#cosmic transmissions
kply-industries · 1 month
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Cosmic transmissions
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multidimensional-p · 1 year
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Straight up drinking my chi cha w my sadie girl processing my entire day.
Like WOW.
Choices really be these portals to other realities and I be hopping in all the goodies that match these new frequencies of mine. I couldn’t be more at peace to have stayed present bc all these intentional moves brought even more pathways.
I truly am understanding what others would say about this “natural high” like bruh I’m there. To me, it’s just an expanded awareness only it’s not temporary. I literally cannot unsee many things. And that’s so beautiful to me.
Our lives are so sacred. I hope we all get to where we want that makes us feel liberated bc we deserve that so much you feel me.
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hand-in-hand-again · 1 year
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powderedshards · 6 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- [Uncharted Planet]: an expedition on an unknown planet, who knows what we’ll discover? (🧪Doc & Bronze Pearl!) sci-fi prompts (accepting!)
There's a noise of exertion as leaves are pushed aside by Bronze Pearl's staff. Shades of yellow and purple tinged plant life color his view, as far as his eyes can see. Outside of his eyesight, he can hear scuttling. Not due to his current companion but rather the small organics that lived there. And yet, he doesn't find himself put off or frightened about what they might find there.
It was pretty rare (or rather, not so much but he'd never seen so many) to come across a planet that hadn't been stripped bare and turned into something else by Gemkind. And that's what made it all the more exciting.
"Hey.", he turns to Doc, who likely wasn't too far behind him. "Come check this out." A bronze tinted finger points at a clearing in front of him, the sun shining down on a large patch of seafoam green grass. "That look interesting to you?"
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
Our two canon, for sure Orange Rangers are both Lesbians. A win for pride month
Orange is for the lesbians (they're LITERALLY on the flag!) and that's why SPD Orange and Orange Skull Rangers are banned from being considered canon
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c-aptainslog · 4 months
tag rehaul tag rehaul
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 6 months
You really back from Shadowban?
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
are you okay you havent even looked for a recreation of la belle dame sans merci for your latest fantasy book yet
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MESSAGE RECEIVED From: @godpowered​ [ Hercules the soon to be subpoena’d ]
lighten up furball, pest control are on the way to rid you of these fleas...
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“Oh I think me and my fleas are gonna be just fine, muscle man. Y’might go buck flarking naked back home in Hercu-land or whatever but that don’t play in high-fancy court. Hope ya got a pretty suit you can rent cheap!”
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“’Cause ol’ Rocky boy is gunning for reparations!”
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empyrealarc · 2 years
Gonna add Ana'Hira's powers to her Google doc when i get home. Cause the bitch is OP and it seems like i keep pulling powers out of my ass when I write them.
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crazydiscostu · 8 months
Pococo Galaxy Projector
Pococo Yo!
Imagine gazing at the starry expanse of the universe from the comfort of your own home, transforming your room into a celestial wonderland. The Pococo Galaxy Projector promises to do just that, and we’re here to dive deep into this innovative home planetarium. Product supplied for review purposes Pococo Pococo is not just a company; it’s a journey born from the daily balancing act of a mother…
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aethergate · 9 months
tag dump 1 theres gonna be like 4 of these
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hand-in-hand-again · 1 year
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powderedshards · 1 year
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
At least the art of Fern will look cool. This purely from a suit design standpoint I’m sure she’ll be great in the show
I think if we all try really really hard we can hallucinate the Kyuranger suits being used instead of the actual Cosmic Fury ones
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So one of my favourite things to listen to in my off time is debunked conspiracy theories, mainly because it mixes several of my interests: politics, history, and being pedantically right about stuff with objective fact to back it up.
Part of me wishes I could draw more inspiration from this particular well, but doing so risks propagating the same brainworms that create conspiracy theorists in the first place. The grand canyon is a lichtenberg figure carved by a colossal space lightning bolt/energy weapon hitting the earth, which consumed the world in a pyroclasm that caused stone structures melt which we can see across ancient cultures Is a FASCINATING bit of worldbuilding by someone being in denial about the concept of erosion. I don't want to use it however because then my story becomes a transmission point for this bad idea, a psychic parasite that might take root in someone's subconscious and warp their worldview to the point of nonsense.
Take one I heard a few years ago: The word planet comes from the greek word planan, which means wanderer. This is the same word used by the original bible to refer to fallen angels. NASA is lying to us, there are no planets, the non-star lights we see moving in the night sky are fallen angels fixed there by god as punishment for their crimes of coming to earth and beggetting the nephilim, the giants that we can see evidence of in X,Y,Z mythologies.
You can see the narrative potential there right? The questhook about the scholar who invents a better sort of telescope and manages to peer deep enough into space to discover that one of the cosmic bodies is actually a being, only to become possessed by the fallen celestial and driven to free it, just like the extinct linage of giant warlords who rampaged across the region millennia ago. It's such a juicy hook because it plays on the same "aha" moments that the conspiracy theory uses to take root: Oh yeah there IS a linguistic connection between the world planet and the greek word for wandering because they were stars that wandered across the sky oh yeah there ARE a lot of ancient cultures that have myths about giants because it's really easy to imagine people that are big, wonder if there are any internet rabitholes that could teach me more about these thigns?
It's the Dan Brown DaVinci Code problem; It can be entertaining to play around with historical conspirasism as the background for a story but part of your audience are going to be in a vulnerable place and slip all the way down to Qanon levels. It's even worth with the Alex Jones types who can't seperate fiction from reality and take their inability to analyze iconography as a sign on NWO "preprogaming". I don't want to use conspiracy theories/bad archaeology as inspiration only for my work to be pinned up on the red-string board as evidence that everything's connected.
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