#dagonet writes
queer-ragnelle · 8 months
to make changes to a story or to criticize it you have to first understand and respect it. arthurian legend exists on a wide spectrum the scope of which cannot be overstated. that’s not an excuse. try to interpret the deeper themes behind the layers of sometimes uncomfortable medieval subject matter anyway.
insofar as retellings go, merlin characterization varies wildly and i like many of them—from mary stewart’s asexual sweet thoughtful dad type to t. h. white’s silly weirdo old man to phyllis ann karr’s creepy inhuman predator type. i just need to be narratively convinced of it.
the movie sword of lancelot (1963) had a dagonet that told fun rhymes and offered worldly advice. king arthur (2004) dagonet was a stoic warrior with two lines of dialogue in the entire film and didn’t smile once. guess which film understood the material it drew from better and utilized the character in a meaningful way.
comprehension and respect is what sets john boorman’s excalibur (1981) at the top and leaves cursed (2020) wallowing at the bottom of the barrel. i’m not watching bc i heard the legendary sword excalibur was going to be on screen—i’m watching bc i want to become emotionally invested in a cleverly written character with lofty goals and interesting flaws wielding it. i want to root for them, imperfect though they be. but their faults have to be an intentional and thoughtful writing choice, not a result of poor planning on the creator’s part, and not an attempt to “fix” the medieval material and market to as broad an audience as possible. great king bad husband arthur succeeds where girlboss nimue fails.
i don’t want arthurian legend to suffer as greek mythology has suffered. i don’t want any of it watered down for modern sensibilities but neither do i want game of thrones 2. i don’t claim to be the final judge of what a “good” or “bad” arthurian adaptation is by any means. i like all of them! but i have read enough medieval literature and modern retellings and watched every film and show and documentary on the subject i can find, so i’m coming from that angle when i say a successful adaptation of medieval stories should act as a continuation of tradition. that can only be achieved when one considers the merit of the story above all else. capitalism will try to strangle it but we can’t let that happen. palatability or edginess for the sake of being palatable or edgy has no place in mythology and literary tradition.
all good stories are balanced, and the only way to be balanced is to admire the original stories and appreciate them for what they are, products of their time though they may be, and determine what the most compelling story you can tell with that material is. then write it down without any agenda in mind. it’s an art, not a science. so in the wake of booktok trends and weaksauce fantasy adaptations the likes of witcher (2019) and rings of power (2022) created by people who don’t like or understand the source material besieging our feeds, let’s create something beautiful. go forth and make stuff. gay knights and gay rights.
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art-blogge · 2 years
Local jester actually does something, more at 9
The one time the Royal Jester was minding his own business, he finds what may as well have been a murder scene. The one time, Sir Dagonet emphasized to himself, looking over this entire mess of a Chaldean Breakroom. Why had he assumed it was a murder scene? Well, that was simple. There was blood quite literally everywhere, and there was a guy dead against a wall. Well, probably not dead. The only people in Chaldea that weren't Servants were the staff, and there was definitely a body still here... So not actually dead. If any Servants had died here, their bodies would have been long gone.
Focus. Focus. Dagonet took a deep breath and took a second look around the room. This time, he spotted things he'd missed he first time, like scorch marks on the nearest wall, a crushed birdcage(?) on the other side of the room, and the little cube on the floor next to the dead guy.
The Jester's first course of action: Checking the guy. Dagonet knew who this guy was, and wasn't remotely shocked that someone had attempted to kill Sir Kay- That was common even back when they were alive. Squatting down next to Kay, Dagonet lightly prodded him with his jester staff for a reaction and got no response. Okay. So Kay was either unconscious, paralyzed, fucked over in a way Dagonet couldn't think of at the moment, or a mix of the three.
What actually confused Dagonet in this situation was that he couldn't actually find any injuries on Kay. A few scrapes and cuts, sure, but nothing actually substantial. Maybe two of the scrapes were bleeding, at most, so it wasn't injury or blood-loss that'd felled him. Despite this, Kay was pale- Enough to be concerning. Perhaps it'd been a mental attack? But that wouldn't explain all of the blood around the room. That also wouldn't explain why the little cube had decided that biting his hand was a valid course of action.
Dagonet opted to ignore the cube for now. He definitely recognized it- Yes, hello to you too, Add- and knew there was no way he would get any useful information out of him. Add was as much as a nuisance as Kay, intentionally so... But wait. If Add was here, then Gray must have been here at some point. That meant one of two things: Either Kay had entered a situation where Gray had already been, or vice-versa. Hmmm. No way to tell just yet.
Dagonet considered the way the blood splattered, and where the floor was clean. Was it feasible someone had been standing Here, and got shot in This Direction? Maybe? But there were no bullet holes in the walls, so a literal shooting was out. It would have needed to be a shotgun at point blank for this kind of splatter, anyway.
He slowed down the investigating here. Dagonet knew Add was watching him, and he hadn't considered the idea of Add tattling. About what? Well, that he was smart at all. He was the Royal Jester, why would he be smart? People knowing that he was smart was about as useful to him as people knowing his Class-- Harmful to his reputation, and it'd ruin his favorite strategy. Add continued to say absolutely nothing, which made Dagonet uncomfortable. Was something wrong with the Logic... The uh.... The cube's Pseudo-personality?
Based on the faces Add was making at him, no, no there wasn't. He was just being difficult. Of course. All Kays are the same, no matter what form he's in.
Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Dagonet could always investigate the scorch mar----
His thought process was interrupted by the electronic door sliding open, and he immediately forced himself to jump as if surprised. People were here!
"Something definitely happened here!" Dagonet exclaimed with the biggest grin he could manage, "I don't think the crowd that was here would've liked my jokes much!"
The response was being stared at by Gray and one of Chaldea's doctors. They didn't know a single thing. Good.
