#clint stardew
pepsimaxxing · 1 month
okay but Shane lovers can we talk about that Clint heart scene where he fucking fumbles the bag in front of Emily for the millionth time and then Emily goes to serve Shane and Shane is so chill with her and is chatting with her like a normal dude and just treating her like a normal friend and asks her how her shift is going, and then Clint gets irritated 💀 ugh that’s my man I love Shane so much
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squilko · 2 months
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making a portrait mod and giggling to myself about how absurdly different the artstyle is between characters
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nerointhecorner · 2 months
stupid clint rant
so... clint's 6 heart event right?
the way the fandom treats it just... pisses me off. clint is in the bushes outside of emily's house, yes. but his intent is not to watch her. he was going to ask her out but he got nervous so he hid. he wasn't hiding out of malice or perversion, he was trying to ask out the girl he liked and he got nervous.
i swear to god if clint was skinny and an "uwu smol boy" this would have been such a cute scene. the fandom would fucking adore him. but no, clint is fat, neurodivergent, and sad. so he's a creep.
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fanonical · 9 months
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artisticallygay · 2 months
Sometimes I think about how the rest of the Stardew fandom saw Clint as a weirdo with "nice guy" entitlement towards Emily meanwhile my ass just saw him as an autistic guy who struggles with his emotions and connecting to people and ESPECIALLY struggled with his feelings for Emily because of that
Idk maybe I'm just the weird one here
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My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
💎 secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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biracy · 28 days
Top 10 chasers in fiction:
Dr Julian Bashir (in a good way)
Quark (in a bad way)
Every one-off X-Files love interest
Clint from Stardew Valley
Harry DuBois
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eggsbenedicterie · 1 month
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What is this cutscene lmaoooo
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godseyeinthecloset · 2 months
I will never understand Clint haters. He’s just a guy with a crush on a manic pixie dream girl and wants to gift her every crystal he finds, haven’t we all been there?
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evilmosquito47893 · 3 months
Being an overly sensitive person is crazy because at the dance of the moonlight jellies festival when clint says "I wore my special shoes tonight. No one noticed" I FEEL SO BAD. LIKE THAT IS SICK AND EVIL, I NOTICED PLEASE
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voidjunimo · 3 months
ships: Sandy(D)/Emily(s), Sandy(D)/Clint(s), (unrequited) Clint/Emily
cw: k!nky pr0n, consensual public SW, group relationships, puppypl4y, humiliation, public degradation, physical and emotional sadism, (m) chastity, (implied, consensual) brainwashing k!nk
other tags: I can fix him with k!nky brainwashing and puppy training~
“Ooooh, Emily~” Sandy singsongs, nudging her friend and waggling her eyebrows at the Oasis club’s new arrival. “Your boyfriend’s heeeeere~”
Emily doesn’t even turn to look, just groans and buries her head in her hands. “Oh god, not again.”
Sandy cackles. Emily is so adorably soulful; all her intimate encounters have to be *meaningful*. For Sandy, it’s less about the person and more about the power, so Emily’s endless horror at the idea of taking Clint to bed feels almost prudish to her. “I don’t know why you’re so weird about it. Just tell him you don’t like boys already.”
Emily just buries her face in her hands and groans again. “I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I have to live in a tiny town with him, San. We see each other nearly every day.”
Sandy snorts and lifts the hinged section of the bar, sliding out from behind it with the ease of long practice. “Well, I don’t. And I think that boy’s feelings could use a good hurting.” She makes her way over to Clint’s table, ignoring—well, smirking at—Emily’s appalled spluttering.
Clint isn’t actually unattractive, Sandy decides, eyeing the man up and down. He needs a good scrubbing to get that soot off, and maybe to have some lessons about how to treat women forcibly instilled, but, well. Sandy kind of enjoys instilling those. The more forcibly, the better.
“Um, can I help you?” Clint asks awkwardly, shifting under Sandy’s scrutinizing gaze.
Sandy grins wolfishly down at him. “Actually, sweetie, I think you can. Mind if I take a seat?”
The blacksmith’s eyes go wide when Sandy settles directly into his lap, but to his credit, he doesn’t so much as grunt at the extra weight. Sandy’s nearly six foot herself, so that’s no small feat. “Um,” he says again, sounding a tad strangled. “S-sure?”
