#chinese genocide of uighurs
lightdancer1 · 2 years
And in point of fact I'm going to be still more blunt. You can support China's treatment of Uighurs or Palestinians but not both:
If you can see through the self-serving justifications of Israel for deploying the IDF every time Palestinians start shooting at Israelis whenever they get fed up enough with their mistreatment to go for their first and always favored method of expressing that disagreement, you should not find it in you to believe Beijing when it proclaims those 're-education camps' for 'terrorists' in Uighurstan are anything but what they are.
If you don't believe me, pay attention to WHY China and Russia vote with Israel all the time on Israel and Palestine. They know damned well that if Palestinians get anything their own minorities will start demanding it from them next and follow the Palestinian precedent to get very heavily armed and unleash brutality on a grand scale.
Beijing itself knows this, this is why it does what it does, in the ways that it does. And yet too many white Westerners who otherwise see Islam as a medieval religion of fanatics who stone women to death for showing ankles and bay and howl the name 'Muhammad' before unleashing the savage wars of peace suddenly find it in them to pretend they see the Palestinian Islamists as human beings while simultaneously claiming Beijing's view of Uighurs as a mass cultural Al-Qaeda are convincing.
Not how it works. There is nothing especially unique about Palestinians or Palestinian Islam unlike all the other Islams. If you see them as human then the Rohingya and the Uighurs deserve concern, too.
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greencheekconure27 · 2 years
Sometimes I go on Tumblr and it looks like a "how much brainrot can I fit into one screenshot" contest
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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Links that OP also provided: Campaign for Uyghurs Speak Up For The Uyghurs (Carrd) Save Uyghur (Companies Linked to Uyghur Forced Labour) The Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region
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There is mass systematic sexual violence being committed against Ugyhur women in these concentration camps as a 'torture tactic'-I have read horrifying reports and details about their many experiences -being violated over and over again and it's just horrifying -these accounts are something I will never forget reading about because it is truly despicable what has been done to them. And the fact that the Chinese government STILL refuses to acknowledge what they have done -and deny these 'allegations,' I hope more people learn about what has been happening in these camps where a genocide is occurring against Uyghur people.
Here are some more links to some articles for folks to look into this and with some more information about what has been happening:
“Break Their Lineage, Break Their Roots”- China’s Crimes against Humanity Targeting Uyghurs and Other Turkic Muslims
China Uses Rape as Torture Tactic Against Uighur Detainees, Victims Say
Abortions, IUDs and sexual humiliation: Muslim women who fled China for Kazakhstan recount ordeals
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bonyassfish · 1 month
spacelazarwolf the pos “nonzionist” reblogged from you btw. He can choke ten thousand times very painfully 💖 Peace!
Hey anon, coming into a Jew’s inbox and saying some shit about another Jew without actually explaining your problem with them and following it up with wanting them to choke painfully and then adding a heart emoji and saying peace is not the flex you think it is lmao
I’ve read through posts on spacelazarwolf’s blog and have concluded that despite the opinion of a thousand random anons they (unsure about pronouns they’re not in the bio but please correct me) aren’t actually a bloodthirsty “zionazi” gunning for the death of Palestinians
Idk, if you all on the internet could see what actual Zionists have to say about all this, you’d realize that Jews like me and spacelazawolf are sometimes considered as betrayers, self-hating, etc bc we don’t support the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. I’ve had family members send me awful, vile messages about how I’m a kapo and shouldn’t be considered a member of the Jewish people anymore.
Also, this demand that everyone on the internet adequately show their allegiance to every cause is dumb because A) there are far too many worthy causes and issues in the world for everyone to be well informed on and positing about, B) posting on tumblr.com isn’t activism (not saying it’s not important, awareness is important) and C) you have no idea what a person is doing outside of social media
demanding to know the stance of every Jew you meet about Palestine is shitty. I don’t go up to every Indian person I meet and ask them about Modi. I don’t go up to every Chinese person I meet and ask them about the Uighur genocide. Hell, I don’t go up to every person I meet here living in the US to answer for the very very long list of horrible things America is responsible for.