"No, I don't think they would have," Gray uncertainly responded, not quite sure who she was dealing with. Add wasn't commenting, oddly enough, prompting her to pick him up off the floor while the doctor checked on Kay.
"I'm not gonna say anything! Not a thing at all!" Add announced, bouncing in Gray's hands. After a few more bounces, he added "You can't shake my cage! You can't make me do anything!"
He was right, Dagonet figured. Add's birdcage was still on the other side of the room, and still in it's crushed condition. Dagonet wasn't sure how in sync Gray and Add were, and opted not to add his own input. He was gonna ask if there was a reason for being difficult, but again, Kays will be Kays. Maybe the two Kays had made some kind of agreement.
Maybe the doctor needed help moving Kay, Dagonet noticed a moment later. The doctor was an ordinary human (probably), so definitely needed some Servant assistance.
"I'd take off a hand and offer it to you, you know!" the Jester joked, moving in to give the doctor a helping hand, "You know! So I could give you a hand?"
The doctor stared at him. Dagonet felt accomplished. That had absolutely been annoying as hell. Okay, right, actually helping now. ---- -------- Sitting outside of the infirmary, Dagonet was indecisive about if he should ask Gray about what had happened or not. Was it in character to ask? Probably not.
"Sad clown!" Add yelled out, and Dagonet immediately looked up and towards him (and Gray). Oh, well, if Add of all people had noticed, then maybe it wouldn't be too out of character.
"Yeah, a little. Can I ask you two what happened to Sir Kay the rude in there?"
That covered it nicely, he figured.
What he didn't expect was for Gray to shrug.
"I'm not entirely sure myself. Sir asked me to see if that group of Servants would settle down, because they were giving him a headache."
"As if everythin' doesn't give him a headache!" Add chimed in, before having his face pushed into the sofa cushions for his crime of being sassy.
"When I got there, a bunch of Servants were fighting already," Gray continued to explain, "Sir Kay was already there, against the wall where you found him. I thought he had gotten cursed, but I didn't feel anything of the sort afterwards. He didn't look well, so I went to find help."
Okay, most of this made sense to Dagonet, but a few things still didn't add up.
"But wasn't that your Add-cage?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.
Gray nodded to confirm this, and explained that "It was. I left Add there with Sir Kay in case something happened. I don't know what happened to his cage, and Add won't tell me."
She finally released Add from sofa-cushion-hell, and bounced onto the floor, away from Gray. He still didn't seem willing to explain anything, opting to instead look as smug as possible. Dagonet didn't think Kay could ever get more smug, but Add had proven that he most certainly could.
They sat there in silence for a few more minutes, with the only sounds being from Add bouncing on the floor, and Dagonet occasionally twitching his funny little jester staff. It made a very annoying jingling sound, and this was very intentional. Someone would eventually complain, breaking the silence.
It half-worked. Add complained, but instead of starting a conversation, Gray remembered a task she was meant to be doing for Reines. As Gray excused herself and tried to catch Add, Add cackled and hopped away.
"You want an answer, clown? I'll give ya a hint! Mad dog got a hold of my house! Ihihih!"
Since Add had stopped jumping around in order to give that information, Gray was able to catch him and hastily make her exit. Dagonet was alone again, meaning he could actually take this seriously again. Mad Dog..... Oh, Add had probably meant Sir Lancelot and his tendency to use anything as a weapon. A birdcage could be used as a blunt-force weapon, Dagonet supposed. That was another mystery solved, and it helped answer why a fight had probably broken out. Lancelot was unpredictable as a Berserker, so either he started something or responded with more violence. Blaming Lancelot was too easy though. It didn't feel as conclusive as Dagonet had wanted it to. No, he'd definitely have to ask Kay about it.
Dagonet decided to peek into the infirmary through the little door window. He saw Kay awake (and looking very uncomfortable), and immediately chose to barge in, shaking his staff for maximum jingle and presence announcement. He didn't even get to speak before Kay complained.
"Fuck, not you. Can't you be somewhere you're needed for once, court jester?"
"I AM where I'm needed, good knight!" Dagonet cheerfully responded, plopping down into a cheap hospital chair. Kay didn't say anything, so he kept going. "You look miserable, and I'm a court jester! Tell me anything! It's not like anything I say or know matters!"
Obviously that was a lie, but it was his favorite way to bait out information. As a Royal Jester, he really wasn't allowed to get in trouble for anything he did- Jester's privilege! Nobody ever suspected him when information got leaked, either- Why would they? He's just a funny little guy!
Despite this, Kay didn't take the obvious bait, to Dagonet's surprise. Kay just shook his head and looked at the floor.
Okay, fine. The hard way it was. He trusted Kay with this kind of information.
"Just tell me who messed you up so I can shank 'em," Dagonet plainly stated, causing Kay's gaze to immediately snap to Dagonet. Confusion was clear in Kay's eyes, so Dagonet leaned forward and templed his hands together.
"You heard me, bucko! Work is work!"
Kay shook his head again before responding, clearly very uncomfortable.
"Don't worry about it. Nobody did anything to me. It ain't fine, but it ain't your business. And you ain't making jokes about it."
Dagonet stopped asking about that. New course of action, then. Kay always had something to complain about, so he may as well enable it.
"What DO you wanna talk about then?"
"Oh, let me tell you! I'm gonna kill Grif, that's for sure! He keeps ditching me!" ---- -------- Absolutely none of the information Dagonet got from Kay was of use. At least half of what Kay told him was completely without context. What the hell was "Orb-Dad", and was he meant to be concerned about it? Probably not, if Kay wasn't. Oop, he'd stopped listening. Better tune back in.
"---And that stupid little gremlin Avenger, too. What part of "Don't do that" did he not get? He got what he goddamn deserved."
Jingling, Dagonet tilted his head.
"Go on? Go on, Sir Kay, what'd he do?"
