#clark and lois season 10
echofades · 2 years
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superliz6 · 1 year
One of my little pleasures in life is watching season one of Smallville and then immediately skipping to a season 10 episode to get the absolute heroin hit of seeing he ends up with Lois Lane.
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● Clark & Lois | 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆
After a while, I made a new clois video. I hope you’ll like it!
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lanechester · 10 months
Ok but Oliver and Carter really do have this underrated fantastic dynamic. Because yes, the constant bickering and jabs and jokes are pure comedy but there's also some really important scenes between them. Oliver being the first to hear about his neverending tale with Shayera and telling him to give up the death wish and fight for the friends he initially stayed for. Then cut to Carter offering condolence when Chloe is MIA in season 10. Theres still that snarky back and forth in Oliver's "you're not gonna hug me are you?" But deep down there was heart there. And they always got the message even with the grumpy façade
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Clark & Lois in every episode ► 10.07 “Ambush”
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darkphoenix180 · 1 day
Smallville season poll
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clark and lois are so sweet already !! and look at their height difference 😭😭 idc height difference always gets me man I eat it up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
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smallcloisville · 3 months
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The urge to break tv after this scene.
This scene is so beautiful as we see Clois dancing for the very first time. Lois looks so vulnerable, we can see that on her face (Erica is so phenomenal). She standing right there opening her heart and soul which she have never done before. Clark actually starts to realize here there's something between them. It just cuts deep inside💘 when try you try to soak up in the moment.
I think orange is their color, idk why. Maybe due to the fact that Lois is wearing it. In 9 or 10 season when they are together, there's is this orange filter (sometimes yellow) and it it just feels warm and familiar 🧡
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sharonccrter · 3 months
I'm rewatching seasons 8-10 of Smallville, and I'm reminded why it's my favourite three seasons of the show. I just love Clark and Lois working in Metropolis at The Daily Planet. I love their dynamic; it's the reason I keep going back to Lois & Clark; it may be the 90s. However, it is a Chef's kiss. And I think that's the reason I never took to Superman and Lois; it's not cause they have kids; it's because they took them back to Smallville, and I don't think that's where Clark and Lois belong. Yes, Smallville went back and forth, but I'd say the majority of seasons 8-10 took place in Metropolis; they would just go back to the farm and the Talon at times. And they phased out the Talon soonish anyway. Also, as much as I love Lois being a journalist, without Clark by her side... it doesn't feel the same. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way.
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crypticbeliever123 · 9 months
My Adventures With Superman is a show that goes from 0 to 60 at fucking lightspeed. Episodes 1 and 2 are the standard origin. Episode 3 is progression of Clark developing his powers and Lois's quest to find answers. All's good. Pacing is fine.
Then episode 4 has Lois discover Clark is Superman while Jimmy gets 3rd-wheeled, progressing his narrative.
Episode 5 Clark faces the main bad guys and finds out they've been kidnapping the other bad guys this season. Lois confronts him about his secret identity by jumping off a building. Jimmy gets abandoned by his friends who were supposed to join him on a Bigfoot hunting camping trip.
Episode 6 we learn he's been captured by Bigfoot, actually Monsieur Mallah and the Brain who used to work for Cadmus, the rival science group to the main bad guys Task Force X. Lois and Clark team up to rescue Jimmy who reveals he's known Clark's secret THE WHOLE DAMN TIME!
Episode 7 Clark and Lois plan a date only to get shanghaied into multiversal shenanigans by Mr. Mxyzptlk and the League of Lois Lanes who are hunting Mxy. The Loises hate Superman and attack him with Kryptonite (his first exposure to the stuff). Mxy causes chaos and name drops Krypton. Lois finds out about the evil Clarks of the multiverse whilst obtaining a shard of Kryptonite and Mxy escapes jail to tell Lois he knows what the Kryptonite is but he'd have more fun watching her figure it out, hinting that some shit's gonna go down with that shard and Lois.
Meanwhile episode 8 is shown in the promo to have Clark discover super hearing and develop super burnout from trying to answer every call for help for days on end.
There are 10 episodes this season to my knowledge and the first 7 have:
Revealed Clark's secret to his friends
Started the Clois romance with plenty of drama beforehand
Set up Task Force X as a major threat
Set up Kryptonite as a chekovs gun
Hinted at evil Supermen, suggesting that might come up later again
All of this in just 7 episodes! Whoo boy! I can only imagine how they'll wrap up the season with only 3 episodes left.
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mrawkweird · 9 months
Clark and Lois should be lucky the secret is out now and not have to wait 50 years
Or 10 seasons of "I'm glad the meteor freak of the week with the convenient mind wiping powers knocked everybody back to square 1". Like, I love Smallville with every fiber of my being and will fight for it till I die but there's no denying that shit.
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jesncin · 7 months
I really wish they went into lois being korean in maws :( i really wish the season was longer than 10 episodes, all of the emotional development felt rushed to me. they could have done more with her if they had more time
While I agree that MAWS is super rushed, I don't think that more episodes would fix their issues. MAWS inherently has an "I don't see color" approach to their characters of color.