Anyway, next time you feel like coming into a Jewish person’s inbox and saying some crap, send some money to:
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yourtongzhihazel · 12 days
You know I cant help but feel like people are trying to generalize the ccp treatment of Uighur people into a general Islamophobia by leaving put context like the fact that it was a specific response to a attack on china. I'm not going to defend the CCP actions as being justified or propionate, but like ot does frustrate me when people act like the ccp is gonna genocide all muslims. Like there is literally a mosque in my hometown of lanzhou, I've seen tvshow and documentaries openly acknowledge the Hui and Uyghurs as being members of Chinese minority groups. Because the best way to genocide a religious group you dont like is to build their place of worship in your cities and openly acknowledge them as being a part of your country.
39,000 mosques in the PRC, 24,000 of which are in Xinjiang; a density which exceeds some Muslim majority countries (1 mosque per ~500 people).
There are real things to criticize about the PRC (e.g. its hard-handedness in their initial approach); a made up genocide used to push usamerican interests in SWANA (while they try to cover up several others) is not one of them.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
How do you protect a culture that is being wiped out?
For Uighurs, this is more than just a hypothetical. Repressive measures against the ethnic minority have progressively worsened: The Chinese government has corralled more than 1 million of them into internment camps, where they have been subjected to political indoctrination, forced sterilization, and torture.
The targeting of the Uighurs isn’t limited to the camps. Since 2016, dozens of graveyards and religious sites have been destroyed. The Uighur language has been banned in Xinjiang schools in favor of Mandarin Chinese. Practicing Islam, the predominant Uighur faith, has been discouraged as a “sign of extremism.”
Beijing frames these moves as its way of rooting out terrorism, separatism, and religious extremism. But the aim of China’s actions in Xinjiang is clear: to homogenize Uighurs into the country’s Han Chinese majority, even if that means erasing their cultural and religious identity for good. What is taking place is a cultural genocide.
The repercussions bear heavily even on Uighurs living outside the country. Their burden is more than just raising awareness about what is taking place in their homeland—a task many have taken up at great cost to themselves and their families. It’s also about preserving and promoting their identity in countries where few people might know who the Uighurs are, let alone what the world stands to lose should their language, food, art, and traditions be eradicated.
In an effort to understand what this kind of cultural preservation looks like in practice, I spoke with seven Uighurs residing in Britain, France, Turkey, and the United States. As chefs, poets, singers, filmmakers, language teachers, and musicians, each of them is contributing to this work in different ways. All of them are passionate about ensuring that their heritage will be passed on to future generations. None of them is under any illusions about what’s at stake if they fail.
“Every Uighur now is under very big psychological pressure,” Omer Kanat, the director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a Washington, D.C.–based nonprofit, told me. “We cannot sleep at night.”
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just-antithings · 6 months
Yeah the "Russians DNI" is very... what even. I'm on a discord server (have been since before the Ukraine war) dedicated to a certain piece of Russian media. We've got several Russians there. We have also, as a server, organized donations to Ukraine, and the Russians on the server are just as firmly against the war as the rest of us. Of course I suppose partly it's just that Russians who would be pro-war and all that are less likely to end up in same internet circles as I do, but like, either way, we should not judge an entire country's worth of people based only on their government's actions.
By the same logic of DNI if you're of a country that participates in some Bad Thing - should I then also refuse to interact with anyone from China, because of the ongoing genocide of the Uighur people committed by the Chinese government? Should I refuse to interact with anyone from the US, for the country's involvement in conflicts in the Middle-East, and for its treatment of Native Americans, and for the anti-trans laws in many states? Should I refuse to interact with anyone from my own country, since my own country still does arms trade with Israel, and continues to some degree to treat the native Sámi peoples poorly, and, and, and...? Should I just curl up into a ball and never leave the house and never interact with anyone ever again, for fear of tainting my own precious moral purity by the mere fact of interacting with another person?
that’s probably the best course of action /s
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1americanconservative · 6 months
End Wokeness
Meet the new George Soros…
This is Neville Roy Singham and his wife Jodie Evans Neville is a tech millionaire who bankrolls far-left causes in the US and Britain.
He has funneled at least $20.4M to a firm that is now organizing the Free Palestine protests we see across the globe.
