#dad!edie munson
queenimmadolla · 8 months
How do you think wayne would play with penny or places theyd go when he has her for a week?
how do you think hed spend quality time with her and engage with her interests? Especially when baby wayne is older? ❤❤
Grandpa Wayne has to make sure his little penny doesn’t feel like she’s being forgotten (even though you and Eddie ensure she's not, nor does she feel like it).
Wayne has very minimal experience with kids. When he got custody of Eddie, he was already an older kid. So I imagine, he’s about the same as he was with Eddie, only he’s aware Penny needs more monitoring. Takes her to the park; when she learns how to walk, he lets her toddle around, toddling alongside her to explore the area and get her energy out, sits on the bench that overlooks the pond with Penny on his lap, sipping his coffee while she munches on a donut and drinks her chocolate milk. And he’ll feed the ducks with her. They’re very comfortable with each other, and Penny seems to understand the difference between her parents and her grandpa, any rambunctiousness disappears when she’s with him. He’s a very peaceful individual so she feels at peace with him. And he doesn’t do baby talk, he talks to her like he’s talking to anyone else, if not a little more gentle.
He’ll take her out for breakfast and lunch to Benny’s diner. Like the park outings, it becomes one of their special things. She chatters about everything and anything she thinks about and he amuses her, adding in his two cents and opinions as he helps her eat her food so she doesn’t make too big of a mess.
She’ll even go to the movies with him and Maude, she’s a very good girl when she’s with them, doesn’t misbehave and it helps that they’re always getting her what she wants. She’s not a very demanding toddler when it comes to materialistic things, doesn’t want every toy she sees or anything like that, but they let her do a little more stuff than Reader and Eddie would readily do, simply because they have more experience than them when it comes to parenting, especially Maude. So while you and Eddie hesitated to allow her to eat popcorn—scared to death she’d choke on a kernel—Wayne and Maude allow her, because they understand how a gag reflex works and Maude knows how to dislodge an obstruction from a child’s throat, and she knows the Heimlich maneuver but that day, thankfully, never comes.
When she spends the night with them, it’s a movie night catered entirely to her interests. She’ll cuddle up to her grandpa, belly full of a bottle and some homemade ravioli Maude had cooked her at her request.
And she loves running errands with them so Wayne likes to take her everywhere he goes. He gets a lot of compliments from everyone about how cute she is, and he loves being able to vent about his grandbaby.
He’ll let her perform her little dance routines for him (they’re terrible and set to music that doesn’t at all go with it, just the latest song she’s heard on the radio or heard you humming, maybe something metal that Eddie had played), joins her at the table when she’s drawing or painting (though he’ll usually read a book, he just likes to be present for her), takes her fishing, to the Indianapolis Zoo.
And as she gets bigger, the bonding becomes even more reoccurring, he’s retired and she can do more than she could when she was a toddler. The only change is that his namesake tags along, neither one of his grand babies ever feels left out and once they get into the kid phase of life, they’ve got an attachment to one another—even if they do fight—so if one goes somewhere, they insist the other come too, and their sibling dynamic continues wherever they go.
He’s there for every, recital, competition, game, etc. a very good gruncle Wayne 🥹
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 3
The part you’ve all been waiting for. Steve and Eddie! We also get the explanation of Edith’s names. True story: A friend of mine got his girlfriend  pregnant and she called their daughter Josephine, but he HATED it, so when they broke up, he started calling her Jo to piss the mom off because she hated the nickname.
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie Munson got out of his car and was impressed by the members of Harri’s band. It was four member group with a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer and a keyboardist. Not quite like his boys, but they seemed like they knew what they were doing.
He opened his mouth to say hello when he stopped dead in his tracks. Standing up from the drum kit was the female version Steve Harrington. Down to the honey colored hair, the hazel eyes, and the freckles. Her hair was shorter than Steve ever kept it, one side half-shaved and the half over her left eye, but it was the same wild locks that made Steve famous in school. He quickly took a couple of pictures with his phone before his son spotted him.
“Dad!” Harri cried, practically throwing himself at his dad.
Eddie gave him a big hug. 
“Sweet place you’re friend’s got here,” he said, looking around the garage, slipping his phone into his back pocket. The house couldn’t have been further from the Harrington place in Loch Nora. It was warm browns and cool blues. And that was just what he could see of the garage.
“Come meet her,” Harri said bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. “She kicks ass.”
Eddie laughed and allowed his son to drag him over to the drum kit. “You know Mandy, and this Kenny Grant. And this is the queen of the castle, Miss Thing.”  
Edith laughed and shoved her sticks back into the bucket she kept close by. “Hi, Mr Munson.” She stuck out her hand for him to shake and he took it.
“What’s with the moniker?” Eddie asked, shoving his hands into his pockets with a grin.
“Most of my friends call me Miss Thing because when I was little I was mute and I loved the Addams Family movies, so because I could sign Uncle Dusty called me Miss Thing,” Edith explained. “But everyone else calls me Edie.”
Eddie’s grin grew bigger. “Edie, huh?”
“My full name is Edith Barbara Harrington,” Edie explained. “My dad wanted to name me Lilian, but my mother overruled him. So when she fucked off, Dad started calling me Edie to piss her off.” She pursed her lips and looked at the ground. Eddie was struck by how much she looked like Steve. “At least he got to chose the middle name.”
Eddie’s smile grew fond. “Barbara’s good name.”
Edie just shrugged her shoulders, “Aunt Nancy was pissed Dad got to it first. But as Dad pointed out she told everyone who would sit down for longer than five minutes that she wasn’t going to have kids so...”
“So your dad won that argument,” Eddie finished. “Losing once and while is good for her.”
Edie laughed. “That’s what Dad said. So when her and Uncle Jon had a little girl while doing some expose in Europe somewhere, she stole Lilian from him.”
Eddie chuckled. “Sounds about right.” He looked around. “I want to let you kids get back to practicing so where’s your dad?”
Edie jerked her thumb at the house. “If it’s as bad as it looked, just follow the sounds of retching, you’ll find him.”
Eddie nodded and made his way to the house but as he turned she could have sworn Mr Munson said, “Still getting migraines, the poor bastard.”
Once he was gone Edie turned to Harri. “Does your dad already know my dad?”
Harri frowned. “I’ve never heard my dad mention a Steve or even the last name Harrington in my life.”
Edie looked at the door that led to the house in confusion. “And I’ve never heard of the name Munson before either.” She turned to him. “What did you say your dad’s first name was?”
“I didn’t,” Harri said with grim expression. “It’s Edmond, but everyone calls him Ed or Eddie.”
Edie’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit. No wonder I’ve never heard the name before.”
Harri just nodded.
Mandy spoke up. “Hey, guys can we get back to practice?”
Harri and Edie looked at each other and then nodded.
Eddie heard the retching and his heart ached. He hadn’t thought about Steve Harrington for years. Not since Jay’s funeral. They had fallen out long before then, but Steve had been on his mind that rainy day in Hampshire. Mostly cursing him, but a thought nonetheless.
But now he was so far from that man that knelt there sobbing in the rain begging for Jay to come back, maybe this was the universe’s sign that it was time to mend bridges.
He found Steve right where Edie said he’d be, curled in front of a toilet retching his very empty guts out. He crouched down to the side of him and tapped his shoulder.
“Harri?” Steve murmured.
Eddie huffed out a laugh and signed. “Flatterer.”
Steve rolled over to prop himself against the side of the tub and looked at him more closely. “Eddie?”
Again he signed, “Where’s your hearing aid, rock star?”
“On the sink,” Steve muttered. “And I can hear just fine out of my right ear. It’s just the left one that’s a bitch.”
Eddie laughed and reaching behind him grabbed the aid off the vanity top and put in his pocket. “I don’t think you want this to fall into the toilet or the sink for that matter.”
“Dustin would kill me,” Steve agreed warily.
Eddie flushed the toilet and got a washcloth wet. He handed it to Steve.
Steve flushed a bright pink and used it wipe off his face and some of his shirt where he hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time. He washed his hands and threw it in the laundry basket.
“You know I used to make jokes about basketball being nothing more than shooting balls into laundry baskets,” Eddie teased. “Way to prove me right, Harrington.”
Steve gave a half smile. “Don’t make me laugh, I’ll throw up again.”
“And we definitely don’t want that,” Eddie agreed. “Do you think you’re done with your porcelain throne, your majesty?”
Steve rubbed his face and looked down awkwardly. “If you mean to ask if I’m done throwing up, I should be.”
It came out harsher than he meant to, but he didn’t need Eddie bringing up King Steve, not now.
Because he was looking down he missed the flicker of emotion skitter across Eddie’s face.
“Can you stand?” Eddie asked softly.
Steve tried but ended up lurching his direction instead. Eddie scrambled to catch him.
“Whoa there, Harrington,” Eddie murmured. “I’m going to help you up and then get you to your bed. Please tell me it’s not upstairs.”
“It’s not,” Steve murmured. “It’s just down the hall, third door on the left.”
Eddie got his arms under Steve and lifted him to his feet. He propped him against the wall and then lifted him bridal style. Steve merely moaned and buried his aching head into Eddie’s neck to block out the light that would hit his face once they exited the bathroom.
“All right, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Steve nodded.
Eddie slipped out of the bathroom and followed Steve’s directions to the bedroom. The door was open so Eddie was able to walk right in without disturbing Steve.
The room was a far cry from the soulless monstrosity that was Steve’s teenaged bedroom. It was blues and greys and soft downy covers. He had pictures of Edie on his night stand and a large white wardrobe.
“Can you make it to the bed if I set you in front of it?” Eddie murmured.
“I should be able to,” Steve said, strained. “I just had a hard time getting up because I’d been on the floor for so long.”
Eddie pursed his lips. Yep. Yep, that was more likely than Steve not being able to walk. Yep.
“But thanks for the assist,” Steve continued, oblivious of Eddie’s internal panic.
Eddie gently let him down and waited until Steve was able to stand on his own before letting go. Eddie turned down the covers and Steve slid in with a sigh of relief. Eddie draped the blankets over him and tucked him in. He pulled out the hearing aid and placed on the nightstand next to Edie’s picture.
“I’ll send Edie to check on you when they’re done with their practice,” Eddie said softly.
Steve nodded and Eddie turned to leave.
“I didn’t name her after you, you know,” Steve whispered.
Eddie’s shoulders sagged and turned back to face him. “So she said.”
“The nickname though...” Steve said with a chuckle.
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
Steve snuggled further into the pillow. “Mhmm. Did it to piss Addison off.”
There was a story there, Eddie could tell but he didn’t want to press Steve while he was in pain.
“Go to sleep, rock star,” Eddie said instead.
And as he closed the door, Eddie swore he heard Steve murmur, “I missed you.”
Eddie pulled out his cell phone and pressed and held down the number two.
“Eddie!” Dustin greeted. “How are you on this fine spring evening?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” Eddie said in that tone that immediately set Dustin’s teeth on edge. It was the tone that said something had gone horribly wrong and it was up to Dustin to fix it.
“What’s up?” he asked, his voice cracking a bit.
“Well, Uncle Dusty,” Eddie said with a malicious grin on his face. “You’ll never guess where I am.” He turned his phone around and sent the two pictures to him.
“Hold on I got a couple pictures here...” Dustin said trailing off. “Holy fucking shit! Is that Harri with Edie Harrington? At Steve’s house?!”
“It most certainly is,” Eddie continued. “Would you care to tell me why I wasn’t informed OUR KIDS WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL!” he whisper-screamed, knowing that Steve was just down the hall and his kid was in the garage.
Dustin pulled the phone away from his ear and rubbed his ear with his finger. “Sheesh, dude. You’re loud. Even when you’re trying to be quiet.”
Eddie pushed his fingers into his eye as he fought to tamp down on his temper. “Dustin...” he said, slow, dark and sharp.
“Look, man,” Dustin said. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I warned you that if you moved back to Indy there was a chance you’d see Steve. And as for your guys’s kids going to the same school, you had to know that was possibility. You moved into the richest neighborhood. Which is where Steve has lived for the last five years.”
Eddie ground his teeth and seethed. Because Dustin was right, the little butthead. He had been warned. A lot of people had warned him.
“Fuck!” Eddie hissed into his phone. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t uproot Harri again. It’d kill him.”
“So don’t,” Dustin said. “You don’t have to interact with Steve outside your kids being in the same band and going to the same school. I don’t think my Mom and Joyce ever spent more than five minutes in each others’ company at time and they liked each other.”
“I don’t think I can do it,” Eddie whispered. “When I came over he was in the throes of one of his migraines and from the look of it, it was one of the bad ones. You know what a bleeding heart I am...”
Dustin sighed. “So you helped with a migraine. You remembered how to do it. Congrats. I still don’t see how you can’t just avoid him in the future. You know,” he said bitterly, “like you have for the last twenty years.”
“Hey,” Eddie bit out. “You know why. You fucking know why.”
Dustin scoffed. “And I still think it’s bullshit. So go on then, why can’t you ignore him now?”
Eddie took a deep breath and let out in a shuddering sigh. “As I was leaving after helping him get back to bed, he said...”
“Wait, wait, hold up,” Dustin said. “You helped him to bed?”
“Fuck, Dustin,” Eddie snapped. “Not like that. I just made sure he didn’t fall down.” Which was a lie. But that’s what Dustin got when he insinuated there was more to it than that. “Anyways, he said that he missed me and that though Edith wasn’t his choice, calling her Edie was definitely in honor of me. How the hell am I supposed to walk away from that?”
There was silence on the line for a moment or two and Eddie thought he’d lost the connection.
“No,” Dustin agreed, soft and solemn. “I don’t think I would’ve been able to walk away either.”
“What do I do?” Eddie whined.
“I think you know what to do,” Dustin said. “Stop running away.”
Eddie let out another shuddering breath. “Yeah. It’s time.” 
Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch
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He just wants his dad // Eddie & Wayne
Summary: as the title says - Eddie just wants his dad. Comfort.💗
It's barely noon when Wayne, a heavy sleeper, is woken up. He only got back from his shift a few hours ago and he had immediately toed off his boots and collapsed into the pull out bed which Eddie had prepared for him before he had left for school that morning. The Munson men had a quiet way of loving each other, understated to all but those who understood.
There's a heavy pressure on Wayne's chest. Sound creeps into his awareness and he registers quiet sniffles, suppressed and muffled by lips pressed tightly together. Wayne shifts and the weight on his chest freezes, the sounds of crying stops and Wayne can only hear his own breathing in the room.
The crying isn't his and only one other person has a key to the trailer, which means...
Wayne's hand lifts and moves into Eddie's hair of its own accord; so strong is his instinct to protect his nephew. Nicotine stained fingers delve into dark, soft curls. Eddie jolts at the first touch, unable to see his uncle move with the way his face is pressed into the blue shirt underneath red and white plaid, but Wayne persists. Gentler at first, to soothe Eddie's scare, but then at the pace he prefers; smooth, steady, constant.
Through his threshold consciousness does he feel Eddie nuzzle his face across, and Wayne moves his hand so he can tilt Eddie's head up. Eddie follows the upward tug and Wayne cracks his eyes open, groggy blues taking in tear soaked cheeks and molten pools of chocolate.
"S'matter, kid?"
Eddie's bottom lip and chin tremble. He shakes his head, exhales roughly, looks down and plucks at Wayne's shirt. "Too much, man. I just - " more tears drip sore down Eddie's face and Wayne brushes them away easily, his body moving by itself. He's not thinking about how to comfort Eddie, it's just happening. It's always been easy to love Eddie. Anger burns hot in Wayne but he channels it into soothing his nephew, taking care of him the way he always has. "School got too much and I didn't even get to see you this morning before I took off and, fuck, I just - " Eddie shook his head as a sob ripped out of his throat. "Got in the van and before I knew it, was here. Saw you, d - " Eddie cuts himself off with a firm headshake, not letting himself say what he was going to.
Wayne watches Eddie try to make himself smaller and touches the back of Eddie's head, pushing down lightly. Eddie gets the hint and rests his head back on Wayne's chest, his ear over his uncle's beating heart. "Finish the sentence, kid," Wayne's voice is gruffer than usual in his sleepiness but his encouragement is warmly intended.
Eddie takes a deep breath, steeling himself to say something he usually doesn't allow him to unless it's in moments like this; when Eddie needs familial love. "Saw you lying here, dad, and I just - " Edie sighs, swipes a hand over his face, "I just wanted a hug. Didn't mean to wake you but it got to me, man."
Wayne hears everything Eddie says but what he listens to is, someone was really mean to me today and I missed you this morning so I came home for a hug.
And it warms him from the inside out.
Wayne smiles and begins to sit up on the bed, making Eddie move. Once Wayne is all the way sat up on the bed, Eddie is moving from the floor and sitting beside him, totally leaning into Wayne. Wayne opens his arms and Eddie falls into the fleshy cage offered to him, more tears soaking his uncle's shirt as he shakes and cries. Wayne sits there, quietly stewing in anger towards whomever or whatever caused his strong nephew to shatter like this, unable to hold himself together in such an intense way that he has come home in the middle of the day for a hug, but shows only love and care towards Eddie. The anger is channelled into love, because that's who Wayne wants to be for Eddie.
