#chap 42
asagirisfavoritepen · 3 months
Look what I found! (chap 42)
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When Ace captured Fyodor he compared him to a vampire.
But this sure feels different after the new chapter.
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littlekohai77 · 2 months
I'm having major second thoughts now.
Because Emai keeps saying that the reason why Phirre sounds so precious is because of his voice.
And that, his voice, really does make you forget that you're near a giant fish that could devour you in a second.
And how close Emai is allowing herself to be to him without ever thinking of how dangerous he could possibly turn out to be.. That's alarming..
Because what if it's all an act and he's actually genuinely malicious.
His lack of response when asked why his mom kept him in an isolated environment... That was ominous.
But maybe I'm reading too much into it.
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missingn000 · 9 months
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maxellminidisc · 2 years
im SO glad you got me hooked on skip&loafer its such a cute manga!!! its been so long since ive read a good manga like this❤️😭❤️
OMG ISN'T IT!!!??? Literally like how can a manga feel like a big hug and a warm bowl of soup and then punch you in the fucking face like that?! I'm happy I could've gotten you to look into it cause god it's definetly sooo worth the read lol
If you want something to tide you over till the next update, its not like AS emotionally heavy as StL but more so a solid enjoyable lovely lil romance with a lot of like very tangible moments of intimacy, but I'd recommend A Sign of Affection if you want something to kill time with too! I like that it's a romance about college students instead of kids and centers a HoH lead whilst being incredibly respectful and centering of her disability without making her JUST her disability. The mangakas did a lot of research and consultation with HoH communities in Japan and it shows.
Have you read/started Witch Hat Atelier yet as well? Cause I think it's the best fantasy/seinin out right now and I think you'd appreciate the spectacular art on top of the great writing. Yugami-Kun Has No Friends is also a really good slice of life/comedy; Yugami is both a giant mood and a lot of laughs lol hope you find something else you'll love here!!! 💚💖💚💖
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we-tokyoboy · 1 month
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motherlvr · 11 months
Hi, can you do a Earth 42!Miles x Earth 42!Spider-Woman!Reader where Reader somehow meets Hobie and they hit it off. Miles sees them one day and gets jealous
tysm for the req!!
wc: 2.8k
pairing: E-42! Miles Morales x Spider-woman! reader
warnings: cursing, argument, friends to lovers, makeout sesh, slightly suggestive
a/n: imagine some comically sized british chap comes in and steals ur girl nahhh
Your webs were useless against him.
At the moment, you were trying to apprehend a Vulture-like man and prevent him from further harming Brooklyn. As you have been for the past hour. You tried to pin the winged man down using your webs, but he tore right through them like they were made of paper.
What you initially believed going to be light work turned into a much larger problem as you were slammed into the side of a building. The unwelcome guest had an unfair advantage over you. You had to learn that the hard way.
His wing regenerated within only seconds of you ripping it off. It was like you were inside a cartoon.
Your jaw almost dropped to the ground. Hammerspace was real? You had only read about it in comics. "Dude, who even are you?" You shouted in confusion. But whoever he was, he wasn't from your world. That part was evident.
But it seemed like the tides were turning to your benefit.
You heard it before you saw it. You could've sworn guitar riffs rang throughout the air before another unexpected visitor came flying through a portal.
Upon further inspection, you realized it was another Spider-person. How was that possible? You thought you were the only one. But it wasn't the oddest thing you've seen as Spider-woman.
Bashing the winged man on the head with an electric guitar, he temporarily caught the Vulture off guard. Using it to his advantage, he quickly encased the anomaly in a force cage. Dusting off his palms, his lengthy legs strode over to you.
"Hold ya applause." He joked, giving you a small bow and pretending to tip an invisible hat.
His slightly cocky attitude was justified as you almost did applause. He folded the guy you've been fighting for an hour within only a few minutes. With a damn guitar, nonetheless. You almost geeked out, "That was fuckin' sick!" you exclaimed.
"Don't sell yourself short, mate. You did most of the work. My name's Hobie." He introduced himself. And from there, a grand friendship bloomed.
Present-day and a few months have passed since you were practically drafted into the Spider Society. It was like a full-time job, as consumed most of your free time. The spare time that you'd usually spend hanging out with Miles. So needless to say, you were deprived of interactions with anyone that wasn't genetically enhanced by a spider.
Balancing your social life and the fate of the multiverse was much more challenging than Miguel originally let on. But what would he know about social life, anyway?
In the time you've spent at the Spider Society headquarters, you gravitated towards the infamous freedom fighter, Spider-punk. Or as he refers to be called: Hobie Brown.
Ever since he singlehandedly took the Vulture out with a guitar, the two of you just 'clicked'. Better yet, you guys were an unbeatable duo when it came to dealing with anomalies. You were almost inseparable. Just as Miles and you once were. Miguel even assigned Hobie the same missions as you.
One could say Hobie became what Miles once was to you. As you used to confide in Miles, you started to turn to Hobie instead. It wasn't that you were intentionally trying to distance yourself from Miles, but rather due to the convenience that Hobie shared the same issues as you. Rather, in this case, almost the exact same story. Hobie understood you to a Tee.
Miles was aware of your identity as Spider-woman as you were aware of him being the Prowler. But it wasn't always that way. Once upon a time, Miles originally intended to keep his identity as the Prowler a secret from you, but you found out anyway. Call it your spider-sense, if you may.
When someone close to you mysteriously disappears for various periods of time, it starts to hit a little too close to home. Miles trying to keep his identity concealed from you was a routine that wasn’t too different from yours. Him sneaking out at night, returning at ungodly hours with bruises, and lying. It was all too familiar. You eventually figured it out on your own. And when you confronted him about the truth, he confessed it all to you.
When he apologized for keeping such a crucial piece of information a secret, you couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. So you revealed your secret identity to him. The two of you entrusted each other with your greatest secrets. Secrets that could completely ruin one's life if they were spread to the world. It would put massive targets on both of your backs. The two of you had something special: trust. Or at least, used to.
Refocusing back on the present, you were currently out hunting anomalies with Hobie as you have been for the past months.
Today's anomaly was a particularly pesky villain. He had Hobie and you running in circles all around New York. Inevitably, the two of you caught him anyway.
Wiping the sweat off your forehead, you realized how fatigued you were. You were sure Hobie felt the same.
Your life revolved around the Spider Society and what missions needed to be completed. You worked all day and all night to ensure the protection of the multiverse. You didn’t have much time to yourself nor time for anyone outside of the Spider Society.
So, after completing the mission Miguel had assigned the both of you, you convinced Hobie to take a short interlude with you before going off to catch another dimension-destroying villain. Thankfully, he agreed.
Opening a portal to your selected safe space in New York, you guided Hobie outside the Clocktower. You frequented it when you needed a quick retreat from all the responsibilities being Spider-woman came with. But unbeknownst to you, Miles did the same. He was leaning his back against the other side of the Clocktower, unsuspecting of your presence.
Safe to presume, both of you were alike in more ways than just having secret identities as vigilantes.