He has given tens of thousands of dollars to fund Ilhan Omar and other Squad members.
He shares an office in Shanghai with a CCP propaganda firm and he was named as the central figure behind a global Chinese propaganda network.
His wife Jodie is a radical activist and is the co-founder of Code Pink. Ironically, she is a supporter of the Chinese genocide against Uighur Muslims by Xi.
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xieyaohuan · 7 months
out of curiosity & if u can answer, what's the genocide you've researched?
The Uighur genocide, which is ongoing and evolving. My original research is quite limited; I mainly help others, for example by finding and translating official Chinese sources for journalists who don't speak Chinese. I also have access to several large datasets that are otherwise not easily accessible to people (they are technically openly available, but sorting through them is complicated), and I make sure that when I come across a relevant document in my own research, I forward it to someone working on the topic.
If there's any interest, I'd be happy to talk more about what is going on in the Uighur homeland (most of which is located in what is now called the Xinjiang Autonomous Region) and why I think the genocide label is valid (though I personally don't care if others choose not to use it and prefer to talk about 'crimes against humanity' instead). I can also talk a little bit about the difficulties that come with documenting a genocide in closed states where access to information is highly controlled, and how people go about collecting proof anyway.
This is not directly related to genocidal acts, but if you want to get a sense of the overall political climate in the Uighur region, I recommend watching this report (link leads to a Weibo/"Chinese Twitter" post where the video is embedded) put out by China's official international broadcaster CGTN. I find it useful because it is an official source that is unintentionally revealing. The video is 10 minutes long, in English, and chronicles how the Chinese government dealt with 'mistakes' in school textbooks used in the Uighur region - basically the inclusion of stories that featured Uighur heroes and were labeled 'religious extremism' and 'separatism' (they're not - they're folklore stories). It gives you a good idea what people go to jail for, and what the sentences are.
Please note that the video includes forced confessions, i.e. footage of the 'criminals' confessing their 'crimes' and denouncing themselves in front of the camera so that that Chinese state TV can show proof of their 'guilt.' This is a common practice in China. People usually do so under duress, in some cases while drugged, or to have their sentences reduced (in one of the cases in this video, this may have potentially meant having a death sentence converted into a suspended death sentence, i.e. life in prison). I usually recommend people not watch these 'confessions' since they are recorded without any meaningful consent, but in this case, I would urge folks to watch the 'confession' and forced self-denunciation of Alimjan Memtimin (which is shown in several parts throughout the video, but the part at the 8:10 minute mark is particularly disturbing to me) because it perfectly encapsulates the extremely disturbing nature of these political prosecutions and the overall political climate.
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pearwaldorf · 8 months
Gaza, Israel, antisemitism, US politics in relation to, all that good shit
Up front: I'm an American gentile. I have Jewish friends.
Everything is fucked! I cannot believe the Biden administration is just going to go along with whatever the fuck the Israeli state is going to do in Gaza. You can't tell 2.5mm people to get out of a place without giving them a place to stay or even a humanitarian corridor!
This has been going on for decades, with the world turning a blind eye to immense suffering. No wonder Palestinians are pissed. And whatever you want to say about (Israeli) civilian casualties and resistance against colonialism and how people are "supposed" to ask for oppressors to take boots off their necks, you can't make these things pretty or acceptable.
(My therapist and I were talking about all this yesterday, and he was like "What purpose is there in Hamas harming civilians?" And I replied, "Why is there this implicit assumption that an Israeli life is more valuable than a Palestinian's?")
I hear the sorrow and pain of my Jewish friends when they say they feel alienated from their communities because it's not acceptable to think of Palestinians as people deserving of safety and dignity. And that's fucked.
I am 40 years old. I am aware of at least four genocides (Kosovo, Rwanda, Myanmar, the Uighurs) that have happened/are happening in my lifetime. And this is probably going to be the fifth. And I don't know how to process this. Can someone process this?
At the same time, I hear about a lot of antisemitism on the left. I figure if both the left and the right are stupid about a thing, it's really really bad.
