#character asks bingo
sarilolla · 4 months
I'm not doing much this weekend, so I'm open for asks! Really wanna talk about my aus (here's a list of them all) and also up for two ask games! Both character bingo and ship bingo (obviously no gross stuff like incest or pedophilia, but legal ships, canon ships, non-canon ships, rarepairs, and crack ships are fine)
I'm focusing on Trolls characters right now, so preferably about them :)
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galionne-speeding · 2 years
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I made my own character opinion bingo so please send me some Sonic characters!
(Also you can use/repost the bingo if you want)
EDIT: Just so you know if you are doing this bingo and are accepting Sonic characters you are legally required to do Zavok. Thank you and have a good day :)
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sepiamestus · 4 months
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Hadn't seen one of these that compelled me so i made my own :]
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
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i finally made my own character bingo go nuts inbox (feel free to rb)
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faygelehh · 8 months
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Ft. Bluey & Bingo! (or… Bingir? Bingo/Gir?)
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mblue-art · 2 months
You didn't get a SINGLE bingo smh. /lh
Now would you be willing to consider Strawberry Nightmare Bingo? 👀
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oh. mmy gof. hahha wow would you look at that, anon
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
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I noticed a lot of character bingos have mutually exclusive takes in the same row, so I made my own with a bunch of boxes anyone filling this can interpret however they want to!
Also send me characters to fill this bingo bongo with!
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thevelaryons · 25 days
Am I the only one who doesn’t get why Corlys is acting foolishly in Hotd? He’s supposed to be a really intelligent political figure in this story (F&B) but the decisions he makes (Hotd) are the opposite of intelligently sound. Ngl I hate how he bends over backwards to go to war for Rhaenyra when he was complaining about her just before.
This is actually one of my criticisms of how Corlys has been portrayed in the show. I’m on mobile right now (and Tumblr search function sucks on the app) so I can’t link them, but I actually have a couple of old posts about this. The show has changed several key aspects of Corlys’ characterization so now a lot of his actions make him appear politically inconsistent, especially with actions he’s supposed to take later on in the story.
Like you said, it makes no sense for show!Corlys to be supporting Rhaenyra. He DIRECTLY blames her for his son’s death and yet despite his complaints, he prepared his fleet and even helps make war plans for her. This is all without Rhaenyra offering him anything in return, like making him Hand. Meanwhile, when book!Corlys INDIRECTLY blamed Rhaenyra for his wife’s death, several concessions have to be made to appease him and get him back on her side. Nor does Corlys tolerate any harm done to his family: he wants vengeance for Laenor’s death, he commits treason against Rhaenyra to protect Addam, he commits treason against Aegon II to protect Baela.
In terms of show!Corlys’ political intelligence, he doesn’t really display much. Moments he has in the book were removed in season 1 (and based on the leaks I’ve read for season 2, other aspects of Corlys’ story that show him as a political power won’t be in the show). In the bts material for the show, it’s actually said that Corlys doesn’t really understand politics much but he fares better on the battlefield. And that is where the problem lies.
You can also see a similar sort of change with other Velaryon characters. Laenor’s entire characterization was changed. Show version of Laenor is depicted as someone who goes as far as to abandon his family and dragon because he craves the violence of the battlefield more. Some of the things he says on the show are very reminiscent of a display of toxic masculinity + him having internalized homophobia which his book counterpart was not even implied to have. Show version of Addam and Alyn are unnecessarily aged up and might already be battle hardened soldiers from the Stepstones, instead of being innocent young boys who know nothing of war (and that’s actually quite relevant to their story arcs).
HOTD showrunners have made many changes to characterizations. But in the case of certain characters, those changes seem to be based on racist stereotypes. Similarly to how show!Laena got reduced to a fast black girl/unwanted wife who’s violent death is meant to serve the story of Rhaenyra (a white character) there are actually several aspects of Corlys and Laenor’s stories that were changed to uplift the white characters around them. The essence of their characterization in the show is altered. As I’ve mentioned before in another post, the black male characters in House of the Dragon are depicted as more hypermasculine, violent figures than their white book counterparts in Fire & Blood.
So yes, Corlys is meant to be an intelligent character but the show reduces that aspect greatly to depict him as more violent than his book counterpart. Show version of Corlys participates in the Stepstones through engaging in physical battles. Book version of Corlys does so through tactical command of his ships. Show version of Corlys returns back to the Stepstones to participate in more battles. Book version of Corlys does not (it’s actually Daemon that sticks around in the Stepstones). Based on leaks for season 2, if those leaks turn out to be true, then show version of the character will continue to be portrayed as more a soldier used to commit acts of violence than a politician who can act very intelligently to outmaneuver his opposition.