Why did they have a joke about Black Jimmy Olsen not comprehending oppression? Why is his only basis to anything remotely similar to facing bigotry be "being stood up" by his friends? Why does Lois as a Korean American not understand why an alien immigrant would hide his heritage from an unaccepting world after she herself said "nobody normal believes in aliens"? Why is her Asian American dad xenophobic to Clark without any insightful discussion as to how assimilation can make minorities turn against each other? Why is it, in the narrative of MAWS, that the only characters who go through bigotry are white people (and a gorilla)? Why is it in Lois' hope speech to support Superman does she mention that humans are cruel to "people who don't look like us" when Clark passes for a white man?
These aren't things that can be fixed with "more time". It's a fundamental problem with how MAWS depicts characters of color. They view them as a commodified aesthetic acknowledgement of diversity and not people who navigate the world differently. Changing historically white characters into people of color comes with understanding how those different experiences would affect their characterization. It's not skin deep.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 8 months
My Thoughts On My Adventures With Superman Episode 10
I love that after last weeks episode, they all get to become news reporters based on the coverage on Superman. When introduced to the character of Jimmy earlier on, I was concerned that he would be reduced to the babbling side kick that would be used solely for comedic relief. I am glad the show didn't go that route.
I liked how through the series that Jimmy was right with his conspiracy theories. He didn't give up on Flamebird and it made him rich! I also liked how he at times seems more mature than the others like when he pulled Lois and Clark to the side to have them tell each other what is bothering them. Don't get me wrong. Both conversations that needed to happen are heavy and complicated. Even after this episode, they will probably have more to unpack given that Lois father is the General that has been terrorizing Clark. I thought that Clark's parents were cute through the episode especially Martha. She is willing to go to war for her baby!
I liked that we ended the season with two new villains. One I am pretty sure is Brainiac. The other I am thinking is Zod. I am wondering more and more if Krypton was just a war planet. It is also fascinating that we see a different effect with Kryptonite on this show. This stuff looks like it is poisoning him from the inside out and is more lethal. It also affects the machines which I find interesting. Weird they would affect the robots unless they are made of some organic material. One thing that irked me though is that it seems that Jor El could speak English. Why not tell Clark what the hell is going on. It seems like it is more than just the destruction from Krypton. I personally am hoping that either Kara arrives and explains or someone else (Green Lantern, Martian the Manhunter, Hawkgirl, etc.). It is weird to see Clark so much in the dark.
One thing that I am hoping for season two is either more episodes or filler episodes. I hate filler episodes usually but this series could actually use some. It would be nice to see Clark, Jimmy, and Lois actually focus on their jobs as reporters instead of world saving all the time. I also would like to see more of Clark and Lois' relationship develop. Those things would be nice to explore in more detail.
Overall though, I did enjoy the ride. This is the first show in a while that I made sure to tune in on Adult Swim to watch in real time. I can't wait to see what they have in store for Season Two!
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nofacednerd · 9 months
Regarding the ending of Ep. 5--and I wanna try and put this the least spoiler-y possible for those who haven't seen it--is it possible to be both overwhelmed and underwhelmed by an ending?
Does that literally make any sense or am I going bonkers here?
Nah haha I think it makes sense
I'm still loving the show but I think the biggest problem it has is an issue with a LOT of streaming now-a-days, being that they probably had no idea if they'd get a season 2, so they ended up cramming all the plot into 10 24-minute episodes. With so few episodes per season, there really wasn't any time to explore the more slice-of-life aspects of the show and there's no real time to focus on smaller character arcs/dynamics. It's why we went from introduction episodes -> Lois meeting Superman for the first time -> Lois finding out that Clark is Superman -> Clark confirming that he's Superman within the span of the first 5 episodes of the show lol. Right now she's pissed at him but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if by the next episode, he ends up confessing that he likes her and they start dating (or if Jimmy also finds out he's Superman).
The writers are still handling the show as best they can, and I still fucking LOVE the show, but I wish we got more time to explore the dynamics and character arcs they keep establishing and ending within the course of one episode. Everything feels like it's happening really fast. I miss when TV got to have filler episodes, I think a good couple of fillers would be really good to keep the momentum going on the show (or at least slow it down to a more slice-of-life pace)
But hey, that's what fanfic is for, right?
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disquietiswhatitis · 5 days
A family member recently just finished Smallville for the first time. Reminded me of some bullshit from the garbage that was the live action, loose adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths (not to be confused with the garbage animated adaptation the TomorrowVerse movies are in the middle of.)
So Smallville ends in 2011. The finale happens, the “no flights, no tights” rule that dictated the series’ run is done and Clark is finally Superman. Clark and Lois don’t get married in 2011 because of Darkseid (I think.) the series flashforwards to 2018 when they’re finally about to get married. It ends with Clark about to jump off the Daily Planet, opening his shirt to reveal the Superman crest and go do Superman things. It’s a nice ending.
The show continues on as Smallville: Season 11 in the comics and Clark gets to do all the things he couldn’t do on the show, like interact with Wonder Woman and Batman and do all the things it would’ve been too tricky or expensive to CGI in live action. Haven’t read it but the people I know who’ve read it liked it well enough.
