#cicada walters
teknikolor-walters · 1 month
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
For cicada but also scarab but also kinda the two OI cicaderations but also-
Them damn bugboy friendship bracelets!!!!! I definitely think it works as a reminder that he's cicada, even when he's done horrible things and doesn't think he deserves the label cricket made that bracelet for him and put his name on it. He's still cicada. He'll always still have cricket
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ltacryptid · 9 months
Extremely Important H1VE meeting
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(They’re watching SAW)
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 9 months
Enter Tier Two through 122E at 10pm sharp tonight. There is a high probability that you will encounter another individual inside of 122E. Dispatch with them in whatever way you deem appropriate - they are not an OVER employee, and nobody of consequence will miss them. Afterwards, proceed into Tier Two. There is a file somewhere in building 275B that should be labeled "XDFR239-4GF-ACB3" and bear a stamp in red ink stating "For US Government Internal Use Only" and a second stamp in blue ink stating "Project 2BR56". Retrieve this file, photograph its contents, and return it to its place. There should be at least five pages inside, and up to fifty. You will not understand the contents of this file, but it is important that they be eligible and we be able to read every character. After returning the file to its place you may return to your cabin for the night. Do not be spotted or identified. -W.BG
Jess looked at the order with confusion. It was pretty standard stuff for what they were having her do these days, but the bit about the other individual was unusual. It tapped out its concerns.
do we have to do this tonight? id rather not run into anyone else, over employee or not
It took all of three seconds for the response to come through.
For the sake of expedience, please follow orders without asking further questions. -W.BG
Yeah, that was about what he was expecting. She pocketed the phone and went to bed. She usually napped before missions - she couldn't be tired in case she had to run, but he also couldn't rely on caffeine, which activated its anxiety. So it set a timer for three hours and went to bed.
That night it tricked open the door to 122E, drew his gun, and stepped inside. Sure enough there was a man already inside the building, medium-long brown hair covering his face from this angle as he rifled around behind her desk. She pointed the gun at him. "Hands in the air."
The man stood up hurriedly, throwing up his hands. She looked closer. There was something oddly familiar about his face - she didn't think it knew him, but he could've sworn the man looked like someone else.
"What's your name, and what are you doing here?"
"Cicada," he answered. "Cicada Walters."
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She said, "It just feels inhumane to lose this much"
"'Cause when you leave you know you takе more than your love"
Just one week of cicada days, wе're losing touch
And I know it just feels inhumane to lose this much
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unmellowyellowfellow · 3 months
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Chalk Mountain | I - Kicking the Red Dirt
draft status: (complete rewrite)
A/N: here she is! the first chapter to Chalk Mountain. i'm still working on drafting future chapters (completely rewriting all of my work has proven quite...harrowing) but this and the introduction chapter i posted will hopefully help me get any kinks out that i'm missing lol. anyway, enjoy! P.S., new character unlocked!
The glow of the setting sun beamed through Dixie’s curtains and illuminated her tattered blue saddlebag while she shoved clothes, toiletries, papers, and her I.D. inside. Admittedly, Dixie has pulled the run away stunt a few times. She’s never been as good at the disappearing act as her mother or brother; she loved her dear bedroom and all of her little secrets she hid amongst the walls. Dixie pulled open a drawer to a picture of her and her mom. She clutched it in her hand and read the faded pencil on the back:
Marigold & Dixie Anne, Dixie’s 9th birthday!!
The picture presented a young Dixie with flushed cheeks, blowing out her birthday candle on a cupcake with red icing that surely stained her teeth for the days to come; her mother, Marigold, stood behind her with a joyful smile on her face and hair to match her daughter. Declan, around seven years old, stands next to Dixie with a keen eye on the delicious dessert – their father holds a tight hand on his shoulder, to prevent the lunge.
After she tossed the photo into the bag along with more of her belongings, she tiptoed across the hallway and down to the last bedroom, then crept inside the door. She walked around the bed and began to dig inside her fathers bedside drawer and pulled out her most important evidence yet.
