#crow's makin' trails!
lilactranslations · 9 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 12! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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blueywrites · 1 year
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an excerpt from Turtle Dove & The Crow, part two
A little late-night post just because I'm excited to share. Hoping to have the next chapter out in the next few days! 🪶😊
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After some time, the deep grumbling of an engine draws your gaze to an approaching truck, faded blue and familiar. As it rambles up the drive and rolls to a stop before the red house next door, you can see the curve of Eddie’s uncle’s shoulder and the plaid of his gray shirt just barely visible through the smudged side window. The puttering engine silences, and you smile and wave as he pulls himself from the driver’s seat like he’s made entirely of creaking joints before slamming the door shut behind him in a rattle of steel. “Mornin’, Mr. Wayne!” you call, wagging your arm high in the air until he spots you. He crosses around the front bumper to trudge up the steps toward the front door, throwing you a brief wave before pulling the straw hat from his head and rubbing the sparse hair that encircles the bald spot on his crown. Once the door has thumped closed behind him, Eddie lets the arm slung across the back of the wicker couch fall heavily upon your shoulder, and you giggle as he wraps it around your clavicle to pull you tighter against his chest. “What’re you makin’ there?” he asks you, peering over your shoulder.
You hold it up to show him the thread dangling from the N of the completed ‘MUN’ stitched in the left half of the hoop’s center. There’s the suggestion of a flower below it— a large deep brown circle with a smattering of butter-yellow petals beginning to surround it, along with a few deep green leaves. “I’m makin’ it for you,” you say, and when Eddie lets his chin drop gently against your shoulder, your cheeks heat despite yourself. “You n’ your uncle. See? It’s gonna say ‘Munson’ in the middle. And I’m puttin’ sunflowers on account of the ones growin’ on your side of the fence.” You turn your face toward him but can’t see much more besides the curve of his cheek and the pink of his lips, which look, unfortunately, very kissable right now. You glance away and lean your temple against his instead to avoid temptation. “What’s your favorite flower, Ed?”
You can feel the stretch of Eddie’s smile in the subtle shifting of the skin at his temple before he turns his head to face you. “How are you just the sweetest girl I ever known?” Eddie murmurs against your cheek, kissing you there before leaning back against the wicker couch again, pulling you with him. You sigh, melting into his side. “I dunno,” he says offhandedly, his thumb back to trailing along your arm, and you shiver as goosebumps pimple under the scratch of his warm skin. “Always kinda favored chicory flowers. They’re like the color of the sky on a clear day. No clouds make the sun brutal while you’re workin’, but y’can’t deny it looks nice like that.”
It’s quite sentimental coming from your wild best friend, and you stifle a sudden giddy giggle as you pull your bare feet up onto the cushion, tucking your knees beneath your skirt, which brushes low on your ankles as you fold up. “What?” Eddie snaps playfully. “Y’ask me what flower I like the best, and then y’laugh at my answer?” His breath huffs indignantly against your shoulder. “I take it back. You’re the yuckiest girl I ever known.”
Your giggles spike at that, growing in intensity, which is clearly the opposite of what Eddie wanted because the warmth of his arm unwraps abruptly from around you. “The yuckiest?” you question through your laughter, nose wrinkled skeptically. “What’re you, twelve?”
You twist to face him, and as you do, Eddie’s fingers ghost loosely along your shoulder, brushing to remove some invisible dust as the sour pucker of his lips draws into a smirk. His brown eyes glint with a sudden spark. “I think you know quite well I’m not no twelve-year-old anymore, turtle dove,” he murmurs, and the sensual timbre of his voice conjures a spark of heat that makes your thighs press together beneath your dress.
“I don’t hear no readin’ out there. What are you two schemin’ up now?” Your mama’s voice calling from beyond the window screen right behind you, harsh from shrillness and warning but not outright angry, has you both springing apart and scrambling to take your activities back up - Eddie, the neglected book discarded against the wicker arm, and you, the neglected needle dangling from your embroidery hoop. 
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mlwritersguild · 4 years
September prompts Marichat for 6 please.
🍁 Miraculous Writer’s Guild September Event 2020 🍁
𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕟 𝕀𝕟𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 ℍ𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪𝕓𝕦𝕘) 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕙𝕒𝕕 @galahadwilder
It starts, as so many of these things do, with Chat Noir paying a late-night visit to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Chat has never been the most observant person, despite his best efforts. He tries, sure, but there are some things that, quite simply, escape him. One thing he has noticed lately is that Marinette has been getting more and more stressed, under more and more pressure, in a way that reminds him uncomfortably of Ladybug. There’s only so much he can do for Ladybug, though—he can only really be there for her while she’s suited up. Which is, he supposes, why helping Marinette relax is so paramount for him. If he can help at least one of the incredible ladies in his life...
Which is why Chat Noir is slinking into Marinette’s skylight. 
“Gooooooood evening, Princess!” he crows, flopping over on the bed with a grin, one arm dangling straight down and the other waving a Steins;Gate DVD. “I come bearing incomprehensible anime!” 
One thing he’s learned about both her and Ladybug—the easiest way to help them with their anxiety is to give them a puzzle. Steins;Gate is perfect for brain explosions, so it’s ideal for heading off her restless trains of thought.
“Jus’ a mimmed,” Marinette mumbles through closed lips. She’s bustling around her dress form, pinning swathes of deep violet fabric into a shape that looks like ocean waves. She looks pale—probably hasn’t stopped to eat in a while.
Chat rolls over onto his back. “But Princess, I’m booooooored,” he whines, kicking his boots up toward the ceiling. He twists his neck as far as he can, looking back down toward her. “Watcha makin’?”
“Ashymmedrig dolmam wid fwogsh,” she says, skipping over half the words in the sentence. That’s a sure sign that she’s hyperfocusing, which is probably a good thing—if she was sparing the brainpower to keep things at the level of understanding she expects from him, she’d just say “dress.” Or maybe “dress with one sleeve.”
Chat rolls back onto his stomach, kicking his legs up near his butt. “One Dolman sleeve, huh?” he says. He’s impressed at the audacity of the design, “Those are supposed to be tough…”
He trails off as he suddenly realizes why she’s mumbling, catching a glint of silver between her lips.
“Marinette,” he says, his voice hard, “what have you got in your mouth?”
She glances up at Chat with confusion. “Pinsh?” she says.
Chat rolls onto his chest and spins so his feet are pointing to the ground, launches himself down the ladder in a slide, and carefully plucks the pins from her lips. “Nope.”
Marinette freezes, shooting him a sidelong glare. “The heck?”
Chat holds up the pins between his fingers. “Pincushions exist for a reason,” he snaps. “Do you know what happens if you swallow these?”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “It’s fine, Chat,” she says. “I’m careful.”
Chat raises an eyebrow. “Marinette,” he says, “Do you know how out of it you were?”
Marinette just glares at him.
Chat sighs. “I just gave you a clue to my identity,” he says, “and you were so focused that you entirely missed that I’d done it.”
Marinette blinks, jerking back. “You did what,” she says.
“My point exactly,” he says, turning and gently stabbing the pins into her cat-shaped pincushion.
He halts, one pin poised over its heart, struck by the familiarity of the motion. “Huh. Do you ever pretend this thing is me when you’re stabbing it?”
Marinette folds her arms. “More than you can imagine.”
“She’s a designer,” Adrien says, standing up from his computer chair and stalking towards his window. He throws his hands up in exasperation as he glares toward her apartment across the park. “She should know better!”
“What’s so wrong with it?” Plagg says from the nest of socks he’s built on the coffee table in front of Adrien’s TV. He props his chin up on his paws. “She’s just holding them in her mouth. It’s convenient.”
Adrien flops back onto his couch. “It’s also really dangerous,” he says. “Do you know how easy those things are to swallow?”
Plagg shrugs. “Not really?”
“Very easy,” Adrien says, staring out the window toward Marinette’s apartment. “And if a pin makes it into your throat…”
“She swallows it,” Plagg says, nestling back into the socks. “It’ll just pass back out again.”
Adrien shudders, turning toward the rock wall. “After shredding her insides from top to bottom.”
Plagg is silent for a moment, his ears flicking uncomfortably. “Oh.”
Adrien turns in his seat, lying down and staring up at the blank white ceiling. “She should know better than to put things like that in her mouth.”
Plagg shrugs. “To be fair,” he says, “Pigtails puts weirder stuff in her mouth all the time.”
Adrien sits up, turning to Plagg with narrow eyes. “What?” he says.
Plagg’s head perks up, his mouth splitting into a tiny grin. “Watch her next time she gets mad,” Plagg says. “Promise you, she’ll shove whatever she’s holding between her teeth.”
“I’m never going to understand this,” Marinette groans, collapsing backward and slapping her pencil down on her math homework. They’ve barely been at this for ten minutes and her head is already splitting. “How does this even make sense to you?”
Chat hums noncommittally from the chair next to her, shooting her a sideways glance. “Numbers just make sense in my head,” he says, waving his claws near his temple. “It’s like—you know how when you throw something, you can always tell where it’s going to land?”
Marinette giggles. He has no idea how right he is—plotting the path of her yo-yo isn’t anything she thinks about, it’s instinctive, even with extremely complex weavings. “Yeah,” she says. “I sort of know the feeling.”
Chat nods. “That’s how numbers work for me generally,” he says. He waves his hands in front of his face. “They just sort of… arrange themselves in my head?”
Marinette grimaces. “How convenient for you,” she growls. Just one more power he gets that she doesn’t. She leans forward, pressing her forehead to her computer screen and staring a hole into her paper. “So what if I just… try to access that part of my brain?”
Chat swallows. “I’m not sure that’s how that—”
Marinette doesn’t hear the rest of his sentence, because she’s already focusing on the paper. Come on, brain, Marinette thinks. You can plot ridiculous trajectories for my yo-yo, you can solve one stupid quadratic equation!
Her brain proceeds to do the equivalent of you’re on your own, sucker, and suddenly, all she can see is red.
“AAAARGH!” she shrieks. She shoots to her feet, narrowly missing bashing her head into the ladder-stairs that lead to her bed, then slams her hand down onto her desk, crushing her homework in her fist. It’s barely a second before she’s tearing into the offending paper with her teeth.
“Whoa! Marinette!” Chat yelps, swiping at the paper. “Get that out of your mouth!”
Shocked, Marinette rears back, and this time the back of her head does bash against the underside of the stairs. “Ow!” she yelps, her homework dropping in a wet clump to the hard wood of her floor.
“Princess!” Chat jumps to his feet. He carefully takes her head in his arms, stroking her throbbing scalp. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “You okay?”
Marinette nods, blinking tears out of her eyes. “Th-think so.”
Chat pulls her head down against his chest, and she feels her scalp vibrate as he starts to purr.
“Mmmmm,” she murmurs, sinking into his chest.
Distracted as she is by his purring, it takes a moment for Marinette to realize that Chat is looking at her homework. “Do you do that every time you’re frustrated with math?” he says.
Marinette’s body is immediately flooded with shame. “I… yes,” she says, drawing back into herself. Making herself small. “I get angry, and then I just… go feral, I guess.”
Chat’s mouth twists into a sort of grimace—she’s not sure whether it’s judgmental or sympathetic—and he squeezes her a little closer. “It’s okay,” he murmurs into her hair.
His breath feels hot on her scalp, and she swallows.
Chat looks down at her eyes, sees the fear in them, and smiles. “Don’t worry,” he says. “I’ll still be with you the whole way.”
That’s… not what she’s worried about, but she can’t help the way her heart begins to thud at how sweet of him it is.
“Okay,” Adrien sighs, leaning his head against the back wall, one leg stretched out across his bed. He presses his palms to his eyes. “You were right.”
Plagg cackles from the nightstand. “I’m always right.”
“So…” Adrien purses his lip and drops his arms with a skwoosh of comforter. “She does that… every time?” he says. He gestures with his hands toward his mouth, rolling them.. “Just… jams whatever she’s holding into her mouth?”
“Pretty much,” Plagg says. “Whenever she’s mad or frustrated…” He demonstrates by popping a chunk of cheese between his teeth. “...indo her teesh ih’goesh.”
“Wow,” Adrien says. “I mean… I knew she stims sometimes…” He gesticulates in a manner that is almost, but not quite, like the way Marinette flails sometimes. “I’ve seen her arm flaps.” He shakes his head. “This is a bit bigger than that.”
“Shtim?” Plagg says, tilting his head.
“Oh, like, um, you know how I...” Adrien scratches the back of his neck. “I do, um, this, when I’m uncomfortable?” He glances away, then holds up his hand. “It’s a…  like, a physical way of venting intense emotions.”
“Oh, huh,” Plagg says. “Like how she goes berserk with her arms whenever you sneak up on her?”
Adrien snorts. “Don’t be mean,” he says, reaching over to his nightstand and flicking Plagg’s ear.
Plagg bares his teeth, snatching his cheese away from Adrien’s hand. “Don’t be dumb then!” he says.
Adrien rolls his eyes, flopping back onto the bed. “Still, this is… disturbing,” he says, thinking about all of the times when Lila was saying something egregious that led to Marinette angrily gnawing her phone. “This can’t be healthy, can it?”
Plagg inhales another chunk of cheese. “Eh,” he says. “It’s not so bad.”
“You would say that,” Adrien says, tilting his head with a raised eyebrow. “Your first instinct with everything is to chew on it.”
“Guilty as charged,” Plagg says, polishing off the cheese with a smack of his lips. He immediately floats upward and zips toward the mini-fridge under Adrien’s desk. “Cheese?”
“Nah,” Adrien says, lying back and staring up at the ceiling. “You already had all of your cheese for today.”
“You’re mean and I hate you.”
Adrien closes his eyes and smiles. “Too late for that,” he says. “You already said I was your favorite Chat Noir.”
He lies still for a minute, thinking, before his eyes blink back open. “Hey,” he says. “How’d you know she does that?” He wiggles his fingers. “You know, with her arms.”
“Oh,” Plagg says, “I pay attention to all of your friends.”
Adrien sits up, looking at plagg with narrow eyes. “You’ve forgotten Nino’s name four times.”
Plagg looks up from where he is attempting to push the fridge door open with his tiny body (in spite of the fact that he could easily phase through the door). “What,” he says, “can’t take a joke?”
“Alya, stop!” Marinette cries, digging her heels into the ground. Her desperate fingers can’t find purchase on Alya’s wrist, her nails catching on her friend’s flannel sleeve.
Alya keeps powering forward, barely phased by Marinette’s minuscule weight dragging her backward. “Marinette, you gotta let go,” Alya groans. “I don’t want to drag you into this!”
“You promised!” Marinette says. “You promised you’d stop running toward Akuma!”  
It’s 100% not true—no matter how many times she’s tried to extract that promise from Alya, she’s never gotten it—but after watching Alya get diced to pieces not two days ago, she can’t think about Alya getting near one of her fights without her heart threatening to explode.
Alya rolls her eyes, shaking her sleeve loose. “I never said that and you know it,” she says. “You’re not going to guilt me out of this!”
Marinette bites into her lip, trying to hold back tears. “W-watch me,” she stutters, tightening her fingers around opposite elbows, her eyes beginning to mist over. “Alya—Alya, please, it’s—it’s—it’s not safe.” She’s trying to keep from shaking, trying to keep from betraying just how scared she is—after all, everyone else in Paris treats Akuma attacks a bit like a joke. She’s the one who doesn’t know if things will go right. “I can’t—I can’t watch you—”
Alya steps forward, putting her hands on Marinette’s shoulders. “Hey,” she says softly. “It’ll be fine.”
“You can’t—you can’t… know that,” Marinette whispers.
Alya gives a roguish half-smile. “I trust Ladybug,” she says. “If anything happens to me, she’ll fix it.”
Marinette’s heart jumps into her throat. But what if I can’t? she can’t say.
Alya’s smile grows to full. “I’ll be fine,” she says, patting Marinette’s shoulders once before turning on her heel and bolting off toward the Akuma.
Marinette stares after Alya, utterly silent. She can feel steam rising inside her skull, pushing outward, burning, and she just—she wants—she needs to—
“Alya—you—agh!” she screams, yanking her phone out of her purse and biting down.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” she hears from above her, and suddenly a black shape drops into her line of sight, clawed fingers in a vise-grip on her phone. “Get that out of your mouth!”
Marinette yelps, her teeth clenching down harder on her phone, cutting into the rubber of her case and splintering the screen like a styrofoam cup. Her Ladybug instincts fire off all at once, her mind screaming Akuma as her open palm takes the intruder across the cheek.
“Ow!” the person—presumably Akuma—shrieks, releasing the phone and staggering backward, launching Marinette—and her phone—in the other direction. “Princess!”
The Princess barely registers in her mind while she’s still falling, and her mouth goes slack in surprise, releasing the phone just enough to let it fall back into her throat. She gags, her esophagus clenching as she pivots on her toes, grabbing her stomach and horking her phone onto the street with a clatter and a tinkle of glass shards.