Enter 2019. The Arrowverse is doing their highly teased, “in no way are we trying to copy Infinity War/Endgame” event with Crisis on Infinite Earths. Biggest crossover they’ve ever done. Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman…but wait, there’s more! They’re bringing in Black Lightning and featuring ALL the cameos…that they can. Batman ‘66, Birds of Prey, LUCIFER, Titans, Doom Patrol, even nods to Batman ‘89 and having the GOAT Kevin Conroy makes his only live action Batman appearance, albeit as a BvS/Kingdom Come hybrid Batman. Heck, they even took Brandon Routh, a regular on Legends of Tomorrow as the Atom and let him be Superman from Superman Returns again, although he’s now turned into Kingdom Come Superman. The event overall sucks ass but it’s great if you’re a fan and you’ve come for the Easter Egg palooza.
So at one point they go to the Smallville Earth. The Lex Luthor from Supergirl is going around to all the Earths and killing all the Supermen that he can. It’s a subplot that takes way too long and detracts too much from the main story but Jon Cryer was still fun to watch and I respected the level of hater his Lex was. One of my favorite bits is his Lex being so dense, saying that it’d be ridiculous for Clark Kent to be Superman on his Earth because he’s a bumbling buffoon. Anyway, Lex is standing up to Beef Wellington (Candice Patton’s words), holding up a piece of Kryptonite, trying to get about his business of killing Superman. Only it has no effect. Clark plucks it from is hands and chucks it halfway across the farm. Lex is befuddled. Smallville Clark explains Kryptonite has no effect on him since he gave up his powers. Lex gets enraged that someone with the powers of a god would do such a thing and doesn’t understand why, until he accidentally steps and crushes a children’s toy. Clark gave up his powers for his kids. Lex tries to attack him anyway, Clark counters and knocks his ass down. Lex leaves saying they’re all dead anyway. We’re given one last scene of Clark walking off, holding hands with Lois (don’t think about how Erica Durance was also Supergirl’s Mom at the start of the crossover) and that’s the last we see of him.
So basically, fans watched 10 years of Smallville to see how Clark Kent became Superman, he’s finally Superman at the end of the show and then he stopped being Superman offscreen 7-8 years later. I feel like Tom Welling probably just didn’t want to suit up for a crossover cameo and that’s totally valid, but still. What the fuck.
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x04
There's no way he didn't time that, my dude was deadass waiting at his locker until she walked past so he could annoy her😭😭
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AND to show off his jacket, that's adorable🥹
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(Their progression is just so---, from this to "I would love to hear about it." POETIC CINEMA😭)
Clark showing his jacket to everyone stoppppp🥹🥹 Somebody tell him it looks good please
Lex I think you should find a less weird way to make amends, no offense👀 Yeaaahhhh I knew that would be Clark's reaction😬
Let the madness begin
"I finally understand why it never worked with Clark." ohgod "I wasn't devoted to him." OHGOD
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Nothing was going to stop Lois from writing that article after they provoked her like that, she's coming for their asses
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"Just got my headline." SEEEE (also Lois you're so cool date me pls)
I'm not ready for the next scene
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Clark wants to unexist so bad right now😭
LMAOOOOOO Clark I'm so sorry💀💀
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"The problem is, I'm not over Lana yet. Sometimes I think I never will be."
I know something that you don't😌😏
"Oh sweetheart. There's somebody out there for you. I know it."
I love that Clark is going to her for advice about this stuff😭😭
Lana got like 10 times more adorable this season wtf😭
Clark thinking she came to watch him practice, I hate to tell you this but she's dating your coach bestie💀💀
this is peak comedy actually I'm cackling PLEASEEEE
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I'm really feeling Clark's pain this episode for some reason
Clark and Lois teaming up is the content I love and deserve😌😌
no because if she looked at me like that I'd be on one fucking knee immediately LOIS CHILL😭
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I'm squealing omg look at themmmmm
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I just love the way he says her name don't ask me why
plskasjsks they're comedians
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she's so adorable I can't😭😭
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Lois being super grossed out, same bestie, same💀
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Clark I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I really am💀 The way he immediately runs to hide behind Chloe and Lois💀💀💀
"She was attacked by a crazy plumber." The way Clark just moves on from that statement LMAOOOO
"Oh, nice, Clark. You know you only have one thing to do." "Me? You're closer to the door." "Okay, so it's automatically my fault?"
full on married to each other years before they even start dating🤡🤡
His face journeys when she drags him are everything😌
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"When you were in the loft, you told me to stay away from your girl. Who were you talking about?"
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they know my weakness, they know it so well😭😭
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I'm so glad Clark and Chloe are being upfront about how they feel
"But don't worry, I'll visit." "Is that a promise or a threat?" *short pause for eye sex* *shoulder punch to defuse the tension* "See you around, Smallville"
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their episode endings are the best bc I'm just smiling like an idiot (trying not to think about the fact that she won't be there for the next 4 episodes or sth😭)
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