An old postcard that was inside an envelope addressed to Walter and his daughter. No return address or name, but writing that said:
I miss you, Dixie Anne & Walter Alvarez
The postcard was from an old ghost town named Chalk Mountain; only a couple hours drive from where Dixie lived. Surely, she thought, this was her mother trying to reach out for them. Walter hid this from Dixie for as long as he had it and didn’t know that she had come to find it. She pretended along with his scheme until the day would come that she would go for the gun, and that day had come.
Dixie shoved it into her pocket of her overalls and crept back down the hall to her room. Quietly, she shut the door and packed the last item she required for her journey; the envelope. All that was left to do was wait for the sun to set and the cicadas to sing.
A determined stomp came through the hallway and into a nearby room, followed by a door slamming shut. Her father has gone to bed in a mood; not unusual. Dixie carefully picked up her bag and looked around her room to make sure she didn’t forget anything, then saw Marigold’s old blue messenger cap. She picked it up from the back of her desk chair and pulled it down over her thick hair.
That was the day that Dixie disappeared.
She scurried out of her room and slipped out of the green kitchen door that didn’t have a hinge. She rounded the house corner and slid her dirty socks into her dirty boots and took one last look at her house. Part of her hoped she would feel some sort of remorse as she walked away from that rickety old porch, but all of the memories seemed to sour as they remained inside of those walls.
Dixie ignored her fathers dog that barked at her as she left; that dog always hated her. She ignored the crow that had waited outside the door for her and cawed loudly as she fled. She ignored the porch light when it flicked on along with her headlights. She turned up the radio when Walter called out for her; and she watched the red dirt that her tires threw while she peeled away turn him into a far away shadow in her rearview and never looked back.
Her 1998 Toyota Avalon screamed down the road, her music turned up louder than the whine of her engine, while Dixie steered with her left knee and read the Atlas with her hands. The postcard sat in her dash in front of her fuel gauge and rattled along with her suspension; she needed the reminder that she isn’t just running away from something, she's running towards it.
The drive was long, bland, and without sights to keep the driver entertained. The red dirt and the caprocks that towered over her made for a beautiful sunset in the evening, though; orange reflecting on orange.
Sooner than she expected, Dixie rolled up on a large formation of mesas that framed the two-lane road she’d grown to know so well on this adventure. It began to feel claustrophobic as the red rocks grew closer over top of her, almost forming a vague shape of a tunnel. She turned down her music and felt the hairs on her neck stood on end, something in her head screamed at her like a siren that she was close.
The rocks dispersed slowly and began a clearing of buttes galore across the cactus plains. Dixie emerged over a hill that overlooked a few damaged structures ahead of her, hidden in the darkness. She pressed onto the gas and sped up while she stole glances back and forth between her map and the barren road, the realization soon to hit that she was at her destination.
“What…what the hell?” Dixie said aloud to no one but herself.
As Dixie crept closer to the town in shambles in the night, her eyes struggled to make out the shapes in the distance that seemed to change too rapidly for her brain to comprehend. They looked abandoned and gutted but also in perfect shape and full of humanity.
She felt like her eyes were playing tricks on her; that she must be exhausted from her drive in the middle of the red nowhere. The wind began to pick up enough to slightly push her car towards the shoulder, even though she was below the towering red rocks that surrounded her. Dixie’s vision began to only grow worse when the red dirt began to kick up against her windshield, with no help from her windshield wipers.
Streetlights ahead flickered with just enough occasional illumination through the dust cloud to shadow the silhouettes of the shambled town that seemed to change from old and abandoned to brand new and populated along with the bulb.
Once Dixie was able to make it out of her dirt cloud and out of the parted rock, she felt her shoulders be relieved of all the tension she was holding onto. She cranked her shoulders back and settled down into her seat with a deep breath.
With one last glance at her map and back to the road, Dixie slammed on her brakes to a screeching halt. A slender and tall man stands alone in the middle of the deteriorating road, hands by his sides and a calm look upon his face.
