#cbs upfronts
jencsi · 1 year
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11 years ago? 11?!?! 🥹bless.
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mcdannowave · 1 year
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McDanno/O’Caan + Height Difference - Part 9
(p.1,  p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7, p.8)
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world-of-celebs · 9 months
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Perdita Weeks attends the 2018 CBS Upfront at The Plaza Hotel on May 16, 2018 in New York City. 
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cerealbishh · 1 year
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"Cara, I have baggage. I mean, Bode, Riley..."
"I'm trying... to own it. So, I hope that it's not too much of a deal-breaker for you."
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lostinaflashforward · 18 days
LIAFF SPECIAL #14: Upfronts 2024 - CBS, NBC e FOX
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Carissimi lettori, ben ritrovati con un nuovo appuntamento con LIAFF SPECIAL, la rubrica dedicata all’approfondimento di personaggi e temi nel mondo dell’intrattenimento. Il post di questo mese sarà molto particolare e sposa perfettamente con il periodo in cui ci troviamo. Siamo a Maggio e chi è immerso nel mondo delle serie TV sa bene che in questo mese ci sono gli Upfronts. Per chi non lo sapesse, gli Upfronts sono degli eventi tenuti dalle varie emittenti e case di produzione televisiva per presentare i loro programmi futuri agli investitori, ma anche per offrire al pubblico un assaggio delle serie ordinate per la prossima stagione televisiva, che vengono scelte fra i pilot ordinati nei mesi precedenti. Gli eventi di quest'anno saranno molto particolari, poichè a causa degli scioperi lo scorso anno quasi tutte le varie emittenti hanno deciso di non partecipare agli Upfronts, dato che in pratica avevano poco o nulla da presentare. Un esempio di questa particolarità è quello dell'AMC, che ha tenuto il suo evento il 10 Aprile, concentrandosi sui prodotti che ha già in repertorio e parlando dell'espansione delle produzioni a tema horror, genere che già predomina nel loro palinsesto, grazie al franchise di The Walking Dead e a Interview with the Vampire. A questo scopo il LIAFF Special di Maggio 2024 sarà diviso in più parti, ognuna contenente tutte le novità presentate dalle varie emittenti. Per questa prima parte andiamo a scoprire le novità inerenti la CBS, che ha deciso di aprire questo periodo il 02 Maggio, seguita da NBC e Fox, che hanno avuto le loro presentazioni il 13 Maggio.
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CBS: fra spin-off e prodotti rimandati
La CBS aveva già fatto parlare di se' lo scorso anno, quando ha organizzato delle "upfront dinners", delle vere e proprie cene con gli investitori per presentare le loro serie del futuro, ma quest'anno sembra voler andare oltre una semplice differenza di luogo. A quanto pare CBS non ha ordinato pilot nuovi quest'anno, dato che aveva in canna delle serie già ordinate lo scorso anno, e forse non intenderà ordinarne più, almeno non nei tempi che ci si potrebbe aspettare. Infatti, secondo quanto dichiarato da Amy Reisenbach, presidente della CBS Entertainment, la stagione dei pilot è morta, almeno dal loro punto di vista. Che sia l'inizio della trasformazione della tv broadcast a un modello più variabile, come già accade per le tv cable e le piattaforme di streaming? Al momento, non ci è dato saperlo. Questo e le voci sempre più insistenti che Paramount possa essere acquisita da un'altra azienda, creano uno scenario di incertezza per il futuro dell'emittente in blu. Nonostante tutto, le novità non sono mancate e ora andiamo a riscoprirle con ordine:
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La CBS ha ordinato la prima nuova serie per la stagione televisiva 2025/26. Si tratta di Sheriff Country, spin-off della serie Fire Country, che avrà come protagonista Morena Baccarin nel ruolo di Mickey Fox, la sorellastra di Sharon Leone (personaggio interpretato da Diane Farr nella serie madre), che si ritrova ad indagare su vari crimini nella cittadina di Edgewater, mentre combatte con un padre dal passato criminale e con un incidente riguardante la sua ribelle figlia. La serie fu introdotta da un episodio di Fire Country andato in onda nelle scorse settimane e potrebbe essere il primo di una serie di estensioni narrative del suddetto universo.
La CBS ha presentato le sue serie del futuro durante l'evento. Partiamo con Matlock, già ordinata lo scorso anno e rimandata all'attuale stagione televisiva a causa degli scioperi. La serie è un reboot dell'omonima serie con protagonista Andy Griffith, vede Kathy Bates nel ruolo di Madeline "Matty" Matlock, una donna brillante che si ritrova a tornare a lavorare come avvocato in un prestigioso studio legale, dove usa le sue capacità per vincere i casi che le vengono affidati.
Altra serie, ordinata all'inizio di quest'anno, è NCIS: Origins, serie TV prequel di NCIS, incentrata sulla giovinezza di Jethro Gibbs, qui interpretato da Austin Stowell. In questa serie, ambientata nel 1991, Gibbs è un giovane agente che inizia la propria carriera a un nascente campo del NCIS, dove guiderà un team di reclute e dovrà dimostrare il proprio valore.
Passiamo alle comedy, con Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage, serie TV sequel di Young Sheldon, ordinata ad inizio anno e incentrata su Georgie (Montana Jordan) e Mandy (Emily Osment) e sulle loro sfide nel crescere la loro famiglia in Texas.
L'ultima serie annunciata per la prossima stagione televisiva è Poppa's House, comedy già ordinata lo scorso anno con protagonisti Damon Wayans e Damon Wayans Jr., che vede i due scontrarsi sui loro punti di vista, rispettivamente come padre e figlio, il tutto condito da situazioni dinamiche e divertenti.
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Come da tradizione per gli Upfronts, la CBS ha svelato lo schedule per la prossima stagione televisiva, che, come mostrato nella foto sopra, vede una programmazione quasi simile a quella dell'anno passato, con l'aggiunta di NCIS: Origins, Matlock, Poppa's House e Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage. Questo schedule è soggetto a variazioni, visto che il rischio che ci sia un altro sciopero da parte dello IATSE è ancora presente.
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NBC: un brand sempre più vasto
La settimana degli Upfronts propriamente detta è stata aperta nella giornata di ieri da NBC, che ha tenuto la sua presentazione al Radio City Music Hall di New York, un luogo perfetto per il concept di base dell'evento, caratterizzato dalla presenza di un orchestra dal vivo e da una performance canora di Jimmy Fallon che ha dato il via al tutto. Ma tre giorni prima NBC ha annunciato lo schedule per la prossima stagione televisiva, che non vede grossi cambiamenti, a parte le nuove serie ordinate, di cui parleremo fra poco, e l'uscita di scena di Law & Order: Organized Crime, ufficialmente passato a Peacock per la quinta stagione. Dato che non vi è un immagine come per la CBS, eccovi di seguito lo schedule, giorno per giorno:
8-10 PM — The Voice 10-11 PM — Brilliant Minds
8-8:30 PM — St. Denis Medical 8:30-9 PM — Night Court 9-10 PM — The Voice 10-11 PM — The Irrational
8-9 PM — Chicago Med 9-10 PM — Chicago Fire 10-11 PM — Chicago P.D.