Here is how I understand it, based upon my own ethnic origins. I'm of Chinese descent. I was born here. My parents immigrated here from China, and because China doesn't do dual citizenship, they lost their citizenship there when they became Americans. We have no political connections to the country itself. But somehow, I as an individual, am held morally culpable for the actions of a government I have absolutely nothing to do with. If I was physically or verbally assaulted by somebody who holds Sinophobic sentiment, that would be unacceptable. So why is it fine when it happens to Jews?
The notion of dual loyalty is inherently racist, and of course it's a double standard that has been applied to people of many ethnicities. But it is very strongly associated with Jewish people, and that is absolutely fucked.
A long time ago, somebody asked me why I reblog so much stuff about Judaism and antisemitism when I'm not Jewish. Would they have asked this about anti-Black racism or transphobia? I have had Jewish friends tell me my visible solidarity, however trivial it feels, is comforting to them. And that sucks, that in this day and age it's still considered strange to stick up for a group that experiences oppression.
I'm not a historian or even an interested amateur who's done research. I can't tell you much about the geopolitics of it all. But I can say that paying attention to who gets humanity ascribed to them, by whom, is always a good place to start.
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tetrapod-speedweed · 15 days
I'm lowkey feelin real dicey about how China is implicitly being framed in a positive light when raising criticisms about current Biden and overall US policy...like yes Joe IS an awful genocidal imperialist, but there's a bit of an issue with putting China on the other side when criticising how genocidal and imperialist America is being right now - if we think such actions are heinous crimes against humanity (and they truly are), then we CANNOT give the CCP any slack in this regard. China is absolutely no slouch in genocide and imperialism right now as the Uighurs continue to be erased and as China rampantly pursues its neocolonialism in Africa. In the South China Sea, Chinese naval vessels have been incredibly unhinged with sailing right up to the coasts of other nations (e.g. the Philippines and other SEA nations) and blasting fishing boats with firehoses to push them out of their own waters which are being claimed as Chinese waters. And Chinese military aviation has in recent years been repeatedly violating the airspace of Japan and other Asian nations to the point that the Asian nations who traditionally have distrusted Japan in their foreign policies for years (e.g. South Korea) now would rather side with Japan than with China at this point. The US military industrial complex is giga ultra bad for the global climate crisis, but China makes that level of pollution look like mild littering when it comes to accelerating climatological catastrophe.
So when US actions against China are criticized I start feeling real iffy; on the one hand I don't really trust the reasoning and motive behind why the US is pursuing such actions or that these policies would necessarily benefit the actual American people over just giving some clique in Congress a political win, but on the other hand I REALLY REALLY trust the CCP way fucking less. When I see criticisms of US anti-China policy I kinda feel like there's no wins here since taking a side feels like automatically supporting one of the genocidal imperialist regimes in question. (Also I'm not sure how many people are realizing that Chinese corporations are very not independent of the CCP the way most other corporations are to their respective countries' regimes, Chinese corporations pretty much do act as CCP appendages both domestically and globally.)
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thunderandsage · 1 month
i was going through my old schoolwork and found my notes on the uyghur genocide in china, so here are the resources i used in case anyone is interested:
(IMPORTANT NOTES: first, this was a high school project, so while i’m pretty sure these sources are reliable, it’s possible that i missed something, but for the most part i’m confident. second, the project also required an environmental aspect, so that’s why there are so many focused on environmental pollution)
https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/2022-08-31/22-08-31-final-assesment.pdf (this one’s the UN report)
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dragoneyes618 · 1 month
"A study by professors Jay P. Greene, Albert Cheng, and Ian Kingsbury, found that the more education a person has, the more anti-Semitic he is likely to be.
Though earlier studies had suggested a correlation between low education levels and anti-Semitism, Greene et al suspected that those with higher education were too sophisticated to give “wrong” answers when asked straight up how they felt about Jews or whether they agreed with blatantly anti-Semitic stereotypes. So instead, the researchers used a test based on double standards by asking about comparable cases involving a Jewish example and a non-Jewish example. And they found that “more highly educated people were more likely to apply principles more harshly to Jewish examples.”