"The stupid gremlin Avenger set off Marhaus in a crowded room, that's what he goddamn did. You can't--"
Kay cut himself off and took a quick look around, as if making sure someone wasn't present. As soon as he was certain, he continued speaking.
"You can't mention Tristan in front of Marhaus. It sets him off, which is stupid 'cause he can see and talk to Tristan just fine. I don't fuckin' know."
That was new information. Dagonet hadn't even known that Marhaus had manifested. He'd have to visit him later. He liked Marhaus.
"And there was another Berserker?" Dagonet guessed, "Add only said a Mad Dog was there, so that means Sir Lancelot, right? Our favorite rabid weapons dog?"
Kay nodded, looking frustrated.
"Add wasn't supposed to say shit, but yeah. Lancelot panicked and lost his shit. Beat the hell out of Marhaus with a birdcage. Everybody else was just tryin' to separate them-"
"And you?" Dagonet cut in, raising his eyebrows. Kay responded by just looking MORE frustrated and looking at the ground. Clearly, something had gone wrong.
"I tried to keep them apart, didn't go so well," Kay stated, not looking up, "I don't trust you with the rest, and I ain't tellin' you."
That was fair, Dagonet figured. Okay, fine. Time to bust out the trump card statement!
"You can trust me! You're super important to our King, so I wouldn't betray you," he announced, sincerely smiling. What he said was completely true-- The King would hate if anything happened to Kay. Kay didn't seem to agree, crossing his arms and looking at the wall.
"I wasn't the last time I saw you," Kay muttered, furrowing his brow. He seemed to realize what he said a moment later, and quickly followed it with "Don't worry about it, loser."
Dagonet knew EXACTLY what he was referring to. There was no way he wouldn't. He remembered that entire incident clear as day, even if most of the knights involved didn't. The only incident where Kay wasn't favored by the King was the Camelot singularity, where they'd both gotten slain by the Lion King's forces. Dagonet knew he immediately had to comment on this, or his chance to talk about it would be lost.
"Maybe she didn't, but after that whole speech, Sir Kay? I was certainly following you. You were right, of course! That wasn't our King."
Kay froze. Dagonet had hit the nail on the head! It WAS what Kay had been talking about! If it hadn't, Dagonet had been prepared to brush it off as "shenanigans", but he didn't have to.
"That shit completely ruined me," Kay quietly admitted, looking back at the floor, "Stained my Spirit Origin and everything. I can't even fight well anymore."
Dagonet decided then and there that he'd need to assassinate both the Lancer and Ruler versions of their King, even if they weren't the same entity. Lancer Alter would be on thin ice. On second thought, maybe he shouldn't. Eh, this is the kind of situation where the simulator shined.
"Okay!" Dagonet finally responded, startling Kay, "Then don't! No one needs to know, Seneschal! Just call me if you need help! If I'm not busy, I'll be there faster than you can blink!"
Kay hadn't expected that, judging by his facial expression. Kay also hadn't expected the sudden splattering of blood against and under the door, which caused him to yelp and cover his face with his hands. To be fair, Dagonet hadn't expected that either, and was quick to go check what had caused it.
"What the hell is up with today...?" Kay groaned, miserable. He already felt incredibly sick, and incredibly lightheaded. He turned his head and shifted a hand to look at Dagonet, but Dagonet had completely vanished without a sound. The idea that Sir Dagonet the jester- Who jingled as often as possible- was able to move that silently startled Kay out of the near-faint. He quickly put his head back into his hands, as the smell started getting to him. But... How absurd.... No, he just definitely missed Dagonet leaving, right? There was no way-
"I'm back!" Dagonet announced, suddenly back at Kay's side, ignoring how badly he startled his fellow knight. "Sorry, I went to check out what that was about! You wanna go somewhere else? You're allowed to leave, I asked!"
"I don't wanna see what happened out there," Kay grumbled, moving his eyepatch to his other eye. Blood wouldn't register if everything was monochrome (he thought, lying to himself). ---- -------- They ended up leaving anyway, with Dagonet physically picking up Kay and carrying him into a clean hallway so that Kay didn't need to look. Neither of them addressed this when Dagonet put Kay down, and no one else commented on it.
"That funny little Avenger came back for round two," Dagonet now explained, jingling and stifling laughter, "Like he didn't expect what was gonna happen? What a joke Servant he is!"
The Avenger's karma had caught up to him. He'd attempted to set off a different Berserker, only to be one-shot in retaliation. He hadn't even bled all that much, Dagonet had quickly noticed, but he opted not to mention this part. Clearly, Kay didn't want that sort of information. (That, and Dagonet wasn't even sure what the black substance was. Was.... Was that Grail Mud? Was that what it looked like up close? He didn't want to ask.)
"Get fucked, idiot," was Kay's entire response. Dagonet agreed with that sentiment.
"If he could, he probably wouldn't be causing problems for the rest of us!"
Kay nearly snorted, and Dagonet puffed out his chest. He was definitely still funny. ---- -------- "There you are."
Sir Griflet entered scene, looking like he'd been murdered at least twice over. But not a speck of blood on him, Dagonet immediately noticed, which was either pure luck or very intentional.
"I beat B.B.," was Griflet's entire explanation.
"Yeah, and you ditched me in a room full of Berserkers," Kay shot back, clearly irritated, "Guess who got fucked over in that exchange!"
Griflet stared at him, taking a moment to load a response that wasn't "I'll rip them to shreds".
"Great job!! Wow!!" Kay responded with an inappropriate amount of exaggerated sarcasm, all of which flew over Griflet's head, "You did it! You acknowledged that I got fucked over!"
Dropping the sarcasm, Kay bitterly added "Now stop ditching me! If something actually happens to me, you're fucked!"