The one who always, always steps in and steps up.
"M'sorry, I - "
Wayne cuts Eddie off, "this wasn't you, son. You need a hug, you need anything, you come find me, just like you did today. You know that."
Eddie does know that, he does, and that's why he feels no shame or embarrassment when he squeezes his arms even tighter around Wayne and nuzzles himself home. His tears slow, slow, but Eddie remains where he is and Wayne lets him. He's tired, he wants to go back to sleep, but Eddie isn't done and Wayne's not working tonight, so his body's needs can wait. Anything for Eddie.
Everything else fades away until it's just a broken-hearted son and his gentle natured but angry dad and a whole lotta' love. It's what the Munsons always get right.
eddie & wayne @hellfirebabe @eddiemunsonshoney @potatos-library @bakerstreethound @gemstone-roses @sweetpeapod @authorlovers @jslittlebirdie @heydreamchild @comfortcharactercraze @mywinterivy @corrodedcoffeen @ourstaturestouchtheskies @m00nlight101
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strangerthingsn · 6 months
Part 2
summary: You live in your car or a hotel, you sell your body to men for money, but got accidentally pregnant by the only one Alan Munson(Eddies dad). He was in jail before, for the same thing he did to you. But lucky he has a son who cares and helps you out.
warnings part 2: 18+ (all parts), sex mentioned, alcohol, reader is a female (did I miss something?)
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Eddie walks into the trailer, you’re in the kitchen cooking dinner so his uncle doesn’t have to do that. Eddie is home from a day at his work, he told you about his job as a tattoo artist. “What the-“ you cleaned the whole trailer up today
“what?” You chuckle.
“I’ve never seen this place so clean” he looks around.
“you like it?” You walk out of the kitchen to the living room where Eddie was.
“mhm, Come hire” You look up at Eddie looking a little confused.
“Bought this for you I don’t know if you like it tho” Eddie puts a bag down on the table and gets out a red dress. You walk over to him with a smile. “Its specially for pregnant women, but I think it’s gorgeous with the red” he shows it.
“It’s lovely besides it’s a Christmas color, thank you so much!” you take it and give him a kiss on his cheek. “Dinner is ready, can you get your uncle?”
“yeah sure, we have like two hours to get us ready after” Eddie puts the dress back in the bag and while he walks to his uncles room he puts the bag in his own. In meanwhile you put the dinner on three plates and put it on the small table. You hear Eddie talk with his uncle while you put the drinks on the table.
“he’s coming” Edie sits down and looks at his plate. “I thought you only ate bread and didn’t cook”
“well… sometimes I cook for one of the guys that I worked for” you sit down besides him.
“it smells good” Eddie grabs a beer and opens it.
“thanks” you smile grabbing a coke.
“did you do this kid?” Wayne walks over to the table looking at you.
“oh yeah, I’m really thankful for the help you guys are giving me I wanted to do something back for it” you starts eating.
“No problem” Eddie smiles.
“pretty handy having a women in home” Wayne jokes and starts eating also.
“sure it is” you giggle.
“mmmh this is good”Eddie says after taking his first bite.
“Thank you” it was silent for a couple minutes, everyone enjoying their meal.
“so you guys have a party I heard?” Wayne starts.
“yeah” Eddie nods.
“you’re not drinking, drugs or whatever.” Wayne points at you.
“Wayne.. you’re not her dad” Eddie says before you could say anything.
“it’s okay Eddie” you chuckle “he’s not wrong, and no i absolutely won’t”
“Are you gonna look for another job?” Wayne looks at you.
“uh.. I don’t really know who wants a 19 year old pregnant dumb woman” you shrug your shoulders.
“You’re not dumb, I’m sure anyone wants you” Eddie smiles. “maybe something like a coffee shop?”
“A coffee shop doesn’t sound too bad” you nod almost finishing your meal.
“Anyways, have fun at the party, I gonna do a little nap before night shift” Wayne finished.
“thank you mr Munson”
“Keep her safe Edward” Wayne gets up placing his plate in the sink.
“yeah, I will.” Eddie grabs your plate when he sees you’re finished and puts it in the sink together with his own. “Should we get a outfit?”
“Mhm” you get up and walk behind him to his room.
“Did I already say I have black heels for you?” He gets them out of the bag.
“ill pay back as soon as I can and then also buy my own clothes” you smile and hug him.
“You don’t have to, actually you can wear my clothes forever also” Eddie hugs back looking at you in his clothes.
“you have a good style, badass” you pull away from the hug.
“It suits you even better” Eddie winks while you take off your shirt (Eddie’s shirt) Eddie smiles and turns around giving you some privacy. “I’m gonna shower”
“okay can I choose ur outfit?” You take off your jeans (also Eddies).
“sure” He grabs boxers out of his closet and walks out of the bedroom. You watch him and then you grab your dress, you put it on but you couldn’t close the back. Well you’ll just ask Eddie to help you with that. You grab the pretty heels and put them on, you walk pretty much on heels especially with your work as sex worker because that was sexy. You stand up and look in his mirror. Your belly looked pretty in the dress, you turn around but you notice the prize tag sitting. “217 dollar” you whisper reading the price tag.
You can’t just take that. Eddie doesn’t even know you that well, you only been talking these four days and maybe earlier just a little bit but this is too expensive for just a present. You sigh while walking to his closet. You look through the stuff he has, actually only band shirts or some kind of hellfireshirt for his dnd club he told you about. You look though the pants first finding leather pants. You seen rockstars wearing it in music videos or in their concerts but it’s honestly pretty sexy so you choose that. As shirt you choose a Mötley crüe shirt it was short so when he makes some movements you could maybe see his happy trail or his v line.
“You got a outfit?” Eddie walks in with a towel around his waist. You nod smiling giving the outfit you choose. Eddie looks at it “you want me in this?”
“its sexy” you grin.
“You think I’m sexy?” Eddie chuckles taking the towel off. But he had already his boxers on, sadly.
“maybe” you smirk “but I can wear something else, I don’t want the dress” Eddie looks up at you in a confused way after he had put on his pants.
“but look at you…” he pushes you towards the mirror gently and he stand close behind you and places a hand on your belly. “It perfect.” He whispers.
“You think so?” You smile looking at your reflection and then at Eddies.
“you’re perfect. I’m sure everything fits you” he puts some hair behind your ear. Your heart had never beaten so fast, ofcourse you had sex yesterday but this moment was special and lovely.
“Yeah?” You stay looking at his reflection in meanwhile he puts the zipper up and looks at your reflection also.
“absolutely” Eddie nods “oh I left this on it” he takes the price tag off and you nod. “Oh…. You don’t think you’re not worth the money.?” Eddie looks at you after realizing.
“I mean.. it’s a lot..” you agree.
“But you’re like… a sister now… we live in the same house and you deserve normal clothes and absolutely to look stunning at a party” did he just say you’re a sister to him… you try to hide your disappointment. Suddenly you hear the bell ring and Eddie walks to his bed putting on his shirt.
“the boys are hire, I got your bag at my dads since he’s in jail now, you’re makeup is still in it” Eddie opens the door of his room “take your time”
“Thank you” you walks away from the mirror towards your bag. Eddie nods and walks out of his room closing the door behind him. You grab the makeup bag in your bag and walk to the mirror again. You sit infrond of it and you look around for inspiration, you find posters with half naked girls on covers of metal songs or posters. You see a pretty girl with eyeliner and Smokey eyes, you can imagine that being Eddies type and that’s exactly what you wanted to be.
besides its not the first time you do this makeup look, you think its pretty. You start with concealer putting it under your eyes and some injuries, you blend it out and then you grab your bronzer you make your cheekbones look more pretty, then you apply a eyeliner and you put some black eyeshadow on to make it a smokey eye. To finish the look you put on mascara and a red tinted lipgloss. It probably had taken you about 15 minutes but now you’re ready and your makeup fits your outfit perfectly.
You put some parfume on and you’re done, you grab the door handle waiting a moment before opening it. What if his fired won’t like you and maybe they will tease you? How do they even look like? They probably have the similar style Eddie has because they were also his bandmates. You sigh and open it, you see them waiting on the couch and some are standing and leaning against the wall all taking to eacother.
“uh hi.. I’m y/n” you smile nervously.
“hey, I’m Gareth, Drummer” a guy with dark blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles smiles.
“im Grand” A big guy with brown curls smiles, they all look nice to you. You have the two a nice smile.
“Jeff” Another guy gives you a hand, you notice his shirt because he had the same band on it as Eddie. “Nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too” you see Eddie staring at you and you look back at him.
“what’s wrong? Is there something on my dress.?” You look down to find something he is staring at.
“N-no no. You just look very beautiful” Eddie gets up from the couch. You blush a little with a smile.
“sorry for him he isn’t around girls so often” Gareth messes Eddies hair up.
“not my hair. God damn it Gareth.” Eddie says annoyed and pushes him.
“ey sweetheart get me another beer please” Jeff hands you a empty beer bottle.
“oki” you take it and walk into the kitchen to get another one for him.
“seriously Jeff?” Eddie snaps but you can’t hear them.
“She’s so nice, how old is she?” Jeff looks at Eddie.
“no no no. It’s Eddie’s turn if he fails it’s mine” Gareth sticks his tongue out.
“No don’t treat her like that she had enough trouble with man” Eddie looks at Gareth.
“Mate if you want her you have a free baby with it. I could never” Grant chuckles.
“Is your dad really the dad of the baby tho??” Gareth looks disgusted.
“yeah but don’t tell her i told you please” Eddie watches you coming back.
“for u” you give the beer to Jeff.
“thanks, you’re the sweetest” Jeff takes it from you immediately taking a sip, you sit down on the ground with some struggles because of your babybumb what’s extremely in the way.
“I heard they are gonna do 7 minutes in heaven, I hope that hot chick comes” Gareth grins.
“I don’t know if I’m gonna join, I mean- I’m always so unlucky with those bottles” Jeff chuckled, you have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You missed all the things normal teens do because you never had high school or partys like this one.
“and you? Are you gonna do it?” Gareth looks at you, you look up at him a little confused.
“w-what?” You chuckle.
“7 minutes in heaven” Jeff interrupt.
“what is that?” You ask looking at them both.
“Like you spin a bottle and what person it lands on you go 7 minutes in a dark closed with.. uh in there you can do whatever you want” Eddie explains while getting up.
“you can fuck in there real good” Gareth smirks.
“I rather not, I don’t wanna fuck every guy on that party, I don’t wanna make my baby sick or whatever” you explain.
“Fair enough” Grand agrees.
“chop chop. To the van” Eddie walks over to the door. Everyone puts on their jackets and shoes. You try to get up but that was not so easy as sitting down..
“come hire princess” Eddie probably saw you struggling so he helps you getting up.
“thank you” you breath out.
“Don’t have to thank me, hire” Eddie put his leather jacket on you because you didn’t have a jacket. You smile and Eddie looks at your heels. “Those are pretty, looks good on your pretty legs” That made you blush.
“thank you” you smile gently.
“come on love birds” Gareth pulls Eddies hair and walks out.
“I’m not a love bird.” Eddie and you said on the exact same time. You look at each other and you start laughing.
“come” Eddie walks out with you and closes the door behind you, while the rest is already in the back of his van you walk over to the passengers seat.
“we had a question y/n” Grand starts.
“Then ask it” you sit down and close the door looking behind you at the boys in the backsteat.
“do you like Eddie?” Jeff smirks.
“no!” You hope it was not obvious that you were totally lying. “I mean… as a friend yeah”
“Oh you definitely do” Gareth grins.
“sssst he’s coming” Grand says when Eddie opens the door.
“our secret” Jeff chuckles.
“What?” Eddie looks behind him also.
“Nothing” you turn back “let’s drive to the party”
“alright” Eddie turns back and starts the car. The radio turns on with a sweet 80s song.
“put some metal on y/n” Jeff whines.
“What if I like this song?” You look at him raising a eyebrow.
“then your music taste is total trash” Gareth interrupts.
“fine” you turn back to the radio and you put on another song on what turns out to be crazy train by Ozzy Osborne. “better?”
“a lot” Gareth smiles.
“i like Ozzy Osborne” you smile. “I like crüe too” you point at Jeff his shirt.
“What else do you know?” Jeff raised his eye brows.
“I love Korn, but mostly uhh… Metallica orrr Guns N’ Roses ” you smile “they are hot”
“do we have a groupie hire?” Grant chuckles.
“Only a groupie for Eddie, huh?” Gareth teases.
“Gareth stop bothering her, dick” Eddie looks at him for a second.
“It’s fine Eddie” You turn back to look at the road. The guys already had a conversation with each other but you and Eddie sat in silence, until Eddie looks at you.
“do you dance?” He looks back at the road again.
“I used to strip so I might dance tonight… well not like I did in stripclubs but normal dancing ofcourse” you chuckle a little.
“oh” Eddie chuckles also “I can’t really dance”
“You have to. I can’t dance alone” you look at him with a grin.
“don’t challenge me doll” o my god. Did he just call you doll? You feel your cheeks warmen and you look down.
“what if i do?” You look up with a lil smirk.
“I’m not dancing.” Eddie looks back at you.
“Awhh doesn’t that fit in that perfect little sex drugs rock n roll life of yours?” You chuckle.
“you’ve ever seen a metalhead dance?”
“you’ll be the first one” you look at him with puppy eyes. “Pleaseee”
“Fine, but just not immediately let me drink a couple beers”
“only three” you point at him.
“I know” you drive through a street and it looked so cute with the little houses and the Christmas lights.
“Stop the car!” You shout, you see a little kid on the side of the road walking to the woods.
“Why?!” Eddie and the rest are looking at you.
“Just stop.” You said and he did finally, you open your door and walk out, it was pretty cold today and you just don’t wanna leave a kid all alone in the cold. You walk over to her with a smile.
“hey.. where are your mommy and daddy?” You kneel down by her.
“Don’ now” she looks a little scared because ofcourse just someone stepped out of a van what looks like it already took 5 kids.
“I’m y/n, I was going to a party with my friends but ofcourse I had to help you first” you smile again.
“I’m Layla” she smiles gently.
“That’s a very nice name, should we go look for your parents?” You stand up and Layla nods and takes your hand. In meanwhile Eddie walks over to you.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie looks at the kid and back at you.
“I don’t know..” you feel some more weight on your hand, she was probably tired. “Should I pick you up sweetie?” She nods and holds her arms out. You pick her up and you walk over to the sidewalk.
“House” she points to a house.
“is that your house?” You look at it.
“Yeah my house” she lays her head on your shoulder.
“you’re good with kids y/n” Eddie smiles.
“thank you” you smile at him while walking over to the house.
“baby?” She lays her hand on your belly.
“Yeah” you smile looking at her hand.
“mama too” she smiles.
“you’re getting a sibling?”
“brotha” she nods slowly.
“that’s cool” you smile at her.“let’s see if your parents are home then” you walk over to the frond door and you knock. No one opens so you knock again.
“uh… I’m going back to the van, is that okay?” Eddie lays his hand on your back.
“ofcourse” you smile and Eddie smiles back walking over to the van. Still no one opens the door so you ring the doorbell, 2 minutes later a man opens the door.
“Layla, I’m so sorry… I felt asleep when she was playing outside and my wife is out” he sighs.
“She’s fine just a little tired” you give her to her dad.
“Thank you so much” he smiles.
“No problem I’m happy I could help”
“I’m so thankful” the man looks at his daughter.
“Well, I should get going.. I’m going to a party, the people in the car are waiting” you smile gently.
“alright, have fun at the party”
“bye!” You walks off waving and the man waves back before closing the door. You make your way to the car while hearing some interesting things.
“no but seriously her moans where better then the ones in rocket queen, i swear” You hear Eddie say, you know that song, it’s from Guns N’ Roses. You stand against the van but on a place they couldn’t see you but you could still hear them.
“I can belive that” Jeff chuckles.
“Well if I where you I’ll take her, she’s perfect for you” Gareth says.
“what about the baby?”Eddie asks, now you’re 100% sure it’s about you.
“I’m sure you’ll be a great dad, slash stepdad, slash brother” Grand grins.
“maybe…” Eddie awnsers and now you finally walk over to the door and you open it. The car went silent and they look at you.
“what?” You look around while sitting down.
“Nothing” Eddie starts driving again after you closed to door.
“Alright then” you smile. You hear the song rainbow in the dark by Dio on the radio and you smile turning the volume up “fuck I love this song”
“that’s so sexy” Gareth grins.
“Shut up” you roll your eyes playfully.
“okay y/n, Kirk Hammett or Izzy Stradlin?” Grant asks.
“Uh… Kirk” you grin.
“Then Slash or Vince Neil” Jeff chuckles.
“slash ofcourse.” You laugh.
“I thought all the girls loved Vince” Jeff looks at you.
“He’s blonde man, com on now” you laugh a little. “Besides slash is so damn hot”
“Tommy or Nikki then” Eddie interrupts.