The tall man offered a gentle wave of his hand as a ‘hello’. Dixie warily waved back after a double-check that her doors were locked. They stared at each other for a moment; her internal voice told her to throw it in reverse and get the hell out of dodge, until the man began to approach the vehicle like a shadow that flashed in and out of her headlights.
When the man grew closer, the voice in her head began to mutate and change into one that was not her own. The pitch grew deeper, the verbiage changed, and even her fear of the stranger slowly faded away.
“Welcome home, little one,” The glooming voice said in her head. The stranger was at her window, bent down to look inside. The voice spoke again, but the stranger's mouth lacked any indication of speech: “I hope the world was kind to you.”
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parkeryangs · 5 months
after cicada leaves, cricket starts writing them letters. he isn't sure why—they're gone, and he isn't, and he wouldn't have the first idea on how to go about getting them back. so every week they sit down at the too-small desk shoved into the corner of their quarters and write until their fingers ache and are stained with ink, then sneak down the hall and shove them under the mattress of the long-empty bed cicada once stayed in.
they wrote the first letter after ty questioned them. in all fairness, it made sense; cricket had been warned before about getting too close to the subjects, letting affection and warmth for cicada distract him from the flinchite's work. now rhat cicada was gone, he couldn't even blame ty for suspecting he had anything to do with it.
the second letter, after he'd caught some kind of beetle that managed to make it into the compound and had tried to live in ty's office. he kept it, though ty didn't know that, in a little tank next to his bed, snagging extra fruit from the compound cafeteria to feed it. cricket tells cicada that he wasn't sure what species it was, but that he thinks they would've liked it.
the third and fourth include messy, rushed sketches of cricket's pet. they're not an artist by any means, but the drawings are recognizable enough, complete with little atars scattered around the beetle. he doesn't name it—he asks cicada to do so, in the fourth letter, as if the other was ever going to be able to read these letters, let alone respond. cricket mentions that the other employees, even those he once called friends, are wary of him now. wherever he goes, cricket spells trouble. not that cicada ever minded.
the fifth letter, they burn. cricket wants to forget every word he wrote.
the sixth letter is an apology. he says he's sorry for whatever happened and that he hopes cicada is safe, somewhere. cricket isn't sure if they should still find a way out on their own, or give up and return to being the mindless soldier ty wanted them to be, lacking any of the heart that sparked their friendship with cicada in the first place. he says he misses cicada, and hates himself, at least a little bit, for not even trying to do anything to fix it. for lying down and rolling over and giving up. one corner of this letter is charred, smudged with ash and wrinkled by teardrops in a few places.
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ask-the-b33h1ve · 9 months
Hello and welcome to ASK H1VE!
Our admins are:
For more lore, check the #H1VE tags on these accounts!
This is an IN-CHARACTER blog for our WOE.begone group, H1VE! The characters you can ask are:
Cicada Walters: He/They. Consolidation between Mike Walters and Elijah Mayfield, a tier 3 OVER worker.
Scarab Walters: He/They. Cicada’s Cowboy iteration.
PR1ZE: He/Him. WOE.Begone player whose first prize was himself.
B0UNTY: He/Him. PR1ZE’s Cowboy iteration.
Jessica: She/Her. WOE.BEGONE player who killed an iteration of herself to escape WOE.BEGONE's control.
Jess: He/She/It. The iteration of Jessica that she killed to fake her death, revived by WOE.BEGONE to continue working for them.
Jessie: She/It and 🤠/🤠s. Jessica's Cowboy iteration.
Elijah: Any pronouns. An iteration of the Elijah who works at tier three that was sent to work with H1VE.
