#chalice and paten
Christmas Crib
Christmas Crib
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memories-of-ancients · 7 months
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Communion chalice (known as the Wilten Chalice) with paten and straws, Lower Saxony, circa 1160-1170
from The Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
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optikestrav · 3 months
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The Tara Brooch/ Dealg na Teambrach C8th CE, found in County Meath 1850
It is made of cast and gilt silver and is elaborately decorated on both faces. The front is ornamented with a series of exceptionally fine gold filigree panels depicting animal and abstract motifs that are separated by studs of glass, enamel and amber. The back is flatter than the front, and the decoration is cast. The motifs consist of scrolls and triple spirals and recall La Tène decoration of the Iron Age.
A silver chain made of plaited wire is attached to the brooch by means of a swivel attachment. This feature is formed of animal heads framing two tiny cast glass human heads.
Along with such treasures as the Ardagh Chalice and the Derrynaflan Paten, the Tara Brooch can be considered to represent the pinnacle of early medieval Irish metalworkers’ achievement. Each individual element of decoration is executed perfectly and the range of technique represented on such a small object is astounding.
text: National Museum of Ireland
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recklessfiction · 4 months
The Many Goings-on in the Local Parish
New vestments were ordered for Father Lawrence and Father Claudio. Bloody handprints run up and down the stole and alb and they smell like lemons, citrus and strong. Father Lawrence has tried to get in touch with the seller but has had no luck, and Father Claudio has been seen wearing them through the Church. When he does, his eyes…look wrong.
A young deacon came to visit our church from the abbey. Father Claudio forgot to warn him not to use the chalice and paten set donated by Monsignor Nicholson after the church fire. The deacon has already been sent to the hospital, and Father Claudio says he will most likely make a full recovery.
Twelve people cried blood during Benediction last Wednesday evening. Each of them said they saw something moving in the monstrance where the Eucharist sits. Father Lawrence noticed no such thing, but has stressed that each person who was afflicted should make an appointment with their doctors. He seemed…ill at ease to say the least.
The sun shone through the stained glass windows yesterday at 8:00 mass and set Moira Clark on fire. There was nothing left, except for her bones which Father Lawrence found to be inscribed with the Lord’s prayer.
A new couple joined the church and came to Sunday Mass. They stayed for the following mass as well and the one after that. It has been 2 days and they have not left the pew. Father Lawrence wants to call the police. Father Claudio has already called the Archbishop.
Ms. Sandra found a strange box when she was cleaning the Sacristy on Saturday. Inside, she said, she found smoke which lingered within the boundaries of the box. She said it spoke to her and entered into her eyes, she said it was an angel. In any case, Father Claudio has been speaking to her for five days and when he comes out to say Mass, he looks afraid.
Youth Night was a huge success! Honestly, we weren’t sure how it would go, with the Hasbro Ouija fiasco 6 months ago, but it looked like the roof stayed stable throughout the Volleyball tournament and only the normal amount of flies were found in the kitchens. Next week is the Senior’s Potluck, so we’ll see how it goes!
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fatherenoch · 1 year
March 25, 1681 / Father Enoch's Journals
Seminarian Ambrose still needs training on how to control himself and his desires, to best serve the congregation. He’s too concerned with his own pleasure, touching himself while being used.
After teaching him how to properly set up the chalice and paten for the sacrament, I told him to bend himself over against the altar once it was emptied again. Like the obedient boy he is, he followed my order and prostrated himself. He isn’t in clerical dress yet, though I have him dress properly. With him wearing trousers I could see the nice shape of his ass held in by tightened fabric.
I began with teaching him how to take punishment and penance. To start, I smacked him with my hand with a lighter touch, but his delicate form isn’t used to much pain, and even that sent him shuddering. He only whined a little, though I must admit I love the sounds of his cries. I drank them in once I began to hit harder, using a nice, thick bible to really make it sting. How quickly he began to beg…but not for me to stop. Whenever I hurt him, it drives him absolutely mad with need.
Of course, it was training, so I gave him a simple instruction: the only way he would be allowed to release was from grinding against the altar. I didn't even fuck him at all; all he was given was his punishment and permission to rub himself on the sacred table. At first, he was hesitant to do so, thinking it too blasphemous. A few more smacks though, and he began to hesitantly push his hips up on the wood as he whined.
