#code talker
sir-yeehaw-paws · 5 months
I do find it a little funny that none of the commanding or special staff in MGSV are S Ranked.
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Except Kojima. (Not counting recruits you get later who outrank everyone Stat wise).
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fancyshooting · 9 months
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🎶 happy birthday congratulations 🎵 happy birthday with salutations 🎵 happy birthday may your skies stay blue happy birthday to yooou 🎶 happy birthday mgsv!!
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koobiie · 2 years
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guess who’s been thinking about mgsv lately (its me)
alt ver quiet under the cut
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spf50jets · 3 months
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echolesschamber · 11 months
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art from The Art of Metal Gear Solid V by Yoji Shinkawa
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Bracket C FINAL ROUND: Code Talker vs. A.I.!
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code talker from metal gear solid V: the phantom pain has the insight that only a post-menopausal man could have
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 2 years
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August 14th is National Navajo Code Talkers Day.
We celebrate and honor the contributions of Native Americans / First Nations people who contributed to helping turn the tide, in favor of the Allies, during World War II. These true American heroes and warriors shall never be forgotten!
Semper Fi! 🦅🌎⚓️
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batteredshoes · 2 years
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Samuel Sandoval
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natbachika · 2 years
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Probably someone already made this but ok
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softguarnere · 2 years
Okay, if I very respectfully and very politely tweeted Tom Hanks every day asking him to adapt Code Talker by Chester Nez into a new HBO War show, do you think he would do it? Because it's a story that deserves to be told with as much care, respect, and attention to detail as BOB, in my opinion
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 15 days
Borthday Borthday (w/Quiet included)
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mutsukiss · 1 year
I'm gonna ramble MORE abt Kaz you can absolutely ignore this
Also I haven't finished all the story of mgsv tpp, I'm finally in the prologue but I still have a lot of lore to see from what I've gathered? So no spoilers maybe 🙏 I know this game is from 2016 but I'll bite your hands off
OK uhm. I think the main idea behind this is what the fuck. Honestly this has no structure I just wanna ramble abt this. I'm just shocked because the buildup to what I assume is Kaz's villain (?) arc keeps on prolonging and I'm surprised about it I guess?
He's been painted as an antagonistic force since minute 0. Like from the moment you first meet him it's extremely clear that Ocelot is supposed to be your shoulder angel and Kaz fills the other role whispering in your ear to shoot down everything in your path. This is not to say that Ocelot is being a good guy and Kaz is the bad one, but there's been a LOT of effort put into making Ocelot a more neutral figure and act compassionately with others specially if they're in a position of vulnerability (he adopts a puppy!! He's extremely gente and good with the kids at the base and treats your soldiers with camaraderie, when there is an issue he tries to resolve it logically and he offers the chance of doubt over and over again) (he also tortures huey in a very sadistic way but imo that's more in character for him than the peace-maker role he has in tpp).
Kaz is completely the contrary, he's battle hungry and antagonizes everything that sets a foot in front of him. I honestly feel this is not so much as his real "him" because a lot of times I have the impression that this comes as a fear reaction. He's been hurt, badly, in not only the physical way, and so his self preservation instinct is not to flee or freeze, it's to fight. And he's obviously angry and harbors a lot of hate, to the point of being unnecessarily cruel. He wastes no chance to make sure your soldiers, his soldiers, are aware they are not safe in Mother Base, they are being put under the magnifying glass at all times (this I already felt at the first part of the game but when I saw the posters hung on the walls of MB on the prologue I was mouth agape. Like that's incredibly excessive and i don't believe for a second Venom had part on the idea and production of this, though he does allow it, so that's also a thing to have in count.) If that wasn't enough, he also hits children, he is DEADSET on making Quiet an enemy when it has been proven time and time again she is not a threat, he's rude and angsty with you- which I find very funny personally because it sometimes feel like getting angry at your mom but knowing you can't win the discussion.