8-9 PM — Law & Order 9-10 PM — Law & Order: SVU 10-11 PM — Found
8-9 PM — Happy’s Place 9-10 PM — Lopez Vs. Lopez 10-11 PM — Dateline NBC
7-7:30 PM — Big Ten Football Pregame/Notre Dame Pregame (also live on Peacock) 7:30-11 PM — Big Ten Saturday Night/Notre Dame Football (also live on Peacock)
7-8:20 PM —  Football Night in America (also live on Peacock)  8:20-11 PM — Sunday Night Football (also live on Peacock)
E ora andiamo ad analizzare quanto presentato all'evento:
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Con grande sorpresa, Donna Langley, uno dei leader di NBCUniversal, ha presentato un'estesa anteprima di Wicked, l'attesa trasposizione cinematografica del musical di Broadway diretta da Jon M. Chu e con protagoniste Ariana Grande e Cynthia Erivo, che a quanto pare diverrà un brand che sarà esteso persino alle Olimpiadi, trasmesse proprio da NBC sul suolo statunitense. Stando alle ultime notizie, il trailer in questione verrà pubblicato in rete questo Mercoledì.
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Durante l'evento sono state presentate delle nuove serie che andranno in onda su Peacock, con tanto di interpreti sul palco e un montaggio video, che si spera verrà divulgato nei prossimi giorni. Fra i titoli mostrati vi sono il crime drama Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist, che narra di una rapina avvenuta durante il match che vedeva il ritorno di Muhammad Ali sul ring e con protagonisti Kevin Hart e Taraji P. Henson, TeaCup, horror prodotto da James Wan che parla di un gruppo di persone che affrontano un misterioso pericolo in un ranch del Texas, Laid, una commedia con protagonista Stephanie Hsu, che interpreta una donna scoprire che i suoi ex-fidanzati hanno perso la vita in circostanze misteriose, il drama Long Bright River, che vede Amanda Seyfried nel ruolo di una poliziotta che deve risolvere una crisi a Philadelphia, la serie a tema gladiatori Those About to Die e il thriller The Day of the Jackal, trasposizione televisiva dell'omonimo romanzo e con protagonista Eddie Redmayne.
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E per concludere sono state mostrate le prime immagini delle nuove serie ordinate da NBC per la prossima stagione televisiva, rispettivamente un drama e due comedy. Sul lato comedy abbiamo Happy's Place, che vede Reba McEntire nel ruolo di una donna che eredita il bar del padre, per poi scoprire di avere una sorellastra, nonchè sua socia in affari, e St. Denis Medical, un mockumentary ambientato un ospedale disastrato dell'Oregon dove i medici fanno del loro meglio per aiutare i propri pazienti e cercano di salvare la loro sanità mentale. Sul lato drammatico abbiamo invece Brilliant Minds, che vede Zachary Quinto nel ruolo di un neurologo brillante che insieme al suo team devono esplorare l'ignota frontiera della mente umana, mentre affronta i suoi problemi personali. Fra le nuove serie ci sarebbe anche The Hunting Party, un crime drama incentrato su una task force che ha il compito di catturare i serial killer più pericolosi del paese, i quali sarebbero evasi da una prigione segreta, ma questa stata ordinata per la midseason e quindi è tutt'ora in produzione.
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FOX: fra novità e un gioco sicuro
Sempre nella giornata di ieri la Fox ha tenuto la propria presentazione al Manhattan Center, presentando quello che il futuro riserverà per gli spettatori del canale. Nonostante qualche spostamento e poche serie ordinate, la Fox è rimasta sul sicuro, puntando sui titoli che già caratterizzano il loro repertorio. Non a caso, proprio come NBC, Fox ha annunciato il suo schedule prima dell'evento, che vi riportiamo qui di seguito:
8-9 PM — 911: Lone Star 9-10 PM — Rescue: HI-Surf
8-9 PM — Accused 9-10 PM — Murder in a Small Town
8-9 PM — The Masked Singer 9-10 PM — The Floor
8-9 PM — Hell’s Kitchen 9-10 PM — Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test
8-11 PM — Fox College Football Friday / Fox College Hoops / Fox UFL
7-10:30 PM — Fox Sports Saturday
7-7:30 PM — NFL on Fox 7:30-8 PM — The OT / Fox Animation Encores 8-8:30 PM — The Simpsons 8:30-9 PM — Universal Basic Guys 9-9:30 PM — Bob’s Burgers 9:30-10 PM — Krapopolis
Se leggete con attenzione lo schedule vedrete che 9-1-1: Lone Star ritornerà con la quinta stagione in Autunno, dopo la pausa a causa dello sciopero, e Family Guy è stata spostata al midseason per la prima volta dopo quasi vent'anni, per far posto alla new-entry Universal Basic Guys, già rinnovata per una seconda stagione. Tornando all'evento, eccovi le nuove serie presentate dall'emittente:
Ordinata lo scorso mese, Rescue HI-Surf è una serie TV di stampo procedurale che vede un gruppo di bagnini che proteggono la costa settentrionale di O'ahu, dedicandosi ogni giorno a salvare vite e correndo molti rischi, il tutto mentre affrontano i loro problemi personali.
Tratta da una saga letteraria di successo, Murder in a Small Town segue le vicende di un detective, interpretato da Rossif Sutherland, che si trasferisce in una cittadina, luogo pieno di segreti da svelare e omicidi da risolvere. In queste indagini verrà aiutato dalla sua giovane partner, interpretata da Kristin Kreuk.
Doc, remake statunitense della nota serie TV italiana Doc - Nelle tue mani, vede Molly Parker nel ruolo di una brillante dottoressa, che vede la sua vita cambiare dopo un terribile incidente. Non avendo più memoria degli ultimi otto anni, dovrà ripercorrere la sua vita e riconnettersi con le persone con cui ha vissuto.
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Recentemente rinnovata per una seconda stagione, Universal Basic Guys è una serie animata che vede due fratelli perdere il proprio lavoro a causa dell'automazione e che ottengono uno speciale stipendio mensile, che si ritrovano ad utilizzare per trovare uno scopo in un mondo dove non sono più necessari.