I considered unlacing his pants to hit right on his soft skin, but I wanted to see him come completely dressed. His soft hands clawed at the altar cloth, begging for something to hold onto. He begged me as well, asking for permission to come, though he already had it. What he really was asking for was permission to touch himself, or for me to touch him, to fuck him.
I told him he had twenty more smacks left, and if he didn't come before then, he wouldn't at all. That sent his hips wild as he humped the edge of the altar with absolute desperation. He hardly even noticed the bible slamming down on his ass anymore, and he cried, as if he was pleading with himself to finish. His pleading for more turned into incoherency with how much he wept. As I reached the last five and counted them off, for he was far too wrecked to count them himself, he gasped.
He fell slack against the altar, twitching and moaning right through the last few strikes. Unable to move himself, I turned him over to have his back rest, and I was treated to the sight I was longing for: a beautiful wet spot between his legs, soaking through his clothing. His body continued to shake.
What a good boy he was today.
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bigmammallama5 · 10 months
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Decided to spend an hour at the studio so I don’t waste gas tomorrow. Finished the small mugs and did something™️ to the big pot. Then I threw a small pitcher and two paten plates to go with the two chalices, and just need to throw a bowl for that set. I did get my last travel tumbler back so I’ll think about glazing those next week.
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conduit-of-grace · 4 months
“Mad! Yes, I saw you (in the bishop’s chapel, you thought you were alone) as you left a kiss on each newly-consecrated chalice and paten, so that he might find it there when for the first time he would ‘come down’ to those eucharistic vessels.” 
- St. Josemaria Escriva, “Love of God” from The Way, #438
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thegothicera · 4 months
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Chalice and paten formerly of Araslöv Church, Skåne, Sweden, ca. 1390
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cassianus · 2 years
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Reflect on the words spoken to a newly ordained priest as the Bishop presents him with the chalice and paten: "Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's Cross". As we proclaim the Cross of Christ, let us always strive to imitate the selfless love of the one who offered himself for us on the altar of the Cross, the one who is both priest and victim, the one in whose person we speak and act when we exercise the ministry that we have received. As we reflect on our shortcomings, individually and collectively, let us humbly acknowledge that we have merited the punishment that he, the innocent Lamb, suffered on our behalf. And if, in accordance with what we have deserved, we should have some share in Christ's sufferings, let us rejoice because we will enjoy a much greater gladness when his glory is revealed.
(Pope Benedict XVI)
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silvestromedia · 1 year
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St. Domnina of Terni, Roman Catholic Virgin Martyr with virgin companions. They died in Termi, Umbria, Italy. It is reported that St. Valentine was martyred at the same time. Feastday April 14
St. Tassach, 495 A.D. Bishop, also known as Asicus. One of the first disciples of St. Patrick, he was a gifted artisan, creating for St. Patrick croziers, patens, and chalices. He was later appointed the first bishop of Rahoip, Ireland, and gave Patrick the last rites.
ST. TIBURTIUS, VALERIANUS, AND MAXIMUS, MARTYRS ON THE VIA APPIA. The existence of the aforesaid martyrs, however, is a historical fact. The relation between St. Cecilia and Valerianus, Tiburtius, and Maximus, mentioned in the Acts, has perhaps some historical foundation. These three saints were buried in the Catacomb of Praetextatus on the Via Appia, where their tombs are mentioned in the ancient pilgrim Itineraria. April 14
St. Lydwine, Roman Catholic patroness of sickness. Feastday April 14
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
I just notice with Barbatos and Foras
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They're both wearing leg armor... Gold and Silver... so are we expecting Bronze? Or other metal?
I don’t think we are expecting bronze or other metal since gold and silver have special symbolism within Catholicism and mysticism.
In Chemistry, I learned that gold and silver, under normal circumstances, would never have a chemical reaction with other substances (for silver, it’s very rare and must meet special condition, for gold, never). For that reason, gold and silver don’t decay over time. They are the symbol of eternity of everlasting. Which is why in Catholic Mass, objects like the paten and chalice must be made by silver or gold, since they are used to contain God himself.
