#charlie queues
charliesimss · 16 days
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Today We Say Forever
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aviscranio · 1 year
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The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse (2022) dir. Charlie Mackesy, Peter Baynton
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kelsonius · 2 months
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Hazbin Hotel | 1x5 - “Dad Beat Dad”
(Bonus below)
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Slimecicle: I have a feeling there might be another... Actually, I don't want to scare her. Hang on. I don't I don't really want to freak her the fck out. There we go. Helloooo?
JuanaFlippa: [Is wearing a cute little ghost costume]
Slime: [SCREAMS] OH FCK! Oh sht! Oh god! I need to tell Flippa! Oh my god it's haunted, we need to move! We actually need to move! Oh my god, I got to change zip codes! I need to change fcking states, I need to change SMPs! [He takes a minute to calm down] Oh, oh, that was scary. Oh my god. Do you think it's still there? Do you think it's still there? It's probably- [SCREAMS]
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little-buzz · 4 months
Husk (and Lucifer) wanted to hug the others but Alastor had to come in and ruin the moment😭😭
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my-dark-lord · 21 days
Charlie: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? Vaggie: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
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carnabybeat · 2 months
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The Strolling Stones
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chrliekclly · 11 months
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i am aware of the effect she has on women
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toxiccrybabyart · 2 months
Hazbin hotel edits ft my redesigns
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charliesimss · 8 months
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Jasper Family Porch 🎃🍂
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Sitting on charlie swan's lap trying to get his attention/distracting him or just talking about yor day.
word count: 0.6k
warnings: age gap, talk about getting married, quickly proofread, hoping tumblr doesn't screw up my ending again
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"I want to marry you," you hummed from Charlie's lap, fingers digging through his beard as you cupped his face lightly in your hands. If the man hadn't been caught by surprise by you settling right on his lap without a single word, that little statement certainly did it. He lost all interest in the game he'd been watching, abandoning his beer on the table next to him, hand instead moving to your back to support you.
"You do now?" his tone was curious giving away just how intrigued you had him with such a simple sentence, bringing it up just as easily as you'd remind him to stop for milk before coming home from the station.
"I do," you nodded and sighed, in thought as if you were picturing it, tuning out the details, and then you smiled, holding onto him a little tighter and he didn't mind, simply adoring the sight of you dreaming wide awake. "Nothing fancy, just us two and Bella, maybe Edward, definitely Billy and Jacob," you were moving, shifting so you were almost straddling him, truly the only comfortable one but he was willing to wait it out. "We can go down to city hall and I can wear a pretty white dress with big poofy sleeves and we can go to the diner afterward to have pie instead of cake, we could have our first dance as husband and wife right in this living room."
"You don't think you deserve more than that?" his hand was brushing up and down your back, soothing you, telling you that you had all of his attention, telling you to keep going.
"More than you?" you shook your head, unimpressed by the foolishness of the question, how could he think a future with him wasn't more than you'd ever deserved to begin with, let alone that you'd need more. "Got any ideas for our song?" you quipped and he shrugged, fighting a smile when you moved your hands to his head, threading through his hair as you gave your own question some thought.
"Something from the sixties," he beat you to it and the smile that dipped into your lips proved that he was on the right track. "Though I don't think it matters, I'll step on your toes no matter what," you giggled, he was very right but you didn't think you'd mind if he did.
"We'd be barefoot," you informed him, happy to edit your little dream to make it perfect. "So it wouldn't hurt as much," you added and he smiled, he didn't dare hide it, happy to see you happy, knowing that after the week you'd had, seeing you like this meant the stress was fading.
"Sweetheart," he almost purred and the softness of his voice made you shiver, leaning into him, elbows on his shoulders as you nodded to make him continue. "Is this a proposal?" he pressed and you bit your lip, considering it, and that was where your perfect plan reached a plot hole, you never decided on that part.
"Maybe," you shrugged and then shook your head. "No, it's not," you decided and you weren't all that happy to hear a car pull up in the driveway, Bella coming home from a night out with Edward. "Don't think we're ready yet, but I know we'll be ready one day," you explained and it was ridiculous, the way you wanted to melt into his arms even more, feeling silly for how sure you sounded of yourself but it made him fall in love with you even more, as simple as it was, as silly as it was, as clear as you could see your little wedding day, the future he saw with you was just as clear, now more than ever.
"And what if I'm ready now?" you bit your lip, wishing there was a way to make time stop for just a few more minutes so you could appreciate this moment with him as you tried to figure out what exactly you'd done to get so very lucky.