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transalfredpennyworth · 7 months
*spots a bug outside* omg this is a reference to tumblr user cicada teknikolor-walters
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bugs-are-nifty · 11 months
I have found the list of our current members. To my knowledge it is still accurate. Now I must rest, my aching bones need to sleep
Sincerely, Granny Long Legs
Bug species -- Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Atlas Moth -- Mark Mosura
Bumble Bee -- "Bee King"
Daddy Long Legs -- "Granny Long Legs"
Praying Mantis -- "Manti"
Orchid Mantis -- Ochi "Oreo" M.
Tarantula -- Talyn Y.
Scorpion -- Scarlet S.
Scorpion -- Samara S.
Katydid -- Katherine M.
Fly -- Figaro F.
Water Strider -- Walter S.
Saharan Silver Ant -- Sarai A.
Lightning Bug -- Lawrence Q.
Giant Leaf Insect -- Fern P.
Wavy Maplet Butterfly -- Wilma M.
Centipede -- Hailey Z.
Wasp -- Carla Y.
Cicada -- Ida C.
Stag Beetle -- Stella B.
Darner Dragonfly -- Pia R.
Ladybug -- Lydia B.
Chinese Moon Moth -- David J.
False Tiger Moth -- Quizel J.
Silk Moth -- Steve M.
Waved Sphinx Moth -- Kalliope W.
Rosy Maple Moth -- Flint L.
Monarch Butterfly -- Prince K.
Ghostly Silkmoth -- Nico H.
Luna Moth -- Sun O.
Mexican Bluewing -- A. Alfaro
White Witch Moth -- M. Reid
Death's Head Hawkmoth -- Cedrick E.
Spanish Moon Moth -- Santiago R.
The Southern Festoon -- Shirley J.
Plume Moth -- Marvin D.
Diving Beetle -- B. Ryder
Giant Water Bug -- Erika S.
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing -- Tatiana F.
Snail -- L. Friesan
Pill Bug -- Violet R.
Wharf Roach -- Teri S.
Hermit Crab -- Harriet C.
Cricket -- Joe C.
Violin Beetle -- I. Lawson
Horned Elephant -- Gullane U.
Rosalie Batesi Beetle -- Viro P.
Saw Stag -- J. Pine
Great Purple Emperor -- A. Gennadi
Bagworm -- Rachel E.
Great Raft Spider -- Desiree V.
Orchid Mantis -- Orion M.
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jellazticious · 2 years
Dallum list for funsies
Deerman Fisher Thalassophobia
Actor Rally Rosethorns
Clarisse Watcher Arsonist
Mr Day Corrupted File
Trotter Smiler Tumors
Spore Antoinette Walter
Banshee Red Dress Cicada
WoodBoy LoveBug Parasite
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Sleep Evil Sleep: A short fanfiction
Night fell over Walter Manor. The stars seemed bigger and brighter tonight. More beautiful. The place was relatively quiet- most of the Walter Workers were wrapping up their shifts for the night and winding down for bed. The robots were doing the same, getting ready to sleep for the night. But Mainframe could not concentrate on sleep. Those awful memories of being locked away in a vault for God knows how long had always set in right before he was going to sleep. The crippling loneliness and dread came back to him slowly but surely. He was sitting on the side of the bed he shared with Hatchworth, staring off into the distance- already sinking back into his past.
"Honey? Is something wrong? You are very quiet," Hatchworth questioned worriedly. His voice managed to pull Mainframe out of his thoughts. "...yes. I am fine. Just tired," he answered. "I have quite a lot on my mind," he added. "Oh, okay. We should probably get to bed a-anyway," the other robot said. He sat next to Mainframe and put a hand on his shoulder. There was a bit of silence. "....i do not want to sleep tonight," Mainframe whispered. "It is too hard. Those awful memories… war, being locked away… it hurts too much. It hurts," he sighed. Hatchworth looked very.. concerned. "It's okay. It's.. it's hard to get over things like that. You need to sleep, it's good for you," he spoke. "I'll try."
