#comic rec
kingdomoftyto · 29 days
I just finished a complete re-read for the third (fourth?) time and the recent updates are barreling toward some climactic events, so I therefore feel compelled to make a proper rec post for something LONG overdue:
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The Glass Scientists, a webcomic about Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, rogue science, Victorian repression, and a WHOLE lot more.
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Our protagonist is the esteemed Dr. Henry Jekyll, co-founder of the Society for Arcane Sciences, an organization that aims to bring mad science into the mainstream by proving that not all who practice it are dangerous lunatics. This is easier said than done, especially with the violent death of a certain Dr. Frankenstein still weighing on the minds of the public years after the fact. Not to mention...
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... Henry's own inner demons.
Edward Hyde serves as a sort of release valve for Henry's stresses whenever the pressure of running the Society proves to be too much. Hyde is everything he can't be: spontaneous, emotional, uninhibited. Free to take what he wants without guilt or public consequences.
And oh, Henry wants.
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His transformation into Hyde is a physical manifestation of the repression of his queer inclinations. This is not subtext. It's not even an accident on Henry's part. It's a central facet to who he is as a person (and, by extension, who Hyde is, as well).
...But listen. We don't have time to unpack all THAT! Not when there are so many other delightful characters to meet! Such as Henry's best friend / business partner / old flame Robert:
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Or Jasper, the newest member of the Society, a plucky young cryptozoologist who happens to also be a werewolf, and who gets swept up in a VERY cute relationship with the slightly unhinged cook (and Henry's other best friend), Rachel:
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Or Hyde himself, who despite all his debauchery may not actually be the pinnacle of evil that he believes himself to be:
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Because if you couldn't tell from the sampling of panels in this post, this comic is not only a gripping emotional drama but also an OUTRAGEOUS comedy, when the mood calls for it. It truly strikes a perfect balance of the two, in my humble opinion.
On top of all that, the art is gorgeous, the atmosphere is impeccable (swinging from fantastical whimsy to genuine horror and back with deft skill), and the characters are deep and dynamic and full of gray areas.
I can't recommend it enough. It's hands-down my favorite actively-updating webcomic (new page every Monday!), and I'm for-real having to restrain myself from going back and starting ANOTHER re-read right now, it's that good. I've spoiled a tiny bit in this post, but believe me when I say the cast and events get so much weirder and more wonderful than even this. Please check it out.
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marithlizard · 25 days
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Happy birthday @shinesurge! I think the moment I really got invested in Kidd Commander was the scene where the villain calls his ex-wife to tell her the evil plan, because he sincerely misses her and wanted to hear her voice one more time and also he is about to kill people she loves. Or maybe the bit where we find out that the magical girls from cartoons are real, and if the one they serve is "the least cruel of the Elder Circle" then humans in this universe are SO screwed. (Or, y'know. Ulrich. I have wanted to know what Ulrich's deal is from the beginning, and the hints that are slowly dropping only make him more interesting.)
Anyway! The gods suck. The angry little girl above is going to grow up and do something about that. Apparently that requires "catching the sun". I don't know what that means, any more than I know what the One Piece is, but the crew is coming together and we're finally getting her backstory.
And I don't think I'm capturing how interesting and emotional and angry (very angry) this webcomic is. And queer. It's gotten better over time too. If you liked Pratchett's Monstrous Regiment, you might want to check out Phineas and her quest to punch gods in the face.
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void-bitten-ghost · 9 months
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Not pictured - a malfunctioning bot off screen trying to keep their systems operational long enough to commit an image to memory
Uhhhhh. Okay. Saw that one gorgeous fanart of Tari in a dress and just. Blacked out.