Dagonet suddenly felt like this was a very common complaint of Kay's, and that it wasn't exclusive to today. He opted to activate his Presence Concealment and just, leave. He'd helped out enough today. Kay could deal with this part himself. ---- -------- Eventually, Dagonet was able to get a FULL explanation of what had happened in that room. He asked the dual Lancelots, and apparently both had been present- Not just Berserker, as he'd been previously lead to believe.
Angra Mainyu- The Avenger- had been trying to set off a Berserker for the better part of an hour, having expressed a desire for bloodshed. All of the Berserkers (and Saber Lancelot) had JUST started ignoring him when Angra managed to find Sir Marhaus' trigger by complete accident, getting himself completely obliterated on the spot. Berserker Lancelot had panicked, but Saber Lancelot had initially held him back from doing anything he'd regret later (which would be literally anything in that situation, the Lancelots made sure to note). Kay had intended to do the same, but had collapsed from lightheadedness before he could. The scorch marks on the wall near him had been from his own hands- He'd originally intended to scare Angra off, but never got the chance to.
Gray had entered around this point, slipping past the Servants who had very quickly opted to leave this situation before it could get worse. Saber Lancelot quickly asked her to find help, so she placed Add's birdcage down next to Kay and hurried out. Nobody wanted to get involved in that, apparently, explaining why she probably got back so late.
At this point, Angra had managed to revive himself. Thinking himself to be a real comedian, he intentionally set Marhaus off a second time and immediately bailed, leaving the Lancelots to deal with the explosive fallout. Finally, Saber had released Berserker, and Berserker spotted Add's cage. Needless to say, that caused more bloodshed, but it ended the threat. Pain stopped Marhaus, Saber emphasized. That was important information, even for a little jester like Dagonet.
At that point, Saber had dragged Marhaus out of the room, intending to get him medical assistance. Berserker, not thinking properly, had just followed them.
Now there was only one blank spot in the story left- Add and whatever he wasn't mentioning. ---- -------- "Now, don't ya worry about that! Lets just say I performed a pseudo-personality sync and I saw some stuff that ain't getting removed from my archives! I ain't built to... Maybe I am? I ain't gonna look at that!"
This explained nothing, but good enough. Thanks, Add.
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commanderthalys · 8 months
Ro’wynne and her relationships with the rest of the firstborn
Doing all of this under the cut bc it’s gonna be a long ass post
Wynn thought it was fun that she shared part of a name with Ro, and used to joke that Ro’wynne quite literally wasn’t complete without her. While Ro was watching over her siblings in the night Wynn would often come and sit quietly with her, when unable to sleep due to the secret she carried (I think it weighed really heavily on her). Ro never pried but it seemed that was enough for Wynn. They rarely held an actual conversation yet always seemed to be close due to their dream connection. Ro doesn’t know the truth about Caithe killing her and I don’t think will ever know. She pleaded with Wynn not to leave, they had already lost Riannoc, but Wynn had reassured her before leaving that she’s be alright.
Ro and Caithe have had a strained relationship due to many different factors. She loves Caithe, but was very upset at how she treated the secondborn sylvari. She then went with Caithe to rescue the second born that were captured by asura and stayed with them while Caithe pursued Wynn. She sees her sister as selfish due to her secretive nature, and Caithe thought she was cold due to her rough personality. Over time Ro does gain an admiration for her efforts against the elder dragons. They don’t get along very well but do love each other even if they have a hard time communicating that. Post mordrem corruption they haven’t seen much of each other.
Ro admires his position as a diplomat but worries a lot about him. When he first left to study away from the grove she gave him a thorn from her armor to remember her by, and to use in emergencies. She tried to teach him how to defend himself before he left, and the thorn was as close as she could get to being there herself to keep him safe. They write letters to each other somewhat often and he tells her about his studies abroad. I think this quote from him
“A true sylvari should have two hearts: one soft and pliable as hot wax, and the other as hard and impenetrable as an icy diamond. The first, he should show to his companions, the second, to his enemy. Woe to the one for whom the two are the same.” Is inspired by her.
He writes more to her post mordrem recovery, she can’t really travel so he tries to bring bits of the world to her.
it sounds like Faolin’s always been a little shit in many respects from what I’ve read lmao. She used to mess with Ro’wynne and test her patience when they were saplings. After the Wynn incident Ro’s connection to the dream allowed her to feel her mother’s bitterness towards Faolin, and although she didn’t know what had happened, she stuck with the Pale Tree. Once Faolin created the court and started tormenting the rest of her kind though, all bets were off. Ro’wynne’s only left the grove a few times in her life prior to HoT, and she went with Caithe to twilight arbor to put a stop to Faolin’s nightmare. By the end they hated each other, only for mordremoth to corrupt them both.
In a sick twist, Faolin was turned into the vinetooth creature by Mordrem Champion Ro’wynne. As mordrem they worked together to try and take down destiny’s edge, which ended with Caithe killing Faolain as we know. She does not miss Faolain but does regret not doing better in trying to help her against nightmare.
these two are very very close. Ro’wynne was the protector of everything Kahendins built. She’s so proud of him, she used to quietly sit by him as he would explain his plans to build a new house, or a new defense for the grove. He greatly enjoys her company and they live together, even though Ro has her own place now (I imagine she used to stay with him in the early days, and even after he shaped a house for her she stayed. He doesn’t mind).