Halfway through the night, Mainframe still could not sleep soundly. He was being kept awake, thoughts still buzzing in his head. "The other robots do not deserve someone like me," he thought. "I am too much for them." He tried to take his mind off of it. He listened to the trilling buzzes of cicadas outside, and turned himself to look at Hatchworth- who was sleeping soundly. "Heh, he sleeps so soundly. I wonder what such a wonderful man could dream about?" He giggled slightly, watching his boyfriend sleep. "Oh well. At least I know he loves me to the moon and back. Maybe further than that." He soon nodded back off to sleep.
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teknikolor-walters · 4 months
Cicaderation field guide!!
Cicada Walters (they/he/she/xhey + bird/wing) - Unsure if they're the original Cicada Walters, but they're the only onr left alive. They run H1VE with their two girlfriends, Jessica and PR1ZE. Kind of a hubristic shithead and will just straight up manipulate you but it's okay she's trying her best <3
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C.W. Baker / Cicada Walters-Baker (Cicada's prns) - Cicada from about 8 years in the future. They're very similar to current timeline Our Boy Does Not Change. They're like an older brother to Cicada. He originally came to this timeline to help with the H1VE / Elijah war and after that stopped he would just pop in for minor corrections. The H1VE jimmy situation didn't happen in her timeline.
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Scarab Walters-Baker (they/she + yee/haw) - Was a soldier for the flinchites, then was a soldier for OVER, and is now a cowboy and H1VE's resident medic. When they aren't at h1ve they live on their farm with their silly little wives. She's miserable like all the time but she's getting better. Has chronic pain because of haw's days as a solider and uses a cane because of it.
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Bug Townsend (they/she)- An iteration of Scarab that stayed behind with Castiel while the other one left. Well, they're the original Scarab, and the one that went home is a replacement, but nobody knows that except for her and Cas. She's lost all of her memories of H1VE and is now "happily" married to Cas. They've been convinced that even if they tried to run H1VE wouldn't want them back.
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Viceroy Walters (he/they)- Was forcefully iterated from Cicada without Cicada's knowledge by the Elijah council at the same time as Timema. Now has to work for the Elijah council or he dies. Stationed at OI with the OI Elijahs usually but also pops into OVER. The second bitchiest iteration, second only to Cicada Walters xhemself. Dating Timema.
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Timema Walters (he/she) - The iteration that was iterated at the same time as Viceroy. Still playing WOE.BEGONE and is stationed at OI by them. He does consolidation experiments on insects when he isn't doing espionage. So, so tired all the time. Dating Viceroy.
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Carabid "Cara" Mayfield (he/she) - An iteration that Timema made to try and escape WOE.BEGONE that ran off instead. He met a PR1TERATION named M3DAL and they're dating and living their stupid little beach bum life. She kills any iteration of herself that she meets out of paranoia that WOE.BEGONE will find her.
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Not!Cicada / Cicada Walters (they/he/she/xhey + bird/wing)- Cicada from a timeline where instead of confronting PR1ZE in the woods the night they met him they ran off. Ever since then the universe has been trying to shove the two back together. They hate each other and tormenting his PR1ZE is one of the few things that brings him joy. If you thought our Cicada was an asshole she is so much worse.
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ltacryptid · 7 months
finally making the woe.begone character master post :3 (Not including PR1ZE)
picrew I’m using, per usual
PR1ZE (A.K.A Mikael Schiavo): (He/She) The Original. He joined WOE.begone after finding a video of someone cutting their arm off in a gore video with the phone number written in the corner. He thought it was an ARG, it was not.
His first challenge was to call his dad and tell him how his younger brother died. As soon as he stopped the call, he was shot in the head and revived by the game. And from then on, he was his own PR1ZE.
Very soon after his first challenge, he gets an email from someone claiming to be a player of Woe.Begone, Castiel (@imaginepostingonmain). He became friends with them, and found himself doing increasingly worse and worse “in between” challenges to get up the ranks.
