of a certain someone
-She and her friends are night owls which is how they're able to respond to her so fast at even 2am or 3am their time (EST)
-We all know the show referenced right? (If not, I would highly recommend watching Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia)
-The angel/devil theme might be played on a lot, her school is literally Ashwood Devils and her national league is Aurora Angels
-I like to think the characters who make those comments or use those terms in application to Y/n all realize the irony at some point, even if it's not explicitly written out in the story
A/N: I realized I forgot to add the first pic (the twt about all the Shiratorizawa reactions) to the end of the last chapter, which is where it was supposed to go. So, even though, I'll go back and fix that, I'll also add it here for anyone who's already read that chapter. Sorry guys! Once again, thanks for bearing with me while I figure out the social media stuff. Feel free to point out any mistakes to me too! Sometimes I'm creating this stuff when I haven't slept 30+ hours so... there's bound to be things I miss or get wrong :)
I also changed 'Extras' to 'Behind The Scenes'! Same concept for small thoughts that might supplement the story where you're currently at and provide background or additional commentary but renamed to fit the theme a little better, I guess. What do you guys think - does it even matter? Do you guys read any of this or just here for the fic and skip by? Genuinely curious to know (:
Aaand, didn't think I'd need this but you made my day:
Taglist: @delusivist
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
OK PROPOSAL?? HOUSE HUNTING?? CHILD ADOPTION??? WHAT??? CARE TO ELABORATE??? Also can I just say that all med students really are the same? I have personally threatened my own Dutch bf into delaying any proposal ideas until both of our degrees are done bc the Future is my only motivator and if I get it too soon it won't be good lol. It cracks me up to think that as soon as quinn's criteria are met nando the simp trips over himself to propose (literally?) lol
Okay, people, because of this ask, and because I feel like it, it’s time to talk about far-future Quindo. I will answer some of your questions that have been looming based on my continuous dropped hints. Come with me on this journey.
And by the way, Brenna, it continues to entertain me how you and Quinn are literally the same.😂😂 Quinn would absolutely personally threaten Nando not to get too many creative ideas until they at least have gotten a place to live together, and Quinn has started in medical school.
Let’s hop under the cut and I’ll tell you some details! (This got so long, but no regrets.)
- So I think I’ve talked about this in a few places now, but something that’s always true with Quinn and Nando, even early on, is that they understand their relationship is long-term. Neither of them is really looking to date casually, and once they’ve been together for a reasonable amount of time to draw this conclusion (six months, I’d say?), they’re each already pretty much planning on getting married. Do I think they necessarily talk about this that early on? Probably not. But the long-term future conversations come along eventually, and they’re very much on the same page about everything.
- I also did this post semi-recently about the fact that their relationship very much contributes to each of them wanting to settle down. They both knew they wanted, like, marriage and kids one day before they had each other, but the presence of each other makes it much more real for both of them. With each other, there’s a person in those daydreams of the future, a more concrete plan in mind. Instead of just thinking of my future husband, they can think specifically of each other.
- Anyway. As I’ve said, Nando is already sort of thinking about proposal plans before they graduate. (Here’s a glimpse into his simp brain circa graduation.) But they also have a lot of other plans and things to do around the time of graduation. Here’s where they wind up at the time of graduation.
- Nando has secured a job, to start mid-summer, with the Phoenix Dept. of Social Services. Is this a real department that exists? Let’s just say I hope so. I feel like it has to. Anyway, it’s very much related to everything he studied with his sociology major, and it’s exactly what he wanted, and he’s very happy.
- Quinn is going to medical school. I feel like this has been heavily implied. Bear with me and suspend your disbelief a little, because, look: I fully understand how difficult medical school admissions actually are. And I also understand that you can’t necessarily be choosy with where you go based on geography, since the aspiring medical student in my life is always going on like I’m just going to apply to like fifty schools all over the place and go wherever I get in. But I want Quinn to have nice things and also geographic stability, so....
- Let’s just say Quinn puts a lot of eggs in the U of Arizona medical school basket. I think he submits other applications, but as we’ve discussed in mostly theatre contexts, Quinn is somehow an extremely confident person and also the king of underestimating his ability to succeed. He always expects disappointment, because he believes this is the key to never actually being disappointed. (See this ficlet for a theatre dive into his mentality on that topic.)
- For this reason, I think Quinn maybe anticipates a rejection in med school admissions. His plan, for if/when this happens, is that he’ll take a year off. He’s fully aware that that might hurt his chances with getting into medical school at all, but I think this is a good time to remind everybody that Quinn, for a hot minute, doesn’t really have a home. Nando and his family welcome him in when his grandparents disown him to ensure that he has a place to go, but the only reason Quinn isn’t homeless for awhile in there is because he’s living at college.