“Both at the same fucking time” you smirk.
“WOAH” Jeff laughs.
“I mean that’s probably what all the groupie wants” Gareth shrugs his shoulders.
“I’m not a groupie”
“but you would sleep with rockstars.” Eddie giggles.
“True” you nod. It was silent for a while and you guys arrive a couple minutes later, you could see it would be busy inside of the amount of cars parked in the street.
“let’s go motherfuckerssss!!” Gareth jumps out and the rest follows.
“if we can’t find each other inside just walk to the kitchen, yeah?” Eddie says before you two get out.
“Okay!” You honestly were so exited to meet some new people. You make your way into the house to the crowd of people and a guy with cool brown hair walks over to you and the rest.
“hey dudes” he smiles at Eddie and his friends then he looks at you.
“uh umh, y/n” you smile and he shakes your hand.
“steve Nice to meet you, Eddies girlfriend?” He looks at both of you.
“Oh-.. uh” You stutter.
“ohh.. no just a friend” Eddie smiles while looking at you and back Steve’s way.
“Okay then, just a couple rules, don’t fuck in my room, smoking outside please and just don’t make trouble” He smiles.
“promise” you nod.
“good” Steve nods also with a smile and with that you walk a little further. Eddie decided to be with the boys what you understand ofcourse because if he’s not working, he’s him with you he has never time alone. You stand in the kitchen looking at all the alcohol. Well there was nothing else then that, you look around looking for anyone you could ask about it. You saw a guy putting some vodka in his cup.
“hey-…uh you know if there is something else to drink?” You walk over to him. The blond guy looks up and he was pretty, blonde curly hair and blue eyes.
“what did you say?” He look annoyed by you.
“sorry to bother, but I’m pregnant you know if there is something else to drink.?” You ask again.
“Can’t tell you. Go asks Steve”
“come Billy” Another dude is talking to him, they didn’t look really nice tho.
“alright.” You sigh and turn around to bumb into a girl.
“I shouldn’t talk to him” she looks at you.
“sorry-..what? With who?” You look confused.
“Billy, he’s a player” the girl leans against the counter.
“Thanks for the warning” you smile.
“I’m Mary, nice to meet you”
“I’m y/n” you lean against the counter too.
“You came hire with those guys?” She points at Eddie and his friends.
“yep” you nod.
“aaah i see, they are nice people, little weird sometimes but so far i know nice” she shrugs her shoulders.
“yeah I know Eddie a little longer, the other I just met a couple hours ago”
“You live hire I’m Hawkins?” “long story short; my parents died when I was 12 after middle school, I didn’t do high school and I became a stripper and also a sex worker and home less” you shrug your shoulders.
“oh jesus, must have been really hard for you..”
“well when I got payed enough I gotta go to a hotel if not, I sleep in my parents car.”
“you drive the car?” She grabs a cup and puts some punch in it.
“no, it is just standing on a parking lot”
“then how you met Munson? You wok for him?”
“Oh I used to work for his dad…” you look down at the baby bumb “he got me pregnant and shot me after”
“o lord” he raises her eyebrows. “I know he’s a criminal, he steals cars and stuff, also there are rumors he killed Eddies mom”
“I know he is but anyways Eddie saved me and we actually became friends, now I live with him and his uncle since yesterday”
“so it happened not long ago?” She takes a sip of her drink.
“uhhhh about 4 days ago” you nod.
“I feel so bad for you, you gonna keep the little kiddo?”
“yes” you nod.
“oh wait.. you want something to drink?” She walks to the fridge and opens it.
“Thank you”
“I totally forgot to put other things then alcohol on the kitchen” she grabs cans of coke and fanta. You smile and take a coke.
“you live hire?” You ask opening the can.
“No Stevie is my cousin” she closes the fridge again.
“cool you must be really rich then” you smile.
“I wouldn’t say rich, maybe my parents have a good job but I live in a smaller house then this”
“I wish I had a life like you”
“it’s not always easy, I have a horse and my mom always wants me to win competitions and stuff”
“You do horse riding?”
“yep, I have a horse named Elvis, I’m a big Elvis fan” she giggles.
“Elvis is a good name, good singer too” you agree with her.
—-3 hours later ——
You and Mary talked a bit longer and after they did 7 minutes in heaven, you didn’t joint for obvious reasons and Eddie didn’t too.
“you already made a friend?” Eddie smiles sitting next to you.
“I guess, her name is Mary she’s Steves niece” you lean back on the couch.
“I wouldn’t think anyone could not like you, you’re just so kind” he smiles giving you a can of Fanta.
“you’re the sweetest” you take the can from him with a smile. “And how is your night? Fixes some girls?”
“it’s pretty fun, and no, not that I know of” Eddie chuckles.
“we are hopeless” you giggle too.
“I saw you talking to Billy in the begin?”
“he was mean” you roll your eyes.
“He has a big ego” Eddie nods.
“Pretty guy tho, not a hundred percent my tipe, I prefer the ones with dark hair”
“I figured in the car” Eddie smiles.
“what about you? What’s ur type?” You look up at him. You’re sure no one is listening to the conversation you have, all too drunk dancing around and Jeff even fixed a girl.
“hmmm, I like blue eyes and I like when girls paint their hair red or blue or anything” Eddie looks at you.
“Yes I know what you mean that’s cool, when I was younger I always wanted red hair but I never had the money for it obviously” you smile.
“is this your real hair color?” Eddie plays with your hair.
“yes my parents had both black hair” you nod.
“Black hair and grey eyes…” Eddie smiles looking at you “you don’t see that much often”
“I don’t know what I think of it”
“I think you’re a gorgeous woman, if the kid is lucky they look like you” Eddie flirts.
“well I think you had more then three beer” you smirk a little.
“I had a little more” he smiles drunkenly.
“you can drive right..?” You yawn.
“yes don’t worry i drive even better then when im sober”
“I don’t know if I belive that but I guess I’ll see” you chuckle.
“come on y/n” Mary takes your hand “let’s dance”
“yes go dance” Eddie smiles.
“I’m tired”
“don’t lie” Mary giggles “comeee”
“okay okay” you smile getting up and walking to the dancing crowd of people. bad medicine by Bon Jovi was on, luckily you like this song and you started dancing with Mary. You look around seeing some girls smile at Mary, she’s pretty popular you can tell.
In meanwhile the song changed into Cheri Cheri lady. You liked this song, it came out a couple years ago but it was a vibe. You knew it was already late, must be around 12 pm. It’s not even that late but it is for you, you were tired probably because of your pregnancy.
“Let me get a drink for you” Mary smiles and rubs into the kitchen. Now you’re dancing awkwardly alone. Not for long tho it didn’t take long before a boy joined you, he was tall, he hand brown hair and green eyes. You smile at him and continue dancing.
“what’s your name sweetheart?”
“y/n, yours?” You talk loud for him to hear you because of the loud music.
“mason” he gives a sweet smile, you smile back while Mary walks back.
“back off I was dancing with her Mason” Mary hand your drink and looks at mason.
“sorry missy” he rolls his eyes and walks away.
“What’s wrong with him?” You look at Mary.
“ex” she chuckles.
“Sorry I didn’t know” you giggle.
“but if you’re into him i can call him back?”
“no no it’s fine, he’s handsome but anyone else can have him” you smile taking a sip of your drink.
“You have a crush?” She raises her eyebrows.
“no!” You said that too fast.
“oh you definitely do” she laugh. “Munson?” You choke in your coke. Yes so now she knows it true, good reaction y/n…
“ofcourse not” you try.
“don’t worry he likes you too”
“How do you know?” You look confused.
“well he’s watching you while talking to his friend what means they are talking about you, plus he hand his hand on his dick when you talked” She smirks.
“I-“ you laugh a little “I don’t think I’m his type Mary”Mary looks behind you again.
“he’s going to the bathroom, you should follow him” She looks back at You again.
“don’t think that’s a good idea, we’ll sleep in the same bed tonight anyways”
“damn, you did that before?”
“Only yesterday..”
“alright then I guess you still have enough chances” she smirks again.
“besides I’m not in the mood tonight”
“Fair enough” she nods “ o my god, I love this song!!” She smiles big when she hears rebel yell coming on.
“Me too!!” You giggle.
“anyways, I’m gonna ask for a song, be right back” she smirks.
“No mary… what’s your plan.?”
“surprise” she runs off. You turn around to see Gareth and Grant watch you nothing Eddie is still using the bathroom. Gareth looks away like you didn’t catch them staring at you already. You giggle and stick your tongue out to grand.
“I’m back” she continues dancing with you again. “that motherfucker better be hire soon” she grins.
“I’m afraid” you look at her.
“don’t be” she smiles friendly.
“can I have ur number tho?”
“uh you should ask Eddie that I don’t know it” you shrug your shoulders.
“then I will”
—10 minutes later—
You were still dancing but you noticed some people going home already but it was still crowded.
“oeeehh is it okay if i dance this one with my boyfriend?” She asks if take my breath away comes on.
“sure don’t worry about me” you smile.
“thanks sweetie” Mary goes over to her boyfriend and dances together slowly in a perfect rhythm. You look around seeing only couples dancing so you’re just standing there fucking awkward. You walk over to a wall by the music and you lean against it.
“Come on Eddie, look at her standing all alone” Gareth tries to convince Eddie to dance with you.
“no I don’t like dancing, you know that.” Eddie says annoyed.
“okay fine, then i will because this is just sad man.” Gareth says walking over to you. You didn’t notice at first but suddenly someone takes your hand.
“come” Gareth smiles. You smile back taking his hand, he walks over to Mary and her boyfriend and places his hands on your back and you wrap your arms around his neck. He was just a little taller then you so it was easy.
“I asked Eddie if he wants to dance but he gets grumpy if he’s too drunk” Gareth chuckles.
“that’s fine” you smile.
“whore” anyone behind you said and you’re really sure that was about you. You look behind you to see a blonde guy with a basketball sweater on.
“huh? What did you say?” You let Gareth go and turn to him. The boy looks at your belly and snorts.
“come on Jason let her go” a blonde girl pulls his sweater.
“who’s the dad? Or you had so many you don’t even know anymore?” He laughs, some other people do too. You open your mouth to say something but you didn’t have words.
“hey man. You better leave her alone.” Eddie stands next to you suddenly.
“or what Munson?” He smirks.
“Nothing. Eddie has nothing to do with it but I just want to say it’s very sad that you talk to a woman like that.” You snap. Eddie looks at you and raises his eyebrows while you push past Jason making your way to the backyard of the house.
You sit down in the cold wet grass all alone in the dark. You shiver because you only had a dress on and it’s winter. You thought of the things Jason said to you, you realized they were true. You were a whore and you had slept with much men but one thing was a lie; you knew who the dad was..
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Let me know if you liked this part! thanks for all the likes on part one🫶🏻
tagglist: @bethexo07 @kellyxo1 @daisyridleyss @ilovetaquitosmmmm
(if there is a line through your name means I can’t tagg you, sorry!)
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Two of Us
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4 - Not Arriving, On Our Way Back Home
cw: implied mentions of rape
Eddie ran down the stairs, wrapping the teenager in a warm embrace. Tears were brought to everyone’s eyes, Will excluded, as they saw the man who had been dead for over a year standing before them. Dustin was sobbing into Eddie’s chest, seemingly never wanting to let him go.
“I thought you died,” Dustin cried.
“Well, I didn’t, little man.”
“How, uh… how?” Steve bumbled.
“I don’t even fully know, man.” Eddie broke away from Dustin and quickly embraced Steve.
“I can try to explain it. Well, explain what I know. So, I don’t know how he got back from wherever the hell you guys were, but I was still in California with my daughter, and I got a call saying a family member of mine in Hawkins was in the hospital as a John Doe. His face was all bloody and distorted, his body was all chewed up… the only reason they knew he was related to me was because they did some blood-typing and matched him to my blood. Thankfully, they already had me in the system from when I gave birth.”
“How did he immediately not get arrested?” Dustin asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Eddie was wanted for murder.”
“Oh, that—yeah, we didn’t use his real name.”
“What?” Steve hummed.
“Do I have to spell everything out for you guys? God. I called our uncle and told him to claim Eddie as his son, not his nephew. We told the hospital staff that his name was Joseph Munson.”
“Perks of having a generic middle name,” Eddie chuckled.
“That’s something I’ll literally never forgive pops for. Fucking ‘Claire Josephine Munson’ absolutely stupid.”
“I like it,” Robin shrugged.
“Well, you’d be the first. Our dad just needed us to have similar names because we’re twins. Mom thought it was asinine, but she agreed to giving us similar middle names—Joseph and Josephine. But, uh, yeah… when he got better, he was released into Wayne’s care, but Eddie had too much PTSD from the trailer, so now he’s here with me.”
“Well, that explains the buzzed head.”
“Yeah, man,” Eddie sighed as he rubbed his shaven head. “I keep trying to convince Claire to let me grow it out again, but-”
“I told you, for the millionth time, I’m not going to prison for harboring a wanted ‘criminal’—even if you were wrongly accused, they don’t give a shit. The fucking hair stays short.”
“They already declared me dead, so not like it matters much.”
“He’s right,” Robin said.
“What do you mean?” Claire asked.
“If he was declared dead, and there’s a death certificate, then you’re no longer a wanted criminal. All charges become null and void when the person charged dies.”
“Hell fuckin’ yeah! I’m growing my hair out again!” Eddie laughed as he stuck his tongue out at his sister.
“I literally hate you.”
“Awe, c’mon, you love me.”
“Unfortunately,” Claire said, rolling her eyes, “I’m happy for you, stupid.”
“Mommy?” the little one whispered.
“Yes, sweet pea?”
“My homework is all done. Can you please check it for me?”
“Yeah, of course. Excuse me, guys.” Claire walked off to the dining room table with her daughter, going over the grade-school work.
“So, Munson, you’re a free-man—what are you gonna do?” Steve asked.
“Get my band back together, duh.”
“Really?” Dustin raised a brow, “not graduate?”
“Actually Henderson…” Eddie ran upstairs to his room, returning shortly after with a framed piece of paper. “Turns out, dying’s got some perks.” Eddie smiled proudly as he presented his (honorary) high school diploma to everyone.
“No fucking way!”
“Yes, fucking way! What’d I tell you, huh? ’86, baby… my fucking year.”
“Proud of you, man,” Steve said.
“Thanks, big boy.”
“Why do both you and your sister call me that? I-I mean, what’s the point?”
“To see you get flustered,” Claire smirked, “oh, Eddie, Edie’s ready for her lessons.”
“That’s my cue.”
“No way you named your daughter ‘Edie’,” Steve said.
“Only after the best,” Eddie smiled proudly.
“But… why?”
“I almost sorta died during labor. Eddie gave me a pep talk and never left my side until I woke up… as a thank you, I agreed to name my kid after him.”
“And her father didn’t have an issue with that?” Steve asked.
“He, uh… he doesn’t even know she exists.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
“Please, don’t be. You of all people, don’t be.”
“Why me of all people?” Steve raised a brow and crossed his arms.
“Yeah, Claire,” Eddie started, “why him of all people?”
“Don’t you have a guitar lesson to be giving a five-year-old?”
“Go before she gets angry. She’s fucking terrifying when she’s angry.”
“Fine,” Eddie sighed.
He walked off to the dining room to collect his niece for her daily guitar lesson. The two made their way into the basement, that Claire had professionally soundproofed, and would then be missing for the better part of an hour.
“That little thing gets angry?” Robin pointed.
“It’s far and few between, but yeah, and I swear, you see your life flash before your eyes every time it happens.”
“So, Claire,” Steve interjected, “why me of all people?”
“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to hate me.”
“Sure,” Steve shrugged.
“I was already pregnant when I slept with you.”
“Okay? And that matters because?”
“I was trying to use you as a scapegoat…”
“Are you fucking serious!” he yelled, “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I realized what I was doing was wrong and I stopped! I was barely fifteen and fucking terrified, can you blame me?”
“You shouldn’t have gotten knocked up, then! Or-Or at least know who the fucking dad is instead of trying to ruin someone else’s life!”
Claire stood in her home in disbelief. Her jaw hung slack as tears prickled at the corners of her eyes. Her chest became heavy as the air around her suddenly became thick. She struggled to breathe. Her cheeks heated up in anger and embarrassment—it took everything in her not to scream.
“Get out of my house,” she eventually whispered.
“Claire-” Dustin started.
“All of you, out!”
“What? Can’t eat what you serve? Y-You know, I was super excited to see you, to reconnect and hopefully build something here, but now all I see is a massive bullet I dodged.”
“I know who the dad is, asshole…” Claire spat, holding back tears. “I just didn’t want it to be him… I would have taken anyone, but him… I wanted my daughter to have a father because I didn’t want her to grow up like me, but I couldn’t stand the thought of talking to him again. I didn’t want, and honestly still can’t, tell Edie who her dad is… not because I don’t know, but because I think it would physically kill me to see him again.”
“Then why did you ever date him?” Dustin asked.
“I didn’t.”
“Okay, then why sleep with him?”