“Oh, I almost am, sweetie,” Sandy purrs, smoothing a hand over his beard where it curls down towards his chest, delighting at the pounding of his heart beneath it. “I usually play with Emily on nights like this, but…” she trails off, turning to look at Emily back by the bar. The blue-haired girl’s face is almost as red as her dress; she’s not the jealous type, so Sandy knows it’s all horror and humiliation. She knows exactly what Sandy’s doing; Sandy is absolutely allowed by their agreement to do it, too, as long as she doesn’t let Clint touch Emily directly. “I think it’d be more fun with you watching, don’t you?”
Clint stops breathing. “Wh-what?” he stammers, sounding absolutely lost.
Sandy leans in to murmur in his ear, feeling his erection against her hip. “Well, in about twenty minutes,” she purrs, breath hot on his ear, “I’m going to be taking my pretty girl into a private room in the back and doing all the awful, filthy things to her that you’ll never get to do.”
Clint’s eyes flutter shut on a pained look. “Why are you torturing me?”
“Hmm…” Sandy muses, wiggling against his trapped cock just to further frustrate him. “Well, I guess…because you keep creeping on my friend when she’s clearly not into you?” She strokes a hand over the bulge in his jeans, touch feather-light. “And I think that sort of behavior deserves to be…” she pauses, drumming her fingers lightly on the bulge, delighting in his obvious arousal, “…punished. Don’t you?”
Clint doesn’t open his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, voice thin and pained. “I’m not—“
Sandy clamps her nails down on his cock through the fabric, squeezing just hard enough to threaten. “Don’t lie to me, sweetie,” she purrs dangerously. “You don’t have to take me up on my offer, but you do have to be a good boy.” Sandy suppresses a feral grin at the shiver that runs through the man beneath her; she knew she’d called it. She’s never been wrong about a kink. “And sweetie? Good boys don’t lie.”
“What do you want from me?” Clint demands through gritted teeth. “You’re apparently banging the girl I’ve loved for as long as I can remember and you’re just rubbing it in my *face*—“
“Oh, not yet, sweetie,” Sandy interrupts, booping the blacksmith on the nose. “But I *was* trying to offer to.”
Clint’s eyes pop open, a shiver running through his whole body. “*What?*” he asks, dumbfounded.
Sandy leans a little further forward, nips at the curve of his ear. “You’ve seen me perform. Every Sunday night, after my show, I take my good little *pet* in the back,” she explains, patiently, as she would to a child, “and take out my frustrations on her in whatever delicious, depraved ways I want.” She walks her fingers up and down Clint’s chest as she speaks, reveling in the way this big man is already trembling, just a little. “I take my time with it in ways I can’t on stage, dominate my pet in ways that are too…*intimate* for a client on stage, too *depraved* for a crowd.”
“A-and?” Clint asks breathlessly, eyes trained on Sandy’s face.
Sandy nips at his ear again, a little harder, and feels his cock jerk beneath her hand. “Sweetie…tonight is Sunday night, and the back room has a viewing booth.”
The rush of breath from Clint’s lungs is so intense that it almost erases his first, frantic, “Yes.” He sucks in a breath, gives her more: “Yes—yes, fuck, please, yes.”
Sandy grins, crocodile-wide, and warns, “There are conditions.”
Clint swallows hard. “Anything,” he promises, and Sandy knows he means it. “Literally anything.”
“Good evening, Calico Desert,” Sandy purrs into the mic. “I’m Miss Sandy, and I’ll be your tour guide through the dark and delightful tonight.” The warm stage lights bathe her skin, gleaming off the blue leather of her corseted romper. She basks in it, in the enthusiastic hoops and hollers of the crowd, in the rich smells of coffee, coconut, and arousal.
“Now, I know you’re all eager to volunteer to get up here and play with me—“ she pauses for the shrieks of the eager volunteers, “—but first, I wanted to make a little introduction. You’ve all met Blue, my pretty little assistant—“ she waves at Emily, masked and costumed, “—but there’s someone else I want you all to meet!”
The crowd roars, and she can feel their anticipation like a palpable thing. It’s so fucking heady, having this many people waiting on her word.
“This is his first time on stage, and he’s a little shy, but I just adopted an *adorable* new puppy, and I want you all to give him a big hand on his very first day of obedience training!”