P. S. Ooh the boys’s coffins look nice btw. Barbatos even has a cross on his coffin 🤭
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amore-mortis · 1 year
Ch. 2
As Father Mills trudged sluggishly through the hallowed halls of his church, the dawn light casting eerie shadows upon the ancient stones, his mind wandered through the deep recesses of his psyche. The hulking spires and gargoyles of the church loomed over him like the ancient giants of myth, casting an aura of somber majesty over the grounds. The pitted flagstones beneath his feet were worn smooth by the footfalls of countless generations, and the windows, filled with the colors of morning, threw flickering light over the carved columns and intricate masonry of the walls.
Father Mills paused in his slow progress as he came upon the sacristy, where the sacristan, a youth of no more than eighteen, was bustling about, preparing the sacred vessels and setting the altar for the morning's mass. The young man was lithe and quick, moving with the effortless grace of youth that Father Mills found himself subtly envious of. He watched, almost wistfully, as the boy arranged the chalice and paten, the corporal and the cruets, with the efficiency and ease of long practice.
For a moment, Father Mills felt a pang of longing for his own lost youth, for the days when he too had moved with such lithe alacrity, unburdened by the weight of age and responsibility. But he pushed the feeling aside with a quiet sigh, knowing that his years had been well spent in the service of his flock. He could only hope that the young sacristan, with his slender hands and his clear eyes, would one day serve with the same devotion and humility that he himself had cultivated over the long years of his ministry.
As the sacristan finished his preparations and moved on to other tasks, Father Mills continued his slow progress through the cathedral, his thoughts turning once again to the spiritual challenges of the day ahead. He knew that he must be strong, and that he must lead his flock with wisdom and conviction, no matter the cost. And as the first rays of the sun crept over the horizon, bathing the church in a golden light, Father Mills felt a sense of peace descend upon him, a sense of the divine that transcended the cares and worries of the earthly realm. As he allowed himself to be bathed in sunlight, gone were the worries that plagued him at night.
As the early morning light filtered through the stained glass windows, the pews of the church slowly filled with the faithful, their heads bowed in silent prayer. The air was thick with the scent of frankincense, as the choir processed down the aisle, their voices raised in a solemn hymn that echoed through the cavernous space. Father Mills watched with a sense of quiet satisfaction, as the mass gathered around him, the faces of his flock turned upwards in rapt attention.
The homily he delivered was steeped in a misguided sense of righteousness, his words ringing out like the pealing of a cathedral bell. He spoke of the sin of pride, and how it could lead even the most devout soul astray, tempting them with the false allure of self-importance and ego. And yet, as he spoke, Father Mills could feel his own sense of pride growing within him, a fierce sense of self-righteousness that swelled within his chest.
He condemned those who would put themselves above others, those who would seek to elevate themselves at the expense of the humble and meek. And yet, in his heart, Father Mills knew that he too was guilty of this sin, that he too had let his own pride and sense of superiority cloud his judgment and his actions. But he showed no self-awareness, no hint of the hypocrisy that lay within his words.
As he finished his homily, Father Mills surveyed the faces of his congregation, his eyes gleaming with a sense of triumph. He could see the awe and admiration in their eyes, their faith in him as a holy man and a righteous leader. And in that moment, he knew that his own pride had led him to a higher plane, a plane of spiritual understanding and divine grace.
The choir continued to sing, their voices lifting to the heavens as the faithful knelt in reverent prayer. The stained glass windows glowed with a multicolored light, casting intricate patterns of color and shadow upon the walls. And through it all, Father Mills stood tall and proud, his sense of self-importance and righteousness unshakable, his faith in his own moral superiority unbreakable.
As the mass came to an end, Father Mills stood near the church doors, his gaze fixed upon the congregants as they filed out one by one. The choir's final hymn echoed through the church, filling the space with a sense of spiritual completion. The stained glass windows glimmered in the morning light, casting delicate shades of blue and green upon the walls. And through it all, Father Mills stood tall and proud, his eyes fixed upon the door, waiting for the congregation to disperse.
As the last of the parishioners began to leave, Father Mills found himself introduced to a woman who stood out from the rest. She was quite pretty in a pure way, her delicate features and soft curls catching the light of the morning sun. Her eyes were a deep blue, and as she looked up at Father Mills, there was a sense of innocence and purity in her gaze that caught him off guard.
