#clone sergeant sinker
Moving On - Part 10
Summary: Wolffe and Jirli welcome a new member to their family.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Okay I haven’t had a chance to start working on The Reunion for this week, as some of you know I’m back to full time work, so instead I finished up this piece I was working on. 
A while back I had mentioned that I may do a final part to Moving On and after discussing it with @darkangel4121​ I realized I definitely needed to finish this story. So here is the final part. 
This family was so sweet, young Boba, young Din, Wolffe, Jirli, Boost, Sinker, Plo, ahhhh. I just love this story so much. I’m glad to finally be able to give it a proper ending. 
Please know I am not a medical professional, I did research on any medical situation mentioned, it may not be accurate. Please consult a physician or medical professional if you have concerns regarding your health or family’s health.
Thank you to @firstofficerwiggles​ and @ladykatakuri​ for beta reading and putting up with my nonsense. LOVE OO. 
Thank you all for showing my stories so much love. LOVE OO.
Italics and Indented - Jirli’s hearing
Warning: Pregnancy, teasing, flirting, innuendo, accidentally calling someone fat without saying fat, bantering, bickering, mentions of labour, issues with labour, concerns about baby’s health, mentions of blood, mentions of surgery, caesarean section, worry, fear, crying, anger, angst and fluff, kissing, I think that’s all of it, if I miss any please let me know.
AO3 LINK (MOVING ON)   |   WORDS: 7,771
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“If Boost comms me one more time if you’ve had the baby yet, I’m going to kill him!”
“Rekr’ika” (Little Wolf/Wolfie) Jirli’s eyes looked at me with love and admiration as she rubbed her swollen belly, while she sat on the couch with her feet resting on the caf table, while Din and Boba were busy in the kitchen making her a ‘special snack’ that was supposed to help their sister grow or have special powers or something. They basically went on a ramble about Jedi powers and what not. 
“Yes, love?” I placed a kiss on her temple, as I leaned over the back of the couch, my hand resting on her shoulder. She looked amazing, despite how tired and irritated she had been lately, we all were doing our best to help her in whatever way possible.
“You love the fact the Boost is comming ever second, especially since he started dating.”
I smirked at her statement, “Alright, you may have a point. May.” I held up my forefinger, “However, I should still be allowed to vent about my irritating little brother.”
“Mmhmm” she smirked as her hand held my forefinger as she shifted a little, wincing and gritting her teeth. Though she tried to hide her discomfort from me, I could read her like a book now.
“You okay? And please love, don’t try and lie to me” I smirked as I watched her.
She let out a sigh, as she eased herself into the sofa,“Yeah, she’s playing on my bladder. Feels like she’s doing tumbles in there.”
I chuckled, placing my hand on her belly, “Bec’ika (little pup), you need to stop hurting your buir” I leaned in closer, lowering my voice, “Otherwise, I’m the one who suffers.”
“Hey” she smacked my chest with the back of her hand, a playful light tap she would often use on me, “don’t tell her that, she’ll think I’m mean”
I took her hand placing a kiss on her palm, “No she won’t, plus she knows I’m kidding. Right, bec’ika?” I felt a tiny thump against my palm, “See, she knows”
“At least she listens to one of us”
“It’s my soothing, deep, rich tones riduur. She loves the sound of my voice” I leaned closer to Jirli’s lips, “Just like you do, when we’re alone.”
“Well, what can I say? My little girl is right to love your voice, after all like you said she’s not the only one” she smiled as she placed a kiss on my lips, “now” she pulled back smirking, “would you and your soothing, deep, rich tones please come over here and help me off the couch, so I can use the refresher?” She held up her hands grabbing the empty space in front of her, till I stood in front, taking her hands in mine.
“Yes, mesh’la” I chuckled, as I helped her stand. She shifted around the couch, till she was standing beside me, she was tittering on her feet, her belly was looking quite large, there was a very real and present fear that she could topple over, “Are you sure, you only got one kid in there?” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew I screwed up. 
Jirli turned to look at me, her hand squeezing mine, “What did you just say?” She tilted her head narrowing her eyes.
“Well … I mean …”
“Need I remind you, whose fault it is, that I am in this situation?” She quirked her eyebrow.
“Well I mean, it does take two” I held up two fingers to emphasize my point, “To dance, you know?”
“Oh, I see. So, you’re saying it’s my fault, that I’m so fat?”
“Th-those ….” I cleared my throat, “Those words never left mouth love.” I was praying to anything and everything to get me out of this situation, ‘Come on beb’icka, start jumping on your mom’s bladder so she has to leave’
“Then what are you saying?”
I took a minute to steady my nerves, “What I’m saying is you look beautiful”
“I’m in trouble aren’t I?”
“Oh soooo much” she rolled her eyes, smirking at me “But, I have no doubt you’ll make it up to me.”
I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me, I lowered my voice, “Anything you’d like me to do for you?” I wiggled my eyebrows, she wrapped her arms around my neck, smirking.
“Oh definitely! I have a list of things, I need you to do for me” she rested her forefinger under my chin.
“Oh” I squeezed her waist, smirking.
“Mmhmm. First, the laundry needs to be done. Then, you need to help Din with his homework. After that, the floors need to be cleaned. The top floor needs a thorough cleaning, and once that’s all done, I may have a need for you to help me later on tonight” she flicked my chin, before she smirked as she headed to the refresher. 
“Maker, I love you”
“I know you do, and if my daughter wasn’t using my bladder as a drum for her amusement, I would stand here all day explaining all the different ways you can assist me, however … nature calls, excuse me.���
I watched as she waddled towards the refresher, my poor sweet Jirli, if only I could carry this burden for you. I walked into the kitchen, going over the list she gave me after she left my side. The silence coming from the kitchen however was unnerving me, knowing those two, when silence filled between them nothing good was happening. I was determined, as I took my steps to see what Din and Boba were up to, hopefully, I wouldn’t be entering a chaotic mess from their decision to ‘prepare snacks.’
“Alright boys, what’s going on?” I asked walking in on Boba and Din and the mess covering all the kitchen counters, not to mention they both had a look that said more than their mouths ever could.
“We made mom a snack.” 
Boba held up the dish of various fruits, roughly cut, and leaking juice all over the plate, a small amount dripping on to the floor, with one of the biggest smiles on his lips, Din with a matching smile on his face. I looked at the plate, watching as the juice soaked everything on the plate, the cheese that was cut haphazardly was lying in a pool of some sort of pink juice. Beside the cheese were her favourite crackers, now soggy from a weird yellowish-pink juice. Din somehow was covered in fruit juice, and for some reason which I couldn’t even begin to fathom, there were crackers in his hair. Boba on the other hand had cheese on his face and juice dripping down his chin, along with a weird paste smeared on his forehead.
I tried really hard not to laugh, as comical as they looked, the plate of food looked even more ridiculous as everything sloshed around with each movement of Boba’s hands. I cleared my throat, doing my best to swallow the smirk and laugh.
“I have no doubt she will love it, why don’t you boys serve that to her, and I’ll get dinner going. Okay.” I watched as they headed towards the common room, “Oh and why not stand there and make sure she eats it. You know your buir is going to need her strength” how I got that sentence out without bursting out laughing was beyond me, however, I couldn’t wait to see her reaction.
- - - - - - - - - - 
Sitting back on the couch wasn’t as bad as getting up from it, I wonder if maybe that’s why my back was throbbing now, as comfortable and lovely as this couch has been for Wolffe, Boba, Din and I, it truly did not have the back support a pregnant woman needed. 
I looked to my two boys, they held out a plate of what looked like mush, “Oh! That’s … what’s that?” I tried hard not to laugh, rubbing my belly as I felt another throbbing pain, doing my best not to show my discomfort.
“We made you a plate of snacks for you.” Boba beamed proudly as he handed me the dish.
“We cut up all your favourites” Din added, “See here’s some jogan, and shuura, and muja fruit. We also cut up some cheese for you.”
“Right, this is bantha cheese, cut up in the shape of a bantha” I stifled the laugh at the shape that looked anything but a bantha, “This is also nerf cheese, cut in the shape of a nerf. There’s your favourite crackers too.” Boba pointed out every item as he described it, incredibly proud with himself and Din for what they had accomplished, which only made my heart swell to know they loved me as much as they did. 