In the test, no subject was asked both about the Jewish case and the non-Jewish case to prevent them from discerning the nature of the test. When asked, for instance, whether “attachment to a foreign country creates a conflict of interest,” respondents with four-year degrees were 7 percent more likely, and those with advanced degrees 13 percent more likely, to express concern when the country was Israel than when it was Mexico. Those with advanced degrees were 12 percent more likely to support the military in prohibiting Jewish yarmulkes than in prohibiting Sikh turbans. While a majority of respondents supported a ban on public gatherings during Covid, those with advanced degrees were 11 percent more likely to do so with respect to Orthodox funerals than BLM protests.
The authors conclude their Tablet article (“Are Educated People More Anti-Semitic?” March 30, 2021), by quoting Harvard professor emerita Ruth Wisse, who argues that anti-Semitism flourishes when “it forms part of a political movement and serves a political purpose.” And such political causes are increasingly those favored by the well-educated in the US.
Horn herself provides a fascinating real-life example of differential treatment involving Jews. She wrote a piece on anti-Semitism for the New York Times. During the editorial process, she was relentlessly fact-checked on her assertion that violation of Jewish women had been widespread in the 1918–1921 Russian civil war and in the 1941 Farhud pogrom in Baghdad. Yet that same paper rushed to print a highly inflammatory (an ancient Tunisian synagogue was burned down in response) and false Hamas claim that Israel had bombed a Gaza hospital and inflicted 500 casualties, with no apparent fact-checking.
Often times the differential attention focused on Jews reflects an obsession with us. Since 1948, the number of casualties in the Arab-Israeli conflict ranks somewhere around 50th in world conflicts. Yet it has sucked up almost all the attention. Over half a million people were killed in the Syrian civil war, including some with poison gas, and millions displaced from their homes. Black Darfurian tribesman have been slaughtered by Sudanese Arabs in even greater numbers. Can anyone remember one mass demonstration protesting those slaughters? Or against Russia’s deliberate targeting of hospitals, apartment buildings, and other civilian sites in Ukraine? Or against Chinese concentration camps for two million imprisoned Uighurs? Compare that silence to dozens of anti-Israel demonstrations every day in cities and on campuses around the world.
Israel is constantly accused of genocide against Palestinians, even though under Israeli rule, Palestinians life expectancies increased 50 percent and infant mortality declined by three-quarters. Yet it is Hamas whose charter explicitly calls for the extermination of Jews around the globe — i.e., genocide. This is inversion of the worst sort. The accusation of genocide against Israel is a form of erasure of the Holocaust; alleged Jewish guilt an expiation of gentile sins of many greater times magnitude.
- https://mishpacha.com/anti-semitism-for-smarties/
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elfdragon12 · 1 year
So this is a departure from my usual posts, but I've been feeling a strong personal responsibility to educate myself more thoroughly about the Uyghur/Uighur genocide going on in Xinjiang while writing a character meant to be of that ethnic group.
China, of course, denies that they've been committing human rights violations against them and claims that this whole thing is a smear campaign by the US government.
Granted, I do believe in August of 2018, Chinese officials told the UN human rights committee that there were no internment camps in Xinjiang... Yet the Chinese government apparently made them officially legal in October of the same year. Any critical thinker knows that those things didn't just pop up immediately after being legalized and claims that what usually happens in camps totally aren't happening should be considered highly suspicious.
When trying to find more recent information and articles, I found one of the most *audacious* quotes I've seen in an article from the BBC from last year.
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China insisting that the people they're *forcing* into camps are GRATEFUL!! Really??? I'm sure any minority person is ~grateful~ for their experience is totally being absolutely genuine and not saying it because, if they don't, they'll be forced back in.
This is atrocious.
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yourtongzhihazel · 2 months
The source that you yourself provided for the Uyghur post says "mass imprisonment and forced labor of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity" AND there have been multiple allegations of rape/SA from the inmates themselves. Even if it's not a genocide, it's weird that you're bootlicking for the Chinese government. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/14/the-faux-anti-imperialism-of-denying-anti-uighur?traffic_source=KeepReading
Which source? The foreign policy one? Of course they would say that they're a bourgeois news source. Your article, written by journalists from two western DOTBs and two strongly bourgeois institutions must have a real well rounded view when it comes to foreign countries. Just because they throw in some lines about "disavowing the american imperialist machine" while consistently citing western backed NGOS like human rights watch, who takes sponsorships from military contractors, doesn't mean they aren't engaging in blatant propaganda manufacturing. And then they go on to try and discredit sources and positions which go against them. Is this not taking the american side by default? The article tries to take a third position on the issue but what does it materially accomplish? The separatists are backed by the united states and serves usa interests in the region. The people in Xinjiang and vocational schools are backed by the PRC. You will fall into either camp one way or another.