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afaimsblog · 1 year
Zwischen Streik und Upfronts - Interessanten Zeiten für Hollywood
Momentan will man kein Film - oder TV-Schaffender in Hollywood sein, denn es ist Mai und die Upfronts sind im vollen Gange, und als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, da die pandemiebedingte Schonfrist vorbei ist, ist auch noch ein allumfassender Drehbuchautorenstreik in Gange, der nach knapp zwei Wochen schon beträchtlich mehr Schaden angerichtet hat als die meisten seiner Vorgänger und für den kein Ende in Sicht ist. Damit haben die Menschen, die im Bereich der Unterhaltung arbeiten, gerade das Pech einmal mehr in wirklich interessanten Zeiten zu leben, denn momentan geht es überall drunter und drüber.
Öffentlich wird überall verkündet wie wichtig es ist die Autoren zu unterstützen - nicht nur Fran Drescher lässt sich ablichten um die Unterstützung der Gewerkschaft, der sie vorsitzt, für ihre Kollegen zu verkünden - aber hinter den Kulissen ist nicht alles rosig. Niemand will streiken, aber wer Mitglied der Gewerkschaft ist, muss streiken. Und wenn auch nur der Eindruck entsteht, dass das jemand nicht tun könnte, nun dann gibt es schnell Drohungen. Streikbrecher waren ja noch nie beliebt, aber die öffentliche Drohung gegen “Andor”-Showrunner Tony Gilroy ihn aus der Gewerkschaft zu werfen, wenn auch nur ein Wort in seinen eigentlich sowieso fertig gestellten Skripts für die zweite Staffel nach Streikbeginn ander lauten sollte als zuvor, spricht Bände für den Umgangston in Hollywood unter den “lieben Kollegen”. Gilroy hat seit dem klar gestellt, dass er kein Wort mehr seit dem Streikbeginn geschrieben hätte, doch da die Produktion der zweiten Staffel von “Andor” weiterging und gemunkelt wurde, dass er sehrwohl weiter an dieser mitgearbeitet hätte (wenn auch nicht in schreibender Kapazität), blieb dem armen Mann keine andere Wahl als sich für die Dauer der Streiks vollkommen von seiner Serie zurückzuziehen, was für seine Autoren-Serie wie “Andor” natürlich ein harter Schlag ist, aber natürlich will Disney nicht all seine Streamingserien mitten drinnen unterbrechen, wenn es nicht unbedingt sein muss, besonders nicht die teuren Prestige-Projekte.
Aber da heutzutage viele der Autoren von Serien eben auch Showrunner und Produzenten sind, fällt es schwer ihre Tätigkeiten als Autor von denen als Produzent zu trennen. Wie ich letzte Woche erwähnt habe, dürfen sie auch nicht am Set auftauchen, da dies offenbar offiziell als Teil ihrer Tätigkeit als Autor angesehen wird. Aber ist dann genau genommen Casting, das Auswählen von Designs und Drehorten, oder ein Gespräch mit einem Regisseur oder Schauspieler nicht auch Teil ihrer Arbeit als Autor? Man kann ja nicht hingehen und den kreativen Teil seines Gehirns abdrehen und nur noch an Zahlen denken ohne an Inhalte zu denken.
Und genau das ist der Grund warum immer mehr Serien ihre Produktion jetzt trotz genügend fertig gestellter Skripts unterbrechen. Die Serienmacher wollen nicht als Streikbrecher gelten und riskieren gar nicht erst auch nur irgendetwas zu tun um nicht so wie Tony Gilroy öffentlich von ihren liebevollen Kollegen fertig gemacht zu werden, nur weil sie nicht sofort alles stehen und liegen gelassen haben und laut getweetet haben: ICH STREIKE UND TUE NICHTS MEHR!! Inzwischen hat der Streik auch schon offizielle Auswirkungen auf das erste Filmprojekt, von dem wir wissen: Ausgerechnet die MCU-Version von “Blade”, die sowieso schon verflucht zu sein scheint, hat es erwischt. Die Arbeiten an den Film wurden eingestellt, das heiß, dass er wieder einmal weiter nach hinten verschoben wurde. Neben “Daredevil: Born Again” ist das nun schon das zweite MCU-Projekt, das vom Streik in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wird, aber während man inzwischen spekuliert, ob Disney+ nicht einfach zwei Staffeln aus einer “Daredevil”-Staffel macht, ist ein Film wie “Blade” natürlich nicht einfach nur teilweise veröffentlichbar (nicht, dass man schon an dem Streifen gedreht hätte, aber ihr wisst was ich meine). Aber natürlich ist eine Sache bei all dem nicht zu übersehen: In Wahrheit sind alle geskripteten Hollywood-Produkte von dem Streik betroffen, selbst die Serien und Filme, die momentan noch weiterdrehen, werden früher oder später gegen die Wand des abwesenden Autors fahren. Was einer der Gründe ist warum es wichtig wäre, dass man sich einigt,
Aber bis es soweit ist, wird der Streik beinhart ausgenutzt. Sogar Tyler Hoechlin hat letztes Wochenende auf einer Convention zugegeben, dass der Streik Auswirkungen auf die Frage, ob “Superman & Lois” verlängert wird oder nicht, haben könnte. Aber obwohl der Sender, der früher The CW war und sich immer noch so nennt, mit einer neuen Cancellation-Welle begonnen hat, war es ein anderer Sender, der das versucht hat, was ich letzte Woche angekündigt habe: Eine Serie einfach abzusetzen, statt sie zu verlängern um so Geld zu sparen, das durch den Streik verloren gegangen wäre. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass dieses Verhalten sofort durchschaut wurde und einen Tag später schon wieder alles anders war, die schlechte Nachricht ist, dass es natürlich ein Procedural war, das so gerettet wurde, sprich die Serien, die unsereins mag, werden nicht gerettet werden, falls sie Opfer des Streiks werden sollten. Der Sender war CBS und die Serie “SWAT”. Kurz vor dem Finale der aktuellen sechsten Staffel verkündete CBS diese Woche, dass die laufende Season auch die letzte sein würde. Was angesichts der Quoten viele überrascht haben dürfte, war aus Sicht des Senders sinnig. Die Standtarverträge mit dem Cast waren mit dem Ende von Staffel 6 ausgelaufen und durch den Streik bestand die Gefahr, dass sich Staffel 7 verschieben würde. Da die Serie mit einer siebten Staffel um einiges teuer werden würde, beschloss man Geld zu sparen und setzte sie kurzer Hand ab. Was Cast und Crew kalt erwischte. Und zu Interviews führte und Zuseheraufschreien. Und am nächsten Tag zur schnell verkündeten Revidierung: Nein, man würde nun doch eine finale siebte Staffel machen, allerdings würde diese nur 13 Folgen umfassen.