The crackers that used to have the most perfect crunch and flakiness to them, was a bunch of mush now. Regardless of how much of a mess the plate looked like, I appreciated the sentiment behind it.
I took the plate, placing it on the table in front of me, “Thank you boys, that’s so sweet of both my little itco’rkasih (dumplings), come and give me a hug” they both wrapped their arms around me, squeezing as hard as they could. “Alright, don’t squeeze too hard, you’ll pop out your little sister.”
“When is she getting here?” Din asked pressing his ear to my belly.
“How soon?” Boba asked resting his hand on my belly.
“Probably another week or two”
“Can’t wait. I’m gonna show her all the new stances I’m learning” Din stood demonstrating his moves, “See, she’ll be the best fighter, because I’m going to teach her. I’ll even show her how to use her blaster and knife probably.”
“Nuh-uh, I’m the best fighter” Boba went and stood beside Din, showing off his stances, it was cute and adorable, “If anyone is going to teach our vod’ika, it’ll be me.” 
“Buir?” Din stopped his movements watching me carefully, “Why aren’t you eating?”
“Hmmm?” I really tried to pretend not to hear his question, as I watched Boba fight an invisible attacker, which only made him stop and turn to look at me.
“Buir said that we needed to stay here and make sure you ate. He said you need all your strength.”
“Oh he did, did he?” I should’ve know Wolffe had something up his sleeve, oh I couldn’t wait to make that man pay.
Din’s eyes widened as a puppy like expression appeared on his face, I swore they took more and more after Wolffe every day, “Do you not like it?”
“Of course, I do, love” I grabbed a piece of the soggy cheese, and put it in my mouth, doing my best not to gag as it slowly slid down my throat, the unusual texture and flavours throwing me for a loop, “Mmmm that is so good, thank you” I did my best to suppress the cough that was itching to come out.
“You need to eat more” Boba stated, now his face holding the same puppy like expression. “Especially for our vod’ika”
“Oh, I shall. It’s just …” sorry, sweetie but mom’s about to throw you under the speeder, I cleared my throat hoping that soggy cheese would just moved down my esophagus, “I think your vod’ika is needing something more substantial, especially since we’re eating soon.”
“Oh love, you don’t have to worry about that” Wolffe popped up beside me, leaning over the back of the couch, with a spoon in his hand, smirking, “It’s going to be at least an hour or two before we eat, so go on mesh’la, have some more of your snack.”
I placed a kiss on his cheek as I placed my hand on his pretending to take the spoon, taking the opportunity to whisper as quietly as I could to Wolffe, “I’m gonna make you pay for this.”
Wolffe simply smiled, “Mesh’la, I look forward to being punished by you”
I simply smirked at his little statement, grabbing the spoon, “You know” I turned from Wolffe to Boba and Din, “I feel absolutely guilty, knowing your buir is working hard in the kitchen without any sort of snack. Is it okay if I share this with him, I think it’ll be too much for the baby and me to eat. Is that okay?”
Din smiled nodding enthusiastically, “Yes, buir have some it’s really good.”
“Oh” Wolffe stammered, “I wouldn’t want to deprive our ad’ika”
“Nonsense, there’s plenty” I smirked, scooping up a pile of mushy crackers, juice, and soggy cheese. “Here you go sweetie, open up” I moved the spoon closer to his mouth, as he looked at me, narrowing his eyes. “Come on, the boys worked really hard on this, after all they cut the bantha cheese in the shape of a bantha and it tastes so good” I bit the inside of my cheek keeping me from laughing, as I gave him my best heart eyes. 
“Come on Cabur” Boba chimed in, “We worked really hard on it.”
I could see Wolffe’s throat bobbing up and down, before he finally nodded, opening his mouth taking the whole spoon in without a second thought. He pulled the spoon slowly out of his mouth, chewing slowly and carefully, before he swallowed it completely. I could see him struggling to keep it down, before he smirked and smiled at the boys.
“Awesome job, boys. However, let’s let your buir rest, and come help me in the kitchen, we gotta clean and get things ready for dinner, come on.”
Boba and Din stopped their sparring and headed to the kitchen, Wolffe took the plate from my hand, smirking at me the entire time, “Cyar’ika”
“Hmmm” I tried to put on the most innocent face I could.
“You are in so much trouble”
“Hey you started it”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, smiling, “Alright, you won this round. Don’t get use to it, love.”
I nodded against his lips smiling, “The fact you think you can win is adorable”
Wolffe pulled away, clearly fighting back a laugh, “I think I’ve won plenty of times my dear” he winked before he headed back to the kitchen. Once he left there was a sharp pain in my lower back, it didn’t last long, but it was intense in that moment. There was an intense pressure at first, that slowly eased. I stood up from the couch, trying to ease the pain. 
Thankfully it didn’t last long, and before I knew it Wolffe came calling me in for dinner. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
Jirli wasn’t feeling all afternoon, it made me concerned, maybe I shouldn’t have made her try to eat that snack the boys made. Maybe it didn’t sit right in her stomach, or maybe the baby was more sensitive to certain foods, now that she was very close to being born.
“Yeah Boba?” I looked over my shoulder as I washed the dishes after dinner, while he helped me dry them, Din was busy cleaning the table and the floor. 
“Is buir okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just not feeling the greatest”
“Is it because of the snack we made?” 
“No buddy” I bumped his shoulder, “Sometimes when mom’s are about ready to give birth, they tend to feel a little up and down. It’s not the snack, buddy. It’s just her body preparing.”
“Okay” Although Boba seemed to agree, he wasn’t exactly relieved. 
“Do you believe me?” I handed him the dish I finished washing as I cleaned up the sink, before turning off the water. 
“I do”
“Then, what’s wrong?” Boba shrugged, Din came and stood beside us with a similar expression of worry, “Alright boys, let’s sit down at the table and talk okay?” They both simply nodded as they took a seat. “What don’t you boys tell me what’s troubling you?” I asked as I pulled out my chair.
Neither of them said anything at first, Boba clenched and unclenched his fists, Din was picking on some imaginary speck of dust on the table. I learned from Jirli the best thing to do is to wait to let the boys speak, no matter how long it took. “I’m going to make some tea, your buir, ba’buir (grandfather) Plo and ba’vodu (uncle) Kenobi always says there’s nothing that can’t be resolved over a cup of tea.”
We sat there keeping focused on our teas when Boba finally spoke first, “Will buir be in a lot of pain?”
“When our vod’ika comes?” Din added
I took a sip before I decided to answer them, “It depends, every one who goes into labour, handles it differently. You have to remember that regardless your buir is a very strong woman.”
“What if she doesn’t like us?” Din mumbled through his cup, “What if she hates us?”
“Can I ask you something?” They both nodded, “You haven’t met her yet, do you like her?”
“Definitely, but we’re not from the same blood” Boba offered.
“Just as much as you two love her, she will love you just as much. She may express it differently, but she’ll love you, because you’re her vode (siblings). Always remember, aliit ori'shya tal'din (family is more than bloodline), you will be always aliit (family), and your buir and I will love you both and any new adike (little ones) we welcome to rai (our) aliit the same. To us, you are all our children, and we love you all equally. Okay?” They both nodded in agreement, I reached out holding each of their hands, “Anything else you guys want to talk about?”
“How are babies made?” Din asked turning to look at me.
I blinked a few times, having the words played over in my head, I cleared my throat, just as I was about to answer, Jirli’s voice came screaming from our room.
The three of us looked from one to the other before I rushed up the steps, Boba and Din following close behind, as I ran into the room, she was lying on our bed, her face was all sweaty, she was panting, her hand was bracing her lower back, “Mesh’la what’s wrong?” I rushed to her side, she gripped my hand with the strength of ten Trandoshians, it was a good thing I was sitting on the bed, she easily could have brought me to my knees. 
“The baby … she’s …” She squeezed my hand again, as she let out a breath, “She’s coming”
“Coming? What do you mean she’s coming?” The grip she had on my hand tightened, nearly making me fall off the bed.
“Are you seriously asking me!”
“Oh! She’s coming! As in now?”