Post mordrem he helps her heal and they do a lot of things together. They built a garden and he also built a quiet little spot for her to get away from all the noise when she needs it.
he was the Riannoc incident before the Riannoc incident and the reason Ro’wynne is so overprotective. She blames herself for not being there to prevent the asura experimenting on him. They weren’t super close but whenever he had nightmares after coming back she’d always be there as a shoulder for him to cry on. She’s one of the only people he makes an exception for, in being allowed to interrupt his studies. Mainly because she’s quiet and he knows she won’t bother him. Maybe also because he feels safer sometimes knowing she’s watching his back.
her baby brother, she loved him so much. His cheerful and outgoing personality would bring the hidden side of her out, and he would playfully mess with her as she watched over the grove. He looked up to her example as a warden for the grove, but when he decided to pursue Mazdak she begged him not to. Even when the Pale Tree gave him Caladbolg Ro’wynne feared for him. After the death of her brother Ro’wynne began taking her role as warden much more seriously, the first death of a sylvari was a great shock to everyone and she was going to do her best to prevent more of them.
due to his time spent away from the grove they never grew very close. Her connection to the dream allowed her to check on him from far away, and on nights he was lonely in Orr, he’d still find himself able to fall asleep feeling safe. At the world summit during lws2 he saw her flee with the mordrem and later he caught glimpses of her as a mordrem, ravaging the pact. They don’t see each other for years and he assumes she’s dead until he visits the grove and learns about her recovery. They still haven’t talked though, he’s been busy with his own life and he’s not quite sure how he’ll be able to handle seeing her, the one that killed so many of his soldiers and turned many more. She likewise is afraid of him, he was the pact marshal and he ordered cannons to be fired against her. She of course understands his reasons but those thoughts still linger.
they’re pretty close after HoT. Aife had always seen her as a distant figure (most did) but she was one of the firstborn, along with Niamh, who first met her post mordrem. Due to her position as a luminary the two don’t see each other often but try to spend as much time as they can together when they have it.
Niamh officially founded the wardens as a group, and Ro’s been one since the start. The two of them are very alike when it comes to being protectors, and Niamh understands a lot of Ro’s reasoning for many things. As saplings the two would bicker over who should be the one to keep watch, etc, and Ro would often win just due to her imposing presence. However, the two do love each other. Post HoT Niamh is very wary of letting a mordrem into the grove, but over time the two are able to regain trust with each other.
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icebrooding · 1 year
Twilight Blooms (Malomedies/Kahedins)
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1.3k words. On AO3
Kahedins is quiet as he approaches Malomedies’ home, careful to mind the delicate, innocent blooms flourishing by the waterside. He is unsure if his brother is still asleep and resting, or has woken and in need of company while he is still unable to venture out.
“Brother?” His voice is soft as he climbs the small ramp of delicate vine—something he himself cultivated years ago when he realised he and his siblings needed more than just their mother’s bough to shield them when the sun was reclusive and the sky was dark.
 The man ventures the last few steps upward, reaching one hand out to the open framing of the door. “I came to see if you needed anything. And to replace your bandages, of course.”
Malomedies lay in his bed, propped up against pillows made of tightly-woven reeds cushioned with moss. By his side rest several pieces of parchment, a small pot of ink, and a pen of carved wood.
It makes Kahedins smile somewhat, recalling his brother’s restrained excitement when Dagonet had brought to them paper and together they had learnt to write. He wishes he had the time to invest into such a simple and peaceful hobby, but the Grove will not mold itself in the same way the saplings will not heal themselves.
One day, perhaps.
“You needn’t worry so. The bandages are fine, they will last.” Malomedies complains even as Kahedins reaches out for them, carefully pulling them back from where they cover the worst of his injuries.
When he first dressed them, it churned his stomach in ways nothing else had. None of them had ever known what lay beneath their bark, and the sight of exposed vine barely holding itself together peeking through the jagged areas carved out of Malomedies’ upper body was enough to haunt him for days after. But he was careful to hide the horror—he didn’t want Malomedies to think he was disgusted by him.
It was the things done to him that made him sick.
“I won’t risk you developing an infection.” Kahedins says, reaching into his pouch to retrieve several dozen leaves carefully woven together into a long, thin strip. He motions with one hand for his brother to lean forward, which Malomedies’ complies with, sighing deeply.
“You are ailing enough as it is,” Kahedins murmurs, fingers deftly working to loop the bandage around Malomedies’ torso and shoulders. “You don’t always need to put on a brave face for us.”
He pulls back, allowing Malomedies to sit upright once more. Their gazes connect for a brief moment before his brother looks down and brushes his fingers against the leaves, and then he looks back up again with his brow furrowed.
“I thought you looked a bit different today,” he murmurs.
Kahedins blinks. “What?”
“These leaves, where are they from?”
“Various plants around the Grove,” he explains, “I tried to find ones I knew had any sort of pain relie—”
Malomedies shakes his head, eyes closed. “I recall no flora in our home in such vibrant shades of red and orange.”
Kahedins shifts where he is seated, glancing out the open door with a look of embarrassment adorning his features. “You’re… correct, there are none.” He mutters, almost inaudible.
His brother sighs again, deeper and heavier than the last, and reaches a hand out to his remaining fronds. “If you haven’t the resources, don’t substitute it with your own leafage.”
“It’s fine, it’s not like—” Kahedins catches himself, biting sharply down on his tongue to prevent another word from coming forth.
It’s not like they were your leaves, he wanted to say. While he always thought his own were rather unremarkable, Malomedies’ once had the most stunning of hair—shimmering and vibrant, almost iridescent. The damage had begun to heal, but those beautiful leaves had never grown back, his hair remaining as branches that could barely flower at all.
He shakes his head, but Malomedies’ hand does not retreat. There is a momentary pause as Kahedins looks up at him, asking something he is a bit too awkward to say aloud, and then leans into the touch.
“Maybe you could do with some forced bed rest,” his brother says as he takes a closer look at him. The exhaustion is apparent only in his eyes, while every other part of Kahedins exudes his typical high energy. “Do you ever sleep between tending the Grove and the saplings and myself?”
Kahedins chuckles, “I’ve discovered that certain types of beans can alleviate tiredness, so I’ve been making do.”
Malomedies scowls.
The healer ignores it, instead asking, “but while I busy myself with not sleeping, what have you been doing?”
While giving him a look that reads very much like ‘we’re not finished with this topic’, Malomedies reaches down beside him to the sheets of parchment. He gives them a quick straighten out before handing them over to his curious sibling.