Auf letzteres müssen wir uns für alle Network-Serien für die kommende Season einstellen: Auf Grund des Streiks werden sie später zu drehen beginnen müssen und um zeitgerecht vor der nächsten Season fertig zu werden, werden die Staffeln der kommenden Season daher kürzer ausfallen müssen. So hat The CW bei seiner zweiten [!] verlängerten Serie “Walker” für Staffel 4 auch nur eine 13-Folgen-Staffel bestellt. Doch durch den neuen Besitzer werden die meisten wenn nicht alle Staffeln dort in Zukunft so oder so nur noch 13 Folgen haben. Momentan laufen die letzten Serien und Staffeln aus, die noch vom alten Regime verlängert und bestellt wurden. Eigenproduzierte Fiktion wird eher über kurz als über lang vollkommmen von diesem Sender verschwinden, weil das Geld dazu einfach nicht vorhanden ist. Zwischendurch hieß es einmal sogar, dass nur 3 Serien ingesamt vom Sender verlängert werden würden, das würde bedeuten, dass jetzt nur noch ein Slot offen ist, da “All American” schon im Jänner verlängert wurde. Gecanncelt wurde schon, denn “The Winchesters”, “Kung Fu” und “Walker: Independence” sind alle bereits Geschichte. “The Winchesters” soll gerettet werden, aber nachdem kein einziges Opfer der Roten Hochzeit letztes Jahr gerettet wurde und durch den Streik die zweite Staffel momentan sowieso nicht geschrieben werden kann, ist es fragwürdig, dass dies gelingt. Und persönlich wäre ich mehr als nur ein wenig beleidigt, wenn ausgerechnet diese Serie weitergeht, während “Legends of Tomorrow” für immer auf seinen Cliffhangar-Ende sitzen bleibt (es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass dieses in den letzten zwei noch unausgestrahlten Episoden von “The Flash” weggemacht werden wird) und alle anderen Serien des Senders ebenfalls nicht gerettet wurden. Und wer jetzt denkt, dass es auffällig ist, dass die drei gecanncelten Serien die letzten mit einem zentralen weiblichen Charakter im Mittelpunkt sind, die The CW noch hatte, der hat natürlich recht; man muss aber in diesem Zusammehang fairerweise sagen, dass “Walker” selbst eigentlich nur deswegen verlängert wurde, weil ein neuer Ko-Produktion-Deal eingegangen wurde. Es ist also nicht nur Sexismus am Werk, es geht vor allem um Kosten/Nutzen. Was Berichte darüber, dass DC-Neuling “Gotham Knights” und “Superman & Lois” praktisch gegeneinander für eine Verlängerung in den Ring treten müssen, beunruhigend macht, was die Zukunft von “Superman & Lois” angeht, da diese Serie zwar mehr Prestige und Einschaltquoten hat, aber ungleich teurer als der Neuling ist, der noch dazu die billigste DC-Serie ist, die vom Sender jemals produziert wurde. Natürlich könnte “Superman & Lois” zu HBOmax wechseln bzw. wohl eher Max, aber das ist aus so vielen anderen Gründen problematisch, dass wir dieses Thema jetzt gar nicht erst erläutern wollen.
Also ja, momentan geht es rund in Hollywood. Netflix hat auch schon wieder eine seiner neuen Fantasy-Serien gecanncelt und finanzielle Verluste bekannt gegeben, während Disney+ 2023 eine beängstigende Anzahl an Kunden verloren hat (vermutlich weil in dieser Zeit keine neue MCU-Serie gelaufen ist). Beide wollen auf Sparkurs gehen und übersehen, dass sie das Hauptziel des Streiks sind, und kündigen während dieser Streik läuft beinhart Einsparungen an. Es scheint also, dass gewisse Parteien, sei es absichtlich oder unabsichtlich, nicht zu begreifen scheinen welcher Ton gerade in Hollywood vorherrscht.
Also ja, wir sind erst in Woche 2 des Streiks, aber der Entertainment-Apokalpyse von Hollywood erschreckend näher gekommen als wir es noch vor einer Woche waren.
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shakapuffin · 10 days
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Throwback Pics from CBS Upfronts in May 2010
via @peterlenkov’s insta story!
i still want to see more interviews from that day, specifically video interviews
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lol-jackles · 10 days
How much of a hand do you think Brad Schwartz had in the Walker cancellation? He seemed pretty insulting and arrogant in some of the interviews he gave, saying that they didn’t feel a rush to make a decision by an “arbitrary” deadline (the Upfronts), essentially leaving the cast and crew hanging in the balance (though I know there’s so much we don’t know that happened behind the scenes). And from him initially saying that “as long as it performs” and that it wasn’t a question of finances but then whining over the economics and license fee (please forgive me for not providing citations but it’s been common knowledge this he said this and I’m too mad to look anything up right now). Why would he be so disrespectful and duplicitous toward the production and the general public? I would think that wouldn’t bode well for his long-term credibility but what do I know? I know that all the moguls are hatchet men but as far as I know, even THEY don’t seem to blatantly lie so obviously to the public. Thanks, and sorry for the rant. I just hate it when people are treated so poorly. I love your blog.
I was about to yell at this Anon below for not including the sources...
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And then I saw your Ask/rant, and no problem, rant rant away!
Seems that these...well, I hesitate to call them "friends" per se... felt that they, er, I mean Jared and the cast and crew were bring strung along while the PR fight between CW and CBS was being played out in the media.
I admit, it felt a little disrespectful. But it's the business side of show business. Jared knows this and professional has to display grace. But his .....how should I put it nicely..... ~acquaintances ...... don't have to and may think they're $tanding up for Jared.
As for Brad, he'll be remember in the long line of CEO with very questionable actions: former CW president Dawn Ostroff tried to kill Supernatural in its 6th season, former CBS CEO Les Moonves hated Star Trek and killed Enterprise, Angel had an infamous series finale because it was cancelled due to "power play" between Fox and WB.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Do you think he does different types of promo to attract all the different crowds?
Dear Promo Anon,
Not only I think he does that, I also happen to think he (or anyone seriously hoping to sell anything other than snake oil) should do exactly that.
The problem is not the logical correlation between what you want to sell and the people to whom you want to sell it. The first problem is the lack of balance between your way of interacting with your different target groups, which could lead to a very fuzzy brand image. Both of your products and of yourself, who are their creator and main promoter.
Promoting a brand without a clear set of main ideas and values is very likely to have a negative impact on your sales. Show them biceps, sea, sex (?) and sun galore is all fine and dandy for the younger crowd (and the LGBT+ one, btw). But showing at the same time that you can be a gentleman (please, for the love of Saruman, get rid of those rings! that woman doesn't know what she's talking about!) should be at least on par with the Lustfest promise you ventilate to your other segment. Possible message being: working hard and playing hard - you can have the best of both worlds (or at least try).
The second problem is that S's brand is.. ehrm... way too personal. Too approachable (I already mentioned the Costco Hugfest) for a rabid fandom. That goes both ways, btw, because many (on both sides of the Great Divide) honestly feel they own a bit of S. At the same time, he is also JAMMF to many people in here, who imagine he has almost superhuman qualities (most probably not the case). That is exhilarating and empowering, until it's not. One or three or twenty faux-pas later, people will feel the savage urge to spit on the idol. A simple matter of collective instinct, but a very tricky situation for S.
