#cell phone addict
pippatis · 2 years
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And with this, my Beheaded is complete, for now. Maybe I'll make some accessories someday... Sure is a good thing I just had these colors sitting around <<
This also marks the return of the Pure Vessel and figure bundle to my shop! Once again, I will try my best to keep them up for the month of December, just in case you want them for the holidays!
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Ah yes, childhood internet addiction, also known as:
- Undiagnosed depression or ADHD.
- My child has no IRL friends that share their hobbies, so they made some online.
- I didn’t educate my child about social media enough, and now I am seeing consequences.
- I didn’t ask my child about what they were viewing online, and now its come to bite me in the ass.
- My child is interested in the lucrative field of computer science.
- Instead of buying them age appropriate paid games as gifts (if money permits!), they are now obsessed with free games designed to be addictive and mine their data.
- My child feels more comfortable confiding in google than in me.
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johnschneiderblog · 1 month
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Have you noticed that people are paying too much attention to the so-called life taking place on their phones these days and too little attention to the life going on around them ...?
If not, then you must be in a particularly intense relationship with that gadget in your hand because otherwise you couldn't help but notice.
That's the point, obviously, this New Yorker cover; the cat is so busy chasing virtual mice on its phone that it doesn't notice the real mice - the ones frolicking within reach while the cat is mentally "away."
But, as I see it, the illustration - appropriately titled "Clickbait" - does an injustice to cats. A cat would never choose a virtual mouse over a real one. That's a human trick.
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pamelachuuu · 3 months
About Topic
This news story is about teenagers who are sent to Detox camp to reduce their addiction to cell phones because they are addicted to them. Why are teens so addicted to cell phones? In my opinion, the first reason is because teenagers are under the most pressure, which is most obvious in Asia. For example, Korean teenagers mentioned in the news are becoming addicted to cell phones because of social pressure. Many countries that have teenagers addicted to cell phones are countries where there is a lot of social pressure. Teenagers have a lot of tasks, such as studying, taking exams, working, earning money, and so on. These reasons close them to the world of cell phones and make them reluctant to come out.
Next, I'm going to go through some posters and media videos to find a solution for teenagers addicted to cell phones.
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vonnegutcunt · 1 year
Deleted tumblr for while I was at work and for a brief 3 hours life was beautiful
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archived-2001 · 6 months
executive function be damned i got a waterproof watch for $8 at a street vendor today
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samwisefamgee · 1 year
god wants me to kill myself sooooo fucking bad lately lol nice try bitch im queer
#you dont even fuxking know#the number of. literally impossible coincidences that have taken place to make my life just so much shittier lately#i have been sooo strong ive written like two dozen text posts just bitching and bitching about the sheer fuxking insanity of it and i only#posted like one of them im doing so good being so strong#that said i want to fucking die today lol this shit is melting my brain#it just never ends#the past two weeks have just been... so bad lol#i havent been able to see my bank balance in weeks i just know im so in the fucking hole it doesnt even matter#i havent had a working phone in a month#my family just vacationed in hawaii and im living in a moldy trailer#and the physical and mental health just go and go and go#and the mold grows and groes and grows#my friend offered me a top of the line pc for free and it felt like offering a homeless guy who loves music a grand piano#like yeah lemme just keep that under the bridge downtown where i stay lol#itll be fine#its like all the nice things id love to experience are dangled just out of reach of my fuckin cell bars lol#might fuck around and get addicted to a third substance in light of hope being a fool's errand in a truly random universe#life isnt guarunteed to get better no matter how long you wait or how hard you try actually and that is a hard fucking truth for everyone#alcohol is free and can keep your mind off how much mold & dust you breathe daily & breathed in the past 2 years & thats also a hard truth#also reading this i need to clarify in case anyone else reads this shitsheet. i do not want to vacation in hawaii. colonizer shit#what i wouldnt fucking do for just a week up by priest lake tho :(
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leyzy · 2 years
Another brick in the wall
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
cell phone crazy NHLers
do you check what's up with your fav NHLer and results of your fav NHL team? Fear not. They can't exist with their cell phone addiction on the beach or ogling news during the game
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New jersey Devils.
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Dallas Stars' fan, well a fan lol addicted to his cell phone and Cyberville.
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jovalencia · 2 years
idk if it shows but I’ve had unrestricted internet access since age six and I for one do not think that’s a good thibg
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artboomboom · 3 days
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Now that many of us are back from a long holiday weekend, today's WRAP (Wednesday Random Art Post) I've selected this drawing from one of my old sketchbooks. The fact that it is an old drawing at this point and we still have to deal with people looking down at their phones while doing something very public, says a lot about our addiction to this device.
I drew this with a dark green polychromos pencil on sketch paper.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Because apparently there is an audiance for this kind of posting,  I don’t think a true ‘cell phone addiction’ exists.   I think Social Media addictions and Mobile Game addictions do though.   The phone itself isn’t the problem, its what the person is doing with it.   
If you have a kid or a friend that seems more intersted with the technology itself than one specific thing the technology can do, maybe get them into coding.
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It's Our Turn Now
By Rob Pue, Publisher – Wisconsin Christian News   Please take a minute and think with me: what is it in this world that you value most highly?  Many people might say it’s their husband or wife, their children or grandchildren…their loved ones. Others might immediately come up with a different answer related to their possessions.  In my high school years, I had a friend who had a saying that he…
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Mental Health Effects of Cell Phone Addiction
In an era dominated by technology, our constant companion, the cell phone, plays an indispensable role in our daily lives. While the benefits of connectivity and information accessibility are undeniable, there is a darker side to our digital dependence – the rising concern of cell phone addiction. Athena Behavioral Health Services, located in Gurugram, understands the gravity of this issue and aims to shed light on the mental health effects of cell phone addiction. Read a full Blog
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Best cell phone addiction - bach flower remedies | The Brainliest
The Brainliest is one of the best sequences of bach flower remedies. We have a remedy for cell phone addiction problems. Agrimony is the best bach flower remedy to overcome addiction problems, especially for teens. After using this Agrimony bach flower it will help out from addiction.
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