Kahedins takes them and his brow rises. Numerous scrawls, words he can’t recognise, and small sketches of clusters of dots litter the pages. “What is this?” He asks with a perplexed look.
“The sky,” Malomedies answers, taking his gaze off his brother to look through the open door. “The night sky, to be exact. It has been my company when you and the others are elsewhere.”
The healer turns his head to follow his gaze up to the twinkling lights high above them. It clicks then what the sketches were. “You’ve been observing it?”
“I think it can hold a great many secrets. It is mysterious and beautiful both.” Malomedies says, and his voice sounds fonder in a way. “It was what I first saw when I awoke, and it remains here with me while I lay recovering. I wish to understand it as intimately as it understands me.”
A smile tugs at Kahedin’s lips. “Your Wyld Hunt, perhaps?”
Malomedies can only laugh in response, a short, breathy sound. “Why, does that explain your fancy for shaping our home?” He shakes his head, still smiling. “No, it is a pursuit of my own. I may not have been chosen like some of our siblings were, but I still find great purpose in this.”
“I’d love to give it all a read when you’re done. Or, as done as you could get with this,” Kahedins says, handing back the sheets. “I might not understand it yet, but maybe it will make sense down the road.”
“Even if that were to take several years or longer?”
“I don’t plan on leaving the Grove, so I imagine I will be here when that time comes.” He smiles, bright and wide.
“As will I. So then I suppose you shall be the first to read my work when it is complete.” Malomedies smiles back at him, far more subdued, but still there.
“I look forward to it.” The healer looks back out the door for a moment, and then his shoulders slump. “But I suppose I should be going, lest Niamh scold me for staying up so late again.”
Malomedies nods at him as he stands, teasing him in a rare display, “Pale Mother forbid you incur her wrath.”
Kahedins gives him a sarcastic little laugh as he walks past the frame of the open door, and then he pauses. “I’ll send Dagonet your way sometime this week,” he says, “he’s learning how to bind parchment together, it might help with your writing venture.” 
“It would be appreciated.” Malomedies takes a momentary pause, before calling out again, “and, Kahedins?”
The healer looks over his shoulder, “yes?”
“As frustrated as I am over this,” he gestures at the bandages wrapped around him, “I do appreciate what you have done for me.”
Kahedins turns to walk away, but Malomedies can still faintly hear as he says, “it’s what big brothers do.”
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sloubs · 1 year
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J'ai publié 1 476 fois en 2022
C'est 497 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
781 billets créés (53%)
695 billets reblogués (47%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 1 300 billets en 2022
Seulement 12% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#alithinks - 398 billets
#kaamelott - 249 billets
#aa - 120 billets
#arthur x guenièvre - 64 billets
#arthur pendragon - 47 billets
#ask - 45 billets
#kv1 - 42 billets
#alexandre astier - 33 billets
#ofmd - 26 billets
#guenièvre - 22 billets
Tag le plus long : 139 caractères
#the girls were already playing in the living room as i was in the bathroom with the mom trying to draw me a moustache with her eyeliner pen
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
BON ALORS. déjà. y a trop de trucs qui se sont passé mdrrrr j'aurais dû écrire sur une fiche
mais en gros ça a duré beaucoup plus longtemps que prévu ptdrrrrr il est resté discuter 15mn de plus et après il était dans le rush
126 notes - publié le 30 juin 2022
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arthur est un poil trop protecteur depuis l'épisode de la tour :/
128 notes - publié le 19 juillet 2022
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La Soupe Picte
(je sais pas si tu te souviens @pia-writes-things mais tu m'avais parlé d'une trope soupe avec arthur et guenièvre une fois) (bah voilà)
132 notes - publié le 24 novembre 2022
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guenièvre a ramené un souvenir du rocher d'Excalibur
183 notes - publié le 19 mai 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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184 notes - publié le 27 juin 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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📯📜Avis à la population📜📯
Dans un espoir de partager de l'amour entre vous et de redynamiser les relations dans le coin :
Si tu le veux, pourrais-tu me donner ton top 5* des gens qu'il faut absolument suivre dans le fandom Kaamelott et ce que tu aimes ou préfères dans le contenu de leur blog ?
*5 c'est pour donner une consigne générale mais en vérité tu peux en mettre 6, 7, 3 ou 32 c'est toi qui vois 🌸
Long time no see Petite Fleur :D
Heuresement que je peux en mettre autant que je veux parce que top 5 ca aurait été impossible !
Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps ce ask est dans ma box et vu que j'ai fais une Houdini je ne le saurais jamais (mais vu que je me suis fais tag une paire de fois je vois que ca remonte a un moment), je m'excuse de l'attente <3
Bon déjà désolé du favoritisme mais ces trois là @yumeka-chan @cheryllollst et @kaantt gros coeur d'sa mère sur leurs têtes et des bisous partout. Quoi qu'il en soit, content creator ou pas, le talent est sans limite dans ce fandom. Vous êtes tous absolument magnifique ! Merci pour tout 💖
(my weak ass les a même tag par ordre alphabétique because I can)
@dagonet (@dagss) @elcoco005 @enez-sun @geekgirl2000 @gerceval @godwithwethands (@min0uze) @ironist-lady @kabbal @katewalker @laudys83 @lehoedagan @likielandco @miung-dreamer @pas-de-la-kaamelott @pia-writes-things @pigeonneaux @rarougrougrou @saecookie @sloubi123 @superiorkenshi @thehappyegg @trekkedin @utopya6 @y-vain
J'en oublie, j'en suis sure, je le sais. Vraiment désolé si c'est le cas. Je vous laisse découvrir ceux qu'ils font, pourquoi ils le font et leur univers par vous même si vous ne les connaissez pas déjà 💖 certains ne postes plus trop du Kaamelott mais ca ne change rien !