The third problem are the side players. I am not talking about AN or CB or TMcG or the Fitness Harem. I am talking about the Trolls, who really don't do him any favor. Nothing worse for his brand potential than lascivious comments - let's suppose you are a major distributor's marketing expert and you land on That Blog, where the owner shares publicly her dream of licking her way from (how was it?) LHR to GLA to the Highlands to the ends of the known Universe, for a chance of God knows what. What would you write in that memo to the CEO? 'Yes, please: immediately place ALL his booze upfront near the cashier, because the man is an idol to a bunch of fifty-something women who dream the impossible dream?' You think I am exaggerating? Try googling for SRH tumblr and see the first results (😱). These people are visible and that visibility directly informs the interaction between SS and its potential business partners. Especially when your Partner Everyday thought blasting a sizeable chunk of OL's Tumblr fandom in Vanity Fair was a clever strategy for The Win - things like this invite (unwanted) attention.
I pleaded for diversification of the marketing strategy and for a more sophisticated approach and I welcome the change, Anon. The only thing I would like you to take home from this very long answer is simple:
Social Media is just Social Media. The glitz, the glam, the superficial stardust, the Truman Show where it never rains.
Real Life is Real Life. We only see glimpses, speculate on it, have a more or less educated guess and if we are lucky enough, some tidbits to chew on.
Progressively, the very unprofessional (bantering) Social Media strategy has been replaced with an account strategy based on product promotion. Convenient, when you do not (for reasons X, Y and Z) want to discuss what you feel is private and likely to remain so, for a while.
That's about it, Anon. If you still have questions, you can always pop in here. I promise I won't charge a retainer, out of my good heart.
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Based off your NCIS: Hawai’i cancelation post. What are your thoughts on the cancellation? If it is just, why do you believe so?
Let's break it down!
Factor 1: Filming in Hawaii
Hawaii as a filming location is going to be more expensive than filming somewhere like LA, NYC, or Chicago. Not only will there be more individuals who will have to relocate when you're filming somewhere like Hawaii versus the mainland, meaning that you're going to have a higher cost associated relocation costs (all of which are typical in a negotiated contract), but travel expenses are also going to be higher for guest stars, directors, writers, etc., cost of living/lodging is going to be higher, cost of materials are going to be higher, it's all going to be higher in a location like Hawaii than a location like LA, NYC, or Chicago.
Factor 2: More Seasons = More Money
The longer a television show is on air, the more expensive a television show gets to make.
First, the longer a television show is on air, the more established/"famous" the cast becomes. The more established/"famous" a cast becomes, the more expensive they become to keep employed. Every time a contract is re-negotiated, unless someone's role is being reduced, it's going to cost more than it did the last time their contract was negotiated. They're more well-known, they're an integral part of a show's success, they have more of a following and more of a leg to stand on when making their negotiations.
Second, the desire to make your show better, often involves making your show bigger... bigger sets, bigger locations, bigger stars, etc. This all costs money. Look at NCIS Hawaii... they brought LL Cool J in to the fold, for whatever reason (I'm assuming to attempt to draw NCIS LA fans to NCIS Hawaii), and this isn't something that would have been cheap. LL Cool J is already well established in the NCIS-Universe and can use that to negotiate his contract, but he's also a big name in general, which can also impact his negotiating. Whenever a show tried to do more, whether it's with guest stars, plots, sets, locations, etc., it costs more money.
Factor 3: Network Have To Sell Their Shows Yearly
Networks are a business. It's honestly as simple as that. They have products (television shows) that they are trying to sell to a consumer (advertisers) in an effort to make a profit.
Every year, television networks engage in what are called "upfronts" - upfronts are essentially this big event (or at least they used to be a big event pre-covid, I'm not sure if they still are), where networks essentially present there schedule for the upcoming season in an attempt to get advertisers to pay to advertise their products during these television shows. The ultimate goal is that the amount networks make from these advertisers is more than the cost it makes to produce the television show, thus creating a profit (yay economics/math).
So how to advertisers decide how much money to allocate to certain television shows/networks? Ratings. This is where it gets complicated though. When ratings are reported for television shows, there are typically two things reported (in initial reports) - demo and total viewers. These two metrics are what is important to advertisers, but ultimately, what's most important is that demo - advertisers pay more for television shows with higher demos because it means that more individuals within the age range they want to advertise to (18-49) are consuming their product (ads). This is also why, despite the fact that Live+7 ratings are reported, they don't hold significant weight because viewers are not watching advertisements when they watch playbacks, they're fast forwarding/skipping.
So let's look at NCIS Hawaii - yes, NCIS Hawaii is doing remarkably well with total viewers, nobody can deny that, the numbers are there. But what they aren't doing well with, and what advertisers are looking at, is demographic. From season 1 to season 2, NCIS went from an average demo of .51 to an average demo of .35 which is a pretty significant drop. From season 2 to season 3, the demo has stayed consistent at an average of about .35, if not a little bit lower. This is good, right? Yes. But also no. Why? Because since episode 4 of NCIS Hawaii's season 3, ratings have had a drop of 25% (i.e. going from an average of .4 to .3), which is going to be a big factor for advertisers (i.e. yes, the average demo is consistent, but trends are showing the the demo is going down). This is also the difference between going from a "sure renewal" at the beginning of the season, to now being cancelled. Things changed.
So what does this mean? Essentially what this is going to mean is that if CBS were to present NCIS Hawaii to advertisers at the upcoming upfronts, the cost of producing NCIS Hawaii would far exceed the amount of money they could get from advertisers, most likely to a degree that they couldn't make up for with the excess advertisement they are getting from other shows.
Other Factors (More Subjective than objective, but still factors nonetheless:
NCIS Hawaii, in season 3, is a vastly different show than it was in season 1. The first season of NCIS Hawaii did a phenomenal job of capturing exactly what made it special... it's diversity. They focused on the cultures and customs of Hawaii, of the uniqueness that was Jane Tennet being in the position she is in as a single mother, the rareness that is not only having a wlw couple front and center on your television show, but also having it treated no differently than a heterosexual couple... NCIS Hawaii didn't come out of the gates trying to be like NCIS or NCIS LA... it came out of the gates being different, and that worked. But then in season 2 and moreso in season 3, they really started to get away from that - it became less about family and diversity and Hawaii and more about the "flash" and "wow". They moved away from what made them special, and that's something that CBS could have taken into account when they were making decisions.