Jirli turned and narrowed her eyes at me, somehow her pain subsided during the moment her anger blared looking at me “No, she sent an engraved invitation announcing she’d be arriving. You don’t see it because I was instructed to burn it right after reading it.” Her jaw clenched as her hand tightened on mine. 
“Right, sorry.”
I looked over to Din, he looked worried, Boba had his arm wrapped around Din’s shoulder, “She’s okay boys, listen call your ba’vodu Boost and ask him to come watch you guys, I’m going to take your buir to the hospital.”
“On it” Boba grabbed Din’s hand and rushed out of the room. 
“Okay babe, wrap your arms around me”
“Wolffe … are … are you sure?”
“Definitely, let’s get you to the hospital” She nodded as tears streamed down her cheek, she wrapped her arms around me, squeezing, I could feel her fear, “Babe, it’s okay, we’re going to be okay, she’s going to be okay, and so are you.” I placed a kiss on her forehead, she took in a deep breath, relaxing her grip a little, as I picked her up in my arms. 
Before long, Boost was standing there with the boys, as I placed Jirli in the speeder, “Boost, I’ll comm you once she’s in a room”
“Don’t worry about us, focus on your riduur. We’ll bring her overnight bag. Just comm when you get there and let us know when you need us to head over.”
“Thank you vod, contact Plo’buir, Anakin, Sinker …”
“Wolffe, shut up and get in the speeder!”
“Okay, I’m going. I’m just saying, don’t …”
“WOLFFE!” Jirli’s voice cut over the sound of passing speeders, and our voices, I turned to look at her, “WOLFFE GET YOUR ASS IN THIS SPEEDER RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR I’M NEVER LETTING YOU NEAR ME AGAIN!!”
I didn’t need to think twice, I rushed to the driver’s side and rushed my cyar’ika to the hospital.
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
If I hadn’t been on that platform, I would never have believed it. The moment Jirli raised her voice at Wolffe, he somehow became the most submissive man in the world. If he had a tail, it would have wagged left and right in a slow droopy manner. It took Boba and Din shaking my hand, to realize I had been standing there watching their speeder get smaller and smaller with a gapped mouth open. 
“Ba’vodu Boost”
“Yeah, Boba?” I was busy tidying up the house a little, knowing my vod’ika she would freak if she saw the mess in the living room when she came home, “Shouldn’t we be going to the hospital?”
“We will” I stood, picking up wrappers from some sort of snack that had gotten stuck under the couch, “but it takes time for a baby to be born, so let’s do something your mom we’ll really appreciate when she comes home. It’ll be a surprise present for her, what do you guys think?”
Boba and Din nodded, “You’re sure it’ll take a while?” Din asked tilting his head.
“Definitely. We can head over to the hospital in a few hours, once we know the baby is on it’s way. However, let’s get the house cleaned, it’ll be one less thing for your mom and dad to worry about when they come back. Sounds good?”
They nodded in unison, at that moment I’d never been prouder of my nephews than seeing them roll up their sleeves, grabbing the cleaning supplies, and without so much as another word they began cleaning, and not a light clean a deep clean. Definitely, a habit they developed from Jirli, whenever she was stressed or concerned out came the cleaning supplies. 
While they cleaned, I glanced at the comm message I received from Wolffe when they arrived at the hospital, ‘Keep the boys there. The baby isn’t in the right position. They’re hoping she’ll adjust herself. They’re monitoring the situation very carefully. However, if she doesn’t end up facing the right way, they may have to do surgery. I don’t want the boys to freak out, so for now keep them busy. I’ll message in an hour or two to let you know where we’re at.’
I looked from the comm to Boba and Din who were busy laughing and joking while they cleaned, excited to welcome their new vod’ika. I headed off to the kitchen sending a message to the family, letting everyone know what was happening. Hoping and praying that everything was going well for them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Dr. Natuspri examined and re-examined the scan, we had been there for nearly three hours, Jirli was having some difficulty breathing, but she was still her feisty self. At that moment, she reminded me so much of Plo’buir, keeping a calm exterior, trying her best to help keep me calm.
“Anything?” She let out exasperated by the silence filling the room.
Dr. Natuspri let out a deep sigh, she put the scan down, looking at the two of us, “I don’t think we can wait any more, her oxygen levels are beginning to dip, I don’t want to risk it. We’re going to perform a C Section. Wolffe, a C Section can be intense for some, do you think you’d be comfortable enough to sit with Jirli during the operation?”
“I can sit with her in the surgery room?”
“Yes, she’ll be awake for the C Section”
“Alright, the medic is going to come by in a minute to take you to get the appropriate gear and I’ll get the surgical droid to come in to wheel you in, Jirli”
Jirli squeezed my hand, “Is she in danger?”
“If we wait any longer, she could be. We’re doing this to keep her from being in danger.”
She simply nodded as she watched the Doc head out, I took her hand, placing a kiss on the back of her hand, holding it to my lips, as my other hand rubbed her womb “It’ll be okay, Jirli. She’ll be okay. You both will.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because you are a strong, powerful, intelligent woman who would do anything for her children, and that means both of you surviving for Din and Boba” I squeezed her hand, pressing it against my forehead, “And for me” I mumbled. “You’ll both survive for all of us. It’ll be okay.” I shifted her hand, looking at her face.
She bit her bottom lip, as her hand rested on top of mine, intertwining our fingers, “Wolffe …” I saw her lip begin to tremble, “If during the surgery” she cleared her throat, “If it comes between saving our baby or me …”
“Don’t mesh’la”
“Wolffe …”
“No. Riduur, I told you a long time ago, I’m not losing you. You’ll both be fine, trust me” I squeezed her hand, I shifted, kissing her with all my love, “You’ll be fine” I mumbled against her lips. She was about to say something more, when the door slid open, as the nurses came in ushering me out of the room as they got her ready for surgery. We shared one last look. 
“I love you, Jirli”
She smiled mouthing ‘I love you,’ before a nurse took me down the hall explaining she was taking me to put on a gown, cap, mask, and shoe covers to keep the room sterile. It was a necessary process for the surgery, she went over the steps of how to wash my hands properly as well, helping me.
I hadn’t realized how nervous I was until the nurse took my gloved hands in hers, “Here let me help, your hands are shaking.” I couldn’t even answer her, I simply nodded as she took the gown from my hand and helped me put it on, my eyes were focused on Jirli’s room watching for any movement, I wanted to be ready to follow her into the room as soon as I could. 
“She’ll be okay”
“Huh?” I turned to look at the nurse, she took my hand in hers again, holding it tightly. Her thumb rubbing against my knuckles back and forth. It felt strangely intimate with the way she was looking into my eyes and standing so close to me.
“Dr. Natuspri is very good, your baby will be in good hands, and I have no doubt your partner will be fine” 
I didn’t know why at that moment, but something about the way she looked at me and held my hand made me uncomfortable, I pulled my hand out of her hold, and took a step back, “I have no doubt. My wife is a very strong and capable woman.” She offered a soft smile, taking a step towards me, her mouth opened as though she was getting ready to say something, however at that moment thankfully, Jirli came out of her room. I simply offered a quick word of thanks and rushed to Jirli’s side taking her hand in mine. 
“Alright, dad” the head nurse setting up the surgical suite called my attention, “We’ll be putting up this curtain, trust me when I say you don’t want to look behind the curtain. Especially, if you’re squeamish.”
Jirli stifled a laugh as she laid down on the med bed, “Trust me, he isn’t squeamish, right Wolffe?”
“Nope, but I think I’ll wait till you’re not cut open to look. The idea of seeing my wife cut open isn’t exactly something I itching to see.”
“I think that’s a smart idea” the surgical nurse uttered, smirking at the two of us.
“You two okay?” Dr. Natuspri stood beside us as she came into the room, we both simply nodded, “Jirli we’re going to begin, you’re not going to feel anything, but I highly recommend you don’t look Wolffe.”
“Understood” I squeezed Jirli’s hand, placing a kiss to Jirli’s forehead, stroking her head, “It’s going to be fine. She’s going to be fine.”
Jirli smiled as she squeezed my hand, “I know. I’m just … Wolffe, we’re having our baby today. Our little girl is being born today.”