Her beauty was that of a Renaissance painting, with high cheekbones and a slender neck. Her skin was creamy, with a rosy blush that hinted at the depths of her emotions. Her dress was modest, yet elegant, with a lace collar that framed her face in a halo of white.
As he looked upon her, Father Mills felt a strange mix of emotions stirring within him. There was a sense of longing, a desire to be close to this woman, to understand her and protect her from the evils of the world. And yet, there was also a sense of unease, a nagging feeling that he was being led astray from his path of righteousness.
As Father Mills watched the woman walk away, he could not help but feel a sense of curiosity about her. She turned to Father Thomas, a portly and older man than the others, and Mills watched while co-mingling with other parishioners. It was not until later, while in conversation with Father Thomas, that he discovered her true identity. She was the niece of Father Thomas, who had been visiting from out of town. Father Mills listened intently as Father Thomas spoke of her beauty and her virtuous character, and he found himself drawn once again to the memory of her delicate features and pure blue eyes.
As the conversation drew to a close, Father Thomas turned to Father Mills and asked, "What do you think of my niece, Mary?"
Father Mills paused for a moment, feeling a sudden surge of emotion in his chest. "She is a very lovely young lady," he replied, his voice soft and sincere.
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thewideopenwitch · 2 years
30 Days of Witchcraft ~30-Day Challenge~Day 2
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Merry meet, and welcome to my first 30-day challenge! I'm excited to talk "30 Days of Witchcraft" with you! To read more about why I'm doing my own 30-Day challenge, go to my "Write Your Craft" page. 
For Day 2, I'm going to talk about a witch's tool kit.
The first things you HAVE TO HAVE are:
1. You 2. That's it!
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Anyone who tells you that you have to have all these things are wrong. Anything else is extra tools. Things you use to carry out a purpose. But you can just do it yourself by speaking to your universe and asking for "the thing".
Simple for baby witches and witches in the broom closet. You need no outward tools. Much the same as Christians praying you can do the same thing to your universe. It can be to the Christian God, or any God or Goddess from any pantheon, or literally just to THE UNIVERSE - whatever your beliefs are. Use them. Remember: You do not need a deity (God/Goddess) to practice witchcraft. You can be a Christian witch. Wicca is a religion., so just as not all Christians are witches, neither are all Wiccans witches, nor all witches Wiccan.
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Other Tools of the Trade
The important thing is to use whatever fits your budget and needs. I started fleshing out my personal tool kit in my 30s and 40s! For a long time, I had a simple paper printout (below) to represent the things I did not have, for visual purposes when I was trying to envision something.
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Here are some basic tools and what they represent. There will be more later as our 30-day challenge progresses!
Paten or Altar Plate
a flat plate-like surface 
symbolic of the element of earth
usually carved with a symbol, often the pentagram
used to bless or charge items
often fireproof to act as a trivet for objects that use flame
a knife, doesn't have to be sharp
symbolically represents the element of fire
it can be inscribed
used to direct energies for ritual purposes
is usually only used for spell work, and not for everyday tasks
yes, that kind of wand
symbolically represents air
can be made from any material or a combination of materials
as the athame, it is for directing energies that aren't drawn to an athame/knife.
also known as a goblet
is symbolic of the element of water
Can actually hold water on your altar
similar to the Christian "Holy Grail" it is symbolic of the Goddess's womb in many traditions.
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optikestrav · 3 months
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Ardagh Chalice
The Ardagh Chalice is one of the greatest treasures of the early Irish Church. It is part of a hoard of objects found in the 19th century by a young man digging for potatoes near Ardagh, Co. Limerick. It was used for dispensing Eucharistic wine during the celebration of Mass. The form of the chalice recalls late Roman tableware, but the method of construction is Irish.
The bowl and foot of the chalice are made of spun silver. The outer side of the bowl is decorated with applied gold, silver, glass, amber and enamel ornament. The underside of the foot is also highly decorated and contains a polished rock crystal at the centre.