“No, no, no no no!” Chat Noir exclaims, rushing to Marinette and pressing a palm flat against her stomach. “Please be okay, please be okay—”
“High’mokay!” Marinette rasps, trying not to vomit.
“I’ve got you—”
Marinette slaps his hand away. “Akuma!” she rasps. “Gethekuma!”
Chat grips her tightly, eyes wide. “I can’t just leave you!”
She coughs again, shoving his chest. “Go!”
He stares at her, horrified.
“Befine!” She hacks another cough, stumbling away from him. “Help—Ladybug!”
“She can hold on for a few—”
“GO!” she roars, before devolving into a coughing fit.
Chat stares at her, unsure, before jamming his baton into the ground and launching away.
“Tigghi,” Marinette rasps. “Spohtson.”
Pink sparks explode up her body, and immediately the pressure vanishes from her chest. “Oh, thank God,” Ladybug gasps, stumbling toward the wall. She glances toward where Chat vanished, her mouth twisting downward.
Oh, he’d better hope the Cure fixes her phone, or she is going to rip him open from tail to ears.
“Okay,” Adrien says, running his fingers through his hair. “That was bad. She nearly choked to death.”
“To be fair,” Plagg says, “it was your fault she swallowed her phone.”
Adrien freezes. That’s not—she was going to— “I, uh... “ He collapses into his chair. “Ugh, yeah. It was.”
“At least the Akuma fight went well.” Plagg flits over to the computer screen, sitting down on top of the webcam. “Why don’t you rewatch the fight, take a look at Ladybug? Always makes you feel better.”
Adrien purses his lips. He’s not sure whether Plagg is mocking him or serious—he’s technically right, that usually does make him feel better, but he can’t get distracted right now. “I don’t…” He sighs. “Even if it wasn’t me, something could still have gone wrong, and Marinette would’ve ended up in the hospital.” He turns in his chair, looking out the window toward the bakery. “I need to talk to her. The things she’s chewing on…”
Plagg’s eyes flutter closed in resignation. “You’re not gonna let me have any cheese first, are you.”
When Chat drops in on Marinette, he always makes sure to knock first. He knows how particular she can be about her privacy, and he knows that some of the stuff she does she prefers for him not to know about. He’s used to that from everybody, really, but from her it’s different—from her, her secrets aren’t about him, they’re about her.
When he arrives, he takes a moment to compose himself, to think about what he’s going to say. He doesn’t like arguing, especially with Marinette, but this is for her own safety.
He kneels down next to the skylight and knocks.
Immediately, he hears a muffled shriek and a crash, and in a moment, he’s through the skylight and down the ladder.
“Marinette?” he says, swinging down around the railing of the ladder-stairs. “Are you all right?”
“Mhm!” she says from the floor next to her desk. She’s sprawled out, her chair spinning, and the look on her face is shocked, taken aback—
Her mouth is full.
“Marinette,” he says, slowly and carefully as he kneels down next to her, “what do you have in your mouth?”
She stares at him with wide eyes and equally wide cheeks—though her eyes quickly narrow into a silent glare.
Chat sighs. He knows exactly what that means, and he deserves it. “Yeah,” he says. “I’m sorry about your phone, I didn’t mean to surprise you—is it okay?”
“Mhm,” Marinette nods.
He feels a cross between relief and bile in his esophagus, but he shoves it down. “Princess,” he says flatly, his head tilting. “Whatever’s in your mouth, take it out.”
She shakes her head.
Chat purses his lips. “If you don’t take it out,” he says, holding up a claw, “I’m going to have to pry it out.”
Marinette’s eyelids fly open, and she scrambles backward, retreating further under the desk, shaking her head again.
He reaches out, eyebrow raised, and she twists her head petulantly away.
Chat sits. “You have to stop eating weird things,” he says. “Seriously, you’re starting to scare me.”
Marinette’s eyes cast toward him without turning her head. There’s concern in them, but she still doesn’t say anything.
“The pins could’ve killed you,” he says, pointing up through the desk at where he remembers her pincushion being. “I wasn’t the only one who could’ve surprised you about the phone, and we were lucky that it was during an attack so that it could be fixed.” He shakes his head. “And the homework—what happens if you eat a document that can’t be replaced?”
Marinette blinks, then purses her lips as best she can around the flat object in her mouth. Then she reluctantly opens her mouth and reaches in, extracting… a polaroid photograph.
Chat leans in.
Marinette yanks the photograph away. “Hey!”
Chat leans back, holding up his palms. “Sorry.” He smiles apologetically, clambering out from under the desk and extending a hand.
She takes it, and he lifts her out with a smile. 
“May I see?”
Marinette practically swallows her tongue as she drops back into her chair, her pupils spinning down to pinpricks, and her shoulders tighten. “Uh—I don’t—you should—I don’t—”
Chat places a hand, gently, on top of hers, and she visibly calms at his touch.
She sighs. “I—You’ll find out eventually,” she says, her shoulders slumping again. “Everyone else knows.” 
She slides the picture toward him.
It’s—it’s a picture of him. Adrien-him, not Chat Noir-him. Which isn’t that strange, not for her—there are pictures of him all over her walls, always have been. But her reaction to it is a little weird.
“You were hiding this?” Chat says.
Marinette pouts, nodding. “Yeah. It’s—” She crosses her arms, staring at her feet. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing?” Chat says, holding up the picture. It’s not a particularly flattering one; it’s a candid, the one where the angle makes it look like he doesn’t have any teeth. “I mean, it’s just a picture of a friend, right?”
Marinette stares at him, then snorts. “You’re as bad as he is.” She taps the photograph with a dreamy smile. “I’m sort of… in love with him.”
Chat’s brain immediately implodes.
“No,” Adrien says, repeatedly bonking his head against the air conditioning duct on the rooftop across the street from Marinette’s parent’s bakery. “No way.”
“She literally told you, kid,” Plagg says with a smirk, sitting cross-legged on top of the very same duct. “What part of ‘I’m in love with him’ leaves any sort of wiggle room?”
“The part where she’s been denying it to my face for a year!” Adrien says, throwing his arms in the air. He turns and drops with a metal clang as his back crashes against the duct. “Every time I asked, she said no—”
Plagg flits down in front of his face. “Maybe she was scared,” he says.
“Scared? Marinette?” Adrien laughs. “Marinette isn’t afraid of anything.” He’s seen her stand up to Chloé, Akuma, Hawkmoth himself with barely a shiver.
Plagg tilts his head with a cheeky grin. “She’s scared of you,” he says.
“Why?” Adrien says. “I’m not that intimidating.”
“You are when she’s in love with you,” Plagg says. “That’s why she hasn’t been telling you anything.”
The next morning at school is its own special kind of hell.
His feelings for Marinette have always been just on the wrong side of platonic—only just—so he could always force them down, tell himself he didn’t feel that way, that it was just friendly. Besides, no matter how close he was to her, it wasn’t like she felt that way about him.
Except now he knows that she does, and his entire world has been toppled like a poorly-constructed house of cards that Plagg has flown through with reckless abandon. Every sound she makes—every breath, every laugh, every word—has his ears perking up, growing hot and red to match the pink of her cheeks, her smile, her… everything.
He can’t stop turning in his seat to look at her, but—but he knows he’s not supposed to know. He’s not supposed to know.
What about Ladybug? Plagg had asked.
Ladybug is Ladybug. She’ll never be anything less to him than the most important person in his world. She’ll never be anything less to him than his entire world. But… but a world without Marinette, without Marinette’s smile, her laugh, her brightness, her sometimes incomprehensible word salad, doesn’t bear thinking about.
He’s technically supposed to have patrol tonight. He never skips patrol. But tonight he thinks he might have to.
Marinette stares at her homework, trying to think through her literature, but the fog in her brain just won’t lift. It’s hard for any thoughts to form—any thoughts except one.
“I did that once,” she says, jabbing her pencil in the air toward Tikki. “I ate my phone once.”
“Um,” Tikki says.
Marinette glances at Tikki. “Betrayal,” she hisses with a small grin.
Tikki shrugs. “You’re at five since we met, by my count. Plus the grimoire...” She ticks them off on her paws as she speaks. “...several homeworks, some of your smaller stuffed animals, the limbs of your cat pillow, and at least one necklace from Alya.”
Marinette sighs. “Come on,” she says. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
Tikki tilts her head toward Marinette’s pencil, which is covered in teeth marks.
Marinette holds it up, incredulous. “I just started using this yesterday...” she says. She drops it and sighs, sitting back in her chair. “Is Chat right?” she says. “I mean… I stim, sometimes, and that I guess that means I chew on things, but—”
There’s a knock on the skylight.
A very complicated process ignites in Marinette’s brain, sparked by panic and the conversation she’s halfway through. She knows she can’t let Chat see Tikki, because she can’t let him know her identity. But in the moment when Tikki is looking up at the skylight, Marinette forgets how fast her Kwami is, forgets she can phase, forgets everything except for OH NO SHE MUST HIDE THE TIKKI.
She’s not sure why this is her first instinct, even afterward—maybe it was because of the subject matter, about what she and Tikki are talking about, but in that second after the knock—before Tikki can move—she’s already swept her Kwami into her hand and stuffed her into her mouth.
Bad decision, the Ladybug part of brain supplies, but the skylight is opening and she doesn’t have time to undo it. Chat’s face peers down from above, the starry backlighting giving him an ethereal, angelic glow. “Marinette?” he says. “I, uh, I’m sorry to intrude…”
If he comes into the room and sees she’s got something in her mouth again, he’s going to try and make her open it and then he’ll see Tikki and then her identity will be revealed and Hawkmoth will win and Chat will hate her and Marinette’s brain decides to throw good money after bad. She leaps from her desk chair, diving under her chaise lounge with a whimper.
Steel-toed boots hit the hardwood floor barely a second later, followed by the familiar whizz of an unsheathing baton. “Are you safe?” Chat gasps, his feet squeaking on the wood as he spins, taking in the room. “Where’s the Akuma?”
Marinette mentally slaps her forehead. Of course he thinks there’s an Akuma. If she’d seen Rose dive under a couch for no reason…
He spins to look at her, eyes wild, then his gaze locks onto hers and narrows.
“Are you seriously just trying to hide that you ate something?” he sighs.
Marinette shakes her head, but the bulge in her cheeks betrays her.
Chat crouches. “Marinette,” he says. “Seriously. This is… getting kinda ridiculous?”
You’re telling me. She’s hiding from a leather catboy under a chaise lounge with a fairy goddess in her mouth. There is no part of this that isn’t ridiculous.
He sighs, then, a crack.
Marinette yelps, jumping, slamming her head against the top of the chaise. Her mouth pops open in surprise, dropping Tikki onto the ground.
Chat blinks, his hand still clenched around the baton that he’d slammed into the ground to surprise her. “Is that,” he says, “a Kwami?”
Marinette’s entire stomach tries to evacuate her mouth, rear first. Every single thing she’s done for the past year, every sacrifice she’s made, and they’re blown because of one reckless, stupid move.
“...No?” Marinette says, her blood crashing painfully through her ears. Her brain is screaming for her to do something, to throw him off, to deny it, but she’s drawing—not just a blank, it feels like there’s a pure white wasteland where her thoughts should be. There’s nothing she can say to head this off, nothing she can do, no trick she can pull.
He’s looking right at Tikki. 
“You had a Kwami,” Chat says, crouching, “in your mouth.”
“Meow?” Tikki says, blinking owlishly up at him.
A desperate, terrified giggle bubbles up from Marinette’s chest. Tikki’s trying to pretend to be a cat. Again. That’s never worked once.
Chat smiles and lifts Tikki in his leather-clad palm and pokes at her tummy with one claw, eliciting a bright giggle from the Kwami.
“Hi, Tikki,” he says.
“So,” Chat says. “You’re My Lady.”
Ladybug fights down the surge of warmth that roils through her belly at his tone—there’s nothing but admiration and adoration in his voice, even though her identity is blown, even though she’s blown everything.
“You don’t seem surprised,” she says, her legs kicking out over empty space just past the girders of the Eiffel tower. They’d needed privacy, and this is one of her comfort places. Partly because of him. “Actually, you seem… happy?”
He turns to her, his eyes sparkling. “Why wouldn’t I be?” he says. His mouth opens into a tiny smile. “I mean, I said I’d love Ladybug whoever was under the mask, but… I should’ve expected it to be someone I already loved.”
Ladybug has barely more than a second to notice the heat in her face before she nearly falls off her girder.
“I’m okay!” she yelps, scrabbling at the metal, her super-strong fingers gouging furrows in the metal. “I’m okay!”
She looks down, realizes that Chat’s hand is outstretched, bare inches away from touching her covered skin, reaching out to catch her if she falls. Like he always does.
Her whole body feels red-hot, and she can’t even look at his face. All of her muscles are rigid, joints locked, and she can feel her heart squeezing the way it did that day in the rain. When Adrien gave her his umbrella.
Oh no. She can’t—she cannot be falling in love with Chat Noir.
“Why did you think it would be a good idea to hide her in your mouth?”
Ladybug’s breath catches in her chest. “I didn’t!” she protests. “You—you knocked, I panicked!” She sighs, her head twisting away from him as her voice goes quiet. “I can’t always be the rational one.”
Chat pokes her shoulder. “No,” he says, and she can hear him grinning. “Sometimes you—” His voice breaks, and he keels forward, giggling. “Sometimes you—you have to—to shove an—” He rolls to the side, slapping desperately at the roof. “—AN ENTIRE GRIMOIRE IN YOUR MOUTH.”
Ladybug shoves a fist into his abs, more of a strong nudge than a punch. “Hey!” she yelps.
He doesn’t stop laughing.
She slaps ineffectively at his shoulder. “Stop laughing!”
“But—but Bugaboo—!” Chat gasps out, cackling.
“If you don’t stop laughing, you’re gonna be eating something stupid!” Ladybug says, holding up a fist.
Chat looks at her, eyes wide and lips pressed together, before bursting out into cackles again. “I’m—I’m sorry!” he snorts, pressing his palm over his mouth. “It’s like—being threated by—by—by a cupcake!”
Ladybug glares at him, trying to scrunch up her face, but something about this whole scenario is so ridiculous that she can’t quite hold down a giggle.
“Death by—” She snorts, pushing his cheek with her palm. “Death by frosting, dick!”
“Nooooo strawberry frosting!” Chat cries, dramatically flopping onto his back. “I leave everything to Marinette!”
Both of them freeze.
“Me,” Ladybug says. “You’re—you’d leave everything to me.”
Chat stares at her from flat on the Eiffel girder, eyes wide. “I—well, I, um, I...” He swallows. “I, uh. Yeah.”
Ladybug blinks. Every hair on her body is standing up at once, the wind biting straight into her bones. “Not even… Ladybug-me,” she says.
Chat sits up, bracing himself against one of the struts, and scratches the back of his neck. “I… yeah.” He glances away. “I mean, some of it would go to Nino, but…”
Yeah, that makes—wait. Ladybug’s eyes narrow. “Nino?” she says. “You know Nino.”
Chat swallows. “Uh,” he says. “Yeah, I, um.” He grimaces. “Ladybug, Marinette, and Nino are three of the most important people in my life.” His eyes meet hers. “Well, two I guess.”
She stares at him. “I know how I know Nino,” she says. “How do you know Nino?”
Chat swallows. “Uh,” he says. “Same way you do?”
Ladybug stares at him, the wheels whirring in her brain. Same way—she grew up with Nino. She’s been going to school with him since—oh. Oh no.
School. He knows Nino from school.
And everyone in her class has been Akumatized, except two. Her, and—and—
Her lungs freeze. Her limbs lock. Her neck—she can’t get breath past her neck, can’t swallow, can’t—
The rain. The umbrella. The—the—no wonder he—
He’d said he loved her. Not Ladybug-her. Marinette-her.
“Adrien?” Ladybug shrieks.
Chat leaps forward, pressing his palms over her mouth. “Keep it down!” he hisses. “I don’t think they heard you in the twelfth Arrondissement!”
Ladybug yanks her face away from his hands, narrowly avoiding bashing her skull on the strut. “Oh Kwami,” she gasps, pressing her palms to her forehead. “Oh Kwami, oh Kwami, oh Kwami…” She can feel her breath coming short, her fingers beginning to shake. “And I—I told you—”
He reaches for her wrist—to comfort her, she assumes—but it’s just—it’s—it’s too much—
She snatches her yo-yo, stuffs it between her teeth, and screams.
The muffled, extended shriek splits the night open like a burning crack in the sky. The plastic is cold and bitter against her tongue, pressing outward on her whole mouth, uncomfortable, but she just—she has to—she has to—
Chat’s fingers wrap around her wrists. “Okay, Mari, let’s—let’s not eat inedible things, okay?”