I smiled wide under my mask, “Yeah she is, rid’ika. I have no doubt she’s going to be just as beautiful as you are.”
“She’s going to look like you” Jirli closed her eyes, smiling, no doubt she was communicating with the baby, something she had been doing a lot lately. “She’s excited”
“Yeah, she’s sending feelings of warmth, anticipation, happiness and love. She’s going to be a very happy child.”
“Just like her mom, she’ll also no doubt be getting into a lot of trouble with two brothers who wreck havoc at any given moment.”
She had a smile on her face that went from ear to ear, “Speaking of our boys, did you message Boost?”
“Yeah, they’ll be waiting for you once your done. Not just them either. “
“You contacted everyone?”
“Nope Boost did.”
She smirked, looking into my eyes, when her eyes began drooping, her head slumped against the table, the strength in her hands weakened as it slipped out of my grip, “Jirli?” 
Before she could answer me, before I could call out her name again or grab her hand, I felt a hand on my shoulder, as a baby’s cry fill the room, within moments I was being ushered from her room, outside by another nurse, and being directed to some sort of waiting room, all while my protests and calling of Jirli’s name fell on deaf ears. 
“Wait! What’s going on?”
“Please wait outside” 
I tried to push my way back in, but security guards appeared out of nowhere, forcing me into the room, they just directed me to “NO! Someone tell me , what’s going on!” I struggled against the two men who stood on either side of me.
“Mr. Koon,” a hand pressed against my chest, forcing me to look at the nurse in front of me, “I know this is scary and unexpected. Please take a deep breath” the nurse came to my side taking my arm, as I calmed down against the men restraining my arms. “I’ll explain everything Mr. Koon, my name is Angie, just come with me, and I’ll make sure they bring your daughter to you. However, for your wife’s sake and for the doctor who is working on her, I need you to remain as calm as possible. Do you agree?”
I simply nodded, trying my best not to think of the worst outcome possible. Angie offered a comforting smile as she directed me towards a chair, the room didn’t seem quite as full with despair as a moment ago. Before I even realized why I started to feel a comforting presence all around, there was this tiny bundle in my arms that looked exactly like Jirli. The moment my eyes met her tiny face, I had fallen in love, she had dark curly hair on the top of her head, her nose was perfect for her face, even her lips were so small and dainty, her fingers were barely able to wrap around my finger. She was barely the size of my forearm, she was so light, I could barely feel her in my arm. This moment didn’t feel real, but yet there she was in my arms, perfect and beautiful. My beautiful daughter. 
I felt my eyes welling up with tears, I took in a deep breath, before looking up meeting Angie’s eyes, she looked as though she was waiting for me to respond, “I’m sorry?”
“I was wondering if you are able to listen to what’s happening with your wife?
I closed my eyes focusing back on my ad’ika, “Yes” I trailed my finger over her tiny head, “What happened?”
“Your wife began bleeding heavier than the doctor would have liked one your daughter was safely delivered. The Dr. Natuspri is working hard to get the bleeding under control. I’ll come back to let you know when she’s out of the woods. Once the doctor is done, we’ll move her to recovery.”
Though I heard the words, I couldn’t quite grasp what she was saying, I simply tightened my hold on my ad’ika. “Is she going to survive?” I focused on my daughter, not wanting to look at the nurse who could possibly be changing my future, with one word. 
“Dr. Natuspri is very good, she’ll do her best for your wife.”
I simply nodded, after all what was she going to say? She couldn’t provide me a guarantee on something she had no control over, as a soldier, as a the Duchess’ Head of Security I knew quite well there was no guarantees in life, and no one could guarantee anyone’s life. No matter how many precautions you took. 
I heard the door slide open, when silence filled the room, it was just me and my ad’ika in whatever room they put us. I couldn’t focus on anything except her, she was keeping me calm the longer I looked at her; I felt a warm and calming presence fill me, I couldn’t help smile and place a kiss on her tiny forehead, my beautiful ad’ika, barely born a few hours and she was already trying to take care of me. Time seemed to stand still while I held her in my arms, “I promise I’ll make sure to take care of you ner ad’ika, however thank you for taking care of me. Ni kar’tyalir darasuum gar (I love you).”
“Mr. Koon?” I froze a little at hearing Dr. Natuspri’s voice, I looked up to see the doc there smiling, I hadn’t heard the door slide open or her footsteps coming closer to me, “Your wife is just fine.” I felt tears beginning to prick my eyes, as a weight lifted off my shoulders and chest. “There was a slight concern due to the excessive bleeding which sometimes does occur in caesarean . However, we got the bleeding stopped, her vitals are looking good, we’re moving her to recovery now. I’d like to keep her for an extra day or two just to make sure there are no re-bleeds or any other complications. Your daughter, as you can see, is doing well, very healthy and no complications. She’ll be able to go home with you tomorrow.”
I nodded, bitting back the tears, “Thank you, Dr. Natuspri” I cleared my throat, “What caused the excessive bleeding?”
“An old wound she had from the war, but like I said, everything looks really good. I’ll have a nurse come and bring you both to her, okay?” She placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, “Mr. Koon, I believe there are some very impatient and very excited family members waiting for you in the waiting room” she smirked.
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
“She’s beautiful” Plo’buir took my ad’ika into his arms, “She looks so much like Jirli when she was first brought to the temple. How is my daughter doing?”
“She’s in recovery. They’re going to let me know when I can go see her” Boba and Din were peering from either side of Plo’buir trying to get a good look at their vod’ika.
“How are you?” Boost and Sinker both smacked my back as they stood beside me.
“Tired. Emotional. At one point, I was scared. Really scared.”
Sinker squeezed my shoulder, tapping his head against mine, “You gonna tell me who the father is?” He smirked as he glanced over to my face. One thing I could count on Sinker for was always trying to lighten up the mood, I gave him a quick jab into his side. 
“Come on, vod” Boost added, “She’s too pretty to be your daughter. Jirli’s sure. Your’s … ehhh”
“If you two would like for me to teach you why I was Commander of the 104th, and why I’m your ori’vod just say the word. We’re in a hospital so even if you were both on the verge of death, someone would deign to save you” I gritted my teeth clenching my fists by my side. 
Boost and Sinker chuckling, as they wrapped me up in their hug, “Relax vod” Sinker stated, “Yeah” Boost jeered, “We’re joking. Obviously, she’s your kid, she’s got that Wolffe scowl going” Boost motioned with his head.
We all looked at her, and sure enough there was a scowl on her tiny face, clear as day. I couldn’t love her more than I did at that moment. As much as sometimes my vode irritated me, I was glad to have them by my side, especially when my emotions were everywhere.
“Mr. Koon?” 
I turned to the voice, it was the same nurse from before the one who held my hand too tightly, “Yes?” I growled at her, wanting to keep her away from my family and me.
“Your wife is in her room, if you would like to see her.”
“Thank you” my voice was stern, and my face said it all showing I wasn’t particularly impressed by that woman. She didn’t leave simply stood there looking at me, “Is there something else?” Neither Boost nor Sinker dared to interject, they knew me well enough to know that this tone was reserved for those who had crossed a line.  
“Uh… no, sorry.” She quickly left, and I focused back on my little girl. 
“What’s her name?” Din asked as he took her tiny hand in his. 
“Well what if we wait till your buir wakes up and we can name her all together?”
Boba looked from his vod’ika to me, smiling, “Does that mean we can name her anything?”
“Within reason, Boba”
“Fine” he huffed out. I could just imagine what that boy was thinking of calling his younger sister. 
- - - - - - - - - - - 
My eyes felt heavy as I opened them, I felt the familiar talons of my father holding my hand, I turned my head to see Plo’buir sitting beside my bed, looking at me. 
“If you needed a vacation that badly, you could’ve just commed, my dear”
I chuckled, as I squeezed his hand, “Sorry dad, but I wanted to create as much drama and attention as possible.” I winced a little as I shifted, “How’s Wolffe and my lil’ girl?”
Plo’buir let out a chuckle, “Wolffe is very much becoming wrapped around the little girl’s finger. He won’t let her down, even Boba and Din have barely had any chance to hold her. I was amazed he let me hold her for as long as I did.” I squeezed his hand, grateful that he was there by my side. 