Miles has been visiting this Clocktower ever since he took up his Uncle's mantle as the Prowler. He came up to this tower to wind down, away from his vigilante duties. His life was turned upside down, but the one thing that remained constant in his life was you. Now was a different story, however. You were slowly fading away from him, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.
Angling his head up towards the sky, he pondered about your disappearance. What could possibly have you so occupied? Another guy? Just the thought irked him.
You stopped returning his calls, messaging him, and didn't seem to have any free time. He knew being Spider-woman must come with great responsibility, but the excuses you made were piling up. The mutual trust the two of you once shared was slowly becoming a distant memory.
As Hobie and you pulled your masks down, you let out a long exhale of air. Sitting on the ledge of the clocktower with your legs swinging, Hobie made himself at home next to you. He said, "I am absolutely knackered." his English accent becoming more prominent. You cracked a slight smile and teased, "You tired, innit?" He only rolled his eyes at you and said, "You ain't even use innit right, you pillock."
Your uncontrolled laughter could be heard from miles away. It felt good to be able to relax for once. Even if it was only for a few minutes. Dramatically wiping tears from your eyes, you asked in between laughs, "What the hell is a pillock?" Hobie didn't find it nearly as amusing but gave a small chuckle at how comedic you found it.
As your laugh rang throughout the air, Miles' ears almost perked, despite not hearing your voice in months. Suddenly rising from his position, he wondered whether his ears were deceiving him. But as your laughter got louder, he was positive it was you.
Following the familiar sound of your voice, he spotted you sitting on the ledge of the Clocktower, looking as carefree as ever. Your back was facing toward him, and he was dying to just catch a single glimpse of you.
He called out your name with only a hint of hesitation. And when you whipped your head around, it was like a wave of affection hit him all over again. He was seeing you for the first time in months. Even after all that time away, you still made his heartbeat pause.
A silent moment passed as the sun's gleaming rays framed your figure in all the right ways. He only snapped out of his trance when he realized you weren't alone. You were accompanied by a rather conspicuous individual. Another guy.
Narrowing his eyes at the sight of the unknown male, he asked you, "What're you doin' up here, ma?
He wanted to hold a grudge against you for barely speaking to him within the past few months, but that was a less-pressing matter that he'd bring up later.
You disappeared for months. But out of the blue one evening, you return with some unknown guy. Staring at Miles, you looked like a deer caught in headlights. He felt as if he wasn't supposed to be seeing this.
Perhaps Miles was being selfish. But he couldn't bare to see you with another guy. So when he saw you with Hobie, he only assumed the worst.
Not to mention, Miles believed you looked a bit too cozy with the enigma of a male next to you. If he hadn't interrupted the two of you, it seemed to him like you would've snuggled right into the other man's side. Who was he? And why would you choose to spend your time with him rather than Miles? What did he have that Miles lacked? His jealousy was bound to make him snap the longer he saw you in the comforts of a guy that wasn't him.
But what he felt ran deeper than just jealousy. He was envious. He was envious of a man whom he didn't know anything about. Because he was who you chose to spend time with, not Miles. That was how Miles perceived it, anyway.
Your response made him snap back to reality. "Miles? What are you doing here?" Emphasizing the word 'you', you tried to reverse the question onto him. The Clocktower wasn't exactly a designated hang-out area for civilians. Hobie stood up and stretched as he was going to introduce himself to Miles. He held his hand out to help you up and you mindlessly accepted it. Miles' eye twitched seeing your hand in another man's hold.
Hobie and you walked over to Miles, and Miles' envy only grew. He soon realized Hobie was a Spider-person as well. Just as you were. Since when did a Spider-man exist? Miles thought.
Hobie exuded nonchalance as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his spiked jacket. He seemed unbothered by Miles' presence.
Questions plagued Miles' mind as he analyzed Hobie: Were you into guys like him? Is he why you haven't been around lately? How was he so tall?
Miles stared daggers into Hobie's eyes. But Hobie brushed off his glare and said, "What's up, man? Name's Hobie." Miles only nodded his head once at him and said, "I'm Miles." "Yeah, I know." Hobie responded. Miles paused for a second but shook it off as he turned to you. Replying to your previous question of why he was here, he told you, "I come here sometimes. You too, huh?"
Nodding your head, you agreed, "Yeah. To clear my mind, y'know?" With some other guy? Miles almost snipped. Instead, he hummed in response. Enunciating, he asked the question that's been lingering in the back of his mind for months. "Where've you been for the past months, ma? You went ghost." He tried to seem as collected as he could.
Rubbing the back of your head, you tried to come up with some lame response. "Sorry, Miles. I've just been busy lately." Miles couldn't stop his next words from coming out once they started to form.
"Busy doin' what exactly? Him?" He remarked, nodding his head in Hobie's direction. His outburst made your eyes widen in shock. You were aware you didn't look entirely presentable, with maybe a few stray strands of hair, but could you catch a break for once? You had just saved another dimension from deteriorating.
Hobie and you blurted out a response at the same time, "Nah, that's mad." "Absolutely not." But Miles wasn't convinced. The way both Hobie and you appeared utterly exhausted wasn't exactly helping your case.
Sensing the obvious tension in the air and the way you gaped at Miles, Hobie glanced down at you and pointed out, "Hol'up, you fancy the Prowler?" as a slight chuckle escaped his lips. His face was laced with an amused smirk rather than judgment.
"Hobie!" You shot him an agitated look, silently telling him to shut up.
Miles was only wondering how Hobie instantly knew he was the Prowler. He was convinced for a second that Hobie could read minds.
Hobie began to understand Miles' initial hostility and tried to assure him. "Apologies, apologies. I ain't know you lot were together." Hobie said, raising his palms in his defense.
Miles had no intention to correct Hobie, but you hesitated as you said to him, "We're not..." The words faltered on your tongue. Noticing your hesitation, Hobie leaned down to you and whispered in your ear, "Yeah? Does he know that?"
Reading the room, Hobie could tell you needed to speak to Miles in private. It seemed Miles was in the dark about a few key things. So as always, once Hobie is satisfied with the mayhem he has instigated, he leaves the scene. Giving you a two-fingered salute, Hobie tells you, "Alright, I'm off. See you in a bit." throwing you a wink. You mentally cursed him as he strolled away. Once he was out of Miles' sight, he disappeared into a portal back home.
For a brief moment, Miles wondered whether Hobie was his replacement.
Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose and turned to Miles. "I'm sorry, Miles. I've just been preoccupied with Spider-woman stuff." You said, not going into further details.
His jealousy almost boiled over. "Cut the shit, ma. If you're busy jeepin' with some guy, just say that." Miles was exasperated as he threw his arms in the air.
In pure disbelief, you tried to tell him. "Miles, you got it twisted. I swear. I didn't mean to shut you out, I've been out on missions. You know how it is." You were no fool. You knew how it must've looked to Miles when he caught you with Hobie after disappearing for months. But you didn't want him thinking you had ditched him just to go fool around with some other guy.
You didn't want your friendship with him to end like this, nor did you want it to end at all. "Hobie's just my partner. We go on missions together. That's all we are." You continued to explain to Miles. While you could understand Miles' viewpoint, the guy you wanted was standing right in front of you.
