#danny rambles
genderinvalid1 · 1 month
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i am. unable to sleep (as usual) so i figured id do some portraits of the sillys.
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sugoi-writes · 29 days
Woooulllld anyone like a sneak peek of my risqué Human!Alastor piece?
I don't want to spoil too much, but like... GAH, I'm getting scared that it's not good! I almost want to PM it someone just to seeeee ;;-;; Because I'm a coward
(If there is a big enough outcry though, I'll make it public. My nerves are just SHOT due to personal-life issues)
Bodugdoidhoih <3 B y e love y'all heheoihdhdid
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dannydanoninoo · 1 year
"Thanks for what you said back there"
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"You mean a lot to me too"
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"Cool, happy to help"
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vgkmarc · 3 months
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that’s one way to bond with your new teammate
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dannystheone · 1 year
hi!! omg i’m absolutely in love with ur south park fics <33 they’re so cute and brought me so much joy 😭 i absolutely love ur one with the 4 boys, i had the biggest smile on my face while reading it 💗 your interactions for them are adorable and completely spot on, it felt like it was a real scene from the show! i love the way you write kenny’s dialogue btw, being muffled but still understandable, it’s perfect <3 and kyle being the most ticklish is so real.
do you have any headcannons for the main kids?? mine are that kyle is afraid to raise his hand all the way in class bc there was a period where everytime he did stan would just wiggle his fingers into kyle’s armpit
and also kenny has to sew patches over any holes he gets in his parka bc the boys would always shove their fingers through the holes and tickle him lol
hope ur having a great day!! sorry if this was too long lol the sp hyperfix is so strong 😭 looking forward to all ur future posts!! 💗💗
Dude that is so me this fixation is HYPER
And your hc's are so cute! I love all the boys I think they're so cute. And thank you for the compliments! I loved writing Kenny's dialogue he's so adorable :(
But yes main four hc's absolutely!
-If it isn't obvious by now I hc that Stan snorts after laughing for a bit too long and everyone LOVES it cause it's such a stupid sound
-But he absolutely hates it even though he can't control it
-Stan needs to be tickled in a main tickle spot to unlock the rest of his body's ticklishness, or else it just looks like he isn't ticklish at all
-He's not much of a fighter, even though he wants to be. His body freezes in place like a fight or flight response
-His laughter is high-pitched (of course, he's a kid) but once he hits puberty it's more melodic? Unless you hit a bad spot then it turns to chaos
-Once he grows into his body and he's more confident in himself, he doesn't mind his waist getting tickled, but his biggest tickle spot is from his knees to his top thighs
-As a ler, he's the second biggest ler in the group.
-With Shelley as his sibling he knows his way around a tickle fight and has no problem saying the word
-Usually tickles to get what he wants (as a kid and a teenager)
-Most ticklish one in the group and he HATES it
-Gets abused by Cartman and Stan, occasionally Kenny
-When Cartman found out Kyle was ticklish, Kyle had bruises on his sides by the end of the week
-Doesn't go down without a fight, though
-Very analytical ler, uses different techniques and experiments in different spots and catalogs tickle spots on his friends
-Not an instigator, but if someone tickles him enough he will definitely fight back
-When he grows up his laughter turns musical, which reinforces the fact that he was born to lee lol
-Him and Ike get into tickle fights all the time
-His biggest tickle spot is his ears, which is why he wears the biggest hat out of all of the guys
-His curly hair brushes against his ears all day and it's hard to concentrate
-He has to force himself to say the T word but with enough practice, it looks like he can say it effortlessly
-Kenny gets tickled the least in the group even though he doesn't mind it!