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spinnysocks · 21 days
dogo for the character bingo
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I LOVE HIM!! he's so cute he'd definitely be able to manipulate me with his puppy dog eyes 😭
i feel like he's just a kid who's been led down the wrong path by his mom, but i think he does genuinely have the potential to be good. he and his sister kijana definitely become friends with wema and tunu :) i have a lot of cute hcs for him
thanks for the ask!! c:
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sarilolla · 2 years
Nick Nack and Scout [also known as: me picking favourites] for character bingo asks if you're still doing those htgrfds
Yesss absolutely, character asks bingo is always open :D
Nick first:
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This man is so pretty, like holy shit. Just his eyes are gorgeous, like a graded purple, just *chefs kiss*. His design is so fun, and just from how he looks you would have thought he was a mad artist
Just like all the Handeemen, in real life I would probably be scared of him. Nick is maybe the one I would be least scared off, but that’s just the vibes, you know?
I edited the done dirty thing to say by canon, cuz holy shit, no. We are ignoring so many stuff there, time for fanon to take over. Don’t think I need to specify what we are ignoring
I don’t have too much to say about Nick tbh… Like he’s a fun guy, but at first I wasn’t a big fan. I remember playing the demo before they implemented the proper countdown for performances and he gave me 3 in a row without any breaks, so I got annoyed. Now, I really like him tho, so just like my opinion on Mortimer, things change :)
Then Scout :D
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Scout my beloved, the precious, my blorbo and skrunkly, I love her so fuckin much. I’m also a Scout prime is the true Scout truther
I absolutely adore how she looks, like obviously she is simpler than the Handeemen as she is a felt puppet, but still, she’s adorable. The kinda ugly-cute look works so well with her, and blue is my favorite color so I live her hair. She looks very huggable as well :,)
Carrying her around in a handbag like a tiny dog goes under the same as blorbo tbh. But like, she’s tiny enough to be in a handbag so I think I’m justified here /hj
She has her deep moments, especially in the first game. But there’s definitely more to her. Like I don’t like the old Game Theory video on how she is a “double agent”, but I find it plausible. She definitely has generational trauma on top of her own trauma, so yeah, ouch.
My own issues would be abandonment issues, trust issues and being clingy. Like, you can’t tell me this sweetheart gremlin wouldn’t be the clingiest little thing, and I love her for that. Yes I am mentally ill about her /affectionate
Okay so I know she got a lot of screen time in the first game, being sewn on to your hand and all, but I want more of her :( Lovely that she showed up in Midnight Show (I started crying when she did), but again, I wanted more. It was the right amount of screen time tho for Midnight Show for the right effect, and every hint to her inclusion was very good
Honestly, Scout could tell me she burned down an entire country and I would still be like “okay, you did nothing wrong, they probably deserved it” /hj And jokes aside, nothing in canon shows her to be evil and having done anything wrong, like she describes herself as “less evil” and only in the trailer for the first game. So yeah, Scout has done nothing wrong (I will fight you on this MatPat)
Thanks for the ask ^^
(I’m still open for more character asks if people want to ask)
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yourbelgianthings · 6 months
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exactly what it says, blorbo bingo!! you can send me asks or reblog to play on your own blog! just please don't save and repost as your own
click here for sources u can send me characters from!
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gophergal · 2 months
Artyom (you've been telling me your thoughts, but please share with the class)
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Artyom Metro, my beloved silly guy
He's just such a fascinating silent protagonist to me. He has so much character. He's also a rare flavor of Blorbo for me
Bonus doodle of his face based entirely on hc
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mamaspidershit · 2 months
this is very important character opinion bingo on tony stark
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please remember this is my personal opinion and to not take it too seriously 😭 i don’t want to get bullied off tumblr
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final thoughts on the fox fella + new smol cat boi
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What I find the most fascinating about Fellow isn't the character himself but rather the fandom reaction to just seeing his design. It was a tsunami of thirst unlike anything I had ever witnessed before. People were switching up oshis entirely, those who had never made a self-insert or yume before were suddenly making ones specifically to be shipped with Fellow, it was WILD. He's a homewrecker/j I support any and all Fellowives out there👍
That being said, I'm surprised that I feel so... lukewarm about him overall????? I'm usually all gung-ho for the smiling scammer types but for some reason Fellow just doesn't resonate with me. I'll admit that he's very good-looking (I love the colors of his suit, the cravat, the colorful patched up pants, and especially the silly little half capelet thing hanging off of him). His expressions are also very fun, with some favorites being his super smug smirk and the knowing, slightly-off kilter smile. However, there's just something about Fellow's personality that doesn't sit with me quite right. I know it's not the "he's a Red Flag!! RUN AWAY NOW!!!" thing either, because I love Love LOVE red flags in fictional characters 😭
Fellow is good at charming people off the cuff and using deceit to compensate for his low magical reserves, which in of itself is intriguing. It’s also admirable that he wants to start his own school for non-mages and low-magic mages to mingle, He’s an adult that still keeps the spirit of childlike wonder alive, and that makes him fun to follow. Those are the traits of his I like.