Miles furrowed his brows at you and inquired, "So you aren't messin' with him?" You immediately replied, "For the last time, absolutely not!"
Miles nodded in approval, "Good. Does that mean you ain't gonna be mad at me if I do this?" He ominously questioned you. Raising an eyebrow, you asked, "Do what?"
His gaze flickered to your lips as he lifted your chin with his hand, swiftly connecting your lips. Your lips slowly move together as ocean waves do. Removing his hold on your face, one hand traveled down to your waist to pull you in. You lifted your arms to wrap them around his neck.
Ever since he saw you again, his urge to press his lips to yours was undying. Those silent months caused plenty of built-up frustrations that he had wholeheartedly planned on taking out on your lips. He missed you. The way you felt against him, your voice, and the sweet aftertaste you left on his lips.
As the moments passed by, the heat you both felt was only getting more intense. He backed you against a wall of the tower, and you wrapped a leg around his waist to pull him in even further. One of his hands supported the leg that you encased around him, tracing circles into your thigh with his thumb.
Parting to catch a breath, you left kisses down Miles' neck. In between each one, you whispered an apology. "I'm really sorry. Promise I'll make it up to you, Miles." After you were done speaking, he only glanced down at you. Whispering back, he told you, "Talk less, ma." as he stole your breath yet again, pressing his lips to yours.
You supposed he was right. The two of you would have plenty of time to talk later, as it was apparent he wasn't letting you go anytime soon.
tysm for reading!
taglist: @l5byrinth @11erinome11 @ulovejayy @laylasbunbunny @whatamidoing89 @kanvis @sophiaj650 @edgyficuselastica @spideys2cute @whatamidoing89 @beabadobee @sxributr @justhereforfunidk
lmk if u want to be added! honestly have no clue why the last few tags aren't working i am so sorry lmao
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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All I Really Want Is You
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older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader chap one/ten - a slow burn series of blurbs - updated every wednesday
Welcome To The Neighborhood
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—> chapter two
summary: There’s a Bandit on the loose.
wc: 3.6k
warnings: 18+ series for eventual smut, 12 year age gap, reader is 30 and Steve is 42 otherwise none for this first installment :) it’s a meet cute baby.
author’s note: Here it is! chapter one of this little slow burn series with your painfully hot and confusing older!neighbor!widower!steve. This story will take place over the course of one summer, told in mostly blurbs of your chance encounters and run in’s with Steve. This series will have lots of pining, flirting, mild angst and eventual smut. Most chapters will range from 1-2k each except for a few. I hope you guys like reading about these two as much as I liked writing it & I hope to see you back next Wednesday! 🥹♥️
Series Masterlist // Playlist // The tune:
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End of May —
Highways and state lines blur together like the buzzing of cicadas into busy Chicago streets. A fresh start. A new life. No plan - that was the promise you made to yourself ten years ago almost down to the date.
The excitement outweighs the embarrassment of how long it takes you to parallel park the Uhaul when you find that one in a million spot in front of your new home. Your hands are numb from the constant battle between the wind and your steering wheel. The breeze from the lake testing your strength for the last hour of your drive. The machine creaks loudly when you slam it into park, your legs wobbling like jello when your converse hit the pavement and out of your truck.
The city hits your ears like the humidity on your skin. The exposed parts of your thighs stick together when the thick air wraps around you like an unwanted blanket. Taking a deep breath, exhaust stings your lungs. Far away from the only place you’d ever known, it’s comforting the feeling that washes over you. You didn’t come here with an agenda. A fresh start with nothing to lose. You came here just to be you.
It seems like everyone is on their way to do something, going somewhere they have to be. They brush past you without even a glance in your direction, air pods buried deep in their ears caught up in their own little world. The sounds of dogs barking mingle with cars honking and loud conversations from patio bars the next block over. The city is alive with summer hanging fresh in the air.
The trees that line both sides of your street are lush and green from the moisture. They drape over phone lines, weeping under the heat of the sun. Bumper to bumper cars from all kinds of walks of life make the one way street even smaller. Mini gardens in front of mismatched houses only inches apart. This was your new home.
The three story townhouse is covered in dark green wooden paneling, the floors split up into separate apartments, and you managed to bag the top floor with protruding bay windows. Dumb luck mixed with being on craigslist minutes after they posted, you found the one mom and pop place in the city that fit your budget.
The chipped black metal gate that blocks off the front steps lands at your waist, and runs as a property line against an even nicer house next to yours. One that looks like it belongs to someone, not rented out to a bunch of someones. The bright red brick looks new, and the dark wood steps and patio freshly stained. An oriental rug that matches the house has chew toys with missing limbs littering the front entrance. A porch swing faces you and it sways gently with the wind. Your eyes catch the silhouette of someone on the other side of the stained glass in the middle of the thick mahogany door, and it reminds you to stop being so nosy.
Keys dangling in your hand, you take your first steps through the gate. The metal groans loudly before slamming closed behind you. You jog up the less polished, salt worn steps to your front door and the faint sound of a deep voice catches your ears from next door as you jiggle the lock open. Crossing through the threshold of the entryway you’re not surprised when there’s no reprieve to the heat, but disappointed just the same as you pull at our tank top that starts clinging to your skin. You eye the narrow staircase that curves up leading to your apartment, immediately regretting doing this alone. 
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It takes you less time to unload than it did to load up, at least that's what you tell yourself as you round to the back of the open trailer. Sweat is slick against your skin and you thank yourself for keeping the previous owner's couch even if you thought it was an ugly shade of green.You stare pointedly at the four heaviest boxes left and you swear they mock you while you try to catch your breath from pushing your mattress to your room. The words ‘winter clothes’ scribbled sloppily in bright red marker make your face twist up.
“God dammit,”you breathe out running the back of your hand across your forehead trying to rally. Your A/C was already in the window and the cool air inside becomes your motivation.
You aren’t expecting the abrupt shove forward or the feeling of paws on your butt, sharp nails digging into the soft material of your shorts. Then you hear it, his voice.
“Bandit! Bandit - no! Down!”
Your hands hit the metal of the trailer stopping your fall under the weight of what you’re now realizing is an over excited fully grown German Shepherd. Pink tongue out with spit flying everywhere, you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you when you turn around and he starts sniffing all over with a tail that wags a mile a minute. High pitched whines leave him when he realizes how much he wants you to play, but he accepts the scratches you offer behind his ears just the same. Body wiggling while also trying to stay still.
“Hi buddy!” you coo, your voice instantly slipping into the embarrassing one you only use for animals.
That’s when you see him. 
He has a few years on you, that part is obvious with the pepper that spots the sides of his honey colored hair and the scruff that lines his sharp jaw, but it only makes him look better. His broad shoulders are wrapped up tight in a white undershirt, the thick cotton telling you it was the kind that cost more than your phone bill. The black shorts he wears have a hem high enough to almost be inappropriate when you swear you see the outline of what’s underneath. The Nike swoosh near the slit at the top of his hairy thighs. His shoes match the color of his shorts, the On Cloud symbol etched on the side flashes in the light. Two hundred dollars on just his feet. 