She gasps in a breath and returns to shrieking. Adrien. Adrien is touching her. Adrien is touching her with affection. Adrien is wearing a skintight leather suit and touching her with affection. She’s going to fall off the Eiffel Tower and die and it would be better than this.
His claws grip the yo-yo, and he tugs it gently out of her mouth, scraping the plastic on her teeth. “Come on,” he says. “You gotta let go.”
She whimpers.
The yo-yo pops out of her mouth, and Chat quietly tucks it under his thigh, wrapping his palms behind her head and pressing his forehead to hers. “Okay,” he says. “Breathe with me, Bug.”
She can’t—she can’t—she closes her eyes, matching her breathing to his, forcing the shaking down.
“Are you…” He looks up at her through soulful eyes. “Are you okay?”
Ladybug whimpers again, shaking her head. “Iminlovewithyou.”
Chat blinks. “I’m—sorry,” he says. “Can you… repeat that, please?”
“Nnnn!” Ladybug grinds out, squeezing her eyes shut.
Chat purses his lips, gently lifting her head with his palms. “Bug,” he says. “My Lady. My—Marinette.” He swallows. “Did you say—did you say—?”
Ladybug throws her arms around his shoulders and tackles him to the girder, capturing his lips between her own. Desperate, hot, gasping, his breath in her mouth. He tastes like sweat and Adrien brand cologne, which somewhere in the back of her head she notes is not surprising, but it’s hot and wet and so much more real than any of her fantasies of either Adrien or Chat. It’s awkward, heavy, lips smashed together, teeth clicking awkwardly, but it’s him, it’s him, it’s him.
She pulls back, gasping, hairs whipping in the wind as they escape from her pigtails, pressing down on his shoulders. “Mine,” she gasps.
“You know,” he says, chuckling, “I feel like I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re a biter.”
She blinks, then swats at his shoulder. “Ass,” she giggles.
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lockawayknight · 3 years
@vilestblood said: (DS Crow raises his birb hand ✋)
“Ah! No need to be shy, my friend! C’mon, m’sure I’ve got some stuff you’d like! I’ll take it as a personal challenge to impress ya.” Wink.
He looks the Crow over with exaggerated stance, one hand on the hip and the other on his chin, eyes squinted. “What fascinatin’ garb y’got there. You a servant of Nahr Alma? Velka, maybe? M’sure y’got a helluva lotta stories t’tell! Promise you’ll share some? Ah, hell” — he raps his knuckles against his forehead — “I’m the one makin’ the offers, not you, huh? Hah, got me distracted, y’did! Now let’s see…
“Well, first thing’s first, a’course, no celebration a’ this season’s complete without some costumin’. ‘Ave a look at this!”
From a chest full of silks and crowns, Magerold produces a mask fashioned of the skull of some sort of giant bird, its head white as ivory with a beak black as a piano’s half steps. Seamlessly attached to the cranium — or, perhaps, belonging to the same creature naturally — are a set of ram’s horns, curled black at their tips and clearly once meant to kill. Finally, a mane of long, wiry black hair trails down from the back, in messy braids and tangled locks, like that of a Lion Warrior.
“How’s this suit your fancy, eh? Picked this up outside a’ the cathddral wheret the Prowling Magus’ congregation… well, congregates. I dunno if it’s got any magical properties, but it certainly matches your armour, I’d say! Prob’ly’ll spook a few souls too, wouldn’t ya think?” Wink again.
“Ah, an’ a’course, some sweets!” From a large cauldron filled with candies, he pulls out a selection of dark paper wrappers and places them all atop some black silk, wrapping them nicely before handing them over. “Dark chocolate, black liquorice, and blackberry gumdrops.” He looks pleased with himself for his selections. “Now everythin’ matches! Aren’t I the best?” A gentle elboy nudges the Crow’s ribs with that. “Go on, y’can tell me, I won’t get an ego.” Grin. “Ah, m’jus joshin’ ya. Hope y’like!” A friendly wave concludes the whole thing. “‘Ave a nice night, my friend! Ah, an’ I still want some stories!!”
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queenbirbs · 4 years
the way home | Ch. 3 | Edward x MC
Pairing: Edward Mortemer x MC
Word count: 3,417
Warnings: language, violence, mention of blood
Read from the beginning or continue on Read on AO3 
Tag list: @writinghereandthere ------
Whatever Robert says or does against Rhodes seems to work.
For the next week, as they hop from island to island, he gives Elena a wide berth. It doesn’t stop the death glares he gives her on the regular, but she’ll take those over him dropping a sack over her head and kidnapping her, as her nightmares depict. 
He can’t ruin today, though. The next outpost is St. Sylvain -- finally, a place where Elena has contacts of her own. Well, Charlie’s, she considers, which brings that familiar rush of heartache. She misses her best friend; misses her snarky, carefree attitude; misses her crude jokes and compassionate heart. Though Robert tries with his sarcastic tongue, he can never measure up to Charlie’s quick wit. 
As soon as the ship docks, Elena is off, flapping a hand at Robert’s reminder to only ask for information from those she trusts. Down the gangplank and across the port, she makes her way into the open-air market and searches along the rows of brightly-colored stalls. As if no time has passed, Bronte leans out from her own stall and waves at her as she approaches. 
“Ah, the fiercest pirate in all the seven seas!” she crows, her wrinkles creasing as she grins. “You’re Charlotte’s friend, aren’t ya? She’s been looking all over for ya.” 
“She has?” Elena asks, tightly clenching the leather strap across her chest.  
“O’course. She was here…” she trails off, tapping a finger against her stall as if counting up the days in her head. “...oh, sometime before the big storm. Was makin’ her rounds of the place, askin’ if ye’d been around.” 
“Did she say where she was headed?”
“Afraid not.” Settling her weight across the table, she opens her mouth, then pauses to squint at something along the market. Elena glances over her shoulder, but spots nothing of interest among the crowded stalls. “But here -- let me give ye something.” 
Bronte bends down and heaves up a basket of what looks like knitting supplies, clicking her tongue as she digs through it. Sweeping her hair to one shoulder, Elena keeps watch of the market until the older woman hums a noise of victory. She pulls out a makeshift cross, bound with red thread. “‘Tis made from the twigs of a Rowan tree. Keep it on yer person. It’ll offer ye protection from evil spirits on yer journey.” 
Given her recent history, Elena’s made a point to avoid picking up any old object. But she doesn’t want to seem rude, and who is she to argue against something that will bring protection? Taking the charm, she tucks it into the pocket of her coat.
“Thank you -- for the protection, and for speaking with me.” 
Bronte smiles at her once more. “If I see young Charlotte, I’ll be sure to send her yer way.”
The rest of the day is a wash. 
Her stop by the St. Sylvain Inn to speak with Mary takes the better part of an hour. Most of that time, however, is taken up by helping Mary toss out an unruly guest. What little chance at conversation they manage to have, Elena finds that her knowledge about Charlie’s whereabouts is limited. 
“She asked if I’d seen you, actually.” Mary’s face brightens at the memory, before she bites at her lip and frowns. “But this was months back. Certainly well before the hurricane.”
At the blacksmith’s, Elena wanders around the shop as the man there speaks with a customer. They hem and haw over the fine details of a new gate, going back and forth about prices. She bides her time by looking at a row of gleaming blades. One of the daggers catches her eye for the level of details carved along the hilt; it reminds her of the pistol Charlie gave her, all those years ago. The customer eventually leaves, having refused such a high cost for ‘such subpar craftsmanship.’
“What can I do for ye, ma’am?” the blacksmith calls out to her, wiping away the sweat on his face. “Interested in anything?”
Elena leaves the wares and crosses the room to be heard above the roar of the forge. “No, sorry. I was wondering if Tripp was working today?”
The blacksmith turns back to his project, tapping at a piece of glowing metal with his hammer. “He don’t work here no more.”
“Oh. Do you know where he works now, then?”
“Do you know where he lives?”
“Do you know where I can--”
He slams the hammer down and a burst of hot sparks flares up into her face. The sword is in her hand and at his throat before she realizes it -- and before the man has the attempt to lift the hammer in defense. 
“Listen, alright.” He licks his lips and eyes the sword’s gleaming edge. “He left about three months ago. Said that he was going to try and head back home.” 
“Where’s that?” she snaps, though she eases the sword back a few inches to give him the illusion of space. 
“I don’t-- maybe, maybe St. Fisher, or England. I dunno, I never asked. All I know is that he went off, and I haven’t seen ‘im since.” 
Elena flicks her sword away and slides it back into its scabbard, suppressing her smirk at the man’s audible breath of relief. Brushing past another woman on her way out, she starts her trek back to the market to try any other of Charlie’s contacts. She’s nearly reached the main drag when there’s a voice from behind her. 
“Is yer name Elena Montgomery?” 
Elena spins around to face the stranger. It’s the woman from the shop, her auburn hair matted to her neck from the heat -- and, presumably, from chasing Elena down. Her accent is similar to Kendrick’s, her voice low and rich. 
“It is. And you are…?”
“Oh, sorry -- I’m Fran.” She shifts the satchel she carries from one shoulder to the other, trying to catch her breath. “I’m sorry, too, for chasing after you like that. I saw you at the inn, talking with Mary. Are you looking for Edward Mortemer?” 
“I am.”  
“I just met a lad who talked about doing business with him.” 
“Two hours ago or so, I think. I was out near the market and we struck up a--”
“No, when did he see Edward?” Elena clarifies.
“Oh.” Fran’s nose scrunches up as she tries to recall. “I think he mentioned it was o’er the summer? I’m not for certain. I can take you to him -- if he’s still at his stall.”
It’s too good to be true. After weeks of searching, a lead like this doesn’t just fall into her lap. She would be a fool to go with some random woman, despite how cute she is. But she can’t turn her back on an opportunity like this. 
“Yes, please,” she all but begs. 
Fran guides her through the streets, clearly a local in her knowledge on how to avoid the congested areas. She isn’t much for talking, which Elena appreciates, as she’s too caught up in her own thoughts. Even if this man saw Edward over the summer, does that mean it was here, or somewhere across the globe? If it was over in Portugal or the Philippines, then what the hell is she supposed to do? What if she returned too late? What if Edward, Charlie, and the crew were one of the twelve ships lost in the storm? Elena fiddles with the necklace, worrying the chain in between her fingers. She knows the risk of using the whistle again -- but she will, if it means saving their lives from such a fate. 
“That’s a pretty charm you have there,” Fran says, breaking the silence between them. “A bit odd-looking, but pretty.”
“Thanks.” Feigning a smile, Elena tries to subtly tuck it back into her shirt.
They reach the market soon enough. Along with Bronte’s, most of the stalls are boarded up or packed away. Out in the harbor, strong winds batter at the ships’ flags and rigging. Thick clouds roll along above the island, warning them of the approaching storm. Across the horizon, lightning dances atop the white-capped waves. Fran continues down to a covered section of the wharf, shadowed by a large building for ship repairs.
“Tommy! You still here?” she calls out as they round the next corner. 
Tucked back along the building are a few more stalls. Their choice in location isn’t lost on Elena. This is where other sorts of deals take place. If it weren’t obvious from the grizzled men that leer at them, the crates of pistols, bolts of fine lace, and casks of wine are enough of a statement on their own. 
“Aye, I’m here.” 
Dread rings its alarm bell loud and clear inside her skull when Rhodes steps out from the group of men. From the corner of her vision, Elena sees several more men approach her from behind. “Very good,” Rhodes croons at Fran, dropping a few coins into her waiting palm.
“I also snagged us this. Figured we could rough it up a bit and pass it off as the Bonnie Prince’s.” From her satchel, she pulls out the dagger Elena eyed at the shop. “And that charm she’s wearin’, that could go for a fair bit o’ coin.” 
The roof groans under the sudden onslaught of rain. Shoddy patch jobs let some of the water through, soaking the dry earth under their feet. Taking the blade from Fran, Rhodes tosses it between his hands, eyeing Elena all the while. That crooked smirk of his widens.
“Fran speaks the truth, ya know. I spoke with your captain not long before the storm. He told me a lovely tale about how he’s sailed the world looking for his love. It brought tears to my eyes, it really did.” 
“Touching,” Elena all but spits back at him. She lifts her chin to keep her eyes on his. Her hand hovers above her sword’s hilt.
“Too many heartless bastards out there, he said, trying to pull one over on ‘im.”
Her eyebrows shoot up towards her hairline. “And you’re going to be different?” 
“O’course. He’s been chasing after lies for far too long. The lad wants proof.” Rhodes strikes; he throws an arm across her chest and slams her back into the wall. Her face smacks against the rough stone; she tastes blood on her tongue. “So, I’m going to slice off one of those pretty fingers of yers, and if he don’t respond to that, I’ll keep sending him more until he--”
Elena spits in his face. He reaches to wipe it away and she ducks under his hold, using the muddy ground to slide from his next punch. Knocking his arm away, she slams her fist against his kidneys. Rhodes collapses to one knee and growls out a long string of curses.
“Send him one of yours instead,” she snarls.
Swiping the dagger from his hand, she twirls it and grips it tight before seizing his other hand. The blade slices clean through three of his fingers. His howl of pain disappears under a loud clap of thunder.
“You fucking--”
His insult never lands. With a quick snap of her knee, she knocks his head into the wall. He collapses in a heap, mottled with blood and muck. Elena bends down and wipes the blade on a clean patch of his shirt. 
When she stands up, she finds Fran gone and the other men watching her from a few yards back. Sliding her new dagger into the sheath at her breast, she throws the men a mock salute and heads out into the storm. 
She’s woken by the smell of blood. 
Her hand goes up to attend to her nosebleed before she realizes the scent is a memory from her nightmare, the last dredges of it lingering in the confines of her quarters. Not wanting her bunkmates to wake to the sound of her crying, Elena climbs out and heads for the deck. With the skeleton crew this late at night, she has no trouble sneaking past them to reach her corner of solitude at the stern.   
If she closes her eyes, she can pretend she’s aboard the Revenge. The salty ocean breeze and the rhythmic swaying of the ship could fool her so easily. When she opens her eyes, though, there is no Henry badgering her about trying his latest creation; no Charlie sauntering up with a bottle of rum; and no Edward drawing invisible lines between the stars to teach her the constellations. 
The same stars she’s looking up at now, knowing that somewhere out there across the sea, he might be gazing at them, too. 
The small pinpricks of light start to grow fuzzy. Elena folds her arms against the railing and buries her head in them, trying to muffle her crying. The idea of spending another month chasing after Edward is frustrating to no end. If this was her own time, she could just hunt him down on social media or track him down with a PI. Maybe it would be better if she planted her ass down on an island and waited for him, at this rate.    
“Are you bawling because you killed him?”
Elena jolts up in surprise. Her ribs smack against the railing. Rubbing a hand over them to soothe the ache, she turns and glowers at Robert. 
“I don’t remember inviting you to my pity party.”
“You didn’t. I crashed it.” Moving to stand beside her, he spends a long minute overlooking the dark ocean in front of them. Once she’s finished with trying to hide her tears, he asks again. “So, did you?”
“A shame.” 
Captain Delaney was the only one to ask about Rhodes when he didn’t return. When no one else responded, Robert mentioned that he decided to take a position on another ship. The lie -- and the fact that no one cared all that much for the man anyway -- seemed to work. Delaney promoted another sailor to Rhodes’s position, and that was that.  
“I should’ve listened to you,” Elena laments, not-so-subtly wiping her tear-stained sleeve against her face. “This woman approached me and said she had information about Edward. I was baited -- hook, line, and sinker.” 
His hands clench tight around the railing. “Love can make you do stupid things.”
“Are you speaking from experience?”
“Aye, actually, I am.” 
“Bullshit,” she says. “You’ve never once mentioned someone important. You only wanted to come back for the freedom, the adventure -- you said so yourself. And I understand that, I really do. The adventure is why I stayed in the first place. I could’ve snuck into Edward’s cabin or seduced him for the compass like that,” she snaps her fingers for emphasis, ignoring Robert’s snort of disbelief. “But once I had the chance… I stayed. It became about more than the thrill of it.”
“Why is it that you younguns think love is only for the thirty-and-under crowd?” 
“‘Younguns’?” Elena repeats with a grimace. 
“I was trying out some of yer Texas slang.”
“Nobody says that.” When he opens his mouth to protest, she holds up a hand. “Okay, nobody who didn’t fight in the fucking Alamo. But -- seriously, I want to know. Is there someone…?” she trails off, encouraging him to open up. 
Robert lets out a long, ragged sigh before digging into his coat. The compass in his hand is set into a simple wooden box, much less ornate than the previous one. Cradling the compass close to shield it from the wind, he digs a fingernail into a hidden switch and a small compartment slides open from the bottom. A twist of raven-colored hair falls into his palm, tied with a tiny length of twine. He traces his thumb across the coarse texture, his breathing unsteady. 