99% of all the claims about XInjiang come from or are in some way involved with the usa state department, the NED, ETIM, or the world uyghur congress, all institutions or NGOs deeply involved with washington. The unites states and its running dogs have accused and lied about countries across the world in order to maintain their geopolitical positions. They will lie about babies being left in incubators. About WMDs. About rogue attacks. And they will lie about genocide. Take a look at the west's track history on genocide. Every single time they have done nothing to ever actually stop one and not only do they not stop genocide, they are the ones actively participating or supplies them. Look at the blatant lying about Palestine and tell me with a straight face what they actually care about genocide and Muslims. The real question is not why im "bootlicking for the Chinese government" but why you are doing the propaganda legwork for the imperialists.
As I have already said, multiple times, many international organizations, especially Islamic and Muslim ones have come to Xinjiang, investigated, and found no wrongdoing. Here's a look inside the vocational centers. Locals and attendees disavow the claims of forced labor. And there are serious issues with mass detainment claims. And people do actually graduate from the vocational schools. Contrary to popular belief, just like the province of Yunnan, Xinjiang is a province of many minorities; 19 out of the 52 nationally recognized groups. The largest are the Uyghurs, but mongols, Tajiks, and many more also live there. This is what Xinjiang is actually like. The PRC's primary de-radicalizing policy is the anti-poverty campaign. The past few years have seen tremendous material and money investment in China's poorest provinces, most notably, Xinjiang. Numerous programs like from animal husbandry, e-commerce, healthcare, clean water initiatives, childhood education, and more. The reason you don't see more new claims coming out from Xinjiang these days is that these policies have worked to reduce radicalization and poverty! The vocational schools are slowly emptying!
The american propagandists and you lot continue to come with more and more allegations and it is always the job of the communists to find evidence of the non-existence of a genocide? To prove a negative? ridiculous. You are letting the united states and its running dogs manufacture a false narrative on every country under the sun. Stop letting them take advantage of your humanity. They won't lift a finger to help the Palestinians, why would they be so fervently supportive of the Uyghurs? Where's the mass fleeing of people from Xinjiang into neighboring regions? What do you want me to show, live footage of the millions of kilometers of border? Where's the distinct targeting of intellectuals, journalists, professionals, and leaders like you see in Palestine? In occupied territories like Palestine and Kashmir, you will see consistent news about attacks and resistance movements. There are none in Xinjiang; since 2017 and the start of the de-radicalization and anti-poverty campaign. Is China so competent that they have eliminated all the resistance groups and weapons and etc. but simultaneously incompetent enough to not dismantle ETIM and other groups? You have examples of SEVERAL genocides live streamed in front of your fucking face and you still want to believe the lie about a fake one being generated entirely by foreign forces.
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
That horrible feeling when you're from an obscure source and the only other person with a kintype from it is a denier of the Uighur cultural genocide/defends China putting them in concentration camps as being "for their own good" and "job training". Y'know, I'm not Uighur, and to the best of my knowledge none of my past lives were, either, but as a Native American in this life... yeah, no. Colonizers don't take away your language, your culture, your name, and your way of life "for your own good". They do it because they don't believe you should have the right to personal freedoms and autonomy. This is not defensible. And then this jackass called me anti-Chinese, which is just... you know most people in China don't support this either, right? The government's desires aren't that of its' people. This isn't really a Chinese thing, this is a cluster-of-powerful-jackass thing. But also, again, hi, I'm Native. I didn't like it when white people did this to my people, why would I be cool with it when nonwhite people do it to someone else? Being nonwhite doesn't make cultural genocide okay. Cultural genocide is bad, actually.
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