“When will I get to see her? I have even had a chance to see her …” the tears were beginning to well up, as I realized most had seen her before I had and I was her mother. 
“Oh ad’ika, it’s okay” Plo’buir wrapped his arms around me, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling me into a hug, “I’ll get Wolffe to bring her here now. I apologize greatly ad’ika, you should’ve been the one to see her first.”
I’m not even sure why I was crying so heavily into my father’s shoulder, it wasn’t logical, after all I was out after the surgery. What was Wolffe suppose to do, lock himself in a room until I woke up? If I ever woke up? The thought that I might never have seen my family again, never meeting my ad’ika, never have Wolffe’s arms wrapped around me … 
“Shhh, ad’ika. It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
- - - - - - - - - - - 
“Hey your buir is still sleeping, trying and be a little quieter” I could hear Wolffe’s voice calling to me from my half dazed sleep, my eyelids felt incredibly heavy as I opened them to see him sitting there with our ad’ika in his arms, Boba and Din looking at her, making faces and joking, while trying to irritating each other at the same time. 
I couldn’t help smile at the scene in front of me, “Are you all behaving or are you driving the nurses up the wall?” I mumbled still half asleep. 
Wolffe locked eyes with me, his adoration and nerves brimming at the edge of his eyes along with his tears, he took in a deep shuddering breath as a smile graced his lips, “You’re awake.”  Before I could even respond Boba and Din rushed to my side throwing there arms around me, clinging for dear life. I squeezed them just as hard in return, placing a kiss on each of their heads.
“Alright boys” Wolffe stood heading over to us as the boys kept squeezing me, “Your buir and I need to talk, and she needs to feed your vod’ika. Go spend some time with our aliit that are patiently waiting outside and no doubt causing a havoc, knowing Sinker, Boost and Anakin.”
“They made it?” I smiled sleepily. 
Wolffe placed a kiss on my forehead, passing me our ad’ika in my arms, “Of course, they did.” He turned to the boys motioning with his head, “On your way boys”
“We’ll be back, buir” 
“Be good, vod’ika” They waved bye as the door slid close, Wolffe took the seat beside me, helping me sit up. 
He sat there watching the two of us, as a tear slipped down his cheek, I reached up wiping it with my thumb, cupping his cheek with my hand, he held it against his cheek turning my hand slightly placing a kiss on my palm, breathing in my scent. “You have no idea how much I wanted to break down the door and stay with you in the operating room. They had to have two security guards try and hold me back.”
I felt tears beginning to prick my eyes, as another tear slipped down his cheek, “What do you mean try?” I chuckled fighting back the tears. 
He chuckled wiping the tears from his face, and then wiping the one that had slipped through my defences. “If it wasn’t for Angie, a rather convincing nurse, I would’ve killed the two guards trying to hold me back.”
“I believe it, but who’s Angie?”
“One of the male nurses that was there during your C Section”
“Oh, I see. Thought you developed a crush on one of the nurses or something”
Wolffe simply shook his head, pressing another kiss into my palm, “How could I possibly look at anyone else, when you are my everything. Your intellect, your courage, your faith, the way you look after our kids, after me, after our family, every day I get to know you a little more, every day I fall in love with you more than the day before. How could I ever look at anyone, when you are my heart.”
I shifted my hand grabbing his shirt, and pulling him to my lips. I gave him a quick kiss, smiling as he rested his forehead against mine, “I love you, Wolffe.” Apparently, this was too much for our ad’ika as she started to fuss and cry. “I guess this little one, wants some food, huh?” I chuckled, placing a kiss on her tiny forehead, which calmed her down a little, she grabbed my medic gown, pulling herself closer. 
“Guess she’s really hungry”
“How long was I out for?”
“A few hours, one of the nurses said when we’re ready we can comm for the lactation consultant, if you are having difficulties feeding her.”
“Let me try first and see, Dr. Natuspri went over in detail what I needed to do.”
“Alright” It was a bit of a balancing act at first, thankfully, Wolffe helped me a little, but soon enough she was there in my arms, feeding.  “How does it feel?”
“Weird, but strangely wonderful at the same time. Although, I know for future kids I might not be able to feed them like this.” 
“How come?”
“Depends on if I’m producing enough milk, if I’m producing too much milk, if I have a blocked milk duct, I could also get an infection, or if the baby is tongue tied.”
“Tongue tied?”
“There’s a strip of skin that attached the tongue to the floor of the mouth, sometimes it can be shorter then usual, making it difficult for the baby to suck.”
“The more you know” Wolffe chuckled watching us, “You know, we still need to name her and soon, before Boba and Din get some weird name they want to call her.”
“Did they already offer up suggestions?” I chuckled as I looked at her feeding without a care in the world.
“Do I want to know?”
“Well I mean ulle’a-ka’oa’yr (booger-eater) has a nice wonderful ring, and b'udaye- asa'yr (fart-lover ) certainly has it’s appeal, maybe for our fourth one?”
I couldn’t help laughing at their ridiculousness, “Maker how I love those two, you’re right we need to find a better name before they get a hold of the registration sheet.”
“Do you have anything in mind?”
“Diribua (Panacea - a remedy for all difficulties or disease), we could call her Diri for short” 
“Diribua Koon, I like it”
“What about you?” Wolffe stroked her head, “Is there a name that you were thinking of?”
“Iu’a’a (Aurora -  Dawn), a long time ago Plo’buir once told me, the dawn marks the start of a new day, a new hope, a new possibility without limitations. She marks the beginning of a new era in our lives. What do you think?”
“Iu’a’a Koon”
“Iu’a’a Diribua Koon”
“Iu’a’a Diribua Koon” Wolffe nodded, placing a kiss on her tiny hand, “Pleasure to meet you ner bec’ika (my little pup)”
Whatever faced us, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, our entire family and extended family were all there for us, and for all of our kids. However many they would be.
Tag List:
@photowizard17​ @liadamerondjarin​ @badbatch-simp24​ @spicymcnuggies​ @lady-ren​ @firstofficerwiggles​ @darkangel4121​ @discofern​ @kavecika​ @monako-jinn-stories​ @ladykatakuri​ @avathebestx​ @theroguesully​ @furyhellfire66​ @carodealmeida​ @ciramaris​ @sprout-fics​ @twinkofthedink​ @dindjarin-mandalorian​ @ulchabhangorm​
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 months
Wiggly!!!!!! More then 1200 followers????? Kriffing Sith Hells, that is A LOT !!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Yes, yes, I know I am not around ( just yet) , but ofcourse I will add to the requests!
I am not going to go for the guys I usually go for, but will go for someone different this time ( though I think it aint as different as I still love em all hehe ).
I would love a message from: Sinker! This guy, his hair color, him being him... Yupyup he is hot ! And well, any message from him would be awesome ( unless he breaks my heart, I then will have to break his nose for sure ! )
I will leave it up to you if it is romantic, spicy or an, oh my is it getting hot in here message *grin*, humor or just a hiya how are ya message.
Loadsa hugs! from your friendly galaxy stalker.
Thank you so much, sweetie! 💗 Ah yes, Sinker, another one of our handsome blonde clones, good choice!
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Hey babe,
How’s it going? It’s another day here with the 104th. You’d be laughing if you were here because Boost just discovered the idea of pranking and somehow he managed to fill Comet’s foot locker with meiloorun fruit. Comet wasn’t perturbed in the least though, he merely washed them all off and gave them out as gifts to the rest of us. So I’m sitting here, munching on one and looking at all the new holos you’ve sent me. You look so pretty in all of them, but that sexy silver dress, ooh, that one is my favorite. You better wear that one when I see you next, I’ll take you out for a night you won’t forget, showing everyone my beautiful sweetheart. Maybe we can even go dancing. Did I tell you a bunch of us are learning how to dance so we can impress our girls? It’s been pretty fun, but I have a feeling it will be much better with you in my arms instead of Boost, for one thing you smell a hell of a lot better. That nitwit still thinks bathing is only for special occasions. But enough about my stinky brother, I want to think about you instead. After dancing, maybe we’ll take a nice nighttime stroll, perhaps somewhere with secluded little benches where I can pull you close and show you just how much I’ve been missing you. When I’m lying here at night, the memory of your kisses keeps me warm. And not just your kisses, I think about getting to touch you and feel those perfect soft curves of yours. Maybe next time you send me a photo, you could do a racy one? My memories are great, but a little extra inspiration is always a good thing. Tell you what, I’ll send you one with my shirt off, you know, in case you missed seeing the tattoo on my chest. I’ll take it now and send it with this message, after all I’m sure you want to see that your guy is doing fine. 