“His name is Julien. We met in Panama City while searching for Sir Francis Drake’s treasure that he stole from the Nuestra Señora de la Concepción. Though we never did find the gold, we ended up running a ship together and stealing some of our own.” Without glancing down, Robert slips the lock of hair back into the compartment and snaps it closed. It’s telling how reflexive it is, as if he repeats the move a hundred times a day. “We didn’t want to deal with the Spanish anymore than we had to, so we sailed to St. Lucia. ‘Twas run by France at the time, and our contact out there bragged about running a smuggling route right under their noses. But when we arrived, we found him in a gibbet. He’d been there a good while. Julien only knew ‘twas him from the ugly, purple trousers he wore.”
Having seen the skeletons hanging along some of the ports, Elena is thankful she missed seeing the late stages of decomposition. “Not long after, we were captured by the French. We managed to escape, but were forced to separate in order to get our crew out. Being French himself, Julien had a better chance at disguising himself as a local. The last I saw of him was when he went back in to retrieve Charlie. And then,” he pauses to clear his throat, “she came out and he didn’t, and we had to escape the island or risk getting caught all over again. And his attempts would’ve been for nothing.”
Elena wants nothing more than to wrap her friend in a hug. Knowing that he’s not big on physical touch, though, she gives what comfort she can by placing her hand alongside his on the railing. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“O’course you didn’t, because I never told you. Even in the future, there are places where our relationship would be met with the business end of a pistol.” Robert shrugs at the idea, but she can see in the set of his jaw how angry it makes him. “But even after I gained your trust and you told me about your past relationships, I felt like I still needed to keep him a secret. Old habits die hard, I suppose.”
“Tell me about him,” she requests.
With a quiet chuckle, Robert shakes his head. 
“There isn’t enough time in the day to describe him, and I’m not one to wax poetic. But he is… kinder than me, certainly. A better shot than me, too. He’s the one who taught Charlie everything she knows. The chain I gave you, that’s for him.” He puts a hand up when Elena immediately reaches up to return it. “No, no -- that whistle is much too important. The chain isn’t the… I’ve already gotten a new one. I was hoping -- I have my grandfather’s ring that I would like him to wear. If he agrees, o’course.”
She suppresses the smile that wants to form at seeing Robert flustered. 
“You’re referring to him in the… do you know if he’s alive? Where he is?”
“The last confirmed sighting of him was three years ago in Curaçao, a small island off the coast of Venezuela.”
Her brows knit together as she studies him. “Then why are you here, in the north?”
His shoulders sag with the weight of his sigh, though she can see the beginnings of a smirk on his lips. 
“Because I made you a promise, remember? Last year, when we tried our hand at stealing the sceptre from the Crown Room. The only reason I’m not locked up in some Scottish ‘House of Special Purpose’ is because you came back for me. And I told you that I would stay by yer side until we found Edward.”
“I mean, if I had left you there, you would’ve just ratted me out as an accomplice.”
That gets a proper laugh from him. “True enough, but I’ll wager the thought never crossed yer mind, did it, kid?” Her small shrug is enough of a confirmation for him. “Julien’s somewhere out there, waiting for me,” he assures. “The man has the patience of a saint. So, I’ll be sticking with you ‘til then. Make sure you get home safe and all that.”
Annoyed at the night’s second round of tears trying to make their appearance, Elena keeps her eyes on the whitecaps in the distance. 
“Don’t mention it.” In a rare show of friendship, Robert knocks his elbow against hers and jostles her from the railing. “Seriously, don’t. I do have a reputation to uphold.”
The “House of Special Purpose” is another name for the Ipatiev House, where Emperor Nicholas II, his family, and members of their household were executed in 1918. To my knowledge, there is no Scottish version -- mostly because MI5 operates out of the Thames House in London.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Whiskey Kisses
What can I say, Bry and Jonas are really cute(and affectionate) when they’re tipsy-verging-on-drunk, and I’ve been hoarding this to be my V-day fic this year for Reasons that will become apparent. :D
“So.” Bry slid a perilously full shot glass across the table, let her hand linger as she caught his eye and smirked. “Ready to taste defeat, Balkar?”
Jonas matched her smirk as he laid claim to the shot, catching a droplet that spilled down the side with his thumb. “You’re awfully confident, gorgeous.”
“‘Cause I know I can drink you under the table, handsome,” she shot back, index finger tracing around the rim of her own glass.
“Oh, really?” He held her gaze as he slowly, deliberately, sucked the escaped whiskey droplet off his thumb. “Prove it.”
Bry bit her lip at the not entirely alcohol-induced warmth that spread through her and lifted her shot glass. “With pleasure.” She waited for him to lift his as well. ”On three?”
Jonas nodded, flashing one of those dangerous grins of his. “One...”
She clinked her glass against his. “Two...”
“Three.” They were tipping back the whiskey while the word still hung on the air, swallowing even as it burned their throats, thumping the upside-down glasses back onto the cantina table almost in unison.
“Ha!” Bry crowed, slapping the table.
Jonas just shrugged, faint smirk tugging his lips. “Night’s still young. Let’s see what happens.”
She grinned and snapped her fingers to call over one of the serving droids..  “Let’s.”
Their glasses banged the tabletop simultaneously, but Bry’s flipped out of her grasp and ricocheted off the evidence of previous rounds to skitter toward the edge. Jonas grabbed for it with slightly less than his usual grace, but did catch the glass before it could plunge toward the floor.
He chuckled triumphantly and leaned forward to set it, right-side up, in front of Bry. “Think that round’s mine, gorgeous.”
“You were due one eventually,” she shot back with a teasing grin. “I’m still winning.”
Jonas raised a brow at her, looked toward the shot glasses spread out between them. “I think, at this point, I’m gonna concede defeat-”
“-Mostly in th’ interest of keepin’ us sober enough we don’t wind up somewhere we aren’t s’pposed to be.”
“That’s when things get fun, though,” Bry winked, fiddling with the glass she’d fumbled.
He shook his head with an amused smile. “Not this close to gang territory, it’s not.”
That was a good point. “Okay, then... my place or yours?”
“Your is closer,” Jonas pointed out after a moment’s thought.
“Also looks like someone tossed a grenade in right now,” Bry confessed, wrinkling her nose. “I don’t mind you seein’ it like that, but, y’know... there’ll be stuff in our way...”
“So, mine?” he said with a chuckle.
He knew her so well. “Prob’ly better, yeah. Easier t’ have fun there.”
The chuckle morphed into a laugh and he leaned across the table to steal a kiss, knocking over a few of the empty glasses as he did.
Bry reached up to grab a fistful of his jacket and held him close as she savored the whiskey-flavored kiss. Stars, but she did love his company. She signaled the serving droid over so she could pay the tab even as they broke the kiss, but Jonas beat her to it. “Jonas-”
“You can take it next time,” he waved off her protest.
“That’s what you said last time,” she said, stealing a kiss. “An’ the time b’fore that.” Another stolen whiskey-kiss as they got to their feet, but she was too happily tipsy to do more than offer teasing complaints about this trend.
“You’ll just hafta hold me to it one of these days,” Jonas said playfully as he draped one arm around her shoulders. “Or be faster on the draw with payin’.”
She wrinkled her nose but couldn’t help a giggle as they headed for the door, stumbling slightly and leaning against each other. It had probably been a good call on his part to cut things off when he did. Which was only further proven when she narrowly avoided running her shoulder into the doorway on their way past.
“Speeder or leisurely stroll?” Jonas asked. As if in answer, Bry tripped over her feet and lurched into him, almost knocking them over. He laughed and took advantage of the closeness to kiss her forehead. “Speeder it is.”
“Prob’ly wise,” Bry mumbled, pressing a somewhat sloppy kiss to the corner of his jaw. His breath hitched and this time he was the one to stumble. She giggled. “For both our sakes.”
They headed for the nearest shuttle pad, path weaving just a little as the full effects of their contest started to hit. Fortunately, there was already a shuttle waiting, the droid pilot’s eyes glowing a dull orange as it asked for a destination. Jonas gave it the address, Bry beat him to paying the fare and pulled him into the speeder’s cabin with a smug grin, and they spent the whole ride to his place making out. (Because, really, what better use of their time when tipsy and enjoying your company?)
Bry may have slid off the seat at one point and had to, giggling and awkward, lever herself back off the floor, Jonas may have laughed at her. And she may have kissed him real good to shut him up. The fingers-in-hair, how-long-can-you-hold-your-breath kind of kiss, still strongly tasting of whiskey. (His dazed look when she pulled back may have left her inordinately smug.)
Neither was the picture of grace as they clambered out of the shuttle, but at least they managed to keep their feet until they were inside Jonas’ apartment and could collapse on the couch.
Bry bit her lip to hold back another wave of giggles as the two of them kicked off their shoes and Jonas murmured a playful “Now where were we?” that she answered by kissing him again.
“Oh, right, now I remember,” he grinned between hungry kisses, one hand tangling in her hair and the other molded to the curve of her hip as she swung one leg over to straddle his lap.
“Though you might,” Bry mumbled back, sliding her hands under his shirt to graze the ticklish spot just above his hip.
Jonas yelped and jerked upright, forcing her to scramble for something to grab so she wouldn’t get dumped on the floor. “Dammit, Bry!”
This round of giggles turned into full-on cackling as she leaned forward to rest her forehead against his shoulder. Worth it. “I’m sorry,” she wheezed between fits of laughter, the words huffed into the curve of his neck, “I couldn’t resist.”
Muttering under his breath, Jonas relaxed again, settling back into the couch. “Sure you couldn’t.”
She straightened, started to finger-comb his hair back from his forehead to give apology kisses, but was rudely--painfully--interrupted by the muscles in her leg seizing up. “Kriffin’ moons of kwath,” Bry groused as she pushed away  from her previous position to lay back on the couch, her head pillowed against the arm and her legs in Jonas’ lap. “Leg cramp,” she hissed when he shot her a questioning look..
“And serves you right,” he teased with a smirk, but his hands were already rubbing her leg, those talented fingers soothing taut muscles.
Bry relaxed as her muscles did, sinking further into the couch with a happy groan. “Is this s’pposed to be punishment? ‘Cause if so, I’m gonna hafta tickle you more often...”
“Perish the thought,” Jonas said dryly, one hand rubbing her shin while the other worked on the cramp. “Last thing I need is you doin’ that more. Leg cramps are nasty, though, an’ I wouldn’t leave you suffering” --he leaned over for a kiss so quick he was pulling back by the time she reacted, the warmth and taste of whiskey lingering on her lips--”even if you deserve it.”
She laughed and gave his closer arm a light, playful swat even as her eyes drifted closed. The two of them lapsed into silence after that, comfortable and warm with the buzz of being somewhere between tipsy and mildly drunk with company you enjoyed. She curled her toes as the cramp finally eased, and his hands went still a moment before one began the idle strokes up and down her shin once more. It was peaceful, almost sleepy. Content. 
Bry couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt that way about just being with someone. She liked it. A lot. She liked him. A lot. She hummed, barely audible, a smile curling her lips as the realization settled. Whiskey always had made her philosophical. 
Jonas chuckled softly, his fingers trailing over the top of her foot before starting the next pass up her shin. “What?”
She cracked one eye open to see the amused smile he was sending her. “ ‘M just thinkin’.”
The smile widened and his fingers circled the sensitive spot on the side of her knee, making her toes curl again. “’Bout what?”
“I love you.”
The words hung on the air, a truth that had long been building in the quiet places of her heart but never spoken aloud.
Jonas’ hand stilled midway down her leg, the warmth of it an anchor to this moment, as he blinked at her, raised a brow, and murmured a mildly stunned, “What?”
“I love you,” she repeated more emphatically, pushing herself upright as she guessed where his thoughts had gone. “An’ I’m not jussayin’  that ‘cause of the whiskey. Though it is makin’ things easier...”
The stunned look melted in a crooked smile. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You were thinkin’ it, I can tell.” Bry curled her legs back so she could sit on her calves, wobbled slightly as the couch cushion gave under her shifting weight, and caught herself before placing her hands on his shoulders. She looked him dead in the eye as she repeated, again, “Jonas Balkar, I. Love. You.”
His crooked smile spread into a genuine, delighted grin and he curled one hand around the back of her neck to pull her in for a kiss. “In case you were wondering,” he murmured, so close his lips brushed hers with the words, “I love you, too.”
She let him kiss her, deep and warm, still tasting of whiskey, then grinned as she rested her forehead against his. “I figured,” she whispered impishly before kissing him again.
They cuddled close when they broke from this one, her head tucked under his chin.
“For the record,” Jonas began after a long moment’s contented pause, “I was doubting my ears, not your sincerity.”
Several ways she could tease floated through Bry’s head. She let them all go in favor of, simply, “Whadidja think I said?”
He linked his fingers between hers, her palm to his knuckles. “Wasn’t expecting to hear... that anytime soon,” he admitted, kissing behind her ear. “Thought I was imagining it, full-stop.”
This one she couldn’t resist; low-hanging fruit and all that. “Oh, c’mon, Balkar,” she teased, tilting her head back to kiss the edge of his jaw. “You know I’m full of surprises.”
Jonas chuckled wryly. “Better than most.” He kissed the top of her head. “This one’s my favorite.”
Bry grinned and squeezed his hand as she settled in close as she could get.  “Mine, too.”
So now I have a solid answer to “Who said ‘I Love You’ first?” :D Against all odds, alcohol does not make Bry more sarcastic; it makes her cute and affectionate and giggly. That was fun to discover. :P
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so yah gonna try  and rite sum - poetry t or just a buncha nonsense bout ur day - w a little whine ( a little lol - watch me now )  - got a chord progression - written down and no clue wat it 2  - wait it aint 
a progression - but notes to a chord fuck me  - a production note typo thru me also  
u do know i fake it and improvise mostly and still cant play or even know all the chords - but closer 
hey baby we makin magic not sausage widgets  - remember gidget  - no not inspector gadget  - how bout a drum solo like the 60s - but yah playing right notes in a semblance of time  - if imma trance and flow dont hafta think about notes chords time key my fingers just - fuck i dont even know half the time how or what - i mean i play practice  - uh - things - that come - here something i like and over and over - sometimes an idea but need muscle memory for the studio - fuck - tbh idk if imma b ready - ever   lol   but there been major angst in a minor key of course cuz minors always sad  - and t he b drama lately 
then i get calmed outta delusional and back into the surreal comedie francais  cuz everything sounds better in french and when in trouble i claim to b a conehead and its all good - the liver is a muscle yall - no i aint drinking not even a thot - smoking tho - no aint but fuck sometimes  - on and off copd med - cramps a motherfucker - so on and off steroids - a roller coaster rooster fur shure  - so far breathing fine - no improving but steady as goes 
uh t - not to but yah - not sure this b poetry despite a bad rhyme and nonsense here and then  - maybe the kitty ?   it aint poetry either - but ppl luv cinder - and she is 
a good one 
no i didnt make the post office - i thot 2 but no 12  - woulda made it before 12 
mobbed by murder oh my - so many and hungry - and chatty - we walk slow together - the mostly hop and fly - like a pied piper and theres a trail of missed pieces for the way home when i ran out - some come and go - the og crow mostly watch after getting a share - a couple fly off bringing one home  - and birdsong  - brave a bizzy chaos grocery  as an interlude
i gess we b chillen  - sang while walking till 
yah its wonderful life - is that a crow or raven billy   - dont lose the money this year k    - yah compulsive af - always - it a raven named jimmy - a birb star if ever - 1000 films - a talker human english style 
kitty crows a little whining lame humor bad rhymes 
yah my work is done here 
just for now  - prolly write more gibberish
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Son of the Sea
Pairing: Selkie!Steve x Female!Reader Summary: After losing your crew- your family- and waking up in a town you’ve never been to before, you find yourself going through life in a bit of haze while you recover. Your only solace is the sea, which you spend any time you can spare staring longingly at. That is until a mysterious, handsome blond makes a sudden appearance in your life. This stranger isn’t like the other townsfolk. Unlike them, he seems to understand, if the spark in his eye when he looks at the ocean is any indication. Warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, smut, vaginal sex, unprotected sex Word Count: ~8,566 A/N: This is the first Monster!Character one shot for this Spooktober season! If you’d like to be tagged in other Spooktober stories, check out this post! Send me Spooktober requests for Monster!Character fics you want to see!
Masterlist // The Monster Series Collection
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As I walked by the dockside one evening so fair To view the salt water and take the sea air I heard an old fisherman singing a song Won’t you take ma away girls me time is not long
Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper No more on the docks I’ll be seen Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green
The sounds of waves against the hull keeping time. A single fiddle carrying a joyful tune across the deck and beyond. Feminine voices singing along. Flashes of bright smiles and bright eyes. Lamps lighting the wooden deck beneath a star-spotted sky.
