secretshinigami · 2 years
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Artist: @dillyfirestarter
For: @complicatedmerary
Prompt: Soichiro spending time with Sayu
Artist’s notes: Sayu deserves more love! And Soichiro deserves to have a little time playing around with his youngest daughter before she too gets too old to want to be silly with her dad.
For the dancing panel, please imagine Soichiro grooving along to the real Hiroshi Suzaki, 70’s jazz trombonist
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queen--of--maggots · 7 months
Has anyone else mentioned MikamixTakada for the ship meme thing yet? 👀
Not yet. I love this ship! They would do so well together. Mikami needs someone like Kiyomi. She’s outgoing and could break him out of his shell. He also fits what Kiyomi is looking for: intelligent, educated, good-looking, wealthy, and he wouldn’t use her like Light did.
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If you don’t keep your chickens happy, they lose their minds, and start eating each other.
Completely forgot to answer this and while I vaguely remember the context I'm too lazy to include it so mutuals have a treat
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actuallynotkira · 4 years
Are you a feminist? L isn’t.
I’m a feminist. I love women. I’m dating three of them. 
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llawlietofficial · 3 years
Cursed ask: Light Yagami but he does the Cody Ko Fuckboy Laugh
hey! merary! have you considered deleting your blog recently? :)
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bukbot · 4 years
You’re laughing. That chicken ate a cooked egg, and you’re laughing.
No I’m not talking about an hour.
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colorsinautumn · 3 years
Jordan, speaking of Champagne Problems, I sang that for karaoke night with my family on New Years Eve, and my mother said after I finished, “That is not a good song.”
JHAFDJSKLFHADSFL i mean shes wrong but that’s REALLY funny
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
Does Don Lothario pass the Chad test?
don lothario is the chad test, the guy is unreal
-literally a confident handsome doctor -has to wear a life vest as to not drown in puss-golddigs his way into the Goth fortune, almost bangs Bella, then dumps Cassandra at the altar bc he just can’t give up his parade of sidechicks 
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cryptidvillage · 3 years
*eyes those tags* You are right, they do deserve to watch a sunset together. 👀
Adsfjhgks yes yes,, reading about Halle and Naomi cuddling while watching a sunset together on a hill brings nearly undescribable happiness to my soul and I must illustrate that scene 🥺 Love your writing btw!! <3
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eyecicles · 4 years
My controversial onion: Light Yagami is fit, y'all are just mean!
I mean, yeah, I think he kind of is! Not quite like Mikami, but he never seemed weak to me, just lean
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secretshinigami · 1 year
Lights Out
Author: @yagami-raito-kun
For: @complicatedmerary
Pairings/Characters: Kiyomi Takada, Teru Mikami
Rating/Warnings: G
Prompt: Mikami is stuck with Takada in her apartment after the district got shut down with an unusual outage, they are forced to talk about topics other than Kira
Author’s Note: It was great fun to write for you again, considering the first Death Note fic I ever wrote was as your shinigami for the very first Death Note gift exchange almost a full decade ago. I hope you enjoy!
“Any luck?”
The prosecutor shakes his head. “They aren’t sure why the power is offline.”
Kiyomi Takada has never been the sort of woman who curses—heaven forbid—but at the moment, she understands the impulse. “How inconvenient.”
Even in the dim candlelight, his awkwardness is visible, his formality hanging off him like a slip cover. With her best TV-ready smile, Kiyomi gestures at an empty chair. “Someone will take care of it soon, I’m sure. We can continue when the power is back on.”
“Yes.” He doesn’t sit.
Well, then.
“This isn’t part of the interview, you know,” says Kiyomi. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony. We can just talk until the power comes back on. Not about Kira, of course—I don’t want to miss jotting down any important notes—but other things. Whatever you like. Is that all right?”
“Of course.”