As mentioned above, the cost of producing a show like NCIS Hawaii is going to be much higher than producing a show that is based in the mainland. This is exasperated by the fact that right now, literally everything is far more expensive than it needs to be because of inflation, which is going to make an already expensive show even more expensive
Changes to CBS's lineup: CBS's lineup is different this upcoming season than it was past seasons - you have a new and widely successful show in Tracker that CBS is going to want to capitalize on and really push in their bid to gain advertisement money. SWAT is no longer getting cancelled, which shifts their budgeting significantly (the conversation very quickly shifted from budget cuts for NCIS Hawaii to cancellation for NCIS Hawaii with this change). The strike also changed things because they went out and purchased/invested in some television shows they may not have otherwise invested in (NCIS Sydney, Ghosts UK) due to the uncertainty of when their regular programing would be back and the need to try and bring in some sort of money. (Note: There have also been a lot of people blaming the NCIS Origins spinoff as being the reason NCIS Hawaii is being cancelled, but this is disingenuous. NCIS Origins was greenlit far before any conversations about cancellations for this season would have began, which means that the fate of any show from this season was not tied to the addition of NCIS Origins - all networks greenlight a certain number of new television shows regardless of what the outcome of their current television shows are).
To Long Didn't Read Version:
NCIS Hawaii has reached the point where the total cost of producing the show is significantly increasing while the total cost they are receiving from advertisers is decreasing and therefore, they can no longer justify keeping this show on their schedule, as it result in a significant loss for CBS as a network.
Edit: Article regarding CBS's decision to cancel NCIS Hawaii that supports all of the above
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What the actual fuck did people expect from this movie. I mean rom com on.
Some people were always going to rate it a 10, others a 1. My advice-knock out the 1’s and 10’s and look in the middle. Personally I have no interest in paying someone to scare the shit out of me. Any film about war in the stars or a galaxy near you-not my thing. Fast cars- meh. Superhero movies not my thing. But for others this is their thing. I hadn’t been to a film in the cinema for years. I forgot how much fun it was. This is the perfect movie to grab the girls, stock up on popcorn and twizzlers and get comfortable in your seat. Firstly it’s a rom com not Anna Karenina, if you’re looking for the latter this is not for you. If you’re looking for a love story with a bit of a twist this is your film. Personally I thought SH was adorkable. I liked SH snd PC together but if you’re expecting SH-CB chemistry you’ll be disappointed. For me it was light and funny and a bit sad but not trying to be something it’s not. My friend and I had a really good time and left the theatre happy. CD’s music doesn’t disappoint. And if you’re looking to be entertained for a couple of hours , Love Again is for you. If you are a SH fan this is your film. I just want to be upfront and honest with this review. Again for me a solid 8.😉
Why the fuck are people once again posting some of the nastiest, most mean spirited reviews. Seriously WTF
Does anyone believe that any of these critics watched the entire film? Do these critics have any idea who the target audience is? Yes, the film has not been a box office success, but once a streaming option kicks in, the film will likely end the year in the black. Based on reviews by people, singles and couples that have in fact watched the film, the reviews have been favourable. It’s, sweet, funny and CD’s music is great. And easy to watch. So for those who get off criticizing women who have seen the film more than once, or purchased or rented online- knock it off. And knock off the SH is stealing our money, because he’s not. And finally, look for the clip making the rounds where SH as RB, does a little dance in front of the mirror and tell me he is not adorable and awkward and sexy and hot. Hating a film because you can find terrible reviews just doesn’t hold the same weight as a paying customer who actually watched the film. It just doesn’t.
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911bts · 1 year
fyi it’s possible we might get little to no info from the upfronts this year because of the strike! broadcast fall schedules are sort of in free fall rn since there is an incredibly likely chance shows will not be back by then and also the writers are picketing the upfronts so a lot of advertisers are bailing from the event 👍 union strong
Yeah, I went into Upfronts in general expecting nothing, but NBC and CBS dropped fall schedules (which in my experience this is early in general) and FOX mainly announced a bunch of new series. So it's possible it could go either way.
Union strong indeed though!
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domrachaa · 4 months
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❝ Hi, I'm Lee Know ❞
[1998.10.25] Gimpo, South Korea
Personality: Cold, standoffish, mature, hard-working but when you get to know him, he's very flirtatious, cheeky and loving. Since he's cold when he first meets people, he's considered scary, he can be very loud, he has mood swings that give whiplash, he's quite abrasive. He prefers the quiet a lot of the time and will walk out of a room without warning to find it.
Background: Minho is an only child. He is very close with his parents and spends a lot of time with them when he can. He also has three cats who live with his parents and who he video calls often and likes to have when he's on holidays. Minho has always wanted to be a dancer but never really put work into making himself as a known dancer. Always dancing in his room or wherever he could, Minho was encouraged by his parents to attend a school where he could flourish and possibly follow his dreams. He started playing sports to fit in with the other kids because he was always considered a loner who was often seen playing with the stray cats that would hang around and wait for someone to feed them. Minho became friends, of sorts, with Changbin due to being on the same sports team and Changbin would often keep people from trying to bother the older male. He's now very close to both Chris and Changbin who are the only two to see his true nature underneath his resting bitch face and cold attitude. He's the cook of the trio and prides himself on making sure the others eat well.
For group information, check here.
Physical Appearance: 172cm, lean build. Minho only has one piercing in his ear. He's been told that he has very gentle features which he does like to use to confuse people since he can be anything but gentle. He doesn't really show of his body like Chris does but he looks after himself even if he doesn't seem like it.
Info: His Korean name is 이민호. Minho is a Scorpio and his representative animal is a bunny and sometimes he likes to act like a 'Devil bunny' and that's what Chris calls him. His stage name is Lee Know because there are a lot of people who have the same name so he went with 'Lee Know' since it sounds like 'Minho'. He's been active since 2012 with Chris and Changbin. He has a Bachelors of Fine Arts. His current positions in the group are: Visual, Centre, Dancer, Vocals, Rapper. He likes cooking, playing with his cats, dancing, art museums, watching movies or theatre.
More information will be added here as it is discovered
Important People: @livealittleoc-cb Skyler (☁️), @lavienrosecabaretxo (🎤)
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Bisexual with a heavy male lean. Hard dom, rarely soft, sadistic
Poly but may turn monogamous for the right person
Kinks: Bondage, degradation, impact play, knife play, choking, hair pulling, orgasm denial, pet play, owner/pet dynamics
He's very straight-forward with his romantic side. Will be rather upfront about things and buys whatever his partner has expressed they like
Prefers more dom/sub dynamics but is fine with friends with benefits and one night stands
Is a tsundere so he doesn't show affection and care in the same way. He can be really standoffish with people he's not really interested in but it can be misunderstood either way because he can be seen as cold and uncaring if someone doesn't get to know him
Ideal Type: Minho likes someone he can talk to and be comfortable with. He prefers someone who likes animals and that his cats would like also. He's very tactile with someone he cares for but his love language is more based around acts of service so someone who can both provide such things as well as accepting what he does for them is ideal to him. He does like someone he can baby a lot of the time, a pet to care for.