Go to @chimkin-samich and read every single comic of their's please and thank 🙏 Their Tari/DCA story is just. So good. I'm screaming. I am 🌟 unwell 🌟 at the sheer amount of mutual pining and trauma and hurt/comfort and I just sbzhssjzjzbsjsjzbs GO GOGOGO
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tathrin · 6 days
Heads up everybody, @tamorapierce's First Test graphic novel is on FOC at comic book stores in the US this weekend! So if you're planning on getting a copy, and have a local comic shop you can order from, now would be a great time to do your pre-order!
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Especially because for some reason it seems that the publisher decided not to solicit it in the "Previews" catalogue properly!? but only as an additional late supplement, which means it doesn't go in the catalogue that customers see, and it doesn't necessarily get seen by shop-owners either unless they take the time to check the updated additional items stuff online, which is usually toys and imports and stuff like that, not graphic novels??? Especially not actually popular bestselling author graphic novels...!?
(I cannot think of a better way to not sell your comic than to not put it in the damn catalogue that people order from.)
So I'm worried that there will be much fewer orders for this book than there should be, and it won't sell for crap, and then we won't get any more, so if you want one and you have a comic shop near you PLEASE consider ordering it from them, or at least letting them know it's a thing you would be interested in purchasing if they had it on the rack, so that they are least know that it exists and can maybe order some copies to sell!
(because what the heck why would they do that...!?)
Please reblog to let people know asap!
Have a sneak-peek at some of the artwork inside, too:
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whumpspacesw · 1 year
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When his general is in danger, Rex instantly comes to his aid!
Here’s some Rexwalker content for the enjoyers of this lovely ship 💓
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Star Wars Adventures - Clone Wars 001
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 month
Here to beg my fellow Voidlings to read Dungeon Reset. There's 3 seasons (total 193 chapters) so far and it's something I binge read because it's so good. It's got such an interesting story! Yeah, it isn't really fast paced as you would expect generally from this type of story/genre, but the pacing makes sense and the combat scenes that do exist are amazing.
Basic premise: Our MC Dawoon (using the spelling in the webcomic here) gets teleported into a Dungeon Game. He's not the only one though, there's in fact a massive crowd of people there with him. The 'game assistant' tells them they need to clear the game in order to go home. We immediately get a taste of how dark and deadly this experience will be when the Game assistant kicked off someone's head for being rowdy. (This is genuinely in the first chapter, no spoilers here)
Upon their entrance everyone is granted a Special Ability by the game. What they do is different for each person, and they aren't all combat related. A Special Ability is one that has 3 tiers of leveling and each tier unlocks new functions, each tier also has 10 levels each (normal abilities/skills don't have tiers but do have 10 levels) which can improve the use of that Ability (eg. Skill gives a 2x multiplier as a base, level 2 gives a 2.5x multiplier and decreased cool down). A normal Ability can be earned by getting an Achievement, which isn't easy and typically not something people earn (eg chop 10,000 trees to get the Achievement)
Our MC does not have a combat Special Ability.
Those in the Dungeon divide themselves between Fighters and Crafters. Fighters being those with Special Abilities predisposed towards combat (fire, lighting, archery, spearmanship etc). While Crafters are those whose Special Abilities aren't suited to combat, but are needed/used by the Fighters for continued survival in the Dungeon (herb identification, purification, etc). Crafters are called that regardless of what their actual skill is because the Fighters have them crafting everything. They are responsible for butchering the monsters, handling the meals, making basic tools like torches, things of that nature.
There is a very high death rate for people in the Dungeon. We see in the first chapter how that massive crowd of people who started out, dwindled to less than 10, rather quickly in fact.
As the story progresses we learn more about the Dungeon Game, why it's happening, how it came about, what's going on with the world it's set in, etc. And all of that information is insanely interesting and given in such a way that is gradual and feels almost natural.
The set-up would lead you to believe the MC does some Duex ex machina type of thing, but even though he becomes good with his Ability it's only possible because he is honestly out of his damn mind. Also, there's many instances where the success of a battle is only possible with help from others.