Now Fiddler’s Green is a place I heard tell Where the fishermen go if they don’t go to hell Where skies are all clear and the dolphins do play And the cold coast of Greenland is far, far away
Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper No more on the docks I’ll be seen Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green
Gamora swinging her reluctant sister around the deck in a wild dance. Darcy luring Jemma and Jane away from their charts and books. Wanda looking ethereal as she pulls the melancholy notes from her beautiful little instrument.
Where the sky’s always clear and there ne’er a gale Where the fish jump on board with a swish of their tail Where you lie at your leisure, there’s no work to do And the skipper’s below makin’ tea for the crew
Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper No more on the docks I’ll be seen Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green
Brunnhilde and Jessica singing along slightly off-key, off duty and piss drunk. Maria and Melinda sharpening their blades and cleaning their pistols, straight-mouthed and mirth-filled eyes. Sif watching from the crow’s nest, smile dancing on her usually dour face.
When you get on the docks and the long trip is through Ther’s pubs and ther’s clubs and ther’s laddies there too When the boys are all pretty and the beer it is free And ther’s bottles of rum growing from every tree
Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper No more on the docks I’ll be seen Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green
Helen swaying gently near the door to the hold, her usually-immaculate bun messy with little escaped hairs blowing in the salty sea air. Sharon, Daisy, and Captain Natasha all crowded around the helm, talking and laughing in the light of the lamps.
Now, I don’t want a harp nor a halo, not me Just give me a breeze and a good rolling sea I’ll play me old squeeze-box as we sail along With the wind in the rigging to sing me a song
Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper No more on the docks I’ll be seen Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green
You stared out at the expanse of grey-blue in front of you, not actually seeing the oranges and reds of the sunset slowly dipping below the horizon. Nor did you feel the tears slip down your cheeks and into the water. The tide was so far out that the largest wave barely reached the ground ten feet below where you sat on the long pier, feet dangling over the edge.
Ten weeks you’d been cooped up in the hospital of this tiny town. Ten weeks of being coddled and drugged and suffering without the feeling of your ship rocking you to sleep.
Ten and a half weeks since everyone you ever cared about died when the ship capsized in a storm.
“And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green...”
The sound of someone else singing startled you so much that it took you a moment to realize it hadn’t come from someone on the dock. You swiveled, alarmed, wincing as the movement tweaked your still-healing ribs.
“Sorry, didn’t mean ta startle ya.”
You frowned and peered over the edge of the dock, eyes widening in surprise at the sight below. You rubbed the unshed tears from your eyes, but that didn’t change what you saw.
A man stood below and, for all you could tell, he seemed as surprised by that fact as you did. His bright blue eyes glittered in the slowly dying light of the sunset, its rays catching his damp, straw-colored hair and setting it ablaze with orange highlights. A damp shirt clung to his chest, so thin it was practically see-through. An equally wet pair of beige pants clung to his legs, letting you see perhaps more than you’d bargained for.
Your initial surprise having subsided, you frowned down at him. “It’s... alright...” you said hoarsely, only realizing at that moment how long it had been since you last talked with another person.
He smiled hesitantly, the brightness in his eyes fading slightly. It was a minor change, but he suddenly looked wary. “I just... heard you singin’. Fiddler’s Green is one of my favorites.”
You snorted. “Not so sure if you can count that as singing.”
He shifted from one foot to the other and shrugged, smile getting a little tight. “Either way. I s’pose I just didn’t expect it to hear it on land. Usually only sailors-”
“Did you need something?” you snapped, his sudden appearance grating on your nerves, still worn as raw as the first day you’d woken up on land.
His mouth closed with a nearly audible snap, and he looked from you to the ocean, obviously uncomfortable. That you could intimidate such a large man would normally have amused you, but you weren’t in the mood for company.
“I, uh... Sorry, you were crying and I... I wanted to help...” he seemed to struggle with finding the right words and you were sure he’d almost swallowed his tongue once or twice.
You stared at him for a moment or two. “Why’re you wet?” you asked finally, eyebrow raised.
That made a light blush spread across his cheeks. “Well... I was swimmin’, you see...” he trailed off, unable to meet your eyes.
“In your clothes?” you asked flatly.
He looked back at you, panic widening his eyes and pulling his muscles taught. “Ah, well... no, but I forgot to bring something to dry off with,” he explained hesitantly, eyes glued to the ground. His face was only a few feet below you, so you could easily see the blush spreading to his cheeks.
You expected him to explain his peculiar actions, but when no explanation was forthcoming, you let out a sigh and took pity on the man. He seemed more or less harmless- size aside- and he was the first person whose presence didn’t grate on your nerves. “Get up here, then, and watch the sunset with me. Consider it payment for startling me.”
His blue eyes flicked up to you and you swore you saw his irises flash like an animal’s in the night. But no, it must have just been a trick of the shifting light.
He smiled, though, and made him look so innocent and happy that you nearly found yourself smiling back. After a quick nod he was off, jogging awkwardly a couple dozen feet up the shore until he was able to easily haul himself up and onto the dock. You felt the vibrations in the sturdy old wood planks as he walked over to you, but your gaze was already trained on the ocean again, squinted ever so slightly against the glare of the sunset.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” you asked distractedly, watching as the waves hundreds of meters/yards out undulated and churned in a way that showed easily the ocean’s beauty and power.
When he answered, you were surprised by how earnest and heartfelt his answer was. “Yes, she is.”
You turned to look at him, once again caught by surprise by this man. He was staring at the horizon with the same gleam you knew was in your own gaze. You didn’t mean to stare, but he must have sensed it, because he turned to look at you, smile once again slowly slipping from his face. “What?” he asked, confused and hesitant.
You tried to assuage him with a smile, but it ended up being more of a grimace. Giving it up as a bad job, you turned back to the view, letting it be a balm on your aching soul. “You’re the first person in this whole town that seems to understand,” you admitted as the sun finally sunk below the horizon.
His gaze lingered on you for a few beats more before he finally turned away again, giving you that one small privacy. “There’s a reason you’re not...” he paused, frowning, the furrow in his brow visible even in your peripheral vision. Finally, “-sailing?” he asked, though it was really half-statement, half question.
“Yes,” was all you could answer, not letting yourself linger on those thoughts now that it was getting dark.
“But you don’t want to return?” That question was asked in earnest this time.
You scoffed and found yourself answering even though this stranger had no right to know about the facets of your life. “Of course I do.”
Something in your tone must have caught his attention because he turned to look at you again, frown marring his beautiful face. “I don’t understand,” he admitted, almost regretfully.
You tore your eyes from the purple sky, settling on the man who shifted almost nervously at the attention. “My old crew got taken by a storm and our ship- Siren’s Marvel- got pulled down by the swells. I managed to cling to a piece of debris and floated all the way here, but...” You bit your lip against the encroaching thoughts. Somehow, it was easier to talk to him about everything. He seemed like a man who had seen a lot. At the very least, he seemed to understand the sea. “I asked the townspeople to inquire with neighboring towns, hoping against hope that a few of my crew had made it. Turned out to be a damned fool’s errand,” you whispered bitterly, words nearly swallowed by the sound of the waves.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, and with such sincerity you had no trouble knowing he meant it.
You frowned and didn’t answer, having heard enough platitudes over the last two and half months that you were tired of acting as though you were alright with what had happened. The man didn’t press and you took a small comfort in that.
“What’s your name?” you murmured after some time, eyes finally opening completely as the sun’s light finally faded and the sky turned a deep purple.
He didn’t respond immediately and you were about to ask if he was alright, but he got out a tentative “Steve” before you could.
You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye before looking away again. “It’s nice to meet you, Steve. I’m (Y/N).”
“(Y/N).” He said your name as though tasting it and you fought the urge to shiver. It... sounded nice coming out of those lips. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” You could hear the smile in his voice and you couldn’t help the tiny smile that worked its way onto your face.
Steve’s POV
Seven tears. His ma had always warned him about it, but even as he nodded and agreed to stay away from the shores where humans lived, he couldn’t help but think it was just some kind of superstition. Humans- the same frail things that needed ships to stay alive in the ocean- couldn’t possibly call one of his kind with just a few tears, right?
He’d grown up believing that all his life, but that was before he felt the pull for the first time in his life. Even as his mind kicked into overdrive with fear and trepidation he swam onward through the ocean water, propelled swiftly by his flippers and webbed feet. If any human saw him they’d think him a simple seal, but he was what the humans called a “selkie.” Before he knew it he was looking at a human-made construct; a “dock” if he wasn’t mistaken. He couldn’t say the word in this form, but he’d heard enough sailors talking that he was fairly sure he knew what they were by now.
A single human female was sitting on the edge of the dock, hunched over her own legs, tear tracks still visible on her cheeks as she gazed out at the horizon. Bandages were visible on her hands and feet, which dangled out over the slowly receding tide.
What were the chances, he wanted to scream. What were the chances she’d shed exactly seven tears, and not ten minutes later when the ocean would be too far out to receive them?
Still, his nature compelled him forward and he nearly flinched as he felt his pelt grow looser the closer to the shore he came. His body was changing as he swam until his flipper- no, his hand. His human hand- reached the ocean-smoothed pebbles of the shore.
His other hand immediately went to grab his pelt which was quickly slipping off his shoulders and he marveled for a second at the dexterous digits that allowed him to grip it so easily. He stood unsteadily, taking a moment to gain his balance on his new, long legs. With a quick glance around he confirmed that she was the only human in the area, and wrapped his pelt hastily around his waist. He dare not go near her in only his pelt; surely someone who stared at the sea with such ardor would know the tale of his kind. She’d steal his pelt and keep it hidden from him and he’d never be able to return to the sea.
Frantically he looked around for human clothes he could wear and immediately spotted some hanging on a line of rope outside a nearby house whose windows were dark. He wasn’t sure if they’d fit, but he had to try.
It was only until he got closer that he realized they were nearly dripping with water. He narrowed his eyes, fairly sure that humans didn’t wear their clothes wet, but he didn’t have many options. He slipped them off the line and tugged them on with a little difficulty, losing his balance at least four times while he tried to get on the ones that went over his long legs. They were much too short but thankfully fit over his hips. The shirt followed a moment later and, now clothed and assuredly the peak of subtlety, he hid his pelt in what looked like a largely disused shed of wood, vowing to return the moment he helped the human woman.
He didn’t walk onto the dock, not at first. He was still nervous and being so close to the ocean was something he felt he needed at the moment... but then he heard her singing- though it was more of a distracted whisper- and he couldn’t help himself.
“Wrap me up in me oil-skin and jumper. No more on the docks I’ll be seen. Just tell me old shipmates, I’m taking a trip mates-”
“And I’ll see you some day in Fiddler’s Green...” The sound of his own voice startled him, the surprise that he could form the words to the song he’d heard human sailors sing so many times nearly flooring him. Even more stunning, though, was the face of the woman as she turned to look at him in surprise.
Oh, he thought quietly. No wonder her tears called me. She’s perfect, he thought, nearly forgetting to breathe.
Your POV
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, but eventually you realized you were cold. If the gentle tremors coming from Steve every once in a while were anything to go by, he was freezing in his damp clothes, too.
“Come on, then,” you said as you stood a little stiffly, stretching once you finally got to your feet.
Perhaps you underestimated how cold he was because he looked a bit like a newborn deer as he clambered to his feet... then toppled over and on top of you.
You were surprised that the fall didn’t hurt as much as it should have. You opened your eyes (which you didn’t remember closing) and found yourself mere inches/centimeters away from Steve. Your breath caught in your throat, but Steve’s eyes widened and he quickly clambered off of you with a torrent of apologies. It took you a split second to realize you weren’t hurt because he’d carefully wrapped his arms around you and used them to break the fall while also keeping his huge body from crushing you.
“I’m so sorry, that was horribly clumsy’a me. Are you hurt?” he asked, looking you up and down frantically for any sign of [new] injuries.
A short laugh left your lips and Steve stilled immediately at the sound, eyes widening in surprise, but you were still too amused by his fussing to care. “’M fine, you big simpleton,” you got to your feet with a little more ease this time, surprised that the fall hadn’t aggravated your ribs at all. Steve looked only slightly less troubled by this news but dutifully got to his feet once more with a little more grace than the first attempt (you took a precautionary step away just in case). “How’s some food sound?” you asked, already walking towards the center of the small town without waiting for a response. It was late, but you were sure the tavern would still be open for at least another hour or two. You still had enough money for a few days before you’d need to start going to the church for food... perhaps it’d be best if you traveled to a town with a larger harbor. The chances of finding a crew that was taking on new blood- and a woman, at that- was slim to none. Natasha had been a particularly rare breed of woman who’d put together a crew of only women. It had been the best time of your life, but it was gone now. You knew they’d never forgive you if you let yourself rot away in some podunk middle-of-nowhere shithole, though.
“Food?” Steve asked, sounding almost childlike in his curiosity.
You turned to glance at him over your shoulder, smirk on your lips. “Yeah, food. Don’t worry, I’ll pay. Just this once, though. As a thank you for being such nice company.”
His frown only deepened, though. He seemed to be confused by what should have been a relatively straight-forward sentence. He settled with, “But I didn’t do anything.”
You turned back to the road, not wanting to trip over a stray rock or branch, and shrugged. “You listened. Didn’t prod like everyone in town does. And...” you paused, frowning, “you love the ocean. That’s good enough for me.”
He didn’t respond to that, but you could practically hear him screaming questions at you in his head.
The sound of the rowdy tavern crowd reached you before you turned the corner and you hummed absently to one of the tunes Stanley was banging out on the old piano- one of the old diddys he played at least five times a night that you pretended to hate but secretly enjoyed.
The moment you stepped inside you were greeted by a chorus of hellos from nearly every patron in the tavern. All of the regulars were in, but you didn’t pay them any mind beyond a “hello.” They’d learned weeks ago that you could drink any of them under the table and beat them with near 100% efficiency at cards and had long stopped betting any money against you. They were part of why you’d been able to go so long without a job, but that was no longer an option.
Their eyes lingered a little longer on Steve and his slightly damp and too-small clothes earned a few laughs, but they by and large left the two of you alone.
Steve sat in the chair across from yours at the small, rickety table in the corner, eyes flicking everywhere and lingering nowhere for any more than a few seconds.
“What, never been in a tavern before?” you asked when Stanley finally took a break for a minute.
Steve froze and his eyes flicked to you with guilt reminiscent of a child with their hand caught in a cookie jar. It was such a startling juxtaposition to how large and physically imposing he was that you couldn’t help the amused smirk that tilted up the corners of your lips.
“Would you believe me if I said I haven’t?” he asked sheepishly.
You barked out a laugh and once again Steve’s expression shifted, though you couldn’t quite place it. “After a reaction like that? Yes, I would.” Steve relaxed slightly at that, only to tense up again when the barmaid came around and took your orders (two pints of ale, a loaf of bread, and whatever reputable slices of meat they had left, which ended up being pig).
Once she was gone he relaxed again, and you finally took a moment to look at him. The glow of the lamps in the tavern cast him in a warm light, not unlike that of the sunset. He was muscular with almost no tan, which was odd for how muscular he was. Your inner musings were interrupted by the arrival of food, but Steve was too preoccupied by the plates of food to get awkward again about being around another person.
“This is for me?” he asked, pointing nervously to the plate in front of him which had nearly twice the amount of food as yours.
You nodded and began to cut into your meat, and he glanced from you to his plate. You nearly choked with laughter as he picked up an entire piece and took a huge bite of pork. It was a struggle to chew and swallow without laughing at the look on his face. Joy. Wonder. He stared down at the pork as though it had been given to him by God himself and he tore through the rest of the slice in seconds.
Thankfully, he finished chewing and swallowing before he spoke, but it was a close thing. “This is delicious,” he said with wide eyes, looking so earnest and happy you couldn’t help but smile.
“I’ll make sure Vanessa passes the compliments onto Wade. He loves getting compliments from anyone and everyone,” you said as you tore a chunk of bread off the loaf and slathered the soft, fluffy parts in butter. Steve watched you with rapt attention and the second after you bit into the chunk of bread he copied you. You nearly choked in earnest at the sound he made, heat rushing to your face. The moan was nearly sexual, so much so that a few heads turned your way in both curiosity and judgement.
“Uh, Steve?” you asked, trying valiantly to keep your tone neutral.
“Mm?” Steve mumbled, face nearly packed to bursting with bread and meat.
Your eyes widened slightly with just a little bit of horror (surely his cheeks would burst at this rate) and you cleared your throat with a swig of ale. It was like watching an animal eat. “Maybe, uh, cool it with the noises? And don’t inhale your food. It’s not going anywhere,” you said as kindly as you could mange.
Steve paused and swallowed thickly and, as if finally sensing all the stares he was getting, glanced over his shoulder nervously. Curious eyes swiftly returned to their food or friends, but it was clear from the way Steve’s face tinged pink all the way to the tips of his ears that he’d seen.