The bowl is attached to the stem and foot by a bronze pin. The names of eleven apostles and St. Paul are inscribed below the band of gold filigree and studs encircling the bowl. The letters are seen against a stippled background. Incised animal decoration can also be seen below two handle escutcheons, which are decorated with elaborate glass studs and filigree panels.
The Ardagh Chalice represents a high point in early medieval craftsmanship and can be compared in this regard to the Tara Brooch and the Derrynaflan Paten.
text: National Museum of Ireland
c8th century, silver, gilt copper, gold filigree, gold, gilt bronze, silver, polychrome glass, amber, rock crystal, 18 cm high, 19.5 cm in diameter at the rim, found in a hoard in the ringfort of Reerasta, near Ardagh, County Limerick, Ireland
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movingtothefarm · 4 months
"Billy Petherick, originally from Greenwich, and his French wife Gwendoline were found guilty on Monday at the criminal court of Rennes over the 2014 thefts in Brittany and Anjou, according to French newspaper Le Parisien.
The court found that Billy Petherick would enter churches and swipe objects such as chalices, ciboriums, patens or tabernacle keys and sell them back in the UK via Ebay, or to an old friend of the family who was a second-hand dealer in Retiers.
Mr Petherick and Gwendoline Mouchel are two of the hosts of a popular YouTube channel, 'The Pethericks', where the couple chronicle their adventures renovating properties in France to their 360,000 subscribers.
But Mr Petherick also hit the headlines in 2021 when it was revealed that he deserted the Household Calvary a decade earlier, and was only caught after he appeared on Channel 4 renovating the couple's £890,000 French chateau
According to Le Parisien, the court heard that she told investigators that when she heard about Petherick's actions, she was 'not shocked' because he 'did not have a high opinion of the Church'."
The Irony.... the couple bought an abandoned 18th Century French Convent to "renovate" on their YouTube channel. The Convent Sisters supported the community and hospital in Ernee from 1819 - 2010.
The channel's comment section is interesting. Many followers are highly invested in the daily videos and the cultivated personas. Followers partly live vicariously thru Petherick's wealthy lifestyle and talking about them as if they are real life friends. Participants on the vlog have spinoff individual YouTube channels - brother, sister, cameraman, British workmen/friends. Patreon and merchandise are promoted.
The channel is actively deleting any comments referencing the theft charges of Feb 5, 2024.
British YouTube property renovator is convicted in France
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fatherenoch · 1 year
April 9, 1681 / Father Enoch's Journals (extract)
But enough of the mechanics. The experience itself, ah, I can still taste it. Towards the end of service, my hands shook in anticipation, and during the communion itself I quite nearly spilled the wine a few times. I snapped my fingers and commanded them all to sit back down, saying that service was not over. They would not yet be leaving. Oh, they listened, they obeyed so well. My blood crystalized inside me, sharp but burning. I further ordered that they listen to me, to make my words their very being.
I ordered them to worship me. From now on, I would be their true God, and they would worship me, worship who I do. This command would continue in their waking life, but they would not remember. I felt a need to test my power further. After the mass I had just completed, I was able to perform an entire black mass for the first time. I had them take communion of my own blood, consume my body. To do that, of course, before them all, I touched myself above the paten and allowed my release to be the host. It only took a moment to bring myself to climax with such a rush. I leaned against the altar and moved my chasuble aside that they all could see their priest engage in the most debased blasphemy. I sliced my arm open into the chalice. On each tongue I pressed my body and my blood.
After communion, I prayed to the hierarchies of hell and called upon their unholy blessing, that they may accept my congregation as their new servants. All I had to do at the end was command that though none would remember what was done, their souls would remember and carry on the darkness I sparked within them.
And...Temdorimirsus was there to watch. He possessed one of the monk to tease me! I went to yell at "Brother Peter" after mass, asking why he was here, why he didn't take communion, but I heard in his voice my demon's words. As the church emptied, I asked him to depart from that human body and return to the rectory with me. I would not be kissing that annoying monk whose hair would stubbornly not grow out of a tonsure...
(Section of text omitted, describing Enoch and Temdorimirsus' activity after mass.)
Now, I feel so incredibly powerful – and I think I shall retire for the night. Even writing this memory has me overwhelmed with arousal, and I think I must settle that matter.
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