The trained muscles in his arm flex when he runs a hand through his hair, catching the stray that flops over his forehead when he comes to a halt in front of you. The bright red leash clutched in his fist matches the color of his cheeks. Big hazel eyes meet yours after lingering on your curves a little too long, making you realize you’re showing off just as much skin as him. Clearing your throat, you tug at the bottom of your yoga shorts, willing them to grow just an inch longer with cheeks burning and not because of the sun.
“Sorry, I have a bad habit of getting him excited before I leash him up. I swear he’s friendly, are you okay? He didn’t scratch you or anything right?” 
You’re too distracted by his hands to comprehend his words, tendons moving under taut skin as he hooks Bandit’s hardness. The heat, the move, and the man all getting the best of you.
“Hey -“
His voice brings you back to reality, his brows furrowing over perfect features when he looks at you with genuine concern.
“Yes! Sorry, I’m fine. Honestly! I love dogs. The move in the heat, I think, I think it’s just getting to me.” You smile doing your best to calm the worried look on his face, and you swear you see him flush deeper because of it.
It’s his turn to clear his throat, left hand flexing like he’s looking for a ring that isn’t there. The skin is a lighter shade than the rest of him like there used to be. There’s a beat and an awkward silence before he finally notices the mostly empty trailer behind you. 
“Looks like you’re almost done though, top floor?” He questions rocking on his heels a little, pointing over his shoulder to your window. Your A/C is already dripping water onto the pavement.
“Yeah! You live in the building?”  Please say yes.
“Me? No.” He coughs a little uncomfortable, while you fight to stop the disappointment from showing on your face. “I umm, I actually live next door.” He winces, almost like he’s embarrassed.
“Anyway, sorry about Bandit. Your boyfriend is probably wondering where you’re at.” You don’t miss the way he assumes with a secret hope he’s wrong hidden behind the mossy greens of his eyes. 
“Probably,” you pause, ego boosting when you see him squirm, “If I had one.” You giggle and you hate the way your hips twist a little. 
That’s when he does it, he smiles, with all of his teeth. It’s just as blinding as it is contagious, and it makes your skin tingle, giddiness dripping from your limbs. It’s short lived though, like pieces of a puzzle clicking together you watch it disappear. It’s replaced by the same concern from before only with a new layer of disbelief.
“Wait, honey, who’s helping you move in then?” He looks at you stunned like he can’t fathom the answer he knows you're gonna give.
“The same person that drove here - me.” You grin a little proud with your chin pushed up and it makes his lips twitch, the same smile from before itching to come back.
“Let me at least help with these last few.” He peeks behind you, eyes scanning over your messy writing, “They look like they might be heavy.” 
He teases you just enough to earn a roll of your eyes, but the grin on your face makes him huff out a relieved laugh. Nerves like a first date twist in his gut when he sees the way you look at him from under your lashes.
“I mean, if you insist…?” you trail off, fishing for his name. 
“Steve, sorry! It's Steve, Steve Harrington.” He runs one of his big hands through his hair again, a nervous tell of his you pick up on instantly, before offering it out for you to take.
“I don’t think I caught that, can you repeat your name one more time for me?” Biting your lip into a smile, he narrows his eyes playfully, cheeks blooming, flustered from your words.
Sliding your hand into his, it disappears completely when he wraps his fingers around yours. The softness of his palm is warm like the sun that beat down on you all day and it sends electric currents running through your veins, heart thumping loudly in your chest and you wonder if he can hear the way he can hear it. Minutes pass before either of you make the first move to let go, or at least that’s what it feels like. It’s not until Bandit whines at your feet that Steve finally caves.
“Let me go put him back inside real quick, it’s still a little too hot out anyway and I’ll help you bring the last of this up, tough girl.” He winks with the kind of casualness that makes you question whether you saw it at all and you have to hold in the sigh that begs to slip past your lips.
“I’ll be waiting,” your voice cracks, your confidence slowly disappearing like the sun behind the hazed skyline. 
You try to cover it up by swooping down to give Bandit a kiss between the eyes. Only it backfires, making it worse when you realize how weirdly personal that was to do to someone else’s dog, despite the more than pleased wag of his tail.
“That - that was, oh god. I don’t know why I kissed your dog like I knew him. Or you. I’m - I’m sorry.”  You pinch the bridge of your nose, embarrassment rolling off of you in waves.
It’s not until you hear his laugh, and god is it pretty too, that you finally look up.
“It’s understandable, he’s a handsome guy.” Steve smirks with flirty eyes and it makes you dizzy. 
You can’t stop your giggle, the back of your hand doing little to hide your smile from him. Butterflies breaking from cocoons in your stomach as you watch him walk away to that big house right next to yours.
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“What exactly do you have in these boxes?” Steve grunts as he follows you up the narrow staircase with two in tow despite your multiple warnings. 
“Winter coats, sweaters, maybe some boots...” you trail off trying to think, your disorganization more than evident when you open up your front door to even more boxes and bags spread out in disarray.
“You packed your coats and your boots in the same box?” His voice is muffled behind cardboard as the cool air hits, sending goosebumps across sweat-kissed skin. The low hum does something to dull your nerves when you work up the courage to turn around and finally face him. 
“Maybe! Who knows, I’ll find out tonight when I open it.”  
He huffs out a breathy laugh as his broad shoulders almost brush the sides of your door frame. Stepping one expensive sneaker in front of the other into your more than humble apartment, there’s a fleeting moment of regret about taking him up on his offer when your eyes dart around the mess. 
“Where am I puttin’ this boss?” His eyes meet yours from around the side of the boxes, playfulness filling the greens and browns like before.
The muscles in his arm flex when he re-establishes his hold on the box, the sleeves of his shirt getting tighter and the whites of his knuckles start to show. The simple brown leather band of his watch strains, and it makes your throat dry up.
“Ummm.” You shake your head, willing your brain to regain its normal function as you start a clumsy walk towards the direction of your bedroom. “We can put them in my -“
Your shoe hits something hard and you don’t have enough time to realize what’s happening until you're already on the ground. Palms flat against the scratched wooden floor and a sharp pain in your ankle. The culprit, an already half opened box labeled KITCHEN you must’ve left in the hallway when you got distracted by something else.
“Jesus, are you okay?” Steve sets the boxes down, pushing them against the wall and out of the way raking his hand through his hair again, it must be a stressed habit too. 
“Yeah, yeah, my ego is a little bruised but I think I’m gonna survive.” You try to smile, but only end up wincing when you go to push yourself up.
“Here, let's get you on the couch, let me take a look.” He doesn’t wait for your reply, both of his hands coming out to you in an offering. Stubbornness losing for once, you take them.  
He lifts you up like you’re weightless, moving you around with ease as he tucks you into his side. His fingers wrap around the curve of your hip to steady you. He’s warm, the pine of his body wash mixing with the spice of his cologne and it surrounds you in a strong hold. It's a short trip to your couch, his abs moving with each step, and you secretly wish it took just a little longer. 