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sshbpodcast · 3 months
Character Spotlight: Dax (all of ‘em!)
By Ames
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We give Deep Space Nine a lot of credit for fleshing out Trill culture after the confusion that was TNG’s “The Host.” Trill characters become so much more interesting when the joining gets retconned to be more of a personality melding than an overwrite, and we’ve got Dax to thank for that. All the Daxes! Sure, we’ve also been frustrated that every Dax-centered episode seems to rewrite how being a Trill works, but we’ll get into that in a second.
Your hosts at A Star to Steer Her By decided to clump all the Daxes together for this spotlight, so we’ve got your gorgeous Jadzia, your cute-as-a-button Ezri, and even some mentions for Curzon and other bonus Daxes to round out our Best and Worst Moments lists! Check them out below, listen to our discussion in this week’s podcast episode (jump over to 1:09:24), and find out if the spots do go all the way down.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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A different kind of worm pouch, er, hole! Deep down, Jadzia is just a science nerd who wants to science, so it’s only fitting that she’s the one who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to discovering the wormhole in “Emissary” (not to be confused with “The Emissary” from TNG). Her study of the orbs leads her down the rabbit… er, worm hole until she and Ben go investigate and accidentally start this whole series!
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We were just… wrestling One thing the show makes clear about Jadzia early on: she fucks. This girl is unapologetic about how she seeks consensual sex, and good for her. In “Playing God,” she has clearly just struck the mat with her wrestling coach in a scene meant to raise eyebrows, but she’s so forthright about it that viewers go right past feeling titillated and straight to accepting that she knows what she wants.
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You are the only one who can give yourself another chance The rest of “Playing God” is spent appraising her Trill initiate, Arjin. And while she’s more polite and forgiving than Curzon would ever be, she’s also upfront with the little dweeb. She tells him that if he’s only looking to become a joined Trill for other people’s sake and not his own, then he’s bound to fail both himself and a symbiont. He should do what he wants to do.
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A Klingon blood oath can never be broken It’s in “Blood Oath” halfway through season two that Jadzia truly emerges as a powerhouse character. Not only does she fight like a true warrior, but she stands up for herself when her old Klingon friends are wary of honoring the blood oath they made with Curzon. It’s the first time Jadzia does something for her after a couple seasons of us questioning her character’s agency, and she slays!
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I don’t want to lose you, not again The next really epic, character-defining moment for Jadzia comes in “Rejoined” when again she is fighting for something she desires, even if it will mean the end of the Dax symbiont’s legacy. But screw it, Jadzia lives for love, and her relationship with her old partner Lenara Khan is so deeply felt that we really root for them, and feel all the more crushed at the end.
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The only adult in the room Jadzia’s character is so frequently marked by the experience of several lifetimes that she just has this maturity and wisdom about her sometimes. Especially when everyone around her is acting like children, like in “The Sword of Kahless” when Worf and Kor were being selfish brats about finding the legendary bat’leth and Jadzia has to shut them both up. With a phaser.
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Kahless hearts Lukara Jadzia’s sort of a hopeless romantic sometimes, so it’s only fitting that she try to earnestly help her friend Quark woo his lady love, the glorious Grilka in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places.” When it’s not enough to teach Quark some Klingon languages and how to fight with a bat’leth, she even brilliantly concocts an optronic relay to allow Worf to fight for him remotely.
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If this story had an unhappy ending, I would have never forgiven you Sure, it’s mostly a Jake Sisko episode and Jadzia has pretty much just one actual scene in it, but there’s just something about her talk with Benjamin in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” that’s so sweet. Sisko is stressing out about Jake being in a warzone, and Jadzia tells him one of her past host’s parenting stories to put him a little more at ease, like a good parent would.
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Retreat, acquire, confront, evade As we saw in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places,” Jadzia’s friendship with Quark has always been well depicted. In a show in which we’ve complained (multiple times) about racism against Ferengis, Jadzia is the only one to give Quark the time of day, and also the one closest to him to tell him to stop weapons dealing in “Business as Usual” because she cares.
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Oh baby, I hear the blues a’calling Sadly for us, we lose Jadzia after season six, but happily, there are a couple good moments for the next Dax, Ezri! The first counseling gig she picks up is a bit of a doozy, as she tries to help Garak work through his claustrophobia and his feelings of identity crisis in “Afterimage.” And like all mental health battles, it’s an ongoing one, but she at least gets things started.
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The killer in Dax We don’t get enough of the character to see the consequences of summoning that psycho Joran in “Field of Fire” but we can tell it’s noteworthy. Ezri is the only Dax who gets tested by that murderer who briefly had the Dax symbiont, and watching her stand up to him, refuse to give in to the lure of wanton homicide, and solve a case is impressive indeed. If only the episode weren’t otherwise drek.
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The Klingon Empire is dying. And I think it deserves to die. Insert any Dax here and they probably have a better understanding of Klingon culture than Worf, but it’s Ezri who really schools him. In “Tacking into the Wind,” she throws in his ridged face just how crappy Klingon politics are and how Gowron is sending the whole empire down the shitter, giving Worf the peptalk he needs to go murder the hell out of that bulgy-eyed fascist.
Worst moments
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The prosecution rests Early-seasons Jadzia hadn’t yet found her agency, which was the biggest character facet she was lacking. A good representation of this in the episode “Dax,” in which she ostensibly should be the focus character, but spends her entire courtroom hearing refusing to speak for herself and allowing a room full of men to dictate her fate. I rest my case.
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Don’t call me Benjamin For some of these Worst Moments, we’ve dipped into other hosts of the Dax symbiont to round things out a bit. And that includes that prick Verad Dax, even if he only has the symbiont for a little while in “Invasive Procedures.” But what an asshole! This guy hires goons to help him kidnap the symbiont, forces Julian to perform surgery, and would have left Jadzia to die.
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Talk about an earworm! Here’s another alternate host who does some nasty deeds. We learn in “Equilibrium” that Dax had a secret host, Joran, who happened to do some murdering in order to get/keep the symbiont. It’s still unclear to me what his deal was because later episodes “Facets” and “Field of Fire” retcon his character all over the place until we have no idea how many people this guy even murdered!
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And then we can count each other’s spots I’m vomiting in my mouth a little over the cloyingly sweet romance in “Meridian.” While we can commend Jadzia for being sex positive in our Best Moments list above, it’s also incredibly tiring how boy crazy she seems sometimes. It’s like the writing staff can’t help but define Jadzia by the men in her life, and falling so hard for a milquetoast guy like Deral in like a day is proof.
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The way to a man’s heart is through his ears Yes, I will include on my Worst Moments list every time women give a Ferengi oomox. Bev did it. Lwaxana did it. T’Pol did it (and I’m sure I’ll mention that when we get to her spotlight). And when Jadzia sensually rubs Quark’s ears in “Facets” to convince him to take on a role in her zhiantara, I find it disgusting because it’s a woman engaging in sexual acts only to titillate the audience. Gross.