-His big jacket gets in the way, while the other guys have simple hoodies that have easier access
-Gets sad when Stan and Kyle get in a tickle fight and secretly wishes they drag him into it
-He LOVES to fight back though it's exciting
-When he does get attention and he gets tickled, the guys wonder why they don't tickle Kenny more often, his laugh is so cute lol
-He definitely has died laughing while getting tickled too long by his siblings
-He gets into tickle fights with them too often
-When he gets older, his laughter becomes deeper and richer
-He grows out of tickling when he grows up, but he's still plenty sensitive
-He doesn't have one tickle spot that's worse than the other, he's just moderately ticklish everywhere
-Biggest ler in the group by far
-He definitely had a tickling phase after he saw how effective it was against his friends
-Stan and Kyle pretty much had their arms glued to their sides anytime they were around Cartman
-Cartman knew they were scared of him tickling them and he LOVED it
-They thought to tickle him back once, but he didn't give them the reaction they wanted, so he got to torment them all he wanted
-Definitely has tickled everyone in the group to tears at one point, including Kyle
-Has been called a 'tickle-sadist' at school but that only fueled his fire
-Only his mom knows his tickle spots (and his wife when he grows up)
-His ears and his feet, which no one would ever go for since they're not the most accessible spots
-Someone save the boys LMAO
I hope you enjoy these! If it's requested I can include Butters and the Craig gang as well :))
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transkestis · 14 days
semester finally done so i can make more gifs YAYYY i basically have a laundry list esp with x-men s1 done and 21p mvs coming up>:) so excited
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cryptid-cuddler · 5 months
I took a really badly needed break from tumblr, and wow! Everything is different. I'm back now, though, so uh. Hi!
I'm not dead! I'm figuring out a lot of shit with life right now, so I can't promise I'll be hella active here. I don't even really know if anyone cares, but hey. C'est la vie.
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aro-selfshipper · 9 months
hi tankmansteve
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Hey hey hey hey bark bark bark bark
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gone-dw-abt-it · 2 years
D: hi hello this is a quick psa post! I’ve kinda fallen outta love w/ this blog and a few others we own and have realized a few things that might get us attacked but hey! we’ll b mostly leaving so no point in beating the bush is there?
We’ll likely remove this account soon, or at least switch blogs to a new one we like and r willing 2 enjoy,
IF UR BLOCKED OR PART OF THE DNI LIST FOLLOW IT AND DNI!! We KNOW what we’re doing and dealing w/, we don’t need negativity thrown at us when we’re doing our best 2 fix things, even if it’s a struggle rn 4 it,
if u wanna know the new blog and stuff dm us on discord and We’ll get 2 u!
That’s p much it,
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danny-land · 1 year
My partner asked me to take a picture holding a fork with my teeth like a rose and now all I can think about is a photo exhibition on the theme "Fork me: the sexual tension between autistic people and their favorite utensils"
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genderinvalid1 · 1 month
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made a lil meadowlark oc bc @yaelokre 's music has my brain in a death grip.
this is runo, hes a journal and story keeper and occasionally illustrates the stories told to him. also he has an opossum mask.
can you tell ive been fixated on the world yaelokre created for like. a month now.
i hope i can get new ohuhu markers soon to do a better ref of him and draw the other characters theyve made.
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sugoi-writes · 8 days
Drunk Danny Ask Time is Open!!!!
Im rewatching Helluva Boss with 2 Tumblr mootiefuls, and I'm JOBLESS, SO--
Send your most unhinged shit my way!!! 🥴🥴🥴
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
Imagine if the GIW started gunning for Jason without the Batfam ever meeting Phantom. Like, Bruce has to figure out on his own that the guys in white suits with Lazarus guns are 1. a legitimate government agency, and 2. are perfectly within their rights to hunt Jason like an animal, because 3. there's secret government legislation that says that since Jason's body processes ectaplasm, he's classified as non-sapient and has no legal protections.
Bruce calling up Clark like
Bruce: I am currently in the process of breaking into a government facility in order to dismantle their operations.
Clark: Okay? Do you need... help?
Bruce: Yes.
Clark: Sure, I'll be right there.
Bruce: Not that kind of help. Oracle is sending you the files now. I'd like you and Ms. Lane to make these people wish they were never born.
Clark: [speed-reading the documents] Oh yeah, can do. This is truly disgusting. If the public is half as outraged as I am, we'll get this sorted as fast as the courts can manage.
So Clark Kent acts as a whistle-blower, the Justice League publicly condems the Anti-Ecto Acts as inhumane, the GIW is disbanded, and Batman gets pardoned for all of those crimes that he technically did by assaulting federal agents. And after all that gets sorted, some white haired kid pops up in the Watchtower like "haha thanks for that I really didn't want a war between Earth and the Infinite Realms" and the League are like "wait what"
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dannystheone · 1 year
one of my favorite tickling tropes is wearing graphic shirts or wearing clothes with designs and having your ler trace all over them and the lee is super giggly and twitchy 
bonus points if you do this with tattoos as well 
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fox-guardian · 1 year
man this sucks (<- likes a niche character that hardly has any fan content)
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