He found Cicada (@teknikolor-walters) right after finishing his third challenge, and from then on H1VE was formed. After he was consolidated with TR0PHY he got the fucked up gender
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TR0PHY: (He/She) PR1ZE iteration created after the first time PR1ZE met Eli (also @teknikolor-walters). He’s taken away from his Cicada and manipulated/time travel tortured by her till he forgets all about them. He doesn’t speak unless spoken to. He’s basically only around because he’s pretty and he’ll kill on command.
He’s “saved”(Taken in by) H1VE after the H1VEvsElijah war is over. He’s. Not ok.
Consolidated with PR1ZE.
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MIKA: (He/It) FLINCHITE Experiment iteration. His inability to die makes him a very interesting subject to work with because no matter what they do, it will be reversed. Him dying doesn’t mean he can’t feel the pain, though. He does his best to smile through it to keep himself sane.
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B0UNTY: (He/Him) Consolidation between MIKA and 4CCOL4DE. He escaped the compound and proceeded to fall into the worst loop possible, falling in love only to have his Cicada die over, and over, and over again. He lost 27 cicadas before Scarab found him.
He’s somewhere between a hippy and a cowboy, and basically only wears unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts. He’s much calmer and has easier to control emotions.
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4CCOL4DE: (He/Him)
FLINCHITE iteration. He’s… an undeniably terrible person. He’s Ty Betterage’s right hand man, and he uses that to his advantage. He lost his Cicada and went to Ty Betterage because he’s the only person who could bring a Cicada back. It didn’t work. (also he’s the hottest)
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EUCCOL4DE/Euthanasia 4CCOL4DE: (He/Him)
FLINCHITE Training iteration. He trains people who are trying to work for ty, and by training I mean torturing. He, much like TR0PHY, had his memories removed because of repeated time travel uses and an unhealthy dose of manipulation.
He dies after escaping the compound after he remembers how much he loved his Cicada. Confronted with the guilt of his actions against Scarab, he begs Scarab to kill him. Scarab obliges.
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M3DAL: (He/Him)
Hidden PR1ZE iteration. He’s hiding out in the woods to try and avoid WOE.Begone’s detection. Lucky (or unlucky) for him, Rove (Cicada iteration) found him. They fell in love and live a stupid little life on the beach in complete solitude
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H0N0R: (He/Him)
After Cicada started replaying Woe.Begone for PR1ZE, this iteration was created to keep playing the game. He is convinced that his Cicada abandoned him.
He was sent to OVER and is now… doing his best.
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TRJD/The Repeating John Doe/John: (He/Him)
Every time PR1ZE dies his body is found. One of them came back. He hates PR1ZE, and he hates H1VE, and if he could, he’d kill them all.
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Vincent Stefanovski: (He/They)
Vincent Stefanovski played WOE.Begone. He did it for the fame and fortune, the possibility of blood on his hands. They didn’t do it for the power, he did it for the killing. He’d always dreamed of being a murderer, starting small with animals and moving up. Then he found WOE.BEGONE, and it was a dream come true.
He met Lukas in a park, hands bloodied, wrapped around a cops neck. They bonded quickly.
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Lukas J. Flüger: (She/He/They)
Lukas Flüger played WOE.Begone. It was an opening to a new technology he wanted to learn about, she wanted to grasp and pull apart. He wanted to, just for once, not be the puppet and instead control the strings. They’d always been a control freak, running every school he went to, making sure everything was always right. WOE.Begone would give him control over time, the universe itself.
After completing the second challenge, someone he thought was the gamerunners gave him a reward. Dropped a calculator into his cold hands.
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Damien King: (He/It)
Damien King is an accidental consolidation Between Lukas and Vincent. He’s… not great. One who fed off power like he needed it to live and one who stole life away for fun. Power hungry and bloodthirsty. What more do you need in a guy?