Claire sniffed as she pursed her lips and quickly wiped away a tear that fell from her eyes. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach as she anxiously tapped her foot and looked to the floor.
Her voice broke, “who ever said I wanted to?”
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trinityinstitutehq · 1 year
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**character name**: edward wayne munson; eddie
**character birthdate & age**: april 20th, 1997; 25
**character fandom**: stranger things
**character pronouns/gender/sexuality etc**: he/him, transmale, biromantic / bisexual
**character faceclaim**: joseph quinn
**student/professor/job title etc/whatever is relevant**: musician / mechanic
**if student, what do they study. if professor, what do they teach. strike if not relevant**:
**living situation**: lives in a two bedroom apartment with his daughter and uncle wayne.
**character biography**: [ tw; drugs, dysphoria, abuse ] for as long as eddie can remember, he’s always gone against what was expected of him. from fighting against his parents when they insisted on dresses and the name edie, to fighting back against the abuse they tossed his way as he grew. when he was eleven he turned up with a buzzcut and bruises to his uncle wayne’s when his dad had gone back to jail, his mother no where to be found. he’d wept, poured his soul out to the man and it was as simple as saying his name was eddie for the stern but caring man to take it as fact. he took him in, got custody, and for the first time in his life eddie was allowed to know what happiness meant.
hawkins was a small town though. full of prejudice and bullies. while he was loud and bizarre, he never dared to let anyone close enough to know the secrets he held. he found a deep love of metal music and dungeons & dragons that had him blossoming into the protector of a group of misfits which gave him strength and purpose.
despite failing grades at school multiple times he finally managed to make it out, and eddie got a modest job as a mechanic. however… old habits die hard. he also kept the two jobs he was known for in high school. his love of music and performing with his band, and dealing drugs. for the most part he stopped with the harder stuff and stuck mostly to just weed in the hopes of not getting caught up in too much trouble while he was doing fairly well at his other job.
things went well for a few years, until his own dealer & supplier introduced him to another dealer. a sharp-tongued man from a few states away that captivated eddie immediately. the two began a relationship that went from intense and romantic to abusive very quick. the signs were obvious and wayne and the few that knew of his relationship pleaded with him multiple times to leave the unpredictable man he’d gotten serious with. he ignored them, though, until he found out he was expecting his daughter.
upon the discovery he told his uncle and they mulled over their options. as fate would have it, a few days into their deliberations wayne was offered a job in london. it was a move than they’d ever expected but as fast as they could manage, they got packed up and left town.
eddie had his beautiful little girl penelope violet and the last two years.. things have gone good. their apartment is small but full of love with penny keeping wayne and eddie on their toes. but.. there’s drawbacks. he keeps his socials locked down which has stifled the solo music career he’s still pursuing down a lot and he does his best to still keep afloat with just the mechanic job to help out. it’s the first time in his life he hasn’t had dealing to fall back on and it’s.. hard. but it’s worth it, despite his fear. all he needs is wayne and penny to get by.
**character’s deep dark secret**: his daughter’s other biological parent threatened his life and he lives in fear of him finding out where they are now.
mun name/alias: e
timezone: cst
pronouns: she/they
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 4
Hello! And welcome to part 4. Edie has more questions than answers, but we’re finding more and more out as the story unfolds.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie wiped away a stray tear that had escaped his eyes before stepping out into the garage.
“Hey, you kids almost done?” he asked. He looked at his watch. “It is getting late.”
Kenny looked up at the clock. “Shoot, man! My mom is going to kill me.”
Mandy swore too. “I’m getting a ride home with you, right?” she asked Kenny. He nodded and they hurried to put their stuff in his car.
They waved goodbye and then Eddie was alone with Harri and Edie.
“How’s Dad?” she asked. “Still puking?”
Eddie shook his head. “I managed to get him into bed.”
Edie rocked her head back. “What? Dad never lets anyone help him to bed. Not even those who can straight up carry him.”
Eddie blinked. “Uh...he let me.”
“He let you what?” Edie asked tilting her head in confusion.
“Carry him to bed?”
“Oh,” Edie said. “Wow. So how do you know my dad?”
Eddie looked over at Harri before shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor. “Your dad and I used to run together with Nancy and Jon and all them after high school. Well after Steve graduated, anyway. Me and the rest of us older kids graduated in ‘86.”
“You’re younger than my dad?” Edie asked.
Harri scoffed.
“Shut it, kid,” Eddie barked. “No, I’m older. It just took me three tries to graduate.” He glared over at Harri. “Something I trying to make sure this idiot doesn’t repeat.”
Edie frowned, remembering her dad’s comment about not raising a quitter. “You know, it’s strange. I don’t think I’ve ever heard your name before in my life, but I can’t help but think that I’ve been raised on stories of you my entire existence nonetheless.”
Eddie blushed. “Can’t say I did the same. Harri here wouldn’t have heard of Steve Harrington at all. At least not from me.”
“Wait,” Harri said. “That guy that that your old bandmates talk about all the time. The one they keep telling you to make up with, that’s Steve Harrington, isn’t it? What the hell, Dad.”
Eddie grimaced. “Jeff and Gareth have a very inflated sense of ego.”
“Jeff Lawrence?” Edie asked. “Mandy’s dad?”
Eddie pursed his lips. He was going to kill Jeff. It was one thing to say that Steve and him had kept in contact over the years but it was quite another for his daughter to be best friends with Steve’s.
“That’s the one, princess,” Eddie said tossing his head back and rolling his eyes. “Only Jeff was friends with me first.”
Harri kicked his dad’s ankle. “Hey, Uncle Jeff is a grown ass man, he can be friends with whoever he wants. And since you guys aren’t in the band anymore and we were still living in Cali it makes sense Uncle Jeff would want to connect with someone from the old crowd.”
Eddie sneered playfully. “I hate it when you get all cleverer than me.”
Edie was glancing back and forth between them like a tennis match, but finally she had enough. “You’re telling me that not only do you know Mandy, but that you’ve known her dad for years?”
Harri and Eddie both grimaced in unison as they had completely forgotten she was there.  
“I didn’t think about how I knew Mandy,” Harri said. “We just started hanging out when we moved here about a month ago and then when she said you guys needed a new guitarist...”
Edie smacked her forehead. “Yep. That’s on me. I didn’t ask either.”
Harri scuffed his shoe on the pavement, looking down. “Am I still going to be allowed to be in the band?”
Eddie’s heart sunk. He looked over at Edie and then back at his son. They were both expecting him to say no. But how could he do that to either of them? It wasn’t their fault.
“What kind of asshole would I be if I said no?” he asked. “Of course you can still be in the band.”
Harri looked up at him all smiles and hugged him. “Thanks Dad!”
Edie smiled at them both. “Thanks, Mr Munson.”
Eddie sighed. “Yeah. Come on, Harri. It’s time to go home, you both have school in the morning.”
“Bye, Miss Thing!” Harri said after giving her a fist bump.
“Bye H-man!” Edie said.
Edie watched as the two Munson boys walked away. Her dad had a lot of explaining to do.
Edie walked into Steve’s room and was impressed by what she saw. The drapes were closed, the light was off, and Dad was actually under the covers. Something no amount of bullying on Aunt Robin or Nancy’s part could ever achieve.
Dad hated being taken care of. But in less than two hours of this man coming into her home, her father had let down more walls than the entire time she had been on this earth.
Who was Eddie Munson? And why did her dad treat him differently then anyone she had ever known.
She knelt next to Steve’s bed and gently roused him from sleep.
“Hey,” he murmured as he slowly got up. “Is everyone gone?”
Edie sat down next to him on the bed and took his hand. “Yeah, they’ve gone.”
Steve nodded. “You must have so many questions.”
“Oodles and gobs,” she agreed. “But I’m going to be nice and wait until your head is no longer trying to kill you.”
He grimaced. “What, so you can finish the job?”
She chuckled. “Something like that.” She played with the ring on his right hand. She once had asked him if it was his wedding ring to Mom, but he’d told her no. It was from something else. From someone else. And now, she was pretty sure she knew who. “Do you need some pain killers?”
Steve nodded barely able to contain his whimper. Edie got up and the pills and a Gatorade. She came back and handed them to him. He took the pills and chugged half of the Gatorade, before handing it back to her.
“Thanks, love,” he murmured and got back under the covers.
“You’ll want to shower and change before you completely are down for the night,” she reminded him gently.
Steve nodded again. “Just a few minutes. Time for the medicine to work.”
“Of course.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ll come back and check on you later.”
Steve hummed in response and she knew she would have to wake him again when she came back.
Steve woke up the next morning better than he usually felt in the aftermath of a migraine. And he knew who to thank for it. He also knew that had he not been in the throes of one of his worst in recent memory, he would have been a lot bitchier. Hurray for migraines, he guessed.
He didn’t have any appointments today so he didn’t have to cancel anything which was a life saver. He could even have Edie take herself to school. He got up and shuffled out to the kitchen in his pjs.
Edie was munching on her cereal when he got out there. “How’s the head?”
Steve waved his fingers back and forth. “So-so. You okay to take yourself to school today?”
She nodded. “Yeah, no trouble.”
They stared each other down for a minute before Steve blinked first.
“So what do you want to know?” he asked, turning on the kettle.
Edie steepled her fingers under her chin. “We can start with how did you meet mega-producer Edmond Munson?”
Steve laughed. “When I met him he was on his first senior year of high school, jumping on tables and ranting about ‘the man’.”
Edie’s eyes went wide. “What?!”
Steve shook his head. “I knew who he was then. And probably before that. As sort of a ‘oh look there’s that dude again making a menace of himself’ kind of way.”
“He really stood on tables and ranted about ‘the man’?” Edie asked incredulously.
He shrugged. “The topics would vary but, yeah. Pretty much the same theme of kids are being oppressed type thing.”
“But you were a preppy jock in high school,” Edie said. “I’ve seen the pictures.”
“Yeah, I was the King and he was the Freak, never the twain shall meet,” Steve agreed. “That’s what he was called, don’t give me that look.” Edie rolled her eyes.
“Okay,” she growled, “but none of this explains how you guys knew each other. Because this sounding like you didn’t.”
Steve leaned on his elbows onto the counter and looked her dead in the eye. “I want you to understand one thing and one thing only. If you go looking this shit up after I tell you, you will be grounded for life. Because it’s been twenty years and he deserves to let sleeping dogs lie. Do. You. Understand. Me?”
Edie’s head jerked back. This was like those moments when she asked about his scars or the many concussions he’s had. Her normally goofy dad was replaced by someone darker, someone who had walked through hell and lived to tell about it. She nodded quickly, her eyes wide.
“Back in his final senior year, the year Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Argyle all graduated,” Steve said sternly, “he was accused of murdering a cheerleader. Something your Uncle Dusty swore he would never do. And you know how tenacious he can be when he puts his mind to it.”
Edie nodded. “He’s like a dog with a bone.”
“So we went on this hunt to find Eddie,” Steve continued. “And sure enough he was being railroaded and we tried to clear his name. He almost died.” The last sentence was whispered, pulled from from the very depths of his soul and he hung his head between his shoulders.
“Holy shit,” she whispered. “Really?”
Steve lifted his head and straightened up. He pinched his nose and rubbed it with his knuckle. “Yeah. He got cleared of all charges and then few months later he was gone. Signed a record deal.”
“Your friend that had a band...” Edie muttered. “That was him?”
Steve nodded. “But it’s time for you to go to school. We’ll talk more later.”
Edie knew that she still had a couple of minutes before she needed to go, but she accepted it as the dodge it was. Dad was getting emotional and needed a break.
She nodded and got ready to go. She kissed his cheek. “Love you dad.”
Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 7
Hi guys! Now that “Rescue” is done, I’ll be focusing on this one a little bit more having already written 1000+ words in the next part. This one is cliffhanger-esque as well. A tad dramatic on Edie’s part. We find out what secret Edie’s being holding on to for a while.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 
Edie tapped nervously on the steering wheel of her Ford Focus. Her dad insisted she get a sensible car and got her a Focus. It was ugly as fuck, but it was new and that was what was really important to the assholes at school.
“You want to give me a preview of the shit storm that’s about to go down?” Harri asked.
Edie chewed on her lip as she deliberated what to tell him. “My mom liked brag about all the things she had done to my dad when she was drunk and feeling especially vicious. She wouldn’t tell Dad these things. Me. I don’t know how she thought that by revealing how vile she was I would want to live her, but she did.”
Harri thought for a moment. “Just how bad are we talking about?”
Edie gripped the steering wheel tighter until her knuckles turned white. “She would gaslight him.”
“Come again?” Harri asked, eyes wide.
“She would tell him one thing and say she had said another,” she said between clenched teeth.
“Holy hell,” Harri hissed. “And how on earth did she get away with that?”
Edie released the steering wheel with her fingers so she could stretch them out from how tightly she had gripped the wheel. “Dad had three concussions in three years, so his memory wasn’t good to start with.”
“Holy hell,” Harri said again. “Let me guess, ‘can’t talk about it because of the NDAs’?”
Edie nodded. “Well, for one of them anyway. Uncle Jonathan decked him once. Dad said he deserved that one.”
“What did he do?” Harri asked as the pulled into his driveway.
“Made fun of Uncle Will, Uncle Jonathan’s little brother,” Edie said with a wince. “Made fun of all the Byers, to be honest. But I think it was the bit about Uncle Will that really got Uncle Jonathan pissed. Because Uncle Will was missing at the time and Dad was still a bit of dick in high school.”
Harri shook his head. They both got out of the car. Harri closed the door and leaned on the roof of her car.
“And what was the second concussion?” he asked.
She let out a sigh. “Dad put himself between a bully that was threatening to kill someone Dad was in charge of and took a plate to the head.”
Harri tapped the top of the car and began walking to the front door. “Do you know who the target was?”
Edie shrugged. “I do, but he’s kinda famous, so I’m not allowed to say. It’s not an NDA or anything. Just a family secret, I guess.”
Harri shrugged back. He knew his family had plenty of those so he couldn’t really judge her for that.
He opened the door and called out, “Hey, Dad! I’m home!”
Eddie came out of his studio and shoved his hands in his pockets, staring down Edie.
“So Harri tells me you have a piece of the puzzle I didn’t have before regarding how shitty your dad was.”
Edie winced. She hoped she would be helping and not hurting things. “The list of things you don’t know could fill the ocean, I’d bet.”
Eddie huffed out a bitter laugh. “I suppose so. Well come on. I’ll make us a snack.”
Harri and Edie followed him into the kitchen. They sat at the counter on the bar stools. From what Edie could tell from what she’d seen of the house so far it was very different from hers. In both tone and color. Her house was bright blues and sunny yellows. The Munson house was earth tones. Browns and reds and oranges.
Her house was home, but this was homey.
Eddie got out some celery and carrots and began cutting them up.
“So how much do you know about my mother?” Edie asked.
Eddie shrugged. “I know everyone calls her a grade A bitch, but not much beyond that, I guess.”
Edie took a deep breath. “Right then you need a shit ton of backstory before I get to the main event.”
Eddie and Harri shared a look of concern.
“She was setup by my grandparents to steal Dad’s trust fund,” Edie said bitterly.
“I didn’t know your dad even had a trust fund...” Eddie admitted. He set the cut veggies in a bowl and started making his own ranch dressing for dipping.
Edie folded her hands in her lap. “He didn’t either. Not until he married her.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Um...what now?”
“It was one of those you receive it when you turn twenty-one or when you get married kind of deals,” she explained. “Both of my great grandparents set it up when he was born and poured a lot of money into it over time and then upon their deaths, a sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was put in the account. For each grandparent.”
“Your dad had a trust fund of a million dollars?” Harri asked, nearly choking on a carrot he’d snatched.
Edie shook her head. “Plus the interest and the money they had been putting into it since he was born it was worth seven point five million.”
Eddie eyes went wide as his jaw dropped. “That is a lot by today’s standard, twenty years ago that would have been quite the nest egg.”
She nodded.
“And your grandparents, what told her that she would get a cut of the trust if she married and then divorced him?” Harri asked.
Edie shrugged. “It’s a bit more complicated than that. She was to funnel the money from the trust to his parents’ account and then split town.”
“So what went wrong?” Eddie asked. “Because I’m guessing she didn’t get a red cent if she’s so bitter.”
Edie’s features grew hard. “Everyone thinks my dad is stupid but he’s not.”
“He’s never been,” Eddie agreed, he leaned against the counter and folded his arms and legs. “But go on.”
She nodded. “He decided not to touch the trust at all when they got married. He wanted to make it work on his own merits, so he got a financial advisor he could trust and started investing with it instead.”
“I’m betting your mom didn’t like that,” Harri said between bites.
“She’s not my mom,” Edie snapped. “Call her Addison if you have to use something other than ‘that bitch’, because someone who has only spent a total of a single year with me my entire life does NOT get the honorific of ‘mom’.”
She was breathing heavily and her cheeks were flushed with rage. Eddie came around the counter and began rubbing her wrists gently with his thumbs until her breathing even out and she no longer looked as though she was going to run.
“You okay now?” He asked bending his head down and round to her in the eye.