On this I also want to comment that it feels like a rubber band being stretched into infinity and I'm VERY afraid of when it'll snap. I know Kaz idealizes Snake like literally everyone does but I also think he's seeing Venom is not only human, but also humane. And that sucks, because he's so driven by the need to fix this situation through blind violence, and just putting down everything that could he a threat to him or his stability or his ideals; and his superior, his saint figure, his friend keeps telling him off time and time again being non sensical and potentially putting all he has suffered for in danger. He spent 9 years waiting for your comeback, he was tortured and he's now disabled and in pain and he would be perfectly OK with it, if it just made sense in the end and he achieved what he wanted (what Big Bos wanted, in reality), and. You're not playing role!! You adopt strays and save children and let this very dangerous woman in your own house, after your men could have died from her actions! She worked with the enemy, the people that hurt HIM!! And to him your compassionate actions not only make no sense, they are an insult. He has quite literally put blood sweat and tears into this and you are playing friends with everyone you find.
So I take two points from this.
One, is that Kaz's role makes absolute sense to me. You NEED a balance in war matters and being trusting of a super soldier that was initially in to assassinate you is downright stupid. It works, because people think you're Big Boss and Big Boss is God but every other person is a mere mortal and you cannot play tea party with the enemy, and children don't belong in a military base, and you. Have. To be. Cruel. People at war die, they are killed, and a good number of times YOU are the one killing them. In my opinion the concept of Mother Base and Outer Heaven and the concept of Militaires Sans Frontières makes little sense because fighting for no one, just for the sake of fighting, makes no sense. Like, they quite literally founded their own country stemming from this which I feel completely defeates the whole point of what they were trying to defend. Belonging to a group is what makes warfare exist, outing the others and rising your people because they are superior exclusively for being your people. This is something that is seen a LOT during tpp, they dont shy away from talking about how Diamond Dogs are a legit and respectable figure and how the rest are doing everything wrong. They have the truth and the right and the others don't. So when you come in, after 9 years disappeared, and start doing your stuff by breaking those black and white dynamics it completely shatters his sense and trust in Venom. At some points you are playing both ally and foe in front of him and he can't do nothing about it because the weight your figure holds not only to the rest of the world but also to him. Big Boss/Venom Snake is quite literally the sun and stars od everyone around him and this is EXTREMELY visible in Kaz. I find it very fun to see this vision fade out of reality as your interactions with him happen, I laughed out loud when, after being told off for still torturing Quiet on the prologue, he leaves the room angrily bumping into you. Like wig I get it you're super pissed 😭 But up to this point, and after all of what you've made him go through, that's the harsher thing he's done towards you and I feel that's very significant.
The second point is, while I can see the actions that motivate his fall into despair and I think I'm not far fetched when I say he will probably end up having some sort of breakdown and turn on you one way or another, it feels,, incredibly long??? Like, as I said, this has been going on from chapter 1. Kaz has been feeling like he's gonna snap for hours and hours and he never quite gets there and I'm just wondering. When?? Is it gonna happen???? In my opinion this has been dragging on for so long I'm not sure what to make of it. The ONLY time I have seen that anyone directly confronts Kaz about his antics is in the last episode I played with the shock torture to Quiet where Code Talker is also present, and Ocelot finally tells him to snap back to reality. Quiet is not an enemy, and trying to put her as an scapegoat is completely sadistic at this point, it's dumb rage blindness and Kaz cannot afford himself to act irrationally with the responsibility he has. He mentions Kaz being possibly the spy, or even Ocelot himself which,, I don't think it's true because I kinda have sorta an idea of the plot for the end? Very loosely? And I don't recall Kaz being a spy? But they absolutely have painted that image well for him. He's cruel to your soldiers, he's cruel to your friends and he's cruel to you. It just bewilders me that up to this point no one has called him out on this. I just want the balloon to pop already tbh.
Uhm ok that was super long anyway! My brain is infected with Kaz and I'm absolutely adoring him in tpp thanks for reading if you've reached this far :)
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elljayvee · 2 years
Some links to available versions of Samuel Sandoval's biography, Naz Bah Ei Bijei: Heart of a Warrior
Large print paperback & ebook at Amazon
Ten-minute excerpt from the documentary version
I could not find available copies of the DVD, but they sometimes turn up on auction sites. Libraries may be able to get them for you.
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spf50jets · 6 months
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2023 クリスマス🎄
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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