Hugs and kisses,
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There's a few more days to send in an ask
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ozarlu-seda · 2 years
Fives: *Is Fives*
Sinker: If General Koon wasn’t here, I’d push you off a cliff.
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honeydwellerbee · 1 year
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Ok so I may have gone a little ham on the Chibi clones. I am really happy with how they all came out though. if you wanna see my 502st little guys Its my previous post. This was a ton of fun and was a lot less stressful that working on a full illustration so that's cool :) anyways enjoy my little guys. 
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lychgate · 5 months
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good morning here's Tup and Sinker smooching at 79s
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starstofillmydream · 2 days
Clone troopers being sensitive to bad smells: a compendium
(They're just like me fr. I don't know if it's just me getting older, but I feel like I've gotten more sensitive to bad smells. Like, if I smell something bad, I want to vomit 😅)
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bibannana · 11 months
Comet *jumps out from behind a gunship holding a cake*: Happy birthday Commander!
Wolffe *monotonously*: Ah. You surprised me.
Sinker *rolls his eyes*: At least act suprised.
Wolffe *doesn't hesitate*: If I was surprised you would be on the floor with a dislocated arm-
Boost *blinks*: W-what?
Wolffe *letting Plo strap a part hat to his helmet*: My reflexes are just that good.
Plo *nods*: Oh course they are son. Now let us sing you happy birthday.
Taglist: @sexy-rex @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites @staycalmandhugaclone @soliloquy-of-nemo
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spiralingemptyness · 7 months
clone wars (mainly guard) hc pt. 3
sinker and hound are batch mates 
Thire is youngest command officer on coruscant guard
Yoda kinda adopted coruscant guard
Amidala and thorn are best buddies
Amidala dresses up the corrie guard that have to guard her at galas
Monnk has a monthly drowning (despite having scuba equitmnent and being the best swimmer in the whole gar)and Kit always teases him (after making sure he’s safe)
Depa and Grey have a platonic co-parenting to Caleb (Grey is aroace)
Fox cares for all his corrie guards and they make sure to return the favor by taking care of him, his work and just giving him the best hugs
Reasons palps has died
Corrie guard cmo
Plo koon
Other Jedi
Corrie guard CO’s
Zilo beast
Falling out a window
Heart attack
Snapping his neck
Plo koon gets the worst color choices for vod pile blankets but they’re the softest and the 104th love him so they don’t tell him
Despite being the most carefullest of the guard, Thire gets hurts the most (he can rival Fox in the number of injuries they’ve received)
Thire has been reconditioned the most
love how I end it on angst :)
I have a shit load of mk head cannons sooooo yah
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hetalianskywalker · 29 days
Mermay 2024 Masterlist
Hello! Welcome to my Star Wars Clones (and their Prime) x Reader Mermaid AU!
So over the past few years, the clone troopers, in all shapes and forms, have meant a lot to me. I started writing on tumblr about half a year ago now and I just got into a graduate program. So I’m probably gonna drop off the face of the earth in a few months.
I wanted to take part in one of these month long fandom events before I left so Mermay seemed like a good fit to me. I went around tumblr and found prompts that inspired me and I thought went with each character.
Thank you for reading!
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Day 1: The Courtyard - Mer Rex x Harpy Reader
Day 2: The Bakery - Mer Jesse x Reader
Day 3: Black Pearls - Siren Kix x Reader
Day 4: The Lobster- Mer Hardcase x Reader
Day 5: Two Siren Songs - Siren Fives x Siren Reader
Day 6: Sown Together - Selkie Echo x Mer Reader
Day 7: Scavenged - Mer Denal x Reader
Day 8: Choosing to Help- Mer Vaughn x Jedi Reader
Day 9: A Heart Fish- Mer Cody x Reader
Day 10: My Dream- Mer Gregor x Pirate Reader
Day 11: To Swim With A Siren- Siren Waxer x Pirate Reader
Day 12: Hold On- Mer Boil x Reader
Day 13: Hasn’t Changed - Mer Wolffe x Reader
Day 14: Trapped in the Lake - Mer Boost x Reader
Day 15: Stuck - Mer Sinker x Reader
Day 16: The Forgetful Selkie- Selkie Fox x Fae Queen Reader
Day 17: Here - Siren Thorn x Pirate Reader
Day 18: Just the Beginning - Selkie Thire x Reader
Day 19: Excitement - Mer Stone x Thief Reader
Day 20: Stargazing - Mer Hound x Nightsister Reader
Day 21: Get On With It - Siren Hunter x Doctor Reader
Day 22: Fishing for a Merman - Mer Howzer x Twi’lek Reader
Day 23: Understatement - Mer Mayday x Ice Dragon Reader
Day 24: Stories- Mer Slip x Mer Reader
Day 25: Sea Caves - Siren Fireball x Reader
Day 26: Sea Glass - Mer Nemec x Reader
Day 27: Actions- Selkie Samson x Jedi Reader
Day 28: The Sea Alor - Sea Alor Mer Jango x Harpy Reader
Day 29: The Heir - Mer Boba Fett x Kiffu Reader
Day 30: The Wait - Mer Fordo x Goddess Reader
Day 31 - Alpha 17
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33 notes · View notes
Comet: Sinker won’t wake up, what do I do?
Wolffe: Did you try kicking him?
Comet: Yes
Wolffe: I’m out of ideas
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ghostofskywalker · 4 months
Filed Under: Work Orders
Words: 1,099
Summary: You're the best mechanic the GAR has, but sometimes that means that you're flooded with requests for repairs that are clearly not from combat, or at least not entirely from combat.
or alternatively: a collection of messages on your answering machine, that go a long way as evidence to support the argument that you deserved a raise.
Note: another work to add to filed under: the series! apparently i can only write a fic like this once every six months or so lol
ao3 link || clone troopers masterlist
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A loud clang echoed through the room as you dropped your bag of tools on the floor, eyes bleary from waking up far too early. Long hours at unusual times were a given when you worked for the GAR, but that didn’t mean you ever really got used to it, even after the three days off you had just enjoyed. At least the work bays were quiet at this time of day, and you usually didn’t have to do much interacting with others until it was time for people to pick up their finished equipment. Droids would collect and deliver the ships and other apparatuses that needed fixing, and work orders were usually received through your datapad.
Sitting down at the slightly scratched chair at your desk, you saw the light on your communicator blinking, indicating that you had a few messages to listen to. Your office communicator was on a pathway that could be reached through simply contacting the main number for the GAR and pressing the correct buttons, but it wasn’t as common to see work orders being requested here rather than through your datapad. After the caf machine began to work its magic and you had a steaming mug of caffeine in front of you, it was time to see what was on your schedule for today.
you have *:・✧ eight ✧ ・:* new messages
“Hey, this is General Anakin Skywalker calling for the best mechanic in the galaxy!”
You paused the message and sighed, knowing that meant he needed something from you. And based on his overly chipper tone, the repairs would be intensive.
“I got the message from your datapad that you’re off for a few days, but when you get back I need a favor. It’s just a few dents and a broken blaster cannon, don’t worry too much, but we’ll be on Coruscant for a few rotations and I just wanted to see what you could do. Rex has sent an official work order to your datapad, just send a message to the Jedi Temple when it’s ready.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“What exactly am I supposed to say again?”
“Well, starting with your name would probably be a good idea.”
“Yeah that’s good.”
“And explaining that this needs to be done secretly, because Cody would kill us if he found out.”
“Definitely. Hi, my name is Boil and-”
“Wait, you were already on the call?”
“You watched me dial!”
After that played, you checked your datapad to see a communication that seemed to match the situation, and you just laughed at the plea to maintain complete secrecy.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
The next message started with a shout from the background.
“It’s kriffing COLD in here!”