She nodded. “Sorry about that. She just makes me so mad. Not just because she was a horrible mom. But a horrible wife and worse person.”
“I’ve met more than a few of those,” Eddie agreed. “You think you can give us the Cliffnotes version of events?”
Edie looked between the two of them and then nodded. “Bitch cheated on Dad, Dad found out, divorced her, she found out trusts aren’t included in shared monies, and fucked the fuck right off.”
“She–she cheated on him?” Eddie asked a little breathless and lot pained.
Edie nodded. “It’s why Dad doesn’t date anymore. His last partner Andy Miller cheated on him, too. He said three strikes and he was out for good.”
Eddie eyes fluttered shut and he pursed his lips trying to hold back the tears that sprang unbidden to his eyes. He took a moment to get a hold of himself before he asked. “But all that isn’t the puzzle piece you mentioned before. That’s the backstory. So what’s the puzzle piece?”
She took a deep shuddering breath and let out slow and ragged. “I was born the week after Brian Martin’s funeral. Dad wanted to go, but Addison faked Braxton Hicks contractions and they spent the day at the hospital instead.”
Harri cried, “Faked?!”
Edie looked down at the counter again and traced her finger along the lines in the marble. “That’s what she told me. She didn’t want him connecting with his old crowd again because she was sure he’d leave her if he saw how much better life could be without her.”
“I’m not sure I understand the logic on that one,” Harri admitted.
“It’s because she wouldn’t have been able to fly out because it would be too close to her due date, huh?” Eddie said, pursing his lips.
Edie nodded. “Yeah.”
Eddie closed his eyes again and leaned on the counter, his head bowed. His hair hid his face as it traveled through the different emotions. That made more sense than Steve refusing to show. This was the age before cell phones and by the time someone would have gotten a hold of Steve, Eddie was too mad to hear the reason. Even if it was a good one.
“So yeah,” Edie said. “I don’t want you judging Dad for that. He may have done a lot of shit in his life, but that wasn’t one of them.”
Eddie nodded. As much as he wanted to still be angry at Steve over his not being at Brian’s funeral, viewed in this new light, it was impossible. He let out a low, shuddering breath, letting the hurt feelings go with it. He could forgive Steve this.
“Thanks,” he said. “You’re right, that does help in lessening the sting a bit.”
Edie nodded again. “It’s been so hard on Dad these last few years and he’s been struggling. He thinks he doesn’t have a reason to be upset or depressed, but the only friend with in easy visiting distance is Jeff and Uncle Dusty. But I don’t think he counts because him and Aunt Suzy are more like family. Everyone else has scattered to the literal ends of the earth.”
“Edie...” Eddie said, his shoulders slumping.
She held up her hands and waved them back and forth. “I’m not asking you to be BFFs or whatever. Just...a friend, I guess. Or something, I don’t know.” She got up out of her stool, head down. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She looked up at Eddie, tears in her eyes and then over at Harri. “About any of it.”
And then she ran out the door.
Part 8 Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 5
Hey, all! It’s been awhile since I posted anything with this one and since I’m a couple chapters past where I left you, I figured I’d give you this as a little treat.
Hurricane Robin makes her landing in Indy early and stirs up trouble. She means well, but what she doesn’t know could hurt Steve. And Eddie.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Mandy was positively buzzing. “I can’t believe our dads went to school together!” she told Edie at lunch. “That’s so cool. I guess I never really thought about how they knew each other.”
Edie shook her head. “Yeah, because it’s so weird. My dad has always hated talking about high school. All he’ll say about it is how much of an ass he was and how he’d changed. So I guess it makes sense that I wouldn’t have heard of people from those days. I mean other than, you know, all of Dad’s other friends.”
Robin, Nancy and Jonathan, Dustin. They all knew Dad in when he was in  high school, but they never really talked about it. Not really.  
Harri picked at his sandwich. “Dad doesn’t like talking about high school either. The only thing he’ll talk about is his D&D club, The Hellfire Club and the fact that he left Hawkins because of a witch hunt that almost cost him his life.”
Edie and Mandy nodded. That had tracked with what their fathers had told them.
Kenny shifted nervously in his seat. “Now I feel left out...”
Mandy threw her arm around him and kissed his cheek. “You’ll still be the best keyboardist this stupid town as ever seen.”
Kenny giggled. “Yeah okay.”
“Love you, Kenny,” she said with a grin.
Kenny blushed. “I love you too.”
Edie cooed. “There’s just something so special about a lesbian and her male straight best friend.”
Kenny picked up his roll and threw it at her. “Fuck off!”
Edie giggled. They chatted all throughout lunch, but toward the end, she realized that Harri had been silent the whole time.
“Hey, H-man,” she said bumping his shoulder. “What’s up?”
Harri shrugged. “I don’t know. I just have this feeling that there is something deeper between our dads than what we can see on the surface.”
“Yeah,” Edie said with a sigh. “They went to school together, became friends, and then what? Never spoke to each other again for twenty years? There is something that doesn’t add up.”
Mandy nodded. “I can ask my dad. I think he’d be more willing to talk about it then Mr Munson and Mr Harrington would.”
“That sounds great,” Edie agreed. “I’m going to go do some digging into Dad’s high school days and see what I can turn up. And maybe pump Aunt Robin for info. She loves talking.”
Harri just sat there with his head hanging between his hunched shoulders. “It’s just after Papa died, Dad has been so closed off from everyone else for so long, throwing himself into work. And now suddenly he’s out here and...I don’t know.”
Edie rubbed his back. “I know. It’s just so sudden and scary and it’s like we didn’t know our dads at all.”
Harri nodded. “I mean I knew that there was this part of his life that he could never talk about, but this feels different from that. That shit, whatever it was, was scary, but this just feels...sad.”
They settled into an uneasy silence until the bell rang to go to their next class.
When Edie got home from school she could hear raised voices coming from the kitchen.
“I just don’t like how he just swanned back into your life,” Aunt Robin was huffing.
“So he moved back to Indy,” Steve replied. “It’s not a big deal.”
“The hell it’s not, Steve,” she snapped. “Did you know he was in town?”
Edie heard her dad sigh. “No and I don’t care either.”
“Did Jeff know?” Robin growled.
“Probably,” Steve conceded. “And as I didn’t ask, I didn’t expect him to tell me. It’s a large school, Robin. The likelihood of our kids becoming friends was astronomical.”
“Not with both of you still friends with Jeff it wasn’t,” she argued back.
“She met him in her art class, Robs,” Steve said. “She probably didn’t even realize that Mandy and Harri knew each other. This isn’t the vast conspiracy you are making it out to be.”
“Steve!” Robin cried.
And that was when Edie decided to make her presence known. “Hey, Dad.”
Steve and Robin turned to her in shock.
“Edie!” Robin cried. “Hey, sweetie!”
Edie gave her a hug. “I thought you weren’t coming until the weekend.”
Robin looked at Steve sidelong. “Let’s just say there was an emergency.”
Steve threw his arms in the air in frustration. “Eddie coming back into my life is NOT an emergency.”
Edie slid into her spot at the counter. “Oh? Do tell.”
Steve glared at Robin for putting him on the spot. “Edmond Munson is my greatest, what if...okay? I didn’t realize I had had a crush on him until after his band got the record deal and moved to California. It is what it is. I met your mother and the rest is history.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “More like your parents threw her at you.”
Edie winced. She had never met Clint and Marilyn Harrington but Dad’s friends didn’t like them.
“Hey!” Steve growled. “She played the role of sweet and caring all too well, or do I need to remind you that you had a crush on her, too?”
Robin flushed angrily. “You promised you would never bring that up!”
“Yeah well,” Steve bit out, “that was before you decided one ten minute encounter with someone I haven’t seen in twenty years was enough to cut out of work early and fly out today!”
He stormed out of the kitchen in a huff.
“Steve!” Robin called after him but he didn’t even so much as slow his steps. She turned to Edie. “Where do you think he’s gone?”
Edie shrugged. “His bedroom probably. He had a migraine yesterday and this definitely didn’t help that.”
Robin deflated. “He didn’t tell me that...”
“What did he tell you?” Edie asked leaning on her intertwined fingers and batting her eyelashes.
Robin sighed. “Only that Eddie’s son recently joined your band and that he had come over to the house to pick him up.”
“So leaving out aaaalllll the salient bits,” she said with a secret smile.
Robin narrowed her eyes. “And just what do you know, Miss Thing?”
Edie pursed her lips and tapped them with her forefinger. “If Dad wanted you to know, you would. But let’s just say...” and she made sparkles with her fingers and mouthed the word ‘boom,’ like fireworks. “On both sides.”
Robin’s eyebrows went up. “Both?”
“Oh yeah,” Edie said. “You remember how Kyle looked when Dad and he started dating?”
Robin nodded.
“Mr Munson looked just. Like. That.” Edie jumped off the stool and patted Robin on the shoulder. “I don’t know their history, and maybe it’s better that I don’t. But if you fuck this up for Dad, I’ll tell him about the chocolate ice cream incident.”
Robin’s jaw dropped in shock. “You wouldn’t dare!”
Edie grinned. Steve had this favorite light blue sweater that was so soft and perfect for when he had migraines because it never interfered with his aversion to touch. Everyone liked stealing it because it was so comfy. About three years ago, Robin spilled chocolate ice cream on it while she was wearing it and the stain never came out. He mourned that sweater. And it was Edie who had caught heat for it.
“Let this...” Edie said, waving her hand around, “whatever it is run its natural course. Don’t interfere and I won’t tell him. But if you try and fuck this up for them...Dad gets told.”
Robin glared at her. “Why is this so important to you anyway?”
“Because for the first time in years,” Edie said, glaring right back, “Dad woke up the day after a migraine being able to function. And I don’t care what was the cause, but it obviously had something to do with that man. And if Dad’s life improves by even the smallest...” she held up her finger and thumb close together, “tinsiest bit then I won’t let anyone fuck that up. No matter who they are.”
Edie stormed off to her room to sulk. She had never been so mad at Aunt Robin before, but she had upset Dad and that put her in Edith Harrington’s bad books as far she was concerned.
Robin buried her head into her hands and sighed. All right, so maybe she had overreacted a bit. But Eddie coming back into Steve’s life was a big deal. Like huge.
She pulled out her cell phone and pressed and held the number five.
“Robin!” Dustin said brightly. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
She sighed heavily.
“If this is about Steve or Eddie,” Dustin bit out, “I will bill you for therapy.”
“So you have been in contact with the weasel!” Robin said triumphantly.
“You call Eddie that again and I’ll hang up.”
Robin thudded her head on the counter. “Why is everyone taking his side in this? He hurt Steve!”
“You know,” Dustin said. “I’ve never been able to figure that one out. How did Eddie hurt Steve?”
Robin threw her free hand in the air in frustration. “He left. Just as Steve was starting to find his footing with Eddie, he just up and left. Steve still won’t talk about what happened between the night before Corroded Coffin left for Cali but two weeks after that he’s thrown his lot back into with his parents. You know, the people that have done nothing but hurt Steve his whole life?”
“Holy shit,” Dustin said. “You don’t know.”
There was silence on the line for a couple of minutes before:
“What don’t I know, Dustin?” Robin begged. “Tell me please.”
“I can’t, Robbie,” he said quietly. “It’s not my story to tell. Look, I want to tell you. God. This makes so much twisted sense. Eddie didn’t hurt Steve. And Steve didn’t mean to hurt Eddie. It wasn’t intentional. But you know Eddie, he can hold grudge like no one else.”
Robin lifted her head from the counter. “Edie thinks that I should just butt out and let this thing play out on its own.”
Dustin hummed. “I’m with her on this one. But talk to Steve. Ask him the questions you have instead of assuming Eddie was in the wrong, okay?”
Robin sighed. “Yeah, of course. I’ve got some serious grovelling to do.”
“Yes you do,” Dustin agreed. “And I’m sending you my bill for this session of therapy.”
Robin laughed. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll pay your damn bill.”
“Bye, Robbie,” he said and hung up.
She bang her head against the counter top again.
Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17 Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Just another idea for a Steddie fic. Because my brain has these two boys on lock every second of every god damn day.
After Vecna Eddie and Steve drifted apart. Eddie took his band on tour and Steve and Dustin built a multi-million dollar company that produces high grade hearing aids (when Steve started losing hearing in his left ear).
Flash forward 17 years. Corroded Coffin never made it big because their bus rolled while touring in Europe and Brian (the unnamed Freak) was caught under it and died. But Eddie is a big name metal producer and is doing well for himself.
Steve got married but after the birth of their daughter, it came out that Allison was only in to get Steve’s trust fund (which he would get when he turned 25 or when he got married). But the court ruled that trust funds can’t be counted as part of their combined funds and she wouldn’t get a red cent. Allison then abandoned Steve and their daughter, never to be seen again.
Steve’s daughter is in a rock band as their lead singer and drummer and they need a place to practice. Steve agrees. They all show up. Mandy their bassist is a pretty black girl, rocking a kick ass fro. Kenny is their keyboarder. He is a shy husky kid who is already getting facial hair. It’s their lead guitarist that makes Steve stop dead in his tracks though. He’s got long curly dark brown hair and chocolate button eyes. When he smiles he’s got his dad’s dimples.
“Hey, Dad,” his daughter says, “this is Harry Munson, he just moved to our school about a month ago and since we needed someone to replace Lauren after the backstabbing that bitch--”
“Language!” Steve barks.
“Anyway, he plays guitar and offered to take her place.”
Steve recognizes the guitar because of course the kid’s first guitar was his dad’s.
Steve barely makes it to the bathroom to throw up as a migraine hits.
Eddie comes to pick Harry up from band practice and makes his own double take. Standing up from the drum kit in the back is a female version of Steve Harrington. Hazel eyes and honeyed hair.
Harry introduces them. “This is Edie Harrington, her dad let us use their garage to practice.
“Edie?” Eddie asks more than a little amused.
“Short for Edith. Mom overrode Dad on that one, and then when she fucked off after being a grade A cunt, Dad started calling be Edie to piss her off,” Edie says with a shrug. “Haven’t seen her in a few years though.”
Eddie nods. “Your dad seeing anyone right now?”
“Dad hasn’t dated since his last boyfriend Mick cheated on him with two guys and a girl. Dad said Mick gave bisexuals a bad name.”
“Interesting...” Eddie says, “very interesting. And where is your dad now, princess?”
She jerked her thumb behind her to the house, “Just follow the sound of puking and you’ll find him. He got a sudden migraine before practice started.”
And then you know where it goes from here: they dance around it because Steve thinks Eddie’s partner is still in the picture (Jay died from cancer when Harry was 10, Harry was a surrogate baby from Eddie’s sperm), they date, they get married, they live happily ever after.
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 18
All right, my lovies, this is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue and then the story is done. Thank you all who joined me down this amazing AU. It’s been a blast.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Turns out what they were going to do the night of the gala was Mandy was allowed to invite her bandmates over for a party. There was going to be snacks and pizza and movies. They could stay up as late as they wanted and Eddie and the Grants were even okay with their sons staying the night for a sleepover.
When she learned that the event was going to take place the Saturday after her finals, she was sooo glad that she had listened to her dad and agreed not to go. Trying to study and do her finals during the week from hell, would have straight up killed her.
Edie also had to grudgingly admit that the party sounded way more fun than waltzing around in high heels and a pretty dress with people that were only trying to schmooze to get money out of other people. No parents, just her and her friends having a blast.
Plus she had fun prom, why would she want to go to boring prom?
But she helped her dad pick out his suit for the event. He looked hot in it.
“Is Mr Munson coming?” she asked as she tried to decide between a black pocket square and the white one.
Steve sighed. “He’s been invited every year by Uncle Dusty for the last ten years, and he’s never came, so the chances aren’t good.”
Edie pouted. “That’s too bad. That outfit he wore the prom was kickass. I was looking forward to seeing what he would come up with for a more formal event like this.”
Steve smiled at the memory and blushed. “Me, too.”
She bumped him with her shoulder. “Have fun anyway even if he doesn’t come. You work hard for this every year. Have fun with it.”
He kissed the top of her head fiercely. “I promise you’ll be my plus one next year.”
“You better!” she teased. Her eyelids half closed. “Or...and hear me out, your plus one could be a certain metal producer...”
Steve blushed even darker. “Do you think I’m ready?”
The teasing smile slid off her face and she sat him down. “You know your therapist is going to say that’s something for you to decide, but my opinion is that you are. You have worked so hard these last few months and while there have been a couple of low points, it’s clear you’re better equipped to handle that.”
Steve let out a shuddering sigh. “Yeah. You’re right. I can’t wait to be perfect, because that’s never going to happen. But I’m getting all the right tools and we know how to communicate better now.”
Edie sat down next to him and she picked up his right hand. “You know, it’s so strange not seeing that ring on your hand anymore.”
Steve thumb rubbed the underside of his ring finger instinctively. “It’s weird for me too. I used to panic in the morning thinking I’d lost it only to remember that it’s in the safest place for it. Back on Eddie’s finger.”
Edie smiled. “I think you have your answer, Dad.”
He smiled at her. “So it seems.”