I saw someone else describe the story as having elements of Dungeon Meshi and of Solo Leveling. Can't speak on the Solo Leveling aspect, but our MC is very much eating/cooking the most questionable things and is receiving a lot of side eyes from others about it.
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bogkeep · 1 month
hello captive audience i have been to the library comic section and i found something very good i would like to recommend...
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Your Wish Is My Command / Shubeik Lubeik by Deena Mohamed!
do you enjoy speculative world building such as "what if wishes came true and could be literally bought and sold"? do you enjoy exploring how it impacts that world, and intersects with areas of life such as:
- class
- bureaucracy
- health and mental illness
- religious guilt
- colonialism
- And More?
this graphic novel is a triptych of stories that take place in current day cairo, egypt, all set within the framwork of a kiosk owner trying to sell three bottles of a powerful wish vintage.
other things you may expect:
- top notch visual storytelling <3
- infographics!
- helpful and witty asterisks about egyptian cultural context for english language readers
- "why are wishes measured in dragon power???" "oh."
- old people. as well as The Youth
- chekhov's donkey
- genuinely very heartfelt stories
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augustheart · 5 months
what is the wrong earth?
the wrong earth is an AHOY! comic created by tom peyer and jamal igle starting in 2019 with semi-regular installments since then. the plot follows dragonflyman, a parody of the campy silver age and adam west batman, and dragonfly, a riff on gritty overly dark modern batman, after they're transported to each other's worlds. stranded in a city that's almost--but not quite--the one they've always known, they have to find allies in order to survive. but what or who is behind the interdimensional mirrors that took them away from home? and what happens if one of them finds that the sidekick he lost on his home world is alive and well in another dimension?
is it good?
yeah, it's an absolute blast. even among ones that are well done, it's rare for parodies of past and present mediums of comics to feel friendly and not mean-spirited. this comic genuinely loves the ones that have come before it while still critiquing aspects of them like their obsession with edge, i don't want to spoil too much about the plot, because it's more complex than it seems especially in the followup series. but this is a comic primarily about putting someone in a Situation and seeing how they react to it, and it's always interesting.
what's the reading order for it?
main series:
The Wrong Earth
The Wrong Earth: Night & Day
The Wrong Earth: We Could Be Heroes
The Wrong Earth: Dead Ringers (publishing march of 2024)
specials you can read at any time after the first series:
Dragonfly & Dragonflyman (prequel!)
The Wrong Earth: Trapped on Teen Planet (written by gail simone)
The Wrong Earth: Fame and Fortune (written by mark russell)
The Wrong Earth: Purple (written by stuart moore)
The Wrong Earth: Confidence Men (written by mark waid (read dragonfly & dragonflyman before this one!))
The Wrong Earth: Meat (written by tom peyer (read dragonfly & dragonflyman before this one!))
cool! anything else i should know before i start?
there's some stuff in here that might be triggering to read including child abuse of every kind except sexual, antiblack racism, drug abuse, self harm, and suicide. it's not anything worse or more than what you might find in a lot of cape comics from any era, and by and large they're here in order to have effective commentary on things that often happen without incident or attention in those comics, but your mileage may vary. child abuse and suicide in particular are major themes in dragonfly & dragonflyman and the specials confidence men and meat.
in conclusion:
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Hello!, I just recently discovered this character and became interested in the Batman “stories” after my sister started making fun of me by googling evil psychologists and psychiatrists in media because that’s what I’m studying, Scarecrow has slowly become one of my favorite characters overall, I think his design is really fun and his character is amazing, so my question is, and sorry for rambling, what comics, if any, do you recommend about this character, or media in general?
Firstly, that's kind of mean and unsupportive of your sister to do such a thing, BUT I applaud you for turning it into something positive. <3
Here's some things I could recommend:
The Arkham Series of video games (mainly Asylum, and Knight)
Batman: the Animated Series TV Cartoon
The Fear State comic series
The six issue short comic series Kings of Fear
Scarecrow: Year One // Batman Annual 19 (both are origin comics)
Any Tim Sale comic (long halloween for example)
Injustice 2 Videogame (you can play as him!)