He’s gentle when he untangles himself from you. Soft palms on your elbows to hold your balance as you sit down. There’s a hint of his aftershave that hits your nose as your muscles melt into the softness of the cushions, the day quickly catching up to you. Eyelids going droopy.
“Sitting was a mistake Steve,” you groan with a light stretch of your limbs, and another subtle wince.
“Well good thing you conned me into helping you with the last of your boxes then.” He waits a second before meeting your eyes as he pulls one of your many boxes over to sit on, his lips twisting up when he sees the way you scoff. 
“Conned you?! You practically begged me to let you help.” Your head bobs with attitude dripping from each word and it makes him grin. He nods furrowing his brows like he’s hearing you, but despite the limited time you’ve spent with him you knew whatever he was about to say was just going to egg you on more.
“I mean, if that’s what you need to tell yourself sweetheart. I remember it a little differently.” He can’t hold in his laugh when you roll your eyes hard at him trying to ignore the newest nickname.
His knees brush against yours when he finally takes his seat, the hem of his shorts rising higher, running tight against the muscle of his thigh. The cinnamon hair that covers his legs tickles you while the sun hits your bay window with just the right light to reveal an expanse of freckles and moles you didn’t see before under his five o’clock shadow and across the bridge of his nose. God, he’s handsome. 
His eyes catch yours like he can hear your thoughts, and for a moment you wonder if he actually can.
“Do you mind?” The teasing edge is gone, his eyes a little more soft when the tips of his fingers tap against your leg.
Your voice is lost in the shift in energy, static filling in the air between you when you shake your head ‘no’.’’ His touch is feather light when his fingers wrap gingerly around your ankle bringing your foot to his lap. He makes quick work of your laces, using extra care when he pulls off your shoe. The pad of his thumb rubs over the bruising bone and you notice the way he licks his lips.
“Does this hurt?” He applies a little bit of pressure to the spot just below your calf, his gaze making you nervous as he gauges your reactions.
“No,” it comes out a little breathless and he exhales deep through his nose because of it.
“How about here?” He does the same thing as before, only this time closer to your heel and you wince. “There it is,” he hums to himself, rubbing soothing circles as an apology.
“Like on a pain scale of one to ten, I’d give it a three and a half or four” you tell him, when really you’re too proud to admit it’s actually a five.
“Three and a half? You can’t use that. Solid number only,” he scoffs meeting your eyes from under his lashes, the forest inside them turning black.
“I actually think I can do whatever I want,” you laugh incredulously, your toes wiggling under black socks in his lap.
“I guess it is your house, I stand corrected.” Steve admits defeat with an exaggerated sigh before showing you his teeth in a wide grin, his thumb still rubbing circles because it never actually stopped. “Do you have an ice pack?” 
Your finger drums against your bottom lip as you think about everything you had packed, his eyes fixated on the way you lightly pull it down with each tap.
“I don’t remember and if I’m being completely honest I don’t think so.” You look sheepish when you admit your lack of first aid supplies to him.
He chuckles lightly, hot breath fanning against your skin with a shake of his head.
“I think I have one, I’ll grab it and bring those other two boxes up. Keep your foot elevated for me tonight tough girl. Unpack your chaos tomorrow.” He mocks the way your jaw drops at his teasing.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were tryin’ to take care of me Steve.” The joke is innocent, at least that’s what you thought. 
Something clicks behind his eyes, the warmth draining from his smile when it falls. His brows furrow and he won’t look at you anymore, his thumb stops rubbing those circles, and your foot is placed gently back on the ground. He’s standing up faster than you can catch your breath, faster than you can comprehend.  The energy shifts to something distant and the warm summer is replaced with frigid winter. He clears his throat with glassy eyes scratching the back of his neck, and you have no idea what you did.
“Hey I’m sorry if I -“
He cuts you off before you can finish.
“You didn’t do anything, It’s me - look, I’m just gonna go get those things. I’ll leave it at your door, please just elevate your foot. You should be okay by tomorrow.” He doesn’t let you respond, long legs taking him out of your place and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. 
Your head lulls against the back of the couch, staring fixated on the old popcorn ceiling of your living room for what feels like twenty minutes as you replay everything back. Over analyzing his tones and body language coming up empty every time. This was going to drive you crazy.
There’s three raps on your front door, one coming down hard followed by two quick knocks. When you stand up this time, it hurts less, more true to the pain level you gave him as you slightly hobble to answer.
When you open it, your two boxes are stacked where he promised. A dark blue ice pack with a yellow sticky note that says:
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beta’d by @superblysubpar 💕 (also made the cute post it for me 🥹)
dividers by @newlips 💗
chapter two
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kombuuuu · 10 months
Shy baby Miles (42) malfunctioning when he kiss him for the first time
“Baby, look at those!”
“Yeah, Chiquita — I see ‘em.”
The clashing of vibrant golds shone harsh against the night sky. Fireworks sparking at heights unreachable to you.
The sight was gorgeous.
Shimmering pyrotechnic as golden as the favoured hour cast a reflection on waving waters. It seemed as if everything flowed, warm lights in every place you looked.
It was romantic, something picture esc.
There wasn’t a lot of simplicity in this city. But the decision to be simple just this once — seemed unanimous. And like cavemen to fire, you all seemed awed.
Standing at the tallest vantage point you both could find, hands gripping rooftop railings until your knuckles peaked — you cast your eyes over to Miles.
Watching his eyes shimmer in glossy admiration and his lips part just the slightest bit. You were overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him.
To have your cliché ‘kissing under the fireworks’ moment disney channel drove into your head.
He was looking at you now, nervous and awe ridden. Like he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye, despite thinking they were the prettiest things.
You softened a look at him. Your hand catching his in a sweetened link, always connected — if not by touch, then by the memories that plagued you both.
“You okay—!”
Your lips brushed his, hand dropping his own and sweeping to cradle his cheek in a featherlight touch. Dancing on the tip of your toes to graze a kiss to him.
He froze — words dying in his throat and a sickeningly adorable blush fainting his cheeks. The boy was smitten, and nervous from it.
You dropped back to your heels, hand falling back to grab at his own and facing the gold sparked sky once again.
He breathed out a harsh breath, stuttering chest and beating heart making it difficult for him to form words. You had kissed him.
Hours spent pondering over how to kiss you, on if you even wanted it — and you had been the one to do it. Without a second thought.
He lifted his free hand, and now he was one to bring your attention by the pad of his fingers. You giving him a smile that had him swooning when he slid his hand just behind your ear, his thumb rubbing over your cheekbone.
He leant down to kiss you again, and this time he met you half way. Catching you in a love much more firm than the first time.
His lips were soft, round and a little chapped. Your chapstick soothing his nervous lip bites. His hand was so warm against you, and you leant closer into his body heat. Miles accepting you with a hand to the small of your back.
You disconnected from him with a wavering gasp, smile stretching his lips into something contagious, and you found yourself giggling back at him — caught up like two teens in a romcom.
You suppose you fit the part.
He pecked your lips again, quicker and less intense. Smiling goofily against your skin and you let him, eyes almost closing with glee and hands grasping his jacket collar before smoothening against his chest.