Eddie was as dressed up as much he tolerated. He wore skin tight leather pants with chunky boots. His black silk shirt was tucked loosely into the pants with a black and silver belt that had chains dangling off it artistically. The shirt was only part of the way buttoned and showed off the many chains and necklaces around his neck. He wore a suit jacket with the sleeves rolled up to show off the bracelets and bangles on his wrists. All of his rings were on today and a single upside down cross dangled from his left ear.
In short, he did not belong here. He had even said as much to Dustin and Suzie six times already.
And he was about to add a seventh. “Look at these people, Dustin! Her necklace probably costs more than my entire outfit.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “She also probably rented it for the night. Chill out, dude. You’re making me nervous and I’ve been to every one of these things.”
Eddie sighed. “How the hell did I let you talk me into this anyway?”
“Because it’s a cause you feel strongly about,” Dustin growled. “It’s about getting music and music education into deaf and hard of hearing schools. It’s about sharing music in new and exciting ways for people who might not otherwise get the chance.”
Eddie sighed again. “I’m surprised this charity is as popular as it. I’m seeing legit movie stars here, man.”
Dustin looked around for a moment and then points to an actor with thinning hair and glasses. “It’s because of a little movie he did, that came out like a month after the charity was formed.”
Eddie’s eyes followed to where Dustin was pointing and there was Richard Dreyfus talking to Steve Harrington and he gulped. “Oh.”
Suddenly the whole night made sense. Steve had come out hard of hearing in August of ‘95 and that December ‘Mr Holland’s Opus’ came out. Forming a charity when he did was brilliant. But that was Steve, he was intuitive that way.
He wave his hand Steve’s direction. “This is exactly why I shouldn’t be here. Look at how well Steve blends seamlessly with actors, musicians, and sports stars alike.”
Steve was wearing a gem tone blue suit with a black button up and matching pocket square. He had a glass of something bubbly in his hand as he laughed at something the renowned actor was saying.
Dustin pushed Eddie’s shoulder. “Dude, you must have been to a ton of these parties for your music, why are you freaking out now?”
That brought Eddie up short. He had been to a ton of these kind of things before. Just never with Steve looking like he’d walked right off the pages of a fashion magazine.
“What if I say or do something that makes him look bad?”
Dustin frowned. “Who? Steve?”
Eddie nodded, lips pursed. “He worked so hard for this, I don’t want to come bumbling in and wreck it for him.”
Dustin’s expression softened. “You can’t do any worse than the actress in ‘99 when threw wine at the wrong guy thinking he was her ex and then tried to strip so that she could drown herself in the punch bowl.”
Eddie blinked. “That didn’t really happen, did it?”
“Oh yeah,” Dustin said. “It was a nightmare.”
Eddie tilted his head to the side and thought about it. “Huh. I guess you’re right.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “How many times do I have to be right in order for you to believe me?”
“He really needs to check his ego,” a warm voice came from behind them.
Eddie turned around and smiled fondly. “It’s his tone, right?”
Steve grinned. “Always.”
Eddie came forward and hugged Steve. “It’s good to see you.”
Steve pressed his face close to his. “I’m so glad you made it.”
Eddie’s heart started beating wildly in his chest. He felt like they were on the cusp of something great.
“Not gonna lie,” he said fondly, “shit like this always terrifies me.”
Steve only stepped back far enough that they weren’t cheek to cheek anymore but still hugging. “Me, too.”
Eddie’s smile was soft. “Yeah? Then we can be nervous together.”
Dustin huffed out his annoyance. “Unless you two want to be all the talk of the gossip rags tomorrow, you may want to put a little bit of space between you.”
Steve and Eddie laughed, but they only moved so that they were standing side by side with one arm around each other’s waists.
Dustin rolled his eyes again. “I take it back, I don’t want you two as a couple, you’ll be insufferable.”
They both grinned.
“There are so many famous people here...” Eddie whispered, practically plastering himself against Steve’s side.
“Who do you want to meet and I’ll introduce you,” Steve said with a smile.
Eddie chewed on his lip a moment before whispering it in Steve’s ear.
Steve chuckled. “Sure thing, sunshine. We can start there.”
Dustin just shook his head as he watched them walk away. Suzie came up to him with a glass of champagne and glass of juice for her.
“You not drinking tonight, honeybee?” he asked her as he took his glass from her.
She shook her head with a smile. “Found out this morning when the doctor’s office called to confirm it.”
Dustin turned to her, his eyes wide.
“It appears the last insemination worked.”
He took her drink from her and both of their glasses on a nearby table. He hugged and kissed her. “We’re having a baby?”
She nodded shyly, rubbing her belly gently. “They want me on bed rest starting in a couple of weeks, to make sure it really takes. But yes. We’re having a baby.”
“I love you,” Dustin whispered.
“I know.”
Eddie was actually starting to have fun. Steve was a malicious gossip and he weaponized that fact to make Eddie laugh.
He was trying to hide his giggles in Steve’s neck when Robin and Viv came up to them.
“You two look cozy,” Viv said with a grin.
Eddie straightened up and looked at her with curiosity. “Oh hello.”
“Munson,” Robin greeted.
Eddie looked over at her then back at Viv.
“Two pretty birdies,” he said with a smile.
Robin laughed. She had forgotten in the years of hurt and separation how funny he was.
“Viv,” she said, “This is Eddie Munson, music producer. Eddie, this is my fiancee, Viv.”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other in shock.
Steve scooped her up in his arms and twirled her around. “Oh my God! I’m so happy for you. When did this happen?”
He set her back down and immediately Viv took her hand. “I proposed this morning. It’s not going to be official until tomorrow.”
“Congrats,” Eddie said with a soft smile and gentle tilt of his head.
“We wanted you to be the first to know,” Robin told Steve.
“I’m honored,” Steve said. “Now go have fun.”
They nodded, but Robin hesitated a moment before giving Eddie a hug. “I’m sorry.”
He hugged her back fiercely. “Me, too, Birdie. Me too.”
Robin nodded and Viv and she walked off hand in hand.
Steve turned to Eddie. “I think you just got the best friend seal of approval.”
Eddie blinked. “You think?”
Steve tried to fight back the smile but failed. He nodded.
“That’s good to know.”
They stood there, warm and content by each other’s side. Then the DJ started up and people began to dance to the music.
“Dance with me,” Steve breathed into Eddie’s ear.
Eddie looked into his eyes and then nodded.
Steve led them to the dance floor and he took Eddie’s hand in his and placed the other on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie’s remaining hand was warm on Steve’s side.
Steve sighed and laid his head on Eddie’s shoulder.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said softly. “Getting tired?”
Steve nodded and buried his face into Eddie’s neck. “I usually sleep it off over the next couple of days.”
“You work too hard, baby,” he murmured into Steve’s ear.
Steve sighed and let Eddie rock them back and forth to the music. He wasn’t sure if it was luck, Robin paying the DJ off, Jeff paying the DJ off, or just the DJ noticing their little dance, but the next song was a slow song too.
After a moment or so just moving in a small circle, Steve murmured, “I’m ready now.”
Eddie reared his head back to try and get a better look at him, when it hit him. “Yeah?”
“Like I told Edie,” Steve whispered, “I can’t keep waiting for the perfect moment. The time when I’m one hundred percent better. Because I know I’ll never be. And that’s not fair to you or to me. So this is me saying yes.”
He lifted his head up to gaze into Eddie’s eyes. He must saw something he liked, because he was pressing his lips to Eddie’s.
Eddie cupped Steve’s cheeks and deepened the kiss as Steve clutched at his sides.
“I think we were always meant to be here, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered back.
“All my roads were always going to lead back to you, sunshine,” Steve admitted. “I love you so much. I always have, I think I always will.”
Eddie kissed him again just as fireworks started going off.
They broke off giggling, just holding on to each other as the ridiculousness of kissing to fireworks got to them.
Jeff came over and patted them both on the shoulder. “It took you guys long enough.”
Eddie playfully pushed at his friend. “I had to go through all that to get to here, man. I don’t think it would have worked otherwise.”
Steve nodded. “I think so too. Young idiots in love wouldn’t have been the same as two people loving each other and growing together as mature adults.”
Jeff nodded and then gathered them both up for a huge group hug.
“Hey, what would you say about getting the band back together?” Jeff asked Eddie. “Gareth’s on board.”
Eddie shook his head. “We’d need a bassist and I wouldn’t want to tour with some stranger.”
Jeff grinned. “Well the thing about that…” he looked over at Steve.
Steve pointed at himself in confusion. “Me? I mean I know how to play the bass, but...” he turned to Jeff slowly. “You rat bastard, you’ve been teaching me how to play for this very reason!”
Jeff threw his head back and laughed. “You better believe it, Stevie boy!”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed. “You have been playing quite the long game, Jeffrey Nicholas Lawrence.”
Jeff grinned, rubbing his hands together. “Just wait until you hear what I have planned!”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other and then burst out laughing.
“Yeah, all right,” Steve said with a fond shake of his head. “Let’s hear what you’ve got.”
Eddie put his arm around Steve’s waist and listened to his best friend talk about touring after their kids graduated from high school and how it would all work with a smile.
Moving back to Indiana was the best idea Jeff ever had.
A note about Suzie’s pregnancy, when you’re told you can’t have kids you think any missed period is just stress. Then after the third month of not getting her period she went to the doctor and they told she was pregnant (from personal experience).
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall @stxrcrossed186 
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 9
Hello! Here we have Edie pumping Robin for info like she always planned. Eddie makes an effort and Edie is a little shitTM (affectionate) about it. Also Eddie would totally use text speak. Steve? Not so much (like me!).
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Edie didn’t have a chance to sit down and talk to Aunt Robin about Dad and Eddie until the night before she left with Viv. Viv was upstairs packing and Dad was in his office talking to someone in Wales.
“I’m not asking to break the NDA or whatever,” Edie began, “but you have to have some insight about how they were before Mr Munson got a record deal. Because I’m sorry, I highly doubt he would have asked Dad to come with him California if he didn’t have some indication Dad would have gone with him.”
Robin sighed. “I think that if the record deal had been after school started, I think you dad would have gone with them.”
Edie shifted on the sofa. “What do you mean?”
“Look we both know your dad is the biggest protector on the planet, yeah?” Robin asked. Edie nodded. “After the earthquake it amplified. By a lot. We had these ridiculously large walkie-talkies and Steve would constantly be checking in on people, making sure they were safe.”
“Makes sense,” Edie agreed. “Remember how he was after broke my arm after falling off my bike when I was eight?”
Robin nodded again. “Now imagine that turned up to eleven.” She snickered briefly and Edie raised an eyebrow. Robin cleared her throat. “Sorry, that’s an NDA joke I can’t explain.”
Edie threw her arms in the air.
“Anywho...” Robin said. “All I’m saying is that if Eddie had wanted to ride off into the sunset with Steve, September or October would have been better. Dustin, Jane, Lucas, Max, Will, Mike, and Erica would have started their sophomore year. Uncles Jonathan and Argyle and me and Aunt Nancy all would have been at college. Your dad would have felt at a loose end and gone with him.”
“What makes you say that?” Edie asked with a frown.
Robin took a deep breath and let out a shuddering sigh. “Because that’s when your grandparents came back and started throwing pretty girls at him.”
“Oh.” Just hearing about her grandparents sank like a stone in her stomach.
“I’m assuming you at least know about the witch hunt that Eddie went through?” Robin asked.
Edie nodded. “Enough, I guess. Dad won’t let me look it up and Harri doesn’t talk about it much either. So I guess it was pretty bad.”
“Oh yeah,” Robin agreed. “The whole town got together a lynch mob.”
Edie’s jaw dropped as she recoiled on her self. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
Robin shook her head and pulled her knee up to her chest. “Even months later, he had a hard time walking down the street without someone giving him dirty looks.”
Edie sank back against the cushions of the couch. “Fuck. So when he got the record deal he was in hurry to get the hell out Dodge.”
“Yeah,” Robin said. “And look, I’ve been assuming that Eddie said something more than ‘run away with me’ because Steve was gutted when he left, but your dad says no.”
Edie shrugged. “No more gutted than when you went to college, I’ll bet. He doesn’t have a lot of friends his age, and Uncle Dusty and them are all four to five years younger and while that doesn’t matter now that they’re older...”
Robin sighed. “Yeah. Losing us all once must have been so hard on your dad. So yeah.”
Edie nodded. “I just worry about him, you know?”
Robin pulled her in for a hug. “Me too, Miss Thing, me too.”
Steve stood in the hallway listening to his daughter and best friend talk about him. He knew he should have walked away, but he was too curious. He smiled because they earnestly cared about him.
Robin was also right. He probably would have run off with the band had the offer came later in the year. But it was too soon. He couldn’t leave so soon after Vecna. The kids needed him. And yeah maybe he should have said that instead of being an ass.
He slunk back to his office and sat down at his desk with a sigh. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t have Eddie’s number. He couldn’t explain or apologize for the hurt he caused.
Suddenly he was getting a text message from an unknown number. He picked his phone with a frown.
-Hey this is Eddie I got ur # from Dustin hope thats ok
Steve scrambled to save the number in his phone. His phone had the slide out keyboard because his fingers were too clumsy with the little buttons on the number pad. He typed out a quick message.
-Eddie! No its great to hear from you
-You want to grab lunch tomorrow?
Steve stared at the message for a couple minutes in shock.
He hit his head on his desk. He sounded too eager damn it.
-I mean, sure. Sounds great.
He threw his head back and groaned. That actually sounded worse.
-lol CU tmrrw @ 1 Tonys
Steve blinked. Tony’s? That old pizza joint was still around? Holy shit.
-Yeah. See you then.
Steve looked up at the ceiling in wonder. He had a hard time believing in a god when his life had been one horror after another for five years in a row. But he was willing to start up again if Eddie came back into his life as permanent fixture.
Hell he’d take passing acquaintances at this point. He just needed to see Eddie again.
Steve pulled up into the parking lot of Tony’s Pizzeria, feeling a little shocked. Robin and he used to come here all the time whenever she would be visiting from college. He didn’t know that Eddie was familiar with it, too.
He got out his car and looked around the parking lot, trying to figure out which one was Eddie’s, if any. He spotted the most likely culprit. Sitting three spots away from Steve’s Beemer, was a sleek black 1970 Pontiac Firebird. He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked into the restaurant.
Steve winced at the music. It was a little loud. He reached up and turned down his hearing aid in a little in hopes of avoiding a migraine.
Eddie waved from a nearby table and Steve pointed him out to the hostess. She smiled and let him past to go sit with Eddie.
“Stevie!” Eddie cried out. “You made it, man!”
Steve’s knot of anxiety loosened and he flashed a smile. He could be normal about this too. He slid into the seat across from the former metalhead.
“Hey!” he greeted warmly. “I haven’t been to this place in ever. Does it still have the best pepperoni pizza?”
Eddie’s face lit up with the biggest grin. “Yes! I already ordered, is that okay?”
Steve nodded. “Sounds great.”
The pizza came shortly afterwards and they dug in.
Steve was halfway through his first slice when he realized Eddie had said something.
“Shit,” he swore. “Sorry I didn’t hear that.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side and signed, “The music too loud?”
Steve nodded with a sigh of relief. He had forgotten that Eddie had signed to him that first night in Steve’s bathroom. So he set his pizza down and signed back. “Yeah. I turned down my hearing aid and forgot about conversation in the face of good food.”
Eddie laughed and Steve smiled back. “Fair enough,” he signed.
Signing was bit hard with finger food like pizza, but they made due. Steve learned that Eddie had recently retired from the music industry and came back to Indiana to be closer to Uncle Wayne.
Eddie learned that despite all of Steve’s concussions he was a hot shot in the business world but donated most of his money to charities for hard of hearing deaf kids and to concussion awareness in school sports.
“I got lucky,” Steve signed. “I had a genius teenager willing to create a better a hearing aid and that we could capitalize on it. But most people don’t have that.”
Eddie smiled softly. He tapped his ear. “That the reason you never made it out to any of my shows?”
Steve nodded with a wry twist of his lips. “Was going to go to the one in Evansville, but Robin wanted me to get my hearing checked first.”
Eddie winced. That was early in their tour, like their third or fourth stop. “Shit I didn’t know.”
Steve shrugged. “I didn’t want you to. I was so sure you’d be upset that I couldn’t go. That I just...didn’t.”
Eddie slumped in his seat because Steve was right. Eddie would have been upset, maybe even tried to pressure into Steve coming anyway. Which would driven a wedge between them just as effectively as Steve staying away did.
“I get that.”
They finished their food and Eddie paid. They walked outside and Steve turned back up his hearing aid.
“This was fun,” Steve said brightly. “Though maybe next time let’s go somewhere where the music isn’t so loud.”
Eddie scoffed but smiled softly. “There going to be a next time?”
Steve ducked his head and looked at him through his eyelashes. “I’d like there to be.”
“Same time next week,” Eddie said with a grin. “You pick the place.”
Steve’s face lit up and he grinned back. “You’ve got a deal.”