MUST READ: Batman Adventures Annual - Study Hall (it's a comic with short stories, this is Scarecrow's and imo it should be required reading for Jonathan Crane TW: Mentions of Abuse and possible sexual assault. Zero imagery of it though, only alluded to though narrative) ((not from scarecrow btw, and I promise it's worth reading even if that is a squick))
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fandom-friday · 4 months
I love the ARC's little "bruh" in the last panel, and how effectively this comic illustrates how differently the clones and Jedi are approaching the war. The clones have been spoon-fed propaganda literally since birth and thus are trained to have next to no empathy for the Confederacy, when in battle they may grow some and realize there are actual beings, living, scared beings who just want what's best for the galaxy on both sides of the war. The Jedi on the other hand have compassion for all beings, all life, as a foundational tenet of their religion. Their beliefs haven't really been internally challenged until the war, and now they're forced to reckon with all this death and somehow, desperately, claw their way out of the propaganda they are surrounded by.
OK BIG OUCH on this one for all of the reasons you've outlined. I just cannot fathom what that must feel like to be standing there as a Jedi and feel your faith and compassion just crumbling as you take in the devastation around you. This one was a gut punch in all the right ways. Thanks so much for submitting it!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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mathmusicninja · 1 year
TMNT Fic and Comic Recs
An ongoing list. Feel free to drop more in the notes!
(tw: strong language for the majority of these. Mind the tags and be safe!)
AO3 Authors:
T33la, (mostly ’03 with a heavy IDW influence), anything they write is great—a little spooky at times, but always with lots of comfort in the end. Personal favorite at the moment: “The Gauntlet” (but all of their stuff is seriously so good)
Flynne, (mostly ’03), I’m still reading all of their stuff (lots of one-shots with a few longer fics), but liking what I see so far, lots of really good hurt/comfort. Personal favorite fic at the moment: “Collector”
Halogalopaghost (halogalopaghost), (’03), mostly one-shots to fill in between the lines of canon. Personal favorite fic at the moment: “Doctor On Call”
AO3 Fics:
"Pretend that I Never Left" by redstringraven (sirimiri), ('03 x HZD), tw violence, during the Ultimate Drako fiasco, Mikey is taken to a different reality where animal-like machines roam the land and people live in tribes. Technically a crossover with Horizon Zero Dawn but no prior knowledge of the game is necessary! Mikey-centric long fic
"How to accidentally kidnap yourself several times over" by Camildeni, (Rise x '03 x '12 x Bayverse), instead of getting himself out of a sticky situation, Rise!Mikey accidentally brings more of himself into it. Very fun and creative
"Looking for a Furr-Ever Home" by The67ImpalaDragonChild, ('03), each of the boys gains a new companion through various means. Adorable, also has hurt/comfort and holiday feels
"Little Kid with a Big Death Wish" by remrose, (Rise), tw dissociation and suicide attempt, Leo-centric recovery fic after the movie, very well written and focuses on non-linear (but upward!) healing. Can be intense at some parts. Excellent hurt/comfort
“I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good” by Dandy (@dandylovesturtles), (Rise), Leo gets mystically separated from his body and his brothers go through a lot to get him back. Dandy also has other Rise one-shots that I enjoyed (especially “Tapping Out”)
"Underdark" by Nekotsuki, '03, Mikey-centric, a bit of a whump fic but with a happy ending, very well written and one I go back to a lot
“A Tale of Spirits” by unorthodoxx (@\unorthodoxx-page), (Rise x atla), I don’t usually do cross-fandom fics like this, but this one works for me. The Rise boys end up in the atla universe because of mystic stuff and no one believes them when they say they aren’t magic spirits.