She waits for him to set a topic, but he gives her no further response. Despite his suit and his ordinary appearance, he stands like a man ill-at-ease in his own skin—as if he were a tenant or visitor there, rather than a permanent resident. That’s a very insightful description. I should remember that one for my memoir. 
Not that Teru Mikami seems anywhere near interesting enough for a spot in anyone’s memoir.
Kiyomi tries again. “Surely you must have other interests besides Kira. You wrote on your form that you’re an admirer of Winston Churchill?”
“I am.”
“I’ve met a lot of men with an interest in the war, but not many who cared about Europe.”
“I don’t care about the war or Europe. I admire Churchill. He was a remarkable man.” Presented with a topic of interest to him, the prosecutor becomes more animated, his eyes taking on an almost zealous gleam. “There are very few men in this world who stick to their principles in the face of opposition, but he never wavered. Popularity meant nothing to him, only duty. Only results. He gave no quarter to his enemies. The world needs men like that.”
“Only men?” Kiyomi teases lightly.
“It’s more common among men.”
She smiles and doesn’t challenge him. “You admire strong leadership, then? A firm hand in time of war?”
“The world is always at war.”
Kiyomi waits for him to elaborate, but once again, he doesn’t. For a man who admires leadership and initiative, he seems very bad at it himself. That doesn’t surprise her, really. Since her college days, she’s met no shortage of men keen to tell her about some imagined, glorious past or some long-dead, manly leader they aim to emulate. Weak men and followers, all of them. Real men are their own heroes. The only men focused on the great past are men who have no real value in the present—which is, unfortunately, almost all of them.
She’ll leave that opinion out of her memoir.
“I’ve never studied his politics in depth,” Kiyomi says, “but we analyzed several of his speeches in one of my college classes. He was an incredible public speaker, a real master of the radio address.”
“Which college?”
“University of Tokyo.”
Ever so slightly, Mikami’s eyebrows rise. “Very impressive.”
“Thank you. I had a wonderful experience there.”
“I’ve heard it’s a very rigorous program.”
A lesser woman would beam at the flattery. Kiyomi accepts it with practiced, modest graciousness. “Oh, it wasn’t so difficult as all that. As long as someone is willing to work hard, it doesn’t take much natural talent to succeed.”
“Hard work is a dying value.”
“Indeed.” She looks up at him demurely. “Like sticking to one’s principles?”
“Exactly like that.”
“Then we’ll simply have to revive them. That’s part of why I became a news anchor to begin with. Popularity may have meant nothing to Churchill, but he understood that if you want to lead, you need a microphone. And a message worth hearing, too.”
Yet again, Mikami goes silent—a different kind of silence this time. Despite the poor visibility, Kiyomi can feel that he is studying her, weighing her answers on some private set of scales. Uneasy, she shifts in her seat. “Would you mind—?”
At that moment, the lights come back on.
Oh, thank goodness.
As Mikami looks up at the light fixture, Kiyomi swallows a sigh of relief. “That would be the power,” he says, pointlessly.
“It seems so. Do you still have time to sit for this interview? I’d hate to keep you if it would be an inconvenience. We can always reschedule and talk about Kira another day.”
“There’s no need for that, Ms. Takada. The prosecutors’ office can wait.” The zealous light is back in Teru Mikami’s eyes, and at last, he takes his seat. “I always have time to discuss Lord Kira.”
Weak men and their heroes, Kiyomi thinks. With her best TV-ready smile, she uncaps her pen and prepares to write.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
☕️ My unpopular onion is that Kiyomi and Light should had been proper allies, no trysts involved, and that Mikami/Takada had the potential to be a complex romantic pairing in canon, especially with the eventual betrayal Takada suffers from Mikami.