He trailed small peppers down to the angle of your jaw and laughed lightly again.
“You plan that?”
“Think I took you outside in 9° (48.2°f) weather for no reason?”
“Not even to see the fireworks?”
You watched him glance back up to the sky, before returning to your face. Nothing could compare to what’s in front of him.
He grumbled another laugh and straightened up again, looking down at you over his red-tipped nose and blush ridden cheeks.
“Aaron’s gonna call me a pussy.”
“Probably cause I watched you pussy out eighty fuckin’ times—,”
“Aye, watch it, Ma.”
He pinched your side and you laughed. Joy falling from your lips in a sweet tune. He watched, dazed and in love.
“I’m joking! Swear!”
“Oh, sure.”
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idlerin · 1 year
an oikawa tooru social media au
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pairing. celebrity!oikawa tooru x f!reader
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
tags. social media au, celebrity smau, college au, exes to lovers, second chance romance, idiots in love, crack, humor (hopefully), fluff, and perhaps a little angst? ehe (groveling !!)
warnings. time stamps dont really matter unless i say so, cursing, some drinking alcohol n stuff and sometimes suggestive but nothing graphic
status. completed (01/15/23 - 02/11/24)
— playlist.
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teaser 1 — teaser 1.5 — teaser 2
[name]’s pe(s)ts | in need of medical attention
episodes !
(⚘) — has narrative parts
01. rid me of my despair
02. murder is ethically wrong
03. he’s literally everywhere
04. i’m NOT petty (⚘)
05. i think i’ve seen this film before
06. he’s back !
07. baby girl of all baby girls
08. the famous friend
09. forget me not
10. why are you running!? (⚘)
11. blast from the past
12. i despise you (⚘)
13. villains are hot (⚘)
14. adulting and other important stuff (⚘)
15. what we look forward to
16. a nightmare dressed like a daydream
17. antithetical girlie
18. this is the tactic (⚘)
19. honey it hurts (⚘)
20. exes and ohs
21. takoyaki cravings
22. kill me with kindness
23. tell me, tell me (⚘)
24. do you think about me?
25. wish u were sober (⚘)
26. you look like shit (⚘)
27. a taste of fame
28. reminds me of
29. helpless, breathless (⚘)
30. oh how you woo me
31. all over again
32. disconnected
33. this love is so illogical
34. don’t care if you ruin me (⚘)
35. hate clingy men
36. need you like oxygen (⚘)
37. media craze
38. hard to love (⚘)
39. coming home
40. only your love
41. new friends
42. love languages
43. utterly nonsensical
bonus content
post break-up [name]
don’t you know that i’m intoxicated !
you said you liked the way i spoke
unsent letter #1
one of the boys
kuroo being a menace for 12 panels straight
kodzuken mayhem
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taglist is CLOSED !
to be REMOVED from the taglist you can just send an ask or comment :)
notes. hey so i’m starting my first smau series?!!? *squeals and kicks feet in excitement* i hope i get to finish it lmao i plan to not make it that long prolly around only like 30 chaps! hope u’ll enjoy reading it as much as i’ll enjoy making it! also thank you everyone for 200 followers! i rlly appreciate it <3
icons used as pfps are not mine but the content of this smau is. please do not repost this on any other platform. © idlerin 2023
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heeracha · 2 years
## buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
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synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. and as always, i'll put it in every chap if there's something you need to look out for.
note: yes, blod-talicized for slowburn because this is already planned out three years ago (but for another idol) anyway !! i'm excited to share this, my ass had been wanting to post this,,,,,, i already have the ending i just really need to do from part eleven up to,,,, that. so here you go. T_T okay, if i suddenly ghost again FLOOD ME MESSAGES/ASKS/IDC WHAT TO FINISH IT. TAGLIST CLOSE.
tags: r.asks: botm, botm updates, botm thoughts
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sample texts. / playlist.
profiles. / profiles two. / profiles three.
ep 1. — the pilot.
ep 2. — the bf problem.
ep 3. — the help from jake.
ep 4. — the promo.
ep 5. — the benefit of jeongin.
ep 6. — the availing of the promo.
ep 7. — the two introverts.
ep 8. — the era of reporter sunoo.
ep 8.2. — the dog cafe.
ep 9. — the look. what look?
ep 10. — the panicking of heeseung.
ep. 11 — the time heeseung decides to trust y/n.
ep 12. — the real heey/n friendship era.
ep 13. — the star stamp.
ep 14. — the late night in the flower shop.
ep 15. — the biggest cliché.
ep 16. — the text-snapping of y/n.
ep 17. — the weekend of heeseung without y/n.
ep 18. — the two am ride.
ep 19. — the stupidity.
ep 20. — the time y/n blocked heeseung.
ep 21. — the whipped y/n.
ep 22. — the painful sight (according to riki).
ep 23. — the library.
ep 24. — the dog café pt 2.
ep 25. — the frustration of jungwon and sunoo.
ep 26. — the flowers and bambi sticker.
ep 27. — the pretty dense boy texting y/n.
ep 28. — the message from jay.
ep 29. — the look heey/n give.
ep 30. — the pet name.
ep 31. — the switch up.
ep 32. — the no more denial.
ep 33. — the time seungmin called y/n 'sweetie'.
ep 34. — the way y/n sensed it again.
ep 35. — the talk.
ep 36. — the halfway there.
ep 37. — the another lame line.
ep 38. — the time heeseung accidentally kissed y/n.
ep 39. — the drive-in.
ep 40. — the flour and eggs.
ep 41. — the favorite view.
ep 42. — the one time they used their main accs.
ep 43. — the origami flower bouquet.
ep 44. — the stressed gf.
ep 45. — the plane plan.
ep 46. — the time y/n isn't teasing with heeseung.
ep 47. — the time when everything is "fine".
ep 48. — the time heeseung forgot.
ep 49. — the fight.
ep 50. — the graduation.
ep 51. — the flower arrangement on the cashier.
ep 52. — the favorite flower of heeseung.
ep 53. — the fact that heeseung is still jealous.
ep 54. — the supposed three year anniversary of heey/n.
ep 55. — the bubble chat turned blue.
ep 56. — the dumb flowers.
ep 57. — the time y/n finally replied.
ep 58. — the rehearsal dinner.
ep 59. — the flowers weren't dumb after all.
ep 60. — the lifetime promo.
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bonus. — the matching icons.
bonus 2. — the pettiness of flower and seungie.
bonus 3. — the one where heeseung thought y/n's leaving.
bonus 4. — the one with heeseung's doe eyes.
alternative ending. — the one when y/n almost stayed.
marriage discount; p. sunghoon [ fem!reader ]. — after endless of weddings that sunghoon attends to, he's been spending non-stop. so, upon hearing about a discount for married people even if it's just in the dry cleaners, sunghoon tells the employee that the girl, who happens to be you, walked in in the shop is his wife. even if he doesn't know you.