“Ghost in the Shell” (’03 x Rise), “Fusions” (’12), “The Great Skittle Heist of 2105” (’03 au), and the “Please Just Let Them Hug” series (’03 canon compliant one-shots) by AmevelloBlue (@\amevello-blue). Good hurt/comfort
“Carapace” by SkeletalConstellation (@\kettle-bird), a Rise fic based on some events in the IDW comics
“Picking up the Pieces” by Andromedabrown, GalacticDreamer, ParvumAutomaton, (Rise) pretty long but has very intricate plot. Leo accidentally ends up mystically connected to his shattered sword and his brothers go on a wild adventure to get him back
“The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin” by MelonPalooza (@\melonpalooza), (’03 x ’12 x Rise), a classic in the fandom. Has some great humor and drama. Also has a one-off crossover with “Ghost in the Shell” that was a wild ride.
“Sanctuary” by RealityBreakGirl, (’03), just a nice and fluffy one-shot, Donnie and Raph centric
“A truly French experience” by Get_dunked_off, (Rise), one-shot of Leo defending Hueso’s honor from rude customers
"Ice Cream Makes Everything Better" by mathmusic8 (yours truly :D), ('03), a series of canon compliant one shots to fill in some comfort gaps for the '03 show
"Wow, What a Coincidence" by mathmusic8 (me again ^.^), ('03 x '12 x Rise), a separated AU where the '03 boys get lost and each raise one of the Rise kids and then the kids all end up in the same summer camp. The '12 boys are camp councilors. Rise-centric. Crack fic treated seriously
Tumblr Comics:
“Cass Apocalyptic Series” by @\somerandomdudelmao, (Rise), fandom classic, bad future timeline comic, this series (the “Can you carry your uncles” episode in particular) got me interested in tmnt in the first place, canon compliant
“Aftermath” (also on AO3) by @\happyfoxx-art, (Rise), aftermath of the Rise movie, very good hurt comfort (no language!)
“Replica” by @\kathaynesart, (Rise), fandom classic, bad future timeline comic, canon compliant
“2 Arms Left” by @\intotheelliwoods, (Rise), the softest peepaw au in existence (until it isn't--mind the tags for later comics)
Tblsomedoodles (@\tblsomedoodles) does a combo of comics and fics, mostly Rise but also ’03. Has some adorable Rise x ’03 AUs
"Swantello" by @\tangledinink, (Rise), a rottmnt x swan lake crossover we didn't know we wanted
"Krang Infection" by @\abbeyofcyn, (Rise), set a year after the movie. Donnie gets a krang parasite that makes him go feral turtle for a while
"Unmutated Donnie" by @\onejellyfishplease, (Rise), Donnie ends up as an unmutated softshell turtle but keeps his brain. Very cute, fun, and Donnie's snoot is the best thing on the planet XD
"Kid Leo Au" by @\angelpuns, (Rise), when Leo came out of the prison dimension he accidentally turns himself into a kid, very cute and has good hurt/comfort feels
@\heckitall has a bunch of mini comics (mostly Rise, some '03): Masterpost. Also check out "What will it be" by clandestineclairvoyant for a fanfic of heckitall's "Same as it Never Will Be" comic!
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val-el · 10 months
Jason Todd Reading List
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There's probably a million of these, but this is the one I use and give out to people when they ask, so i figured I may as well post it! The main problem with reading Jason is that DC had no idea what to do with him and took him in a million directions, and consistency was non-existent, so this is the path for Jason that I think is most true to his original character.
Also, you have to read Jason as Robin before touching his Red Hood appearances. Them's the rules.
Batman 408 - 425 (1987). 408 is his origin story post-crisis and very, very good. He makes Bruce laugh before they even meet, god bless. Everything from then on out is him as Robin.
Detective Comics 568 - 582 (1986 - 1987). More Robin Jason! I do believe you're supposed to go Batman, Detective Comics, Batman, Detective Comics (or at least that's how I read it, you do you).