“Be quiet Crosshair! I’m leaving a message for the repair department now.”
“It’s still going to be three rotations before we even get to Coruscant. We’ll be blocks of ice by then!”
Another voice called out from the background.
“Go look for some blankets and let Tech leave the communication message in peace!”
“As you can probably tell, we’re calling because there’s an issue with our ship’s heating system. It’s an Omicron-class attack shuttle, and I believe that there must be some kind of slight leak preventing the heat from kicking in. More details will be sent with the droid when we drop off the ship.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hello, this is Sergeant Hound calling from the Coruscant Guard, I wanted to let you know that we’ll be dropping off one of the battalion’s speeder bikes within the next day or two. It’ll look really bad, so if you have to scrap it completely that should be fine, just don’t tell Fox. I crashed it when I saw a cute massif on the street and completely flew into a wall, but if anyone else asks, there was a accident on the lower levels and it was too dark to see anything when I was chasing down a death stick dealer.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Now who are you calling?”
“Shhh, Fives, I’m on the phone with the maintenance number. If they can fix the general’s ships when he crashes them, this can’t be that big of a deal.”
“How are you going to explain the completely fried control board? Kix told us already that the GAR’s funneling all their money into new clones and can’t afford to replace landspeeders.”
“I’ll tell the truth, that it’s been acting strangely.”
“Yeah, after you spilled spotmelon juice all over it!”
“You were the one that knocked over the canteen!”
“Maybe we can blame it on the general, he’s already bringing his fighter down there after that last battle.”
“Yeah, maybe if we crash it into something first.”
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Why did you call the GAR’s main line? I don’t think the people in payroll and budgeting will be able to help until we get the damage under control.”
“This is the maintenance department. Jesse says there’s someone there that fixes things all the time for them, like that time when Hardcase built a bomb in the Resolute’s refresher.”
“Sinker, that’s what you did!”
“Maybe it’s not in the refresher, but-”
“I built a bomb out of the caf machine, it’s a completely different situation. And mine was accidental, I don’t think you can say the same thing about the 501st!”
Your mind wandered from the message as it was still being played from your machine, mentally making a note to get out all the safety equipment you thought you might need. If this is anything like the situation that was just referenced, you were going to need some high quality supplies.
*:・✧ ✧ ・:*
“Hi, my name is General Obi-Wan Kenobi. I know that General Skywalker is going to be dropping off a starship for you to take a look at within the next few rotations, and I wanted to ask if you had a moment to check over my ship too? I don’t know what Anakin has told you, but I’d be willing to bet that he undersold how bad it was. Look, don’t tell him that I told you, but I wouldn’t be surprised when it comes in totaled. I’m surprised he was even able to land that smoking heap of transparisteel. That aside, if you have time to look at mine just let me know, there’s nothing really specific I’m looking to fix but I would prefer to know if something was wrong before the next high stress situation. Thank you!”
you have *:・✧ zero ✧ ・:* new messages
You sighed, taking a huge sip from the caf in your hands and getting up from your desk. It looks like you had a lot of work to do. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
divider credit to djarrex - reblogged here
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mamuzzy · 5 months
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Sinker it is, @babygirlbridger <3 Wolfpack is so out of my focus I actually had to rewatch the scenes with Sinker in, and OHBOY I'M IN LOVE. The designated cynical little shit <3 Also white haired character gets white eyelashes, that's the law.
Thank you for bringing me out of my comfort zone with this request~ <3
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 1.02: Rising Malevolence
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anxiouspineapple99 · 9 months
Our beautiful boys!
Cody was made for @wings-and-beskar
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 4 months
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Collection of my TCW art. I mostly draw Commander Fox and Coruscant Guard, 501st boys, and through those lovely asks you sent me, other characters too. :)))) 
JUNE 2023
「501 shenanigans」 [ART]
16/06/2023 | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | Draw the Squad | Fives is nude but nothing important is visible | They are dorks your honour
「POV: Fives approaches you in 79's」 [ART] 
19/06/2023| ARC Trooper Fives, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Fives sucks at flirting | *deepinhale.* VOD. | 
「Anakin Needs therapy」 [ART]
18/06/2023| Anakin Skywalker | Sketchbook | Amputee!Anakin | BPD related art | I love using kitsugi as a motif for breaking down over and over again then rehabilitating |
「Dar'Ad」 [AO3] + [FIC]
01/08/2023 | Fanfic | 437 word | Alpha-17, Commander Fox | Mentions of Execution | Angst | Hurt, no comfort | Seriously, guys, the amount of interactions I’ve got for this snippet! Maybe I should think of a continuation if you liked it this much!
「Foxhunt」 [ART]
02/08/2023| Commander Fox | Blood | I drew this picture first and then and then I wanted to write a description and Dar’Ad happened. The picture takes place after some time of the snippet. 
「Comfort a character: Deadshot」[ART]
03/09/2023 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | Comfort a character prompt | Umbaran darkness hide the tears of the grief-weary troopers |
「Comfort a character: Cadet!Fox」 [ART & Snippet]
03/09/2023 | Cadet Fox, Alpha-17, Captain Fordo | Comfort a character prompt | Alpha is TRYING OKAY??? |
「Comfort a character: Rex」 [ART] 
07/09/2023| Captain Rex, Commander Cody | Comfort a Character prompt | Hurt & comfort |
「Comfort a character: Cadet!Rex」 [ART]
10/09/2023 | Cadet Rex, and Cadet Fox aka Tintin (by Kilt) | Comfort a character prompt | Omg, this was such a lovely request from my friend, I still think about it a lot~ I really enjoyed trying out a different coloring technique |
「Comfort a character: Dogma」 [ART & FIC] + [AO3]
23/09/2023| Clone Trooper Dogma, Commander Fox | Comfort a character prompt | 407 words | Corrie!Dogma | Dogma deserves better. |
「Comfort a character: Fox」 [ART]
29/09/2023 | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Comfort a character prompt| We have a shared custody on Headshot with ithillia <3 |
「Red is a color of...」 [ART]
03/10/2023 | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | …LOVE | No context, just unhinged Fox | I have many Commander Fox in my head, but this one is actually crazy like a fox. 