☕ Agreed that's a cool idea! I don't think it really added a whole lot interesting or new to the story to have Light duping Kiyomi romantically (honestly how many times do we have to see him do that before we get the point?). The only thing I think his tryst with Kiyomi adds to the story for fans otherwise is maybe showing that Light would have been just as cold to a girl who was likely from a similar social status and upbringing and values as he was to everybody else (which I mention just because I know people would probably be using Kiyomi as the example of somebody Light could have been happy and straight with other than Misa if they hadn't reconnected romantically, I mean). Kiyomi and Mikami had an odd and interesting dynamic together in the manga too, I think it could've potentially worked between them apart from whenever Kira drama stuff got in the way
send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree
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simgigglegirl · 5 years
Hi, I just want to say that I’m in love with your genetically correct premades project, I’m deeply considering replacing them on my neighborhoods as soon as I can because of it. My biggest concern is that the only method that I know to “replace” them is through placing the clone to the family bin in the neighborhood where the Subject Sim (the one who needs the new genetics) lives and SimSurgery from there. Ask 1/2
My question is, is it possible to replace the new genetics without dealing with clones in the bin? Sorry this is a mess, Google has so far given me the one method I mentioned previously. Ask 2/2
Hello, complicatedmerary! There is indeed a way to simsurgery the premades without having the clone clutter up your neighbourhood’s family bin. I tried to look for the tutorial that taught me how to do it but I just couldn’t find it, so I made my own. Hope you and others can still understand it. 
Edited 4th July 2019: I forgot to give a heads up that the plugin will override a sims genes with what the clone sim has on. So if you would like a sim to carry both parents genes and not just what they have now, here’s a tutorial that shows you how to edit a sims DNA (link)
1) Your gonna need to download this SimPE plugin by Theo, that allows you to use a Sims package file (The file that bodyshop stores in SavedSims Folder, whenever you save a sim/projects) to replace another sims feature. Make sure you then place the plugin inside SimPE’s plugin folder, as shown below.
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2) Because I shared the GC sims in Sim2Pack files. Your gonna need to “install” them in order to get their sims package file. Place their sims package in a folder you’ll remember and rename each sim package. If your gonna replace a bunch of sims your gonna need to know which sim package is who’s. The plugin doesn’t show a preview of the sims in the replace tab.
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3) Now you can open up SimPE and after opening the neighbourhood that has the sim/s you wish to replace with open Tools –> Neighbourhood –> Alt Sims Surgery
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4) Once it finishes loading your then gonna search for the sim you want to replace in the sims pool (on the right) and select their profile pic and then click use on the Patient Sim tab. Then on the Archetype Sim tab, you click on load instead of use, you then go to the folder you placed the sim package file (of the sim you wish to replace with). While the picture won’t show up, you’ll know you loaded up the sim when you see the package filename being shown under name.
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From there you can choose if you want only certain features to be replaced (like clicking the face only tab so that only a sims face feature is replaced while the rest stay the same) if your happy with the Archetype Sim replacing everything (Everyday outfit, Makeup, DNA and Face Feature) of the patient sim then don’t click on anything else and just click surgery, on the bottom right corner.
And now when you load up the neighbourhood, you’ll see your sim replaced with the look you wanted and not have to worry about clones walking about.
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actuallynotkira · 4 years
Oh, I get it, you like the color red because it’s the color of BLOOD.
No, it’s just a good color. Lots of people who aren’t murderers like the color red. 
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sugurushimura · 4 years
character ask meme!
1: sexuality headcanon: bi, but not completely to terms with it.2: otp: halle! i wish there was more content of them, rip.3: brotp: mikami. i like their friendship a lot, god bless takada for being the only person able to get mikami to socialize.4: notp: light, probably. i don’t absolutely hate it, it’s just kind of eh to me.5: first headcanon that pops into my head: she enjoys biographies more than novels.6: favorite line from this character: sadly, i can’t think of any takada quotes off the top of my head...7: one way in which I relate to this character: i’ve been told that i would make a good news anchor multiple times.8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing, honestly. takada is pretty damn confident and i respect her for that.9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave. that’s what happens when you’re a kira! i really do like her a lot, though.
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bukbot · 4 years
Destiel is homophobic
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