“It’s... very good. The food,” he muttered as he began eating a more sedate pace. Instead of shoving an entire half slab of meat in his mouth (or attempting to) he picked up a knife and, with a little bit of difficulty, cut a smaller piece off. He still forewent the fork though, instead choosing to use his hands.
You couldn’t help but smile at him and nodded. “Yeah, I agree. I’ll be sad when I can’t eat Wade’s food anymore.”
Steve paused, chuck of bread halfway to his mouth. “I don’t understand. Are you goin’ somewhere?” The little crease between his brows was more endearing than it had any right to be.
You shook your head. “No, but I’ve been in town for a few weeks. Had to repay a lot of people for saving my life, then once I was well enough the father at the church kicked me out, so I’ve been renting an upstairs room from Vanessa. No one in town will play cards with me anymore. It means I’m essentially out of money.”
Steve’s frown only deepened though. “They charged you? For helping?”
You raised an eyebrow at that. “Yeah, I was nearly dead. It took a lot of time and medicine to save me. It’s not surprising that they made me pay.”
“And that’s common here? To make someone pay for saving your life?” He looked downright confused now, and maybe a bit angry.
You shrugged and swallowed a swig of ale before answering. “Aye, it’s very usual.” It dawned on you then that his reaction was odd, even for someone who lived on land... and that you’d never seen him before. Your eyes narrowed slightly but you tried your best to appear casual. “Where are you from, anyway? Haven’t seen you before- though that might be because I spent so much of my time in the apothecary’s and then the church.” You watched him closely while trying to appear that you weren’t and buttered the last of your bread as nonchalantly as you could.
But Steve immediately stiffened like a board. “I, uh...” He seemed at a loss for words, but you simply waited patiently for him to answer. It wasn’t a difficult question, after all. Finally, after a nearly uncomfortable long stretch of silence, he muttered “Ireland?” He sounded so unsure that you knew he was lying, but the delivery was just too funny.
You struggled to keep a straight face. “Was that a question or an answer?”
He fidgeted nervously with his mug. “Dublin,” he said instead, with only the slightest tremor this time.
You only stared at him harder, though. “Don’t have an Irish accent.”
He just shrugged, though, relaxing a little. “It’s where my ma said she was from, but the sea’s been my home for as long as I can remember.”
No matter how hard you looked you didn’t find any signs of that part, at least, being a lie. A nod, then, “I could tell that much. Only those who’ve lived at sea look at it the way you do.”
That made the spark in Steve’s eyes return, a genuine smile finally returning to his face. He did, however, change the subject with the finesse of a raging bull elephant in an antiques shop. “So, cards? What’s that?”
You barked out a laugh that had a few patrons at the nearby tables giving you dirty looks. “You’re a sailor, but you don’t know cards? What kinda ship were you on? Some fancy trade vessel where the only other people were businessmen with sticks up their arses?” Steve’s face went a brilliant shade of red, but that only made you smile wider. “Ah, whatever. Doesn’t matter. Cards. Like this,” you pulled a well-loved pack from your back pocket and slid them across the table. “You play games of luck and skill with them, but sadly for everyone in this town, I was taught how to play by Melinda and Gamora who were-” You choked mid sentence, words dying in your throat. Without thinking about it, you’d begun referring to them in the past tense. Your crew, your family.
“It sounds like you were very close with them. I’m sure they were wonderful people.”
You were in such shock that you’d nearly forgotten that Steve was there. Even as you gave him your best, bravest smile, you felt your eyes begin watering. “Sorry, s’cuse me.” The plates and mugs clattered loudly as you hastily got up from the table and all but ran for the door, not even hearing Wade yelling at Stanley to, “Keep playing, you beautiful old bastard!” and Stanley’s immediate “I brought you into this world and I can take you out, sonny!”
By the time you looked up again you were back on the dock, but it was so dark, with the moon hiding behind the clouds, that you couldn’t see the waves. Judging from the sound, though, the tide was in.
With the roar of the tide to muffle sounds and the blanket of darkness to hide you from view, you turned your face to the cloud-covered sky and cried. Hot tears ran down your cheek, only to be cooled by the sea breeze before they fell to the rough, weathered planks below. Your voice, too, was swallowed by the wind and carried to the horizon.
It could have been seconds, minutes, or hours- time had no meaning to you at that moment- but eventually you felt the planks beneath your feet vibrate from something other than the pounding waves below.
“Go away, Ness. You got customers and I’ve taken enough of your time and pity,” you croaked, hoping she’d hear you and just, for the first time since you’d met her, listen.
Instead, two arms that were much too large to be Vanessa’s came into view and reeled you into a chest that was much too vast and muscular to be even Wade’s.
Being hugged by a person you’d just met- and being able to know who it was with such certainty- should have alarmed you, but you merely sagged in his arms and use the sleeve of your itchy cotton shirt to wipe the tear tracks from your eyes. “Whaddya want, Steve?” you asked, perhaps a bit too grumpily, because he immediately sounded nervous.
“Sorry, was this wrong? I know people usually smile when they do this and you were making those hurt noises and leaking from your eyes so I just- acted and- Sorry, I’ll-” he babbled and made to move away, but you reached up and held his arms firmly in place.
You gave his forearm a gentle squeeze and shook your head slowly, lips twitching up in an aborted smile at his description of crying. “No, s’alright. It’s... nice,” you admitted quietly.
A pause that nearly had you shifting nervously, but then he gave you a gentle squeeze. “That’s... good.” His breath ghosted against your hair, recognizable even though the wind was constantly playing with it. The two of you stood there for a while, listening to the sound of the waves, before he spoke up again. “We can stay here for a while, if you want?” he asked.
The offer alone quieted some of the noise in your head. “I’d like that,” you muttered, suddenly so grateful for this mystery man’s sudden appearance. In such a short amount of time he’d made you feel more at ease than any of the townsfolk had managed to in weeks.
What you didn’t expect was for Steve to pick you up with what appeared to be no effort at all and sit down on the dock, placing you carefully between his legs. You sat stiffly while he shifted for a second or two more before finally stilling then turned to look at him out of the corner of your eye. It was hard to see him with the lights of the town behind him, but he seemed to be staring almost expectantly at you. You gave him a confused frown, but you couldn’t see enough of his face to try to puzzle out what his agenda was. Instead, you trusted your gut (which you’d been listening to the entire time you’d been around him) and turned your back to him, slowly leaning backwards until your back met his chest.
The moment that you touched the wind finally managed to clear some of the clouds from the sky and the moon peaked out between them. It was nearly hard to look at it after the near pitch blackness you’d been in since you’d left the tavern.
“It’s beautiful,” Steve breathed behind you, and you couldn’t help but agree. As though spurred on by the initial moving of the clouds, the sky was rapidly clearing, allowing you to see the vast expanse of stars glittering like jewels in the velvety darkness of the night.
You couldn’t help but agree, but the more you looked, the farther back your head tilted until, finally, it hid the hard surface of Steve’s shoulder.
He tensed at the same time you did, both of you turning your heads just enough to look at each other, matching looks of surprise on your faces. His ocean-blue eyes were just barely visible in the light of the moon and he was staring at you with such intensity that you could barely breathe. His gaze flicked down to your lips, then quickly back up to your eyes. Even with the palpable energy simmering in the nearly nonexistent space between you, you somehow knew he wouldn’t make the first move.
So you surprised both of you by closing the distance between you and sealing your lips against his in a kiss. They were as soft and warm as they looked, but the simple contact wasn’t enough. The need for more was so strong it was as though you were drowning without it. Before you knew it you’d turned around to face him, fingers buried into the fabric of his shirt and chest pressed up against his. It was clear from the way he was pulling you closer that he didn’t object to the sudden turn of events. In fact, he was the one that deepened the kiss by nipping at your bottom lip and slipping in his tongue when you gasped in surprise.
You broke apart panting from the lack of air and leaned back far enough to get a look at Steve, who looked just as surprised, pleased, and rumpled as you felt.
“If it’s all the same to you,” you heard yourself saying, “I’d like to take you back to my room and make some time with you.”
He went even redder, but his expression turned tentatively hopeful and eager. “Does that mean more of this?” he asked, unsure.
You smirked and leaned forward, kissing a line from his mouth to his ear, where you nibbled gently on his earlobe and shell of his ear. “This... and more,” you breathed, smile widening at the way his whole body shivered when you spoke.
But a second later a surprise yelp escaped your mouth as Steve stood, cradling you close to his chest as though you weighed nothing, and made a beeline for the tavern, which couldn’t come into sight quickly enough.
And then, for the first time since you woke up in this town, you weren’t thinking about your crew. In fact, you were hardly thinking at all.
When you woke up, Steve was sitting at the edge of your bed.
You blinked the sleep from your eyes and yawned, tugging the blanket back up from where it had pooled around your waist in the night. “Come back to bed, Stevie, ‘M tired and you’re warm.” Your eyes were already sliding shut again when he spoke.
Something in his voice set your teeth on edge and you sat up slowly, eyeing him warily as your body and mind tried to wake up as quickly as possible.
It was only once you were upright that you realized he was hunched over on himself, holding something between his hands. His ocean blue eyes gazed up at you, more nervous than you’d ever seen him.
Between his sweaty palms was a pelt.
A seal pelt.
“Oh,” you breathed as everything fell into place in your mind.
“You know what this is.” It was a half question, half statement, and all you could do was nod. “You know what I am.” Another nod from you, but the way he said it finally made you look up from the pelt. He was staring at you as though you were the larger, inherently more dangerous of the two people in the room and, you supposed, he was right to an extent. You’d heard plenty of stories of humans taking selkies’ pelts away from them and binding them to the shore.
He was looking at you as though you were a powder keg placed a little too closely to a torch.
As slowly and carefully as you could you got out of bed, goosebumps immediately rising as your bare skin was subjected to the chilly air of the inn. The fire had gone out at some point in the night and the freezing morning air was doing little to help the situation. You walked over to the small trunk in the corner and knelt down, making yourself look as small and unimposing as possible as you moved a few of your belongings around.
Finally, when you were satisfied, you looked up and beckoned him over. He had obviously been watching you closely and, although he’d put his pants back on, you could tell he wasn’t completely unaffected by seeing you nude, even if he was too nervous to act on his body’s obvious interest.
“You can keep it in here, if you want. How much longer do you have before...?” you asked, looking up at him as he towered above you.
But your words only seemed to make him warier. “You’re going to keep my pelt?” The question was as accusatory as it was full of betrayal.
You shook your head quickly and scooted a little farther away (not that the room was large enough for you to go very far). “There’s a lock on the trunk, but you can keep the key. I don’t really have anything of value, anyway. Nothing as important as your pelt, at least. I’d never keep you from the sea,” you said, hoping your earnestness seeped into your voice. You pulled said key from where it sat on the little table near you and held it out to him, open-palmed. The worn loop of hemp string attached to it hung limply between your fingers.
He stared at you a moment longer before he reached for it with a trembling hand and gave you one last cautionary glance before he knelt down in front of the trunk. He tested the key before anything else, which you understood, even if it hurt. Satisfied that the key worked, he carefully folded his pelt and gently set it in the space you made, giving it one last fretful pat before he closed the lid and locked it.
He stared at the lid for a few moments before looking over at you, some of the tension finally leaking out of his shoulders.
“Will you come back to bed now?” you asked with a small hopeful smile.
But Steve only looked confused now. “You don’t care?” he asked instead of moving.
You shrugged and finally stood, purposefully turning your back on him to crawl back into bed. “I care, but not in the way you’re thinkin’.” You burrowed under the blanket and turned your head to look at him, wishing fiercely that he was beside you instead of so far away.
His hand reached up and gently clasped the key, already subconsciously worried about its security. “I don’t understand.”
You smiled sadly at him. “I lost the sea. My home. My family. I can only imagine what that would be like for you. I won’t subject you to the same... but I know that means I’ll lose you. And that’s something I care about. Since the moment I woke up, you’re the only thing that’s felt real.”
Steve’s conflicted expression cleared in an instant at the admission, morphing into something you were afraid to put a name to with his impending departure. It did, at least, get him up and towards the bed. You stopped him with a hand and tugged at the waistband of his pants, annoyance at the garment clear as day on your face. His resulting laugh was music to your ears- deep and throaty and bereft of the anxiety that had colored your morning thus far.
He stripped them off lightning fast and crawled into bed behind you, plastering himself to your back and placing gentle kisses to your neck. His lips brushed the bruises from the night before and you sighed as his arousal made itself known in the form of his erection pressing insistently against your ass.
“I’m teaching you more positions than this one.” Before you leave hung unspoken in the air, but you knew Steve understood.
“But?” he murmured against your skin as his hands mapped the expanse of your body, slowly but surely moving downwards.
His fingers finally found what they were searching for and you gasped as they ghosted over your clit. “But that’s for a little later,” you breathed as he parted your folds and lined himself up, sliding in easily from how wet and open you still were from the previous night (which really only ended a few hours ago).
You both moaned as his hips met your ass and you shivered as he mouthed wet kisses along your skin and up to your ear. “I can’t wait, Starlight.”
One Year Later
“(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you?”
Steve’s voice carried through the open windows, audible over the sound of the ocean. You had half a mind to cuss him out but didn’t, knowing it’d only make it all the more likely that-
A pitiful, sad whimper came from the crib next to you and you groaned in earnest as it turned into a full blown cry. You reached into the crib and pulled your precious baby girl to your chest, murmuring sweet nothings as you bounced her gently in your arms.
Steve burst through the door a second later, hair swept every which way from the wind, and skin more tanned than it had been a year ago (likely from all the time he spent on his fishing boat).
You glared at him, though you knew it wasn’t as intimidating as you’d intended. “What is it, Stevie? I just got Sarah to sleep and-”
Steve looked apologetic, but whatever it was was urgent because he glanced over his shoulder before looking back at you. “I’m sorry, Starlight. But there’s something you really gotta see,” he said insistently.
You raised an eyebrow at your usually calm husband (calm as long as he didn’t see anyone being malicious or disrespectful, then all bets were off) and, adjusting your hold on Sarah, walked over to the door. “What’s got you all in a huff, Sweetheart?” you asked curiously, absently placing a kiss to his cheek as you passed him.
Steve was practically vibrating with excitement. You hadn’t seen him this thrilled since you’d finished the fishing boat together. “Well I’ve been askin’ around and when Bucky told me about-”
“You’ve been talking to that siren again? He’s dangerous, you know,” you said with narrowed eyes.
Steve frowned but decided not to comment, instead barreling on with his explanation. “I was tellin’ him about you and Sarah and how I met you and then he told me-”
Steve kept talking, but you stopped listening the moment you crested the hill. There, in the village’s tiny harbor, was the Siren’s Marvel, bobbing happily in the waves.
Even from here you could spot Natasha and Nebula’s fiery red hair as well as Sharon’s bright blonde that reflected the sun like nothing else. The other dark haired women were lounging on the deck and you could hear their conversations faintly on the wind.
“They’re alive...” you breathed, hardly daring to believe your eyes.
It wasn’t until you felt Steve gently taking the precious bundle from your arms that you looked at him, snapped back to the present.
“Am I hallucinating?” you asked him with wide eyes.
Steve smiled gently and shook his head. “No, I, uh... when Bucky said that he’d seen a ship and crew matching the description I gave him, I begged him to do a favor for me and, well...” He looked over at the ship, his expression a bit clouded, a stiff smile plastered to his face. He looked back at you, smile growing a bit at your obvious excitement. “Go on, I know you want to go see them.”
You stared at him for a moment, shifting from foot to foot. Finally, your enthusiasm and curiosity got the better of you and you were off like a rocket, barreling down the path from your cabin to the dock, heedless of the fact that you didn’t have shoes on.
By the time your foot hit the first plank of the dock you could hear the voices on the ship pick up in volume. As always, Sif’s eyes were the sharpest, her cry of surprise alerting the other sailors instantly. You were barely halfway to the ship before they were running down the gangplank and running towards you, various looks of shock, surprise, and elation on their faces.
You were engulfed by all of them (except Jessica, Natasha, Nebula, Maria, and May, who looked on from the deck of the ship with undeniably fond smiles), each clamoring to touch you, talk to you, reassure themselves that you were real.
You got half-dragged, half-carried onto the deck of the ship, tears leaking out of your eyes.
They were alive. They were here. They cared.
And Steve had-
“Um, hello.”
Every person on board turned to face Steve and it was only you and Captain Natasha that didn’t draw weapons.
“Siren’s Marvel is no place for men,” May said tersely. “Get lost, blondie.”
Steve turned his big blue eyes on you, confusion and hesitation lining every feature. In an instant, you could see the fear in his eyes. That you would leave and take Sarah with you.