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simbelmyne20niniel · 1 year
I was watching King Arthur (2004) and remembered the time I tried to write a fanfic with an OFC. 🤔 I found the first two chapters that I wrote. I still like the basic idea (OFC x Dagonet), but I want to change other things... I don't know, I'll think about writing it or not.
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dovemotif · 1 year
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I posted 1,349 times in 2022
That's 1,325 more posts than 2021!
168 posts created (12%)
1,181 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,068 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#art - 295 posts
#faven.script - 151 posts
#bromide - 108 posts
#beneath wild starlight - 61 posts
#three rivers down - 27 posts
#eoe - 26 posts
#& she writes! - 23 posts
#rilke my beloved - 22 posts
#to the trees my darling - 20 posts
#wind and roses - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have a dialogue but it needs a situation and to have a situation you need a problem and to have a problem you need characters who need to
My Top Posts in 2022:
Orpheus trope my beloved!!!!! I love it more than enemies to lovers. When a character follows their love down into moral hell or a bad situation, so that they can ensure that their love returns alive. The devotion!!! The love!!! The Consequences!!!
4 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
As tagged by @icemaiden, my blurbo list consists of the following:
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (2005) and his ability to feel So Much but unable to express himself in a way that is true to what he is feeling. The way he is always so thoughtful but constantly misunderstood.... And Elizabeth, the way she loves her family despite their shortcomings and is willing to bat for them.
Katherine Barlow from Holes and the immense guilt she felt after Sam was murdered. The way she buried her treasure in the place he died and returned there to die as well. The way he was the last man she kissed who was alive, and after that every man she kissed was a corpse.
Ramses from the Prince of Egypt. Specifically the responsibilities placed in him as the eldest to do good be good be strong always.
Roman from One for My Enemy and his parallels to Judas from the Bible. The betrayal he commits in an effort to prove himself and has to suffer for. The way he tries to protect his brothers and make it all better but only succeeds in making it all worse. The unloved one despite being just like his father.
Harold Finch from Person of Interest my pathetic little man but the smartest of them all. The way he took on strays, gave them a purpose, and did not boast of his wealth. The way he taught a machine compassion and when the machine became sentient, it decided to be shaped in his image.
Takehito Kumagami from the Charlotte anime. His selfless nobility always makes me tear up a little.
Eiji Kashii and his speech about righteousness and doing good in Juuni Taisen really stuck with me. His determination to be noble at all times and use his powers for right rather than gain really endeared him to me.
Hector from Castlevania my pathetic and far too trusting man. He's so lame and too tender and I just want him to be happy.
Celty from Durarara my beloved. She's so normal despite being one of the most abnormal individuals in the city and I love her for that. For being the one who remains normal and okay even when everyone else is not.
Hodor from GoT and his simple loyalty to Bran (despite Bran having been the cause of every ill that ever happened to him), the way his name was a foretelling of the sacrifice he would pay.
Dagonet from King Arthur (2004) and his quiet kindness... His gentle strength.
4 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Really tempted to add EoE to the Faven!verse. I'm already planning to have Blood of Cain as part of the Faven!verse, but as a prequel.
5 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
url change: from womansaints to holykings. cannot believe it wasn't taken.
6 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
jaime and brienne, my beloved battle couple, you will ALWAYS be famous.
6 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kaantt · 2 years
5, 13, 22, 33, 59, 75
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Si on ne prend pas en compte les wips de chapitres pour mes deux long fics en cours j'ai 9 wips en cours :
5 wips Kaamelott : un Macrinus/Aconia, une fic sur Dagonet, une fic sur Guethenoc et Roparzh, une Arthur/Venec et une sur Galessin.
4 wips pas sur Kaamelott : une fic Desperate Housewives, deux fic Docteur House et une fic les Misérables.
Et aussi je voudrait réécrire Magia maintenant que j'ai deux ans d'écriture de fanfiction derrière moi j'aimerais bien voir ce que ça pourrait donner. (sans supprimer la version 1 pour voir l'évolution)
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
J'écoute pas de musique mais j'écoute des podcasts et des lectures du Seigneur des Anneaux en v.o. Pour mes podcasts soit je récupère des trucs sur France culture soit celui-ci qui est très chouette pour les fans de la série classique de Doctor Who.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Je suis une merde en titre. Mais parfois le génie me tombe dessus et j'ai une idée de titre géniale qui me permet de construire ma fic ou parfois c'est l'inverse la construction de ma fic fait qu'un titre me vient. Mais souvent c'est la galère on va pas se mentir.
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
J'aime bien les fics anywhere entre 3k et 4k it's a good number. C'est pas trop longs pour les gens qui veulent me lire et pour moi, qui aime étaler mon écriture on va pas se mentir, c'est bien.
59. Have you participated in any fic events/writing challenges?  If yes, what were they and did you enjoy them?
Oui! Deux fois au fictober (c'était très chouette je le referai l'année prochaine) franchement c'est chouette, il y a plein de listes de prompts à partir desquelles on peut écrire I love it.
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
To answer a child's question : Celle-là. J'oublie toujours que je l'ai écrite et je la trouve franchement pas terrible.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Jesus Christ, they put the follow button too close to the ask button so I just unfollow-followed you. Very classy Tumblr.
Anyways Water - Lightning - Sand!
Lmao LJ - I definitely have almost done that more than once! Thanks for your asks 😘
Water: How did you start writing?
When I was about 5, I wrote a book, illustrated it and stapled it so it's 'bound' like a proper book. I have no memory of what it was about - but here we are 27 years later!
Lightning: What’s the most shocking plot twist you’ve ever come up with?
On FF.net, I wrote a King Arthur fic for the movie (Tristan x OFC). I had the OFC kill Dagonet instead of a Woad (which was what happened in the movie). All hell broke loose lol.
Sand: What’s the softest scene you’ve ever written?