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heeracha, 2022.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐘: 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞
⤲ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
⤲ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐀𝐔, 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝!𝐀𝐔, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
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(A/N: and with this chap we're starting the countdown for the last ten chapters and i actually can't believe it :( it's deffo nowhere near the end bc we still gotta get to that heavy angst but i hope you guys know how grateful i am for all the love and support on this joirney, i love you all so so much. sending everyone kisses and hugs. am gonna try and make chap 42 a written one but i can't promise it'll be up on sunday since im a little busy this weekend but i'll keep you updated! reblogs and feedback are appreciated!!!!🥺🩷🧸)
TAGLIST CLOSED: @soonigiri @thvhannie @enhaz1 @kpoprhia @abrazosolorcereza @deobitifull @mixtape-racha @certifiedmoa @jungwon-xo @hoonieluv @enhamysunshines @jaehoonii @pussyslayerhd @ineedsomezzz @neocockthotology @heerinnie @onionzzzs @hee-pster @3amstarlight @xxxxrvexxxx @primroselover @mimikittysblog @iea-tsand @lhspeachie @xiaoderrrr @viagumi @smg-valeria @kells5595 @heeseunghee7 @xrvrqs @ddazed-lhs @heebrry @fakeuwus @dammit-jjk @ivyannemarie @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @s00buwu
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hoonvrs · 1 year
NOONA — 42: girl what
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previous | m.list | next
extra chapter: i can fix her❤️
S. NOTES: am i stalling a written chap?? mayhaps😔
SYNOPSIS: park sunghoon experienced love at first sight when he first laid eyes on his friends older sister. a series of sunghoon desperately trying to do anything in his power to get the girl and yang jungwon cockblocking him for funsies.
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TAGLIST(OPEN) @calijimenez @invusblog @astrae4 @lalalalawon @sserafimez @sfthyuka @miercerise @sasfransisco @annoyingbitch83 @pshchives @dazed-hee @sd211 @makiswrld @lovelypitasworld @kyuupidwrites @jangw2nyo @beansworldsstuff @shinrjj @mariji @shinsou-rii @curly-fr13s @homelycat @seungcheolswife @ilovewonyo @tinyegg @whippedforbeomgyu @adajoemaya @rikisly @sunoo-lvxr @strvlveera @myjaeyunn @meiiiwa @dazedgye @dimplewonie @sxftiell @plasmaticoo @iirene304 @captain-satan @pkjay @j-wyoung @diestheticu @chaeey @rodygr @enhy4me2 @officiallyjaehyuns @liliansun @the-poetic-side-of-me @jjangsims @dudufodd @heeswif3y @yawnzshit @4imhry @stinkoscope (bold couldn’t be tagged)
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hanniluvi · 2 years
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synopsis : you’ve had a penpal for at least 3 months now. you have been sending letters back and forth with an anonymous person at school. let’s say you might have caught some feelings for him.. little did you know, sunghoon, your rival was your penpal after all? when you realize he is the person you have been writing to all these times, will your feelings still be the same?
pairing : rival!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre : high school au, smau, enemies to lovers, classmates to lovers, angst (?) , fluff, slowburn, second chance thing
featuring : all enhypen members, yoon from stayc , minnie from gidle, yeojin from loona
warnings : me being unfunny 👎, cursing, use of kms + kys jokes, sunghoon and yn being very VERY annoying
status : completed ! [Nov 7 2022 - Dec 25 2022]
authors note : second smau wowowo 😍 heres the smau i was thinking abt while i was going to school 🤗 first time writing enemies to lovers.. this is going to be interesting. i hope you guys like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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01 - the letters.
02 - can you like stfu
03 - life is good 😘
04 - what was that, 2nd place?
05 - somethings fishy going on here 🤨
07 - no way..tutor era ???
08 - hes kind of cute..ig 🤢
10 - hold awn… 🤨 (written + smau)
11 - i’ve been lied to my whole life.
12 - sign him up for obedience school
13 - hanging out with the enemy
14 - two choices
15 - enemies to lovers
16 - who tf is hari (written + smau)
17 - #womensupportwomen .. but for hari..
18 - 1 - yn , 0 - hari
19 - why do i miss him 😹
20 - we are now friends
21 - just a little crush #lol
22 - whats this silly letter 😂
23 - what? (written)
24 - emo hours
25 - whats with the sunghoon slander?
— 26.5 - not your strongest soldier.
27 - a mistunderstanding
28 - the confrontation
30 - sunghoons plan
— 30.5 - the facetime call. (written)
31 - step one: sit next to her for all classes!
32 - step two: offer notes
33 - step three: give a gift!
34 - step four: repeat until trust is gained!
35 - the explanation
36 - not scared anymore
37 - FINALLY!!
38 - some progress
39 - lets date? (written)
40 - my bae
41 - under the mistletoe
42 - ice skating !!
43 - snowball fight
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thank you guys sm for showing support for this smau and have been patiently waiting for chaps all this time <33
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merowkittie · 9 months
short comfort Drabble from either mikes 42 or 1610 :) (r receiving)
Tw: body insecurities / a lil angsty / crying
Not proof read because I’m tired
“What’s the matter, beautiful?” He’d look at you, his brows are furrowed. He looks confused, like he’s contemplating something in his head.
The moon is up, the night lights are bright but dull at the same time, casting yellow hues across the room mixed with purples, blacks, reds, and blues. His arm is splayed across your stomach, you’re laying side by side but you’re looking up at the ceiling and he’s looking at you. Your hand is holding onto to his pinky and ringer finger tightly and he feels you tremble a little. The covers on the bed lightly move from the fan pointed directly at you two and your locs fall to the side of your lips as your head movements when you shake your head no at his question.
Miles elevates his head on his palm now, looking down at you as your eyes find another place to concentrate on.
“What you mean no? Talk to me, ma.” He huffs after his words and sighs when you don’t say anything still.
He’s now moving closer to you, taking his hand out from yours and holding your cheek. Your head is tilted to face his and he can see tears well up in your eyes.
“I’m sorry, miles.. I-I don’t mean to be a cry baby.. I’m just so, ugh. I don’t know how to d-describe it!” You stutter and hiccup and his heart just breaks.
He’s quick to fully sit up in his bed and sit you up with him. He’s taking your hands and pressing kissed all around your knuckles and palm. He doesn’t really know what to do to comfort you but he knows you melt when he kisses your hands.
“Don’t ever apologize for feeling some type of way, ok? I’m always here for you, no matter what. It’s me and you through anything, aight?” He’s looking at you sincerely, his voice stern.
You nod slowly but that doesn’t stop the tears from flowing still. You’re trying to hold them and he sees that but you just tremble even more and oh his own eyes well up a bit.
“What is wrong, pretty? I want to help you.” He emphasizes his words and leans over to put his forehead against yours.
You try to steady your breathing before you speak and you look down at your lap, “I don’t know, miles. I just feel weird. I feel disgusted and.. gross. I don’t like how i look. I d-don’t like my body..”
Miles didn’t know what to do. He loved you so so much, what would he do without his joy im his life? All of a sudden you’re crying in his hold and talking nonsense about your body. He loved every bit of you. Miles has always been a sweet, knowing boy but he didn’t expect this to be what was bothering you.