You pushed past your former crew mates and stood beside Steve, taking Sarah carefully from his arms. He didn’t relax at all until you laced your fingers together with his.
“Uh, everyone. This is Steve, my...” you paused, frowning. He wasn’t your husband- you never got married. But “father of my child” didn’t cover it, either. Lover wasn’t right; your relationship was too intimate for something so simple. “He’s mine. And I’m his,” you said finally, bracing for the worst of it. “And this is Sarah, our daughter.”
They all stared at you as though you’d grown a second head, looking from you, to Steve, to the little baby girl in your arms, before, one by one, they turned to look at Natasha.
You and Steve looked at her, too, but Steve froze the moment he got a good look at her. “You didn’t tell me your Captain was a siren! No wonder Bucky knew her!” he hissed in your ear.
You stared at him in shock, not knowing what to say.
Natasha’s head tilted to the side and she stepped forward past the crew which was looking between Steve and Natasha, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.
She stopped a few feet away from you and stared Steve up and down, considering. Finally, she turned to look at you. “You’re not keeping his pelt, are you?” she asked quietly enough that the other women couldn’t hear, voice carefully neutral.
You quickly shook your head, trying your best to not jostle Sarah. “Of course not!”
Steve pulled the leather necklace and attached key which unlocked the chest in your house from his tunic. “I’m the keeper of my own pelt.”
She turned her attention to him. “And yet you haven’t left for the water. Why?” Her green eyes were staring shrewd holes through his head.
Steve stared at you for a second, eyes growing soft. “Because I love her and my daughter,” he responded resolutely and with such obvious tenderness that your heart clenched involuntarily.
“But you love the sea.” It wasn’t a question, just a statement of fact.
Steve just nodded, though.
“We both do,” you said, longing clear in your voice. Ever since you became pregnant you hadn’t trusted yourself on the water and then, once she was born, Sarah needed so much care and attention that you didn’t have time to join Steve out on the boat.
Natasha nodded as though she’d decided something important. “Going to go get your things, or will you keep us waiting all day?” she said loud enough for the others to hear.
Your brain stopped working, unable to process the question, but the others had no such issues.
“Captain?” Sharon asked uncertainly, frown creasing her brow.
“We takin’ men now?” Brunnhilde asked, obviously offended by the thought.
Natasha shrugged and turned her back on you and Steve and sauntered leisurely over to the helm. “He’s one of the good ones. Besides, if he becomes a problem we can just throw him overboard.” There was a wickedly amused glimmer in her eye that had you a bit nervous. The unsaid “with his pelt,” hung in the air between the three of you.
Natasha really was a Siren, then? And she knew that Steve was a selkie?
When her sentence was met with silence, she gave them all a stony, cold stare. “So we’re to leave without (Y/N), then?”
“No, ma’am!” rang out across the deck and you felt your heart skip a beat. Hearing how much your former crew loved you was- it was nice.
“So we’re to take her with us and leave the father of the child behind? You would condemn the child to that when the father is so obviously devoted and caring?”
“No, ma’am!” resounded across the crew, with more enthusiasm than you were expecting.
Your crew- they’d accept Steve... for you and Sarah?
You were probably more shocked than the rest of them as hot tears began to roll down your cheeks. By the time you took your first shuddering breath, Steve had his arms around you, careful not to squish Sarah, who was staring at her papa and mama and the people around her with wide blue eyes that perfectly matched her father’s.
Steve placed a kiss to your forehead and brushed some loose hairs from your face, tucking them back behind your ear. He tilted your chin up and smiled fondly at you and used his big, rough thumb to gently wipe the tear tracks from your face, though they were immediately replaced by new ones. “Smile, Starlight. We’re home,” he said quietly.
That had you smiling through the tears, a half-sob, half-laugh leaving your lips. “Yeah. We are.”
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lilactranslations · 9 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 8! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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vide0-nasties · 5 years
on the alabaster stones
2.9k words, arthur morgan/f!oc, sfw: arthur morgan and wildwood bordelon prepare for their ramshackle, spur-of-the-moment wedding. spoiler-heavy, specifically for chapter 5: saint denis and on.
It’s a funeral as much as a wedding, Wildwood straightening his collar-length hair pushing it from his face. Her eyes are bloodshot, brimming, and she sniffles and sighs in effort to keep herself composed.
Her hands shake, and Arthur is sorry for it. He catches them and kisses them when he can. When she tucks a yellow wildflower into the breast pocket on his vest. When she tucks a purple one behind his ear. He brings her knuckles to his lips, and speaks against her skin without meeting her eyes, “Actin’ like you’re laying me out for burial, Perdie.”
Calls her by the name her mother kept gentle in her cupped hands. Snags her, tugs the thread of history between them to still her hands and catch her eyes.
“I’m makin’ peace being your widow,” she tells him, voice deep and dark as the bottom of a dry well. Her skin is pink under the evening sun, her freckles a pretty chestnut against it all. “There’s coming a fuckin’ reckoning, and chances are I won’t get to bury you. I want to do you right, even if it’s right now.”
He’s dying—by bullet or his vengeful lungs—and he’s leaving her behind. The way things are going—the way she is acting—he will go first, but she won’t be trailing far behind him.
The train station is off a ways, Monroe and Calderón farther away from it then they are now. Arthur’s chest burns through every searing breath. He is being very careful now not to cough near her. He will not damn her if he can help it.
He worries for her, for everyone, but for her especially. Now, and in the future. He does not want her to be alone. Gets too sharp when she’s alone too long.
Her hands smell green from picking flowers, smell like gun oil and cordite from the shootout.
“I want you to go with John and Abigail after,” he says. “Take our horses, go do something decent.”
She gives him an empty look, as if she wants to fight him on this, just can’t figure out how. There’s been two plans ever since the return from Guarma and the diagnosis, forking in the road where he either lives or dies. The fork where he lives gets dimmer and more overgrown, less navigable with time and every mounting tragedy and fuck-up.
“It’s all our faults,” she sighs instead, letting him hold her hand to his chest, rubbing the side her thumb his own. “We all done killed ourselves, sprintin’ blind into the darkness, tryin’ to chase an endless summer that never existed.”
“Yeah, we just about did,” he agrees. Every death was senseless, every death was brought upon themselves. Greed and wantonness and recklessness. And now they’re almost all too far gone to escape the sink.
He worries. He worries.
“Are you going to be okay?” Part of him regrets asking. Part of him wants to hurt, the part that sees Wood for how low she’s been cast.
Thin and gaunt in her dirty shirt, wearing boots stolen off a soldier’s corpse, her rust-colored hair shorn shorter than any of them’s ever seen, and her seams literally fraying. The once rich embroidery on the lapels of her vest comes unsewn, blurring and ruining the original detail of the work. They used to be dripping poppies and willow switches on plum corduroy. Now it is a field of loose silk threads.
Her right eye, blind and milky, surrounded by angry, red scars that have yet to settle into her skin.
“I’m gonna live, even if it ain’t gonna be a happy life,” she admits. “It’s a bridge to burn if I reach it.”
Arthur can’t stand the defeat weighing her upper body down, like her arms and shoulders are too heavy to lift. Wood has never been accused of being an optimist, but she’d never faced her death with ‘when’ or 'if,’ only a faint, morbid curiosity. As if death was a thing that happened only to other people, and she was sure ponderous how life leaving the body felt.
A concept in the abstract. An animal’s understanding.
The first words he’d ever heard from her were screamed with the deepest offense he’d ever heard taken. “YOU can’t kill ME!” screeched almost eighteen years ago at the chicken-necked sheriff escorting her to the hanging rope for attempted murder, grand larceny, and horse theft. Disgusted that this lowly little lawman thought he could get his hands on her pelt for a trophy.
Little no-named outlaw. They all were, back then. Bunch of losers and wash-outs and orphans stuck on an ideal. Still are, in a way.
And, ah, fuck, it gets him laughing. She was pretty lamb-necked back then, herself, and the horse she’d stolen liked to eat meat and was renamed for the equine prince of hell.
“Perdie, we’re blowing up the bridge,” he says, feigning wide-eyed ignorance and misunderstanding in the face of her confusion. “I mean, if you wanna come with me and Johnny, all’s you gotta do is ask.”
He can only grin when her blank look slides fast into a sneer, trying half-heartedly to take her hand back. “Fais  pas ça! Arrête ça—bastard, little boy-child, tryin'a make a fool of me,” she tries to snap through her cackling. Even with her crows feet, even with the elastic lines hugging her mouth, she looks so young. He wishes things had happened differently.
He squeezes her hand, takes a step forward, then another, following her insincere retreat. “Never—I wouldn’t never,” he protests, reaching for her other arm as he smears a mockery of contrition over his expression.
“Enough, couillon,” she snorts, wearing her dimple and missing tooth out for his benefit. She swats away his arm without sting and sighs. Looks a little less close to crying. “Got a cleaner shirt in your saddlebag? And a dabber? Want this blood of my face, me.”
Finally, he lets go of her, but she tangles their fingers for the duration of their slow fall. “Sure, something’s clean enough. That blue one, I think, but it's  better torn up for rags.”
“Love that shirt.”
“I know you do. Wouldn’t surprise me none if you wore it til it fell apart on your back.”
Wood mutters to herself in that French of hers—the Cajun kind she spoke before she knew English, that she forgot with the blow to the head that turned her like spun-dime heads-or-tails from Perdita to Wildwood, and learned again—as she strips out of her layers. With her vest, shirt, and chemise thrown over the seat of his saddle, he gets a good look at the livid bruises cropping up on her ribs and the points of her hips.
But he refocuses—he knows he’s not a specimen of health, himself, right now—and concentrates on the ocean of freckles that turn her shoulders and elbows orange-brown, and that he knows her knees are almost as colorful. He concentrates on his shirt sliding over her arms, down her torso, too-too big but comfortable, and how he thinks she looks fine and lovely in that shade of blue.
He reminds himself to make sure that shirt is in her saddlebag if he feels like the end-all-be-all shit is about to go down. His buck skin jacket, too. Whatever he owns is hers, anyway.
“Hey, Wood?” he calls, using his thumb nail to scratch his adam’s apple, then drops his hand to his gun belt. When she looks over her shoulder—her left, now always her left—he shifts his weight and does his damnedest to make eye contact, though he ends up looking at her feet like a chastised dog. “I love you, is all. Just wanted to say that.”
“…I know you do, Arthur Morgan. I love you, too. Got a powerful love on for you."  
"Still don’t understand why,” he chuckles, a little bittersweet, “but I guess I’m luckier for your poor judgement.”
He can hear the frown in her voice, all the scars left on her through the years, “Ain’t neither'a us been loved any right kinda way, cher.”
If he tries to swallow that sentiment, he will choke to death on it. Too big, too many sharp edges. But fortune continues to favor him, because she  finishes up doing her borrowed buttons and does an about-face, hands on her hips. “You got them rings, boug?”
He does, and pats his satchel to show her. Pleased enough, she motions him closer, wetting an old bandana with water from her canteen. When he’s close enough to feel the warmth come off his Fox Trotter, smell the soap oil off her tack, he loads his repeater and shotgun back into the saddle scabbards. He pushes out of his shotgun coat after he’s slung the satchel’s strap over the saddle horn, layers it over Wood’s clothes already on the seat.
“Aw, Penny, thank you,” he croons, scratching her croup over her meaty haunches, watching her chew the bit and let her head droop. “Get treated like a clothesline and still actin’ like a proper lady.”
“She’s a good lil pony,” Wood agrees, “makes me feel awful for still missin’ Boadicea.”
“Penny ain’t little,” he says, half-offended, letting Wood strip him of his gloves and roll his shirtsleeves to the elbow. “Ain’t no pony either.”
Wood carefully takes the flower from behind his ear and flicks it back into the grass waving and rolling around their shins, maybe having decided she no longer preferred it, and keeps his hair pushed back with one hand as she begins to wipe the grime from his forehead.
The water is cool against his face, and, without his layers, he can feel the breeze that much better against his skin. He tries to keep from thinking about the way his body just look, how his face must look—bone and gristle and bruises and nothing else—feeling goosebumps prickle over his forearms.
“I know,” Wood hums. “Just miss Boadi, is all. Big ol’ beef steak, lazy as all kinds'a hell. But that’s just 'cause you spoiled her big ass. That’s your bad habit: spoilin’ things what love you, not disciplinin’ things what love you.”
“I…I dunno.” He can’t accuse her of being wrong. Boadicae had been fat and happy and slow until hell broke loose and he had to call on her for action, then she would drop her head and go to work like the devil’d lit a fire under her belly. Even Copper had never learned sit, drop, or stay, but he’d been loyal and unceasingly soft-mouthed and docile.
Arthur almost retreats from the memory. He’d seen so little of the boy through his short life. It felt wrong to tell him no for any reason. Eliza told him it made her feel like a villain when he showed up with a pack of chocolate bars and picture books and whatever little somethings had caught his eye. She hadn’t been unkind about it, either.
Said it with a peeved sort of fondness that told the intrusion was easily tolerated—even a little welcomed—because it would be forgotten a few days after he made himself gone again.
But, hell, even with Wood, he’d gone and inundated her in their new, short time. A saddle from the trapper, an Algernon Wasp hat and a corset, jewelry. Paid for their Saint Denis dinners, bought her ammo and a Litchfield repeater. He loves her, he needs her to know that, and he can’t figure a way to show better.
But she gave it back. Reciprocated. Cooked for him, took him dancing, killed them that tried to kill him first. Held him and made room for him and roared to silence rooms for his voice to be heard. Touched him and gentled him and tugged him outta the dark when he’d wanted to stay there.
She stole him a horse, one of the best he’s ever had.
The wind hits his face and dries to cool, clean sheen on his skin, making him shiver. It picks up his hair, and Wood’s, and in the dying light they both look a little golden.
She opens the collar of his shirt to clean his neck and chest, then moves to his forearms and hands. She pays extra attention to his fingers, the nail beds.
“What was I? Probably nineteen or twenty, when I told you I loved you that first time?”
“Yeah. 'Bout right. Made me that nice dinner.” Salmon seared in cast iron, crispy and drowning in butter and fresh pepper and lemon grass.
“Just askin’, 'cause I’d been sitting around with this picture of you in my head. Been down around Wyoming, saw that wild little scrub pony while we was getting, I dunno, something for camp. All hushed, you told me to watch, and you just walked right up to her, all slow and quiet. Started petting her, had her eating from your hand.”
He doesn’t remember that. They’re’ve been so many horses since then, wild or otherwise. It makes him ache he can’t remember her memory.
“It just crushed me. I never fell in love like that. And you looked a lot like you do now, with the sun going down behind your hair, giving you a halo. Like you one'a them saints in the cathedral glass, or like Mary holding a lamb.”
She sighs and wrings out the bandana, satisfied enough with his cleanliness. “Was always something holy 'bout you. Above and below and the middle of the world’s rot and distemper. Thought you were meant and due a different life than this the one we got.”
She re-wets the bandana and cleans herself up, with only a fraction of the gentleness she’d used on him. It is quick, and efficient, and if he sees her hands work over the quarter of her face with the blind eye a little rougher, a little more fearful, he says nothing.
“Uh, one night,” he starts, not understanding where he wants to go with this confession, “you were dancing with Dee, after he got you carrying Louis. And then you lost Louis not much later, and Dee left…I loved you, and I was real angry at the world for a long time about that happening to you. I was angry at myself. If I hadn’t left you that first time, you might not’ve been hurt like that.”
Already sober and sad, it gets worse. She’s dressing him for burial and marriage, both. Doing it now because she might not get to later. “You keep losing people, Wood. It ain’t right.”
“I have them a little while before I lose them. This life is short, and at the end of it there ain’t nothing but a dreamless dark-everlasting. Rather taste ash than nothin’ at all.”
Arthur feels a finality in those words, a hammer cocked on a pistol, aimed down at some un-bowed head. Rather taste ash than nothing at all. Looking back at a wreckage of a life, and pinpointing glitter of better times in the debris.
“I hate that I didn’t marry you the day we met,” he laughs, shaking his head.
“Would’ve been hard, what with that rope on my neck, and all them bullets flying. Y'all boys always knew how to brew a shitstorm,” she snorts back. “And, 'sides, we’re jumpin’ the broom now. Better late, et cet'ra.”
Speak of the devil, and he doth appear, or the saying goes, and Wood roots through his satchel to retrieve the little silk bag with their rings. Cleaned and refitted by a jeweler in Saint Denis, briefly abandoned during the catacylsmic exodus to Guarma, and used through the years in countless scams, they were familiar and, frankly, worth as much as a tin nickel outside of sentiment.
But they were emblematic, and they are theirs. Cheap yellow gold, fitted with that fraudulent hunk of green glass Margaret had passed off for a priceless emerald, polished to a spit-shine. History, old and new, something she could hopefully wear both pieces of after the inevitable comes to pass.