New Teen Titans (1984) 18 - 31. His interactions with the Teen Titans!
New Teen Titans (1988) 55. More him with the Titans.
Batman the Cult. Mandatory, must read, not optional.
Batman A Death in the Family. Yeah. Yeah, you all know it. Very good dynamic between him and Bruce in these issues, too.
Batman: Under the Red Hood. The Red Hod story of all time! And with the Robin knowledge acquired before hand you will be hopeless against the emotional turmoil caused. i;m being dramatic, but there is something different about reading this comic before and after reading Robin Jason.
Batman Annual 25. Talia, I am so sorry for what they did to you. Other than that, good comic.
Robin 80th Anniversary Spectacular. He only has one story in here that's like six pages, but it's so good. Him and Bruce.
Cheer (Urban Legends #1 - 6). Few things in here that I disagree with, mostly when in reference to him as Robin, but otherwise a good comic.
Task Force Z. The Jason Todd comic of all time!! Best Red Hood story since Under the Red Hood, I will die on this hill. Rosenberg just Gets him.
Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing. Also written by Rosenberg. It's a Joker comic, but Jason is trying to kill him and being pathetic about it. As he should always be. Very good lines, very good interactions, still on going.
Wayne Family Adventures. This webtoon is more fanon than canon, so I place it in the elseworld category. But it's fun! So if you want them all to get laong here you go.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016). I have yet to read this one myself, but I've heard that it's the better of the two titles, so honourary mention for people who want to see Jason with friends.
Red Hood and the Outlaws Webtoon. Same as above!
Titans: Titans Together (2022) #1 - 2. He's so funny here. So silly.
Future State: Dark Detective and Future State: Gotham. He's a cop here (simplified) which is lame but other than that it's a fun read.
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nocek · 3 months
Check out the BuckyNat in the women in marvel story from today. It reminds me of something your silly petvengers might have gotten up to.
ok I've just read it and that story is so precious >w< 100% of silliness I approve and love and want more of <3
thank you so so much for letting me know about it !!!!!
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caroll-in · 2 years
Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
Thank you for the tag @sorrybutblog ! I hope it's okay that I do it for my AO3 comics 💖
Judging by the stats my most popular one is:
How hard can it be?
Harry and Draco have to stay over at their friends' places for a few weeks, since the renovation of the Grimmauld Place hadn't been completed by the time they were back from their honeymoon. That creates a slight issue with being intimate but the newlyweds are nothing if not creative...
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Ngl, I had so much fun drawing this one! It also happens to be my very first M rated comic - it helped me get out of my comfort zone a lot and I'm thrilled so many of you liked it! 😍
1st "hidden gem":
How to Fix Fathers' Outfit - The Guide by Scorpius Malfoy
Draco's plans to impress a certain recently divorced Saviour are ruined with a little onrush of accidental magic. Or are they?
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One of my first longer comics!! It's technically drarry, but focuses on the Good Dad Draco trope which I have a *weakness* for 🥺
2nd "hidden gem":
Just the Way You Are
A kindly offered mug of tea can be enough to start a beautiful friendship. And sometimes friendships turn into something more...
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This one is actually not old at all, but not that popular because of a super rare triad starring in it - I'm still so so happy how it turned out though! 🦋🐺🐍
Not sure who already did it, so I'm no-pressure tagging: @slytherco @romaine2424 @pennygalleon @nv-md and @skeptiquewrites
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the-stove-is-divorced · 8 months
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I am actually begging you to read Immortal Days just look at this man. Look at him. Peak. I am so normal about his character, I am begging you to to read Immortal Days. It's so good trust me, the plot and writing and art is specular, and I am just constantly thinking of Myeol.
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whumpspacesw · 10 months
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They were all gone. All the Jedi. And sometimes I wondered if I should have gone with them.
Star Wars - From the Journals of Obi-Wan Kenobi
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