Sandy covers the mic and whistles once, sharply. There’s a shuffling at the curtains at the edge of the stage, but her new pet doesn’t show himself. Mic still covered, voice pitched low, she warns, “If I have to whistle a second time, sweetie, I’ll take it out on you while they watch.”
The curtains part, and a full black leather dog mask noses between them. “I look ridiculous,” Clint grumbles from behind it.
Sandy grins at him. “Good. You’ll look even sillier when I’m done with you. Now get out here, or forfeit your new position.” Louder, she calls, “Get out here, puppy!”
Clint groans, but there’s a thud as he drops to all fours, and then her new puppy is crawling his way into the warm glow of the stage lights. The mask covers his whole head, hiding his identity entirely. The rest of his costume isn’t quite so generous: a studded dog collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, and a pair of black leather chaps over a pair of lacy panties in Sandy’s signature shade of blue.
The crowd cheers a bit, but it’s halfhearted at best.
Sandy giggles. They’re always jealous when she brings in a new sub from anywhere but the crowd; she revels in it, really. The intensity of their envy gives her *life*.
“So…do you guys wanna see my puppy get his cute lil cock into a knot cage before we get started? He’s all *hard*, though, and leaking in my pretty panties. I don’t think that fat bulge will fit in the cage…should we do something about that first?” She strides over, all purpose, and kicks Clint onto his back. He yelps, instinctively going to cover himself, but Sandy swats at his hands with her riding crop. He winces and pulls them back, displaying his belly. Sandy delights in imagining the impotent rage in his face behind the mask; delights even more in only having to see an adorable puppy when she looks at him. His big, soft belly looks so inviting to touch, so she bends down and rubs it, petting him like a real dog.
Clint whines, leaning into the touch. He flinches back almost immediately, blushing all the way down to his chest, low enough Sandy can tell regardless of the mask. Mmm, desperate for touch and absolutely humiliated by how badly he wants it? She can work with that.
“Be a good boy, puppy,” Sandy coos, rubbing at Clint’s belly again, lower this time, and refusing to let him pull away. “Be a good boy and let Miss Sandy milk you til your cock fits in this cage, okay?” She softens her touch, petting over his lower belly and hips, over the bulge between them. She lowers her head so only he can hear her, looks into his eyes through the mask. “Don’t you want to be adored, puppy?”
Clint tenses under her touch for a moment, then goes slack. Looking down and away, eyes strangely bright, he submits, baring his belly and his throat. “Yes, please, Miss Sandy.”
Sandy smiles at him, a flare of warmth curling through her gut at the sincerity in his voice. Raising her own so the crowd can hear again, she says, “Then get on your hands and knees, puppy! It’s time for your first lesson—now, don’t cum until you have permission, or I’ll make you cum three times before I let you stop.”
Clint whimpers, and the crowd goes *apeshit*.
(pt 1 of…?)
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crabcanwrite · 14 days
Stardew Valley Masterlist
The Incident
The Incident
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churchofsnails · 1 month
being in the stardew valley subreddit is insane because so many people there like Clint??? i even saw someone make a post about wishing he was a marriage candidate??? like… really…
those guys will be like “well idk why CA made Clint so creepy with Emily” bc that’s just his character bro 😭 even if you don’t take any of the Emily stuff into account, he’s just miserable to be around. any time you chat with him it’s just “my life sucks and i’m alone and i’m only a blacksmith bc of my dad and my grandad and my great grandad 😢😢”
at least Shane strives to get better as you go through his heart events 😭
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lunova-the-farmer · 2 months
Fall 18th of Year 1
Good evening earthlings,
Today, I started by petting my chickens, collecting their eggs, and opening their coop. I placed the eggs in the mayo makers. My jellies were finished, so I sold them. I refilled my preserve jars. I watered and harvested my crops.
I went to the Community Center with oak resin. Then, I stopped at Clint’s to break my geodes. I did not receive anything worth while. I finished fishing for trash and delivered the trash to the dumpster at the train station. I sold my mayo when I got back.
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Ok, now being serious, he asked me how to get a girl, bro, I'm canonically married to a man
I don't know
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galahadenough · 2 months
I found a diamond in Clint’s trash can. Why??
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