They marry as the sun dips fat and slow below the horizon, with only a mouthful of promises passed between them. They kiss, and they kiss, and they keep kissing, pressed close and shivering against each other’s bodies.
It makes Arthur hope and hurt and want to see the world that comes after this private apocalypse. The one where guns are put in the ground, where they spend their lives decently, atoning for the blood they cannot possibly wash from their hands.
Where the dreamless dark-everlasting is met with him hand-in-hand with the woman he’d spent his life with, and not kneeling head un-bowed facing down the barrel of divine retribution’s revolver.
“The world gonna remember the good you left in it, Arthur,” Wildwood Morgan tells him, her arms wrapped tight around his waist, “I’m thankful for having seen you rise into it.”
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
PG-13, Hanzo Shimada/Jesse McCree, 1500 words, unmitigated fluff
On ao3
When they got back to their room they both collapsed face first on the bed as if by mutual agreement, still fully dressed except for their shoes and too full and contented to do much in the way of moving for a while. The music from the party could still be heard through the open window — Hanzo reached out and pulled Jesse close to him, wrapping himself around him when he made a pleased sound and snuggled up against his chest. Despite having had barely anything to drink this time he felt unwound and unconcerned with anything that wasn’t Jesse breathing peacefully under his hands. He vaguely wanted to hum.
“Damn, Reinhardt’s got some moves,” Jesse said eventually, into Hanzo’s collar bone.
Hanzo grunted in agreement. “I have never seen anyone simply pick up the punch bowl and drink it all in one go before.”
“I was thinkin’ about the dancing, but that’s fair too. Guess I’m just used to it, he always does that when he’s had a few already and gets impatient.”
“Ah. So that was how you knew to sneak an extra glass of it right away.”
“Suppose I should’ve warned you, sorry. Just old habit at this point.”
“No need for apologies, you shared it with me.”
Jesse offered a conceding noise and rubbed his face against Hanzo’s shoulder like he was scratching an itch on his nose. “That’s how you know it’s love. Not like Torbjörn doesn’t mix it strong enough that you could clean brass with the stuff anyway, good bang for your buck there,” he added, trying to push up on his elbows and making a confused face as he somehow managed to get several limbs entangled in the bedclothes. In his attempts to extricate himself he only got further trapped.
“Well,” he said eventually, squinting down at the cocoon he’d made of himself.
Shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter Hanzo managed: “Let me help you with that before you hurt yourself.”
Or tear the sheets again, he added to himself as he untangled his hapless partner from a duvet cover. For the most part Jesse had impressive control over the prosthetic hand and how much pressure to apply with it, but every now and then if he was distracted or tired enough he’d forget himself and then you had a pillowcase to mend. Hanzo might have only touched barely tipsy tonight, but he didn’t trust himself to get anything straight right now, back stitches included.
“...thanks,” Jesse said when Hanzo got him safely free and pulled him half on top of him. “See, this was more how I meant for that to go.” He nuzzled into the curve of Hanzo’s neck, then stopped when Hanzo squirmed minutely. “Tickly?”
“No,” Hanzo lied, then made a strangled sound when Jesse immediately called his bluff and did it again with a satisfied ‘hah!’. “Fine, fine, that tickles, it’s the beard, now stop it before I — gah!”
“Oh, I don’t think you’re in any position to be makin’ threats, Mr. Shimada.”
In retaliation Hanzo decided to pull out the big guns. “Big words from a man who is reduced to incoherence if someone as much as breathes against his ribs,” he said, and Jesse squawked as Hanzo used his years of experience to tickle him into submission. “I could do this all day. The expression ‘hoisted by your own petard’ comes to — oof — mind.”  They wrestled on the bed for a while, rendering the sheets even more of a disaster, Jesse’s laugh hanging bright under the ceiling as he tried to fend Hanzo off.
“Truce,” Jesse wheezed eventually, pawing weakly at Hanzo’s hands. His face was pink with laughter. “Truce, I got my medicine, I’ll probably never do it again until the temptation inevitably overwhelms me, promise.”
Hanzo placed a peck to Jesse’s brow and lay down next to him again, rather pleased with himself. “This was poor strategic thinking on your part. You have always been far more ticklish than I am; you are meant to pick the battles that flatter your weaknesses, not the ones that directly target them.”
“Thanks for the pep talk, Sun Tzu. Thought I’d found a new opening and got cocky,” Jesse sighed mournfully, taking Hanzo’s hand in his and playing with it, twining their fingers together. “Pride before the fall and all that. You’re real sweet when you get all competitive, though, so arguably I win either way.”
Cuddling with Jesse when he had this kind of restless energy was like wrangling an affectionate if somewhat uncoordinated puppy; Hanzo found he was unable to stop himself from kissing him, smiling against his mouth when he perked up and parted his lips in welcome.  
He went easily when Jesse shifted them so Hanzo ended up on his back with Jesse hovering over him, their legs tangling as they made out — it felt bright and warm and oddly chaste, trading touches back and forth until everything flowed into a background hum of affection.
When they broke apart Jesse blinked slowly at Hanzo’s undoubtedly flushed face and then went in for more, brushing his lips over Hanzo’s cheek, his brow, his jaw. Hanzo closed his eyes and turned into it, Jesse’s hair soft and wild under his fingers.
“I like this,” Jesse mumbled, nosing at Hanzo’s temple.
Hanzo paused where he’d been stroking through Jesse’s hair. “Hm?”
“The touch of gray. You look distinguished these days,” Jesse said, scattering kisses along his hairline. “Suits you.”
“Is this your circuitous way of saying I look old?” Hanzo laughed, running his hand down to the small of Jesse’s back where his t-shirt was riding up and gathering him in closer.
“Silver fox,” Jesse insisted. He pushed up on an elbow and gazed down at Hanzo, touching the fingers of his left hand very gently to his mouth. Hanzo smiled against the metal.
“Can I get a quote on that?” he asked. “I should put it on my resume.”
“Sure, I stand by that. I’ll tell anyone who cares to know.” Jesse started unbuttoning Hanzo’s shirt, leaning down to place a kiss to the dip between his collarbones as he did.
Resting one hand under his head on the pillow Hanzo watched with some amusement as Jesse encountered more of an obstacle further on in the process.
“Fuckin’ buttons,” Jesse murmured. “How come they make ‘em so small and slippery and — nrgh.”
“Should I do it?”
“Nah, don’t worry, I got this, just lemme…”
Hanzo lay back with a grin and let Jesse conduct his mildly inebriated work uninterrupted, only moving to shrug the shirt all the way off when Jesse finished with the buttons and tugged at it.
“That’s more like it,” Jesse crowed, stroking a hand down Hanzo’s newly bared torso. “Injustice righted.”
“Huh. I had no idea my shirt had even been on trial.”
“‘S consistently been your most glaring fault, the way you’re always wearin’ too many clothes when I need to kiss you all over,” Jesse said, unselfconsciously burying his face in Hanzo’s chest. Hanzo sank his fingers into Jesse’s hair again.
“I can only apologize and promise to do better in the future.”
Jesse chuckled — soft lips closed over a nipple and Hanzo shuddered, cradling Jesse’s head closer to him. Jesse pulled back for long enough to mumble: “I’m willing to go full cheerleader for this cause. Anythin’ I can do to help, just give the word and I’ll be there, pom poms and all .”
“Such magnanimity,” Hanzo drawled, shifting into it as Jesse kissed a slow, cherishing path over his chest. Jesse held him close by an open hand resting in the middle of his back, making small happy noises as he trailed his lips over Hanzo’s skin, seeking out the sweet spots and dwelling lovingly over each. “Mmmh. Jesse.”
As Jesse lavished some attention on his other nipple as if to ensure it didn’t feel left out Hanzo bit his lip and arched into the warm yielding touch of his mouth. Jesse kept going until every inch of his skin was tingling blissfully with kisses, pausing only when Hanzo stilled his head with a touch. 
“I needed to — come here,” Hanzo said, guiding Jesse’s face up to him so he could slide their lips together. The kiss turned out a lot less chaste this time and Hanzo’s fingers tightened possessively in Jesse’s hair; Jesse melted against him and made a sound in his nose that set something in Hanzo’s gut joyously ablaze. When Jesse wrapped his arms around his waist and lay back he pulled Hanzo with him, draping him on top of himself.
“I have heard rumors that you possess some moves yourself, Mr. McCree,” Hanzo said, his hand meandering down to the buckle on Jesse’s belt. “I think I might enjoy a demonstration.”
The belt buckle opened with a practiced flick of his thumb and Jesse grinned into the kiss and captured his mouth again, holding him close enough that Hanzo imagined he could feel Jesse’s heartbeat in his own chest.  
 Nebulously set in the Scoundrels and Thieves ‘verse, which you can find here!
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shimmershaewrites · 6 years
Waltzing's for Dreamers, Chapter 4 (a Walking Dead story, Caryl AU).
Title:  Waltzing's for Dreamers
Rating:  Hmm.  Maybe PG-13?
Warnings:  Adult language. 
Characters/Pairings:  Daryl Dixon, Dwight, Axel, Oscar, Big Tiny, mention of the Morales family, mention of Sherry, Merle Dixon, mention of Carol Peletier and Sophia Peletier, and a couple of other little Easter eggs for those of you paying attention, lol. 
 Don't mind me.  Just having some fun remixing these characters.
 Sorry about the delay in posting this chapter.  Work kicked my ass and took some names this week and it took me all day yesterday to pull said ass out of my all-consuming exhaustion.  Hence, I'm posting today instead of yesterday when I really wanted to. 
 Anyway.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Off to work on the next one.  Fingers crossed I get it finished in time to post later tonight. 
   Waltzing’s for Dreamers
    More than six years after Vegas.  Early Summer. 
      “90 degrees in the fuckin’ shade out there,” Dwight mumbles around his nub of a cigarette. 
  Beneath the hood of the Morales’ Suzuki, Daryl inwardly sneers.  I’ll match the sweat rings around your scrawny neck and raise you a couple of stank-ass armpit rings, Asshole.  The words never leave his lips, though.  All he gifts the sonofabitch with is a noncommittal grunt.  In the interest of keeping things civil, of course.  Axel’s okay by him, handed over the keys to this Bakersfield shithole like it weren’t nothing and gave him and Merle a chance to start over when they’d up and moved themselves clear across the country trying to outrun the demons of both their pasts.  The man’s harmless, not much left knocking around in his pharmaceutical soaked brain, but his piece of shit cousin is another story altogether, and it’s really too bad they have to keep pretending to coexist peacefully because Daryl can’t really put his finger on it but something about the guy makes his skin crawl.  Oscar’s too, apparently. 
  “Man, put your shirt back on.  You lookin’ like some starved feral ass cat.” 
  Big Tiny stops swaying with the oscillating fan in the corner of garage only long enough to snicker an agreement.  “Oscar ain’t wrong.” 
  “Probably is,” Axel puts in his two cents, his handlebar mustache twitching with each word.  “Starved,” he elaborates, as if anybody had any lingering doubts.  “Sherry don’t like to cook.  Can’t say as I blame her considerin’ she only sees daylight from the inside of that diner.  Poor woman,” he shakes his head.  “Works her pretty little fingers to the bone.” 
  “Might be you should take some pointers from her,” Oscar suggests dryly.  “That wagon ain’t gonna up and fix itself and the way I remember it, those two flower children be thinking they’re getting it back first thing tomorrow.”   
  “Might be,” Dwight spits as he jerks his arms back through his dingy, oil stained shirt, “you can mind your own goddamn business for once.”  He skulks back to his designated corner of the shop, grumbling beneath his breath with every step. 
  “What bug done crawled right up his skinny ass?” 
  The question is drawled right into his ear, and Daryl nearly jumps out of his skin.  Swears and rubs at the bump he can already feel forming on the back of his head.  Slams the hood of the Suzuki shut and scowls at his brother, who brandishes a popsicle in his hand like it’s some kind of sword.  Or a peace offering of sorts.  “What the hell?” Daryl growls, snatching the damn thing and ripping the wrapper impatiently.  “How ‘bout a fuckin’ warning next time?”   
  “Used to be, you didn’t need no warning,” Merle pointedly reminds him, sucking his own orange popsicle back between his lips as only he could, in a manner bordering on the obscene. 
  “Got any more of those?” Big Tiny asks longingly. 
  “Why?” Merle leers with a wink.  “Ole Merle makin’ you hot?”  
  Flustered, Big Tiny groans.  “You nasty.  Anybody ever tell you that?” 
  “See now,” Merle trots out his trademark coat hanger grin.  “That’s all a matter of opinion.  The ladies don’t seem to think so.  In fact…”
  Before he can go any further, Oscar interrupts him, “Little E on deck.” 
  It’s not a moment too soon, and Daryl’s grateful for the reprieve.  His brother might have come a long way, kicked his own drug habit and put his life in some sort of order.  All thanks to a little rude awakening and the kid that’s joined them, bearing a whole box of sweating popsicles like a gift from the Man Upstairs on this sweltering summer day.  But the one thing he ain’t cleaned up is his mouth, especially when it comes to women and his supposed prowess with them.  And he’s far from the only one in this establishment could grow weeds out of his mouth with as filthy as it is, Daryl’s own included.  He gives Oscar a subtle nod of gratitude and leans against the Samurai’s bumper, takes in the scene with an air of wistfulness he couldn’t shake if he wanted to, and damn.  Does he want to. 
  Big Tiny relinquishes his primo spot in front of the fan to lumber over to arguably one of his favorite people—and not just at the moment.  “Got one of those for me, Angel-face?”
  “There any other kind?” 
  Daryl smirks.  Watching when his niece presents the big man with his preferred flavor popsicle and he bows clumsily at the waist in thanks, getting himself a coat hanger grin in response that’s undeniably reminiscent of the one his brother wears much more often these days, although the kid’s is much harder won.  The irony don’t escape him.  Couldn’t if it wanted to.  If somebody’d told him have a dozen years ago Merle would find his happiness just as Daryl’s own life went to absolute shit, he’d have accused them of bald-face lying.  That’s what he would have done.    He don’t begrudge him, though, because God and the Devil both know.  If circumstances were different, if he weren’t such a no-good fuck-up not worth the heartache he knows he’s done caused Carol and her little girl, well.  He don’t resent his brother a moment.  Not at all. 
  “Thank you kindly, Little Miss,” Axel charms as he receives his own popsicle.  “Need me some of them there boots you’re wearing,” he says, openly admiring the black combat boots that are about the biggest things on the eleven-year-old’s ever-growing feet. 
  “Them’s ass kickers,” Merle crows proudly.  “For my ass-kicking girl.” 
  Daryl huffs out a laugh and crumples up his wrapper when his brother’s version of praise earns him a sassy purple tinged tongue, tosses it in the general vicinity of the trash can.   
  “Still like ‘em,” Axel shrugs his skinny shoulders.  “Might even go find me some.” 
  Oscar’s lips twitch before breaking into a grin full of shark-like teeth.  “Man, you couldn’t even kick your own ass.” 
  “Might be you’re right,” Axel agrees amiably.  “Just sayin’, though.  Them’s some mighty fine boots.” 
  “Yes, Ma’am, they are,” Big Tiny chimes in.  Holding out his mammoth paw, he bashfully bargains, “If I show you the car your uncle’s been working on, you think there might be another grape popsicle in it for me?”
  “All that’s left is cherry.” 
  “Cherry just happens to be my second favorite,” Big Tiny tells her as his palm all but swallows up her small hand.  “It’s a ’67 Impala.  Like the one in that show you like so much with the brothers.  He’s fixing it up for the coach at the high school.  Be glad you haven’t met him, Angel-face.  Man loves to hear himself talk.” 
  “You look at that,” Merle remarks as the unlikely pair disappear into the back of the garage, Oscar and Axel trailing not far behind them.  “Girl’s got him wrapped around her little finger.” 
  “Ain’t the only one,” Daryl points out as he bends to retrieve the garbage that’d fallen just short of its mark and drops it into the can.  “Reckon you’re going to be lost without her when her and her mama move to Jacksonville come the end of July.” 
  “About that, Baby Brother.” 
  Merle scratches absently at the prosthetic on his right arm in a gesture that makes Daryl straighten and study him with a more critical eye.  “Merle.” 
  “I should have told you a long time ago.” 
  “Told me what?” 
  “When that girl leaves?  I’m going with her.  And I want you to come with me.  It’s high time, Boy.  High time.” 
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lilactranslations · 10 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 5! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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lilactranslations · 9 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 9! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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lilactranslations · 9 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 11! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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lilactranslations · 9 months
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Crow’s Makin’ Trails, Chapter 10! Dengeki Online has been putting out an ongoing biweekly four-panel comic centering around Crow Armbrust, and I’ve decided to translate them. Stay tuned for updates!
Please support the original comic by viewing it (for free!) here!
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