“See you on Wednesday,” Eddie said with a wave.
“Wednesday?” Steve asked cocking his head, puzzled.
Eddie laughed. “I’ll be picking Harri up from band practice, right?”
Steve’s face cleared and he chuckled. “Yeah, man. See you on Wednesday.”
Edie came home from school to the weirdest sight imaginable. Her dad was singing “Prisoner of Your Eyes” by Judas Priest in the kitchen as he made the pasta for lasagna.
“I didn’t know you had even the barest passing familiarity with metal,” she said tossing her backpack against the end of the island counter and slid into one of the bar stools.
Steve laughed, bright and sweet. “Despite what people thought in school, I liked all kinds of music. Yes, I tended toward alt and hard rock for the most part, but I liked all kinds.”
Edie eyed him warily. “Uh-huh.”
Steve just laughed again.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” she said when he handed her a sandwich.
He blushed. “It’s been a good day.”
“You going to tell me what happened to make it such a good day?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve chewed on his lip and blushed a deeper.
Her other eyebrow shot up, too, a smile growing on her face.
“Shut up,” he groused.
Edie laughed. “I didn’t say anything!”
“I could hear you thinking from here,” he said, turning back to toss his freshly made noodles into the pot of boiling water.
“You went on a date!” she shrieked.
“I did no such thing,” he growled. “I just went to lunch with a friend.”
Edie waggled her eyebrows. “And this ‘friend’, he wouldn’t happen to have long, beautiful hair in dark waves around his face with deep, dimpled cheeks, and soulful chocolate button eyes, would he?”
“No!” Steve yelped. “And what the hell is up with that description anyway?”
Edie just cackled gleefully.
Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List:
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 17
Welp. We are in the home stretch. I’m almost done writing the last chapter and then there will be a small epilogue. Thank you so much for sharing this ride with me on this one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Edie isn’t exactly sure when it started happening, but she began to notice little changes in her dad’s eating habits. Some times he would go for seconds if he liked it or he would keep some kind of fruit on hand to snack on.
But knowing her dad’s past also helped her notice when he would get that thousand yard stare or when he would jump at certain sounds. Knowing that he had walked through hell, not just once, but multiple times was like slotting in a piece of the puzzle you didn’t know was missing. And just watching all the other pieces that didn’t make sense before form a complete picture.
She knew that they had told her was only scratching the surface. Things they weren’t directly involved in but didn’t want to know. After she was told about their past Mr Munson gave her permission to dig into the incident surrounding the actual fucking lynch mob that was led by a psychotic basketball star.
What made her the angriest was that the asshole died in the earthquake and never had to deal with the consequences of his actions. That the town took that as liberty to just sweep it under the rug. The police chief quietly resigned two years later. No one that was involved in the witch hunt was actually punished for what they did to Mr Munson.
So she decided she was going to make a long distance phone call. A very long distance phone call.
“Miss Thing!” Lily Byers greeted cheerfully. “To what do I owe this totally awesome pleasure?”
“Cousin Itt!” Edie greeted back. “How’s it rocking, girlie?”
“You know,” Lily said, “as much as I love traveling the world, I got soo super jelly of your prom pictures. I’m trying to convince Mom to let spend the last year of high school with you.”
“Just say the word, Cousin Itt,” Edie said seriously, “I will deploy the puppy dog eyes.”
Lily laughed. “I’m not quite that desperate. Yet.”
“Duly noted,” Edie said. “Hey, I need a favor. But first how much do you know about your parents’ high school days?”
“You talking normal angst filled love triangles?” Lily ask slowly. “Or are we talking about nightmare fuel?”
“Nightmare fuel.”
Lily let out a slow breath. “I got ‘read in’ last year.” Edie could feel the air quotes from here. “I’m guessing you’re new to the ‘my parents are fucked up’ club?”
“About a month I guess,” Edie said with a sigh. “Me and Harri Munson. They tell you about what happened to his dad? Eddie Munson? Not the monster shit, but the normies fucking shit up stuff?”
Lily let out another long sigh. “Yeah. The witch hunt of the century.”
“Can you please explain why your mother and father didn’t expose the fucking town the way they did the Lab?” Edie asked pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
“That is a really good question, Miss Thing,” Lily said. “And I think you just gave me new leverage against my parents over the whole high school senior year dealio. I’ll get back to you.”
“Love you lots!” Edie said.
“Love you more!” Lily replied and then hung up.
“You know,” a voice said from behind her, “that’s a pretty low blow, weaponizing your cousin that way.”
Edie whirled around to see her dad leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he had an easy smile on his face.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to eavesdrop,” she said glaring at him.
“I just came to ask if you wanted pizza or kebabs tonight,” he said, his smile turning into a grin. “I did knock. A couple times in fact. But you were the one plotting world takeover with your bedroom door open.”
Edie flopped on her bed. “Is that one of the reasons we rarely get together, because we’d take over the world?”
Steve laughed. “One of many. One of many.”
Edie grinned. “I’m just correcting a miscarriage of justice is all.”
“Oh, is that all?” he asked grinning back at her. “Knowing Lily Byers like I do, I fully expect an expose by the end of the week and formal apology from the city of Hawkins and the state of Indiana to Eddie by the end of the month.”
Edie pretended to toss non-existent long hair over her shoulder. “Good.”
Steve pulled her in for a hug. “I think the reason she didn’t is because of me.”
Edie pulled away slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I think she didn’t want to stir up feelings for Eddie after he left.”
“But he left three months after,” Edie insisted. “Why didn’t she say something then?”
“Our town was nearly destroyed,” Steve reminded her. “And the government had found a scapegoat in Henry Creel, got Eddie off and all this while Eddie was still in a coma from being nearly ripped to bits. She had a lot on her mind those first three months. We all did. And then he got a record deal, he was going to be famous. She probably didn’t want to make waves for him and ruin his chances.”
“Damn it,” she sighed. “Those are all really good reason not blow up the biggest scandal since the ‘gas leak’.”
“So maybe tell Lily to ease up a bit on her mom?” Steve asked.
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Dad.”
Steve sighed. He figured that was the answer, but felt he had to try. At least a little.
School was ending and Edie and Harri both had summer school. Mandy and Kenny were free, but then they were good in school and mostly liked by the teachers.
Their rich school was a bit backwards. Probably because it had only been built in the last decade, but Mr Pearson wasn’t the only teacher that turned their noses up at old money students like Edie. She had the misfortune to be old money, too. Her family’s wealth went back as far a century at least.
She wasn’t third or even fourth generation wealthy. Her great-great grandparents were stinking rich. They were among the few families to come out of the stock market crash and Great Depression relatively unscathed. It’s why Dad’s trust fund was so sought after.
A trust fund that only grew because he may not have had a head for numbers, he had a head for business. He knew when to pull out if something was failing and when to pour more money in if they looked on the verge of discovery.
But it meant that all the teachers thought that her dad didn’t earn having his daughter at their school. So they always went a lot harder on Edie then they did her friends. All three of which had parents that came from nothing or very little to make their wealth. Mandy and Harri were both children of rock stars. Kenny’s mom invented some kitchen gadget that had taken the world by storm and now was in nearly every house in the country.
Harri was only joining her in summer school hell because two of the credits he needed to graduation next year didn’t transfer over and he had zero desire to sit with sophomores and juniors his last year of school.
“They should standardize the curriculum across the country,” Harri grumbled, kicking at a rock on their way into school.
Edie sighed. She agreed with him, but if they had she wouldn’t have a summer school buddy to be miserable with.
“I hear that,” was what she said instead. “And you should be allowed to skip a class if you don’t want to take it. As long as you get two years of math, who cares if it’s just basic math. It’s like judging a fish by its ability to climb or however that quote goes.”
“Right?” Harri agreed. “Like if what you want to go into takes heavy math that sure, you do the advanced math, but if you’re going into art and the only math you’re going to need is fractions they shouldn’t have to force you into bullshit like that.”
They both had to take a math class and a science class, so they took the same ones so that they could at least have a study buddy.
“I hate that I have to do this,” Edie groused as she flopped down in a desk somewhere near the back of the class. “It means I can’t go to the gala this year.”
“Gala?” Harri asked, sliding into the desk next to hers. “What gala?”
“The biggest event my dad does all year,” she explained, resting her head on her hands and staring off into the distance dreamily. “He’s involved in a shit ton of charities, but this is his biggest. It’s like the it party of the year and everyone foams at the mouth for an invite.”
“So why can’t you go?” Harri asked.
“Because for everyone else it’s a one night event,” Edie said, “but for my dad it’s a week long thing just prepping for it. And because I have summer school, I can’t help him. His rule has always been that I’ve been too young and that was supposed to change this year. I was going to help out and get to go. But because I have this stupid shit, I have to spend the week at Mandy’s.”
“You’re nearly eighteen,” Harri protested. “Can’t you be left home alone?”
Edie sighed. “If it was about Dad being gone all the time, sure. But it’s not. It’s held at the house. Or rather the backyard. There are people coming and going all hours of the day and night. Setting up lights, preparing food, setting up tables. It’s a whole thing. And if I want to actually pass these classes...”
Harri winced. “You can’t be around all that shit...Point well and truly taken. So what are you going to do instead?”
Edie shrugged. “Normally Mr Lawrence lets Mandy have a party that night and we stay up late watching movies, but I think the Lawrences are going this year, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Harri opened his mouth to ask another question, but the teacher chose that moment to walk in and they were forced to pay attention to the class.
Part 18 Epilogue
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 10
My posting schedule went a tad skiwampus with the First Kiss fic and with it being Memorial Day tomorrow and all that entails with my family I’ll be too busy to post. So...you get this today!
Dustin tells Eddie what really went down with Steve’s last partner Andy. Edie and Harri are beyond thrilled about their dads friendship blossoming. And Steve’s views on fantasy novels are the author’s own (no hate in the comments and tags please).
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Band practice rolled around again and Steve was finally able to use Dustin’s new ear plugs. The little twerp was right. They fit snugly in the ear without feeling like he was under water. He sat in the front room reading, nearby the garage in case they needed anything.
There was a knock on the door and Steve looked up to see Eddie smiling at him.
“Eddie!” he said with a smile. He scrambled to take out the plugs and put back in his hearing aid. “Are they done already?” He looked at his watch, but it read barely after eight.
Eddie grinned back. “Nah, just wanted to say hi. I got done with my stuff early and figured it would be fun to spend it with company.”
Steve pulled off his glasses and put them away. He was about to set the book next them when it was snatched out his hands.
“Good Omens?” Eddie asked, with a raised eyebrow.
Steve laughed. “Jeff lent it to me. It’s not bad.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Not bad? You are calling on of the best fantasy novels of our generation ‘not bad’.”
Steve shrugged. “It’s not my thing I guess.”
Eddie pressed his fingers into his eye frustration. “You’re going to finish it, at least, I hope.”
Steve smiled up at him. “Sure. It’s not like I hate it or anything. I’m enjoying it, I’m just not...um...” He pursed his lips together.
“No, please go on,” Eddie said in that teasing tone Steve missed.
“Freaking out over it?” Steve finished with a grimace.
Eddie laughed. “God, man. Do you ever change?”
Steve rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I think we both know that I’ve changed a lot since high school.”
Eddie threw himself next to Steve on the sofa. “Nah. You would call Tommy H. and Carol off all the time. I think you just realized you didn’t have to pretend to be something you weren’t.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks, man. But I’m only a barely reformed mean girl.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, maybe a little.”
They sat there talking about the fantasy books that Steve had read and what his favorites were.
“I enjoyed the ‘Incarnations of Immortality’ by Piers Anthony up until the last one,” Steve admitted.
“Evil was soo good,” Eddie agreed, “it was hard to come with a finale that came close to that brilliance.”
“Exactly!” Steve replied excitedly. “Time was a little weird.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “And boring too. Who would have thought that someone living backwards could be so uninteresting!”
Steve laughed.
And it was then that Edie and Harri came into the room.
Eddie looked over at his son with a smile. “You guys done?”
Harri nodded. “Yeah. I’m ready to go whenever you are.”
Eddie patted Steve on the knee and then used it to help him stand. “See you around, Harrington.” He winked.
Steve grinned back. “Laters, Munson.”
After Harri and Eddie left Edie turned to her dad and raised an eyebrow. “That was certainly interesting.”
“What?” Steve asked as he put on his glasses to go back to his book.
“You looked friendly.”
Steve looked up at her over his glasses. “I’m not sure you’re aware of this, but we were friends at one point.”
“You know you keep saying that,” Edie said, flopping on the sofa next to him. “But like how?”
“Turns out that we had more in common than we thought,” he said, setting the book aside. He knew he wasn’t going to get back to it at this point.
“Like what?” she asked, curling up to his side.
Steve put his arm around her and pulled her in close. “Our music tastes, for one. He thought I would be like Aunt Nancy and like pop and synth. But I was closer to Robin’s tastes with bands like The Cure, Depech Mode, and REM. Which aligned closer to his tastes of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dio...the list goes on. I opened up his mind to other genres of music and he helped find metal that wouldn’t make head hurt.”
“That’s so cool,” Edie said.
“I got him into mysteries and he got me into fantasy books,” Steve continued, softly stroking her hair. “Uncle Dusty kept trying to push fantasy on me. But not Eddie. He’d listen to my tastes and found books he’d thought I’d like.”
“Sounds like a good guy,” Edie murmured, almost asleep.
“He was,” Steve said. “After your mother and I finalized the divorce, I tried reaching out. But it wasn’t a good time. They were in the middle of the surrogacy of Harri and I was in a bad place. Jeff told me that Jay was good for Eddie and wait until after the baby was born if I still wanted to be friends.”
“And did you want to be friends?” she slurred, seconds from sleep.
“No, honey,” Steve said as she drifted off to sleep. “I was more in love with him than I’d ever been.”
Edie woke up on sofa, her pillow under her head and her blanket over her body. When she was little Steve would carry her to bed, but she had long outgrew his ability to do so. But he always went out of his way to make her comfortable.
She got ready for school and kissed him goodbye. He had an early meeting at work and she had drive herself again. She didn’t mind driving, but she missed their talks on the way to and from school.
When she got to school Harri was waiting for her. “Hey, Miss Thing!”
Edie fist bumped him. “H-man! To what do I owe the pleasure of your company on this fine Thursday in hell?”
Harri laughed. “You know, it wasn’t until our dads met that I realized how much you remind me of mine.”
Edie giggled. “Is he an over the top nerd with dramatic tendencies, too?”
Harri looked her in the eye and said, “Yes.”
Edie’s giggle turned into a full on belly laugh. “Duly noted.”
“So...our dads were looking pretty cozy on your couch last night,” he said, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.
Edie rolled her eyes. “I know, right? Dad swears that they were just catching up.”
“Same,” Harri said. “But my dad is smiling more in the last week then he has the five years since my Papa died.”
Eddie waved her hand dramatically. “My dad was singing Judas fucking Priest in the kitchen. I didn’t even know he knew what metal even was!”
“That is incredible,” Harri said. “Judas Priest is one of my dad’s favorite bands.”
Edie scoffed. “Color me not surprised.”
“I think they’ve got too many hangups with each other to get together,” Harri said, pushing his finger tips against each other, “like a couple. But it would be cool if they became friends again.”
Steve walked into his meeting with Dustin and his top two techs with a whistle on his lips and spring in his step.
“Dude!” Dustin said with grin. “Looking good, Steve-o. What’s got you in such a good mood?”
Steve just shrugged and winked.
“So I hear Eddie’s back in town,” Dustin said, aiming for casual and missed by a mile.
Steve barked out a laugh. “Like you didn’t know that before I did. But yes, I’ve seen him...um...three times now?”
Dustin’s eyes went wide and huffed a laugh. “Three? I thought Edie only had her band practice on Wednesday. That’s twice, Steve. When did you see him the third time?”
“Wait...” Steve said. “Who said anything about seeing him at Edie’s band practice?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Eddie did. When he asked for you number?”
Steve huffed. “Right.” He turned to the other two techs. “So what have you got for me?”
Dustin eyed him suspiciously. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you deflecting the question, Steve. I will get it out of you later.”
Steve grinned. “You could try. Or you could ask Eddie. He seems more willing to talk about it then I am.”
“I wonder why that is,” Dustin said.  
Steve shrugged, but the meeting continued without a hitch. All the while Dustin kept glancing over at Steve, a knowing look in his eye.
Steve would just duck his head to hide his smile and Dustin would be forced to go back to paying attention to the meeting.
After Steve left, Dustin pulled out his phone and called Eddie. “You know, when I told you to stop running away from Steve, I wasn’t expecting you to run toward him.”
Eddie laughed. “Blame Harri and Edie for that one. I got told by Harri that if I broke up their band he would release my baby pictures online for everyone to see.”
Dustin blinked and then shrugged. “Yeah, okay. So you decided to what? Befriend Steve?”
“Right in one, Dusty-bun,” Eddie agreed.
Dustin rolled his eyes. “I hate that my mom taught you that.”