I think Consent Dieter has gotten pretty damn soft over the last few chapters. The softest scene so far is the 'fake date' in Confute 🥺
Elemental writer asks
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
i have a book to write i cannot draw crackship art
i have a book to write i cannot draw crackship art
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agentdagonet · 3 years
First Line Meme
I was tagged by the ever-lovely @elletromil! Thank you, though I’m sorry it took me this long!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
So here we go, in order from newest to oldest, and obviously all Kingsman stories.
1- Gold Lotus Gambit, my WIP ATLA!Fusion Eggsy missed his dad, sometimes; he was in the army, he was important and had a big job so he wasn’t home very much, and Eggsy really missed him.
2- In Sickness and In Health which was a Prompt!Fic (courtesy of an Anon) Eggsy hadn’t ever really thought about getting to this point.
3- A Flower Blooms which was also a Prompt!Fic (courtesy of @solrosan) He was a rubber band ball ready to snap of emotions. 4- All They Could Fit In, also a Prompt!fic (courtesy of an Anon) It’d been a long time since they’d had any time truly alone together.
5- That’s All They Ask of Him, another Prompt!fic (courtesy of @anarchycox)  ‘Perfect.’
6- Golden Circles, prompted by the lovely @leeef Eggsy wasn’t really sure if he should be thanking or cursing whatever strange powers-that-be gave him his ability to see ghosts, most days.
7- Show, Don’t Tell, prompted by @fandomrulesmylife 'You do realise that I could have solved this mystery in minutes if you’d bother to give me the go ahead.’
8- Never Been More Beautiful, Anon prompt ‘I always thought that I would go out in a blaze of glory,’ Harry muttered on the plane, laid down on a sofa, ‘I never thought I’d actually have to deal with being broken and decrepit.
9- Never Been More Beautiful, another Anon  Eggsy was ready to stab Harry in the foot if it meant the smother henning would stop.
10- Whenever You’re Ready, prompted by @leeef Merlin’d always been able to see the things that others couldn’t.
11- The Moments In-Between, prompted by the fabulous @mang-o ‘... and that’s why I-’ Eggsy froze entirely as Harry swept into the room, placed a kiss to the top of Merlin’s head, and swept his way back out again.
12- Her Mother’s Daughter, also prompted by the great @mang-o In retrospect, she’d been preparing for Kingsman her entire life.
13- Forgotten Reminder, prompted by @sadtrashcandad Merlin stood in the shower he’d shared with Harry (his beautiful disaster) for the better part of fifteen years, cursing the man quite colourfully.
14- More Things in Heaven and Earth, again prompted by the lovely @leeef Merlin was a firm believer in the future.
15- Meet the Family (Again), Anon prompt! Eggsy had never thought that his Harry was related to those Harts.
16- He Is Not Dead Yet, part of my Eggsy Sees Ghosts ‘Verse Lee Unwin was a ghost, not a psychic, no matter what Eggsy liked to pretend.
17- Do You Believe In Life After Death, the first bit of the aforementioned ‘Verse The sky really was a lovely shade of blue, Harry thought to himself as he waited for the end.
18- Eating Humble Pie, a Anon Prompt!fic Eggsy was walking on air- he was wheels up on his first mission since Harry’s (miraculous) return.
19- The Name’s James, prompted by theamazing @fandomrulesmylife​ ‘Y’know, James has this thing he does with-’ Ah, it’s James now, is it?
20- Have His Cake (and eat it, too), another Anon Prompted fic Eggsy was looking at the file in front of him a bit angrily.
Patterns? I think it’s really interesting to see how often I start with something specific about a character. An action, a direct thought, something that kind of jumps straight to the middle of them without real context. It’s also interesting to see just how often I start with Eggsy specifically, though I know that he’s the character I’ve found is easiest for me to write.
Surprisingly small amount of opening with dialogue, though- I was under the impression I did that more often. So, neat!
Favourtie? Of this collection, probably 7 or 12- they’re precisely what I can hear when it comes to my thoughts of Merlin and Roxy as people. It manages to hit all my buttons for being in character very quickly.
I’m not going to tag anyone as I’m pretty positive everyone’s done it by now, but feel free to do it and tag m if you’d like!!
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sanddef · 3 years
Thinking about Dagonet and Mordred and Dinadan and Brunor and how they each have little details that reference each other like Mordred Dinadan and Dagonet playing that prank, Dagonet being Brunor's first duel, Brunor being Dinadan's little brother, Mordred questing with Brunor
Were they friends? Did they have some kind of understanding perhaps?
Did Dinadan look at Mordred and see his little brother in him? Did Brunor see himself? Did Dagonet and Dinadan both have a shared experience of never quite being taken seriously? Did Mordred, laying on the battlefield as he dies, think about how he took Dinadan's life? How he could have had friends, but was too swept up in everything to see it?
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Taking a screenwriting class this semester and for the first screenplay I’m writing some lore for Dagonet/Robin’s story! but its my city now so:
In Burnt Out from A Joyride (and the Arcadia of Avalon universe) he’s an ex-Scottish prince who’s life is flipped upside down after his friend, a piper-knight named Feidlimid Ainsley returns to convince him to rediscover his passion for music, and the reasons to keep on looking on the bright side of life.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
If Nathan is an upper class hoe, Andred is a country ass hick, sorry, I don't make the rules.
andred and dagonet tell nathan the most outlandish and very exaggerated stories of their lives before being squires just to mess with him.
Nathan: "Ugh, why can't my father just let me go to a party without plotting my own marriage?"
Dagonet: "At least your father cares for your future."
Andred: "Yeah, yeah, at my old village, fathers would just kick their sons out when they turned ten and not even write to them."
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fvckingspectacvlar · 6 years
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You Might Get What You’re After - Kingsman 1981 Facecasts Tristan, Bors Mordred, Percival Arthur, Lancelot Nimue, Guinevere Merlin, Galahad
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