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You were so young, so lovely We’ve got another guest host to give a piece of our mind to, and that’s Curzon Dax. In “Facets,” he reveals that he washed Jadzia out of the Initiate Program because he was in love with her, and that’s just awful. This guy should have recused himself if he couldn’t remain unbiased in his assessment. Poor Jadzia, always being seen through a sexual lens by men, on and off camera.
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What if there was a way for you to kill your brother without killing him? Dax’s heart is in the right place when she tries to find a better place for Kurn when all he wants is to die with honor in “Sons of Mogh.” But the option that she offers to wipe his memory to give him a fresh start is SO MESSED UP. Kurn has no consent in the action that Jadzia and Worf (and Julian, whom we’ll point the finger at next week) impose on him. Dishonor on their houses.
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There are some things in life you can’t control, and one of them is me We gave Worf a lot of stick for how badly he treats Jadzia, especially in an episode like the notorious “Let He Who Is Without Sin,” which last we checked had the lowest IMDB rating of all of DS9. And for good reason! It really makes us judge Jadzia quite a bit for staying with Worf when he treats her like his property, which is no good foundation for a relationship.
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How do those boots taste? Jadzia struggling through Lady Sirella’s rituals in “You Are Cordially Invited” is demeaning, even in Klingon culture. It shocks me that Jadzia going to grovel to the lady of the House of Martok wins her favor. Instead of rewarding bootlicking, there should have been a more Klingon twist: it should have been a test of how long a prospective house member can put up with shit before they snap and do battle! That’s how you honor a house!
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I’m sorry, the baby… Jadzia gets killed off in “Tears of the Prophets,” and it feels like a damn waste! It’s always sad for a beloved character to die, but for Kosst Amojen to take her out like a mere bystander brings up memories of Tasha Yar all over again. And then for her death to get undermined by her and Worf’s plan to procreate just feels like we’re back to Jadzia being defined by her relationships after all that progress.
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Anyone can steal a shuttlecraft We’re fairly critical of Ezri Dax on this podcast, and some of that is unwarranted. But when Ezri does stupid shit like stealing a runabout to go save Worf in “Penumbra,” we raise an eyebrow. And when she and Worf bicker like old lovers, we roll our eyes. And when she and Worf have sex instead of dealing with trauma in a healthy and mature manner because it’s all a story trope, we lose some respect for these characters. Dammit.
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If Worf hadn’t come along, it would have been you Ezri is barely here for a whole season and already she’s paired up with two of the male crewmembers. In “Afterimage,” Ezri tells Julian that Jadzia was into all the constant flirting, but she isn’t. But by “What You Leave Behind,” they’ve hooked up anyway, and it just feels like smashing the two dollies together to make them kiss. Can she be a character first before she hops into bed with the male character, please?
— Time to put this symbiont back in its pouch and call it day. As alluded to, we’ve got more DS9 characters to spotlight, following with Julian Bashir next week! So stay tuned here for that, follow along on SoundCloud (or wherever you get your podcasts) for more Enterprise watchalongs, hail us on subspace over on Facebook and Twitter, and stop retconning how joined Trills work already!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Do you think there is any chance Walker Independence will be renewed (after the take over of CW?)
There's always a chance!
What I'm seeing this year is that a lot of renewals and cancellations are delayed, even on the other networks. It could have something to do with the pending writer's strike. If that happens, networks may look to cancel more scripted programming for the next season and go with unscripted/reality programming.
Now, the situation at the CW is a bit different, but some of the industry issues still come in to play. And there are pros and cons for WIndy getting renewed.
Pros: WIndy's +7 total viewers are right on par with AA. Their viewership has been consistent throughout their season (meaning they're reliable), the production finished filming early, likely saving money, the CW is using actors from WIndy to help promote their ties to the Indy Car series, and the genre seems to be in line with the types of viewers Nextstar is looking to attract.
Cons: WIndy has some of the lowest live demo numbers on the network (hovering around .05). If that's a metric Nexstar is leaning on heavily, that could be a detriment. In addition, Nexstar is really pushing the reality TV angle with so many of their new hires coming from that industry (including the lawyers). If that's they case, they may only renew the required amount of programming from CBS and the WB for one more season, which is basically one show each (as CBS and the WB still hold 12.5% of the CW's shares).
So, like I said, there's always a chance, but the CW is in unchartered territory and the best we can do is guess (and hope).
One thing to watch out for is that Nexstar has planned a meeting with media buyers on April 25 with no guarantee they'll be attending the traditional May upfronts. Keep an eye out! We might have news within the next couple of weeks.
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ikram1909 · 7 months
the thing about xavi’s subs is they could’ve worked if the tactics were different. when romeu came on we had been losing the midfield battle (fermin and gundo were very obviously tiring and weren’t doing the defensive duties they should) so the sub makes sense. but he keeps making romeu the pivot and taking gavi up high to press and do runs.
against a counter attacking and midfield heavy team like rm you can’t leave a player as slow as romeu there with only gundo as his main support no matter how good your “high press” might be. especially because the defenders don’t tend to mark second line players like valverde and bellingham (and sometimes kroos).
it doesn’t help that your high press only works if it is super in synch and here it is lewy, lamine, gavi and raphina. half of which just came back from injury and are inherently not at the same wavelength as the others.
anyways, i would’ve switched gavi and gundo, keeping gavi deep and a more press resistant passing option while also marking second linemen extremely well. gundo works well in tight spaces and has a better sense of space than gavi (not an indictment of the latter, just something that comes with experience and style) so he would’ve supported lewy better so that he stayed high as a 9 keeping that rm back line up and forcing the midfield to either also move closer to their defenders or leave an exploitable gap between the two. as it was… romeu lost balls gundo/the cbs couldn’t help him recover, lewy lost balls too close to midfield because there was no one to truly support him in tight spaces (lamine and raphina not good at that either) and gavi ended up super isolated and barely able to touch the ball.
You're right. The substitutions make sense in theory and it would've worked out if Romeu was better at certain aspects or if Gavi stayed deep. I don't know why Xavi is obsessed with sticking him up front where he gets none of the ball when most of his best performances came while he was playing deeper. It's like shooting yourself in the foot Gavi literally has better defensive statistics than our only DM and you push him all the way upfront for what exactly? Even he said he prefers playing in the double pivot and we all know Gundogan is very clinical and offense oriented so the decision shouldn't be that hard to make no? Guess not.
Another thing I didn't understand is why was it Lamine who had to be sacrificed to the left wing? He could've easily kept Felix on and subbed one of Lamine and Rapha instead.
It's so frustrating how such small details cost us the game and that's not to say Xavi is the only one to blame because he isn't. So many people should've done better but we have to move on. It's one game and if it can open Xavi's eyes about certain things then I'll take the loss.
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