"Then you'll just have to be patient, Chief Swan," the kiss you gave him wasn't at all long enough for his liking and he wasn't at all impressed when the front door swung open and robbed him of you, your hand lingering in his hair for barely a second before you were skipping to the kitchen. "Hi, Bells," you sang as the teenager came into the house, met by the sight of you holding a plate full of brownies you'd baked earlier, something sweet that you needed after a long week and you were sure she needed them too. "You hungry?" you were already pulling out a little plate from the cupboard so there wasn't really a choice in the matter as she nodded.
Bella squeezed her father's shoulder as she passed him on her way to you, earning a mumbled greeting as he tried to focus on the game he was so entirely captivated by just a few minutes before but it was harder than he thought it would be. You jumped onto the counter listening to every word of Bella explaining her date in a whisper while nibbling at the chocolate treat but you were more than ready to lock eyes with Charlie as he turned around to meet your gaze.
"Marry me," he mouthed with a lovesick look, one you'd only gotten the chance to see on very rare occasions and you had to bite back a giggle as you shook your head with a slight shrug and a daring smile.
"Soon," you mouthed in reply and when he turned back to the television with a soft sigh his attention was further from football than ever before because if this was what his future would look like then he wasn't sure just how patient he could be.
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kxmpfflieger · 4 months
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collection of hazbin doodles from over january (?)
can you tell sir pentious is my favourite
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little-buzz · 4 months
Harmless Fun
This post is related to a previous one, but you don't have to read it to understand this drabble. Please let me know your thoughts‼️
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Hazbin Hotel x Reader (platonic)
You passed the bar as Husk stared at a bottle in his hand. There were two googly eyes plastered to the glass. He let out a hiss and turned around to face you.
“Which one of you schmucks ruined my shit?” demanded Husk.
You held in a poorly stifled giggle and shrugged innocently. Nifty zipped in from the noise and examined the booze herself. She shook the bottle and watched as the eyes move side to side.
Husk caught your eye, glaring darkly at you. “You’re the only one here to pull this immature stunt!” he exclaimed.
You took a step back and held your hands out placatingly. “That’s not true. Angel might’ve done that.”
He growled and stomped towards you. You saw Charlie and Vaggie enter the room. You called out for the princess and quickly hid behind her.
“Husk is gonna kill me over false evidence!” you cried.
Said demon bared his sharp teeth, only a few inches from your princess shield. Vaggie glared at you in disapproval. Charlie smiled nervously at the demon.
“Hold on— what happened here?” asked Charlie.
Nifty appeared again and held the bottle towards her. Charlie did a better job to hold in a chuckle. “Husk thinks they ruined his alcohol,” said Nifty and gestured towards you.
She took the booze and easily peeled off the plastic eyes. “Problem solved, Husk!”
His sour expression didn’t change. “The little asshole stuck those things on my other bottles too,” he replied crossly.
Charlie turned her head towards you with a tired look. “Go remove the rest of them,” said the princess gently.
You balled your hands into fists. “But there’s no proof I—”
“Do what Charlie says,” warned Vaggie.
You wanted to argue, but you stomped to the bar instead, knowing you weren’t winning this fight. Husk smugly grinned as you walked away.
“Serves you right not to mess with my stuff.”
You glared at him and removed the eyes. “Since when is it a crime to have some harmless fun?”
“Oh, so you admit it!” cried Husk.
“Of course, old men like you hate practical jokes,” you murmured under your breath. Nifty reemerged and helped remove the googly eyes from the bottles.
Once you finished, you made your way to your bedroom. You were stopped in the hallway by Charlie. She approached you from behind with a gentle smile.
You crossed your arms. “I don’t want to hear a lecture about apologizing to Husk for what I did,” you huffed.
“No, I’m not gonna lecture you. I don’t think there was any foul in your prank,” said Charlie.
You arched your brow in response. “I don’t think Husk was the best person for your target though.”
You knew she had a point.
“Anyway, if you wanna pull a prank again, please run it by me. I don’t want my patrons to be attacking each other,” admitted Charlie.
You blinked before your lips cracked into a smile. Ideas began to spark in your mind. You walked down the hallway and headed towards your bedroom with newfound determination.
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my-dark-lord · 5 months
Charlie: So, how long have you and Angel Dust been together? Alastor: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Angel Dust and I are not together. No. No. Vaggie: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
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