「Bullet-time Fox」 [ART]
05/10/2023| Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer | The corrie commanders are major dorks when no one is looking | 
「Fives」 [ART]
10/10/2023 | Gift for Mary <3 | ARC Trooper Fives |
「Mal」 [ART]
| Gift for Corey | Corey's OC | Precious scarred babu <3
「Happy Dogma」 [ART]
14/10 | Clone Trooper Dogma | Character reaction to post | DOGMA IS THE SWEETEST GOODEST BOY MUST PROTECC |
「Fives x Shots」 [ART]
CLONESHIP 23/10/2023 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | They are in love, you honour |
「TCW x Lucky Star」 [ART]
25/10/2023 | Commander Fox | Incorrect Quote | Redrawing Kogami Akira as Fox |
「Mlem.」 [COMIC]
09/11/2023| OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Jesse | Torrent barrack shenanigans | Boys being boys | Hardcase is a kind of friend who randomly licks your face |
「I've got a birthday gift from Corey! 」 [Gift] <3
13/11/2023| OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Tup | Character reacts to post | Deadshot is a softy | A wonderful gift, thank you so much <3 |
「Received a gift on my birthday &lt;;3」 [Comic]
16/11/2023| Captain Rex, Commander Fox, 501st, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Gift from nuclearteabag | Nuke gave me a present but the corries confiscated it :(((( | Fox is a dork |
「Thoughts about natborn cadets」 [Photo]
18/11/2023|Commander Fox, ARC Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 
「It’s called nature, Fox!」 [Photo]
19/11/2023| Commander Fox, Arc Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | Commander Fox doesn’t like nature |
「The Captain isn't entirely satisfied with the new ARC trooper」 [Comic]
CLONESHIP mentioned 29/11/2023 |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex | Blorbo bleebus | pls don’t take this post seriously or else Shots will die of embarrassment | that’s what happens when I draw with migraine |
「Fox loves caf」 [Photo]
30/11/2023| Commander Fox | Toy Photo | Don’t tell him it’s chai latte |
「I don’t deserve you」 [ART & FIC]
THORN X FOX CLONESHIP 03/12/2023 |Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | Art and Fanfiction | I don’t deserve you prompt | 982 words | Hurt & Comfort |
「I don’t deserve you」 [FIC]
FIVES x DEADSHOT (OC) CLONESHIP |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives | Fanfic | Wordcount: 2446 | Mature | I don’t deserve you prompt | Talking about a dead person and grief | Captain Rex had enough with Deadshot's digging into the past and decided it's time to have a conversation neither of them wished to have. | NO BETA |
「Deadshot has one of those days」 [ART]
12/12/2023| OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup | Sketchbook | Breaking down in 3…2…1… |
「I do deserve better」 - [ART & FIC] + [AO3]
Dogma x Tup - CLONESHIP 16/12/2023 |Clone Trooper Dogma, Clone Trooper Tup | Art and fanfiction | I don’t deserve you prompt | 560 words | Hurt, no comfort | Angst | Umbara arc |
「Commander Wolffe portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Commander Wolffe | 104th follower celebration thingy |
「Fives portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Arc Trooper Fives | Art Request |
「Deadshot reacts to Fives portrait」 [ART]
Fives x Deadshot (OC) CLONESHIP 16/01/2024 | Arc Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot | Fives exists and Shots is melting |
「Sergeant Sinker portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024 | Clone Trooper Sinker | Art request | I love how this little shit turned out <3
「Warthog & Tracer portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024| Clone Trooper Warthog, Clone Trooper Tracer | Art Request | How dare you make me invest in cloneboys again just to get my heart broken!!! >:(((( | 
「Big Bad Wolffe」 [ART]
21/01/2024 | Cadet Rex, Cadet Wolffe | Art request | Soft babybabus <3 | 
[Rex with a lightsaber] [ART]
24/01/2024 | Captain Rex | Art request | Let me see what you have! - A lasersword. - NO! |
「Dar’ad part II」 [ART] + [AO3]
01/02/2024 | Commander Fox | Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - Helpless | ART & FIC | Wordcount: 417 | Warning: character's death, execution by injection, open-ending |
「Sketchdump」 [ART]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ECHO x TECH MAZE x BOOKS CLONESHIP 02/02/2024| ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Echo, TBB Tech, Alpha-26 Maze | sketchbook | Various sketches about cloneboys + JungleSkirmish!AU lore | 
「Obedience/Devotion」 [ART] + [AO3]
SHEEV x FOX but can be interpreted platonic too 04/02/2024 | Commander Fox, Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 day 3 | Toxic relationship, one-sided love…or is it? | Art & Fic | Word count: 300 | 
「I love you」 [ART]
SHEEV x FOX 05/02/2024 | Commander Fox , Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 Day 5 | Continuation of “Obedience” | Toxic relationship | 
08/02/2024 | Commander Fox | ASDF movie parody | It’s Muffin time! song parody | 
「Clones in the closet」 [ART]
15/02/2024 | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Echo, ARC Trooper Jesse, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Hardcase | Characters react to post | My brain hurts :DDD |
「City boy gets intimidated by war veteran’s huge equipment」 [ART]
Not a cloneship, but I’m a very mature person and the dialogue is purposefully written as cockmeasuring 18/02/2024 | Clone Trooper Kix, OC: Headshot | Kix tries to befriend the corrie medic |
「Life after O66」[ART]
19/02/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn, OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire | ARTs and rambling about OC’s and how they life will be after Order 66 | WARNING: Mentions of canon character's deaths, mentions of suicide, actual suicide and visual depiction of it, nudity but genitals are not visible. Coruscant Guard has cultish vibes.
APRIL 2024
「Finger-sketches」 [ART]
25/04/2024 | OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma | Sketchbook app | Quick finger-sketches drawn during empty hours |
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The Clone Wars 4x5 'Mercy Mission' Reaction
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eeeeeeeeeeee Wolffe!
Omg he’s so grumpy and done with everything and long suffering already I love him so much
You can tell from the first word he says. That “We’ve” was basically sighed with so much disgruntlement.
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Ahahahaha he’s so pissed that he’s not there supporting Plo. Why has my General been left by himself? *humph* That is barely concealed displeasure that he’s been diverted from his duties. Wolffe said ‘Orders’ in such a particular tone that made it pretty damn clear how pissed he is. He’s so grumpy. I love him.
How often do the clones interact with Senators? Or at least Padmé? I should imagine Rex and Cody would more than others (Rex is probably so done with Anakin pretending to be subtle) but this feels like the first time I’ve seen a clone directly report to a Senator. 
I’m again struck by just how Aussie the clones sound. Or maybe Generic Antipodean/slightly British at best. That is not a Kiwi accent. Give the clones the Kiwi accent they deserve. 
That shot of the ships in space flying over the curved edge of the planet with a sun in the background feels like a homage to something. 2001: A Space Odyssey? That’s usually what gets referenced. The music here is gorgeous.
This is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion but it kind of feels like the clones are being a bit dickish to the droids? Please don’t eat me alive
Omg the LAAT/i’s have nose cone art of Plo and his troopers. I think I’ve seen this in previous episode's but I still love seeing it again.
“Greeeeeeaaaaaaaat, it’s gonna be another one of those planets.” omg I love you random clone trooper pilot. They’re all so grumpy. The entire Wolf Pack is just so grumpy. Maybe that’s a prerequisite for being part of the Wolf Pack. Eternal grumpiness.
My god Wolffe, that is some jaw line
“Ah, did you get that?” ahahahaha the dryness of that line. Insert your cliches about being drier than Tatooine here.
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That is some Star Trek bridge shaking level acting going on in the after shock
Ugh he’s so gruff and rough and just ugh do me commander
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“We’re good, but not that good.” ahahaha the sarcasm is off the charts
Oh hey Sinker is still around! Hey Sinker!
Do all of the Wolf Pack have the same paint? Usually it’s fairly easy to tell between the different clones but I can’t spot the differences as well with them. Maybe it’s the grey paint? I think Sinker has grey sections on the bottom of his helmet but the rest of his armour seems to be the same as the rest of the Wolf Pack. They all have the same patterned left pauldron.
Oh hey it’s Boost as well! Hey Boost! I hope he and Sinker and Wolffe and Plo are doing ok after the Malevolence. Ok doesn’t feel like the right word for what happened to them but I can’t think of the right one. Wookieepedia has just informed me that the Malevolence was inspired by the Bismarck, which makes sense.
Back to the paint of the Wolf Pack, Boost has grey spikes under the horizontal section of his visor but that’s the only difference I can spot. At least it’s better than his hair XD
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Lmao Boost could you be any more trigger happy
Omg after Boost kicks open the door, the shot pans up and Sinker is just standing there like a model, slightly bent knee and all. 
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I love how much you can tell that Wolffe takes absolutely no shit just from the way he moves and carries himself. 
Omg the sneer over his shoulder. If he glared at me like that my knees would absolutely buckle.
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“Do I need this?” CACKLING
“A firm hand.” I bet that’s not the only place where Wolffe has a firm hand omg help me the thots are taking over
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Star Wars cliche klaxon
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I’m only noticing this because I remember a post pointing this out but Wolffe really does waddle in his kama. The poor man definitely has back problems. He's so stiff.
I love the way that Aleena takes a moment to realise they’ve been left with Wolffe and suddenly has this ridiculously exaggerated horrified and terrified expression on their face before fleeing. 
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It’s the Ents! Does that make R2-D2 and C-3PO Merry and Pippin?
Is Orphne supposed to be some kind of alien villainous femme fatale? Gestures matching words? What is this, a high school theatre production? 
Fire. Soil. Water. What is this, a Captain Planet reference?
R2 did you just pee on Orphne’s floor?!
The vapours! *faints*
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The music is beautiful here too. The Kiner’s did such a good job.
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That’s Boost and Sinker standing next to Wolffe with two very understanding tilts of their buckets.
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Ah, so that’s where the gifs of Wolffe wincing comes from. Also, Sir, those are some seriously sharp cheekbones. 
“I couldn’t agree more, Sir.” Sinker being the very supportive Sergeant there.
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Look at Wolffe standing there all sassy with his hand on his hip and blaster. 
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Including this gif for the look down and up. There is something about Wolffe that is just uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
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