“Hey, hey,” Eddie said all seriousness. “We do not disrespect Claudia Henderson, not ever.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dustin grumped. “So, the reason I’m calling is to ask you not to fuck this up. And I’m going to asking Steve, too, just so you know this isn’t pick on Eddie day. You two were the closest things I had to older brothers and it killed me when you guys tore each other apart. I just want to see you be friends again.”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “I know. I’m sorry I kept forcing you to pick sides. That wasn’t fair. You were helping him with his hearing and I was being a little bitch.”
Dustin sighed. “Maybe just a little one.”
“I’m not going to date him,” Eddie swore into the resulting silence. “I can’t put myself out there like that.”
Dustin sighed again. “I doubt you’d get him to even try if you wanted to.”
“Edie said his last partner cheated on him,” Eddie said softly.
Dustin flopped into his desk chair and threw his head back. “It was more than that. Edie doesn’t know and the only reason I do, is because I was with Steve when it happened.”
“What did happened?” Eddie asked, a frown evident in his voice. “How bad could it possibly be?”
“Like walking in on your partner participating in a gang bang, him and two other guys banging some chick in your bed, levels of bad.”
“That’s certainly what they were doing, yes,” Dustin said. “It broke Steve. Like really bad.”
Eddie’s breath became ragged as he fought down his temper. “He didn’t deserve that.”
Dustin choked back tears. “No he didn’t. I can’t go into more than that. But, fuck, man. He was a wreck.”
“And so he swore off dating?” Eddie asked, his voice cracking with emotion.
“Yeah,” Dustin whispered. “So be gentle. Go slow. And of course I’ll tell Steve the same about you. But I just wanted to let you know why.”
Eddie sighed. “Yeah. Of course. Thanks for telling me.”
“Bye Eddie.”
Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 16
Hello! Sorry I missed posting yesterday but I had a horrible tension headache from sleeping on my neck wrong and I was pretty much out from the moment I got home until I went to bed at 10pm.
I forgot to link it on the last chapter, but this is the song that I listened to nonstop while writing part 15. Somebody New by The Struts.
Steve is on the road to recovery but I think I’ve got a couple more chapters to go before we reach the end.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7 Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15    
Monday morning came and the kids were back at school.
“Damn it,” Kenny said. “I was so sure that was going to work.” He poked at his food with a growl.
Mandy put her arm around him. “I’m not so sure it didn’t.”
Three pairs of eyes turned her direction in interest.
“Now,” she started, hands in the air, “most of what I got is from snippets of conversation that I happened to hear because my dad is H-man’s and Miss Thing’s dads confidant.”
They all nodded.
“But from what it sounded like,” she said, playing with her hands as she fought for the right words, “is that they admitted having romantic feelings for each other, but that Mr Harrington didn’t feel ready to commit to a new relationship having been physically and emotional destroyed by the last one.”
All the eyes turned to Edie. She gulped.
“We really don’t talk about it,” she murmured. “But yeah, after my dad’s last break up, he got really low. I–I don’t know how low, I was only ten and he hid a lot from me because I was just a kid, but I know he had to spend a couple months in a special hospital afterwards.”
“I’m sorry, love,” Mandy said putting an arm around her friend and rubbing her shoulder. “Was this when you had to spend a couple months at our house.”
Edie nodded. “I just want Dad to be happy. Whatever that looks like. But I really think that looks like Mr Munson.”
Harri nodded. “But I appreciate your dad having the foresight to stop and say not yet. Not no. Not never. Not even let’s trying knowing I’m not in a good space. That takes a lot of strength. I admire him for that.”
Everyone nodded.
“So you’re idea worked,” Edie said. “After a fashion. We know they love each other. We know they want to be together. It’s just going to take time. And that’s better than the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads.”
She grabbed her soda. “Three cheers to Kenny!”
Mandy and Harri raised their sodas too. “Three cheers to Kenny!”
Eddie’s choice for lunch that week was his place. He shrugged when Steve asked.
“I didn’t feel like going out this week,” was his only explanation.
As they sat at the small breakfast table Steve could feel himself relax.
Eddie smiled at him slyly as he chewed on a bit of food.
Steve looked up at him in confusion. “What?”
“I got to thinking about it after you told me about your troubles with eating that you never relaxed when we went out to eat.”
Steve frowned and looked down at his plate. He had nearly finished it without thinking. “I didn’t realize that.”
“You’re always worried about being judged about what you’re eating and how much,” Eddie explained further. “You even did it at that big celebration dinner with Jeff and them. And when Harri and I would eat over there, Edie was always scrutinizing everything you ate. Were you counting the amount of bites you were taking?”
Steve blushed but he nodded. “I know how many bites it takes for me to feel full and eat exactly that many.”
Eddie raised his chin at him. “How many bites did you take today?” He nodded to Steve’s plate.
Steve opened his mouth to answer, but closed it when he realized he didn’t know. “How?”
“I keep you interested by talking,” Eddie said. “You tend to forget to count and eat more when I ramble. So I weaponized it.”
Steve looked down at his plate and then up at Eddie. “Thank you.”
Eddie smiled sweetly at him. “This is a bandaid for the real problem, but it’s a start. You need to start making a diary of when you get intrusive thoughts about your eating and then share that with your therapist. Or hell get a new one. One you can trust with your eating because to me it looks like you don’t.”
Steve furrowed his brow. He trusted Dr Rushing, didn’t he? But the more he thought about it the more he realized that he didn’t. He had been there when Steve had his breakdown and Steve never quite trusted the doctor not use that against him.
“Oh.” He looked up at Eddie, his lips quivering. “How did you know?”
Eddie tilted his head and leaned forward. “It was something you said on Saturday that tipped me off.”
Steve thought back but he couldn’t land on anything that would have told him that he didn’t trust his therapist.
“You had been with this doctor for five years,” Eddie said softly. “And while grief and illness aren’t linear, you weren’t better, Stevie.”
Steve’s head reared back. “Oh my god. You’re right. It’s not about getting over what Andy did. It’s about not having the tools to form new relationships. And you’re right, I don’t have those.”
Eddie nodded. “I don’t know enough about eating disorders or any of that shit, but I do know something about therapy. Having been taking it for the last twenty years.”
“Twenty years?” Steve asked, his eyes almost bulging out of his head. “That’s a long time.”
Eddie nodded. “Jay wanted me to get it before Harri was born. Screaming yourself awake after just putting a baby down for bed isn’t conducive to a happy life. For anyone involved.”
“I couldn’t trust the therapists Dr Owens sent us to,” Steve admitted. “I always thought that they would report anything and everything right back to him. I guess that’s why I never really trusted Dr Rushing, my current therapist, I mean.” He looked down at the table as he fought to control his breathing. “I just don’t trust any of them. What if they decided that the Upside Down was a delusion and they put me away? They’d give Edie back to Addison. I couldn’t do that. I can’t.”
Eddie put his fork down and really looked at Steve. He leaned down and tilted his head so he could Steve to look back at him. “How long have you been holding that in, sweetheart?”
Steve jerked back like he even forgot that Eddie was there. “I don’t know. Too long, I guess.”
Eddie pulled out his wallet and got out a small card. “I don’t know if Dr Kegler does eating disorders or whatever, but give her a call. She can at least refer you to someone who can help you.”
Steve took the card from Eddie and looked at it. “Dr Olivia Kegler, licensed therapist and psychologist?”
“She’s really helped me,” Eddie explained. “Not just with the Upside Down but with Jay’s death too.”
“Is she–is she read in?” Steve asked timidly, looking back down at the card.
Eddie nodded. “But Owens hates her, and that’s says a lot, I think.”
Steve looked up and murmured, “Because she doesn’t tell him anything?”
Eddie shrugged. “No idea, but I really like her, Stevie. Just give her a try, okay?”
Steve nodded. What was there to lose, really?
When Steve got home he made some phone calls and set up an appointment with Dr Kegler.
It wasn’t until after his first appointment with her that he made a decision. He talked it over with Eddie and he agreed. It was time.
Steve made dinner for the four of them like what was becoming their norm. Eddie made dessert.
Which was when the two teenagers cottoned on that this wasn’t a regular dinner.
“After talking to my new therapist and discussing it with Eddie,” Steve began, “it’s time we told you the truth about what happened in Hawkins twenty years ago.”
Eddie slammed a great big manila folder on the table between them. “I wasn’t there for the first few years, but I noticed things before then.”
Steve took a deep breath and then began to tell his story, the whole time Eddie would show them document after picture after statement showing them proof that Steve wasn’t lying to them.
And then they got to Chrissy’s death and Steve let Eddie take over. He even let him fill the kids in with stuff he wasn’t there for, but was told about later in the hospital.
“So the feral dogs and crazy bats story was a lie?” Edie asked after they were done.
Steve shook his head. “No. They were feral and they were dogs. Just not the kind you were familiar with. Same with the crazy bats. We didn’t know what else to call them. Uncle Dusty named most of them, tying them to their D&D game. But I would never lie to you.”
“Hence all the times you said you couldn’t tell us, huh?” Harri asked quietly. “You would rather have us mad at you for not being able to tell us then to lie and have it hurt us later.”
Steve and Eddie nodded.
“The hardest thing was making sure not to talk about it when you were around,” Steve murmured to Edie. “I hated not being able to tell you, but it was properly scary stuff.”
“You could have told me sooner,” Harri protested. “Dustin and them were all eleven or twelve when this started. You could have told me years ago.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah? You tell that to his face then,” he said harshly. “Tell him he was old enough to brave nightmares and phobias for years due to the Upside Down. Tell Will or Lucas or even Jane that they were old enough for the horrors they faced. If they’re feeling nice, they might just laugh in your face.”
Harri looked down at his hands and hunched his shoulders. Eddie stood up and came around to where Harri was seated.
“You weren’t mature enough to handle Papa passing away, Harri-bear,” he said gently. “I know you’re only saying this because you feel I deliberately kept this from you, but that’s not it at all. Okay?”
Steve closed his eyes and opened them slowly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I was your age when I faced my first real horror and I wouldn’t wish that on either of you.”
Harri nodded.
Steve looked over at his daughter, tilting his head. “What’s on your mind, Miss Thing?”
“Just piecing together little things you’ve said over the years, I guess.”
Steve nodded. “What’s the picture like in your head?”
Edie straightened up and said with a smile. “You are far too normal for what you went through, Jesus Christ!”
Steve and Eddie laughed. Just threw their heads back and laughed.
“I’m really not,” Steve said once he caught his breath. “My neuroses have neuroses, honey.”
Eddie chuckled. “He is the most down to earth of the Party, but in no way is your dad normal.”
“Does Uncle Jeff know?” Harri asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Neither does Uncle Gareth.”
“We’ve both made and kept friends that don’t know about the Upside Down,” Steve explained. “But most the people we’re closest to do, though.”
Harri nodded. “I’m sorry about my comment about Dustin, that wasn’t fair.”
“This wasn’t something we wanted,” Steve said gently. “In fact if we could have had adults we trusted, we wouldn’t have had to do it at all. But we kept being dragged back in over and over again against our will. I think out of all of us, the three that suffered the most was Will, Jane, and your dad.”
“Because of the town freaking out, right?” Edie asked. “For Mr Munson?”
Steve nodded. “He was the only one to faced actual persecution for this shit. And I got tortured by fucking Russians.”
“Yeah...” Eddie said, “I’m still pissed off at the government for not going to war over the torture of kids.”
“Their justification was that technically I was an adult because I was eighteen.”
“Robin wasn’t,” Eddie bit out. “And you can’t tell they wouldn’t have tried to torture Dustin or Erica if they had managed to catch them.”
They talked a little bit more about what they had gone through and how they thought that now that their kids were going to be going into their senior year of school that it would be a good time to finally come clean.
It was a lot of things to process and they were so proud of them for understanding.
It wasn’t going to be an easy road, but Steve smiled at the thought of sharing the burden with them all.
Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Two of Us
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5 - We're On Our Way
cw: mentions of rape
“O-Oh my god, Claire, I’m so sorry,” Steve panicked.
“Does Eddie know?” Robin whispered.
“God no,” Claire scoffed, “he would kill him.”
“Eddie wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Dustin said.
“He would if it hurt his family,” Claire sighed, “I just figured I’d rather give my daughter a life where she doesn’t know her dad and gets to be with her uncle, rather than a dead dad and an uncle behind bars… I’m a big girl, I can handle my own shit, as bad as it may be.”
“What’s this sack of shit’s name?” Steve grit his teeth.
“Billy… don’t remember the last name.”
“So, you don’t get any child support from him or anything?” Robin asked.
“Nope, completely self-made.”
“Holy shit,” Steve whispered, “good for you.”
“You still haven’t earned your right to talk to me again. Keep it shut, Harrington. But thank you…”
“What do you even do? Because…” Robin scoffed and smiled in disbelief, “for a twenty-year-old that’s a single mom, who fully supports her child and an ex-fugitive brother and has her own house… you must’ve won the lottery or something.”
“I’m actually a nurse. Trying to become a midwife—not anytime soon, obviously, but that’s the eventual goal.”
“How?” Lucas chimed in.
“Well, when I had Edie, I dropped out of school and took a few months off. I honestly lucked out, because my mom works from home, so she was able to watch Edie while I studied for my GED, then again while I was in college. And now that I’m fully certified to work, she’s off at school. It was definitely a struggle, but I made it work.”
“Jesus,” Mike started, “what the fuck happened to Eddie?”
“Dude!” Dustin yelled.
“What! She’s insanely smart and Eddie was held back twice!”
“Oh, I like you,” Claire smirked, “but in all seriousness, I probably would’ve ended up in the same boat as Eddie if I didn’t have a child to support, so cut him some slack. The Munson’s haven’t exactly had it easy.”
“Holy shit, I just realized something,” Dustin gasped. Claire crossed her arms and raised a brow at the boy.
“Well, spit it out, Henderson!” Steve said.
“You said Edie’s dad’s name was Billy, right?”
“Yeah, so?” Claire shrugged.
“And you were in California visiting your mom when it happened?”
“Yeah, wh-why does that matter?”
“You got a Hawkins High yearbook?”
“I don’t, but I think Eddie does.”
“Then why are you still standing here? Go get it! Go, go, go!”
“So far, you’re my least favorite,” Claire muttered before retrieving the yearbook from her brother’s room. “Here.”
“1985, perfect!”
“Why? The dude is from Cali, why on earth would you need a Hawkins yearbook?”
“Claire, if I showed you a picture, would you be able to recognize him?”
Dustin began flipping through the thoroughly vandalized yearbook before reaching the dedication pages for all those lost in The Battle of Starcourt. At the very end of the dedications, there was an entire page for the hero of it all: Billy Hargrove. Dustin handed the open book over to Claire.
“This him?” he asked. Claire looked at him skeptically before investigating. Her eyes popped out of her head as all the color drained from her face.
“Holy fucking shit…” Her eyes welled up with tears. “You’re shitting me, right?”
“So, it’s him?”
“Y-Yeah, that’s uh… that’s him… that’s Edie’s dad…”
“Then do I have some good news for you.”
“What?” Claire cried, “that my rapist is in the same town as me again?”
“What? No, did you not read the yearbook page?” Claire shook her head before glancing back down at the book. A faint smile creeped its way onto her face. “He died in ’85.”
Claire smiled from ear to ear before stumbling back into the wall. Tears streamed down her face as she tightly clung the book to her chest. She began sliding down the wall while sobbing and laughing. Her head hung back as she tried to control herself, but she couldn’t contain her emotions. She had never been happier that such a disgusting and vile person was already six-feet-under, but at the same time, she mourned that her daughter would never know her father.
“He’s dead,” she finally whispered, “he’s fucking dead.”
“Who’s dead?” Eddie asked, emerging from the basement. “And why are you sobbing on the floor? Munson’s don’t cry, now get up.”
“Edie’s shit-bag of a sperm donor is fucking dead.” Claire held her hand over her mouth, trying to hold back her giggled sobs.
“Whoa, what? You knew who her father was this whole time and never told her?”
“Eddie, he didn’t deserve to know that sweet little girl. I would rot in hell before I let him meet her.”
“Why is he a shit-bag again? Because y’know, he did give you the best thing in your life. Well, second best thing,” he smirked.
“None of your business.” Claire sniffed as she extended her arm to be pulled up.
“When it involves you or Edie, it is my business.” Eddie lent a hand to hoist her up—Claire subtly handed the yearbook back to Dustin so her brother wouldn’t notice and see who she was talking about.
“He just wasn’t a good guy, okay?”
“Who wasn’t a good guy, mommy?” Edie asked.
“An old friend of mine,” Steve said. He pushed past the teens and crouched down to meet Edie’s little bug-eyes. Claire let out a relieved sigh and mouthed thank you—Steve smiled back at her before nodding reassuringly. “He was on the basketball team with me in high school and he was super rotten to me. He would push me and call me names and make fun of me. Super not cool.”
“You’re not talking about that ass-wipe Hargrove, are you?” Everyone simultaneously shot daggers at Eddie. “I’ll take that as a yes, then. So glad that asshole isn’t around anymore.”
“You and me both,” Claire sighed, “so, how was your lesson with Uncle Eddie, sweet pea?”
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