He’d never seen you cry before. Never seen you so shaken. You’ve been dating for a year maybe two soon, and not once has he seen you act like this. He felt terrible just looking at you sniffle and watching your lap get moist with tears. Has he been so neglectful to you to the point he just never saw the signs?
“I’m so sorry, cariño.” He squeezed your hand tightly. Your eyes were blurred but your breathing became more steady.
“I wish I could take those thoughts out of your head, really. What can I do to not.. make you feel like that?” He asked, tilting his head down to catch your eyes.
You looked up at him, your brown eyes puffy and red and your lips were chapped but bitten red. You looked down again and played with your long nails, taking note to cut them down later.
You sighed and looked up, running a hand through your locs and pushing them out of your face.
“Nothin’. I jus’ want you here with me tonight.. and some kisses. That’s all I want from you, Miles.” You played with the hem of your shirt as the silence filled the room again.
You wiped your face with your sleeves of your shirt and looked up at Miles who was concentrated on you.
He nodded his head and kissed your temple. His nose rubbing against your hairline. “I can do that, pretty,” he fixed the blanket on his body and propped your pillows up, dragging you down to lay with him, “Just close your eyes and let me take care of you a little bit, aight?”
Your head laid on his chest and you nodded your head without speaking. His hand came up to rub at your arm, his fingers drawing patterns.
He hummed a song which melodies carried out throughout the room, filling your ears and making you tired. So slowly, you went to sleep with miles comforting you as much as he could.
When you woke up, miles was gone but there was a bouquet of flowers in a vase on your dresser and a letter signed,
“To: my cariño
From: Miles
“I’ll be back soon, I love you Mami, look inside your fridge.””
You smiled to yourself. Miles always knew the answers to a problem.
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heerocks · 2 years
CURIOUS CAT — lee heeseung.
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SYNOPSIS ꕥ Curious Cat is an app that peaked three years ago where people use it to flirt with their crush anonymously and then suddenly forgot about it.
or wherein, Y/N was devastated when her crush, Lee Heeseung indirectly rejecting her in highschool. Three years later, both of them have this unknown beef in between of them that even their friends don't know the real reason behind. One day, Y/N suddenly remembered and opened her C.C account, and saw that someone by the name 'Ethan' confessed to her three years ago.
PAIRINGS ꕥ non-idol!lee heeseung x fem!reader ft. enhypen, ningning from aespa, wonyoung from ive, and jeongin from skz
GENRE ꕥ smau + written, on crack, slow burn, mutual pinning or past pinning, university au, kinda enemies to lovers troupe, heeseung is a simp, reader is kinda dumb, friends bullying friends
STATUS ꕥ ongoing! update will be every other day ^^ (august 17 - )
WARNINGS ꕥ profanity, cursing, kys/kms jokes. lmk if something came up later
NOTES ꕥ this is a pure work of fiction and all the characters are in no way connected with the actual persons in real life. all infos are subject to change, and please ignore timestamps. I don't have humor so please bear with me. pls do lmk if you want to be added on the future taglist. my request is open, or just reply below, I would be more than happy to add you ^^ banner made by yours truly!
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heeseung hate squad | the brodies + y/n hater | extras: priv PRIV
CHAP 2 - tl's dead
CHAP 3 - suga '93 hoodie (written)
CHAP 4 - you're delusional (written)
CHAP 5 - she's a runner, she's a trackstar 🤩
CHAP 6 - y/n's fish
CHAP 7 - somewhat something
CHAP 8 - suddenly can't see (written)
CHAP 9 - miranda's head
CHAP 10 - guess who (written)
CHAP 11 - yang jeongin
CHAP 12 - siri sent that message
CHAP 13 - give me that mic sister 😌
CHAP 14 - the glimpse
CHAP 15 - curious cat
CHAP 16 - freedom wall
CHAP 17 - finding Ethan
CHAP 18 — heeseung not bitchless ⁉️⁉️
CHAP 19 — megamind memes
CHAP 20 — getting braver
CHAP 21 — ignore me
CHAP 22 — dumb and dumber
CHAP 23 — hold that thought
CHAP 24 — what could possibly go wrong? (written)
CHAP 25 — haha'd his way out
CHAP 26 — enemies to lovers
CHAP 27 — something productive (written)
CHAP 28 — heeseung glitched
CHAP 29 — unprovoked (written)
CHAP 30 — stars, ramen and you (written)
CHAP 31 — go get your girl
CHAP 32 — let us breathe?!?!!
=> . . . bonus chapter — surprise??
CHAP 33 — mental voodoo doll
CHAP 34 — y/n's fight or flight
CHAP 35 — the table has turned
CHAP 36 — finding heeyn
CHAP 37 — hoes mad
CHAP 38 — not dead
CHAP 39 — got me thinking...
CHAP 40 — a what plan?
CHAP 41 — heeseung's wooing teachnique
CHAP 42 — it's about time (written)
CHAP 43 — he'll finally do it!
CHAP 44 — eyes on the prize, heeseung
CHAP 45 — loud and proud
CHAP 46 — the butterflies on y/n's stomach (written)
CHAP 47 — the luck on heeseung's side (written)
CHAP 48 — niki's adopted parents
more to come....
CHAP 49 — the betrayal
CHAP 50 — the connection (written)
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𖥻𖥻 taglist!
@ckline35 @meinapricity @gugudone @xoxodinaryheroes @lov3niki @ahnneyong @raikea10 @bigtoewinwin @tlnyjoong @sungookie @uwudaizy @jeongintwt @paragonofroyalty @captivq @lavisha7 @prdxinvade @lockburn-castle @chaemmie @xtra-cheese @mimikittysblog @zhaixiaowen @pb-n-juju @luvkait @myjaeyunn @redm4ri @oceanyocean @diestheticu @liliansun @yenqa @xiaoderrrr @flower-lise @mymeloem19 @jungwon-kitten @hoonieluv @vantxx95 @asherbl @alexayoonlee @spilled-coffee-cup @mdavt @kyexvly @would-bee @jhopesucker @tiramis-hoon @noascats @beomibeom @iea-tsand @ronnierites @flwrshee
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© heerocks 2022.
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timingmatters · 3 months
Been saying since like chap 42 Shima is gonna be jealous of Ujie and i thought it was gonna be a whole arc/chapter of him realizing this but shdjjdjf it took a single page on this chapter for him to see Mitsumi and Ujie’s names together and get all gloomy to the point Mika realized it LMAOOOOO.
Also, my god my little lesbians “my heart skipped a beat” and she’s the only one blushing about a girl PLEASE MAKE THESE GIRLS REALIZE THEY ARE QUEER BEGGING ON MY KNEES (very much talking about Kurume and Yuzuki)
Also LOVE that the girls are sort of mistrustful of Shima with Mitsumi’s heart because they understand how he hasn’t been the most careful with her feelings in the past and are worried about her. I have been wanting to see Mika deliberately go off on the man and others to defend Mitsumi for the longest time. But I also like that they WANT to trust him and just know they have to watch over them and allow them to make decisions on their relationships. Kinda hope they tail them on their date (but probably not because these are very grounded characters).
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