But I get the vibes that Fellow isn't as clever or as impressive as he likes to think he is...? He's full of himself but can't exactly back up his words with action. That's not meant to be a diss at his magical prowess, he's lacking in other areas as well. Like, he's a fully grown man picking fights with kids because of a personal vendetta... and he’s steering the kids home while the island is sinking and relying on them to rescue them in case anything goes wrong?? That’s just irresponsible. Not to mention he doesn’t seem to plan ahead?? How does he not know he’s kidnapping many famous and/or powerful people with families might come after his ass if they go missing?
I think that it doesn't help that the "pathetic" vibes were being conveyed in a lot of fan art well before the twist; it only adds to his "patheticness" and it gets to a point where it's too much for me and then is no longer appealing. I can get on board with him and gloating and wanting to crush kids’ dreams because same/j but not when he’s panting and wheezing and desperately tackling them for their tickets to tear up. He doesn’t feel like a genuine threat without the support of his backers. I would still say I like the character and will happily rag on him, but I wouldn't bark for him or anything (though I will grant him points for coming close to winning the cage makes it better/j).
What I appreciate about Fellow's character is that it shows us a darker side to Twisted Wonderland. I don't necessarily think his initial motives are that deep (he's after fat stacks), but I think the sentiment behind the motives are. It pulls back the curtain and reveals an ugly truth about his magical world and the roles that money and privilege play in it. We aren't exposed to many instances of this, but they are, in fact, there (like when Yuu was insulted by Riddle in book 1). It's finally getting attention front and center now—I just wish they had gone deeper with it.
What's currently got me invested in following Fellow is his relationship with Gidel. I love that they're a "found family" (they're "sworn brothers") and that Fellow seems to look after Gidel... Telling the NRC boys not to put stupid ideas in Gidel's head, walking off with Gidel at the end, recounting the times they scammed together, putting his arm out in battle to keep Gidel behind him... (or maybe I'm just delusional and want to believe the fan art LOL). I'm such a sucker for the trope of the protective big brother 💀 Unfortunately, we don't get a ton of canon moments in the event... Like damn, not even details on how they first met or how they found this job or why specifically Fellow cares for Gidel??? I don’t like that for all that we’re told about how hard the duo’s past was, we didn’t get to hear a lot of explicit detail about it (especially when it is so inherently important to their conflict with the NRC crew and their turn at the very end). I just gotta pray their eventual card next Halloween will give more insight into this.
He’s a character I like to think about mainly because his background as a failed mage student gives me a lot to chew on in terms of questioning the world’s lore and how their society is structured. Fellow himself is good for a few laughs, but it isn’t long before my mind strays, if that makes sense. I’m not chomping at the bit, but I don’t exactly detest the guy??? I guess you would call it ambivalence; I’m only fixated on certain aspects of him (the looks, the lore he provides, and the onii-sama potential).
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I don't really have much to comment on for Gidel, but I have to say that I like having mute representation and more magicless characters in the cast at large. His outfit is also very fun; I like how it incorporates colors you don't normally see slapped together (that shade of yellow and purple) while still looking cohesive. I keep looking at Gidel's design and seeing a mix of Cheka and Ruggie though (because of the fluffy hair, eye shape, and stature). He very much reminds me of a smol doggo I'd bump into on a walk home and spend ten minutes standing there and considering adopting it.
As I said in my thoughts on Fellow, I think Gidel is at his best when he's in his little brother-big brother dynamic with Fellow. He's just a little guy trying his best while Fellow's trying to lead them. I think that's something the whole fandom can agree on, since I see sooo many people shading Fellow for his actions but the same people squealing and patting Gidel on the head and claiming he has done nothing wrong (despite being complicit in, and actively helping with, the trafficking operation). I guess it's because Gidel is still a child and may not fully understand the implications of it???
It's very sweet and genuine that Gidel demonstrates an interest in going to school and learning—but Fellow, who has been disappointed by the world of magic academia, warns Gidel against it. In his own way, he's keeping Gidel from what he sees as an uppity, shallow realm that will crush his hopes and dreams. That's Fellow's version of "protecting" him. It's a way of telling us about their relationship without outright stating how Fellow feels about Gidel. In return, Gidel also supports him and whacks him a good one when Fellow’s down in the dumps.
I'm sad that we didn't get to see more of their dynamic in the event (like we only see them having a meaningful interaction at the very end), but maybe that's just because the fandom works have set my expectations high. Unfortunately, all those sweet moments of Fellow and Gidel bonding are seemingly confined to just fanart and fanfiction, since very little is mentioned or even implied in the event itself. I'm hoping that (assuming they get a card together next year) we get to see more glimpses of their daily life in the associated vignettes.
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galactic-rhea · 21 hours
did you get a padme bingo question yet? id like to see padme my girl padme
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Padmeeee my beloved!!! Easily another favourite of mine... I'm her fourth biggest fan,,,(the first three are all Anakin)
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