- And yes, I know that, like, renting an apartment and going to medical school is a thing you can do. But for Quinn, trying to establish stability in a life with Nando is the most important thing. He wants, desperately, to go to medical school, but is willing to delay that if the only way he could go would be to be very far away from him.
- We have to just imagine that things work out for Quinn, because, spoiler alert, he does get in at U of Arizona, to start the autumn after graduation. Senior spring, he gets a letter from them, puts it on his desk, and literally doesn’t open it for an entire day because he thinks it’s a rejection. The reason he does open it is because Nando sees it and freaks out.
- Anyway. For Quinn, I want good things. Therefore, he is simultaneously able to start a life with Nando and live out his academic and career goals.
- So this is an extremely long-winded way of telling you that Nando and Quinn move to Arizona after graduation, which I’ve told you in passing before. Because they are college graduates and neither of them has a whole lot of money, they actually move back in with Mama Hernandez.
- Please understand that Maria Hernandez, as a very Catholic Latina woman, welcomes Quinn into her home with open arms— but absolutely refuses to let them share a bedroom.😂😂😂😂
(On the phone, like a month before graduation.)
Maria: I’ve been cleaning the basement up for Quinn. Do you think I should clean out the closet, or will he only use a dresser?
Nando: Uh... Mama? What do you mean, cleaning out the basement?
Maria: Well, it’s where he’ll be staying.
Nando: .......... But we’re getting married?
Maria: Oh, not so fast, Sebastián. You aren’t married yet, are you? And unmarried couples under my roof—
Nando, who has heard this before: I know, I know, but—
Maria: It’s just the same as last summer.
Nando: But we’re looking for a house together—
Maria: It’s a matter of under my roof. No buts.
Nando, who has literally been sleeping in the same bed with Quinn 80% of the time for the past four years of college: Mama—
Maria: No buts, Sebastián!
- So they move into separate rooms in Maria Hernandez’s house.😂😂😂😂
- That summer, Quinn does another theatre thing the way he did with Gabi and Rosa the summer before, and Nando works at his Tio’s restaurant part-time while he waits for his new job to start. He keeps working for Tio, even if only a shift or two per week, even once he’s started his new job, because that restaurant was his papa’s along with Tio’s and he’s incapable of not helping out his family.
- They settle into a routine, and it’s a very lovely summer while they wait for the rest of their lives to begin. :)
- By the way, somewhere in the area of senior spring, Nando bought an engagement ring. It was the result of a lot of saving and planning, and it’s a simple ring but it’s very suited to Quinn’s tastes, and basically he’s just low-key bursting at the seams to get engaged. (Not that it’ll change Maria’s bedsharing policy😂😂😂😂 but he just really wants to be his fiancé.)
- But here’s the fun part. Quinn has also been thinking about proposing.
- Now let us all cry together while I tell you that Quinn goes to Maria to ask about proposing to him. It’s while Nando is at work at the restaurant one night, I think, and Gabi and Rosa are, idk, either out or just in bed. They’re 11 or 12, so they’re probably in bed. Quinn and Maria get along really well, so they’re just having a conversation out on the back patio at the house. They spend a lot of evenings like that while Quinn waits for Nando to get home from work and give him the one (1) goodnight kiss that Maria allows them before they retire to their separate chambers.
- The conversation is pretty standard of most ‘asking the parent because I want to propose’ conversations. Maria, of course, loves Quinn, and wants him to be an official part of her family by becoming her son-in-law, so she gives him her blessing. (By the way, I do think that Maria is aware that Nando is planning a proposal, but she’s possibly entertained by the fact that they’re racing each other to do it.)
- Maria leaves, for a second, during this conversation with Quinn, and goes up to her own room. She comes downstairs with something and puts it in Quinn’s hand.
- It’s Nando’s papa’s wedding band.
- She tells him that this is what Ángel (Papa’s name) would have wanted.
- Quinn is incredibly, wholly touched by this gesture. When he tries to propose, this is what he’ll use.
- And house hunting!! Obviously, they don’t plan to live with Maria forever. Getting a place of their own is their top priority as soon as they graduate, but they don’t have nowhere near enough money saved up to do so.
- I think I have to make a whole other post about how they get a house and also how the engagement ultimately goes down, because this is getting so long, and even though those two things are set in place and planned, I feel like they’d each double the size of this monster bullet-list. So... feel free to ask me about them, and I’ll elaborate!!!!
- I’m also going to elaborate on the adoption/accidental baby acquisition thing in a separate post. But what happens, and when, and how? Stay tuned and I’ll tell you.
Thanks for enabling me, Brenna!!! I’m grateful for your asks, as always. :D
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