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Me and @teknikolor-walters co-own consolidations between Cicada and Damien, named Hornet Walters-King! Bird was it on their mega post so I’ll leave that to them :3
Parasite Fischer: (He/It) Woe.begone player who, instead of being sent to OVER, was sent to the FLINCHITES. He’s a sitcom character of a man. He basically fucks everything up till he finds what he needs and then sends it to the Woe.Begoners. He’s good at sticking his nose into situations and then fucking everything up.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 8 months
"You have got to be kidding me," growled Mantis. "Is the compound that strapped for space?" He glowered across the room.
Jess stared back. "There is no fucking way I'm going to put up with him."
"So, Accolade. do you know anything about that... altercation? Between Jess and Mantis?" Ty tented his fingers and started across the table.
"No idea." 4CCOL4DE answered truthfully. "Never even met Jess before. I didn't think Bug had either."
"Most fascinating."
"You'll only be in here together for about a month or so," Ty assured Jess.
Jess was not assured. "I don't want to be in the same room as him for two minutes. Try to keep me here a month and I'll kill myself. I'm not joking."
"It wouldn't work," said Mantis. "I've tried that. They reset you but let you keep the trauma."
"Well, we have done some preliminary investigation," Ty said. "It seems Jess entered our care after a deal with Elijah Alexander Mayfield, a deal which only happened because of Cicada Walters's intervention. She saw 'Mantis,' as he calls himself, and attacked him assuming he was Cicada."
"So why are we talking about this, Ty?" 4CCOL4DE pushed down the thoughts of the present-timeline Cicada. Not yours, he reminded himself.
"Well! I think this whole scenario presents an interesting case study for some concepts we've been very curious about regarding iterative personhood."
"Mantis is right, I'm afraid. We won't let you die, Jess, not while you're useful to us."
"What the fuck could you find useful about that psycho?" Mantis asked. "Are you studying the effects of time travel on edgy violent faux-punks?"
"Watch yourself, Cicada."
"Don't. Fucking. Call me that."
"The study will require some somewhat complex balancing of schedules, but nothing we can't handle," Ty continued. "The basic plan is to continually swap out the duplicates of Jess and Mantis that are sharing the room. Replace them with versions that have had different life experiences, or been exposed to different stimuli... it will allow us to explore how we can use this technology to manipulate the way subjects feel about each other."
"Your plan is to shove random Jesses and Mantises together and see if they get along."
"In so many words, yes. But think of the possibilities! If we perfect this, we can create duplicates that are perfectly loyal to us, or hate their former allies." Ty reached across the table and laid his hand on 4CCOL4DE's. "We might even be able to cure Mantis of that awful animosity he has for you. What do you say, Fox?"
4CCOL4DE's heart twinged with a thousand despairs as he looked at Ty. "Okay."
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bug-bear-stims · 6 months
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Hi there! I'm Cicada, and welcome to my stims blog! My pronouns are they/he/she and bird/wing.
My regular blog is @teknikolor-walters if u wanna follow it, I mostly just talk about my ocs and go insane about bugs occasionally
I don't have a blacklist, if your request icks me I just won't do it.
Feel free to request anything!
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ask-b33-h1ve · 9 months
Hello and welcome to ASK H1VE!
Our admins are:
For more lore, check the #H1VE tags on these accounts!
This is an IN-CHARACTER blog for our WOE.begone group, H1VE! The characters you can ask are:
Cicada Walters: He/They. Consolidation between Mike Walters and Elijah, a tier 3 OVER worker.
Scarab Walters: He/They. Cicada’s Cowboy iteration.
PR1ZE: He/Him. WOE.Begone player whose first prize was himself.
B0UNTY: He/Him. PR1ZE’s Cowboy iteration.
4CCOL4DE: He/Him. PR1ZE’s FLINCHITE worker iteration.
MIKA: He/It. PR1ZE’s FLINCHITE experiment iteration.
Jessica: She/Her. WOE.BEGONE player who killed an iteration of herself to escape WOE.BEGONE's control.
Jess: He/She/It. The iteration of Jessica that she killed to fake her death, revived by WOE.BEGONE to continue working for them.
Jessie: She/It and 🤠/🤠s. Jessica's Cowboy iteration.
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